the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good afternoon call this meeting to order today is March 20th 2024 the time is now 6:07 p.m. and this is our March uh Council zoning meeting Madame clerk please call the rooll councilwoman poras here councilman Rafael Pino councilwoman pres vice mayor Oscar por corve pres mayor chrisy Fraga pres mayor H thank you please rise for the pledge of Allegiance led by councilman boras i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please bow your heads as I lead us in the invocation As We Gather here today as members of this community we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our services to our fellow citizens and to our community keeping in mind always the enduring values of Life exerting our efforts in those areas and on those things upon which future Generations can build on with confidence let us continue to strive to Make a Better World amen amen okay agenda order of business Madame city manager I believe we have a couple things yes madame mayor um item 6B is being deferred to April 24th the request of the applicant and item 6 c um we circulated updated backup this morning based on a revised letter of intent by the applicant to provide clarification and consistency with the recently adopted code okay thank you very much yes uh councilman is six is it 6B that's getting deferred or 6A 6A oh no 6 6 a 6A okay apologies okay any other additions deletions defs no okay we will now move on to public comments the public comments portion of this meeting is now open anyone who would like to speak at this time will approach the podium you have three minutes to speak in a respectful manner towards this Council and anything on this agenda or anything Germain to this Council I will start with our comment cards and we're going to go ahead with Mr Pierre Christ oh you want to read to the public comment public hearing thank you anyone else who would like to speak in public comments at this time I didn't see your item was certain sorry thank you okay being none public comments is now closed Madam clerk like the record reflect that no one has chosen to speak at this time and we will now move on to the public hearings Madam clerk Madam mayor may I please SAR in the witnesses yes if you'll be presenting testimony in any of the public hearing items please stand up raise your right hand and repeat after me I do solemnly swear or affirm that the information that I'm about to present shall be the truth and nothing but the truth thank you very much item 6B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of Tri Florida approving sl9 a special exception application to permit an automobile dealership on approximately 1.33 plus or minus acre parcel of land located at 10603 Northwest 12 Street in accordance with Section 74- 1525 of the Land Development code and providing for an effective date okay thank you very much I'm going to go ahead and open up public comments for item 24551 public comments is now open okay being no public comments on item 24- 5551 public comments is now closed Madam clerk like the workerle no one has chosen to speak at this time I will now ask for our uh you want to do expart first okay any expart communication on this item NOP being none okay we will now turn it over to motion to approve okay second we have a motion to approve by vice mayor P cor second by councilman Beno uh Mr Perez would you like to put anything on the record for the Public's reference yes good evening uh Julie Perez planning and sting director Madame mayor members of the council Mr City attorney mad manager and Deputy city manager members of the audience at this time the Department's recommend approval of the special reception thank you thank you Mr Perez okay being no more discussion then I think everyone has had an opportunity Madam cler please call the RO I have motion to approve made by vice mayor p corve and seconded by councilman Pino vice mayor councilman Pino yes councilman Bas yes councilman yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay thank you very much Madam clerk move on to the next item next item item 6 c a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of dado Florida approving sl9 a special exception for Dalal Court retail Investments LLC to allow for the approval of two media and public service board wall signs for the property located at the southeast corner of Dalal Boulevard and Northwest 87th Avenue pursuant to section 880-2587 2 anyone that like to speak on this item please approach the podium at this time okay being no public comment for item 24- 5552 public comment is now closed Madam clerk the rec reflect no one has chosen to speak at this time and we will now take any export communication on this item I met with the applicant in the previous um item about the boards it will not affect my decision okay anyone else I've also met with the applicant and it will not influence my decision I also um met with before um the the um reading the revised one yeah okay I also met with the applicant it won't affect my my decision okay thank you very much I too have met with the applicant and it will not affect my decision motion to approve motion to approve by Council woman gabal second by vice mayor P corve Mr Perez would you like to put anything on the record for the difference of the public yes madame mayor um planning and zoning department recommends approval of the item special reception thank you very much okay is is there any more discussion on this item being none believe everybody's had opportunity M cler please call the RO motion to approve by councilwoman cabal seconded by vice mayor P corve councilwoman Cal yes vice mayor P corve yes councilman poras yes councilman Pino yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes thank you very much move on to Second readings second readings item D ordinance number 2024 d06 text Amendment zoning workshops an ordinance of the mayor on the city council of the city of D Florida amending section 53-1 84 e zoning Workshop of chapter 53 administration of the city of D Land Development code providing for a revised time frame which zoning Workshops can be scheduled providing for incorporation into the code severability conflicts and an effective date this was approved on first reading on January 24th okay thank you madam clerk we'll Now open up public comments for item 24545 4 anyone that would like to speak on this item please approach the podium we'll go ahead and start with Mr Pier Christ which is the only common card I have for this item good I can say good afternoon because the sun is still out there my mayor council staff and Audience by the way welcome to Spring today is the first day of spring I'm sure it's going to be a great spring for everybody including our new park um this is the second reading of this ordinance and I also have complemented my education on the topic with a few calls and uh it's calling for a change on the time that the ATT will be presented to the community in an Interactive way the only opportunity that we have which I think is super valuable and has proven to incorporate some suggested changes that we did even though they're not mandatory but it's been discussed I find it a bit harsh that we impose the 75% I heard it reasons Pros reasons cons and I will say that depending on the project maybe let the department decide when is the best time to do the workshop because some of them is better to catch early the comments from the workshop for whatever might be change or suggested and not being too late on the project that will cost in time and money and reprocessing of the applicant on the changes that we are proposing the other thing is I understand that whatever is done in the comment the workshop with the residents there's a transcript that is collected and sent to city clerk's office however this no clear procedure for you to get that as soon as possible with the intent that you five have that information before you continue to meet or meet for the first time with the applicant or review the process or the application before it comes to vote so my request is twofold don't impose a har 75% let the exper decide when it's appropriate to do so maybe 75% in some cases maybe in some other cases maybe earlier and second whatever information is already being collected make sure that it gets to the all five of you guys as soon as possible after that Workshop happens so you have that whenever you meet subsequentially with the uh applicant thank you very much thank you Mr Christ any other public comments on item 24- 5454 being none we'll now close public comments mam cler direct F no one else has chosen to speak at this time and we'll now turn it over to Planning and Zoning Madame mayor there has not been any changes between first reading and second reading at this time the department recommends approval thank you very much Council M this is your item as well would you like to speak well I have met with the uh with Julian and and also we have been gone through and also with our inim city manager uh on the reasons why I think that this is important and for the percentage is something that also Julian agreed uh when we were going through and I think that for our residents they deserve to have as much information as possible the same as us at the time that the uh the applicant is um is already putting the application within so I make a motion to approve okay motion to approve on the table second second by councilwoman poras any other comments any other comments from my colleagues okay being none I do have a comment um or a question Mr Perez if you will um I I did have an opportunity to speak to Mr chry earlier and he made a good point on certain projects where incorporation of comment from the public have been implemented into the project such as the Tesla project for example where um there was very good comments made by the public and there is a chance that they could they wouldn't have been implemented if it would have come to the zoning workshop at a 75% completion because it could have cost the developer a lot more to go back and maybe retrofit or make some of those adjustments that would incorporate the Public's uh input uh I take this into consideration because I know Mr chry has attended almost every single workshop and probably one of the only residents that has attended every single Workshop that we have for these purposes so he makes a a good point about a possible um change in percentage depending on the size of the project would there be an opportunity to incorporate um a a a consideration for the workshop to come sooner in certain cases so that the residents can participate in incorporating a possible change or um you know opinion based on on the initial stages of the project that's that's a possibility and and it's up to the policy makers U but I think that uh the intent here was uh to make sure that we had as much information as possible uh when we were going through these uh zoning workshops because remember the whole intent of the zoning Workshop like Pierre pointed out and many of you have pointed out and we have seen throughout the years is to be able to bring the community into a neutral setting that is not only uh you know evaluating the project itself but it's also developing that relationship with the developer as we move forward into the other different phases of the process uh but again it's it's something uh that uh if you want to look at individual projects or you know it's it's up to the to the policy maker remember that that when we're looking at at uh at a program like this a program like this is created for the policy makers it's a recommendation to the policy makers and in doing so you know we look at the comprehensive plan I always bring that to make sure that everything is consistent and then obviously you know the next phase of this whole process is that communication and and you know making sure that adequate information is is available um whether 75% at that point it is um I think that you know at 75% depending on the type of comments that you're making you know modification can be made to the site plant uh however if you're making a recommendation where you're looking at you know having to relocate uh you know a building or uh taking a major uh you know design upgrade or something like that then it's a very different story but in most of these cases uh the ones that I've seen um and obviously when I introduced this to you many years ago was to look at things like uh for example like in the case of the Tesla the Tesla is over already been built it's just a matter of implementing policies to make sure that it's a safety environment that people are working with and so that you know that can be done at 75% so that can be done uh right up front but in that case it was very good because there was ample information you see uh to make that call all right so we have to when we're looking at this we have to defined whether is we're looking at design we're looking at structures versus just looking at how we tweak the project in order to make sure that a safety component is incorporated that we have the right uh uh Landscaping that you know we have the right step back that we're applying you know the right materials uh when we're doing our parking field and so forth and those are things that can easily be done all right uh at that 75% uh uh level okay so I hope I have answered your question I have another quick question in most cases is at this at this point the way the ordinance is now is site plan already presented at the workshop well yes yes because it has already gone through us and we have looked at it uh the situation that we have right now is that we can we can do a site plan and we can do it you know let's say they turn it in we review it make sure that the application is consistent we do a first round of review and then we take it out but unfortunately you know in that type of situation you know the information that we have it's just very limited to the submitt and that uh first phase of review and uh so what we're saying is you know look at first phas of review second phas of review now we do have a lot of information that perhaps we are not able to share you know when uh you submit the document let's say at 25% 50% and and that's what that's what we're looking here I think it it's a question of you know the information the amount of information that we're putting out there okay perfect thank you so much for clarifying appreciate it okay Madam clerk please call to add a common um yes go ahead please so uh one of the reasons is that uh me before I even was considering running as a resident there were Sometimes some presentation like 8800 and some other uh development that there were some information that was lack at that moment uh that I know that we have in our community Engineers we have Architects that sometimes they will come and ask questions and we might have not have that information in hand not even the developer at that moment so I just wanted to make sure that the residents will have as much information as possible so also the issue that we have Oasis at that time there were some questions uh that Resident had that we did not have on on our hands so I just want to prevent in the future that we will give as much information to the resident to respect uh them so they will be able to uh also give their opinion and their comments when it comes to a future project understood thankk you thank you madam cler please call a ro motion to approve ordinance number 20246 on second reading made by councilwoman second by councilman Bas councilman yes councilman Bas yes Council Pino yes vice mayor corway yes mayor FR yes motion passes okay we move on to item e item e ordinance number 20247 text Amendment tobacco and vape dealers an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida amending section 74170 tobacco Vape dealers of chapter 74 miscellaneous and supplementary regulations of the city of out Land Development code to incude hemp and CBD dealers for the purposes of location SL distance restrictions and also to include movable places of business providing for a repealer severability incorporation into the code and an effective date this was approved on first reading on January 24th okay thank you very much we will now open up public comments for item 24-5 455 anyone who would like to speak on this item please approach the podium at this time okay being no public comments we will close public comments on item 24-5 455 Madam clerk like the record reflect no one has chosen to speak at this time and we will now turn it over to Planning and Zoning Madame mayor good evening again Julian Perez Planning and Zoning director there has not been any changes between the first and second reading at this time the department recommends approval of the yet okay thank you very much approve motion to approve by vice mayor P corvy second by councilman Pino this was also my item um it was adding the mobile vehicles to the uh ordinance that's really the only clarification that we made okay is there any comments no being none okay Madam clerk call R motion to approve ordinance number 20247 on second reading made by vice mayor corve seconded by Council Pino vice mayor corve yes councilman Pino yes councilman poras yes councilman yes may fra yes motion passes okay next item item F ordinance number 20248 text Amendment hotel and motel uses an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of city of dado Florida amending section 74-57 hotel and motel uses of chapter 74 miscellaneous and supplementary regulations of the city of dland development code providing for a method of calculating Hotel density when combined with residential uses providing for incorporation into the code severability conflicts and an effective date this was approved on first reading on January 24th okay we will now open up public comments for item 24545 6 anyone would like to speak please approach the podium at this time okay being no public comments public comments is now closed for item 24545 6 Mr Perez mam mayor Julian Perez again Planning and Zoning director uh there has been no changes between first and second reading and at this time the department recommends approval okay any comments from the council um Madame mayor council members this is one project that I didn't get into as much as I wanted to um I would have done it differently uh the the calculation but I'm it was approved at first reading and I'm depending on staff's recommendation on this one okay do we have a motion is there a motion for this item motion to deny second should we Mo should we ask for a deferral so that there's more time to discuss no I don't agree okay so there's a motion to deny on the table and a second Madam clerk please call a rooll motion to deny ordinance number 2048 on second reading made by vice mayor corve seconded by councilman Cal vice mayor B corve yes councilman Cal yes councilman poras yes Council Pino yes mayor frog no motion passes okay that is it we have no more items that's it motion to adjourn motion to adjourn by Council second by councilman caban on in favor say I I meeting is [Music] adjourned [Music]