##VIDEO ID:lij0SRSggMI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Miss Muno will you please introduce yourself hi good evening everyone I'm Rosa MZ I'll be The Interpreter for tonight's meeting thank you thank you Miss Munos and welcome to everyone here and those of you joining us virtually to the September 17th Dover Board of Education meeting for those who wish to provide public comment remotely a Google form was posted on the district website at 6:30 p.m. and those remote comments will be addressed in the second public comment section this meeting which is hereby call to order at 6:48 p.m. is in compliance with the notice requirements of the law public notice was posted in the office of the Board of Education and communicated to the municipal clerk and daily record on January 9th 20 24 can we please rise for the flag salute I pledge allegiance Mr sabahu may we have a roll call Mr present Miss DS present Mr Miller here miss nothing here miss Phillips here miss peles here Dr cner present Miss SES here miss mandz here miss ASO will you please read our mission statement certainly working together as a community our mission is to Welcome All and provide opportunities for our students in a safe and accepting learning environment to become creative empathetic resilient and who choose to make an impact thank you Mr Mr haime will you introduce um this evening's first presentation good evening everyone our first presenter is Matthew Kinski it is for nor sorry Norris girls science and Business mentorship Awards good evening members of the do Board of Education and do Public School Community last school year students participated in the girls in science and business mentorship program sponsored through the novaris pharmaceutical company the purpose of this program was to promote the fields of science medicine and business for young girls to advance their interest in careers and Science and to connect these fields together to highlight the many professional opportunities that the industry can afford entry into the program required excellence in the science classrooms a demonstrated enthusiasm to explore future careers in science and business and an extensive application process for acceptance this would allow the participating students to be paired with a professional Mentor from the novaris farb company participate in interactive lessons and discussions on medicine technology development and rollout and to Shadow their Mentor at the novaris facility to directly learn and observe different professional roles I am proud to present to you eight students that represented the do Public School District in this prestigious program I have invited the students and their families tonight to be recognized for their achievements some some students were able to join us tonight so if you are in attendance please come to the podium to receive a district recognition achievement certificate Leandra Alfaro Mia [Applause] dilon Michelle fallis Cabrera Emily Gomez Restrepo [Applause] Alia [Applause] ishak make sure to shake the board president Mr H's hand too jasmir ortiga [Applause] Brianna [Applause] Rodman finally Zelena [Applause] Suarez these young ladies not only through the program have demonstrated to be excellent students and exemplary role models for our school community and achievement additionally their accomplishments are a testament to their strong Foundation built by our wonderful teaching staff here at do Public Schools their science teachers last school year Miss Michelle lent and Miss Marley Rose Carroll inspired these young ladies to high aspirations and pushed them to achieve great things in science last year I'm excited to see what these students accomplish in the future for I have no doubt that they will achieve great things have a lasting impact on their community and for how our great science staff of this school district will continue to inspire our students cultivate a culture of excellence and use the example set forth by these students to inspire more to come thank you very much Mr kazinski and if we can have all the students who will recognize this evening come to the center here we're going to take a picture e [Applause] Mr he do you want to introduce our second presentation this evening our second presentation this evening is by Mr Patrick pandel on our hi presentation good evening my name is Patrick pendo I am the director of student intervention district testing I am also the ABC which is the anti bullying coordinator for the district uh tonight I'm here to present you two sets of data one from the ssds reporting system and the other are HIV self assessment uh from the 2324 school year so the district is obligated to report to the Board of Education from this previous ssds reporting period ssds is the student safety data system it's the online reporting tool that the district uses to report student removals which are in school out of school suspensions to the state so I believe Dr mlin did period one which was from uh September to December of 23 this is period two um which runs from January to June in 24 so for that particular scoring period there were 160 total ssds reports uh 68 were considered incidents 86 were considered uh other incidents leading to removal and 36 were HIV alleged so under incidents there are five subcategories HIV confirmed violence vandalism substance and weapons other incidents leading to removal are all of the quot that don't fall into those categories so they'd be acts of insubordination uh different acts creating uh safety issues jeopardizing the safety of others things of that nature as well as and we found out a little later for this as as well as vaping and then the HIV alleged are reports of HIV harassment intimidation and bullying that aren't confirmed as HIV so a lot of times in most cases almost all the cases maybe one or two it wasn't the case but almost all those cases of 36 there was not a student removal and most of those cases it was just something that was reported without a student removal so if you add up from September to June the entire school year it was a total uh cases reported in ssds of 277 cases 102 incidents 93 other incident lead removal and 90 82 HIV alleged so you might ask how does that compare from 2223 to 2324 so violence looks about the same vandalism was exactly the same now if you look at substances and other incidents leading to uh removal you see that substances went down quite a bit and other incidents uh went up quite a bit and that was because initially we report we were reporting vaping violations under substances and then we got clarification to report it under other incidents so that's really the main reason why other incidents has basically had an explosion of having so many we also did have an upt take uptick in HIV alleged incidents and Hib confirmed incidents so uh the last slide here working with ssds is our compar comparison to uh one year to the next from all the schools so at do high school you can see that's a big uptech of 150 reports at do high school now there there definitely were more HIV cases at do high school but moreover the main reason for that uptick is that we had fap vaping detectors in the bathrooms and they work really well that's the good news bad news is that you know some of the kids didn't get the message uh as far as the year went on it sort of dissipated there were less and less vaping violations coming from the Dober high school and I believe that trend has uh continued onto this year Dober Middle School had about the same amount of cases so did Academy Street East over there was a slight uptick uh in HIV cases and that's why I went up a little bit north over actually went down a little bit because there were actually less HIV cases at northover than the previous Year all right so now I'm going to move to the Hib self assessment that we have to submit every year so the Hib self assessment measures how the district is compliance with the anti-bulling Bill of Rights or the ABR each School compiles a self assessment based on a state formulated rubric there are eight core elements with several indic indicators under each element the scale asks you to rate each indicator from one to three two means we have met the indicator three means we have exceeded the indicator a maximum score is 78 as you can see all the schools are exceeding expectations at a 77 leaving us one point away from the maximum score over the past few years our abss along with their schools safety and climate teams have examined the rubric very Clos the strive for the maximum score a score of 69 was achieved in 2223 last year went up to a 76 the point we're missing has to do with students and their and parents who are on the school safety and climate teams being trained and there really isn't a training out there for parents and students the training that we go to definitely does not include parents and students so uh we're meeting in a couple weeks as uh with the abss as a team and we're going to try to have an inhouse training for parents and teacher uh parents and students so we get that one point so hopefully next year if everything else Remains the Same then we will have a a perfect score these are some actions that support our school scores thanks to the board we have an optimal solid setup in executing HIV investigations Miss Tui is our district abs and leads most investigations so our school based ABS is who are counselors can focus on their T their job their main role as counselors if there are a multitude of Investigations at once we do occasionally assign an investigation to the school ABS thankfully though all of them have received the highest certificated training that there is and continue to explore trainings pertinent to that role most of these bullet points is what has increased our scores over the past couple of years here are listed some of the actions we take in Communications that support our score each school has assemblies or grade level meetings twice a year and our ABS further scaffold HIV policy and prevention with uh classroom presentations at the elementary and middle school levels that focus on the prevention of Hib and being upst standards Miss Monaco the ABS here at the high school often works with students on HIV related topic forums in the cafeteria during lunch which is one of the reasons the high school self assessment score went up this year here are some regular routines that support our score the signed staff statement of assurance outlining the staff's obligation to report HIV was also a reason our self assessment scores increased this last year here are some of the programs that address the school climate districtwide each school has been trained and are in the beginning stages of implementing the PBIS program which stands for positive behavior intervention and supports which focus on proactive measures that includes recognizing students that make good choices good choices the tiered system of discipline Works in sync with the district's core values and remedial measures that we use in HIV I would like to highlight one action from each school that supports their Hib self assessment score at Academy Street they had assembly program called quos Tales From latinx world that highlighted culturally relevant storytelling at East over the superme and BMX assembly presenters used exciting BMX bike tricks as bridge to antibullying presenters uh as a bridge to anti-bullying messages rather and acts of kindness at North do second step is an Seal program that is used by counselors to help students develop the ability to have empathy for others and express compassion at do Middle School some faculty meeting time is used to engage staff in the power of being seen this program allows teachers to focus on students at the school to examine and reflect on if they are making the important Connections in getting to know the students as to create an environment where every student has a go-to adult in the school where they can seek support at Dober High School a Special Assembly was held called you don't know me until you know me presented by nationally renowned Dr Mikey Fallon the program focused on inclusion and the importance of acceptance our response to all reports of HIV whether confirmed or not and I think that's really important that we are always address any report we get of HIV is always addressed even if it's not confirmed it is not just dismissed the actions in and the the actions of the students it's it's explored as far as can it's always make sure that it is addressed and the focus is on remedial measures where students reflect on their behavior and the way it affects others our remedial measures are done with conjunction with our school's counselors the restorative practices are also done in conjunction with the code of conduct depending on the situation as we know that restorative practices are effective when done in conjunction with consequences and this is also the premise of the PBIS system I like to end with what our ubiquitous focus is at every school it's a focus on who we are at our heart which is the focus of our core values and making sure that our students our staff the entire Dober School Community uh is an upstander and stands up for any type of bullying that may occur not just in school and out of school I think that's an important thing that we're not just teaching our students to be nice at school to be kind at school it's who we are and who we want them to be when they go out into the community and after all we are all tigers thank you thank you Mr pandao for that um presentation I will now open it up to the board for discussion see Dr ser and then Mr Miller thank you Mr pen sorry thank you Mr pendo um I had a question regarding and I'm looking at slides three and four um slide four shows um you discussed the increase in incidents at Dober High School those mostly fell under the other incident in incidents and you said that that was in um as a result of students being uh vaping and our are Vape detectors finding that um does vaping not fall under substances in terms of instances it's a good question because originally that's what I thought but then the clarification was so so if someone is vaping at the high school they're sent out for testing if it's confirmed they're using an illegal substance then that goes then that falls under substances so they either have to be under the influence known like under the influence of a substance or they have to be in possession of a substance thank you thank you for the presentation uh I really love the slides it's very clear to understand um I think one of the questions I had in conjunction with Dr sers is that the increase at do high school of the 150 how many of them were vaping I'm estimating because I'm the one that puts it in the system probably about half okay it was it was it it was it really was one it once they once they started using that system I think the kids were you know and kids will test out to see how what they can get away with and as the year was and they really didn't get the message early on but like I said towards the end of last year it seemed like the the numbers dissipated and as far as I know this year we've had very few with any uh vaping incidents at the high school this year I I I really don't remember a report on on that because then if that was the case then if you look at each of the schools the the number of incidents would have been down in every school except for one which is a good Trend so it seems like some of the programs are starting to take place um I know that you you talked about some of the assemblies how how many assemblies does each school really have for the general population for HIV programs every I'm thinking everyone has probably two or three but every so what we try to do is kick off an original beginning like the first couple of days of school there's either at all the schools actual assemblies with the appropriate grade level cadres at the elementary schools or or grade level uh type of meetings at the middle school that focus on what Hib is so and then we have it again in February and then in between there's different presenters that are come into each school um estimating between two and four for each school and some of them were impactful than like the Mikey Fallon one was something that's was naturally renowned it's actually very long uh assembly that covers a lot of a lot of topics and a lot of serious topics especially that high schoolers face every day so we're really trying to we're trying to uh give them a a perspective to really make sure that they're really thinking about their behavior and how they treat one another um is there any way to do like smaller groups students have the opportunity to have discussions like maybe within one class yeah so uh the program that I at the Second Step at North do those are specifically uh geared and they have and I think up there was lunch lunch bunch and lunch groups stuff like that they have specific programs for different groups of students that maybe you'll say had uh had issues before or or they might not have been uh confirmed as HIV but they're kind of going in that direction so those students are kind of identified you know by their behavior and by their actions and put in those groups so that that would be something that students are in those lunch groups or they're in that second step type program that the councils are working at over at North Dober thank you any other comments or questions from the board seeing none thank you Mr P thank you very much we are going to move along into public comment on agenda items only the board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters to ensure fair and orderly expression of such comment each statement shall be held to a time period of three minutes public comments limited to items on this agenda shall be entertained for approximately 30 minutes upon the discretion of the presiding officer please understand that public comment portions of our agenda are not structured as question and answer sessions but rather they are offered as opportunities to share your thoughts with the board the board may or may not respond to public comments however all comments are considered and will be investigated and addressed as appropriate please be courteous and mindful of the rights of others when providing comments comments may not be abusive obscene threatening or irrelevant please understand that students and employees have specific legal and privacy protections the board is not permitted to respond in public to comments about students or employees please be advis that you are commenting at your own risk any public comments that are directed at a particular individual or individuals could subject you to Legal liability for defamation with that public comment on agenda items only is now open is there any member of the public in person wishing to speak seeing none public comment is now closed so we will move along to the approval of minutes is there a motion to approve the minutes from August 15th August 20th and August 29th so moved I have a motion by Mr Miller is there a second second second by Miss nutting is there any discussion seeing none Mr saahu we have a motion in a second may we have a roll call vote please M um abstain from um number one August 15 yes to all others M STS yes Mr Miller yes Miss nothing yes Miss Phillips yes to August 15th number one abstain from two and three which is August 20th and yes to August 29th number four Miss pis just August 15 up stain from August 20th and just 29th Dr sener yes Miss soles yes Miss mandz yes we are moving along to Communications there are no whole board Communications that I am aware of that I missed anything seeing none we are moving along to the student representative to the board report so you may see a new face at the table um please give a warm welcome to our newest stud representative Mr leay did I get that right and we look forward to your first report good evening everyone so first my report I wanted to discuss about a couple issues that um a lot of the students at the high school had and one of them was an issue about the temperature throughout the building uh I know in the winter time uh last year a lot of were complaining it was way too cold they had to bring um like layers on top of layers to every class it was really hard for a lot of students to focus with the classrooms being so cold and I know the same thing is happening during the summer as a lot of students were sweating in every classroom they were trying to open Windows but it was way too hot for them in each classroom and another issue I wanted to address was uh how crowded do high school is I know a lot of students have come to me recently they were saying that our hallways are getting two packed it's getting hard to get to to classes on time there's such a big tra traffic jam and a lot of these classrooms are really overcrowded and it's getting to become a big issue and one more thing I wanted to address was um more more exposure for careers in colleges for uh students here at the high school things like votch type programs that we already offer which is very good at at the high school but I think we can expand more on that especially going into things like college help setting up students for future career paths down the line I think that would be very important for a lot of students here at the high school since a lot of them either go on the path to trade school which is not bad but we want to set up a lot of students here for a good future After High School and the last part of my report I just want to let I just want to inform the board about upcoming events here at do high school as we have the college fair September 19th and the fall pep rally coming up September 27th and back to school night September 24th we have an open house for eighth graders October 2 and the football homecoming game on October 4th and the homecoming dance on October 5th thank you thank you Mr lay for that first report you came out of the gate swinging much appreciated you brought us some valuable information are there any comments or questions based off of his report Dr Ser um welcome and thank you for that report um I have a question you mentioned hot in the summer hot in the hot in the summer cold in the winter I've heard reports that it's also depending on the classroom cold in the summer can you confirm that it's really room dependent it it really is room dependent like one um specific example was the boy locker room it was freezing cold in there I know all the winter sports athletes they were all complaining about it it would come in sweating hot and the locker room would be freezing cold they would have to put like jackets on right away okay and then my I guess my follow-up question is to Mr haime how I assume this is regulated from Some central location and how do we make sure that our rooms are appropriately heated or cooled um so that they you know like the standard sort of 68 to 72 so how do we keep our rooms in that sort of acceptable range so one of the things that we are doing as a team is improving the communication from our head custodians to the assistance of building grounds uh that'll help out to identify any of the rooms early on and try to troubleshoot if there is an issue as well as uh there is a structural location where it can be managed so in the event that uh let say the the system might have shut off for whatever reason we can then kind of just have it turned down from a central location as well so we're improving number one location um sorry communication the other pieces we also are uh adding another HVAC uh Personnel that will also assist to meet the needs of our district because HVAC system something that we are you know constantly working towards getting better um if a teacher is in a room that is too hot or too cold are they is there a procedure in place for that teacher to request assistance in terms of having the room assessed that it is up you know beyond outside of that normal range and then to trigger that HVAC person coming out to fix whatever the issue is yes we do have a procedure in place uh the teacher is to communicate with the building administration building Administration then uh puts in a work order but then also communicates that with the buildings and ground secretary who then now is prompted to uh communicate that with the a Personnel any other comments or questions based off of Mr L's report Miss ASO Mr lay right yeah okay just want to thank you for bringing up the topic of vocational um careers for our students I think that's uh very important thank you you're welcome and then I will end off with saying that the board um is aware that our school district is experiencing overcrowding um we have been trying to address that issue um unsuccessfully thus far but I think we have a plan in the works that we hope to talk about at some point soon that will alleviate some of that but thank you for your report good stuff we are going to move along to the board president's report um it's going to be super short this evening um I'm happy to report we have concluded reference checks and contract negotiations with our next permanent superintendent we will now submit to the executive County Superintendent for approval and once approved it will come before the full board for ratification um we expect this to happen within the next few weeks so early October hopefully maybe um and that concludes my report are there any comments or questions based off of my report no so we are going to move along to administrative reports Mr Hyman good evening everyone W noes Mr Le welcome I did have Mr L A few years back as a seventh grade student he was my second graduating eighth grade class as a middle school principal so it's great to see him here with us tonight um I have a few things I want to definitely share tonight with everyone um first of all we are kicking off our Hispanic Heritage Month with activities lesson plans as well as uh events for our students so we're very excited about that uh uh just recently we were part of the Dober cultural Festival a big thank you to connecting do for the invite uh as we participated we had three tables set up at the festival uh to assist our community with questions uh about registration preschool and our community agents with there providing information about resources uh thank you to our staff who gave up their s to be there with me I will also uh like to thank our marching band who was at the festival uh they did a fantastic job in demonstrating their talents uh couldn't be proud of our students kudos to our band director and our supervisor of fine and uh Performing Arts uh just a little update on just some of the uh construction that's been going on throughout the district we were able to finalize the project at Academy and complete the roof project uh DMS Vestal was delayed due to back orders but we are happy to report that the frame and glasses are installed so we're moving along with that construction and Ed vest is almost complete so that's also moving along uh our convocation was August 27th and we welcome our staff back to a new school year at our convocation we introduced our goals for the year theme for the year and coaching for Success introduced new staff and celebrated staff who are gained teners ship uh the energy was great and we hope to continue to carry that same energy throughout the year our first day of school we had a smooth opening for our students again thank you to our staff uh teachers custodians for all the the Relentless effort to prepare our classrooms and buildings for our students I went around to all the schools on that first day and it was great seeing our students back in the building interacting with their teachers and principles I will personally share with everyone that it was a little Bittersweet for me as uh I had the opportunity to visit schools and interact with the community but it was the first time I was not opening a a school uh the school website I just an update on everyone I know that we have been working as a team to ensure that we are consistently providing relevant information for our district uh we are collaborating with the building Administration and tech department to incorporate more videos and pictures to showcase our district and personalize our website uh back to school night uh was held this past week at Ed and DMS two separate events I attended both back to school nights at Ed and DMS they were both well attended it was great seeing our families back in the swing of things it was it was excellent uh let's continue to support our schools uh North doers hosting their back to school night this Thursday at 6 pmmy back to school night will be September 24th uh and as Matthew had mentioned DHS as high back to school night is the 26th of September Delk 2 will have theirs on September 30th DK 2 on October 1st and there will also be a meet your case manager night on October 8th traffic panners at DMS and Ed so on September 9th we started a new traffic pattern to alleviate some of the safety concerns that we had as well as was the backup onto groute 46 uh we did encounter some delays on that first day with the picking up and dropping off of students uh with our own transportation but we were able to address those minor changes and thankfully the changes now have provided a smoother transition and and no backup onto gr 46 I would like to thank the town of Dober the mayor's office Dober PT the director of security security staff our families for the support in this new transition and upcoming events uh which Matthew kind of took some of the Thunder for me this evening as he mentioned some of the events coming up we have the Hope coming again on October 4th at Hamilton field our Hispanic heritage festival October 16th uh DHS openhouse October 2 for eighth grade families and girls soccer senior night and Hamilton field on October 11th that is all thank you thank you Mr haime are there any um comments or questions based off his report Dr Ser um I just wanted to clarify Mr haime I may have misheard but I believe dhs's back to school night is the 24th I just checked the website I you gave me a heart attack because I have to 24 24th okay thank you any other comments or questions uh I see Miss DS and then miss Phillips I'm sorry I I am the uh representative for the Dober middle school so I attended back to school night and it was nice to see um a great number of parents present and um I had our Board of Ved tables set up um in the cafeteria along with other community tables and it was great because um only a few parents came to speak at our table but I was able to direct there's one parent who was um having an issue with Genesis so I directed her to the tech table and it was resolved that night so I was it was just one person but it was one more person that has access now so thank you um well now I have two things based on what you just said um because I was at back to school night the night before for East over Elementary and similarly I think Mr Miller and I had probably three parents that stopped by specifically with a Genesis question so they were able to you know be directed to that table a lot of people stopped by by so that was good um and and I won't take it personally that you didn't say that volleyball senior night is also Friday October 11th in the gym thank you for that Miss Phillips any other comments or questions um I want to thank the district for participating in the cultural resources Festival that we did with connecting over it was nothing short of beautiful seeing the marching band I cried so thank you anything else seeing that we're moving along to Mr sa good evening on September 10 Tuesday we met with the architect here at the high school and talk about generators capacity location and which section of the building it should Supply Power uh we budgeted the generator for the high school since we are Sheltering place here so uh we went with the plan and everything in case of an emergency uh which location is going to be powered Mr ha and I met with the architect for space utilization options yesterday we will finalize the project and work on the finances in order to get this done more discussion will be done next week at the finance and Facilities meeting uh this is the announcement for parents please fill out the launch applications since the carryover applications from last year will expire soon if you were free and reduced last year they're going to expire soon uh so you're going to lose your status you're going to turn automatically paid so in order to aoid the uh balances please fill out the application as soon as possible this concludes my report thank you Mr sabahu any comments or questions based off of his report um Miss menis I have a question um Mr hee have we been able to do like a popup announcement regarding filling out applications for the reduce or free lunch for our parents we we did it before we could do it again I also sent out a video on Monday night uh just reminding all of our parents once again of the lunch lunch applications as well as the insurances for technology okay thank you uh before we move on I just want to let Mr lay know that um you are welcome after you give your report you are welcome to I know sometimes our meetings are late so you're welcome to leave um but you're also we want you to stay but you're welcome to leave um we're going to move along to Boe reports Mr Miller any updates from the Morris County Education Services Comm uh they did have a meeting last week but I was at the East over back to school night uh but there was nothing on the agenda that would be of interest to the board thank you Mr Miller um Dr serer legislative report yes just one Bill signed into law well two bills um uh s2644 a433 and a 2288 s 2647 um this legislation will establish new initiatives to ensure Young Learners have access to the tools and resources needed to become strong confident readers while also empowering our Workforce of Educators with professional development opportunities that is all thank you Dr serer we moving along to miss DS the Morris County njsba report thank you um the first meeting will be on for the Morris County School boards Association will be on Wednesday October 2nd at Panic Township High School in Pompton Plains the topic for this meeting will be Mental Health Resources for your school district um they did put an email apologizing because it there is a conflict with um rashash Shana they will videotape it for anybody who's not able to attend so if you are interested in attending please remember to register for the meeting thank you thank you Miss St we are moving along to administrative approval is there a motion to to approve items 1 through 11 so moved second I have a motion by Miss Phillips second by Miss nuty is there any discussion Dr s and then Mr Miller I'm sorry I lost my place um two questions um we're approving a bunch of evaluation systems um are any of these evaluation systems different from um evaluation systems we've used in the past there are not any different or something we just annually get approved okay thank you and then um is there anything that has changed in the sle3 contract since last year yes we increased the the pay rate by by a dollar just to be competitive with the other districts around the districts thank you Mr haime I just want to say that the uh the district rals are excellent I think there's a lot there and of course the board goals are wonderful too thank you Mr Miller any other comments or questions seeing none um we have a motion by Miss Phillips a second by Miss nutting Mr saahu may we have a roll call vote please mrso yes Miss DS yes Mr Miller yes Miss nothing yes Miss Phillips yes Miss peles yes Dr sener yes Miss SES yes Miss mandz yes we are moving along to Personnel Miss nuty okay I will make a motion on the upon the recommendation of the superintendent that the board approves Personnel resolutions 1 through 15 second we have a motion by Miss nutty a second by Mr Miller is there any discussion Dr s then miss ASO um two comments and then a question um it's really great to see Dober alumni returning to work in our district um and I really re I say this every time but I really love thei the variety of clubs at our elementary schools and I see that we are now even in um hiring teachers to work as substitute for the club so that there's continuity and that these clubs that our students um love so much are going to keep happening no matter what um my question is could you please explain what the teacher mentors will be doing briefly so as teacher mentors we providing support for um our high school students in reducing The Chronic aism rate uh they will have a case load they'll be monitoring their academics their attendance having check-in meetings with students uh discussing goals and opportunities um as well as communicating that with the building Administration and families as well may ask a followup question is it simp is the trigger for these um Mentor Partnerships the absenteeism or would it also be available for a student who doesn't have an absentee issue but is maybe failing multiple classes that would preclude them from graduation right now is really ASM what they're concentrating on of course when any student that potentially is having academic issues that's for the counselors and tyer rap will then be put in as a support for the students missa um yes so item number nine for extra Services can you please elaborate on what falls on the extra Services since there is no explanation as to why we are paying um these items U so as per the DEA uh collective bargaining agreement as schedule e e hourly paid activities the hourly rate amount of all activities including um but not limited to you know detention Hall morning and afternoon Hall duties uh urals security extra Services uh driver education set a detention forensic debates uh you know so these are all there being paid by the following rates with the exception of summer school and home instruction uh may I suggest that for now on we put like a brief excerpt of what this is so that for transparency uh purposes absolutely thank you any other comments or questions seeing none we have a motion by Miss netting a second by Mr Miller Mr sabahu maybe have a roll call vote Please Mr yes M STS yes Mr Miller yes Miss nothing yes Miss Phillips yes Miss peles yes Dr sener yes Miss sones yes Miss mandes yes we are moving along to negotiations Miss nutty okay so the D SSA will be ratified soon um and whereas on January 23rd 2024 the D Board of Education approved and ratified the memorandum of agreement with the successor of the collective bargaining agreement with the do administrator do administrators associations and the period of January 1st to 2022 through June 2025 including the approved salary guides and whereas the parties are preparing a written contract to incorporate the terms in the memor of agreement or now therefore be it resolved that the Dober board president and the board secretary are authorized to execute the final written contract with the daa incorporating the terms in the me memorandum of agreement once it is formed to appreciate the all acceptible to all parties and is further resolved and the administration is authorized to take any necessary actions to execute the terms of the mendor of agreement contracts so that is my update because it wasn't done last month and I should have mentioned it last month but we dropped wall on that by accident so sorry thank you Miss nutty oh that was a motion that was a motion second so we have a motion by Miss nutting a second by Mr Miller um we should not have discussion right um so we will miss towns I just want to make note that um when Miss nutting was talking about the the dates I think mentioned January January 1st 2022 and I think in the statement it says July 1st 2022 so I just yeah want can we clarify what we're voting on The it's the the resolution is as stated in the agenda I think we just read it out of the agenda yeah it's it's written it's written in the agenda January is everyone clear on that thank you Miss St M Mendes um just a quick question so am I able to vote on this because I'm a I'm I'm a union um staff member another District so is this something that I can do or just remind me is it in District or no it's out of District out a district I yeah I think since since the memorandum has agreed to memorandum has been already agreed to okay and negotiated yes yes I can okay thank you we have a motion by Miss nutting a second by Miss Mr Miller Mr sabahu may we have a roll call vote please miss ESO yes Miss DS yes Mr Miller yes Miss nothing yes Miss Phillips yes Miss peles yes Dr sener yes Miss sones yes Miss mandes yes we are moving along to governance Mr Miller so the governance committee did not meet uh last month uh but there were some work behind the scenes we're preparing for a virtual meeting next week um all the board board members receive copies of the descriptions of all the Committees so please uh take the time to review them and let us know if there's any changes that th that information will be incorporated with the new board member onboarding packet that we're going to work on to uh complete U so that we'll have it ready for new board members that will be elected onto the board thank you Mr Miller um we are moving along to student achievement and curriculum Dr Ser thank you Miss Mendes um the student achievement and curriculum committee met on September 3rd um we discussed the uh five of the remaining curricula that are on our agenda for approval tonight um wonderful courses I believe almost actually all of these are new courses to the high school um dual enrollment probability and statistics that's an old course with a new partner um the tel Noll course ceramics history of food throughout the world and the United States and Guitar Building um so a lot of really fabulous options for our students and a shout out to Mr Carl and all of the teachers who work diligently this summer to write curriculum I believe there were over 605 that we approved between last month this month and then there are a few more left to go um this school year um a shout out to Mr kazinski um and our Maintenance and Facilities team who completed a an update to our culinary room um new cabinets were installed as well as some other items um and our um a shout out to Home Depot as well many of their uh Home Depot staff um voluntarily came in and helped with that renovation to save us costs um in terms of the um the labor that went into that um we are launching a new um Elementary science program this was piloted last year um and uh teachers uh liked it much better than our old system so we are adopting it um from I believe K through grade five um we already thanked and um acknowledged our novaris girls in science and we talked a little bit about um the August 27th convocation um we are moving to standards based report cards for our K to5 families and so that is a process uh that is a new process for our families and there is a video that is going out or already went out explaining to parents how that works um and I that concludes um my report and at this point I would like to move that we approve items one through five under student achievement and curriculum is there a second second Miss nutting we have a motion by Dr serer second by Miss nut is there any discussion Dr s we have quite a few teachers enrolled in GED 664 sociolinguistics for English language learning um are these teachers part of a cohort and can you please explain how these this course these teachers this cohort will benefit our students yes these teachers are part of our door ESL teacher certification cohort through centur University the GED 664 uh for language English language teaching this course is designed to introduce the teachers to this cohort to the theories and research uh that are related to education educating English language Learners in the US Special Focus will be given to uh intersection of language Society culture identity and education the teachers in this cohort will explore the historical and cultural backgrounds of limited English proficient students in ation advocacy issues and strategies to Foster communication engagement between schools ESO families and this course uh five courses sequence that this cohort working with the earned ESL Certification thank you Mr Hae and thank you to all the teachers who are taking on this additional work to meet the needs of our students any other discussion seeing none we have a motion by Dr Ser a second by Miss nutting Mr SAU may we have a roll call vote please misso yes M DS yes Mr Miller yes Miss nothing yes Miss Phillips yes Miss peles yes Dr sener yes Miss sones yes Miss Mes yes we are moving along to community relations Miss ASO okay thank you Miss Mendes the community relations committee met on September 16th which is yesterday at the Dober Public Library board members ASO penales Phillips and solz as well as six members of the citizens advisory um committee were in attendance questions regarding handicap parking space accessibility at North at North do elementary traffic calming measures at North do elementary students safety concerns after Sports practice at East do elementary among other things were discussed and will be forwarded to Mr haime for feedback the next meeting will be held on October 7th at 6:30 at the Dober Public Library this concludes my report thank you thank you misso um we are going to move along to policy Miss p good evening um the policy committee met on September 3rd um the first policy we discussed was policy 8466 um is a revising of the word fire firearms from weapons um we discuss no weapons of any kind within the building consequences in the event that someone has a weapon um the principal call take control of the weapon until the law enforcement comes there's an immediate removal of the child in or school grounds we reserve the right to search bags um and we do not touch the child only as a last resort also policy 5350 the students student suicide prevention is also a revised policy all staff will be trained teachers or non-teachers this training will be offered to everyone that has contacts with the students exite evaluations um will be given um in the C on the district the person acting in good faith shall not be should should be immune from civil or criminal liability and the proper protocol for communicating in case of this incident policy 9181 um we discussed volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity advisers as assistants is also just a Revis policy and we discuss the testing for volunteers policy 22 00 um will be on hold policy 8420 and will be discussed further policy 20 8420 emergency and crisis situations is also a revised policy and the steps for how to safely deal with special need children in emergency situations and the lockdown procedures um we have a regulation um also just the revising of the wording and for abolishment policy 01646 remote public board meetings during a declare emergency this policy is not possible at the moment or applicable with that I would like to make a motion to approve items one to three on their policy there second second we have a motion by Miss pinales a second by Miss Phillips before we go into discussion I miss PES and I think I remember this because I was at the committee meeting we talked about policy 2200 being um not being on this agenda and it is on the agenda so um it's on hold that's what we discussed but I saw it here so I mentioned it I don't know what yeah we needed clarification on some things so it wasn't supposed to be on here so Mr CW wa if if everyone's in agreement um you know you could either revise the motion has the motion already been made you could either do a motion to but if everyone's in agreement to just uh postpone that item to a future meeting um as long as as long as there's no objection to it you can just handle it that way is everyone okay with tbling policy 2200 yes yes yes okay great so um any discussion Dr Sher then Mr Miller sorry you have to look this way once in a while too you it's just naturally I look over that way I'm sorry sorry okay um for policy 9181 is there ever an instance where a volunteer coach would be alone with a student athlete there should be an instant but there could be uh which is the reason why we're going to require a background check as well as communication with both the the uh athletic director and the supervisor of fine fine and Performing Arts uh because that also volunteers can also be part of that as well uh to make sure that we providing them training parameters as well as video training okay thank you and then um I haven't been on the policy Committee in a few years but is it possible to provide information um we used to get and maybe the policy committee still does um the I think they're the alerts from Strauss Esme which says policy whatever needs revision because was it would it be possible for us to receive those in the agenda materials as well so it's easy to for someone who's not on policy to understand why changes and what changes are being made absolutely thank you Mr so I just want to understand um the abolishment of the remote public uh board meetings during a declared emergency what's the reason why it was removed is there something that replaced it that was only put in place during uh covid uh once that that that was eliminated was no longer required um that makes sense except it doesn't say covid but there could be other types of emergencies where we would need so then we wouldn't be in the we wouldn't have the opportunity to conduct a meeting virtually if it was necessary so I I just don't understand was it the state abolishing that correct all right well then we'll have to ask the state because that doesn't make sense yeah and the state won't allow us to meet virtually anyway even if we had this policy we can't beet virtually we have to jump through hoops to get approval so all right doesn't make sense but I'll go with it any other discussion seeing none we have a motion by Miss panis a second by Miss Phillips Miss M sabahu may we have a roll call vote Please Mr yes M DS yes Mr Miller yes Miss nothing yes Miss Phillips yes Miss peles yes Dr CER yes Miss SES yes Miss mandz yes we are moving along to finance and Facilities Mr Miller yes the finance and Facilities uh committee met on August 27th we talked about uh spatialization security upgrades HVAC upgrades the high school generator and we discuss the fact that we have the district has new Auditors and that concludes my report and I will move that we approve items one through 14 we have a motion by Mr Miller is there a second second we have a second by Miss DS is there any discussion I'm gonna right I need to train myself to look over here for a little bit Mr Miller okay I just wanted to uh recognize uh some of the the donations that came into the district uh Costco had donated uh $100 to North do for a program the English family donated a number of musical instruments which is great and the do dairy made donated some certificates for ice cream cones any other discussion seeing none uh we have a motion by Mr Miller a second by Miss swns Mr saahu may we have a roll call V please Mr uh yes to all except for number 13 okay Miss STS yes Mr Miller yes Miss nothing yes Miss Phillips so I'm going to abstain for um any payments to vendor number 1950 I'm voting no for number 13 and yes for the remainder Miss peles yes Dr CER yes Miss sones yes Miss mandz no on item 13 yes to everything else we are moving along to some informational items upcoming Board of Education meetings October 15th November 19th and December 10th and somewhere in October there will be a special meeting um any updates on trainings Dr Ser I completely forgot I apologize it's okay I'm I no I have no update we know that the um njsba um convention is coming up in October many of us will be there looking forward to that we still have to plan a dinner at some point um facility requests we have the mount ho Spanish Congregation of Jehovah's Witness and the Morris County Vocational School District um that's happening in one of them in April one in September we are moving along to may I ask something before you move on yes um for what is the policy for um like sponsoring groups to use facilities U because if I if I'm not mistaken it says local and is that that Mount Hope Spanish Congregation of Jehovah's Witness a local um congregation is it a do congregation it is it is a do congregation I can confirm that but I believe it is okay thank you we are moving along to Old business is there any item of old business uh we are moving along to new business Miss DS I believe you have an item of new business you'd like to share with the board thank you um I have been in touch with Mr doic he's the director of the do do free public library um there's a few things that relate to our schools so I I'll mention them um the do free public library will be participating in the back to school nights at three schools uh North Dober Academy Street and uh D High School um doc has also contacted the high school librarian to request a meeting with all of the district Librarians to touch base on issuing our library cards and general discussion about materials and resources that they can uh partner on and the dfree public library is participating with an information table at the high school Hispanic Heritage Month event in October and um they are currently um in the process of working with the school district to host in the fall the elementary school stem night they're excited about that potential partnership um for programs for children's and teens Annabella CPUs returned in uh September for bilingual story time uh there's preschool story time that has started for the new school year the new year um and each day each school day between 3 and 4:30 the library provides after school snack time with snacks and juice which are donated by the Interfaith Food Pantry um upcoming programs for children in teams include the chess club and Lego Club they will begin at the end of September and they will be run by team volunteers the library will host a Harry Potter party as a family program with crafts and games on September 30th the party will be followed by a showing of a Harry Potter movie during the monthly Monday night movie club and next month uh the families will be invited to a monster party um and as Miss ASO was discussing um the Dober school district will be using the conference room for the upcoming Board of Education citizens advisory Comm meetings that concludes my report thank you thank you Miss DS for making that connection between what's happening at the library um and connecting that with the school district awesome um any other items of new business um if I may um Mr haime can you give us an update on the immunization clinic that was held August 27th I believe there was one was it well attended did uh unfortunately the vaccination clinic was not well attended um what I've done is as because it was well attended I've worked I'm working with the district nurse uh and the building Administration uh and School nurses as well to identify the students are still out compliance and we're sending out notifications to our families as well okay thank you you're wel Miss n um just one thing um our policy meeting just circling fact that when we did vote to have it open to our public correct um since we have been having our policy meetings we do have a security guard that's stationed at the door um just for everyone's knowledge and our Public's knowledge that it is there um I don't know if it's not broadcast it to our public or not but we don't have the attendance so do do we revisit that especially if it's saving the district I know it's not a lot of money but it is still money that is being spent because we have to have the security guard station there so that would be something to look at or try to see revisit that with our public and try to get an idea where we want that to go well no better time than the present um we know that the policy committee is not attended at all I won't even use the term well attended because it's not attended at all and we are paying the costs to have um security presence which we normally would not if it was not open to the public so what are our thoughts do we want to keep it the way it is for a little while longer or do we want to vote now to close it to the public I'd say we vote now to close it to the public Dr Sam I think it was a great experiment we tried be more transparent we opened it up the community is not interested they've shown Us by their attendance I think that until um a time maybe there will be a time in the future when people would be interested in attending and we can revisit it again but I agree with Mr Miller that we vote to end the open policy meeting are there any other thoughts if I if I just might jump in with one quick thing I'm sorry no no I I'm just not sure whether you in I remember that discussion I'm not sure if it's Curr Curr l enshrined in policy that the policy committee is open if so you may need to start do the process of amending the policy that's I just wanted to throw that out can someone take a look at that really quickly thank you Miss um just wondering um when we put the announcements on the district's website do we add that is open to the public like when we do the announcement that there is a policy meeting open to the public or or no I can't remember based off of the old configuration of our website if that's what we did um and I I certainly don't think that's happening now with the new configuration Dr Ser um we do have a policy in place 0155 point2 public participation for the Board of Education policy committee so we'd have to um move to abolish that committee but we could have a first reading on abolishment tonight I miss just a suggestion I I know I'm the one that brought it up I think it should be a discussion I do know that we are about to have changes in our board um I think it should be something that maybe a trial run for the next month or two months to make sure that we publicize it um if the attendance Still Remains the Same then to give the new board a chance to abolish that or to be abolished in December just to be respectful for the incoming I appreciate the sentiment Miss nuty but we have four months left in this current makeup of the board and I refuse to be operating as a lame duck board um go ahead Dr um the board was I'm sorry the policy was adopted on the 16th of November 2022 so it's been in place for almost two years so this is this is a very well done experiment we're two years in what is the policy number again Dr s 01 15.2 I'm sorry 0155 point2 and What's the title of the policy public participation for the Board of Education policy committee if you search our policies for policy committee it's the first one that comes up so it's a whole separate policy that we created specifically for this so it would have to go through if we can just roll to abolish it tonight can't we well I what I would your policies also in your policy guide it probably says how you amend and wrot policies Mo my guess is it's probably supposed to be two readings so what I think the cleanest thing to do would be to vote tonight on first reading to abolish that policy and then just put it on the agenda so the public everyone will have notice for the next for the next meeting to do the final vote um Can someone make a motion Dr s has her hand up so I just want to I was just reading our policy on policies I'm skimming um it I don't see anything in here where it says I I I believe Mr crude and I think that's good good policy for our policies um I don't see anything about it do it only talks about adoption so I I can't really quickly find anything on um how our policy on abolishment of policy so the governance committee has uh been the stewards for those policies so we're meeting next Thursday and then we can make a recommendation at the next meeting that that policy uh be abolished because we had gone through and did a review on all of them and so those are the those policies are how our board operates so the governance committee is uh tasked with looking at those to see how they can improve the way the board operates Miss I'd like to make note that when I was on policy committee last year um I do believe that there's only one meeting that the public there's people from the public that had attended I don't know if that's going to help you at all but just in that one year it it my only just following up again I I don't have the policies in front of me and Dr s read it it may be that there's not a it's just that since this is a policy that involves the public it I just think that it is logical to give some notice even if it only requires one reading rather than just passing it at the end of a meeting like this I I think it just is particularly since it was a policy that was specifically designed to be transparent I I I would recommend that uh you know perhaps you could do a first reading tonight if you wanted to but otherwise bringing it on and putting it on the agenda formally for first of all to have one of the Committees consider it and then recommend it for a future meeting I think I think it's a logical way to get okay um and I miss phlips because you weren't looking this way so just for clarification what it what the policy about abolishing a policy says is bylaws policies or regulations may be abolished at any meeting of the board without the proposed abolish of the proposed bylaw policy or regulation being approved by the board at a previous meeting you could you could technically do it tonight if you wanted based on that reading okay so that begs the question is someone going to make a motion if not we're going to move on I move we abolish policy 0155 point2 second second okay so I have a motion by Dr ser and I heard two seconds so who wants to own it second and a second by Miss p yes is there any discussion Mr sabahu we have a motion by Dr Ser a second by Miss finales um maybe have a roll call V please misso yes M DS yes Mr Miller yes Miss nothing yes Miss Phillips yes Miss peles yes Dr CER yes Miss SES yes Miss mandz yes so for clarification um the policy committee meetings are no longer open to the public so we do not need security there anymore Mr Heyman um and I will say that I am the one who um first introduced this idea so I was okay going either way um we did try it out I think for a significant amount of time as Dr Ser noted almost two years essentially and we're moving on um any other items of new business M Downs I would just like to uh comment on the posters that are in our cafeteria and I did see something in the hallway but I didn't get to read it um this one's called cafeteria expectations and um I think it's a positive thing to have posted around as a reminder for how it should Behavior should be you to behave and everything and it is posted in English and Spanish so whoever is responsible thank you for doing that I will take a look a closer look later thank you for pointing that out misss I did notice that on my way in but now that you're pointing out the Spanish version of it there is an error a grammatical error in the title um so we'll have to take a look at that right Miss can't see it I see it la cafeteria oh okay um any other items of new business Miss Bend is by May uh Mr Hae whenever you have a chance can you let us know what the graduation rate was for class for 202 uh 2024 sure thank you I believe there is a um I don't know if it's a requirement I believe it it might be a requirement for the superintendent to report that information out to us at some point do you know off the top of your head Mr crud about no I'm I'm not sure but it sounds like it should be part of a regular reporting cycle okay any other items a lot happening at the end of the meeting here I like it any other items of new business okay um we're going to move into public comment and Mr lay now that you have stayed until almost the very end much appreciated but not required um since you've stayed at the end when we adjourn can you stay a little longer because I'd like to take a picture with anyone who's willing cool um we're moving into public comment okay let me catch up now the board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters to ensure fair and orderly expression of such comment each statement shall be held to a time period of three minutes public comments not restricted to items on this agenda shall be entertained for approximately 30 minutes upon the discretion of the presiding officer for those who wish to provide public comment remotely a Google form was posted on the district website at 6:30 p.m. remote comments will be will be read by a member of the Board of Education the Board of Education will alternate between in-person and online comments please understand that public comment portions of our agenda are not structured as question and answer sessions but rather they are offered as opportunities to share your thoughts with the board the board may or may not respond to public comments however all comments are considered and will be investigated and addressed as appropriate please be courteous and mindful of the rights of others when providing comments comments may not be abusive obsene threatening or irrelevant please understand that students and employees have specific legal and privacy protections the board is not permitted to respond in public to comments about students or employees please be advised that you are commenting at your own risk any public comments that are directed at a particular individual or individuals could subject you to Legal liability for defamation I am trying to get used to this new sound thing I keep hearing a lot of popping I'm trying to do the move away and it's still happening I don't know um and then I will also say that that Preamble is one of the things I will not miss January 1 um public comment is now open um on anything so if any is there any member of the public in person wishing to speak um see for [Music] I'm a mom who participate in meetings any kind of activity with the previous superintendent I've been in meetings and I know that you're actively looking for superintendent and [Music] I participated in the survey about um searching for the superintendent and I was part of the committee and I was um [Music] [Music] in my personal opinion and I consider that Mr haime will be the perfect candidate for that position that's my personal opinion and I would and I would like if you can I appreciate if you take that in consideration [Music] [Music] [Music] um I would like him because he's bilingual he has some empathy with the students and parents parents and because belongs to the same generation I think that's my opinion thank you um Miss Phillips do we have any virtual comments is there any other member of the public in person wishing to provide public comment you can come up to the podium good evening everyone um my name is Maline Montes Rees I reside at 55 Central Avenue um so I am this is my first meeting uh new to do and I'm just curious maybe I'm late in the game um but I just wanted to know my daughter is part of the Dover preschool program um is that something that is discussed in these these meetings considering that it is part of the uh Dover School District um and Mr Le was that I just wanted to congratulate you on bringing on that report I think it takes a lot of courage to come up here and I think it would had very valid points and on to that what is as a parent whose daughter just started in preschool and as we are considering a future for her here in Dover what are the um like college opportunities or college programs that are established for the students here thank you thank you um we address address if we're going to address it'll be once public comment is closed thank you any other virtual comments no any can you bring the microphone closer to you okay if you want you can take it off and hold it it might be easier how about that that better not really I'll pick it up okay so my name my name is Carl Panetta and I'm here because uh we talked about uh the recognition of what have you and I'm here to ask the that maybe we can recognize two individual teachers that have since passed on here while I was a teacher I was a student here and one is Mr dorenzo and the other is Mr Valentine and I could talk about both of them because Mr dorenzo was a math teacher and when we were in when I was in class with him on many students but myself in particular because he wanted us to get up at the board on the board and I never got my work done so what I had done was next class I'm G to make sure I have it done so I asked my dad to help me so I went to class I on the board Mr G said who told you to do that who helped you with that your father helped you he wouldn't told my father not to help me anymore he would help me so I wound up doing well there and Mr Valentine was the cross country coach and he gave a ton to his students he was he he was there for every one of us we took a lot of trips he gave money to students and I think the only one that I'm aware of that has a a name or something at this school is Hamilton I don't even know who Hamilton was but I it's been there since before I started school here so I'd like to see the Board of Education come up with some kind of recognition the the the um the dorenzo math ring or or the library Valentine Valentin room something like that because I think it would be good for those two I wanted to do this before and I came to the Board of Education Office had an awful time getting I gotta I got I got to also say thank you very much we had our class reunion a year or two ago and the board was very us use our trophies because as a graduate of do high school we were known as the the the class of 71 which was the year of the tiger I'm not sure anybody in this room knows that but we were and I I I I'm a I'm a past uh student here and I can say and I hope I don't offend anybody over High School class of 71 was the best class of ever graduated over high school so anyway that's all I wanted to if we could do anything like that for those gentlemen thank you thank you for my time any other virtual comments Miss Phillips no any other member of the public in person wishing to speak seeing none public comment is now closed um gosh okay so the first comment was um giving flowers to Mr haime um and welcome to Dober I didn't oh my gosh I didn't catch your last name Miss Monas Mones mon Rees welcome to Dober and thank you for I mean you're newly arrived to do and you're already getting involved um amazing we hope to see you at Future meetings um but yes so the board of education does also have oversight over Dober preschool um and then as far as College programs I can't necessarily speak them off the top of my head I don't know Mr himman can you if not we can definitely connect you with um uh Mr himman to get you that information so I know we do have a we had do have a partnership with CCM we do have a partnership with W in Patterson this past summer we have students working there uh as well as I believe we're working with fdu if I'm not mistaken as well um but I could definitely gather more information I definitely know I'm leaving leaving someone out or some organization else but I can definitely provide that information so miss Mones before you leave um this evening perhaps you can um give your contact information to um Mr Heyman and welcome to over again um there was one other comment about um some sort of a dedication for Mr dorenzo and Mr Val Valentine Mr Valentine did he he left he said left Dr s um I was wondering um I I just Googled it um there used to be the Valentine inter invit I can't talk Invitational and it was actually hosted by Drew but it was in honor of Mr Valentine and I was wondering if um I don't know if it still is but that just seems like a wonderful thing for us we have a relatively new track it seems like a natural kind of way to honor Mr Val Val who was so important in our track and field program to see if we could honor and honor him by holding the Valentine Invitational if it still exists or bringing it back um as a way to honor him um Mr dorenzo I don't know but I I do think that it is important to honor the teachers that spent so much of their lives here I agree so Mr haime um if you can perhaps and it's not a requirement but if you can if you think of any ways that we can do that um moving forward just let us know and let's try to make that happen yeah we could definitely brainstorm and come up something yeah I agree I know someone else had approached me not too long ago about I guess there were were there um pictures or paintings of old or not old um former superintendent and things like throughout and someone was asking like where are those pictures we'd love to have them displayed again and I agree I think that's a part of our history I'd like to see them up somewhere but I don't know where those paint those pictures are you know where they are so I'm um I'm laughing a little bit only because um during our walkth through with the Architects uh for the generator here at the high school I just happened to run into a custodian and I said hey quick question I know that previously we had portraits of former superintendent you wouldn't happen to know where they are and he said actually I do thankfully he saved them all and has maintained them all in very good condition so I already am contemplating on a plan already so it's funny that you mentioned that because I already am thinking of a potential plan to display them because I think it's something that is historical right speaks to us as Dober and you know it deserves acknowledgement right everyone has served and get dedicated their time to do Public Schools so I'm on it perfect awesome and I'm thinking selfishly perhaps we can do that with our Board of Education pictures somehow I don't roll your eyes um Miss D with regards to um Mr Valentine um is there a name on the athletic field like the Fieldhouse or something is that named maybe that could be um named after him I don't know Miss Phillips you spend more time out there than me there's there's not a name on the Fieldhouse the field house isn't even in use right now right I don't correct yeah so um there yeah no the answer is no at this point no um and sorry no go um just Googling real quick the the Wayne Valentine invitational track meet is held in January so it's definitely not something we would be able to host because it's an indoor track meet um not that we can't think of something else to be involved in that but from what I'm looking at here it's something they hold inside at Drew University so there's I love to support but I'm not standing out in January Mr there's probably also a lot more information from the Hall of Fame committee that uh Mr Valentine was a part of so I could reach out to them I'm on that committee but only to do the documentation I don't do anything else so I'll find out if you know more information to see if there was anything that was done to honor him and I think that since then that they've lost two members but miss nazara was also part of that um that committee so Dr s um first of all I bow to miss Philip's Superior Google abilities that's twice in one meeting so great job um and secondly um another idea for Mr Valentine is we hold we uh as someone uh it used to be run by Mr Valentine the fun run that happened around Halloween um he and his wife coordinated that that um perhaps I'm not sure if we the school district still has any part in that but perhaps that would be another um Avenue to honor him because again he I don't know if he initiated it but he was in charge of it and his um student athletes staffed it for many many years Missy isn't that one for Charan so he ran one in honor of someone else so let's not take anything away maybe we should do one for Thanksgiving we'll let Mr himman brainstorm based off of all this wonderful information um oh gosh um I think we're done right anything else no I will entertain a motion to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. so moved second we have a motion by Miss Phillips a second by Miss nutting all in favor say I any oppose St and help clean up and if you want to take a picture take a picture