the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good morning we're calling this meeting to order today is April 5th 2024 the time is now 10:05 a.m mad clerk please call the role Council Mar pores here Council Rafa Pino councilwoman Dinan pres vice mayor Oscar por cor pres mayor chrisy Fraga present mayor you have quum thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman batal to the United States of America the stand Nation God indivisible withy andice all thank you we will now have the invocation by Pastor Jose Victor dugand from elesia Miami good morning thank you so much for giving me the honor of being here in such an important meeting before praying I just wanted to read a verse um that I think God reminds me of every time I have to be in a meeting that has to do with government with serving the people it's in ER Jeremiah 297 it says also seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you in to Exile pray to the Lord for it because if it prospers you too will prosper father of peace I come before you today to pray for the city city of D's government and its leaders may they always govern with the people of our city at the Forefront father as I leave my leaders in prayer I pray the power of the holy spirit gives them a heart of justice peace and prosperity help them to be a force for good promoting the well-being of all the people and working to alleviate suffering and poverty when budgets are developed let the Focus be on providing services for the citizens of our city first May our government be a shining example of justice and fairness treating everyone with dignity and respect regardless of race religion or nationality May the city of Dural continue to be a source of Hope and inspiration showing the world the power of your love and grace father I pray all of these things in your holy name amen amen thank you thank you Pastor okay we now move on to the agenda order of business I'm going to go ahead and start here today um Adam clerk are you ready I'm going to go ahead and pull item 6 C 6 Q for discussion this evening sorry this afternoon 6C and 6 Q correct after in discussion items to discussion items in the morning morning session yes okay 6 C and 6 Q then I am also going to be pulling off the agenda item six DD and item 9d it has come to my attention that both do not meet the 7-Day rule as per section 4.10b of the city Charter which states and I quote if the city council member desires to have an item on the city council regular meeting agenda for consideration the city council member shall submit the request for the agenda item to be included on the city council regular meeting to the city cler clerk no less than seven days prior to the city council's regular meeting yes it's 6 DD and item 9d off the agenda addition add Al I'm also pulling off item 9M off the agenda off the agenda due to the lack of documentation and backup the memo attached states the purpose of this item is to review proposed adjustments to the public affairs Department budget for the current fiscal year 2023 2024 unfortunately there was no documentation provided as of today so there is no way any of us can make a responsible decision on the item as we have not had reasonable time to review any request that may be made and discussion would not be would be a clear violation of section 4.10 c of the city Charter which states and I quote the city CH council member May submit supporting documentation related to the specific agenda item that is sufficient for the city council to have notice of the specific agenda item request and to be able to evaluate the agenda item at the regular city council meeting the supporting documentation shall be submitted to the city clerk no less than four business days prior to the regular city council meeting additionally section e is in violation which states the city council shall not consider items that are present to the city council members at a regular meeting that are not submitted pursuant to this section there shall be an exemption of the city council items that are found to be an emergency by an effective vote of no less than four members of the city council and the emergency specifically related to The public's health safety and Welfare and finding that the matter is an emergency under this section the city council shall make a specific finding as to the nature of the emergency therefore um I'm not sure how these items made it on to the agenda today Madame manager and Mr City attorney but should the council want to hear these items that have been pulled it would need a 4 fth vote through a lay down item so you're pulling D and B I am pulling items off the agenda 6 DD n 9 D and 9 m 9 D and 9 M well for those two I would like to have a vote okay when your time comes will you'll be able to place that on the table and we'll ask for a vote we'll ask for a motion okay um anybody else Madam city manager do you have any items you would like to pull yes madame mayor I'd like to pull item six rst u and v they are the adopt the street items to be heard after there is a discussion item on the agenda 9l which is the revisions to the adopted Street item once you make a decision on that item then I can ask for further Direction on those five items perfect okay any other council members like to pull items yes I'm going to pull um 9f there's going to be a um Miami dat commission resolution coming NP so you're pulling it off the agenda yeah okay so would you like to defer it to the next meeting okay deferred to the May regular council meeting Madam clerk okay Council woman foras do you have something yes I have actually a laid down item um Madame clerk if you don't mind it's a request for a [Music] proclamation [Music] so the proclamation is for suu bazani Center which is a nonprofit Institution dedicated to the unity of all religions and reverence of the great ones of all faith and they have a center here in the city of deral and the proclamations is to Proclaim April 28th as sadu baswani Center in the city of Dural and I hope that my colleagues can support it we'll take a motion on that right now if you don't mind motion to approve by councilman foras second by vice mayor P corve Madam clerk please call the role motion to approve the lay down item made by councilman por seconded by Vice May po corve councilman yes vice mayor cor yes Council yes Council P May yes motion passes okay so we will put this laid down item under um consent consent so that it goes through with the consent agenda I'm sorry it's going to go in consent we don't need to discuss it it can go in consent are you okay with that Council one for us yeah that's fine okay all right councilwoman Pino do you have any items no okay councilwoman cabal Okay so so I am requesting to go into a vote R to keep um D and M 9 D and 9 M into the agenda okay so you have a motion is there a second a motion a second second by councilwoman boras Madam C please call the r motion to add items to keep items 9d and 9M on the agenda made by councilwoman cabal seconded by councilwoman poras councilwoman cabal yes councilwoman poras yes councilman Pino no vice mayor corve yes mayor Fraga no mo fails okay all right we will we also have a um I want to propose a lay down item in the light of the recent unfortunate incident on April 6 at City Place I found imperative to address the urgency of reviewing our policies on business operation hours and the permits for extended hours in that area this matter is not only sensitive but crucial for our community safety and well-being I respectfully request the inclusion of this item on our agenda today now in the morning is the time to have a discussion this is where we make the decisions we don't make a decision in a workshop so if we really wanted to be able to address the situation this is the time for for us to do it and I hope that our uh that the rest of the council will consider that this is the time for us to legislate and to make the decisions when it comes to this and I also wanted to say that this has touched very close to my home because my son was friend of him actually he knows uh his girlfriend uh they know each other for many years and he has such very close to my home too my son is 22 almost 23 and he also uh was even planning to work in that place at that time so uh all my thoughts and and prayer to the family thank you councilwoman um before we take up this item before we take up this item at this time um I'd like to let you know that I did call special council meeting for 3:00 today um to speak on this item I believe because this is such an important item it should have it's own section of the meeting we have a very Hefty agenda and that's why I felt that it was best to call special a meeting I called in a special meeting at 3 and then I gave you a second option for 700 p.m. and unfortunately three members of the council said that they would not come at either of those times there we call the workshop you're more than welcome to come to the workshop at 3 but I think that this deserves its own specific specific time to be able to discuss there's just too many things on the agenda today we will discuss it and then of course we will move forward with the process that deems necessary in putting an ordinance forward that will have two specific readings but we'll take the motion on this lay down item now motion I I want to clarify that at no a no moment I said that I was not going to be part of a 3:00 uh meeting an emergency meeting even though today we have council meeting at 10: and at 6:00 so I think that is just make common sense sense to be able to discuss on at 10:00 or either 6:00 and not having to have our uh directors to have to be in the middle of another meeting when we actually have this meeting so a motion to to approve my lay down item through through the mayor I want to make some comments so okay just to clarify uh councilman you want to dis what you're proposing is to discuss the the issue that happened at martini bar and to discuss the licenses and the times that the mayor had called a special meeting for but to do it right now correct at during this discussion correct okay I I'm in support of that I think that we are here now we can absolutely discuss it what I would propose since the um the mayor called the emergency meet and I wasn't able to attend by the way is to approve it allow it and have the mayor just lead the discussion since she had already called the meeting if that's um you know if everyone's on on board we're already here yeah we can discuss it and I think it's important enough for us to do it during a time that we're all here I'm not sure I can make it to be honest to the 3 p.m. uh Workshop I would like to be present I'm here now and I think it's it's appropriate to take up this issue at this time I'm going to Second it I'll just make a comment before we vote um there's a lot of people that are coming at 3M with a Time certain so we have a very Hefty agenda um so again there was plenty of notice I called this on Saturday and you know that is just the procedure that we have and therefore I'm happy to leave it on right now but it would have to be time certain for 3 p.m. because that's the time that people have asked me that they want to come and speak and that they want to be here because that's the time we called the meeting for um there's a motion on the table if you're okay with leaving at the time stting 3 p.m. I would rather discuss it now I mean we can make concluded I mean at 3:00 that is really a workshop is a lot of people here today for Madam mayor if I may an agenda that is already set but we can go ahead and take the vote it's okay go ahead and take the vote I want to put on record the reason I cannot be here is my sister's in the hospital I cannot make it so it I want to take the time to do it now and I don't want to have to go into personal details here but I think this is the right time to do this and I cannot be here I want to be here at at during this discussion I think it's important enough but I physically cannot be here so I I would like to have the discussion now we have um you know the appropriate directors here we have all the information that uh was sent to us from the manager from uh from the mayor from everyone and you can lead the discussion I I'm completely fine with that I just think we don't need to have a separate meeting when we can do it right now and discuss it right after and have it be one of the final items again I think that it's a little bit unfair to the public that expected to to be here at 300 p.m. but we can go ahead and take the vote I have a motion uh to approve the lay down item made by councilwoman Cal seconded by councilwoman poras councilwoman Cal yes councilwoman poras yes councilman Pino no vice mayor P corve yes mayor Fraga no motion passes okay when would you like to for this item to be placed as the last discussion item no it didn't it's not not laid down she voted no so we don't have unfortunately we cannot make decisions if we don't have qu we convene going into a workshop that really there's no decision make there Council Kali please keep order I'm just clarifying please please keep order we will have the the 3M Workshop as it was noticed to the public thank you I have an additional item M okay um item let me see if we can move the July 4th parade items to the evening because the speaker Mr sabatella can't be here in the morning if that's okay with everyone the two items to be moved to the evening yes we can move both items to the evening if it's okay with everybody okay if there are no further items then we will open up the public comments at this time public comments are now open this is your opportunity to speak to any item on this agenda or anything that is gerain to this Council please come up you have 3 minutes allotted to speak in a respectful manner um there are common cards if you did not fill one out then you will have an opportunity to fill one out after for right now I have Mr Richard glut good morning everybody first thing I'd like to show is uh the headlines from the oh 476 nor 14 this is from the community newspaper published uh February 19th after the uh Barbie Hernandez debacle this uh was written by basically the owner and editor of the newspaper says Dural makes public display of shooting themselves in the foot so I think if you can get a copy of this I'm going to give this to a the clerk to pass around and after I finish I'm going to pass out I made a copy for everybody I think you all need this Robert's Rules of Order cheat sheet for nonprofits okay so this is for you you study up on it you're going to have a test on it next month okay all right I'm going to read the an email that I posted here now with the city place second shootout that was much worse than the first one things here are really getting out of control City Place is a big mistake do due to its overdense construction arrangement with entertainment business and rental apartments mixed in together it boils down to an Undeclared red light district with drugs booze guns and prostitution all mixt into to one convenient place to live work and play to deny this is fool hearty burglaries are now on the rise and more commonplace than before because of the unknown elements of residents who live and frequent these kinds of establishments since guns are so so easy to carry anyone can go and do a Wild Wood show with little effort the police cannot solve our crime problems are cut down on them as long as you meaning the council and the city keep thinking that the property owners rights are just as important or even more important than ours that's mine the residents and voters maybe the campaign money has clouded your judgment but you can't have two masters the big donors and the people who put you where you are by giving you our trust maybe you will change your ideas when you a friend or family member is gunned down like yesterday at the martini bar maybe it will take a home invasion from the Venezuelan gangos maybe it will take some Thug robbing you at CVS hijacking your nice car with your family in it then kidnapping and ransoming them off for Millions like in so many other countries besides all of this I have fig figuratively turned blue in the face from warning to R about the delorious effects of crime and pollution caused by overdevelopment as we have here thanks to the efforts of your unwavering support for the builders developers and real estate mogos like J Pettis you know the guy that looks like the devil who made City Place a new Shooting Gallery for out of control people a place so dangerous the good people think twice before entering the narrow passageway to unknown territory since the new Council started we have already had two police shootings and this time one officer was shot in the lake another suspect died again and some others were shot and injured in the Mayhem none of the council members even had an environmental policy on their platform I mean nobody that's ever been on this council's ever had an environmental policy unbelievable huh Christie put one word in her platform only after I mentioned it but never developed a platform you guys are there to make us safe and serve our needs not your own or the codina car group lenar or the Trump organization so what's it going to take will it be a police death or even something worse yet to come I hope to God it will not happen but I have lived and worked in many dangerous places that have almost lost my life a few times already I can tell you that more bad moments will surely come to us if you do not change your tune and open your your selfish Minds to what you were doing and have done in the past I feel lucky to be 74 now and I hope you will get there too someday but don't forget there's no guarantee life doesn't guarantee you anything especially getting to be 74 I don't think anybody here is 74 maybe except this guy over here I think he's might I close wishing you all the best if you need me just ask because I am full of real good ideas God bless the city of Durell and its people I guess that's it for today I'm going to give you this and I hope you study it remember you're going to have a true and false test on this next month thank you Mr glad anyone else would like to speak at public comments please approach the podium at this time okay being none public comments is now closed and we'll move on to a motion of the consent agenda Madam clerk would you please review the items that will be passing on the consent I will try agenda no yes I will do it uh there will be all of the items on Section six with the exception of item 6 C 6 Q 6 Doud and adding the lay down Proclamation request from Council woman por um Madame clerk the um and I'm sorry and items 6r through 6V will be moved to discussion me one second second just confirming okay we need a motion of the consent agenda motion motion to approve by vice mayor P corvey second second by councilman Beno all in favor say I I I mam clerk like direct reflect the consent agenda has passed unanimously we'll now move on to a motion of for the minutes item seven a through C motion motion to approve by councilman Pino second second by councilwoman Bas all in favor say I I Madam cler direct reflect that the minutes have been approved unanimously we'll now move on to presentations item 8 a keep dra a beautiful business award Mr deloro welcome good morning honorable mayor vice mayor members of the council Madame manager Mr Deputy manager Mr attorney Madame clerk Danny Doro assistant code compliant director this month we are pleased to recognize First Horizon Bank for their outstanding commitment to keeping the rout beautiful the property for which they're being recognized is located at 3275 Northwest 87th Avenue First Horizon Bank has been in the city of dado since 2021 the property is approximately 58,000 total square feet and the bank has 20 employees First Horizon Bank is a financial institution that strives to provide the highest quality service in banking Insurance fixed income Investments mortgage credit and financial planning some of the recent improvements include the installation of an electrical wall sign regular bi-weekly Landscape Maintenance and as needed Building Maintenance it is with great pleasure that we name First Horizon Bank for the keep theout beautiful business award for their continued efforts to keeping the beautiful Madame mayor and Council here to accept the award on behalf of First Horizon Bank is Anna rioo Victor victores and odalis penas if you would like to come to the podium and say a couple words and then come up for a picture thank you very much we're honored uh for this award I'm the facilities manager of the bank um and um it's a team effort um with Anna and uh gladus um also being my eyes and ears we maintain the facility uh as you can see it uh it's beautiful as Dural is so thank you very much we're honored um come back with a beautiful bank and a beautiful uh U Town throughout thank [Applause] you got thank you e thank okay congratulations first Rison we will now move on to our discussion items Madam city clerk first item 9A 9A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of RA Florida approving an extension of time which with the city attorney sege committee has to complete its duties providing for implementation and providing for an effective date Madam mayor this is my item as you know um the committee has requested a 60 day extension which will expire on May 10th for the committee to complete its duties and select um City attorney okay uh need a motion to approve appr motion to approve by vice mayor cor second by Council poras Madam CL please call roll motion to approvement by vice mayor P corve second by councilman poras vice mayor corve yes councilman poras councilman cabal yes councilman Pino yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes next item item 9B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of Florida approving an extension of time with which the city manager search committee has to complete its duties providing for implementation and providing for an effective date Madam mayor and council members this is the same item only for the city manager search committee at requesting an extension which will will expire May 10th motion to approve motion to approve by councilwoman cabal second by vice mayor pu corvey Madame clerk please call the rooll motion to approvement by councilwoman cabal seconded by vice mayor PVE councilwoman cabal yes vice mayor P corve yes councilwoman poras yes councilman Pino yes mayor Fraga no motion passes okay next item item 9 c a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida waving the formal competitive bid process pursuant to section 2-321 of the city's code of ordinances and awarded informal request for proposal number 20242 for school zone speed detection services to blank authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with the awarded vendor for a five-year term providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you madam clerk Madam city manager he'll take it from here and then we'll open up for the presentations yes Madam mayor so um the the RFP I mean the informance solicitation about for this item um was issued and the first um we had an evaluation ation committee that met and and scored the proposals subsequent to that first evaluation committee meeting it was determined that there was a piece of information one of the proposals that had not been provided to the evaluation committee for consideration and as such the evaluation committee was reconvened and um at that time we also had the presenters provide oral presentations as a result of that second meeting where the committee reconsidered all aspects of all proposals the recommendation from the commit was or the ranking from the committee was that altimate as the number one ver Mobility as number two red speed as number three and safe speed as number four I did my due diligence and I support the recommendation of the committee um it's important to note that you know the scoring was very close especially in the proposers qualification and experience where all all of the proposals were ranked um with full marks the proposals are here should the um Council desire to have brief presentations from each of the members um I look for your direction you specifically had stated back in um when this item was first brought before Council that you wanted the the final decision which it always is but more clearly to be yours and you wanted to be able to evaluate all of the proposers and make that final decision okay thank you madam city manager um would we like to hear the presentations yep yes okay all right is it okay that I start in the order that they were ranked yes okay so let's get the first ranked company to come up first which I believe was Alum sorry yes representatives are they here thank you vice mayor alement thank you I if you can please load the presentation for element the clicker is right got it good morning everyone my name is Anna Perez I present Alman I'm a program manager in the company I'm also a resident of Doral have been living here for 20 years I understand our culture or diversity and the importance of family and community and thank and we thank you for the opportunity to present today thank you Jason Norton as we talked about uh the people you know the best the people you trust the most who spent hours upon hours upon hours researching reading evaluating clarifying classifying interviewing they all spent hours interviewing all of all vendors every one of them independently voted ultimate as their number one choice this was an independent vote we scored the only 100 scored the only two 99s and two of the four 98s but independently all number one get into why besides Anna myself we have Tom bashard our vice chair here but we also partner with local high High reputable firms like Ellison Partners who know the community who know the law and evoke our PR firm it's Miami based and they have clients such as the Greater Miami commission V visitors bureau and they work with local communities all throughout not only were we first in Ultimate but we were first in Florida we were signed the first contract in Florida um we have the first warning period installed in Florida and we have the first and only operational program in Florida in Henry County uh we actually have already launched their alpr cameras even though they don't want their speed cameras until August but we are paying that full Freight for the alpr cameras and we just picked up another uh contract yesterday that I wasn't able to put on we have the most flexible system technology in the industry and here today for sure we have liar we have radar you can put it on a pole you can put it on a diesel trailer a solar trailer you can put it in a Box portable the police also have a handheld option if they want to do spot enforcement one thing you won't miss is that flash every time the camera clicks we we use IR illumination which means the white flash won't be around alpr this is important differentiator you're going to hear a lot about this Florida law says you can't use your speed camera system detection for surveillance if you're looking at every license plate that goes through you're surveilling F do says you need a permit for your speed camera and a separate one for your alpr so what we do we give you an alpr camera Standalone purpose built you choose the vendor and you choose the location if you want it in the school zone speed area so be it if you want a goense your city so be it if you have high traffic high incident places that you went to APR place you can put it but compliant and flexible no fee to terminate most everybody will let you out of the contract but that comes with a cost or a time frame we have neither if you want to if you're not happy and we can't make you happy and you need to leave the contract you can do it with no fee speaking of fees UTC uniform traffic citation just like you had in your red light camera program if the if the citation is not resolved in 30 days you have the right to send out a UTC and to do so you have to send it by certified mail US Post Office cost $415 for every time you do that for ultimate there is no cost to that at least Vera and um redspeed will both charge you the city of douts in their proposal it's a line item or an aster but it's $4.50 so over the five years and I've given the benefit of the doubt that on the left side there you see 95% reduction that's on day one so miraculously if 95% is reduced on day one the certified mail cost still going to cost you 300 over $300,000 for the lifeear contract Vera also will cost $2 per page to print for every page that goes in that that's an extra $2 so even at uh even at 95% reduction it's almost a half a million dollars to the city of D that's going to be a line item on your invoice if it's more realistic about 83% reduction you're well over a million dollars just in UTC cost again ultimate charge is nothing for that Homeland pledge we're in America company owned and operated our callers if somebody calls into our call center it's our employees based in the United States if somebody's processing your violation it's our employees based in the United States if somebody's cleaning the lens on the camera it's our employees we don't Outsource it we certainly don't offshore we make our own uh equipment design ass symbol right here in America right down the hall from Tom we've talked about these differences but we have the local resources to support you no fee to terminate to contract flexible system technology compliant no cost Standalone alpr no taxpayer cost for the vendor guaranteed no hidden cost no UTC cost American company and first and only in Florida and I'll leave where I started that the people you know the best the people you trust the most who spent hours upon hours researching all this information every one of them independently picked us as their number one choice thank you for your time thank you okay number two is Vera Mobility absolutely yes should we recess and wait for councilwoman Bor us since this was really her item okay you would you give us a couple minutes I'm sorry I thought she was going to be right back and just noticed she missed the entire presentation so sorry give us a couple minutes we're going to recess for let's say 10 minutes give councilor us an opportunity to come back so I need a motion motion to recess for 10 minutes second by vice mayor p corvy on favor say hi madam clerk hi sorry I just realized she was