##VIDEO ID:IYxAI99E2uw## I you ready we're live is that for me okay ladies is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the beautiful city of D the time is 6:13 p.m. it is August 14th 2024 this is our regular council meeting and Zoning meeting evening session Madam cler please call the RO councilwoman Mar poras councilman Rafa Pino councilwoman vice mayor corve yes mayor chrisy frog present Mar you have thank you very much please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman for us alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay agenda order of business is there any deletions additions changes Mr city manager Mr City attorney no changes added okay uh through the mayor Yes actually no we we'll have time I'm just we have a speaker that's um on by zoom and so and it's for C and she's going to be on until around 6:30 I think we can get past the first two right okay I think so yes okay if not we'll take it up before B before c that's all right the only thing I would like to add is that um and during the public hearings we're going to hear items A and E together since they are um of the same nature okay we will now open up to public comments the public comments portion of this meeting is now open if you have something you would like to speak about on this agenda or J me to this counselor this would be the time to do so if you'd like to speak on a specific item in public hearing we will call you up during that item I have three comment cards two for a specific item one for General comments um once we've heard the general comments you can come up and speak and then visit with the clerk to fill out one of the comment cards you have 3 minutes to speak please speak in a respectful manner we will start with Mr Richard glat please make sure phones are on silent as well thank you good afternoon Richard glad 4768 Northwest 114th Avenue you know I was uh I want to talk about a couple of ordinances that you're going to uh bring up later one for the uh Trump Endeavor and the other one for the Midtown and I was speaking with the the mayor about this off the cuff and basically after talking with her I I became very uh dejected because it looks like there's really no point to even uh discuss this it's like the way the whole system is set up from beginning to end with all the rights supposedly that people have and all the studies that are made yada yada yada yada and if we uh don't do what they want they're going to sue us and they'll probably win yada yada yada stuff like that well what's the point to even have a council why don't we just let you know number 45's buddy over here who who works for him and Mr Russo and all these other guys on the team just just do whatever the hell they want wh why do they even have to come to to the meeting that would be real freedom but supposedly they have to go through you know hoop one and hoop two and hoop three and but it's like the whole thing is uh it's a setup they they always get what they want within reason and they start out saying well we want 3,000 units and they know damn well you're not going to give them 3,000 units so they settle for the 1500 or 1498 that they wanted anyway and on top of that they're going to put in some retail down there on the bottom and they have to get approved for that the whole thing's already passed the city didn't say anything against it but if we try to stop them they they say oh they're going to sue us this other thing about uh Midtown Durell this both of these things have been here before this is this is from the old Rodeo what they're doing here is they're uh they're increasing the amount of units from 253 to 552 but supposedly because of the reduction in the uh office space and the uh and and the commercial it's going to be okay because there's going to be less traffic than before even though there's 552 units double the units I'm not buying that I don't think it's going to happen so when you have double the units you have all kinds of people there and it's all rental units by the way these are all rental units what the hell do we need more freaking rental units for and these things in the Trump they're all going to be rich people investors buying them by blocks and then they're just going to sell them and rent them out anyway nobody's going to live there that lives in the D it's all going to be like a vacation place so none of these people that are live in these places are going to be uh talking to me or you they're not going to be a they're they're not even going to live here thank you Mr glat you'll have an opportunity during the public hearing a transient Community welcome to derell a rental community thank you Mr glat would anybody else like to speak during the public comments now would be your opportunity public hearing will come next public comments please approach the podium if you would like to speak during public comments if you want to speak to a specific item you will have time during the public hearing as well name and address for the record please my name is Francisco basana I live at 88 Northwest 107 Court that's a d um that is in a Coronado Community uh I just want to reinforce what I just heard gentlemen would you mind stepping outside please if you're going to speak just step right outside what I just heard and my concern is that uh we are just about to double the size of the resident units um and that means for times the amount of cars we're going to have the vehicles we're going to have in that those new buildings as it is right now the 107 Avenue it's it's got a lot of traffic jam we have that new industrial Zone that's developing in 41 uh street with 107 Avenue and that's going to bring a lot of warehouses guess which way everybody's going to use the people coming from the northern cities like hayo they're going to work on the on the warehouses they're all going to use a 107 Avenue and that's going to be impossible so I'm really concerned of what is happening what's going to happen with our style of living what's going to happen with our quality of lives is that being considered is is is there a plan to uh for all the traffic it's going to come along I don't know I haven't heard about it and I'm really concerned and what what really annoys is that in our specific Community we've been waiting two years to get our pool back and we're waiting for the permit for the city so it takes years and years and years and but these things you know they get so fast and everything goes like Smooth when it's big people or big uh investors uh on on these uh things and when when it becomes to Residents to our really needs nobody's taking care of that's my concern and that's why I'm here thank you very much please see the clerk to fill out a card thank anyone else would like to speak dream comments now would be your opportunity to come forward okay being none we'll go ahead and move to the discussion items public comments is now closed discussion item 21A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of a city of D Florida recognizing amundo Gonzalez Ur as the new president of Venezuela following the results of the July 28 2024 elections and providing for an effective dat okay councilwoman cabal this your item yes thank you I know that you all got the the memo and um by the people of Venezuela exercise their Democratic right to vote in the presidential election on July 2024 according to more than 80% of the Electoral uh Tali sheets received from the polling station in uh independent observers and and election day exit polls and quick counts edmundo Gonzalez emerged as the winner of this election however the km Venezuelan government has refused to acknowledge and accept the electoral defeat undermining the Democratic process and the will of the Venezuelan people we uh within my uh the approval of this resolution uh we were recognizing uh edmundo Gonzales as the legit president of the Venezuelan following the results of the July 2024 election this resolution enforced the city of doral's um stance of democracy and human rights and aligns with the values of our significant Venezuela community so I I hope that my fellow um council members Al uh members also um approve and support um my resolution on recognizing ades the president of Venezuela motion to approve by vice mayor P cor second by councilman Badoo through the mayor may I have yes just a quick comment U thank you uh councilman cabal for bringing this item up and I'm very proud to support um that our city recognized edmundo Gonzalez as the legitimate president of Venezuela um I also want to make a quick comment on a an opposition Deputy leader that's currently imprisoned Williams davilas um we urgently call on the International Community to intervene in defense of the freedom of opposition Deputy Williams Davila who's in critical health condition due to the kidnapping by the Nicolas Maduro regime a davilas situation is a reflection of the persecution and repression faced by political prisoners in Venezuela who are deprived of their most basic rights it's imperative that government and international organizations act immediately to demand the release of Davila and all political prisoners again thank you uh councilman cabal and to our colleagues for supporting our Venezuelan community and I was there a second already yes there was a second okay I support it thank you thank you okay Madam motion to approve May by Vice corvey seconded by Council Pino Vice May cor yes Council Pino councilwoman cabal yes councilwoman poras yes yes motion passes okay we move on to the next item discussion item 21b Reserve because you zerve veterans parkings proposal all right thank you very much um I'm going to go ahead and call up our young boy scout Connor Thank you very much to do a very quick presentation on his proposal for his Eagle Scout project go ahead hello uh my name is Conor Reed I am a life Scout and true 552 I've been a part of scouting for 7 years now I I believe you have a presentation let me make sure it has it up it okay if you want go ahead all right they'll go ahead and put your present to ship in a second don't oh it's it was attached no okay go ahead Connor you're good today I will I will be speaking about my Eagle project my eagle project is reserved veteran parking signs that I would like to install in R public spaces specifically Parks the sign is rust proof durable and lemonade the base is mobile making it easy for Park Personnel to move them in an event of harsh weather a permanent post is also an option giving it a more uniform look there are a few examples of other places doing this the Sacred Heart Hospital of Pensacola Orange City Florida Lowe's of Davy Florida and the City of West Miami are all examples of this by adding these signs to public areas in the city we can make sure our veterans continue to feel our appreciation for their service and sacrifices Dural already has an increased military presence with the US Southern command being located in our city I think this project will be a welcomed addition to D's public spaces and simultaneously maintain and improve relations with those residents and visitors who served and continue to serve thank you for your consideration thank you Connor so um what Connor is looking for today is uh support to work with our departments um with the city manager's office to place veteran preferred parking signs in our public parks um and hopefully this building as well so any City uh facilities and basically what it is is just a sign I'm not sure why the presentation wasn't in the backup but um they're putting it okay sorry um it's a presentation I mean it's a sign that says preferred veteran parking um so that there if there is Veterans visiting the park they would have a more a closer and more convenient parking spot there we go um I'll just give a little speak over so um my connection to this project is my father was a US Marines veteran my grandfather was in was in the Air Force and fought in Vietnam and I have been taught to respect and honor the sacrifices of them and all veterans our veterans are the inspiration behind this project um for my proposal I um sorry I'm trying to find my place um so the places I would like to have my project um would be the parks in D including D Central Park D Cultural Arts Center Dural Glades Park Dural Legacy Park Dural Meadow Park downtown Dural Park Mau Park Morgan Levy trails and Tails veterans white course and other public places also the substation and here the sign is rust proof and laminated and sturdy and it's made out of aluminum for durability and sturdiness the base um we will be using the permanent post I believe and it's galvanized steel and the height can vary to match other parking signage um the other places who are doing the same Low's de Florida city of West Miami Sacred Heart Hospital and Orange City Florida by adding these signs to public areas in the city we can make sure our veterans Fe continue to feel our appreciation for their service and sacrifices by using the portable sign sorry we're not using that one um sorry about that D already has an increased military presence with the US Southern command being located in our city I think this project will be a welcome addition to derous public spaces and simultaneously maintain and improve relations with those residents and visitors who served and continue to serve thank you for your consideration thank thank you Connor okay motion to approve second I have a motion to approve by councilman P second by Council do you want to make a comment quickly yes please thank you Connor for bringing this to the city now we have it in another city and especially in Dural thank you for your service with troop 552 and to the parents and family um congratulations for a wonderful young man that's serving at a young age thanks welcome sir thank you also I wanted to add uh for my project to move forward I have to have a signature of beneficiary approval um so who may I present that to you I'll take care of it for you after okay yes just give me a second and um we will get you in contact with the city manager's office and park so that you can work on those signs young man please see me after the meeting and uh we'll talk okay yeah thank you sir thank you very much Madam clerk can you please call the role yes madame mayor I have a motion to direct staff to implement the signs proposed May by councilman Pino second by councilman Council P yes councilman yes Council poras yes yes mayor FR yes motion passes thank you very much for your support we'll move on now to item 21 C item 21 C discussion composing training program partnership with the University of Florida Council portas this is your item thank you mayor this is a request to support a an official partnership with the University of Florida as the city of dalal's official instructor for composting training and education UF a top five public land grant University currently Works alongside Miami dat County to create free seminars that educate the public on composting um the request is being done through the environmental Advisory Board we have the chair of the environmental Advisory Board Cesar aarka here who is going to um introduce a little bit about or speak a little bit about this project and also introduce the guest that's on virtually right now waiting as well Laura from UF so if we if we can have Mr aara come up and speak please state your name and address for the record okay my name is cesara 10460 Northwest 69th Street all right very good okay good evening Laura good evening all okay I'm sorry all this okay good good morning Laura good morning all uh we welcome you to this pivotal meeting on behalf of the environmental advisory committee and our community your involvement has been instrumental in bringing the composite training partnership program to life with sincerely appreciate your contribution and recognize that this project will not be possible without you we want to highlight some of the asset that you have that will be key to the success of this program number one I would say it's strong leadership and teamwork excellent institutional relationship with the Miami day County Department of solid waste which is the policy maker of this business capability of manage scale focus on training and experience coordinating program with different institution we are grateful for your active involvement in crafting this project your effort has allowed allow us to continue working together in the future to improve the environment of the city ooral now I also want to say thanks to our people that has been involved in this project first I would like to say that um 18 months ago chrisy frer was elected mayor of the city and at that time she brought a policy of intering the city with the community and the community of the city in order to do so one of the initiative was the creation of the advisory committee and thank to that policy and to her now we are discussing this project for the city also I want to say thanks to Morin pora who is our commit assum with the council she has been working with us and advising us on the process and other uh matters I want also to say thanks to con Diaz and te because she has been very efficient making everything happen during the meeting and programming the meeting and also want to say thanks to the member of the environmental advisory committee for his participation discussion he advice in the project process program we present you laa Vasquez the University of Florida program director for the Miami day County composting training program a program that now hold the potential to be extended to the city of Dalal bringing hope and inspiration to our environmental initiative welcome Laura thank you thank you s oh um con can you guys hear me yes we can hear you okay perfect um uh first I'd like you know to thank sesad for including me in this uh council meeting and also do who works with the city of jado that we've worked with for many many years um I know Jal is very environmentally conscious of you know what's going on in the city um so we're pleased to to partner with you guys um and that you guys reached out to us for this composting program uh as sesar mentioned this is a current partnership with the University of Florida the Miami day County Solid Waste Department and the public library system because that is how we are hosting some of the programs that we have available or some of the Workshops the purpose of this particular composting program is established um in order to have sustainability efforts to reduce the the waste you know disposal volume um the great thing with with Dalal is that the home chemical Center is located in Dural and that is where we are Distributing most of the composting events um what I've noticed with some of our workshops is that we don't have that many participants from the city of Dural um and I think it also has to do with marketing so I'm going to continue and and and talk to you guys a little bit about how our program works uh we have a fiveyear uh memo of understanding with the solid waste management um Department uh this project has been going on or this program since 2014 I took over uh this position as the Urban Horticulture agent and Master Gardener coordinator for Miami day County in 2021 uh so I've been running this program for about three years now um in the past the Solid Waste Department um was giving out 240 bins per fiscal year from 2014 to 2023 now they are responsible for purchasing a thousand bins per fist per fiscal year um the bends have to be at least 80 gallons or more um you know they're responsible for preparing reports for the office of sustainability and then reproducing any any uh brochures or training material that we need for this particular program um and recently they are now helping promote the the composting workshops which they weren't in the past um and that has helped uh greatly to increase the numbers in participation you know of course um our responsibility with the composting program is to schedule organize you know develop the curriculum you know obtain the instructors we have to find different locations around the county to present these not only virtually but also in person um we're required minimum of four sessions per year but we do many many more than just four uh we also recently I just created like a post survey to see all the people that attended the workshop you know are they using the compost bin you know how much material are they composting so that we can get some feedback about the program itself uh before we were giving out the Earth machine if you look on the right hand side that this is the earth machine um recently we changed it to the Geo bin there's a lot of pros and cons you know we wanted to reduce the carbon footprint the Earth machine which we were giving out before was purchased in Canada and it was being shipped from Canada the Geo bin is made in the United States um and it's also made with less plastic the Earth machine um can only make about 80 gallons of material of of waste material where the Goen can make about 246 gallons uh it's also in a smaller uh box if you look at the box here for the gooen it's really small compared to the earth machine you know you could break it up in three pieces and people were concerned about taking it home uh it is less expensive the geobin we can purchase um with what we could purchase three uh 100 Earth machines we can now purchase 300 of the Geo bin so that we can get out you know more into the community the cons are as you can see the Geo bin does not have a top on it so there's some people have some concerns um you know about it not having a top I mean you should have it uh you could have it covered with like a mesh um we go through all of these things uh during the program when we do the training so we give you different options you know Miami Beach residents day actually have a different um program there that would be another option for Dalal if you guys were interested uh Miami Beach uh the Surf Rider Foundation applied for a grant and they purchased tumblers uh for their residents so only the people in Miami Beach could get the tumbler where you can actually crank the bin and it kind of turns for you it goes it's actually sideways and you can turn the the material so they have funding for that um again we are doing this for free but if the residents of dado were interested in something else maybe that's something the city could look into purchasing or or applying for a grant for specific compost bins if that's a if that is a concern um also you know homeowners can also create their own compost bin it doesn't have to be made of plastic uh we show them different options of how they can make a compost bin at home uh so we do provide them you know different resources this is the uh Miami day solid waste department's website as you can see it talks about our program provides the links to the different registrations they also posted on their social media as do we um what really hit big and really got the program promoted was the Instagram post they posted it one time in Instagram and our are it increased the participation so I'm going to show you that in one of the slides as well uh currently what we're doing is we're having the classes online like I said most of the classes are virtual so everyone in the county can attend um after the program is you know over homeowners are given a link to a survey as you can see here's a screenshot of what the survey looks like we do ask for demographics information just to make sure that we are you know serving um all the diverse communities um at the end when they hit submit this voucher will pop up the orange voucher it will give them a date of the voucher when they can pick up the compost B there in Jal um and then we also provide them our contact information in order for them to ask us questions if they have additional questions after the training we do have the chat open so they can ask questions throughout the chat or throughout the workshop in the future I would like to do some workshops in Spanish because right now we're only doing them in English and we also are going to try to do the workshops pre-recorded online so the idea moving forward would be to do like a 30 minute uh presentation online already recorded people would then uh fill out the survey um and we have to work on how to show proof that they took the class so we're in the process of doing that now with the Solid Waste Department um as you can see here like I mentioned to you I started in 2021 here are the numbers of our attendees we the first year I had about 394 people attend and how many people uh receive vouchers as you can see in 2023 uh our numbers increased to 670 that was just because of that one Instagram post um and about 574 people received vouchers uh that year last year so what I did is uh these uh 1,169 people that attended the three years of workshops I sent them a survey uh to see you know ask them different questions on how they're using the compost bin how they're using it out of those thousand uh people we had about 310 that responded 92% of the people said that you know they received the free compost bin and they're using it 80% are saying they're continuing to compost at this time I'm still determining the amount of waste that's being diverted because uh it was an open-ended question so we have to calculate what people are determining that they are composting and I'd also like to look at the amounts that the Earth machine is saying that a household of four people would then compost so we can compare notes with the residents you know and how can the city of Dural become a partner um you guys can one become an official partner like I mentioned um whether you know it's helping us Market to the to the residents of Dural maybe we can host a couple of programs there maybe at the home chemical Center maybe at the city uh also you know having a compost Resource page on the city website if you guys do become a partner it'd be great to have that information available on your site for some of the homeowners um and I think think that is my last slide if you guys have any questions for me thank you Laura and Cesar so just to reiterate the this is a program that UF offers or no cost to Residents in the city and so with this I would like to ask my colleagues to support the following recommendations to direct the city manager to create a memorandum of of understanding with UF to recognize UF as the as the city's official partner for composting training and education direct the corresponding departments to organize the composting trainings available to the community presented by UF and I was also informed um that the late um Morgan Levy was a a big environmental advocate so I would also ask to um propose naming this the Morgan levom posting training program partnership motion to approve second motion to approve by councilman cab second by vice mayor P corvey if there's any other comments any other comments no all right questions great thank you very much sounds goodas I will obtain exactly all of those recommendations from your memo I didn't catch all of them while you were saying them but I'll get them okay uh I have a motion to approve as presented made by councilwoman Cal and second by vice mayor P corve Council Cal yes vice mayor P corve Council Pino yes councilman poras yes mayor frag yes motion passes okay thank you very much and thank you to to the presenter that was online thank you Laura thank you for your time thank you okay we will now go into the public hearings Madame mayor may please swear in all the witnesses yes if you will be presenting testimony in any of the public hearing items please stand up raise your right hand and repeat after me I do solemnly swear affirm that the information that I'm about to present shall be the truth or nothing but the truth thank you very much first item item 22A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving the Seventh Amendment to the Section 8 settlement agreement between Del Corp Group LLC and the City of derell providing for recordation and providing for an effective date the settlement okay thank you very much we will now hear from Madame mayor public hearing sorry let me go ahead and just open up for public comments on this item first if anyone would like to speak on item 24-5 772 in that item only please approach the podium at this time I do believe I have no not for this one madame mayor if I may yes we're I think listening to this item combined with other you want to read both into the record so that the public comments reflect both I think absolutely please read item a I'm sorry 22e as well item 22e ordinance number 2024 24 Midtown PUD faces four five and six an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving a modification to Midtown zout plan unit development PUD phases 4 five and six Master development agreement and pattern book to increase approved residential units from 253 to 552 reduce commercial gross leasable area from 9687 Ft to 22,700 Ft and remove 7500 75,000 square feet of net leasable area of office use providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you madam clerk okay we will open up public comments for item 24- 5772 and 24- 57 75 at this time I do have one common card from Mr Richard glad on item 24-5 775 Richard GL I'm against this and I think I already kind of explained why uh supposedly uh they're cutting uh retail space space and office space but they're increasing they're doubling the amount of units from 253 to 552 this these are all rental units I think that's horrible this community is winding up becoming a full 100% Rental Community you can buy a condominium here and rent it out and leave town that that's what almost everybody's doing here where I live we have 162 unit it was built in 1999 I'm still there I'm living there I plan to live there and retire and now all you see is rental people it's it's it's like a like a big flop house come and go come and go and the type of people that rent these places don't have any money the apartment next to me at one point had uh nine people living in there in a three apartment from Peru nine people I helped to get rid of three of them there was still six left at the end they destroyed the apartment now somebody else lives there from Venezuela and it's it's it's a lot better but that's what happens here these people are gangos we already know these Venezuelan gang people are here they're not Property Owners they rent we don't know who our neighbors are nobody talks to anybody here anymore and because of all all the rental units this is what they're going to do here so what they they decrease the the office and the other stuff okay supposedly there's more trips with offices and Retail and this but I'm not buying into it if you can have up to nine people living in a three-bedroom rental apartment that's a hell of a lot more people than than are going to go to a store and come and go and the ones that come and go in the stores and the offices they don't live there they don't create a demand on the police and the fire and the schools when these apartments fill up with uh with trash they're going to wind up in the schools over here with your kids you can't keep them out whether they have papers or don't have papers that's what D's turning into just look around go to the supermarkets go to the streets look at the crime reports like I do there's more assaults than ever before more fights these are are things we never had here people are freaking out in the streets and beating the hell out of each other they're not necessarily shooting each other like they did at City Place but there there's a lot of fights here and there's also a lot of shoplifting because these people don't have any money to buy anything they just shoplift it that's what we're getting here I'd rather have you know uh less units and leave the stores alone thank you Mr gles that would anybody else like to speak on these two items last call for public hearing on items 24- 5772 and 5775 okay public comments is now closed and we will hear from Staff first okay uh M Lopez you want me to give a brief explanation first so just to to put us all in a proper posture one of the things that's unique about this application that you're going to hear about a little bit more uh is that this is tied into a settlement agreement that was entered with Atlas 1 and Atlas uh two uh back in 2004 uh it's well negotiations started in 2004 uh the first agreement ended up in 2005 sorry um the reasoning for the agreement was the disagreement of the city of Dural with regards to the intensity of what Alice was proposing to to place there uh dlas got permission from the county not from the city itself City intervened and it was able to uh obtain certain uh profit and certain uh benefits part of it were were certain parks that we received and also the ability to buy additional property at discounted rates and also a lesser intense uh project um this agreement has been modified several time the iteration that you're going to see tonight is the seventh iteration of it uh the second one uh address additional uh cities concerns uh there were additional uh reductions in the overall amount of units and uh there were additional benef benefits as far as open land that was provided to the city uh the third amendment uh brushed up a couple of issues dealing with the naming of of the uh business The Entity that was owning it uh to Century uh and also uh kind of uh also uh there was an additional amount of of units and and mixing as far as the intensity of it uh the other iterations of of the agreement really dealt more with the the shifting uh as needs changed the current iteration of it um what it's basically doing is as as we heard in public comment is reducing the amount of uh commercial space uh and also office space so retail space and office space and increasing the amount of uh units uh that are going to be allowed uh that being the case though uh Council uh it's important to note that in this particular area it the allowable use is 19 units per acre and reality what we're seeing here is about 2 12.6 to 13.4 Acres uh um units per acre uh the also other thing that's uh interesting about this uh is that we've been able to negotiate um the ability to have uh a hero's housing actually we didn't negotiate it was profed by the applicant uh Heroes housing is a program that miid county has specifically for for teachers and First Responders uh for them to be able to get the the property at a discounted price uh and these are going to be market rate type uh Apartments so they're not going to get anything you know Studio versus uh the market rate being you know it's two and one bedrooms no these are going to be market rate two-bedroom and one-bedroom homes the same ones that everyone else is going to be able to get but at a discounted rate based on this Heroes uh program uh and that's basically the the agreement that's before you and then everything else is the actual uh amendments that are going to to follow and uh Miss lus can discuss those a little bit more but I'm open to any questions that you have right now with regards to the settlement agreement thank you Lorenzo thank you Mr City attorney Michelle Lopez interim Planning and Zoning director for the city of Dural uh if we could bring up the presentation please thank you the applicant mid mg deral Partners LLC is Seeking a amendment to settlement agreement that City attorney just described and also an amendment to their Master development agreement and uh implementation of a pattern book for property along uh along east side of Northwest 107th Avenue from 86th Street to 90th Street it's a it's three Parcels that are approximately 7.18 Acres their future land use designation is community mixed use with a zoning District of plan unit development the applicant is seeking uh three items through this modification the first is an increase to 99 299 dwelling units from the two uh I'm sorry increased 299 dwelling units from 253 to 552 removal of 75,000 ft of office space and a reduction of 74,2 35 ft of commercial space which would realize from 9687 to 22,7 40 square ft the property is surrounded to the north south and east uh with future land use designations of community mixed use and and Zoning District uh planned unit development similar to the property that we're speaking of um to the West is Ronald rigan high school and that's an Institutional use and then we're also bounded by um to the West residential communities that have a medium density residential land use designation and a multif family residential zoning District like the settlement agreement the MDA or the master development agreement has gone through several iterations since 2014 uh when it was originally adopted in 2014 there was a maximum unit count of 1,548 dwelling units 300,000 Square ft of commercial space 75,000 ft of office space 47,000 Square ft of Clubhouse um in the first three phases of Midtown which has now been expanded to six phases of Midtown in 2020 uh the city council modified the master development agreement um by allowing the development of unbuilt parcels uh as individual phases so I.E instead of instead of developing all the phases together you would do it in segments so phases 2 three four five and six could be built uh independent of one another the next iteration occurred in 2022 and uh that modification provided for an increase sorry of 170 dwelling units which took the unit count from 505 to 675 and um there was also an increase of commercial square footage from of 3250 which took that square footage from 89750 to 93,000 I'm almost done in 2023 there was another modification which increased uh 59 dwelling units taking that unit count to 734 and then also increasing um 11,524 the clubhouse which took that to 58,000 52 sare ft and then there was also a reduction of commercial space um of 31,900 to 61 uh, 64 square feet so for this evening we're dealing with what we all hope is the final redu with the final Amendment to the MDA um and as uh City attorney and I stated earlier in our presentations the request is to increase um an additional 299 dwelling units taking that unit count to 552 for phases 4 five and six the uh removal of 75,000 ft of office space and the reduction of commercial space from 96 uh 9687 to 22 1,740 and on the screen I have a comparison table so to the left is what's currently approved to the right are the proposed amendments and in red you'll see in phase four there's only a net increase of 20 units no changes to commercial uh in Phase five there's a net increase of 76 units uh with a net decrease in commercial space of 11,370 and finally in the last phase phase six there is a net increase of 203 units uh with a net reduction in commercial square footage of 11,675 uh Square ft and a net reduction in office space of 75,000 Square ft and so when you look at the comp plan your community mixed use land use designation allows for a maximum density and in the CMU the maximum density is 19 uh units per acre and this project is realizing uh somewhere between 14 units to 15.1 units per acre where again your comp plan allows for up to 19 so that number is important because when we look at comp plan changes and when we look at the MDA changes and settlement agreements and all of these guiding documents we want to make sure that those units don't exceed what the comp plan allows when we look at comp plan and when we look at development we look at traffic and so like the gentleman indicated um the request does have a reduction in traffic that has been confirmed by the applicant's traffic engineer the city's traffic engineer and Miami date County uh Department of uh transportation and public works so the traffic statement for the record the results of the trip generation comparison show that the proposed changes to phases four and five of the development will generate 724 more daily trips 20 less a peak hour trips and 12 less p.m peak hour trips when compared to the approved phase 4 and Phase 5 development the analysis also shows that the proposed Phase 6 development will generate 2,488 less daily trips 88 less am peak hour trips and 156 less PM peak hour trips when compared to the approved phase six development as the changes in the development program decrease the overall trips in the AM and PM peak hours the impact of the project on adjacent roadway network will be reduced as my colleague indicated City attorney during uh his presentation of the settlement agreement the applicant is also offering a hero housing Covenant that's running with the land the Covenant will benefit Miami date County Public Schools Employees city employees and First Responders uh the hero housing uh be 26 units in in phase four 15 units in Phase five and 15 units in phase six there are terms and conditions that have been proferred by the applicant through the Covenant uh the rental rate will be controlled um with specified affordability ranges for 20 years the maximum monthly cost shall be restricted to an amount affordable to a Workforce household with a total annual income not to exceed 140% Ami one-third of the hero housing units must be affordable to households making an annual income equal to 65% to 90% of the Ami onethird of the hero housing units must be affordable to households making 91% to 115% of the Ami and onethird of the hero housing units must be affordable to households making 116% to 140% of the Ami the Declaration is to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming uh claiming it for a period of 30 years from the date of the Declaration is recorded after which time uh it can be extended automatically every 10 years until severed by the city and the property owner collectively with that staff from recommends that the mayor and council members approve the proposed modification to the Midtown Dural PUD pattern book The Master development agreement the Declaration of restrictions that I just spoke about and the settlement agreement motion to approve second we need to hear from yeah we we we need to hear from the applicant please and then before we have the Motions St thank you very much St thank you um Melissa tapenz 200 South bis game Boulevard Miami um everyone did such an excellent job thank you City attorney and interim planning director for doing my work for me we do have a presentation I can go through it rather quickly more for the benefit of the community uh who I did have the opportunity to speak with and we will be meeting with um the association um who did not um attend the workshop so if we could excellent thank you so much um so I'm here here representing mg Dural Partners the contract purchaser of the property with me uh this evening is Alo toal as well as Ariel Gutierrez and George saparo from mg developers Ernesto Duca from Del cop group they are the Property Owners um our design team Mario Pasqual Peter kisian and Andrew star from PPKs as you all know PPKs has worked in D for decades since before the city's founding and has been part of this Midtown Dural project uh for many many years we also have Juan Espinosa from David plumber and Associates our traffic engineer and I should mention that the delay in getting this project to hearing has been our work in trying to ensure that we provide more than what is required in infrastructure and I'll speak about that in a moment as it relates to parking um so staff explained our proposal as to what we're here to request so I'll get into a little bit more of just to orient this the the community to the site uh Midtown dur uh the Pud is 30 acres of land on the east side of 107th Avenue originally approved in 2014 the Pud is also bounded by the FPL transmission Corridor uh to the East and there's 50 acres of conservation land that the city negotiated in the pass that is protected uh also to the east of the site uh our application involves the northernmost three phases four five and six which equate to 7.21 acres phases four and five are south of 90th Street and phase six is north of 90th Street our approvals um on today's agenda is the amendment to the Pud pattern book that is what implements the proposed site plan which will be before you in September um our Amendment to the development agreement as well as the amendment to the original Section 8 settlement agreement and we'll be back uh for site plan and tenative plat approval we're hoping next month um so um to just Orient um the community to the surroundings we mentioned the FPL and the 50 acres that you see um to the um the bottom uh left of the of the I'm sorry bottom right of the screen and you'll see the Coronado project um further to our West and that was the Ho way that we've agreed to meet with um between now and second reading Ronald Reagan High is immediately AB budding uh the site across 107th Avenue and that is we think a very important uh part of this project because they are our most um instant neighbors I think it's also important to note that um day County owns a large land assemblage to our North and medley does as well so this really is the northernmost area of the the city um along 107th Avenue and the reason for our proposed revision to the development program um the existing development of program as that has been approved um as was mentioned includes the 150,000 square fet of office and Commercial uh we simply believe not only is it Market reality uh but most importantly this is at the northern edge of the city and what we're looking to do is create more ground floor neighborhood serving retail rather than 150,000 Square ft of destination retail um as the traffic analysis shows and the planning director mentioned that's a significant reduction in um proposed trips uh this is our proposed development program I mentioned the ground floor retail and phases five and six which equates to 22740 Ft and again a total of 552 res residential units um I think it's very important for the community to note that this represents an effective down zoning of the properties we're eliminating all office uses and significantly reducing commercial uses and providing a modest impact to this expand expanded residential use would completely be offset by the removal of this component so there's no real changes to the massing of the structures uh just a significant reduction in traffic the other I think important note is that the overall density um staff mentioned the issue of this actual project only being about 14 units per acre where 19 is allowed in the community mixed use I think it's really important to note that applied to the Section 8 overall it's 48% less units what we are overall the buildout will be 48% less total uh for the site so specifically um at 19 units per acre this PUD would be allowed 8,835 units and we are proposing a total density at the end of the entire Section 8 and I misspoke not the Pud the entire Section 8 4,669 so that's a 48% uh reduction all the reviewing agencies have um reviewed and approved for levels of service concurrency and the reduction of daily vehicle trips is 4,000 and I do have Juan Espinosa if you have any technical traffic questions to respond to um another important aspect of this project is uh you may recall that in this PUD um it was approved with special parking rates and that was something that was has been problematic overall to the city our application proposes to go through and have today's parking requirements which are more stringent and eliminate those special parking um criteria um that the Pu otherwise has so we will comply with today's code and that is part of the approval um staff mentioned the hero housing profer and that just goes to the fact that Ronald Reagan High School is our immediate neighbor we've had numerous meetings with their PTSA as well as their principal as ways to work together and hero housing was something that was referenced as something that we thought was a very positive nature to have employees of the school board and the city to live close to where they work and that is what we believe smart growth sustainable development and our contribution to ensure that traffic can be mitigated by simply living close to uh where you work um the Covenant itself has very specific language and we're happy to work with the council as to making it more stringent but the bottom line is the goal is for us to let the school board the city and First Responders know when there's a vacancy and give them 45 days following that notification to have preference that's basically the bottom line and it's Covenant too uh we've already informed those agencies that this project is hopeful to come through in the near future so we want to make sure that people know about it and I know from speaking to the folks at Ronald Reagan High that they're already making plans and people are quite excited about it um these will be one and two bedroom units identical in size to this market rate units they'll have the same interior and exterior finishes which we think is very important to make this a real Community regardless of one's ability to uh pay for market rate this control is for 20 years and we also thought it was important to allow for not only the economic growth of each individual family or household within this project so to allow a range of income we're hopeful that people will do better every year and we want their ability to stay at this project uh to go along with that so we provided the full range of affordability for 65% a a Vara median income all the way to 140% which is the maximum of Workforce housing and I mentioned uh those restrictions so onto the project itself um these are this is the overall Midtown Dural project you'll see the the northernmost three phases that are the subject of this application to the left of your screen this is the actual site plan itself and you'll see that there are three buildings um each building is aligned with the streets with pedestrian access along the streets as well as with a poo in the middle of the project all parking is moved um to the rear of the site AB budding the FPL easement uh commercial spaces and generous pedestrian plazas also front 88 Street um and you can can see that on 107th Avenue there is a public park Plaza component obviously privately maintained with a gazebo um that is part of the project as well we wanted to create a Synergy for uh people coming and going hopefully uh students and families can live here teachers administrators can live here and uh cross 107th Avenue safely and we'll speak to the infrastructure in just a moment as well here you can see a little bit better um the actual site plan if you have any technical details I can go back to to that slide and this is uh building 12 um this is um specifically phase five as you can see it's a Well articulated facade with ground floor retail and a colonade um I have the pleasure of representing mg in other developments and I welcome you to see what they're doing in h and Coral Gables very incredible architecture well thought out design and of course people PKS does not disappoint uh this is the elevation of 107th Avenue where you can see the three buildings um at a maximum of 10 stories with the parking garages in the rear not visible from 107th Avenue at about six and seven stories each um this is the line of sight from Ronald Reagan High where you can see the colonade um Frontage on 107th Avenue uh this is the entrance into the parking garages between phases four and five and that parking garage is shared between those two buildings and this is from the FPL easement uh where you can see that the rear facade is fully articulated the garage is fully lined consistent with Dural Urban Design principles um and you can see that the balconies Etc create that eye on the street that really um helps with safety concerns another very important part of this project is that it boasts the resort style amenities that Dural is known for and acclaimed for in addition to Residents and guests enjoying uh the Midtown Dural Community facilities that are to the south of the project each one of these buildings is built with their own Resort style amenities including pools um as the ones that you see and uh children's playgrounds and um bark Parks as well uh last but not least we're committed to upgrade infrastructure in the area of course there'll be a bus shelter for the city's wildly successful Trolley system we're hopeful to take dual enrollment students from Ronald Reagan High to FIU and Miami Dade College um we also be providing um a traffic signal on 107th Avenue and 86 Street um that is a goal of assisting pedestrians at Crossing 107,000 Avenue and allowing for that morning School commute to be a little easier and with more um control um that was the issue that I was referencing earlier that while a traffic signal is not warranted under County guidelines it's something that we thought was all for the benefit of the community and we acass to the County's request and the city's request and that will be constructed and paid for by the applicant um in summary uh this project represents a a significant um first class development uh for the city of D this project has been long in the making this amendment is one that's in keeping uh with the trajectory of the city today it is a significant reduction in traffic impacts um and we would respectfully request your approval of the items before you and of course we remain committed to working with the city our neighbors including Ronald Reagan High um in the interim so we thank you and we're all available for any questions that you may have thank you m happes um mayor yes CC yeah just just very quickly for the hero housing if we can just specify city employees the city of Dural employees just perfect we'll do through the chair yes counc M thank you so much for your presentation I was not trying to under undermine your presentation uh it's just that I've been working with another member from the development for the past what almost six years oh I'm happy not to make a presentation in the past six years trying you know that um that was was going to be taking in account to be able to have our teachers I mean at the time that I was president of a parent teacher Association I remember how many teachers were trying you know to live in the community but it was not affordable and now that we have also Jackson here and also many other uh medical institutions and many nurses that they also want and our police also I uh have convers ations that many of them would love to live here in the community and we love to have them here because they will be around you know our kids our parents and um this is great and I know that our intern um zoning director uh when we met she did also wonderful presentation uh very detailed and um that's why it was you know I'm very uh for me this project is very close speak to my heart because I know that it's going to give the opportunity to so many um uh members of the community uh to be to be able to live here that they come here teach uh you know educate our kids and and also keep us safe and they will be able to have the opportunity to live among us thank you okay before we move forward on taking a vote because we are taking up two items at the same time one legislative and one on the um on the zoning aspect of this or I'm sorry the um when is qu a Judicial correct item we need expart communication on that one so what we're going to go ahead and do is um have experte communication disclosure now and then we'll take up two separate votes thank you I met with the applicant and it will not affect my vote I also met with the applicant and it won't affect my vote I also met with the applicant and it won't affect my my vote either as well it will not affect my decision thank you very much I also met with the applicant um and that will not affect the the decision all right let's go ahead and take a the vote that's on the on the floor right now for item 22A I already had a motion in a second for that item I have it motion to approve made by Vice May corve seconded by councilwoman cabal Vice May corve yes councilwoman cabal yes Council Pino yes councilwoman poras yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay and now we need a motion for item 22e motion to approve go ahead motion to approve by councilwoman cabal second by vice mayor p corvey Madam clerk motion to approve ordinance number 20242 24 on first reading made by Council caral seconded by Vi May corve Council caral yes vice mayor cor yes councilman poras yes Council Pino yes mayor frag yes motion passes okay thank you thank you very much see you soon that disposes of items 22A and 22e correct we'll now move in the first reading for item 22b item 22b ordinance number 202 24-8 Harbor genics resoning an ordinance with the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving an amendment to the city's official zoning map from industrial district I to industrial commercial District IC for a plus or minus 0.028 acre proc of land located at 10450 Northwest 33rd Street providing for stability providing for conflicts and an effective date this is alsoi judicial mayor yes thank you very much Madame clerk I'm going to go ahead and first open to public comments public comments is now open for 24- 5715 good evening mayor council staff and audience very briefly uh P Christ 10254 Norwest 52 Lane ala 33178 um I want to recognize the applicant who took the time to prepare a presentation and had a workshop with the residents and had the opportunity to interact with us and answer some questions that we had and at least myself um it makes sense totally what they're requesting for I don't think has a harm to the city on the opposite I think it will bring value because there's a lot of Resident adjacent communities that may look for um after school activity for their kids or young um sons and that will open the door for this building to be a success and further more integrated with the community around it thank you thank you Mr chist any other comments public comments for item 24- 5715 yes sir thank you madam mayor let me just close public comments well no before you on that note just a suggestion this one's also one that has a companion I don't know if you want combine them does it yeah it does it has in second reading uh it's uh G uh it's a text Amendment yes do you want to take them up together I think it makes sense okay we can go ahead and take up item y d& g so if anyone would like to speak or have public comments on item G item 24- 5714 now would be your opportunity to speak being none public comments is closed on both items and now I will take expart Communications on item 22b any exper communication no okay being none we will hear from Staff first thank you mayor and Council uh the applicant Harbor jxs LLC is seeking uh two requests as indicated the first is uh second reading of text Amendment to the Land Development regulations and the second item is first reading of a resoning from industrial to Industrial commercial which was deferred from your June 2020 uh your June meeting this year uh the property is located at 10450 Northwest 33rd Street it's an office building that's already built out it's approximately uh 028 acres and the current zoning is industrial with a future land use map designation of industrial the text Amendment um to your zoning code is simple it inserts a useis into the industrial commercial district andies is intended for uh like after school programming um karate dance schools things like that um and the rezoning while technically a down zoning the applicant has um sent C C ified mailing labels twice I believe we have Public Notices that went out before LPA first reading second reading Etc um and there have been no uh objections to the request so we're very comfortable with uh proceeding with the requested down zoning of the property the property is surrounded by uh industrial land uses and industrial zoning districts to the north south and east and to the West we have uh future land use category of office and a zoning District of Office three and that is for an a hotel restaurant photos of the building have been provided so you can see images from uh the north northeast southeast and Northwest as I stated uh the applicant is adding aies to the industrial commercial District of your zoning code acmis is defined as education and instruction facilities engaged in the offering or providing of instruction of dance Fine Arts martial arts music painting photography or theater Academy shall not include Early Childhood or adult care facilities Public Schools Charter Schools private schools exceptional Learning Center ERS or trade schools uh there you'll see that uh through this application we're also inserting acmis as a prohibited use in your industrial district so we're taking it from industrial striking it out adding it to industrial commercial the use and compatibility table will look like as presented uh you'll see the highlighted areas where nowmy are permitted in neighborhood commercial um commercial Corridor uh as a permitted as a right and industrial commercial with special conditions and then under Retail Services there's a strikeout of karti and dancing because that's now moved up to undery um in your neighborhood commercial and your commercial Corridor districts the uhmy would be permitted by WR um this is um compatible to uses like karate dancing and gymnastics that already exist in the code um again uses karate and dancing are being stricken from retail services and moved under educational training as you just saw in the use and compatibility chart in the previous slide and the request is compatible with similar uses education and training institution I.E tutoring trade schools uh and schools in your neighborhood commercial and Commercial Corridor zoning District uh in your industrial commercial zoning district ummies will be permitted with special regulations uhmy with a maximum of 30 students at any given time and operations between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. city code section 68 785 a permitted uses the industrial uh commercial zoning districts permits educational facilities trade schools and date Care Centers so again that compatibility already exists your zoning code changes would look uh as prescribed on the screen uh existing is to your left proposed is to your right um I'm not going to go through the list but I I went into your industrial commercial zoning district and provided the full list of permitted uses on this slide uh as you can see by inserting eies it's not going to it's it's not more intense than uses that already exist within the zoning District um those are permitted uses with special development standards and prohibited uses uh staff recommends that the mayor and Council approve the proposed text amendments to the use and compatibility table in in the in industrial commercial District uh permitted uses with special development requirements and Industrial District prohibited uses staff recommends that the May and Council approve the proposed resoning from industrial to industrial commercial available for questions if you have any thank you thank you very much um maybe a quick presentation from the applicant good evening mayor vice mayor council members um my name is Vanessa Madrid I'm with the law firm of Holland at night at 701 Bickle Avenue Miami Florida 33131 um first and foremost I want to thank staff the City attorney uh for working closely with me me on this one I appreciate their willingness um to move this forward and their open-mindedness to um continue to support small businesses in the city first of all for the um text Amendment it really does not change the intent of your code we respected the um prohibition on the aerobics um type of establishments that create a lot of parking issues in your code and around the city so we made sure to be respectful of that and keep that out of the definition ofies um I'm not going to get you know into the weeds and for the text Amendment Michelle did an excellent job explaining that to you um as far as the rezoning goes it doesn't impact the property at all all it does is it allows um a neighborhood friendly resoning for the site the the building is already there it's already occupied with a lot of commercial tenants um we believe this rezoning will make the building more compatible with the surrounding um residential neighborhoods like caou and um the town homes to the West um so overall just um think that the the with the approval of this application You're simply increasing the supply of creative space within the city um I'm here to answer any questions but thank you again for your time thank you very much any questions for staff or the applicant at this time motion to approve okay we have a motion to approve by councilwoman Pino second by councilwoman cabal and uh we will call the role this is for the first item motion to approve ordinance number 20248 on first reading May by Council P second by Council Council P yes councilwoman yes Council Bas yes mayor mayor CH FR yes motion passes thank you very much I need another motion on item G motion motion to approve by councilman Beno second by second whichever Council I think Council decided I wasn't sure motion to approve ordinance number 20249 on second reading made by councilman P second by Council Council P yes councilman Council poras VI mayor mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay thank you very much thank you so much all right we move on to item C item 22 2 C ordinance number 202 24-22 comprehensive plan CIA update an ordinance of the mayor in the city council of the city of dado Florida adopting the annual update to the Capital Improvements element cie of the city's comprehensive plan for 2024 and the 5year schedule of Capital Improvements for fiscal years 2425 through 2829 pursu into Section 163 31773 B Florida Statutes and providing for an effective date thank you very much uh opening it up to public comments public comments now open for item 24- 5773 anyone who would like to speak please approach the podium at this time being none public comments is now closed we'll hear from staff planning and zoning department is requesting that the mayor and and city council approve the annual update to the capital Improvement element of the city's comprehensive plan for um for the 5year schedule of Capital Improvements for fiscal years 2024 20 25 through 2028 2029 Section 163 31773 B Florida Statutes requires local governments to update their 5year schedule of Capital Improvements of the comprehensive plan annually the primary purpose of the CSI update is to stay AB breast of the facility needs in the community and to ensure that the deficiencies as well as the improvements identified and the other elements of the comp plan are programmed uh and adjusted accordingly uh you do this every year it goes in line with your budget uh when we had our budget meeting earlier today you heard from a lot of the departments on the proposed projects for for next fiscal year this expands that it's a Five-Year Plan um it's kind of a rinse and repeat of of what you've done in Prior years so we recommend approval and if you have any questions uh I'm joined by my colleagues uh in parks and capital Improvement um and Public Works um but again it's something that you do annually thank you so much motion to approve by vice mayor P corve second by Council Beno Madam cler please call motion to approve ordinance number 20 24-22 on first reading made by Vi corve seconded by Council Pino vice mayor corve yes Council Pino councilwoman Cal councilwoman poras May FR yes motion passes okay thank you very much we'll now move on to item D item D ordinance number 2024 23 Trump and 12 LC rezoning an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida approving an amendment to the city's official zoning map from multi family residential mf4 and industrial commercial IC to downtown miuse dmu for plus or minus 56.4 Acres of the property located at 4,400 Northwest 87th Avenue providing for stability conflicts and an effective date all right thank you very much we'll open up for public comments public comments is now open on item 24- 5774 do have one comment card Mr Richard glad we can continue with the sardines and a can development we can continue with uh the world of the Dead which we've created it's a lot hotter this year than it was last year wasn't it that's because of all the overdevelopment all over the place or we can decide not to over develop anymore and live like human beings because this place is way overcrowded the population density here is is about 6,000 people per square mile date countyy is about 3,000 people per square mile and the State of Florida is about a th000 per square mile we're very overpopulated here now as far as this is concern I'm against it this place doesn't need any offices or retail what the hell do they need that for what do they need it for they're going to put it on the bottom and then build all these apartments on the top it's too much traffic it's ridiculous that's just going to create more and more traffic more congestion 87th Avenue doesn't have room for but you guys already know that but if your palms have been greased already it doesn't make any difference what I say but just let's give a little background to the to the Trump situation tell you the truth I can't wait till his name Trump is taken off of that club I can't wait till it goes back to just the Durado Country Club did you know that Deutsche Bank from Germany holds the mortgage to that place and that the son of uh justice Brennan is the guy that works for deutche bank that got the loans for Trump so he could build and build and build and build and finance whatever he needed and he he made a deal he said I'll resign TR Brenan said he he'd resigned so Trump could put in a more conservative Justice and then he got the money but the problem with Deutsche Bank is it's one of the biggest moneya laundering banks in the world it's been cited multiple times for money laundering and a lot of the money that they they're laundering comes from Russia from the oligarchs the dirty oligarchs in Russia this is another LLC where does the money come from for all you know this came from Vladimir Putin LLC lousy lawyer corporations or lion lawyer corporations that's what llc's are we have no idea where all this money comes from we don't need that stuff under there they hell with it more traffic more congestion and more crime the poor police are desperate they don't know what to do because the crime is more and more and more every day you can't expect the police to solve all our problems but stop it now stop it now thank you Mr [Music] glat any other comments public comments on item 24- 5774 Mr Pierre Christ Pi Christ 10254 Northwest 52 Lane D fre at 33178 sadly I understand that when you ow land you own the land with some rights and I have to learn that stuff to be productive on my comments and we need to respect that so much that the city can do the city has been sued no once but several times for the kind of situations so it's unfortunate but some of the things they like the green but not that green they like the green on the papers but that's another story what I don't like is when there's someone representing the developer being a lawyer with all due respect comes here and tell us some fictitious stories that the people that are going to buy those apartments are going to be so wealthy that they only use it for two to four weeks and the rest of the time it will be vacant so you would not have traffic please give us some respect we live here you don't we have to deal with the traffic you cash the money and run we're the one here that we stay and get stick with the problem forever after so I ask you I understand that you guys have rights for your property but be more friendly when you come and present to us respectful and also understand that we live here so let's find a common ground and I know the mayor and the council have been trying to do so but if you hire a lawyer I ask that he represent you and your property owners in a more respectful way we're not Dum people we know nobody's going to buy an apartment there to only use it for two to four weeks and leave it vacant for the rest of the year paying a monthly fee for service that was going to be maybe on the thousands we're not that stupid thank you thank you Mr ch any other public comments at this time being none public comments is now closed and we will take expart communication on this item I have met with a client with the applicant and it will not affect my decision I've also met with the applicant and it will not influence my vote I also met with the applicant and will change my vote I also met with the applicant would not change um my vote thank you very much I've also met with the applicant and it will not influence the outcome for me all right we will now hear from Staff first the applicant Trump Endeavor 12 LLC uh is Seeking a rezoning for property located at 4400 Northwest 87th Avenue uh which is approximately 56.4 acres in size uh the request is a zoning map Amendment or rezoning from multif family residential mf4 to Industrial and industrial commercial um to downtown mixed use uh for the southeast portion of the property property is currently developed with a golf course featuring a country club multiple golf courses um a hotel and amenities in September 2023 the city approved a future land use map amendment in your comp plan uh for the site uh refling it from Comm Community mixed use to downtown mixed use the site is um is bounded by the the north south and east uh by industrial zoning District um and uh to the north you have uh a private park uh which is part of the golf course Community um to the South you have a future land use category of downtown mixed use which is um compatible with um this application presented before you and uh that houses a CVS retail uh and some Office Buildings and then to the east you have future land use uh future land uses of business community mixed use and downtown mixed use uh which houses bank and Office Buildings and some residential and then to the West you have a golf course and uh with a future land use of private park and Zoning District of office commercial visual depictions of the area are provided um showing uh images from the Northwest view from the intersection of Dural Boulevard and 87th Aven venue that's the top left photo top right photo is uh an aerial view of the property subject to the application um the third image which is on the bottom left is the West View along Dural Boulevard and then on the bottom right you have the North View along Galloway Road which is 87th Avenue if the item is approved um your map will change as follows the image to the left is what's existing multifam mf4 and industrial commercial IC and it will change to what's depicted on the right side of the screen uh all of that property would be rezoned to downtown mix use city code section 6855 4 provides intent and purpose the intent of the downtown mix use district is to provide for horizontal and vertical integration ation of urban oriented uses uh in the city center the purpose of this district is to promote the plan development of large mix use projects in downtown Dural by allowing greater freedom of design improving the opportunity for flexibility creativity and innovation in Land Development limiting the expenditure of public funds and achieving the intent of land use regulations in exchange for the provision by the developer of substantial Community benefits Beyond increased tax base and employment your dmu uh provides for several permitted uses it allows for business retail office and residential uh it really seeks for a mixture of uses um which is required for every downtown mixed use site hotel and Hospitality uses are allowed and and and as part of a commercial mix which shall include a combination of at least two of the following uses the first business retail second office and third residential development plans um and Community connectivity plans are required for all dmu sites and shall identify strategic locations where vertical mixed use shall occur to facilitate multimodal options at these locations retail service businesses are encouraged to be located on the ground floor with office residential uses Above This shall not preclude horizontal mixed use where the site plan and Community connectivity plans demonstrate that the functional arrangement of such uses achieves the purpose of the district uh obviously parks and public facilities and recreational facilities are are also permitted in the district um prohibited uses include big box retail industrial uh Boat Sales funeral homes laundry and cleaning plans Etc which the applicant is not uh requesting for through their site plan which you will see at a future date staff recommends that the mayor and council member MERS approved the proposed amendment to the city's official zoning map from multif family residential mf4 and industrial commercial IC to downtown miuse dmu for approximately 56.4 Acres generally located on the northeast I'm sorry northwest corner of uh Northwest 87th Avenue and Northwest 36th street as the request is consistent with your comprehensive plan and uh designated future land use category thank you thank you Michelle we'll now hear from the applicant good evening Madame mayor uh councilmen Council women Felix Lar with the office of uh sh Law Firm my address is 3250 Northeast 1 Avenue I have the uh pleasure of introducing my technical professional team um it's uh the lot the architectural firm of PPK who were here in Dural they they seem to do all the applications here in Dural and they were the uh planners and Architects that we chose to uh to help us with this with this project um ALS is our technical um traffic engineering team from BCC engineering who I believe actually is one of the consultants and Engineering teams for the city we hired them to be our Traffic Engineers and they're here to answer any questions that uh this Council may have I want to introduce um some of the uh folks from the Trump organization that are here tonight I want to start with Mike Vergara Who is the senior um head of development and design for the chomp organization um who came down today's his birthday happy birthday Mike I'm sure he's very happy to be spending it here um I have uh Mel Dam cour who I'm sure you know from the resort he's a general manager and we also have um Ed Russo who has been a long time um consultant and Advocate um even when they started to develop Bedminster New Jersey um he has been working um with the Trump organization and uh he has two claims to fame and I'm going to say it number one that beautiful bridge that you have over 97th Avenue that was Ed Russo who got that done and he also got done the uh Covenant for the uh blue monster the conservation easement that was actually his idea and uh he was a guy that uh that got it through and now you have a a huge conser a easement over of over 150 acres you know you hear you know the public and and and I'm always very respectful and they say you know we things go quickly and da d da I mean this project has been before in the process since the year 2022 um I actually started to work on this project in March of 2021 and I remember going to meet with the president and Eric Trump at their offices in maral Lago and um you know what the ideas were for the development of this project and they wanted something that would be um complimentary and enhancing to the existing golf course and country club that are there the design and although we're not approving the site plan today um we are um going through the zoning process but the site plan process um the site plan that we've had uh put together actually respects the uh the way that the sun moves so that way um the shading doesn't affect the growth of the grass on the golf course um we have four amazing golf courses there and we're not touching a blade of grass on those golf courses we're not taking away any green we are in the existing parking lots that are adjacent to the resort um we are developing and hopefully want to develop a luxury condominium project and high-end retail project and I'm going to go ahead and maybe go through some of the slides I don't know if there that's the that's the beginning and that that would be the uh the views that that some of the units would have the um course uh the resort was uh obviously the brainchild of Allan and Doris CasCal who bought you know thousands of acres in Dural when when this was really uh like nothing the only thing closest to it was Miami International Airport which had just moved there and um you know they bought it because they wanted to create a a club that would accept Jews and um from that history uh that Resort came out and um I think it's really become an i an iconic or what I would say is the heart of of the city and a lot of people come to visit the city city of Dural from all parts of the world because they want to play in our golf courses and they want to um be part of that community that vision of people wanting to come and be part of this is what's really driving this uh development you see developments throughout Florida where you have golf courses and they put homes around it and um here we're constrained with space we're in urbanized area and what Dural has is a very unique situation you have four full 18 siiz golf courses um next to each other and um it's a unique proposition and we believe that there's going to be a lot of international and um buyers and local and and National buyers that like the brand the Trump brand and want to come in and be part of the golfing experience that they could have there part of the country club and obviously um be part of the fabric of of the city we do expect that most condominiums in Miami Beach or in Brickle that these will be occupied maybe 20% of the time because they will be second homes these units the way that they're built are uh going to be starting probably in the r of about $2 million and the uh you know and I understand that uh that uh you know some people are are skeptical that uh that this could be done but I think there is a a vision to do this and if you see the what happens on that golf course and the people that are coming there that come to play um the rates to play at the Blue Monster are $1,000 per person during the height of the season so we believe that this is going to be part of that and I think that this project will enhance um that Country Club and will preserve it since the CasCal sold the property the pro the to to the previous operator the resort and the golf courses and I think the people in dalala States would argue were not really kept very well when Trump bought this in 2012 the Trump organization they've invested hundreds of millions of dollars into this project they have a worldclass um golf courses the blue monsters is once again hosting professional golf and I say this because you know if we weren't good operators and we would be doing things wrong you would have this entire room full of people from Dura States criticizing us and not wanting this and the fact that none of our neighbors are here from people that live either in the silver or dala States I think says something about the way we operate in our commitment to the city the chump organization has been a good partner with the city since 2012 we've hosted events at our club and we've been what we believe a good Community partner we've been very mindful of how we've designed this project not only to not impact the golf course but to also allow the country club and this future development to thrive um we've basically created um in one in our parking lots in approximately 56 Acres we're coming forward with a proposal to do um, 1498 units and Retail that is a substantial reduction from what we originally came in to ask for when this process first started in the year 2022 in 2023 this went through a land use process which allowed you know at that point I believe it was I don't know how many units I think it was over over yeah 2,300 units so there's been a substantial reduction to where we are today um versus what we had originally proposed and we have been working diligently with staff um and you know through various iterations you we've had a couple of planners we've had a couple of City attorneys and we've been working with them diligently to try to make sure that this project moves forward in a thoughtful and deliberate manner um you know I want to you know because you know you see these site plans and and you really you know can't really visualize them until you really see the renderings and I'm going to show that although we're not approving the site plan but I will um talk a little bit about the main focus of the site plan is going to be the Center building which is on 87th Avenue and 42nd Street or 36th Street and that parcel the is going to have a Plaza that's about 3 acres in size it's going to have a Canal Walk it's going to have a art and it's going to have every single um feature required under the dur Dural Boulevard master plan we are not only having it in front on 36 Street we're actually respecting the durard master plan up 87th Avenue as well meaning that little sidewalk that you have now on 87th that you could barely walk through is going to be expanded um to meet the same criteria that you have under the raal boulevard master plan so we believe it's going to be a great um enhancement in terms of connecting downtown Dural to um these the the the towers and vice versa to create um connectivity some of our traffic improvements will include high visibility crosswalks and we're spending spending about $5 million in traffic improvements um creating um turn lanes and uh to remove any type of traffic and additional roadway dedications to remove any type of traffic from 41st Street and 87th Avenue and for us to be able to keep the level of service that's required under the city's code um I'm going to show you I'm sure a lot of you have seen some of these renderings because we have been working with them but these are you know beautiful con you have uh the ability to make them larger so we're probably going to have even less units cuz really the goal is just to have you know three and four bedroom units on a lot of these condos um you can see this is some of the the vistas of some of the walkways through this uh through the through the plaza in the Civic area and that's going to be accessed by the public not just for the residents of the condos and you're going to have the restaurants and cafes you could see in the background there's the the Canal Walk on on behind the trees I want to talk a little bit about trees um we're preserving all the specimen trees on the property the mahoganies and the oak trees are going to be preserved on site and the and the and the uh black olives that are along the canal the Canal Way are also going to be uh preserved so you can see some of the different perspectives um that's the actual uh Canal that exists currently and we're going to activate that um and that's a vist of the three acre Plaza much different than many of quite frankly a lot of the developments that have been developed on that corner and if you look at them um even the newer ones don't really have this type of uh of amenities and and approach to the uh to the community um this is uh again another another Vista of of the towers and this is basically the the end of the presentation um I do have a video we could play um I don't know if you have it um queued up but it's maybe like 30 seconds or so and I could play that for you you do have it yeah if you could put it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know with that I'll conclude my presentation we're here to answer any questions that uh that you may have and uh thank you for your for your time and opportunity to work with you thank you thank you very much Mr larte comments questions motions motion to approve second motion to approve by vice mayor P corvey second by councilwoman Cal any comments or questions no okay I think you all covered everything in your presentation um regarding the reduction of units that was voluntary given um which will also take in effect with the resoning there's no comments or questions we'll call the question motion to approve ordinance number 202 24-23 on first reading made by vice mayor P corve second by Council woman Cal vice mayor p corve yes councilwoman Cal yes councilman Pino no councilwoman poras yes mayor Fraga no motion passes thank you thank you all right we'll move on to the next item next item will be item 22f ordinance number 202225 parking on private property and ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving sl9 text amendments to the city of Dr code of ordinances chapter 44 Article 5 title traffic and vehicles by creating Division 9 title parking and private property providing for incorporation of recital cability conflicts adoption and incorporation to the code and an effective date okay we move on and open up to public comments for this item as well and then I'll turn it over to councilwoman pores any public comments on item 24- 5801 please approach the podium at this time being none okay we'll close public comments and I'll turn it over to council woman porus thank you mayor this year the Florida legislature passed a law that would amend certain provisions of state law regarding Mo Motor Vehicles parking on private property which became effective July 1st of this year this law um makes several changes to private parking operations which allows municipalities to regulate um including signage invoicing I think it calls for more transparency information um and so I wanted to propose a an ordinance for the city to um also take part in in amending or regulating some of these operations and so I asked my colleagues to support this item and the um ordinance is attached thank you motion to approve second okay we have a motion in a second any other comments or questions being none I think this very appropriate it's been I think a long time I waited for the state to change something and we implement it so thank you for bringing it Forward Motion motion to approve ordinance number 202225 on first reading made by vice mayor P corve second by Council M VI cor yes councilman yes councilman poras yes Council P yes mayor fro yes motion passes okay we move on to Second readings H second reading item 22h ordinance number 202 24-20 ratifying the city's investment policy an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida ratifying the investment policy for the city of D providing for stability and Corporation to the code and an effective date this was approved on first reading on June 12th Madame mayor council members there have been no changes made uh between first and second reading motion to approve I need to open up sorry sorry guys get there there's changes open okay opening up to public comments item 24- 5688 is now open for public comments anyone who would like to speak please approach Podium at this time being none public comments is now closed and now we can take a motion motion to approve motion to approve by vice mayor P corve second by Council woman cabal Madame cler please call the RO motion to approve ordinance number 2024 D20 on second reading mayil yes Council yes Council B yes mayor FR yes motion passes thank you very much move on to item I item I ordinance number 20 24-21 creating speed detection systems and school zones an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of dado Florida creating chapter 44 article two of the city's code of ordinances entitled speed detection systems and school zones to authorize placement installation operation of speed detection systems on roadways maintain the school zones to establish traffic enforcement procedures when speed detection systems are utilized for school's own speed limit violations and create hearing procedures relating to such school onone speed limit violations providing for implementation incorporation into the code severability conflicts and an effective date this was approved on first reading on June 12th okay need to open up to public comments public comments now open on item 24- 5711 Mr Pier chist very briefly because Oscar is start good evening Pier CH 10254 Norwest second lane 33178 I ratify my comment from the first reading to please consider uh JN I smid school to be the first school to have that in stall because of its age that school is the only School in D that does not have the permanent speed meter there and we do have serious issues even before and after school I understand this um ordinance is for 247 is not only when the school operat so that will really resolve two issues that we have there thank you very much I know it has been a long day thanks for your service thank you thank you very much to approve being no more public comments I have to close public comments and now we will take a motion motion by vice mayor P corvey second by councilman P Madam cler please call a rooll motion to approve ordinance number 2024 D21 on second reading made by Vice May cor seconded by Council Pino Vice May corve yes councilman Pino yes councilman poras yes coun yes yes motion passes thank you very much all right if you all IND indulge me very quickly there's someone who's been waiting who missed public comments she represents Kiwani they're bringing a Kiwani Club to D and she wanted to make some public comments if you all allow her a couple minutes thank you thank you so much thank you so much I I've been sitting here and I've learned so much about your city now and name oh I'm so sorry I don't know the okay it's Carmen Molina Churchman and I live at 13140 Southwest 4th Street Miami Florida 331 84 I don't live in dur but let me tell you a little bit about me I have been um ndcp PS employee for over 23 years I'm a certified school counselor I'm actually on leave from mdcps because right now I'm working as a principal and a very small school non-traditional private schools that help students uh that have not been able to make it and in in in a specific School setting because of anxiety and everything that happened after covid I have I was a kid a key Club adviser for many years there at um Gomes radic over 7 years and now I'm a Kanani and if anybody knows about kaanis we're about giving back to the cities giving back to to the children to the many students that um in the dur area right now a lot of your schools Dural uh Charters one of the biggest ones Ronald Reagan the Opera Dural Charter they all have key clubs so we're bringing the Kanan Club of Dural to your city I think it's going to from what I'm hearing um it's going to be a great um organization to help our our our people that are the people here that are struggling um because believe it or not like somebody else said earlier there are a lot of people here that do struggle um and we want to help them we want to help kids in the upper um charter school that don't have uniforms I know last week I I like about a week and a half ago I sent some of you guys an email that came from me uh but I know that night you guys were having night out so I couldn't compete but we were having a epola pizza we're having a meet and greet so I would like to invite all of you to please become a member I would love to have you guys on our Kanas board it doesn't take a lot of your time because I know a lot of of your time is here but um we can help you like a night out we could have been helping out there and maybe doing other things giving snacks giving book bags uh we can help we just have to grow it I think the city of D needs a coonis club of D and I think the people here are very very interested in it but we would love to have some of the Advocates that sit here as a council members to be part of our board and I would like to invite all of you if you can it's not that much it's about $175 a it's going to cover to you through the whole year of next year um but I would love to see at least a couple of you guys in there to represent your City so I'll leave some of the the applications behind with my information on it if you need to get a hold of me I have my business card as well and you guys are doing an awesome job I lived I wish I lived here thank you thank you so much thank you Carman giving you my commitment so thank you very much for being here thank you all for that indulg and uh we now need a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion to adjourn by vice mayor P corvey second by councilman padoo all in favor say I meeting is adjourned