[Music] the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good afternoon everybody today is our good evening today is Monday July 29th 2024 the time is now 6:10 p.m. and this is our special council meeting for the proposed millit rate fiscal year 2425 Madam clerk please call the rule Council memas councilman Rafael P pres councilwoman dinal vice mayor Oscar boy corve pres May pres may you have thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilwoman Boris iedge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay agenda order of business do we have any items deletions deps additions none okay therefore we will now move on to public comments the public comments portion of this meeting is now open if anyone would like to speak on any item on this agenda or JY into this Council please approach the podium you have three minutes to speak in a respectful manner towards this [Music] Council being none okay public comments is now closed and we move on to discussion items discussion item discussion item 5A a resolution of the m city council of city of D Florida establishing the proposed post operating military for fiscal year 2425 the current year roll back rate and the date time in place of the first and second public budget hearings as required by law accepting a proposed Debt Service military for fiscal year 2425 for the general obligation bonds Parks and Recreation project series 2019 and 2021 directing the city clerk and city manager to file set resolution with the property appraiser of miam County pursuant to the requirements of f statutes and the rules and regulations of the Department of Revenue and the State of Florida and providing for an effective date okay thank you madam Clerk manager's office good evening mayor city council members on July 1st 2024 The Honorable Pedro Garcia Miami dat County property appraiser served upon the city of Durell a certification of taxable value certifying to the city of Dural its 2024 taxable value the provisions of Florida State Statute section 2.65 require that within 35 days of service or the certification of taxable value Upon A municipality said municipal shall be required to furnish to the property appraiser of Miami dat County the proposed millage rate the current year roll back rate and the date time and place at which a public hearing will be held to consider the tentative millage rate and tentative budget and final millage rate and final budget at this time I would like to turn the presentation over to our finance director our assistant Finance director Michelle gang good evening mayor council member city manager City attorney Madame clerk we have a prepared a presentation for Council today as stated by the city manager the Miami day County property appraiser certified the city of dalal's taxable value for the current fiscal year 2023 2024 at 20.2 billion an increase of 1.8 billion or 10% over the prior year the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 was prepared with a millage of 17166 same as a current fiscal year it's a little hard to see on the screen for the current fiscal year 2023 2024 Dural is the lowest OPP mill rate in Miami day County as reflected in the fiscal year 2425 proposed budget a millage of 17166 would generate 32.9 million in ADV valorum tax revenues an increase of approximately 10% over the current fiscal year 2324 revenues based on the 2024 average derell Homestead residential value of $359,999 16 to the city this millage is 9.93% higher than the rolled back rate the roll back rate mage of 1.5 615 would generate 29.9 million in adval tax revenues which represent a decrease in revenues of 2.9 Million compared to the revenues of leving IM millage of 1.71 66 based on the 2024 average Dural Homestead residential value of $359,950 that average Dural homeowner would pay approximately $561 to the city a decrease of $56 when compared to the proposed millage it is important to note that the roll back rate is the rate that generates the same amount of ADV valorum tax revenues as what was generated the year before in addition to the proposed millit rate the city also has to Levy a Debt Service millage to pay for The Debt Service of two General Obligations ation bonds series 2019 and 2021 to cover the annual Debt Service for both of these issuances of 7.6 million the city must Levy a Debt Service millage of 4810 based on the 2024 average Dalal Homestead residential value of $359,990 to the city combined that would be 21976 for both thank you any questions any questions for assistant director thank you very much thank you man okay that concludes uh the Department's presentation any other questions or discussion from Council through the mayor yes Council and poris recognized I just want to thank our city manager Deputy manager assistant city manager our finance department for working very diligently on this in the presentation um I'm actually very happy that we are able to propose keeping the same milit rate and hopefully continue to be the lowest in the county therefore I support the keeping the current militate and I'll make a motion to approve the proposed militate as recommended by our department we have a motion to approve and a second motion by Council monora second by vice mayor P corvey any other comments yeah I'd like to add that um that I think is important to to uh support the proposed military uh there are two things that are happening in the city that are going to increase our expenses number one is a central Park which um it's going to be uh an expense that it in in most cases uh all parks don't generate enough to um give back to the city the cost and um the other one if if in the future we do get an annexation of uh two annexations that are pending then um one of them which will be the first one north of 58th it will be a huge cost to the city uh uh this an area that hasn't been kept up uh to our standards so um because of that I feel that we should keep the military to what the manager or the city is proposing thank you thank you Vice May any other comments questions concerns okay being none Madam cler please call the RO motion to approve proposed operating military for fiscal year 2425 at 17166 me May by councilwoman por second by Vi May corve councilwoman poras yes vice mayor corve yes councilwoman Cal yes councilman Pino yes mayor FR yes okay thank you very much thank you to the department to management for the great work any other comments or anything that we need yes um City attorney thank you very much Madame mayor um as I mentioned uh earlier to each of you individually uh I need an executive session uh to be held on Wednesday uh the office of the clerk has been not Financial coordinate with all of you uh and it's on matters uh 20240 13718 ca01 20241 2524 ca01 and 2023 08115 ca01 um and uh that would be for this Wednesday okay do you need any action from us at this time all right perfect think we all be available thank you madam clerk any other comments Direction no good okay then motion to adjourn by vice mayor P cor Cory second by councilman p in favor say I I this meeting is ajour thank you very much