##VIDEO ID:eDhspKYlcQs## mayor we're ready all right we're calling this meeting to order this is our special council meeting December 18th 20124 it is now 11:14 a.m. Madam clerk please call the rooll councilwoman ni Roso present councilman Rafael Pino present councilwoman dinal present vice mayor poras here mayor chrisy Fraga present mayor have okay please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman V NATO alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all okay agenda order of business I don't believe there's anything we'll open up the public comments at this time public comments is now open and we would like to speak please approach the podium you have three minutes to speak to this C Council in a respectful manner I do have one comment card from Mr Michael pizzy please approach the podium good morning um Michael pizy Esquire I'm an attorney my office is 6625 uh Miami Lakes Drive first let me congratulate the mayor on her re-election and the new council member for for getting a chance to uh uh serve the public and it's really an honor and privilege to uh be in maybe the best looking Council chamber in the country and it's and it's I'm humbled to be in front of people who are serving the public um couple of concerns about uh the legislation um I I think that uh it's my hope that it will be U removed from the agenda or be uh um that it'll be tabled or removed for a couple of important reasons the um the citizens Bill of Rights uh of your city which it says the right to be heard it says the council uh this is the the most important provision of your Charter it says the council shall adopt agenda procedures and scheduled hearings that will enhance public participation and it also says on the right to notice copies of proposed ordinances or resolutions shall must are mandated to be available at a reasonable time prior to the hearing uh and in this particular case the legislation uh was in the the drafting stages less than 24 hours maybe less than 8 16 hours before the hearing so uh whatever so a the charter requires reasonable notice and a reasonable time for the people to look at the item and come and give their comment uh be based on having an open transparent government which everybody wants which I'm sure everybody wants in this city I'm sure we all want transparency so having a item that was in the working stages and going in the drafting stages going through different drafts maybe less than 24 hours before the hearing that does not meet that standard and thus going forward today with that item uh would render the item null and void and be illegal so I really think that at a minimum this should be scheduled with reasonable time for the commission and the public because if if somebody went online yesterday even one day before the hearing and one of your citizens tried to get a copy of it they couldn't it wasn't available it wasn't online so that would not be fair so I think that for that reason alone this matter should not be heard today and finally um section 2.02 year Charter provides for a mayor uh and and a uh and a vice mayor it's very very clear and I will end that we have a minute how much time do I have left I can't you've got 42 seconds what 40 seconds okay what I would say is you know in another lifetime maybe about uh 20 years and 60 pounds ago when I was in wearing a mayor's chair 20 years ago my biggest fear is that a commission might just not like the mayor and they might vote uh by a majority vote to direct the staff to take away my gabble take away my chair take me off the website and not give me any literature or staff so my concern was that a majority counil that didn't like the mayor or the vice mayor they might just what the will of the public and vote to if this passes nothing prevents a future commission from voting to take away the Gabel the staff and the website sight of any elected official so in conclusion mayor thank you mayor in conclusion famous last words in conclusion mayor uh I would say that this ordinance is in violation of the city Charter because it imposes restrictions and makes amendments to the city Charter and the city Charter can only be amended by a pleite and a referendum of the public so for purposes of transparency and because this runs contrary to the Charter and might present a really dangerous precedent for the the majority overturning I would ask that you uh not pass this item or remove it from the agenda or vote no and thank you for the courtesy mayor congratulations to all the new Commissioners and uh have a wonderful and happy holiday season an honor to be here thank you thank you very much any other public comments at this time being none public comments is now closed and we will move into discussion items Madame clerk discussion item 58 a resolution of the mayor of the city council of a city of drout Florida streamlining the vice mayor role in order to reduce confusion and promote fiscal responsibility for fire impementation and providing for an effective date all right thank you very much councilwoman Roso this is your item thank you so much mayor through the chair this is my item I believe that the memo States my intent and this is not eliminating the position of vice mayor it's just eliminating uh certain costs associated with the position that I feel would be better used in other programs that I would like the residents to be able to enjoy instead of spending um the cost that we did on certain apparel stationary and materials that's all all right thank you very much councilwoman um any other comments or questions at this time through the mayor yes you have the Mr attorney can you give your legal opinion on this please um vice mayor legal opinion as to what in particular the entire ordinance did you help write this ordinance it's a resolution or resolution I was provided with a copy of the original resolution of which I looked at and uh in consultation with the uh councilwoman made certain Corrections and modifications to it uh as it stands right now uh the resolution States what the role of the vice mayor is um which is specifically as it states in 2.02 uh to be there in place and and have all the role responsibilities and privileges of the mayor in her absence or in her incapacity uh this is uh as as I see it uh really defining uh that role a little bit more um and and discussing issues uh with regards to uh the budget uh the budget is not contemplated anywhere in the charter as to any uh position either it be a council member mayor or um or vice mayor Mr attorney how many drafts did you publish of this resolution to be honest with you I'm not sure that I would be best to talk about publication that's not that's not my function that is better I think that the clerk might be able to answer that question through the mayor yes vice mayor uh this this item was originally placed on the December 18 meeting it was removed um councilwoman R alsoo then called a special meeting which the same um resolution provided was published on that agenda subsequently that same agenda was revised one more time with the city attorney's draft and then the last revision was simply uh of the caption of the resolution Madame clerk can you provide copies of the first solution to all my colleagues and also make them available for the public to take one please you have them yes I have them so there are three different drafts of this resolution the first draft Mr attorney here if you can confirm you did not help draft correct I did not and why did you feel compelled to draft or help modify the first resolution it is my my practice um with all of you all the entire Council and the mayor uh when you have items I I usually am able to sit down with you uh look at the draft uh and make my uh opinions as to uh its Conformity with uh law code and and the charter uh and that's my function as as your City attorney um with regards to uh councilwoman Roso uh and this is probably due to the fact that again she just got elected so she doesn't know necessarily all the rules and I have not had the opportunity really to sit down with her and give her uh a full uh review of the charter of our rules and our ordinances so this is completely she did not know uh she went ahead and she fored the the draft she put a placehold and she fored the draft uh to to the clerk and to myself uh it was not sufficient time for us to really uh be able to to put much input uh and then subsequently uh because she had not been uh properly sworn in uh that item was was pulled and and we she called properly as as she did for for the special call at the time she called for the special call she was a a council woman and she had uh the resolution um I did have an opportunity she's not a full-time council person so she has limited time uh in in her schedule we were able to work in time to be able to uh review uh some of my suggestions uh she accepted some of them she rejected others uh and what you have is the final copy um I think the spirit of what she was trying to accomplish is is here but I think that a lot of the uh things that I felt did not conform with Charter code or law uh were were amended in order to uh have this product that you have before you so to confirm the first draft you found had some some sections that were not that were violation of the charter I felt that there were some things that uh in the matter that they were written that were viol of the charter of your code uh and and that's again I'm I'm I just want to put that on the record that's not uncommon for any resolution draft or ordinance that comes before me again that's that's my job and that's why you all hire me thank you if you look at se it's page two section section two Mr attorney give me your legal opinion on the lawfulness of that section and if you believe it conforms with the charter specific section listing that there shall be a vice mayor so the section that discusses the role of the mayor and the vice mayor is article two of your uh Charter uh article two of your Charter I'm just pulling it up real quick it's um starts by article two says uh titled city council uh semicolon mayor and section 2.01 says city council and discusses there shall be a city council the council vested with all legislative powers of the city consisting of four member council members and the mayor collectively Council and the mayor are the members of the council council member shall occupy seats numbered 1 through four then the uh Charter continues to section 2.02 uh A and B A is the mayor the mayor shall proide at meetings of the council and be a voting member of the council in addition the mayor shall have the following specific responsibilities and it list them 1 through 5 which is present state of the city and and now I'm paraphrasing uh create and subject uh to council approval committees be recognized as head of city government be the official uh designated uh uh person to represent the city in all dealings and execute contracts and then it goes on to Part B vice mayor and then it specifically says during the absence or incapacity of the mayor comma the vice mayor shall have all the powers comma Authority comma duties and responsibilities of the mayor period and then it goes on to uh say the manner in which a council member is I mean um a vice mayor is chosen it says at the council meeting following the C certification of the election results for the regular city election or any calendar year when there is no regular city election at the first council meeting in the month of November the vice mayor shall be appointed to serve a one-year term as follows and then it goes on to select that formula so number two it says that all members of the city council shall equally be identified as council member I mean that's in Conformity with Section 2.01 in public Communications materials and official documents the rotating vice mayor position which is uh described in section uh b 2.02 b as as rotating uh shall not be separately advertised or promoted to avoid confusion uh regarding its um temporary and non uh elected nature um the issue of of going ahead and and the city promoting or having functions of promoting it is really up to um the the city uh to create a policy with regards to that uh but that in no way uh moves and cannot remove uh the fact that there is a vice mayor who is appointed you are the the vice mayor of the city uh I don't think that this is removing that right I don't think that this board has the right to remove uh that title from you uh however you you are also a council member as is everyone else uh that's that's also an equal reality so again do you believe that section two is or is not in violation of the city Charter the way that it's written at at this time I do not see it as as a uh violation of the of the city Charter okay thank you Madame clerk can you tell us what items have been I'm sorry you're talking about the the first draft or the final draft final draft the final draft okay because what I have before me is let let me I got confused here for a second I'm looking at the yeah that's right we have about three different drafts well we I have one draft that this is the first and and one that I worked on no the way that it's written is is not violative of the city Charter thank you um Madam clerk can you tell us what items have already been purchased for the vice mayor and how far in advance they get purchased so they I we have purchased business cards note cards envelopes letterhead those get purchased um at the beginning of the fiscal year in October and we're in the process of finalizing the orders for the logal wear that's for yourself and for your chief of staff and what do you currently have in your office that's been purchased the business cards letterheads envelopes note cards envelopes so that's already been purchased correct I already have it in my office to give it to you today okay great and Mr city manager what items have already been purchased for the vice mayor rotation and how much have do they cost uh I'll defer to the um to the I'll defer to the uh the clerk as to the items that have been purchased I don't have a ex cost I don't have that information well the items that I've purchased for the vice mayor's office which is the all of those things so public affairs is not under the clerk so what is what items has public affairs already purchased or paid for for the vice mayor rotation if you don't have the answer maybe you can bring someone from your stff I will defer I will defer to our public affairs director who has the information yes good morning War so far what's been purchased are the name tags for the portraits so that's what we have and what is the through the mayor what is the estimated cost of purchasing items for the vice Mar rotation including advertisements city bus benches you know everything that comes along with all of that so uh the portrait name tags are I want to say about $100 or so the other thing we have pending are the trolley bus benches which get updated with the photos just the decals and that's about 2,000 okay is there any are there any additional costs um no because the other updates we do are mostly on digital materials and that's very right that doesn't cost it has no cost corrector designed in-house okay and thank you Madame clerk what is the cost of the items that you have right now approximately all of the uh stationary business cards Etc that we've ordered note cards Etc uh probably about a$ thousand dollar I'm not certain about the logo Weare I can get that for you okay and the logo Weare that we have already requested correct that's about a thousand you said I would have to get the cost for you that I don't have yes okay thank you and then back to the city manager did you review this item or do your evaluation as per the rules of procedure to estimate the cost for these fisal impact I did not okay um through the chair wait can I just ask one question please allow her to finish yeah okay so you Mr manager you did not review the item and did not do the fiscal impact evaluation I did not okay is there anyone in your office that can say an estimate or approximate cost of these replacement items cuz so far I have3 to $4,000 right is there anyone in your office Mr manager well I would refer to Public Works who handles the the bus benches no we just heard about we just heard of the bus benches which is $2,000 are there any additional costs that anyone else here in the city perhaps the deputy manager yes yeah if I can it would we would have to do a full inventory of what would have to be changed uh on top of that is how far what direction we would get on is it just a cost for this year or year-over-year because that cost does that matters based on the direction given um because it'll be for for multiple years as well right thank you and so you know we're doing this analysis here because it wasn't done before um so from what I'm seeing it looks looks like the cost is around 3,000 or 4,000 and the majority of those costs have already been spent right okay that's all I have for now as far as questions I will come back with the second comments at the end thank you okay Council you had a comment if I may well I have a few questions um councilwoman I know that you brought this because you are what it says here what and I know that they many changes within the resolution but my understanding is that your concern on the expenditure for making these changes or to advertise who is uh in the cycle of being the uh the next vice mayor could you please share with us how much is the number that you have that you're so concerned that the cost of all of this because our city manager doesn't have any information about that how much is a cost so could you please share how much is it how many hundred of thousand of dollarss that's going to cost to the city um through the mayor yes so there was a concerned resident during my time campaigning that had brought up to my attention a letter that was sent from the councilwoman's office um basically delineating that she was going to be vice mayor and that cost based on the cost that I have spent on certain things that were sent when I was campaigning could be 5 ,000 $110,000 when it comes to the letter that was actually sent the stamps the person that was tasked to send out and organized so there's other cost other than just that letter that also go into it so and there's other cost other than what we just went through right now that could be expended through the vice mayor's office so it doesn't have to be hundreds of thousands of dollars it doesn't even have to be 10 thousands of dollars it's just being fiscally responsible and I believe based on what I've heard from residents that even it's a if it's $1,000 even if it's $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 it could go to programs it can go to our senior Club bingos it could be used to really benefit our residents so that would be my comment well so it seems that you you're base on what you think not really on the exact numbers of how much this I mean my the thing is that when I bring something to the to the datas I have to talk you know based on facts I have to have the numbers I always ask how much is the cost of this how much is the impact so you don't have that information you're basing on whatever you were doing during the campaign that is different from also the budget that we have here also if you see our budget and that's something that I being always very open and transparent talking about it you have to see how much it was our budget how much we spent before the last budget that we're talking that went from $81 million to $121 million so I think that that should have be something that you will be able to be uh that you during your campaign were a little bit more aware and a little bit more worri than really this the other question is that my understanding is that the the your cards if it's not my mistake or I can me clarify the business card and and all of that comes from each of our offices and that is is a budget that we have assigned directly to us that we can use it on the things that we need for our office so I that should not be restricted so many of the things that I guess that she's asking did it came from any other budget aside from from her budget from her office budget no they each come from each individual exactly so it's been coming from there so I don't see what is the issue with that the other thing is that anyway every year we have to well not every year but at least every two years we have to change because different people get elected uh so that is something that is in the budget so I this is mainly for me is just political because it's not showing a difference of why are we having this discussion why are you going after her to be able to do what all of us had the opportunity to do like I was the the vice mayor my information was there everybody knows that this is a rotating position it's not something that is set of stone that you are the vice mayor and no we all rotate and at least I can tell you that I've been very very uh resp uh responsible on that when my term is down you know it's up right away remove everything everything has to be removed and I make sure that anywhere I go everybody understand that this is all rotating when my time is up I go back as a council woman so I don't think that the community it's so that they don't understand I mean we have a very smart community so I don't think that they're being confused who's the vice mayor what's not the chart is clear exactly what is that is your duty as as a vice mayor so I really see this just mainly political most of everything has been already done uh and the clerk and and well the city manager is not he's he's a little bit confused on on on the expenditure but I can tell you that it's being already done so I really don't understand why are we having this conversation I don't think that that looks good on you that you are doing this coming into office you know already attacking our vice mayor when you're going to be a vice mayor once so I have my understanding I I have five minutes point of order point of order I have five minutes point of order five minutes yes but learn rules of procedure point of order you will be respectful I am respectful I being respectful listen I have not curse or say anything no I nobody's character needs to be no so I have I Haven not even shed point of order which means I have the floor I have the floor I have the floor but you no meaning I have the floor means you stop talking yeah and then I going to talk because this is my first amendment too and I have I'm not attacking anybody I'm just giving an advice nobody this is not this is not a place to give you to give advice excuse me one second point of order means I have the floor I'm not sure you understand what that means I understand no so you continue to speak yeah we will respect each other number one you are you are questioning character that is not a debate nor is it questioning on the item your questions were in line up to that point I will not allow it so please refrain from questioning character of any of your colleagues we will not no longer allow that for far too long we have endured your political tops up here so please be respectful ask your questions and we will move on that will be the will of this Council moving forward so I will allow you to re ref to continue your questioning as long as you refrain from character questioning understood I have not attack I mean that's your opinion to anybody I'm just putting here clear to try to understand and to be on the record that this is really just a political trying to do a damage to the vice mayor because like nobody has been able to I'm still talking you I still have the floor so the thing is that I I was looking into the numbers too to me doesn't make any sense that's why I was trying to understand she has her everything most of everything that have been already spent it has been already from the the uh the council woman uh vice mayor office then the rest is what we usually always do every every year we have we did the same thing with the vice mayor Pino we did the same thing with the vice mayor Oscar Pak with me with everybody even with you when you were the vice mayor twice so I don't understand this so I just wanted to put into the record that definitely I don't agree with this I really think that this is just a nonsense thank you put your comments on the record and attacking a fellow council member when you will you all have been saying let's work United let's work United this is doesn't reflect that thank you very much for your comments okay if there's no other comments I will go ahead and make some comments now myself I'm going to do followup comments you can make your comments mayor okay I'm going to go ahead and make my comments first of all I don't I do not appreciate councilwoman that when I call Point a order you do not follow instruction on procedure okay next time I will get to our par parliamentarian so he can clarify for you but I would recommend that you brush up on on rules of procedure number two thank you councilwoman Roso for bringing this forward I don't think that this has to do first of all with anything other than making sure that there's Clarity on what this what this position is as the deputy city manager said the expense is a compounded one every year it compounds yes it comes from Individual budgets but there's unnecessary expenditures On promotional and advertising that gets disrupted because of a rotating position no one is eliminating the vice mayor position all that we are asking for in this resolution the way it was written by the City attorney which I sat with him and reviewed after the first draft and now there's only been two drafts not three I think the only thing that changed was the title yesterday cuz I questioned it as well um is that there will be no confusion in the public of the elected position because I get calls every single time of oh is there why is there an election I just got a text message five minutes ago I can read it on the record that said why is now uh councilwoman porest vice mayor I didn't vote for that and I can read it on the record someone confused about it so I think to eliminate confusion it's important to set structure no one's saying we're not going to recognized as vice mayor no one is saying that the website will not reflect vice mayor all we're saying is that there should not be additional expenditures so that people are misguided as to what that position and actually I disagree with the rotating vice mayor I've said that several times when it went up in the charter amendment I opposed it I said that there should be an elected vice mayor position and maybe that's something that a charter commission or that at some point the charter should be refuted in and be changed because I think that the people's will is extremely important to decide on that position those things can be abused I also received the letter that came out of the councilwoman's office a month ago saying I will now be the vice mayor spent by taxpayers very campaigning okay I think questionable campaigning and to my understanding it only went to voters it did not go to Every household so which is something else I'll look into at some point so I think that those are the things that I got several text messages of residents that sent me that saying what is this so I understand the councilwoman's concerns after knocking on thousands of doors where people have said you know I'm super confused as how this happens I went to an event the other day and they introduced um councilman Pino as vice mayor Pino we had to correct them and say oh it's no you know he's not the vice mayor right now so we do that as well but similar to like when the chief of staff's the council moment was worried that the chief of staff of the mayor was going to confuse everybody that oh the chief of staff of the May mayor directs the entire staff of the city until we changed all the chief of staffs all the legislative ads that became chief of staffs for equality this is very similar to that model so we're just being consistent consistent into what has been asked of this Council previously so I don't see why anybody would have a problem with this this isn't about ego or anything other than I think there should be Clarity so that we're not having compounded expenses that don't are unnecessary for our community I agree even if it's $1,000 that's $1,000 for the sen senior club for the silver Club to make their lunch a little bit nicer so they don't get public sandwiches so I am all for making sure that our finances are used responsibly towards the public towards the best interest of the residents not for business cards or t-shirts or mailers that are going out to let people know I'm this title now so I think it's um good public policy I support it I don't see anything wrong I don't question um the the Way It Was Written I actually don't even question the way the first draft was written now our City attorney is here to make sure that all of our items are legally sufficient there's several times that I will draft something send it to him and he will say look I think that this is more in line with what our Charter or our ordinance say um you know we want to make sure that we are protecting the city from any possible litigation or um you know or or legal ch Challenge and that's why he's here so from the first draft to the second draft I think the spirit of what was trying to be communicated was communicated I would have had no problem with the first draft but I respect our City attorney who's here for the purposes of keeping our city um protected legally I don't see a problem with the second draft because it does make sure that there is a checks and balances for the equality of the position that's all I again I'm not uh I'm not in favor of a rotating vice mayor position but that's what the charter has we we will respect that I will respect that with the limitations that the charter Charter allows for us to create policy that's all this council is doing within our rights we are able to create policy we are legislators the councilwoman was elected to create legislation and policy that's what she's doing she has every right to do so anybody who doesn't like it I understand we're not going to always agree on everything I would hope most things we would agree on that are good for our community I do believe that this is a way of being fiscally conservative responsible for our community but also being consistent in how we how we have treated members of this Council in the past and moving forward so that's my comments I have no problem with it I think it's a a good step in setting a precedent for the future just because we've done something in the past doesn't mean we should continue to do it in the future the definition of crazy is doing something the same way and expecting a different outcome those are my comments through the mayor followup yes Council woman por vice mayor poris you just mentioned that you and the City attorney changed the title I did not change the title I said I reviewed it no she reviewed it and you changed the title based on her recommendation no no no no I didn't change the title at all and you did not change the title I I did not and I think the councilwoman and uh the clerk could could answer that question after I I provided the draft to the clerk and the councilwoman I guess I mean explain it I I don't understand how that happened so that was not my doing I can answer um through the mayor um Council well vice mayor no um I had the opportunity to view the final draft that was published and I did not agree with the title therefore I let the clerk and the City attorney know of the edits that I wanted the title of the resolution to change and um just another thing that I want to address as well um my colle councilman do you just do you mind I still have the floor I just asked yeah no it's okay no worries I just wanted I want to get through and then I'm sure you know so okay so I again we can not now but we do have a record of the statements so um Mr attorney can can you confirm because the mayor said that she sat down with you did not agree with the title and you changed it what I said that's not what I said at all I didn't say that okay I said I saw that the title changed that's all I said I reviewed the first one I reviewed the second one and then I saw the title change okay that's all okay so I'm going to reiterate the following things the cost or at least half of the cost that comes with the changes in the vice mayor come from my budget so unless you are restricting my budget and not anyone else's this is completely unfair and also wrong the cost so far that we have is about $3 to $4,000 and we don't have an actual figure because the city manager did not review and evaluate or provide a fiscal impact on this item the all of the items right now that we have have already been ordered and are in our possession in the city's possession okay I am really truly disappointed um honestly first with our attorneys I feel that instead of providing proper legal advice it was decided that they were going to try to write a resolution that would bend the the charter which is our ultimate rule of law the charter can only be amended through referendum this is a complete violation I also question the good faith intent of this resolution I think that if this was really good public policy and for the community it would have been available for the community to review with enough advanced notice instead we had three different um iterations drafts of this including the first one which again goes into my doubts about the good faith intent the first one and it's available to the public um clerk you have it right so anyone that wants to pick up a copy can look at the first one the first one actually said council member serving as the rotating vice mayor shall refrain from public publicizing themselves as such in a manner that misleads residents about the roles a temporary non-elected status so they were trying to prevent me the vice mayor from saying I was vice mayor and if this was found if I was found to be publicizing myself they were going to be penalties this is from the first one and by the way anyone can read the first one the second draft which had a different title as well said the title said it would eliminate the vice mayor's budget which I guess is the the title that was changed right who knows we'll never know and so th you know this is something that is in complete violation of the charter and I'm just going to say this to um my fellow council members um especially the the author of this resolution Who Wants to Be an attorney any conduct that you mad make councilwoman again I apparently you did not hear when I asked councilwoman cabal to please refrain from any character okay question not it note it thank you can I move forward as long as you are not otherwise we're going to call the question yes can I move forward thank you I really think that we really have to look and make sure that our conduct here is something that is of integrity and can really demonstrate our us abiding by the rules of the city as well as the the state laws all the laws and right now I don't believe that this is happening here in the council I think that's something I can absolutely say and so obviously I'm in opposition and I'm hoping that my council members here um especially the ones that have already had have been Vice Mayors in the past are going to take this resolution seriously and understand that this is going to create a very dangerous president and it is very very open and amable to being challenged so and that's it thank you very much any other comments or questions yes uh Mr K yeah I just want to put something on the record U because I would our office was was mentioned um prior to the preparation for today's items uh there were several and and I mentioned it briefly in in to uh councilman Pino one of the items was was his with regards to the policy on on the keys and such I made several corrections to to that policy these were several things that were incorrect one of them was you know mentioning the vice mayor the vice mayor is there's roles to act in the absence of the mayor the chart is very clear as far as the vice mayor um this particular draft and it was something that I'm sure is not going to happen again and again it's we have a very eager councilwoman who wanted to you know hit the ground running and you know things had to be done after the the fact uh usually a lot of these Corrections are done before the fact and we go back with all of you I I've done the same thing and we we go back and we correct it and we massage it to be something that will uh be in conformity in my opinion with the charter and that's what you have me here uh to do uh the way that it's written the whereas Clauses it just pretty much recites a charter it really does nothing else uh the only thing that it does in in section two and section three is it does create cost reductions which again I I don't believe is in the charter and is in your purview of how you wish to handle that and second of all with regards to establishing the guard rails all it says is that the vice mayor is a council person that's a fact in the charter and that the council person's title shall be council member vice mayor you can have that you don't have to have that at the end of the day she is I mean she I'm sorry for calling you the pronoun uh vice mayor Aus is the vice mayor of the city of Dural and there is nothing that we can do to take that away from her that we should it's in the charter it's and it's the way that it is it's the the will of uh the the residents of the of the city of duraso um I know that not all of you will always like the quality of my work and you you may not always like my opinion uh but I I did do it uh in just looking at at the law and making sure that it's in Conformity with the law that's what I what I will always try to do thank you Mr COA did you have any comments councilwoman also thank you through the mayor um with all due respect to my colleagues um this is not going after a particular uh council member this is uh something again that was brought up to my attention and really if it would have been any if it would have been Council C if it would have been um councilman Pino I would have brought up the item the same this is my first item this is my uh first time as a council member it was the opportunity that I had to bring it up and that's all the comment that I would like to make thank you through the chair thank you councilwoman all right all right um I think we've exhausted this item chair through the chair I see this is the second round so I think that I have to have my opportunity to speak okay everybody else go ahead so going again at the end the residents are the one seeing um what's going on and how how Petty really this resolution is like I repeat again we have spent much more money on other things that are not necessary we're talking 40 Millions above the uh the the budget that it was approved so I don't think that this will limit to help any of our residents we're talking about the silver Club we're talking about the special needs the parks any of the different events or any other community engaged that we would like to to do by the amount that not even any of you including yourself exactly knows the exact or very close amount of how much that we're spending and my is more than half of it is already spent through the office of the vice mayor so this this says a lot really sends a message I really uh feel for the vice mayor that has to go through this when this is her first time that she's serving with this this capacity this title and I really wish that on your first item I think that there's much more important things that only to see where maybe $5,000 is going when there even different uh entities of the community foundations and things like that that much more money has been spent and I haven't really see what they have done to for the community so I think that that has to be taken in consideration and I hope that the residents can see how Petty this is and what they're trying to do either for any personal not personal reason to the vice mayor something that has never been done to any of the vice mayors that have rotated since the beginning in this city okay thank you very much for your opinion all right um just to close I want to put on the record the two letters that I received from residents um showing taxpayer money being spent to campaign as vice mayor for the record I'll put those I had them why are you saying I'm campaigning I had this on the floor I have the floor right now did you not just call us out for character I have the floor right now yeah are you admitting it or no I have the floor at this time do you admit it I have the floor at this time keep saying that I was campaigning I have the floor being thank you very much I have the floor at this time so just to close this item um very quickly I think that there's been a lot of accusations made there's been a lot of things said you know it's really unfortunate how you know we're hypocritical about the way we handle things because you know if anybody has violated the charter before it was in how we did certain selections of the city manager previously um you know I was told to sue the city if I didn't like the decision that was being made from this Council so you know it's really unfortunate um I understand that there may be things like I said that we don't always agree on um but I think that there needs to be respect for the will of the council and I respect the item that was brought forward uh I don't see anything wrong with it um and I think it sets really good guard rails for setting protocols and procedures moving forward on this position until it's changed in the charter so thank you very much for the discussion I think we need a motion motion motion to approve by councilman Roso second by councilman Pino is there any direction from staff that's needed I just want to make sure we're all very clear no we're we've got Clarity of what we're doing here yes ma'am good okay just want to make sure Madame M cler please call the rooll motion to approve made by councilwoman Roso seconded by Council Pino councilwoman Roso yes councilman Pino yes councilwoman no vice mayor poras mayor Fraga yes motion passes all right next item next item item 5B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida directing and authorizing the mayor to work with the city manager's office to propose improvements existing public affairs Department in communication policies and protocols for Community engagement Outreach and events providing for implementation and providing body for an effective date okay councilwoman raino so this is your item before we move on I also want to just mention I'm going to be implementing the clock moving forward on our discussion items Madam clerk through the mayor um again I think my memo is suffice hold on councilwoman Ros so councilwoman poras are you being excused I'm yes okay thank you please note on the record thank you very much okay so thank you through the mayor um I think my memo is suffice explaining this item as well all right thank you very much any comments motion to approve motion to approve by councilman padoo second second by councilwoman Roso I just want to make a quick comment on this I appreciate this item because I think um and I'm sure you've experienced this as when you worked here and even over the past two years um that there's a need for some clarity on protocols and procedures through public affairs and so thank you for um asking and allowing me to work with the city manager's office to create those policies and procedures as a spokesperson of the city I think it's important that there is um guidelines and so I I will bring forward something to this Council that I think will be amable to all of us so thank you very much thank you I have a motion to I'm sorry I have a motion to approve approve made by Council P second by Council Roso Council P yes Council Roso yes Council I haven't had the opportunity to give my comments so if I may before my vote actually we're already roll calling at this time sorry we did ask if there was any comments okay uh so I just hope that everybody uh that when you work with the city with the with the city manager you remember that this is the voice of all five of us but my vote is no mayor FR yes Mo pass all right thank you very much we need a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second motion to adjourn by Council M second by councilman P favor say hi hi this meeting is adjourned thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:-TVGL2MoSHw## anyone else would like to speak in public comments this would be your opportunity please approach the podium being none public comments is now closed and we need an approval of the minutes I'm sorry of the agenda motion to approve motion by councilwoman Pino second second by councilwoman cabal all in favor say I I I now we need a motion on the minutes motion second motion on the minutes by councilman uh Pino second by councilman cabal on favor say I all right we move into discussion items Madam clerk discussion item 7A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida providing for implementation of section two 2.06 of the charter providing for Authority providing for expenditure of funds and providing for an effective date Mr City attorney this item is yours yes um thank you mayor council members um essentially what this item is doing is as you you're all aware is that there were several Charter amendments that were passed the only one that really affects the budget is this particular item it caps the mayor's salary at her current salary uh and provides for a 30% increase for all of the council members salary now the way that it was uh written it says current but it provides for a uh a salary that was for the prior fiscal year every October this uh Council and the mayor passed a budget according to the Charter as it existed on October 2024 it required that there would be an increase in the mayor's salary according to CPI that was that was accomplished and that is a budget that you have with you before you today that's a budget that you're all working with and that's important to to to know so when the uh elected electors of the city of Dalal voted for the uh increase or or for the change uh the current mayor salary was at the amount that that you see there the the $80,000 figure so there's two things that I want to accomplish today the first one is to create an effective day that effective IM immediately that's that's the the the cap because that's her current salary what the electors voted on and allow for that 30% increase uh so that you know the uh finance department can go ahead and do what it needs to do but also come back in January with a budget amendment because since that was the budget that was passed in October and now we have an increase we need to have that reflected in a budget amendment so that's the uh the purpose of uh the resolution that you have before you today uh and uh I I hope you all support it all right any comments questions all right I need a motion motion motion to approve the resolution by councilman Pino any a second second second by councilwoman cabal no more discussion Madam cler please call the RO motion to approve made by Council P Council P yes councilwoman Cal yes councilwoman Roso yes my name poros yes mayor frag yes motion passes okay move on to Item B Madam cler next item 7B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida certifying and declaring the results of a general election special election held on November 5th 2024 and the Run of election held on December 10 2024 and providing for an effective date Madam CL it's your item thank you mayor and council members as you know these are the official certifi results by the elections department and I just require your approval motion to approve motion to approve by councilwoman kaban second second by councilman Pino all right there's no more discussion Madam clerk please call roll motion to approve made by councilman cabal second by Council Pino councilman Cal yes Council Pino yes councilman Roso yes mayor boras mayor Fraga yes motion passes next item item c a resolution of the mayor of the city council of the city of dado Florida appointing a search committee for the selection of a city manager pursuant to section 3.02 of the city's Charter providing the selection committee with qualifications duties budgetary information and time frame providing for authorization implementation and an effective date thank you madam clerk all right as you all know there was a charter Amendment um on November 5th therefore um being that our city um manager tendered his resignation effective December 31st we need to appoint a charter uh per the charter a selection committee um so this item allows for us to go ahead and do that um and then we can have a discussion uh I'd like to call for the committee to meet and then um have an opportunity for everybody to move forward so I don't know if uh we can start with councilman do you have your appointment I will appoint myself okay councilwoman Roso I will appoint myself um vice mayor poris myself councilman Pino myself okay I will be appointing myself as well I'd like to call for a meeting of the committee on Friday morning okay what time mayor uh if everybody's okay with 10 a.m. 10 just a second please let me check my other calendar please would it be possible to do it around 1:00 I have some patience in the morning on Friday if everybody's available one works for me actually apologies can we do 1:30 that will work I'm okay yeah 130 you okay with 130 counc I'm okay thank you good 130 all right 1:30 I'd also like to request um in an abundance of caution that at this point we um ask uh Deputy city manager Francisco Rios to serve as our inm city manager should it take past December 31st to appoint a city manager so I don't know if we can go ahead and do that do two motions if you one to appoint the reso and one to okay would that be appropriate Mr K yes yes M okay and additionally I'd like for HR to have all the applicants um that have applied the the the uh applications have been open um for some time now so if you could please provide the search committee with all applicants that have applied up to the 19th in the evening on Wednesday on Friday morning please all right perfect so I need a motion for the search committee please motion to approve motion to approve by councilman cabal second second by councilman Pino Madam cler please call motion to approvement by councilwoman C second by councilman Pino councilwoman Cal yes Council Pino yes Council Roso yes vice mayor poras mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay and now I need a motion to um appoint Deputy city manager Frank riio as our inm city manager motion effective January 1st through when we have manager okay U motion to approve by councilwoman Roso second by councilwoman cabal Adam cler please call roll motion to approve uh Deputy city manager Frank Rio to be ented city manager made by councilwoman Roso seconded by councilwoman cabal councilwoman Roso yes councilwoman Cal yes Council Pino yes vice mayor Bas mayor frag yes motion passes all right perfect move on to the next item next item will be item 7e a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of dra Florida repealing resolution number 24- 93 title mayor and council members initiated event policy placing a 30-day moratorium on all Council sponsor events and providing for an effective date all right thank you very much um I'm asking for a moratorium to be placed on C Council uh Council initiated events I'd like to review the policy with the administration um so there basically the direction to staff would be that no more Council initiative events be scheduled neither in this building or in any building um that go through this policy um or that would go through uh a a a sketa for example in this building through the mayor yes does this effect already currently scheduled anything past December 31st has to be put on hold at this time including things that have already been scheduled yes everything has to be put on hold at this time why are we changing or why are we making the effective date January 1st for this one instead of immediately well I don't I haven't seen anything advertised so nothing um there's nothing that should be affected at this point the decision would be to make it effective January 1st so anything through December 31st would take place anything after that would be on on a moratorium until further notice there is an event that's Council me be natal this Friday and I have one in January so this would be applied impartially partially honestly would be applied till December 31st okay all right um do you need a motion motion to approve motion to approved by councilwoman Pino I need a second second second by councilwoman Roso Madam clerk please call the RO motion to approve by Council P second by councilwoman Roso Council P yes councilwoman Roso yes councilwoman no vice mayor poras no mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay we move on to the next item item 7f a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida authorizing the mayor pursuant to section 2.02 of City's Charter to serve as the official spokesperson and head of government representing the city in relations with other governmental agencies providing for implementation and providing for an effective date okay councilman Pino this is your item thank you mayor I'm requesting the support of my colleagues to reaffirm and formally authorize the mayor's role as the ceremonial head of the city it's official spokeperson and it's representative in dealing with other governmental agencies according with section 2.02 of the city Charter of the city of Dalal I request to my colleagues consideration in adopting a resolution that reaffirms this critical function and ensures consistency representation of the city's interest at all levels of government I think it's um you have the resolution attached as well if you have any questions otherwise I I'll be the one placing the motion to approve as well thank you councilman Pino motion by councilman Pino through the chair yes Council the Mr attorney I think your microphone may be off can you hear me yes could you please confirm if this is reflected in our Charter What specifically Council when it comes to the uh the spokesperson the head spokeperson official from government yeah um I'll read you directly from the charter what it says so uh your Charter provides that uh the mayor it's on Section 2.02 A3 be recognized as the head of city government for all ceremonial purposes for purpose of military law and for purpose of service of process and for uh of designated as as represent the city and all dealings with governmental entities there was an amendment to this that provides that uh the she is the and I have I'm I'm speaking kind of verbatim but basically she needs the authority of the the council to act so if the council votes on this item she's got that authority to continue acting in that in that capacity but really this resolution doesn't I mean I'm just saying it's already in the CH it's already in the charter so nobody can violate the charter anyway so okay I understand that you know he wanted to comment about it but really it's in the charter so I don't see the uh the reason for this to be brought up to us because we all know and we all should follow and respect the charter oh well okay thank you thank you for for making the note on what our Charters follow and what we should follow that is our constitution so yeah are you seconding the motion yeah it's in the charter great all right we have a a motion in a second by Council cabal any other comments questions Madam cler please call the rooll motion to Appo by Council P second by councilwoman Cal councilman Pino yes councilwoman cabal councilwoman Roso yes vice mayor poras May FR yes pass okay thank you very much we'll move on to item G item g a resolution of the mayor on the city council of city of D Florida adopting updated policies and procedures concerning key City proclamations and certificates providing for approval and providing for an effective date okay councilman Beno this is also your item thank you mayor and requesting the support from my colleagues for the proposed updates to the existing policy for issuing keys to the city proclamations and certificates in light of identified deficiencies we have our current framework I see your collaboration to refine our process for for the benefit of our community and administrative efficiency um attached you will find some of the additions and changes that I'm recommending if you have any questions we can go by one one one by one you have key to the city proclamations certificates and also policies and procedures by the way this goes along with part of my recommendations last time that we had this uh conversation as well thank you councilman Beno any questions comments there the mayor I have a couple yes okay so the first I want clarification on the first page the first paragraph the the added sentence only the mayor will have authority to present the key to the city period and then in the vice mayor's absence the mayor May delegate a council member City administrator City attorney to act on the mayor's behalf just to confirm I mean we're implying that if the mayor is absent the vice mayor will take their place right correct first page first paragraph Mr go okay yeah essentially the way that the um yes essentially the way that the charter is written is that the vice mayor's role is to be uh an act in the mayor's absence or incapacity um that's what the Charter says it's only the vice mayor's absense got it got it okay the other one let me see proclamations keys I don't have any questions on or really specific concerns as far as the certificates I do have a couple concerns so the first one is the addition to have the mayor sign all of the certificate Ates and then allowing the discretion or giving the discretion to the mayor to include the name and signature of the requesting council member I do have an issue with the discretion shouldn't we just do just have the signature I feel like this could be really abused and misused there are also individuals and people in the community that have specific and indiv idual relationships with each council member that perhaps you know really do want to see the signature of that council member one of them being our interns my interns I know would want a certificate from me I think the um the the correct way and the easiest way to do this is to have both the mayor's signature and the requesting um Council memb signature or name as well so that you know there is no um opportunity for it to really be misused by anyone is that something councilman that you would be willing to accept C one1 since this is um since we're adding or returning to the approval uh by the discretion of the mayor I think that will be subject to the mayor's discretion to ask her signature as well in case of the request that we're making so that's why um I'm adding that it's subject to the mayor's discretion based on the re EST that we as council members are or based on the request that we're making to recognize a specific uh individual organization all right so what would be the the reason why you would decline to have the council member signature on a certificate I guess that's my question just to confirm why it's a May so I have a couple of things that I'm going to um actually update on this policy or recommend on this policy as well I have no problem with um I when when it was originally this way before it was changed so that um the mayor didn't have the authority to to uh um to approve or deny the certificates I I never denied a certificate I would not deny this the signature of a council member that was requesting it so I have no problem striking through on that so if you're okay with that councilman I have no problem striking it through I would not deny a signature of a requesting council member I've never request I've never denied an maybe others have but I I had never denied and you know a a certificate for a council member it will have both sign it will have both signatures on the certificates okay which you see it's customary in on in um the county I I I have no I have no problem with that yeah so that's thank you councilman okay that worked so we can strike through um subject to the mayor's discretion certificates may also include the signature of the requesting council member or if you want we could just um strike through sorry subject to the mayor's description and leave certificates um shall include the name and signature of the requesting council member to be placed in addition to the mayor's that's better okay you got that uh laeno thank you thank you that's all thank you okay I do have a couple comments just uh technical under proclamations um there should be the word the' before mayor and I'd also like to strike through um at the end of uh the first paragraph where it says and only the mayor will have the authority to present um there's a lot of times that proclamations are requested from organizations that someone is affiliated with so if like councilman Pino if you ask for a proclamation that's approved through my office I'd like for you to go give it so I think that that should not be just the mayor if anybody's requesting that Proclamation if I go then obviously you know I'm there and the ceremonial protocol would be for the mayor to present it but if I'm not there and you requested it I'd like to be able to give it to you for you to go councilwoman Roso if councilwoman Cal requested it if if if vice mayor porz requested it I would give them their Proclamation if I'm not going so I'd like to uh strike that part through only keys to the city which to me are extremely um protocol and ceremonial and you know prestigious I think that those should be given by the mayor um in protocol purposes if there is an absence of the mayor then yes the vice mayor would step in but for proclamations and certificates um I don't think we should specify um it should be at the discretion of of the mayor and who asked for that Proclamation that works is everyone okay are you okay with that councilman I'm okay thank you through the mayor yes Council por sorry vice mayor poris no don't worry I I will be okay with that seeing how it it actually applies because I really do think that is a violation of the charter however I'm okay with it I I would like to see it actually applied and if not I will raise the issue with with the council again okay all right motion to approve motion to approve by councilman Beno do we have second second second by councilwoman Roso Madam clerk please call roll motion to approve as amended May by Council oh I'm sorry I have one more amendment I forgot to add I would request that under policy and procedure that not only requested through my office um or the mayor's office I should say um but also copy the city clerk's office for purposes of record keeping so please add um to also copy the clerk's office for purposes of record keeping thank you I have a motion to approve as amended and I will make sure to gather all of the Amendments that were discussed uh made by Council Pino seconded by councilwoman Roso Council Pino yes councilwoman Roso yes councilwoman Cal yes vice mayor poras yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes all right item H discussion mayor's conference room designation councilman Beno this is your item I believe thank you mayor well this one is pretty simple but uh I request in the support from my colleagues to repeal the decision to rename the mayor's conference room to the council conference runs I propose that we restore the region in name ensuring it Remains the mayor's conference Ru in recognition of its connection to the mayor's office an extended purpose thank you councilman Pino appreciate it any comments questions concerns I have a question yes for us um us so just so we um just to confirm we will still be able to use the conference room yes never have not been able to and also the I do like the waiting area idea where were you envisioning though in the office so I actually um wanted to make a comment about this we've had space planning on the table for the third floor for years since I was a council woman we had space planning discussions on the third floor so what I wanted to request of councilman Pino in this item um is that allow me to work with the administration that comes in um next and with uh actually with uh the current administration too um but this will take some time to bring back a plan for third floor space planning so we can have a final say and then build out the spaces for the legislative analysts um every every section that um we've talked about for years that have never been done to really maximize the space on the third floor for efficiency and and also aesthetic that works May yeah we had um I remember the conversation back in 20 it was 15 2016 it's been for years in 2017 as well and never took place so I think it's appropriate because it will C certainly be like a welcoming area not only for people that come to visit you but visit all as well right okay that's that was my question it's going to be available to all members of of course anybody who's waiting to see uh myself or any member of the council can wait in that area um so if if you all allow me um as part of this item if you could uh have direction to meet with the administration um Mr Valdez and Mr Rios and Mr Royal and we will finalize a plan and bring it back in January that works okay good also to do the offices for the legislative AIDS right motion to approve okay motion to approve by councilman B did you get that part Madam clerk not mayor but I'll reely review it second second by councilwoman Roso Madam clerk please call over motion to approve by Council second by Council Council yes councilwoman Roso yes councilwoman G vice mayor Bas yes mayor frag yes mayor's report all right I don't have a report EX to say congratulations to my colleagues I'm excited for these next four years and all the great things that we will do um I wanted to thank everybody for coming last night to our swearing in and state of the city it was an absolutely beautiful event thank you to public affairs thank you to it um thank you to police uh thank you to the city manager's office everyone who really made it uh such an spectacular event I think everybody really enjoyed it um I really enjoyed councilwoman Roso speech you did a great job and councilman Beno speech you guys did wonderful and um I'm just looking forward to having a peaceful holiday so Merry Christmas to all happy Hanukkah I hope you'll join us for our Hanukkah lighting ceremony on the 26th um and uh to our our staff I really appreciate you guys thank you for all the hard work I hope you enjoyed the trur Ros um and that's it I hope everybody has a wonderful end of the year and we look forward to a prosperous 2025 and many many blessings and good health always so thank you Council comc comments ioun I do have one through the mayor yes Council Roso well first I want to thank everyone for coming out today to today's council meeting I hope to have this same energy and this even more attendance for more Council meetings in the future I want to thank staff um and also special thanks to all the community members who took part in my campaign to be here today and to have the opportunity to represent the city as a whole which is um something that I think many of us like to um be part of which is our saying d unidos d United and I hope within the next four years we continue to unite our community I want to end by saying Merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy holidays and have a happy happy New Year I know um well from my seat I will be doing all that I can for the best interest of our residents so 2025 coming for you thank you anybody else P thank you mayor uh I also want to congratulate councel woman Rosa for now becoming part of the our great city of Dural elected officials and also vice mayor pores and it's an honor to serve next to all of you and councilwoman dig as well I wish you all the best in 2025 many blessings to you and your families I also want to thank everybody and all the residents everybody from the bottom of my heart that have reach out to me and show uh affection and support for me and my family during this difficult time as you know I lost my mother a week and a half ago and he has been very challenging and um it's a mix of emotions and I want to really thank you because it has been a an incredible support from different people from all over the place and messages flowers cards I mean I mean it's uh it's unbelievable and I just want to say thank you on behalf of my family uh it's great to serve this wonderful community and I know 2025 will be a great year for all of us I want to thanks the staff the administration Mr Valdes has been a great honor to serve and and work next to you I wish you all the best for 2025 um I'm your neighbor I'm your elected official so feel free to reach out at any time and I look forward to certainly continue serving our great City in the next for the next four years but I really want to thanks everyone that is here thank you to my colleagues and especially to the staff because as I as I always like to say you guys are at the Heart of the City and I look forward to continue working next to you to our Police Department you guys are doing an amazing job 2024 was a great year for the department and I'm sure 2025 will be even a better year so I really looking forward to to contining the work that we have been doing so so thank you everyone thank you councilman anyone else the mayor yes May porz so first I I would like to express again my condolences to councilman Pino for the loss of his mom um she was truly the embodiment of strength and resilience and I know that um her loss is being felt very by a lot of individuals including ourselves um um welcome to councilman Roso like I mentioned I'm looking forward to working with you um to serve our community and I'm very excited for to serve as your vice mayor for this next term and I look forward to working with the mayor in this role to support as well and continuing to serve our community thank you to all of our staff all of our departments um it's been a it's been a year and you guys are also the embodiment of resilience and so I want to thank you for all the great and hard work that you do and I hope that you can enjoy your holidays I hope everyone has a great holiday Merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy K Quanza and I hope that everyone has a new a happy New Year and we will see you back here refreshed hopefully next year thank you all right Cel M thank you vice mayor I also um want to congratulate everybody for their re-election and to Nicole to be part of the team and for us to work together as as vice mayor mentioned uh looking forward to the well-being of the entire Community um I also wanted to thank for this year to all of our um staff all of our members of our city for everything that you do dayto day like I always said many of you I know that go beyond um their job description and that's something that I appreciate not as as a council woman but also as a resident of this city I um also would like to uh send my thoughts um I know that I I sent you a message when I heard about your lost uh Council man Pino but I also would like to ask for uh only um a moment of silence uh a great friend from many talking hundreds of people that went uh to support his family C Miranda someone that really touched so many people um pass away and he's someone that did so much for so many uh he was a husband a father um he was a servant of Christ he and his wife Barbara they were together since they were teenagers and I know that he did great things um he was a sudden death 48 years old five kids one grandson and I just want to to remember him and everything that he did uh for so many thank you and I wish you all a merry Christmas happy Hanukah also a happy New Year that this year you will be able to accomplish the goals that you have Set uh with your loved ones and um to keep be blessed by God have a wonderful Christmas and New Years thank you Council M all right City manager's report Mr city manager well good morning uh through the mayor uh I was aware I was made aware this morning uh that somebody on the Das is celebrating a birthday uh this coming weekend uh Marion [Music] totally forgot actually happy birthday dear Happy Birthday to thank you I forgot it was my birthday I've been celebrating for like two weeks so thank you all right Mr manager thank you that was all I want to wish everybody a a very Merry Christmas uh Happy New Year and I want to thank all of the staff uh you're a great bunch of people to work with I love you guys and I'm going to miss all of you thank you [Applause] all right that's it that's all she wrote mayor by may I would like to take the opportunity and take the privilege to to thank Ray he has become a a good friend in a short period of time uh he's a strong leader a man of character uh I have nothing but respect for him and I appreciate you coming in and Le meting this group which I care about immensely um and putting us in the opportunity to continue the good work that we've been doing for for many years now so from the bottom of my heart thank you and all the best oh Mr City attorney try and beat that very difficult uh congratulations to everyone that's been elected congratulations mayor on on a great uh state of the city address last night uh I want to Echo the sentiments of what uh Frank said uh this past year we we both got brought up uh here on the days the same day uh and since then uh We've I think become become friends uh more than more than uh colleagues um thank you I've learned a lot from you I am going to miss you dearly so um congratulations for everything you've done [Applause] all right and finally city clerk's report I have nothing to report but I do have a few comments um welcome councilwoman Rosa looking forward to uh working with you in another capacity again nonetheless thank you to everybody um that got reelected congratulations I wish everybody uh Merry Christmas happy holidays mayor Happy Birthday Ray enjoy thoroughly working for you thank you I appreciate you very much thank you thank you all right I need an adjournment and vice mayor p corvy is no longer here to adjourn so I guess we'll be here forever oh you're GNA take over awesome councilman P motion to adjourn I need a second second second by Council in favor say hi hi this meeting is adjourned we have a special meeting right after thank you