##VIDEO ID:xDQHBr7j5tY## [Music] meeting order please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all all right very good also read the district mission statement partnership with the communities the mission of the Del belon school district is to educate individuals in an environment of trust and respect so they become self-directed responsible lifelong leers call I think we have here tonight Shan is here and Britney is also here all right um a motion to you don't have any changes to the agenda uh no the changes were made for only change to the agenda that I would have not a big deal but the donations that'll be a resolution so if I say that wrong please remind me that'll be a resolution yeah and the only other thing I guess I'm sorry under my report this I just want to add veterans a program from yesterday on there I didn't have it on that L I guess so it's just during my report very good those small changes do I have motion to approve the agenda I'll go ahead motion by Britney do have a second I'll second second by Lindsay questions or discussion all those in favor say I oppos same sign motion carries on number five public comments and rebel recognition I don't think we have any public comments but um re recognition I was going to recognize Britney for putting on that wonderful program yesterday I thought it was fantastic um both speakers Did a fabulous job the kids were adorable of course um the ones that the fourth graders that were speaking did a fantastic job it is it's always fun to watch whatever grade go up to a Podium and the podium is just a little tall you know so you're going oh I just but it's just it's just you can hear this voice and it's like and where I was sitting was not in a good spot but you know you can see the top of the head which is cute and otherss were fine but I agree it was just it's just fun to watch that right and then when they sing um it almost goes into stereo and I said oh they were trying to was in around because you know parts of the song really quick and so the younger kids are getting behind right the older kids are right on time and it just I thought it was awesome it's why you go to those programs So yeah thank you congratulations to our football team and our volleyball team and on winter he got was ninth in state am I he did no he got nth and then um his time was better than last year so that's awesome Y and I just want to congratulate our neighbors next door for winning the class double A State Volleyball championship I think it's amazing been an H Team won so kudos to them and and our girls played a heck of a game against them so it's not nothing to be sad about when you say we you know we've lost to the state champions so yeah and the winter season here we go it's already getting started they're all walking out yeah people outline can't watch them but they're all filing up no rest for the wicked no that's for sure shout out to all those that uh were elected to the school board and those that ran too so congratulations to all those folks that was U and the uh not a conference but the presentation with all the potential board members I people said doesn't matter we going to get four good board members so it's wonderful we had such good candidates so congratulations and congratulations to Britney and Nicole obviously are here so congrats all right any other Reb recommendation all right we'll go on to number six 6.1 curriculum report all right hello everyone so I gave you a packet um I'll just go through a variety of things first is curriculum review Cycles so that is the first so we have a curriculum review cycle this year we are reviewing science so you will see that year zero that's when we start our committee work so um we are going to be having presentations of meeting with Publishers um we might be piloting a science curriculum in the springtime you can see last year Elementary we were supposed to look at science but we were inundated with reading curriculum so we didn't quite get to that um we will eventually this is a working document so nothing is set in stone uh middle school high school we got new reading curriculum and then this year science like I said on the first page you will see Elementary new reading and math intervention curriculum Middle School fifth grade math intervention curriculum and then reading like I just mentioned and then High School La reading so that is what we have recently purchased it's going very well um new assessment platform so we have fastbridge that we are using this year to assess so in the past we have used star so we have a fall winter and spring we do that fall winter and spring so students are STS us three times a year and this is kindergarten through 12th grade so um we had a big screening period in the elementary right at the start so we assessed every single student they also um they were pulled by your interventionist to do more sub tests and that um we'll get into the win time soon but that helps us to know where students will be in their wi time um so if we go down to a partnership with like aacy they are helping us with the react so all teachers need to be trained in evidence based reading programs that's either letters or Ola training so right now we have seven Early Childhood teachers they will be starting training in November and then we have 41 kindergarten through fourth grade teachers that started last year or they started this year so that is the third page you can see who has gone through it for the first year the ones in red are the ones that just started this year so I and I have gone through this with them as well we're in our second year a lot of great information um and it's really nice to see how the letters training ties in with our read curriculum so what we are learning every month um during these Google meets we go into the classroom and it's like they're they're reinforcing what we're learning in letters so that's really nice to see um let's see Ola training so that is for our secondary teachers so that is is um it's a little bit shorter than letters training but it pertains more to that secondary secondary reading stuff uh let's see Elementary what I need time so if you go to the next page that is a copy of our master schedule so I thought it it would be nice for you guys to see this so I can explain it a little better so you can see those green reading wi time blocks so what we're doing with that is um it's classroom teachers special ed teachers interventionists our elll teacher our reading cor teachers it's an all Hands-On deck approach where we are working with more small groups to Target kids on what they specifically need so if there's a kindergarten that needs more help with letter sounds for example um I'm just GNA say kit Bosler he is pulling four students and they're working with letter sounds there's a fourth grade group that needs more work on like CDC words for example they're pulling a group to work specifically on that skill um students are at a wide variety of places so we just want to make sure we're targeting what they exactly need so you can see 840 to 9:05 in kindergarten that is when kindergarten is focusing on what they need first grade 9:25 to 955 that's their time so interventionists have that time dedicated for those kids same with special will this get reassessed then as each fast Bridge um assessment happens in the those three segments yes good question with this we have wi team meetings every month so like today we had one for our kindergarten first and second grade teams so it's that grade level myself it's um our coordinator from lake Legacy her name's Abby and then Trina and Lori who are are non-retired interventionists um they're kind of leading this so we come together and we just talk about what's working what's not working we were on a two we rotation where kids being assessed they rotate to a different interventionist now we're we're changing to a 4-we rotation so students are with that teacher for longer periods of time they can practice more so yes it is reassessed on a monthly basis and not necessarily with the screener but with other sub tests that we use it's called the laps and the lapa so kids are only told if they need like qualify for right but then if students are exceeding going above and beyond then that classroom teacher is working on those extension activities them so are they moving within their um subgroups to like third grade do they move um to like does just Shai focus on one thing and somebody else focus on something else or are they all um if they're not getting pulled by an intervention is they stay with their classroom teacher yes um there's a variety of things we're doing there so some grade levels like fourth grade they're trying the model of switching so like Miss Shamy might be working on like the higher group where Missy might be working like middle of the road kids so those older kids might be switching classrooms where first graders they're staying within the classroom but they might have those two groups lit up so Mrs christopherson's working with this skill with one group and this skill with another group and then when she flips they're doing more independent work so then she can I think the other thing is so I attended some meetings with them now recently too just to hear it all and whatever right and that is nobody's necessarily being pulled they're going to their ability level which has been shown on the testing and the screenings and all that right and they're going to that teacher for that skill set so that's where they mix with other if I'm in Mrs jun's room or Mrs Kel's room uh I might see Mrs Reno for my reading win time because she's that's the group I'm in you know what me and so everybody in the first grade who's at my level we might be with Mrs Reno then right and Mrs Keel is going to see kids that are in this you know what I mean so we're meeting them where they're at and teaching those skills to those kids during that win time but if some kids aren't moving like for example you just said first grade they're just splitting the room in half then they wouldn't be seeing a different te right classroom it can be that so I'm just saying but if you Britney's the high flyer Mrs Reno's doing that you would move to that class or to Mrs Reno's class for that grade is doing that yes so not all grades are moving so it looks different with each grade just okay I see what you're saying yeah just because like like first grade for example we want make the most time the most out of our 25 minutes so if they're transitioning in the first five minutes of each block and we're losing 10 minutes there you know what I mean so the logistical piece has beening we're working through it so I think that's the constant conversation is are we meeting them where they're at yes how are we meeting them where they're at in first grade or second grade and there's some there's different opinions on how to best meet that and it's it's been fun to listen to professional teachers talking about how they want to dial it in and how they're trying to make it better how to meet the kids' need it's just as a superintendent it's been really refreshing maybe is the word to listen to teachers just really honing in on what's best for this group or that group and do you think it would be better if we did this and here's the test scores and they have the spreadsheets and the scores and it's it it's on purpose and it feels good that we're meeting kids where they're at specifically which has been missed I think in the past I I like I'm glad we're doing something like this because I think that's what we've been missing for a long time is like targeting all different groups not just like the low group with the middle group and giving the higher group what we need to I think sometimes it gets tricky with people thinking it's an intervention but I feel like if we're meeting kids where they are that's just best practice rather than an intervention so I think that's a totally different thing so I think maybe people get a misconception like oh kids are getting interventions oh they're just getting best practice really like tun fine tuning meeting them at their level meeting at their level y agreed totally and then in the middle school we have bar off and stuff wer so we're not at the same place as where the Elementary's at but we're getting there we want to have a solid foundation Elementary first and then any questions with any of that so far so no more start testing no that's fast bridge now it look it looks pretty much the same um fast Bridge just it's more closely related to the MCAS and it drills down on the skills better so we can figure out what they need more star it's more specific yeah so the last thing I wanted to talk about is our data so if you look at the last two pages the very last page that's our current data and then the second for last page just the white boxes that is last year's data so I won't go through all the numbers in detail but our math scores are significantly better than our reading scores um when you look at the fast Bridge testing the very last page the the categories are a little different so conceded pass and low risk if we group those together that's where they should be at some risk and high risk that's what we need to be concerned about um and this was our first time with fast Bridge so there were some we're learning so I don't feel like this accurately represents where our students are at um you know exactly so hopefully our winter scores better reflect that um but your first page I put together a summary of our kind of what it looks like grade to grade so you can see our reading scores the elementary they they increase significantly once you get to secondary you don't see as as much of the increases um I talked DT about this a little bit where it's I mean we're drilling down on on more of the skills at the elementary level where at the high school level it's just it's a deeper level of understanding so you won't see that growth as much um and there's lots of extracurriculars they're in they're you know they're older they have other things that are more important to them so we're you know we're we're trying to keep them motivated with these tests um on the back side of that first page you can see the math scores again Elementary you see lots of I mean I mean across the board you see lots of increases or stay the same 11th grade the data wasn't as accurate um so I don't want to report on that just because some of our kids did not take the test um so when you look at the summary you can see math the math scores the the reason behind those really good scores are our curriculum we it's been established the teachers they had the training to teach the curriculum so our our math scores are in the 70 80th percentile whereas our reading curriculum we're only in the first and second year with this so hoping that they keep improving um so I think that's a good reason behind the data that you're seeing today and then like I said fast Bridge it's a Minnesota approved screener part of the read act so that's why we had to go with fastbridge um and like Shannon said it's just a little more specific and it ties more closely to the ncas so in a previous in a previous District we switched this was I've been here four years so about six years ago we switched to fastbridge and a significant difference between Star and the relation CHC I should say fast Bridge tied to it so we could have a correlation and have some anticipation of hey Shannon's Court here on fastbridge in the fall and the winter he most likely going to score somewhere there in the MCA it was a better measure the star it just seems like it's so unrelated that it's like okay are we is the star test where our kids are at or is it the MCA scores where our kids at and it was a disconnect where this is more tied together so that that for sure uh in a previous District that that we saw some significant Improvement there and so then you can address it better right yeah so that that for sure was the case and I will reiterate too just because I was a curriculum director in another District previously um that it does take three to four years to see results because the first year the teacher trying to figure what to do second year they're getting a little bit better and third year it's finally with some Fidelity right and so um you will see that and our Mass course are really shown that we're really hopeful that our reading sores will show the same yeah it's really encouraging on the man's side just because you know remember improving the man curriculum and thinking like you know just hoping that it works out well and satisfy sucess the intervention is still outside of like truly pulling not when we rearrange the kids who still fall the classroom like small group other than the wind time yes they're playing it all day long okay so all of those green boxes that's when they are P so they have the groups can of Britney like they would probably typically have yeah so like you see a gap between kindergarten and H they're still filling it um but yeah these are the dedicated win times and then they're obviously how many interventionists yeah we have five interventionists um and then a par interventionist yeah she's a she was a teacher before she just doesn't have a and then what do we have in the middle of SCH two we do have reading cor this year so that's free service so we have two MERS and teachers and that oh and then our social workers they're part of so um kids did the Sabers this year so it's a social emotional screener so if we see um we see flags on that they could be pulled during wi time for social stuff because we know a kid is not emotionally regulated they can't learn so that needs to be addressed first make sure they're in a group of social workers so are we considering at all added interventions to the middle school if they're I know you just said it established in the elementary but it looks like Middle School is where we struggle most looking at the data it is would we light more people there yeah here's here's what I don't want to do though I don't want to send whatever two three four of them to the middle school and that we've created the same problem we already have by the time they get there again they're still not ready so we're trying to address the elementary kids so when they get to fifth and sixth grade and beyond that those interventions have already happened then the two people that are there can maintain because they're still going to be shortfalls we know that so steal from the elementary just thinking additionally yep ideally we could have two or three more right now but we're making a significant um Financial investment investment into our interventionist right now which is great right it's great it's it's we're talking close to half a million dollars but I think even we need to look at the structure of the middle school and the schedule like how can we even align the special teachers the middle school special teacher schedules align with like a win schedule I don't different because they go from class to class so well I think the other problem is all the grades are different like fifth is different from six and six is different from Seventh and eth fifth and sixth grade largely stay with their own teacher um at least in our fifth grade um they Kay only switches for social studies she only switches once so the models are different makes it harder yeah for sure yeah that's our that's our biggest challenge is just scheduling that's our biggest issue right now I hope it's something we can problem solve because the Gap only gets bigger when they get older and if these I mean you can see it if it doesn't get addressed now it's not going to by the time they leave Middle School which we know in high school is very different so yeah and that's why the early intervention works that's their plan y any other questions for Brit okay uh we the 6.2 board committee reports and this is the Personnel committee which me earlier today um we're just looking at um some new potential positions um some of it is transition U first one is an EDR Transportation director um this is to do um sort of take over for I she goes and transfer the the next is lead secretaries having three to four lead secretaries um special head secretary this is a new position I'm actually sort of feeling that so we're moving um some folks around to help out with some of the billing with that and then the last one is the community ed secretary help with that group and so looking at posting those positions we're going to have to do some work with the MCA on the secretary positions um get a memorandum of understanding probably for those yeah so that's sort I don't know if questions or conerns about that but from a dollar standpoint um I say because we're moving things around it's not going to be significant um cost of the district to do this um one of the things with the community ed Secretary of course we can take that from fund four which is Surplus balances and so it's good to remember with fund for shy get over the get to this but that is one of the funds where the state sees you get too much money in there you just come and take it so anyway so that's that's what we have on the Personnel we do have negotiations coming up too yes we always have negotiations coming we do 25 2 we have three certified confidential and then Transportation Transportation our contract so sorry that's totally okay um Sarah I does some of the community at secretary functions yep so then is her position changing it's going to shift to this so we don't know what's going to happen with this ad8 Transportation position is it somebody we do hire that starts in in February or March I don't know we don't know when that person will start if we plan it does do we have to wait till later I don't know so Sarah will support that new person in that role so it'll be a little Transportation n uh and then Community dat will be handled by this new person working with Tracy so her job is going to be a little shift no question about and she also support the um the offices at the um high school and middle school level what she did anyways she was already doing some of that covering launches and so she'll just be running around less more balanced and focused we will still have the transportation coordinator we will so that change no so Tony currently has that and then he'll move in I's office so he can manage the mornings cuz this ad Transportation person uh it's going to have some sometimes where they are at a game till 10 o'clock at night this happens so Tony can cover morning routes and help with L grun make sure everybody gets on the right bus and you know whatever and then that Transportation director will come in and work with Tony and maybe you know they'll have to because Tony may still have to drive then the Suburban so but he can get it all going then he can go on that Transportation driver can come in then their hours will be a little bit flexible just because of was obviously working till 10 o' at night or whatever the night is but yep working with yes yep yes is this fairly common to have transportation director one bundle it was free job that I had to at another District it's kind of develop some efficiencies as you can imagine transportation for the activities so those shouldn't be separated with Le and transportation combined going be one person yeah and it's kind of to what David talked about the efficiencies there too much mode on one aspect or the other there no so Holly does this right now Holly's person does it both I did it with the previous District um it works nice in the fact that when you're out scheduling games with other ads whether it's middle school high school you already no days you can't do it because you don't have enough bus and drivers so you're just efficient at those meetings at least for me it made a huge difference instead of coming back and then saying hey mic I need buses for these Roes you're going who we can't go to those games we don't have buses you know and so it's just really um talking with Phil uh Katy talking to Holly too that's it's worked well for them and I know my previous experience it just seem to be more efficient I guess so yeah I think just to mention I mean this has been a conversation that Shannon's brought up for the last two years talking about what is he going to do when I retires what is this position going to look like so um I want to support him in the decision what he thinks that needed at the school and I think it's a it's a very good kind of like you said mix together yeah it's a special person no doubt right sure so hopefully we get some good applicant so whoever's watching watch our website all right any other questions oh commity sorry um 6.2 sorry we overed that we met with the community advisory Council this week and it was a good meeting um Tracy had a whole agenda I think we spent a lot of time talking about preschool the numbers um between the tods and the school and Readiness and how much staff we have and if we need to make changes to the program or not um some challenges that that you're facing at the moment um looking ahead at events coming up like the daddy daughter ball um some Christmas type craft activities that Tracy's putting on and they already filled like instantly so y have like four different sessions had filled up right away so that's awesome giving kids some positive things to do and uh winter blessed tournament basketball tourn basketball tournament switching up um having the younger kids coming on Friday night so maybe there is in point so much chaos on Saturday um but the number of teams coming was just astronomical so that's always a handful but it's always done nicely so and then looking ahead I think our next meeting she's bringing the summer at brochure so that'll be out before you know it I know I need some snow here so I think our next meeting is not until February so getting that stuff out and getting um those registrations for grel Kids Care and things like that out in advance so people have a heads up and our district did get little Flyers out um kind of giving people the heads up that those registrations are coming for next fall um because before we know it uh those dates will be here and they'll be ready um so those came out um yesterday I got it okay I just got one today was my exper in the mail so it obviously hit our whole mailing District must have aome that's a great way to promote you know people our school and thinking parents new parents get them in the district yeah the craft fair was the week before that was good the craft fa it was a good turnout I think they had like four no shows and then she had sent out like a feedback for that hadn't been not everyone had turned in yet so she was just waiting on the feedback but they um they thought it went well unfortunately was also planned at the same time as like a big craft show in Fargo so a little maybe discrepancies between some of the booths but her planning head she said just look you know at better weekends to HST it but it was pretty full I I went and the whole gym was full and the Rebel Road had a significant amount of people down so we had basketball in that morning in so like we played basketball in the gym and then went [Music] down good turn I think so just waiting to hear feedback from the vendors any questions for Britney Nicole all right very good we'll go on to 6.3 superintendent rep all right um was last Friday was with the lawyers in St Paul um a lot of that is just putting the timeline together for our next mediation so in November we're putting some things together we should be meeting in December with our architect uh and then January with her construction management uh group so just kind of getting things organized it's getting for the second round of mediation it just takes a little time but uh we're moving forward so that's why it was Friday it was productive it felt good about the direction we're moving but it was sooner and quicker all that but anyway it was good uh special ed meeting recap I just have that on there cuz we met with u principles and Lake Agy and just going through you know we're we're learning every day right um our staff is learning like okay they don't do it exactly how we did it okay we're getting better at it and now okay I get it and there's just well it's new so we're going through those challenges and adjustments but overall it's it feel like we're getting better um one thing that we discussed is trainings for our special ed Department um and so Sarah our coordinator is going to do some things with that moving forward we have those days after school in January March end of April and so they're going to be designated for special ed they're going to have those times to meet with her Lake Agy and Sarah to really work on things just slowly throughout the year and have supports and put things in place what are their highest needs um um and so just nice to hear that and so s was Will willing and meets with our staff already on a regular basis so yeah just working through the the challenges and the the new look I guess so it's good msba conference so um Brooke has asked today you have to tell her yes or no I'm king um the the two new board members they have said they were going to be able to go so that was nice to hear I think some of you have said yes we just want to make sure we have accommodation set and U so so just make sure we talk about that or if you can visit with Brooke afterwards if you know I can't go that's fine we just want to make sure we okay uh M conference uh that is Sunday night uh I'll be going to brainer I'll stay with one of my four three lovely children that live out there and then I'll go over to the conference um so it's Sunday night through Tuesday morning so I'll be back sometime Tuesday after MRA conference is does a really nice job and uh it's an opportunity for me to meet with some of them as far as lobbying ideas and then also just for the school and uh planning so they do a nice job November 25th board meeting uh this will be in the media center this is also um the night that we will have our audit presentation by I Bailey so they will present virtually so we will have a TV set up in the media center for them to do their presentation um and that one no truth and Taxation is December did I say truth and Taxation okay is that at regular time six o'clock or is that at 5 um the 25th is regular isn't it or it is five okay we have a music on the 25th and the 16th then 25th board meetings at five yes and then the 16th is the same 16th is the same board meeting and then we have to have truth and Taxation at 6: but there's also a concert that night too okay that's right yeah they both have the same thing they're just different groups different okay our first band concert it's gonna be exciting on fifth grade on the like the very first F it'll be F to ENT it will be perfect um okay so that's the November 25th no December 16th then is our truth and Taxation board meeting that is also at that same schedule we just time okay uh and that would be in the media center that is also in the media center yes yep okay um fundraising review oh from our last board meeting we talked about hey we had a couple things that I was like what the heck right we had that discussion so that's policy 713 we are going to put that policy 13 up for review and the reason is so I've already made a change to this and that the at the administrative meeting so that's all of our directors and all of our principles I meet with them once a month we will schedule that the fundraising has to be at that meeting so we peruse it go through it so the superintendent knows exactly what's going on with the fundraising and then the next board meeting is when it'll be addressed okay to be approved the reason we need to visit with policy 713 is we're talking about the months that the board is approving them they're a little bit wonky so I want the policy committee to look at it because we think we need to change the July one is for the fall and then we want to switch to October for winter and January in anyway the policy committee will look at it and it just think we need to make some adjustments to that and then when we do so these administrate administrative meetings I'll have all my people or the ad having make sure fundraisers or teachers at a fundraiser that has to be presented to the admin committee meeting or our admin meeting before it can go to the board so we've already looked at it we all know what it's talking about and I can ask questions of the directors or coaches or teachers or uh principles so then when it comes to here it's we've already kind of went through the process and don't get stuck like that was like okay so that's coming up and we'll have some more discussions obviously with the policy me but to Da this is me and my presentation that I didn't do last time remember that uh while I'm walking around and clicking and getting it ready I do want to say again that you guys already brought up kudos to Britney and the whole Elementary staff the Veterans Day program was just awesome speakers again thanks to them Nick and Kristen for speaking students that spoke it was it's just a great event uh we heard a lot of community comments afterwards thank you for doing this we really appreciate it um uh it's nice to see that our young kids get to see veterans and learn more about Veterans Day and that we celebrate it because yep it's a big deal right and so kudos to them again I gotta find my deal there we go okay um so this is oh yeah and this guy um so this is uh we talked a little bit with the budget I presented this to the budget committee now it's I guess maybe a month ago right because I was supposed to show it to everybody last time and this is just one of the things about our restricted funds or unassigned funds and what they are what's the difference and we've talked about this stuff before so this slideshow is going to talk about a policy we're going to talk about defining the unassign of what's that mean for a district what's our history of EGF and then Define restricted funds what's restricted fund history for us MSB resolution that we talked about earlier we sent off about asking for some freedom and I'll show that that we sent to them um and then potential impact of that legislation so I'll show you that and then if there is any questions you can ask so minimum sign we have a policy 714 in our district it's 10% but no more than 15% we're not there uh I'm going to share some good news though a little bit we're getting very close getting closer um to this so this is our policy right now for unrestricted funds so what are sign fund balances Minnesota schools are funded and and they are available to use for any purpose in the current or future years so it's stuff we can use for salaries well for anything really right um and so here staff salaries benefits Transportation equipment basically anything the other thing I did highlight this Athletics and I put State tours Ines because it's been a real expense for us um it's been averaging almost $50,000 a year to go at all these state tournaments and that's that comes from un assigned it's great right but it's still 50,000 so just like families when they go down PaPeRo it costs money um but the image below so this came from msba uh G Lee from msba put this together the image Clow shows what is happening with our state funds so are unassigned or they call it discretionary same concept uh have been reduced by 7% while a restricted or categorical which is what MSB calls them have in in by 5% what's staggering is for us at dgf obviously it's 12% for everybody but 12% for us is 2.4 million of a budget swing between funds it's just I mean it's when you put the numbers to you go wow so this it's kind of hard to see this but FY 23 this is to this in 66% of the funds we got from the state in 23 were on a sign and 2 5 it's 59% so that's where the 7% came from okay and then over here we got to find 23 is 32% we're restricted and now 37 so they're giving us more money in these restricted areas but okay we don't need them there we need them in the other side so in every District's different okay so you're going to see so this is just important for people to see this this what we get from the state and this what they tell us we have to do with unfortunately a higher percentage of value okay um so this is us this was taken right from the audit um from last year's audit and this just SS our fund balance and they're unassigned and are restricted this is all together but uh so this one over here I said 2024 uh if I should back up in 2022 remember we didn't do the transfer of that erer fund so we got that year you know and now we've already corrected it a little bit the following year went up and then now the end of this year our 2024 unassign fund balance is projected to be 1.2 Plus actually met with Marcus it's going to be 1.4 plus so we're moving that in a better Direction and 10% is going to be 1.9 to 2 million-ish and we're just we're getting closer we're moving in the right direction so yeah that's you know you guys yelled at me and I gotta get what's that whatever it takes yeah whatever it takes thanks for Ying me that's so good uh so then now we're going to talk about restricted funds so restricted funds obviously are restricted and then these are some categorical typee things in restricted funds in Minnesota staff development operating Capital gifted and talented safe Schools student support ltfm special ad achievement it's just this is just kind of a kind of a quick snapshot but there are some more but these are just things and you have to use the dollars then in these areas and that's that some of these restricted funds you can carry over some you can't so there's another game inside that game but just to let you know this is back to I'm using the same graph because it showed reflected everything before and our restricted funds we're getting out of whack if you would look at this um restricted our our red they were getting bigger and bigger and bigger and our hon sign was getting smaller smaller now we have a little bit more of a balance and our restricted at the end of 24 is going to be closer to around million and our on a sign to be 1.4 is so we're finally getting it back to some balance um a lot of that was just uh Marcus and I working through what was placed where and what could we move and what's allow what isn't about so there's a lot of learning going on there too but just so how we've spent money how we're managing it we're able to get it to a healthier position so anyway that's just to give you an idea where we're at with that so this is the resolution so I put there's an underlined piece and this is something we added here but when we when I presented before it was about the operating capital and ltfm dollar could we do some inter you know some internal shifting those are restricted funds but by board resolution can we please just have the freedom to move them because um every District's different and we have these needs or those needs and then if we could shift it would just really free up um dollars to really spend them on things that we need right every house is different right every situation every school is and we're independent can we be independent please so so we met with Clay con superintendent Brandon lunick and I we've been kind of going around visiting visited with Senator CC visited with Senator Johnson visited with representative Jim Julie um and so after further discussion we're thinking well if we can do that internal sh shift how about fund two and fund four fund two and fund four you cannot shift funds from fund two or fun four to the unassigned but the unassigned can bail them out if they ever go in home previous two districts had to constantly cover up fund two and fund four because they were in the hole all the time so we're taking un assigned dollars we said well what if those budgets are healthy can't we push them back you can't and this is what we're asking legislators to say buy board resolution making a local independent decision can we shift some of that by maintaining minimum fund balances still so we don't zero out an account so we'll talk and this is what we visit with them so this is the dgf example This Is Us here's our LT FM here's our operating Capital here's fun two and fun four as our projection for this year okay if you look at our ltfm we get 656 annually you go wow that's going to be great we could do a lot of work with that well we bonded here and we have a payment of 575,000 now I can't do like even some shs so it's hard to do the dollars is kind of restricting so it's like okay in 24 we had a fund balance of 6 33 we lost a little bit because we had to do some work on HVAC units and rofs and whatnot so by doing that our actual fund balance went it dropped down okay so we were there now we're here still okay we got money coming in and whatnot but we got a whole off on some rough repair potentially or HB repair or whatever and just try to Li along and make it happen because you got to be careful I don't want to spend that right um operating Capital this number right now was actually a little older than this because we had to do some things here in the last couple weeks but it's still above zero it's still okay um this is a struggle for most districts because this where you're buying a curriculum curriculum can be expensive and we've been buying some curriculum because we need those updates and so this one got hit pretty hard recently um and we we get dollars every year in this but again you start looking at our next two funds fund two food service we have an absolutely ridiculous ridiculous number there and there's there's multiple reasons we cut staff there and we're functioning more efficiently uh Shan has R many grants this Farm a school and so it's not coming out of our back pocket it's coming out of the grant we sold some equipment we've done quite a bit of things she has to really streamline now this isn't going to keep climbing like this we've kind of Tapped Out most Food Services need about 20 grand to 30 grand a year from their unassigned fund bals now un meals has changed that game a little bit we also oh the other thing I forgot to say is we do summer feeding and our summer feeding has been very good too so what we're asking is if if I don't spend this down the state's going to come and say you have too much in that fund come on we need some of that back and I and so it was meeting with the Senators and representative Jim Joy said so we have a person who's doing a great job and we have this money I'd like to shift at the fil because I got some rough Sur effects that we got to work on here and our timeline that we have in our strategic plan I have the money but I can't use it why can't I use it why can't we do as a board then make pass a resolution and say hey let's take 500,000 of it and shift it we still have 125,000 in there right fund four is healthy right now can we do fund four can fund four Help capital can fund to help Capital can we buy with great because we have the money and we're going to make these executive decisions as a board based on our strategic plan because we we have a rough schedule we have an HVAC and lights and all these other things un schedules on our ltfm plan okay what do we need and what do we have and so here was my example to all those um senators and and representatives was there are schools right now going out for an operating referendum that may not have to do that if they had freedom right isn't that crazy the school districts have some money in some of these funds but they're not allowed to use them so they got to go to the voter to say hey for operating we got to have an operating and they're going well don't you well we do but we can't use it it just seems to be can a local board have control of its funds and so that's what we're asking so we'll find out to me it makes logical sense those meetings went very well and can that get passed up and can it get passed we will so and I think that's what I talk about here is just having those things happen even with our fund balance so I talk about 714 I could transfer funds right now so the other thing that we talked about I got to remember my slides oops sorry that might have been the end the other thing though that happens here is if you're 714 so you're at policy 714s um percentage no inter transfers AKA you're healthy right if you're not healthy you can transfer the other thing we talk to them about is that we would always make sure that's the last piece here that no matter what fund that's restricted get shifted from we'll always make sure that we keep a minimum fund balance that could be set by the board like we got to keep a 5% in every fund can't go lower than that okay to do that you can say we need three months of expenses of the annual budget I mean that's again something set here we even told the senators and representatives hey if you state wants to set a number hey you got to have 5% or you got to have 3% or you got to have three months I don't care that could be part of the legislation right so we don't zero an out and next year go oh that was not really me you know you got to be careful you got to be smart with your money right and we want to put those checks and balances in there but just looking at our freedom and what that can do for us um is substantial uh and there's districts that are farther away than the from the 10% they're like two and three and 4% and they're trying to get to 10 and 12% you know it's like okay do we W wave the white flight we can't get there it's just too big left so this would free those people anyway I should probably but do we pay people out of those funds if they work in that area like fun you know Food Service do our our staff get paid out of that yes in fact so I should say this that's a good point even 5% of my salary now can come out of that food service the other thing that they did which is crazy it's not crazy it's a way that they tried to address it if you have money in the food service so fun too you can use it for tables and chairs for the cafeteria feel remember you're saying yeah so I sent to Senator cupc I said well we don't need them right now art tables chairs are great we just had a construction thing blah blah blah so in order to so I don't get the state to come take money away I'm going to buy just a boatload of chairs and tables for the cafeteria and put them in a garage or wouldn't it be nice if we can actually use them in a classroom that has old Des but but if I get audited by the Food Service you know when they audit us we get written up we get fine for that because we use misallocated fun two funds to use in a classroom and you can't do that it's just right um so that's great that we can buy tables and chairs but we don't need them so I said I'm going to build a garage just kidding but you know build the garage so we can store a bunch of stuff in boxes until we can finally use them and yet classrooms don't have the appropriate equipment it just doesn't make sense to me so they tried to throw a little bit out there like hey you could use it for this use 5% of the superintendent salary okay those are nice things that's awesome but he smokes it doesn't cut it right so yeah great question the legislator meeting this year is this this year trying to bring this forward this coming year yeah when do they start January January yep and and [Music] so legislators are they have their own committees right and so that's where they have more power more control I guess and so these people that we've met with because they're local we want to start here um he also said that if you need us to come down testify or do whatever we can do that too but um please take it to the Committees and that's what they all said they would take this information to the finance committee and so do they push it forward do they not msba has this to and is looking at it msba the L piece that we already did push they did put that that will be on their platform so that's good yeah very good thank you Shannon any other questions for Shannon all right good we'll move on to St point one this is to approve the regular meeting on October 2th 2024 do I have a motion motion by Nicole do I have a second second second by m any questions or discussions all those in favor say I I oppos motion carries on to the consent agenda 8.1 U approve the bills for November 2024 in the amount of 27243 and2 uh the treasures monthly budget report um P sent to you and then also to approve the resid of wintery care professional effected January 17 205 do I have a motion motion by Britney do I have a second second second by Nicole any questions or discussion I will say and you'll see he and I appreciate that he knows what he's going to be doing making a different plan so he's given us plenty heads up because we know we have pair of needs and so we appreciate that about him and he's done a nice job so I do want to say that very nice um and budget report looks good yeah so we have a percent there and you know what 1% is about 190 to 200,000 so yeah any other questions or discussion none all those in favor say I I oppos motion carries on to number nine unfinished business 9.1 this is a motion to approve the resolution canvasing returns of votes of school district general election uh be it resolved by the school board of school district number 2164 as follows it is hereby found determined and declared that the general ction of the voters of the district held on Tuesday November 5th 2024 was in all respects duy and legally called as specified in the abstract in Return of votes cast a total of 8,910 votes of the district were cast at set election on the election of four school board members for four-year term vacancies on the board caused by expiration of term on January first next following the general election as follows Britney ke Troy kin Reno Angela wison Matt candidates Britney Keel Troy kin Nicole Reno and Angela Olson having received the highest number of votes are elected to a fouryear term beginning January 6 20125 the school school district clerk is hereby authorized to certify the results of the election to the county aor of each County the school district is lo I have a motion motion by have a second second any questions or discussion we do roll call Nicole hi Laura hi David I Lindsay hi Amy hi M hi resolution passes all right on to 9.3 this is a for resolution authorizing the issu of certificates of election and directing school district clerk to perform other election related new whereas the board has canvased the election for school board members till November 2024 now therefore May resolve by the school board of Independent School District number 2164 as follows the chair and clerk are hereby authorized to execute certificates of election onct Cates Bry ke Troy CYO Angela ol who have have received a sufficiently large number ofs to be elected to fill on the board expiration term on January 1 next following the election based on the results of the campus the certificate of election shall be substantially the form attached here to after the time for contesting the election has passed and the candidate has filed all campaign Financial reports required by Minnesota statutes chapter 2 11a the clerk of the school Bo is hereby directed to deliver certificates to the person personally or Byer good um I have a motion so mve motion by Lind have a second second second by sorry second by Laura um any questions or discussion hearing none roll call Fredy hi Nicole hi Laura David I Lindsay hi Amy hi M resolution passes on to number 9.3 resolution to accept donations where 123 b02 subdivision 6 provides the board may receive for the benefits of the district requests donations or gifts for any proper purpose and apply the same to the purpose designated in that behalf the board may act as Trustee of any trust created benef District or for the benefit of including trusts created to provide peoples of the district with Advanced education after completion of high school and the advancement of education and whereas MN 465 any City County School District or town May accept a grant or device of real or personal property and maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor nothing he shall authorize such acceptance or use for religious or sectarian purposes and whereas every such acceptance shall be by resolution of the governing body aded by's majority of its members expressing such terms therefore be res of the school board of D and Pon Public Schools ISD gratefully accept donations from the dgf touchdown Club in the amount of $450 for rental for the football team from shield in the amount of winter clo for dgf elementary students motion by Britney do have a second second second by Nicole any questions or discussion thank you I guess to sh and T right other discussion roll call hi Nicole hi Laur David hiy hi Amy hi M resolution 94 this is to proove the noncertified contract for Chelsea Johnson Fair professional Class 2 Step One effective November 11 204 do I have a motion moved motion by second second any questions or discussion none all those favor say iOS sign motion carries 9.5 this is approve the non-certified contract for Ashley Bell's par professional class to step six effective November 21st 2024 do I have a motion motion by Nicole that a second by Laura any questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I oppos motion carries on to 9.6 this is approved non certified contractor Julie had PA professional class two step two effective November 21st 2024 do I have a motion motion by Laura do I have a second second second by Britney any questions or discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I oppos 10.1 the next board meeting is nove November 25th at 5:00 and this is at the media center um 10.2 the policies committee meeting is November uh 25th following the school board meeting at the same site Media Center uh on to number 11 this is to approve the adjournment of the regular meeting of the dgf school board do I have a motion so motion by linday do I have a second second Nicole questions or discussion all those in favor say I I I oppose motion carries meing question last