[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and Pledge of Allegiance thank you let us begin this meeting by taking a brief moment of silence and reflection amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Jennifer all right we'll move right into our presentations um I will turn it over to commissioner frainy for our Toronto Blue Jays welcome back to Proclamation okay if we can have Shelby come forward even though he came in the wrong door so hey so it's hard to believe it's baseball time again but uh we're excited so welcome back Toronto Blue Jays 2024 whereas the Toronto Blue Jays play their first game at Grant field in 1977 beating the New York Mets 3 to1 and denen has proudly been their spring training and minor league home ever since and whereas Toronto is the only major league franchise to have only one spring training home and this 48-year partnership and friendship has contributed to the economic well-being of den Eden and the rest of the area as well I'll say the entertainment of our residence the athletic development of our children and the overall quality of life in our city and whereas generations of Canadians have made D their home away from home and many visitors have embraced spring training and whereas the annual spring training event has greatly contributed to den Eden and pel's County's economies with fans visiting our shops and residents and where as under owner Rogers Communication Mark J pyro as the president director of Florida operations and general manager Shelby Nelson we hope this trend will continue as Major League Baseball is very important to the State of Florida pelis county and denen now therefore I Morin Moy by virtue of the authority vested in me as vice mayor of the city of denan Florida and on behalf of the entire city commission to hereby welcome back the Toronto Blue Jays to spring training in Denon encourage all citizens of dened to catch the Blue Jays fever and cheer on our home team as they begin their journey toward another championship season into the World Series where they're going to win and we're all going to be there we hope to see everyone at TD ball park for the Blue Jays opening game on Saturday February 24th against the Philadelphia Phillies and and Shelby you'll talk about welcome back Blue Jays too we have a welcome back Blue Jays event on the 17th so so if you want to come forward to get this thanks for finally inviting me to the cathedral we can kick you out too you know hit your microphone hit your microphone that was good that that wasn't you know on the last this so that's still my third nicest building in the city of D Eden but I'm a little bit uh biased on the other two um but can't believe this is my 16th year here um and 16th uh opening day um last year was our most successful um and finally a full normal year in our new building um where canadi Ians were allowed back we played a full season um we had over 990,000 people come through the Turn Style at TD ballpark um and hoping for a bigger year next year it was um there was a lot of great and cool events that happened last year um with uh starting with um MLB coming in town twice once to utilized TD ballpark to talk about all the new and exciting rules in baseball and then we had all 15 teams in the grapefruit League come down with their uh GMS and uh managers and do a media day with the commissioner baseball here and then we had the governor's reception at TD ballpark uh where the governor holds annually uh which this year is in Tampa uh for anyone that's wants to go to that one but it was a really exciting year I heard a lot from all of our um restaurants uh hotels businesses in the area and and I talked about it was finally where all the Canadians and all the tourists were back in town and what an amazing year it was so hopefully uh we continue to build on that I know our ticket sales are well ahead of where it was last year this time so that's pretty exciting for us too knowing that we're trending in the right in the right direction um and we're going to have a lot of games sold out including what I believe opening day will end up to be sold out where we're going to have a beautiful um Hawaiian style uh Toronto Blue Jay shirt given out for our first 5,000 fans that are there not exactly like commissioner walkers but pretty but but somewhat close to that um so please purchase your tickets now to get that um a as um commissioner Frey mentioned uh we also have next Saturday our welcome back um event to TD ballpark where of course like anything in Den Eden we should start with the golf carts um and have a golf cart parade bring us to TD ballpark uh where we hope to give away more than 4,000 hot dogs that we gave away last year so free hot dogs for anyone that comes in a lot of dollar offers dollar drinks and others uh are there but it's just an opportunity for people to come to the ballpark we're going to have a lot of games and a lot of activities going on to just have fun so it's free for anybody free hot dogs and everything else we just want to create that excitement last year we it was it was a lot of fun a lot of you all attended and we hope to start off another spring training like that next year um again game start February the 24th we have 15 of them I also want to take this chance um to thank a bunch of people that help us throughout the year preparing for spring training during spring training afterwards um but before I kind of do that there's somebody like right in front of me that I you know this is probably the last time I will be at a commission meeting uh with the mayor um uh mayor I I I laugh cuz I actually wrote in my notes but I still haven't spelled her name correctly on my phone and it's just mayor buj so I'm never going to change that on my phone call me bie H bgie so that's what we that's what I call my husband that's what I call my kid but I want I want to thank you for for everything over the years I know um since I've been here um all I can remember you is on the commission and as the mayor and uh you had a huge part of the Blue Jays still being in Den Eden um back when we signed our agreement in 2018 uh and we'll be here for 20 plus years and just want to thank you for everything over the years and uh I'm I'm sure you're not going far oh yeah you're not going far you should actually be at the commission we we have an event right now for right now for the stadium that we I thought you might be in both places at once I was trying to that's why I was a couple minutes late uh but just want to thank you for everything over the years on behalf of the organization uh we truly do appreciate it and look forward to working with you with the chamber uh and talking about the chamber also want to thank Sarah simmers Gregory Brady Katie deser Kim plat John windmire that have all helped us throughout the year um Matt woke I wanted to come here as our assistant GM but he's entertaining everybody at at TD ballpark right now with the dun Eden and Tarpon chamber that that are there but we have a really good crowd going on at at the chamber I I did steal a a hot dog before I came over um the EMS s yes um EMS Services uh a lot of them that help out throughout the year I can't name them all but I do want to thank and recognize Michael hoga who's who's been amazing for us and great supporter um all the sheriffs that come in um throughout the year John Dobson Jeremy krla Dom brisket Mike Killian and Eric Brown and then obviously with the city um you know Vince giz uh parks jwelry and many others within the city uh that help every single day um and Pete um that helps us get all of our stuff up and has been very valuable so just want to thank everyone with the city um and look forward to a great spring training we will be there oh yeah we got stand let's do it they know the drill some of us even have our shirts on okay all right fantastic at and as well thank you thank you thank you Shelby those shirts going to fit women too yes okay I feeling left out we are proud of our Blue Jays that's for sure okay now it's time for citizen input anyone wishing to come forward and speak to any item that is not on the agenda please feel free to do so give us your name and address for the record and kindly watch the clock for three minutes hey Dave hi good morning mayor how are you good evening got myself turned around yeah David Ballard gtis Jr I live at 802 Georgia Avenue in Palm Harbor the 23rd Amendment of the US Constitution was ratified in 1961 it states that the district shall constitute the seat of government today it's self-evident that the district that is to con constitute itself as the seat of government recognized in the 23rd Amendment in 1961 is the water district as constituted in statute 37371 5 the District of Colombia Washington DC was simply used as a a decoy as a hold as is the original 13 colonies being used as a diversion dis focusing our mindset from the under under lying topography the hydrology of the 13 Watershed regions that comprise the entire continent of North America as an original mapping effort the Confederacy as recognized in article six stating this Constitution under this constitution as under the Confederacy is in actuality three separate constitutions one constitution based based on land the second constitution based on water seen as a capture of both land and water in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11 as under the Confederacy the Confederacy again being 13 Watershed regions that comprise the entire continent of North America the County government the city and Municipal governments were used as a a medium to gain time and measure and are recognized in the Declaration of Independence as arbitrary candid light and transient pretentious and destructive attempting to spin us around while standing us on our heads the Declaration of Independence serving as preamble to Hamilton's second Constitution declares further to Institute new governments new guards new Appropriations new offices laying its foundation it again being found in the 14th Amendment founded as its water jurisdiction thereof it's all been double talk and 247 years of sacrilegious smoke and mirror despoilment the actual Act of sacrileges revealed again in the reclaimed water variant application based on Federalist Paper number two the Christian population is intended on being vanquished establishing despotic water jurisdictions as process thereof under the 14th Amendment thank you thank you David anyone else wish to come forward welcome Rob good Madame mayor members of the city commission I come before you today as the chairman and representative of the city of Don Eden's military veterans advisory committee and I'm proud to be surrounded and accompanied today by the past and current commanding officers of the American Legion Post post 275 the VFW Post 2550 the military order of purple hearts post 1963 and the Jewish War veterans post 409 we are here today to reinforce and support the efforts of commissioner torga and our other veteran commissioners regarding the flying of the Mia P flag under the American flag in front of City Hall and as you can see we come bearing gifts from the Revolutionary War until today our government has made a Solem and sacred oath to every one of our soldiers who goes to war and that solemn oath is no man or woman left behind the embodiment of this sacred oath is in the Mia P flag it flies under the American flag at the White House at the Pentagon at Arlington Cemetery at Federal buildings at post offices and numerous schools around the country the majority of our veterans who fly an American flag in front of their house also fly the map flag it is emblematic of the commitment that our country has to our soldiers and it is a reminder of the heavy Cost of Freedom therefore we make an official request that the efforts mandating and authorizing the flying of the MI a p flag be passed by this commission and these flags that we give you today take their honored place under the stars and stripes of the American flag in front of City Hall furthermore the first time that these flags are raised we would like to see it as a uh traditional military ceremony with a bule Hall and we're hoping that possibly at the next one of the commission meetings we could leave maybe 20 minutes early and together as a group do it so don primes itself as being a town that honors its veterans so let's stop talking about it let's get it done thank you very much for your time we'll be thank you rob yeah we'll be giving these flags to Vince Gizzy okay um how we do it we'd be happy to fly him good thank you very much [Applause] Dennis thisy thank you [Applause] guys bye all right is there anyone else that wishes to come forward and speak to any item that's not already on the agenda hi hi I am Amy Elliott I live at 1169 overcash Drive um in December I emailed uh the commission about an issue that has been coming up periodically at the high school uh Texas Avenue has an exit an entrance that parents um for as long as I've been there have been allowed to drop off children going to school it's a uh a city a street that has six properties uh the earliest anyone has lived in uh consistently or consecutively at that property is 2001 uh but lately there has been police presence and they've been ticketing anybody that's using that street um saying that it's off limits to parents dropping off students uh instead people are now parking on Caroline Street which which is about a a lane and a half um and pulling in and out of traffic to get their kids uh to school I think it is something that the commission the council can address uh it has been an entrance an egress for the school which was built in 1962 I think that takes precedence over six you know and I don't know how many people have complained but six houses that live there I live on over cash people walk their dogs my dog goes crazy I found dog poop outside my house I'm not calling the police Poli to have them come and police the street and and try to keep dogs from walking on it and I kind of feel like it's the same thing for anybody on that street that's upset that they move next to a school with an entrance and eress so I realize that the people that are complaining may have some uh you know issues I have not seen any of the children or any of the parents doing anything inappropriate obviously if there was vandalism or you know loud noises or or inappropriate behavior that should be addressed but I'm hoping that coming here in person since I did see another police officer ticketing another driver the other day that we can all agree that a street that has hardly anybody living on it would be a better place to drop off and pick up your kids rather than Falcon Drive or Pinehurst which is where everybody right now is dumped on which has a lot of traffic so I would ask that of course Texas residents should be respected their property should be respected but everybody that goes to that school you know is is a part of this community many of us pay taxes that street is not private it shouldn't be turned private because somebody has an issue and decides to go to the police um so far the police have told me that they can understand why people would have an issue and that's why they're sending out tickets for me I believe that there should be a process the municipality should be involved and certainly the high school should be involved the high school wants that um entrance open to students for pickup and drop off and I'm hoping that the city will make that happen thank you thank you Amy um Jeff have they closed that off to access the students the side gate from my understanding they have oh they have no I'm no I'm asking has the school has the school closed it the side gate no oh the gate no well to my knowledge they have not okay so Jennifer since I went to high school there since Jeff went to high school there we've all accessed the school in that way and we've all gone down Texas that's what we do so I don't know what's happened and if something I mean if the school hasn't directed The change we need to find out what's going on because Absolutely I'll reach out to Captain Jackson tomorrow morning okay we'll look into it Amy anybody else okay we'll come to our first action item which is the first reading of ordinance 244 Historic Landmark designation of 501 New York Avenue Jennifer would you please read ordinance 2404 by title only ordinance 244 an ordinance of the city of Duneden Florida designating certain real property located at 501 New York Avenue dedan Florida 34698 7825 partial number 35-28 d5- 0000 0 0 0-23 0-3000 with designated meets and Bounds and totaling approximately 5.23 acres and the the residential structure thereon as a local Historic Landmark and providing for an effective date that was ordinance 24-4 read by title only did you say by title only she did I did I'm sorry I was I was paying attention to her talking to the cop out there and didn't hear it at all okay can I have a motion to approve Mo second okay commissioner gal and commissioner TOA thank you Francis yes good evening um Francis Leong sharp planner 2 for the city of denan presenting um the application of the Historic Landmark designation for 501 New York Avenue um it is known as the Earl family Homestead which is um home of the world-renowned oceanographer and Ambassador for the ocean of Dr Sylvia Earl um just to um get everybody body familiar with the um location it is located right off of New York Avenue and then um within this image is the boundary survey of the property and then within the five approximately 5 Acres of property um you see at that aial um Arrow pointed on the survey um that is the existing house that currently exists on the property and then there was once a structure that was there um it is currently um the only thing is the chimney is remain um on that site and um just for further information um there is a lake um that is named after um the Earl family uh Lake Earl and based on the criteria for designation um we're going to start start with the historical and cultural significance um this property is the childhood and current home of Dr Earl um once again um she is known as the oceanographer scuba diver and research scientist um founded Mission blue uh which is an organization that um designated Tampa Bay as one of the approximately 150 hope spots um as a vital place for protection on um ocean environment um environment ISM um Dr Earl's parents Lewis and Alice Earl were known as the early adapters in environmental stewardship and wildlife conservation and Dr Earl's uh two children Richard who is a fish and game warden of the state for the State of California and Elizabeth an Ocean Technology engineer are continuing the legacy of the Earl's family's commitment to environmental stewardship so as you can see here there's a lot of themes that is tied to to environmental stewardship and um in its significance to this property the other the criteria that we look for designation is the site significance and as you can see that this is a home for four generations of the Earl family uh Lewis and Alice Earl um purchased the property to establish their home and instill their passion for love of Nature and for future Generations in which they made the property as a model for understanding and conserving the unique Florida uh Flora and Fauna of the area and they had placed protections for Native Heritage oak trees on the site as well as established a 5 acre landscape with a small pond also known as Lake Earl as a bird sanctuary for migratory uh Birds um in addition to that um they have plant a native species of plants to support the land's biodiversity and then last but not least uh the criteria for designation is architectural and structural significance um the home in itself that you see pictured here is built in 1958 um in a manner of the old Florida mid-century Ranch architectural style um according to the application um there are materials that were used to build to maximize passive cooling techniques for the home um so the list of examples that we have provided here are the use of local Stone low impact material for insulation um the use of jousy Windows and the open floor plan for cross ventilation and the Whole House Fan so um a lot of which are um taking advantage of the passive um cooling system for the home um unfortunately um there is not known about the architect of the building of the of the home so in walking through um just before that that is the front elevation of the home or front view of the home and then the other views of the home in itself so hpac the historic preservation advisory committee held a public hearing on July 13 2023 and recommended um that 501 New York Avenue we approved for a local Historic Landmark designation um a discussion at the meeting occurred um regarding the maintenance issues in the current condition of Lake Earl um the committee added a condition of the approval that the city staff to work with the applicant on the storm water maintenance matters and during that time and between today and then um based on the condition that is applied on the committee's approval uh the city staff did work with um the applicant on the Storm Water Maintenance matters and there is an email correspondent that is attached to the Staffing um indicating uh what can be done to continue the effort for that um staff finds the request consistent with the applicable review criteria and therefore the staff is recommending to approve ordinance 24-4 and this uh this evening we do have a representative uh from Dr Earl Erica Molton that is present in the audience um and we are available for any questions I you may have thank you questions for Francis anything no no I have questions anybody from the public wish to speak to this item coming back we have uh final comments I think it's well deserved I'm excited about it commissioner Toro this is certainly historical and uh a lovely piece of property and and well well done thank you thank you commissioner Walker the the significance of the property having been the home of such notable preservationist with regards to our environment um you know this is this is exactly what the historical preservation advisory committee is all about and uh you know I'm I'm just happy we're doing this vice mayor yeah no I'm very supportive of it and and again I'm going to Echo what commissioner Walker said thank you for to hpac and you Francis for the hard work and you know drilling down on these things and you know getting down to the detail but I think it's great so thank you okay I'm excited um thank you to Dr Earl and he's she's going to be here next time second reading yes awesome to make a big deal out of that all right let's go to roll call vote V vice mayor frainy I commissioner Walker hi commissioner TGA hi commissioner gaw I may Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously all righty we will then move to uh certificate of appropriateness for 241 President Street um city clerk would you please um swear in all those who wish to testify on the COA to be heard please raise your right hand do you swear the testimony you are about to give in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes yes this is over Windows right and I have to ask if anybody's had exp parte communication yes I'm just saying make sure when you do the land reite that that goes away that that's a pretty ridiculous step to have to take over Windows yes just saying y okay has anybody had any expart Communications to disclose to disclose for the record okay Francis yes so once again Francis Leong sharp um plan to presenting the case for certificate of appropriateness for 241 President Street um regarding a request for a window Edition so the description of work is that the applicant would like to add a window in the rear facade as part of the bathroom renovation um the window in itself is not going to be visible from the street or the rideway and here we have here is the um front view of the home and just to give a little bit background of the home um the structure in itself was built in 1940 and it is a Craftsman Bungalow architectural style and was what once belonged to Albert H Henry Grant and so the current owners Lee and Shelley winr um received a local Historic Landmark designation of their home on this um on February 18 2021 and so as you can see on the images um this is the rear view of the home in itself and the image to the far right um shows the um the general location of where that window that they would like to place and then here we have is the general aerial view of the location of the home in itself along with the survey and the enlarged um view of the plan where the window that they would like to place um in their bathroom so the proposed window that they are looking to do is a is a double glaze um casement window and then based on staff analysis once again um the alteration is not going to significantly um um impact the historic Integrity or the architectural significance of of the property and the um window in itself is not going to be viewed from the rideway or visible from the street um the historic preservation once again had reviewed this application on January 11th 2024 and unanimously approved um the recommendation for the request of installing the window on the rear facade as part part of their re renovation um for their certificate appropriateness um once again we do have our homeowners here Lee and Shelley wi chob and myself um we available for any questions that you may have okay questions any questions anybody from the public wish to speak to this item mayor commission is Vinnie Lisi City historian also member on the committee I just wanted to point out that this is a great prime example of how we work with the homeowners once they get their homes as a historic preservation in our community we want to show that we are there to work with them even after it becomes a historic home so this gives the homeowner the opportunity to make changes and they work with us we in turn work with them to make sure that they do it properly and make sure they follow all the right rules that we incl so it really is an important step to show that we're working with the members of the homeowners on historic preservation thank you thank you vennie anyone else okay uh can I have a motion to approve the COA second commissioner vice mayor fry commissioner Walker any final comments no I just want to am I saying wine trob is that correct so I just want to thank both of you because obviously this just shows your dedication to becoming you know a historic home but also you know kind of the headaches that come with it when you're going to remodel so uh but it shows real commitment on your part thank you commissioner Walker yeah so thank you for designating your home home um it's it is truly truly an honor that you share your home with the community um and uh I sat in on the meeting where the the um certificate of appropriateness was discussed and uh I will Echo what Vinnie said with regards to the staff and the Committees working with the owners to make sure that uh we are able to do these types of things within the bounds of uh the current ordinance thank you commissioner G I want to make sure I don't ever follow commissioner Walker he's always so good uh just congratulations W thank you for your patience on going through this process again uh for the change that you're doing so but thank you for preserving your house appreciate it okay commissioner I'm very anxious to allow to speak no I I will let him speak no thank you no I'm no congratulations thank you thank you for you have to come to the microphone sir consider risk um the last thing I want to is prolong these meetings um what I said at at our hearing um I think is yeah hang on a second yeah can you ask them to shut it off yeah go ahead yeah could be frightening um what I said at our at our presentation uh still stands and that is um what I hope the the uh Council Council commission thank you considers in the future going forward is a is a two-tiered approach to looking at improvements to Historic properties um and there are precedents in other Commissions in other cities where a lot of these things can be done on a staff level without having to come before the entire commission something that is uh not visible from the public Street Rises to that level of uh of a staff intervention so I would strongly urge you as a as a group to look at other commissions and other legislation that allows that to happen clearly if we were doing something on the front or some more substantial alteration altering the mass changing the color something that really impacts Ed on the landmark and its perception from the street would rise to certainly the level of your intervention your review and intervention but something like our our window and we're delighted to have done it Francis is is terrific um and thank you for acknowledging her uh and has helped us a great deal both through the designation process and now through this CVA process but there are other things and I I would refer you and we talked about this also to the New York City landmarks commission where there's something called a certificate of no effect which enables the staff to make a determination and doesn't it doesn't cause you any additional time spent at uh at meetings thank you it sounds like a great idea sure does George so uh excellent idea and that work is is actually underway uh we the the H Pac has been hard at work in uh developing a new Matrix if you will for tiers of approvals uh and certainly this is probably one thing that you won't see in the future something as simplistic as this so um but that work is underway and um we anticipate having some of that uh language reviewed and back to us shortly okay sounds like a plan okay uh roll call vote commissioner gal uh hi commissioner TGA hi commissioner Walker hi vice mayor frainy hi mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously thank you all right we have a start item Second Amendment to the water tower license agreement um with CCO partnership doing businesses Verizon Wireless can I have a motion and a second to add this to the agenda so moved second okay commissioner TOA and commission Walker all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously I am looking at Nan good evening mayor vice mayor commission city manager um as you're well aware we have some existing cell uh cell tower leases that uh we lease out the ability to mount cell towers on the water tower that was recently installed with an a couple of different murals by the city and so um during that process we had asked both of our lease um sell companies to take their towers down put them on temporary towers and they were they accommodated and they've been on the temporary Towers I believe it was August I believe when I brought back uh the AT&T Amendment for them to get back up on the cell tower after the artwork was done and now I'm bringing back a um agreement it's the Second Amendment to the agreement with Verizon Wireless it's actually celco partnership that's doing business as Verizon Wireless and they have had an agreement in effect since February 24th 2015 um it was approved once before on August 22nd 2022 when they changed out some equipment on the tower uh this now Second Amendment to the agreement is for them to reinstall their equipment back on the tower it is uh they've changed the equipment updated the equipment we've also modified the location of the equipment on the tower to better um work with the artwork with for both of the carriers and um so I've provided a couple of renderings for you to see how the Verizon antennas will look on the painted tank uh from various different angles and directions and if you want I can run through those here um I think you should just tell us whether it's going to obscure the painting or not I'd like to see it art is in the eye of the beholder I think you need to tell me that um it we we've asked them to collocate the antennas very near to the legs of the tower if you can see there's little gray rectangles up on the legs around the legs of the tower yep and to try to minimize any impact that the antenna would have against the artwork it they you know they will be on the railing around the outside and it will be in front of the artwork but it will be painted or wrapped in a color that minimizes any any contrast it'll be one of the base colors of the of the tank and uh so these renderings were done by our staff right yeah our staff just sort of imposed these on some photos to show how the the antenna is at the orientation that we're permitting Verizon to go back on okay any questions so this is Sylvia right that we're looking at there's the positive of their name I think it's syvia um and and so are those blue things to the left is that what you're saying are the where the antennas will be correct and okay so that's all that will be on the Sylvia side and you have it on the okay so there's Henry that's Henry y so and and they volunteered to typically they put these three antennas pretty close together but they volunteered that they could get the coverage they needed the cell coverage they needed by putting two on either side of one leg and the third one further away on a different leg of the tower itself I also have Patrick prac with me today from the engineering department that has helped a lot with these negotiations they've been very intensive for bet many months so and they couldn't do the antennas like in the area that's not involving Henry or Sylvia in the white space we we're coordinating with AT&T AT&T is already relocated to areas where there are no Turtle murals it's balancing and they've got to have a certain amount of separation interfere fre I'm leaving out good afternoon this is Patrick engineering project manager with the city uh no Nan's correct they could they can't essentially move any further because it affects their ath and their antenna signal so but you guys feel comfortable that I mean actually it doesn't it looks minimal to Sylvia Henry's my favorite sorry Sylvia um yeah okay I mean I guess if you it looks like it'll probably work anybody else yeah mayor if you don't mind sure you what you meant by frequency I guess you're talking about North South directional as opposed to the two size being close together both both both um they've got three sets of antennas each carrier because they're trying to you know do in 360 Dees and then they've also got to be separated from each other because they have different fre frequencies and the frequencies can't interfere with each other the the carriers okay and I noticed that you got them on top of the walkway on the post would what would the impact be if you had them just below the walkway on those same posts so that it wouldn't impede the view of the of the murals they're uh structurally anchored to the rail of the walkway that's that's their attachment point is the railing that's unfortunate okay can s go ahead can you uh attach them from the top of the antenna to the railing this particular application is on the very Fringe of my expertise I'm I'm having to believe what the cell companies are saying to some degree actually Patrick has some history working on cell towers and he knows more than I do I just climbed them but I didn't really install any any antennas so I can't help there so I'm I mean I'm assuming that you all had these dialogues with them in negotiations did they state to you why this was the requirement it has to be structural in all wind condition for hurricanes and everything like that and so if you remember correctly when we brought back the AT&T um last amendment I think it was the fourth amendment they actually put a a support an insulator and a support up against the tank wall itself to help structurally support it because their antennas had gotten larger and needed more structural support and so there was something that was actually physically resting on the wall of the tank as a structural support so um they have Structural Engineers that advise them how they can get the wind loing they need and the security they need with whatever they're amounting to so I have a I have a question that um that probably suedes everything else that I want to say um obviously you worked with them and we're we're endeavoring to keep it away from from the turtles you you mentioned that um in this particular case if it if it has to be on there um and the way that it's situated I would assume that's how you ended up with this presentation that this is sort of like it has to be this way are there any others that are going to be attached at at any given point in time from anybody else or from either one of these two companies or is this is this it not without an agreement that would come before you we brought the AT&T agreement to you I believe that was the last meeting in August um and because because that was the first agreement we had with the cell company they and and because they were just quicker to to realign and get back up there they mounted in areas where the murals weren't but but then that leaves Verizon with the rest of the tank to try to find a space that doesn't impact the the murals and their first request did have them clustered on one side or the other of the leg and it seemed in our opinion that the vertical support legs of the tower were already into the artwork and that if it sort of blended with that it it minimized the impact so we suggested could they rearrange them closer to align with the legs of the tank and they agreed to do so and that's that's the end result that you're looking at thank you for that input okay anybody from the public wish to speak to this item The Walker family doesn't want to come up here and talk about a cell tower come on yeah I'd like to just yes we all know who you are we've been waiting I have a I have one more question okay commissioner py um just um so they pay us $25,000 a year for this it's 15% more than 25,000 I think it's 28750 now because we're in the second 5year ter so it has an escalator in it yeah and then um in 2025 it will escalate an additional 15% as it will for the fourth term there's four terms anticipated in the contract and if they implement this in a way that is awful what is our power to say yeah that's not going to work we trusted you but that's not going to work I'm going to defer to the City attorney actually attached to the Second Amendment are the draw are the spe uh specifications as to where these will go so they have a contractual obligation to place them where these drawings are showing right but we're doing kind of a makeshift rendering just for the purposes so that you all could see where they right where they are you know to basically translate the drawings that where they've agreed to place them um which is shown here versus that's the real drawing yeah okay I mean obviously I we're hearing from staff is there's an element of trust so you know and no offense to sell companies but we're coming up on trust I think this is where just got with the negotiations right not our expertise right we are coming up on a renewal period so I mean there's always that okay so there's that we have like a little bit of an out if it goes right you know they were gracious and they moved off the tower and provided temporary um antennas or I think they're called cows sells on wheels or something and they mounted their antennas for the whole time we were doing the artwork and now um I believe they're getting some pressure from the FCC to get off of the temporary arangement and get back to their permanent Arrangement so we're trying to accommodate them okay thanks man okay uh can I have a motion to approve so moved commissioner Walker is there a second second commissioner Toro all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion passes unanimously we have a proposed agenda for February 22nd anybody have any issues uh just one thing we want to add uh the peace pole proclamation to the agenda to the 22nd yes okay so we don't want to put it on Tuesday um well the ceremon is on Friday the 23rd I guess okay yeah gotcha uh peaceful okay anything else all right can I have a motion to approve so moved second commissioner Walker commissioner gal all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes unanimously and for anybody that didn't pick up on it Rob's family walked in the door welcome to den Eden okay we are adjourned thank you [Music]