##VIDEO ID:njb1M5mdsVE## so hopefully the weather stays good a aair and then you can whatever [Music] number just getting serry should answer well I did and then I mix it together with the trail mix that's on the so I took trail mix sorry and Che mix and then I D and I used C filters billion of them in my office and then I wanted to make sure we had sweeten some of you up the put Church [Music] that's that's a simple recipe simple super simple don't care so you you buy it Cashwise but then you sprinkle it got that little and then I transferred from that or that I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all read the district mission statement as well in partnership with the communities the mission of the Delworth development school district is to educate individuals in barment of trust and respect so become selfed responsible we have everyone here um we've got Tracy is here as well as all right [Music] um speaking on to number four um the agenda no changes do I have a motion to adop the agenda presented go ahead ni I'll second Nicole and second by I'll second Lind any questions or discussion all those in favor say I oppos car number five public comments and rebel recognition any public coms we have any Rebel recognition uh conferences tonight oh I do have volleball Hol champs yeah yeah yeah so huge accomplishment so congratulations to Tessa our team and the F staff so those to them conferen is tonight and tomorrow night so thank you to teachers and parents and hopefully that's a good conversation see lots of smiles up and down the hallways and both uh the middle school and the elementary teachers seem very excited it was early in the day so fres still just started uh but that was good to see also in Cross Country Owen winter is just killing it yes he is yes he is he is just doing phenomenal this year not that that's a surprise to anybody who's ever seen him run but he was successful last year and he's proving to be even stronger this year um other things you guys tra here Katie since you're here no pressure it's just right on the corner to obviously football plays this week and volleyball and we have playoff starting and see Mo cross country their section so here it com yeah Off to the Races all right very good we'll go on to number 6.1 activities director report all right so just kind of to recap recap the fall um we're tournament Seasons a week away so we're going to start fall tournaments next week um football it says three and three I did this last week but we're four and three now um their first playoff game will be on Tuesday at home volleyball is actually uh seed one in the section right now that can change a little bit um and will be official H conference jams after so um and then if they are seated one or two they will get a buy the first round so then the first game would be or Friday the 25th at home um cross country the conference meet is on Tuesday not Thursday it's on Tuesday um and then under that I just have numbers so you can see participation numbers um for those activities robotics they are started they've started um their first competition is until December 7th but they are working on their robots there's three teams this year River Watchers is a new activity you maybe have seen um they go out and they just do a lot of um field trips during the day out to different um water areas there's eight students in that this year and then debate started and we have over 60 students coming on Saturday for a student Congress um fall plays coming up um so they've been working all year they kind of get forgotten about because they don't have anything September October because they're preparing um so they have performances starting on November 21st knowledgeable started for middle school high school doesn't start till later um and they just had a meet last week and I think they got second third fourth fifth or third fourth fifth sixth one of the two um and then we also have a book club now going on and that they meet during study hall a few days a week so that's kind of fall stuff um looking into winter and I guess this is kind of for fall we are um running into you can see for some of our football numbers and our volleyball numbers some high numbers for Middle School especially which is a great problem to have and so that just makes us have to re-evaluate coaches and not easy to find them um but splitting teams this year we split our seventh grade football into two teams which I don't know if that's really ever happened before um it worked really well um they did great so now we're talking already about what to do next year for that same grade it'll be another big year with having big teams you need more coaches but also you run into some equipment issues so we've had to purchase some more equipment um and projecting that will also be happening for Middle School boys basketball for seventh grade that's just a very athletic class there there high numbers in that grade um and so we're probably going to have quite a few boys basketball teams in seventh grade um which we'll just figure out a lot as we go um for winter we're all fully staffed um just for as of now but depending on Middle School basketball may need to add a few more um that doesn't start till January um it's interesting a lot of schools are not having nth grade uh teams for basketball uh girls or boys so that is going to be a bit of a struggle for us we'll just find some extra games to get them a full schedule um is it do to numbers yeah do to numbers yeah so nobody knows for sure yet that's what's tricky is we got to wait till we're closer to the start of the season to know for sure um but thankfully we live in an area right by Fargo Morehead where it's easy for us to grab games it just may not be at the level of competition we want there you know some of those schools are a lot bigger than us so it tricky um for wrestling we have five meets this year which is a lot so I'm excited about that do wrestling some more recognition obviously they had a great year last year um we're also looking at doing girls wrestling so we have a sign up right now to add girls that's a big thing it's the fastest growing um sport in Minnesota right now is girls wrestling so we're letting them sign up right now but we're keeping they're just with the boys we're not adding coaching staff we're not doing anything different we're going to wait and see kind of what happens with that um facilities so Shannon and I met along with Chase last week one day and updated the Strategic plan to do some priorities in it um so you can check that out it's updated we're just trying to figure out there's a lot of things we want to do there's things we need to do and we're really just trying to put a number to them budget wise to see how we can prioritize them and make a plan to get them done so it's not always kind of in the back of our head it kind of be like this is what we're working on now we did we do have a trophy case built um so so we'll be getting that installed hopefully in the next couple weeks um we got the volleyball Gatorade Player of the Year banners you did so we'll get those put up um and I think we'll try to invite um the Lopez girls in for that if it'll work I don't know but we'll try um what else did I miss here conference so we have Park Rapids and Staples mly in our conference now so this is the first year that they're in the conference um it's been going well it'll be interesting during basketball our conference moved to all double headers so a lot of games been on those nights those two just again I forget those tables is that just for basketball or is it for conference H conference their conference to stand it what was it theur Minesota midate midate it was like five five schools in it wrestling basketball football it's all well not football they're districts oh that's right okay but volleyball the girls and the boys vars play the same night um for and it you know there's a few at the start of the season because girls start earlier than boys where they won't because we got to get the game started um but most of our conferences conference games are M heads so we have 2 430 26 27:30 games is kind of our plan for now um see how it goes um and then we're having a we started an H student leadership team where um actually at the beginning of November all the H schools are bringing kids here to dgf and we're going to try to develop some more conference um Norm slash Behavior expectations um for students kind of student Le um I don't know all of you have been to a lot of events whether it's here or there and some things fly some places and not other places so we want everyone to be on the same page so yeah any questions are we going to have an activities council meeting here this fall yeah we should we get on that I should say too that um Katie mentioned the trophy case is made Scott kon's class made it so we just supplied materials and they made it painted it and it's going to yeah so now they can install and if that all goes well I said those are the type of dollars i' like to spend on stuff so we're going to see a we're going to see it display here shortly I guess so yeah it'll be good we also just got that Grant first aeds so we'll be they came today today and girls wrestling yep that's so that's just wrestling it's not a boys or girls sport is that right right now yeah right now you added girls wrestling with that require adding a Bo sport I don't you know I don't think so because they you can do them together like many teams right now are doing boys and girls wrestling and they haven't added anything that's a really good question but I don't think you have to because you're addings and not boys so you can have more girls than boys can't have more boys than girls I'm just curious because like we've been to the msba classes where like you know with the introduction to boys volleyball and I know there's some you know there's some interest there like if you added that can you add boys volleyball or you know different things but it's just not a big enough League probably wrestling's much easier probably to get a match oh yeah well and a lot of teams like they wrestle voice so it's not like it's it's just but they do have their own girls state that you can go to but like forever though like when I was in high school in 98 99 you like that are we a girl yeah and it's just becoming more for other girls yeah no but that's a good question I'll have to look into that I'm not nobody said anything about that and I feel like a lot of people are adding them I think the reason is is they already were in almost every school they had girls already in their wrestling program so they were eligible to wrest it's always been a CO team it has yeah but now that they added the state tournament that that's a great question David because now that they added that and now we're going to have girls wrestling are they going to wrestle you know like when you go to your meets I'm sure if that team has girls they'll do it otherwise they'll wrestle boys yeah so it's going to be kind of a hybrid I think for a year or two but it's interesting with ti line in the past that wasn't an issue you could always have more girl Sports than boys is usually it was the other way right but we have dance line too for girls so we kind of already were in complains when boys were just wrestling yeah but something we should look at preliminary numbers on how many girls have uh I don't know we'll see at least we're opening it up giving the opportunity I think that's the biggest thing needs the activi for the river uh Katy TR Club Morgan patol and that's just she's volunteering so study in launch thank you for getting that leg work done on that yes for sure thank you sh all right we'll move on to 6.3 .2 all right um start off a little bit with Early Childhood as you can see our numers um as we started the year we have added some kids actually since school has started uh we wanted to kind of just see overall where we were um with our numbers being a little bit higher in each section from tots to School Readiness we wanted to see how they started the year um for Tots we've added two additional students in the last couple weeks um just now we're up to 17 um the one thing we would say is there is possibly one maybe two referrals that will be referred um over to special ed so I just want you to kind of see the numbers on each section um overall if it looks like boy we have um several special ed students in each room a lot of them are speech um but um each one um each teacher we looking at how we can share services and things like that and working really closely with Sarah at Le Legacy the one thing I would say to is we've added two new Early Childhood special at Paris in our program the two that we did have kind of moved into the gened gened role um and those two young ladies are working out really really well um we're doing actually the referral process a little bit different than we've done in the past um as we started out this year in both Cs and School Readiness we've gotten new students that probably had um not been ID identified as needing services so when you're placing them in the classroom they might need a one-on-one um there's a lot of adjustments that we have to do so we've been working closely with Sarah at Lake Agy to see what what do we need to do to um maybe streamline our referral process a little bit better at the Early Childhood level we've identified a process um we immediately start screening we put that into a system called educ climber they can see the scores without really even seeing um too much of the paperwork the actual paper copies um and see some of the needs and then um can kind of identify with Sarah and Scott at Lake Agy and the special ed teachers where we might need to add another halftime um Early Childhood parah or um any other services that we need so I would say that has been wonderful um and has been a good asset for us um so overall we're at this point I actually emailed our staff last week and just said right now we're not going to add any more to your class because they're getting up to 18 19 and they're they're kind of thinking let's maybe just stop right here and because we always have to save room in case we add another special ed student into the space so um I think we're quite full there um Rebel Kids Care um we really have not been at this high of a number in the last um going this be three years um we're at 122 kids after before and after school um as we all know ABC 1 2 3 did close um in the last week and a half um 124 kids even though it say 42 about 124 licensed spots were closed um and another thing with that um Center is they were the ones that really contracted a lot with Clay County um so that if a student did get pulled out of their home they were usually that first line of placement um so um overall it's been neat because even over the weekend we had a student that needed Services um needed a place to go um we placed them on Friday afternoon Dad paid the fees Sunday afternoon I get an email that early Einstein's had an opening and it we didn't take um child care assistance um there is a lot that goes with that and that's Shannon and I have talked about that um but in ter we were able to um Place him over at early Einstein's and it was a win-win we got an email from Einstein saying thank you for being collaborative with us it's good for this family and they can utilize the um child care assistance so it's a good partnership when you work closely with your providers um that are nearby so um but overall we're at 122 in the last week we have seven more that will place probably within the next 5 Days In Rebel Kids Care um so that continues to grow um we always have room we will just find another classroom after school and um add more staff if we need to um but right now in 3 to 5 year olds we have 29 kids we use two rooms um kindergarten we have 17 31 in first grade 24 in 2 and 21 in third through fifth grade so overall they just continue to to grow um the one thing that um if you hear is um we are not going to be providing breakfast or lunch in Rebel Kids Care as we go forward um um one thing that in visiting was Shannon Noak um the district cannot provide breakfast or lunch at free on those non-school days so we would have had to turn around and charge our families $5 a child um so we just said they can bring their you know eat breakfast at home and eat lunch um bring a lunch um cold lunch and um we'll have a snack for them in the afternoon we did that the first summer that we open here and it was Flawless it really was we always have a loaf of bread peanut butter jelly fruit cups and a juice box if they need it so um but I will say I don't think we'll have many that'll show up um that don't have it so but in the summer we're still eligible on the program at this time with food service to still provide free lunches in the summer breakfast and lunch so just know if you get that question it's not us it's at the state level um that made that change any questions on R Kids here um third uh thirdd through e8th grade boys and girls basketball um we actually have our first night of practices tonight we did two weeks of practices evaluations with our parent volunteer coaches this year we added a basketball committee made up of those individuals we actually just reached out to um a group and just said would anybody be interested interested in being a part to help facilitate plan and organize the youth program um with Community Ed and all of these individuals have stepped up they've helped with um evaluations they've helped with everything they' got us going um and um they you know done additional training and things like that um coaches clinics with uh Freddy Coleman out of Sanford basketball so it's been neat to see the involvement um they'll help with our winter blast tournament as well um two of them sit on the fmbl with me m hon and Shelby TR um so they are a large voice for us on the basketball youth site um for the boys program we have 101 boys out and 67 girls um we will start games October 26 and that'll go through December 14th right in our local area and then after Christmas we will do the basketball tournaments the travel tournaments um in and around far Morehead Northern Cass Holly um so we'll be doing that we'll also host our winter blast just because our winter blast has gotten so big um we've decided we're going to take third grade and move them to Friday night and run them their first game at 4:30 until 8:30 and then fourth grade to 8th grade on Saturday I think last year we had probably 180 plus teams here um between d and Glendon um I was actually talking to the Castleton rep and castleton's a huge tournament um I I'll say un biased but it's not as big as ours number-wise team wise and they actually said today they're cutting their tournament in half it's just so large to manage so I look at these six and go okay I got help so um but anyway it it really does bring in lots and lots and lots of teams um the daddy daughter ball will start on December 8th Shannon Noak is going to cater that again we're going to make a couple changes to that where before we would go into the kitchen and we walk through the kitchen line and get our service I said let's do more of a buffet style where they come through and we can get a bunch of people serve I said we have probably 450 people to serve in about 45 minutes so it's got to be quick um and we're going to do chicken alfredo rice um dessert a roll um and juice so that'll be December 8th um youth wrestling will start November 4th um we're working with Davey he's probably going to be putting on a Youth Tournament this year he's working with his coaches to see um if there's a date available uh working with Kayla lower on some cooking classes um that'll be coming up here the next couple of weeks the holiday craft show we started last year um we'll have again that's on November 2nd we're moving that up a little bit so it's not so close to Christmas um um and I think last year we had like 50 or 60 vendors and we timed that so it was the same day as the basketball tournament um and that'll again be in the depot um this year um the community ed annual report um that you'll get at the next meeting has it um but it'll be approved at the 2nd October meeting um any questions the grade basketball boys they are doing that does not include they're not included in 101 they're not they're not um and really what they are Laura is and you know as our committee met talked and a little update on that is we have always been for fmbl the Youth baset third through eth grade boys third through sixth grade girls Before Christmas um as we were getting started we had heard that there was a couple teams that already pre-formed um they could have come through Community yet they opted not I shouldn't say they didn't opt they are actually going to be with us because like I was visiting with Shannon a little bit about this they're all our kids right all these we have two seventh grade boys teams and one eighth grade boy team where parents had formed a team and we going to play in the pearl League because some families some um teams when they participate in the FM at the seventh and grade level you're probably not playing to your competition you're either playing too high or too low just depends a lot of the teams that are in the seventh and eighth grade boys division are um not your travel teams they are probably more at the um I I say the average medium level um B level um so some were going in there and winning 60 to two and it really wasn't competitive enough for them um so now the FM has said we'll have a seventh and eighth grade division in the League this year before Christmas um but we don't know if it'll be a combined Middle School league eth will play seventh seventh will play eighth just depends on how many teams the schools put into that League okay so a lot of those Castleton Northern cast if they have a strong a team or a hully have a strong a team they may not play in the fmbl we had three groups that opted will play in perum um but what they're doing is they're playing in the perm league but they're still going to use our facilities but in a way of giving back is Community Ed is going to host the perm League here on November 23rd and all those families are required to work so they're they're using their old jerseys they're doing and they are actually working the gate working the concessions with no monetary compensation it is is you're allowing us to use the facilities as a dgf student um how can we as parents give back um so we're working closely with the perm um rep to still keep them a part of community EG otherwise each one of those teams would have to go out get insurance they would have to rent the facility we don't want that we want them to play under us and it might be something that next year I'm not saying it will happen but could happen where next year third through sixth grade boys are fmybl seventh and eighth grade boys might be perum um it was just in the 11th Hour when we heard that these three teams were going to play on their own we were trying to just mitigate it a little bit and say how can we work together so that's kind of why it happened so late in the game um but we still do have one seventh grade team that will play in the fmy me so any other questions for Trac thanks Trac all right on to 6.3 this is board committee reports we start with the lake Agy education Coop not a whole lot to tell you other than everyone was present uh uh they're fully stoed things look really good um I know they're coming over here at least once a week if not more on who needs what or what department ask questions uh it sounds like everything is going fairly smooth so they're very encouraged um they just they don't seem to have a lot of hiccups at this point in time when we meet again here next month um but at this point in time is solid enjoying the new acquisition of dgf to the region mik any questions for Mike I'll just piggy back on it they've been there's just been a ton of conversation M because it's new for them it's new for us there's just been a lot of conversation I just appreciate their availability whether it's Scott or Sarah uh when you call or email they respond so it's it's a learning curve for all of us staff included so it changes principles too with parents and that responsibility and then Tracy we the child too there just there's a lot of and so but I would agree with with Mah they seem happy they're glad they took us on or that we accepted to join them and uh it's just every day is a new day and we're getting better any other questions comments all right we'll go on to policy committee uh we met the last time after at the last meeting after the last meeting and it was pretty short and sweet for meeting because everything was just statute changes or changes recommended by msba which is always good to follow in case something happens they got your back so really nothing shattering or crazy we will go over the second reading of some policies today and first only reading questions all right very good we're going on to 6.4 this is the superintend report yeah so now I didn't write notes on the very first one October 28th we need to change our board meeting time and we have to move up early because there's something and I'm sorry CH concert there you go I knew there was something so same with the committee um meeting we either got to talk about do we want to go before the early meeting but I don't know how early people can meet so that committee meeting we can discuss so if we have to move that to a different date and the next committee meeting I believe is Personnel isn't it so we can talk to the personnel and a lot of you guys are on budget too is the only one that's is on the other so 4:30 work for you I can make it work I can make it work 4:30 and 28 so we do committee and then the board meeting should go at 5 then 5:30 I'm sorry 5:30 that works for everybody here okay perfect awesome Brook thanks for your help on that uh Clay County Superintendent meeting I had that last week uh really what it was is because I meet with Senator Johnson on the 21st and Brandon Lun and I do more superintendent we meet with Senator Johnson and we just want to make sure it's kind of that strengthen numbers kind of like our L um resolution that we shared with msba um I just wanted to visit with them specifically about that and then the other resolution was these restricted funds and the freedom to move that so today after this meeting I have a budget committee meeting I'll show you the presentation and uh wanted to share it with the Clay County Superintendent too so we can get more support and I'll share more information again tonight after this meeting with the budget committee and then after I present to them on the 28th I will present it to the full board so everybody can see it okay uh it was a good meeting it's good to hear your neighbors and we're actually in a better place than some and we not as good as them mother places so I'll explain that again tonight and then next on the 28th facility update uh Katie already referred to this that we met and talked about it uh she did update all those things on the Strategic plan uh one of the other things we talked about as with our principles last week is that okay so there's facility indoor and outdoor and now what are our curriculum needs other school needs whatever that is so we're going to create a list uh Foundation is getting going and I shared a little bit that with the weekly update with you guys and one of the things we're going to compile for them uh is a priority list these are school things or academic type items here's facility indoor outdoor um requests or things that we're trying to work towards and then rough we're working on this getting budget or a quote what those things cost so then we can start saying okay what is this school going to take on for the next five years what's too much when do we approach a different do we go to so anyway so that was a real good meeting um still working on it because we still have some Cotes we're trying to get and trying to get at least a ballpark idea of what we're getting into in some of those areas so if you're bored and you want to go to the Strategic plan it's if you go all the way down to the bottom it says outdoor facilities and it says indoor facilities there's two different things click on it you can kind of see what we're talking about okay perfect policy 411 um policy 411 is the new policy that we' just created so staff can share sick days or sick hours with a colleague who may have a need right um and so good policy we learn from it we shared we got information from other districts we put together and it was almost perfect um but then we started thinking about if we have somebody that qualifies for other benefits for example long-term disability the qualify for social security benefits or TR benefits or per benefits and if those those those benefits are starting to kick in well then they can that's how they can get taken care of so now teachers or any staff they don't have to give up hours to that person so if you look today we shared it out it has a red line on it we're going to prove it tonight if you're not comfortable with that the only thing we shared and that we added to this policy was if uh the not the donated person if the person who needs time uh qualifies for LTD long-term disability Social Security um that you may not be granted the hours from a colleague because you're already getting those benefits um it makes it easier on us as a board and as me as a superintendent to approve them or not um if they don't qualify for that yet we we talked about something new to our district um it could be a pregnancy it could be an accident it could be any number of medical reasons right and they don't have enough sick days and they're not qualifying for LTD because could be simple as a pregnancy is an easy example they don't qualify for LTD for that but no they don't have enough days and how can we help out and that's where colleagues can help out and that's really what it going to so if you have questions I mean we're going to approve it tonight or not that's up to you guys if you want to table it we've done that before but uh We've shared it here so hopefully you've had a chance to look at that's the we change okay um msba L resolutions and so this is remember I showed that presentation on the L you guys approved the resolution we sent it off the msba msba as I told you in your weekly update they did take it they like it uh one thing that helped us is we were in contact with some metal schools and of course if they need it then all of a sudden it's on the platform and so that was good though because we are not alone right it does help everybody we have you and hll that's in our County and they're going wow that'd be great for us and then you have Morhead who a big school and they're going hey we need that too because it does help every s school and so msba did like the proposal uh they modified it just um slightly because they went to the Senate Finance uh committee uh that runs all the inflation numbers for the state and their inflation number came up to $957 is what the inflated rate would be so that's going to be the proposal it's $957 we were asking for 950 we we had our number with inflation just layman's terms Shannon hun it uh 996 is what I had figured out over the 10-e period um they took from 2015 and not back to 14 it was adjusted a little bit but 957 so yeah so just an update on that and good news they're bringing it to the board of directors and I missed one oh yeah I did uh itd DLT meeting that's October 24th um and at that meeting we will be discussing our MCA scores from last spring we're going to talk about our fall scores from this fall and our also our curriculum cycle and what we have in regards to that so Brittney J who's our curriculum director will leading be leading most of that meeting um and Laura and Britney are in that committee so hopefully they can attend and watch that can report on that next time thank you L that's enough for me so any [Music] questions for the policy 411 it's all comes to me yep and so Brooke because Brooke is kind of an easy person for everybody to bring to in the district then she brings it to me she's kind of the catch all and then it comes to me so then we disc or I look at it go for it so we we have had one request um and I did approve it and so that person was it was small but a person really did need it and it's like two and a half hours I think it's what it ended up being so somebody else gave two and a half hours to colleag who had to be out for something and then I enter the time I yeah so we we have to sign form from the person donating and then and then Brook takes that puts it in the system and lets that person know hey and then we have a file that anything and everything that's been donated and there's limits right like you can donate more than a certain amount of hours and you have to have so many hours you have to maintain so many hours y yep and and you know we have a situation right now with a staff member who's had to miss quite a bit of time but that person qualifies for those other benefits um and so that'll kick in I don't know sometime mid year but that's where we start to think about it and reflect back on okay you know there's other benefits out there which I'm happy that we have part of our teacher contract and uh and actually for non-certified contract as well we pay for long-term disability now we pay for life insurance those types of things and that really kicked in here for this person and that's awesome right and so since that's covered is it only you that makes the decision on yes we're going to Grant this no we're not if I ever have a question on it um I usually run it by the the other boss belela no anyway we talk about a little bit and if I were ever going to have a question like oh this one I don't I would communicate with you guys for sure in a weekly update or I would call Da to the chair and say hey David here's the situation we've had multiple conversations David and I have um about the other situation in fact we had some meetings on it just so then if he feels it needs to go to the full board David would bring it to you guys but when they're simple it's like this one I did approve was real simple so I and that and that's how the policy reads if the superintendent can do it but just so you guys know too I'm very aware of if I'm going to do this what that means right so Laura asked but then and they say no to Nicole you say there will always be a process there yeah I didn't want to no I appreciate it for any potential bias that's why you know it's and I'm just kind of teased with Brooke and this and that but her and I talk a lot because I just want to make I talk it out okay this because this last one you know sometimes you go well this this is just easy right you go sometimes if it's that easy maybe I'm not seeing something right so we just keep talking through it and again if I have questions I'm always going to reach out today but yeah thank you Laur I appreciate it because that's I'm have the same concern any other questions all right we'll go on to 7.1 this is motion to approve the regular meeting minutes on September 2 I have a motion motion by have second second any questions or discussion all those in favor say I iose motion carries on to the consent agenda number eight uh this is a motion to approve bills for October 2024 in the amount of oh Britney's not here I think got it I was waving at our audience out there um our total bills are 24,47663 thanks for then this is also to approve the treasurer's monthly question report which is in your package approve the resignation of panar PR professional effective September 23r 2024 approve the resignation of b or professional effect of October 25th 2020 do I have a motion motion by Nicole do I have a second second second by any questions or discussion than hearing none all those in favor say I I I oppos motion carries on to new and unfinished business 9 one this is a motion to approve the second reading of the 2024 2025 certified seniority of L in your packet um any do I have a motion motion by Nicole I have a second question discussion good there there was no changes believe it or not and it just went and either nobody looked at it or or it was perfect I don't know I'm not going to say what but no yeah that's kind of what I said sweet that might be history I don't know awesome any other questions or discuss having none all those in favor say I same sign motion carries on to 9.2 this to approve the second reading of the following policies 512 School sponsored student publication activities 513 student promotion retention and program design 515 protection and privacy of pupil records 515 uh protection and privacy of pupil records form 516 student medication 56.5 overdose medication 517 student recruiting 518 DNR dni orders 519 interviews of students by outside agencies 520 student surveys 520 the student surveys for and 62.2 parent involvement policy procedure do I have a motion some motion motion by lindsy do I have a second second second by E any questions or discussion I'll just say as uh Amy reported ear from the policy committee all of these policies from msba had virtually no changes from the past so any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries 9.3 this is to approve the first and only rating of the following Poli 411 donation of sick leav 522 Title 9 sex non-discrimination policy grievance procedure and process 524 internet acceptable use policy 722 public data requests 806 crisis manag I I have a motion motion by Nicole I have a second second by Laura any questions or discussion very none all those in favor say I sign on to 9.4 this is a donation resolution this is to approve donation to the fishing EF Rebels fishing um $250 yes resolution so read the resolution whereas Minnesota statutes 1232 subdivision 6 provides may receive for theit of the districts for anyer and apply the same in that behalf the board may act as Trustee of any trust created for the benefit of the district or for the benefit there including trusts created to provide pupils of the district with Advanced education after completion of high school and the advancement of education and whereas Minnesota statutes 4 65.3 provides any City County School District or town May accept gr device of real or person C inord with the terms prescribed by the nothing heing shall authorize such acceptance or use for religious or sarian purposes every such acceptance shall be by resolution of the governing body adopted by a two-third majority of its members expressing such terms in full and whereas every such acceptance shall be by resolution of the Gover Body by a two3 majority of itss expressing such terms and therefore be it resoled that the school board the school board of Dorth glinton Felton Public Schools Independent School District 2164 gratefully accepts the following donations as identified from the dgf fishing club have ation have a second second second any questions or discussion just think fish uh it's a resolution so we'll do it by call ni hi Laura David I Lindsay hi Amy hi M resolution for the resolution passes on to 10.1 this is uh Personnel committee is meeting Monday October 28th following this or before the school board meeting at 4:30 and here in the dgf community room in Glendon the next school board meeting will be October 28 2024 at 5:30 changeing time here at the dgf community room in all right on to number 11 this is a motion to adjourn the meeting do I have a motion so motion by Lindsay do I have a second second by Laura any questions or discussions hearing none all those in favor say ition is you want to St here you want to St with budget I'll give you my step you can say for the I'm