##VIDEO ID:4LHK7_kScrI## [Music] [Music] welcome everybody to our Thursday October 17th City Commission meeting we'll call this meeting to order and if you'll please stand while Noah who is filling in for Jennifer leads us in the Pledge of Allegiance and an invocation let us begin this meeting by taking a brief moment of silence and reflect on the great strength of this community and its commitment to helping one another overcome the impact of hurricanes in Milton I pledge allegiance to the FL of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands na indivisible and justice for all oh no Noah what did I get sorry about that Noah I was trying to get it right and I had it completely wrong Noah those were very nice words thank you I just wanted to say that okay we don't have any presentations tonight uh but Jennifer do you want to give us your hurricane update certainly good evening V mayor vice mayor and Commissioners let me just get to my email for me because I just got an email from subart okay here it is um so so the city commission had asked uh I gave you in depth update on Tuesday Morning the city commission had asked uh for some additional information and one of those is how long we anticipated that debris removal would take specifically so I asked uh if you would give us a little bit more time to sit down with our debris hauler uh uh crowed Gulf and um kind of walk through exactly where they are after having been in the city and removing debris for a couple of days and some of our most damaged areas and so we did have that meeting this morning um the contractor estimates completion of all debris removal um within the next 90 days and that includes removal from uh our lay down site on Highlander Park and our lay down site as well which is uh behind the emergency Operation Center um we currently have five trucks and those are those big long trucks that we showed you on Tuesday um in and they're collecting in Baywood Shores in Harborview and denen Isles uh more trucks are on the way and that's the good news are they in denen is yes they're moving their way South are they are yes that's good news yes it is happy yes but I mean hey more trucks are on the way and the next up uh are the Streets between Michigan and palm east of uh Bayshore North Douglas Sano area and the north part of of the city west of Bayshore so that information we will put out uh along with a map uh and we go by zones um on all of our social media sites denan news um our website and our Facebook page as well uh you had asked that we that we be sure that we communicate to the neighborhoods um where we're going to be next and it really would be we we are finishing up in Baywood Shores and we'll be in that you know that specific neighborhood next on a on a secondary but not not um minor in any way shape or form is the vegetation removal of the vegetation so we are dedicating City Crews to removal of the vegetation as well so uh we working in combination with our debris hauler we're going to start in neighborhoods and complete entire neighborhoods and then move to the next neighborhood and we'll probably start at a different part of the city so we don't run into each other um as we're removing uh the vegetation vegetative debris so um again we're going to be very careful and very calculated if you will in our communication with the neighborhoods about where we're going to be next and that is my update okay questions for Jennifer I absolutely do so so so Baywood Shores you're finishing yes Harbor View you're in the trenches of meaning Edith and Cedar and all those and then you think you're moving to theen aisle and I I assume you're grabbing Bay Shore as you go kind of thing but you guys are going to communicate that well well Bay Shore is actually responsibility of fot oh yes are they on top of that state road so we did have the um we had the uh National Guard in and they were removing debris okay um and I'm not sure if they're back today but so they are getting the debris too okay I thought they were just getting doing tree work no they they were moving debris okay so they're doing their work but that's good because actually you know we're not going to be normal if everybody keeps going down Bayshore and you see all that so that's yeah we'll stay on that um and and then the all the yard waste is also FEMA reimbursable right yes everywhere yes and somebody asked me today boy the city would be so good if they just put a a place for everybody to take their brush if you could you could just haul it there so what's the reason we don't we're not going to do that so we did have um or should we do that so and one of the reasons is that that we still have to man that site or populate that site if you will we still have to call people off the streets in order to populate populate that side in addition to our normal operations it's something that we are working towards um but but first of all we have to make sure that we can crew those those trucks getting the vegetative uh debris um and and bring them we're bringing all that back behind the EOC um and and that we can continue our operations throughout the city so we do want to stand up uh you know that type of a of a um debris site but we not want to make sure we can meet the levels of service that we have now before we do that it's also not reimbursable if it's a self if they're bringing it themselves it's not re for monitoring it's not no it is okay well then that's a that's a good reason so and just on this note I'll say that I said this to sue ear ear um that you did a great job when you were at downtown Merchants last night explaining explaining the timing the reason for being methodical for getting reimbursed the hole it could put in our budget for the long term if we don't um so shortterm pain but long-term gain um and I think we should definitely do some type of Facebook type thing that you know so people can hear you because you you come across so genuine cuz you are and I just think like there's nothing like hearing it versus trying to read something that you always get we actually did your city at work this morning which is the the the video I put out quarterly but I will definitely talk to sue about some sort of a Facebook that's dedicated specifically to debris removal and the facts of debris removal and the laydown sites and the reason why we picked what we did for a lay down site so January 17 2024 yep okay there'll be a party for sure2 oh 2025 thank you good catch good catch mayor okay anything else no that's all my questions thank you commissioner to Yes um city manager I have two questions first one would you in this in the most simple way would you just explain right now you can do it to me but to to everyone the reimbursable part of this so for example we have uh our trucks that go around normally picking up the normal garbage garbage that we have so we have three or four different things occurring here and would you just explain the reimbursable part of that absolutely yes um so so FEMA categorizes debris in several different ways there's the CND which is the construction and Demolition and that's really for those that were flooded that's the the drywall that came out of the house the carpeting the furniture and that type of a thing that's currently sitting in a pile on a lot of people's front Lawns uh there's there's what we call the the the white goods which are the refrigerators the ovens and so on that's a separate pile that that they'll pick up um and then there's also um um H H hHw which is uh household hazardous waste and that is a separate entire landfill that has that that those items had to be taken to to so that's another pile and then the other um um pile is all of your your electronic Goods so they all have to be separated because they go to different spots and what happens is that for example for your CND which is your construction and demolition um they we the our hauler goes through the neighborhoods has something called a huge Grappler they pick them up and they put it in the truck the truck drives to Highlander Park and there is a monitor at Highlander Park they know the cubic yardage of of every truck it's full it's 56 cubic yards of c and d yes where is it from the neighborhood it's from it's all eligible and they put it in in uh the lay down site then they pound down the lay down site to about half its size and then they pick it up and they haul it away so that's reimbursable and that's one item then they take the the white goods the refrigerator and the enough so when you say reimbursable for example let's just say that it cost $100 to have that pile dropped there and another $100 to have that pile taken somewhere else I know that's not how it works but does that mean we get reimbursed for $200 so we'll be reimbursed for 100 uh% of how much cost for us to remove it so the whatever took to drop there whatever took yeah thank you so if I can add too um the the the state the female will re reimburse a 75% of how much it costs the state is now committed to pick up the other 25% if we pick it all up within 90 days so that's why we have additional assets coming to help us pick it up and it it's not a goal of 90 days we will pick it up in 90 days and that's 100% reimbursable one of the issues ISU with that though is that reimbursement will take years it took us four years in Hurricane um Irma to be reimbursed everything that we are eligible for and so as a result we need to go into our general fund reserve and some of our other reserves in order to pay cash for that and we will be reimbursed 100% within a four or five year period you've answered exactly what I wanted you to answer and exactly how I wanted to answer it because those are the main things that I'm I'm currently being asked now for an standing if I get bogged down into that with them um the second qu can I can I answer that yes please I think that's kind of what commission vice mayor was saying that's what you need to be on the video telling people yes well you know understanding is everything and and when you say it in a way that you know like like John you asked and and I think Jennifer you said it it it people are like oh you know because as you as you noticed last night somebody you know called you on it said what do you mean long term it'll hurt us and in a bad way and when you explained it it's like oh okay I get it all of us taxpayers are going to pick up the bill if we're not smart on the short term exactly right and we don't want that well and and the bill is is sorry not minor not minor and I can't give you a dollar figure now although we're trying to nail that down we have estimates what are we of where we are what do we sorry what did we spend in Irma I mean wasn't it millions that was you know I don't recall it was seven or eight million yeah this is way bigger than that yeah this double is this going to be double still I mean and that was just yard debr sorry sorry John no no no that's great this is way bigger than that thank you so so we all I think that explains how this is going to work when we're going to get paid how we get paid and why it's important that we go through this schematic because a number of people uh as was just brought up a few minutes ago we're saying look we got to get this yard yard stuff off of our off of our uh our houses off of the front of our houses and it is horrible and we all know that and so that explains somewhat of of what we're doing um the second thing I wanted to ask you is I talked about this before and I know the difficulties of this but can we have some kind of a plan that we can postulate or put out there so that people have some idea when this is going to happen I have been asked several times now if they could be first why why don't you just put us first how about how about if you did that you'd be a really nice person I said no we're going to go I get that I've gotten that plenty time but we're going to go according to the plan well what's the plan well um well we'll kind of change it as we kind of go along and we don't know and the person saying oh my gosh don't why don't you know this can we at least just have we can we can change a plan M we can change it but just have some kind of a plan with just some kind of an estimate saying we we can't be held to this estimate we're just trying to help you understand because like I said they're going to ask me and then they'll ask her and they'll ask her and they'll ask him uh and they'll start getting different answers other than well we're going to have a plan we don't what's the plan I I I really don't know Etc and and I understand why we want to do that but can't we have we need to we really do we really have cuz where am I going to go next after tonight now I'm out all over the place as you know so I'm going to be somewhere and by Monday or Tuesday I'm going to start getting asked again if if not before what is the plan and when when is my neighborhood you guys don't like my neighborhood or my neighborhood everybody sees my neighborhood we need to pick my neighborhood up yeah John can I just make one comment my neighbor said to me yesterday hey I wish I knew somebody that uh could get our our stuff picked up sooner I said yeah I wish I did too but you know but but you're 100% right John it it is about the plan and that the plan makes sense priority wise well and right you you told us Tuesday that once you got through Baywood And and harbor view you would have an understanding of how long does it take to pick up this much certain amount of debris and you'd be able to have a better idea of what an estimate might look like yes so we I we can certainly put together a plan as far as the order of the neighborhoods um I I'm hesitant to say we a date that will be there um just if it's it's if it's four or five days out if we we can say you're two days out we're finishing here you're next we should be there tomorrow morning or the day after and that type of a thing um if I may commissioner let me talk to staff about what that would look like and ma'am just make a suggestion if you call if we have a preliminary plan and we divide it up just say in 10 zones just say we did just 10 we do have zones it is divided in zones right yes so just say we had 10 10 10 zones and and here's what we think maybe the priority is going to be of these 10 zones so let's just have at it right now lay it out and take take the crunch from the 10th person 10th uh group and then say we'll give you an update when we've completed each one of the sections and it's a preliminary plan but at least we can watch it and somebody can say well where are they now I I don't know I've got to check I'll check I call I check they're in zone three they're in zone three sir you're in zone five so it looks like it I don't know last two zones about your same size took this long because there's I got an idea yeah good uhoh it's really kind of a funny but it is an idea IDE put Apple tags on them and let people follow it on social media put Apple tags GPS they can see where they are city manager it was supposed to be funny Jesus the long the city manager saying thank you I mean come on I mean it's cheap and easy sorry I mean if you do it with your luggage why couldn't you do it with a garbage truck we'll certainly work toward that let let me talk to staff and see how we can organize that no I mean I I mean GPS is is a great idea I mean I just don't know actually I thought it was a good idea no it's a great idea I mean it may not be an apple tag but it could be something that simple it really could that doesn't take a lot but you know those simple ideas trust me I've heard them all week long they're not that easy to implement no each day thank you each day that goes by as you know they come out of their house they look at it and they go mhm yeah and then they're going to come out the next day and they go and I go with them because I don't know if you like I'll make the plan up for you that's a challenge to make sure that I don't okay better get that done quick commissioner questions or comments whatever yeah Jennifer can you uh I kind of talk to my Tex to you this morning um on just the permitting process and is there a backlog the different ways that you can get a permit is there a difference in permitting during uh states of emergency versus non-states and just we're reading stuff out there on Facebook that and if we can just educate I'm glad you brought that up and before you answer it before you answer it because it's a great question literally right now I got one city of den Eden requiring permits from companies to installed drywall no other City requiring this why are we doing this in Den do you really need a permit money that bad and then my neighbors just said hey saw this on Facebook is it true permits required for to rehang drywall uh thought the rule was if you don't change anything no per permit needed let me know so again I just I just want to tag on because Jeff it's a great question yeah so we actually have George Kenny sitting out there right now as part of the multi- agency task force in regards to to permitting so so um a permit is required to hang drywall the um and you know one of the issues with the one post that I that that I I saw was that the the there wasn't a contractor not a licensed contractor um the um when the inspector approached the property and said you need a permit for that it was it was um obviously the person who was the resident who was hanging the dry drywall became very upset but drywall is a life safety issue especially making sure that what's behind that wall is is not moldy and is mitigated properly and those types of things you can you can um the since we went to Anover the eppl system there is no back backlog and we have not had one request for a permit yet as a result of these of these hurricanes so there is no backlog you we can usually issue it same day or next day um and we're ready to go on that so uh it's really a very easy easy um easy permitting uh process and all the contractors know that I mean they know how to do this we've had eppl in place for three months now and and we're running right on time with our permits well and and even with drywall part of that is um the location of your um electrical outlets some of these houses if they're old their electrical outlets are lower if you have to redo certain percentage you got to raise those electrical outlets and that all goes in with the dryw exactly and the El behind the drywall I've already gone through this with a couple of residents all those things one thing if I may continue though um we are going to put before the city commission and and Rebecca has it now we're going to request when you approve the agenda for November 7th that you approve an emergency ordinance to wave permit fees wave permit fees not the permit requirement but the fees for certain types of permits that are associated with damage and with um uh the storms and are we going to ALS can we do that emergency thing with the fiveyear look back yeah we can look at putting that on as well yes it would just be great to just knock it all out right I mean we can I'm not saying anybody's going to support it or not support it and discuss it but it's a huge issue I I'm looking at an email right now that I just got in the last day um uh and it could just be something that we just wave it for this moment mayor can I jump in just real quick I'll go to any any emergency meeting or any extra meeting that you want to have to put that in we'll get it done quickly Saturday sundate on that so people understand okay so so the the the 50% rule which is that 50% of the value the the Improvement does not exceed 50% of the value if it does you have to meet all female requirements in the flood plane that's a federal requirement the city has no jurisdiction the city cannot wave that rule however when um you adopted an ordinance I think it was in 2020 that it's called the 5-year look back and the 5-year look back was put in place so that if you are in in in a flood plane in a flood zone that you're not adding on to your house and the value of your house because the the whole purpose of of of you know being in that flood plane is is if you have repetitive loss you don't want to continue to have repetitive loss so the five-year look back essentially said if you have improved your home in the last five years up to or greater than 50% of the value then you have to elevate right so it's accumulative that is as I said it's it's put in place specifically because you are improving your home it is not put in place in a situation like this where you are just trying to replace what you have right and so um it is is a city ordinance it was it's within the city commission's purview um as as a board to wave that staff would recommend that you wave that and it's Associated directly with those properties that that are uh that are damaged because of this of this these two hurricanes and we can do all of that at the same time and I won't be here for the next step I'll be here for that but in the future the ordinance that we did pass for the 5year look back should probably be adjusted in the future it just says in a state of emergency it's waved you know or under a hurt just the fiveyear look back the 50% R I know but I'm talking about the fiveyear back piece it it should be that that intention should be known right most cities have a one-year look back so yeah we'll just say if you're submitting a per reason we did we had a good reason to do it and it should stay in place but if it's related to replacement of your home as a direct result of damage from a storm then yeah it should be way right okay anything else Jeff um still regarding permits um is there a need because of our permit process to have because other cities are having remote places they can go to to get their permits and things of that nature because of EPL and everything was online do we do we need remote permitting so that's a very good question commissioner I actually discussed this with uh with building with Community Development staff and those cities that have the remote permitting there St Petersburg they Tampa they you know the larger cities that's when those residents have to travel you know and and they they may not be able to travel their vehicles may have been impaired or whatever in denan it's a 10 10 minutes you come here um and and if they can't do it you know we have the cooling station and so on and so they can come here and plug in um if they can't make it here um then then we'll we'll go there and we'll help them you know just let us know and we'll go there but I don't think we need to stand up a popup because we are just right around the corner and do they know do the residents know that they can call and have somebody come to them so we're actually starting on Monday we've been through the neighborhoods the neighborhoods that are most heavily damaged already on foot knocking on doors um we and that was actually after Helen so Along Comes Milton and we have other neighborhoods that are damaged so we're actually on Monday um we have a flyer uh and we're going to go door too in all the most heavily damaged neighborhoods um including back behind the needan commons right and and Skylock Villas and those places Pinewood yeah Pinewood yeah thank you and we're going to give them the door door hanger and the door hanger has the main line um and and we can add information on permits and permitting and that type of a thing but the point is to reach those that really don't have access to you know their their electronic devices um we also have within there the we will have the regulations pertaining to RVS the regulations pertaining to trailers because a construction trailer can stay there as long as it's a construction job right so um you know and all those sorts of things in Paper so that that we can reach those folks that are without power which which that's diminishing rapidly that's it um I did have a question oh the drywall issue so the comment that no other City requires permitting for drywall only is not accurate No completely false everyone reord I don't know what they're referring to specifically is it is it is it the demolition of the drywall or is it the permitting the drywall well it's a it's a Facebook so I don't know truthfully but bottom line is if you're installing drywall you have to have a it can't be demolition I wouldn't think it be demolition it be when you start to rebuild so you make sure you're doing it right behind the walls right okay gotcha okay so um I have a question for you I know you've been looking at these private communities for the debris hauling um and you were looking into that the private communities that contract with the the city of denan to do their trash hole do can they then get debris hole no no why the so so their their fees there to for solid waste um for garbage that type of a thing recycling cover garbage and recycling I mean they don't they don't cover the debris removal so so they're kind of two separate buckets the you that the the problem is right now that those areas those private areas are not reimbursable through FEMA and what we're trying to do is number one get them uh reimbursable through FEMA um and the other part is that that you know one of things we have to consider um is how difficult it is for those bigger trucks to get into those smaller private areas and I'm just going to give you examples of two areas I know there are a bunch more but just for the benefit of my colleagues Cedar Creek Mobile Home Park privately owned I don't know if you've driven by there but you just look down those streets you I don't even think you can get a car in there is all the crap is all on the right out in front of I'm sorry I didn't mean to use that word all these PE all these Tuesday yeah but I but it's not crap when it was your own stuff that you that's what I mean I don't care about saying the word it's I didn't mean to refer to it that way but you know their whole life savings is out on their tiny little Street and you know that's one location another location is curu Landings those Town Homes off of Al 19 um you know those are not those are it's about 75% annually occupied those are residents no I know I know the are and they you know they've been there since the 80s right like the 80s and '90s '90s maybe yeah I'm going to guess that but whatever the people that live there they been there a long time the people that live there now know nothing didn't know they were private roads didn't know any of this now that I know that's their problem but when you don't know your home you're not a new development you you know your homeowners association isn't keeping you informed of this stuff and all of a sudden here come the big trucks but no you don't get it I understand why so I do and I this is not a condemnation on our people but you know this is something that can send our own residents over the edge get it but I'd like to I have a map on my desk that I I asked staff to make and um I'm not quite ready to share it because I I need to make sure I understand it myself so but the map does show you commercial areas private Street streets um uh really non-public all non-public areas apartment complexes that type of a thing a lot of these areas have removed their debris already they have removed their debris already um and what I'd really like to understand before we do even one private subdivision is how much there is and how much it would cost and that I feel is a decision that's to be made by the city commission yeah and so um I know that they're impatient uh but we really have to be careful how we proceed uh and and again the same in terms of the whole in the budget that we create what does that mean specifically and to take you know any step that we take toward removing it needs to be under the understanding it's going to be one it's not going to be just one it's going to be all yeah and what does that mean to those that have already removed it they paid for it already so um it's a very sticky issue um but first of all I'd like to understand exactly what the volume is before I can I can make a recommendation to all of you I will say though mayor I mean I think that that one thing I'll do is call the Cedar Creek mobile home park the owner and say what's your plan right what what is your plan you should have had a plan what is it I mean that thing has been there what that's been there since at least the 50s oh it's been there long 11 and done and it's got a long history you know but In fairness then there should be a plan there should be but again I get it I get it I mean you're not talking about a yeah well I'm not going yeah so okay so that's that one thing um can I tag on that one more time and that goes to the heart of I know that there are some areas some individuals who are having some of their stuff taken away you know who could get it for free could wait okay the city would pick it up and a couple people I know used a a certain huler to today yesterday and I didn't see a license number on the card I mean I didn't do it but I'm just saying I'm just I'm I'm going to give the name to our staff but again you know because I guess the question really is if they're not licensed they shouldn't be doing it because the question is where's it really going and so any words of wisdom on that or should we be putting anything out about warning people about stuff like that we did um to begin with and we'll do it again um any any and we called them vultures we call them vultures anybody in the neighborhood who's unlicensed any contractor they should not be uh giving them any money up front or using them they're not insured they're not and on and on and on so they could be dumping anywhere and the the card is from out of state so anyway I'll turn that's happening a lot and I know that they're actually removing a lot of those white goods the refrigerators and the and that's actually a favor for us cuz they're taking them I don't know where they're taking them maybe back up north but and selling them for scrap but it actually helps us get them out of the neighborhoods believe my insurance adjuster that if you see something not in the in the uh uh section for sale a washer or dry right don't buy don't do it don't do it did um okay so I heard you saying about the parking the RVs being waved and construction trailers are being waved they are now I mean construction trailers permitted in the neighborhood um for as long as there's a there's a job on construction yeah okay um did we clarify there's some areas you can't do that because you're not damaged enough or M okay cuz I think you were going to check that you know on Tuesday I think it was the RV maybe it was the RV yeah so the RV and we we have a flyer going out we've prepared um a flyer and the RV um it needs to be in the drive driveway of the property that is being re uh hbed or or uh reconstructed if you will and it needs to be the owner in that you know well what if it can't fit in the driveway so that's that's a good question and I actually asked Jennifer KH to look into it because it you know there is one uhep episode that I know of where it is sticking out into the sidewalk so we need to work with the property owner to angle it if they have to to get at least an accessible walkway behind them but you know again this is something that we had to have to preach patients I mean and people are getting their RVs from Georgia or farther away they drive it all the way down here and they stick out in the sidewalk and we say no you can't have it you know so it's everybody has to be a little bit patient with everybody else and we'll figure out a way to get you know access around that RV somehow okay um and then finally you gave an update a little bit of an update on the marina last night you want to give us that update again yes and so and I do have a briefing schedule with all of you tomorrow as well uh um so the marina there was obviously substantial uh damage in the marina the bulkhead pulled away um um on the on the East wall on the east side uh there is some damage on the uh the north side as well uh just west of the commercial dock commercial dock is going in and out right now Waltz is open actually OB Cafe is open we did have kimley horn come and they did our um U they're are Marina uh engineer and um they had it luckily it low tide so they drifted around a boat they looked underneath at the bulkhead at the seaw walls and where we are um we're going to have to be re rebuild a substantial portion of of those of those seaw walls unfortunately uh there is no electrical right now there is no water uh to the marina and so it is closed to the public uh we had to put double barriers up to make sure that the public stayed out we found a bunch of teenagers at the end of the pier um late last week and so um uh um I will give you a briefing in full tomorrow the Marine advisory committee on Monday and then we will be um we we'll be sending out Communications with the slip renters thereafter okay I think that's all I had on my list 40 minutes in all right now it's time for citizen input anybody uh wish to come forward and speak to any item that is not already on the agenda welcome give us your name and address for the record Eric Curtis 51 Main Street not sure about that so that's what I'm here to find out about so live in the marina been working recovery for two weeks 3 weeks I don't know in the last thing I need to worry about is where I have to live so as a li board we have no information don't know what to do and on top of we can't get mail and haven't heard nothing about that other than maybe do a change of address but change of address is is not a way to go we can get the mailbox out of the spot where it's at and move it we did that two years ago moved it there change address takes two to three weeks and that's if the Postal Service gets it right I did that five months ago and I lost a business over because of legal documents so it's not very easy you have to call every government institution and change the address separately and every vendor and all that and you won't get no checks nothing so all the commercial all the everybody in there is in the in the same boat so not boat but yeah I don't I don't know why and it's it's gone out through the years I've been there almost nine years that when it comes down to the liver boards it's a last thought thing about that's where we live so on my license it says 51 Main Street but I have no place to live so I know I'm not the only one in in in going on but I know there's easy fixes that we could so our our thing is that we don't have water down there so that's why we can't go in there for fire suppression but if I lived on a different Road and said hey we got a water leak or sewer the city's been great about doing I got I got no issue but the city's been around doing everything so I get that but if I had a water leak on my road and it was a real Road not the marina you'd be there that day fixing it but some reason when it comes to the marina it's we'll get to it later and I'm sorry I feel that way but I've there's been a lot of issues and it's like well we'll wait till the this plan or that plan or kick it down the road so I don't know I'm I'm here to work and get stuff done and thank you Curtis appreciate it uh I I will just say you know on behalf of our team um the marina is not safe to be in and that's that's the update that's about to come it's not safe to be in for anyone liveboard or not there's easy ways to fix that though okay there isn't I'm going to tell you that there isn't and so um we're going to get that update um just like we're getting up there's unsafe houses right now that are that are not safe to live in um yeah so your patience is greatly appreciated but as you said you're you're going to give us updates tomorrow with engineering studies and um going to the Marine advisory committee on Monday and implementing a plan um so we'll we'll do the best we can thank you we at least move the mailbox yeah I'll look into that tomorrow see what we that's a huge difference for everybody down there yep thank you thank you anyone else wish to come forward and speak to any item that's not already on the agenda okay we'll move to uh resolution 24-28 the Thrashers town home replat staff's recommending postponing this item can I have a to postpone second for the motion do you want to specify when it's being postponed to since they're multiple upcoming meetings there's a specific November 21st um uh commissioner torga and by May Frey with the amended motion all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes 4 to zero speaking of which can we give an excused absence to commissioner Walker so moved vice mayor frany second commissioner G all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes 4 to zero all right we have the second reading of ordinance 24-24 creating section 50-12 control of access to city-owned controlled and leased property of the city of D and code ordinance Noah can you please read ordinance 24-24 by title only ordinance 4-24 in ordinance of the city of denan Florida creating section 50-12 control of access to city-owned controlled and leased property of the city of dingan code of ordinances to create restrictions on access to city-owned controlled and leas property providing for codification providing for severability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date thank you can I have a motion to approve so moved second vice mayor for commissioner TWA thank you Teresa good evening mayor vice mayor commission Teresa Smalling director of HR and risk management for the city uh this is the second reading of ordinance 2424 it was passed by the commission uh at the um last meeting on September 19th uh and at this time I'm willing to take any questions that you may have just to reiterate this uh ordinance gives the city manager the authority to designate certain areas as um private to uh the the public if you will okay any questions for Teresa anybody from the public wish to speak to this item all right any final comments no I mean we talked about it at the first reading and uh makes sense I'm in favor of it anybody else no okay roll call vote please commissioner gal hi commissioner TGA hi vice mayor fry hi mayor balski I the motion passes four to zero thank you um then we have a consultant for design criteria of the parking garage in the amount of 96,000 staff's recommending postponing this item to October 24th special meeting says Jennifer to clarify you're clarifying something no just just um that commissioner Walker as you know is in uh Washington DC uh he's on uh business essential to his his business he requested that we postpone this item to October 24th um as as a courtesy to him he'd like to participate in the discussion uh we did continue it actually when the mayor was was Ill um and you afforded her that courtesy as well so we're recommending that we continue it to October 24th okay can I have a motion to postpone so moved second okay vice mayor frainy commissioner torga all in favor signify by saying I I I I any oppose any opposed motion passes four to zero okay the city manager's annual evaluation performance actually if it's okay with you mayor I'll just give it to myself right now feel free she's done a bang-up job okay staff's recommending postponing this item also to the October 24th special meeting can I have a motion to postpone commissioner frany second commissioner TOA all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes four to zero okay and then we have the propose proposed agenda for November 7th commission meeting there are additional Rebecca has an addition so mayor we kind of spoke about this for um before we're asking that on the November 7th meeting we add an emergency ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Duneden to Temporary wave building permit fees and review fees for storm Rel related repairs so that will be added and then also on your the one that was um uh generated before 2 a Gateway slj jernigans public hearing after doing some research that is actually the second reading of ordinance 24-25 it's there but it's just not clear and I wanted you to make sure that you aware that that is that second reading of the termination of the development agreement with Gateway that we had previously but that will be on that November 7th meeting as well okay and then the uh fiveyear look back yes so um I will yeah I will work with Community Development to provide verbiage uh for the November 7th City commission um meeting regarding the 5-year look back great okay so with those changes can I have a motion to approve so move second vice mayor frainy commissioner TGA thank you all in favor um signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes 4 to zero is there any more informational items that we need to discuss can I just ask one question Jennifer I kind of did my own math there with January 17 2025 but is there actually a day that the state has set made the 90th day that we have to be done to get 100% it's third 90 days after the governor's uh declaration his exe executive order declaring a local state of emergency so I don't exactly have that date okay I'd like to know just so we can Circle it and red purple orange whatever thank you all right if that's it we are adjourned [Music]