Vision commission meeting Monday March 25th approximately 6:21 p.m. Jesse Jones present Elizabeth Kola pres I Gonzalez pekovich pres Bruce Kaplan present Nico Roso present Mr chair you have cor okay let's have Pledge of Allegiance the repu it stands indivisible liberty and justice for all is is Joe on his way just for your for the commission's reference we do have a skip joining us virtually he's he's a city the attorney that works with Joe Geller Joe Geller will be joining us short also virtually welcome skip um good evening everyone okay we we know you're there thank you for going through it with us um before we get started I'd like to recognize chairwoman Council or D robal thank you for coming appreciate it um and before we get to the public comments I'd like to take a couple of minutes to sort of set the stage for tonight um I want to thank the uh the firm uh Joe um for Joe Geller for letting us reach outside in order to make our deadline so most of the language and we push for it and I think you all have it here I hope you had a chance to peruse it because if you did we can move this thing rather quickly tonight I think we have a couple of items that we'll we'll deal with open for okay so with having said that we'll open the floor to public comments uh Lou Marsa bet Garza homeless um I just wish to um really let you know real quick that um the USA Inc corporation that you are all operating under was dissolved in 2021 we are now under the restored constitutional republic so all of this that you're doing is under a dead Corporation and I'll bring that up as to I section 101 you're a corporation that is dead and in that case you have no authority to proceed with this but if you do continue and choose to I would like to have and put a stop to any approval of this for you to put in there because I did not find it I quickly perused it as I just got here today and I need to recognize you Jesse Jones it seems to be a full circle that has been 20 years that I was at the city seal uh committee that I was in it and also at the police Advisory board so it's what 20 years so I think a little bit of respect tonight for what I'm saying I need people to hear this um we need to make sure that we we outline that we do not have dual citizenship people on our uh city council and that that is reflected in our um uh Charter also I have asked for a foyer request for the per copy the personal Bond shy Bond and and other bonds for all of our city council the attorneys are refusing to give it to me and the reason they are is because they too cannot operate because they are they are part of a dead Corporation these attorneys cannot um offer advice to you legal or otherwise um I'm having here also I notice that only the city manager is required to have a bond under Section 3 um 3 uh 11 or 312 311 or 309 um if we could have everybody be required to to issue a bond I would appreciate that too and continuing um none of you are exempt from seeing with your own eyes what has been going on in City Hall which is for all intents and purposes a moneya laundering Center and I will ask each one of you since your phones do snitch on you 24/7 what has been your Patriot participation in making sure that the city of D has not been taken over by domestic enemies in particular because of the police now want to be a force multiplier instead of allowing the city of Dural to be its unique individual City they want to join with the the SWAT tanks of Sweet Water they want to put together medle to to make sure that we are invaded by people from NOS Etc now let me just make sure here any other ones and finally those flags are no longer valid those um fringes need to go because it is part of the Dead Corporation I do not understand why they've put these stretches on them after for so many years I can only assume it's some sort of symbolism because you've got the eagle facing one way and two Spears and I would hope all of you would understand that the penalty for being a traitor in the United States is death thank you thank you lore and over the 20 years your efforts Are Much appreciated thank you okay as anyone had everyone had a chance to review the minutes Madam clerk just point of clarification Mr chairman are we constituted legally Mr attorney um the public speaker apparently declar that we're operating without color of authority if not Authority without bond writing or Reason could you Aline Mr attorney just for the record in case someone is under the misapprehension that this is not a legally constituted Committee of the commission of the council rather yeah I see no reason why you're not a validly constituted uh Committee of the city commission thank you very much yeah thanks for putting that on the record I don't know what we could do about it anyway we're authorized under the charter and if there's some reason then the whole city collapses so I suggest we just move forward as if we were duly constituted Okay I accept an approval of am minuts is submitted yeah I move to to approve the minutes as presented okay I'll second seconded all in favor I call roll Madam clerk I just all well all favor I I okay okay on the discussion items I hope that you excuse me I hope that you all had a Time chance to review those if you did with no objections there are two open items um that we need to discuss tonight um if we're if we're successful tonight this will be our hopefully this will be our last meeting um if you go to um page one4 on the summary I I think we can work from that I'm going to ask you to go to item five mayor and council member compensation I want to bring that back because and i' we've I've had the I've had the attorneys provide for you the language I'd like to substitute for the uh language that we approved and and it essentially just redefines the methodology for calculating it doesn't change anything other than the method used for calculating did you pass those out yet please I'm sorry I thought we did that's all right thank you you're welcome Mr chair I apologize but I i' let the clerk know beforehand that I've got another commitment at 6:30 I'll come back as soon as I can hopefully sometime before s but I do have to leave right now okay that's I these are discussion items perhaps you'll be back by the time if there's any controversy or questions we'll look forward to having you back so this language all it does is substitute the methodology which we C which we calculate the salary it doesn't change any of the other items I'd like to bring that motion back or that language substitution back Mr chair would you be open just just a more form over substance sure Amendment okay thank you when you call for discussion yeah okay so I'd like to bring that back I don't know that we need a motion do we need a motion to bring that back okay so moved I'll move it to bring it back second I have a motion motion motion to bring back the discussion on Section forgive me yeah resolution 2405 2405 which discusses section 2.06 compensation by chair Jones and second it by member Kaplan chair Jones yes member Kaplan yes Vice chair Kola yes member Roso yes member Gonzalez pekovich yes motion passes okay okay and that did that also include the sub substitution of the language so we're done with that item correct okay thank you very much um um all right the one that you we did not discuss that was left to for the um for the attorney to craft some language was on the issue of Charter enforcement and as I've made clear from the beginning this is a very important issue with me and I pondered over this a lot lot of time and it comes to the point where I can no longer be supportive of the officer of Charter enforcement it just doesn't seem like it's going to pass I don't think it's going to be budgeted properly I don't think it's I think some of the restrictions of trying to have a perfect arise to the point where commonly said perfect is the enemy of good and I we've tried to make this thing perfect for now for 10 years long it's just not working so as at the suggestion uh um earlier on I asked for the um language for the City of Miami Beach for an office of An Inspector General to come and we've pondered that we asked the attorneys to look at it and they were going to come back in opine so I took the liberty of asking the um the attorney to craft some language for that office um we could pass this on to the city council and let them do this by ordinance by with the some of the key ingredients in here they would be required to they would be required to use um if you would take a take a couple of minutes and please read that because we um it provides it provides for the city council to establish their own ordinance but it has to um include these things and the clerk's going to pass that language out to you now ah thank you thank you we have the we just got the language Mr chair yeah well I we just got it this afternoon I apologize for that this in in summary this just eliminates the office of Charter enforcement and substitute the office of um Inspector General and the conversations with um the attorney thought that um the basic structure would be better served by having it done through ordinance subject to this particular Charter language which requires the um selection committee redefines the selection committee um it also provides for the qualifications of that committee and the um it also provides the fact that the um the council cannot appoint themselves as as that selection committee and at the same time the ad the Inspector General can be removed from that office by a 45 vote by the council so in essence the council now has free play to develop something that'll be workable for the city with the constraints that you'll read before you so take a couple of minutes and then we'll we'll start the discussion for another another key constraint uh they would be they have the the we've established under this provision that the inspector Jo himself does not have to be a full-time City employee and in fact can be retained as an indiv as an individual or through a firm so we're giving the city council I think everything they need to put something in here that'll make it workable Mr chairman are you taking questions yet excuse me you taking questions yet well any has everybody had a chance to read it yeah okay now let's open it for discussion now Bruce thank thank you Mr chairman um having created the Inspector General at the county many many years ago um along with Jeb Bush at the time who was kind enough to come down from Tallahassee and help me craft it and was unanimously passed there's now an entire infrastructure on large infrastructure actually with refined subpoena power investigatory prowess uh and a very good working relationship with both state and federal prosecutors um why the office of the of the charter um adherence committee if you will um made sense in in light of of adhering to the Charter in this regard why a why do you feel that the city itself needs an inspector General apart from that infrastructure already provided by the county and second of all where do you propose that this would be funded from this requires even if it's on a contractual basis or a negotiated basis or an independent outside firm which raises questions in it of itself in terms of authority um to issue subpoenas and to enforce um along with subpoenas and along with with referral power um you're delving into criminal law which which probably almost necessitates that they be um Municipal County or or or governmental employees so where would it be funded and why not use the county well well let me just start with a different vo the where I ended up on this was I left in my own mind we had three choices one do nothing leave the office of Charter enforcement in place number two try to fix it and number three come up with an inspector General so then the other one obviously is to just eliminate it completely you know so those are the those are the things that I considered and asking the uh the attorneys to craft this language I thought that they were trying to uh let's say bifurcate the issue of doing nothing trying to fix something or this was the Compromise in the in in between if you assume that the original intent of the office of char enforcement was to give some direct one-on-one uh relationship between the residents and their own Inspector General versus the counties or all the other remedies that we have excuse me all the other remedies that we have in place to use the existing facilities that are out there so I thought this would be you know the best government is local so that's how I ended up with this one I thought that if we had our own Inspector General like the city of Miami Beach is doing it just brings that decision closer to the voters that's why I ended up here but that's why I'm opening for discussion I think you have um I don't I don't think we should uh even consider trying to fix the office of Charter enforcement we'll be here for a month I agree no no entirely I appreciate the the effort Mr CH there there are a couple of really distinguishing factors between the city of Miami Beach and and the City of Dural um and and one of the things I know that they grappled with in in crafting the Inspector General is incest um local isn't always best when you're investigating your own um for one um and any Police Department with an internal affairs apparatus or professional compliance Bureau whatever the the moniker is um always grapples with that um because of sometimes uh old grudges or old allegiances and the county already has a very well established apparatus it could be that we require that the city form a pact or enter into an agreement specifically requiring that the county and paying the county to establish to establish an office of the Dural uh sub Inspector General some they have the apparatus they have a well oiled system um they don't always get it right but they get it right more often than not and it seems perhaps duplicative and I'd rather put the money um back into the police department and and and put it back on the street or put it into specialized bureaus uh within our excellent police department and and rather than um take folks that are charged with protecting the citizenry and have them begin to to inspect public corruption which is basically what we're looking at this really let's call it what it is they're looking at public corruption the AL is misses well just a comment I I don't have a a problem with most of what you said but I the thing that I have the original intent of the office of Charter enforcement was to remove that position or put create that position where they were not beholding of their job to elected officials that was the intent yeah so having said that if you move that if you push that back where it ends up in your Police Department they're all dependent on you know the elected officials so I would uh ask what would you what would you what would you recommend I mean because I I'm open to whatever anything that works M Mr chairman I fully agree with what you're trying to do I mean I think we really do need to take a real long hard look at the way this government operates or doesn't depending on on what the case may but but I I think that we can get the same bang for the buck if you will by entering into an agreement with and specifically requiring that the county dedicate a deputy Inspector General or something of of the kind to the city of Dural just as we contract out uh things like air support uh specialized units homicide um the county unfortunately has punted uh public uh white collar crime back to the city of Durell we now have to form a white collar crime unit within the city fortunately we have some excellent former Federal um officers that are that are on the job right now and dur we can do that I'm not sure what we have in terms of Inspector General and going out and starting why reinvent the wheel that that's my only question just well let me ask you a question then would you um without regard to trying to separate this line by line is there a place in this where you would um want to add some language that um directed the city council to work to work out some a program with the to enter into to enter into a contract um subject to four fifths vote super majority would have you with the County's office of Inspector General which shall designate a Deputy Inspector General specifically for the city of deral using all the facilities and the and the coutant of the office to um to carry out their duties I think that would give us the best bang for the book so in summary you would um not want a local office I excuse me um Inspector General but you would want to require the city to and start a program with the Count's Inspector General a dedicated Deputy Inspector General for the city of Durell takes advantage of everything that they have already in that office they've been at it for 20 some odd years now yeah and I think they have it right rather than spooling it up here and perhaps taking away from other investigative um assets that can be directed to protecting us um in Dural or further funding our excellent Police Department I think I Jesse I I just I just think that maybe the county could do it better than we can right now perhaps in the future when d is three times the size it is and and hopefully it will be that next week next week we started next stuff absolutely but um I'm I'm not sure we we we can local isn't always better well um let me hear from someone else I've got some comments yeah um so my my thought on this issue is I I feel like delegating this or asking to collaborate with the county to sort of fill this particular role I think is incredibly risky I think it's super ambiguous how it would actually work out um I don't know if they're doing this for other cities as well and and I'm certain that the county is is incredibly confident but I mean even in my own dealings with some of these offices sometimes you don't even get calls back I mean I know I'm I'm oversimplifying what some of these issues are but I think Bruce you're in theory what you're saying makes a lot of sense um you know if the county already has a me mechanism and an infrastructure to do this why not enter into some type of an agreement with them where we can use those Services um you know and it benefits the city but I think in in practicality like there's so much red tape around actually making this happen that this could just end up being another version of an unsuccessful um Charter Enforcement office that's number one number two I think that the voters did vote for this and they wanted it so they did want something internal um even though we have not successfully uh accomplished I think what was intended I think the voters did want it and so uh I think we can't just scrap the charter Enforcement office I think the voters have already spoken in the past that they did want something of this nature stepping apart from the fact that I think there's a lot of value in as well but that's my personal opinion I just think that it's incredibly risky and um and gray how it would would work out with the county and like why would we be any different um by comparison to all the other cities and I think that there's a lot to be said about centralizing this within the city of Dalal I think the the person that is tasked with this this Inspector General or whatnot under what we're contemplating right now I think there's a lot of value in them understanding specific as to Dural in in carrying out the job so I'm not a fan of like puning it to to the county for those reasons and I do think the residents want this I personally I I was okay with scrapping the charter enforcement language because we went around so much like how can we do this in a way that it works um but it was all I I agreed with it because we did discuss the concept of the Inspector General and sort of supplementing it whether it comes from us or whether it comes from the council I just think whatever we do should create an obligation that this exists in in whatever form so that's my push back Elizabeth comments chair may I resp yeah um will you hold it and let's here that way we can wrap it all up at once no problem okay elizabe thank you um I agree with the IET but uh especially because because of what you said Bruce the fact that we are a smaller City but we are going to grow I think this is the moment to have our own office of Inspector General and let it grow with the city I think it's the the best opportunity that we have we do have the charter enforcement officer for many many years and we tried we tried we tried and there was a reason for that so I I do believe that this is the best option at this time and again I think it's the time to let it grow with our city so I will be supportive of this thank you Nicole so um I would agree with Bruce having the county with more history and organization in having a IG office that is successful in investigating matters I think what has happened is yes the voters did vote for an office of Charter enforcement but I think what the voters really wanted was a method for the charter to be enforced not so much the office because if the office hasn't been successful over the course of these years and we're deciding now whether to keep that office or not we're still not it's not that we're ignoring the fact that the charter needs to be enforced we're just figuring out a different method to do so so because the method that has been voted on in the past has not been successful so Bruce is introducing a form of being able to enforce the chter through an entity that the county has that wouldn't be so much a burden financially on us as taxpayers to do so perhaps there may be some type of financial implication later that will have to be worked out with the county but I'm pretty sure it's probably going to be less than what we're paying for for an unsuccessful office so I agree with Bruce having the opportunity for Miami D County to potentially be the form of enforcing our Charter we also take away any opportunity or disadvantage of having I don't personally like the idea of having a council mayor pick who's going to be part of that Charter Enforcement office um members to picking who that person is going to essentially be investigating matters of the charter I think there's there could be some type of entanglement or some type of bias and I would I think the best way to avoid that is having the county deal with it so safety net of our Charter truefully being enforced without any bias of our city I think the best way to do it would be through a county effort but I also would suggest um eliminating section 2.07 first and then opening the opportunity of having Miami day County being our Charter enforcement Bruce you want to respond now yes the thank you Mr chairman uh there are interlocal agreements entered into with the county on on on a plethora of of things um to have a dedicated uh Inspector General exclusively for the city of Dural um is kind of The Best of Both Worlds in my opinion first it is hyper local and hyperfocused nonetheless it takes in the entire um gamut of everything that the office at the county can offer our first Inspector General of the county was the special agent in charge of the FBI pc1 or PC2 group um and was there for 10 12 years and did an amazing job in standing the office up and actually um made referrals both to the state attorney's office as well as to the United States Attorney and very successfully were able to either root out um malfeas misfeasance corruption what have you um and going beyond that violations of Charter provisions and other very hyper local issues which we can instruct or the council can instruct the attorney to craft in whatever the interlocal agreement with the county turns out to be at the same time frees up all kinds of resources for our excellent Police Department to do their job um which is protecting us and and i' rather see those resources deployed on the street rather than noodling around City Hall investigating our own thank you Mr chairman okay thank you Pardon Me I'm having severe sinus issue here um I'd like to comment on it I I um have postured myself or constantly I'm office of Charter enforcement faction a and I pondered all those OP all these options so I'm going to be supportive of what the language that we have here I'd be um I would i' probably think that that that that office would created if I were that officer I would immediately move to the ask for the County's assistance on things as well and that that were already paying for at the the County taxes we're already paying for that and I I like the idea of as having an inspector General local all right because I think the the my my um my conviction that we need this type of a of a mandate be local as even though I I've abandoned the office of Charter enforcement because it's not workable I think this is workable I really do so um if there's any further discussion accept the motion to accept the language is submitted I'll motion it a second second okay any further discussion motion Madam clerk the motion the motion is to accept the uh language requested under Section 2.07 requested by chair Jones as circulated today which included the inspector General's selection all right we're not we're not voting on the um on the resolution per se we're voting on just replacing the language in 2.07 correct correct okay well I I want to make sure the motion is clear that we're establishing or that we're we're getting rid of the office of Charter enforcement and you're you're clear with that we can do that when we vote on the actual resolution okay yeah okay all right so we're not we're not voting on The Resolution not at this time this will just be to accept the language that you presented yes for Section 2.07 okay and then what's next then what we now we have to then we wrote in a res so if this ceases discussion on the two additional items that you proposed yeah then now we can go in order with all the resolutions that are attached yeah okay and vote on those Mr chairman before we do I have I just have an addendum and and maybe it's just an idea rather than complicate by adding more stuff um much in the way of a deposition um perhaps we can have a the ability to have irata if you will um things that we haven't included in our discussions thus far but perhaps things that we want to pass on to the council to ponder as coming from this committee um and and asking them to maybe take a deeper dive into some areas that we we haven't included there are a number of things that we could have should have would have done had there been more time but perhaps in just very short form irada pass along any number of of know I have to tell you this is kind of what I had instructed the attorney I'm hoping this language permits that it permits that to council they they can not the specific item I'm talking at the end of the entire package that we that we offer a series of irata items to go on to the if I may um so for the last Charter revision commission that's exactly what happened there was a letter of transmission that was passed on to the council which included everything that was approved plus some additional items that the commission did not get a chance to but just felt that it needed to be transmitted to council for council's I think that works perfectly so we could do that if you if you all wish we could do that at the end and we could just jot those downs and those be we don't need a motion for that do okay thank you I want to ask a question I'm hoping that the language that we're talking about here now on 2.07 provides the city council with almost complete latitude to develop their own processes and procedures because all we're requiring them to do is to um set a a committee a selecting committee to hire them and then they have to if they want to change it it takes they can they can change it or they can remove him by four fist votes at the council level we're really I'm thinking we're really empowering them and we're only requiring them to have certain things in here Jesse stood out to me on this language was exactly that like it seemed like yeah that particular language is necessary in order to avoid like an office of Charter enforcement 2.0 exactly where they have more latitude um you know to kind of deal with the practicality of carrying this out but it but the concept of an like a charter oversight is is in you know it's part of our Charter and it can't be undone you know absent Mr chair the voters voted on it and voters vote Yes and they vote no and and every two or four years they have the ability to change their minds both in terms of elected officials as well as the language of any sort of proposals that go out in the form of referenda what I would say is that Evette has has clearly asked that the concept of the charter review always be foremost in the mind of of whomever or what whatever the Inspector General um becomes why would say Mr chairman and and I I'm being presumptuous maybe in speaking on behalf of some of the Committees and there are a lot of committees that that the council has put forth none of them seem to ever meet on time most of them can never get a quarum there are developers that are willing to invest Millions tens of millions of dollars in the city of Dural that because of various committees that don't meet or should meet or some of the requirements that are just Arcane or downright stupid um uh and and because everybody here are neighbors and friends and we're very differential to one another as we should be yeah um these committees hold up developments that are worth tens of millions of dollars in business for our city because we can't get a quorum on something like artwork like um you know the flow of water through the sewer system uh you know the content of feal I mean whatever it is um we can't get committees together to make the business of government work like a business so I would say I'd always be cautious maybe from a Libertarian point of view Mr chairman that we kind of look at eliminating committees as often as possible because they just don't work local government is local but boy it comes to a point where it just doesn't work well if you recall when we were discussing the various aspects of how committees are formed etc etc it's one of the things that I I brought up do we want to establish criteria for the effectiveness I would and I finally came to terms of myself I would hope that the elected officials would start all these committees that they're are that they're that they're that they're forming someplace along the way they should have to go back and and assess it which ones are being effective and which ones aren't and when they can't get a quorum put some rules from in the from on theirselves I don't think that should be in the charter we have our elected official should uh use these boards as a tool rather than just a a way of making people feel good and not showing up and we know we've all been there I've served on them and probably so is everybody else so I would hope that the elected officials would start taking a a hard look at the uh committees that are being effective and are truly uh complimentary to what we're trying to get done we're not doing anything they should just get rid of them I would hope that would be something we pass on in that letter oh I I I know a number of our colleagues are going to be on the ballot and um council member cabal is here and and and we're going to see a lot of our colleagues here running for for great things as as as so Jesse you should really run really but but I think the last thing we ought to be doing is creating more committees and more all right well we got a motion on the floor with a second I have a motion to um agree with the proposed language for Section 2.07 made by board member Gonzalez pekovich and seconded by Vice chair canola board member Gonzales pekovich yes Vice chair canola yes member Roso no member Kaplan yes chair Jones yes motion pass all right that was just to include the language correct we're gonna vote on that after package right we're gonna vote on that well let me if we what I'd like to do even though I know we got a a list but can we just close this one out so we not to bring it back again can we vote on that language right now sure okay I'll move that we accept the language I will read it let me read the resolution until the record okay please that way we know which one it is bear with me one second where in the packages of mam oh it's the thick one it's resolution 24-3 here a resolution of the city of Dal Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of D Florida eliminating the office of Charter enforcement and replacing it with an office of Inspector General providing for the City attorney to Reber and relet articles and sections in order to conform with the Amendments of the charter providing for stability and providing for an effective date I'll move it the last one I apologize the last one in the package give me one second yeah I'm sorry I will read it again it's 24-10 it was read correctly into the record 24-10 apologies this is the last one in the package no was this we could follow you yes no worries sorry 24-10 it was read correctly into the record was there a motion on that I moved it with the changes as as with the changes as provid it all right um I've got a Mr chair before we vote point of personal privilege what what happens to the committee um that was established for the hiring of the uh code enforce or the charter enforcement officer and um all of the money and the other things that have been spent on Advertising selecting going through HR and and trying to well to answer your question this has to be approved by the voters until that happens nothing changes so all right so the budget stays in place until they voted up that all right okay um to that effect are um terrible thing that they wasted their time okay now do we want to vote on these one by one or can we vote on them as a package one by one if you'd like well let me ask the question we got how many pages here 40 I I I suggest that we go through each one of these resolutions one by one I would seriously object to going through this as a package Mr chair particularly since we've canceled the last two meetings and this miraculously appeared as a package in Toto um in in the last I have no problem with it I'm I'm comfortable with with the language as we go through um if You' like as as an accommodation to the chair if you want we've taken this out of order but can I can I quick point of clarification on what we just dealt with are we still going to have language that does away with the charter enforcement um we have to right because if not it would be okay I just wanted to clarify well that motion gets rid of it okay so the the resolution would have it's a proposed amendment to the Charter eliminating the office of Charter enforcement and replacing it with an office of Inspector General got it yeah yes and I have a motion by chair Jones and a seconded by Vice chair canchola would you like for me to call the RO discussion on the question Mr chair uh I would just incorporate by reference reiterate my opposition and believe that the county should indeed be the operator of any form of Inspector General on behalf of the city of der yeah I would hope that they would they would reach out anyway that's what I'm hoping Madame Clark call R please chair Jones yes Vice chair Kola yes member Roso no member kapan no member Gonzalez pekovich yes motion passes okay all right now we're going to start with resolution 24-1 that makes sense I'll read it into the record Mr chair resolution of the city draw Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of draw Florida qualifying the form of government to reflect Council manager former government instead of mayor council manager former government providing for City attorney to rumber and Rel letter articles in the sections in order to conform the amendments to the Charter providing for stability and providing for an effective date yes now this is not the ballot language you're approving now this is the resolution okay I'll move to accept at what point does the ballot language get drafted it's included in the resolution it's on page two of the resolution the ballot question and the ballot language page two of four right okay discussion on the question Mr chair please okay reiterating and I know we we discussed it at length and in Elizabeth's Point um points were well taken um in terms of looking at um very cities contiguous or elsewhere in the county or in the state um I don't think we can ignore the fact that we have a mayor some of you all here may become the mayor at one point and you're certainly going to want to be recognized as a mayor and a counsel and a manager form of government until unless there's a strong mayor form of government um which may lead to accountability may not I guess depends on who it is and and where we are in in the State of Affairs nationally but I think Mr chair that I I would recommend that we recognize that we do indeed have a mayor that is indeed separately elected and has a position to fill and um and duties that are separate and apart from any of the council members and therefore to deny the existence of a mayor I think really um deprives uh anyone looking at the city of Dural for a place to live or do business in um would not know to go to a mayor for either ceremonial or business or other official purposes that the mayor is is charged with doing thank you Mr chairman okay Mr chair please I also Echo the comments of um Bruce I did not agree to this change when it was uh first voted on I think there are things that the mayor does that are different than the council members I think that there is pro procedure ceremonial differences with what the mayor does and I again I will not be voting for this well this was a motion from Elizabeth Elizabeth yeah may I um first of all I would like to State Bruce no one is denying that we have a mayor I think uh that the resolution and the wording is clear in the sense that it says it reads clarify the form of government and one of the most important things to me of our city is that we have a council manager City why because I think that to defend democracy in this city we have five voices five equal voices we do have a mayor we do have four council member but all of their votes are weighted the same and our form of government is a council manager government and this is just what the resolution is saying what the wording is saying clarify form of government there's nothing more than that any further comments move make any motion accept like accept to sub yeah second yes okay any further discussion Madam clerk call the rooll I have a motion to approve ordinance number 20241 made by Vice chair Kola and seconded by board member pekovich Vice chair Kola yes board member pekovich yes board member Roso no board member Kaplan no chair Johnson yes motion passes okay read 2402 Madam Clark one second one second Mr chair I apologize CRC resolution 242 a resolution of the city of Dr Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of City J Florida revising the process for creating standing special and ad hoc committees to provide the creation of and the appointment of members to sub committees by the city council and seted by the mayor providing for the City attorney to Reber and Rel letter articles in section in order to conform the amendments to the Charter providing for cability and providing for an effective date discussion you have any opposition to this there's no opposition I'll move it I'll second second yeah any further discussion Madam clerk call motion to motion to approve by chair Jones and seconded by member Gonzalez pekovich chair Jones yes member Gonzales pekovich yes Vice chair Kola yes member aroso no member kapan no motion passes okay 2403 Madam Clark what was that to 2403 y CRC resolution 243 a city a resolution of the city of D Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of D Florida providing that no official action or position may be taken by the mayor on behalf of the city and his or her dealings with other governmental entities except as authorized by the city council providing for the City attorney to Reber and relet articles and sections in order to conform the Amendments of the charter providing for cability and providing for an effective date discussion on the question Mr chair yeah is there opposition here I'm sorry I didn't hear you I'm sorry discussion on the question please Mr chair discussion go okay thank you Mr chairman Mr chairman there are special and specific authorities granted to the mayor in addition to being a separately elected position um and for the mayor to need to seek the authorization of a divided often divided city council um for any and every public official act that normally he or she would take as a matter of course as the elected mayor of the city of Dural Elizabeth there there yes there are five votes on the council without a doubt but that's one element of the function of an elected official there's also an Administration there are public events and Affairs intergovernmental Affairs as well as International Affairs this being an international Hub and and I think that's where you're going in terms of the development of the city and I hope that we really see that that we get away from being the fraud capital of of the count of the country to becoming the business capital of the country and um but but in in in that regard it seems that to have the mayor seek approval of the council for every action that he or she seek is just cumbersome unwieldly and politicizes what may be in other in in any other world a ministerial function and there is a ministerial function attributed to an elected mayor yeah I I wouldn't I would hope that would be just the opposite there I think what this says is that for me I don't think this requires her to get authorization she just knows the difference between or he knows the difference between what's ceremonial and what's official business and who's going to make that determination we we have we've had a we have an interim City attorney in this case Mr Geller is an incredible City attorney um who can read us the history on every element of State Statute as well as city ordinance or resolution that hasn't always been the case and it may not be the case in the future so who is to ascribe ceremonial ministerial administrative official um authorized unauthorized needs to be presented doesn't need to be presented and what happens if the mayor in his or her discretion goes and the mayor of shall we say because they are considering it I can speak with somewhat good authority the mayor of Santa Cruz Bolivia wants to come and open an office here in Dural Florida well Santa Cruz is a city of three million people the mayor of Santa Cruz happens to want to speak to the mayor of Dural and offer up his his um uh people's best wishes and open office here to promote trade um so must the mayor seek the permission of the council to meet with the mayor of Santa Cruz deiv I don't think this I don't think but then who decides it there's no mechanism here other than there there's an effort here if you look at this sequentially um to strip the mayor of whatever monom of nonong May power or or official color that there ever was see I don't see anything here using your example I don't see anything here that would prevent prevent the mayor from doing that based on a see and what happens what happens if the mayor proceeds and does something and and somehow it's found to be contrary to this Charter language most electors are going to go to the ballot and box and they are not going to understand a word of what's written here I'm a lawyer practic practicing for over three decades and I don't know what the hell we're reading here so um I I think that I can just imagine how how um how hard it's going to be for the electors to figure out what it is as well as for any City attorney respective City attorney perhaps other than someone of Mr Geller's distinguished record that um could even interpret this well let me ask you this what happened if that same person uh went up to any council member and said the same thing what's the difference well they can't unilaterally that's why there's a mayor who's elected then there's a council member that's part of a collective there well but all of them need authorization if they want if they want to do something that they have to have the council has to vote the same same exception you're pointing out applies to all five of them I think we we we we had the Good Fortune um of having a good friend of ours have a three- term run as mayor and we now have an excellent mayor yeah um having come from a wonderful term at the school board so we've had the benefit of having serly excellent Mayors we may not have such great Mayors we may have better Mayors but I think that whomever it is um because there's the ability to vote them out of office they should at least be given the ability to engage in in in the accutrans in the rights and privileges of their office yeah I I believe uh Bruce that you are misinterpreting the the reading and I I do agree with you that it might be a difficult wording for the for this ballot question but if we go to the exhibit a and we read what is actually in the charter I am going to repeat no one is trying to strip anyone from anything and yes I agree with you we have had four wonderful Mayors hopefully we will continue to have good Majors we hopefully we will be wise in electing our or council member and our Mayors in the future but we are a city that is growing and again please let's not forget that the majority of the residents in our city come from a country where they elected democratically the authoritarian regime that they have so what we are trying to do what I am trying to do here right now is to keep the five votes that make our city so wonderful the five voices because you might not agree with my voice but you might agree with Nico's or with iets and that's what happens in our Council so again if we go to exhibit a you can read that on number three numeral three the major be recognized as head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes for purposes of military law and for service of process numeral four is the one that we're changing and we're not changing it we are just clarifying the fact that any action taken by any person from this Council needs to have the approval of the council in this case we are speaking about the mayor because that's what this particular section 202 this that's what it speaks about the mayor that's the only reason yes but the mayor is not a city council member the mayor is the mayor but we're speaking about the section so section 202 speaks about mayor and vice mayor and all these numerals here speak about the mayor so what we are doing clarifying just that numero Well here here's a fun fact um I I think it's very dangerous to conflate electors from residents um agree statistically um the city of Dural and this is really crazy the city of Dural has one of the highest unemployment rates in the entire County census tracked by census tract conversely it has amongst the highest income of the entire County census tract by census tract now that distinguishes that does not distinguish between electors and residents our electors in this city are very different than the majority of the residents elected officials are responsible for every resident however if we're looking at electors we can't say that yes they came from a place where they got the government that they voted for whether by force or by by by by other means um and I've worked in every country in Latin America and South Central America other than Diana and I can tell you that you get the government that you vote for but that's not Dural this United States of America and we have a long history of democratic democratic form of govern starting to pontificate not but I think that this we're going down the slippery slope of Communism right here you don't want me tell you out order to please don't put me in that position but I will what we're talking about all this language you've been talking about has nothing half it does nothing to do except make a case for something that's not before us we're here to vote on the language in here and I'm asking for comments destructions because if you had an opposition I'd like to hear them but I'd like it to be within the content out here we're talking about South America North America and all points responding to Elizabeth I'm saying I'm I'm I'm saying to both of you the same thing the language L the the we have a we have an issue here we're talking about voting on on the language or a resolution so is there any Mr chair I have a comment please I'd like to hear I also have an issue as to how this would be essentially refereed throughout the course of its uh time if it is to be approved um I do know that the mayor is the face of the city procedurally and how everyone else in any City would interpret to have some type of special position with within the city special decision making rights within the city as a mayor and I also see this as we're potentially setting up a political play for the future as as depending on the political tide in which this am Amendment may be used it could be used against the mayor and we really could be setting up an IG office full of Investigations depending on again the political tied in which this could be used so I see the refereeing of this being an issue of how it's going to be used is I understand the intentions of this committee but the intentions of this committee may not be the actions of a future Council so this is something else I wouldn't vote for thank you is there any we're living that right now yeah any further discussion it's happened before in real time yeah okay motion to accept the submitted yeah second you're moving or okay I'll I you moved it I moved it she seconded any further discussion Madam clerk call the r motion to approve made by chair Jones second by Vice chair canola chair Jones yes Vice chair canola member Ros no member Kaplan no member Gonzalez pekovich yes motion passes okay 24 2404 M clerk reading of the record I'm getting there sir give me two seconds resolution 244 resolution of the city of D Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of D Florida requiring an individual who has served two terms as mayor to take a 4-year break in service prior to seeking the position of council member providing for the City attorney to Reber and relat articles and sections in order to confirm the amendments to the Charter providing for cability and providing for an effective date any discussion on the resolution Mr chairman have you recognized please thank you um Mi Mr chairman um in our discussion as this was was confected we we discussed that this was to allow for a broader representation or or something of that nature by folks that would want to sit on the council and then run for mayor but that someone who is mayor shouldn't have the ability to then run for councel because it would perpetuate power but we're we're we're we're making everywhere else a distinction that there's a mayor and there are councilmen or Council women I'm sorry and that um so if we're going to make that distinction elsewhere um this is an animal farm everyone isn't equal there is a mayor and there are council members and it it just seems that if you can take the elevator up you should be able to take the elevator down there if if there is a difference indeed between a council member and a mayor why not allow the mayor to run and get elected in or out it could be the end of a political career people have to weigh their legacies very carefully if you're the mayor and you run for counsel and you lose that's pretty much the end of your political career well so I think that it it the the the system the ecosystem pretty much takes care of itself and it just seems that it's probably unconstitutional actually um to to limit this particularly given the discussion up till now for items 241 242 and 243 wherein there has been this this tremendous um um conflation of of we're all equal um but here all of a sudden everybody is separate and shouldn't have the opportunity um to rise or fall so I would I would move that I I would move against this Mr chairman well are you making a motion or you would want to open another discussion I'd like to make a comment on that it was just the opposite as a matter of fact there was public comments this was intended for example if you'd had somebody running for the for the council and they served eight years now they go to Mayor they can serve another eight years now they can come back again and you talk 30 years that was what we were trying to prevent and comments were made from the public about the same thing about public because that's what you're setting up that's the reason we bifurcated we're assuming to some degree that anybody who's gone through the through the process and elected mayor the CH that chances are they've already got eight years in plus possibly another eight years as a mayor so that was what the whole intent of this was it wasn't but the converse then is possible so you well yeah but but but you see but if if but all we're asking they set out a term we're not preventing him from doing it just set out a term that's what this does um Bruce the converse isn't the same if and my recollection of this discussion was that um originally the thought process is you do eight years and that's it whether going up down or anything and then I remember that we let into a discussion about well well isn't there a value in having a council member serve eight years and then immediately you know why should they have to sit out they gathered all this knowledge so then there was discussion about going back and saying all right well going up meaning you do your ear as Council and going up to Mayor seemed like you know it's a weighing and balancing right like there's some setback that you have the same person in office for so long but there's a value of the fact that they've served on Council now ready to be mayor but the converse is not necessarily true if a mayor has already served as mayor for8 years maybe they've even served for Council for eight years for them to then go back to serving as a council member downward I remember the reason why I supported this specifically was because I I think you need to give an opportunity for like the Next Generation or the next or for others really to take that spot so it was a weighing and balancing of saying okay you have a council member that serves eight years if you make them break you kind of lose the value of all the experience they've learned so going up it's okay but but going down it it's it's almost like you're just allowing the same people you know to stay in place just for the sake of staying in place you're assuming they're going to get reelect they're going to get elected Council I think they make an awesome and someone's been may make an awesome council member but aside from that you're assuming they're going to get also kind of like obviously you know that there as an incumbent there's always a value in running for office and so you know maybe they will get elected I mean for me the reason why I was supporting this is because I do like the idea of giving others an opportunity to serve and so you stop it you know after the eight years and then switch it out and if that person wants to run for mayor amazing but if they don't then they need to take a break before they come back but the only constraint is the mayor after serving eight years has to wait to another term you're not preventing them from running for anything again they just got to S out a term which is what the current current charer deals with and I think that goes to the constitutionality argument as well nobody's preventing them froming office I think we need to make right line distinction of whether whether there are different offices are is there is there a Nicole has a floor is there is there a mayor and is there a council member or are they all the same Bruce recognize Nicole I'm sorry Nicole it's okay okay so I I see the four years that we're trying to pass as essentially a cool down period before the next person or a repeat of the same person can come down from being mayor to councel so I don't see this as preventing anybody from running um and therefore because the argument that we're trying to make is to give a other people the chance of running if 10 people want to run for a position 10 people can run I mean there's really no way of of limiting who can come back to do a position or not and just implementing a cool down period of four years I don't I don't see us again stopping somebody from entering a race we're just delaying it so I don't think it's justifiable to delay somebody's wanting of still serving in government whether it's going up or coming down from a position again making a clarification that there is a difference between Council and mayor so um I will not be supportive of this item either Mr chair there are sometimes vacancies and there are some God awful candidates that present themselves where they the least indicated and Elizabeth you know there are some really horrible they may be our neighbors they may be our friends they may want to be an official they may want to run around with a badge and and and and be something but boy they have no business in government okay any further discussion do we have a motion to approve no we have a motion don't a motion to approve second second second second Madam C call the r have motion to approve made by member Gonzalez pekovich May seconded by Vice chair canola member gonzale pekovich yes Vice chair canola yes member kin no member aroso no chair Jones yes Mo pass okay 45 we already did this one 2405 yeah 2405 because we brought that item [Music] back uh I thought we did this one already didn't we already we didn't we so you voted I just asked her yes so what you did was you you provided a revised version of it okay and that was you were you basically voted to bring it back for discussion so now what's going to get read until the record it's going to be that new resolution that you brought back for an actual vote I'll I'll pass okay thank you chair recognizes Jesse okay argument i' I'd like to make a a motion that we accept that a 2405 with a revised with a revised language supplied by the city city attorney can I read it into the record Mr chair please so I have CRC resolution 24-5 a resolution of the city of Dalal Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of deral Florida capping the mayor's compensation at the current salary and providing the council member compensation shall be adjusted and capped at 30% less than the mayor's current salary and eliminating any future increases to compensation including CPI adjustments providing for the City attorney to rumber and relet articles and sections in order to conform the amendments to the Charter providing for cability and providing for an effective date okay discussion on on the on the motion on the item rather anybody I do okay Nicole I'll just restate some previous comments that I made um elective officials should be taking up this position to represent the best interest of our residents and in advancing a common good and I believe by raising the compensation we risk attracting individuals motivated by personal gain rather than a sense of Duty to serve so once again I will be voting no thank you any other discussion you already moved it sir Mo moved I second um and I believe um Mr Jones has a further amendment to defer this until the attorney um is present to fine-tune the language is that correct your mic let me say that um because of the situation we ran into with the attorneys not being available and we're rushing some things like that excuse me he's the skip Miller's on the line if you guys need him yeah I know but I'm not talking on in general I I was going to ask the um the commission if they would be willing to let me sit down in a review meeting with the attorney and take any of the reviews is you want as long as we didn't change the we wouldn't change the content or anything else I'm not saying we're going to change anything but I think there needs to be a final review and abset that we're going to have to come back for another final review meeting if there is any changes so so motion to defer to one more meeting prior to April 1 no no no no I want to vote on this one here and and we'll deal why you'll give me the note okay and and I'll I'll if when I meet with the attorney I'll have them put that word in there that current then the what was the word you wanted in there okay m m Mr chair U my my initial reluctance on on on on this was the percentage of the mayor's um salary being attributed to the council member that was dispensed with so I would just say that if we're going to go forward with this that it would be 70% of the then salary however it would be worded by the attorney of the mayor it's subject to change salaries can go up salaries can go down the council needs to kind of be Parry passu with with the with whatever the meil salary might be at the time well if assuming if this passes that'll free that's when the everything stops so there won't be any other increases except through the charter right but this the mayor's salary may may vary at at any other given time May and council member compensation um yeah pretty much free any increases Bruce and and if that's adopted it becomes effective immediately so whatever is there there that's what it'll be okay okay okay do you want to move it I moved it I think I moved seconded all those in favor so5 say I call call a roll so I have a question are you moving to approve it as it is are you moving to amend to approve it amended how how are we we're moving it as is as is as is okay so I have a motion to approve as presented May by chair Jones seconded by member Kaplan chair Jones yes member Kaplan yes Vice chair Kola yes member Roso no uh member Gonzalez pekovich no motion passes okay 2406 one second Mr chair moving too fast for me did you did you give me the G back yeah I pass the gal Mr trums thank you Mr chairman thank you it was fun see CRC resolution 24-6 a resolution of the city of D Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of dado Florida providing that the selection of the city manager is not by the mayor but instead perform in the same manner as a City attorney and city clerk wherein the city council selects a city manager following the participation and recommendation of a search committee providing for the City attorney to Reber and Rel letter articles and sections in order to conform with the Amendments of the charter providing for of ability and providing for an effective date open for discussion M Mr ch Madam clerk where is the city attorney I'm sorry the the city manager I don't believe the city manager um is here the interim city manager I should say the interim city manager any further discussion were there any comments from the the interim city manager has a long record of of public service and coming from serving with with Alena Taha Hudak on the beach who to me is probably the best manager in the entire County certainly was um is at the city of Miami Beach and the county was just phenomenal I'd like to get her opinion um but in in principle makes makes perfect sense okay is any further discussion on this actually the effective thing it just puts all three of our Charter officers the way they're selected in the same in the same manner I'll move it second excuse me discussion just I think that uh I agree with the resolution but I don't agree with the wording of the question so I don't know if that can be modified or so I think that what we are again what we're doing here is the city manager is one of the charter officers and it should be elected as the other two well like appoint I'm not an attorney to wor it but well this is what I let me um Elizabeth if you will make a note of that these are the things that I think these comments they're all well intended and they're all they don't change anything if I have those things then I can sit and review this with with the attorney and if we because I'm I'm I'm reluctant to try to change anything the lawyer the attorneys are put in front of us at this point because we're going to be coming back for more meetings Mr chairman the only thing I'd ask is that if there are any substantive changes that they have they need to be voted on unilaterally make changes with the with the attorney as well intended as they are no well no if they are I mean if they are we'll bring them we'll bring them back or we can do this by Zoom or something right now based on everybody's schedule we either finish tonight or we got to meet 10 o'clock on the morning of uh April the 1 we have 177 minutes left Accord because in deference to Elizabeth I I want to make sure that everyone knows I will be out of town from the 28th to the 10th so so I don't mind going over if we can try to get this done okay all right well then I'm I'm I'm suggesting we take this the language as has MA Madam clerk do we have any other dates available in the in the chamber this week no sir other than perhaps I mean it is spring break week for some of us I know I won't be here Thursday or Friday but tomorrow or Wednesday for me works I'm not sure about everybody else I that leaves town so yeah I think that's why I'm reluctant to um change anything the attorneys have already put in front of us all right so motion to extend from 900 p.m. you don't have to but that's okay motion to extend till 900 PM extend the meeting yeah okay that's fine yeah a motion 900 p.m okay that's fine all in favor I all in favor I I carries motion carries unanimous let's go back I'm moving I'm moving this 2406 there was already a a motion in a second I okay yeah all right I have a motion to approve uh by chair Jones and seconded by member Kaplan chair Jones yes member Kaplan yes Vice chair canola I'm sorry I can't how it is what was a wording that you were were thinking of um just uh is it in the I'm sorry Vice chair is it in the ballot language yes just clarifying that the the city manager is one of the three Charter officers um because of that it should be El appointed sorry as it's the same as the other two Charter officers well Elizabeth forgive me I want to understand your point can you restate it again no no no I see where it says Charter officer in this in the section can you yeah I I just go with what Bruce said a little while ago on one of the other questions I think it is it needs to be very clear to the to the voter to the elector what's going on and what's going on in this particular one is that the city manager is one of the three Charter officers and a such should be appointed as the other as one of the three Char you know um just a moment um it was what we discussed during the you have it and it's on there under Section and if you look at exhibit a it's under there it adds the city manager underline page 405 there Madam Madam clerk if you if you look at the resolution go to page two there's a revised process for appointment of the city manager and it deals with exactly what you says you use the exact language that you're talking about see it on page two uhuh there's that's a revised process it's part of the language now it says the the the ballot title and summary for the proposed amendments orions as referred to above shall appear as follows revised process see it Bruce P page two page two it says exactly what I think we obviously discussed that so Elizabeth is your is your concern more about how the voter reads it and for them to understand it and much less about consistency yes yes yes yes yes yes okay I yeah I I believe that she's just referring to how the language appears that it just kind of references the selects the charter officer like out of nowhere it mentions Charter officer yeah when it's not really clarified that this is a charter officer that there are two other Charter officers what about if it would say if that sentence would say which provides that the council selects the city manager right following participation recommendation of the search committee where instead of saying the charter officer hold on just a second let me ask you this I don't know if this is appropriate if we were to the approve my understanding is your prior City attorney looked at all this right yes okay now what I I what did she apped in writing she's she's the one that drafted the language for all of here I'm sorry what let's let me let me ask you this um as and Mr attorney pay attention to this go to page two of the res of the uh resolution 2406 do you have that in front of you yes sir okay go to page two you see a section two it says the yes sir the ballot title and summary for the proposed amendment as referred to above shall appear as follows so I'm moving this motion to incorporate that into the resolution as well as a b ballot language which I think the S that's what we're voting on yes that is the ballot language so you want to change the ballot language no yeah the ballot language is already there in the resolution that is what you're voting on the ballot language as presented section two says the ballot that is the ballot title and the ballot language and summary for the proposed amendments referred to so we're going to change that the The Heading under of the resolution are we just going to title change in the ballot so we don't need to change it at the resolution correct but we're going to change it at the ballot level if that's what you all choose to do yes yeah if the problem is the ballot try go okay let let me try um I wrote something but mhm so I would the charter currently provides that the city manager is selected differently than the other two Charter officers it is proposed that the charter be amended so that the appointment of the city manager is performed in the same manner as the other two Charter officers which provides that the council selects the this following the participation and recommendation of a search committee that's what you're that's what you're asking for that's going to be on the ballot that's what the voters will see yeah so I don't know if the if our attorney listen to that well if again because your former City attorney was the one that drafted this language and the one you've been working with on this um if you want to make changes uh I'd want to run them by her to make sure that uh that she thinks that's okay we're not changing anything at this point we're not changing anything yeah it can be done live this see this which is what the voters see this is the process voters will see you good by that no that's that's all right so my motion to accept as submitted as as presented right now no as presented and with acknowledgement to section two yeah okay the ballot okay okay I have a motion for that yes so I'm sorry I I actually agree with Elizabeth would the proper vehicle be to to move to amend the language to remove remove the word uh the words Charter officer and replace it with city manager instead just for continuity purposes and understanding by the voter I'll tell you right now in in the resolution in the body of the resolution section two yes the ballot summary that paragraph the last the last sentence which should read which provides that the council selects the city manager following the participation and recommendation of a search committee instead of Charter officer city manager this is Page 205 yes page 205 section two yes and and but don't don't miss the second word the ballot which is what the voters will see yeah I've got it this instead of saying Charter officer we'll say city manager Okay order to avoid confusion okay okay with a modification Charter officer we're going to say city manager you I have a motion hold on Bruce are you comfortable with that you're you're the attorney here [Music] IP okay M Mr chair that that seems like a very reasonable accommodation okay okay so I have a motion on the table by chair Jones and is seconded by board um commi commission member Kaplan do you all accept the amendment as proposed by chair Jones signified by saying I I I okay perfect so I will call the vote motion to approve the resolution as amended made by chair Jones and seconded by member Kaplan chair Jones yes member Kaplan yes Vice chair Kola yes member Gonzalez pekovich yes member Roso no motion passes okay okay okay next resolution 2407 a resolution of the city of Dal Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of dado Florida revising the process for appointment of members to the city boards and agencies so that instead of members being appointed solely by the mayor subject to council approval each board or agency will be comprised of five members and the mayor and council members shall appoint one member each providing for the City attorney to Reber and Rel letter articles and sections in order to conform the amendments to the Charter providing for solubility and providing for an effective date we have another revised process on on the item Mr chair yeah you're ready go ahead I believe Elizabeth proposes yes I think so and Elizabeth again this is a limitation of meril prerogative would you mind just repeating your your rationale five voices I don't mind get telling you my rationale I I was in support of this as well please right see if he wants to hear from me too I can tell it it just seems like we're stripping every vesage of differentiation between the mayor and the council with every single one of these attempts this is where that conversation came up about these boards that they grow in size and they oh yeah out of control but the mayor this this Alters the mayor's ability to appoint the commiss and the council's ability to ratify and gives the authority to the council to to appoint and then they all vote together to ratify they have it anyway don't they I mean if they appoint a Bo whoever whoever appoints the board still has to go before the council my my main concern was limiting the size and accountability for you know just make create a board without a purpose see I wanted this to be like my personal views on that if you recall was do we have to if anybody wants to create a committee shouldn't they have to justify it and what are the measurements what's the feedback what's the how do we measure them for absolutely no Jesse you're absolutely right we we are we have runaway committees like there there're more committees than there are residents it seems but but I think that that we we also here are stripping the mayor from the ability to make the appointments on the council to confirm as opposed and now we're saying all right every council member you each get one appointment now that's the way the county did it before there was a strong mayor we all got the opportunity to appoint somebody to something um and then the strong mayor the strong mayor took over and created a bifurcated system here we have a mayor that's elected separately from the council and should have at least some vestage of authority in the sense of naming a a a coun a Committee Member the committee can be created by the council but the members are appointed by the mayor now currently well I think the intent there chairman I'm sorry to interrupt I just wanted you to know that Mr Geller had communicated to me that he was trying to get into the beating and was struggling to do so so I don't know if it or somebody on the zoom can note whether he's maybe waiting to be leted in ask it we're trying I don't I don't see him logged in I do know that skip is still on though our other attorney all right well while they try let me sorry to interrupt no it was very appropriate you know he communicated with me and I wanted to pass that on well let me let me remind um let me remind the let me remind the the members we struggled with a lot of these things about these committees and they can be problematic and and I what I wanted to do was much stronger than what you got here and I didn't get anywhere with that because I wanted to talk about justification and how do you measure Effectiveness and stuff like that and this is where I think collectively we all we we all any one of the five including the mayor can suggest a committee I mean but but it has to go before but they all can do it and this way gives them all all five of them canot not just the May may see the other one the mayor was was the only one who could start a committee right right but this isn't the creation of committees this is the appointment of members to committees well is that the same thing another issue this is just exclusively where the mayor now appoints and the council ratifies and what this now does is strips the mayor from the sole as a Sole Provider of candidates he gives each Council member the ability to appoint someone yeah that was that was the objective so not hello yeah Hey Joe we can hear you finally I got in sorry to be so I had trouble with it okay hold on for us here just a minute Joe see what this this is how we actually ended up Bruce we we went through this and by by finding the way to limit the number of members to these boards and letting each one of us have the ability to create to to create a committee so now it's not just the mayor who can select a committee this lets them all do it I think this that was a compromise between there's a compromise but this exclusively Deals Only with the appointment not with the creation no it doesn't no it revises the appointment of members to the city boards and agencies so instead of members being appointed Solly by the mayor each board or agency should be comprised of five members and this says it to me I maybe wrong I'm not an attorney but the intent here was that now each board member can can can ask the others to support a committee well I I I I I agree that we need to limit the number of boards and committees and everything else but here this is just solely the appointment of of um of members if I may on on the appointment issue only I know that your your concern is it I mean I'm paraphrasing right but it's like stripping the mayor of something else that that he or she can do I I actually feel really strongly about this one and I'm going to tell you why because I've served on a lot of boards in this city over the last six seven years and so my belief like I I I believe that by giving each council member and including the mayor the opportunity to appoint I really think it's a positive for these committees because it'll it'll maintain like diversity continuity because inevitably when a new mayor comes in out everybody goes and all the brand new ones come in and then you have to start from scratch so and I'm I'm I'm if you notice I was like well if you want I'll tell you my rationale when Elizabeth started talking but because this one is sort of personal to me because I've seen how a board is comprised of a pretty decent group right and maybe there's one that leaves and you just need one to come in but then again like somebody gets a new mayor gets elected and then they you you know they take out everybody that's there and that's been working on things and they put in their own people which obviously under the charter they're permitted to do so but I think we were being a little bit um I guess maybe critical of some of these boards and how they don't really get things done and there is an accountability I think by by uh diversifying the appointments so that each Council has a vote I think is one way of tackling those issues so just to share my two sents well I I appreciate that yeah the the Democratic principle small D is that elections have consequences and if you don't like the way a mayor is making appointments or doing something you vote the mayor out um here or creates or or or destroys the board um and probably Jesse for the next Charter Review Committee we ought to take a look at or you ought to take a look at not me 10 years I'm not you ought to take you got to take a look at at doing away with with probably 50% of of the Committees and boards but now you have accountability because you can vote the mayor out every four years if you don't like who he or she has appointed to the board yeah well this but you see here what we're trying to what my thoughts were is and um you know where my thinking is much more much more um administratively difficult than what we ended up with here I always felt that if the elected officials are going to create a you know a board or a committee they should have a purpose they should tell what they want what the goal is and there should be a way to measure it okay we don't have any of that so and that was what I argued for now when you get here you see the only way you could sort of address those issues to her point is now you put each council member has to has to appoint their own so they would there you would pick up the the area that hopefully the Ed officials would pick people that that understand why they're being put on that board number one and number two why they would even even accept that appointment true so you're you're trading you're not it's not perfect like I say um perfect is the enemy of good and that's what applies here in my opinion this is kind of a rude Goldberg workaround for something that could probably be easier to solve that is we have to go in the ira at this point not saying open up we put in the urata that somehow in the future either by ordinance resolution or some future Charter revision that most of these boards be reviewed yeah and if they don't come measure up be eliminated yeah well you see that's to me that's a responsibility of elected officials and it doesn't really belong in the charter I don't think but I would hope that that that even if you read this as being another interest to strip the mayor my personal opinion is not not it's a way to put the responsibility of appointing a board or a committee that has a reason for being and has to be and then you got all council members on board so you're not perfect but you are addressing some of the concerns that we all know because we've all served on those boards that just some of them just are not don't work but they're there the appointments Madam clerk extend only through the term of the El absolutely so it's only it's only two years yeah so I would hope um I would hope that um even Nicole I I would hope that you would see that somewhat the same way this is an attempt to deal with the boards because I know you've Ser I know you've served on some of them as well this is my first one this is your first one oh well I'm sorry I thought I thought you were a f no this is my first one it's your first one well I hope you're having a good time last okay so all right so where are we Madam clerk do we have anything on the table yet I don't have a motion no sir okay um I'll move it then for I'll second it for second okay uh any further discussion M call the rooll I have motion to approve by chair Jones second by commission member Kaplan chair Jones yes commissioner member klin yes Vice chair canola yes commissioner Roso no commissioner gonal pekovich yes motion pass sorry Nicole next one CRC resolution 24-8 a resolution of the city of D Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of the city of D Florida eliminating run of Elections except to break a tie vote and revising the majority vote requirement for election of Mayor and council member so that candidates for mayor or council member receiving the most votes are elected providing for the City attorney to rumber and relet articles and sections in order to conform the amendments to the Charter providing for salability and providing for an effective date yeah did did we did this pass unanimously um which never mind do we have any discussion on this on this issue okay not oh that now no I I thought you were saying in the past no in the past if there if there no if there isn't we there's no discussion on the item so I'll accept a motion to approve 2408 a motion to appr okay second okay Madame clerk call the rooll motion to approve made by commission member commissioner member Gonzalez pekovich and seconded by Vice chair Kola commissioner member Gonzalez pekovich yes Vice chair Kola more member Kaplan yes or member Roso no chair Jones yes passes CRC I can't think of a really good case more for runoffs other than spending a lot of money CRC resolution 24-9 a resolution of the city of dado Charter review commission adopting a proposed amendment to the Charter of city of dado Florida to provide that the charter revision commission CRC shall be appointed every 10 years instead of every five years and that the CRC members must be electors residing in the city for at least 5 years to eliminate the requirement that one member of the CRC must have served on a previous CRC to prohibit current members of the city council from serving on the CRC providing for the City attorney to reum and relet articles and sections in order to conform the amendments to the Charter providing for stability and providing for an effective date any discussion I have a comant may have killed us all may not be here in 10 years Nicole in August of this year it's going to be five years since I moved to the city of deral I would not have been able to participate in this committee if this was already implemented before me and my family and myself have participated and have been a part of several activities have sat in meetings have heard meetings um and I and I think really I'm I'm one of I'm one of the residents here that truly participates within the city and if it was for this provision being implemented in a prior uh Charter enforcement I mean Charter Review Committee I would not be sitting here today and I think my voice and my opinions have added value to the decisions that we have been able to make um with that being said I think there's also holes in the way that this is written what is five years is it a continuation of five years can I leave the city come back am I adding on like how is those five years being calculated um that would be one comment and the most eye openening thing to me is in a decade to wait a decade to review your Charter there's so many things that changes month to month year to year every rotation of electric officials to wait 10 years I just don't think we're doing our Charter Justice to changes updates um removals that may be needed in a living document those are my comments thank you any further comments I I I can tell you from serving every five years in in reality um as a as a city's matured I think the um Charter is maturing as well and hopefully moving forward we wouldn't have to the meet every five years it won't be me so I'm not this is not a personal issue in that regard with me this is 10 years would be acceptable to me and and I can support this but if there someone that has the same feeling Nicole has hear some discussion Mr chair I I I agree with with Nicole um five years in this Society in this time this place um with our population with 10 million people having crossed the southern Border in the last year um a lot of them settling here in South Florida uh eventually the argument is some party may be trying to convert the to voters um this city is undoubtedly going to change hopefully for the better if our police force is able to beef itself up and take care of business um but that being regardless five years in this time in this place in this day and this age is probably what 20 years may have been just 10 15 years ago and I gruth Nicole um her participation has been invaluable um her participation in the city will be invaluable and folks like Nicole should be encouraged to participate this is an organic document it's living it's breathing it has to change it has to accommodate the face of Durell Durell may very well be right now this is a majority Spanish language dominant City the census the amendment the 2022 Amendment to the census the 2020 census shows that this is an 80% Spanish language dominant City now that may very well change within the next two years three years 5 years it may become 90% or it may go down to 50% who knows but that also means that the character and the nature of the residence of Dural may change the other thing is that we've had unchecked commercial development south of 41st Street and um there are less and less plots of vacant land available to develop so either we're going to get higher density or we're going to start seeing annexation to the west of the turnpike um as the Ral may continue to grow or not the city is going to be very different in two years three years four years and certainly within five years I would suggest we keep it at five years Mr chairman well I I want to comment on that I think I agree with everything you said but I do believe that's why we hire elected officials to do that deal with those moment Nary things or I'll say short-term goals the charter the charter is a living document and it shouldn't be used to treated with to deal with the issues like should be dealt with through ordinances by elected officials so I think quite honestly I can support this this thing for 10 years because you don't want to turn this into uh like a a once a year or a couple of year um item that should be dealt with at the council level because they have total control over ordinances enforcement everything else and this is just deals with all the uh directions of how they implement ment The Authority that's vested in them by the by by their elected oppos we've just agreed to allow the voters to decide on radical changes in the composition folks are elected or reelected or continue in politics um and it seems that it's an experiment it's a laboratory democracy is a laboratory it's an ongoing experiment and at this time and place we've just changed essentially the way this city has functioned for the last 20 years and what we've said is all right well the mayor is no longer the mayor is in a city that has a strong that has a mayor that's recognized as a mayor the Committees are no longer appointed by the mayor than so we're making changes or at least offering the public the chance to make changes so if and when they do the the charter is the only consistency Beyond a Council that's very temporal it's a two-year it's a two-year Billet for anybody that gets elected to the council and within two years they can do either a lot of good or a lot of damage the only organic living breathing thing that maintains consistency is the charter so I think that five years is kind of I mean some some would say two and a half years three years five years is pretty pretty decent Jesse and yes it's a lot of work but you know it's it's it's an exercise in democracy democracy isn't perfect but you know what neither are the council people and we can get a lot of really bad people elected and we may have to suffer for two years um but at least the charter will keep everybody flying straight well that's that that's that's an argument for extended so to make sure this doesn't turn into a political document anymore than than we have then it's that it is in terms of how to we give directions to to the Ed officials um I think this I didn't think about it until you just said it the way you did um the extended time transcends um the election cycle so that way you wouldn't have when you have the turnover at the ele at the elected officials level you do have a consistency that you probably don't have with five years still I think just that reminds me now you you um you you've been you've been part of that problem at the county level where problem well yeah because you see you weren't required to put it before before the voters you see the count and you know how bad that is you know the ramifications there we we see we suffered a very different problem and that's where a charter can really be very interesting I got elected at a time when a federal judge imposed districts and and changed the way Dade County totally totally changed again based on census data but we don't have the luxury of that sort of turning on a dime in in derell other than using the charter to kind of keep the rules of the road consistent across twoyear periods yeah I I I like the fact that if there's um I like the fact that there's some maturity going on within the city the city's growing I like the fact that the charter is maturing and I I do have a difference of the thing on we're I hope that my role on here has not been to to strip a May it's it's been able to what I was trying to do is to create parody within all five including the mayor and but and let them all have work together as a team rather than and and not bias one way or the other on the administrative side the ceremonial side 100% behind the mayor I think what we've done here is really just uh brought some parody to to the to the five council members and and includes the mayor so because there's some things that I've you know I've opposed and supported it speaks to the mayor so I think what we need to do here now is to talk does anyone else have a comment about the five vers 10 years M Mr chair I've got a technical question if you don't mind go ahead I'm I'm looking at your proposed language revising the charter and it says at its first regular meeting in November 2008 and every 10th year thereafter the way I read that 2008 2018 and then 2028 but I think your intent was to not have the next Charter revision committee until 2033 um I don't know that uh I've given any thought to the actual calendar year um remember this goes say the way the way it's wed now it almost sounds like there would be another revision Committee in five years well yeah there would be because this has to well let me let me let me make sure I say in what I'm thinking correctly right now this goes before the voters in November right when this assuming this passes I would expect the next Charter Review Committee would beat 10 years from that date is that what this says or not I don't think it really says that right now um well where do you I'm I'm looking at the resolution where in this look at exib look at exhibit a which is page five five when was it skip when was this drafted and by whom again my understanding was that Valerie put together work with the with your committee the way through work with the committee this was done unilaterally well no what what actually happened because the timeline um their firm hired um hired Valerie to write this language now all right I have exhibit a in front of me where do you want me to look yeah so look at at its first regular meeting in November 2008 and every 10th year thereafter I mean the way I read that that means 2008 2018 2028 but I think what you want is it to be 10 years from your current committee which would be 2033 not 2028 I don't read it that way at the next we want this to be I'm not sure where the language lies in terms of the when the charter the charter right now we have to we have a deadline of April the 1st and we're and we I think they were appointed in November October November okay so this is a ballot language for the year 2004 and it's going to be effective at the end of 2004 24 I have an issue with how we excuse me n let me let me finish with the with the with the attorney okay so is am I asking you is that what this language says or does it not my interpretation at 20 November um excuse me uh well no that's what it got that's that's 2008 okay so we're we're at 20 24 so I think it would be 2034 is that your understanding well no 2008 there I mean a plain reading of it I I I think um the attorney really point of clarification here um essentially we're being advised by two attorneys one that is driving while on the clock and the attorney that was forcefully pushed to resign is the one who drafted the Amendments and shouldn't we have had her on the conversation the one that actually put this together versus a second and third reading of uh what was proposed to us well I don't disagree with the concept but what we did we hired the firm The Firm selects who they're going to provide us with is to provide prior attorney legal guidance yeah okay she they hired her Joe you're muted I know you want to talk but you're muted who me oh you're you're muted no no mine is green okay all right Joe can we get Valerie to advise on any of this well wait a minute I think Jo's mut but my understanding is Valerie was not available tonight because of the short notice yeah well no she's out of town this whole this whole thing was was was accelerated can you hear me now yes yes yes okay Valerie is out of town yeah but uh as far as the way it reads I have to concur whether she is or isn't I mean she was assisting us because she had prior the previously worked with the committee so we brought her into assist to get this drafted in time but she's gone this week it's uh this is um spring break and she's away with her family not withstanding the the plain language says every 10 years starting in 2008 just as skip says right so it's a slight adjustment if you want to go with I mean I personally think the language about starting in 2008 should simply be deleted it doesn't need to be in our Charter at all anymore um because it's it's historical you should just say from this point forward and whether you say five years or 10 years but from the adoption of this amendment this is how frequently Charter review will occur and the historical reference is unnecessary all right well let Mr whether you say five or 10 that's up to the Comm Mr attorney can I ask you a question if we were to if we were to substitute 2024 for 2008 could that be a Grier's error not an error if you substitute it that's appropriate just say going forward or you can specify when the first review will be you can either call it out or you can say number of years from the adoption of this amendment well my thoughts on that would be if if we're making a change to the Charter the um what this what this exhibit today should reflect is today today's current what we're doing today not we did in 2008 yes sir you're completely correct and just say but it's it's not actually uh March it's actually from November because that's when the charter whatever you put in it if you change it that's when it'll be adopted if the change fails then it continues on every five years with the existing l but whether you say five or 10 it should be you you're exactly right Mr chair it should be from the adoption of this amendment if it's adopted that's that's so what I'm trying to do is not complicate this thing and still achieve what we're here to vote on which is five or 10 years versus five so my question but the language that's there in 2008 as my partner points out does not accomplish that because it's it just adds Fusion because it's based on historical information that's no longer relevant I'm G to ask one more question turn it over turn it over to Bruce thank you Mr chair skip Joe just a quick question in your experience you guys represent a lot of cities um yes there there there I know that there's a Continuum it's like it's kind of a you know 45 degree angle I guess age of the city and and and length of Charter review where on the Continuum is deral at 20 years old the county is at 10 years where should Dural be in your opinion based on your other representation understand to begin with that many cities don't even have any provision for a regular Charter review commission it's not typical to even have that but that doesn't mean it's not advisable to have it it's certainly better to have some provision for automa review than to have none but it's the exception as far as the length of time um I think that's there's no real standard for that that's that's committed to your sound discretion as the commission and to the sound discretion of the voters um but whatever you do uh you're a Forward Thinking newer city just by having some constitutional review provision in included in your Charter well M Mr attorney and and members of the commission I think what we need to what we need to look at here is what's in front of us and if there's an error and I'm I'm looking at that I'm interpreting that is that we as a commission are going to vote on five or 10 years let's say 10 years and that yes sir 2024 should be to me it's spers era and it should be in 2024 if we yes sir that's 2023 can I finish please iish fin what I'm saying to you if 2024 makes all that language correct then we can now get back to debating on whether we want five years or 10 years correct does it 2023 no no because again you're appointed November of each year so of each fifth year or each 10th year are you advising us that if we substitute 2024 for 2008 we'll correct this no I'm saying it should be 2023 November 20 2023 Mr chair you all get appointed November 2023 202 correct this is the the November is the the day the the month that you all get appointed okay you're right all right so the motion is to reform the language from 2008 to 2023 I make that motion Mr chairman okay and do we need to address that it says at its first regular meeting that's fine that's consistent because every committee sits for One initial regular meeting yes I mean just for the sake of being as exact as possible since this was brought up well what I don't want to do I I'm going to ask for a legal opinion from the attorneys if we can interpret whoever crafted the language could we interpret that as a scribner's error rather than requiring any further action I'm part of this committee well I I I think you should make the change vote on the change and then go ahead and decide what you're going to decide on whether you want to adopt the resolution okay yes agreed agreed do we do we okay we need discriminar error or do you recommend that we have put it to a I'm sure it's going to pass but should we have a vote on it or not on the change I think you should vote I think you should vote on the change we have a motion on the floor is there a second I second thank you Mr chairman so we're going to substitute 2023 in this La exhibit a does this change the ballot language at all no it doesn't it does not sir okay very good all right so 2023 is there a consensus on that all in favor say I I I any n okay passes yes okay now back to the five 10year versus a fiveyear 10 years Mr chair I I move that the language be changed to five years is there a second second okay Madam clerk call the rooll motion to approve with the language to state that the charter shall be revised every five years made by member Kaplan seconded by member Nicole member Kaplan I member Nicole yes member Pekovic no Vice chair gonola no chair Jones no motion fails I'll move that we accept the language submitted for 10 years second is there a second I'll second it okay any further discussion Madam clerk call the rooll I have a motion to present to approve the resolution as presented made by chair Jones second it by member Gonzales pekovich chair Jones yes member Gonzales pekovich yes member kin no Vice chair conola yes member R noo no motion passes okay that is it Mr chair okay now we're at 2010 I mean excuse me 2410 did we already deal you already I already got it you've already voted on it so I guess we move to the atata no huh atata no no I I want to take this opportunity also to say thank you for all the members on this committee I know we pushed a lot of things we had a lot of discussions and I hopefully hopefully we move the city forward with some of these things and I think the maturity of balancing um all all five on the administrative side would create every equality hopefully we preserve the mayor in the ceremonial role it was never any attempt other than to uh set this thing where hopefully now all we've we've moveed removed a lot of issues that didn't necessarily without regard to where the intent was they weren't working and hopefully this will this will bring a a little bit more of a u uh what I'm going to call a a better working situation for all our elected officials and I hope that comes to pass I hope that's it's received by our voters I want to thank each one of you individually okay M Mr chairman I recognized yes I want to thank you for your leadership Jesse and and not just today but for the many many years not the 20 years that the city has been in existence but the battles that you and Morgan Levy valiantly fought along with JC Bermudez and so many others that have come and gone and and um and uh have have left an indelible mark on on our city and you poised us to grow and you poised us to become something very different an organic growing thriving Community um if only we can remove the blight of the Kant plant and and the and the the dump and and uh maybe take a look at the cement and the asphalt plants up to the north um I met with a county commissioner recently who said that she refuses to come here because there's a parking lot up right off of okobe road where hundred of trucks idle at night and it's just a polluted Cesspool and our our beautiful city is quickly becoming that um I asked that we we mve to you left out blasting and all kinds of arguments other cities before we were a city I would ask that we move to the Arata to that the clerk indicated would be included in the transmission letter for I guess first I think we are incredibly fortunate to have Joe Geller as the interim City attorney and I would hope that in the wisdom of the council that they allow Joe and and Skip and their colleagues to remain um as the council for our growing city no one can do it better and I'm really amazed and thrilled that that Joe has been able to help us come to this conclusion well I want to tell you Joe and I the only problem I have with Joe is he interrupts me every time I I don't even get it out of my mouth and he's interrupting me but I will say his contribution and is willing to work with us has been very very very well received and he's done everything that we've asked him to do because I had this when the spring Blake break hit I realized right away we weren't going to meet that April 1 deadline and that's when we started pushing him hard um and he complied with everything we asked I thought the shortest distance between two points if he would hire Valerie who was here from most of our meetings and had everything that we could hope for and then at the end the last thing that he really worked with is on this office of Charter enforcement and this um uh the issue of Inspector General uh I really appreciated his input on that and I think the city will be well served for that and indeed we appreciate your kind words all of you very much and thank you very much I want to thank my partners skip as well and the clerk but I want to thank uh all of you for those kind words and all of you for your very hard work thank you very much and there is a school board election that we need to pay a lot of attention to but Mr chair if you if you would allow skip thank you for that catch on that date on that 10year issue skip pleasure skip you're the best thank you very much it's been a pleasure guys couple points I want to ask a question uh um I have a closing comment so go ahead you you have a okay go ahead take it out okay well chair Vice chair my colleagues I want to thank you all for the time that you have dedicated to the city for your thought-provoking comments and opinions I enjoyed this um I I wish you all well and thank you for this well I want to thank you for your input I know um I I know that sometimes um you weren't on the prevailing side but hopefully your work product seriously I hope the work product works out best for all of us and the city especially thank you Mr chair is there a protocol that's been established by the commission for the submission of this final work product to the commission so that it's in by the April 1 deadline yes yeah we let the city clerk answer that for you hi City attorney Joe uh so right now the resolutions will be signed executed there will be a transmittal letter that we will summarize everything that the commit Miss has now voted on and approved that will be included in the a I will be transmitting that via email to the members of the council so that they're aware also in the April 10th council meeting by law I have to provide with an ordinance calling for a special election to take place together with the November election that's currently scheduled to include all these Charter changes so that will be take place in the April 10th meeting do you need any action from us I do not okay well Skip and I will will U review work with you to get the ordinance in place uh so that that can be accomplished and we'll do a final review just to make sure there aren't any scrier errors uh contained in this would ask make sure I'd like to ask um I'd like to ask the council or the committee um I'd like to be part of that review with you uh assuming the committee would would approve me meeting with you for that review please does I have a problem with that do we need a motion for that M Mr attorney so move chair chair commence the process with the with the city [Music] attorney do we do we need yeah go ahead and take a vote why not yeah do we have a second for his motion yeah okay second all in favor iose likewise okay um now I want to ask the attorneys a question when is this this is our technically our last official meeting we have no further meeting scheduled when when are we able to talk with each other I I certainly would not do so prior to the acceptance by the city council I mean it's not like they have a choice I mean it's mandatory until the city council till the city council votes to to take your stuff and put it on I mean I suppose it's barely possible it's arguable but suppose the council said um we're in doubt as to what something means we want the committee to reconvene to clarify something I'm not sure they have that legal Authority but in case they seek that I would recommend members not speak with each other in violation of sunshine until such time as the council says yes this is final it's going on you're talking about we shouldn't be talking about issues that that that are before this committee as by just anything anything we wanted to talk about personally we could do that anything that's not prohibited by Sunshine which is the business of the committee okay gotcha Mr chairman just give a brief list of Arata and then invite all my colleagues to please chime in because there's some issues are facing the city some which maybe belong in the charter others that don't but things that ought to be considered as at least some of our colleagues are going to be running for office in the next couple of months I'm going to be supportive of anything you want to put in that I'm gonna take a personal Comfort break so go right ahead all right thank you Mr chairman um I I I think that thank you very much Mr chairman okay um the the uh FBI has designated the city of Dural as the capital of fraud in the United States I think that as part of the charter um eventually or at least the council should take into consideration serious attempts on the part of the police department to address in a professional manner now that the county has delegated or relegated the attack uh white collar crime the blight on our city perpetrated mostly by folks who have committed it elsewhere um in other countries and have brought that blight to our Shores and our city that the Command Staff at the Dural Police Department constitute a Fraud Unit and uh employ um some of the the best talented both federal state and local officers that are available some of whom are already employed by the police department and that they consider consider paying them more than PSAs and actually employ them as detectives that can address white collar crime speaking of Command Staff um I I think that we need to do an evaluation top to bottom I'd rather see the money put out on the street as opposed to in what appears to be a very inflated Command Staff I was at a restaurant not long ago breakfast and it looked like a rap group um The Bling the shining stars and the badges and and the whistles and I've never seen so many people it looked like a Jamaican police force actually or Haiti or someplace else um and and we just can't afford that this is the city of Dural not the Republic of Dural and I think that we need to have a police Department that reflects the best of the city and if we're going to have money allocated to a police department with a Command Staff that's bloated maybe we ought to take a look at readdressing that and putting it out on the street to the Fine officers and first level supervisory staff that keep us safe every single day the other thing is commercial traffic we have an incredible amount of dump trucks cement trucks uh tractor trailer rigs uh clogging our streets it is impossible to Transit north south east west in our city most of the time now we ought to consider perhaps limiting times at which commercial traffic should or could operate within our city or certainly north of 41st Street since that seems to be a demarcation line that being said it seems that the plot of land that for so long was was was open and was full of wild animals to preserve the agricultural exemption I would imagine for taxes uh is now going to become lo and behold a warehouse and not a residential development or even a mixed use development and I think that that probably is going to make our city worse than better but if we're going to raise a demarcation line and call it 41st Street then let's make sure that everything north of 41st Street is at least protected and resembles what this is which is a great City and a great place to live not only just work um I think we really need to review the prohibition that the city has in being able to sue the county or operators of facilities that are on County property that was part of what Sterns Weaver foed on the city when they created the city of Dural in the charter contemplated really handcuffing the city from ex exercising their right to sue or collect or do whatever needs to be done to protect the rights of the citizens or even to get compensation for monies that have been expended on behalf of the citizens and in protection of our rights but we can't we can't go against private operators that are on County Land a balanced budget we need to perhaps consider that the city of Dalal have a balanced budget amendment we do have a balanced budget thank you madam clerk okay each annual budget adopted by the council shall be balanced perfect and then finally the elimination as as the chairman very eloquently stated the elimination of redundant useless inefficient ineffective committees um that are holding up Millions tens of millions of dollars of investment in our city because of foolishness like committees that never meet but yet are requirement for a certificate of occupancy um yes artwork is beautiful aant Guard art probably even better Modern local artists even better but if you're never going to meet and you can't get a certificate of occupancy and you want to buy a property renovate a property build a property and you got to wait a year to do it the money's going to go elsewhere money never sleeps and it certainly isn't going to sleep in a city that's like a Banana Republic where committees never meet decisions are made on a on a on on a kind of ad hoc basis and things just don't see seem to work very well other than this amazing committee that Jesse has run for us so I want to thank you all very much I wish all of you guys the best of luck in your political careers we have some amazing talent and the future the future is really really bright for our city and you know we we've had a shadow government for a long time and the citizens the citizens committee um has been an amazing Shadow government and it's kind of been The Ore you know it's been it's been a Rudder in in in a lot of very turbulent Waters and and you've you've done an amazing job um and and I just can't emphasize enough that that in conjunction with our city council our mayor who has done a wonderful job our County Commissioner um who is a friend a colleague and a wonderful attorney has done a great job as well and to the city clerk thank you very much Connie for putting up with our nonsense and uh really appreciate you and uh the city's very lucky to have you and again Joe skip thank you all very much have a motion to adjourn all in favor I I thank [Music] you