is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good afternoon everyone the time is now 12:12 p.m. today is January 31st 2024 and we are here for a special council meeting regarding the removal of city manager and appointment of an interest city manager Madame clerk please call the role Council Mar poras here councilman Rafael Pino councilwoman DNA Cal pres vice mayor Oscar po corve pres mayor chrisy Fraga pres mayor you have Cor thank you please rise for the pledge allegiance led by councilman B IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all amen okay um if all will indulge me I am going to add an invocation to the meeting um Rabbi bitki rashki thank you good afternoon good afternoon in uh the Jewish tradition we read the five books of Moses in an annual cycle every week another portion it so happens to be that this week's portion speaks about the revelation of Mount Si The Ten Commandments and when you look at the Ten Commandments there's something very interesting or perhaps even bewildering five of the first the first five Commandments speak about very LOF y things belief in God God's name the Sabbath but the next five seem to be speaking to another person don't kill don't steal don't be jealous don't commit adultery I mean we is God speaking to the same person and the answer is yes God tells us of course you're a good person you're a decent person you have morals you have ethics that's why I'm talking to you however at the end of the day I want you not to kill not to steal not to do any of those bad things not because you understand that it's a bad thing not exclusively for that reason but because I'm telling you so why do I need God to tell me not to kill not to steal and do the other bad things well the answer is because at the end of the day a human being has ego and sometimes our egos could been manipulate even our awareness of morality and ethics and it could therefore because of the manipulation it can corrupt it and that's why God tells us at the end of the day you don't do it even if it feels like ah in this instant it's okay or because of my ego that was hurt I'm going to kill of course no one's going to kill but remember hurting somebody else's feelings ruining someone else's reputation taking away what belongs to someone else that is a form of killing a form of stealing a form of adultery and that's why God says don't do it bottom line because I say so that should be your red line so I pray today and with great hope that whatever happens here today should be purely on the foundation and the basis of what God wants and we should move away aside our own egos our own pros and cons and put God in our hearts and may God direct us give us the wisdom and the passion to do the right thing amen thank you okay okay let me uh very quickly set some ground rules I'm going to say them in Spanish and in English some of you this may be your first meeting I see some familiar faces I see some new faces first of all we're about to open up public comments you have 3 minutes to speak in public comments I have the comment cards here if you have not filled out one of these and you would like to uh speak please see the clerk um and she will H give you one to to fill out if you don't fill this out there will be an opportunity for you to come up for public comments and then you can fill it out after and I will announce when that final opportunity arises please be courteous respectful and direct your comments to the body okay very important also for those who speak Spanish and would still like to speak we have a translator available Miranda and the pink will come up and translate for you okay please speak slowly um we ask that you hold all applauses okay let's not Applause if you want to show your support you can raise your hands and do this that's what they do at the county so what we're going we're going to do here to be respectful okay let me repeat in Spanish when I okay city clerk okay okay public comments public comments is now open I will start with the comment cards that I have in front of me and we'll begin with Mr Richard glut excuse me is it possible to have my speech translated into Spanish so everybody could understand there's a lot of people there that I don't think speak English would that be possible um Mr glissa we have a lot of people here to speak I really would appreciate if we just kept unless they need of trans okay I just wanted to make sure everybody I appreciate it no that's that's okay all right all right my name is Richard glad 4768 Northwest 114th Avenue I'd like to start off with this uh quotation Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned that's a quotation from William congres play the morning brick from 1697 it's it's a very old quotation that kind of means when you you get a woman angry and she goes after you you're you're going to feel it one way or the other so when when women get upset like my wife does sometimes at me you know I back off real fast and I we we have a lot of women up here now and I don't know if that has anything to do with going on today but I know if one woman perhaps uh upset another woman the fury of that woman might present itself in a situation like this so I have a question did U I think digna's bringing this resolution up here did and I asked digna I said did you try to a peaceful resolution first with Barbie did you talk to her she said yeah I talked to her I said are you you you know you you couldn't resolve this peacefully you couldn't I mean is there really a Smoking Gun here what's what's going on and she really couldn't say yes or no to it she said she she tried let's put it that way I think if you had worked at it the two of you we wouldn't be here today talking about this because at the end of the day no nobody's perfect we have to forgive each other for for our transgressions the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want right and you shouldn't want to hurt other people now there's seven deadly sins uh which are behaviors or feelings that Inspire further sin the rabbi was talking about the Ten Commandments I'm talking about the seven deadly sins which is part of the Catholic Church Pride greed lust Envy gluttony wrath and sloth the rabbi talked about pride and pride is the most uh is the leader of the other sins if you didn't have too much pride you probably wouldn't do some of the things you do so if you have false Pride which is called uberus it can lead to uh other deadly sins like greed lust Envy gluttony wrath sloth as a rabbi said you know we have to follow the ten commandments we can't just go around attacking each other all the time we have to get along thank you Mr glit Carlos Bermudez morning Council um I would like to say my speech in Spanish if it's possible because there is a big Community here that did not understand English and I'll get that information Miranda translate Carlos can you give your name and address for the record please and my name is my name is Carlos remes I have been a resident here since 9 and my address is can you repeat it please 476 Norwest 476 Norwest 83 Avenue 33r Avenue thank you okay first I would like to clear up that this is my first time participating in this kind of event the reason I am participating is because I have been concerned about this situation because okay um could you repeat it please I'm so sorry I'm gonna say it in English anyways in past governments I didn't see the growth and the and the prosperity that we have seen in the current government we have in the ra and therefore that's what I think the the voice of our as the neighbors to be heard um the reason um I'm saying this is because when you go to a field and you see beautiful flowers you will go and grab the most beautiful one and maybe take it for you let's try not to do this here the is blooming everything is going the way it's supposed to and if there is if there is an issue that should be raised there should be an administrative way to resolve it saying that bringing the council together for an emergency meeting I think it's unnecessary I think it's the waste of of the council precious time in doing important things for the City by the end of the day everyone [Music] please do not clap I'm sorry uh by the end of the day everyone has an interested in you know what we're doing my interest my interest is the city to work as it is being working the things to be done I have three little kids that go to this school and I want the city to be peaceful safe and prosperous as it is now and like I said before if there is any concern or any issue with you know the management it should be arranged administrative and if it is something bigger than that that's my comment thank you thank you okay George vanin I'm gonna go ahead and call the next person so that they stand and get ready to speak after George vanin Juan Carlos esel good morning my name is Sorge vanen resident of the city of teral 102 2000 Northwest 52 Terrace I've been a resident of the city of theal since uh the year 2000 even before the city was established and when the city was established you know I've been working in firstand you know with the city as a member of Advisory board so I've have seen how all the government officials the Cil Court the Mayors the employees of this uh uh Government Center you know have been working so hard you know to develop our city in the way it is now so therefore I vouch for the Integrity the responsibility and the dedication that all the members employees Mayors councils you know have given to us as residents in the city of Dalal until now and especially uh Barbie Hernandez that have worked with her since the very beginning in different activities of the city thank you thank you on Carlos and next will be Carlos [Music] F Full House good morning one Carlos esel 3725 oh somebody turned off the lights Alcantara Avenue it must be nice thank you uh Madame mayor city council I read not to forget anything Miss Barbara Hernandez our city manager for years our Council meetings in our city has opened up with a ples sometimes we say things so often that occasionally we lose the meaning of the words we are saying in the allegiance to the flag there are three words that we should never take for granted and those words are indivisible liberty and justice obviously God first indivisible is unable to be divided or separated like our government seems to be today Liberty is the stage of being free from oppressive restrictions that are imposed to someone Justice is giving each person he or she what he deserves ladies and gentlemen it seems that our government has forgotten the meaning of these words even though they are constantly being repeated in this Hall our city clerk has given each and uh one a gift from us from me this contains the Preamble of the Constitution of our Charter there are more than three words of our City boards committees commissions employees can never avoid and should always be ruled by those that the city exist for the purpose of providing health education safety and the welfare to all his citizens all of them also in the citizens Bill of Rights sections our city Charter item number two clearly marks truth in government and I quote no Municipal offic official or employee shall knowingly furnish false information or public to public matter nor knowingly omit any significant fact when giving requested information to the members of the public let's see what happens today finally our city clerk has given also a picture of a front page of a private entity call Doral Community Coalition in the picture you can clearly see the image they are using is the image of our government center in the we page which is misleading the public to think that they're part of our government when they are really a private entity which by the way do not represent all the citizens of the of this of this of the city of the ra thank you God thank you and I God God bless the city of the ra thank you thank you Mr and next will [Music] bees Florida good morning okay sorry good morning my name is name is carless I have been here I have been a resident here since many years you don't have to repeat the address okay okay then okay [Music] um away there is a saying that says when politics enters the door can you say justice run away Justice runs away the ideal thing will be for justice and politics to be Hand by hand but that's is not what is occurring today try trying to damage the image of a person that works for the community and that's not just something that I'm saying but the community itself says and that they recognize her work for this is not I'm so sorry I'm trying my best um this is not fair this is not fair for her for the employers at the city of Dalal but mostly for the residents here could you repeat the other half of the yeah I'm so sorry la [Applause] that's so do I translate or not to speak in English because you're going to take time yeah I just all right always okay yes good morning good morning uh Cesar AA 10460 Northwest 69th teras D Florida Mr can you speak closer to the mic please thank you all right thank you uh dear council members as a concerned Community resident who cares deeply about the future of our city we have witnessed the remarkable achievement that you have made in the past year such as closing the Landfield in coordination with the Miami day uh County as the Commissioners building the Central Park and integrating the community with the city policy just to mention a few iconic initiative and project this action has brought up balance stability and progress and we are grateful for your leadership and vision however we are also aware of the upcoming vote that kiz the Harmony and prosperity we have enjoyed this vote will spark a crisis that will disrupt the project and initiative we have supported and expected from you this vote could divide our city and Community creating conflict and confusion you have the responsibility to vote in consistency with two basic principle the constitutional principle and the moral principle the Constitution establish that you are elected to serve the community and that one should be The Driver today we urge you to think carefully before casting your vote remember that you were elected to serve the community interest not yours remember that you have a sacred constitutional duty to represent the people who choose you remember that you have a responsibility to maintain the ex excellent governance of our city not to create chaos and disorder we hope that you will listen to our voice and vote wisely we hope you will respect our opinion and value our trust trust we hope you will continue working for the common go Goods of our city and Community the second responsibility is the moral responsibility vote must reflect moral values to have meaning it cannot be a vote of convenience convenience dictates following the blind impulse it is a short-term benefit it is narrow and selfish it is immature and irresponsible I going to finish right now the vote will the vote with meaning emerge from the interaction between the possibilities of the scenario that we are facing right now and our structure of values it imply putting at the top of our hierarchy of moral values to lean on that option that is the definitive balance between on one side the chaos and the crisis and on the other the discipline or one that restore the order and balance that we have enjoyed for a year thank you Mr rur and Margarita no I can't read the last name galves after them will be Velda Lopez on show translate Miranda she's gonna translate she's gonna Translate [Music] um for okay Margarita can you give both your address addresses please for the record I know you're going to say yeah I know she's going to speak okay my name is Margarita galves my address for 33 years in Dalal is 9870 Northwest 28 terce I'm going to be kind of brief ER Miss major and members of the council again after 33 years living in vanderville park and seeing firsthand the better things happening daily in our city I come to express my discontent on the attacks against Barbie Hernandez our city administrator without any proof or mainly but mainly for political reasons that is totally unfair the state she started working with the city for when she was a very young age and always with a same perspective and goals for the better of the city of Dural I suggest whoever is behind these attacks to stop them and instead cooperate with her to make the city better better every day this does not look good with us the citizens of Dalal please do not create chaos Keep Together stay together for the better of everybody thank you you respectfully thank you belera Lopez okay Special Olympics my name is valto Lopez and I'm here to represent the community of Special Olympics we have a lot of appreciation love for Barbie we were able to write something with a lot of love for Barbie and we want everyone to know that she's an incredible worker and that the kids with special needs love her with all of their heart we know that this community doesn't lied about special need kids and they they love people that love them back we all as parent as parents recognize Barbie's work for the city and for the parks we want to give all of these signatures from the community to support Barbie thank you Northwest aak Miranda hi my name is n Tu and I am also a representative of a special needs community of the special needs Community okay for me is very sad this situation I have only been a resident for three years but I know that she has been working for more than 20 years and for me it's very hurtful to hear all of the messages and accusations that people have told about her that have expressed about her I have received a lot of Mom's messages that have told me to please support Barbie we feel a lot of happiness and satisfaction every time that we go to a park I'm so sorry only by seeing all the work that has been done for special need kids for our kids in every single one of our activities we wish Barbie the best our kids love you and will defend you with every bit of their hearts I also have here my kid that wants my son that wants to tell you [Music] [Applause] something fore [Applause] [Music] [Applause] forto arto Barto sorry proximo noris Lua hello my name isto import I'm here to be grateful because I am aware that there is sort of issues that occur on every city but the most important thing for me are sports chrisy approached me and a group of my friends that were playing Beach tennis and we were able to discuss um multiple projects and every single thing that we could do finally um most of the parks were full but we were able to have the Morgan Park and that's where we reach [Music] Barbie I was Barbie ners and Ma sers in the Parks finally we were able to have two parks not only for us but for every any individual that wants to come any kid any adult that's why I came here to say thank you because that's how a community it's SP thank you thank you thank you next uh Ricky Fernandes oh sorry you'll go after this hi my name is R Lena my address is 8180 Geneva Court 4027 apartment Florida so I want translate my my speech I am very convinced that a successful team is when every single one of the members are a of their of their character without doubt I think that this is a successful team and I'm going to explain why I have been able to see that um shortly we're going to be able to have a park in Avenue 87 I also have been able to see more involvement in the police department to the city I have only been able to see from the politics Department to be very involved in the emergency of the people I was also able to see that in a recently fire where a team was able to quickly look for a solution that's why I am here today because I want to call the attention for someone that represents us for them to please let this successful team to continue this represent the voices of res you guys represents the voices of residents that wants the city to be a better place please let's respond to the responsibilities of the people can you the and let's be a responsible um for the Poli Services because that's why you guys are here today thank you so much thank you Ricky Fernandez next will be Juan colinares I think the name is cannot make it up dear mayor council members my name is Ricardo Alonso Fernandez Emmanuel 2675 Northwest 100 Avenue I've been coming to the city for a long time I've been here I have prayed and yes I am a pastor in the city of dado but I'm also a resident who knows and been here and one of the things that is hard for me to be today here um number one is because somebody very dear to my heart just passed away on Monday just two days ago I was in my home when my wife said it's very important for you to come today I said I will go because it's important see it's hard to see somebody when you put it away and you know they're not you're not going to see them again see she died and she passed away she gave a great life but we are here alive and we can make a difference see we are still breathing and we can still make things happen and when I was coming I said what am I going to speak about and I was seeing that just in 100 years ago 1924 there was a president Called Calvin kulage and one of the things that I was noticing is that the gallon of milk back then was 28 cents the eggs was 25 cents a car was $269 a house was $2500 things have changed 100 years for now you know now we're in 2024 we need better Administration one of the things that I brought kulish is because he brought Administration down from 22 billion that the country was spending to 16 million and he did an amazing job and I believe that the administration that we have here today in place everyone who is here is doing an amazing Administration for this city and we are coming together in unity as one we are coming together as one family so we can make a difference it's been a 100 years and a lot of prices have changed yes things are more expensive now so we need better Administration and I believe that you guys and when I prayed my my God was telling me didn't you put the blessing over them didn't you pray for each one of them does that count for anything I mean am I a pastor here who gave a blessing just for nothing no my blessing counts and the blessing of everyone here also counts see we prayed and in this same stage we anointed and prayed for you and I believe that God did not make a mistake I believe that God put you in this time for such a time all of you here and I know that it's the time for you guys to come together now more than once so I finish with this are we Dream Builders or are we dream Killers because this is a woman who started from scratch and she is a Dream Believer and look where we she is now so I bless her and put my blessing over you in Jesus [Applause] [Music] name Andres M will be after ju good afternoon my name is Juan colonades I have been a residence sence 9 years ago I'm here on behalf of many residents and people that couldn't come to support the administration D ER was 20 years turned 20 years of being founded last year and as a resident of many years of theal I haven't been able to see a progress as of until this year you guys have been able to do an incredible work regarding the security of Dalal we feel very safe and happy about it the please do not clap please the work that you have that you guys have been doing with the police department have made us feel very safe and I feel very happy about this there is police presence in every single corner of Dalal [Music] the structural Improvement that you guys have been working on right now are are making us very happy since we're going to have more places for the community to share and to be able to be happy [Music] the way that you guys handle the pl the garbage plan H was a very quickly and a very professional it was in a very quickly and a very professional way [Music] that's why as a resident of this city I want to ask for this to continue and for us to have a better future for all citizens in this city thank you so much thank you Andres Munos and then Bradley Cuban sorry come on I always mess up your asking I uh initially had a speech to give but I believe that matters like this are best addressed when they're spoken to from the heart my name is SAS MOS I live in 11451 Northwest 68th Terrance this government has been nothing short of amazing that is without a doubt this community believes in the work that you guys put forward I have seen personally how each and every one of you have addressed the problems of this community and have made it a better place now I didn't believe in politics I didn't like to involve myself in them because I believed that I was tired of having a deal with going to the screen each time and seeing corruption and the greed of man affect the people for the worst but then one day I was lucky enough to meet this beautiful government and because of this government I started believing in Improvement I started believing in my community I started believing in the power of elected people started believing in democracy again what we are seeing now is an attack on a character of a person who stands for what democracy is who believes and who was given her sweat Blood and Tears for this community to make it a better place and I including as well as everyone here and everyone in the city has certainly felt those effects so first of all I would like to thank you personally for what you have done thank you for making this place much better second I believe that if Barbie is to be removed from this office then we will leave off a word wor Barbie's talents are amazing and as I said before her impacts are felt so to go without her is to make a bad impact on this community and that is all I have to say for that thank you thank you Bradley gaban and then um Rabbi bash rashis again someone with your phone good afternoon everyone my name is Bradley caban my address is 10750 Northwest 48th Lane throughout Florida 33178 and I'm coming here to speak with what's going on I'm a concerned citizen I lived here my whole life and I've been coming to City Hall since I've been 7 years old and let me tell you something I've known Barbie literally since the day I steep foot in here and you have done an amazing job as Parks manager you've been dedicating 15 years of your life in this city and honestly it's really sad what's going on you put your whole life your whole career in this city for them to do this this is sad and taking away her job and her livelihood is not fair and you do not deserve this unfortunately the city dra has been put in the spotlight once again for just a sham and it's sad to see what's going on and for the past year Dural has gone into tremendous growth with this new Administration and the new city manager from the pensions being removed to the park spawn working to the Central Park actually being built now and it's all B thanks to the new Administration and the city manager and in fortunately someone wants to take that down and someone wants to take away your experience your career or away from you and it's sad because you have done such a great job and you do not deserve this and to the mayor and council members please please think about this and hold it close to your heart she does not deserve this and please do something the city of JAL has gone through big growth and this community deserves better and I'm talking straight of my heart and I really feel touched because she has been an amazing person and clearly the community loves her she has done a great impact in this community and it's sad to see this going on I've lived here my whole life and honestly you do not deserve this and the C Jal deserves better and you're the person who's capable of leading this city the right way I mean come on it's been one year and the city has gone into tremendous go and a lot of good things have been happening and if you do do not leave the city I know the city is in good hands and we're in a good path once again please vote with your heart and thank you for hearing me have a great day thank you guys roana Sila after bis RAB RAB no no go ahead you're next so I don't have a prepared script I'm going to read from my heart my name is Rabbi a rashit 5353 Northwest 109 Court Doral I have the privilege of living in theal for about 18 years so almost all the way from the beginning I stand here today A as a resident of the ra b as a community leader c as a father of a special needs child and D as a as a ad Advisory Board member and then E I say humbly and I have the great privilege of being one of the chaplain in the police department I don't even know where to begin but I just want to share with you my feelings as soon as I heard about this the words that came to my mind is tragedy travesty now I really hope that no one here in this day suffers from the terrible epidemic that Society is suffering from today and that is don't confuse me with the facts I have my mind made up already so I hope that what we spoke here today on behalf of all the citizens only that many people can speak and what I'm going to say will penetrate your heart and impact your vote just as a father of a special needs child who may never actually because of his condition get to benefit from the programs directly but for somebody who has it in their heart to initiate programs for these children if you don't have a child like that you don't know what it is to be involved with that life and what it means to have compassion people can you know pinch their cheeks and say hey cute but when you live with it day in day out you come to admire and Revere the people that take the time make the effort to pay attention to these children another point for me personally the history of the ra I know I'm only here 18 years but my history of the ra cannot separate from Barbie Hernandez because I remember the old city hall and you know me I come around City Hall all the time and I remember that young I say I told chrisy baby face and I said to myself how can she get anything done this little petite frame but if you know Barbie She's a bulldozer and she works hard and she's worked hard and I drive around the r all the time I see the growth and I know that that's not separate and cannot be taken away from her work her effort throughout all these years so it's not just about Barbie and her job I'm not appealing you for for a job I'm sure she'll get maybe even a better job elsewhere it's about our city not losing out on this wonderful person on this wonderful servant that's done a great job and I'm sure will continue doing even more I have so much to say but time's up thank you Rabbi Ro after roana Sila Will Be Isabel Fernandez good evening my name is Roxana Sila my average is 4720 Northwest 85 Street Apartment 300s D Florida 331 66 I have been a resident of this city for more than 24 years my daughter was able to graduate and my gra my daughter was able to graduate in the city in Ronald ran and Barbara Hernandez I have met her since she was a director of The Parks she has always been character ized by her by her commitment and work for this city her Integrity as a worker and her trajectory has always been recognized now as our administr administrator she has made an excellent job that has marked many lives in this city she has brought a stability to many workers and chief workers of of this city I think we shouldn't make this a controvery like I'm sorry like yeah like other cities because it's going to Dam the image of our beautiful Dural that has maintained Integrity for all of this time she has worked with honesty and unity in this team and I wish that you you guys take this into consideration for your decision sorry do not take this decision based on emotion or personal interest this is a woman a wife and a mother of four children that all also has God in herself ask yourselves what God will do in your place nobody's perfect and I hope that God touches every single one of your hearts thank Youk you Isabel Fernandez and then sagario Garcia um you guys know me as atina Floyd but my real legal name is is herandez my address is 2675 Northwest 100 Avenue through Florida 33172 um one day I called the major I I was shocking I was crying and when I get in peace I call her and I say it's something that is happening in the city I I have we have two schools here with the little ones calling GS Kids Learning Centers and we have a church and we've been here for I don't know 15 years or more and I never being so chocked inside of my inside of my deepest um I I can tell you guys I feel suffering [Applause] for for Barbie osar valer chis [Applause] God bless you [Applause] guys will be Belinda leoncia oh sorry they live in 10154 Northwest 41st Street yesterday I don't think so okay good I don't think so so yesterday I knew about this meeting and I wasn't going to come but Maria my friend told me that she needs a ride so I came to bring her for all of you I belong to to the silver Club of Dural and this is a group that I met every single time and they adorable for us now I always say to my kids when they tell they they come in to me and they say with Wars and things like that talking about this or their brother said prove it if you can approve and what you said I canot do anything I don't know what they told about you Barbie I hear something but I don't want to repeat I don't know if that is true who say that or not but if they the person or person they cannot prove it that person has to apologize and maybe that is the person who has to leave no you because that is the one is making this group bad and these people that are here they are make maybe I I'm not working so that's fine with me but a lot of them they are working they are spending their time and you too you can you can use this time for something else so please if there is no truth that person has to apologize and leave or person I don't know and this is my comment I say prove it because with that if they don't prove don't worry they they cannot prove that you did what you did don't worry that's it your your conscious is makes you happy you whatever you are doing you make happy and everybody according what I I hear so that's it but the the other people I don't know but I didn't like it what I hear that people is the one they have to leave okay that's it thank you Belinda Leon and then bill Dr Belinda Leon 50 Northwest 111 Avenue D Florida 33178 good afternoon so far I've agree with all the comments that have said have been said I'm not going to repeat them but I have been living in dal for over 20 years and in those 20 years the only Parks director that I've known by name is Barbie Hernandez and even before she came to dur in my circles people would say you know Barbie right you in hiia in Parks but she came to D she came to dado during a time that the city was growing rapidly our Parks were being developed immensely and if you talk to her during that time she had such passion for her job she loved her job because she truly understood how important parks are to families with children it is a Lifeline unfortunately we lost Barbie that was a hit to the city and she was greatly missed but the good thing was that she went to the city of Miami Beach I hear they have a couple of parks there what a wonderful opportunity for experience and then after that she went to City of Miami more experience she was invited to come back and with all those years of experience all this know that she amassed developed a skill set she walked into this role of city manager I have read Barbie's response to these allegations of how she's not fulfilling her role and she nailed it she answered every single one but what I want to share is that you all know that I'm very involved in this community I know a lot of people I talk to a lot of people every day I have yet to hear a a negative remark about the city manager your job I have yet to hear a negative remark about the social media that Barbie herad is involved with but you know what I do hear you know what people are always questioning they Wonder H how does this woman do this job that it's long hours it's stressful it's a heavy workload it's intense how does she get that done with four boys running around the house hats off to you I ask that you let this woman do her job to continue to do the phenomenal job that she is doing that you all go back to running the city because it is busy we've got a lot going on and let us end this political theater that is going on today thank you very [Applause] much Bill wats and then eduard [Music] ke good morning madam mayor council members my name is Bill Watts I've been known as just bill I've also been known as Captain bill whtz I live at 5670 Northwest 116th Avenue I'm the president of a 341 homeowners association I'm a founder of a nonprofit veteran organization that home is here in deral first off let me say I'm here in support of Barbie Hernandez I've known Barbie from the very very beginning she's had me involved in Parks because she knows I know fishing uh I I take disabled veterans out fishing just so you know that's what I do I have been in the political Arena of D for those of you that don't know before Dural became a city it used to be a thing called a city uh or Community Council I served on the community council then I ran for office later on and I firsthand was not only a victim but got to see the political Egos and aspirations of others I had people go around the city have my pictures taken out of Windows even though I put my Blood Sweat and Tears into it h have my campaign pictures taken out say why do we want a Greeno running the Latin City it shouldn't matter if I'm a Greeno or if I'm Latina there shouldn't be any for if I say it wrong excuse me chimosa there shouldn't be any of that we should have people who are doing the best for our city be the ones running and keeping our city safe with that being said I've only got a right over a minute to continue I highly support Barbie Hernandez and the job she has done for the city I must commend each and every one of you the transparency in this city has went from zero to up here now you're able to see what's going on not finding out secondhand oh we're having a building built over here oh now there's something going here you see our council members you see our mayor out there doing what they're supposed to do and representing our city with that being said to each and every one of you please do not let the political aspirations or egos of yourself or others get in your way in making this vote today let it be from your heart if there's issues between yourself and the city manager resolve them between each other this should not be becoming before the community look at all these people that are here instead of being at work this should be something that is resolved quickly please learn from history several years ago we had members that were against uh people that worked at the city the city the whole entire city people were walking on eggshells so we don't need need that we want a great place to live work and play thank you very much thank you Eduardo key and then uh Josh Rios good afternoon thank you for the opportunity last time that I was here some people know I'm a pastor in the city I was calling here to pray before a council meeting and today I'm here as a citizen as a pastor as a father husband you know uh I'm going to be very honest with you when God called me to be a pastor uh me and my wife we live in kandell for many years and I always say I would never live in in the city of dado I swear I that's what I used to say and God called me like you know it's like you hear me say what are you saying this is like n one you're going to go over there but I don't want to end like like you know on the big fish today I'm here because I don't know if it's me but I think we're ready to vote what what did the city think because I haven't heard not even one person coming out here and say something bad about Barbie so he Barbie what do you have done I mean I would love to have this this in my church you know sometime I preach the ceremony people like Pastor I don't really like your C apparently you have done something really good or you pay every single person here so we can stand up and here and and speech for you so um I going to tell you something I was a retail manager for 20 years one thing that I learned I start from the bottom till in a a district manager and one thing that I learn management I don't know if you guys ever had a problem with your car you know something happened to your car the battery broke down and the mechanic come and say listen you have to change the engine one thing that I learned in management it's like something worked you don't touch it you if something is working well to just leave it the way it is and that's anything in life so uh this lady have something unique the any of you guys have she have gone through all the administration for 20 years so she have gone through every single Administration to every single process and she's still here so that deserves some seriously respect because that means that she survived every single thing and you know what to me I'm glad that this is happening because I think this is so good that is happening I'm not ashamed of this I'm happy that this is happening you know why because in the fut we we right now we working in a future as a city on the future anyone who want to do something like this they're going to think about it they're going to be like wait a second before I do something like this I want to have the entire city comeing here and every single person's going to stand up and if this person have to do a good job and you know why this is happening Barb because when uh somebody see a tree with fruit they want to through rocks to take the fruits down and you have fruit that's what it is you have and I don't know if what they tell you about you is true or not as said pastor I'm not going to get into the side but I have seen you work in the city I mean every single person they have stand up in here have got in the favor so so for my part I want to thank you and I want to thank all you guys this city it's an example for all cities so do you think that we want to have the news uh what are they gonna say tonight what no for real what are they gonna well they're gonna say I'll tell you what they're gonna say they were going to say that we came here and someone or I don't want to get into that but uh like this lady say maybe someone made a gospel and this is not going to happen anymore because the next time when somebody think about this they're going to be like this is what's going to happen the entire city is going to stand up and say no we're happy with you guys I'm very happy I'm very glad and God bless this city thank you and keep doing the come on let's resol this and we got to move on we got to we we have to do things we got to move on you guys are doing a great job just keep it up like that thank you guys thank you Josh Rio and then Lydia Perez thank you mayor council I ran here from a job interview because this was so important to me this woman embodies Public Service nothing has has been done more in this city than under this Administration and I really mean that with all my heart we've seen this woman sacrifice so much time and effort look at all these people that have come here to celebrate how great of a woman and great of a public servant she has been we all support her if you vote to remove her that is not Public Service you're doing a disservice we voted all you in we each and every one of us have the power to take you out the same way you have you want to take her out and at the same time there is a war being brewed and it's not in the interests of the residents it's in the interest of people in the background and I think us as residents are sick and tired of this our mayor has worked tirelessly to put this city in another level that has never been before with the leaders ship of both the mayor and our our city manager I think we're all sick and tired of the political games I think we're all sick and tired of the background noise seeping into what is supposed to be a public service so I ran here from Brickle to give my support for Barbie give my support for the mayor and the council and I urge with the love of God please vote to keep this woman in charge thank you liia Perez and then if anyone else would like to speak this would be your final opportunity to speak please come up if you would like to speak at this time thank you I too had to rearrange my H work schedule to get here today because I found that this matter is of great importance to everyone my name is Le pis I live at 10249 Northwest 52nd Lane I want to thank all of you for doing a good job I personally have voted and supported every one of you when you were running four elections DNA I've always thought the world of you Rafael the same chrisy okar I don't think I've had a lot of relation with you but nonetheless I have supported you Marine as always I supported you 100% and everyone here so not to take too much time I want to say that I am here in support of Barbie I am I have seen her well I've been in the Ral since 1984 I'm in deral by choice my husband and I has had many options to M dur I have seen it for some of you who haven't been here long enough I started in Dural when 41st Street ended on 97th Avenue okay I worked at the uh the fire station building when it was Eastern Airlines and it was a a bunker so that's these hair have earned here in dur so anyway having said that I have seen Barbie move up through the ranks I met her when the park Morgan Levy was being built my house backs up to Morgan Levy we had a lot of issues I um I think that she is an outstanding person she's been outstanding with the special needs Angels but she's been outstanding with every sector of the community I am a business owner and every time and I deal with a lot of municipalities by the way and every time I've had anything to do with d you guys shine you guys come right through you guys are really the Envy of all the day County municipalities I um I think that you also as responsible councel uh you you have to do certain investigations and and I can't speak to what the issues were that brought us here today but I think you guys are Savvy enough to be able to do the proper process and the proper investigation and the pro in the proper communication so that we don't lose focus of what we need done in our city which is keep it at the top keep it running the way it's been running so as a homeowner as a member of the Dural Park Country Club board of directors as a member of my HOA as one of the the community members here and as a and as a business owner I ask to please reconsider mend your fences and let's move on we want to keep you all as you are thank you thank you yeset Campo then will be Nicole Roso good afternoon mayor and City Council Members my name is tasit Campo uh I come here today as a city uh City Dalal resident I live at 8527 Northwest 108 path theal Florida I'm also an accountant I'm a CPA I've been a CPA for 30 something years and uh I've done some audits so I know more less a little I have heard rumors I'm not exactly sure exactly what the issue is I've I've been wanting to find out but I get busy and I don't get the time to find out but I've heard something about conflict of interest and you know me and some of us CPAs know know about conflict of interest So based on what I've been guessing I don't see any conflict of interest but I'm going to talk more based on what I've been hearing today okay I do not know Barbie Hernandez I've been here in the city of D for 10 years as a resident personally I don't know her I'm really never crossed with her I've heard before when she was appointed as a uh City ma manager and I heard good good things about her but today it's when I really learned about what she's done wow she's been here for 20 years in the city of Dural in many positions I hear a lot about this the parks handling the parks going to other cities getting more experience City of Miami Beach I heard City of Miami and then was asked to come back to the city of Dural the beautiful city of Dural I have never heard since I've been here any complaints about the residents for the city of dado and especially in the last year I've been experiencing all this growth and all these good things that the C D has been doing which is basically part of you here's today so I'm going to conclude basically what the pastor here says wow based on what I've been hearing I don't see any reason why to fire somebody that has done so many good things for the city that's all I have to say thank you thank you next we have Nicole Roso and then we'll have itamar ureta good afternoon mayor councel City attorney Deputy city manager city manager barbarie Hernandez I have a unique and personal perspective as to what is happening today because of my experience working during three local government administrations but I'm not going to go into that I have seen injustices um during my career but what we are was witnessing today is not procedural it's not political it's personal when a person acts with malice they do so with their eye on the target they don't see anything anything else she doesn't see how she hurts a family she also doesn't see the community the residents that she's hurting but guess what the residents see what you're doing and they do not support a personal agenda I know our city manager through the same lens that a lot of you do as a resident and I will say this a job well done is a job to be proud of and these residents I'm proud of you and they see what you're doing Barbie I don't know who are the people that reached out to councilwoman cabal because none of them showed up here [Music] today please don't direct comments to any individual council member but I will say this a lot of people came out today a lot of residents came out today to show support experience uh examples of the good work that's being done and I think certain things need to be taken into account when decisions are made that affect the whole community and they can't be personal thank you thank you next we have itamar ureta and then Melody Den good afternoon everyone my name is it Mareta I reside in 4868 Northwest 108 Court I've been a resident in Dado since 2007 I grew up in the city my children have grown in the city and I've never seen such a successful um government like the one that we have today I don't want to be redundant with all the matters are being addressed today but I just want to say that even though I don't know Barbie personally I have enjoyed the fruit of her labor I'm a homeschool mom and I use Parks a lot I go crazy sometimes when you know and and and I've seen the growth and the Improvement that we have experienced I think this is vivid representation that we all agreeing on one thing and is not to re remove barbaret Hernandez from her position as our city administrator so thank you for the opportunity to give us to express our feelings and concerns thank thank you for taking the time to listen and to vote according to what God says in the Bible he's how God of Justice and I believe in the unity I believe on the work work well done I know your job is not easy representing entire city diverse opinions diverse cultures I respect your job and I respect the what you do and I'm thankful for that but please this is a matter of but of making our something that is working like the old says you know if if a not broken don't fix it it's not broken right now please think according to your heart like somebody like our spiritual leaders spoked and just amend your fences and leave the personal stuff out think about us the residents thank you you after Melody then will be Tami uh Masa Masa good afternoon my name is Mel then 3770 is the P Avenue um I'm living in this city for 18 years now I'm a mother I'm a president of um nonprofit organization that work for the our family with a special needs um and I'm here today just to say that the first time that I met Barbie she was like 20 something I believe the first time that I get into to the city it was in the building in the front I remember and BBY was growing and growing by that time she was the assistant of the Jesus palaso I believe yeah and I saw her growing and Barbie I'm here just to say I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of what you do for the community um and I'm very proud of your improvement and I want to say to the person that doing this um for me it's like comedy like I say um they have to take that you know they had to put things personal things on the side and don't do um what you try to do with Barbie it's like destroy her life destroy her career and she she don't deserve that because she give the um the city more than 50 years of her life so put your head on the right path please and let her barie grow and let this St grow cuz we ask for new people we ask for new things at the city so we don't going to accept that nobody came here to cut that for us we happy what we have now keep going keep going the the bad stuff we're going to fight it with the good ones Gody with with us and have that for sure okay and his here and he Wasing you he was all was watching all of us right now so take the best decision I'm asking you for the best decision God bless you all thank you okay uh tamy Masa and then we have one more speaker and then it'll be final speaker will be Manny sento and public comments will close hello good afternoon my name is tamy Masa I'm here to represent an organization against bullying and me and super Mental Health I just want to clarify that I'm not a politic person but I just want to say how much Dan Spina has supported us in our organization we have also received a lot of support from Dal this year I only know the administration of danis spino I don't know personally Barbie but I I recognize all of her achievement by all of the people that have spoke today during this year as I said before we have received a lot of support from the city and from Danny spino for the Goodwill of our schools and I have also seen the Improvement of Dalal as so many people have said before for the benefits of our school I think that if we keep this team the H city of D could keep improve improving and being even better than than before I am particularly very grateful and my team is also very grateful and I do believe that if we keep the same team we're going to keep improving and being better in the city of d for let's keep working for the Goodwill of our kids and for the city thank you thank you final comments will be from Douglas jenez and then Manny Santo uh good afternoon ladies and gentlemen uh um well I've been living in this city for more than than 20 years okay I moved to Doral four years ago I live in downtown Dalal and canarias so I would say this the youngest community and very close to the to this building okay to the administration and uh when I was living in the other place I'm not going to mention the other place it was like all cows and I didn't feel the the feeling of living in a community and since I moved to theal I really feel like I'm I'm leaving the American dream because uh it's not only uh the American dream is like people uh Associated American dream is just buying your house but is walking to the school with your children's feeling the sense of a community and even though that it's a young Community we are being struggling with some things that uh we are being receiving the support from Barbie okay we we we we suffered some from some car test in the in the previous months and we are thanks to Barbie we are working closely to with the police uh to see how we can organize and educate the community and I would say that uh I I I'm disappointed okay because I think that when you start putting in your agenda Feit your personal interest and your uh political agenda uh instead of you know focusing on on on the matter of the community I really feel disappointed as as a resident of the RO and I think that you guys are doing a great job okay an excellent job and please keep it as as you are right now don't don't jeopardise the future of this city okay and and thank you thank you guys for for your help and for your support thank you Mr sento final public comment honorable mayor councel our great city manager we love you by the way okay and I want everybody to give them the give them the one of these okay I stand before you as a oh sorry uh 8232 Northwest 14th Street D Florida 33126 and I am the President of the D Chamber of Commerce I stand before you as a concerned citizen of derell just like many of you today I cannot help by Express to express my disbelief and disappointment at the accusations and allegations false allegations brought forth by one of our council members seemingly be backed by another council member against our very capable and hardworking city manager Barbie Hernandez and The Honorable District 5 School Board member Danny esbin know and yes his reputation can suffer with this and that's not fair Dural has come a long way from the chaos that once plagued us thanks to the diligent efforts of our new council members Pino boras and the leadership of Mayor froga and our great city manager but it appears that some individuals are still clinging to the puppet strings of the past refusing to let go of the old ways and believing in a tyrant that only cares about controlling the city so council members who have involved in this I don't know what to call it because it's very very disgusting seems that they're still marionet dancing to the tune of the D12 Syndicate which is what I call it yet it has become evident that that person that council member and her Associates actively are searching for ways to sell chaos in Durell their political PL not only threatens the find reputation of Barbie Hernandez but also targets our dedicated Schoolboard representative Danny Espino this is nothing short of an attempt by that council member and the D12 Syndicate to destabilize the city because they can't stand how good we're doing right now this is the same council member who worked for kamak supposedly while claiming and speaking ill of the Durado Chamber of Commerce and claiming that I was not the president of the chamber I am the President and the CEO of dado chamber we opened up in 2008 I am the President I am the CEO of the D Chamber of Commerce I implore the residents hold the Applause please I implore the residents of dado to listen attentively our previous mayor the D12 Syndicate and the two remaining allies of the previous mayor are seeking to regain control and plunge us back to the world of chaos we must not allow the D12 Syndicate to destroy the hard work of individuals like Barbie Hernandez mayor Fraga Rafa Pino and Marine poris may I have 30 seconds please 30 seconds okay let us not permit them to tarnish the reputation of these outstanding individuals her actions are borderl slanderous dishonest and disgraceful you should resign or you should take back this resolution right now that's your only political savior thank you and let us continue to work tired andly for the betterment of our beloved City with our beloved city manager Barbie Hernandez we love you Barbie thank [Applause] you public comments is now closed and will we move on to the discussion items Madam clerk discussion item 5A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida establishing the city council's intent to pursue to article 3 section 3.03 of the city Charter to remove city manager Barbara C Hernandez from Office terminating the employment of city manager Barbara C Hernandez for cause and providing for an effective date thank you madam clerk Council M this is your item thank you Madame mayor as this being my item I present um on you and I'm pretty sure that all of you have already written this resolution on the reasons presented on page two and three but I just wanted to um say that um the city manager has been unable to carry out her duties fairly inconsistently by failing to work equally with all of council members the city manager has demonstrated a lack of courtesy Integrity cooperation skills and judgment necessary for this position confidence in the city manager ability to carry out the duties in this position has failed to the council in general so that is my statement and I uh at this moment I am um making a motion to approve second Madame manager would you like an opportunity to have a [Music] statement thank you mayor thank you Council thank you all for being here I we really appreciate it I wouldn't have allowed any of this to occur um if it wasn't for going to the Press if we would have done this amicy it would have been a different case cuz I don't like the show I don't like it at all I care about the community as you guys can see 20 years in public service I really do care and I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't this case some the allegations described here are not true I can go one by one but I have written my memo and I've answered each one one by one to show that there's no proof or anything of backing one of the main things that was stated was that there was a a conflict or an appearance of conflict um with the Schoolboard member which is my husband that's I came into the position him being my husband it wasn't no secret they approved the council mayor and Council that was brought by the mayor and agreement with the school board 5 to have an office here at City Hall as you all know I requested an opinion from the Miami Dade ethics board and I would like to pass that out if friend can help me out with that each to each one of you and the city clerk and the City attorney i s from the Miami date County Commission ethics and public trust and advisory opinion with regards to interactions between my Administration and my husband's office a Schoolboard member I have the opinion here and I've circled a copy to you all and the city clerk the opinion concludes and supports that my Administration and I appropriately handled The Limited interactions between the city and my husband's office those interactions were appropriately handled as followed one Schoolboard member spino was not afforded any courtesies in City Hall until such time as a mayor brought forth an item which was independently unanimously approved by the city council in May of 2023 for the use of the spare office for the school board member in City Hall the same courtesy extended to full former member Susie Castillo and Senator Anna Maria two not being personally involved in the minor courtesies extended to his office my office is specifically screened me from any of those issues as safeguards to keep separation I asked the deputy to handle any any interactions even though the agreement was approved just so that there wouldn't be any of that type of appearance the city treats his office like any other similarity sit situated current and formal Schoolboard members and officials from other government agencies there have been no conflicts and no inappropriate use of resources and to say otherwise is false misleading and disen so that's when it comes down to that comment I just wanted to clear the record that I have it in front of you and if we need to take more safeguards in regards to that then so be it bring it on we can do policies we can do a lot of things that can separate that or he can leave you guys can revoke the agreement and he can leave City Hall so that there is none of that occurring which is fine by us as [Music] well councilwoman stated that I have been un unfair and I'm not doing my job I'm going to say I disagree with that I have provided all five of you every single time my my cell phone number I'm open to calls at any time during the day was our relationship with council with my with Council caral rough at the beginning not at the beginning I say like two or 3 months into it it kind of went a little South but then we picked up again and I told her sometime in September I go councilwoman I'm here I'm here to help you I'm here to help you whatever you need let's move forward from anything that has occurred and she looked at me and she said okay I thought we were good so then come the 20 whatever the day of the press conference I didn't understand what was happening I had no idea the things that were put forth in the memorandum had never been brought to my attention so I really didn't understand what was going on but still I took my time to answer each one and identified that none of it had any real substance and I I would welcome anything else that I can help with and at this time councilwoman I want you to know that I want to still continue to work with your office and I want to move your vision forward anything that you need I am here my the team is here with whatever it is that you want to per that goes for each and every one of you I have been fair from day one when I believe in something I go with it I also follow I have my masters in public administration I know what public administration is and I believe wholeheartly in what we do here for the community we're here to serve the community let's do it together let's move forward together I would ask you to reconsider consider this thought and and let's work together to move forward on what you want to do or need to do as for your constituents no hard feelings I like I would like to do that if you would allow me to do it sorry let me drink some water some of the things we did and I know that a lot of the people that were here today and spoke in the public comments stated I had to write things down because I didn't want to get emotional I'm a professional I love this city and the residents they're truly amazing and I want to continue to serve them and all five of you nonetheless I serve at the pleasure of this board we have accomplished some amazing tasks together we have got Central Park back on track we are saving money on the bond projects our customer service has improved tremendously we've brought back true community policing by reducing crime by 12% across the board burglary 45% many of our processes and applications are going digital just this next week we're going to put the CBO grants digly so people can apply for them easily online that's just a few things that we've done with our great it Department 21 years of Public Service 15 of them which have been here with the city of dra I left a great job in the city of Miami to be here because I would only do this here because I care because it is a lot of work it is tireless work but I love it I do it because I love it as I said when I got here initially I remember being eight years old and laying in my bed and my mom getting home from her third job and I telling myself whatever it is I do in life I must love it and till this day working for this city I love it there are challenges we all know there are challenges but we get through them we're human we work together we can do this I don't believe for one second that we can't get back on track with all each and every one of you I'm serious please allow me the opportunity to work with some of the things that you feel so that I can make you feel comfortable each of you we work together everybody has brought great ideas Council M has constantly brings ideas to the table something no others don't ever think about I want to work with that we work and we bring it together so that the five members are aware of it and agreeing vice mayor P has great ideas again we've accomplished a lot of things in his office whether with the kids with the graduations with the job fair coun Pat same thing your vision what you need to do for your Cons with your promises moving them forward mayor froga as well there are things we do need to fix there are things that we do can do better 100% do better it's important that we're transparent and it's important that you're treated fairly I don't want anyone to ever feel that way and I'm sorry if anybody has ever felt that way cuz that is not my intent the same thing anything you want we can do moving forward that is morally and ethically correct I would ask you please if you can please reconsider putting this on the table Madame chair may I sure absolutely would you help have a comment Madame manager this is not about what I feel this is what is right and what is just for our residents at this point so I just want you to understand that at the time that you were director of The Parks I do recognize your work within those years that you were there because I was also part of the parks too not as an employee but as a resident and also a volunteer there for many many years but at this point in time even we had several conversations and one of the conversation that we have last night too and even you also um appoint the maybe you jump too fast within this position and I do agree because of the way that you have conducted yourself when it comes to the council so that's all my comments right now if anything I will address okay yes Council ahead so first I I want to thank everyone that's here and that has sent me messages through emails calls texts whether or not opposition or in support of this item including and I have to mention in opposition to having this meeting at this time of day I want you to know that I have read and considered every single message and I understand the passion that you have for the city and this particular issue and I urge you to continue this level of participation and I agree with many of you that over the last year that I have been in the seat I have seen the city prosper through the great work of all our city employees and our city manager and I know that the city will continue to prosper regardless of today's outcome and I want to thank the city manager for her professionalism uh consideration and hard work because I know and I have been witness to you being here long hours of the day and I am very proud of everything that we've accomplished in the last year with that said as a lawyer I will always see everything through a legal and ethical lens and the recent stories that we have seen in the news from other cities facing these ethical and legal issues concerning elected officials and City staff is of major concern to me just like the It issue was of major concern to me and it was and that's why I called that special meeting and the perception of a conflict of interest should be enough to take the proper measures to remove that conflict and I've had several conversations with the city manager she knows where I stand especially considering that we are in a very difficult time where there's this environment of lack of trust from the city officials and and believe me I understand that and to me it is necessary to not leave the door open to any potential conflict um therefore I believe it is in the best interest of the city to remove the potential conflict that can interfere with the proper operations of our city and if this decision negates all the work and effort that I have put into this community over the last year then honestly so be it and I will always make the decision that I believe is best for the city just as you know on the outside and internally because those are two different things and I do see the growth the prosperity and all the great things that we've accomplished over the last year and as difficult as it may be and you know whether my colleagues support it or not we have to make difficult decisions and for me the last thing that I want to express is my disappointment with the way that some of you out there have reached out to me have perpetuated the idea that there are s sides in the city council you are hurting the City by doing this I'm one of the newcomers I came to the city 7 years ago I'm not involved in any of the issues that have happened in the past I am a public interest lawyer eight out of the nine years that I have been a lawyer I have been working in the public sector helping lowincome families get necessary resources legal services and I felt that I could share and transfer that into the city council and that's exactly what I have been doing and I refuse to be dragged into any personal or political feuds and I will continue to seek ways to work with all of my colleagues and I will always vote in accordance with what I believe is best for the city regardless of who of which one of my colle colleagues here supported and I will continue to work in the community so again thank you for being here thank you for this passion and I know that this city has been through a lot again I'm one of the newer ones here but you have my word that I'm always going to do what I think is best for the city regardless of who supports it thank you yeah [Music] P thank you mayor um first of all to the residents thank you for for being here I mean I agree with uh Council woman boras I mean to have this meeting at 12 o'clock I mean it was it was hard for a lot of I get a lot I got a lot of phone calls people asking why you you guys having a 12 o'clock meeting instead of six o'clock meeting so but here we are and I want to thank you for your comments uh this certainly serve as a listening session is more more than than what we're discussing today because it means that you guys recognize the work that the current Administration has done for the past 14 months having said that uh to the staff directors I want to thank you for the work that you have done for the past 14 months and people recognized that and I'm sure you heard that today I know that it's unfortunate that we're having this conversation and this meeting but regardless please note that everybody recognized your your work and to my colleagues to remind you that every time that we have been out there in Parks visiting the ser Club program the special needs program every activity that we actually attend and then or the police department activities as well and every time that we preach our departments and our directors don't forget that you're preaching the city manager as well because it's about leadership that's why we have the charter that we have we have an Administration we have a mayor we have a council that's the way that it is so every time that you get a phone call from a resident and you recognize that director because that director is doing or directors are doing their job you're recognizing the administration not us we're just the filter we just communicate to the city manager to the leadership what we want to see but it's the city manager and the administration the directors that really do the job you guys are the face of the city you guys are the Heart of the City and I recognize that and because I recognize that I have to recognize the city manager that we have I have to put aside personal and politics and that's what I do every time that I'm here I don't take anything personal when it comes to politics if I have to make a decision today based on the lack of information that I have because I do consider that yes when something like this come before us we have to make a decision but there's a lack of information provided I do believe that there are false statements in what has been said not only on the media and the statement and the resolution that I read because the fact that we have the School Board memb office inside City Hall if one of you guys consider that is something wrong with that I'm sorry for but for me as a father education is important and the fact that we have this office of the school board member here that families can come here and talk to the school board member if you think some something different I'm sorry but I going to defend that are going to be on that side regardless who the school school board member is because it's important to have that relationship and to have that accessibility to the residents here inside City Hall the fact that is the hosan of the city manager so I don't see any conflict on that when we speak about qualifications experience I do believe that the city manager has the qualifications and experience not only because of everything that has been said but the fact that she actually comes from Parks and I do appreciate the work that our Parks staff always does because I come from Parks too and people from parks are passionate and she has that passion for everything that she does so again the fact that we are discussing this the way that has been presented with lack of information false statements and try to destroy the character of an elected official and a professional for me is it's unfortunate is it's sad that we're discussing or having this conversation and to conclude I just want to say this regardless of what the decision is as the council one mentioned I know the city will continue moving forward because we're the city of Dalal and you guys are here present today you guys represent that staff Community we all together working on this but what I cannot accept is is to actually vote on something that in my humble opinion has a political Mo motive and is more personal than professional that's [Music] all please please do not Applause any other comments Madam City attorney can you please clarify the motion on the table I believe it's a motion to approve the resolution as currently drafted what does that mean for the separation uh the motion is currently for cause so under the city manager's contract if she's terminated for cause um there would be no obligation to play Severance which means there would be no severance correct did you prepare the resolution no who prepared the resolution a councilwoman cabal's office did you review the resolution yes would you like to speak okay here's what I'll have to say I've heard every comment today I've had a lot of phone calls a lot of people very upset and hurt through this process concerned about our city being unstabilized because this position is extremely important I would say it's probably one of the most important decisions we make at as a council and my job as the mayor to appoint to find somebody who number one meets those qualifications and number two can do the job understand a community especially a community like d because as you see here today we're a very active community and I think it's important to understand the need to have someone in that position that not only meets the qualifications under our Charter but that has that experience that's why Barbie Hernandez was named as our city manager I can understand some of the accusations that would be brought up I don't legislate on perception I don't govern on perception if we governed on perception we would be in a very bad place we govern based on facts we govern based on information the ethics compion that we got today covers any worry about conflict of interest any worry about conflict of interests and I do believe that if we want to work in benefit of this community we can find a solution we can find a solution so while many of the comments made here today by my colleagues were very nice the truth is that if the work that has been done over the past year is recognized there is a path to move forward where that perception of uh impropriety of ethics of conflict can be cured there is a way to cure it one is this opinion we got today two is by removing the access to have any school board member on property as a matter of fact any other local body if we only want City Hall to be for the elected officials that serve City Hall then that's fine we can make those policies that's why we're here we can make those policies we can work together to make those policies but anything other than that really does not does not serve ve this city well because the position of city manager is so important for a year like this year where we have so much to do Central Park is months away from being opened something that took three and a half years to do we've done in 14 months do you think that that will be complete if there's not someone in the seat who knows how to do it there will be a learning curve for anyone that sits in that seat the team that's been built that's sitting there right now is an amazing team each one of them is a consumate public servant you don't think that they're worried that they're scared that's not what I want for City Hall it's not what I want for the morale of our community that's what's being placed here today all of it is at risk and that's fine we can all have our opinions about whatever makes us feel better on why we're making the decision we're making but everybody knows the truth because there's nothing else other than the results if we are going to evaluate the city manager we need to evaluate them on performance on work on results on accomplishments the same standards that we expect to be judged on when we go to The Ballot Box not based on lies and things that people say and perception if we were elected based on perception God knows I would not be here it's a very sad day for me I believed in that we could do it different I really did you know what sucks about this is that now I understand why good people don't stay in office my good people don't do public service [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you good people don't do public service because it's unjust just it's unjust because that woman does not deserve this she doesn't it's my fault because I brought her here I brought her back Madame chair oh madame mayor I think that you need some Council woman I have this I have rule of Rule of Order no I have the floor right now Madam I understand but what I mean is that at that this moment if you need to take a break we can take a break excuse me please no I am fine if I need a break I will say it great I just asking if you need some a break take break and that will work for all of [Music] us remember [Music] November please please please I ask you guys please stop to stop please let the mayor finish please it's okay it is okay and it'll be okay because we will take care of it where we always take care of it not not here not in this form we'll do it in another form but it's a sad day it's a sad day for our community because the truth is that there is nothing here that stops us from continuing to do the work that we do other than destabilizing this city and this will destabilize the city all I ask right now there's a motion on the table in a second allow her to resign and get her Severance because it is obviously this Council that wants her to leave let her leave with her dignity because she has done nothing wrong so if there's anything I will ask you guys if that is what you want if you do not no longer want a good person to be in that seat [Music] that's fine I believe in democracy and we have the Democratic right here that if there's three votes that don't that no longer want the city manager then it is what it is I understand that but think about what you're about to do this is a woman who has dedicated the last 14 months has not gone home to put her children to sleep to make sure that our vision that everything we promised was being accomplished I would call her to go home what are you still doing there go home don't do that let her leave with her dignity her Severance and we will move on and we'll deal with it but what is happening here today is not right it's not right there is nothing that has been done wrong in this city and this ethics opinion is that proof you want to talk about law ethics Department of Miami Dade County there it is that is the law so your perceptions I understand we can fix that together we can fix that there is a way to fix it and we can move forward because I know no one else that does what she does which is always wants unanimous support she wants to work to make every single one of us happy even when she knows she can't make you happy even when she knows she can't make you happy she tries and God knows I told her forget it she's like no we need to get everybody everybody should be treated the same way so I will not be supportive of this that's for sure I don't think I need to say that but there's a motion a second on the table think about what you're going to do allow her to get her Severance resign and we will find someone I don't ever think we'll have someone like that someone said it I'm not worried about her not getting another job Whoever has the opportunity to hire her is is beyond going to thrive and the luckiest Community because I can tell you I get it from residents all the time I thought I answered people I've never seen a city manager that gives help personal cell phone I can attest to many residents that have lived in this community for many years and they feel like they're listened to for the first time they tell me all the time she actually answers cuz she cares cuz she cares you heard it from the special needs parents to the seniors I wouldn't have brought anybody else because I knew the relationship that she had with the Community First and the experience it is hard to find someone that meets our Charter it is hard to find someone that can do this job it is hard we will not find someone that easily think about what that does to this city what will happen to every single one of to all the work that we've put in for a year all the work it's really not it it's really not something that I wanted to face and I have a lot of faith if no one else has anything to say we will either call the question I'm sorry do you want me to resign is that what you're asking I'm I'm asking if you would all be amable to changing the the motion Miss carra would you be this your motion would you be willing to add the um severance pay as it is stated on the contract you would need to change the motion to be DET termination without cause we had a conversation and she had the opportunity to do so okay that point I I can't to my understanding attorney a clear clarify I'm going to ask a City attorney to my understanding I spoke to the City attorney and she has an opinion on the way the meeting was called well just generally the city manager's contract provides that if she volunteer arily resigns then she would have no entitlement to Severance so the only way that the resignation provision um is triggered that would allow for um Severance is if she's asked or forced to resign by the city council so an individual council member asking her to resign would not be sufficient for her to get the severance I do understand that yesterday I asked her and her answer was no that she that was her answer last night when we have a conversation councilwoman that is what the attorney is telling you she cannot resign with you asking her there has to be majority I understand the question I do understand the comment so I don't know what is this being brought up when yesterday we had a conversation and you cly told me no that you wanted to keep with this no councilwoman my question to you I'm not going to be going back and forth but this was what it was stated last night I want to be clear for the record at the end of the day this is my name my dignity my rep reputation exactly that's why we're here today okay woman please allow the city manager to answer uh I want the two things number one clear my name none of this is true so for my record for my 21 years of public service please clear my name because none of it is true and I would I need to continue on the second thing is if this is the I serve at the pleasure of the board and if you all would like me to to resign I will resign or terminate without cause amend the motion to terminate without cause let me let me State this on the I will move to amend the motion to terminate without CA the maker of the motion has to accept the amend mind has to right she has she's made the maker of the motion unless we take this motion you don't vote for it and then you make Z motion but because there's a motion on the table she has to accept the amendment I think we can amend in right now right I could dou go check your rules but don't know what foreclose is you guys haven't voted yet um an amendment amendment is always in order but amendment is in order but does the maker of the motion have to accept the amendment there I don't see anything in your rules that provides for that okay when it comes to amended when it com because you're amending the motion that's on the table correct correct if okay I don't have any issue to amend it for her to be able to get her Severance but the thing is that yesterday we have a conversation about this what I asked you but excuse me excuse me excuse me so again just I'm looking at your rules and if there's a question before the city council under debate and a motion has been made which has been the case um it is proper to amend the matter under discussion there's no requirement that has to be the person who profer the motion to begin with okay so you want to offer an amend Amendment yes go ahead amend a motion um to reflect no cause and provide the city manager with SS add in addition I'm sorry it in addition what's what's already been said yes yes I will agree with that but my comment was just that because of the conversation that we have last night nothing has changed but I do agree I do agree with the amendment into the resolution yeah can you can the clerk read it again just so please sure I have motion to approve as amended to remove the four cause and provide for severance correct yes no I think if I could be better stated motion to amend the resolution to provide that shall be terminated without cause okay which shall provide for severance and then um any reference to the basis for the cause would be removed from the resolution okay what City attorney stated and I have that Mo maker of that motion was councilwoman Cal and seconded by vice mayor Oscar po corve may I clarify just for Council I I asked you if you wanted to continue the way it was that's what we were talking about so I don't I don't want you to think I maybe we miscommunicated but I I want you to know that that that's what it was was maybe a Mis communication but I I appreciate thank you for clarifying today okay Madame clerk please call Council Cal yes vice mayor P corv yes councilwoman poras yes councilman Pino no mayor Fraga no motion [Music] passes okay move to we'll move to the uh second item for a moment okay item 5B resolution the city council of the city of Dr Florida appointing blank as interim city manager and providing for an effective date okay okay this is also my item I would like also to listen from my um council members my fellow council members on my resolution uh to be able to appoint a interim city manager just by the time that that we will be able then to go through the process on hire someone for this position okay so um the appointment of the inm city manager as it's been done in the past um historically I'm going to go ahead and nominate Frank Rios to be our interim city manager in the resolution to be stated um until the next manager is appointed just a technicality can it be effective February 2nd yes the end of week the end of we for my for my resignation I would put it in that it would be effective yes we need the transition I just want to make sure that I have till Friday so transition get myself out of my office yeah I mean is there consensus from the council and okay that that would be reflected in the amended motion councilwoman cab this is something that we also spoke until the second so you will be able to have instead of five months you will be able to have six months of insurance yes okay Connie is clear for Connie you have your feary I'll re listen to the audio to make sure I have all the minutes all the motion correctly thank I'll go ahead and nominate Frank Rios to be our interim city manager until the next city manager is appointed um I am going to as per my right in the charter look at uh what options there is for city manager whether we open it up and ask for time um the charter states that I have a certain amount of time to appoint a city manager um the resolution reads 60 days I am 60 days is not even until March therefore I'm going to ask that we uh that we extend that till the April council meeting so that when we do an open search I have at least 30 days to post the initial um the initial position so through the through the mayor yes so what we have now is a nomination for the deputy manager Frank Ros to become interim manager right which I support I would add I would amend to have the city man the City attorney look at our Charter since this is now a termination this may fall under a different provision of the charter which may include creating a committee for this search we did well I did I did look at that in advance um of this meeting anticipating obviously that we would have to appoint an intrum there was a charter Amendment two Charter amendments in 2014 um one in August 2014 and then one immediately after in November of 2014 um the one in November 2014 the ballot language which was codified clearly provides per pursuant to section 3.01 of the charter that the um mayor is the one that nominates the replacement of the city manager within such time as de reasonable by the council if none is nominated within that time frame then the council will have an opportunity to nominate um and in fact in looking at the ballot language which was part of the analysis it specifically said and this was November 2014 the charter authorized is appointing the city manager by Council vote following a search committee it is proposed that the charter be amended to provide that upon a vacancy of the manager the M shall nominate a replacement within such time so again it contemplated that prior language where Charter officials were done by selection committee and um pursuant to that Charter change in November 2014 it was revised to again provide the mayor with that Authority can you tell us how it compares to section 3.03 yes so 3.03 was the language that was adopted in August of 2014 originally and did include the manager as part of that list but then it was subsequently amended in November of 2014 so it was backtack um Charter revisions can we ask a question can be more than one interpretation when it comes to the Charter I mean certainly it's subject to interpretation but this is also consistent with past practice um when there's never been a search committee um convened to appoint a a city manager okay so I need a motion Frank Rios to be the um inim city manager and then I'm going to open it up but I need time it's going to take at least 30 days so for the April council meeting I will bring back an can't do it any sooner it's it's going to be impossible but we need to do a real search so Madame attorney I would like to hold on to the 3.03 uh where we will be able to have a ComEd a comedian place that is not the charter Madam Council woman that's not but within my interpretation it can be interpret if my um fellow colleagues also agree it can be interpreted for what you say of one or more so at this point my my interpretation is that when in 3.3 is that it can be a committee in place again the charter was amended in November of 2014 and it's specifically provided in the ballot language the charter authorizes the appointment of the manager by Council vote following a search committee recommendation that was in existence at the time that this ballot went to the electorate of the city of Dural it is proposed that the charter be amended to provide that upon a vacancy of the position the mayor shall nominate a replacement with it such period of time de aable by the council than in office so again and that's where you find the language reinstated into 3.01 so yes there there was a period of time between August of 2014 and November of 2014 um where the city manager would have been through a search committee but it was subsequently amended in November of 2014 to give the mayor that Authority again under the charter through the mayor may I yes why would 3.03 still be in the the charter 3.03 still applies um as respect to the City attorney and the city clerk and there are provisions of it that are applicable to the city manager but where it's conflicting is as to appointment and the what went to the electorate in November of 2014 is what would Prevail that's what was voted upon what I would suggest is I I see a big conflict between these two sections because it's still it still exists and 3.03 my recommendation is to obtain independent Council review of the charter specifically those two Provisions agree if we're going to sit up here now and start deciding that we're going to go against the charter it's very clear what the charter says we're going to sit up here now and go against our attorney's opinion and start doing whatever we want and not following the charter we're going to have issues well this is why we're asking for this because there's there's I in my opinion I with all due respect Council when I was here when that Charter provision changed and it was specifically left left out the the manager the manager was always the mayor's discretion to appoint and ratify by Council and then if a certain time period passed that the the mayor did not put up a name then the council could nominate but there was there's never been a Time by the electorate where that section of the charter has changed to take that Authority away from the manager from the mayor the mayor's authority to nominate a manager has always been the provision in the charter so there's there's really no conflict in the charter the only area is in the uh when when there's a termination or a resignation of the manager but the provision of the mayor nominating the manager has always been consistent may I sure absolutely thank you and I think that this warrants and merits a second opinion therefore I making a motion to move forward with your recommendation for an interm city manager to be Francisco R and I would ask and request for an independent attorney to review our Charter which is very specific and very conflicting those two sections had it not had it not say removal section 3.03 says removal of city manager City attorney or city clerk I am confused and I think it warrants and merits a second opinion by a legal professional therefore that's my motion thank you madam City attorney will you um have someone review would you have someone that can review the charter and give another opinion as well yeah I mean she said independent so it wouldn't be somebody from my firm but if there's consensus from the council then we can um engage a different firm to look at it okay could we bring this back to the February 14th meeting on that specific issue yes that's enough time yeah I believe so I mean if it's not then I'll give an update at that time and okay okay Madam City attor uh city clerk sorry please call the role I have Mo motion to appoint Deputy city manager Francisco riio as interim city manager until the April council meeting and to have an independent attorney review the sections in the charter that talk talks about appointment of the city manager and bring that back at the February council meeting actually my recommendation was um the way the other resolutions have read is until a new city manager is until a new city manager perfect May by coun excuse me Madam mayor if I can add um just uh just because um while I humbly accept the the recommendation uh everything we've heard here today uh serves as motivation to to push forward the great work this Administration has done over the past year however going into this role there there are certain things I just want to make sure there are some safeguards to me in in this role I would kindly request that the protection that are afforded to the city manager as it relates to just and reasonable cause be afforded to me while I serving this capacity uh and secondly along with any other benefits included in in uh that agreement and secondly um that I would request that once the Administration has selected or once the council has selected the next city manager that I'm able to roll back into Deputy city manager role with a 90-day provision to allow that transition period without any uh action against me without just reasonable cause those are two asks I make um and if if that's something that you all could accept I'm more than happy to serve uh uh you all the community and and this wonderful team that we have here yes yes yes did you get that I will yes okay okay call the rooll please councilwoman poras yes vice mayor corve yes councilwoman Cal yes councilman Pino no mayor Fraga yes motion passes thank you all for joining us here today I'm sorry that it was a tough day but I'm sorry just a point of privilege really quick I want to just thank everybody the city is amazing and it's going to continue to move forward they're absolutely right that's one thing they can all agree on and we will continue to move forward so don't worry about a thing Frank is great to my beautiful team right here cuz I know the Press wants to ask questions I will not be taking comments from the Press I'm sorry I'm not about that I'm not going to do it but I will tell my team that you guys are amazing you keep working with your hearts and you keep moving forward you keep moving this amazing City forward okay I love you guys I love all my residents and I care and whatever you guys need you know I'm always here I'm a call thank you [Music] I need a motion to adjourn thank you enough thank you councilwoman motion to adjourn motion to adjourn by vice mayor P corve second second by councilman Pino all in favor say I I meeting is adjourned