##VIDEO ID:rjZBFjoGBE8## the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good evening everyone Welcome to our evening session for our regular scheduled council meeting today is Wednesday September 11th 2024 the time is 6:14 p.m. this meeting is now in order and just give me one second let's rise for the I'm sorry madam cler please call the roll call Council Mar poras councilman Rafael Pino pres Council vice mayor corve mayor chrisy frag pres mayor have thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by Council flag United States America the for it stands nation under God indivisible withy andice for all thank you everyone agenda order of business is there any additional or deletions to this agenda no ma'am no okay we'll move on to public comments the public comments portion of this meeting is now open if you would like to speak please come up to the podium St your name and address for the record you have three minutes to speak in a respectful manner towards this Council I will start with our common cards if you would like to speak and have not filled out our common card please make sure to visit the clerk so that you can fill one out after we'll start with Lou Lou Mars Betty garcy Lou Mars Betty gar homeless part two regarding the appointment of um uh us AG which is the United States Army General to the military Advisory Board I cannot emphasize enough to everybody here and listening that this memorandum of understanding that we have from October 27th 2021 does permit the United Nations to train freely within the city of Dural and the building and I highly recommend that you get a copy of it from our city clerk and in it um this is an opinion so I Stand My Ground on My First Amendment rights it is a well-known fact or wellknown militarily that the most contemptibly corrupt military branch is the Army and since we have Southern command being led by a um army General Laura Richard a son and you are wishing mayor to appoint somebody from the United States Army Garrison let me read to everybody what army Garrison means or a Garrison means and how it relates to um D being um taken over by the enemy in military terms a Garrison is a military Outpost to post where troops are stationed to protect an area a Garrison can be a military Camp Fort or base it can also be a fortified place with troops and guns the word garrison comes from the French word garrison which comes from the verb Garnier meaning to equip and I will say to you large garrisons were considered vital to prevent rebellions or Uprising and I would like to know from which side the military or from we the people you work for us I reminder once again that you have permitted people to come into our city to take over and soon enough and I sent you all a very detailed email this earlier this afternoon and it is quite lengthy I have already published it on my Facebook Louis margara and I'm hoping that each one of you will take it seriously thank you thank you would anyone else like to speak at this time this would be your opportunity to address this Council on anything on the agenda or anything ger meain to our body being none public comments is now closed and we will move on to presentations we have a presentation from Parks and police for kids Foundation item 21A parks and police for kids Foundation annal report thank you hello my friend it if you can please put the report up on the screen thank you green forward okay got it okay thank you mayor thank you vice mayor council woman and Council men for the opportunity to show us the memorial quent as we call in Spanish for 2024 for Park and Poli for kids and here on my side uh presenting yourself mayor council um W city manager my name is Josh R I'm I'm part of the board of directors of the par Parkson pH for kids um my name is SE Martinez I'm a BP for Park and police for kids so well it's too too small here but I can talk a little bit about what is um our main mission in our case the park Poli for kids is a nonprofit organization each one of the member for par Poli for kids is a representation of the the council members of the city of D we basically focus on provide a help for kids and needs in our city okay we work in in conjunction with the Park Park and Recreations and also the police of the city of D ER one of the programs and services actually we provide it's um after schools after school program we finished the 23 24 in the Renaissance School we went with the 17 students that actually what um doing after school activities like um I don't know after school homework and they they basically work with the police they improve their their own a what can I say that their own responsibility to the community they they they usually are a students that the the the the parents has at work they do many things and the the kids are alone so when you have a kid alone home there is many opportunities to get in drugs to get in trouble so basically we took those and name of kids and we putting in the after school program we have also a summer camps we have the opportunity to provide two summer camps in this summer with the help of the city police it was it was really good the feedback for the kids was amazing they want to do like another with more so we don't have the the opportunity to to do that but we planning to do in the 2024 also we do a Community Education and workshop something for example like um like a sexting texting cyber bullying we bring to the community this type of presentation that actually the the police of U City of theal they help us to bring that type of topics like uh H cooing safety measures things like that so we do also so the rongan work Clinic exercise with the many running teams that we have here in our city and it was um very well received also and our most famous we we can see is the participation for Paran police is the national n outs back to school that with the help of you guys we deliver more than 1,000 of school backs School packs back schools ER with many supplies inside of um of those book bags no so every kit that usually some D residents they receive a a book back and they were happy with the with the things that actually they they find in in it no h we receive a a funding from um the Miami Miami city actually we get that phone and use it to do something that we call the Mobile Traffic Park it's something that is mobile we can present into the community in every different parts that we have in our community and basically the main structure that we do with that part is teaching the kids traffic rules so it's something that it was a very well received we provide scooters we provide things so the kids can have a lot of fun with that um what else ER one of the things that actually we do in the 2023 2024 WhatsApp the FL International funding we provide that amount do you want to talk a little bit I'll talk a little bit about that thank you so um through the help of Pete Garcia from FIU we were able to get from from last year $35,000 um matching Grant 2:1 so meaning we have to if PP 4K is able to give $35,000 to FIU they match it 2 to1 so up to $115,000 for first generation students who live in Durado who will be attending f you and another thing that um we would like to ask Council either for this fiscal year or the fiscal year coming up whatever is more feasible is for that same $35,000 donation to PP Fork so we may be able to distribute that to FIU to to help these very much these residents that were in this program and they were part of this program and they saw how much this program helped them out and they're becoming the next generation of our of our country and of our city so we're also asking for that $35,000 donation for the first generation program okay just um to complimenting we need we need more than that okay this is only for donations that we do with the with Flor International University but there is a lot of things that actually we plan to do okay there is many things that we have many ideas that we can put in place and for sure we need more more resources so and I don't know any questions you can have from us I have a comment yes May thank you thank you so much for the presentation and really great job that you guys are are doing and um wishing you much continued success I just want to mention that we did approve the 35,000 in the last in the first hearing so you have in the first budget hearing so you have that in um the budget already thanks to my colleagues who um joined me in in approving it and um we've also you're going to get a call eventually as well to see how else we can help so thank you guys for the great work we really appreciate apprciate you engaging with our community with our kids and our police and Parks thank you thank you for your time have a good day thank you guys thank you okay we move on to our public hearings may may please swear in all Witnesses if you will be presenting testimony and any of the public hearings please stand up raise your hand and repeat after me I do solemnly swear that the information I'm about to present shall be the truth and nothing but the truth thank you very much item 22A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving the site plan for Mi 102 Avenue Hospitality for the property located at 10234 Northwest 19th Street Dalal Florida pursuant to section 53-1 184f of the city's Land Development code and providing for an effective date okay thank you very much um we're going to hear from staff open up okay we're going to hear public hearing first on this item so we'll open up public comments for item 24- 5841 if anyone would like to speak on this item and this item alone please approach the podium at this time okay being none we'll close public comments and when I'll hear from Staff first good evening mayor and Council Michelle Lopez with your planning and zoning department uh the applicant miia 102nd Avenue Hospitality proposes a site plan at 10234 northwest 19 Street um the property is a 3.29 acre parcel which is uh partially developed and owned by uh ewe Hotel LLC the subject area for the proposed site plan of a six-story hotel is the vacant 1.30 acre uh portion of land um which the applicant has a long-term lease um and that's on the Eastern side of the property the Western portion of the parcel is developed with a six-story hotel which includes 135 rooms which is a residence in uh by Marriott the future land use category and the zoning are industrial they're both consistent with one another um the project as I mentioned is a six-story hotel totaling 89,1 Square ft uh it's going to include 124 hotel rooms and featuring amenities um such as a pool breakfast buffet Lounge area fitness center including uh retail space with a restaurant and pub a zoning Workshop was held on April 17th uh 2024 there were no objections uh heard at the workshop the zoning and land uses are industrial to the north south and east and then to the West uh we also have uh industrial zoning and land use with hotel and warehouses to the north south and east uh we only have the warehouse use some aerial depictions um and street view depictions are shown uh at the property location the Southwest view from northwest 19 Street and2nd Avenue the southern view uh and the southeast view elevations uh exterior elevations depicting the project are up on the screen showing the north east south and west elevations uh and also the Landscaping plan which is very well thought out uh with buffering and Landscaping and meets all minimum code requirements uh there's a a complete elevation of the hotel rendering the site plan is consistent with the comprehensive plan it promotes better site design design there's integration of of the project in a more effectively introducing their surrounding environment uh the the project will enhance property values uh it harmonious uh relationship amongst buildings uses and visitors it protects um public health safety welfare for our residents and our visitors all traffic concerns uh have been addressed and again consistent with the standards and or regulations of the approved Master development agreements pattern books and conceptual site plans associated with the CMU dmu tnd and PUD so all that means is consistency with your ldrs and your comp plan there are no variances proposed everything is to code um staff recommends that the Mayan Council approve the proposed site plan for the High House Hotel located at 10234 northwest 19 Street uh as the proposed project is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan land use element goals objectives and policies applicable to the um to the land use category the uh project is consistent uh with your ldrs and it meets site plan evaluation standards pursuant to section 53184 C3 approval of development plans and your Land Development code thank you so much thank you very much Michelle we'll now hear from the applicant good evening good evening mayor council member staff my name is Miguel diaza I'm an attorney at gunster 600 brickl Avenue 35th floor Miami Florida I'm here on behalf of the applicant you heard the presentation from staff we agree with everything they said we ask for your support this application is an as of right application it's a 124 H uh room six-story hotel we are surrounded by industrial land use and Zoning on North South East and West as I said this property is um is industrial uh industrially zoned and industrially designated we meet all the criteria for site plan review in your code we meet all levels of service and we request your approval of our application we think it'll be a tremendous amenity for the resident of Dural and visitors as well thank you Mr de and if you have any questions I'm here to answer thank you any questions of Staff of the applicant from my colleagues motion to approve motion to approve by vice mayor pu cor second by councilman padoo if there's no more discussion Madam clerk please call the role motion to approve made by Vice May pu cor second by Council P vice mayor yes Council Pino yes Council Council yes mayor fr yes Mo passes thank you very much all right congratulations thank you have a great evening thank you you too move on to the next item Madam item 22b a resolution of the on the city council city of D Florida approving the site plan for 8,800 Dal LLC for the property located 8800 Northwest 36 Street D Florida pursu into section 53-1 184f for the city Land Development code and providing for an effective date all right this is Item B and we're going to open up to public comments this item is now open for public comments if you have any comments please come up to the podium you have 3 minutes to speak on this item and this item alone item 24- 5842 being none public comments is closed and we'll now hear from [Music] staff thank you so much uh the applicant 8800 deral LLC proposes a uh site plan at 8800 Northwest 36 Street on A4 acre parcel of land the zoning and the land use are both downtown mixed use um the proposed project is consistent with both your comprehensive plan and your Land Development code the applicant seeks to develop a uh Bank driveth through with facilities the property is an out parcel located at the northeast corner of the previous the approved Dural Gateway master plan and consists of 17567 Ft or4 Acres of vacant land the proposed project is a one-story building uh totaling 1,956 ft bank with drive-through facilities six standard parking spaces 18 188 parking space and an on-site dumpster enclosure the drive-thru is canopied and includes two lanes where the inner Lane uh is for a drive up bank teller and the outer Lane is for uh ATM services uh zoning Workshop was held on June 27 2024 where there were no objections uh to the proposed project the uh the project uh has a industrial commercial zoning District to the north downtown mixed use to the South downtown mixed use uh also to the east and west with future land use category of community mixed use to the North and then again downtown mixed use to the South south east and west it's surrounded by offices U multif family to the west and then Hotel and golf course to the north uh on the on the screen you will see uh depiction of both the city's future land use map and zoning map proposed site plan and elevations um and the Landscaping plan were well thought out um the project is nicely buffered with beautiful landscaping surrounding the site and then existing conditions are reflected on screen showing um the Triangular portion of the parcel um on the uh left side top left photo and then uh images of the Northeast view Southeast View and um the intersection of Dural Boulevard and Northwest 88th Avenue again some renderings um the project is consistent with your comprehensive plan it promotes better uh site design there's integration of the project in a more effective more effectively into the surrounding environment uh property values are enhanced through this development it ensures harmonious relationships amongst buildings uses and Vis visitors uh uh it it protects public health safety and Welfare of our residents and visitors it all traffic concerns have been addressed and traffic has been approved by public works and it is consistent with the standards and our Reg regulations of the approved Master development agreements pattern books conceptual site plan associated with the CMU dmu tnd and PUD no variances are proposed and as such staff recommends that the mayor and Council approve the proposed site plan for the Dural ocean Bank located at 8800 Northwest 41st Street uh as the proposed project is consistent with the city's uh comp plan the Land Development regulations and meets all standards and requirements in city code section 53184 C3 approval of development plans and Land Development code thank you okay we'll hear from the applicant good evening mayor vice mayor council members Stephanie toothaker on behalf of the applicant 901 ponon Drive in Fort Lauderdale Florida 33316 um I first want to thank staff uh it's been such a pleasure working with your staff they've been uh very helpful and provided a great deal of guidance this site plan um as noted we agreed with everything in the staff report it meets or exceeds all of the dimensional requirements this is part of a development that was originally contemplated as an out parcel um it also extremely exceeds the open space in landscaping requirements and we are requesting your support the architect is here with me this evening and we're happy to answer any questions thank you okay through the mayor I have a question Council one for us can you explain a little bit about the parking and whether it meets the requirements so the parking required is seven spaces and we are providing seven spaces on site six of those are regular spaces and one is Ada thank thank you any other questions for the applicant can can we see the uh site plan one more time please I think um it can put up the or if you have one here on your report I just wanted to see that traffic pattern very quickly so this is the overall site plan um you can see that the you can see the parking spaces and you can see the traffic pattern so it is two ways it goes uh there are two lanes that go under the canopy one um immediately adjacent to the building is for um for teller service and then the one that's next to it is for self-service ATM is there a way we can see I think the rending that the city had to see it from there we go that's it this one yes this street oh there we go 36th Street so there's only one Ingress and egress from uh the light that's there currently right from the main entrance of the other property yes but there there gate the thing is that cuz you can't see it I had looked at this previously but you can't see the entrance of the property that's next to it I just I'm I'm I was concerned about stacking but it's it's far back enough we we believe that it is and we went through a full traffic analysis with your staff um it's a it's a small it's a relatively small most banks are shrinking now because not as many people most people Bank online so from a perspective of um of stacking you think it yeah come on in ex Adrien decowski with kimley horn the traffic engineer on the project uh to Alahambra Plaza and Coral Gables there's five stacking positions within the drive-thru Lane before we even get to the drive aisle internal to the site for the before you come into the site to where you get to the gate to go into the the private Community oh you're talking about the other side yeah talking about the the actual entrance to to be able to go into the driveway of the bank so there's there's two lanes over there to get into the private property of um the multif family to get in there and there's um I want to say four stacking positions total before you get to that Center Drive aisle that then goes over the Bridger to the signal right okay it just seems like such a small space when you drive by it and in front of it right and then for our site we have those five stacking positions before you even get to the North South Drive aisle okay quick question yeah follow up on the parking where will your employees Park you're it's going to be a full service bank right it's a full service mini bank so the employees will also Park in those spaces but that's accommodated in the um in the parking study and that's so it's meeting the the requirements for parking right now that's correct with that yes what's the square footage of the of the space of the site or of the bank no of the bank of the actual uh the bank is hold on I'll tell you right now it's uh 1,956 actual that's that's the prob that's what I was trying to get to it's like a 1700 square foot I thought it was like, 1900 square feet so it's not that big that's about right it's small it's very small small yeah okay all right any other questions okay being none we need a motion motion to approve motion to approve by Vice May P corvey sorry second second by councilwoman cabal Madam clerk please call motion to approve made by vice mayor cor seconded by councilman cabal Vice May corve yes councilwoman Cal yes councilman Pino yes Council poras yes mayor frag yes motion passes all right now move on to the first reading thank you very much you're welcome item C first reading ordinance number 202 2427 amending chapter 14 elections and ordinance of the May and the city council of the city of D Florida amending chapter 14 of the city of ordinances providing for conflict severability incorporation to the code and an effective date all right thank you very much this item belongs to City attorney thank you Madame mayor city council um what you have before you is an ordinance that just clarifies and brushes up a couple of issues uh in the section dealing with uh candidates uh for office of council uh primarily section two of it you're going to notice that it just instead of removes the word combination provides that three documents should be required uh and includes uh that with within those is a Florida identification card with the city of Dural residential address and provides that a voter registration card with the city of Dural uh residential address be required as well uh removes section 1421 nominating petitions that requires 25 um electors to be able to sponsor uh this is not something that is very that is consistent with Florida law uh and it's probably uh if ever uh push comes to shove and it's tried to be enforced would be unenforceable so that's why it's been suggested to to be removed uh also the other section section B uh which requires the clerk to take certain action uh if she receives uh certain notifications and and and go to court uh and and file an action uh to remove an a candidate U from an election so it it brushes up some parts of the uh election uh ordinance that are that are troubling uh and just clarifies certain points uh to make it clear as far as documentation that's required uh to be a candidate in the city of Durell and of course this is on first reading I'm open to any suggestions that the council may have okay is there any comments the mayor yes councilwoman councilwoman for us I have a couple of comments um the first one is under section 14-18 under candidates the so now we're requiring three documents right you're changing the city clerk shall from May to shall include at least three documents and then you list the documents I would propose keeping the shall include at least three documents proving residence including but not limited to the ones that are enumerated and listed there not everyone will have three of these but there there may be other documents that can be used to prove residents that are not on this list I wouldn't make this an exhaustive list that's my first um comment and proposal and then the second one would be for let me see same section but but five if you can clarify what the other disqualification means I think it's a it's a little vague I'd like to know what that means and we can start with those I I would agree with with what you're saying uh councilwoman through the mayor um that other disqualification is kind of vague and I would have no problems with striking that uh language uh that that's existing under the code thank you and again I'm proposing to change the language from shall include at least three documents proving residents including but not limited to the list that's on here I don't know if my colleagues have any opinion on that I agree with those changes with your suggestion I would also like to include actually in if we're if we're moving to um include those changes under that same in that same sentence for U utility bills I would say include utility or other bills in the candidates names for a period covering the durational residency requirements within the city okay any other comments you want make a motion any Okay no Okay so I would propose I'll make a motion to approve with the changes I proposed which are again I'm going to repeat them under Section 14-8 second to second I'm sorry oh sorry I was addressing somebody 1482 first reading I can't make comments on first reading I'll open up right after go ahead if you want okay um so again the documents presented to the city clerk shall include at least three documents proving residents including but not limited to and then you know the list and adding under utility bills I would add utility or other bills and then same section number five removing other disqualification unless we can Define it motion to approve with that with those changes second okay we have a motion to approve by councilman por second by councilman CRA with the um amended changes I'm G to I'm going to go ahead and open up to public comments at this time for this item normally we do public comments and second readings for ordinances okay but we'll go ahead and open up to public comments under this particular one Louis moris bet Garza with the disqualifications of 14.5 you say it's two vague and you're going to eliminate it so my question is and I spoke to Connie earlier you're saying this has to do with qualifications of the candidates and it seems again that you've determined three items and now you're diluting it again and again so I don't really understand the point of bringing it up if either you're going to do the three documents or you're just going to keep it as it is now as far as number five for the um disqualification um do we have on there to make sure that we have no illegals voting that we have non-citizens are not voting that drop ballot boxes are not part of this um are we having Mass mailings so I think under disqualification it should be outlined as to who cannot vote because apparently we're passing laws that um that even though it's established that non-citizens should not be able to vote in in any place in the United States apparently we're having to make laws to reinforce that so I'd like to know if the city of Dural is doing so to protect legitimate American votes thank you thank you very much would anyone else like to speak on this item please approach the podium this is item 24- 5859 being none public comments is now closed com in to the to the mayor yes absolutely should we add after what you said um Council woman por us that can prove residency in the city of Durell please yeah because any document is any document I don't want this to be you know Mis interpreted yeah absolutely that can prove residency for two years in the city of Durell right yeah after any additional comments that we uh that you suggested right and I will support it thank you we can include it did you get that Lorenzo y yes I did thank you mayor okay okay please call the roll I have motion to approve ordinance number 202 24-27 on first reading as amended made by Council poras and second by Council cabal Council poras yes Council woman cabal yes councilman Pino yes vice mayor Bo corve yes mayor Chris FR yes motion passes okay thank you very much we'll now move to Second readings second readings item D ordinance number 20248 Harbor genics resoning an ordinance of the mayor and the city council is City D Florida approving an amendment to the city's official Sony map from industrial district I to industrial commercial District IC for a plus or minus 0.028 acre parts of of land located at 10450 Northwest 33rd Street providing for cability conflicts and an effective date this was approved on first reading on August 14th okay thank you very much um first I'm going to go ahead and take expart Communications and then I'll open up to public comments this is which one this is hypergenic I is there any exper Communications okay being none we'll open up to public comments at this time public comments is now open for 24-5 715 what anybody like to speak on this item please approach the podium and speak to this item and this item only being no public comments public comments is now closed and I think we can hear from staff quickly thank you good evening um this is second reading there's no there's been no change between first and second if it's a will of the council I can State the res the recommendation and for the record the presentation made during the August 14 2024 hearing uh if not I can go through the whole presentation I don't think it's motion to approve motion to approve by vice mayor pu cor second by councilman Beno Madame clerk please call the RO motion to approve ordinance number 2024 18 on second reading made by Vi corve second by Council P VI May cor Council P councilwoman Cal yes Council FR yes motion passes okay thank you very much move on to item e item e ordinance number 202 2422 comprehensive plan C update an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of draw Florida adopting the annual update to the Capital Improvements element cie of the city's comprehensive plan for 2024 and the 5-year schedule of Capital Improvements for fiscal years 2425 to 2829 pursuant to section 16331 773b Florida Statutes and providing for an effective date this was approved on first reading on August 14th okay thank you very much we'll open up to public the comments at this time for item 24- 5773 anyone who would like to speak on this item please approach the podium being no public comments public comments is now closed I don't know if uh we need to hear from staff again since second reading any quick update we're good no changes from first to second motion to approve motion to approve by vice mayor P corvy second by councilman patal if there's no more discussion Madam clerk please call a roll motion to approve ordinance number 2024 22 on second reading made by Vi cor second by counc Pino VI May corve yes Council Pino Council Cal yes Council poras FR yes motion passes okay move on to item F item F ordinance number 20242 24 Midtown PUD phases four five and six an ordinance of the May of the city council of the city of D Florida approving modification to Midtown D plan unit development PUD phes four five and six masterer development agreement and pattern book to increase approved residential units from 253 to 552 reduce commercial gross leasable area from 9 9 6,875 ft to 22740 Ft and remove 75,000 ft from this leible area and office use providing for implementation and providing for an effective date this was approved on first reading on August 14th thank you madam clerk we'll take any expart communication at this time I've met with the applicant and it's not influencing my decision thank you the same I've been with the applicant it will not impact my decision thank you same as well thank you thank you coun I I as well have met with the applicant will not influence my decision okay let's go ahead and open up to public comments public comments is now open on item 24- 5775 anyone would like to speak at this time please approach the podium homeless um who is the applicant in this it's not listed here the name is there I mean the actual individual like a physical name okay please go ahead and finish your public comments um I'm it's you're increasing the approved residential units from 253 to 552 that's a huge jump and I'm wondering how much of these uh apartments or uh I guess residential units are being set aside or reserved for the homeless the Indigent um the infirm or those with disability um I notice on your exhibit B it says hero housing Covenant does this have to do anything with the military okay so no definition and and I'm hoping at some point we might have a homeless house housing Covenant and um since you negating to answer my questions um maybe it's ridiculous but my question is when did first reading no longer become a public comments um option and it's gone straight to Second reading you have further restricted our abilities to comment on these items and I think for your lack of response for really simple questions shows me that we are on track that all of you are doing the best you can to hand over the city of Dural to the military shame on you you is there any other public comments at this time please vir good evening mayor counil good afternoon pretty much evening uh my name is Carlos I am president of Coronado 7 um just wanted to bring some things to the attention I know that this is going to happen eventually U the city is growing uh there's a lot of people coming in so we do need you know more buildings um I see that the street is very small it's narrow 107 is only two ways North and two ways south are are are we developing this area like spending it and if so like how cuz my concern is that there's going to be a lot of traffic if we're expanding to 500 units and thinking that there's two individuals per home we're going to be talking of maybe $1,000 per edit uh per building um it's going to be a little complicating hectic what do you guys have in mind uh is there any plan for expanding the roads or how is it going to work let me just remind the public that public comments is not a debate you come you you put your comments and then we have presentations after okay yeah this is my first time here so that's another another we don't normally answer questions from the de so we hear your comments and then staff as well as the applicant will make their presentations and the council will address any discussion at that time perfect the other thing is I also spotted that the previous building the the red Midtown theal it did uh how do you call this they lowered the the cables the tension the the electric cables I don't know if they're going to do the same for the blue building and if they plan to do the same thing for everything else that they're going to develop because that's another important thing you know the cables are very visible and it kind of doesn't look good it's pretty much it thank you guys thank you very much please make sure to see the clerk to fill out a Comon card sir please make sure you Mr Pier Christ I think you had a comment card oh okay any other public comments at this time okay being none we'll now close public comments and we'll hear from staff uh mayor and Council same question as earlier if you would like me to do the full presentation for second reading I'm happy to do so or we can reintroduce the presentation for first reading with one minor update that your comments related to the hero housing at first reading the applicants legal council has incorporated uh your request into the hero housing Covenant that has been given to the city attorney's office City attorney has reviewed it and agreed upon and those are the only changes between first and second reading um again I'm happy to go through the whole presentation or I can restate the recommendation of approval on the record I think I'm okay I don't know if if the applicant wants to make up her presentation and if we need you back we'll ask you Michelle than Madam mayor the only thing is I'd like to put in the changes that were done into the record if I may so the record are uh here on the page two of the hero housing Declaration of restriction covenants paragraph F uh includes that um that specifically that uh if the after 45 days of notification availability in the event that no qualifying Miami County Public School employee City employee or first responder has expressed interest in a unit within the 45-day period that it will be offered to a city of Dural residents first as Workforce housing perfect thank you very much dzo thank you good evening Melissa tapenz with 200 South bisc Boulevard representing the applicant uh I'm ready to do this the presentation that we did the last go around but it's on the record just to answer some of the questions that were posed I think the hero how housing has been discussed but we are proposing uh improvements on 107th Avenue including new uh traffic signals at 107th at 86 Street as well as 88 Street uh those two signals as well as providing a directional median um at the opening 107th and 88th Street to allow only North bound left and eastbound left movements uh we're also working with Ronald Reagan High on crosswalks and other improvements uh to their campus so we've been having those conversations with your City attorney um mayor and council members thank you available for any questions of than Miss happiness any other questions at this time motion to approve second motion to approved by councilwoman Pino second by councilwoman cabal all right if there's no more discussion Madam clerk please call the rooll motion to approve ordance number 202 24-24 on second reading made by Council P seconded by councilwoman Cal Council P yes councilwoman Cal councilwoman poras VI mayor corve mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay thank you very much thank you thank you item G ordinance number 2024-25 parking on private property an ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving SL 9 text amendments to the city of D code of ordinances chapter 44 Article 5 titled traffic and vehicles by creating Division 9 titled parking on private properties providing for corporational recital cability conflicts adoption incorporation to the code and an effective date this was approved on first reading on August 14th okay thank you very much we'll open up public comments for item 24- 5801 at this time anyone who would like to speak please approach the podium Mr Pier chist believe you have a comment card for this he showed me pi CHR 10254 Northwest 52nd Lane D Florida 33178 Mr M mayor council staff member an audience um thank you very much for the opportunity first I was not here in the morning paying job as priority but I want to spend 10 seconds to recognize the service for the First Responders especially today September 11 which is a day will Mark forever the change of the shape of this country so I appreciate those that are blue here and the farman who are next door for their service every day looking after us thank after saying so um this ordinance the title is what is a little bit confusing for me I know you discuss part of it this morning because the title is parking on private property however we do have private property like for example a shopping center who obviously this is applicable too but we also have candem Dalal which is a horizontal condominium who's a private property and the business is to Rend the units for people that live there a rental only vertical or horizontal condominium and also HOAs so I think is imperative that is Def clear definition on what is included or not for example I don't know if the term will be but the lawyer will be the best to answer private properties for businesses that are selling that front that stores entertainment venues restaurants or whatever to separate them to private properties where only business is to rent units or own units like an HOA or a mix of both because I do think that HOAs and Condominiums and private entities like candem Dalal or all those committees that we have for rental only in the city of D may have different status from from Florida about parking regulations even on the private streets and controls and so on so I think it's it's on the need to be make making sure that it's clarifying what type of private properties this is addressing too for the benefit of all thank you thank you Mr Chris any other public comments at this time being none public comments is now closed um Council for this is your item thank you mayor um I would like to First address that question actually I was just speaking with the attorney about it if you don't mind Mr attorney basically this this applies to uh any and all private property and it's really to create uniformity and also to be able to uh allow the the city to regulate the type of signage uh in areas uh where parking may be prohibited or uh parking may be limited so it will apply to all private parking including communities the so outside of that um clarification I I wanted to add one other thing and and it may have been already part of the implementation plan but to do an awareness campaign or some some sort you know through um The Code Compliance department or whichever department is deemed appropriate thank you if I may councilman also I'm going to further clarify I think uh Pier Christ's concern the state statute allows the charging of parking on private property regardless this code is just being implemented into our code to make sure certain regulations are being met should they decide to charge on their private property we would not be able to um proh hbit them from doing that regardless whether they're in HOA or a commercial center it's still private property if they choose to do so this code only requires them to make sure that they're putting full disclosure that it is a private property well that's not an invitation to come back up to public comments it's a question just to clarify it means that it's only applicable for when you are being supposed to pay for parking engage here yes correct you're allowing the engagement come on there was no engagement we we only were responding in the time of discussion not during public comments thank you you understood all right thank you very much okay if there's no more comments then we need a motion motion motion to motion to approve to approve he's ready that's funny sorry no one seconded your motion to ad anyway because Council import not ordinance okay motion to approve by councilwoman por second by vice mayor pu corve Madam clerk please call the role motion to approve ordinance 2024-25 on second reading May by councilwoman por seconded by vice mayor council poras vice mayor corve council P yes yes may motion passes okay now vice mayor P cor's Favorite motion of the evening motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion to Vice May cor second councilman Pino all in favor say I this meeting is a journ thank you very much good evening that's funny --------- ##VIDEO ID:_qWE7xoW2t4## podcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good morning everyone calling this meeting to order today is Wednesday September 11th 2024 the time is now 10:07 a.m. Madam clerk please call the role Council womanin poras councilman Rafael Pino pres councilwoman dinal pres vice mayor Oscar cor May chrisy FR pres may have thank you very much um we will now rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman Pino BL Al to the flag the United States of America to the na God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you before we go into our invocation which will be led by gin Garis from our faith Bas Advisory Board I'd like to ask for a moment of silence in memory of September 11th 2001 thank you to all who joined us this morning in honoring those from September 11th and we'll now ask Carman Gades to please come up and do the invocation good morning morning team council members esta and fellow residents of the city of Dalal thank you you all for being here today and for continuing your commitment to the grow and well-being of the the community today we have the opportunity to reflect of the event that occurred 23 years ago on September 11 2001 a day that remind us of both the tragedy and the strin of this nation we remember those who bravely and selflessly risk their life to save other working as a team to restore the peace after the disaster in honoring their legacy I invite all council member to carry the Same Spirit of unity understanding empathy and compassion to ensure the well-being of the community of Dalal today we also celebrate the joy and the privilege to be alive Let's us extend our gratitude to God for the lesson that emerged from that day though it was a time of immense loss and sorrow it also reveals the strength and the resilient within us the power the compassion and bravery we are capable on the face of adversity please close your eyes and take a moment to find your Center inhale be aware of your breath exhale let's do again inhale EX exhale and relax father allow us to hear your call to clear our minds and perceive ourself as your children what we see in the world show us what we carry within and reflects our confusion about who we truly are help us to see the false ideas we have placed upon ourself that prevent us for seeing ourselves as your children may we be be Witnesses of your glory and recognize our own light and the love that we are amen please open your eyes God bless you God BL America thank you thank you caran beautiful all right we're going to proceeded to the agenda order of business is there any items that would be removed for deleted starting with the city manager's office uh not from the city manager's office thank thank you City attorney no thank you mayor uh through the mayor yes I'm going to pull 6D 6 o 6 p as in Paul and 6t as in Tom can you please repeat that 6D D like David 6 o 6 P like Paul and 6t like Tom okay that's it for me okay vice mayor no thank you councilman p no May councilwoman Cal okay I have um I don't have any items to pull either um yes Madam City cler I know you madam mayor um item 12a which is The Advisory board report from the Animal Welfare Advisory Board will need to be deferred to the October meeting as nobody from the board will be here to present okay that's 12a yes thank you all right if that is all the uh agenda order of business we'll move on to public comments the public comments portion of this meeting is now open you have 3 minutes to speak to this Council in a respectful manner please approach the podium say your name and address for the record I will start with our comment cards that have been filled out if you have not filled out a common car please make sure to do so by approaching the city clerk after you speak we'll start with lar zabet garca Lou Mar betard uh homeless you may have wondered why I've not been here for four months I have been at Arizona attending the Maricopa County City Hall meetings and I will give you all a pass that is the most contemptibly corrupt County in the nation and let me tell you living there you're living in the devil's butthole but regardless from that I'm looking at this agenda and there's a lot of um contradiction regarding climate crisis and the monies that you're pouring into it and yet you're buying um vehicles that um use gas and I'm trying to figure out why you're still um going towards buying vehicles that are made gas when you still have items I'm sorry that run on gas when you still have items that need to be addressed on the electrical side so kind of make up your mind but knowing that I don't have too much time um I attended the military Advisory board meeting and it it's interesting you should take away item T which is honoring um Laura Richardson day um it's very frustrating that I went to the military Advisory board meeting on Monday and because I made a simple question asking if there was a conservative effort being made to convert the city of Dural into a military base extending outward and I would encourage many people to request the actual recording I was attacked for apparently telling the truth and it is my understanding mayor that you're going to be appointing somebody from the United States Army Garrison to be a member of the military Advisory Board and if people don't know it Southern command you have Laura Richardson as the top Army individual Like Chief of Staff but she's got the top individuals from other four or five other no four other Army Branch or military branches and I think that is a huge issue that the city of Dalal residents should know about because you're increasing more and more housing and taking public property as indicated at the military Advisory board meeting on Monday you're taking public property and privatizing it and they even said it took us 15 long years to do it so under that criteria I would strongly suggest that you want you remember the document that I made a big stink about in October 27th 2021 where you have an agreement with unitar the United Nations International training and research that they can come into this building at any time and you have converted our city of police cars into the Masonic black and white colors I would strongly suggest that all of you rethink your position regarding how you are letting the military take over the city of Dural and we know who our commander our real commander-in-chief is at this moment and finally for all of you remember reminder resign resign resign and your phone snitch on you 24/7 there shall be no mercy no deals thank you thank you any other public comments at this time I have no more comment cards okay if there are no more public comments public comments is now closed and we'll move on to our consent agenda Madam clerk can you please read the items through the mayor yes sorry sorry I need to make a correction to the items I'm P I pulled so I'm withdrawing if you guys are all okay with the items I pulled because I was looking at the old agenda so they have different numbers okay okay so here we go I'm going to pull 6n as as a Nancy 6 o as an Oscar and 6s as in Sam n o apologies no NOS yep okay no o thank you in addition to or new set in replace this is you set yeah yes there's no T so it's only three yes there's no t o s so I'm sorry no oos correct so D is no longer pulled okay all right Madam clerk can we please get a a um for read on what we're actually approving yes all of the items on the consent agenda which is item six with the exception of 6 o 6 n and 6s okay I need a motion to approve motion motion motion to approve by councilman Beno second by vice mayor quig corvey Madam clerk please please call the I'm sorry all in favor say I I I I was still fixing my agenda all right now I need a motion for the minutes motion to approve second motion to approve by councilman cabal second by councilman Pino all in favor say I I I minutes have been approved now we'll move on to presentations item 8 a keep draw beautiful business award okay good morning honorable mayor vice mayor members of the council Mr Deputy manager Mr assistant manager Mr attorney Madam clerk Danny delor assistant court compliance director this month we are pleased to recognize Graziano's D Holdings for their outstanding commitment to keeping D beautiful the property for which they're being recognized is located at 2161 Northwest 97th Avenue graciano dado Holdings acquired this property one year and a half ago the property is approximately 23,000 total square feet and the business has 10 employees this building serves as the administrative offices for granos restaurants and marcados which are located across South Florida including one location here in the city of dado some of the recent improvements include repainting the entire building and a rigid weekly landscape maintenance schedule it is with great pleasure that we recognize gracian D holding for the keep the beautiful business award for their continued efforts to keep the beautiful Madame mayor and Council here to accept the award is Miss Cecilia Graziano yep come on up CA thank you so much would you like to say a couple words and then we'll take a photo thank you you sure we'll come on up for a photo very quickly for thank you very much granas for your delicious empanadas keep us all going all right we'll move on now to the next item discussion items item 9A a resolution of the mayor and the city council City OFW of Florida approving a special EV impairment the use of the city logo as a co-sponsorship and an ink kind sponsorship totaling $62,400 for police fees requested by Anam Kina barck is CEO of Kina Partners on behalf of Dan Andra arts and culture Foundation Inc to host a world Nutcracker from Saturday November 30 2024 through Friday January 3rrd 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. during weekdays and from 12:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. during weekends at 5252 Paso Boulevard D Florida 33166 and providing for an effective date thank you madam clerk all right we'll turn this over to Planning and Zoning good morning mayor and Council uh the applicant downtown DW Arts and Cultural Foundation Inc is requesting a special event permit uh for their world of Nutcracker event the location will be at 5252 baso Boulevard uh from Saturday November 30th to January 3rd 2025 um the event the days and times will stagger weekdays from 5: to 10 p.m. and weekends from noon to 10: p.m. the event is an immersive digital and live action has various elements um attendees will walk through various scenes of The Nutcracker uh there will be an option to proceed to the park with a a purchase ticket um there will be customized Nutcracker kits and photos with Santa available as part of the application the applicant is seeking an in-kind sponsorship donation from the city uh in the sum of 62,400 sh's goal is to cover the police services fees that um they're also requesting as part of the application the applicant is also requesting use of the city logo as a co-sponsor they estimate approximately 3,000 attendees during the week and a total of 15,000 attendees throughout the event um as I stated hours uh during the weekdays are 5 to 10 and then uh noon to 10 on the weekends the parking will be available at the codina garage um and setup will start occurring on November 15th with ter down on January 10th there are proposed road closures uh to occur throughout the event from 4:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. daily uh these include south of Paso Boulevard the full street closure and north of P Boulevard Half street closure the applicant is working on anot plan which will be reviewed by your public works department and your um uh police department other events hosted by the applicant have been the spring and foodie festival which had an estimated 600 attendees the marry and brigh Festival which had an estimated 1500 attendees and again the Mary and brigh Festival um a week after the original festival with approximately 1,200 attendees again for this specific event they uh guesstimate 15,000 attendees plan and zoning department special event section requests appr that the mayor and Council approve the proposed world of Nutcracker special event permit use of city logo and an inine sponsorship for police services totaling 62,400 subject to the condition set forth in the corresponding resolution Mr Joe heenez is here today to address any questions on behalf of the applicant thank you thank you sh Mr Jimenez twice in one week lucky me is that sarcastic um thank you very much Madam Mary Joe jenez 2020 Salo Street on behalf of the applicant the foundation uh one uh event that was not mentioned there because it was a little while ago was when we actually brought the nut cracker here during covid um at the time we thought it'd be a great idea to do that but I don't know if a lot of you remember that almost killed us so this is a much more appropriate way of doing it this this is a much more obviously the Go's construction of the pocket park to add that extra level of recreational space this activates that um and we just think it continues to bring downtown arale to be a destination um which is the goal it it has always been the Gina's intent to not simply bring customers here but show them uh Dural and the live work play learn everything that we've always talked about for all these years this goes this goes towards that um I am here to answer any questions um we appreciate the sponsorship obviously the use of the city logo is to give you credit for what you're doing um and we are always proud to partner with the city of D thank you Mr Jimenez any questions from my colleagues through the mayor yes Council mes um thank you for bringing these great events to our city and also being you know part of our city um my my quick question is I know that we are supporting the sponsorship for the police department budget and I just wanted to um because I know that during our conversations we had a conversation about um an exchange or some sort of um you know gift for the city and I just want to see if you can mention that just very sure um and it's my understanding that that'll be brought to you at the first October meeting um I'm not going to be in the country out there but I'm also joined by Adrien Gonzalez the vice president of asset and Property Management with Colina so he'll be here um as I've spoken to you all over the years there's a plan to redevelop the 23 Acres that compris the four remaining original buildings of what was the kogre center before we tore down 27 of them and built downtown Dural in order to do that there's a lot of really great trees there and um there's no need to cut them all down per se in the county it would it would be a bureaucratic nightmare to boot so the goas had the idea of reaching out to different cities starting with Dell and after a walk through with Aaron staff and I think they've identified how many 70 around 70 plus trees I know public works when they became aware of it there might be even more for the rights of way um but we're reaching out to you guys first so you get pick of the litter obviously um halia Miami Beach even the county cuz we have 400 trees there that need to be some need to be cut down some just wouldn't survive them move but most would be relocated your code requires you to accept uh a donation over a certain value we just can't give it to you um so we're happy to come and I know the manager I believe the manager is putting it on as an item we've met with the manager and the deputy manager and staff um and yeah that's just we we'd love for you to take them and where there are plenty of takers uh there are some cities whose tree canopy is not quite as successful as yours they they are lacking and we were surprised at the number that they wanted so so once you identify them we'll tag them and I know we're going through the process of bidding out because it it becomes very expensive to relocate them um which is what makes Dal even better because we we'd obviously bring them closer uh to where you would want them so that item I look forward to you hearing it the first meeting in October because you do have two meetings that month yes thank Madam mayor me um one of the things that I believe that we also discuss is not only the donation of the trees but going to prepare the trees and actually put them in uh no no that that they would be survive yes and and I'm glad to have the opportunity to speak to us because like I said I I I'm just going to be away um usually when you do a tree relocation and the county allows you to do it you have to be responsible for its survival where it goes well we would the only thing we are asking for is that you just put it as part of your maintenance plan wherever you put them it's not going to be the only tree somewhere so it's a DI Minimus expense with a little extra water um but we would prepare them that's what makes the relocation so expensive you got to prep it to put it on a truck you got to cut it back and that gets it does get costly but it's worth it because that's what enables it to survive so you pre-run it first you let it sit like that and then you don't just yank it out of the ground and take it over to Legacy so so yeah no we would do all of that that would be part of the contribution what I would recommend is simply put accepting a gift in excess of whatever your code is because I can't tell you what it's going to be I can't tell you what it's going to be in a month um but yeah know I'm thank you for the opportunity to speak to this now um Adrian you might not have to come uh so yeah and if there's any other questions Adrian will be here to answer thank you Mr himz any other questions well I just want to say that thank you for for bringing that up a counil woman por us because I was going to comment something about the in kind because the amount of the Inc count really represents almost two full year salary of one of our full-time employees in the park so I was going to make a comment but now that I know that you Cina is going to be doing the contribution to the city then now then I will be flexible when it comes to the contribution that you're requesting thank you and thank you for the trees I know Public Works was super ecstatic about the trees so I'm going to trust them on this so thank you well thank you thank you very much okay we need a motion to approve motion motion to approve by councilman P second by vice mayor Pig corvey Madam clerk please call the RO counc vice mayor counc yes vice mayor yes Council Council mayor fra yes motion passes all right thank you very much we look forward to The Nutcracker next item 9B request to wave Court rental fees for pickle bow tournament and support of Health for Venezuela Foundation councilor this is your item thank you so this is a request for the waving the court rental fees for a two pickle ball tournaments in support of the help for Venezuela Foundation um we previously approved one earlier this year and this great Foundation would like our help again um with two tournaments one for Saturday October 19th um and the other one for November 23rd the one for October 19th the one of the organizers has sent out a flyer um it's going to be dedicated to um women's and women's history or women and so the flyer I think has been circulated to councilman Cal and mayor Fraga I think you have seen it so they're seeking approval to wave the fees that are about $400 the use of our logo and to um approve the flyer as well so I hope that you guys can support this and thank you all right any questions motion to approve motion to approve by councilman Pino second second by vice mayor P corvey I may be speaking too low oh sorry I didn't hear her I don't think the mic was on yeah it was on all right please call the rooll I have motion to approve yes Council M Council FR yes motion passes all right we move on to item C item C discussion City participation in events and Council initiated events councilwoman gabal this is your item yes thank you so I think that it's um it just speaks by itself uh for us to be able to include and to define the role of the city counc and supporting Department L initiative and at events and ensuring the participation and recognition is distributed fairly across OC C office I one I mean the our City attorney work with me within this item I don't know if you would like to add something to the um look forward to working with you on the perfect no thank you so much so I think that this is just a fairness and to be able to be uh to ensure uh that the involvement will be uh for All City members and uh to have established clear guidance so this will help also the department of public Affairs for them to to understand how is it uh the protocol has to be perceived so I hope I will have support of my uh council members on this item is there any questions through the mayor yes counc for us um I'm fully supportive of this may I suggest that in bringing something back we we provide some sort of protocol guidance agreement with whoever is asking to use our logal you know do an event in partnership with the city because at the end of the day you know they are representing us the city and I think that they should be able to follow the same protocol guidance um that we have in place for our City events um I think that's a a you know a suggestion that I would make and also to again you know avoid a lot of confusion that comes with events that have our City local and our city or or anything or using City facilities so that um there's a uniform standard of procedure and protocol guidance um so again I would I would suggest making it an agreement to go along with you know anytime someone requests to use the city facilities or logo that's just my my only suggestion that would be fine we can also add we can amend and add that part too that will be okay and it'll be brought back right you'll bring it back yeah anything that uh is going to to be worked on will come back in in the form of a resolution okay motion to approve second okay there's a motion to approve by councilwoman cabal I mean I'm Sorry by councilwoman poras second by vice mayor P corvey call r i I have a motion to direct City attorney to work on bringing back a policy on City staff participation in events made by Council M second by Vi corve councilman poras yes Vice May corve councilman yes Council Pino yes mayor Fraga no motion passes all right we'll move on to mayor's report mayor the discussion items that were pulled oh that's right we're going back to item 6 o 6 n six n sorry n o n s yes item 6n a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the state of dra of Florida authorizing the city manager to extend the service agreement with B free LLC DBA freebie for a six-month period with a one-time optional six-month extension to provide first and last mile door-to-door on demand Transit service under the current term conditions and pricing in an amount not to exceeded the departmental budgeted funds authorizing the city manager to extend the agreement and to expend budgeted funds on behalf of the city with respect to the agreement approve you're in providing for implementation and an effective date this was pulled by councilwoman poras okay councilwoman poras yes so the items I pulled noos I just really want um a presentation I think it's good to have it on the record and to have the residents and the audience hear what the data is and you know what all of this is so for the next three items that's what I'd like to hear thank you all right Public Works miss carbonal good morning can I have it pull up the presentation for NL I put them together so they kind of go hand in hand so we have a little brief presentation on our on demand Transit service that we have here in the city so we we're going to start with the general service and how we um initiated that service so that um that started back in April of 2019 as a pilot program for six months at a no cost to the city they got sponsorships to offset the cost of that of that pilot program it was very limited it was only two vehicles 40 hours a week basically in that area it just to kind of see how it was based on the success of it um we were able to extend it for one more month because we were able to get funding in that fiscal year and we actually started November of that year so once we started it um November 2019th um we actually entered into an agreement for a one year with a one-year extension we started with we increased it to three vehicles 70 hours a week and have since then have covered have increased the coverage area to what is there now um that was the latest that we had the the issue with the J vehicle which is kind of like the little golf cart vehicle is that it could only travel on on roads that are 35 miles per hour or less so what happens is we were kind of constrained to 79th and 87th we couldn't really cross um that area because we could cross over but we couldn't Traverse along it so we were really constrained so with that we were talking to free and we were able to um get the model X U vehicles and so we were able to to expand the areas um to what to what is there now um recently we've actually expanded it to cover um Miami decart fire Headquarters Miami um Federal Reserve West Coast University and showa Bazar as long and as well as the shopping center where Einstein Bagels is and that current contract expires at the at November of this year so with that we're we're I'm giving you a heat map of where the hotspots are so this is provided by freebie so you can see most of the area that we get the wrers ships from to and from are in the more the condensed area the downtown but some of the other spots scattered along along the areas um including the Intercontinental are are kind of covered in there so the ridership we started again in April of 20 of 2019 so the r was very low the first year then what happened is co hit so we saw that uh then in back in 2019 2020 so then we've increas increasingly have gone up and the last uh figure is missing the month of of September which we're currently in so once we get that data it should be comparable to um the the previous year um so with that wanted to give you kind of the weit times that we experienced so these weight times are when we started the model X because we didn't want to include the model the gem vehicle so this is as of January 2024 so the average weight times is between 40 40% is between 10 minutes so once you call it gets about 10 minutes but it's a very small area so we started the senior service as you all know recently in April of this year with two models sorry with two model X vehicles and we started initially we identified 26 locations so the trips either start in a res in a resident and go to like a place of Commerce or vice versa um within the city we started with 40 hours a week and have since expanded it to 28 locations based on requests from our seniors and we actually based on their request as well we had a little bit money on our pilot program that we could play with an additional 10 hours because since this is you know tailored to them so we actually increase a little bit on the weekdays till 400 p.m. and then we actually added Sunday service and that contract expires in October so again the same heat map it obviously covers the entire city we see a lot of people being picked up like in the Overture area which makes sense because that's you know the the their their community and a lot in the section 7 so the northern part of the city where there's residents in there we have completed um we wanted to give you rides so what happens is the seniors are the ones that call the the that call the service but they take a lot of you know their grandkids and family members with them to doctor's appointments or whatnot so we wanted to give you who actually rides them the actual rides rather than the P the passengers so we're we're starting to see those numbers increase the only thing about this service because it's the city is so big and it's so many writers their the rate time is very high so over 50% are waiting between 20 to 30 over 30 minutes because again big area small window of service so oh I wanted to tell you I think we have 272 registered um residents that are seniors in that program um we reached out with um public affairs Maggie and her team and they provided us h a breakdown they've done a lot of Outreach for the seniors uh they they they done six videos they do every two or three weeks they're they're putting media blast out there they just recorded a new um promo for our seniors that that they're going to unve unveil that and we've done some Publications obviously on Dalal TV and and and the print advertisement and just wanted to tell you all that this the public works department applied for a grant through fdot um for another year of um service so we're actually applied for a grant that will be four vehicles for general service to increase that to another vehicle and the senior program for another for another vehicle instead of two to three for the 50 hours a week we were actually short listed so we're waiting to hear back they're telling us that we're going to be awarded it's a 50/50% match that we they they reimburse us 50% so that was just a quick little summary if you have any questions I'm happy to entertain okay any questions for public works yeah through the mirror yes did we did we add and I know I think we talked about um adding all of the pharmacies to the senior freebie so we've been adding so sometimes what happens is when we first did the first stab we there was some oversight but we've been adding things as requested yeah we've been adding and and the all the pharmacies that sometimes are like navatos and right n was the one that was I kept getting asked for yeah yes we have okay motion to approve second motion to approve by councilman por second by councilman Pino Madam clerk please call the rule motion to approve me by Council second by counil counil yes coun coun yes yes motion passes okay we move on to 60 item o a resolution of the mayor and the city council City draw for authorizing City manag to extend the service agreement with be free LLC DBA freebie for a 7-month period with a one-time optional six-month extension to provide First and Last Mile door to door on demand Transit service for City Senior Citizens under the current terms conditions and pricing in an amount not to exceed Department budget funds authorizing the city manager to extend the agreement and to expend budgeted funds on behalf of the City for the respect approved herein providing for implementation and an effective date this was pulled by councilman poras Council poras yeah we just heard the presentation on it so I'll just do a motion to approve motion to approve by Council m b second by vice mayor P corvey Madame clerk motion to approve May by Council second by Vi cor Council poras yes VI cor yes Council P yes Council FR yes motion passes all right move on to item s item 6s a resolution city council City Ford authorizing the city Mar to adopt the recommendations of the Citywide integration sustainability plan cisp providing for implementation and an effective date this was pulled by councilman poras all right thank you we just want the I just want the presentation yeah good morning mayor council members City Manor City attorney city clerk members in the council Carlos aroo poly director we have here carasa from exp she's going to guide us in a presentation good morning mayor vice mayor and council members I'm delighted to be here um to talk a little bit more about the community integrated sustainability plan and so um we have the presentation this presentation was the one that was used for the Dural environmental Advisory Board um which do pantalon presented and it received support from the board they were very excited about it um so I'll start with saying you know this is building on a really strong foundation so dado has um being a leader in sustainability since 2003 starting with the city green statement um followed by the US Major's climate protection agreement the green Mastery plan um the green element the climate action plan and implementation which was in 2016 the greenhouse gas emissions in 2018 and then in 2022 where you did the Capital Improvements elements update um and so as you can see there in the timeline and you can see the gears all these plant work together and they build this strong foundation and we've used this um strong Foundation um to basically create a sustainability road map and so we we started the The process by consolidating all of these plant and organizing them by Focus areas um and and so we updated the information in each of them some of the initiatives have been done we added some initiatives um as appropriate we also included performance metrics so the um progress in the plan could be tracked um we also looked at how each of the initiatives align with the green elements um so that we can see how we're working together and everything is in alignment um and we also identify potential grant opportunities that could help fund some of these initiatives here on this table it's just a very high level T table showing all of the focused areas and the main goals in each of the focused areas and I'm going going to go a little bit deeper on the next slides um so starting with the transportation and Mobility you'll see that um the goals um the main goals include reducing vehicle miles travel enhancing public transportation promoting active transportation and electrifying and so if you go you know for example into more detail into Electrify um you'll see that some of the initiatives very specific initiatives include the transition of the city fleet providing additional EV charging infrastructure so that supports that um transition and look looking at alternate uh fuel vehicles um when it comes to energy generation and consumption we're looking at energy um optimization energy conservation and um renewable energy um when it comes to waste management we're looking at reducing reusing and recycling we're also looking at adopting plastic uh free 305 policies and engaging the community in that um and then also encouraging a less wasteful community um the national environment we're focusing on enforcing the tree preservation on policies that already exist and adopting a low impact development standard so less water is is is used in in landscaping um the built environment has a lot of goals but um high level um one of one of them includes interconnecting the city while pres preserving the open Green Space Energy Efficiency promoting a green economy um and also looking at suain stainable infrastructure as it relates to that built environment um I call this one all things water as water supplies waste water um storm water and what we look uh in here is we look at uh um water conservation we look at storm water maintenance and we look at creating Partnerships that is going to help us kind of uh engage the community and lastly but perhaps even more import importantly um the last Focus areas is the community engagement and enhancement um and it's this one's really important because part of making this happen is engaging that Community into becoming more um sustainable and so we do this by initiating education and Outreach and programs that are going to incentivize that behavior um by increasing the involvement and the input of the community and also by you know expanding the current programs that we have like he um d uh Dural beautiful campaign and expanding those and so with that um the last slide is just kind of showing a little bit of snapshots of what the actual plan looks like um you can see that well as I mentioned the plan goes through all of the focus areas then it goes through the goals then it has specific initiatives then those initiatives have performance um metrics and then also the alignment to the green element um and then you'll see that there's another section that ties That to grant that is potentially available so that we can fund you know the sustainable plan and make strides quicker and so all of those elements in Focus areas together is what Mak um the community uh in CommunityWide integrated sustainable plan which um we affectionately call the cisp and so I'm here if you have any further questions and we're really excited about this project thank you very much any questions through the mayor yes coun Boris just to confirm so we're going to integrate the the study that we just approved recently on Transportation Alternatives the green policies that we've adopted here in the council everything's just going to be incorporated in here right so the the Cy mentions all those initiatives and finishing those and then integrating those initiatives into the plan yes okay uh motion to approve motion to approve by Council Andor second by vice mayor P corvey Madam CH motion to approve Council Council yes Council yes Council M yes may yes motion passes okay thank you yes thank you mayor's report we've now exhausted all of our discussion items we'll move on to the mayor's report um very quickly just wanted to thank Parks and Recreation Department for um their very well job well done with the um draw Central Park opening I know there was uh running around with the change of date due to the weather but um it turned out to be great and thank you to everyone who came out and made that a possibility as well as um as well as the manager's office and and everybody who participated so just wanted to recognize you all for that um I wanted to also bring to our attention um for the month of October last year we lit up the building pink and purple for D domestic violence and breast cancer so I was going to ask if we could please organize to do that again I don't think it should be a problem but but so we can uh do that once again and then I also wanted to mention uh yesterday I was at the um at the County commission for the uh infrastructure committee meeting where the proposal was brought to that committee for the fourth site um regarding the waste energy facility we were accompanied by several residents so I want to share my gratitude to those residents that were there accompanied us um I presented the resolution that this Council approved at the special council meeting last week to the members of the committee and to our knowledge at this point it will be moved to the September 17th BCC meeting I encourage us all to be there and support our community and continue to advocate for our position um it seems like there may be a request to uh ask for a special BCC meeting just for that of the County Commission which I think would be prudent and important as it's a very very extensive and um and U complicated subject that that I think needs full attention so we'll see what happens on the 17th and I hope that you all will join us in uh participating in that meeting um with that being said I have no more mayor's comments at this time we can move on to council comments through the Mayu yes yeah I want to comment from con compliance the collaboration that they have with the um City of Homestead as they establish their own codee compliance Department uh U I think it's important for us to collaborate with other cities and congratulations for that and it's great to see joint inspections happening with Miami dat fire in our city which is uh I think is really good congratulations to the following dpd Personnel who received commendations in July officer Austin valair detective Christina Pacho officer officer Aaron Perez reier Fernandez CSI detective K Kelsey BM venu did I say it right s Sergeant Edward portal detective Andy Dorado detective Antonio Roman detective Danny vcha and thanks uh to HR for being instrumental in winning the aedna 20 2024 leading the way workplace well-being award at the Platinum level congratulations and thank you that's all pleas yes I want I also wanted to express my gratitude to the da Police Department for their continue active presence in our schools ensuring the uh the safety for our community during this challenging time especially following the recent tragedy in appalachi uh High School um your contined effort is really appreciate okay thank you councilman yes councilman Pino thank you mayor I also want to take this opportunity to go commend the parks department for uh the hard work to make Dalal Central Park a reality now we have a park and I want to say thank you I know a lot of people have put a lot of times and effort L thank you so much sir and in and everybody that was involved and certainly to our Police Department as well because they have been part of this uh process when it comes to safety and the opening of the park and speaking on that I I would like to suggest to have uh maybe a a park ranger onite uh but on fulltime instead of rotating the park rangers because obviously this is a park that since it opened especially during the weekends you have a large turnout of families kids and sometimes you don't certainly you don't see the presence of any any park rangers or I know police officers are in the area but uh it has been something that I have been listening from residents that had the chance to to go to the park um I also want to recommend the police department because I know they contining to conduct the traffic enforcement details City Citywide something the residents are are happy to see Believe It or Not uh they get excited when they see the officers giving tickets so and I think sometimes it's a good way for you know for residents to and drivers that come through our city to learn about that we don't we don't play around when it comes to enforcing the law so I want to thanks and commend the police department for contining doing that and and finally I look forward to the 5K September 28 I'm assuming maybe one of my some my colleagues are going to participate right the vice mayor I'm sure he will so I look uh look forward to participate on the F K on September 28 I encourage everyone that hasn't registered to please go ahead and register including Edo right thank you mayor you're not here oh you're here in Japan next time thank you councilman any other Council comment I'll just Echo what my colleague said thank you all for the great work and um continuing to do great things thank you all right that exhaust our Council comments and our Advisory board comments were deferred to the following month so we'll move on to the city manager's report I'll keep it brief uh much much of what I would have said was said by you also just echoing my appreciation to the staff for all the hard work Citywide uh everything you guys bring every day makes our job easier uh as far as F the request for the city building with the mutual colors I'll check with public work staff to confirm that those two colors are pre-programmed if now we'll have to select one or the other I don't know if there's a preference over pink or purple but um they kind of look the same so okay whatever we did last year I'll confirm with the Carlos and we'll go that route thank you thank you we'll move on to the city uh city attorney's report thank you Madame um Madame mayor uh I'll I'll be also brief um one thing is I'm going to have to ask for an executive session doesn't have to happen any anytime soon but just in the next um next month uh and this on matter 2019 2483 ca01 um also uh echoing the uh comments that was made by the mayor uh next week uh we are also uh getting prepared uh as we are also will be participating in the uh commission meeting uh we have reached out to uh John Truitt John trt is of the firm of gray Robinson the introduction was made by uh Gary Carmen who all of you are are very familiar with him uh and I just want to put a couple things about John SCH I'm I'm very excited about working with him uh he was formerly a director for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection uh he is based out of Tallahassee uh he has over 28 years of experience working with the D uh and he's going to be uh working with us um if you will allow him to work with us uh in in coming up with a strategy to make sure that uh the city's interests are protected and are defended um he's coming at a retainer reduced retainer of 275 an hour uh which I think is is outstanding for someone of of this caliber uh so with the permission of uh this Council I'd like to be able to uh formally be able to retain him um put him as part of our team and and get ready for next week yes yeah um thank you thank you Lorenzo I think this is um an absolutely important um decision and and uh prudent that we are prepared and that he uh will he be participating in the meeting on the 17th with us that's my understanding yes he's going to be coming out I think it's going to be important for so the city to have representation there to put on the record um our position and also an argument to our favor should we need to proceed absolutely all right I think you have consensus yeah fantastic thank you thank you awesome all right we'll move on to the city clerk's report if I could I'm sorry um based on what the attorney said I do want to also add that staff has been working with a consultant uh to bring in as a subject matter expert uh his name is Tom Ericson uh we do have him with us here today I want to just recognize him and thank him for attending the meeting and we look forward to uh working with him and bringing bringing something forward in the future as far as a formal agreement uh I'll pass it over to um to Fernando as he may have some additional information on this individual can can he be identified who Mr U Mr Erics if you could just raise your hand so oh okay so uh so Tom has an enormous amount of experience working in the waste of energy industry uh actually experience working in the covant plant before it burn it burnt down experien in Dublin's uh waste to energy facility as well and he's a dural resident y okay so we'll also be joining us at the 17th meeting to make a statement on behalf of the the council he will we've already coordinated that so all right perfect great all right we can move on now to a full report from the city clerk's office the report is attached as it is every month I just want to remind you that you all have an executive session at 4:00 today all right very efficient thank you and now we will need a motion to recess for our 6 PM motion to Recess by vice mayor P corvey second by councilman Beno on favor say I I we'll see you back here at 6 o'cl thank you what