##VIDEO ID:GecTFhTqoYU## cast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good morning everyone welcome to the city of deral today is August 14th 2024 the time is now 10:06 a.m. Madam clerk please call the rle council Bas councilman Rafael P councilwoman vice mayor Oscar boy corv mayor chrisy FR pres mayor have thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by vice mayor p corvey and the United States of America and justice for thank you we could ask now that everyone make sure that your phones are on silent before we go into the invocation I'd like to ask for a moment of silence for two people one for Pedro Garcia which was one of our parks and maintenance um employees that suddenly passed recently as well as for our Deputy City manager's mother-in-law oina Guera thank you and now I'd like to ask father um Isel Mago to please join us we've asked him to do the invocation today and have a special prayer for Venezuela as well good morning everyone morning in the name of the father and of the son of the Holy Spirit Almighty father in the wondrous designs of your Providence you have offered a perfect model in the incarnate world and in the virgin mother your son who willingly humbled himself even to death on the cross shines in eternal glory as king of kings and Lord of lords as we begin this meeting we want to place ourselves Under Your Divine guidance and protection we want to ask in a special way for Venezuela for their people give them peace and comfort during this difficult times that they may feel your presence and especially give them hope help with your Holy Spirit those who serve in this community and those who own businesses in this city that our Affairs might be conducted in righteousness and be useful to the people they serve may this city council be always an example of humility and integrity so that through their actions we may see your living and loving presence around us we ask these to Christ Our Lord amen amen thank you Father okay we will now move to setting the agenda Mr city manager good morning Madame mayor council members I am deferring two items to um the September meeting the first item is item 6 DD and this is uh pending further analysis to ensure that the study conforms with Miami dat County guidelines and I'm deferring item 60 uh pending consultation with the director of protocol and international Affairs for Miami International Airport to confirm Mr city manager you asked for item 6 DD and 6 o as an Oscar yes ma'am okay Mr City attorney anything for you no madame mayor council yes May here I like to pull 6 P like Paul for a discussion yes and I'd also like to PLL and defer for September 6D the police evaluation I'm in full support of it and as I told the city manager I'd like to speak with the gentlemen that are going to do the evaluation and I would say that everyone here on the council also get the opportunity to speak with them as well so I'm going to do a motion to defer 6D to September okay we have a motion on the floor to defer item 60 is there a second second second by councilman patal mam CL you want to call I have a motion to defer item 6D to the September 11 council meeting me by councilman Bora second by councilman B counc 6D sorry made by councilwoman poras second by Council Peno councilwoman poras yes councilman Pino yes councilwoman Cal no vice mayor po corve yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay that's all for me thank you vice mayor pu corvey no I'm fine thanks councilman bero I'm good mayor councilman cab no no items okay um I would like to move item 6 JJ to discussion please okay if that's it we will move now to public comments okay we are opening up the public comments portion of this meeting you will have 3 minutes to come and speak at the podium please speak in rest respectful manner to this Council as I had asked before please make sure your phones are on silent if you need to speak to someone please step outside we're going to go ahead and start with common cards if you have not filled out a common card you may still come up to the podium and speak at the end of uh everyone with the common cards filled out speaking and then please visit with the clerk to make sure you fill out a Comon card we're going to go ahead and start with Mr Richard Glitz dad good morning Council Richard glad 4768 Northwest 114 today I'm going to talk about uh Integrity because what I see today is a complete lack of Integrity in our society Integrity is the quality of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values in ethics Integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness of earnestness of one's action Integrity can stand an opposition to hypocrisy so what that basically means is if you don't have any Integrity you're really a hypocrite what's an Integrity mindset Integrity often call the Cornerstone of leadership it encompasses honesty ethics and commitment to doing what is right even when faced with difficult choices how do you tell when someone has Integrity someone with Integrity doesn't jump to conclusions they always give others the chance to explain themselves and move forward considering those other points of view someone with Integrity knows that things aren't always as they seem and that each person has a unique point of view that deserves to be heard what is the Golden Rule of Integrity if it's not right don't do it if it's not true don't say it that's the golden rule of Integrity how do you know if someone lacks Integrity someone without Integrity is perfectly happy to let others take the fall for their mistakes or even deliberately point fingers at others because they tend to be egotistical they aren't very sensitive to how they negatively influence others and won't say they're sorry for problems they create you could say that a psychopath a person with a psychopath personality would not have any Integrity you know like George Santos remember him what is a good quote for integrity especially if you're in politics you should remember this don't ever promise more than you can deliver but always deliver deliver more than you promise it is true that Integrity alone won't make you a leader but without Integrity you will never be one people may doubt what you say but they will believe what you do you are what you do not what you say you'll do have a quick little joke here about lawyers you know 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name you get that a conscience is what hurts when all the other parts feel so good and 82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot thank you Mr glad you're welcome all right um nobody here has a sense of humor again Esther stol good morning and thank you for allowing me to address you um I'm here to speak on behalf of the resolution rejecting anti-Semitism that you will discuss I want to urge would you please give us your address for the record 11345 Southwest 109th Road thank you I urge you to vote Yes on the resolution because it sends a the right message to the city that Doral does not tolerate bigotry discrimination or hatred uh I urge you to vote Yes because with anti-semitic crime discrimination and threats soaring globally and locally this resolution calls to law enforcement to remain Vigilant in protecting the city of Doral in both timely it is both timely and necessary um Hamas still holds over 130 hostages including eight Americans and we need to do everything we can to get our hostages back if there's a ceasefire there was a ceas fire on October 6 what happened Hamas brutally attacked Israel for people calling for a ceasefire Hamas can end this war at any time all they need to do is give us back the hostages and surrender I thank you very much for discussing this you know um resolution again rejecting anti-Semitism bigotry hatred it has no place in our society thank you thank you mrto Selma Garcia good morning Madame May here city council Salma Garcia 6306 Norwest 115 Place throughout Florida I'm here because um or what moved me to be here is the situation that the renders for the new waste to energy facility has been presented in the U Board of Commissioners in Miami day County and we have been uh fighting against considering theal as a possibility for that loc for locating that facility I decided as an expert in environmental Sciences as a PhD in environmental Sciences I decided to review the three documents that the um Miami date County request to two contractors and one was about air dispensing dispersing modeling the other one was about the human health and ecological risk assessment and the other one was the environmental impact assessment and mitigation for um only for one site which is West uh uh airport opaloka um the reason why the a was not made for the other sites was in my opinion kind of disrespectful because they said uh those two other sides which are medle and Dalal already has uh waste manage management facilities in there without considering the magnitude of the project it's a project that is the largest uh facility in in Florida and actually is four times the size of the facility that we already had in here um I decided to compare my conclusions with the executive summary and we reach two very different conclusions I decided then to use artificial intelligence software to analyze the document and reach to the conclusion because I said this was made by a team of experts and that is only my humble opinion so let me see what uh artificial intelligence says and it said um the airport West boka is the most suitable area for developing the waste to energy facility the reason is Health Dural has the highest risk of non-cancerous diseases the percentage of risk for uh cardiovascular diseases is 3% higher than um the current situation and versus 0 point something with the other places even though the cost seems to be lowest in the all human health is the highest and most important uh factor to consider keep in mind that the proposed facility as I said is four times larger than the one that we had in here and also we have evidence that we are still have problems with air quality in Dural after the facility was burned because we have the emissions of the feeling madly and under certain atmospheric conditions this can be felt beyond the 58th Street thank you for your time thank you Miss Garcia if you have not filled out a common Cardon would like to speak during public comments and now is the time to come regarding anything on this agenda or anything to remain to this Council being no more public comments public comments is now closed post okay uh Madam clerk can you please read the items that will be or the items that were pulled from the consent agenda yes so the consent agenda will be all of the items with the exception of items 6 d as in David 6 o as in Oscar 6 p as in Peter 6 Double D and 6jj okay we will hear item 6 p and 6jj subsequently after the discussion items this morning yes ma'am okay thank you very much I need a motion on the consent agenda motion motion to approve by councilman P second by vice mayor P corvey all in favor say I I I the record reflect that it has passed unanimously I need a motion on the minutes please motion to approve minutes motion to approve the minutes by vice mayor P corvey seconded by councilman P all in favor say I I minutes have been approved unanimously we will now move into presentations item 8 a keep dra beautiful business award Mr EST we could please silence our cell phones good morning honorable mayor vice mayor members of the city council Mr city manager assistant city manager Mr attorney Madame Clerk and members of the audience Edgar drada co-compliance director this month we are pleased to recognize LA Fitness for their outstanding commitment to keeping they're out beautiful the property for which they're being recognized for is located at 100055 Northwest 41st Street Ellie Fitness has been in the city of D for 23 years the property is approximately 100,000 total square feet and the business has 45 employees LA Fitness was founded in Southern California in 1984 and is an indoor gym with a wide range of amenities and highly trained staff that provide fun and effective workout options for for family members of all ages and interests some of the recent improvements include sealing of wall cracks repainting of entire building and parking lot repairs including curbs it is with great pleasure that we name LA Fitness for the keep D ra beautiful business award for their continued efforts to keeping D beautiful and Madame mayor and Council uh here to accept the award we have a few managers Samantha bandi uh Sarah Munoz and Omar Rodriguez [Applause] good morning Council morning morning thank you for this honor we are proud to have made a difference in dalal's Beauty we'll continue to work together to preserve and improve our City's Beauty for future Generations let's keep D blooming and thriving thank you very much would you like to come up for a photo please yes ma'am thank you a pleasure mid you guys are okay thank you for that we'll move on now to presentation by sorry University presentation by albizu University I if you can load up their PowerPoint good morning can you make sure you're speaking into the microphone for me please there you okay I wonder why I was down there ma'am and there's a a clicker right there with a green arrow that's to advance the slides thank you so much good morning mayor Fraga uh honorable Dez is especially councilman Pinero and others in the audience my name is Dr Sherie Dean I am interim Chancellor at albizu University unfortunately our president got stuck in Puerto Rico with the hurricane with the tropical storm Ernesto so I'm speaking our address is 2173 Northwest 99th Avenue Miami Durell Florida 33172 so we're here to talk about our University and what we can do in support of derell what I'd like to start with is our values and our founder albizu uh stands on the values of Love reaching Beyond knowledge our founder had a mantra that uh love does reach Beyond knowledge we work with Excellence we have diversity who are we we are ranked second in Florida and 12th in the nation for graduating Hispanic women in graduate Psychology programs we also want you to know to University inun your community your University we're here for you okay we wanted you to know that we have programs in Spanish and English we have two main campuses in Miami in San Juan and a University Center in mayz we have a number of doctoral degrees we have Sid we have PhD we have graduate certificates what do we offer we offer Clinic services for our communities and we want you to know that we have therapy we have speech and language therapy we have special programs where we look to include the community and services that we can provide impact Dural providing Therapy Services as I said at our Goodman Clinic we have specialized training we have bilingual Clinic services and we support International students in the Dural area I want you to hear quickly from a student who has a wonderful short story story that she will share with us she's in our Sid program well good morning thank you so much um so I'll make it quick most people don't know that albizu University's history dates back to 1966 but I'm not here to talk to you about history today I'm here to talk to you about my personal history with the university when I decided to study psychology I didn't want to study psychology just in any institution that would give me a diploma I wanted to study in a university that would give me uh the strengths and the and the skill set to have an impact in my Society and not only my Society but something very dear and near to my heart which is diversity and Multicultural um e ethics and principles so when I decided to study within albizu I decided to study not only in albizu University I I wanted to study within this institution to make that impact and that impact was not only um gathered by me as an individual and as a professional student psych psychologist but also within my family which um dates back to 1977 when my my aunt decided to study within alisu University and then my sistered followed so I don't only have uh I not only wanted you to know about the history albizu has to offer but also about the history that it has within its alumni and the importance and the importance of that um thanks to albizu and some of my professors here present I am not only able to stand to before you today to say that I feel more than prepared to um serve my community but I am also um I've also had the privilege to um have the um being improved to match in on NYU and Rusk univ and in my internship for Rusk University so I just wanted the community to know that because our University is here for [Music] you we work to make a difference you know I skipped over a lot of the clinic offerings and the services but I think that it's very important to know that we work to collaborate with our schools in derell with our families in in derell and we have a number of our uh professionals here with us today and representing that but what can we actually offer to the citizens of Durell well let's see that $11,000 scholarship to derell residents on a yearly basis at alel University and we hope that that will help us make a difference in our community which is your community this is our location again our president and we thank you thank you very much thank you this was uh councilman Pino's item so I'll let him go ahead and make some comments thank you mayor I just want to thank Dr Sherry again for for being here I I have the pleasure to know uh bis University since for the past 10 years so far and it's unbelievable everything that they they offer and you guys are here in Dalal so and not only the fact that you're here in Dado but you have been here since 19 1980 yes so way before this became a city so I want to thank you for for being part of the city I I also want to thank you for your your offer because there are there are a lot of things that you guys do that we can certainly collaborate on and I know that's the intention that's the idea especially when we talk about human trafficking domestic violence you guys are already working on this providing services so yes we are uh I want to thank you for that and I know that you'll be you will be in conversations with with the administration as well to see how uh how you can continue collaborating with the city we know that that is Major for the city the domestic violence and the human trafficking and these are subjects and areas that obesa works hard to provide support counseling services and presence in the those that I know that are important thank you thank you sir and thank you for your time thank you so much being here to um make this presentation and we look forward to continuing to work together and we look forward to seeing you again at our school yes so much a great experience thank you all righty bye-bye any other questions or comments for the presenters okay we'll move on Madam clerk next item 8C presentation of the 2023 annual comprehensive financial report okay Mr city manager go item 8C is item from Finance I'm sorry uh I lost my train of thought that's okay Item B you said item 8 C I think it's the annual comprehensive financial report we have the consultant here the manager's report yes ma'am is uh Andrew fman from yes feierman Cavo and I forgot the rest of the name of the firm is here to present uh the information for our 2023 annual comprehensive financial report perfect thank you very much well thank you very much uh once again for the record my name is Andrew fierman and I'm a partner with gavo f and Garcia um or CFG for short um I am the partner in charge of the uh City's audit I am here to provide a brief presentation on the city's annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year end of September 30th 2023 what I'm going to do is I'm just going to walk through a few items within within the document paraphrase a few things and then open it up to any questions that you may have for me or for or for finance um the the document itself it is broken up into various sections you have the uh the introductory section the financial section the statistical section and the compliance section within that first section of the of the introductory section one thing that I wanted to point out um for anybody who's who's following along is on Roman numeral page six it's a it's a certificate it's the certificate of achievement for excellence and financial reporting um the city did receive this uh this certificate for the September 30th 2022 annual comprehensive financial report it has been submitted for consideration for the 2023 uh financials we do expect the city will receive it once again because it does meet all of the requirements and there are some additional requirements that need to be included not only that the document is is done in accordance the generally accepted accounting principles but in addition to that there's also other items that the city works hard to include within there to receive this prestigious award which comes from the um government Finance Officers Association I'm going to move forward to the financial section which is a second section within the document and going straight to page one which is our um Auditor's report and that has um a few different sections I'm going to paraphrase a few things within here the first section is the opinion section it's the most important section it talks about what we've audited and it also gives us the opinion on the financial statement so the auditor's report now Cuts right to the chase it states that we have audited the accompanying financial statements of the city of Dural Florida as of and for the fisc year of September 30th 2023 in our opinion the financial statements referred to above present fairly in all Mater respects the financial position of the city as of September 30 2023 now that's an unmodified or a clean opinion and it's of course the only opinion that you want on your financial statements so the city does have a clean opinion on the financial statements once again this year the next section um talks about under what standards we performed our audit and that states that we conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and government auditing standards the next section gets into what Management's responsibilities are for the financial statements and that states that management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements the last section I'm going to point out is what responsibilities are as Auditors and that states that our objectives are to obtain reasonable Assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from a t Mis statement and to issue an Auditor's report that includes our opinions the next item within within document and that's going um to uh to page four and that's the the managements discussion analysis and that runs to about uh page 13 so it's about a a nine-page part of this 140 page document and you know if if no one reads anything else in this document they should read this it it talks about the year it Compares current year to Prior year it provides explanations for those changes and it's written from Management's perspective so it has it has a it has a lot of good summarized financial information as well um so it's a really really good executive summary of like what's included within the document um when you get into all the financial statements and the notes and everything so again it's it's about nine pages and there's a lot of good information within there and once again that's on that's on pages uh 4 through 13 of the document after that comes the uh basic financial statements and that includes the uh the government-wide um statement of net position as well as a statement of activities and the fund financial statements for the um various funds of the of the city the governmental funds as well as the um proprietary funds one item that I wanted to point out here um is on page 16 and that's the balance sheet for the government funds and specifically in the First Column which is the general fund um which is the main operating fund of the city that the city uh down at the bottom within the fund balance that the city did have approximately at September 30th 2023 uh 63.9 million of unassigned um fund balance a you know very uh very U strong and good fund balance the city has um moving P the uh the financial statements themselves and beginning on page 25 um and this runs all the way to page uh 59 it's the notes the financial statements so this includes the required disclosures which provide additional information on the city as well as the numbers that are presented within the financial statements so it is suggested that you read the notes in conjunction with the with the financial statements because it tells the whole story it gives again gives narrative information on the numbers it also gives additional detailed information of the numbers so there might be there might be an amount there say for the capital assets of the city then on the financial statements is just you know one or two line items within the financial statements but within the notes of the financial statements it's broken out by type of asset beginning balance the changes for the year uh details on depreciation and things like that that are included within the notes so again it tells it tells the whole story and gives the gives all the information um next after the notes of the financial statements and we're still in the financial section um is the required supplementary information and this is information that is required under um the the governmental Accounting Standards Board uh requirements um this includes budgetary comparison information for some of the funds as well as information on the on the pensions and other post-employment benefits the one thing I wanted to point out here which is is which is on page 60 and it's basically on on one page of the document is a budgetary comparison scheduled for the general fund what this includes here is um the original and this is on one page again a lot of good information on this one page this gives you the original adopted budget the um the final amended budget and the actual results and so it Compares those actual results to the to the final budget and that's what that gives a lot of good information within there as well because you can see how the how the city did in in regards to the to the budget as to what actually as to what actually occurred the uh now I'm going to move forward to the uh third section of the document which is the statistical section the statistical section includes includes a lot of good information because there's in in many cases there's just 10 years of financial Trend information Revenue information um demographic information of the City operating information of the city and the city works very hard um City various City departments and the finance department work together uh getting information from within the city as well as outside of the city to include it within here and this is actually a required section that is that that is needed for the the certificate of achievement for exence of financial reporting again this this runs from Pages 89 through 106 and finally the last section of the document is the compliance section so the compliance section begins on uh page 107 and the uh the compliance section includes the reports that are required under um generally accepted government auditing standards as well as the um the single audit act and we are pleased to report within within these reports that we did not identify any significant deficiencies or mat weaknesses in internal control nor there are test finances and non-compliance that's on the financial statement side as well as on the grant side for the work that was performed so there's clean reports in the back as well there's nothing significant to report to you um there either so um good news good news in the back as well in your compliance section um and you're also uh you also received with the with the financial statements a a letter and it's the communications so those charge with governance letter it's it's various items that we required to communicate to you um and uh they're all standard communication ations um our Professional Standards require that we do communicate these matters to you um talks about if there were any any new accounting policies that were that were um that were uh brought into brought into place which there were this year there was a new gby that was um that was implemented um in addition to that it points out any disclosures that we think maybe you want to take a look at it's nothing negative it just points out a few things to you couple positive things within this letter is that we did not encounter any difficulties in completing and Performing audit um and there were no uh disagreements with management um overall we we it was it was a successful audit it was a smooth audit we we come in we ask for a lot of information we process that information then we ask for more information and we ask more questions you know we do our best to be as least disruptive to the to the finance department of the city's uh day-to-day operations but again it's it is it is a it is a big effort on on our side as well as on the city's side and the city was up to the task to provide us what we needed to be in a position to uh render our report and be able to present to you this clean opinion today um overall I just like to thank um you know Fernando Soul Michelle the rest of the finance staff and the and the City team for their cooperation and assistance throughout the process um I'd also like to thank you uh for the um for the trust that you have put in me and my firm to uh perform the services for the city it truly is an honor and privilege to be of service um and with that I'll leave it there and open it up to any questions that any may may have at this time either for me or for Ori for finance thank you thank you any any questions I just have a comment Council no the only thing that I actually uh when I saw that we have it in the agenda and I went and I was reviewing it this is very helpful now that we're working on the uh the budget process so we can go over and be be able to take this also help us to understand even more how we should make the changes any Amendment or any recommendation when it comes to the budget so this is great that is presented now before we have our our Workshop um and also at the time that we're going to have our meeting on the budget so thank you for that thank you it very detail thank you very much yes Fernando so just a point of personal privilege Andrew thank you to you and your team for working with us this year as we have worked over the last couple of years and I really do want to thank SE and Michelle and Megan and Jonathan and Alfred and everyone else in the finance department this is a a heavy lift every year um Andrew mentioned gby uh it seems like every year there's a new government accounting standard board uh requirement that we need to meet create new reports and find additional information so it it is more complicated every year to do this and I just really do want to thank your Finance team our finance team and they are amazing individuals and that's my point of personal privilege no sure thank you thank you Fernando any other comments questions okay being none thank you very much thank you very much thank you everyone appreciate it okay Madam clerk we now move on to the discussion items yes madame mayor item 9A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida pursuant to section 2-321 of the city's Court of ordinances approving the waiver of competitive bidding for the procurement of community rating systems program support and modification assistance services for a total amount not dictate budget of funds authorizing the city manager to expand budget of funds and Furs thereof providing for implementation and providing for an effective date good good morning Madame mayor vice mayor counsel city manager assistant manager uh Madam clerk my colleagues and residents I'm Jane Decker I'm your building department director and with me is Vince Seas your building official and flood plane administrator and flood plane manager ingr Fus today we're discussing an important opportunity to improve our City's flood resilience and save our resident money on flood insurance premiums it is crucial to note that many of these changes are being driven by external agencies not just our own initiative the city of Dural currently holds a community rating system CRS class six rating this program administered by FEMA rewards communities for going above and beyond minimum flood plane management requirements our current rating provides a 20% discount on flood insurance premiums for properties in the special flood Hazard area or sfha we have the potential to improve our rating to a class four which would increase that discount to 30% now while this Improvement aligns with our goals it is important to understand that we're also responding to those external mandates number one locally Miami Dade County's Department of Environmental Resource Management Derm is requiring regulation of storm water to the 25-year event County and this is through chapter 24 of the code and would become effective after the September meeting of the board of County Commissioners uh number two at the federal level the federal flood risk management standard or ffms by executive order and through HUD is compelling Higher free board standards that's adding two feet to the base flood elevation for non-critical actions and adding three feet to the BFE for critical actions this would to maintain eligibility for funding and this would become effective 90 days after September 9th and when it's registered on the code of federal federal regulations or CFR number three FEMA has preliminarily published and the city just received last Thursday confirmation of map updates and um Ingress has some maps here we can go through in a minute and lastly because of participation in the higher regulatory standard of CRS the city must also update its program for public information PPI and the repetitive loss area analysis or r R laa every 5 years these external requirements are pushing us towards higher standards so the pros of pursuing this Improvement are obviously increased savings for our residents enhanced flood protection measures and improved Community resilience so we do need to point out that it will require effort and resources to implement the necessary changes and gain the 473 points needed to meet the class 4 rating this includes updating our flood plane management practices improving storm water regulations and revising our flood damage prevention coordinates um these changes will require obviously time staff resources and some community outreach um so new regulations may also impact future development so I know that's a concern for everybody on the de stricter building codes and land use regulations can always affect construction costs and limit certain types of development in flood prone areas so while these changes ultimately benefit our community's long-term resilience they may present short-term challenges for developers and property owners to achieve the higher CRS class rating we're requesting today that first and foremost we'd like to gauge your feedback on the proposed changes and then second to wave the competitive bidding requirement using budgeted funds and approve the resolution to retain wsp and their consultant um Doug St Doug St David David St sorry um they've had a proven track record and have helped us improve from the seven to a six previously their expertise is crucial in navigating the CL complex requirements of CRS so we believe it aligns with our strategic goal of exceptional service and promoting Community resilience and we'd love to hear what you have to say if you have any questions for Ingress or Vince or dive further into the maps we would come back at a later date obviously once we have um completed the consult with the consultant bring back the changes to the flood plan ordinance and have a presentation at that time as well okay any questions from Council just a quick question getting a better rating u means what to the city 30% 30% discount on flood insurance rate premiums for those properties in the special flood Hazard area thank you and the increase is pretty significant so if you'd like to see really quick we were at about 40% of our properties in daer and in the sfha and we're going to a little over 80% so this is where we are today you see not a lot of blue m y with the new this is what happens when the maps get adopted the new standards the red is what's being added to the flood Hazard area with the new maps I think it's an no-brainer as to what we need to do for I mean obviously the new standards are going to take effect and and so we we've done I think proactively for years what we can do so I'm not a fan of of waving competitive bid but I understand the urgency in this because of the adoption so I think we need to approve second motion to approve by vice mayor P corv second by Council councilwoman sorry Madame clerk motion to approvement by Vice cor second by councilman VI cor yes Council Council yes Council yes motion passes thank you we look forward to seeing the report come forward thank you thank you okay well now move into item 9B yes item 9B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D of Florida adopting an amended mayor and council member initiated events policy providing for implementation and providing for an effective date Madame mayor council members I'm going to be deferring this item to the CI clerk who was uh well-versed on the issue and she will be able to better explain it than I could ever thank you Mr manager mayor and council members good morning uh this is a revision to the existing policy the there were minor revisions done to the policy well just to clarify um individuals that are uh running for office but don't meet the six-month requirement that they're still able to um have events not pertaining to this policy but covering them um out of pocket uh it also clarifies individuals that are not running for office not running for Le election not running for another re seat they're still a able to do those events as pursuant to this policy should you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them motion to approve second motion to approve by vice mayor P corvey second by by councilwoman gal is there any comments here the mayor yes councilwoman Bas so I just I just want to clarify a couple things um first of all originally this was a policy that I proposed um because prior to this city council members weren't able to host events in City facilities and so I want to confirm that adding the rentable facilities to the policy doesn't exclude us from using the non- rentable correct correct is that correct okay so we we are able to use the multi-purpose room any of the non rentable rooms still y That's not addressed this policy so okay yes I corre in the same manner that we've been using them yes yes okay that's not affected by these changes okay okay Madam clerk motion to approvement by Vi corve second by Council VI corve yes Council M yes Council Peno yes Council poras yes may FR yes motion passes okay move on to the next item item c a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of Florida supporting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians and providing for an effective date this was deferred from the June 12 council meeting okay this um item has been deferred several times I think it's very self-explanatory there was a little update to just bring it to current status of number of hostages and um you know what we've seen transpire throughout the past couple of months um still extremely relevant in our society and so it's before us once again after being deferred twice there's any comments motion to approve motion to approve by councilman Pino through the mayor may I yes Council importas I just have a quick question so we have an ordinance from November of last year a resolution or a resolution right so why do we need this one when we have reaffirmed that one so I think this is an an additional reaffirmation more so because of um what transpired over the last couple of months I think that it's extremely relevant there's been new findings um new uh you know new events that have taken place also what uh happened here at the city I think it's important for us to reaffirm our position strongly I would like to um on my part I think I've done so but this is an additional step so that the last record for our city is our position on anti-Semitism bigotry and you know just making sure that we are firm in our position as a city that um that it's unacceptable in our community okay I think that I if everyone here is in support of it I think that we should co-sponsor it like all council members if that's okay with everyone I had sent an email to the clerk back when this was originally on the agenda offering everyone's opport Unity to co-sponsor I am 100% in favor of that second and also to co-sponsor absolutely thank you okay we have a motion by councilman Pino second by Council M boras with co-sponsorship by the members of the council that are present is this also a motion to approve and co-sponsor yes okay so I have a motion to approve the item as well as allow all the council members to co-sponsor the item May by Council Pino second by councilwoman poras Council Pino yes councilwoman poras yes councilwoman Cal yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes thank you very much appreciate the support okay we can move on to item 9 C I'm sorry 9d item 9d discussion the this was my fault I was supposed to pull this at the beginning of the a meeting and I remembered after okay so we can if everyone's okay with this we're just going to move it the person who was going to come didn't make it from Spain so I've decided to pull it off that's okay with everyone remove it from the agenda yes okay all right you don't need a vote for that do you no okay item e Advisory Board member nominations okay these are just um more so the youth Advisory Board we had some students that left to college and there were some very eager students they have been extremely um active and they want to bring something forward so they need to meet and did not have the amount of members since graduation took place so I just need a motion motion motion to to approve by councilman Pino second second by councilman borra Madam clerk motion to approve the nominations as presented made by Council Pino seconded by councilwoman poras Council P yes councilwoman poras yes councilwoman Cal yes FR yes motion passes okay we'll move on now to item F item f a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida in opposition to Amendment Three realizing the personal use of recreational marijuana providing for incorporation of recital and providing for an effective date okay councilman Pino this is your item thank you mayor as you m uh as you might know on November 5th of this year Florida voters will decide on Amendment Three this amendment seeks to legalize no medical personal use of marijuana product and accessories for adults age 21 and older uh the amendment allows adults to possess purchase and use marijuana products and accessories for personal cons option uh by various methods including smoking and ingestion medical marijuana treatment centers and other state licensed entities will be permitted to acquire cultivate process manufacture sell and distribute these products as well I recommend that as a council uh we oppose Amendment Three there are um again since the amendment is SE in my humble opinion is seen as a thread to existing law Community safety and residents well-being which I believe it has to remain uh as a as residents a city something that we have to keep in mind uh certainly Dural as we all know is a family oriented Community with uh deep rooted values and our foremost priority must always be the well-being and safety of our residents uh certainly by opposing Amendment Three we uphold our commitment to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all residents I believe this is important uh that we take a stand not only as elected officials but also as a city as residents as parents uh because the last thing that we want to see is uh certainly people walking our street smoking marijuana without have any any consequences or uh affecting our quality of life in our city uh this is something that for me it's again not only as a as a resident but as an elected official and as the father uh the last thing that I want for my seven-year-old boy is to see people smoking marwi in the streets so uh I see it as a as a as a well-being of our community something that at the same time potentially can affect uh our uh safe and the way that our police department will have to operate obviously this is a state law if it pass we will have to deal with that after November 5th but I believe that it is important for us to take a stand as other municipalities has done it here in Miami day County I also have some data that I'm going to pass around uh I'm sorry thank you con that thata sh shows not only the effect the effects of marijuana consumption in general uh which I have my own uh I have my own opinion my own opinion about it but um but it also shows certainly the effects they can have in our community and our residents so I respectfully ask my colleagues to to support this resolution as well thank you thank you councilman through the mayor yes cons thank you uh cons and P for bringing this up I do agree with you when it comes to all the me mental health and all of that because me doing research for so many years I can tell you that until the brain has not matured within the age of 24 25 years old something that has been shown in the research it can um lead into the mention all of that but I think that this is something that is going to be in the ballot and now in November like you mentioned and I think that we should my position is that we should wait until December so we will be able to see what will be the result uh when it comes to the ballot because there's so many things are going to be presented now on November so if it is okay with all of you I would like to make a motion to theer to December so we will see what will be the the conclusion and how the vote will be in November and then from there like you said we will have a more clear understanding on the decisions that the voters are making so then we can actually have a better uh plan uh plan of action with our police department and how we can work based on the decision that is going to be made by the voters in November second okay there's a motion for deferral on the floor by councilman cabal second by councilwoman Bas you have a comment councilman Pino no I just want to comment on it I mean I my my position is clear uh I don't mind saying that I I oppose to Amendment Three and I believe resident should know that as well I mean it's not a a matter of what we're going to do after November 5th I think that it is important for us to take a stand and say I oppose and that's the stand that I'm taking today I'm not going to change my mind between now and November 5th yes of course we're going to have to deal with this after November 5th but I think the intention is for more resents to be aware of this amendment the potential consequences for our community now no after uh uh residence I mean for some reason it passed it passed but I think that is better to create awareness now after the the fact on November 5th thank you Council P any other comments um I agree I I don't think it's for all it's necessary I think that I think it's important for a position to be stated um at the end of the day this is about um U Future Generations and how the effects and how it will affect them so I think taking a position is extremely important for the education purposes of how this will change our communities after November so taking a position early so that there's not consequences or that um there is an ability to educate on it is imperative so uh I won't be supportive by referral but let's go ahead and call the rooll wait I have one one last comment um I do agree that we can also work with different institutions to do workshops later on to like you were saying to educate I think that that would be much more effective for the residents for them to understand that we can bring scientists we can bring people that are expert in the medical field uh when it comes to neurocognitive and all of that so they will be able to explain um not just something that it is just here in the ballot but like you said to be able to educate our youth um in how this can affect them later on like I said I mean the research is been there that it showns that until the brain is not mature 25 26 24 25 years old uh it does have shown that it can affect but also I think that we should not intervene when it when it is something that is in the ballot I mean there's so many other things so important that is also for our community that then we should bring almost everything you know and have a discussion but I think that to be fair we you you know to have a better understanding and definitely we can before that we can actually bring and I will be uh I would definitely would like to cooperate and being a neuroscientist to be able to bring some of my colleagues and we can do some uh presentation events Madam CL please call I have a motion to defer the item to the December meeting May by councilwoman Cal second by councilwoman poras councilwoman Cal yes Council Manas yes oh I didn't hear you I'm sorry councilman p no vice mayor pu corve yes motion mayor Fraga no motion passes okay we move on to item 8G 9g sorry item 9g a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida providing support to Congress and Mario Diaz Bart and Senator Marco Rubio's par partisan resolution recognizing amundo Gonzalez as president-elect of Venezuela calling on President Biden in Congress to demand the release of political prisoners providing for instructions to the clerk and providing for an effective date councilman this is your item thank you mayor uh for over 10 years now Venezuelans have suffered political oppression torture and even extrajudicial murder for Ving their political decent and dissatisfaction with Nicolas Maduro regime for me more than 10 years actually I like I always like to say 20 24 years now uh including Hugo Chavez as well as you know on July 28th of this year Venezuelans had an opportunity to turn out and vote for a new leader and they did overwhelmingly the members reflect that amundo Gonzalez won the July 28 2024 election however Nicolas Maduro as expected has refused to accept the results and relinquish control since then Congressman mayor Diaz Ballard and Senator Mark Rubio with bipartisan support have submitted Congressional resolutions in the house and the Senate recognizing not only edmundo Gonzalez as the president-elect of Venezuela but at the same time condemning the actions of Nicolas Maduro uh as you know the city of Dural is the home to the largest population of Venezuelans many of who have faced the terror of maduro's and Hugo Chavez regime and is only feeding that the city of Dalal formally adopt and support both Congressional resolutions and at the same time to urge the Biden Administration as well as Congress to demand the release of political prisoners in Venezuela just to give you an a number in the last three weeks over 2,000 people have been uh incarcerated by the Maduros regime so I respectfully my ask my colleagues to support uh this resolution okay motion to approve motion motion to approve by councilwoman cab second by vice mayor P corve any other comments thank you councilman Pino for bringing this forward Madam clerk mot motion to approve made by councilwoman Cal seconded by vice mayor P corve councilwoman Cal yes vice mayor Port corve yes councilwoman poras yes councilman Pino yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes thank you okay item H item 9 h a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving issuing a call to artist to begin the process of selecting artists for the creation and installation of Art on the D Central Park water tank in an amount not to exceed $60,000 providing for implementation and providing for an effective date Mr Madame mayor council members this is a uh a call to artist uh as I'm sure you'll agree the rail Central Park is going to be the crown jewel of our Parks and Recreation system and uh we have a significant Landmark there that being the Water Tower or the water tank and the idea is we're putting out a call to artist uh having a $60,000 budget to get uh bids on uh a mural or some type of art that will further enhance uh the beauty uh of this uh creation that the city council embarked on uh that being the park thank you um Mr manager uh so this is an item that I had actually brought to Parks and Recreation when I came back envisioning that this um water tank become a an icon of community involvement and unity and so one of the things I did not see in that call to artist cuz I didn't get to see that anything was attached with an actual request of what we're going to be asking the artists but one of my requests when I brought this to them was that it be something that the community can participate in a section of the tank that all the community could come and paint cuz ideas to bring everybody together and kind of leave their Mark when we did D Glades Park we did a sculpt we did the the the um iron piece inside every member got to come and make their each a leaf that was part of the sculpture which I thought was beautiful and actually it was open to the community a lot of people came um but in this case I envisioned that when this happened that there maybe be a piece of the tank that the community could come and paint together whether it's a p a mural that's painted or whatever the call to artists Envision um I just want to make sure that in our description of what we're asking for from the artist that we include something in there that says that we would have a day where the community would come out and participate in that in that action most definitely ma'am I uh I will make sure that staff follows up on your comments and that they are taking and given the strongest consideration uh prior to any commitment to any type of uh artwork that's decided and finalized okay and then I wanted to add another part to this if possible because I I thought about it last time I was there and actually um I it was my community outreach coordinator who came up with the idea and I thought it was great um you know we're right in the flyover of the the airport um with that Park and so I'd like to see if there was a way we could add for the word or our logo Dalal to be put at either the top of the building or on the top of the water tank as well so I wanted to see if there was a way we could incorporate that into this call to artists cuz it's a great opportunity for Branding as planes fly over that you look down and you can see the dado logo on top of the building or on top of the water tank I think that is a formidable idea and that again I will discuss that with staff uh to make sure that that is given the strongest consideration uh I think branding of our beautiful city is uh I think that's a great idea and certainly I will direct staff uh to follow that path awesome so I just wanted to make sure those two things were Incorporated in um putting out this call to artists do we need a motion okay I need a motion motion to approve by councilman P second by vice mayor P corvey Madame cler please call follow to approve by Council Pino second by Vi mayor council Pino yes VI mayor yes councilman yes Council poras yes may FR yes motion passes awesome thank you okay we'll now take up item 6 P that was pulled from the consent agenda yes item 6 p a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving the award of request for proposals 20244 strategic Communications plan to rbb Communications LLC authorizing the city managers to negotiate and execute an agreement with rbb Communications LLC not to exceed budgeted funds authorizing the city manager to execute the agreement and expend budgeted funds on behalf of the city providing for an effective date this was pulled by Council loras councilwoman thank you mayor so I have a couple of concerns with this item um first is this plan is actually based on the Strategic session from 2023 the solicitation was placed about a year after that session if I'm not mistaken February of this year and we've had another strategic session since then I think that the scope has changed and new comments from this strategic session from this year's should be incorporated and also I as I actually have a concern regarding the scoring The Firm being proposed came in fourth place during the first evaluation and then came in first place during the second round and that that just seems very off to me and I know we had the same issue with the school zone camera scoring when we saw scores change as such I proposed cancelling this solicitation reforming the scope to include comments from this year's strategic session and resubmitting the bid and I'll be making a motion to that effect second okay there's a motion in a second any other comments um I have a comment regarding this I mean the when I research a little bit about um this institution my concern is that they I don't I haven't seen that they might be able to understand the culture of the community and that's something key because they're going to be making many uh they're going to be working with our public affairs department so that was something that I for me was questionable also um that I didn't see that they they have done many other things but uh with other Visions compared to the culture of our [Music] City okay thank you very much yes Council councilman Pino I just have a question can we hear from the communications director to understand a little bit why since 2023 I mean the process about has been taken since since we we have last year's strategic planning session you don't mind through the manager good morning mayor vice mayor and Council thank you for the question so this was something that was approved during the last budget cycle following the strategic planning of last year um we began working on the scope and went back and forth with the then City Manager for revisions November December um at that point we started working with procurement on it I understand they had other um bids lined up time sensitive so we ended up advertising in February thank you thank you very much any other comments questions no Madam clerk please call I have motion to counsil a solicitation and reissue it revising the scope to include the comments from the 2024 strategic planning session made by councilman poras and second by councilman councilman poras yes councilman Cal yes Council Peno no vice mayor corve yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay move on to the next item item six JJ item 6 JJ kitu City toal Founders this was pulled by mayor faraga okay I just wanted to State on the record I'm I'm not against this item and I think that there's a lot of great people here that have done wonderful things for this city but you know I feel like this that not just in the keys to the city but in every recognition we give we have absolutely diminished and devalued its um its Prestige as a city by how many we are giving and by not really um valuing what it means to have these recognitions from the city this exact list of people were recognized in the 20y year anniversary um in a very special way and so again I'm not I'm not against it I'm not going to sit here and vote against people that I think have done a great job there's people I would add to this list but at the end of the day I just think it looks very un it looks invaluable that so many people are being given the same homage as as you know a huge group so that's my comments on it that's my opinion um again I'm not going to not be supportive of it I I value many of these people but I didn't want to leave it on the record because you know there's been Mayors criticized for how many keys to the city they give in the past we the policy we that is in place today well not the exact policy today but the policy that was put in in 2015 was because or 16 was because the Mayors previously had given so so many keys to the city so I just think that um you know we're we're kind of doing the same thing over and over again I just wanted to leave that on the record and you know hopefully in the future it'll change motion major oh motion motion to approve by councilwoman por second by vice mayor pu corve there's a comment by councilwoman Cal then we can true that when Luigi was here they were giving key to everybody but unfortunately they missed the main founders of the city many people that work for us to be able to be here for us to have a city that is really looking forward to the well-being of all of us with our resources so I think that is very important for us to this is just a little token of recognition for all the hours and the effort uh that this um the list of the people that are here that with commitment and motivation they got together and they make sure that now we have a city that is thriving a city that is beautiful and and a city that is going to keep growing so thank you so much for the support of the uh my my Council fellow members and I will second the motion oh already motion a second already thank you vice mayor Madam clerk please call roll I have a motion to approve May by councilman por second by Vice May P corve councilman poras yes vice mayor P corve yes councilman Cal yes Council Pino yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay we move on to the mayor's report yes ma'am okay just a couple quick things um first I want to thank um our police department and also our Parks and Rec Department as well as parks and police for kids for a great event that we had on the National Night Out there was several book bags given out it's always an event that has a huge turnout and a great motivator for our families to get back to school um I also want to thank Parks and Recreation Department as well as councilman for us for the initiative of the pickle ball courts it was a great opening um and I know people were very happy I was out there on Saturday for the first tournament um of course Parks and Recreation for the 4th of July event which was beautiful and we look forward to having it next year in our park so that everybody in the community can be there um and it's been it was a great little vacation that many got to take uh I know at the beginning of this meeting we ALS Al recognize the passing of one of our own um we had um done a moment of silence for Pedro Garcia which was a longtime Parks and Recreation maintenance employee um and so I know the staff came together and helped the family and so it was uh it was very sad to to learn of his passing um I want to congratulate councilman Pino for being named to the Neo board of directors it's a great uh opportunity to have that recognition by our city and to be part of that board [Applause] I want to thank everyone who was integral in um the recognitions and solidarity that was pulled together in the very hard moments for our Venezuelan Community we many of us were out there um for them and I think that we continue to show our commitment to um to democracy and and to seeing their will be granted um and then lastly um there's a lot of birthdays this month Jackie Lorenzo Happy Birthday Rita caranel lazro Quintero Evelyn Fernandez d pantalon one of our I'm not gonna say our oldest employees because she's not old our longest city of D employees and Vin Seas happy birthday to all the August birthdays and um lastly make sure I'm not missing anything uh lastly I I wanted to point something out and also ask the administration and the and uh our our legal team I know both of you are rather new still getting acquainted but in May of this past year there was an item on the agenda and I have the minutes here um which referred to the referred to the report that came out by the county regarding Kant um the archaus report uh there was an item brought forward at that time to discuss it and one of the action items we took was uh asking for a formal opinion or legal opinion from our council at the time of what the city's position would be if dado was chosen as the location once again for the kanta site and we have not received that we haven't understanding that the county will be taking up the item in September and I would like for us to have a legal opin opinion before then of what actions we could take this was a motion that was taken by consensus at the um I think it was yes at the May at the May meeting yes at the May meeting additional to that we had directed staff to find an expert to review the arcadis report and give us an argument um which I know one of our residents did today rather well just with AI but I think it's important to take a look at that report and have an expert give us an actual um uh you know an actual argument that could be used should the city need to take legal action which I think we will if if they decide to put it back in deral so I know both of you kind of came in in the middle of all that but it's now been you know 3 months we will be seeing that come forward we as a council will have to make a decision um if it's not put inale and if it is put inale and I think that we need to be ready to have a discussion about it as a council so most definitely I will consult with the attorney and uh as well as finding a third opinion somebody that can uh is qualified uh to render a uh an opinion on and give us guidance on that matter perfect okay uh last but not least I want to make sure that our community uh comes out on August 24th for the first phase opening of deral Central Park thank you for uh to all of the staff that has been so diligently working on getting that done I think we've all been out there several times and are extremely excited for the official grand opening of the park so that's my mayor's report move on to council comments Council comments through the mayor yes Council thank you um I just want to thank everyone that's really involved in preparing our community to go back to school this week was is the first week of back to school so I want to thank everyone for that and also mayor I know you mentioned the Central Park opening I actually had a discussion with the manager where I expressed that this opening is such a big deal and event it took a lot of people to make this happen um including those of us that are sitting here those of us that have sat here before us and so I would like to actually see our city communicate directly with the the uh County Commissioner's Office as well as the county mayor's office to ensure that their participation is going to be um they're going to be with us participating in the grant opening I don't believe that something that was done I think that um it definitely should be and so again I don't know if everyone here would agree to that I think it's something that we need to do um I wasn't able to add it as an additional item so if if we can all agree to do that here I think that's a good step in the right direction for all of us thank you that's [Music] all may okay wait oh yes com to those comments I think that also if we're going to uh check with their offices I the city manager is going to confirm with their offices to see also um our state and and also um representative to see if they will be also available because I know that you know many of the things that able to get funding is through them so I think that that will be also a nice gesture to have everybody that is represent the city of D that will be here to celebrating with us so just very quickly I think that it's absolutely imperative that every everyone gets invited and I think that all invitations will be extended however I coordinating several hundred people's calendar possibly potentially um if you know we're looking at County mayor Commissioners um state legislators it could get very difficult to find date that everybody's a part of so I definitely think the residents are ready for this to open and the advertise date is um extremely important has been out there for weeks so I think yes absolutely we need to invite everybody but um I think we we need to stick to getting open and then if we need to to do an additional little SM ceremony and photo op for everybody to be there we can we can do that as well I think everyone's had a chance to also tour the park individually beforeand um so that's that also uh provides a backdrop for people to participate that um were part of this process but I think finding dates is extremely difficult that accommodates everyone's schedule and I think the most important people are our residents and they're ready to get out there and this park needs to be turned over to them mayor yes I agree that we should we really don't need to coordinate with everyone I mean I think there should be an invitation sent out to the city legislators I mean it's it's and to my understanding that's what's happened right you've sent out a letter um but you've also done a manager if you can correct me if I'm wrong you've also done already some Outreach to the commissioner's office and the county mayor's office right our Park staff has done that ma'am yes ma'am yes and what and there's a date proposed that it's a week after after the 24th correct that would be Labor Day weekend yeah so I would I would say again it's up to all of you guys but I think that there are some people that should be part of this opening and moving at one weekend is not going to be sufficient do we have to take a vote on that should we have to take a vote on that um Mr I think labor Labor Day weekend is a is an is a holiday and you're going to have a lot of residents out of town so so the most important people there are our residents I'm going to leave it up to you guys but that's that's my opinion I think we should have done that from the beginning that weekend I I mean again I think this should have been done from the beginning I don't think it was enough to just send out invitations um so maybe for future events we need to do that I I think I personally I think it's important to have people that have been part of this process from the beginning but I'm going to leave it up to my colleagues if there's no consensus that we should make sure that we at least have County here with our Park opening then that's up to you guys but that's what I would say to do through the mayor yes coun so can we um if that's at the the weekend of Memorial can we um can we move it to the following weekend then do we have to to take a vote on this or guys what we can move it for the following weekend then so then we will make sure that everybody I mean the the residents are going to be here they're not going to be you know out and we will be able to have if that's an issue the through mayor I'm going to propose this final thing I think maybe internally we should the five of us should speak you know individually with the manager and see if there is a way to do this if not we should just keep the same date I don't I also don't want it to be delayed um so if there is internal conversations through the manager that you can do with individual council members um and see if there is a way to find consensus if not I think we should just keep the the same date because I also don't want to delay I think this was a process that should have been done from the beginning um and we find ourselves now you know in the middle of opening and I I would not want to see it any further delayed through the mayor uh ma'am one of the things and this I address all council members one of the things that has to be taken into consideration there are contractual agreement M ments with vendors uh so that's something I would have to defer the staff and look into uh What uh exposure of any we have financial and otherwise with regards to changing this number one and number two whether or not we're going to be able to get some of these vendors to to reprogram for a week or two later so uh I will certainly uh follow the the council's direction uh but those are two major considerations with regards to uh exposure that we may have financially uh to contracts that have already been uh ined oh let's see then I mean check and then you have a conversation with each of us and and then we make the decision mayor councilman Pino thank you mayor I well I'm GNA agree with Council por us that certainly future events certainly we have to take these into consideration and and plan it better but for me you know racing is are first and I'm not going to change I mean even if we have the meeting internally I'm not going to change my position this is a park that is is way delayed the residents are expecting parks department ready for August 24 I think that will be unfair to the professionals that have put all these hours already to make sure that the 24 is the date uh to make some changes right now so not only for the professionals but I think that most importantly mean we're forgetting the residents at the end of the day we're here because of the residents the resents every one paying for for uh the bond and that's my priority I mean I'm not going to change my position now uh thinking about a future day for the opening of the park but I do agree that we have to plan this better we have different options and opening dates that were proposed to us months ago so at this point to to start discussing this I think it's unfair not only for the residents number one but certainly for the professionals I respect everybody that has been involved I agree we should have the the county mayor Commissioners everybody involved but at the end of the day you know the rising is should be the priority thank you councilman any other comments oh go ahead go ahead and do your Council comments can I go yes go sir uh I also want to than speaking about Parks not only because speaking about Central Park opening date also Council woman porus as we the mayor also mentioned for uh the pable courts a lot of people are happy we're not forgetting about the tennis players because now we're getting the tennis players a little bit you know coming back to us but we haven't forget about you guys uh certainly we're we keep that in mind uh the back to school events I know that it was a great activity I want to thanks also our police department since uh for their ongoing engagement with our community uh I also want to thank public at first because we had a a dout date at the Marlins in July 21st uh which speaking about that next year we might need to change the date because a lot of the residents went the day before on July 20th combin uh but I'll combine the day for uh next year I also want to wish all parents and and children and happy back to school obviously to remind everyone to be a little bit of patient out there on the roads with the traffic uh these couple of days are going to be a little bit tough for all of us including us as parents but uh hang get in there we're going to make it through as we have done it in the past uh that concludes my comments mayor thank you coun mayor yes vice mayor cor I also want to thank uh the parks department over shining and the police department also for since we last met uh in June we had the 4th of July and it was a very successful event a lot of residents came out it was very organized and also the uh back to school bookbs and uh uh National nightout event was uh extremely successful very nice so thank you for that and um I'd like to get support from my colleagues to um get the uh lighting of the building during the month of September yellow and gold in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month if we can make that uh possible and you guys can support this will be great y yeah definitely I think the manager's got it uh most definitely I will certainly uh coordinate that with Public Works the month of September will be yellow and gold sir yes sir thanks okay we're moving on to Advisory board comments we have the military military fairs Advisory Board Mr Bill Watts is here with their recap through the mayor I haven't been able to have my comments so if I I just want to mention I just want to mention Bill if you just give me one one second um well I know that many of you have already uh expressed the same thing that I I was going to say or part of it when it comes to uh congratulates all all of our students also to parking police for kids uh for their effort on the uh on the distribution of the book bags but um as we mentioned before um Mr Pedro Garcia that um fortunately passed away I knew him way before I even become a councilwoman in our Parks uh someone that every every time was with a smile and with so much energy I don't know if still there was a GoFundMe for for him and I just wanted to ask I'm going to put it also in my page um there's a fund me so we can support uh his family and uh for the payment of the services so I just wanted to ask everybody if they can uh later on during the day can go to my page and to please to support um his family uh during this very difficult moments that they're going through thank you does that conclude your Council comments okay great thank you problem Mr Watts you're up good morning Madame mayor vice mayor Council uh city manager Chief back there in the back can't forget you my name is Bill whs everyone William Bill whts some people call me Captain bill but I'm Bill Whits I am the chair of the Dural military advisory committee one of the hardest working Committees of the city for those of you that are not aware we have one of the major uh facilities Within theity city of deral major command facility Southern command so part of what the military advisory committee does is we bring together the veterans the uh Southern command service members and the community that's our main focus for the city just to give you a little bit of background of the five current city sitting members four of those five are all combat veterans some of them have served more than one tour of combat so I'm here before the council today to request as we've done in Prior years uh to hold the Dural military and Veteran family event at the D Glades Park on November 16th this is again to bring together the Community Southern command and the veterans within the city the last check I think we were around 900 veterans and I think that number was from two years ago uh during this event we're wanting to hold a also a health fair a small health fair we've already reached out to the Chief of Staff of the Miami VA he's willing to uh provide some doctors in different departments for that uh we last year we had about 300 uh sign up for this event we're hoping to make it bigger each year our military events have only gotten bigger and bigger Veterans Day started out you know 20 to 40 people and I think it was over a 100 this last year uh Memorial Day which started in 2018 with one person putting it together we had four veterans come out a reef that was purchased personally by myself we placed it on a lock gate at the deral Veterans Park our last Memorial Day event we had almost a 100 people so it's more than doubled each year since we started it so with that uh mayor and councel you should have already received a memo we're requesting 7500 just due to inflation and rising cost though we do not uh foresee it being that amount uh we're in negotiation with uh Southern command of providing the bounce houses that we pre prior we had to uh rent for the day we're also working with Mission Barbecue to either get the cost of the food reduced or partially donated as well as the new uh Little Caesars here in Dale to provide the pizza for the kids so we're working with uh many different uh vendors to make this event even better and like I said each year we only hope to grow and make it bigger so therefore we're requesting a waiver of the rental fees of the community center as well as the park um per the mayor and some of the council members request V info will provide their kayaks and fishing equipment for the day to be there uh along with safety personnel and numerous volunteers to help cover the event uh so the city doesn't have to have a uh great burden on the parks department as always vet info has helped uh our parks department whenever there's been an event so therefore we would uh like to request those uh items um as in the memo then in closing I'd just like to say to everyone here if you see a service member or a veteran please give them a thank you these are special individuals these are people who actually signed a check up to their life to give you the freedom that you live here in the United States today thank you thank you Bill thank you very much for everything that you do that the committee does um and you guys do work very hard the event has gotten better and better every every year with your support and your dedication and the members that you have uh from the community you've brought together to support that event so I'm 100% supportive I don't know if that we need a a vote is there a motion motion to approve motion to approve by Council M second by Council Madame clerk please call rooll I have a motion to approve the board's request I presented as presented May by Council Pino second by councilwoman Cal Council Pino yes councilwoman Cal Council poras yes May fro yes motion passes thank you very much thank you again bill I would like to thank you all you've all been so supportive of the military and the veterans thank you you City manager's report yes uh Madame mayor uh council members just uh wanted to share a few brief highlights of some of our departments in public works uh writers ship in the trolley continues to be very popular in June there were over 45,000 rides that are uh Community availed themselves of uh the P the city's uh um program uh parking program uh totaled uh $81,000 in Revenue through the uh pay by phone app uh and Street Maintenance Street and roope maintenance continues to be a priority as indicated by the number of uh ongoing projects and work orders that were submitted to council this month by our public works department on uh public affairs uh followers of our social media media platforms have reached over 84,000 the overwhelming number of interactions have been very positive the police department is currently uh involved in the re accreditation process being conducted by the commission for Florida law enforcement accreditation uh by all indications uh per the conversations I've had with Chief Lopez uh we seem to be on Solid Ground towards re accreditation there was a recent uh mock assessment or dress rehears if you will uh which we passed with flying colors so we are on on Solid Ground towards reaccreditation uh the popularity of our Parks continues to grow a year-to DAT attendance and compared to last year is up over 9,000 I'm sorry over 9% for a total of 976 th000 Park visits so we're at the cusp of touching 1 million Park visits uh and lastly our human resources department uh worked very efficiently with Evergreen Solutions uh to provide an accurate assessment of positions and their pay scales in comparison to other municipalities in the region um and the city was recognized by the Sun Sentinel as one of the top Employers in South Florida that's all I have thank you Mr manager city attorney's report thank you madam mayor I'll I'll be brief um really I want to thank uh the manager uh Connie our our Clerk and and staff uh the the last uh month we've been uh uh presented with with two actions that required us to uh and very quickly uh bring the matter before the court uh in a matter of of days uh and both have provided us with their undivided attention and all the resources necessary uh special thanks also goes out to um Michelle Lopez she's been fantastic and I've been calling her at all odd hours of day and weekends and she's always made herself available so I want to give my thanks to her uh building department uh Vince i' I talked back and forth on the ordinance we're going to be presenting uh for next month and and we're working on that uh and uh Edgar also from Code Compliance who's who's been uh been stellar and and helping us in in these matters that we've been dealing with uh last couple month uh with regards to the matter that you brought to my attention um Madame mayor you are correct I mean this was brought uh to me uh this week um I did receive uh correspondence from the county uh we are I think coordinating meetings with each of you individually uh so we can discuss this matter further uh between the manager and myself um and we will be uh uh working diligently to get a uh that that formal opinion to you shortly in short not shortly in short order thank you Lorenzo okay city clerk's report I have nothing to report just to remind you all there's a budget workshop at 2 pm today Perfect all right that concludes our morning session I need a motion to Recess Recess Recess motion to Recess by P second by councilman Boris today beat councilman F all right now all in favor say hi hi this meeting is recessed till 2: p.m. budget 6 p.m back here for LPA [Music]