[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome everybody we're all thrown off cuz our our clock is still on old time I said oh boy I'm here early I knew that wasn't true early yeah you're never here early not this early anyway good morning and uh Welcome to our March 19th City commission work session I'll call this meeting to order and if you'll join me um Jennifer will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance a pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay uh we'll go on to presentations which is our green Globe certification um I'll look to our team to step forward we have Jorge Nicole Natalie Amy and uh any number of people from harber jolly and two Trails turn welcome good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners um uh Nicole Delino uh strategy and sustainability manager I'm still in like a little bit of a vacation mode um I'm here today with Natalie uh gas our sustainability program manager and we've got some guests with us um Amy bradow from Harvard Jolly Tim Feer who we worked very closely with throughout the project um and then also Josh Kane and Drew Smith from two Trails who are our certified body for the green Globe C certification I'm going to pass it to Natalie to talk a little bit about what that entailed okay great wonderful thank you so we are very excited that our new city hall here has achieved three green Globes through this process our new city hall exemplifies sustainability and resilience for the community City staff and construction teams used key principles in the design and construction phases of this project to achieve set goals and I just want to talk a little bit about some of those details um because it's really really awesome so built features include Energy Efficiency solar panels electric vehicle charging stations water reduction and use of Sustainable Building Materials the building was developed with Energy Efficiency in mind from design features efficient products and appliances automatic lights daylighting and HVAC systems the energy performance calculator indicates a 47% energy reduction due to these features in intentional design the roof is fitted with 308 solar panels that were designed and installed to further in to further the city's clean energy goals four electric charging stations were installed on the North End of the property for public and internal use a 25% water reduction will be seen through the use of water saving fixtures and Sustainable Building Materials were selected for inside and outside of the property the facility was designed with resilience in mind City Hall was built to withstand a category 3 hurricane and allow staff to better serve our community in the event of a damaging storm uh natural features include Grand Live Oak pre preservation bird friendly Windows native 98% native Landscaping 100% Florida friendly uh low drip irrigation for our Landscaping as well and then other features include bike racks showers recycling bins and water refill stations C lighting fixtures in the parking lot were selected to reduce light pollution and the building itself houses uh staff from five buildings creating improved workflow efficiency and reduced emissions from less vehicle trips for meetings for these efforts of intentional and sustainable design D Eden City Hall has been awarded three green Globe certification through the Green Building initiative and we are really excited to present this to our commission and to our community thank you thank you I know if anyone else wants to say a few words um Amy Bradley with Harvard jelly just wanted to say how much we enjoyed working with all of you on this project and how exciting it was for us to be able to um get such a high level of certification we really applaud the city's commitment to sustainability and um it's it's been uh very exciting process um Josh true uh thank you again I'll I'll ditto Amy's comments and just say from the two Trails team uh we really appreciate being part of the project we really enjoyed the your goals and uh initiatives and uh something to be really proud of very few projects that we are able to get to three Globes on and so it's something to definitely is well uh well done thank you very much Jennifer would you like to go down there and accept that like Natalie step well you go you go because girl you're the you you guys are the detail women I think you guys are the appropriate people to accept that award I was like I put them on the agenda came in late we'll all stand up here [Music] got it thank you yay [Applause] congratulations thank you everybody and thanks for all the hard work really appreciate it thank you Natalie and Cole and thank you Jennifer and Jorge and the entire city of denen team that worked on the city hall project Doug I know is part of that um sustainability was extremely important to us and how we approached this um and you know you guys worked really hard to try to get us there three green Globes is an accomplishment it really is an example for the community we're very proud of it well and we're proud of you thank you thank you okay uh now it's the time for citizen input anybody wishing to come forward and speak to any item that's not already on the agenda please feel free to come forward and do so all right we'll go to consent agenda we have the approval of the minutes from the 220 work session board and committee appointments to the firefighter pension board hammock advisory committee local planning agency public relations advisory action committee as well as the award of the general engineering consultant for Design Services for a filter feed pump replacement project in the amount of 136,000 are there any items to be pulled seeing or hearing none can I have a motion to approve so moved second okay vice mayor frainy and commissioner Walker is there any public input on any of these items okay all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously okay we'll move on to action items resolution 244 fiscal year 2024 first budget amendment Jennifer would you please read resolution 244 by title only resolution 2404 a resolution of the city of commi City Commission of the city of Duneden Florida amending the city's operating and capital budget for fiscal year beginning October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 and providing for an effective date that was resolution 24-4 read by title only thank you Jennifer can I have a motion to approve so move second okay commissioner GA and vice mayor fry L and Ashley good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners uh Les Ty the finance director I'm here with Ashley kton budget manager uh this item is resolution 244 and this is amending our fiscal year 24 operating and capital budget the total budget amendment in this Staffing is an increase in appropriations of 46.1 million in various funds in fiscal year 24 this is the first budget amendment for for this year uh the purpose of the Carri forward budget amendment is to appropriate Carri forward incumbrances and project budgets from fiscal year 23 into fiscal year 24 outstanding incumbrances result when purchase orders have been created during the fiscal year but the goods and services have not been invoiced or shipped uh as of September 30th 2023 year end date at the end of at the end of each fiscal year incumbrances and the funds that have been budgeted in the prior year are carried forward into the next fiscal year through this process the encumbered items to be carried forward from fiscal year 23 to fiscal year 24 total $15 15,44 th000 and the detail list is an attachment C in the Staffing report and in addition uh the other carry forward amounts are for project budgets that were not completed or started as of September 30th 2023 and the total amount of those are 30 30, 667,000 and the detail list of projects uh are in attachment D of the staff from report I want to mention that uh we will be staff will be going over all the projects the BPI projects and the CIP projects for the in the fiscal year 24 business plan in our business plan update that will be this Thursday morning beginning at 9:00 a.m. uh the department heads uh will be providing an update on the key projects it'll be an epic goal order and also a department uh order at that meeting and I want to mention uh that on the last uh page in the Staffing is our uh fund balance impact we always sh fund balance impact with our budget amendments uh and that's attachment e in the Staffing report and it shows the respective fund B bances for each fund uh with the exception of the public art fund all the funds are meeting or exceeding their reserve requirements and Target levels and have a positive fund balance the public art fund uh did not bring any in any Revenue the revenue was was uh zero in 2023 and which resulted in a a decrease in the estimated fund balance and it's so it's a slightly negative fund balance uh projected for 2024 I did want to mention the general fund estimated available Reserve balance is projected to be 26.2% or $10.3 million at the end of 24 uh this is well above our Target level of 15% uh this is very close to the reserve amount that staff shared with your commission on February 6th where we provided a general fund update and uh at that meeting our estimated available Reserve was projected to be 27% and it's uh slightly less than that 26.2% we had a few year- end audit adjustments that impacted that balance sum so this is good news as we move into the 25 budget cycle that concludes our general comments and be happy to answer any questions thanks okay questions for leser Ashley vice mayor anything I don't really have any okay commissioner uhhuh thank you mayor um so we this is quite a large sum of monies that that we're moving forward at 46 m in total in 46 million without getting into very much of the detail um it's that's about 10 million more than the previous year and then quite a bit more from the previous years from that does that tell us anything is that do we have any concern I'm just asking open question uh it is a large larger carrier for than last year last year was 36.4 million I think it was so this is this one's about N 9 million more you're right uh I I I think that we've got uh uh the funds that had the largest increases uh this year compared to last year were the arpa the arpa fund last year's uh that that increased almost 5 million in today compared to a year ago and a lot of that is just uh we we've got projects that are that are uh uh moving forward currently and they're you know Golf Course project skimmer project so I think from that standpoint that's a positive thing because we we're we're spending dollars on the golf course as we speak today and we've got Skinner Boulevard starting up too so I think that's why that increased so that was about 5 million increase and the other increase was the water sewer fund the water sewer fund had an increase of about another five million compared to last year and that's just uh I think that mainly is projects some of the project budgets have increased uh over time and I think that's a lot of some a lot of what that difference is just project budgets have increased over the year there's a huge amount for the on the water side and then I understand the uh the arpa uh waiting to get things done and and things happening so it really doesn't there's no major concern about that that steep increase at this point in time correct I that's what you're saying yeah I think again I I think it's it's for mainly those two reasons I think AR ARP I mentioned and then I think a lot a lot of the water sewer there's a few more projects but I think a lot of it is some of the budgets have gone up so the carryover is more mayor may I yes ma'am commissioner may I add to that I think that uh the large carry uh forward is indicative of a staff at capacity as we enter into our budget cycle and go into our first budget meeting um we're having a business plan meeting on Thursday and then the budget uh workshops thereafter um we're not looking to add any capital projects to our current work plan uh we need to finish what we started uh and that's why we have a larger carry forward so I just wanted to say that for the record I did I did brief all of you the same way um yesterday and mayor if I may I think it's indicative and correct me if I'm wrong of the fact we've got staffing issues in keeping our staffing levels full I know we're working on that I see we've gone down to maybe another 10 notches but we're still got some critical openings that are stopping us we do in engineering man money as well as not enough people to do the work correct we we are I mean we're we're working on our capital projects steadily uh but the Staffing is concerning and additional projects would be very concerning for us we have some large capital projects in our business plan right now as all of you know thank you commissioner I know it's your spot can I ask a question please yes maam um so Thursday we'll be going over the business plan and usually we're doing an offsite sorry um sorry uh Thursday we'll be going over our business plan usually we do an off-site strategic planning but we're for for lack of time I know we're not doing that this year so we're just going to go over our business plan and usually during that time we as Commissioners are able to throw forward and kind of talk about different things that we want to see us work on for next year and as you briefed us you don't want any capital projects correct brought forward correct but you are okay with other things right so so it depends on uh and you're talking about programs really and initiatives there there are quite a few that we're working on that are already in the business plan uh and it really depends on on what that that initiative is what that program is Mayor so you do so you want to kind of continue what we've been doing the last couple years and that's one thing per person kind of thing yes if that yes okay thank you I'm sorry John good comment if that yeah if that right if that um so that that led to a few other issues of questions here and I can summarize it probably in one um you a comment was made how our reserves are higher than what we expected and we've been hearing that just recently and that was obviously through some um some increased Revenue also could have been affected through some decrease in in costs uh in the general fund for example although not significantly in my conversation with the with the city manager but that that was part of it correct so and and then in conjunction with that that increase um in some of the cases came from I'll just say suppliers of of services uh to our community that increased um somewhat significantly and we were concerned about that in the past and so I think we need to we need to at least take that into consideration as we go forward for even even in the concept for for budgeting right you have an increase like for example 14% on your electricity MH um that takes a hit on somebody someplace uh even though people have a tendency to to say well it's sometimes normally small numbers um those are sometimes big numbers uh when when you're not receiving that kind of an increase but is that is that correct pretty much yeah that is correct yeah in 23 our revenues came in beded than projected in some key key areas and and some of them were uh some of our franchise fee revenue revenue that comes through for uh electric surface charges uh rates increase to the rate payers and and uh so our Revenue did get an increase as a result of that but uh and also as you mentioned uh we were under budget plan our expenses were lower than budget in 2023 as well and that helped too so in the general fund so it was a it was it was a combination of both but but the revenues were were the major driver in in having that that additional fund balance carryover thank you for the input thank you mayor uh commissioner uh no questions yes ma'am thank you mayor um so you know whenever we you know get a report where we've got a positive or negative Trend that's occurring and we go from 36 million to the 40 plus million carry forward um you know you always we always need to take a look at what what the root cause of that is and I I completely understand the Staffing and that part of it and I think that's a partial answer um my question would be is is that there's another aspect to this which pertains to project timelines um are you uh in a position to just take a look at the encumbrances in the project uh carry forwards um how much of you know is there a percentage breakout of of what constitutes um you know a staffing issue or a project timeline slip is that hopefully I that makes sense yeah well we meet with all the Departments we we sit down Ashley and I sit down with all the Departments and walk through every project and and we uh you know the some of these are purchase orders where we've got a contract in place and we began work so those we we have to carry over basically because we're under contract you know so but then the other piece of the project ones that that I mentioned that are the larger number the $30 million number and with those we set down with with each either of the project managers and and determine you know if if we if we know a project is not going to be started by uh before October 1st of 24 then we would we would we would not not carry it over and we would we we would say let's re-budget that in 25 we we have that conversation so we basically walk through the Departments to identify you know which projects do we expect to have activity in in this fiscal year through September 30th 2024 and then we uh we base the care over amounts you know based on that discussion with project managers uh in general that's kind of our process if that if that answers your question yeah no it does I you know just from a uh again root cause and corrective action um you know if you know you're you're running a business um and you're starting to see a backlog in your account payables you know that that you need to take a look at that and uh anyway I think uh I think the explanation you provided is adequate okay thank you okay um I don't have any questions so I'll open it up to the public anybody from the public wish to speak to this okay I'll go back to commissioner gal uh thank you mayor um carrye Fords are are also part of business I think it's going to be very rare if ever that you don't have carry forwards in in in your budget um but that does doesn't mean that we just accept them and and there isn't a concern for them as the comments have already been made up here there's always a concern and and for ours it's uh either quantity or uh number of small projects or it's large projects with large dollar values um and and so that can that can fluctuate so um increasing trend lines and stuff that that's for me that's hard to manage because it just depends on the project um but I think the explanation this morning uh is adequate I know that we've talked over the last couple years over limiting the number of of projects from the commission and just let staff just do their job um and so we're I think we're hearing that again and I think that's also a trend line that that we need to listen to so thank you very much for the presentation thank you uh vice mayor so I think if any is the is the key because I think we've got a lot of projects going on clearly um Staffing everybody's having labor issues around the country still um we seem to be getting better but we still have ways to go um and and also making sure we retain the people we do have um so um and we've got big projects this year I mean that's the big thing like you know because we want our eyes all over that golf course and we want our eyes all over our pool and we want our eyes all over Skinner so you know um we just we have to kind of follow the lead I think of our city manager that if we're going to demand that these projects are done in detail and well you know we just have to be careful what we put on everybody considering what what the challenges are so um anyway that's the message I get the takeaway I get and uh the rest we'll talk about during budget I guess thank you okay vice mayor uh I commissioner thank you no problem I um I the questions that I asked really really resolve some of the thoughts that I had in my mind and I just wanted to put them out in the out in the out in the front and I think we're sounds like we're uh we're sort of on top of that indic I certainly identifies where we brought on and are spending an additional uh what is it $62,000 or something to have to have a construction um shall I say I I'll use I'll use this terminology that I'm familiar with a construction manager on site at the at the golf course so um I think we're pretty covered on some of those issues it's just a matter of of we just ended up with a lot of money left left over here um and I understand how that I do understand how that happened particularly with arpa and just trying to get some of these things done so I just wanted to bring that I I wanted to bring that up just from the concept of understanding it had gotten large that it is large and that we need to be careful of what we do this year to make sure we get these projects done so appreciate your input thank you commissioner Walker yeah and I I would agree this you know this is the part of doing business is this is going to happen but um I will just add one comment in terms of um what we're we're having to do here in this decision that we're making today is just it's indicative of the fact that we were able to make some very large decisions in the last year because of the financial position that the city is in which is very good and uh Testament to to you and your staff and everything going forward with that so um yeah I'm very very comfortable with this thank you thank you commissioner um when I look at this what it shows me is that we have a cushion in order to complete the enormous projects we have taken on in the last couple of years and will be also continuing to do in the next two years and that's exactly what we need and it's a cushion that doesn't eat into our operating budget you know our operating cushion and so that that tells me that we've done our job well it really does that each and every one of our departments have done their job job well um we we haven't seen the design and the cost out of the parking garage and even though we know we have money put aside for that we know it's going to be more every other all three of the other projects have come in more than we thought um there are also other things that we had on the list Wi-Fi in different locations especially the downtown that we haven't been able to fund um so there's just any number of things um but having that cushion for for our capital projects is just smart planning smart budgeting and good job to everybody so doesn't concern me at all okay uh roll call vote please commissioner Walker I commissioner torga hi vice mayor fry I commissioner gal I mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously thank you good job everybody okay and then we have the [Music] um proposed agenda for April 2nd um yes ma'am mayor I I've been asked um by the department to postpone since it has not approved yet but just basically take off this proposed agenda item 3A resolution 2407 and it it looks like they're going to bring it back on the April 16th but they're just not getting um the response they needed from um one is that the uh pavement no uh yes the pavement me memorandum of agreement yes okay okay uh move approval she said second okay vice mayor and commissioner gal all right all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion plan passes unanimously all right and then we'll um move on to the citizen survey preview um Nicole I'll look right now are you looking good morning again mayor vice mayor Commissioners Nicole Delino strategy and sustainability manager here to uh take a look and preview the 2024 citizens survey so we will get started um today we're going to um take a look or review the consultants's qualifications um and then the actual survey instrument itself as well as our communication plan and our timeline sorry I've got a lot of papers here I'm just getting organized all right so for this year um we have selected um Dr Steven Neely um of forward Analytics um his uh qualifications are quite robust um he has a MBA in Business Administration a master's degree in social and public policy analysis and a PhD in public administration um he also serves as a professor of public administration he teaches both undergraduate and graduate level classes um in the areas of public policy quantitative analysis and Survey research um as a research consultant he conducts research in the areas of public policy um public affairs social media education um and he has written a number of peer reviewed um public administration Publications opinion papers um lectures and he also conducts national state and Municipal L level survey research um he's often in the news and on Tampa Bay in Tampa Bay Times if you have seen his name pop up there unfortunately um he had a prior commitment his um uh University is going through reaccreditation and today is like their big day uh to um to deal with that so um he apologizes but he will be here um in May for the survey presentation itself as far as the survey information um again we've we've had this discussion a few times in the past um we want to duplicate um surveys zover year as closely as we can um so that we can provide comparison purposes um we will review some of the modified questions um that are in this year's survey specifically we added items on parking and traffic um some capital projects and strategic planning priorities uh the survey is about 30 questions um and then there are some demographic uh questions as well uh the timeline which we'll go over is that the survey will open on Monday March 25th and run for approximately 3 weeks um we've had surveys run at different periods of time um and there's kind of a diminishing return after the 3 weeks we don't see a lot of additional participation that would warrant keeping it open um we will of course assess as we get to that point to see where we are in our numbers um and adjust if we need to um as far as a communication plan um it's a multi-pronged strategy um we've been working with the communications team uh the project page uh which will be on the site um has been created it will go live this Thursday um as it accompanies a uh Post in the uh dunen newsletter um we also created graphics and flyers which we'll distribute throughout our both our buildings and the community um we've got like as I mentioned the pre-s survey uh blog post uh coming this Thursday and then we'll continue to post um during the survey period um in addition uh Communications team is providing a direct email campaign as a special e newsletter um just for the survey um and that reaches about 8,000 subscribers um we also have several Community email list distributions we will use of course we have social media um and then I will work with several organizations our social organizations our boards and committees our local schools um and then another um uh strategy actually that was uh brought up by uh Dr neie was to engage some community ambassadors so for those populations that we know we have a hard time reaching which are young families uh minority males um and renters um we will work you know to work with some Community ambassadors that can then go into their organizations their apartment complexes their churches whatever it may be and say can you help us um get you know 10 surveys uh so that's something that um he has seen a lot of success with um so I'll take any recommendations for Comm ambassadors that you may have um so that would be a great opportunity yes ma'am thank you Nicole um vice mayor I'm going to turn it over to you I'm going to go grab a cup of coffee so you'll be in control of the meeting too minute take the time you need okay um well I guess my big question and I didn't realize when I was talking about it with Jennifer um that we've changed who we're using so when I look at consistency I mean I know the group we used very experienced did a lot of visits St Pete Clearwater has done a lot of entities and it's their thing so um so I know there's a price difference I get that to me it's Pennies on the dollar in terms of consistency why are we changing um I really felt that um the experience that Dr Neely has with public administration Municipal governments um even just his comments as we went through the survey he of course has all of the previous survey data um both you know by their reports and then by their raw data um so he will Pro you know give his own view of that um I felt that he provided some really good feedback on things that uh needed to be changed some kind of just some minor tweaks um there were some leading questions um we felt in the previous surveys um it's just his experience with you know dealing with with communities and his experience with survey research in general um that really stood out um as far as moving forward with him I think it's also if I may add vice mayor that uh his use of AI as well for for results the survey results and and there'll be much more immediate as far as our budget process goes as well when when you say immediate what do you mean in terms of the analysis you want to talk a little bit about that Nicole yeah um that's we've gotten the analysis pretty quickly because I had looked back at some of our prior but okay go ahead yeah I meano following the closing of the of the survey period um which will be in April um Dr Neely will require one to two weeks um to do the assessment and provide us with a draft report so we'll have that um late April early May um so that will be helpful as you go into your your budget discussions if there's anything that's standing out um Jennifer mentioned the AI tool um they've seen a lot of success um using this tool particularly when it comes to open-ended questions and really getting some um you know qualitative data um where the AI tool is mining um key words um you know key items that are kind of popping up throughout the throughout the open-ended questions so we're really excited we've seen um some uh examples of that work that he has done with other communities um such as Lakeland um where it's been a really great tool to summarize that data yeah I was going to ask that question obviously we know um and I can't think of the company data research whatever and um vast vast experience what has he done um I mean in terms of actual surveys for communities uh right now I I am aware of his longbo key and his Lakeland I can certainly get some additional information you know for other surveys that he's done with other communities I I didn't unfortunately didn't ask that question um I have his let's see yeah I will have to get that and then just email it um forward everything that's listed here is academic conferences um in his Publications okay yeah if you could get that to me um the um what is the comparison between how he is going to distribute and collect in a statistically significant way because of course we put it out to the world we get it back we you know again how do we avoid duplication for everybody in the world that's going to do it but how do we make sure we have the database of the statistically significant group that gets contacted multiple times and we try to make sure we have that um how will that compare to the old company um The Old Company had a paid um mailing list or email list um that is typically seen a little bit more with marketing than with you know with survey research so um that will differ so this um distribution is going to be primarily handled through as I mentioned our communication strategy all listed here um and then also working with Dr neie as we you know as the survey progresses to see where are there gaps in in those categories so obviously we have our um census data and we want to make sure that we're filling um those gaps we kind we talked about that a lot in the last two surveys kind of how we compared with census data we know we're high in the older female category um and so we really want to make sure that using those Community ambassadors that group sharing um is really the you know the method to kind of reach those other populations and that cannot that's not going to be done by a a direct email list um that's going to be my boots on the ground um going you know into the schools working with Community ambassadors finding people that are um in minority organizations in churches and you know asking them for help um to help fill those fill those gaps so Nicole I think I don't know and again I'm I'm not an expert on this um um clearly ear old company and this gentleman appears to be um but I know that the principle always is you know you have a random group that you make sure that you just have spread it across the demographics and and you you know you contact them seven times I mean in the old days you did the old home phone stuff and you would get it and but you'd have some biases even in that but so now like I think there was like seven tries to get to some party so you had that group that was a statistically significant group and then you tried to get the whole if you could get all all the citizens to do it You' do it uh I guess I'm just this sounds more like we're going to try to get the world but does that create statistical significance to make sure that we have not missed so he will certainly talk about that quite a bit when he provides the report out um again we I can't speak to where where we will land um kind of until we get there um we know even in the last surveys we weren't getting the people that we needed to get uh we knew that we had more work to do in those Cate in those categories that aren't well represented or representative um and so that's where you know this is where that that comes into more focused work with those Community ambassadors reaching the renters apartment complexes HOAs whatever you know wherever we can find those people so that we can get a real so that there can be a really good representative sample um Dr NE will probably say that uh any Community survey it may not be um that that statistically sound because it's not a random you know it's not a randomized you know across it's the people who are going to choose to engage in so um he well correct that's kind of my point though my point was we tried to get as many people and you can get some inherent biases with that but we also had kind of the control group that was you know got called seven times and Tred you try to get make sure you had at least that type of random group that was a you know the control group so to speak right and that's all I'm saying is I you know I put a lot of faith in this and I I preach about it to people when they ask me questions about what's important to us what what's important to the community so for me I just at the end of the day I had a lot of faith in The Old Company in terms of making sure but I mean I get this guy's got you know this gentleman obviously has good references I don't know what he's done I'm just concerned at the end of the day I want a you know something we can rely on to and and then people can have faith in more importantly that it's not BB you know blah blah blah blah government telling us you know what we think because you've read something that wasn't so you know I'm on a soap box a little bit but I'm I am concerned because I I just with the change and and I guess my other question unless you want to respond to any of that no Jennifer can you add any words of wisdom here are you well I do think though that that if we continue to reach out to the same demographic to the same group we're going to get the same results so well when I say that I mean every time you do it you do a new control group I mean right you're doing a random control but okay I mean yeah so and you know as far as I think it was RDA right research data analysis RDS yeah yeah RDS um I I thought that they were an excellent survey group but an an was amazing I an was amazing she really was I do think that that at some point we need a fresh look at it a fresh look at the survey um and I like the work that Dr Neely did as far as some of the tweaks that that that Nicole is going to go over um I like the communications plan as far as who we're going to reach out to I do think that there are those demographics that we traditionally in our 2019 survey and our 2022 survey that we did not reach and I'm glad that we're going to reach out to them as well so I understand vice mayor you know you and I have discussed it and I've heard you out in the community as far as the faith that that we all put in this survey in order to to to as a basis for our budget so and we don't take that lightly as staff so uh when we come back and do our presentation we'll certainly I'm just trying to Avid that for you I'm just trying to avoid when you put it out there to the world and you try to get I agree you know if you can get everybody to take it it's great but when you put it out to the world sometimes you might get 500 out of you know let's say uh uh 5,000 recipients that are pickle ball people thousand because and so there's always that control group as well to make sure you're you're balancing those and seeing okay what's biased what's you know how does that fit together so again I'm not a research you know expert so I I have to lean on you guys um the other question I had was um the um when I look at the survey and maybe you can get this to us but there other than the yellowed areas where that have been added um there are other changes from the last survey like there's a lot of other changes and and where some things have been taken out and some things have been added can you get us that type of a strike and AD so we're clear I I yeah I certainly can can work on that there were there certainly were some you know moving around of some of some questions and some parts um as far as consolidating there's you know if there was some duplicative questions um those were you know those were Consolidated as far as um satisfaction questions go um I will talk about a few of the items that were REM were removed um and then the I no the tax one was removed yes yeah so yeah my issue again with this it's great to have know what you added but there was a lot of taken away here and I think it's important to have that okay made clear so again all in the consistency I think that's what we're trying to do here and I so the more that changes the more you know can you can you can you draw the same conclusions that's my questions thank you ma'am commissioner torga thank you mayor um we we talked a little bit about the difference and cost between this what what is the difference in cost between this re SE Arch group that we're utilizing this year compared to what the cost was in the pre in the ver in the in the previous survey the previous um RDS had charged I believe around 11 to 12,000 for the survey um and Dr ne's uh quote was for 6,000 that's 7 I'm sorry 7,00 6,000 6,000 thank you for that information um I wanted I just wanted to make a quick comment about this magical concept of AI um so just in summary all really all that that means for me is not only in the data mining side but in in just looking for anything that that might jump out that's different just because of the capacity of somebody of of AI being able to do that but we've had very little experience with AI even in surveys um and so this this AI concept is just it's big uh it's huge largely misunderstood and so it's just something that's there that that can be used to help us and almost everybody is now I mean I have friends that are writing letters using AI so um I I just want to make sure that we don't say that that's the magical magical issue here um I am am interested in sort of statistical information and when you get into that you're always you always have to make sure that that how you received that and I've talked with the previous group about that not was not real happy um simply because I know so many people that weren't involved in a survey and and and but but we know what's going to come out of the survey we know what came out of the other surveys we know some of the bad things that are going to occur we know that traffic is an issue we know that um we know that uh parking is an issue and when they're talking about parking they're talking about a specific area for parking usually um but but parking in is is pretty common in all common areas after you get all built out and we're we are pretty much built out so um I just want to I want to raise a u a question a question and a concern that as we listen to the results of this um this is in my opinion and I've stated this before it's not what I'm conc considering how you run a city uh you don't run a city certainly uh based on a survey like this um the previous person that did this claimed that that she had done the testing um uh on regarding the some statistical tests to ensure that that that it was properly done Etc um the randomness of it uh we're now we now we can see we don't have Randomness when we have the and I'm concerned about the words of community uh Ambassador uh because I've got another word that goes with that and the community organizer um so you've brought those things out and I don't know if you want to comment on some of them I'm throwing a whole bunch at you um but and I'll make comments later but so those are some of the questions and concerns that I have and I allow you to perhaps respond to that and then I can make comments the the um the focus that that I'm immediately concerned about and that is this community uh organizer or Community Ambassador or whatever you wish to call call them sure um if I can I'll go I want to I would like to go back to the AI um one of the things we talked with Dr Neely um quite a bit he actually asked our permission to be able to use that as a tool to accompany his assessment um that was one of the things I actually really um liked about um his presentation um was that the for the open-ended questions he's going to do perform his own analysis so I think in in years past we didn't have quite as much analysis on the open-ended it was um some generalization some keywords that were you know in a word cloud um this is going to allow us he's going to drill into those um open-ended so he will do his own assessment where he codes each comment um which I'm glad it's him and not me um based on you know whatever category or or or keyword phrase that that is happening there so he'll provide a really robust assessment he'll then use that as a comparison against the AI so what he's seen as as he's done this in the past is that they are aligning very closely so the key themes that are that he's identified um as he's doing his review are the same that the AI is producing um so we're going we we'll basically have both um his survey research expertise in doing the analysis and then cross you know cross comparing it with what AI is producing so I did want to kind of make that clear it is not solely um Aid driven as far as the analysis on the open-ended questions um for you mentioned parking um one of the um recommendations that Dr Neely made um in reviewing the survey is that because we do this every other year we have the opportunity to maybe take a Hot Topic um and drill down to it you know ask some more detailed questions which is kind of what we did this year when it comes to parking um and traffic so we asked you know how PE and and rolling into multimodal and different Transportation options um when is that satisfaction um you know when are they satisfied or dissatisfied throughout the day at different times during different times so we can really understand where the pinch points are um and then also asking about their familiarity with the um uh you know multimodal uh options that are available to them or public transportation um there you know if we find that they're not you know aware of X Y or Z then we know that we can kind of tailor some of our future communications to enhance that um and then the other question which is in that series on parking traffic um is kind of tell us why tell us why or why you are not using this um and then again that's where he will use that combination of his own assessment and then with the AI so that we could really get some valuable data why aren't they using it is it the Ser is it the service is it the time is it the you know is it the place that sort of thing so I think we're going to see a lot more valuable information um that we're going to get out of this survey than I think we've maybe seen in the past um so I'm very excited about the possibility of some of those questions as we've presented them um the community organizer Ambassador um again that was a recommendation um from Dr Neely it was something that I had considered um in years past because really the the purpose of engaging those folks is to fill the gaps of those people we are not reaching so we know that Minority males uh Hispanic and black young males don't typically respond to a survey they are just harder to reach so if we can work with a a church or a school that has a a higher you know Hispanic population then we can say hey can you help us get the you know these five surveys again the population percentage is fairly small um but that way we can help kind of evenly distribute how those um surveys are you know are representative of the population so that's where we're really going to try to drive fill you know again filling those gaps um and and reaching those people that we haven't in the past I hope that answered all your questions so far okay um there's two other big things for me number one is and I discussed this a little bit with the city manager previously and that is the of not having a whole bunch of open-ended at the end um we had we've had before such a list um and there's we have no capacity to understand really what what what what we're to do with that I mean is there an answer to that is there something we're supposed to do with that um so I trust that that that will be factored in or we take that into serious consideration and then second of all and this is I'm sorry a little little still a question um don't I'll just ask the question um we have a tendency to add things together um if if we're going to add them together and say see they like us or they don't like us um don't bother to add them together make them one point and and and tell us that uh rather than say well 7 8 85% are exceedingly happy or okay happy with this um right away I when I hear that uh from my experience in business I I right away think somebody's trying to trying to push me some in some direction and they'll focus on that and so I'd rather have it have it be the way the Serv survey was conducted if we asked a specific question what's what is the answer to that and rely on that rather than making it almost sound like we're trying to either make something look bad direct something that's how I see it um keep in mind that that as as I'm asking these questions um and and asking you to respond to both of those points uh one of my jobs is to represent all of the entire Community here which means everything from from residents to business owners or St stakeholders we don't like to use that word all the time but everybody that's here um and so somebody were to come to ask me should this be blue or should this be white and if I had to make that decision I would have to go back in my mind as quick as I could if I didn't have the capacity to go and ask the question to try to determine what color that should be um so meanwhile I'm always listening to everybody and anybody that I can about anything but I'm not going to get it all either certainly um so but we're always doing that so that's why when I ask some of these two-pointed questions I have a concern about how we end up with those answers uh if I may um for the open-ended questions I I don't I believe we have four um the two at the end um were um similar to those that have been in Prior surveys um Jennifer and I actually talked about these uh quite a bit um Dr Neely recommended keeping them in because they were consistent over time I think that what we'll find is when he performs his assessment um if he says these are valuable keep them we we can have that conversation if they're not providing valuable information we can have that conversation as well um but because um you know for um some consistency um again I think the assessment on the open-ended questions is going to look vastly different than it has in the past um so it will be interesting to see um how that is presented in the report um as far as um you know the questions um being Consolidated um it's a you know again I while it's maybe standard or not the report details um even in Prior years reports um details each of the categories so I think we're going to see that across the board when um Dr Neely puts his presentation together you'll see percentage percentages for each response so excellent good Fair poor unsure um or whatever the scale may be um so that will you know that will be included um of course for the presentation we can only highlight so so many things unless we want to be here for a very long time which I'm happy to be um so that is where some of that consolidation occurs but we'll certainly be sure as we present the findings um that we you know while they may be Consolidated as excellent and good um we will highlight that you know the the figure for the excellent and the figure for the good just to highlight one thing so I'm also talking about where people just give random comments and we write them all down we get this long list um but but you don't have to comment about that but I I just wanted to to to bring that out so because we don't know what to do with that yeah we have kept the I'm I'm just kind of glancing through granted I'm only on page um 10 um we have kept the kind of other you know fill-in the blank on each question is is fairly and then the four open-ended questions are where you know I think that the one there's one on infrastructure tell us you know what you feel you know is is the strength or weakness of infrastructure um then we've got the the public transportation open-ended and then the two at the end thank you m you did away with the big one at the end that said anything else on your mind we we don't ask that question right a survey a survey expert is in talking with Dr NE again um the comment the comments that were you know asked the questions that you can take action on and you know I I just was adding sorry John I just wanted because we did ask that but we're doing away with it that's that specific one is what's there is what do you most like what do you what do you most like oh my gosh I see I saw the two but the big kind of very massive open is gone yes ma'am thank that's thankor I just wanted to make sure that it doesn't creep in that was my inl it won't creep back in I promise [Laughter] okay thank you commissioner uh thank you mayor um I want to preface and I don't know whether these are comments or questions I'm just going to ask you for your input at the end um I want to preface this by saying I understand that you can't have a survey that goes on for 200 questions um I I'll just get to the gist of it um the only time by cling and walking are asked in the survey is under parks and wreck and so to me it psychologically it biases people toward bicycling is Recreation walking is Recreation and not forms of transportation and so I just want to I'm just pointing that out from from my frame of reference um I know that we have a multimodal master plan I know that we've done a multimodal survey but I consider Cars part of that multimodal plan and again bicycling is only mentioned here under under parks and wreck um having said that there are several questions about how they feel about the ability to drive their car whether those are questions in reference to uh traffic congestion parking and but but no mention of bicycling or walking or any other forms of transportation in there um question 17 uh next we understand uh the available proved uh public parking in Downtown um uh it it just leads to all those are about coming downtown driving downtown having trouble parking um number 18 are you satisfied with the flow of traffic congestion again it's talking about cars and driving downtown uh how how familiar are you with the following transit services it mentioned transit services but we don't mention riding your bike or walking and so all those transit services imply you have to drive to get there if you want the Looper come downtown we'll drive you around uh Jolly Trolley I guess in public transit you can actually walk to the bus stop but it's not really implied there we just we're leaving out a spectrum and I'm just wondering within our own framework and our own biases as elected officials as staff if we're not even really considering those as true forms of transportation um let me see uh very good Jeff I that's really great c number 22 how satisfied are you with the job that the city is doing with each of the following and it doesn't mention multimodal Transportation okay as as one of those um and I I believe I missed the one we asked about what are the what are their major projects we would like this the that the residents would like the city to work on and we have parking garage in there so we have just planted these ideas in the resident's head drive drive drive drive drive of course we need a parking garage and so I think we're driving them to a certain answer so and I and I don't know what we would do with that's what I read into this I don't know what you want to do with it it's just that I I think it's misleading and we're going to get answers that we already know the answers to so in in regards to the question 25 about the projects um there is expanded public transportation options um in as an option in addition to the parking garage and then there's also Transportation improvements obviously we specifically mentioned Bel trees but we certainly can you know need strike that specific language off and and and and that is true but you've already LED them through the path of car problem car problem car problem yes it's a priority for us to have a parking garage so and I will let you know that these um resp responses will be randomized for every survey taker so they're not going to get the list in every any certain order so there will be no you know they're not going to check you know they could check the first ones but it's not ever going to look the same when somebody takes it um so that there there will be randomization when it comes to how they see the responses um so that will help with some of that bias um I certainly let I you know again we you know wey trying to put on the defense I'm really not we try to cover everything thing I I actually really like the multimodal transportation to add to Q to question 22 um so we will make that change I told Dr NE we'd probably have a few edits um and then um again when it comes to the parking um it was to you know drill down to a big problem I don't know that I necessarily want to ask under q19 how familiar are you with walking or biking but we can certainly put you know I can talk work with him about adding a question that we can get a little bit more detail on about walking and biking in the transportation section fantastic I also want to understand that this is a transportation survey right it's all encompassing and I don't want to make it about it but it is what I read into it number of questions focus in that direction appreciate feed very much can I just make one comment to that yeah I think it's very insightful what you just said and I think that because it appears that you know part of what we're doing is drilling down into a couple issues and their transportation issues and their parking issues so you know it's kind of well taken your you know your Insight you don't want to drive it in a certain direction you want to make sure you're covering all the sides of it so thank you commissioner walker uh yes ma'am most of my questions have been asked but um I I do want to and that when I took a look at this I did take a look at it from the perspective of not driving towards a specific answer and I think commissioner gal brought up a great point that I didn't catch um but uh my question really um pertains to how are we defining statistically significant unfortunately I don't think I can answer that question for you until we have um the results of the demographics so what we'll do is we will compare our census data to the responses in the survey which is why demographic questions are asked so we kind of provide that you know little brief you know please help please respond to these demographic questions so we can understand we're getting a good representation of the population um you know when we looked at years past again we we trended towards again you know the 50 to you know 65 um you know certainly higher with me with women than with men um but that's we'll look at that data as a as a comparison to our census when we present it I don't until we until we're there I don't unfortunately I can't tell you how how you know statistically significant or sound um the the the survey is but we will certainly spend some time going over that and I think you'll actually be really pleased with how Dr Neely presents it and the information that he'll provide to you he's he's a super super survey nerd yeah yeah uh I've got some other but their comments so I'll I'll you can go ahead if you want I mean it's a workshop and thank you a little bit more Loosely I I don't want to have to go around again unless somebody wants to say something thank you yeah appreciate that um so yeah so I'm I'm glad that we uh you know we we went in a different direction with regards to the survey um I think we need a fresh look um I will say that from the results of the last survey it was a little bit overwhelming and it was hard to draw a conclusion um and uh I I think um I I do uh I do believe that the community Ambassador part of this I I that that actually is a kind of a great idea um because I think if we get some some people out there that are kind of cheerleaders in this regard I think that will hopefully drive up response um the other part that I'm intrigued with um is artificial intelligence Ai and I I I think there's a lot of benefit here um you know first of and foremost is the keyword search and drawing the threads out and then you've answered the question because the concern there obviously you can you can get the trends you can you can get the conclusions that AI but you still need a validation and verification which apparently Dr NE is going to provide he's going to draw his conclusions he's going to compare those against Ai and I think I think there there will be a lot of benefit associated with that um back to the survey itself um and I think you mentioned this too was is the generation of the questions um I think there's an opportunity here to use AI if you you put in keywords for you know for for the things that you want to ask and I know we're here to approve the content of this today I I get that but um you know I would just say you know maybe offer up some sort of suggestion is let's take look at what what kind of questions get posed as a result result of input into artificial intelligence I I think you may actually you know make I you might you might actually see some some positive results out of that but um you you've obviously gone to a lot of work to get this content laying flat as it is and uh so with that said um I think that that basically concludes my comment and I greatly appreciate the presentation I this is exciting thank you commissioner Walker thank you commissioner Walker um just a couple of things you may have said it and I missed it um but on page seven and eight where we have the code compliance added we want to remove the officers you may have said it I don't know I just wanted to make sure we address that okay where keep Code Compliance but remove the word officers because we're not asking about our firemen or right police officers so I'd rather have a comment on the division as a whole and not the offic right uh so page 19 um the question on there is um the city of deden has limited funding available to allocate towards specific projects and initiatives throughout the year from the list below please identify the top two essentially and when I look at it there's three or four downtown things and then other things that are Citywide given the fact that downtown has its own funding source for now I believe that the downtown should have its own question and the other things have its own area because I mean you're you wouldn't not do a downtown project you know because it has its own funding source so I mean I I really think that those two and I mean I know Jennifer and I kind of talked about it yesterday and she said she could see the reasonability behind that yeah let me I I'd like to talk with Dr Neely just to get his feedback um because some of these I mean I love the question yeah I just think that if we're going to ask a and maybe it's top maybe it's the top thing for downtown and maybe it's the top two for the other area I don't know however you want to do it I just don't think because some of these are very specific to the downtown and I mean are you really pitting a parking garage against a living Shoreline I mean I think that or drainage improvements you do you see what I'm saying to me it's overall infrastructure and then in the downtown and you can still say what your priority is in those two areas cuz I would look at it very differently so okay I'm just throwing that out you guys talk about it I'm not going to tell you how to but I I do think because the downtown has its own funding source that it's worthwhile having its own question however that's posed for ranking or whatever top top projects okay um and then the other thing was uh every time we you remember now since we've been doing this we always kind of get this yes it's social media but it's email social media whatever where the question is well what did we improve from the last one what was the result of the last one you know we always get that and I'm I wish I could have the exact language of what we get but I mean like um what's the status of what we did based on the last one mhm what did we accomplish yada yada yada so I don't know what your plan is but I feel like we could possibly put something very small but concise as to what we achieved with the last survey you know and I don't know what that is I I don't know but just to stop the darn question it always happens or at least to address it ahead of time obviously it would need to be very small maybe it's in your preliminary piece of the survey for them to read you know yep I don't know I I just throw it out I'm not saying it has to be that way I just feel like we always get the question why not just address it ahead of time in a very broad way and maybe there's a link if they want to go read something further you know what I'm saying that's what actually what I was thinking the link would just be the state of the city address I like that so there will be um the part that I have to fill in is this I saw that placeholder for intruction and that I saw that and that's why I'm I'm s to bring It Forward because it's just something I I just every three years we're answering that question would you would you accomplish from the last one right what was the result of the LA there's any number of questions that we get and um you know I think there's a lot that we can direct people to and addition to the state of the city um obviously you know Sue's been building a really robust um project page um that's a lot of what you know has come out of the surveys in the past um are all of those projects so we can add that in addition to you know the previous um results are posted on the website um so they you know certainly can yeah um you know we can direct that as well I I think understanding in a really concise bullet point format of like what you just said you just said the website pages are a direct result of the survey comments that we got mhm I if we could have a bullet point list of those things that you can point directly I think that would make people happy put that together yeah you know because then they see that they a their their communication made a difference mhm right that's what I think they want to see what happened from the last one what did you do right more pickle ball yeah say what more pickle ball we got that we got that exactly and if you can well additional cpos for traffic and on and on right so I mean to me I think even if it's from the last several MH you know sure changed Building Development codes because you know you're going to hear over development I mean I just I think a bullet point list or something easier to read it and I think it might encourage them MH to take the next one sure to see it's making a difference because that's just always the question what did we do what what difference did it make oh they never listen you know you you see those guys right and and we can follow that up as well with um I'll work with Sue with a blog post that you know we'll be in the newsletter we we did them in the past you know what what did we do you know how did we address it there was some there was a you know kind of a graph on there um so we can we you know we'll make sure we follow up that communication right so you had also said um there weren't any of these open-ended questions but I do see what do you like most about the Eden and what changes do you think would improve the city so there's four there should be four alog together so those two yeah that's where everybody's going to put all that it's it's not really the open-ended open-ended tell us what else is on your mind type of a question it's it's different directed okay thank you um all right anybody from the public wish to to speak Tom I don't know why nobody ever stays for this thanks thanks yeah Tom St thank you thank you all right I I you know I think you've heard the feedback and kind of know what direction thank you for all the hard work um I think it's great that we have a new person looking at it you know we'll see we just keep plugging away and then the business one will come up at some point right yes we do it every other year yeah citizen survey business survey citizen survey business survey I thought we were doing the citizen survey every three years no it we had an issue during covid oh so we did 2019 and 2022 gotcha yeah okie dokie um mayor before you move on if I could just take a moment oh that's right sorry yep yeah while Nicole is sitting there before she gets up and runs upstairs so we have a home rle hero in in the house MH know awesome she was notified by yesterday by Florida League of cities that she is a home rule hero it's great of course she is and uh so Nicole's been spending time in Tallahassee a lot of time with our lobbyist who's very busy in Tallahassee um working on our Appropriations is and our legislative uh platform as well so she really deserves it and I'm proud of her and Well Done Nicole y thank you great job girlfriend thank you very much it was a it was an interesting session but we'll have that uh report to you in April in April that's right Okie do well thanks and thanks for your hard work on the on the survey as well perfect and we'll be back in May um with the results and that's it all righty thank you and look at that beautiful state of the city photo I know okay uh we'll move on to informational items commission discussion we didn't really get anything from I didn't see anything from that city clerk's update thank you may I don't have anything today thank you okay city manager update we just have the CM update for March of 2024 it's it's um I've mentioned several times it's our new format it's it's really working it's about a page page and a half per per department and um uh I you know I'm grateful to staff for putting it together I think it's really descriptive and that's my update awesome city attorney's update thank you I have nothing today all right we'll go to commission comments vice mayor anything from your Lea on no I don't think I have anything uh we're getting uh having a stellar Toronto Blue Jay spring training season lots of sellouts and I think it's going to be record-breaking and U Already is um so that's very exciting and so that's that's really my only update we're excited to again to have a such a successful season in town so nothing on tbpc right now though thank you okay vice mayor anything on your liais on stuff I keep calling you vice mayor oh that's where my head is today it must be that darn clock you know it's messing with me it's only 9 it's the clock's got to come back to the city manager somehow right it's like Star Tre so mine are only fun comments um St Pat's day was was wild um I got to have a special hat on during that period and got to walk the streets and had fun was a great time um also I ended up going to a baseball game that was against Detroit with my two brothers that are from Michigan a I didn't even know you had Brothers yeah yes awesome uh nevertheless I had my little outfit on and one had his on in full and the other one was only partly outfitted shall we say he was clothed fully clothed but the only part good out right and we had a lot of fun talking to the Detroit folks that were there and and with the with our folks that were representing Toronto just had a lot of fun with that so cool thank you that's that was it commissioner any anything from your liaison positions uh sure there's always something to say uh April 5th and 6th right we have a pipe in March Friday uh April 5th and April 6th is our highing games uh very exciting everybody uh come on down uh also want to mention that I would attended the four panelist bike P advisory committee meeting yesterday and just wanted to give a shout out to staff that uh Scott Daniels if you all know Scott who's a member of uh friends of pel Trail and all around everywhere kind of guy uh talked extensively extensively to the crowd of about 30 people in the room about our state of the city address a and the standard it set for every other community and it was just a lot of Pride with me knowing that I was you know I'm I'm part of the city so it's wonderful so thank you Scott for that really like that video now I I I I I liked it from day one I I just thought going into it oh my God this is insane um but it was well worth it and yes Sue I love the video it was wonderful the entire thing um also uh the high school there's just a lot going on at the high school um it's hard to handle a lot of awards given out think people are going into State getting things this Friday is a jazz concert at the at the high school com on down 6:00 uh it is being put on by um the coral musical department and so that that should be a good time um and that's it for today thank you oh I'm sorry just one more thing um Monday is a town hall meeting in St Pete being hosted by representative Cheney in reference to that local PSTA Bill and um I would like everybody to be there I understand that we're all busy um but it should be a good conversation thing of our own on Monday yeah we do but can I add to that sure so because it was on my list to bring up but I'm glad you did um the thing that representative Cheney is doing oh yes is in St P Beach right and she's protesting or wants to get feedback on a bus lane project that's in not in her District in St Petersburg not in St Pete Beach so she's holding the town meeting in her District with people that are not in the area so I think that's important to say now that doesn't mean people from the other District won't come okay but and this project that that they're discussing has been in the work plan I don't know five or six years and every and the City of St Pete supports it but it's it's the antibus lane converting a lane to bus that is when we're congested with traffic which is I I get why someone wants to do that I really do um I mean I get why that's a concern it shouldn't be a concern if everybody is rowing in a direction that is the transit people are working on more Transit right and um the county people or visit Clearwater are working on more Transit options for visitors to get them out of their car if everybody's doing what they're supposed to reducing a lane for a bus should not be a problem so if you're going to Advocate if you're going to be mad if you're going to stomp your feet that's what should be being talked about not stopping a project Midway after it's 5 years in not even in the district and stomping your feet and saying we have too much traffic in this area and don't want something so that's basically what that meeting's about and and to piggyback that to also be data driven right and it's not doesn't come from a feeling of this is the way I feel about traffic because all the Studies have shown it does not negatively impact traffic and it's the same way for the Drew Street project that was stopped the traffic studies show that there will there will not be um any damage done to traffic negative standpoint so yeah let's also look through an honest lens and not just this is how I feel you know because certainly it's easy to go they're shutting down a lane of course the first thing you go to is is traffic but let the data support your feeling yeah and I think that's really important there's also some special interest groups that are behind us that are anti-trans right um and I'll just leave it at that but you know so I think when any elected official wants to get public input it should be transparent as to how it's being done and to that end I would think that this is actually step one yeah and step one shouldn't have been sponsoring a bill well sponsoring a bill right because you're upset about something right let's have a town hall meeting let's discuss it let's talk about it right so actually I do like this approach better and hopefully it'll lead to not sponsoring a bill next year but I doubt that but did that bill got like died by one vote did it was wondering if it was thank you to Senator ran for Having the courage well that's interesting right it only took one person to do it and he he stepped up he stepped up and did it so thank you Senator very very much and and that's all I think it was close so that's interesting thank you commissioner walker' uh just two quick ones um a uh we discussed um the den need and car's Gala and uh the net on that was 112,000 so the net net that's fantastic they they did phenomenal so that's very good and uh which is all on your calendars uh the fine artart Center guard party is on Sunday the 16th of April Sunday the 14th say that's the 16th is not a Sunday 16th is not a Sunday it's the 14th 14 sorry yes well Sunday I have the 21st it is it is oh my god did I miss this I have the 21st hold for 44 Daniel Garden yeah that's what I have too it's sorry APR 21st April 21st we got your back we got Su got your back where's do we know where it's going to be yes yes it's at um okay hor hey would you like to come up and tell us it's probably burned in your brain yeah I think Rob knows yeah I saw you picking up and dropping off stuff at the Art Center the other day and I was like that poor thing he never gets a break uh same place it was last year which was um Aaron no no no my God I but they' got a parcel of land there oh I know who that's where the okay yeah the wall is in front and you go back I'm trying to awesome yeah I know where you're at you know I'm really glad you're here today stay tuned for more details yeah that's all right two weeks from now I'll be a bunch more okay well that's all right I'm going to butcher mine too going to be here sometime though I know they want it here as you as you guys know the history museum um postponed the uh history Comes Alive there's a new Facebook event date I won't even try and tell you what it is because I don't remember did they change it because they moved it to the 30th which is the Saturday of Easter weekend which which seems a little bit don't even get me I'm just I'm just delivering information okay I just think they might want to reconsider but I think they should I'll stay out of it I felt the same I think they should there should not be a big event on a holiday weekend like that I felt the same way you did I'm staying out of that one yeah yeah I love my history museum yeah we do we all do but you know so you know there's a lot going on there that I I won't discuss uh Ford pelis though is definitely still working on our Ferry and I just wanted to let you know they're definitely defending us with do and everybody else on the the light the crossing at the trail on our Skinner project um they have very verbally come forward and said they would prefer a traffic light versus the whatever we were calling that other thing um and that they feel it's better to try that out first and if it's then a problem then make a change they don't want to the rapid whatever what are those things called but that's yeah but there was a different there was a hawk the hawk thing so remember when we were talking about the hawk thing at the and I got all upset yes I remember it you have to remember that Noti at all there's a few times that come to mind when you've been upset so so uh I'm just telling specific I'm just telling you that they they agree way more specific than that forward pelis agrees sorry okay have to narrow that down yeah that could be any given day right um for penel agrees and they you know they they've gone several rounds with various agencies on this and they're they're committed and have said that they as a the transportation planning agency support a traffic light there and moving forward with a traffic light rather than trying something new all over again when there's already going to be a new road and a new way of driving um they feel leaving something consistent that people understand is very important so that's just keeping you posted on that broke don't fix it right so that's all I know okay do you actually know more but well I do but all right anything else for the good of the order all right we are adjourned thank [Music] you [Music]