##VIDEO ID:XGQCMo3aKrY## we're calling this meeting to order it's our special council meeting Thursday December 26 2024 hopefully everybody had a very Merry Christmas and uh we'll take the roll call Adam Clark Council Roso present councilman Rafael Pino present councilwoman dinal Vice may mar poras mayor chrisy frag present mayor please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by vice mayor bedge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with and justice for all okay agenda order of business I don't believe we should have any additions or deletions okay being none we'll move into public comments I'll now open the public comments portion of this meeting if you would like to address this Council please approach the podium you have 3 minutes to speak in a respectful manner we have common cards I will go ahead and take the first Common card that we have which is Mr Richard [Music] glat good morning everybody Merry Christmas happy Hanukkah uh I've been looking into my crystal ball lately to try to figure out what's going to happen today and I think it's correct I think it's been giving me the the right information the crystal balls kind of been telling me that just to be careful today that make sure everybody has their eyes open today this is like the equivalent of a Pearl Harbor attack on the United States on December 7th 1941 this is something that the city council is trying to sneak by people because it's the day after Christmas and they think nobody's watching but people yes are watching and people that are really watching are really people they're just up there God's watching he sees everything you do and today you're going to try to slam dunk through uh Donald Trump's uh Endeavor project approve it that's what the crystal balls been telling me because it's good for you politically and socially and also economically if you do what the big boy tells you it can only bring you Fame and riches later look look at Marco Rubio that's the guy that hated Trump and all of a sudden he brown nose his way to the top another thing you're going to do today that the crystal ball told me is you're going to hire a crony somebody you already know a recycled person that's loyal to you that this brown knows their way into your hearts so they can be your puppet and they can do what you want even though they're not the most qualified person obviously that's what you call micking beam politics micking beam everything here unfortunately and in in uh day County now it's Mickey beam quality it's not the best quality but you you get by with Mickey beam and what you've done here without realizing is you've not only betrayed me the people of the city of dur but you've betrayed your country if this really is your country some people live here and they say me P but they don't mean the United States what they mean is their home countries they could give a rat's ass about democracy Richard in this country Richard Richard in two seconds they'd give up their integrity for five bucks 10 bucks 20 bucks whatever it takes just to get ahead economically socially or politically it's really pathetic it's really pathetic you stand up here pledge allegiance to the flag what kind of BS is that the crystal ball never lies Richard thank you for your comments please let's be more respectful next time otherwise we will not be taking comments especially with explits thank you any other comments at this time any other comments okay public comments is now closed let the record reflect no one else has chosen to speak at this time and we'll move into the discussion item so before we move into the first discussion item I will ask for a couple of uh ground rules as we move forward in the interview process there are I think four candidates here I believe there may be one virtually correct are four here all four are here okay so we're going to ask that um if you may if you please to please go outside while one of the candidates is being interviewed out of respect obviously this is an open public meeting so we cannot require you to go outside but if you are a candidate we would ask out of respect for the other candidates that you please step out while um one is being interviewed we're going to go in the following order we will start with Mr Ricardo Mendes then we will do missa sardinas Michael cilia and triarq ramini I think I said that right so if you would please step out we would very kindly appreciate it all right and then as that takes place what I would ask from the council is that um you have your three questions ready remember uh as discussed previously by the committee um it is recommended that the same question be asked to each candidate we'll go ahead and start with councilwoman cabal then we'll go to councilwoman Roso then we'll do uh vice mayor poras and then councilman padoo and then I will go last all right yes thank you Madame Clerk discussion item 4 a a resolution of the mayor on the city council of city of D Florida approving the selection of blank as city manager Charter further authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an employment agreement with blank providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you madam clerk okay we'll go ahead and take Mr Ricardo Mendes you here sir please approach the podium you'll be given two minutes to do opening remarks and then two minutes to close and in between we'll have questions okay U Madam clerk can we have a clock for two minutes all right Mr Mendes the floor is yours good morning uh uh honorable major and council members uh first all thank you for inviting me here happy holidays um what do you would you like me to do just uh just opening remarks yeah opening remarks uh oh I'm very uh um excited to be here uh I am uh a professional city manager I have over 30 years of professional experience in Municipal County and civil engineering and uh I'm looking forward to answering your questions and uh hopefully uh help you at uh significant value to your operations and and make a great contribution to the team the city and of course the residents thank you Mr Mendes okay Council cabal would you like to please open with your questions I just have two questions should I ask him one after the other or just ask one and wait until he answers what how are yes so go ahead and ask your question uh the candidate will respond and then you'll be able to ask your next question we are doing three questions per council member I just we just have two so um the first one and thank you so much for being here taking your time um considering the recent turnover in our city manager position what strategies would you implement to ensure lhip stability and Improvement staff morale within our city Administration uh will you say the last part uh to improve a staff morale within our city Administration okay um let me answer uh with an experience that I had with the city of Harrisburg the capital pens Pennsylvania well there were about 198 of us and I was fortunate enough to be selected the top candidate during that time the city was in the throws of a new Administration and implementing a financial recovery plan the city was also under receivership um based on a legislation that the Commonwealth had that enabled the governor to step in since vital and necessary Services were at stake at some point um there had to do three things appoint a receiver which they did uh former uh retired us force uh General my boss a chief operating officer that was me and Implement a financial recovery plan that had over 130 management Improvement Revenue enhancement cost cont p and reduction across the city and of course a lot of people pulling in different directions I came in and I listened I gathered the facts and I made an assessment and then we got together with the council the mayor which had an interesting relationship and they asked me uh Mr Ben some of them were against the implementation of the financial recovery plan I said listen this is the only thing we have this the Commonwealth is spends significant amount of Financial Resources it you know it's it's a great great tool I believe the city is lucky to have it if anybody has anything else I'd be more than happy to study it but I've been studying it for over a week and I find nothing but good in this 130 initiatives I had met with the mayor first then met with each and every one of the council members I tried to identify common ground so where we could compromise and move forward and start the recovery process bottom line uh the result was that uh I was uh during that meeting I was approved uh by the city commission I believe it was like 4 to 7 and we went to work and when I when they handed the city to me it was on track to become the second largest Municipal bankruptcy in the United States next to Detroit when I left um er we had completed over 50% of the financial recovery plan initiatives we have resolved all of the Grievances with the fop the international firefighters Association and AF the American Federation of State Municipal and County employees and uh excuse me uh the Fraternal Order of Police as I mentioned uh among other things the general asked me that there were some things that that were missing from the financial recovery plan he wanted me to go and study the departments develop strategic plans and and otherwise it wouldn't let me go so I went back to work with the Department directors the Bureau of chiefs we developed Strategic Management plans for each and every one of the Departments we won the gfoa budget award for excellence and amazingly we completed four cfers and three audits Within 16 month it was like record-breaking long story short the city emerged out of receivership in only three year compared to other cities in Pennsylvania that had been on the receivership for about 20 years and I'm very proud to say that I got an outstanding performance evaluation from the mayor and the Jer for my first year as a city administrator so I Tred to bring every every body together through compromise through open Communications through Gathering the facts and trying to be a good entity thank you so much Mr mandis all right so my second question will be in face with this agreement between council members on policy Direction how would you navigate those conflicts while maintaining neutrality and advancing the best interest of our city well you mentioned the key word okay neutrality as a professional city manager I believe that I was one of the first who the IC credential in board in Washington back in 20 after I left uh harrisford um they notify me that I fulfill the requirement to become a a credential manager uh one of the things that we that that they teach us is that we there are no favorites we just exercise professional due diligence for you we gather the facts and we give you our best and by that I mean we not only study the problem but we we to the best of our knowledge and abilities and professional due diligence we will present the optimum alternative in with the utmost respect and ethical standards and that's how I would conduct myself Among The Honorable uh council members and the Mayors and just like I have done I have worked with probably over 10 Mayors now throughout my careers thank you Mr mandes very well I just have two questions thank you thank you councilwoman councilwoman Roso through the mayor I have a question yes weren't we supposed to have a two-minute timer for answering each question um I was not implementing a timer let's try and keep the the question the answers a little more concise so that if they felt the Liberty to have to elaborate more we could but let's try and keep it a little bit shorter thank you okay Mr Mendes thank you so much for taking your time right and coming to D to interview with us my first question from what I understand none of the applicants currently reside in the city of dado how do you plan to connect with our community immerse yourself in our culture and understand the needs and expectations of our residents that's an excellent qu question uh a council woman right now also I am very happy to share that during my tenure with Miami day County which I started in 1993 where I went through the ranks I was appointed to to several important committees such as the pl committee the development of impact committee and the development of regional impact committee the great city of D had not Incorporated at that time and I was selected by by the Dan County Manager assistant County Manager my former boss uh when the county went into the community council form of government to represent I was assigned to the Doral to represent the county at the Doral Community Council which I did sometimes we got home at 1 in the morning I used to tour the city with the community council members I remember that if I recall correctly was Mr Pepe Cil senior and and I remember once a my boss the the the assistant County might asked me to attend another another Community Council and then they wrote a letter the Comm from the Dural to my boss so that he could reassign me and I have all of the all of that information uh up on up available appen request so before this city Incorporated I tour this city uh many times I have worked with the community council members uh I also serve as a finance director for the city of Sweetwater for approximately three years so er I am acquainted professionally acquainted also with all of the Land Development for instance back then our largest um commercial and Industrial land development project was the beacon treport which is now the Dolphin Mall that was one of my project I led the team of Administrators and Engineers that would review The Land Development applications so I had to walk the entire 107th Avenue looking for right away looking for ways so that we could approve the project and we could come together with the private sector and allow the development without short changing the county infrastructure thank you my second question Mr Mendes yes maam you bring valuable experience from the cities you've worked in how do you intend to apply that knowledge to serve Dalal effectively and help make it the leading City in Miami date County excellent question uh first and foremost uh the system that I have developed throughout my experience I started working in government in 1993 okay is based on priorities there are priorities and then there are priorities that are critical okay one of the things that I would do that I that I learn you know I study the cafer I sit down with the Auditors I find out are there any findings are there any recurring findings why haven't they been cured what do we need to do to to address them effectively and efficiently and what are the critical priorities that the city has and based on that assessment put together uh uh a work plan in order to address those physical priorities that I may identify that are not being addressed and come before you and give you a a presentation uh you know in in in Council and individually as well so that I can answer each and every one of your questions so those would be some of the very first things that I that I would do in my first 100 years identify the critical priorities that the city has and what's ahead not only what are we what are we having to deal with now but what's ahead thank you so my last question does have to do with the 100 days and here it is yes what are your priorities and plan for your first 100 days as city manager of Dural a among them because there are several priorities is to get to know the staff to get to know each and every one of you to get to know your constituents to get to know their needs their priorities so that I can so that I can help you in the very best way by the same talken to get to know uh the staff as I said including Public Safety the police officer the fire chief I used to walk the most challenging neighborhoods with the police chief I used to have dinner with the with the fire chiefs and and the union president at night the fire stations so one of my first priorities will be to get acquainted to exercise professional due diligence to get to know the greatest asset that you have here which is the people and of course at the same talking I I'll be by the same talking I be assessing the skill set okay what are our are our strength of opportunities our threats and our areas of improvements thank you so much for your time you're welcome okay vice mayor poris thank you mayor good morning Mr Mendes you've interviewed with us before right I believe once right during the last round okay yeah I actually selected your your resum to move forward so you have a very impressive resume and background I didn't realize it was you but welcome again I just have very uh three very quick questions the first one you may have already answered in between all the other all the other answers but if you can just you know summarize it and that is why should we select you to be our next city manager well um first uh I I believe there are multiple reasons and I don't want to sound selfish I am honored to be here and the city serves the best just one candidate but I believe that I can add a great deal of value and make a significant contribution in many areas as a as a professional engineer I can make sure that the city's infrastructure is properly planned properly designed and properly built as a professional city manager I can I can help you develop enhance and maintain a professional management operation in every Department okay I can help you cure all the audit findings as a certified government Financial Manager like I did with the city of Harris or like I did with the city of Sweetwater which was about to be placed under the state oversight Bo which is the equivalent of our receivership when they brought me because they had removed the mayor for some reason I didn't know uh the state attorney's office you know called me with an intering major they came in gave me a few a few weeks long story short the city is thriving nowadays I had to watch every cent every day so that we could provide vital and necessary Services okay so as a professional engineer as a professional manager um uh I believe that oh and also I don't know if I mentioned I serve in the capacity of B Works director program management director where I let the design and construction of a fiveyear two billion Capital Improvement program with over a 100 projects and we are Cur um Praises from the Palm Beach post and the board for delivering all of those projects on time for the first time in a few years and I have all of that information up on request I also serve in the capacity of director of administration directly overseeing uh risk management Finance operations and I'm sorry operations and revenue and human resources and excuse me lastly I served as the finance director here so I've been a director I completed an entire uh protocol in order to become a professional city manager I didn't take any shortcuts and by the way all of those positions that you saw on my resume they were granted based on Merit okay thank you and just very briefly how will you keep the elected officials informed well first uh what I did in haris where if I can answer with an example I sit down with each and every one of you and I try to identify ER you know based on my experience most of you are different how would you prefer to be you know what is your preferred method of communication you it via email phone text but there is one thing I am always available 247 my career is my life just like I used to tell the my department directors including the police chief and the fire chief uh would be available to you 247 and we will sit down and we will I will do my very best to forge an awesome professional relationship a lifetime relationship that's how I would try to find out what is the best way to communicate with you thank you and and just lastly what is your management style and very briefly very briefly okay I would say thank you I would say participatory number one okay I believe in consensus approach because we all have different training different knowledge different experience and and in the cities I worked including the county there's so many good people and they have different knowledges and we get challenged with multip in multiple areas and we need the team okay ER contributing in different areas where they have a skills where they have experience where they have their gifts so participatory that's why I Foster open Communications an Open Door uh number two I would like to say progressive as a professional engineer I go through the latest civil 3D engineering design ions on how they design the water the sewer the drainage the roadways the buildings I believe that information technology is a great tool but we got to know how to implement it so that they don't break that we don't break the bank and we can have that conversation at an L so being uh Progressive using the latest inter Information Technology uh professional development also objective I want to answer your question effectively objective means that I like to exercise professional due diligence to gather the facts and understand the problem so that I cannot so that I avoid giving you the right solution to the wrong problem and that also ER includes listening and so those are three dimensions and and the last one to make it sure I would say fair very fair thank you thank you Mr Mendes for your time as well thank you with Resources with promotions with appointments with everything in the city of Miami Beach I put the pie in the middle of the table thank you Mr menis okayo your questions thank you mayor good morning Mr Men morning good to see you again good to see you um what do you see as the biggest challenges for the city of Dalal in the uh coming years questions it's a great question the there there are there are some you know the external environment is forever changing okay uh uh we're going um excuse me um one of the areas in Information Technology artificial intelligence okay our industry sectors and business are changing okay and we need to have the professional development we need to have we we can only be as good as the people we have in our team so hiring that team Dev developing that team and retaining that team that is going to help us stay the city to The Next Step okay is one of those challenges um among others uh resources are scarce how are we going to you know entice these people and retain these people if we only have so many limited Rec uh resources so we need to we need to do our very best to foster a congenial work environment it's just like I used to tell the staff we spend more time with each other than we do with our own loved ones I used to leave at 5:00 when I was the assistant City administrator in West palal and came back home at 11: at 12: sometime at night so a congenial work environment something that brings self-actualization to the staff through professional developments uh we can you know we we need to exercise Innovation and we can do it the other area is the infrastructure which has become the Achilles Hill of the municipalities the city of Harris were Al fil for bankruptcy because they neglected the maintenance the modernization expansion and new construction of the amazing Water System including the two the water and the wastewater treatment plant well we have infra we have transportation infrastructure we have water sewer drainage all of that infrastructure that we you know that that we have to we have to take uh excuse me uh we need to exercise Force site when we're planning and developing these Capital Improvement programs with the right team of course so that we can meet the level of service that are required giving our population growth which is ever increasing uh and lastly I would say Public Safety um uh we need we need to make sure that that we maintain a professional uh Public Safety operation and that includes Emergency Management because we are in a in a climate challenge uh uh area I was the emergency I I I worked as the emergency manager for Miami day County so there are several uh I don't want to elaborate anymore but the people the infrastructure and also a ma be managing our financial resources after working in the city of Harris and the City of sweet waterer where I had to watch every single day every scent so that we could meet and continue to provide vital andness service Services I learn a big lesson so we need to be a we need to exercise wisdom manage our manage the resources exercise toship and manage the those Resources with foresight effectively and efficiently not just for what's going on now but for what's I thank you Mr excuse my voice no no don't and I'm going to ask you for me will be the last question why should we select you to be our next city manager well I think that sorry me that one let's keep when you give the when you read your job description and you read my profile I believe that my professional educational experience an achievement profile is like a perfect match thank you thank you mayor that's fine use that one thank you thank you councilman thank you Mr Mendes um so I'll go ahead and close and then I'm I'm going to give you uh two minutes just any final remarks um mine is very simple based on I'm looking at resumés and looking at your resume currently you're not employed yes okay I am so one of the things that strikes me um is the extensive work experience however very short time periods so can you just explain to me or elaborate a little bit on for example your previous employment with W Palm Beach was for one year right um then previous to that less than two years at the city of Sweetwater the city of Harrisburg which you speak a lot about was one year right then before that um with the seminal tribe was less than a year as well yes um before that City of Miami Beach about 3 years correct so there's a little bit of a TR there let's let's start with the first one uh uh the first one that you mentioned um or if you want we can start with the city of Harrisburg thanks to a great deal of work okay as I mentioned we completed we we we made such an early progress and that was one of the reasons why the general gave me an outstanding performance evaluation that we completed over 50% of the financial recovery plan ahead of time in like 13 months a new administ ation came in I said that the city was under receivership that was a strong major form of government bankruptcy was not the Talk of the Town we had you know we had turned the situation around thanks to a great deal of uh teamwork which I let so when the a new mayor was elected okay we decided uh you know to let the new mayor uh uh become the strong mayor become the city manager like the charter says not only did I leave but all the department directors left including the receiver as well so that was the and I believe I provided the letter from the General in there and also the letter from the governor's office praising my work at least acknowledging and I am very appreciative that they did that um then with the seminal tribe of Florida okay they had uh yes I was the first Hispanic Chief there administrative and uh I came in the the the tribe had purchased a water treatment plant four water four waste water and I start seeing a lot of payments millions of dollars so purchasing comes up to my office and says Mr mandes once you approve it so I said well you know it turned out that designing a water treatment plan and a wastewater treatment plan was my thesis here at Floy International with Dr VI I want to go to the plants I want to walk the plants each and every one of them unfortunately none of the plans were completed the equipment had not been delivered some of the reactors were down and the affluent okay was was not was totally ER what can I say the the air flu was no meeting the standards for the federal EPA I made a presentation very respectfully to the to the tribal council and I say here here's what I found cuz I also brought a professional team with me and here's you know what the problems are here's what we propos here are the solutions within three months if you give me all of the support and all of the backup and I haven't and and we haven't cured these problems then I don't deserve to be here but if within three months okay I do all of my professional due diligence and for some forces that have above and beyond I cannot accomplish this then with all due respect I don't want to be here I am a I am the only registered professional engineer there has never been a claim on my on my license and I studied for years to become a register professional engineer so I said okay unfortunately we couldn't get it you know and I came back the first time they didn't accept my resignation the second time I came I said listen it's it's better that we part ways but of course you never heard me saying anything never heard me making any comments in the utmost professional fashion we parted ways okay uh six months later unfortunately it it is on the paper I think that they the the the FBI the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the IRS came in and they remov the vice chairman I believe the some of them went to jail thank goodness you know I was out of there months before and they ask why didn't you do what this guy was telling you to do thank you very much okay no but the others isn't there another you said the yeah I think it's I think it's city of Sweet Water yeah when they removed the mayor I just came back from from Harris as a city manager that was the career of my the highlight of my career at that time I got a call from the law enforcement I believe the FBI we met at Los Ranos and they took me from the restaurant to the to the city I said let me see let me get into the trenches because by Charter they needed to deliver the budget and they hadn't work on the budget so I came in and I you know had a heart to heart with everyone in the finance department wonderful people wonderful we went to work we deliver a budget okay we met the deadline it wasn't a Cadillac with everything but it was a budget thank you Mr and uh and and then it was too long and I you know I had I had already been director of three departments and and a city manager it was time for me to move on and I believe it was about three years so it turned a little too long thank you very much um just very quick closing remark closing remark um I believe that uh in in regards to to his last ER to councilman NATO question I I was going to add something else but uh I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you and the city the best of luck and if you have if you could answer one question that would be great just to as I get to know the lay of the the lay of the land here what would you say will be the first one or two priorities for the new manager well right now we're not going to um go into questions from us just because we do have three other candidates that are waiting and I think each of us we have a strategic planning session where that is discussed at length and we want to be prepared for that which hopefully we'll be doing in February or March which is why it's so important that we kick the ground running um in in January with a new manager since our manager resigned effective Jan uh December 31st but those are discussions we'll have with the manager um through our strategic planning session which we do every year so but thank you very much for your time and for being here today and we are going to make a decision today you're very welcome thanks to each and every one of you happy holidays and uh I have nothing farther thank you so much Mr Mendes very nice all right bye okay we'll give Mr Mendes a moment to step out you can take your water if you like it's regular water we we just don't use plastic in the city of da you're welcome all right if someone could please get missa sardinas she's next on our list mras welcome good morning good morning so just very quickly we're going to allow you two minutes to do your opening remarks and then we will have uh questions from each council member each council member is allowed to ask three questions um and we are asking the same question to all candidates and then you'll have two minutes for closing remarks we're going to go ahead and start with M whenever you're ready um however we'll give you two minutes for your opening statement sorry thank you good morning mayor vice mayor council members Charter officials and Mr Deputy city manager my name is Zada sardinas and I'm deeply honored to be considered for the position of city manager with over 30 years of experience in public and private Administration with nearly 11 dedicated to municipal government I have appr proven track record of strategic leadership that aligns with the priorities of elected officials City administrators and most importantly delivers results for the communities we serve in my current role as asset manager for the City of Coral Gables I've served on the city's executive management team reporting directly to the city manager I've exercised direct Authority across departments to oversee the city's more psyonic and historic properties representing over two billion in asset value and generating millions in recurring revenue for the city I've also managed the city's strategic Partnerships with private nonprofit and County entities undertaking complex negot negotiations budgeting crisis management and Community engagement to secure public private investment Economic Development and public benefit for the city why am I seeking the city manager position the answer lies in my deep connection and commitment to this remarkable City for over 26 years my parents have called Dural home through them and my 5 years of work at the city of Dural I developed immense respect affection and admiration for dalal's vibrant diverse and hardworking community its elected leadership and its dedicated city employees I want to return to Dalal to use my executive Lev leadership experience institutional knowledge and understanding of this unique the city's unique opportunities to guide dral towards its next phase of growth and Innovation my Approach will be to prioritize implementing the city's strategic objectives in a fiscally responsible manner with a continued focus on the Excellence that defines this extraordinary city thank you for the opportunity to share my vision with you today and for considering me as your next city manager it would be an honor to work with all of you to contribute to dalal's Bright and prosperous future thank you Miss sardinas we'll go ahead and start with councilwoman cabal good morning Miss sardinas good morning councilwoman nice seeing you I met you when I came on board and before that when you were the assistant of the our mayor at that time that was Council woman of the city and I know that we interact in a few things um as you mentioned that you have uh already experienced you know working here and also uh being related with the city through the years that your parents have been leaving here I just have two questions uh one of them is considering um consider the the recent turnover the city manager position what strategies would you implement to ensure leadership stability and improve staff morale within our city Administration that's a great question um councilwoman I think or mayor and Council I think um yes absolutely um there's been toer were and one of the main priorities that I think need to be addressed right now is to complete the team there are vital positions that um are uh vacant right now that need to be filled um I think the most important thing in managing people is making sure that they're hurt is talking to everyone seeing what their goals are where their challenges are directors what they're hoping to see and do in their departments and also to find a good way to be able to support them it's important that they report up but that they're supported down so um my goal is to establish that culture here um it's not that it hasn't existed before I think it has going all the way back to when I was here 10 years ago um but I I do believe that that is the way to do it better and to create stability because if we're going to attract talent that will want to come here to work here and and to create here and to do Innovative things here we need to promote that stability okay thank you uh and this will be my my final question I also wanted to say that you were uh uh one of my piics I just have two people that I consider that I wanted to hear from them and um see what is their thoughts and what is it that they're bringing they're wishing to bring to the city my second question is it face with disagreement between council members in the city uh and policy directions how would you navigate those conflict within maintaining neutrality and advancing the best interest of the city another great question um mayor and Council I haven't really seen uh many Municipal boards that don't that agree on everything it's is difficult to find I am no stranger to controversy when I worked here um and in my present position I think that the role of the manager again is to work with each and everyy council member to hear what they um what their priorities are what it is that they want to do I think in the end everybody's goal is to do and work towards what is best for the city I do believe that everybody works out of that goal that they may not agree on how to do it that's something else but I do believe everybody works out of that goal it is the goal that I have and I think it is the goal of all elected officials I think I would listen to each one of you I think I would um and I'm ready to follow Direction your direction um as a council is what I will follow and I will come here to make sure that I I'm open and and ready to do that thank you Miss harda thank you more questions councilman right now so you have the floor good morning good morning councilwoman thank you for joining us this morning and for taking the time to interview with us thank you for hearing me first question from what I understand none of the applicants currently reside in the city of Dural how do you plan to connect with our community immerse yourself in our culture and understand the needs and expectations of our residents great question um as I stated in my message um I have a deep connection to this community um I um my parents have called D home for 26 years um I worked at the city of dado for five years I have deep connections and relationships throughout the city and um I attend uh Community meetings here I go to HOA meetings at my parents development I um I have maintained throughout the years that um that connection because I form friendships here with members of the community that I I treasure and that I still keep to this day um I believe that um the city in its strategic plan talks a lot about community outreach and talks a lot about um doing surveys which are great and holding meetings I think it is incredibly important to do that and it's incredibly important to connect with that Community I will continue to do that um I plan to as much as I can have an open door policy and be AA make myself available to Residents I plan to go to the community meetings um I served as a leason to two boards uh at my present position um where I had residents voice um very strong opinions because they have and it's beautiful to see that people want to be involved in local government it is a wonderful thing so I plan to continue to do that um when when I was here we used to go to HOA meetings um once uh every so often and go around all the developments and that was an incredible place to to get feedback about what we could be doing better thank you for your answer my second question you bring valuable experience from the city you've worked in how do you intend to apply that knowledge to serve deral effectively and help make it the leading City in all of Miami dat County well um I will tell you that my current experience I think prepares me um in many ways um to do that Coral is I always tell people an economic engine in this city and this County and I do um I do have extensive experience I think it is right now at a Crossroads I think one of the needs that the city has right now is to find alternative sources of revenue um so that it is not so dependent on tax revenue you it um the having the lowest military in Miami day county is a wonderful thing and I think the residents are happy that that's the case um but I think that if we we are going to go forward as an excellent City and continue to have and to provide um excellent Municipal services and continue to grow we need to be able to do other things your strategic plan calls for public private Partnerships which is what I managed in my current job it it calls for finding affordable land now that's a challenge here and in my present job because as we all know um post the covid pandemic prices have soared for land but I think the city has a lot of opportunity right now to be able to do that you need to look at your impact fee schedule you need to look at Grants you need to look at alternative sources of income and um to have recurring Revenue that is not based only on tax revenue so I'm looking forward to be able to do that um and to find also the right talent to to to help us in that endeavor thank thank you my final question what are your priorities and plan for your first 100 days as city manager of D okay well I I um like I said before the question that councilwoman cabal asked I think the most important thing right now is to go and hear the directors um and to complete the team the team um solidify that team to be able to work together but also to hear goals challenges priorities within departments um it's important to be able to support them and that is by far the the um the the most important thing that I will do um because I think it's important for us to understand um where we are in order to be able to move forward thank you so much you're welcome thank you Council Mar noo we'll move on to vice mayor poras you have the floor thank you mayor good morning Mr how are you good morning vice mayor nice to see you likewise I know you've answered a lot of these questions so feel free to be brief with the ones that I have um why should we select you to be our next city manager I think my um experience with Dural is unique um I think the reason why I am a a good candidate for this position is because I have institutional knowledge of Dural because I understand the community because I've been around here for so long um I think that uh I have unique experience that I've acquired the last five and a half years um that comes at the right time which is why I say that this is the time and we are at a crossroads right and we need to look for these alternative sources of income that we need to do um things I think um uh that is the best answer that I can give you um because I have a connection because I understand what's happening here thank you how will you keep elected officials informed I um I find that one of the so we all know that we have agenda reviews with elected officials prior to Council meetings and that's obviously a great moment to be able to discuss um uh issues and priorities and but I think that I would also like to be able to have additional time with each of you at least once more every month to be able to actually address what your office is are working on and how I can support that because I think the manager's office um here is is does a fantastic job at at doing that and I think that um maintaining that relationship and me and making sure that we can go through whatever everybody is working on and what priorities and being able to then inform you what are we working on what are our priorities what are we moving on in the different departments it gives you information and gives you options and it allows me to get your feedback on what we're where we're going perfect thank you and what is your management style well I think I mentioned in the other question um I believe a lot in reporting up and then supporting down I want to support the employees perfect thank you thank you thank mayor good morning morning good morning good to see you again good to see you sir uh what do you see as the biggest challenge or challenges for our city looking into the next four years for example well again I I um I feel like I'm repeating myself um the biggest challenges I see is promoting stability it's a very important part of of what we need in order to be able for for the administration of the city to function properly I think creating the team finding alternative sources of income and then making sure that people feel that their their needs are being addressed that Public Safety is being addressed that they have recreational spaces where they could go with families that those are completed maintained well and that we um provide that for the community people are looking for quality of life that economic development is working that there's there's this city is thriving um but one subject matter that I haven't talked about which I'm very pleased because I've reviewed the latest budget and also the Strategic priorities and I've seen is the fiscal responsibility side um using um what we have right now the city is in an excellent Financial position the city is thriving there's no reason not to know that that the economy is doing well the is doing well and I think we need to continue to provide that for our businesses for our city and and address those needs as well thank you speaking about the budget what will be your philosophy in developing uh a budget for example well I think as everybody knows you you start the budget process by meeting with each department and seeing what their priorities are and then you have to prioritize because if there's one thing I've learned through the last 10 years is that you can't do everything all at once um and that you have to plan you have to be wise with what you do you have to plan for good and for bad right you have to keep adequate Reserves which the city has incredibly robust reserves um your financial position is great you've just received a AAA Bond rating which is a fantastic thing to have achieved um and for the first time in the city's history so we're in an excellent financial position um and we need to Choose Wisely how to use that and how to leverage that in order to be able to create like I said these recurring sources of revenue that we need thank you that's all May thank you councilman Miss sardinas um you're currently employed yes ma'am so one of the things I'm looking at in all these resumés and I think it's been a common Trend in what we've discussed you know with your interview is stability um councilman gal had the question stability is super important because I think it's what will allow us to achieve our goals longterm over the next many years and in a very crucial time for their City and something that stood out to me about your resume is that you've never been less than 5 years in a position you're currently at your position now it's been for 5 years you were at the city of dado for five years yes ma'am um and even before that your previous employment that was seven years yes and before that was eight years yes and so I think that that Trend um in someone's experience is extremely Val valuable um can you speak to that a little bit on maintaining a position for as long as you have and what that brings to your role well man' mayor I think that um I think that it's important to understand that uh it takes someone time when they get somewh new to take it all in um obviously ly um that process for me I feel would be a lot quicker here because of the knowledge I have about the city um but um I was told by nhr director ones that when someone starts new for the first 6 months people are not you you know people are kind of weary of that person because they think the person may not work out or may or may leave and I didn't understand that that was an actual statistic um it is important to to stay somewhere long enough to develop relationships understand the culture be able to make those changes so yes I have um I have tried to stay at the positions that I've held for at least 5 years um because I think it's important um to be able to develop and to have that stability that um comes with also building the Rel relationships within the organization and for people to be able to trust you um also to depend on you and to do the job that you need to do thank you Miss sardinas um my my questions were all answered we' like to hear your two- minute closing remarks if you would well um I think um I've said a lot um and I've answered a lot um I I I'm honored that you're considering me um I I think coming back to Dural uh would be wonderful because I think that I I bring with me again a deep connection to this community and a desire to actually work with everyone here to push Dural forward to its next phase as I said in my opening statement I think that um our the Dural employees are an are an excellent team of people I I uh the ones that are here and I'm looking forward to trying to work to finish to complete that team and to be able to push the city to its next phase thank you Mr denz thank you thank you so much okay next we have Mr Michael cilia for hello sir morning welcome Mr cilia you have two minutes to do opening remarks and then we will F it'll be followed by uh questions by each council member each council member is allowed to ask three questions okay we've tried to keep the questions the same for every candidate okay um and we'll start with Council monad right after your two-minute opening statement all right when you're ready uh esteem honorable council members esteemed citizens of Dural thank you for having me here today to present my my uh pitch my name is Michael Giovani cilia I have a bachelor's degree in economics Finance minor in computer information science I have a master's degree in Business Administration I am Sig Sigma certified in Black Belt that means we do lean process improvements I have over 20 year experience in financial operations business business operations panl analysis Business Development Market study and Talent leadership uh I'm fluent in four different languages English French Spanish and Italian I lived here as well as in Europe 50% of my time has been in the United States 50% has been in Europe Italy England and Spain uh I've been living in Florida for the last seven years now um specifically Miramar and I'm here to answer your questions thank you for having me again today thank you very much councilman go you have the floor can you hear me now that's okay good morning M Mr savilia how are you I'm doing quite well Mrs Cabell how are you good thank you so I just have two questions uh my first question is considering the recent turnover in our city manager position what strategies would you implement to ensure leadership stability and improve staff morale within the city Administration first thing I would do is get to understand who the key employees are within the business administration departments who are the key stakeholders who are the head Department leads try to understand how many employees they have that they're managing and try to understand what it is what are the gaps that they're missing to make sure that they get the objectives done uh I have an open door policy that means that anyone and any at any time can come into my office and sit down and we can strategize and make sure that we're meeting employee objectives uh whether it's hiring enough staff to meet the required objective which is the city's council's Vision or laying off when necessary due to Performance reasons um to make sure you have a high morale I believe in open communication and making sure that we meet our employee obligations and needs thank you and my second and last question is it faced with this agreement between council members on policy Direction how would you navigate those conflict within maintaining neutrality and advancing the best interest of the city first thing I would do is identify what the bottlenecks are why is there a conflict and why is it we can't move forward um so whether it's via the council members or whether it's a budget issue whether it's a staffing issue whether it's a resource issue understand what the bottlenecks is and try to identify this immediately to change edit delete or replace to make sure we we we have minimal impact on our projects thank you sir thank you ma'am Council Mar noo you have the floor good morning good morning thank you for coming to interview with us thank you for having me of course my first question from what I understand none of the applicants currently reside in the city of Dural how do you plan to connect with our community immerse yourself in our culture and understand the needs and expectations of our residents first thing I would do is an assessment and team building uh an assessment that again that means identifying the Gap identifying where we have the missing resources and make sure we have the proper resources necessary to move the city for forward uh Team Building meetings I would participate in City Council meetings I would participate in public events private events uh meet with citizens and businesses the key stakeholders of the city to understand their concerns and their priorities thank you my second question you bring valuable experiences from the cities you've worked in how do you intend to apply that knowledge to serve deral effectively and help make get the best I'm sorry and help make it the leading City in Miami dat County that's a good question um first thing I would do is understand what the key vision of the city council members are then I would sit down with each department head and understand what their objectives are and make sure that whether or not it aligns with your vision objectives for the city um and what I would do is take that vision and transform the actionable goals and programs and uh lead my staff and make sure that your vision and objectives are met when I say your I'm speaking about the council thank you me a second okay last question what are your priorities and plan for your first 100 days as city manager of Dural a good question um I have a 30 60 90day plan so the first 30 days would be an assessment and evaluation of where the city currently is compared the budget compar to Necessities compared to needs that would be my first 30 days obviously networking with the city council members as well as citizens of Dell next 60 days would be uh strategy alignment and actionable plans uh so once you do the networking you realize what the goals are how do you strategically align those goals to actionable programs and that the next 90 days would be um implementation and vision strengthening thank you very much thank you so much for your time thank you thank you all right vice mayor foris has the floor good morning Mr cilia how are you I'm doing quite well Mrs how are you thank you good just very briefly why should we elect select you to be our next city manager uh well for one thing I don't live in Dural I come here with an unbiased view um bringing over 20 year of experience mainly in operation and financial management I believe I have transfer transferable skills from the private sector to the public industry or the public sector um I question everything not to be difficult but to make sure that the process is correct to make sure that the process works for the visions that you set forth and for the city as well thank you and how will you keep the elected officials informed period Peri excuse me periodic uh communication uh whether it's bi-weekly weekly monthly I would submit reports to you on how the city is operating optimat and efficiently uh answer questions you may have and see how I can interpret that and make to actionable programs uh relay concerns that you may that the employees or the citizens may have and relay that so at the end of the day I have open and transparent communication with the city council members thank you and lastly what is your management style um it's called Li a fair I don't micromanage I believe that I hire in if you hire people you have to be able to believe in that they they're able to make certain key decisions to move the city forward and it's the same approach I have with my direct staff if I hire people I have to be able to trust them that they have sound judges to make certain decisions in order to move their departments forward thank you thank you for your time my pleasure councilman P you have the floor thank you mayor good morning Mr good morning Mr P there you go you got it I got it yes um based on your certainly your background uh how do you approach budgeting and financial management in a how do approach uh budgeting and financial management in a city like Dural generally speaking budget is the same everywhere else whether you're working in the private sector or in the public sector what I do is you set clear objectives for your departments you're managing uh in this case it would be all the Departments that comes under you within the city of Durell Next Step you would have to make sure that they align with the visions of the city council members next step I would do is look at historical data or historical Trends past budgets past actuals how how how how government spending was done prior years prior to the current year in question um then I will look up I would look for Trends and areas for improvement third thing I would do is get the key stakeholders involved to make sure that they buy into the budget that I'm proposing to the to them fourth I would project my revenue and expenses five um identify what my fixed and variable costs are six make sure I get everybody to sign off on the proposed budget seven edit any budget that needs to be done within our discussion time frame and my on S and8 Implement question learn and relay the information that we have learned from budget implementing thank you my next question based on your what you know about Dalal is uh what do you see as the biggest challenges for the city in the coming years Dar has been doing quite well it's been a thriving city um what we need to measure going forward is growth sustainability public transportation as the city grows you've grown 77% of The Last 5 Years it's phenomenal you you become bigger than Coral Gables um but you're placed on top of over the 34 municipalities you're the top 10 to 15 in terms of income median income public transportation uh Public Safety um so to answer your question I would focus on growth sustainability public transportation Economic Development environmental sustainability and specifically and very importantly Community engagement thank you thank you mayor thank you m councilman Pino Mr cilia um I've been revie the résumés for me right now what's most important is um stability um making sure that we create that so that all of everything can function moving forward for the next few years and looking at your resume I was unclear as to your experience in municipal government doesn't seem you have any directly it's more contract work is what you've done and what you're currently doing can you confirm that it's not contract where I I a consultant cons now uh but I made worked in the private sector specifically in fintech banking insurance and Telecom Industries okay so your last experience work experience it says uh it's one year July 2023 to February a consultant which is your company I'm assuming as a as a consultant as a consultant correct right and then prior to that um three years four years at thinker impact Finance 2018 to December 22 September to December right three and a half years okay um that can you speak a little bit to that how you know your overall experience it comes down to transferable skills how well are you able to manage the vision that's set forth from the city council members and how well you can Implement that into actionable goals and programs for the city and and the the vision of the city council members so I'm speaking more to transferable skills so I'm I'll be speaking about my management skills my operational skills my budget skills my p anal skill my business development skills and then my networking skills um whether it's whether you're working in the public sector or private sector there are standard ways in management that you can take from your private from the banking field into the public sector okay thank you very much we' take your closing statement now two minutes um actually I do have a qu am I allowed to ask a question um we're not going to answer any questions right now uh this is an opportunity for us because we do have other candidates and we we do need to make a decision today fair enough thank you um I approach everything as a startup I think big start small and once it makes sense on paper I move fast to make sure we meet that deadline budget um I question all processes again not to be difficult but to ensure that it's working adequately and at the optimal and efficient level for the both the city council members and the city itself um I welcome all ideas I believe that we grow as a community no one person is perfect no one knows anything so I I appreciate any idea coming from everyone to make sure that we we attain those goals we go from point A to point B um I'm patient uh I believe in helping others grow I I believe in developing people to become the best of themselves and I always have this one thing we either succeed together or we fell as one okay thank you very much again thank you honorable council members and thank you the citizens of Dell for having me thank you thank you next we have our final candidate Tariq rahani rahani I think ramani oh okay all right so then that leaves us with just these three okay all right do you does anybody need some time or otherwise we can have a discussion or I will take a motion for a candidate okay hold on I had Council vice mayor pores had a question and then we'll take already made the motion are we voting on a candidate and then the contract yes so we're GNA vote on a candidate and then the contract will come back for ratification on the 15th got it all right uh Council M you had something I I just had that I have a motion for Miss sardin okay there's a motion from Miss sardinas on the floor do I have a second second okay I have a second by councilwoman Roso all right any questions can we get Mr sardinas back in the room please okay Mr genius would you please approach the podium thank you all right before we take a vote very quickly um and we will open up to discussion if there's any I'd just like to ask Miss sardinas um so there's a motion on the floor for your nomination um we will be bringing back the contract for ratification at the first council meeting in January I'd just like to ask when would be your available start date um well mayor I'd like to give um two weeks notice at at my present position so um I would say January 13th okay I have no issues with that if everybody's okay with it before we take a vote I do just want to say um you know I think that there has been great candidates and we've actually gone through this process now couple times this year um in looking at the role of city manager and what I'm currently looking for um there is determining factors for me stability connection with Jal institutional knowledge professionalism and experience and I think M sardinas embodies all of these things um so I will be supportive of her nomination I thank you all for going through this process and I think that the next four years of D will be wonderful under uh our leadership and accompanied by a professional like Miss sardinas and the team that um we would likely all build together so with that if nobody else has any comments any comments all right Madame Madam clerk please call rooll motion to approve the selection and and employment agreement of s sardinas as city manager made by councilwoman Cal second by councilwoman Roso councilwoman Cal yes councilwoman Roso yes Council Pino yes vice mayor Bas yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes congratulations Miss sardinas and we look forward to seeing you on January 13th thank you may and Council just one more thing I think that um our current city manager will be uh leaving on J on December 31st we did make a motion to make um Mr Frank R are inum during the time period that there will be a transition for Miss sardinas to start however I think it would be prudent for you to maybe try and meet with Mr uh Valdez on before he ex before he departs even though he's going to be around I'm sure so uh if we could try and set that up at some point um I'm sure he'll be available absolutely mayor thank you thank you mrus we look forward to working with you thank you congratulations all right actually if you will stick around we can take a picture if for anybody who would like to join us at the end Miss sardinas Miss sardinas stick around so we can take a picture at the end of our meeting all right we're going to move on we have two more items on this agenda yes discussion Item B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida authorizing the city manager to utilize the naspo 00 318 Cooperative purchasing agreement negotiated with Motorola Solutions by the state of Washington department of Enterprise service in the amount not to exce $2 million for the purchase of 200- apx next single band portable radios authorizing the city manager to expend funds from expense account number 001 65500 657 and providing for an effective date okay thank you madam clerk I'm going to turn this over to our Deputy city manager real quick uh good morning everyone so this is a pretty uh straightforward uh item uh what it is is that the department did receive a a grant for $2 million to purchase a technology uh they have identified the need to purchase uh radios for the department so what you have before you is uh the agreement which was uh um developed based off of a co-op of naspo uh for the purchase two 200 handheld radios uh if you have any questions on the item or um how we've gone about it the team is here to answer any questions all right thank you Mr Rios um does anybody have any questions for the deputy city manager or for legal motion to approve motion to approve by Council P second by Council Madam cler please call the motion to approve May by Council Pino second by councilwoman Cal Council Pino yes councilwoman Cal councilwoman Roso yes vice mayor poras yes mayor frag yes motion passes all right thank you very much Madam clerk would you please like to swear in any Witnesses yes madame mayor we're going on into public hearings if you please stand up raise your hand and repeat after me I do Solly swear affirm that the information I'm about to present shall be the truth and nothing but the truth thank you I'll read the item to the record first reading item a ordinance number 20254 Trump Endeavor 12 LLC Master development agreement in ordinance of Mayor in the city council of city of D Florida approving the Trump Endeavor 12 LLC Master development agreement in order to develop approximately 1,498 residential units and 14169 of commercial units in addition to the existing Hotel and golf result uses providing for Corporation of recital and providing for an effective Aid okay thank you madam clerk Mr City attorney thank you Madame mayor uh the item that you have before you is a u Master development agreement under uh section 68 560 of the city of Dural code of ordinances uh requires that any time that there is a rezoning uh that the rezoning uh be accompanied by a master development agreement that lists amongst other things the project location the zoning uh specs description of of the of the property description of spec for roadways uh among others uh in this case we have an item that was passed in first reading uh with resoning of this particular project uh it is pro it is going to be coming back to you in January uh on that resoning as well uh so one of the uh things that is necessary for that item to come back is that this item is passed in first reading uh today uh there could be changes that could be made between 1 and 2 and uh those can be discussed uh when they come back in second reading uh so my uh suggestion for the city today would be to pass this in first reading uh so that the item in its entirety can be brought back uh in January 15th meeting okay thank you I'm going to open a public comments real quick since it's a public hearing item public comments is now open anybody that would like to speak to this item this item alone please approach the podium Richard glad 4768 Northwest 114th Avenue well the crystal ball is is always right it's never let me down yet so it's telling me that uh whatever Donnie wants Donnie gets but that's an exchange for selling your soul to the devil remember you have to live with yourselves you have to live with your your conscience you're the one that goes to bed at night saying oh my God Who Am I who am I really you already know that I'm against this I fought against this before I haven't came up with a song you remember my my little song sardines in a can sardinas Salata well what started out is a nice beautiful relaxed safe tranquil suburban community of Durell has has turned into nothing but a a dangerous overpriced Concrete Jungle full of people that don't even really live here most of the time they're all transients there's no Community Spirit here I tried to start a community garden with luigiana it was it was like pulling teeth nobody would do anything together finally they started it and then I found out later it's dead nobody picked up the pieces there's no community garden the people there don't care about their Community most of the people that live here are rentals and all this stuff that this guy's working to put up by the way he was the third uh choice to be the attorney for Trump because the first two wouldn't even work for him so they had to get this guy from IIA the do the job probably did it for a cheap price anyway that's why Trump took him Mr GL let's stick to the point please I can say what I want that's freedom of speech it's the truth you know it's true you know everything I say is true I do not lie I don't lie you know it's true I've never come up here and lied never but all I see here in Durell not just you guys but everybody Mo they're they're the best Liars in the world some of the best I've met some of the best Liars in the world they lie to your face they lie to your face and you think they're telling you the truth that's how good they are that's what we have here so go ahead slam dunk it through and see what happens to you later thank you Mr gluta you're welcome okay we'll open up for discussion or I need a motion any discussion questions any questions on the item I think the city man the City attorney addressed the item Mr larte would you like to I good morning uh mayor council memb Felix lar with the office is a lar Law Firm my address is 3250 Northeast 1 Avenue the item that's before you is a uh Master the master development agreement which is part of the resoning which is going to be going forward in um in January um this is a uh really a a perfunctory matter this item is going to be discussed um in January in full detail with the plans and you're going to have everything before you so at that point you could go ahead and uh approve up or down this development this um it requires two readings we have the fa approval we have the Mia approval and um that's why this item is appearing before you now so we can move forward um with a complete item with all the approvals from all the agencies that have reviewed it the county the federal agencies to have this item approved I can tell you from my conversations with the president on Monday um there were two things that came to his mind one was he said hey is this thing finally done are we done with the resoning and the other one was the issue of the incinerator so these are two issues that are very big for the Trump organization this item is important to us and we believe that it's going to be a great thing for the city and we hope that we have your support thank you I I have a question there is still one more reading for the resoning yes' this was I believe overseen should have gone has it needs two readings as well which should have been um also at the same time as the rezoning that is correct Madame mayor correct which is why it's before us today that is correct and timeline wise uh Mr larte can you take us back to when the first approval for this project was and what approval that was for yeah originally our first approval was uh in uh in the year 2023 and 20 2022 sorry the year 2022 and it was for the land use and um since then we came down from our I believe we had a uh an approval for almost um 2400 units we came down 800 units to what we have to today and um we went through a land use approval and we finally got that and uh then we got our first reading approved for the dmu which is the uh the downtown mixed use for zoning which was at a reduced density and uh now we're going for our second reading that's where we're at so the only step left would be the second reading uh second reading for this resoning that's exactly right okay any questions for the administration or for Mr larte motion to approve okay I have a motion to approve approve by vice mayor porus I need a second I need a second for the MDA for item 2563 is there any more questions for the administration I need a second or the motion dies any questions I have a question but yeah I remember that it was just going through but I know that at that time our um intern um soning director ready answer one of those I'm just thinking to see if there was something else that I had outstanding but I remember you answer that question and it was already the approval for the uh yeah yeah we have all the heights we have all the approvals from miia we have the approvals from the FAA and uh you know we've brought this go ahead I don't know if you wanted to to speak on it uh councilwoman cabal yes uh Mr lar is correct he provided us with the FAA approvals and the requisite approval from Miami Data inter uh Miami Data Aviation department just last week um so we're all good on all of the requisite approvals that are necessary thank you thank you thank you okay all right I will second second by councilwoman CAD thank you all right any other questions no other questions all right Madam clerk please call the roll motion to approve ordinance number 20254 on first reading made by vice mayor poras second by councilwoman cabal vice mayor poras yes councilwoman Cal yes councilman Pino no council Roso yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes thank you all right thank Youk you very much thank you thank you I need a motion to adjourn the meeting if anyone has any other comments or personal privilege motion motion to adjourn by vice mayor uh poras on favor say hi hi meeting is adjourned Happy New Year