##VIDEO ID:ZVbPINteC5c## the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good morning sorry my mic was off good morning everyone Welcome to our October council meeting the time is now 10:06 a.m. and it is September 9th 2024 Madam clerk please call the RO Council poras here councilman Rafa Pino pres councilwoman pres vice mayor Oscar mayor CHR frag pres mayor have please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman por aliance to the flag for the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you very much we have the invocation by Miss Pastor Tina Floyd from dios nootro good morning morning um we are here council members and all the residents of the city of D we are really worried about this storm so we're going to pray for that and for the new atmosphere that the winds came when the when the Lord sent wind is because he wants to change the atmosphere and he gave me the word Matthew 7 17:20 and The New International Version the rain came down the stream Rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the Rock a rock has to be God God is a rock of the Miami day County that is the rock of Doral we beg you God that you blow and blow your winds out of the state of Florida out of the every part of the continent of America please God help the families in needs right now and help all the people to be care and be safe we know that you're a good God and we know that you are with us and you always save and help the people and you always help us please Lord we need your presence we need your help in this moment crucial moments we need you the family need you and we beg your help and your forgiveness for everything that we've done against you in the name of the Lord Jesus amen amen amen thank you Pastor I'm also going to ask very quickly that we take a moment of silence in remembrance of October 7th I know that we're a couple days after but I I did want to do a special um me uh remembrance so if we can all rise and stand for in a moment of silence for thank you okay we move into the agenda order of business Madam clerk do you want to go first you mad mayor I I'd like to remove item 9A is the uh report from the Animal Welfare committee they're unfortunately not able to be here to present it today okay thank you very much Mr City manager's office nothing ma'am thank you city attorney's office nothing Madam mayor thank you Council no mayor nothing okay if there is nothing then we will go ahead and move on to public comments the public comments portion of this meeting is now open if you have filled out at a comment card I will call you up to the podium you have three minutes to speak in a respectful manner to this Council please state your name and address for the record we will start with Lou Mar Garza Lou Mar Garza homeless well the storm you've all been warned about is here we have less than more or less 20ish days for all of you to publicly endorse Trump you can smell the panic in the air take heed to what is now biblically occurring interesting that in the prayer she mentioned Matthew 17:20 I will mention Matthew 3:3 I shall prepare for the away check Matthew 55 the meek shall inherit the earth check and I'll leave you to look up Matthew 7:7 and some of you will be cashing in your Genesis 3:19 card remember reminder where we go one we go all that being the case I just want to remind you I have in my hand here some documentation from quite some time ago when chief Duca was in charge and in the middle of this photo is Loretta Lynch now I have been here in the city of D since its Inception and a couple of years before and what is about to happen many of you are not prepared for many of you have heard about it but you're not prepared and I would like to advise everybody in here up there and out in the internet land that there is a count ability coming for each of you that played a part in permitting what has happened here in Dado and the outlining areas I noticed that there's going to be a giving of the key of the city from resign resign resign given to an individual see if I can get the name here no nope no key to the city to Global impowerment Mission that's what got us into trouble to begin with if you'll all recall that mayor Adams gave a key to the city to pee Diddy and I think we should avoid getting involved with people who have no interest in the city of Dalal other than to destroy it and turn it into own their own little un playground and their own little Thum and to have each of you in particularly the mayor say Amen to everything you have been warned for years thank you next sorry oh sorry okay thank you anyone else would like to speak in public comments please come up to the podium at this time being none okay we will close the public comments portion and we'll go on to the consent agenda I need the uh it'll be all the items on Section six perfect I need a motion on the consent motion by councilman Beno second by vice mayor P corvey all in favor say I I I okay let the record reflect that the consent has passed we'll now move on to the minutes of the meeting approval of the minutes all of the items on Section s motion motion to approve by vice mayor P corvey second by councilman P all in favor say I let the record reflect that the minutes have passed Adam clerk item 8A presentations keep draw beautiful business award all right I think we have Code Compliance Mr estada good morning honorable mayor vice mayor members of the city council Mr manager Mr manager Mr attorney Madame Clerk and members of the audience Edgard estr Co compliance director this month we are pleased to recognize Raa Business Center for their outstanding commitment to keeping thout beautiful the property for which they're being recognized for is located at 4001 Northwest 97th Avenue praa Business Center acquired this property 7even months ago the property is approximately 26,000 total square fet they are in the heart of D and offer office space in an exclusive and modern environment designed to house companies that seek excellence and Prestige some of the recent improvements include repainting the entire building and installation of new Landscaping plus regular maintenance it is with great pleasure that we name Raa Business Center for the keep D keep D beautiful business award for their continued efforts to keeping D beautiful uh Madame mayor and Council uh the owners Property Owners diomar Dera and Mr Ricardo Raa uh did inform us earlier today that they would not be able to to make it uh today but uh we did want to thank them uh in public and we will be delivering their their plaque in person as well as soon as feasible okay thank you very much congratulations to Ria Business Center all right we'll move on to the next item next item a b presentation by export theano Council this is your item thank mayor export isano La Memoria which is going to be the title is a cultural movement movement that has been promoting and preserving Colombian handcraft tradition for 15 years already and now for the first time they're hosting their uh International Edition here in the city of Dural from October 18th through the 20th and to give you a little bit about the background because I know we're going to have a presentation I believe they're they're connected as well and I want to welcome then as well but um support Colombia nutritions by establishing local national International commercial connections the this is done through a three-day trade Trade Fair day one for specialized buyers and two days for retail sales this year shroom will be set up in the Dalal cultural center with with representative product from the 32 Departments of Colombia demonstrations of CR marip with the attending the events as well as Colombian Gastronomy vendors export asano welcomes and respect diversity the event is designed for all cultural and ethnic backgrounds and provide a rich exposure to cultural diverse populations through the exposition of rural urban and other ethnics work from different regions of Colombia by the way this is a is a two days event that is taken here for the first time in our city they are the ones covering all cost this is just for us as a as a city to to get involved to support and at the same time to uh to help them with the marketing of their in uh the fair but I would let them to go over their presentation and not only to answer any questions but at the same time to have the support from this Council when it comes to the use of the city logo or any marketing as well okay be there thank you much there Mr Suarez can are you on I see you're on can you turn on your microphone that's fine Mr Suarez can you hear us he's reconnecting yes can we hear you perfect can hear you yeah so let us present sorry for for the internet connection problems but we are already here okay so [Music] can we present can we show you a presentation or only we can talk yes yes we have it but you can go ahead and show it if You' like okay okay are you seeing yes we have it they have it in front of them okay okay so good afternoon dear major consors and the audience we would like to send you a warmest greting from Colombia first of all we want to thank you for allowing us to be with you today in this space we have worked hard to build this dream and today thanks to you it is possible let's quick tell you what exp expero is all about so espartano has been an event that has established itself as one of the main commercial platforms for the handicap sector not only in Colombia but also in Latin America exp Memoria like the cilor Pino said is a cultural movement that has been promoting and preserving Columbia handicrafts tradition for 15 years last year in 2023 we start to do this International okay espartano made her and the first International Edition and this year espart will return to Miami in0 in 2024 showcasing the background colors and textures of Colombian handicrafts the event the event am means to connect our Artisans with new markets and continue to celebrate the traditions and Customs for our country these are all are sponsors and Al that we have to make this event and that and that have been supporting us to make this possible thead that is our city Colombia and obviously the city of Dalal the major CH Fraga and the consum Rafael P why export we want to stimulate the Artisan economy through International commercial relation that's why we have been made these all efforts to make this possible we also want to promote the Aran as a guardian of ancestral tradition that allow to the responsible use and care of natural resources and we want also to preserve and transmit all the culture and all the tradition of of Colombia Colombia is a such a diverse country we have a lot of such a beautiful things to show to the world so we want to start doing this in Miami because Miami and also D is a really important place to show the things that Colombia has you already know that Doral is is a city city that has a lot of Colombians living there so it's important to us to give them the opportunity to bring to to participate in an event like this this event is it's going to be between 18 and and 20 of October H we have thisor profile we want to to uh to have buyers who specialize intern in interior design and decoration fashion and accessories also we want to Wholes buyers and distributions managers of restaurants hotel and other establishments and also the general public interest in culture that is important in D so we have we we are going to have three days of threat Fair one day for special specialized buyers and today for retail sales or we are we are going to sell handicrafts also we are going to have Colombian Gastronomy over there we are going to promote entrepreneurs in Miami um we are going to have a showroom with representative products from the to Departments of Colombia so we are going to have handicrafts and the diversity of all the territory of Colombia from the south amazonas to the north San Andre Islas also we are going to bring Artisans real Artisans to Miami we are going to support them to show them Miami and this International Market we are going to bring 20 Artisans to Colombia we pay them everything from tickets hotels and the limitation and everything that they need to show them how they can H make like trades and to expand their markets in in the United States so we are going to have also demonstrations of C craftsmanships with The Artisans attending the event okay and we are going to have personalized attention for specialized buyers okay H the this is going to have a lot of impacts because all the economy all the sales that we are going to do over there is going to be to the hand to the crap and to The Artisans okay so they are going to have the impact in their territories okay these territories that from they are are really like in outsides of the cities of the big cities bot C or Baran our places really really far from these cities so all the economy that we are going to made in this event is going to impact Direct in this territories so this is going to dynamize the economy we are going to support Artisans by establishing local National and international commercial connections okay and also we are conser we are Ser um sorry The Artisan serves as a guardian of ancestral techniques that enable the sustainable use and preservations of resources so we are going to have the event in the toal cultural art center this is such a beautiful place and it's perfect to have one event like this one this is like the the map that we are going to have is is a show is a showroom so we are going to have the contact with the with the crafts we are going we are going to have the opportunity to touch them see see them and know the histories behind the crafts okay so thank you for giving us the opportunity to present this event um sorry for the mistakes with my English but we want to thank you really really thank you because you have been really really kindness with us and we are really happy to be in D next week H doing this important event that is going to have a l lot a lot of impact to all these Artisans from Colombia and we are going to promote all the divers cultural diversity from our country thank you very much thank you Maro uh again this is just to create the awareness that they're coming for us to hopefully participate to be present on the 18 once they start we're not this is not costing anything to to the city they're taking care of all the expenses and I thought that was it was going to be a good idea for us to to tell everybody that they're coming and at the same time for the city to for us as an elected officials to get involved somehow either by promoting the event in in our social medias but at the same time to offer them their support because once again it's a it's a very it's a very good organization that have been doing this for 15 years in Colombia they cover all expenses for everybody that is coming from from medin the local government over there of medin is involved Pro Colombia the general cul here in Colombia as well so I want to thank everybody that is uh is involved in this in this export theano fair I'm certainly I'll be there I'm going to be promoting the event as well since we have a very large and and supported Colombian Community here in the city of D so I want to thank you again ma for for the presentation thank you thank you councilman P appreciate anybody else have questions questions I've been working with them for months too I think they're doing a great job and hopefully the community will enjoy this um this event that's coming to D we appreciate the organizers who actually some of them live here in D as well so thank you very much all right any other questions we move on all right um The Advisory board report was removed correct and we'll move on to discussion items item 10 a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving a special event permit use of the city logo requested by World Soccer event to host a Dal cup at D meow Park located at 11555 Northwest 58 Street D Florida 33178 D Legacy Park located at 114 Northwest 82nd Street D Florida 33178 and Morgan Ley Park located at 5300 Northwest 102nd Avenue D Florida 33178 from Mar March 9 2025 through March 10 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. providing for implementation and providing for an effective date okay we'll move this to Planning and Zoning sh would you like to do then good morning mayor and Council Michelle Lopez with the Planning and Zoning division uh the applicant John Paul chestra uh is seeking approval of a special event permit for the Dural cup they intend to host the event at three of our beautiful Parks Meadows Park uh Dural Legacy Park and Morgan Levy Park the event is to uh take place between March 9th and 10th from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. uh the event has several goals uh it seeks to establish a youth soccer league in the city for children between the ages of 8 and 17 it's a familyfriendly event uh the sports event encourages health and wellness which is important to the community uh there's approximately 120 teams that are estimated to participate which totals anywhere between 4500 to 5,000 uh attendees and participants uh police fees are estimated at $1,755 in change Parks uh rental fees are $ 6,363 3 and then there's also a 20,000 uh refundable deposit that the applicant must pay for parks and that's to ensure that uh Parks stay uh beautiful and if there's any damages uh they would be paid for through those through that deposit um the applicant is seeking to use the city logo uh as part of their event for advertising Etc um and uh they're not requesting any other type of sponsorship um in the past they've had two tournaments uh in 2017 eight teams participated and in 2019 2018 and 2019 four teams participated so staff recommends that the mayor and Council approve the proposed of cup special event subject to the conditions in the corresponding resolution thank you thank you Michelle all right do we have any questions from Council would you like to hear from the applicant motion to approve motion to approve by councilman Pino second second by vice mayor P corvy there's no questions no questions we can call the RO through the mayor just very so this was the one we approved last year too right okay all right motion to approve made by councilman P seconded by vice mayor corve council Pino yes vice mayor corve yes councilwoman Cal yes Council poras May FR yes motion passes all right thank you very much next item 10 b a resolution of the mayor and the city council city of Florida approving a event permit in the use of the city logo requested by Dal Fashion Week to host a Dal Fashion Week at D Cultural Arts Center located at 8363 Northwest 53rd Street D 43 3166 from December 12th 2024 through December 13 2024 from 1: p.m. to 11: p.m. providing for implementation and providing for an effective date all right thank you Michelle thank you I'll just hang out here for the next couple items um uh the applicant El fero Hernandez is uh seeking approval of a special event permit for deral Fashion Week um which is scheduled to take place at the Dural Cultural Arts Center on December 12th between 1: and 11:00 p.m. the takedown would take place on December 13th the event goals are to celebrate artistic diversity and expose fashion designers collections in a multiethnic environment um the displaying the collections will showcase the designers creativity and talent and the event highlights the city's uh commitment to Showcase and promote the Arts uh and world of fashion police uh fees are estimated at $4,980 parks fees are uh $1,314 the the rental of the space with a $5,000 refundable deposit the use of the city logo is requested they estimate approximately 200 attendees and the hours will take place from 1 in the afternoon to 11:00 p.m. uh similar events that the applicant has hosted in the past have included D Fashion Week in 2022 D fashion week in July of 23 and Geral Fashion Week in December of 23 all estimating about 200 participants uh staff recommends that the mayor and Council approve the requested special events permit for Geral Fashion Week thank you thank you Michelle any questions motion to approve motion to approve by vice mayor P cor no there's no public comments for this second second by councilman Pino any questions from the council for the applicants okay madam please call motion to approvement by Vice May seconded by Council P Vice May PVE yes Council P yes Council poras yes counc mayor FR yes motion passes okay you much move on to item C item 10 C discussion Miss Teen deral event update I believe this is Parks and Recreation yeah so I could introduce the item so a few months back the city council unan unanimously approved a 10,000 sponsorship and directed staff to work with the applicant to identify the actual facility costs and bring back uh to council for consideration uh it was to consider the waving of fees uh for the use of the facilities uh as such staff has worked with the applicant and have identified the dates and actual costs for the proposal uh that information was attached and uh to the item for your consideration staff is here to answer any questions you may have with regards to the fees and I believe the applicant was also invited to the meeting I'm just not sure if they were able to make it out for any particulars regarding the event um the associated rental and Staffing fees total uh $637 20 and there's also a request to include the um refundable deposit of $1,000 okay any questions through the mayor yes this is the um the continuation of my item that I introduced a couple months ago and I did speak to the organizers they're actually prepping for the storm or the hurricane so they weren't able to make it today just is an FYI so um I'll do a motion to approve second okay motion to approve by Council councilwoman borra second by vice mayor P corvey any other questions Madame clerk motion to approve made by councilwoman por second by Vice cor councilwoman poras yes Vice May Council M FR motion passes okay we will now move into the public hearings public hearings 11a a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida approving the site plan for Lithia Motors Inc for the property located at 9300 Northwest 13th Street D Florida pursuant to section 53-1 184f of the city's Land Development code and providing for an effective date all right before you move on um Michelle let me just make a quick announcement because I didn't say it at the beginning of the meeting normally our public hearings are in the afternoon because of the storm we've Consolidated our two meetings therefore we'll be hearing the public hearings now and there will be no 6 PM session should have mentioned that at the beginning of the meeting I know there was a notice that went out but just in case anyone watching they understand why we're hearing public hearings now Michelle thank you yes the applicant Lithia Motors care uh care of golden property development is seeking to redevelop property located at 9300 Northwest 13th Street the site is approximately 8.3 acres and Zone industrial with a future land use category of industrial your comp plan and your zoning are consistent the applicant is requesting site plan approval for an auto dealership the end user is proposed to be Subaru um several months ago if the council recalls you app you approved a Brownfield designation for the site for remediation uh which is currently taking place the proposed site plan uh depicts a one-story dealership building totaling 53,486 with auto retail showroom and service shop a zoning Workshop was held on uh April 17th 2024 there were uh no comments uh that derived from the zoning Workshop the site is completely surrounded by uh industrial zoning and Industrial land use again um compatible with the site and to the north south and east are warehouses and professional offices and then to the West we have a retail and a Mazda car dealership which is um also compatible with the proposed um site here's a rendering of the [Music] building site plan and Landscaping Green Space um all of your Land Development requirements have been met um the site is consistent with your setbacks your lot coverages open space um spefic specifically with open space the zoning category only requires 15% open space and the applicant is providing 32% so that's um really nice for a dealership type product here are some photos and you'll see the site remediation taking place in these photos so it'll look much nicer in about two years and the site plan uh is in conformance with your comp plan it promotes better site design there's integration of uh integration of the project more effectively into the surrounding environment it enhances your property values it ensures harmonious relationship among buildings for uses and visitors it protects the health safety and Welfare of the residents and the visitors um all traffic concerns have been addressed and um it complies with all of your site planning requirements no variances are being sought as such staff recommends approval of the proposed site plan for the Subaru dealership located at 9300 Northwest 13 Street as the proposed development is consistent with your comp plan Your Land Development regulations and meets a site plan evaluation standards pursuant to section 5384 C3 approval of development plans and Land Development code thank you thank you Michelle okay is the applicant present do they want to make a presentation or no I think we're I'm not sure I see them back there I just don't know if anybody presentations here with them but are they available online is there any questions for the applicant how about that no okay then I need a motion motion oh I'm so sorry you're right public hearing let me open up to the public at this time I used to public hearings in the morning anyone who would like to speak on this item please approach the podium this is item 24-58 96 being none okay we will close the public hearing and if there's been any expart communication that would be an opportunity to disclose okay being none Madam clerk motion to approve motion to approve by councilman Pino second by counc Madam cler please call a rooll motion to approve by Council P second by councilwoman Council P yes councilwoman yes counc yes mayor frago yes motion passes okay thank you very much thank you next item item 11b first reading ordinance number 20 2428 Gateway dmu pattern book and MDA modification and ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving a modification to the D Gateway Master development agreement and pattern book to increase approved residential units from 550 to 880 remove the 150 hotel rooms reduce retail use from 47,9 Ft to 30454 Ft and increase office use from 34,653 Ft to 346,000 Ft and providing for an effective date okay before we open up to staff let me go ahead and do exper day communications and public hearing anyer Communications on this item I've been contacted by the um applicant and it will not impact my decision I've also been in contact with the applicant and it's not influencing my decision I was hoping contacted by the applicant would not change my uh my vote you appliation okay I also had a meeting with the applicant and it will not affect my decision okay let's open up to public comments for this item public hearing is now open for item 24- 5897 if you would like to speak please come up to the podium hello Mar Garza um I wonder sometimes why we go through months of approving and and tweaking and making sure everything is absolutely correct when you approve it and then you immediately turn around and start peace mealing it cherry-picking it and modifying it greatly and in this case I see that you went from 550 to 880 I mean that is a huge increase of residential units and I'm assuming it would have to change the parking and Etc so what is the point of all of you doing this and approving and then making such drastic changes and for the fact that you all have to cover yourselves by saying oh I didn't speak to anybody in this meantime makes it quite obvious that somebody's money laundering and making things convenient for their pocket and what you just said is just wrote and redundant and means absolutely nothing justify why you spend our taxpayer money months upon months if not years approving something and then just all of a sudden saying oh we'll chop off we'll do this we'll add this without modifying everything else and without bringing it back to public approval and that goes for the consent agenda which you should be ashamed of not allowing people to speak on those thank you thank you very much any other public comments on this item being none okay we will close the public comments and now we'll hear from staff just waiting for the yes the applicant Centrum deral owner LLC is uh seeking uh Master development agreement modification and a pattern book Amendment um for property located alongside the east side of dressel dairy Canal at 8750 Northwest 36th Street and 3750 Northwest 87th Avenue through their request um they're seeking four items the first is to permit 330 dwelling units in the East neighborhood the the development is is split by the East neighborhood and the West neighborhood in the west neighborhood there's currently built out 550 units so that's completely built out uh the applicant also seeks to remove the hotel use uh which was approved in the original approvals uh that totals 150 rooms the applicant seeks to reduce the retail space um for the entire development from 47,9 Ft to 30,4 452 SCE rate and the applicant also requests to increase office space uh by 5,366 which would make the total 346,000 for office Spas um the I'm sorry the site is zoned uh and land us as downtown mixed use uh zoning districts uh to the north is industrial commercial and also to the South and then to the east you have downtown mixed use as well as in the west um the future land use category in the north is downtown mixed use to the South is industrial and then to the east and west are also downtown mixed use in 2014 the city council approved the master development agreement approved for the East and West neighborhoods pursuant to ordinance 201413 and that approval consisted of uh uh 550 dwelling units 150 hotel rooms 47,9 ft of retail space and 340,000 uh 634 ft of office space in May of 2015 there was a modification to the West neighborhood of of the of the total MDA um and it had some minor changes which included addition of design references for the D Boulevard entrance Plaza revisions to reflect the approved landscape plan for the West neighborhood streetscape along the Boulevard and additional language referencing 72 surface parking spaces uh with a 9 by0 width the Dural Gateway East modification uh subject of today's presentation is to permit the additional 330 um dwelling units increasing it from 550 to 880 removal of the Hotel use uh a reduction totaling 17,44 of retail space um and then of course the increase that I already mentioned to the office space the request is consistent with the downtown mix use designation of your comp plan which permits up to 25 dwelling units per gross acre however if you if the applicant exhibits creative Excellence uh an additional 10 dwelling units per gross acre may be granted totaling 35 units per gross acre um in the East neighborhood uh the request before you today um it's approximately 11 acres at 35 dwelling units per acre with total 385 dwelling units however the applicant is only seeking 330 dwelling units the traffic assessment for the original development again 550 units 150 hotel rooms almost 48,000 ft² of retail and a little over 340,000 of office space had a trip count uh trip cap totaling 1,63 gross PM trips uh pursuant to the it manual 9th Edition so what that means is the the original approval was evaluated for residential office retail Etc and and capped the maximum number of trips so any modification thereafter should not exceed that original cap and so through this proposal the estimated trips are 1,5 gross PM trips which again doesn't push the threshold over the original approvals and so what that means is that the proposed request is compatible and consistent with the original plan that was approved in 2014 um access to the development site uh will be through two means of Ingress egress the first is a signalized full access driveway along Northwest 36 street at the Northwest 8800 block and the second will be an unsignalized uh full access driveway along 87th Avenue at Dural Corporate Center and Dural Square driveway staff request that the mayor and Council approve the proposed modification to the deral Gateway development East neighborhood pattern book master development agreement and the Declaration of restrictions thank you okay thank you Michelle would we like to hear from the applicant now please good morning my name is Tracy slavens my address is 3800 Northeast First Avenue Suite 200 Miami Florida 33137 I'm here on behalf of the applicant Centrum derell owner LLC um we agree with staff's recommendations and their presentation was excellent I have a presentation to show if you'd like to see it today or if not to keep things brief I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have it's it's up to you would you like to go through I'm happy to show you some renderings yes okay um if we could bring up the slides so um this is the Dural Gateway project um it's the site that's identified by the City Bank building and the CVS on the southwest corner of 87th Avenue in Dural Boulevard and it was a phase development um under the dmu standards subject to a development agreement and a pattern book that was approved as shown in the prior presentation in 2014 and over the last 10 years A lot has changed so this is an aial of the site when the dmu was first approved there was the tea pharmaceutical site on the west neighborhood and the East neighborhood had the two Office Buildings and a sea of surface parking so when the dmu was originally approved the concept was um basically developed around what was existing in Dural in this area at that time and you didn't have the Shops and and Residences that developed out of city place and Dural Square this wasn't really a mixed use neighborhood at the time so they proposed a little bit of everything in the development program including the hotel component that complemented in that at that time the residential the retail and the office fast forward 10 years and this is a really desirable place for people to live there's you know new projects that have been developed and are very successful and we feel that um the addition of residential use as opposed to Hotel use will truly complement what's developed in your downtown the as Michelle walked you through the changes really are meant to result in no new impacts so the conversion of office use I mean retail use to office use and hotel use to residential use generates no new PM peak hour traffic trips which is a great thing for deral this is a a slide that comes from the pattern book that was approved so as you can see in the lower corner of the East neighborhood there's a lavender triangle that's the area of development today and that was what was envisioned originally in 2014 but at the time it was envisioned for hotel um these are some renderings uh just to show you a little bit we will come back um to the council meeting on October 23rd to show you the full site plan and walk you through all of the details but today we just wanted to give you an idea of the scale and the scope and location of the development so the idea is that these apartments will flank the canal and there will be improvements made along the canal to create more open space that's usable today it's filled with invasive species of curina or Australian pine trees and a lot of debris and the bank is not stable so we'll stabilize the bank create a walking path with Landscaping that will connect to the bridge over the drussel dairy canal and then also the Bikeway that runs on the west side of the canal so it creates a really nice amenity for the community um here's some labeling so you can see the existing Apartments which are known as Amy at Dural or am at 8800 on the west side of the property which is at the lower right and the existing development today on the East neighborhood so here's a a site plan layout which I will get into more detail um at the next meeting and some renderings to show you the concept of the design which is done in the tropical modern style and it's intended to be consistent with the pattern and aesthetic of the development throughout the urban Central business district along Dural Boulevard and um really create a nice luxury rental option for people who want to live near where they work where they shop and where they dine so and and the residents will have access to the covered parking garage which is also a really nice amenity um there's an existing garage that'll be expanded to have about 1100 parking spaces and that will um help to create a better environment for both the office workers who use it today and the future residents so with that I conclude my presentation and I'm here for any questions okay thank you very much any questions for the applicant yes councilman P hi Tracy good morning uh I have a question my my concern or my main concern about this project is actually the that you only have one entrance and ex right on 87 Avenue uh on 87th there are actually two so the East and West neighborhood connect and there's a bridge across the canal that was built as part of this development so there's the signalized intersection on the west side of the canal and then there's a a non-s signalized intersection um on the East neighborhood so there are two and then there are the access points on 87th as well thank you and I made the comment because I know we go back to 2014 but the the West neighbor neighborhood the way that it was called before and for me that was a terrible approval I think that probably we all agree on that and the way that was designed everything and we we always keep hearing about approvals to the west of 87 Avenue or over development around the city of theout so and my main concern is certainly is traffic in that area that's why I voted no on the project on 87 and 41st on the resort project and this is on the other side and that will continue to be my main concern so I don't see a way to go around maybe here in the first reading between first reading and second reading we can have the conversation but again I'm I'm very concerned about that section and especially again that we only have one we're going to be using just one area to exit and entrance on 87 Avenue I mean that's through the mayor um understood and we will reach out to your office and and show you our our traffic analysis um which has a lot of very helpful Graphics to show the flow of traffic um you know one of the things to think about here is that this is on you know in a neighborhood that's that's been created by Design to foster a pedestrian environment um you know it's it's connected to office it's across the street from retail there's a trolley station and a bus or Trolley Stop and bus stop on 87th Avenue uh there's a bike way so the idea here hopefully is that people really do live and and work and play in one place um but not withstanding that is also the reason why we reduced other uses in the development program to make sure that from a a vested trips perspective we are not creating any new traffic thank you any other questions I just want to make a comment if I may Council M uh thank you so much for bringing that up and answering the question to consum and pin because when I uh met with Michelle that was one of my question she explained that in detail and also she showed there the traffic uh how the difference uh of leaving it the way that it was and what is being now being amended and I think that it will work much much better for us uh for our residents and also we talk about the trolley stop too to make sure that we have one that it's close by uh to the use of the residents that will be um leaving that area so thank you for bringing that up and I have motion to approve thank you motion to approve by councilwoman cabal is there a second second second by vice mayor P Corvette I do have some questions uh Tracy very quickly the increase to the um to the office use by 6,000 square F feet where was that being envisioned can can you explain that as well because don't yes a freestanding building showing shown there yes um the the concept there was the office that's reflected in the development program is basically the existing office and there is an area of potential development between the City Bank building and the CVS and so that space could be developed with either a freestanding office building maybe a medical office or or some sort of professional office or a retail establishment and um the property owners have been in discussions so far with retail um tenants but they wanted to be able to have the flexibility to do either one and since there's only so much that fits right there when you factor in traffic parking and the footprint of the building uh we we're able to accommodate either a a little bit more office about 6,000 square feet or you know a standalone retail or restaurant building would it be for either or because you reduced retail we reduced retail because we hadt ra yes you had more than what was was actually required you haven't built out all the retail at this point right 17,000 ft I think there left of retail to be built correct there's um there's an ocean bank I I believe it's already come through here or it's on its way um so that takes up a little piece of the retail but it's a pretty small building and then and then what's left would be developed on the East neighborhood in other words my point is you're not looking to ma it doesn't seem like you'll be maximizing all potential development rates cuz you you really are out of space correct okay um I don't necessarily have the concern of of what the changes are being proposed it was always envisioned that that corner was going to have the the the residential component to be part of that downtown mixed use area um I know that a big portion of it has been built with the idea of that Final Phase coming through and and and the changes being made um the current parking garage that's there will be expanded and we did have a discussion and I want to publicly thank the um the property owners because they I reached out um when we had to move the the Park opening date to see if we could use the parking garage for the park and they were so gracious to allow us to use it so that our trolley wouldn't have to travel very far for people to be able to come to the park opening um so I'm very appreciative to them for allowing our residents to use the the you know the parking garage and so in my conversations I did ask them if they'd be willing to have a memorandum of standing with the city so that for future uses and the park we could utilize that area for overflow parking with obviously security being addressed and you know the liabilities um and they've been open to that there is actually an abundance of parking over what they actually need and especially with certain peak times when office spaces are closed then there's uh more parking that is required that the the city could potentially use if there is an event going on at the amphitheater or anything like that so I know that they were working um with staff to provide a memorandum of understanding are we anywhere closer with that it is being drafted okay um I hope to have a draft ready for you um staff next week to review okay yeah U because there uh there you're just a couple of blocks from D Central Park so it's it there's plenty of parking there that could be used as overflow parking if there is um a need at some point so I thought it was a great offer that they made to say you know we're we're we're here to work with the community as as much as possible so um I appreciate you guys not only stepping up to the plate when we asked but also offering to be good uh Neighbors in the community obviously that's an area that the residents will use very much too it's walking distance so um the residents that you'll have there and are currently living there have access to to the park and and can walk there so um thank you for for having that discussion and for for opening it up okay I think we can move forward with have a motion to approve ordinance number 20 2428 on first reading made by councilwoman cabal second by vice mayor P corve councilwoman cabal yes vice mayor P corve yes Council Manas yes Council Pino no mayor Fraga yes motion passes thank you item C ordinance number 24429 amending article 3 boards committees and commissions an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of city of RA Florida amending article three boards committees and commissions and chapter two administration of the city code of ordinances establishing confirming and consolidating advisory boards revising unified policies and procedures for advisory boards providing for implementation incorporation into the code cability conflicts and an effective date okay I'm going to open up to public hearing the floor is now open to hear on item 24- 5905 L are homeless God works in mysterious ways I happen to have the list of the entirety of all the Advisory Board uh committees and I'll read them off to everybody because I have been attending them regularly and consistently for the last uh year if not more the Animal Welfare committee citizens audit Advisory Board Commission on the status of women Advisory Board cultural Affairs Advisory Board Economic Development Advisory Board environmental Advisory Board faith and community-based organization Advisory Board military Advisory Board Parks and Recreation Advisory Board police and traffic advisory board Smart City Advisory Board special needs Advisory Board youth Advisory Board Direct Parks Bond oversight committee now here it says that you're going to um confirm consolidate some advisory boards and based upon the item that we just heard with this 550 to 880 that is a development that to me reaps of smart city um attempts and my whole thing is that we have no need for the Smart City Advisory Board here in the city of Durell you all are consistently including giving the keys to that Global um entity you are consistently piece by piece taking away our liberties and cornering us because you have a a a vitrine downstairs with a bunch of awards from a bunch of madeup organizations green this green that and I would hope that each one of you understand and I remind everybody your phones totally snitch on you whether you think they do or not they can hear you breathe and what you have done and set up the city of Dural for to be handed over to our enemies each one of you will be held accountable no mercy no deals and for all of you behind me and for the Youth start understanding what they're doing with these committees and start understanding what it is that each one of you are responsible for doing now I know in Doral there are many Venezuelans who have absolutely no loyalty to the United States they've come here because they're running from things in Venezuela and I have an issue with that and I would hope that each one of you will stand up and truly say your pledge of allegiance to the restored Republic not to the Democracy that you're trying to push on all of us thank you any other public comments being none okay public hearing is now closed and we will turn this over to council Bal who I think is the sponsor or the attorney I am thank you I just want to read um on the memo the city of D has a long benefit from the input of its advisory committees and board one that I used to serve too however after reviewing the current framework it has become um evid that updates are necessary to reflect the involving needs of the city and its residents the amendments in this ordinance are designed to improve operational Clarity accountability and relevance to today's challenges while ensuring continued citizen engagement and effective advisory support to the city council the ordinance introduces several modification aim at enhancing the structure and efficiency of these boards ensuring they better aligned with the current needs of our community and uh Mr attorney uh through the chair if you could please um explain a little bit on what we work Madame mayor mayia yes please thank you councilwoman thank you Council thank you mayor what you have before you is just it's a it's a cleanup of your current rules uh first it creates a sunset provision and provides that each committee uh every two years uh there is a sunset uh and you can review and see if the the board is active see if the board is uh uh achieving its Mission and if not uh you may Sunset that board at that time and provides for that uh standard review uh moving along it also provides for uh that uh interested persons uh that want to attend the committee must attend two meetings uh must be persons that are qualified and must be persons that have not committed a prior Act of felony or an act of moral turpitude uh further it just um clarifies that all of these rules apply to both advisory boards committee and commissions uh it also uh provides uh later on uh as far as um membership uh limitations uh specifically that uh members of the boards or committees cannot abuse of their role as a Committee Member or uh promote themselves as an employee or official of the city um so those are basically those the the changes uh in a nutshell uh thank you uh councilwoman for bringing this and thank you uh to the clerk for for assisting me in preparing this yeah thank you both the mayor yes councilwoman Bas I have a quick question I like a lot of the changes including the prohibition on allowing individuals with criminal history from serving as well as from benefiting from their position my question is this is going to apply perspective L right or because some of the provisions are with timelines and all that correct okay correct it's the as as far as the effective date would be if you all adopt this today and then moving forward these would be the rules okay uh motion to approve okay motion to approve by councilor second by vice mayor P corvey any other comments questions okay I do have a few all right so regarding the provision under Section 2-1 166 which is compensation and an eligibility I do have a problem with CNF first of all for C asking them uh in interested applicants to attend a minimum of two Advisory board meetings before they're actually appointed to it I think it's it's cumbersome at at the end of the day these are volunteers from our community many times um when there's a change in the governing body those members tend to change and so to ask them to come to two meetings before some may do it um however I don't think that's something that should be a requirement uh unless we're really just looking for our you know our constituency to not participate in in these advisory boards I think that it's a great opportunity for residents to get involved however some may get involved at a simply a request saying look I'd like you to be a part of this this um and they have an opportunity to serve that way we don't even we don't require these things of people running for office I think it's ridiculous that we're requiring it of residents of our community um you know item C we don't ask people who are running for office to come and sit in two of our Council meetings before they run for office I know people who never steep foot into this building until they decided to run for office um e another one individuals that have been convicted of a misdemeanor or or a crime involv more pit uh pude or felony shall not be allowed to serve on Advisory Board my question is are we going to be doing background checks now and what is are we what are we is convicted actually a closed crime that the case is close is it something pending how are we going to how how are we going to judge this and and who's responsible for looking at that are we now going to be doing background checks on every single person that we ask to serve on board so the idea can be solved in two different ways first of all conviction is conviction it's not being charged anybody can be charged of a crime conviction means that you've already gone through a trial and you've been convicted so it could be a pending matter and it's not it wouldn't fall into this it would be a finalized matter you've already been found guilty of a misdemeanor or or a felon so if you weren't found guilty but had an arrest or had some type of issue in your in your background it would not fall not be subject to to this provision correct manam matter and now there's two two ways that you can do it one is uh you could have a background check certainly uh the other way that I think is more practical is that at the time of application that the person sign an oath that they have not been found convicted of any of these crimes and if you know they sign that oath then you know we take them at their word so we're leaving it to their morality correct well okay we hope that they I'm asking questions right now councilman thank you okay so I mean I think that would be the the more practical if if they sign an oath and they claim that they don't have have not committed any crime of which they been convicted of that fall under this category then they can serve okay so we're just going to ask them to basically sign an affidavit saying that do we have no they have no prior history of convicted correct that that could be one way that you could do it or you could take it to to the next level and and do a background check certainly if it's a committee that's dealing with vulnerable adults or children I would suggest a background check at we don't we don't necessarily have that so then that that that leads to my next question that I had regarding this these um requirements um does this fall also for the parks and police for kids advisory or um board the clerk is not in your head that's a five that's a that's a 501c3 that's not an advis so these requirements would not be extended to the five to the uh Parks unless you all wish to if you all wish to that is a separate entity it is within our city but it's a separate entity oh I think yes if we're gonna if you're going to extend requirements you know beyond the a scope for for people who are um serving in a volunteer capacity I think it consistency is consistency it's to be fair across the board so I think it would need to be required of all members of of boards um which leads me to the last section section 2-1 27 membership limitations um in section c Advisory Board committee commissions members shall not have any identifying apparel business cards name tags Etc as they are not otherwise official employees of the city and cannot officially represent the city our parks and police advisory boards do have shirts so what I would say for this item is if it's here it should say subject to City approval or if otherwise the city council would allow them to have for certain events and the same goes for section 2 d132 Advisory Board reports and events um section B I no Advisory board can have an event or perform any additional duties outside of what The Advisory Board meets on without coming to this Council I think limiting them by by a by an ordinance saying you cannot have any more than one event a year um it it not only limits them it Li limits us and at the end we work for them not the other way around because they are our constituents so I would not want to limit them to saying you can only ask for one event a year let them come up with all the ideas they have our youth Advisory board if they want to do a um if they want to do you know their college fair and they want to do a uh an educational budget session for for our youth and they want to do you know um a talent show let them have to come up to us and ask us and then we decide what we want to approve or not but I think limiting them to say you can only ask for one event a year you know it it it's really counterintuitive to what the boards are supposed to do which is come up with suggestions for the council to provide better services to the community they're doing it on a volunteer basis but I think we're starting to forget who we work for so I I'm not in favor of this changes unless we make some changes to these items because otherwise to me the boards are insignificant and we're not valuing the time effort and volunteer your hours that are put in by our residents and and that's sad if I may yes would you like to accept some of my amendments no I don't accept your amendments first of all I don't understand why to say that you're always against for us to make sure that the people that are related to the city have we just wanted to make sure that they are not have any issues with the law oh me too no no no it seems that you're not so because you just expressed it here and you're interrupting me too so the other thing is that um even the parent teacher associations in the PTA you have to go through that you have to do a background check only for you to serve in the schools because we were around kids so some of these uh boards when they do events there we have families we have kids so I think that is important for us that whoever's going to be there they just uh find sign on affidavit I don't see what the harm on that so so the the second when it comes to the events if they want to do other events sure they can come they can apply and it comes to the console like everything else and we approve it uh what was the other thing that you talk about about that about the events and um the uh also I think that the only thing is that maybe to the park and police for kids we can extend it as well so they can have the uh they will sign the affidavit because they are with kids so that we can that uh Mr attorney so they can also because they're around kids so that um I think that we can add that but aside from that I keep um my my resolution the uh and the Amendments that that we propose the way that it was okay just a followup um so you're you're saying you are accepting my amendment to Item B for section 2 d132 only to add to the uh to the boards if even if it is a 511 C3 like Park and police for kids um to have the to sign the affid David well but you just said that you don't mind that they bring up the items to us your changes to this ordinance for events no for events they can have one event and if they want any then they will have to apply like everybody else that's not what this is saying this is saying that they shall not request to organize more than one event in a given year they have the uh so let's let's um look into them Mr attorney so they can do one I mean they can do one event as a board but if they want to do other events they have to bring it to the uh to us to be approved then this has to be strucken yeah this would have to be modified to say that advisory committee and commissions um I would say instead of sh I would say may not uh request more than one event per fiscal year unless um consent from the council is yeah is a proof is [Music] [Music] yeah through the mayor yes Council mes okay since I'm the maker of the motion I just wanted to to come back to what I made what I moved and so one I do agree perhaps maybe reducing the attendance to one because they meet every four or every quarter quarter yeah if they were meeting every month I think it'd be different but maybe if you're fine reducing it to attending once um before being able to serve I do agree that you know people that want to run for office should be attending our Council meetings and in fact we have a candidate that's been attending all of them since 2022 here two I do believe that for our um police Citizens Academy we do background check right no yeah we do we do yeah so if we're going to have c yeah we do so if we're going to have in individuals serving for the city even if it's in a volunteer capacity I think that we should be checking their background and I do want to keep people that have um certain um criminal history from representing the city quite honestly um and so I think signing an affidavit that they don't have any convictions I think is a good way and obviously if we find out that they do they would be immediately removed so maybe adding that language in there if you guys guys need you know if you want to take it further and do a background check fine but I think it's enough it's sufficient to have them under oath stating that they don't have a criminal conviction if they do well you know um that's one so if you guys are okay I would say reduce the attendance to one um add that they should sign the affidavit and if it if you know we we get information otherwise then they would be removed immediately and applying the the limitation to the pp Fork board and which one was the other one oh and yeah and then the events coming anything outside of one event to just come to council for approval and those are the I think I have all the ones that were mentioned and I will amend my motion to state that a second that too okay m m yes councilwoman cover that oh sorry I'm sorry there was one change also that you all discussed that I thought was was important uh some of the um or you mentioned at least one committee does have official t-shirts so we're talking about uh section 2-27 c unless otherwise approved by the city I I would keep it as that unless otherwise approved by the city add that correct yeah the reason that for them to attend to the to at least uh two of the meetings is for them to have an idea and many people will come in then they sit down and then they realize you know what I I didn't expect that this was like this I want to be part of this and then they they don't get to get I do understand I mean we can do one because uh but the reason of that is so they can have an idea and then they are not uh they would not have Quorum in order to for them to keep moving wait I think we're talking about two different things right so the no I thought there were two that's the the the the reason of them to attend to the uh to the meeting no there I'm sorry just to clarify so there's one section that says before you become a member to attend so that's one yes and then the other one is of once you're a member absolutely that I'm not changing that one no I'm not changing that one it's just the one before becoming a member the one before they become members to attend one instead of two does that make sense yeah okay well I made a motion and I think it's seconded so can we call the question I have a motion to approve ordinance number 202 2429 on first reading as amended to include attending one board meeting before applying at affidavit uh to F for each member to fill out an affidavit and should the affidavit be violated the member will be immediately removed applying the same limitations to the parks and police for kids foundation and anything outside of one event requested by the board it will have to come to council for approval as well as the identifying apparel requires approval by the city May by councilwoman por second by Vice corve is that all right correct okay councilwoman poras yes vice mayor P corve yes councilwoman Cal yes councilwoman Pino no mayor Fraga nope motion passes glad all that's on the record okay I think we have next item item D ordinance number 20 2430 human trafficking signs an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving sl9 a text amendment to chapter 80 sign regulations by creating article 7 titled human trafficking signs providing for incorporation of recital providing for stability providing for conflicts incorporation into the code and an effective date okay I'm going to open up to public hearing we are now opening up the floor for item 24- 5925 I do have one common card so we're going to call this person up first Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera former council member welcome Betina Rodriguez agilera former vice mayor 4743 Northwest 97 Place dado Florida 33178 well thank you so much um I'm very excited to be here haven't been here for quite a while and I would like to congratulate late all of you and um gentlemen I had not met you nice meeting all of you uh I am here today to talk um concerning the human trafficking as you know uh uh ordinance 2414 uh- 27 was passed uh concerning human trafficking at that time we worked very hard in two human trafficking centers right here in Dado were closed down um as uh some of you know I went back to school believe it or not and um I uh obtained a master's in human rights and uh I contacted uh councilman Pino uh because I wanted to Showcase to St Thomas University what a great job the city of Dural did because at that time um we had not passed ordinances concerning human right right as I mean concerning human trafficking in that way through the State of Florida but I um found out that part of that ordinance which was to um put um businesses signage and businesses concerning human trafficking was not being applied after speaking with uh code enforcement here of the city of Dural so I am uh very happy to know that an ordinance will hopefully be passed concerning this because uh the uh National missing Children's Network reported in the year 2022 that 88 million um calls had come in for human trafficking that were children which is something horrible and this is something that is happening all over our country so again uh thank you um councilman uh Rafael Pinero for this mayor and councel and I do hope that this ordinance will be passed and we will again be an example uh of uh supporting our community against human trafficking thank you very much thank you any other public comments at this time regarding this item yes l so if I'm to understand are is Code Enforcement going to force all businesses or residences to put up human trafficking signs with a phone number Etc saying call this or whatever if that's my understanding um I would like to know um that you approved earlier item 10B and C which involved a fashion show and then a m teen Dural event which ties in just perfectly with this human trafficking because as we all know many events are disguised as Beauty events if you'll recall John Benet Ramsey um to be something of benefit to help the young girls Etc and I think you're kind of shooting yourselves in the foot and you had just been speaking about making sure that people do not have criminal records if they're going to join our Advisory Board committees however I'd like to know if you've checked the records of the individuals who own t in Aion Talent which is owned by Lakeside films which is owned by Ru Bernett mrey Tac tuck and Oscar baloro have you checked to see if they have a criminal record whether here in the US or country of origin I would hope you would be diligent with people who come in to try to make um Beauty uh events for our young and uh vulnerable and impressionable young girls and boys and then you try to patch It Up by having human trafficking signs go around you donated 10,000 to the other event I would hope just if I can get a dig in that you would also look in considering to um helping homeless people with that amount of money too thank you and see anyone else like to speak on public comments regarding this item please approach the podium at this time otherwise the floor is now closed okay Council M I believe this is your item thank you mayor uh these ordinances in support of human traffi in public awareness first of all I want to say thank you to former councilwoman and former vice mayor Betina Rodriguez Aguilera for being here and and for being a champion on this matter I do recall in 2014 when this ordinance was passed and and it was T to you so it was the first ordinance related to human trafficking the city of D so when we had this conversation we thought that it was not only needed to to bring it back to update it but at the same time I know we also have a brief discussion in the two months ago council meeting two three months ago during the council meeting about it and it's not only the fact that we're including a new ordinance in support of human trafficking public awareness but at the same time we're going to be looking at other uh ways where we can increase the provide the services through the police department as well at least for people to be aware and where they can contact who they can contact or where the the resources that we offer as a city in general as you know human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery which involve the exploitation of person for commercial sex or Force forc labor and often subject victims to force fraud and coercion while many victims are human trafficking are forced to work in prostitution or the sexual entertainment mment industry trafficking also occurs in forms of lab or exploitation and that happens in restaurants happen in many places as you also recall the State of Florida just recently approved new laws when it comes to human trafficking and public awareness and fla law authorized municipalities to enforce posting of human traffic in public awareness signs in certain establishments the placements the placement of these signs assist victims in accessing local resources and assist law enforcement as well to identify locations where human trafficking could be occurring so I ask my colleagues to join me in supporting this ordinance in order to uh not only create keep creating the awareness but at the same time tackling such an issue that sometimes we don't talk about it but unfortunately is occurring more now more than ever not only Statewide but country around the country as well so uh I hope that we can move forward and approve uh these ordinance thank you councilman thank you any other questions the mayor yes Council foras I think this is a great ordinance motion to approve okay we have a motion to approve by councilwoman poras second by councilwoman cabal any other questions then yes before I forgot I also want to thanks our City attorney because he he has been the one working drafting this ordinance as well so thank you so much thank you councilman for the opportunity all right I think we're ready to call vote motion to approve ordinance number 20 2430 on first reading made by Council por second by councilwoman Cal councilwoman poras yes Council Council Pino yes VI mayor yes mayor FR yes Mo passes okay thank second reading second reading item e ordinance number 2024 7 amending chapter 14 elections an ordinance of the mayor and the city council the city of D fla amending chapter 14 of the city's Court of ordinances providing for conflict severability incorporation into the code and an effective date this was approved on first reading on September 11 all right um Mr City attorney any changes from first to second reading I don't think there was the only change that I see uh that was double stried out uh was on three um I'm sorry number five so it's uh yeah number five uh or other disqualification was struck out not to be under uh conviction of a felony next to it that was struck out and that was the only uh change Madame mayor okay all right any other questions let me open up to public hearing the floor is now open for item 24- 5859 anyone would like to speak speak please approach the podium okay being done we'll close the public hearing through the mayor yes do we want to add what we just discussed having anyone that wants to run for office attend a council meeting since we talked about it no okay it up all right never mind it may not be legal yeah I don't think all right motion to approve second second all right motion to approve by Council Andor second by vice mayor P corvey motion to approve ordance member 2024 27 on second reading made by Council second by Vi Council yes VI May Council Pino yes Council yes mayor FR yes motion passes all right May report mayor's report the only thing I have is first I I do want to thank Public Works and police department for their work the last three days as well as the manager's office very consistent updates coming out thank you very much for keeping us informed and they're they're also keeping the residents informed public affairs as well I should say um and of course the sandbag distributions the sand for residents as well as businesses Public Works has been very responsive so thank you very much to you Mr manager Deputy city manager as well as the assistant city manager and police our police chief and everyone on the on the field thank you very much luckily we have not had race the last couple of days so I think that helps us for what we anticipate to have uh starting this evening just remind everybody to stay safe and adhere to any recommendations um and I also wanted to quickly congratulate the D Police Department for their accreditation and the audit that they went through by the commission for Florida accreditation CFA the dpd achieved an accredited status of 100% compliance and zero deficiencies which is incredible and deserves a round of applause so that is uh just speaks to the The Testament to the leadership not just um at the police department but from the administration so thank you and I know that that accreditation is very intense and you go through a very intense audit so we're very proud that uh they were there was 100% compliance and zero deficiencies thank you very much for all the work you do in our community on behalf of the residents of d um and that's pretty much it uh I think everything else was said Thank You parks department for the D 5K um and also this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month I don't believe I had seen the building turn pink yet I meant to say that also if we can just check on that I think M mayor I will certainly look into that purple purple pink purple yes all the same you know the shade okay so if we could just look into that I I was here the other day at night and I didn't see it so thank you very much for all your work and we'll move on to council comments there the mayor yes Council pores so I just want to also reiterate I am very very proud and and grateful for the response and the preparation for the the hurricane over the last couple days um all of the Departments the administration everyone thank you so much you have been you have gone above and beyond um your duties and I know that the residents are seeing it and they're extremely happy with that so thank you every Department here um I also want to congratulate the police department on their accreditation congratulations you guys are amazing um keep up the great work and also you know we just approved the the cola the reopener cola which is also a great um uh victory for all of us here to be able to support our police department and um hoping that everyone stays safe and dry during this time and again you know reach out to us if need anything and also just to um also honor all of the those that have gone through um breast cancer um domestic violence uh for this month making sure that we are um promoting awareness and also staying Vigilant thank you all right any other Council comments being done C thank you mayor I also want to say thanks to the not only the administration but our public works department our Police Department for the last 2 three days as as the city manager stated one of the emails I think that regardless of what happens this which again thanks God that we're certainly we're not going to f impact as our neighbors in Central Florida uh which by the way let's keep it let's keep them in our prayers yes because it's going to be very very bad in that area uh these certainly serve as a as a training of what we can do as a city when uh when a storm or or um weather conditions like the one that potentially we will be facing can happen in the area and the response has been has been great from the administration all the Departments not only public works but the police department as well but each of the staff that is part of the the city has demonstrated what how ready we are as a as a city when it comes to these type of storms I think the last time that we had to go through a similar exercise was back in 2017 maybe 2019 and but again the response has been amazing so when to thanks the city manager Deputy City Manager for keeping us updated on a regular basis not only via email but our public affairs Department as well and as it was mentioned yes October is breast cancer awareness month uh my mother is a is a breast cancer survivor so I certainly believe this month serve as a as a reminder of the importance of early detection and not only that but to also honor the ones that uh not only the ones that we have lost but the people that are right now uh facing this terrible disease so uh once again thanks to the administration thanks to the police department Public Works everybody stay safe hopefully uh Friday we get back to normal and keep everybody in central Flor hour in in their prayers thank you thank you councilman if I may I also want to irradiate uh what majority has said um to the department thank you so much for everything that you've been doing uh during these days and hopefully we will not have to uh face um nothing that what is being faced on the area of the panand though I also um wanted to share with you that unfortunately some of my members live on that area and one already have lost uh all her belongings but we got together as a family and we're working on helping her as well also to my cousin former uh mayor of satasota now a commissioner that I know that he's working over time on making sure that his city is safe uh on that area also I want to motivate everybody that uh to volunteer here if these days you're off from work or um you're looking to do something and help others um you can go to um to Globe empowerment mission that they're here in the city of Dalal and they help to so many needs especially when they are um hurricanes and any natural disaster their address is one 1850 Northwest 84th Avenue Suite 100 hural so the um Main offices and their warehouses here so you can stop by anytime and you can volunteer and help to pack uh those boxes that are so helpful for so many that go through um things like this uh to my son happy birthday today he's turning 23 uh he is a wonderful young man very hardworking very smart very dedicated very caring so I love you and thank you for being the one that uh with whom I celebrate being a mom again and to all the residents uh we're here to support you um anything that you need and hopefully we will not be uh going the difficult times that many are facing right now many blessings to all of you and you're in our thoughts and prayers okay next we move on to the manager's report nothing to report ma'am thank you City attorney nothing Madam mayor city clerk you for sure have something I have nothing the report is a attached all right it was worth a try everybody stay safe all right sounds good well thank you everyone for being here today that concludes our council meeting for October 9th tomorrow is my 14th wedding year wedding anniversary we'll be celebrating in the hurricane I need a motion to adjourn motion motion to adjourn by vice mayor P corvey second by councilman F all in favor say hi hi it's meeting as a jant