the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good afternoon I'm sorry good morning today is Tuesday May 21st 20124 the time is now 11:05 and we're here for the special council meeting Madam clerk please call the RO councilman Rafael Pino pres councilwoman here vice mayor Oscar mayor chrisy fr presid Mary hcor please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman Benoy and justice for all thank you very much okay we will now move to the agenda order of business for the agenda order of business I'd like to lay down an item um reference to section 2- 77 of special call meetings and section 4.10 of the city's Charter going to go ahead and pass it out I know everybody has already received one as well prayer thank you so I'm going to go ahead and lay down this item to be heard after the item on the current agenda and this is um replacement language for resolution 24-120 I entertain a motion you second the motion I'll place the motion second the motion by councilman vadoo we'll open up for debate and if there's no debate then Madam clerk please call rooll motion to approve the lay down item made by mayor Fraga seconded by councilman Peno mayor Fraga mayor FR yes councilman Peno yes [Music] Council my vote will be no and the reason of this that I would not be supported due to the latest incident I think think that is just right for us to work as a as a whole body and to really sit down and work together on bringing a resolution that might be for the next council meeting where we all have the opportunity to review give the opportunity to the residents to be able to sit down and have a conversation with us so based on that is my vote no council no VI cor no motion fails okay Madame clerk um we will now move on to public comments there's no additional items to the agenda correct okay we will now move on to public comments public comments portion of this meeting is now open um I will call you up individually so that uh you can speak everyone will have three minutes to speak we ask that you please speak in respect respectful manner to this Council you can approach the podium if you have not filled out one of these cards we will ask you to please do that um with the clerk after you speak but everybody will have an opportunity even if you have not had a a card filled out to be able to speak our city values and respects the constitutional right of the freedom of speech anyone that has a right to anyone that would like to speak has a right to speak just as I did last week to reiterate that hostages must be released and must must surrender immediately and that the only path to stabilizing the region and to bring peace is is under under these terms while Hamas continues to wage Terror against Israel and its own People Israel has a right to defend itself we'll start with Mr Franklin pre my name is Franklin Perez my address is 4250 ala Trail Ido Florida please resend all pro-israel resolutions you have made in the past and do not resend resolution 24-120 your previously passed ceasefire now resolution enough Israel is a Jewish supremacist aparti state that has been committing ethnic cleansing and human rights abuses against Palestinians for 76 plus years as per reputable human rights organizations like Amnesty International Human Rights Watch and bet salm and now you can add genocide as Israel is on charot to he for genocide against Palestinians stop supporting Israel stop giving it weapons stop giving it money and condemn it for what it is on apartheid and genocidal State the Israeli aparti regime's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has invoked genocidal language against Palestinians in the Gaza concentration camp by referring to an ancient biblical passage in the Old Testament comparing Palestinians to amalekites that must all be put to death men women children infants the Israeli apartar regime's defense minister yoav Galant has dehumanized Palestinians by referring to Palestinians in the Gaza concentration camp as human animals both of these two Israeli aparti regime leaders will soon be receiving arrest warrants from the international criminal court at the ha for war crimes against Palestinians mik pellet Israeli Jew son of a famous Israeli Jew General ex Zionist occupation forces enforcer and Palestinian rights activists have stated that the Israeli Army is the best terrorist group in the world ex-israeli Jew Zionist occupation forces pilot yonatan shapira has stated that the Israeli Army is a terrorist organization run by war criminals at this point due to skatter Zionist stonely occupier settlements in the West Bank the only fair solution to the Israel Palestine conflict is a one-state solution where everyone Jew and Palestinian has equal rights in a free Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea all US Government entities should be pressuring the Israeli apartheid regime to move towards such a free Palestine the refrain that Israel has the right to self-defense as a red herring the real question is does Israel have the right to use Force to maintain an illegal occupation and a parted state that commits ethnic cleansing genocide and human rights abuses against Palestinians the clear answer is no under international law Israel has no right of self-defense when it is the oppressor and occupier while Palestinians do have the right to physically resist and defend themselves against their oppressor and occupier the Israeli apartheid regime I request that you do not resend resolution 24-120 your previously passed ceasefire now resolution and introduced a new resolution to stand with Palestinians and demanding an end to the siege of Gaza a permanent ceasefire and an end to all USA to Israel military economic political as of March 2024 ceasefire now resolutions have passed in over 100 US localities ceasefire now ceasefire now and do not resend resolution 24-120 your previously passed ceasefire now resolution thank you thank you so we're going to ask that we please Don't Clap you can make Motions like this but we always ask for no clapping thank you um Mr Jamal sh shid good morning morning my name is Jalal shahad I'm an attorney and I was the general counsel of a dural based company for the last 10 years and uh I'm a Palestinian I have two palestinian-american children two Palestinian American children and I grew up in Palestine under Israeli military occupation I'm here now part of a large Coalition of people a community made up of Arabs Jews Muslims Christians white Americans Hispanics Latins and every other group you can think of all in support of the mar May 8th peace resolution as you all know on October 7th almost 1200 Israelis were killed 36 of those 12200 were children but since October 7th over 35,000 Palestinians have been killed and over 15,000 of those killed Palestinians by the state of Israel are children what we did and what this commission did on May 8 was passed a very courageous uh uh resolution that showed leadership on the part of the commission and though we've seen many South Florida resolutions where we've acknowledged the pain and suffering of the Israelis this was the first resolution where we acknowledged the pain and suffering of the Israelis as well as our pain and suffering and we're members of the community too and almost immediately thereafter it was attacked and one must ask why the motivations of those attacking the peace resolution are very nicely encapsulated in the in the proposed resolution that's being put forward a one-sided resolution the peace resolution acknowledged the loss of human life on both sides but the one-sided resolution only seems to give way to the 1200 Israelis lives lost but doesn't even acknowledge that there's been over 35,000 Palestinian kills one must ask why the peace resolution calls for an immediate and permanent end of the cycle of violence but the one-sided resolution says the slaughter of Palestinians will only end when Hamas is defeated a goal that the United States and even members of the Israeli War cabinet have said it's an unachievable gold goal the writers of the one-sided resolution have Inc incorporated this impossible condition and one must ask why there's a man-made famine that has been caused by the brutal nature in which Israel has refused to allow humanitarian Aid into Gaza there's no country in the world that agrees with the way Israel has refused to allow humanitarian Aid into Gaza and even the international criminal court has issued arrest warrants on Monday uh to the prime minister of Israel for the failure to humanitarian Aid into Gaza the peace resolution correctly calls for the flow of humanitarian Aid the one-sided resolution ignores the man-made famine uh that's imposed by Israel and one must ask why the peace resolution calls out anti-Semitism it calls out islamophobia and xenophobia the one-sided resolution conveniently excludes islamophobia and xenophobia despite the incredible rise that we've seen here in the United States including including an instance of a six-year-old palestinian-american boy stabbed 26 times in his living room in front of his mother and one must ask why there's no mystery here the answers to my questions are obvious the peace resolution struck the right balance the commission should not resend the peace resolution and above all else the commission should outright reject the one-sided resolution built on principles of hatred violence and xenophobia thank you thank you Martha scholman um hello and good morning my name is Martha scholman I'm a resident of Miami Dade County I'm an educator and a parent and I'm Jewish I'm here because I personally found so much hope in the city of dalal's unanimous May 8th resolution because it represented the kind of community oriented peaceloving recognition of common Humanity that has been so lacking in our world in the seven and a half dark months since October 7th 2023 it did not take the side of one part of the community against the other it recognized that human suffering is bad and should be avoided it took the completely sensible and Humane position that an end to all hostilities would benefit everyone both here in Dural and in Israel Palestine so imagine my crushing disappointment when just one week later later mayor Fraga apologized on behalf of the city for expressing these beautiful sentiments since I am as I said Jewish and I follow all of this news closely I know that certain parts of the Christian and Jewish Zionist communities for their own reasons that I find both extremist and frankly loathsome support this war and want it to go on longer indefinitely if necessary they probably came here and told you that the city of Dural would be anti Jewish if it did not reverse itself and call for war but let me assure you I'm 54 years old I was raised in a mainstream reformed synagogue my Jewish parents were too old to be hippies yet I would take up more than my remaining time if I were to recite for you every prayer for peace we were taught and to sing every every peace song songs and prayers that my own child still learns at synagogue and at Jewish summer camp I can't remember ever learning a prayer for War so by standing up for peace and standing firm behind its May 8th resolution the city of Durell would be embracing Jewish values in its best most Humane sense I urge you all to stand your ground and reject the extremist inhumane replacement language before you today thank you thank you Zora K Kashi good morning um back again I'm not surprised though given the disheartening divide within this Council I had a feeling that someone may seek this as an opportunity to push their own political agenda forward it's a shame that we have to gamble with human lives for our own political gains but that appears to be the norm here in South Florida so I'll limit what I have to say um to the facts that it's been conveniently overlooked by many here uh to help push a narrative which is one that's not intended to be pushed funny how this entire ordeal is being reported by a reporting agency to push propaganda and create political riffs it's also no coincidence that as the journalist com through my social media to find anti-semitic posts that conveniently looks over a photo of me with the mayor as well as a local Dural Rabbi and my friend Jalal what was the rabbi of deral doing in this Pro Palestine activist who penned the resolution's picture well when the idea of passing the resolution was brought to the table it was in the presidence presence of the rabbi as well as the mayor I wanted this to be a community effort as 55% of Americans want to see a permanent ceasefire and about 66% of Americans want to see a dramatic deescalation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip we all came to the agreement that given the political controversy around the term ceasefire it was best to not include it anywhere in the resolution and ensure the resolution was rooted in peace as such there was an understanding that I drafted and the language would be overlooked by the mayor as well as other community members um which included the rabbi the mayor's Pastor before being presented to the City attorney for the final review and believe me you the final draft one which I did not have the opportunity to review before it was put on the agenda was drastically different than the one I drafted you can call it an extremely water down peace resolution but one which was finalized and reviewed upon to ensure that it resonated in peace rather than creating a political divide so let it be known the resolution was not something I drafted and that the mayor naively introduced it was reviewed on revised by a group of people the entire city council had ample opportunity to review the text the content that they unanimously approved was no surprise second this water down resolution strategically omitted mentions of government entities like Israel the US government and Hamas the point was to not create a polit politically charged resolution but rather one that captured the sentiments of the community designed to Simply humanize one another and highlight the pain and suffering and loss of life on both sides as such in addition to not using the word ceasefire it was directed that any other politically charged phrases will be omitted the point of the resolution was to pave a way to unite the communities to understand and empathize with one another and truly function as a peace resolution that is not pro-israel or Pro I'm sorry um can I finish 10 seconds okay all I have to wrap up and say here is it's obvious that the proposer of this resolution um was forced to stand down but I'm dying to see if other women on this Council will Buckle under the weight outside forces have or will push their own political aspiration and agendas in a way that actually hurts the residents of this community Aman Aline peace be upon you my name is am nalian my address is 214 Los pomas I think the resolution itself is very weak um I'd prefer you keep it even though it is very weak I disagree with the fact that Israel has a right to defend itself not against the people it occupies Israel is an occupying state it is occupying the people of Palestine the people of Palestine have a right to resist in Israel has no right to wage war against the occupied people of Palestine it's also against international law to say that Israel has a right to defend itself international law does not say that because they are an occupying state I like to further say the following resending a resolution that was passed calling for an end to all hostilities is cowardice and deplorable especially in the midest midst of growing Global calls to arrest and prosecute Israeli leaders for their Commission of war crimes and genocide and for using starvation as a weapon of War War for their indiscriminate killings and their extermination of the people of Gaza a retraction of a very weak resolution makes it clear that this commission is out of touch with reality with the American people who largely support a ceasefire they are out of touch with hi the historical moral legal and criminal magnitude of this genocide currently in progress for the last last eight months resending this resolution is a clear indication that we are more concerned about appeasing calls from foreign interest lobbies than doing the right thing for Humanity and doing that is what is right for our people and saving lives this is an example of overt Act of racism and structural violence that privileges people over others based on their race or political affiliation not calling for an end to the violence is unconscionable and there is no way to justify it resending this resolution is undemocratic racist and a clear violation of the commission's oath of office and to the people they are supposed to serve calling for a ceasefire and demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza is the only acceptable human main decision I hope you all find the courage and the moral fortitude to uphold the original resol resolution because it's the least thing you can do in the face of genocide and mass starvation and mass murder of two million innocent lives who depend on what you do thank you Ken Barnes my name is Ken Barnes and I'm a Jewish man who is very troubled by the handling of the situation in Gaza by this body where you first voted unanimously to call for an immediate and permanent end to all hostilities in Israel and Gaza and then turned around one week later calling the action well- intended but naive and fundamentally flawed I want to State strongly that calling for an end to hostilities in Israel and Gaza is not naive and not fundamentally flawed you consulted widely and what you arrived at was an honorable and compassionate recognition that both peoples the Palestinians and Israelis are suffering greatly and only a cessation of hostilities would relieve that suffering the Palestinians are suffering through the loss of over 35,000 lives including over 15,000 children hospitals schools and universities destroyed nearly two million people displaced from their homes a majority in rubble starvation now rampant with famine in the north to name a few the Israelis are suffering from what happened on October 7th The Taking of hostages and the effects on their families the 250,000 who have had to leave their homes south of Gaza and the Lebanese border you originally did the right thing giving weight to all sides Jewish Muslim Palestinian and Israeli alike your community and society as a whole wants suffering for all to end you did see the picture clearly when you called for an immediate end to all hostilities in Israel Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories protecting all inent civilians called for unrestricted entry of humanitarian assistance into Gaza and a calling for the release of hostages but there were naysayers people who put doubts into your minds instead with input from a segment of the political Community including Governor DeSantis who called a resolution a total fraud and joke a the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and Israel's General counil among others you arrived at a dangerous concerning new res res solution now stating that continued war was the answer that Hamas must be defeated for there to be peace and security a goal the United States government has stated is unachievable and commending Israel for the Extraordinary Measures it has taken to minimize Cal casualties among innocent Palestinians which you know to be blatantly false you have succumbed to the hatefi backlash instead of listening to the diverse perspectives in your city please let compassion kindheartedness and intelligence guide you now I strongly suggest you not pass the current resolution but convene a diverse panel of people to come up with a resolution that reflects the best values of your community not just those from one segment thank you thank you mishkin sabar Amed Mishka hello Salam alaykum peace be with you my name is Mishka Ahmed at 1681 Northwest 70th Avenue I came today as a nonprofit leader who operates to help refugees in Dural needy people across the State of Florida and most recently providing medical supplies to American um medical team serving in Gaza we've been serving locally here since 2021 when we had almost 1,000 new Muslim migrants living in the extended stray on 87th airbnb's many over a year one of our biggest Partners Church Ro Service resettlement Agency is also based here in Dural who our dear commissioner my friend Moren works there and knows that plight too I heard just yesterday more Muslims are on the way from other sides like Sudan too plus we continue to serve all the families and singles who chose to stay live work and study here one of those in Dural I brought here today his English is still developing MDC College otherwise he'd be up here speaking for human rights too your actions here today make those Refugee lives at risk every time they leave their home by your islamophobic xenophobic actions when the Lebanese American residents go to work here dine here in Durell they will know that their government's feelings are only for some anti-muslim and anti-palestinian incidents in the US is on the rise including the murder of a six-year-old Palestinian American child violent attacks on students and others when we go give meat or eat gifts to the ref Refugee family living in the suburbs of Dural whose dad started a humble business to support his love loved ones we don't want to hear that his little girls were attacked at school because they look different or they speak different I'm also an alumni of FIU a double f a double Panther in fact graduating my masters near this area where they are daily safely practicing their first amendment rights to speak up for peace without major incident I might add 35,000 people have been murdered by Israel thousands more were injured and millions at risk the hostility that you all voted to stop is funded by us taxpayers like all of us that's why we Advocate mayor if our students are not scared to speak up for peace why are you if our American healthcare workers from Miami real heroes go risk their lives for the innocent why can't you be courageous enough to call for peace to say no one deserves to be killed my Muslim my non-muslim Latino friend is in Rafa right now he entered May 1 on a medical Mission the borders have been closed since May 6 due to Israel's Dangerous Ground Invasion we pray daily for his safe return we know he will if he will survive or not if you find the guts to stop putting his life Palestinian lives and other American lives at risk to they stop this ceasefire now stop the hate stop the bombs thank you Mary Michael Mitchell sorry Mary Michelle 15011 North Saxon Circle words matter this resolution is not merely symbolic the amendment specifically calls for American citizens to Grant a foreign government the power to act without interference or condemnation in any manner or act of aggression to act decisively and unilateral unilaterally without any restrictions or oversight a cloak of immunity no holds bar yet at the same time it has the impunity to demand that US citizens pay for their ability to do so when did pledging allegiance to the United States become synonymous with pledging allegiance to a foreign power Congress itself has been rapidly signing bills calling for unequivocal support of Israel no holds bar the United States House of Representatives passed h R 894 which if passed by the Senate and signed into law would broaden the legal definition of anti-semitism to include targeting the state of Israel speech that speech that is critical of Israel alone will be considered hate speech seriously stop and consider what that means United States citizens will be unable to criticize a foreign government we as a nation do not allow such restriction of free speech in regards to our own country but the Free Speech to criticize a foreign power will soon become illegal if this bill is allowed into law this is unprecedented how did this come about the Israeli government has been infiltrating and influencing our internal and foreign policy for years for decades they have heavily they've been heavily investing in and funding political candidates who will put the interest in allegiance to a foreign Nation above the interests a the interest in constitutional rights of our own citizens whether it's by ignorance or intent our country is being bought and sold by corrupt polic politicians and media Outlets who prioritize the advancement of a foreign Nation above the loyalty and Fidelity to our own country unequivocal support of any foreign state is not an innocuous statement meant as a g gesture of Goodwill it is treacherous and it is being codified into law in blatant violation of the United States Constitution and the American Republic's right for free speech please take the time to reassess any cart blanch support of Israel and recognize the vast and far-reaching effects it is having on American democracy I would like to offer at least one source which documents and explains Israel's ongoing manipulation of American foreign and internal policy and ask that this Council review and consider what true American values symbolize before adopting stated section two Amendment to the resolution is so bravely and courageously outlined and enacted on May 6 if I may present you can pass it to the clerk thank you very much uh Krishna Madan good morning my name is Krishna Madan a Vietnam era veteran who has no connection to this issue my talk today is really not about Palestine or Israel it's actually about you your consciences and and your place in history I speak to you as a history teacher about leaders who have taken unjust stands that they later regretted in 1938 and 1939 Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland one of his excuses was that Czech and polish terrorists were raping German women and killing Germans these charges inflamed the German population and they approved of the invasions thus World War II and the Holocaust that accompanied it was launched to punish those who had violated German women and killed German civilians but the nurenberg war Trials of 1946 did not accept that any German grievances for starting the war in any way Justified the German violations of human rights during the war the nurenberg trials ordered the execution of 24 Germans including civilian political leaders like yourselves the Tokyo trials executed 900 Japanese war criminals in including again civilian political leaders so ladies and gentlemen ask yourself do you really want to create culpability for yourself culpability for genocide for war crimes let us look at the facts one South Africa the land of Nelson Mandela who we all admire has a case against Israel for genocide that the international court of justice has already found plausible enough to proceed Ireland yes Ireland the land of Guinness and St Patrick's Day will join South Africa in its case for genocide against Israel for war crimes number two another Court the international criminal court is now seeking arrest warrants from Netanyahu and several other Israelis including the P including the minister of defense for quote war crimes against a civilian population repeat a war arrest warrants for Israeli leaders for war crimes against the civilian population third the pretext that the war is somehow necessary to rescue Israeli hostages is refuted by this fact daily the families of Israeli hostages are themselves demonstrating against the war for a negotiated ceasefire and the hostage exchange exchange yes Israel does hold Palestinian hostages who are taken from the West Bank that Israel illegally occupies so ladies and gentlemen be different than the German leadership in 1939 do not approve a genocidal war that is waged under the pre text of saving civilians you are about to put your name on a document that will become part of History if you make the same mistake the Germans made in 1939 you will not be able to wash away the blood like Pontius Pilate in vain tried to do and I should tell you that some of that blood will be Christian blood 10% of Palestinians are Christians living mostly around Bethlehem and Nazareth they are the descendants of the people to whom Jesus preached do not arm the people who are killing in Jesus's people today thank you Mr Bill Watts good morning mayor and counsel most of you already know me I typically speak from the heart I would like to thank everyone that's here that spoke for both sides that is your god-given right in the United States your freedom of speech my name is Bill Wht for those of you that don't know me I'm a 24 years year resident of derado I'm a combat veteran having served in the United States Army during Desert Storm I'm here today as a veteran along with other veterans we hope that no one in this room sees the actual horrors of War and what it brings to your thoughts and dreams at night what it's like to have one of your friends blown in half laying just a few feet away from you missing their head where they've been hit by anti tank round it's not pretty we the veterans of deral would hope that our Council makes the correct decisions that brings of Peace at home and overseas we commend this Council and mayor for taking responsibility of hoping it goes away and no one would notice only 1% of this country knows death at the hands of an enemy seen the veterans have seen their brothers and sisters in the military kill fighting for peace and safety of those whom we've never met I've never met half of this room if not 3/4 of this room today but yet I fought for every single one of you it's our hope that the region comes to a peaceful solution and works together our city council should also take heed and work with one another in unity to bring a better deral and not turmoil in our city the veteran hope the veterans hope that the resolution that you create will be to support peace and unity of all thank you thank you commissioner Paul Cruz good afternoon uh mayor council members City attorney city managers uh we want to give you the thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak on this uh on this important Mission and to thank you for taking a courageous stand I know it's not easy to resend a uh a resolution once it's been proposed but I think what's missing here is a little uh um a little background and that is on October 7th Israel was cowardly attacked by a group of thugs of terrorists no different than Isis or Al-Qaeda that came in targeting civilians and they were worse than the Nazis because the Nazis uh tried to hide their crimes these Hamas terrorists which are a a just a branch or a tentacle of the octopus's head that's sitting in Iran that's creating all this problems not only in in the Middle East but in Latin America and Africa and elsewhere uh this is the problem if 1,200 people that were butchered murdered raped babies beheaded people burnt alive in front of their loved ones this is what's what's gone on over there now if the same thing had the equivalent thing had happened in America where the equivalent would be 45,000 people had been butchered killed raped beheaded burnt alive by Al-Qaeda or Isis and 6,000 of our 6,000 of our fellow citizens had been taken hostage and I'll remind you that 30 of the people that were taking hostage were American citizens some of which are still there if that had happened how would we expect our government to react Would we not demand Swift uh justice to make sure that that's taken care of the different the main difference between Israel and Hamas is that Israel tries to safeguard every human life the Palestinians the Hamas they don't care they use their own citizens as human Shields constantly do that they put them they put them behind them in hospitals and mosques and schools they do s the same thing with their all their ammunitions their Munitions and their Rockets they hide it Between Women and Children this is not an issue of political issue of left versus right this is an issue of right versus wrong good versus evil light versus darkness and we must stand with the people of Israel because the people of Israel stand with us they are the only country in the Middle East that stands for peace that stands for democracy and freedom if you notice on the streets in the streets of Maj major American cities and on the college campuses what's going on most of those protesters that are carrying America that are carrying Palestinian flags are burning and desecrating American flags as much as this is a war against Israel and the Jewish people and totally anti-semitic and there is no difference between Z between anti-Semitism and Zionism this is a war against America and the values that our country and Israel cherishes and values make no mistake about it and from the City of Aventura and the whole commission we thank you for voting on resending and hope you will resend this resolution thank you thank you Camilo payen all good okay thank you my name is Camilo pan I'm from uh 7317 Southwest 38th Street I just wanted to talk very quickly about local safety and violence in our streets which the gentleman before just mentioned a few of the incidents that have happened in the past year uh an encampment at UCLA was attacked by a gang of uh an IDF recruit was among them as well as several neo-nazis this happened for 3 hours while the police watched last year at Columbia University an IDF veteran attacked several students throwing a chemical weapon on them putting several of them in the hospital also around Columbia University just last month the cousin of known Zionist terrorist Meer kahane ran over a peaceful protester this is also coming here to South Florida we have seen the censorship of art at the ulite center just this week by a Vietnamese artist at a Walgreens of all places we've seen the removal of a portrait of Palestinian scholar Edward S during a Gala so as not to offend donors and also I can tell you personally that at real time labs in boar Ron peaceful protesters have been met by a gang of violent Thugs who call themselves the sons of David work with boa Ron police and try and start fights in order to get people arrested all of this is in the news and it is definitely I think the large police presence here shows that the city of derell and the City of deral police understand that there is a very real threat of violence around this issue so please do not pass the Amendment which will further inflame these violent tendencies in the Zionist movement I don't understand it I know it does not represent all Jewish people but you have a responsibility to keep our streets safe and that means calling for peace and a cessation of hostilities thank you for your time thank you K Alan alas good after good morning uh my name is Jeff Alan I've been living here 44 years uh four of 44 years are 62 so I left Palestine 18 I was 18 44 years here working very very hard to support myself create a family I have a big family thank God we have opportunity here but I wasn't planning to speak but since this gentleman here who spoke which is he knows everything he said it's a lie I challenge anyone to bring a proof any proof that those people rape or killed anyone that's not true that's not true second of all we're not talking about Hamas Hamas the people in Palestine in Gaza they elect them they were elected by the people of of the Palestinian people it's not our job to choose who we we speaking of democracy democracy you canot dictate the Democracy let the people choose whatever they want if they choose Hamas that's fine they choose whatever other group of people that's fine but to come here for him to come here and spread a lie that's not true based on lie that's what cause our lives okay based on Lies We this gentleman here the veteran he lost a lot of people in Iraq based on lie it's not true this is a war machine we Muslim Christian they never have a problem with Jewish we have a problem with a Zionist like him okay and they the one they influence and they the one they bought I don't want to say you because you haven't made the decision yet but they do have lot of power and they buy everybody and whoever doesn't agree with them they shut them off they shut them that's not democracy those zionists those zionists I repeat again those Zionist they control the whole world they control us as American we are a slave to them they try they are controlling the whole world and they try to occupy Gaza they will not they will not they trying to control Gaza they will not because there is people defended their right defended the digity they've been defended for 75 years 75 years I dare anyone who could go there and live for a week to see what happened don't take my word take all those testimony that doctors lawyer gener that they go and they experience this life it's based on lie just like my brother said before me he said what happened in Germany yes based on lie it's all lie and if you don't know history it's going to repeat itself make sure I urge you to do the right thing don't fall hostage for anyone dignity is what makes you live it's not money it's not power power goes away wealth it goes away your dignity will stay and people will write about that that that whoever vote against it so I courage you I I urge you urge you urge you to do your conscience and each one of one of you have a conscience follow your conscience and follow the right thing thank you appreciate it thank you Alejandra pery good morning council members my name is Alejandra perui I'm with engage Florida I'm here to strongly urge you not to resend the original resolution 24-120 that addressed the anti-Semitism islamophobia and xenophobia the decision is crucial for the well-being and the unity of our community here are some critical points for your consideration firstly the original resolution rightly acknowledged the anti-Semitism islamophobia and xenophobia the new resolution however focuses solely on anti-Semitism since October 7th four Muslims have been shot in incidents related to this context ignoring islamophobia is not only deeply problematic but dangerous it dismisses the real threats faced by the Muslim Community and undermines our Collective commitment to fight all forms of hate secondly the new resolution mentions the tragic loss of the 1200 Israelis on October 7th but it fails to acknowledge the almost 40,000 Palestinians killed since including nearly 15,000 children even the US government's is government Israel's strongest Ally has criticized Israel for not doing enough to minimize civilian casualties commending Israel for its supposed efforts to minimize casualties as this resolution does is misleading and one-sided it is a grave Injustice to the countless Palestinians lives lost thirdly the approach taken by this new reev resolution could unintentionally promote anti-Semitism by appearing to offer exceptional protection to one community over others it sends a message of unequal treatment this Fosters resentment and division rather than promoting unity and understanding lastly this resolution has not been adequately vetted the city must take the necessary time to review and refine it with input from the entire Community a resolution should reflect the needs and concerns of all segments of our divers population not just one I urge you do not resend the original resolution instead let's work together to uphold a resolution that truly represents and protects all members of our community this is our chance to Stand United against all forms of hate and ensure that no one is Left Behind thank you thank you Samuel Alana good morning um Israel High good morning Madame mayor good morning council member Madan city manager they are neighbors my name is Samuel aljana my other is 6155 Northwest and hungry fit Court my only comment is the People Israel live forever Israel will always always win thank you thank you can commission David sarz good morning everyone my name is David Suarez I'm the Miami Beach City Commissioner I'd like to think that Miami Beach is Ground Zero for all anti-Semitism considering that almost half our population is Jewish October 7th was the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust since the Holocaust babies were put into ovens while mothers were raped why do we know this we know this because they put it on GoPros half my family is in Israel they told me about the horrors before it hit the news hostages are still missing hostages are turning up every day dead since October 7th in South Florida and in particular in Miami Beach we've had Praises of Hitler Hitler on Ocean Drive we had the same terrorist sympathizers block and yelled shame on you for being Jewish as elderly Jews were leaving a synagogue a synagogue in Miami Beach we had to take measured steps to prevent the terrorist sympathize ERS like the ones behind me from terrorizing our Jewish constituents the amount of anti-Semitic rhetoric that I'm hearing today is nauseating most of the people behind me wouldn't last a day in Gaza they are uninformed and ignorant they can't even clap because they think it's offensive what do you think these people would do in Gaza if they couldn't even clap today thank you from the city thank you for the City of Miami Beach for standing up for what's right and not listening to these terrorist sympathizers thank you any else anybody else would like to speak at this time I have no more comment cards we will close public comments okay being one last public comment please approach the podium I'm going keep it short um I like to address my cousins I'm Palestinian I have many Israeli friends that I love very much business partners people that I truly care about when this happened it was terrible I saw the videos after the fact it was disgusting some of the things that these Hamas people did but sir let's not lie no one burned babies no one beheaded babies all of this came out it doesn't take the fact of what Hamas did okay I know what they did we saw it 1,200 people died so I would like to first of all apologize for that we want peace they want peace there's a huge misunderstanding here there's something that Israelis don't see and Palestinians do see and there's this back and forth of who's right and who's not right all I want to say here is that you said what what is the right response to killing someone let's just address the coun what is the right respon response to killing to a Hamas did I'll tell you this if a Jewish person killed someone from my family or rape someone from my family you know what I wouldn't do I wouldn't kill 40 Jewish people in return I wouldn't rape 40 people Jewish and return I would look for international law I would go to the right forums and say help me find this person help me take Hamas to IC whatever it is put them in jail whatever it is that's what I would do I would not like bombard all of Gaza what is happening right now is very simple is ethnic cleansing my Israeli friends that are in Israel some of them don't agree with My Views and I don't agree with some of their views in terms of the conflict but you know what we do agree we love each other I will be there for them no matter what they'll be there for me no matter what this whole back and forth of who's right and who's wrong listen guys we have to draw a line in the sand I'm not going to forget the people that died on my side you're not going to forget the people that died on your side let's think about our children let think let's think about going forward if we keep going back and forth on who's right and who did what I can tell you stories about dead Yen massacres of what the Israeli Army did thousands of people just in 2014 2,000 Palestinians in Gaza were killed you talk about Holocaust we we see a holocaust every other two years in Gaza but I still stand here saying I love my Jewish Brothers I love my Jewish sisters any Israeli person that wants to be my friend I will protect you with my life that's what I want to say so please do not resent this because what we need to stand for is Justice we need to stop the killing and figure out a way forward if we're going to sit here saying who's right and who's wrong we're never going to go anywhere thank you thank you very much would you please fill out a comment card sir with the clerk Thank you very very much okay we will now close public comments public comments is now closed and we'll move on to the agenda Madame clerk item 5A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida resending resolution number 24-120 providing for implementation and an effective date thank you madam clerk um I will turn it over now to councilman cabal who called the meeting good morning giving the concerns highlighted by our community and the potential for misinterpretation of our city stance I recommend that the city council consider resending resolution number 24-120 this action will allow us to clarify our position and ensure that our legislative framework aligns with the principles of transparency and accuracy represents the values of our community where as upon further review of the resolution after approval presented by our mayor Fraga the city council has realized that the resolution does not accurately represent the opinion of the city council and wishes to resent resolution number 24-120 while reaffirming the city long-standing support for Israel if anyone would like to comment but that is a presentation of my resolution are you done with your comments at this time okay we will open it up to any other comments okay well cman P thank you mayor well first of all I want to thanks everyone that is here today I I also wanna uh number one say that yes I'll be in support however I thought that having or moving forward with what the mayor was trying to present today was also a good idea and I'm going to say why uh number one be not mistaken we since last year we have been supported in and we have showed solidarity to the people in Israel and the state of Israel I'm the one that proposed that resolution back in November to support and to show solidarity with the people in state of Israel so be not mistaken we have been always in support to the state of Israel and and the residents here in South Florida as well I want to commend the mayor as well for last week coming forward and recognize her responsibilities on these actions as well with the resolution that again supporting for peace there's nothing wrong with coming forward and support peace I think that we all want peace it's true and the fact that the new resolution that was trying to introduce today was also drafted along with uh members of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and other representative from the Jewish Community for me had a lot of value as well when you take a look of that that potential new resolution or revised resolution language included like Hamas terrorist organization must be defeated in order for there to be peace and security or uh funded with the state quote funded with the state goal of uh Hamas was founded with the stated goal of destroying the state of Israel and has been Des designated by the United States as a terrorist organization I thought that was needed and I want to commend the mayor for including that language as part of the new proposed resolution that unfortunately we're not going to move forward today but again supporting a call for peace I something that we all supported back in May I'm not going to be here pretending that I didn't read that resolution that the mayor moved forward and proposed last month I just here to say number one we still and we will continue to be next to and support the state of Israel and obviously condemning the the the tragic terrorist attack that took place back in October 7 and at the same time I thought that was a good decision or that was going to be a good decision for this Council as well to move forward with a revised resolution that shows clearly our support to the state of Israel today and they move forward as a city thank you thank you councilman anyone else would like to speak at this time okay I'm going to keep my comments very brief and then we will um call for a motion so I just want to quickly say um first of all I want to thank everybody for being here today this is you know really why we live in the greatest country in the world because we can all be here and and and state our opinions in a respectful manner um I stand by what I said last week um in my press conference where I think we all have a common goal of seeing peace whether it's across the world in our communities of bringing a community together and that was really the intentions um in doing this however there was fundamental flaws and I reached out to the member of our community that had come and and really in in good faith we tried to work together and and I've been very clear on my stance on pro-israel it's all over my social media I was in Israel last year and so I've been very very keen on that relationship because regardless of anything in the region it is the it's it's the most important Ally we have it's the most loyal Ally we've had for the United States um and for many reasons I have been very active in supporting the call um for Israel and it's and and its call for peace too you know we talk about 73 years we can go back 2,000 years um and and and the history is there and i' again I've been very very I've been very vocal and an advocate for for Israel and its right to exist it's and its right to defend itself yet I do have empathy um and I do I am human and I can humanize the tremendous loss that this has created in several communities and I understand the passion and um and I understand how how it affects people locally and we've seen it we've seen it proliferate in our different communities and truthfully it's not what I wanted here and that's why I stood to say maybe we can work together and did bring members from the different communities together to try and advocate for that opportunity to find something that United us to find a common goal that United us but there was flaws in this original resolution and I said that I immediately when it was recognized when it was brought to my attention I did not hide I did not go out and say or double down and say oh no this was good intended while it was it was flawed it did have many issues because it did not condemn the horrific of Acts of Hamas it did not condemn um the acts that we have seen on innocent lives uh and and that was something that needed to be said again even though it had been said in November through our first resolution in this act the only way to find stability and peace is to come out and and identify where the problem is um and ask for the return of hostages and the immediate uh surrender of Hamas and then there can be a cease to all hostilities um but right now unfortunately the terrorist organization that is causing that's causing this Terror it's waging Terror on its own people too and I'm not trying to paint it all with one stroke brush I know that there is people that don't see it that way again I was an Israel last year and I sat with I sat with many different people on all sides and um and and and I can see it from different perspectives and that was really the ultimate goal was to be able to see it from different perspective perspectives sympathize and empathize with it because as I said last week when we were here I know the world that I would love my son to grow up in and I'm still striving for that world but the resolution that was passed did have areas that needed Clarity because of the position that this Council takes as a whole now I will not sit up here and allow people also to not take responsibility we all passed it unanimously and that resolution was available for 7 Days public publicly for everyone to read it was on the agenda 7 Days publicly on our website for everyone to read anybody that had an issue with it could have taken it up here so we're doing that now and that's fine and as we move forward I think it's extremely important that if we have an opinion on something or if we have the ability to make it better to incorporate our comments that we do it because that's what we're here for so the resolution that I presented today that I worked on over the last couple of days um I do believe Express very clear sentiments that need to be put on the record and again was expressed by several several members of the community that do see it from both sides so we can continue to have those conversations and I think it's important more than anything that as a community we find the tolerance to have conversations because that's really what it was about is to be able to have a conversation again there was flaws fundamental flaws that needed to be addressed and so that's why I came out last week and said what I needed to say and made sure that I put on the record what I believed was truly important in a position that I had stated for a very long time and it should be no surprise to anyone here because again I've never hidden behind anything else so so um again I want to apologize for anyone that this may have hurt uh because that was not the intention but at the end of the day it's important that if we have conversations that people are not provoked that that that no sight is provoked that Israel is not provoked and so as we move forward I hope that we can find the opportunity to continue to have conversation um because at the end of the day I think we can all stand for peace and security for all okay we'll take a motion at this time is there a motion on the table motion motion to approve by council andas is there a second I need a second on the motion to resend second second by councilwoman gabal Madame clerk please call the r motion to approve May by councilwoman B second by councilwoman councilwoman poras yes councilwoman yes Council P yes vice mayor cor yes mayor FR yes motion passes okay all right at this time I'll need a motion to adjourn the meeting toj motion to adjourn by vice mayor P corvey second by councilman P all in favor say I I meeting is adjourned