ready mayor calling this meeting to order we this is the evening session of April 10th 2024 the time is now 6:05 p.m. Madame clerk please call the RO Council Marine poras councilman Rafael Pino present councilwoman Lina vice mayor Oscar po pres mayor chrisy FR pres mayor okay please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance by vice mayor P corvey flag United States indivisible andice okay Madame clerk I'm sorry agenda order of business is there any items besides what was moved to the evening okay I would like to um request a lay down item I have documents here everybody have received the documents but the request of the uh the mayor that was distributed by our city manager um again in the in the light of the recent unfortunate incidents on April 6th of city place I found it imperative to address the urgency of reviewing our policy on business operation hours and the permits for extended hours in the area this matter is not only sensitive but crucial for our community safety and well-being so I respectfully request the inclusion of this item on our agenda today okay motion motion to approve by councilman boras second by vice mayor P corvey please call motion to approve a lay down item by councilwoman cabal made by councilman poras and second it by vice mayor po corve councilman poras yes vice mayor po corve yes councilman Pino no councilwoman yes mayor FR no fails thank you okay we now open up to public comments public comments portion of this meeting is now open anyone who would like to speak on anything on this agenda item orur gerain to this Council now would be the opportunity to come up please speak in a respectful manner towards this Council Mr Pier chist would you like to speak you can fill out your card after short uh major Council staff thank you very much for the opportunity first I want to commend our police force to do their best to control the unfortunate situation that we have the city I do think that it's in Le to consider a temporary moratorium to we set the rules in orders about uh the late hours operation of certain places of operation but you just lay down the item but I also want to bring to your attention that we have another wave of postings un aggressive and a very surprising amount of people renting rooms in the city and this has been multiplying to a rate that unbelievable I know we have staff that do their best to chase after that or to um have a software I think we invest in a software to kind of detect that and deter but my request is uh nor to put maybe some additional campaign about informing the people on that but I have personally seen people that are recurrent offenders putting that so it seems that people are getting contacted even via the the Facebook specially they tell them you cannot do that but the next day what they do is they put a picture on the numbers on the picture so if you try to detect the number by having the software to read the number you will never read the number but for me this is one of the item some more concern because suddenly you have a single family house which we design the roads the business the school everything to be single family you have two or three families living there there's no space for the vehicle so they start parking everywhere there's no space on the school but on top of that where police officers are called more frequently because they dispute between those tenants because they disagree on certain things and they're not family members so they don't treat each other the same way so please uh request that we put extra effort on a campaign to address that situation um but if someone is a recurrent offender that's it I mean people are doing that for a reason but we also have to respond accordingly and not be so kind to them telling them three or four times don't do that once I think it's enough or whatever you decide but I think we need to put some controls before this becomes another pandemic thank you very much thank you okay any other public comments at this time good afternoon and I'll fill out my card after I speak Connie I'll certainly be able to do that good afternoon mayor and Council my name is Sandra Ruiz I reside at 6812 Northwest 113th court and I come humbly before you as a person of experience a person who has been a longtime resident of this community of I don't know 23 24 years of having served with our vice mayor when he was uh with our community council I won't say before some of you were born but certainly before some of you even decided to register to vote um in our elections and much less run for office I probably know many of you um but I couldn't sit still today and I I've sat on the sidelines on even items that affected me for political reasons you know you took action against the founding members and those that would benefit from pensions that's okay and as you um councilman Peno said if they don't like it they can sue us which we did so that is our right to do so but I want to thank councilwoman cabal because you brought up an item and you brought tried to bring it up this morning you Tred to bring it up again today and for unknown reasons and I think the two that are voting with you already know because they just very kindly support you but without the support of the other two or at least one who I wish would have some courage to do the right thing hasn't so thank you for trying to put an item on the agenda that I would consider is emergency and important in nature it is the well-being and the safety of our community and I do think you need to look into that and possibly even look into why we've lost close to 40 police officers since this new Administration under this new Council you know took over I think it's important to to do that have about a minute and a half but I did want to thank you for doing that it's a shame that for political purposes the good of the community is not being moved forward so you know I'll I'll just state that the other item that I see and this is directed to the process and hopefully our City attorney who's not here today will clarify earlier today you guys did not at the mayor's request did not listen to an item because it was 3 hours out of the 7-Day um timeline 3 hours it could have been moved had had there been good faith to the evening session to tonight and you would have heard the item but an item remained on the city um agenda which was the nomination of your replacement for committees without an explanation as to who was being replaced without resumés without a single piece of backup so quite frankly if you want to apply the rules to someone else Madame mayor you should apply them to yourself any other public comments at this time please come up to the podium and speak you have three minutes to speak at this time being none we will close public comments and move on to the discussion items that were pulled from this morning's meeting and for them to be heard now in the evening Madam clerk item nine I discussion Fourth of July parade with J L Patrol Girl Scouts and boy scouts tro 552 us Southern command and Miami day Fire Rescue okay so I'm gon to ask right there we go I'm G to ask for uh Ador savat to come up uh as well Ida which Comm uh Commissioner of Sweetwater Ida is here thank you for being here um to speak about this item uh it was placed on the agenda I know that there's two items on the agenda with the same per purpose um I was approached um by the silver Air Patrol at their event um and they discussed having a Fourth of July parade and asked if uh we would put something on the agenda to discuss possibly uh joining forces with southcom um the Civil Air Civil Air Patrol the Miami day County fire rescue um there's a lot of agencies the Girl Scouts the Boy Scouts want to be a part of it as well and so I said absolutely we can have a discussion with staff and then maybe direct them to look into providing some feedback on what the cost would be what um what it would take to be able to host a parade like this now we used to have a 4th of July parade um way back in the day uh that went down 87th Avenue um into Dural Central Park um and it was they stopped doing it I believe it was in 200 and 10 or 11 was the last year that they did the parade and so I'm not sure why the parade necessarily stopped may have been because of attendance but um it may be an opportunity to look at bringing it back now and doing like a parade during the day here in the downtown dout area and then leading into our event in the evening I know it's quite a hufty lift for our Parks and Recreation Department because they do put on an incredible event on Fourth of July at the uh right now we're doing at the Trump National D eventually it'll be moved back to D Central Park but I would love to know what would be the participation of the organizations involved to see if the lift can be done between um the organizers and the City versus it all the onus being put on the city because I think that it would be very difficult for us to um take on the full responsibility of putting on this parade so would love for you all to give your um you know your your your um your input on what you want to see and your ideas so that maybe we can work with staff to put something nice together for the community Adan good evening mayor council members I'm a first lieutenant civil a patrol United States a force auil 319 D the squad Commander we have a small video that we would like to show you there was a parade that um Thea the Squadron participate on the Veterans Day and if you're ready please I have it I will play it for you thank you an organization deeply rooted in service and commitment is honored to march on Veterans Day our participation and spray is not solely about showcasing our solidarity it is about reinforcing our promise to continue serving protecting and upholding the values for which our veterans fought so bravely through our involvement we carry forward the torch of service inspiring others to recognize and respect the sacrifices made by those who have served our footsteps Echo the legacy of service ingrained in the very foundation of the Civil Air [Music] Patrol with each Movement we carry the Gratitude of our Squadron expressing our profound appreciation for the courage and sacrifice of our veterans our commitment toward serving our country extends beyond the parade grounds it is a commitment eted in our hearts and reflected in our everyday actions we dedicate ourselves to embodying the virtues of service unity and resilience mirroring the spirit of our veterans in all that we do it is a continuous Journey a journey of respect honor and dedication to upholding the IDE deals our veterans fought to preserve our actions today and every day reflect our pledge to carry the torch of service and sacrifice passed down to us by our [Music] veterans okay very nice thank you I just want to show you an idea and I'm proud to say that Dad is a double size what it used to be last year we have right now 41 cadetes and we keep on growing every single day I'm getting phone calls from presidents in the area and close by that they want to enjoy the squad so uh we're willing just to set it up the same thing my Cadet are already you can check us out you can come on Thursday like uh they're learning more and more every single day so basically just let us know the date and on my side we're ready to do anything for the city as a matter of fact we did it last year because we were invited by Miami Lakes uh we didn't have any commitment here with the city now this year I hope it's a different story we can do it right in D since we are Dad we do represent the city so basically in our side we are ready just let us know what are you expecting from us and lieutenant sa can tell you more what have been doing which I think he has a lot of things good that is coming that already he's taking care of like a lot of places like uh floods and everything that he's doing Serve by me go ahead yeah thank you g okay uh the idea is the um the Dalal Squadron in the city of Dalal okay is a move for the Miami Lakes I make it for the event in here in Dural it's in my city is the D Al the squad is the is the opportunity the target okay is the gr values okay the Hors the Fourth of July for the people the resident and the enjoying this event is the day okay is AD doctor for the you continues okay the working for this event okay for your different opportunities or the US schedule okay ad doed for you the what is the next step for the work for these event mhm now the event that you showed here is Veterans Day that was V day it was Veterans Day but what you're proposing is for Fourth of July the fourth July the okay no no I just mentioned that the reason why we were there is because yes we didn't have the city and they invite us over there because uh they don't have Squadron in my no I understand I just wanted to confirm because you were saying so uh the purpose of this is is do the Fourth of July parade so in my understandings in the conversations there's several entities south southern command Miami date fire Girl Scouts Boy Scouts and the uh Civil Air Patrol yes correct so my recommendation would be we we just don't have um enough I mean the backup and the information we put was the information that we gathered from you um I think the best course of action is to direct staff to work with you all on a on a real proposal on costs what would be the cost of closing the road what would be you know the costs of um if if there's any security um what would be the route that would be taken so that we could see if there is an opportunity with our staff to do this or to see if there is support from your organizations may it be Miami dat fire or Southern command that want to help take the lead and help um provide I I think there would be support and then that's something we can discuss to wave costs that could be associated with actually putting it together I think it's the organization of the event that is really the concern from staff from what I gathered in my discussions with them okay but I think the least we can do is move forward and allowing you all to meet with them have a discussion about what it would entail and take and the cost and then bring it back to the council um for in May for us to decide whether it's something we could do or not um depending on on what it really would take logistically to put this together but I would love to see it you know a parade be done during the day around in downtown drout and then you know go into our event at night but it is a lot so I I'll open it up to discussion I don't know if the inim city manager has a comment that would be our concern mayor um we're fine meeting with them and getting all those costs down in more detail but as we mentioned when we met um you know we do have a heavy lift that day with all hands on deck from two to midnight so to speak yeah but we have no problem with meeting and and finding out what those you know Logistics and costs would be and then seeing how we can figure out if there's a way that those heavy lift can be done by somebody else sure okay okay any comments just very quickly also to remind you what we talked about which is alternative dates or even planning one for the next year or a veterans one you know just as a reminder that those are also some discussions that in the alternative were made thank you if I can ask a quick question um to Parks we used to have a veteran Day Parade till just recently um I believe till 2020 we had a Veterans Day Parade so I don't know why that didn't come back maybe Aon can answer that for a second and we can get some insight good evening Ain Sullivan Parks n creation director so yes we did previously do a Veterans Day Parade leading from um aoft where the old Sears was up towards Veterans Park that morning of Veterans Day um we did end the parade due to low attendance of um participation but also viewers and and people from the community coming out and watching the parade okay so now it's just uh we do a ceremony okay all right so that something that you all can consider and discuss maybe proposing a different time but you know I think I think a a meeting where you all can discuss that and come back with a proposal maybe good if everyone is amable to that yes counil Vice um welcome to the city and of course welcome you're sitting in the opposite seat I mean place where the where you normally seat when people visit you in sweet water thank you for your service um in addition to the load that the manager was talking about and of course the the budget uh I like the idea of bringing other entities to the mix uh I know that uh the our parks department is very burden that day because of the event that we already have which is the uh the fireworks and it takes time to organize it it's not just the fireworks it's it's a whole event that uh the centerpiece of it is the the fireworks of course but um in in that proposal I'd like to see what each your organization what it will do in addition to bringing the kids um what southcom will do and that way we can probably see how that burden falls into different places and then someone Central organizing the entire thing but I think that the city will need help in putting it together organizing it every year uh not only for it to be successful but also because of what we already do that day that's my comment thank Youk yes we have uh I don't know if you heard about Miami truck right Miami Miami truck system Miami truck system they have a lot of uh cars yes there are ues military ubis that they're willing to bring they do that for ex ation and everything they're willing to come for free without charging anything so we're reaching out to different things that you know we can provide for that day that will cause n to the city and I believe you saw the display on the event you saw those they were outside those truck the military trucks so the owner is willing to come and uh do part of the parade without charging us anything for the city so that's something that we're looking forward plus he's also be looking also to all supporters that can bring something to the to the parade but just let me know ahead of time I'd be more than glad to meet with any of you that will be in charge to see how we can do it and I be born are glad to help out yeah I think the direction is going to be to meet with staff and look at uh Logistics route cost um you know and right participation and then potential other dates times things like that CU we try to reach out as many you know know nonprofit organization that are willing to ship in and see how we can help out really it's the logistics it's not so much getting the involvement and participation it's the logistics that it takes Logistics yeah but I think we can a direct staff at this point to meet with you all and come back with a a more understand a more descriptive proposal and explanation also plan of action we have we have to help if it's student the take time I no problem whatsoever because it's that day I also have to be in my city for the firew but that's a night time yeah okay it won interfere you know if we have anything doing during the daytime okay okay all right so thank you for your time and dir I think there's consensus yeah you'll reach out perfect okay thank you okay thank you so much all right the next item Madam clerk have the next item as item 9j discussion C City parade celebrating July 4th we can discard it since we just spoke thank you but I figured but okay all right we will move now to the evening session public hearings item 20a first reading ordinance number 20242 fiscal year 2324 budget amendment an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida providing for an amendment to the general fund budget for fiscal year 2324 an increase to the park and fact fee fund budget for fiscal year 2324 and an increase to the American Rescue plan act fund budget for fiscal year 2324 as review red modified and approved by the city council at the meetings held on April 10 2024 and May 8 2024 providing for transmittal by the city clerk implementation cability conflex and an effective date thank you madam clerk Madam city manager do you have any comments yes Madam mayor um as uh mentioned in our briefings with each of you um the main portion of this amendment is bringing in the $10 million in arpa American Rescue plan act funds into the eneral fund to offset police gas which is a easily eligible use of those funds um in addition while we have a net zero change to the expenses in the general fund there are some transfers between light items including the transfer of the budget for economic development from planning to public affairs um an increase in Insurance costs in and a decrease in in um Street improvements um due to other funding um the only other part of the budget amendment is um an amendment to park impact fees using fund balance for two projects funding for Glades pickle ball conversion and funding for Morgan leevy Park restroom Improvement project and uh Sal um is available if you have any additional detail questions do have a question Vice May cor so manager um can you explain please The Code Compliance I know Public Works negative 400 on the sheet that you gave me just recently yes good evening city council soleno Perez Finance director in that exhibit of the budget amendment we see how from public works there is funding available in their improvements for streets line item that is coming from the Adaptive reuse area project those funds are going to are being used to balance essentially again the budget so there is a zero net change to expenditures got it the other question is that just to be clear the public affairs 11 14,747 is just a transfer from zoning to that department because we changed um Economic Development Thank You from One Department to the other one and that was the budget assigned correct those are five months so from the budget amendment going forward those two employees being absorbed by public affairs great all right that's it thank you thank you okay I need a motion motion motion to approve councilman Beno VI May second by vice mayor P corvey Adam cler motion to approve ordinance number 20242 on first reading made by Council Peno seconded by vice mayor Bo cor councilman Pino yes vice mayor Bo corve yes councilman poras yes councilman yes mayor yes motion pass okay thank you very much next item item 20b ordinance number 202 24-13 Banning poly stying products in city parks an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida amending article two rules and regulations of chapter 29 Parks and Recreation of city of D code of ordinances to provide for abandoned poly stying articles and city parks in certain circumstances and abandon certain poly stying articles and city parks providing for penalties providing for conflicts incorporation into the cost cability and an effective date okay uh counil this is your item yes good afternoon um this ordinance actually I just going to talk a little bit about it just within the introduction and a little bit of the background and I'm going to ask our uh Parks director also to come to the podium because we work together uh with this uh ordinance and I think that is very beneficial and also is um it is intro I mean this was introduced also with councilwoman por us on resolution 2409 so um this initiative will also built uh the the Consciousness on the environment and she are going to say start phone because I so everybody will understand what is this about uh on this one I know that Council woman poras brought up and which targeted reduction of single-use plastic this ordinance not only seeks to eliminate the use of these materials due to their um environmental impact but also aligns with our city ongoing commitment to sustainability and public health it uh presents a comprehensive approach to address the challenges uh posed by star form providing penalties for non-compliance uh outlining conflict resolutions uh detailing the incorporation process into the city code Insurance um Insurance stability establishment in effective date implementation so if you wanted to talk a little bit on what is it that we were working so uh the um everybody will understand the reason of what we're doing what I'm presenting this short in in following congestion with councilwoman por us resolution yes Ain Sullivan parks recreation director um so as you mentioned councilman cabal we worked together on this following um the past couple items that have been brought by also by Council W porus on recyclable plastic plastic free 305 sort of following that Spirit um we have worked to this ordinance establishes that styrofoam would be banned in city parks by all persons fendors contractors as well as the public um and then also moving a step further and banning certain um single use Plastics such as um silverware utensils plastic water bottles by vendors vendors and contractors so your vending machines your um concession vendors as well as food vendors that may be at events and then special event permits would also comply with the single use plastic ban the county has a similar um approach to a regulation and also if it's not a mistake it was the um on Miami Beach too yes correct so I'm seeking approval uh and also the recommendation of the uh our parks ctor uh I know that you also consider that this will be great it will minimize all the the issues with contamination within the environment supporting the resolution of c a woman for us motion to approve second motion to approved by vice mayor pre corvis second by councilwoman for us before we take a vote I am going to open up to public comments at the uh caution of the clerk I I was only going to do it second reading but I will open up public comments now for the item we just heard um regarding the budget amendment item 24- 5592 and 2 45479 if anyone would like to speak on these two items now would be the appropriate time to do so again very shortly P CH 10254 Northwest fan proud 23178 mayor council staff thank you I think my question was partially answered hearing you the explanation about the director but these encompasses also so any drinks that are sold by the vending machine as well as the concessionaries I went to West Coast STP and Gatorade they sell that in cans because they have a band on plastic so I think we need to push our U vendors for the vending machines to also be aligned with the rest of the initiative which I think is fabulous and actually I invite them to put a aluminium recycling crunching the kids have lots of fun we have one at the office to Crunch the can and you we sell that and with that money that's Rec it could be donated to the Scout Troop or whatever it could be a Scout project since we have so many in our Parks these days that could be an extra one someone owes me a a little badge for that one okay thank you very much thank you Mr CH anyone else would like to speak on these two items please approach the podium at this time if none we will now close mad may I to just mention one thing that I should have mentioned with item let me just close public comments and then it's all your public comments is now closed yes ma'am that here um on second reading of the budget amendment we will also be bringing um a transfer from salaries to Professional Services to cover the um costs of the contract with cardino that we approved this morning um so that'll be at part of the Second Amendment as well okay no problem all right we can now take a vote on Item B I have motion to approve ordinance number 202 413 on first reading made by vice mayor P corve second by Council vice mayor cor yes councilwoman Bas Council Pino yes councilwoman yes yes motion passes okay next move on to item C item C ordinance number 20244 request for special election November 2024 Charter changes an ordinance of the mayor on the city council of city of D Florida calling for a special election on November 5th 2024 for the purpose of submitting to the electorate of the city of dur Florida 10 Charter amendments prepared by the charter revision commission pursuant to section 6.02 of the city's Charter approving requisite B language providing for copies of the text of the charter amendments to be made available for public inspection providing for balloting and election procedures providing for notice of election providing for authorization implementation conflict severability inclusion in the charter and an effective date thank you madam clerk I'm going to open up public comments at this time public comments now open for item 24- 5596 anyone would like to speak on this item please approach the podium at this time being none public comments is now closed we will move on to you or Mr the attorney you okay Madam clerk I can take a stab at it all right so as you know the chter revision commission met and at their last meeting on April 1st the um resolutions were submitted to council for the review they're also included in this packet um in order to submit the amendments to the electors um the council needs to approve sufficient ballot language which is included in the ordinance and transmit the same to the elections department and we also need to request a special election which will be at the same time as the regular November scheduled election I'm here to happy to answer any questions or you may have motion to approve second second motion to approve by vice mayor P Corvett second by Council foras I think it was kind of a tie but all right there's no questions from anyone else Madam kerk please call motion to approve ordinance number 20244 on first reading made by Vice May corve seconded by Council poras vice mayor corve yes councilman poras yes councilman Pino yes councilman Cal yes mayor no motion passes I minute before we go yes I just want to welcome our police officers oh yes TR traines cadetes and of course uh our entire police team uh thank you for what you do and the trainer Mr Martinez thank you for bringing them so and have a good night thank you very much any motion to ajour motion to adjourn by vice mayor Bo corve second second by councilman por say this meeting is adjourned God bless you all --------- the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode okay good afternoon calling this meeting or this Workshop to order today is uh Wednesday April 10th 2024 the time is now 3:10 p.m. um this is a council Workshop regarding uh policy for permits and extended hours of operation in our city and the um alcohol ordinance within the city um Madam clerk please call the r councilwoman Marine poras is not present councilwoman Rafael Pino present council is not present vice mayor Oscar boy corve is not present mayor chrisy Fraga present okay pleas wise for pledge of allegiance led by Al to the flag United States ofer one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for okay if you will indulge me um Pastor sta leie from Metro Life Church is here and I would like for him to lead us in prayer very quickly let's pray heavenly father thank you that uh you're with us today it's been a tough week for Dural so we just want to ask for your comfort to be upon each of those who have been negatively affected by the events that occurred this past weekend we also pray for wisdom and direction to be be given as every member of this community deserves the protections and the freedom to enjoy their lives without fear so somehow lead and direct our leadership today in the right manner so that we continue to embrace this great culture that we share in Dural and we thank you for that now in thy name we pray amen amen thank you Pastor I'm going to open it up to public comments I have a common card if you did not provide a common card you can come up and speak either way and then fill out a common card after public comments are now open and we're going to start with Mr Richard glut good afternoon everyone it's too bad the other Council people can't be here but what are you going to do all right I came here with some suggestions on the uh problem that we have before us I've already written every council member uh a pretty long letter explaining some of my personal histories regarding bars and things like that and how I feel about giving extensions there's not just City there's not just the martini bar that has extensions there's about three or four other places that have extensions to and I don't really know if they're all in City Place or not but if they are they should be taken away shouldn't be allowed uh I think all these places maximum need to shut down uh by 2 a.m. and after 1:00 a.m. you should have a rule where you do not allow anyone in side anymore because it's going to take an hour to close the place down and get all the drunks out of there anyway so if you have more people coming in they're going to make more problems they'll say hey come on let me in my friends in there I haven't seen that guy in a couple of years you're never going to get him out of there by two so you have to just stop letting people in at one the people inside can stay finish their drinks and go home uh as far as is searching people all women's purses need to be searched at the door uh and the security staff needs to have a handheld metal detector wand and check everyone that includes the women too that way they don't have to touch anybody they take a wand and go and that's it they can tell if there's metal on their bodies that's the way they used to do it in the 80s when the Cocaine Cowboys had the clubs and it was very eff effective uh train all Club staff on over serving drinks to patrons and make sure they can identify those people uh that are highly inebriated patrons and once a person is highly inebriated and you know let's say table number five has already had like 20 drinks served there where you just have to cut them off you say you don't have to leave but we can't serve you any more alcohol there has to be a limit on that to you have to train those people don't just keep feeding them booze to run the tab up and get a big tip and also as far as the police are concerned uh I know we have uniform police there already which is a very good idea they get paid uh you know extra that's required I think that's really good but we also need more undercover people like they do in Italy I remember when I went to Leonardo da Vinci airport I got there the first time I didn't see any police around but then I looked up and I saw all these guys looking down they were undercover police so you have to have more undercover police there thank you Mr blood step we will now call up an Marie codina barick thank you very much Madame mayor thank you everyone um I'm Anna Mar codina barick CEO of codina Partners and developer of Dand Dalal where we are located right now uh the codina family has been investing and developing in Dural before you City since way before incorporation starting with our Beacon parks and obviously downtown Dalal is our signature project we have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in this community our estimates show that we will have invested over a billion dollars by the time we finish building downtown Dural our brand is tied to your brand we are the city of Dural we are your downtown area we have been very very thoughtful and cautious about how we have invested and built this community for the city of deral as I like to tell all of my team members I tell our Brokers downtown Dalal is a PG destination maybe we'll get to PG-13 every once in a while but there are plenty of places in Miami day County if you want our rated experience it is not what Dal is about as you know we've spoken to you Madame mayor to Prior administrations we've been at this since 2004 about the importance of security for our brand for your brand and for the city so I am just here to say that we support any efforts at increasing safety in this community Dural is a family City it's one of the youngest cities by demographic in Miami day County there are a lot of children here including in our Charter Schools one of our Charter Schools uh is represented here and we support anything the city does to improve safety security and to make sure this is a city that is familyfriendly and safe for all thank you very much thank you thank you for being here Mr Bradley gaban good afternoon Council my name is Bradley caban my address is 10750 Northwest 48 Lane throughout Florida 33178 the current events that has happened in the past weekend in C City Durado concerns me has been really sad knowing who died and people involved in there I've grew up in this city sorry I've grew up in the city my whole life and just these events just gets me sad because I don't want my community to be known oh there was a shooting at City Place which has not been the first shooting in City Place but I think there needs to be more strict measures as you know the past comments I agree completely there should be more regulations or more strict um more strict things in order to prevent other tragedies in this city and I also call out other cities that are residential especially like d it's a family City you know seeing how this happens in a city that is very family oriented where there was neighborhoods right behind it I think other cities if they're watching it I think they should follow this initiative where we can set more strict protocols to avoid a pro a potential horrible thing you know a potential thing that could harm other people's lives because one lost life can impact many and I don't think one person should die ever again so I think the city of JAL is doing a great initiative right now by doing this workshop and unfortunately the other people cannot attend I don't know why but what has happened is very sad and I just call on the city to review everything especially the other council members that cannot come please revise everything see if you can potentially enforce these businesses to close earlier to stop alcoholic sales because it's not only City ples there's other businesses that are literally close to schools literally right next to my neighborhood where there's people sitting outside parked just drinking alcohol and just dumping their liquor bottle all over the parking lot I've seen it myself and I'm not going to say where but I know you already know most of the council called compliance they all know but I think there needs to be a stricter measure especially in a city where it's residential where there's kids there's children there's everything you know there's a school it's incredible to see what has happened and unfortunately we cannot do much control about it because everyone has a gun and there's really an impossible way to say hey you can't have a gun people carry and unfortunately the law doesn't tell you that you can have a gun the the the law clearly states you can have a gun without a license but I think in the city of JAL especially Community that's tightly it as a family community I think there should be stricter protocols saying you know you cannot sell alcohol past 2 1 a.m. and metal detectors handheld machines more order in place why because nothing good ever happens at 2 3: in the morning at a nightclub especially where people can get drunk and it concerns me because they could be drunk drivers too people are irresponsible so I think you should also pass another ordinance maybe in the name of the person who died the security guard George because he we need to live him a legacy he unfortunately died leaving a family behind he was about to graduate he was just doing his job and unfortunately this tragedy happened so counil and the other people please do something for our community thank you thank you Mr uh Anthony Caba good afternoon mayor council or should I say mayor and councilman first of all I'd like to appreciate you guys for the work that you are doing to maintain Public Safety I know that the events that um that happened last week were not characteristic of what's typical in theal were known for our safety and for our prosperity and unfortunately last week did not show that but speaking to that I I would like to ask the council to focus on one thing on helping the residents not on getting over political differences and political fights of the past I was told by a different council member not to go to the office on the right but the office on the left somebody that he had not campaigned with why because we should be getting past these political differences whether it's pensions or the parks bonds or the certificates of recognition proclamations that will maybe require unanimous consent by the council to pass this should not be occurring just because one council member has a difference with another one unfortunately they're not here right now but because one council member has a difference with another one that shouldn't determine whether a student like myself or like Bradley should get a recognition for the work in the community so being Dural a community that does support the elderly that supports the special needs community that supports the students I ask that you you guys maintain that maintain that culture of safety and prosperity and that you do prioritize the resident needs over political differences thank you thank you okay anyone else would like to speak at this time okay yes absolutely please approach the podium now would be the time to make your public comments name and address for the record hi everyone my name is Claudia Mariana Cano donadio my address is 4556 six Northwest 104 Avenue that's Dalal Dooms that's one of the first communities ever built here I've lived here for 32 years I have never seen the tragedy that just happened I myself don't drink so I don't I don't know what really happened but like maybe also the security guard will be mandatory that they wear a vest like a bullet proof vest to prevent that I mean the tragedy I truly believe that there's no money in the world that could replace a life especially for the parents and the family and I think it's very very disrespectful that the other Council people are not here I mean I cannot believe that they are not here that is so disrespectful for the whole community and I'm not a very good speaker but I just heard somebody saying that invested billions of dollars if he was your son do you think billions of dollars would bring him back so please I am with you guys I know you guys do the right decision for us uh I think it's terrible that there's a bar at 3:30 in the morning serving liquor and More Liquor so they could spend more money and we should be looking out for the safety of everyone here thank you thank you any other comments at this time please approach the podium being none okay public comments is now closed um first I want to thank you all for being here today before uh we start the workshop um I want to thank our police officers um for the work that they do and I I I didn't make these comments earlier because I thought that the proper Forum to do it was this Workshop let me be very clear um when I called a special meeting on Saturday I did it with the intention that I thought it was important number one for our staff to be prepared to have sufficient amount of time to Pro provide the information that we were going to need to move forward and making a decision and two I felt that it was important not just for the businesses that would be affected but also for the residents to have an opportunity to come and speak and so when I requested the council meeting um I gave a time of 3:00 since we were already here for our council meeting I figured we'd be done with the morning session it' give us an opportunity to have lunch and then come back at 3 o'clock and convene for this uh meeting and then uh unfortunately we had three council members say that they would not they would not be present for Quorum so I immediately responded to the clerk's office and said please propose 7 p.m. so that we would be here again we have a meeting at 5: where we have protocol and then at 6 our regular scheduled council meeting I figured within an hour we'd be done with our for with our meeting and we could re we could open up a council meeting directed to this the reason why I did not want this to be a laid down item was twofold one it gave them the amount of time to make sure that they provided us with the information necessary also respecting the public in saying here's the backup this is what we're going to discuss so that you all could have an agenda all right on what was going to be discussed here today I don't have the agenda with me but here we go so that this would be present and publicized online okay and this allows the public to see all the backup agenda items that we were going to discuss anything contrary to that is a lack of transparency and respect to our residents that's why I called for this meeting now like I said I gave two options 3:00 and 7 and unfortunately three council members decided that they were not going to be here for this so I had to change this the council meeting to a workshop so that two of us that felt that this was important could still meet with the proper Administration receive a report and then move forward on bringing for forward an item that will amend our code um so that's why I I did not agree with having a laid down item whether it was this morning or later tonight it was important not just for those who are affected but for the sake of transparency and respect that this would be published with all the backup so that people could come here today and do and and have their civic participation to be able to speak on this item whenever we have laid down items the public doesn't know that's why we don't allow it per our Charter so that the public has the right to come and speak and have their voices heard with that being said I want to just quickly uh put on the record the four items I asked for from staff to be ready for this meeting and then I'll allow uh uh the councilmen to to ask any questions and then we'll open it up to staff so on Saturday I sent a memo to the City attorney the city uh interim City man the interim City attorney city manager and the city clerk and it stated um it stated a request for a report of all incidents at City Place establishment at the city place establishment for over five years a list of all nightclubs and entertainment establishments in dur and the special permits that had been granted so we knew who we were affecting a legal opinion from the city attorney on rollbacks of these permits and an investigation and a a report report on the investigation details regarding the incident on April 6th 2024 at City Place um that is what we will be discussing here today A lot of this was prepared and given to us already in the backup and anyone who saw the agenda item will have has an opportunity to see all the reports attached I'll let our Administration kind of touch on those as we ask questions but again it's really unfortunate that we have to be here today trust me this is not a meeting I wanted to have uh our our community suffered a tragedy this weekend two people lost their lives one innocent young man who had a future ahead of him um I know that many of us have had the opportunity to speak to the family and we're very sad that this happened one of our officers was injured throughout the process luckily he is home and recovering with his family and there's still many people who are in the hospital recovering so this is obviously something that is very very important and my heart goes out to all of those who were affected by this um and it's something that we want to try and prevent in the future so with that I'll turn it over to councilman Pino if he has any comments and then we'll turn it over to staff to go through some of the reports thank you mayor uh first of all I just want to say thank you to everyone that is here uh again as the mayor just said U this is something that certainly we we were not expecting to be talking about or addressing not only to the residents to the media to the business owners to everybody that have been actually talking about this since Saturday morning unfortunately something that happened that took place in our community that again and I will continue to say that we we still this the safest community in Miami day County and it's really thanks to the hard work of the officers that we have back then and the ones that we have actually working right now it's t stents that we have the again the safest community in Miami day County the numbers are numbers and when we speak about crime rates and I always like to remind this to the residents when you compare 2023 with 2022 we had a reduction of almost 12% in crime rates in the city of dado that's the highest percentage ever in the city of dado so that's thanks to the leadership that we have inside the police department so again what occurred on Saturday yes something that we have to address I I want to thanks once again the police department for the action that they took on Saturday morning uh and let me tell you probably without having the off duty officer out there that morning at 3:40 3:50 in the morning uh things probably wouldn't be worse so I I always like to commend the police department and the police officers that was involved having said that I also had the opportunity to speak to Mr uh Jor castillos the father of the young guy that unfortunately the security guy that died on Saturday morning and one of the first thing that he said to me is that there're no number one there are no the residents but he's he was so humble when he said to me that he is thankful for everything that the dout police department has done for he and his family during these hard times the fact that the police officers went to his home and speak to the family I know the chief also has been in communication with then so that speak a lot about our police department and and I always like to to mention that because sometimes we forget about the hard work that they go through speaking about uh this I certainly agree with what the mayor said and what I hear from you as residents and business owners as well I mean Dalal is a family community I have my family here I have my little one here I'm also at that so uh for me to have a place that is open until four o' is concerning I always like to say there are other places where you can go and party or as M codina said uh if you want to go uh rated at R there are other places where you can go but not in Dural so I will certainly be in favor of any changes not only to the hours of operation the same time I understand business owners they have the right to have their businesses in the city of dado which is is normal but again Dural is Dalal for a reason Dural is a it's a family community and and believe me I want to keep it that way so I will certainly be in favor of any changes to the hours of operation that needs to take place but at the same time we have to also take extra steps looking forward uh number one I always I have been talking about search to make sure that these business owners they they go through search uh and different options that we also have to consider I know we still have in place the off duty officer as one of the requirements for these establishments but I think the main difference that we're going to be able to make is when we speak about the hours of operation so uh by looking at the report that I know the city manager is going to go over uh certainly the number of incidents or complaints recorded by code compli L had increased in the past month two months coming from city place so uh again it's unfortunate that we're having this conversation under these circumstances but at the same time is good because we're going to be able to take the necessary steps to make sure that something like this doesn't happen in theal again thank you mayor thank you madam uh city manager would you like to go over some of the report certainly Madame mayor council member Panero um so what you have is as the mayor as just prepared first of all you have a detailed incident list from police for every incident that they responded to at City Place um so you'll see the individual listing and then the department the police department has summarized that into a breakdown um of graphs by year which provide um the type of offense or incident um there are a couple of them that really aren't fences they're they're more of an incident nature um where that location occurred um how it's by distributed by day of the week and then by time of day and you have that for the five years 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 and 24 2024 year to date um as you can see um not unexpectedly most of the incidents occur Friday Saturday Sunday um you know and they occur you know a greater percentage in the evening hours um you also have from code enforcement St um a uh breakdown of noise all of the noise complaints that they have received um again for 2019 to present uh and and that is provided by date time location and the notice that was issued and then the final two attachments are the listing of entertainment establishments in the city and there are I guess one two seven of those and then the four um establishments that have been granted um the extended license okay so in reviewing the um the calls it seems that there was about 1,129 calls for service in The Last 5 Years to the area um obviously not all of those are calls for service that are crimer related some are even health related right you know calls ambulance things like that so um now it seems the highest of those was 2021 with 365 2022 with 342 it actually decreased in 2023 to 109 and then this year we have had 32 um additionally in the review of my as I was reviewing these uh these reports in the noise complaints it seems like the noise complaints uh one particular business has been sent to magistrate and is quite a couple quite quite a few times actually over the last over the last two months like there's several consistent reoccurring issues and then it seems like previously in 2022 there was cost for service between 1:00 a.m. and 3 3:00 a.m. um over a span of like three months I was under the impression that they didn't have a permit at that time I guess the permit that was renewed recently was an extended an extension which one is that so this is [Music] for actually it's two it's for Chico Malo and for martini bar which to my understanding um martini bar didn't have an extended permit they were allowed to operate till 3:00 a.m. per our ordinance that was established in 2007 that is my understanding but we are reviewing that as well okay so with that being said and after reviewing um um all of this now again you have provided us a list that 1 two 3 four 5 six seven establishments would be impacted if we were to roll back the time till 2: a.m. I'm going to defer to our City attorney on that um because I said we are reviewing the ordinances as we speak I look at the list to see how many establishments that the manager has put forward the ordinance apparently was changed in 2022 but there seemed to be some question about the effect we are looking at that but again as I announced earlier we're going to be having special counsel look at that they'll be understand you want this for the very next meeting and we'll make sure they're fully prepared to give a complete answer to that there does appear to be um at least some unclarity that we're trying to resolve and that's one of the things that you can do is to make sure going forward that it is clarified okay so to my understanding when I reviewed all the ordinances and I have it here pretty well broken down the original ordinance from 2007 created the original um code allowing nightclubs and bars to be open till 3:59 a.m. in 2014 ordinance 201448 created section 74.9 6 extended hour licenses till 3 3: a.m. for specifi specified period of time ordinance 201623 defined new terms changed classifications and it changed the term nightclub to entertainment establishment but no changes were to time were made and then in 2021 they replaced the only change in the ordinance was to replace the word weekdays to Monday through Thursday to be able to identify what a weekday was and then they struck out the extended hour license shall be only permitted for a specific period of time in 2022 the ordinance was brought back and defined more terms and added the clarification of a convenience store added section SE 74.9 4 alcohol for temporary special event permits and extended hour permit um therefore I've worked on I've been working on article four alcoholic beverages and have made the following changes which I will be bringing forward the ordinance for April 24th for first reading excuse me so under Section 74-83 classification of vendors sub section B the hours of operations during which to use sorry the hours of operation during which the use is open to the public including the time between 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. to be struck through and say 2 a.m. additionally on section 74-14 alcoholic alcohol temporary special event permit I'm going to be requesting that we add section sub subsection F that would require a security company to have a mobile metal detecting device for additional security measures that must be utilized for the entrance of any patr into the establishment also re uh adding a $5,000 fine for first offensers and a potential automatic removal of BTR additionally section 74- 1995 hours of sale of consumption subsection e extended hours permit the permit holder shall be authorized to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises until 1:30 a.m. subject to each of the following requirements leaving every section the same for the exception of subsection 3 security to add a metal detecting device a mobile metal texting device with a security check with the same terms as per the previous section that would require uh applicable fines and removal of BTR If if they are found to be in violation and then striking through in subsection F number one after after 3:30 after 350 a.m. to 1:50 a.m. in number two after 350 a.m. to 1:50 a.m. and in subsection 3 no later than 2 a.m. additionally on the next page subsection 5 from 2: a.m. until no late no earlier than 8:00 a.m. the permit holder shall prohibit entry into the establishment by customers or members of the public that is all that I found within our code that needs to be updated which we are working on and will be submitting for legal review um by the uh by the attorney's office which I believe um Mr Geller needs to have a special councel review okay um I have one last question as we move forward with these items um we have a situation and I I reviewed the ordinance and didn't find uh really where we could be a little bit more uh I guess strict with this we have an issue in a certain shopping center um where there is onsite uh consumption where they purchase there and then there's on-site consumption just directly next to the uh establishment it's not necessarily on the establishment it's in the parking lot to my understanding the code has a provision at the end that says uh consumption in public places and certain private places is not permitted when I read this section it's very clear that it would not be permitted yet uh it seems that it's been a consistent violation and issue and so one of the um items I would like for the administration to look at in in more depth is providing for more restrictions and uh fines when it comes to onsite consumption when purchased at a convenience store may mayor me just say that in in general terms um location and it can be specific location uh you don't have to in general terms you don't have to have a one-sized fits-all rule for the whole city you can have different rules in different places based on the immediate local character including the nature of the store and the proximity to Residents in addition there are other kinds of conditions that you may impose if you allow extended hours of any kind um in exchange for that there are other security conditions that include not only um what one of the speakers talked to about searches etc for weapons to keep weapons out of a store and one other example that was done in Miami Beach for instance is they looked at conditions that had to do with uh again similar to what a speaker said keeping doors locked so that you didn't have Ingress and egress you couldn't have somebody who just you know popped out to their vehicle maybe came back armed from their vehicle and might whether they're subject to separate search or not so in in speaking again in general terms there are a lot of different kinds of things you can do and there's some flexibility and that includes directly addressing the specific situation that you just talked about okay I have I have another question if we hear this ordinance amended for the first time April 24th is there sufficient time between April 24th and May 8th to implement I I would to some degree defer to the clerk but let me just say that the Miami Beach experience and we've looked at what Miami Beach did they've you know got a a lot more of these kinds of establishments than deral does and is very important to have if you want rules that will stand up in court you need to be certain that you give full due process and an adequate opportunity to be heard to everyone that's affected I'm not limiting that to business owners to to Residents as well that want to be heard on these issues so you're better ering on the side of caution so that if there is a court challenge which there could well be that you've dotted eyes and crossed tees and be sure that everyone gets appropriate due process everyone gets to have all their issues heard there's thorough consideration in the form of research by the administration compiling of reports speed is not your friend necessarily speed May directly be your enemy and taking a little more more time to do something can make the difference between winning in court and and on appeal in front of a Circuit Judge and not winning and so it's as as urgent as the tragedy is it's an obvious tra tragedy but if you move more carefully the odds are better that you win in court when the challenge comes so we'll make sure we have proper notice between first and second yes yes mayor um there's a 10day requirement between first and second so we have time okay um I'd like to hear a report from the chief of police if it's possible as well any any information that he can provide us at this time um would be great a quick report on the incident I think I saw him go to the back that way he may have gone to the bathroom yeah and with the understanding that his report may be yes limited understood understood yeah I want to I want to second that mayor that just be careful that we don't ask I think he can report anything that's been already disclosed to the public yes while we wait for the chief councilman do you have any questions or comments sorry Chief I caught you when you went to the bathroom yes ma' Chief let me just mention as the mayor just said she wants you to talk about things that are already public but she's aware that there is an in existing ongoing investigation and no one's asking you to compromise your investigation in any way obviously absolutely thank you sir yes ma'am thank you just to give us a brief description of what you know what happened I know that um some of us saw it you know some on the news um but just to give us a deep uh a brief description of what we we know to date um and the incident and obviously how your officers responded who was there sure thank you don't have to say disclose names but we know there was off duty how many sure so we had two officers working in an off-duty capacity contracted by city place that evening thankfully um their end time that day was four o'clock incident occurred around 3:30 so um they were still working obviously and they were able to um respond immediately upon the gunshots being fired um our officers went immediately um into the establishment to the covered outdoor Terrace and were able to engage the uh the shooter inside um during the exchange of rounds um six innocent bystanders were struck the um original perpetrator who was armed was struck as well and one of our police officers was struck as well so in total nine individuals were stuck were struck by gunfire six innocent bystanders two uh individuals inside one the perpetrator one the security guard and our police officer so we had two uh two fatalities that day the 23y old security guard and the original armed gunman um all other uh persons inflicted by gunshot wounds are currently uh recovering in different medical conditions um most are in stable condition and have been released we still some are listed as critical but stable but all are expected to make a full recovery um exactly one year prior to the date um we conducted a full scale multi- agency active shooter Mass cry drill at the same establishment so we credit that to the outcome of the incident although we can never guarantee with 100% certainty um that in establish or an incident will not occur our officers were equipped trained and had the necessary skill set to be able to address and neutralize a threat immediately without delay unfortunately we've seen um different incidents throughout this community or I'm sorry throughout the country in the world where we've had active shooter events and although we don't know the particulars we know that law enforcement has been criticized in terms of the response time whether we look at Uval day where officers took approximately one hour to confront the gunman um and other incidents there has been criticized we've also had an amazing example of U heroism when we've seen um like for example in Nashville when officers entered a a Christian School and were able to address the gunman without delay oh well this is very similar to that incident our officers not knowing any particulars just simply the fact that that rounds went off and this establishment went in without delay and were able to neutralize a threat immediately so it's a three- tiered investigation between the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that's standard practice anytime we have an officer involved shooting the Florida Department of Law Enforcement as a neutral uh party conducts an investigation we have the Miami dat Police Department conducting the actual homicide investigation where the 23y old young man was was uh killed and then we have the Dalal Police Department conducting a general investigation on this matter but uh we credit the uh The Limited loss of additional lives to both the training and the her ISM of our police officers so we're very grateful for that um it's something that we've trained over and over again since I've become chief of police here which is the active shooter events our elected officials our city administrators our directors have all been involved I've involved as a matter of fact in that drill our city leadership in terms of the directors and anyone else who wanted to come participate I think it's critical during these times to be able to get the involvement and the participation we know that the data shows us that if we have an incident like this it's going to take a multitude of individuals to keep uh control of the amount of Los of law of lives lost and uh it proved to be uh to be successful that day in terms of the application of tourniquet the application of gauze uh in open wounds the stopping the bleeding we have three primary uh goals when it comes to mass casualty attack situation which is Stop The Killing stop the dying and the rapid evacuation of individuals so we definitely stopped the killing that day we definitely stopped the amount of people that could have died and we definitely evacuated those individuals and put them in the hospital and in conjunction with the hospital drills which the hospital staff which has been part of our active shooter drills we were able to save countless lives that day um I had the the father of the victim in my office yesterday um it was a horrible uh experience seeing the pain and grief that this family is going to the day before yesterday I visited the home of the of the uh of the family and spoke to the family as well and I met the I met the deceased um little girl um and as a father and as a police chief is some of the most difficult times I've experienced in this community in my life actually I have an eight and a 13 year old and no matter how many people are telling the vi the the victim's family that they know how he feels no one knows how it feels unless you've lived through a situation like that so we ask the community for continued prayers um we can never guarantee with a 100% certainty that we can prevent an incident like this but if God forbid we have an incident I'll double down and back up my officers and pray that that they're the ones that respond to an incident like this cuz they went in the in the in the line of death that day and handled business accordingly thank you thank you Chief thank you and your officers for the work that you all do um I have a question if you can disclose the um basically the root of the argument or how it happened so there's uh some varying accounts um of how it happened obviously the the Witnesses our best Witnesses are some that are in the hospital or recovering so a lot of the medical staff has told us that the recollection of these individuals who have undergone a traumatic experience um takes a long time because they're going to be able to uh recollect some of these incidents or details of the incident weeks down the line so we don't know we've heard various accounts um some say that there was an argument over a a couch or a pillow some say there was an argument over something else some say that the original perpetrator was an argument with a female some say it was with a male so we've heard different account so for me to sit up to stand up here and give a an accurate depiction of what um contributed to the initial um argument or the reason for this uh this conflict would be inaccurate can you um disclose whether the perpetrator was uh from our community the perpetrator was not a resident of D okay and lastly do you know if the location was doing um frisks or Security checks upon entrance so I know that the the business conducts those um occasionally I do not know if that evening a search was conducted on patrons okay and this person obviously came uh with the with the weapon on them the person was carrying the weapon obviously at the time of discharge we do not know if the person entered the establishment with the firearm or another person entered the The Establishment with the firearm and during their time there passed it to this individual okay all right thank you chief for providing that information I don't know if the councilman has any additional questions thank you mayor and once again thank you Chief uh I know you started here in the rer over a year ago uh by looking at the numbers in 2023 coming from city place we're looking at about 109 uh offense and so far in 2024 32 based on your experience as a law enforcement uh what's your looking at City Place and they entertaining venues between 2 o'clock and four o'clock in the morning in Dural because we keep saying Dalal is is you know one of the safest cities in Miami day County which I believe we are uh what has been your your experience so far with City Place between those hours well um the most of the individuals that are there at that time are obviously in a in you know in a party atmosphere uh consumption of alcohol whether you stop it at 2 o'clock you can order Aloha at 11:45 enough to last you for the next day if You' like so um we can't really uh gauge um if that is a contributing factor directly linked to that um however we've had had a number of incidents in City Place or in the surrounding communities um after with patrons that were visiting City Place uh but luckily we've met with City play staff um over my entire time here occasionally they've been receptive to having uh an increased presence of security they've hired and contracted um those two officers uh but it's something that needs to be Revisited and uh and decided in terms of um do we get the best bank for our book in terms of having establishments uh open at certain times and um it's not a debate that's unique to the rout whether we look at a multitude of cities uh throughout this community there's a lot of debate in terms of extension of business hours um we just seen it over spring break in certain areas and we see it now here uh during the same time period of April uh so it's something that we need to collectively decide as as City leadership and with the elected body as as to what's the ultimate goal of our city and then if we're going to have certain um establishments open what's the proper security I believe the ordinance right now gives leeway to these establishments whether to hire security guards or police officers they actually make the decision well I'll tell you one thing if they had opt oped to hire two security guards unarmed the outcome that day would have been a lot different that's true thank you with that being said also I just want to add you know last year uh we we we took up a discussion very similar to to this understanding um you know and and I want to just say the the management at City Place has been very um has been wanting to work with the city I've met with them several times I know you have and one of the recommendations we made last year was for them to hire two off-duty police offic officers and they did it and so we put two off duty police officers and you can see it in the calls the calls from 2021 and 2022 were half in 2023 um it went from 342 to 109 so clearly having some additional um Authority at the at the establishment you know helped with calming some of those tempers however again we're not immune to this and let me just be very clear we're never going to leg islate human behavior that's clear we're never going to be able to legislate human behavior but if we can create guardrails that will prevent future incidents and understanding that the type of community we are and the environment that we that we want to um provide for our residents and the quality of life we want to provide for our residents you know taking everything into a consideration the re the incidents in the past the incident this weekend the noise calls and the fact that that we really did put every measure in place to try and prevent certain things from happening I think that the best thing for our city to do at this point is make a recommendation and uh amend our code to restrict the hours of operation so um you know I'm I'm pretty clear on where I want to go with this obviously whether it was a workshop a special meeting or whatever it was this has to go to a first hearing which will be uh in a subsequent meeting um so my goal is to see this come forward April 24th second reading on May 8th and uh and then take put it into effect immediately along with the addition additional Provisions that would um allow for any establishment that has these types of sales to have additional security measures I have one final question was a security guard armed somebody asked me that the other day and I I wasn't sure yeah um he was not armed he was not armed so they do not they're not required to have armed security guards correct the the stipulation just means security Personnel okay all right that's I'm I'm good with those answers um I'm going to be providing the uh amended changes to the ordinance for the April 24th meeting I think it may have already been emailed to the to the attorney's office for review by by uh independent councel um and the city manager's office I don't know if anybody has any more questions or comments none okay okay all right this meeting is adjourned um we will reconvene at 5: for our protocol 6 p.m. for our regular scheduled council meeting and this will be brought back on April 24th thank you