##VIDEO ID:OKGjMOAC3BI## D here is okay oh we can't hear D we can't hear you unmute that's cuz I was muted and okay that's good all right where's our Brook oh it is be on there and for Scott's presentation Scott we don't have DET where you already did oh you guys already talked okay sorry I I was late I was playing with the vending machine I'm losing if just get close to Six I'm GNA step out with Brit you y for David's going to be done you're going to have Done Right rightful meeting tonight as long as long as Derek does a nice job with the audit and only takes no just kidding what what's my time limit you got two minutes this is I can't place you just got to sit forward and kind of like that's better I was going my grandaughter your do you need one a green pen inad yes y k cheese sticks coming from theti you just want everything in sticks they can give away bags of sticks I just said just give me stick and everybody else so they go whole deer I go whole deer she said oh that's what's I would eat them myself in the corner and I love the back TRS but Min Stak I know they're fantastic I my previous life I used to eat those for sure and then do everything you know what when you just drop it off it just sticks have a nice day I do that then we don't I don't neither does my wife that's what I mean I all that some chili for all the here's what I know every time I've gotten sticks they all get they all get eaten and I have thrown away back shs because they got buried in the freezer and I didn't know they there you go we're going to get up out of this coach start working on that call meting please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and jce for all all right we're in new space today so we're just getting used to the accommodations um as part of the meeting I always read the district mission statement in partnership with the communities the mission of the Dorth good and Feldon school district is to educate individuals in environment of trust and respect so they become self-directed responsible lifelong matters roll call we've got all board members present as well as Shannon hunstead and um and guests um I assume we don't have anybody speaking today no just got here from the lake Agy all right um okay then any changes to the agenda no changes do I have a motion to adopt the agenda so motion by Nicole do I have a second second second by all those in favor say I I I oppose motion carries on number five public comments and rebel recognition do we have any public comments do we have any Rebel recognition well great play over the weekend so I was there Saturday ran into David there as well so nice job um for the students that perform their jackn hiy this weekend so that was fun to see y awesome did a great job a lot of work goes into those things and just get a limited chance to perform so well done by Mr Andrew Melvin yes T cast any other rebel recognition our Middle School band kids are have their first concert today so that's they've all geared up and ready so that'll be fun lots of music things happening first time for fifth graders first time for fifth grade yep awesome it'll be something to see take parents yes for sure any other rebel recognition all right then we'll move on to six 6.1 special educ report and got Scott with us there should be a next there all right good evening everybody um when Shannon asked if I could come present at tonight's meeting I thought the best approach to this presentation might be a followup to what we had last April where we talked um quite at length both cooperative and services and supports that it provides in the eight different areas that are in the sheet in front of you so remember the presentation we had talked about all those different areas that's the exact same you have in front of you so we are about five months in and um getting to know like a is getting know dgf dgf is getting know Lake ay and we're we're um excited as we continue on through the rest of this year um but first area so we have Lake ay staff m M supporting students in dgf public schools you see have listed 12 different areas there we have our ecsc teachers so that's from bir AG tell start of kindergarten evation therapist in and out of the school speech language pathologist um Lake ay spee Lang apologist are primarily supporting preschool programming and then school psychologist two that are actually three that are coming in and out assessment Specialists so this individual helps with the special ucation evaluations our teachers are blind visually impaired um working with in dgf we have our mtss literacy coordinator do at least twice a week our physical health disabilities um teacher so you're probably about once this a week our de heart of hearing teacher um she's here supporting I think three students across the district myself is a special director we have our data specialist that helps build build the bridge between some of our billing opportunities and special ed teachers and then Sarah our special ed coordinator who's here roughly about three or four week ending the week so a lot of Staff members coming in and all the buildings some of the positions exist prior but about half of them will probably be new to the Recruitment and Retention we currently have one dgf employee partaking in the lake a mentorship program worked with Shannon earlier this year to restructure the speecher language pathologist department so we could meet our student needs with labor constraints we weren't able to find a speech language pathologist so instead of having to contract with oldid entity we a spe assistant and made it work um we s some feedback from special staff this was just three weeks ago probably Shannon about that yeah yeah about the transition how it's going we can better further support them put a good plan together with the administration excited to see how the rest of year goes with that um our window for Lake aesy tuition reimbursement program so that's for those individuals that are going back to school to seek initial special education lure for the spring semester is currently open pretty certain that we'll get at least one DF employee applicant um number three is we're working on schoolwide supports so develop schedule documentation paent that assists with determining staffing needs so we have all of our sped staff on one document one common place that's available to everybodyy um provided some training on common assessments and intervention procedures that's really been tied into the work of that R mtss literacy coordinator working with principles and the literacy Leads Here assistant we provide assistance training of intervention staff so they know where to find those interventions what the assessments need all those types of things things and then um the dgf lead intervention staff are now attending monthly meeting thatc so they're working with other individuals having collaboration time terms of our programs dgf students are now know accessing all of our program except our glacial Rich transitional skills and that'll probably come next year because that's usually a yearlong process to have conversations with families about the appropriateness of it um but excited to see that know staff have quickly made referral store programs and it's been beneficial for um for our students we had a lot of professional development going on this summer things like Fast Bridge educ clim care safety care I don't need to go into what all those mean but just provide some perspective of the different um different tools that we're talking about um working on sped guiding documentation with the specialed teachers that focusing on compliance and then different interventions that special education compliance we are currently as part of mb's monitoring cycle in year one that exists it's just rotational that every District Cooperative participates in so we reviewed the existing IPS that are here against some compliant standards because we have a lot of rules and regulations in special ed we're providing training and identified areas the staff as we move forward the rest of the year principles have been great about making sure we can find time to meet with teachers to go through special teachers to go through those things administrative support lots of communication with your principles um throughout the course of the year I feel like we're getting on the same wavelength now with a variety of different things um we're working towards common documentation standards with things like schedules training documents evaluation structures onboarding procedures we've been working quite a bit with the neware professionals then Financial spent spent a good amount of time working with markets in the business office to streamline some existing processes that were in place um working to maximize Revenue versus really focusing on medical assistance with an opportunity for us to gain revenue on certain medically Based Services and then looking forward into next year we'll be actually completing it um probably January but another application opportunity or funding source support um inter men types positions to keep students hopefully with the goal keeping students outside specializ so quick summary um but yeah excited to continue working any questions for Scott I just have one with the PD do you guys like the fast Bridge educ care all that stuff have a trainer come here and do PD on like a PD day is that how it's been working it's kind of been a combination effort in a variety of things edgey climber and fast Bridge started during the summertime um we had August training days and then over the course of this year we've had a couple um opportunities of little blips of time and then two weeks last week we um Middle and High School principles were able to find Subs were able to have a morning middle school special ed teachers and then then after high school special teachers and then January what's that January 6 we have I say so yeah y bring second after school that's January 6 I think after school right because we're gonna do that with our special teachers we talked about giving them have those after school workshops that might be January 6 anyway our next half day one or not half day sorry the two-hour one after school yeah we're gonna have bed being able to just work on their stuff any other questions for sta I just I would just want to say I appreciate uh Sarah and Scott's communication um our principles are learning a lot because it was MaryAnn's world before and now they have more responsibility in it working with Scott and or Sarah so um they're learning kind of where they fit so I actually like listening to the comp the conversation because they're more more in tuned with the special at Arena more than before just because they've had to so that's been a positive as far as communication um and I appreciate you guys being timely you and Sarah both Sarah's here quite a bit um it's just been quick response time which is what we need right now yeah principles have been great to work with not once have heard that frustration and all this is my responsibility or what they're always excited to um have a conversation to see what we can do to it work through something or make something better so when we need an admin at an I meeting is that either Sarah if she's here or one of the principles it's usually our principles yeah okay yeah I don't know Sarah's maybe been at some sended a few um kind of there was a whoever's around um we're working on getting it built so that one person cross thech is schuling them all so then we can have Calendar let see when people are available um usually one principle and then potentially Sarah if it's a situation that's kind of back to that special secretary position we talked about that's what we're hoping that Nikki's working on that now and it's just you know so she's working on it but this new position hopefully can help with all that to coordinate it better I like I know someone who does yeah any other questions Scott thank you so much apprciate thank you Scott all right well on to 6.2 I Bailey presentation we've got dere all right I am going to attempt to share my screen so just bear with me for a second no you should there should be a tab at the bottom of your screen Derek does it show that we I'm getting an airor message that says can't share your screen really can I I thought I could stay here that I could let him Brooke if I hit this x that doesn't stop the recording does it I don't know I don't think so no it shouldn't if it does can be how about now try now Derek okay if you can let me try usually it no I'm still getting the sorry an error has occurred when screen sharing please try again oh I'm visit with John today when we were moving to this room he said you would be able to just click that and you could share H still say able the content yeah you could share yeah see I can share that but I don't want to share what's this baby over here I could have done that I can just hit well Shannon can he email it to you quick yeah maybe we should do that Derek can you email it to me and then I can share it yeah just one second I'm just gonna go here you have my email right Derek is that as might I might request it here in a second yep I do have your email yeah so hopefully it's coming your way here y it's trying to open I don't know why it's just I don't know why I'm gonna keep trying well I'm got my email up here so hopefully is it working now oh I don't know let's go back it went through this time are you seeing what I'm seeing we are seeing us oh now we're going to see you I think we're going to see your presentation yes yeah it I don't know what I did the same thing five times and it worked the fifth time so I don't well there you go fifth times a CH well done I don't think I don't think I did anything differently but here we are it worked so technology always uh always going to keep you on your toes but thank you very much for being patient with me I'm going to jump right in if that's all right and my name is Derk Flanigan partner here with I Bailey to tonight ready to present to you the June 30 2024 audit and it's in a very similar format that you're used to from prior years we have a PowerPoint we put together that will facilitate this conversation I would encourage your questions they can be while I'm on a slide I will also open it up at the end for questions so uh hopefully you'll you'll feel plenty of time uh for questions otherwise I'm going to jump right in so you've hired us to perform your annual audit that's required every year by the school district and as part of that we issue some financial statements those financial statements are yours it is our responsibility as the Auditors to express an opinion on those financial statements the opinion you received in the current year is an unmodified opinion that is a clean audit opinion that is the opinion you want so I can see in the room everyone is super pumped up you got that clean audit opinion in the current year I'm just yes your last one thing I'll point out is that you did receive a second audit in the current year and it's been a couple of years now uh for for a number of years I think you've you've went been over the threshold of $750,000 of federal awards that are spent in a year if that occurs it it requires you to incur a separate Federal audit and the the premise is the same where we express an opinion on whichever programs are selected for testing and we had two programs in the current year Child Nutrition cluster and Esser and both receiv received the clean unmodified opinion related to that so you you were about double uh the threshold for requiring an audit of 750,000 you did spend a little over 1.5 million as part of the audit if we have findings we want to make you aware of those and so I'm going to touch on those here on this slide and so they're broken into three different categories I mentioned the two audits previously and then we also have uh some Minnesota legal compliance testing that we perform every year as part of our audit and so the first one is your financial statement findings three findings to note there prep of financial statements which is just that you had us prepare the financial statements as part of the audit we did propose journal entries while we were performing our procedures and that you have a lack of segregation of Duties within your accounting function and so uh these three findings are very very common for an organization your size to alleviate like the segregation of Duties finding you would have to hire additional employees and that would that would cost you money and so um these are I would say of of school districts your size very very common to see with the federal Awards audit we did Note One finding while testing the Child Nutrition cluster uh there were there was a reporting finding relative to some meal counts reported that did not match the underlying support relative to the Minnesota legal compliance testing just one finding there and we're seeing this pretty frequently with the school districts we audit and that is is that if you have certain Student Activity accounts that do not have any activity when I say Activity I mean any receipts or dispersements for a year we are required to report that as a finding so that's a summary of the findings that we had for the June 30 2024 audit so that kind of concludes what I would call the dialogue portion of my presentation from here on out we're going to get into some of the financial information that comes directly from your financial statements the nice thing about this PowerPoint is that we have the flexibility to incorporate into charts and graphs in much more viewer friendly as opposed to the financial statements which have to be in a certain format and really only focus on the current year under audit so this first one is your cash and investment position for 10 years and you can kind of see the trend analysis there and you can see in the current are you did and this is for the district as a whole but it does not include your uh cash with Fiscal Agent that is specific to your syncing bond fund and then it does exclude capital projects because typically when you we we want to compare apples to apples and when you bond out for specific projects there's a lot of timing differences there where the proceeds come in and it can inflate this number for a year and then as the project goes on it can obviously go down so we we want to compare apples to apples and as the general fund subsidized the Capital project fund uh in the current year this cash balance went down the next graph is your student count or ADM serve now this one is non-financial and nature but so many of your revenues are derived from your student counts obviously you get more Revenue the more students you have uh and so we always like to show this and to have a handle you know not only is this back this shows you back backward looking for 10 years and nice to see the trend analysis um in a nice little increase in the current year but also good for you to have a handle on what you project the future obviously you can't pin that down exactly but can really help with budgeting and things of that nature going forward uh as I mentioned you can see a nice little increase in in your students served in 2024 and the next slide is a lot of information so now we're looking at your general fund budget to actual but this is just gonna focus on how results came in compared to what you anticipated with your final budget so I focus on the far right two columns the third column is your actual results and then the far right is the variance of actual to the final budget and so you can see your revenues were 4.2% over when we say over we do mean that you received more than you had anticipated with your final budget your expenditures were also over 3.5% over so you did more than you had anticipated with your final budget you can see in the third column there toward the end your net change in fund balance within the general fund was a positive 285,000 million so again a lot of information here but just shows you how results came in compared to what you budgeted for the year and so I mentioned I would do some analysis on your fund balance and before we do just some background on why you want to carry a positive fund balance uh it contributes to a favorable Bond rating in in the event that you are bonding obviously provides income to the extent it's invested and then just offers that cushion for when those unexpected things come up whether it's a boiler repair or what have you you know sometimes things come up that you haven't budgeted for or you do not anticipate and there's those financial need needs so it just offers that cushion this next slide is on your fund the various fund balance categories and just provides the accounting definitions relative to each I'm not going to spend a lot of time on that but rather move on to this next slide where we get into your different fund balance categor so these are all within the general fund you can see the total on the far right there matches when we got to the end of the budget to actual there for your general fund of just over 2.7 million but this just breaks it down into the various fund balance categories that you have the top one is your nonspendable amount and that can just relate to either inventoried or prepaid items and then there's eight different restriction accounts most of which are placed by the state of Minnesota and have to be used for specific purposes and then once those have been determined the the remaining will be what is called your unassigned fund balance and can be used for um you know a very flexible amount can be used for whatever purposes you deem necessary and so you can see the increase there in your unassigned fund balance from just over 845,000 in the prior year to just short of 1.5 million in the current year and that's where we focus as we continue the analysis on your fund balance this next slide is is breaking it down in terms of the various totals for each category but then just provides kind of that line line chart too so you can see visually where you've been at in terms of total within your general fund for fund balance and kind of nice to see over the 10 years there you've you know you've kind of had some Trends there you were climbing for a period of time and then it decreased a little bit now you've been climbing again the last couple of years so as we do some analysis on your fund balance this is probably what I feel is one of the more meaningful slides within this presentation and that is where we take I mentioned that unassigned fund balance that we we had on the previous slide we take that and divide it by the expenditures in your general fund to come up with a percentage and that is actually for your District on the next slide where results came in but before we get there uh couple of benchmarks the bottom is a national Benchmark that was published by the gfoa which recommends uh two months which equates to 16.67% based on your expenditure level that would be an unassigned fund balance of approximately 3.4 million you have your own policy which is probably more important because it's your policy it's what you strive to to maintain of being no less than 10% and no more than 15% which equates to two to three million in terms of where you're at with your current expenditure level so without further Ado as we move to where you're at for the current year you can see we we noted previously that that unassigned fund balance had increased so course spondingly this increased as well the percentage for 2024 7.2% increasing from 4.5% in the prior year still not quite to the range that you've published for your District's policy in terms of being between 10 and 15% but from 2022 to 2024 you can see the the nice gains that you've you've had within the general fund unassigned fund balance as a percent of expenditures so moving forward everything to this point has really focused on your general fund didn't want to leave a couple of the other funds out so this next slide is your community service fund and this is your fund balance in total and you can see again 10 years of information the community service does have some various restrictions within it uh but uh you can see the nice increase that you had in the current year uh fund balance being at 178,916 in the prior year and the last slide that I have is your food service fund and this also experienced an increase in the current year fund balance at the end of the year 600,000 430 up from just over 365,000 in the prior year and we have on this Slide the maroon line is the maximum allowable fund balance which is three months worth of expenditures now that doesn't mean that you're going to lose anything or any funding it just means that you you might have to have some additional correspondence with mde what they like to do is just ask you in in terms of information on how you plan to spend that fund balance down in in years so it it could result in you having to have that additional correspondence with mde and that is the last slide that we have prepared so I would open it up to see if there are any questions what per did you say the fund balance was that 7.2 any questions for Derek you were that thorough Darren the audit the audit is that exciting uh this isn't the first time that's happened I was on the edge of my seat ah any other questions comments well thank you so much thank you thank you you guys have a great rest of your night well hey Derek I should ask when would we expect our booklets from you guys do you know what that time timeline would be yeah um I'm going to say days in a in a few days with Thanksgiving that could be tricky that might mean it it might end up being early next week but um it should be uh within a handful of days okay perfect thank you I appreciate it thank you Derek thanks all right we'll go on to 6.3 and we'll start with the facilities Transportation uh or Comm report uh we met last after the last meeting and uh part of our agenda was um talking about the fiscal year 25 Transportation plan uh what is that going to look like um hopefully we can hire an ad and transportation director um that can work with eileene before she retires um and then bus contractor negotiations start in March so that will be a new group of people negotiating with the transportation and then then um we also went over indoor and outdoor facilities on the Strategic plan so you know for example things that would be nice to have done what takes priority um around the facilities um you know just for example like putting fence around the bottom of the bleachers out by the football things one to keep kids out of there and two for cold storage and we can lock it up um so a lot of those kind of wish list items yep yeah and is the plan still to have the position posted in December it's already been posted we we have five applicants already yep we have some uh we have some real good applicants already and so that closes December 13 I think um so I'll be sending a message to the ones that have applied so far just letting them reminding them that it's still open till the 13th so you know as you apply for something you're go hey you know they know that we've received it so they know that I just want to let them know so just remind them of the timeline so yeah we have five applicants already and so that's been very good I'm gonna have Katie involved in that I'm gonna have Joe ke as the high school principal myself um haven't decided yet so um those people for sure uh but middle of December when we get it I want to put the whole packet together I do have an interview packet I've had i and e needs to be a part of it too um Eileen and Katie have already looked through the job description that I've created uh also had all the questions for the interviews for them to go through and they've looked at that already um and so they're part of that whole process so yeah it'll be a good discussion when we get closer to who will be a part of it but those people for sure any other questions on facility Transportation all right we see thank you Amy all right uh 6.3b policies committee me to take this one sure go we just met before this meeting to go over the policies that will be approving the first reading for tonight and there was only a couple changes to a couple policies one would be the activities one um fundraising form that we talked about last meeting we changed the three months to coordinate better with the three seasons of activities so that was an update um the other update was just adding or changing um the person who reports for title n issues which is Tessa Tiber and the other thing we are checking on before the second reading is on these um student use of parking Motor Vehicles forms making sure it says that our students have to be filling out the form with information about their vehicles and getting signed by their parents to say they are allowed to drive during the school day we want to ensure that if that's our policy that we're following it and how are students leaving the building coming back and us making sure we know who was in and out um so we have some followup to do before the next meeting um did I miss anything no we covered it are we tbling that or we just going to clarify it after the next one it's the first reading so I think we're okay for now and if we need to for the second I guess we'll we'll have more clarification to R Point yeah because I think we agreed that it's a good policy and a good form to be filled out we just need to work on the technical implementation on the implementation yeah had some questions today on that didn't get the answers today before the meeting so I'm got some follow-up stuff to check on that so yeah any other questions for Britney just note that you know all the policies are on the website so there anybody that wants to read up on them certainly have the opportunity to do that some light reading Little Light reading but interesting no doubt uh 6.3 c activities Council uh so I sent you guys an email uh last week after our meeting so I'll just recap for the public that's watching uh we met last Wednesday morning um Katie Omen held it as she's our ad right now so uh couple conversations trophy cases Mr kon's class have been building the first one was up we saw it last time down there so they'll paint the back of it black and then once both are installed then the glass will come so um save a little bit of money just having them come out one time to do class uh number two is djf hall of fame um Katie wants to start that um so who would be eligible uh the criteria discussed was djf alumni coach administrator Community contributor staff or a a dgf team um the nomination process will be shared on the school website and social media um they're talking about possibly doing a QRS code on the bottom of like our um bulletins at the games um would like to have nominations in by May 1st so that would give the committee time to um select who they would like to induct and at that point would like to do it during homecoming week possibly having them recognized during the football game and then um Shannon had a great idea of like the next day like a Saturday afternoon having um like a banquet uh to invite people to come to uh we didn't really get into all the details of that I think it's just kind of a more to come more to come and then um Katie had shared this and Shannon actually had shared the last meeting the H student athlete Gathering uh our school hosted 50 students from the hurle Lakes Conference to discuss student expectations and behaviors during games um this was very a very positive experience with the students take talking about behaviors of students and adults um so what will happen is like our students go to another site say they go to Holly they will go and check in with the Holly ad um and let them know that they're there so they will read a joint statement with the Holly student about expectations behaviors um and it's coming from the student body um so they'll get in for free so whoever our students how many students did we have did she say like five or six representing dgf there're specific students picked out from our school district um and every school district but um so if there's a problem that arises with our student body our selected H student representative will talk to our student if the problem still persists the ad will become involved to if issues um still continue and then if it goes further than the parent or the students will be asked to leave um and the student athletes asked for this process and is driven by them so I was very impressed with the conversation um that they just want to hold people accountable accountable and make sure that's a POS POS experience for all um a lot of discussion Katie said on parent behavior um and how the kids are kind of frustrated and disgusted with the yelling at refs and um yelling at coaches and stuff during the games so it's an interesting perspective to hear sorry about that um are the students expected to go speak with the parents or is that going to be kind of the activity director yeah we we sorry you know that would be a conversation I would say most likely they won't that would be one thing that would be more appropriate I feel like that might be very uncomfortable for those po kids who are trying to be leaders y for sure U the one nice piece on it is so um I go to your school and Nico and I'm the student as an ad then it's nice to have a student there that that that ad can go to because they don't know your kids yet right so that's the nice connection yeah so that would be good uh when it comes to a parent yeah that's going to have to be an adult situation I'm sure yeah I feel like that would be more appropriate if if an adult is elevated I don't know that we should put kids at that yeah position no I agree that's a fair question though yeah so I think they're just I think they plan on meeting again at some point maybe I think it's going to be an ongoing thing I think we're going to learn throughout this year how does it work and I don't know I was not at bellan Rapids for the girls game if our student uh uh was there in T I don't know is anybody yeah I don't know I watched it on TV but it was after that so I don't know if they spoke or met with their activities director so as this basketball season goes on and wrestling we're gonna you know see how that works and you know does the other schools send their kid do we send our kids to a away games and how does that work so it is nice though to hear um that the students want to be a part of that and want to keep it positive so yeah on the Hall of Fame nominations are they going past are they going lendon Buffalo and the discussion was had and the committee um believes that you know since our school district's been combin almost 32 years that we're it's going to be the rebels sure it's going to be djf Rebels there was discussion about it but then you know you just kind of get into the Weeds about it we just feel like we have a significant body of student athletes and uh Community contributors and teams and everything to look at so the decision was made to move forward with us as Rebels any other questions for Lindsay all right we'll go on to the district leadership team yeah we met last Thursday um and uh both Tracy toson and Katie Omen presented to the group and Katie kind of discussed mostly what Lindsay just presented on the one thing that she did mention was that there's talk of going to online ticketing um for games um and she said that wouldn't be implemented this year but it would be next year yeah next year it's the conversation right now but that they would still accept cash well I think it's GNA be it's gonna process and it's a process it's not just a hard cut off like Britney and I were both in Morehead and both of our parents do not have smartphones so we're like trying to meet our dads at the door yeah and then they can't pay cash to get in I mean I just think it cuts off people gives them kind of a s taste like I can't cash is King right I if technology goes down we have a whole line of people out the door but you know what I mean so cash or or credit card or correct access to those online options yeah it's G to be a process like she said someone did bring that up like what about people without but we let seniors in for free so that kind of a little bit alleviates that problem yeah which is a huge i' love that we do that because not every school does that so that's good point that was brought up yeah no I think it's just one of those things too and I think it's interesting now just you know like going places and shopping it's like 3% charge or like oh here's some cash and so like how much would it cost a school district to run it's free the the app is what is it an app or whatever Katie did say it's free to scho free it's free to the school but for the person buying the ticket pay extra fee whatever I would highly encourage Samus in cash and I think that's what was she discussed too that Yep this is the deal but it could be an option that's I think she also stressed that it wasn't going to be an immediate cut off it was G to be yeah be p with all that because at DL they use that online ticketing at the door but the concessions will not accept credit cards they only want cash that's what I mean so it's just like we're gonna have to work through that it's just a working process and talk to your Pete and see what they think we'll have a lot of discussion this year it's a heart of Lakes Conference discussion so um they want to do it all together so they all have support from each other whatever it is we decide to do and I appreciate that too will be good it will be for sure um so what there'll be more to come as we work towards this I know yeah any other questions for Laura all right we'll go on to 6.4 superintendent report uh yeah as you guys know I was at the M conference last Sunday night uh through Tuesday Morning um attended some um some just some real good um breakout sessions um trying to work through TR and the teacher retirement is changed right and the legislators have made some adjustments but not much and how do you attract young people to go into the teaching profession and what can you do with um retirement plans and what not and how can you help them with 403bs and try to maybe entice them that way a little bit there's districts obviously and nraa is pushing for a higher starting wage but there's a lot of conversation about that because if you do that then what happens the rest of the scale and where's the money coming from so it was just a yeah there's a a lot going on in the education world and trying to attract people I said and and as you talk to more people there and you ask them what's your spouse do how's their Works work space they're going yeah there's no workers there either so everybody struggling it seems but I me just for our kids it's uh it's a struggle so that was good the other thing that really kind of stood up for me m obviously supporting outstate Minnesota is that 53% of the schools in outstate so outside the seven Metro counties 53% of the referendums passed which means 47% failed we have some neighbors close to us more than Barnesville that they they fail uh as opposed to the Metro 100% of them passed this is this ongoing issue is that they have such a large tax base so it's easy to vote Yes because the tax impact is minimal when you get out in R Minnesota your tax impact is significant and and we've said is I say it all the time we are the only entity that are constituents that can say no to the county gets to raise taxes just because they get to raise them they don't there's no vote there's no discussion that's just it County Commissioners have a tough decision there same with city council City councils can just say hey we got to pay our people more we need 6% increase Becker County for me they had an increase of 7% well it's what it is Shannon gets to pay it right um in a school district we have to go and communicate we have to share the information we have to tell them why we need it and then they get to vote on it well you know if you're a taxpayer going I can't say no to the county I can't say no to the city but I can say no to the the school sometimes that's all it is right so it's it's a challenge for out State Minnesota it just is and so that was an interesting stat we talked a lot about that talked about the legislative platform you guys know we've talked a lot about that here in the L is a big push for M too they really want want to support that um so that was good the other nice part of the M conference they celebrate uh great teachers and throughout the four regions of the state and uh it's just really fun to listen to passionate Educators that have done some pretty significant things in their school districts um the lady uh from Cook County so that's up by Grand marray it's actually where the school is she was the she was a winner of that uh School of Excellence or teacher of Excellence last year she went on to the National Convention and ended up being the national teacher of the year uh in rural schools and she was there again and spoke super powerful uh visit with the after tried to get her speech it was notes I said I need a copy of that because I'd like to share that with our staff um good news I'm already recorded her so I'm going to get that and share it it's just she's uh she's a dynamic teacher so it was really cool so no great conference uh it's just a good refresher and uh it's nice for me because my three of my kids live out there so I get to stay there at their houses instead of at the FR so it's kind of nice to rub elbows with them too so good confidence um just remember that we're back in this wonderful setting maybe we want this arrange the seating differently I don't know our December meeting will be in here for a truth and Taxation meeting uh because we have a concert that night too and so it's going to be same bat Channel same V whatever um so anyway just a reminder of that that we'll be down here again in December is TNT at 6 though TNT has to be at 6 so we're gonna have our board meeting at 5 and our truth on taxation because the law says we have to be after 6 if that will start at 6 I know there are people here I think that have to get off to a confer or a concert um I will have the PowerPoint presentation starting at 6 and hopefully we we're got have a quorum still we'll go through that at six but thanks L for that reminder uh Bert update just so you know we talked about this a little bit uh is their Emergency Response Team uh for the building so building Emergency Response Team we have met uh with our our secretarial staff we've met with everybody that's on the Bert list we have a Dorth Bert roster and a Glendon one so these are the contacts and this how it's going to get so we can the difficult call happens our secretary knows how to we're going to have so she in this case for us they're all and hold up theard to get the principal so they can keep this person on the phone there's all this information will be right in front of them principal will take over and then this is who gets communicated with how it gets disseminated so everybody has jobs and we have it 3D so first person's not here go to the second person and everybody that's on the ver team in Glendon has this they know where they fit they know their numbers they know their jobs and responsibilities we shared that with them they each have that uh information um so it's it's it's really nice to go through this uh Val is going to start doing some cold call to our secretaries just to make sure they can work just hey this is we're just practicing but I'm the bad guy you know and here's what happened I got a bomb in the parking lot oh my God this is happening and just so we can communicate how' it go were we quick did she feel comfortable did we have everything we needed what was missing and so we really showed up our communication uh and the emergency responses so I'm really happy with that process um and so we're just slowly we put deadlines on the next thing is due by the 1 of December and then okay good and we're ready so uh good stuff or important stuff sadly it's important right uh Foundation update we had a meeting last Wednesday um lot of positive there too they started a uh so we're waiting on the state it's been it's been a slow process from the state of Minnesota but maybe that's okay because we've had time to really discuss things and we're going to get started correctly there is a scholarship committee that was created Dollars for Scholars has totally um shared the dollars so we'll have that as a foundation they'll get it started it'll still work under Dollars for Scholars title and because they have a membership still for two more years but so there's a scholarship committee that has been established there is also a um another [Music] committee marketing marketing committee uh to start to get the word on getting ready so they're going to do some work so when the state gives us the stamp we're ready to go with some marketing ideas and plans and how we're gonna reach out to the public so uh one last thing that came from the foundation is uh they want to come alongside and support Katie's Hall of Fame plan they want to be a support uh whether they help with the banquet they help with whatever uh they're really excited to help with that so Katie and I are gonna meet with Eric wil and matah Honan I think it's next week or it's the week after I'm sorry but it's coming soon to start helping you know how can they support that and so that's exciting as well um meeting with Concordia Joel Keef and I have a meeting tomorrow with the Concordia president um talking a little bit about the msum thing with tuition and what can Concordia do and we have a lot of Partnerships already with Concordia uh just like Morehead does with msum so is there something there that we can build off and so that's what that meeting tomorrow is about is to strengthen that relationship and then hopefully create some opportunities for our students and uh yeah so that's it and that's all what I got any question sorry oh you're good we got a in the same wonderful all right St put we can't pay the bill we will move on to 71 uh this is a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes November 12 201 do I have a motion motion by I have a second second second by m any questions or discussion all those in favor say I iOS motion Carri on to uh number eight this is a consent agenda approve the bills and claims for November 2024 in the amount of 438,000 12340 um also to approve the um in file for audit of the treasurers month of budget report the treasures monthly budget reports in your packet um approve the leave of absence for Trisha Ruck certified teacher for the remainder of the 2024 2025 school year do I have a motion so Mo motion by Lindsay do I have a second second second by any questions or discussion just noticed the bills were a little higher this they were uh so one of the big uh well there's two big bills one was a big chunk that went up for the band music trip and that's an in- andout so it kind of hits this makes this number jump um the other one that's big is we've had significant boiler upgrades from early I mean kind of throughout the summer and even now so that bill got large and it kind of came in a big dump Chase went through the whole thing uh and it's we've made some significant improvements for efficiency but it cost money to get those things in place so that was another big uh expense this last month but hopefully we'll pay off shortly so any other questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I oppos motion Carries On to do and unfinished business 9.1 this is uh to approve the fiscal year 2024 audit as presented do I have a motion so Move Motion by m do I have a second second second by any questions or discussion just happy we got a good audit so well done Marcus and team Shannon and team yeah it's good we had a goal member goal was to be at 1.2 at the end of this year we got to 1.4 and a half so that was that was a good thing y any other questions or discussion caring none all those in favor say I I oppose motion carries on to number 9.2 this is to approve the world's best Workforce comprehensive achievement in Civic Readiness summary report I have a motion so mov motion by Lindsay do I have a second second second by am any question or discussion the only thing I want to make sure you guys know that the world's best Workforce that title or name is going away and it is replaced with a comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness report that'll actually be an improvement it's it's it's it's not really about the world's it's not Workforce it's no this is yeah so it's a comprehensive achievement anyway um so what'll happen is this whole report and I share with you on Friday this report in my weekly update this will now after tonight's meeting go on our website because it's required by the state to have that we got to send this information that tonight you guys approved it and it's just matter of taking our goals from last year and then how did we do and then the new one so last year if you remember I had about a 15 20 minute presentation for you it's the same thing it's just taking those goals and then okay modifying and and Britney has gone through all of them as our testing coordinator and put the new numbers in there so yeah if you have questions in the future whatever for the public it'll be out there on our website and be more than happy to go through it more detail but I thought tonight with all the other presentations we don't anything of it so and you guys saw last year it's similar okay perfect any other questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I oppose motion carries on to 9.3 this for the first reading of the following policies 521 student disability non-discrimination 521 student dis AB ility non-discrimination form 522 student sex non-discrimination form 523 policies Incorporated by reference 524 internet use agreement form 525 violence prevention 526 Hazen prohibition 527 student use and parking of Motor Vehicles patrols inspections and searches 527 student use and parking of Motor Vehicles patrols inspections and searches form 528 student parental family and marital status non discrimination 529 staff notification of violent Behavior by students 529 staff notification of violent Behavior by students form and 7133 Student Activities do I have a motion motion by Lindsay about a second second second fight any questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I oppos motion carries on to 9.4 this is to approve the first reading of the school board handbook do I have a motion so moved motion by Amy do I have a second second second by m any questions or discussion I just thought it was very comprehensive and good um that's probably something I wished um I had when I first came on the school board I think it's a great reminder of your resources so Troy you you'll appreciate it um there's a lot yep lot to learn um you know and I like that how you have it broken up like what what is what is the duties of a school board um and so yeah well done to you guys for putting that together and working with MSB yeah just nice I thought it was really good yeah it's just nice to have it one spot a to go well I I even liked how you guys had it broken down you receive an email this is what you do or this you know I gosh that been awesome well it's nice fire well MSB does a great job and it was just another way of saying hey here it is especially for somebody new it's like okay well here's what my assumption is and then you go oh why wouldn't I do this or what well here's some there's reasons why or there's you know great it's a good conversation right I'm glad you didn't put on there call Old board members yeah oh this is the first hey this is the first reading can change that write that down should have a line in there call Ronnie call Ronnie call Ronnie any other questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I oppos motion carries on the 9.5 this is to approve uh donations as presented this will be a resolution I'll read the resolution you want us to read it or well it's my chicken scratching So Okay resolution modified whereas Minnesota statute requires donations to be accepted by a resolution of two3 uh majority of the school board therefore be result that the school board Dorth would and Felton Public Schools Independent School District 2164 gratefully accepts the following donations as identified below from co- Bank in the amount of $20,000 for dgf FFA from Bernardine bakis of an accent tuba value of $6,000 for the dgf music department all right do I have a motion by second byy any questions or discussion great gift from cobank and that's uh I'm gonna say it publicly because I don't know David CRA came from him because he has a he's on the board of directors he is now coming off the board of directors for cobank and uh as a director they get some of these funds to share with what they feel they want to support and he didn't want to break it up he wanted it all to go there so this big thank you to David and uh yeah what a what a wonderful gift yeah just wonderful and and also from bti tremendous gifts yeah for sure yeah very fortunate so this is a resolution we'll do it by roll call Micah hi Amy hi Lindsay hi David hi and resolution is approved okay uh on to .6 this is to prove the non-certified contract for Jenna maker per professional Class 2 step three effective December 9th 2024 do I have a motion so moved motion by Amy do I have a second second second by m any questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I oppos motion carries 10 point1 the next school board meeting is Monday December 16th 2024 5:00 here and then uh in the Glendon site in the media center and we'll have truth and Taxation also at 6 o' uh 10.2 is the budget committee meeting will uh follow the school board meeting here at the same location winded site on number 11 this is a motion to adjourn do I have a motion so motion B ly do I have a second second second by any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I motion Carri meeting is you want to just quick this stop Rec can you maybe Brooks told not to touch it don't touch does anybody want to vote in The Lakes Country service Cooperative board I nominate David David get to pick the nominees are already in oh I I would nominee Troy I'm not on yet so no but there's there's a there's a slate of