##VIDEO ID:hL_re_JSUew## you guys sure sense yes we're running follow meeting order please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right along with our Pledge of Allegiance i' like to read the district commission statement in partnership with the communities the mission of the Dorth L Felton school district is to educate individuals in an environment of trust and respect so they become self-directed responsible LIF laong roll that everyone here on the board present got Shannon Mr lard all right no nobody speaking today on to number four this is a motion to adopt the agenda do we have any changes no changes do I have a motion motion by Nicole do I have a second second second by any questions or discussion all those in favor say I ition number five public comments and rebel recognition do we have any we have any public comments but you have any re recommendation uh shout out to the teachers and the staff and the students for getting us off to a great scho yes yeah thank you I agree um last week went very smooth and talking to all the principles and staff that I Ted to said it was a great start uh homecoming week so which is unusual to have it this quick I guess so I've got um second week of school and here we are homecoming uh but um they had coordination today I was not here but King is Grant Anderson right and the queen was M Michaela so congrats to those two yeah sorry re all right let's go on to 6.2 board committee reports oh sorry I already crossed you off the easiest report youd have to do thanks for coming instead of 6.2 we're going to go to 6.4 we'll do the dgf Elementary report Mr Wayne Le's here thank you Wayne so have a hand out there outline so like what you just said about uh the start of the school year was fantastic one of our I feel like it was one of our best starts as a principal myself so um extremely great start the school year all hands are on Deck with our staff get a positive start Transportation Food Service custodial maintenance staff har teachers everybody worked hard that uh getting up the workshop we get into the first week school um principal visits we've been we're about halfway through right now trying to get the classrooms Jonathan myself just introducing ourselves and who we are and reviewing Rebel weight week of the 23rd of September we'll start on 10 teacher routs that takes about with followups about four to five weeks um in that same wh we'll start start our walkthroughs which we started last year with u Bullseye platform on that program monthly meetings we have a lot of committee meetings and staff meetings there's a list of all of those like site leadership is the first Wednesday of the month uh actually we be twice a month one is one is for more business kind of things and the other one is more for big Pi planning staff meetings are once a month uh plc's more of a learning uh time with our teachers great level meetings they meet every week tjf is more of a fun uh get together if they want to um we'll do a little fun activity at the end of the month meetings are once a month we used to call it sit sit student assistant intervention team now with Lake aacy we call it teacher assistant team that's bi-weekly U last year we started uh a lot more monthly American need American Indian parent meetings we're doing that monthly this year and then John Newar is having once a month with his student students in the high school and middle school uh reading curriculum this year our second year with CLA that was the curriculum we started last year that is matches with our letters training first year of new intervention curriculum with youth flights how long does the SE go is it through sixth grade is itth grade see special ed is continuing with Spire inventure curriculum uh all staff this year so last year we had about 30 people do the uh letters training this year the rest of them are doing it so it'll be great to have everybody with some common language the dad's program we we we kind of in an infant stage with that last spring we're trying to build a little bit more I know we have one in the group here that was part or two actually were part of that um I'm going to try to reorganize that group in October and I it's it would be nice to get a much larger involved group and I know people work so that makes it difficult to get the day- kinds of things going but we'll see we can do with that kids love it I know that and I know the dads that were there loved participating getting little kids on the back side uh PBIS uh the rebel way and nurtured heart we started a nurtured heart um approach for how we communicate with students last year in a more positive Twist of how we say things to them we continue to kind of revisit that this year a new curriculum for for social skills led by our social workers is to be good people that starts this year Kevin lren is an author he'll be coming to visit in October what PBIS stands for positive behavior intervention and supports Rebel pright Fridays it's our uh we have nominations every week five students and one per grade and staff person and we call them down on the intercom and they get a some kind of gift certificate treat and a t-shirt that's a big hit for the kids and staff the mentorship program uh so all the teachers have all the new teachers to the district have a mentor that the principal's assigned to them and they meet minimally once a month with that that new teacher I'm touching base and I know I think the High School Middle School principles are doing the same we're touching base at least once a month this year too just to see how how things are going for them then they do a survey or I'll send a survey of them mid year and at the end of the year to see how things to Lake Agy special at kaab um I'm impressed with how they're uh jumping in and and guiding us I guess so to speak they have they have a pretty established system and how they do things which has been good for us to just um like I one of the things I told them was just lay it out there tell them tell them what you want them to do and we'll make adjustments as we need seems to be going pretty well so far um yeah again great start to the school year um our leadership team feels we're in a great place and this is the start of third year together now things the routines are in a a really good it felt like this year started a lot more smooth smooth the last can you talk a little bit about how so so it's something I've gten through in the past previous district and it's uh there there are six categories and I I won't be able to name them all right now but it's categories that you uh look at your strengths and look at potential areas of weakness for growth and so we did a survey halfway through the year of our first year together and um based on those survey results um put together a plan for maintaining or improving our strengths and trying to improve make Improvement plans for areas that we would like to um and then we send in an application to the principal Association and then they review things over the summer and there's about five on average that get chosen every year one but it took about two years but I this is me talking um getting together that first year I just felt like there was a lot of anxiety by staff parents and things so I just wanted to get us all on the same page and get get a direction it felt it felt like it helped do you want to talk well I'm sorry you want me just talk about what this spring now isn't there a big celebration uh more of a recognition of that accomplishment too yeah so um so there is a Comm so really what it is is a community celebration you see my picture cled all over but that's not what it's about it's about the community um and so in the spring then uh we'll do a CommunityWide celebration and it's it's hard it's hard to explain things until you go through it but it'll be kind of Goosebump um we'll have we'll have a stage I'm almost thinking our elementary G might not be enough enough because you have all your kids there you have hopefully all you do it in the evening and hopefully all the parents go um love a stage we'll invite Community uh local County State uh leaders um to come and participate in it and just be recognized they typically kind of say something um the principles Association president will show up and present a plaque and speak a little bit to the to us and it's leadership being that accep Prett expence you would all be on the stage sorry that you're going to be there too and you'll be recognized as aard member even past I was just was whispering no I mean it's it's a community celebration but it's also a growth for the SCH so it's been it's been a great process any other questions for Wayne I know we I've heard of a fire drill that we done any other emergency drills not the drills yet just that one and then we're doing another fire drill this Friday we reviewed things today actually at both sites we're I will say this thank you for asking Nicole because we're in a better place this year than we have been in the past no question about great meetings with Al uh great meetings just how we're communicating what it's going to look like the drill we had the practice one now this week we have another it's just yeah more ready y I would agree so questions for thanks appreciate it very much all right now we'll go on to 6.2 um time in free time more committee reports and first one is the Personnel committee and I guess I have this um we had sort of a light agenda I guess um we talked a little bit about um uh Staffing update for fiscal year 2025 all the new folks we had there's quite a few we've added to the to the group and I won't go through all of those but um I think we are pretty well staffed on that so just some we have some pair of things I know that principles were meeting today with leg ay to review with the special ed teachers kind of where we're at because we were a little short still dist and so that was kind of a refresh today like okay are we good how many more what be short and so I know they had that conversation today but uh yeah other staff yeah teaching staff were good some other little ODS and ends I think we talked a little bit about succession planning um some of the director positions and also um about negotiations coming up in the next fiscal 2025 school year which will'll be here before we know so something to look forward to soon yes so um that's the that's what I got so was kind of like um next one is the facilities and transportation comme Laura took some good notes today um we talked about just the timeline with the grant the Prairie Grant on when they would plant um that would that's something that will be discussed um this week um also talked about um the road that's going to be put in just north of the pond um and there was a discussion about um Scott kson and his class making a shed that would share they would share with the FFA group um there that aside we also talked about a lease agreement with the Catholic church in Dorth um basically shifting liability onto dgf when there school functions when people are utilizing um we'll be doing the snow removal um and the question of Maintenance um that will be coming up since we use it all the time that we would take some of it on that what exactly how that would look that's kind of up in the air yet um and anything else question person what did I'm assuming this is an additional employe not a replacement which one special teachers oh for today yeah y another one in addition y because our numbers uh well so the Al and the requirements of the Al and how much time it's going to take away from Mr boy we were going to be short a little bit so we had this conversation um most of August I'll say uh and just determined that it's just going to be too much for our high school staff uh with her case loads so we determined that we need to offer this position and so yeah we're fortunate enough to get some FY very fortunate for the high school then for the high school yep and then Mr Boyd will take care of the lp and then he's going to have some other duties also so y I should ask any other questions on the Personnel or the facilities commit all right we'll move on to 6.3 superintendent yeah and and uh the first one on there strategic Plan update I just want you to know I have a a meeting Thursday with the principles and we're just going to go through it again we did last spring uh there's an accomplishment page so if you just go to the website look at the Strate sorry excuse me the Strategic plan you'll see a lot of that and what's green is obviously been accomplished there's things that we need to add to it we need to shift some stuff still so that's with this meeting on Thursday we're going to discuss that as a uh as principles uh and myself to just make sure it's updated and where we're at with it and if anything needs to change so then we can have further discussion so just giving you heads up on that um second thing on there is in Schoolboard recognition so it's a different month this year wasn't it in the spring I think in the past and so I'll just use David's certificate as an example so thank you again each one of you for all you do and the time commitment and all the other things you get to deal with as not only parents uh community members but also as board members so you get to hear a little bit so thank you I wanted to make sure he said thank you to you guys um the next one I have a little presentation so I'm gonna stand up um I'll have it so it's on the screens in front of you and it'll be behind you but I have to match manually stand next to this wonderful scen and now I need to back it up to one um this so I did share a little bit uh with you guys in my weekly updates uh some things that we've been working on um so Clay County Superintendent so that's Holly Barnesville the Morhead myself as superintendent we've been meeting about you know what are other options for us right um as you know probably Barnesville is going to go out and has a three question thing on the ballot for some more funding for their programs or's going to go out for a capital project Levy to their patrons um just because it's it's you know talking to Phil and hly he said well I think it's one more year and we're going to have you know kind of like I've been sharing with you guys too I'm kind of running out of ways to cut or to um skim to skim great work because that's really what it is it's just call take we be and the end of the day we have to function right we have to pay people to work and and we need them and we have facilities that are beautiful we want them to stay that way those things cost money right and so when the state um doesn't supported to the level we feel we need then we have to do something so that that's the whole idea here is superintendent in the region going what are some ways that as districts and msba is a new policy um and this is just the contents of the slideshow and so I'm just going to get msba has a new policy and you see it underlined here all resolutions must be submitted by the school board and must include a date approval so let's say that oh Shannon came up with this great idea he talked to his board and the board go that sounds good great tell msba well msba isn't GNA just take it for that they want a resolution they want us they want to know that in this case the djf School Board would support msba putting this on their bipart they don't want to just you know otherwise you get 400 different suggestions and they're trying to figure out okay which one's leg who really is supporting it so they went probably to be more official and to more have background and more support when it comes to hey we're putting this on our platform because this makes sense so that's what I'm going to ask at the end today is that we do um pass a resolution and all this is and I think share with the weekly up it's kind of a hoop right you got to jump through this hoop to get it to them that doesn't mean it makes their platform but it's a process right and I just I want to I want them to know that we're fighting and we're trying to get something better for our kids or school or Community right and that's what this is only about uh I said it's it's it's simple it's getting Tighter and we need to be proactive instead of just sitting here and say G it's Su to be honest well that's that's not okay right so uh local optional Revenue this is the LR so this is the first resolution um that I want to asking you guys to support and so we can pass it on and and this is just the history of it right so L came in in 2013 it was uh $424 per people that's the state said hey you can Levy this for your kids per kid 424 so it's kind of a built-in operating referend right you didn't have to go to the voters boards could just say here's the deal we're going to take the 424 right in 2014 there was and actually in 13 there was another 300 that a board can opt to take or not take so you didn't have to take it all it's a levy so obviously every year we approve our Levy right so you can take less you can take the most and in that case it was another 300 so in 2014 basically everybody in the state took it so he said let's just put it together so that's what they did so then in 2014 they just put it together it's 424 plus it addition 300 everybody gets 724 and 20 2014 was not yesterday it was not three years ago it's a decade ago and there was no inflation tied to it and so I'm going to show you the slides uh coming up here what inflation is done for that same 10e period so and this is what happens uh as I talk to legislators I say the 724 is a big deal and it matters right we need it but if it isn't going to be TI to inflation and every expense we have is doesn't take a genius to figure out after a while like it the 724 is not 72 more anymore right it's just shortened it doesn't cover your expenses so um here's some general information right now so here's the authority you have right now 724 local school boards currently have the authority to improve 724 now uh last year Levy was down 4% uh this year I think it's going to be it's going to be probably back up that same probably the same percentage we don't have it not officially but that's kind of roughly where we're thinking it would be um anyway uh the increase in Authority uh is crucial for insur the public school boards not only have local control because that's what I'm really question let the local board control their school don't have the state mandate everything so it's constant oh the state said the state said what are we have you elected officials for if you don't get to make big decisions right so I saying hey let's let the local people have morec more control and then we can shift the necessary res resources we need to have quality education here EGF is different than more it's different than you look inter in our Clay County it's Unique because we have the small we have the B and so as we presented this as play County superintendant it helps you in hit it all it helps Morhead it helps schools in the Metro it's helps outstate it's just it's basically like adding to the formula right and everybody benefits from the formula so here's our proposal The Proposal is just over a threeyear period and so we just said threeyear period because when does this start right in the process and by the time this gets going okay it's not fway 25 it's 26 and so on so we need to get this going so we're just asking for a threee improve or three-year plan and we just want to take your 724 that we currently have the authority to do and over the three-year period is to bump it started at 950 second year to go to 1050 and then 11 okay and I'll kind of now as I break this down you'll see this so what can this do for us obviously these are the challenges every school in the state has you know it's the buzz birs right we want to reduce class size or at least maintain them okay we have instructional materials curriculums are not cheap and when you have CA that was a major lift and a major investment from our school district um but those things you know they're tied to inflation in the 724 wasn't technology we obviously know the cost of that and then so we're going to have negotiations right we need to be competitive uh you there's schools in our region that are losing teachers because they weren't it's just a fact and so we need to make sure that we are that's major and then of course we have new school facilities we talked about already we need to maintain them and so that's really what we're asking for this increase would allow us to do some of those things right or continue so this this slide is just to show you here's F life4 this is when it came into be there's your 724 and this is what we've got over the years uh and inflation is over there so this is without inflation obviously 724 with inflation I had put a little circle around at the bottom which we you look out here it's a little tougher to see but if inflation and here's the inflation rates over each year some were not so big some you know whatever but that's the actual inflation rate and the impact it has so if if there was typ inflation like some operating referendums do run that way you can have them tied to inflation uh we'd be at 99637 would be our number today instead of 724 so that's the reality right um Clay County so what we did because this was part of our presentation to our representatives and Senators is this is Clay County we have 11,000 just short of 12,000 students and here's the impact of what's actually happening so here's current L that's what it is here's our proposal here's the dollars and then the other part and I'm going to talk about it as we break it down into dgf a little bit the state have some skin in the game it's not all on the local taxpayer right and I'm going to show you what Klay County looks like and then I'm going to show you djl so you're going to see the percentages in what's equalized with a and what's levy on our local tax okay so this is all at Clay County uh the local patrons of Clay County would have do over 8 million and the state would have over 3 mil um this is also qu County this is the equal ation factor and here so Minnesota school Finance is just a joy but just to give you the cliffnote version this is just taking uh fy2 general education revenue report this changes every year based on your residential Market are you refering a market value of your District so you guys know when your house gets assessed like open and value when those things happen it affects these percentages also so we just loed in what's fy2 and if that held true this is what it comes out to be okay so the levy portion or the local person is 72% of the dollar amount and the state would pick up 27.8 so just short of 28% of the bill okay that's all of Clay County that's the average of the five school districts in Klay County okay now we're going to go to pgf bgf's got a little bit better picture you can see it's not 6040 but it's pretty close so the local so let's say we did this and um and the local board had the authority to raise it to 950 as an example 62.4 so just short of 63 now that's today's number so I just want everybody to understand it can change right Market values but that's what it is today for dgf and then the state would have 37 almost 38% so the one thing we talked about our sen with our Senators and representatives is we say well there's no new money there's no new money okay there isn't but we're going to take 60 in the county 70% of the load we're only asking the state for 30 40% you know so that way you can still say you gave the education right the state can say that but it's offset for them but it's also offset for our communities that they're not having to foot the whole bill so that's what I want to make sure people understand too um this proposal is we both have skin of the game okay and that's what I want to make sure people know and I don't I've said it three times they'll say it four times this is today's numbers I just it's so crucial so people in the past referendums they go well the number change I know Market values changed I'm sorry I'm not in control of that um so here's the resolution and this is msbs jargon and that's all this slide is um there's a resolution in your packet and it kind of explains it to I think I shared it with you yeah I did uh earlier last week just so you could look at it read through it a little bit um and that's what that is um but you know what I should go back one more you can just see this is dgf though you look at the impact that has over three years we we can fix roofs we can buy new curriculum we can do some of those things that we just are going to need to do and this is going to give us that opportunity to do it and I this is that delicate balance of yes it affects our taxpayer but if we go for operating referendums or Capital outs like all these other districts across the entire State begging for some support and help we can do it locally right here as a board elected officials to make that same decision and and be educated when we make it and know what their patrons are going to end up you know how they're going to be affected I guess right it saves thousands of dollars also because we don't have to go to an official election the dollar amount that goes into getting and get on the ballot and get all that stuff is a ridiculous cost also which you can see so anyway just want to make sure again this is just the the resolution um and this is the documentation the supporting so this shows on msba what we're talking about what the inflation rate was what you know what we could have gained or should have gained over that time period okay um and so that's that resolution the other resolution that I shared with you um have 16 slideshow slides for you this is a lot simpler but it's also giving local control and when I say simpler so you're going to bear with that word right but we have restricted funds which we've talked about well since I've been here um restricted funds have purpose they matter uh but they don't all for flexibility right the state in this last legislation session that really impacted Us in 23 did not give us lot of freedom it didn't give us uh it just said hey here's some money but here's what you have to do with it right and so when that's arms behind tied behind your back it doesn't allow you to to shift even internally with the restricted funds and so what we're asking here is we have ltfm dollars that you can carry over year to year we also have operating Capital dollars from the state that's a and ly allow us to shift it because they're all big ticket items right an HVAC system is an ltfm but it's also kind of a capital thing right we need desks tables chairs those are capital things but it's also affects facility can we just at a local make that decision give us the freedom no new money Sav same dollars you give us all the time but allow us as a board and School District to say hey our roofs are really bad we need to fix them oh but you don't have any money in your ltf I know but we have about 200,000 sitting in operating Capital can't we shift it for a year every year we have to give a 10-year plan already in our ltfm that still has to be there so we still have to demonstrate where the dollars are going let us have that local control and don't tell us what to do from the state level and that's all we're asking in this resolution that's why I say it's simpler it's just asking can we internally shift dollars ourselves as elected officials instead of the elected officials SLE does that make sense on that what I'm asking there or what we're asking um yeah again local control right and so there's two resolutions yeah questions were you able to break down the average household impact no okay I didn't and the reason I didn't go that far is this is just a resolution to bring it to msba um one of the questions that got brought up um from other superintendents because we I've already talked to the north northwest service clad they want us to present to them too so because their superintendent just saying yeah we're asking for one two so they asked us hey did you have any Financial Group Beed or aers or anybody break down your numbers they said we haven't yet because we just if this would be something that would become part of mba's platform then for sure I think we would yeah no that's a great question sh the capital funds account that's a restricted fund it yes do we get separate money from the state for that yes so right now and I I'm sorry I can bring my operating Capital dollar amount excuse me um and our ltfm don't know if you guys know all right the other reason for us there's different motivations right we bonded our ltfm for the project which also you know didn't put both hands behind your back but it really made it difficult now to fix roofs and that when our when our fund is shorter and that's where for us it would certainly make a nice would give us an option I guess to slide that if we needed to right um so yes they are separate and we're just asking that's fine because they're separate but can we have some internal by resolution as a board to shift the dollars on a given year and again State requires us to have a 10 plan so we still got to show evidence right we still have to kind of basically show what we're doing so yeah any other questions for Shannon all right we'll go on to 7.1 this is a to get a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from August 19th 204 have a motion motion by Britney do I have a second second M second by m any questions or discussion all those in favor say I on to the consent agenda this is uh motion to approve the bills for September 20 the amount of 1433 $468 and then approve the and file for audit the treasur monthly budget report which was in your packet um approve the resignation of Kylie gilia Food Service effective at the end of the 2023 2024 school year approve the resignation of uh Robert Mt care professional effective August 28 2024 and improve the resignation of Lynn gski Food Service effect of September 5th 20 do I have a motion motion by Laura do I have a second second ahead second by Nicole any questions or discussion some of these you may have notice I'm just GNA I'll just say some of these people that you've um accepted and had added a position you probably notic their name now as their resignation some of these people have had some things happen before we even started you know you hire them a while act and that's other things happen in life and so you might look at some examp go I thought we just approved and now we're yeah it's just life right and people go through different situations so um yeah I'll just say other questions or discussion here none all those in favor say iOS sign motion carries on to new and unfinished business point one this is for a motion to approve a L changes as presented which I'll have that our page um do I have a motion motion by Brit do I have a second second second by E any questions or discussion just so everybody knows because it's a negotiation you're coming up when we negotiate this we figure about a $330,000 lane change dollar amount every year and this one was 34 so we're pretty CL but just so people understand that when we say hey Lane changes are going to cost us 30 grand they go oh no I wanton this is this is the and last year it was 28 so we're averaging close that's how that good for them yeah it's great further education is awesome question none all those in favor say I motion Carri this is the motion to approve the resolution accepting donations have motion so motion by ly do I have a second second by Britney to read authoriz such acceptance for use for religious or sarian purposes every such acceptance resolution of the governing body adopted by two3 majority of members expressing such terms in full and whereas every such acceptance shall be by resolution of the governing body adopted by a two3 majority of exing such terms in therefore we resolve that the School Board District the school board of Dorth L Felton Public Schools ISD 2164 gratefully accepts following donations from the Dorth lines in the amount of $1,000 for d artics from Air kennels in the amount of $100 for thank you very much Laura so this resolution call David I Lindy hi Amy i m resolution all right on to 9.3 this is a motion to approve the second reading of the follow following policiy 411 donation of employee leave 5 three student attendance 902 use of school facilities atend of do I have a motion motion by Nicole do I have a second second by Laura any questions or discussion uh there was a few things brought up last time um one was on the donation of inlo Lea I remember there was like we talked about I know there's a minimum and I didn't know what it was it's 70 hours so if I'm going to give to Nicole I still have to maintain at least 70 hours okay so that was a part of that um the other one was in the student attendance we switched the word to M so they may I can't remember no I should have had it may requ it's not it will require I think is what it said I think it only applies to middle school and high school now not Elementary right the redline version that it say that again I'm sorry that it only applies to middle school and high school with the attendance yesy yes okay I'm pretty sure I just read that okay okay yeah then you're but we want to make sure we did switch it to May because it should have said may not require or will I think the word was will require re under Middle School age it wouldn't be TR Andy because the parents have an educational yes not neglect yeah but it would parents would have yeah be neglecting the education of their child and it's a different charge so a second grer camping charge with that's also true yes yes so those know things that we talked about them um in the past so I just wanted to make sure that those you guys do know that those got updated any other questions or discussion heing none all those in favor say I oppos same sign motion carries 9.4 this is a motion to approve the memor memorandum of agreement pertaining to the m sea contract as presented MCA stands for Education Association uh no it's are non-certified non-certified um and this was Shan presented this email to us I didn't share it with you oh yeah um so just remember so this was this happened um because we added the speech language pathologist assistant position and it was not anywhere in any contract um so we talked to mca's leadership and this is the resolution or the m we had to add to this contract we also added uh which we don't have this position and we haven't hired this position and we don't need to hire this position but in case it were to come to in the future it's called a special education teacher assistant would be similar to the rights um not the rights I'm sorry similar in the description of what the speech language mythologist assistant does gets direction from the teacher and not just a pair of but does some that teaching and implementing um which we found out we could have done we didn't need to because we found somebody U but there is uh is allowed I guess to have this assistance so just in case we were ever to come up in the future we brought it up to msea and we just add it now and they did agree that okay sounds good we'll just at it so that's what this is about anybody have any question essentially to add position to the contract that we negotiated last year yeah and it has to fall under somewhere it would not fall under a confidential they're obviously not a teacher contract so that's the other one we have any other questions we have got a motion for I motion Mo motion by Lindsay do I have a second second second by Amy any questions or discussion sorry no that's you could all right you're none Al those those in favor say I I I oppos same sign motion carries on 9.5 this is to approve the non certified contract for Stephanie Albert care professional Class 2 Step 10 effective the start of the 2024 2025 school year do I have motion motion by Nicole have a second second by Laur any questions or discussion none all those in favor say I I oppos same sign motion carries 9.6 this is to approve the L resolution as presented I have a motion motion by I have a second second by and because it's a resolution I think I do need to say something real quick just so you understand this so if you look at the resolution you have in your packet uh you'll notice uh right under my email address it says pending because msba wanted to see this last week and so I had to send it to him but I had to say that it was pending because you guys hadn't voted on it yet and I see I haven't taken that off so when this gets passed I just want to make sure you guys understand this when this goes to them tomorrow that sentence will take that off if the resolution passes okay does that make sense yeah okay and I believe it's on the other one too um yeah it is because they needed I couldn't say it was done because it wasn't so that okay resolve msba urges legis to increasing the local Minnesota school board l24 student1 [Music] opue wasl ined problem is that public schools are paying the inflated rate for all very much any questions or I think we should just clarify again for the public this is just asking msba we're not doing this right now just to clarify um just something that we support as a board just due to the fact that as Shannon mentioned earlier during our negotiations or paying bills or know doing roofs um you know the basically the the state of Minnesota is not given an spunds to continue to do all the things that we need to do yeah I mean if you go to the grocery store groceries are different right yeah I just wanted to reiterate just so people know we're not raising your taxes or this is just a possibility to Levy money in the future if we need to cor it's worth noting that we have this Authority already right now we're just asking for it any other questions right hearing none then uh let's do a roll call resolution Laura hi David hi Lindsay hi Amy Hi l solution all right on to 9.7 this is a motion to approve the ltfm capital resolution as present do I have a motion motion by by by moud um and this is uh a resolution we'll need to read this and I think Shan might have a little pie here to just yeah just because I see how it's yeah and so it basically it goes into descri describing the problem is what we're urging the legislators to do due to the lack of Schoolboard flexibility that that's what we're asking um the freedom or the local control to be able to move Capital oper capital and or ltfm or vice vers um be resolved msba urges A legislature um to allow to allow School Board flexibility allow the lack of local ability mained there are often situations when the district has needs in Capital Areas or with maintenance issues to buildings the ability for the elected school board members to by resolution transfer funds from Capital to ltfm or vice versa address these District needs would be extremely helpful School District may have to delay fixing or replacing unsafe equipment which obviously creates a whole new set of potential costly issues by allowing local school boards the option to internally transfer funds from Capital to ltfm or vice versa it has the potential to save school districts substantially you have any questions or discussion I think this is just a really Common Sense thing that um these two funds can vary from time to time and the ability to have the flexibility to move money from one restricted fund to the other restricted fund um would really help school districts across the state and one of the one thing that uh I didn't share in the presentation or talk about that is very important and and you guys understand as board members maybe the public doesn't if the funds aren't there we have to take for Honor sign fund balance and that we have policy that says we should be 10% which we're trying to get there um and this would also free up those dollars to get the unassigned fund balance to a healthier position uh and still be able to fix the things we need to fix and get purchase the things we need to purchase so yeah it directly affects the UN unassigned fund any other questions or discussion hearing none this by roll call it is resolution Bry Laura hi David I Lindsay hi Amy hi resolution passes on 9. this is to approve the not certified contract for Hannah mer care professional class two step three effective September 20th 2024 I have a motion motion by Amy Amy I'll second I'll second Linds second all right any questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries on to 9.9 this is to approve the non-certified contract for Michelle Linsky PA profession Class 2 Step One as 0.8 FTE effective September 3rd 2024 do I have a motion motion have a second second by Nicole any questions or discussion caring none all those in favor say I I oppos same sign motion car on to 9.10 this is to approve the certified contract for Jenny West special education teacher ma step 10 effect September 23rd 2024 do I have a motion motion I have a second second second by any questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I oppos sign motion carries 10.1 the next board meeting is Monday SE mber 23rd 2024 at 6m here in the dgf community room in glinton uh 10.2 the policy committee meeting will follow the board meeting on September 23rd at the same location on to number 11 this is to adjourn the regular meeting dgf School Board I have a motion motion have a second second any questions discussion all those in favor say I I meting no it isn't off