[Music] [Music] welcome everybody to our Thursday July 25th City Commission meeting excuse me we'll call the meeting to order um we have our assistant City attorney Sarah filling in for Jennifer today if she will please lead us in the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance let us begin this meeting by taking a brief moment of silence and reflection okay pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Sarah all right we'll move on to our presentations we have our Purple Heart recognition day Proclamation I'll turn that over to commissioner TGA thank you mayor um can everyone please come forward who's here for the celebration and remembrance of Purple Heart Day and while you're on the way up here I guess I should mention we all just got a card here uh the Purple Heart recognition ceremony Wednesday August 7th at 10:00 a.m. and I'm sure someone will be announcing that here today um but nevertheless very happy to have you here today and very proud of each one of you um the Purple Heart recognition day whereas August 7th 2024 marks the 242nd anniversary of the Inception of the Purple Heart award and the 92nd anniversary of the military order of the Purple Heart and whereas August 7th has been officially designated as National Purple Heart recognition day in honor of those American veterans who have earned the military tribute by virtue of their bravery and sacrifice and whereas the Purple Heart is specifically awarded to any member of the United States armed forces that has been wounded or killed in combat with the declared enemy of the United States and whereas throughout history Brave and patriotic individuals have answered the call of duty and nobly engaged in the fight to eliminate the oppressive forces of tyranny that have threatened our freedom and whereas on this 17th anniversary of the city of d Eden being congressionally recognized as a purple heart city the city celebrates Purple Heart recognition day and honors the sacrifice of our Nations men and women in uniform now therefore I John toring by virtue of the authority vested in the mayor of the city of dun Eden Florida and on behalf of the entire city commission to proudly Proclaim Wednesday August 7th 2024 as per Purple Heart recognition day in dun Eden and ask everyone to pause and remember those extraordinary men and women and their families who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom and those who were willing to make that ultimate sacrifice and to pray for the safety of all those defending our nation today thank you [Applause] father B on behalf of the entire group here if you'd receive that Proclamation I would appreciate it very much it's our hon say a few words thank you spech I promise to keep it under a half hour John every Minister says that you know men very chance very rarely get a chance to speak with you women but um this is one of those occasions and uh Julie uh we thank you Mo we thank you John thank you Jeff thank you rob thank you my dear Jenny thank you so much certainly is appreciated and this is our 17th year and um I'd like to recognize our commander uh Mel Clingan who wants wanted desperately to be here but he's under surgery tonight a um uh for his cancer so uh our prayers are with him and but under M's leadership uh um he's so brought this organization together we are the first purle heart city in the State of Florida and we were very proud of that and we continue to grow um and why because of the support we get from this beautiful city of ours the city of dun Eden and its leadership you Commissioners we thank you for all that support also I'd like to thank our parks and Rex Vince and his team Jory in particular uh uh who's out there on the streets all the time helping out um what a wonderful Gathering of of community and uh uh we we there's words aren't strong enough to say thank you but we do from the depths of our heart thank you very [Applause] much yeah picture got to get a picture [Laughter] [Music] that's okay she'll figure it they work all right all right Scot in a little bit whiskey I I like your thinking whiskey hear you let me get on this side let's see if you could scoot just right there okay I told y all right let's see I should have gone a little that way yes perfect okay thank you we're listen thank you [Applause] no please yeah there you go good choice okay um now it's time for citizen input anybody wishing to come forward and speak to any item that is not already on the agenda if it's on the agenda you'll get a chance to speak to it at that time anybody wish to come forward come on down give us your name and address for the record name and add I still have a stupid cof Dwayne Wright 250 New York Avenue dun Eden welcome Dwayne okay tomorrow marks the 34th anniversary of President George Herbert Walker Bush signing the Civil Rights Act known as the Ada he spent the latter years of his life in a wheelchair we as we are all aware that even after 34 years we as a community still have a long way to go providing accessibility for all thank you thank you Dwayne anyone else wish to come forward okay we'll move on to action items um we have the second reading of ordinance 24-16 Historic Landmark designation of 265 Edgewater Drive otherwise known as the kind's corner Sarah would you please read ordinance 2416 by title only sure and an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida designating certain real property located at 265 Edgewater Drive dun Eden Florida 34698 7533 parcel number 34- 28-15 d275 4-6-1 with designated meets and Bounds and totaling approximately 37 acres and the residential structure thereon is a local Historic Landmark and providing for an effective dat I believe this is presented for second and final reading thank you can I have a motion to approve so move second commissioner gal and commissioner Walker Francis welcome yes uh good evening mayor and Commissioners um tonight's presentation is the presentation for the second and final reading of ordinance 24-16 the Historic Landmark designation for 265 Edgewater Drive um also known as uh the kind's corner or also known as The House of the night blooming serus um as you can see I like K's Corner better yeah just saying but as you can see that this is the image of the home that we are presenting to you tonight as well as the unique feature uh the night blooming series of with the image on the right um just to get everybody's uh bearings of where this uh house is located it is located at the corner of Edgewater Drive in Florida Avenue there and um going over the criteria for designation um one of which is the historical and cultural significance uh this properties was once home to Walter s Hendershot and Eda e Hendershot um they purchased the lot in 1946 and constructed their home in 1948 uh Mr heners shot was uh an educator and um he was also involved with the environmental cleanup I think environmental cleanup issues of what the what a piece of island called moonshine Island and based on the first reading um there was a discussion and question about what is moonshine Island um commissioner Walker had graciously educated us about the reason why it's called that is I know a little bit about whiskey his research was very impressive yes and um not only that he um Mr Hendra shot was involved with the development um at the Denine Causeway as well as the undergrounding of electric cables along Edge Water Drive um he was also a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and um essentially he's done a lot and contributed a lot to the community um not only Mr hener shot um made significant contributions to the community uh Mrs Hendershot uh she was also an educator uh she had taught at Southworth Elementary School in Clear Water uh which is now the present um day location of the Clear Water historical society and then also she was the supervisor of the preschool activities at the First Methodist Church of denan um further criteria for um designation to to be continued here is that um as many may know um this is the current home of Allan and Deborah KES um they purchased the property in 1979 um Alan KES is a real a real property law attorney as you can see uh there um he had been involved in practice law for uh quite a number of years and then he is also very involved with the community as well as involved with city um Affairs um including but not limited to the list that we have listed out on in the presentation and then last but not least we have Deborah Kines who is our former vice mayor uh as well as uh Denine City Comm commissioner um during the time periods that are listed on this presentation um she was also a formal assistant County attorney for Hillsboro County and also um is very very uh closely tied to our community in our city um as you um Also may want to know that she is also our chair of our um City's historic preservation advisory committee and another um criteria that we've looked at is for its site significance um and the reason why we titled this designation House of the night blooming series serus excuse me um so what it is is a a slow growing uh cactus plant that was planted in a 19 50s and um this plant was grown at the Northeast portion of the property uh surrounding the century old live oak trees that you see there um and so what's unique about this plant is that it blooms um periodically during the month of June of each year and um and the flower um in itself only opens in the late evening and it displays a uh fragrant and Grand Bloom that closes forever Before Sunrise um and then looking for the architectural and structural significance um as uh stated uh the home was constructed in 1948 um there in in in terms of the various um mixtures of architectural styles that are Incorporated to the structure uh to the to the home itself um the home is also known as the lamp house uh due to the reason um that this house has historically had lamps that are being placed in the front living room which is always visible from Edgewater or Florida Avenue um and in terms of the construction is concrete block with barrel roof tile construction uh one of the unique features of especially for the time period of when this house was built um it had um underground sprinkler system with well and pump as well as oak flooring and pink marble fireplace and it's pink yes um in addition to that um there were some um Renovations and iterations that were added onto the structure over a period of time as you can see here um and all done by local Architects um back in 1984 as well as 1985 and all of the additions and modifications as a result have been um complemented to the original structure and then I will take you a tour of the home itself so here are some um images of the front view um facing Edgewater Drive of the home and then we have the side views um facing uh Florida Avenue and then continuing on with the side views there and then the side interior not facing um any roadway there and then the rear view of the property and once again um this uh ordinance was presented on June 20th for its first reading and City commission had approved the first reading of the ordinance and the historic preservation advisory committee also had a public hearing on May 9th and unan unanimously approved this designation as well um based on the criteria in the recommendations that were provided for this application uh staff recommends uh approval of ordinance 24-16 okay well before we have any questions which I'm sure we don't would the applicants like to come forward and please say something that really wasn't a question um well you know we've we've loved our home for 45 years we've raised children there and it's our greatest hope that it will continue to be a part of our dun Eden because if anybody tried to tear it down I would have to haunt them and that would not be a happy thing I sort of came up with the um House of the night blooming Cirus because I was thinking of the House of the Rising Sun however um if you know your Blues history The House of the Rising Sun was a place of ill repute so I figured that was not going to work to this August body so I thought the house of the rise the house of the night blooming Cirrus would be better so we thank you all so much um it it means a lot to us and also for other people that may be thinking about this please come to hpac and just sit down and talk to us we meet every uh every second Thursday at 4:00 in the coral room and we'd love to talk to you about if if you might be interested so again thank you all so very much it means a great deal to Allan and I okay yes I would of course and Allan listen you were a hard nut to crack on this one I just I just uh I just want to briefly say it's been my privilege to be the recognized Yard Man for this property for approximately 45 years people do wave honk at at me occasionally sometimes ask directions for City Hall in the library and things like that so it's been a real pleasure and a Growing Experience for me personally so we thank you all oh but you are also cocktail extraordinaire maker say that for for all the witches events that come you know in the month of October at your houseing the historic traditions in t that's right thank you guys and thank you for being willing to do this and set the example for our Comm [Applause] Community okay any questions for staff questions okay anybody from the public wish to come forward all right moving back to the maker of the motion commissioner gal oh uh thank you mayor uh know what an exciting night this is it just every night that we we have these type of items on the agenda and history preservation it's always a good night but when it involves somebody that not only has a passion for her own home but every home in dun Eden would like every home to have a historic preservation plaque on it it just it just ends up being a little sweeter so it it's a good night and so thank you Deborah thank you Alan for putting your home forward it's it's a it's a it'll be a privilege to say yes on this okay commissioner Walker yeah it's so thank you Deborah and Allen for this um you know I at the risk of repeating myself this program that we have in Den need is so important and uh it is it's it's heartwarming to to see people come up come forward and and put their house on the historic preservation list in Den needan because you know I I really this there's so many different historic aspects of of this town and this is just just the best possible step that we could take forward to do to preserve our history um so and actually if if it hadn't been for Deborah and Allen um you know we made we they they convinced us to that we needed to put our home my shoulder and my arm are are healing so no but it was you know it was a labor of love I got to tell you when we got into the the process and realized what the significance this was in our home it was pretty amazing and uh I'll I'll finish with uh I'm pretty sure that every instance of a night blooming serus we see in denan den and wde came from Allan and Deborah's house thanks um well obviously it is so appropriate that the champion of historic preservation Deborah um you know for you and Alan to be doing this it's so appropriate um for as long as I can remember you've been the champion of History the champion the Arts and this community is a different place because of that and so um so I'm honored to be part of approving this I will say when I look at that house though you know when I look at like the the middle windows I can see a big spread of food out in there in the dining room I can see the parties that were there I can see Allen in the back bartending when I used to drink white zendell he used to call me afterward and say I've got like 10 bottles of white Zeno and nobody drinks it can you please get it out of my house um I um lucky woman I see uh I see vintage outfits in the master bedroom where I never understood where Allan actually kept his stuff because you know there was no room and um but uh anyway and and I see my friends who I value with all my heart and really you you've been such Champions that this is a good night thank you you commissioner Tonga excellent and congratulations well as everybody's already said Deborah started off with being the champion for history 158 let's see 17 years ago with a small little book and a nothing ordinance but we got that done right we worked on the golf club and the boat club that was many years ago and then she kept asking about it every year during strategic planning and when are we going to get to this she's still asking I'm sure she's calling you um when we're going to when we're going to finish the next ordinance right um but she's been working on this for 18 years and we're still not where we need to be um and we recognize that but the example that you're setting for the community um you put your money where your mouth is and Alan thank you for that you won't regret it I promise I wish my husband said that Tom if you're watching here say for anybody who didn't hear he says he always does what he's told but anyway way um I think what you said was lovely um cuz no matter how well or not well that you know Allan and um Deborah they always treat you kindly and so when you look at the house it kind of feels like a kind place and that's really cool and I hope for it'll stay that way for many years to come okay roll call vote please commissioner TGA hi vice mayor frainy hi commissioner Walker hi commissioner gal I mayor bajowski I and that motion passes unanimously congratulations you want to [Applause] present driver come on up we want to stand behind you get another picture with Deborah [Applause] okay now we have a start item second reading of ordinance 24-17 Historic Landmark designation of 628 W Wilkey Street can I have a motion to place this on the agenda so moved okay commissioner T and commissioner G all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously um s i I know they're thinking man I hope they don't Ramble On like they did on that last one we just want to get out of here um Sarah would you please read um ordinance 24-17 by title only of course an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida designating certain ra property located at 628 will Street dun Eden Florida 34698 parcel number 34-28 D15 33984 2- 0190 with designated meets and Bounds in totaling approximately 23 acres in the residential structure thereon as a local Historic Landmark and providing for an effective date this is presented for a second reading thank you can have a motion to approve so moved and is there a second okay can commissioner Walker and vice mayor frainy thank you Francis yes um good evening once again Francis Leong sharp planner two for the city of denan here presenting ordinance 24-17 the Historic Landmark designation for 628 Wilkey Street also known as me nurse's home um just to get everybody's uh bearing um this is the general location of the home itself along wilky Street here and going over the criteria for designation um one of which is the historical and cultural significance um this home was once owned by Dr me uh Dr me opened me denan hospital in 1937 and um along with Dr me and his wife um glattus they dedicated their lives to the hospital and its residents for 50 years and for its architect Cal and structural significance um the home was built in 1925 in the Craftsman architectural style um as you can see here in the image um you can see the chimney um of the original five place that is still standing there and moving on with the um the owners of the property had uh recently renovated uh this home and as you can see these are the completed images that you see here um far different than um the images that we presented from the first reading um these are the front views of the home and they have included a an accessory dwelling unit that complements the architectural style of the original home and more again with the images on the side views of the home itself as well as the rear and we have some additional views from uh for the backyard as well as the interior of the home um once again um this um ordinance was uh first presented back in on June 20th uh which the city commission had recommended approval for the designation as well as the historic preservation advisor committee held a public hearing on May 9th and also unanimously recommended approval of for the designation for the property at 628 wilky Street um based on the criteria for designation as well as the U recommendations provided by City commission um at the first reading and the historic preservation advisory committee staff recommends approval of this designation and we also have the owners of the property uh Jolene here um available tonight um if she would like to have anything to would you guys like to come down and speak come on not letting you get away with that I didn't realize we were going to be speaking tonight that's okay I'm the plus one I'm just the husband yeah that's that's what Allan always says I was told a second ago that I would be doing the speaking oh there you go commissioner G I read you loud and clear it's going to be short tweet oh that wasn't what he was saying i' like to go on the record and say I also do as I'm told I don't know how to follow up kind's Corner we don't have a cool name like that or anything but um but it's a very cool house and I I want to um specifically say I love the design work thank you jene thank you so much I know jolene's a rock star thank you she is and I believe one of you said it was cool last time it was readed street is PR wi street is pretty cool we've been doing this for probably 20 years renovating homes and I would like to say that I take some credit but the truth is it's all Jolene she's the one who does everything she runs the site she runs the cruise and um you know unless there's garbage that needs to be picked up then she'll call me but she that's pretty much my house too and she gets all the credit for doing this and I know that this is one of our biggest projects that we've ever done um and I'm especially proud of her for doing everything and I just want to thank the Commissioners so thank you rocket and I I I see Katie's [Applause] here I just to say I am super excited to be representing family one L happy it is for Sam but I think that's really important to point out anybody that's watching most people don't want to designate it historical before they sell because they're have this fabricated notion that it's going to hurt their ability to sell I think why we are so proud of you is that you you said no way that's not true I don't believe that I think it makes the property even more valuable and you threw caution to the wind and here you are so we're very proud of you for that and proud of the example that you're setting for the community by doing that well we certainly appreciate the opportunity this has been a very long long and hard process year and a half in the making um but we saved it I know ANS lives up the street she's been telling me about it weekly have you seen this have you seen that so we're we're certainly thankful for the opportunity again very good congratulations thank you okay any questions um for our staff anybody else from the public wish to come forward and speak all right we'll come back to the maker of the motion commissioner Walker thank you mayor thank you for doing this your home is beautiful thank you okay uh vice mayor no I'm just going to lot on to what you said because I looked at this about five times and I thought okay they're getting the designation but they're selling the house they're getting because that is what people think that somehow that's a negative and um I think it's a positive I think that's why people love Den needen I think it's going to go well for you but I I I give you a lot of credit for just you know believing in it enough to go for it and it is gorgeous and uh yeah somebody's going to be happy so commissioner Toro wilky street is cool it is very cool commissioner gal uh you just want to say thank you uh it's a choice and so you chose to do this and I think it speaks to to the volume of your character and what you believe not only for your home but but our community and I think you are setting an example on you don't necessarily have to choose when you go for this designation it's always a good time so thank you I love the fact that you have two little spots I know right there's two little homes there I think there's room enough for me in there well I was thinking of me [Laughter] but every once in a while I need a little getaway when you have a bunch of boys in the house um anyway I kind of think I spoke from my heart about you guys so thank you very much for your contributions to the community please come to our open I oo I might have to do that okay um um roll call vote please commissioner Gaal I commissioner torga I commissioner vice mayor f i commissioner Walker I and mayor bajowski I and that motion passes unanimously let's do it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll take it for okay thank you so much I'm just the garnish okay all right no no more than the Gar so all right fantastic and then let me take yes she's got the official life yes thank [Applause] you okay now we'll go on to the second reading of ordinance 24-18 calling for a referendum election for proposed amendments to section 3.02 and 3.06 of the city Charter to recognize both genders in its language Sarah would you please read ordinance 24-18 by title only an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida submitting to the city electors a proposed amendment to sections 3.02 and 3.06 of the city Charter to recognize both gender and its language providing for referendum election providing for an effective date and this is presented for second and final reading okay can I have a motion to approve moove second vice mayor frainy and commissioner Walker thank you Rebecca you want to do one presentation for all of it on this one I do need to make mention on 2418 there was a scrier a we caught it prior to being um sorry say it again oh a scrier area correct so um language was in the title and in um I think it was the third page that was um spelled incorrectly but we caught it before it was advertized but that is the only change that was made between first and second reading it was just touching it before it went off to be advertised so I did want to just let you know that okay and all of these if I mean depending on what you want all of these are just um from the uh Charter Review Committee their recommendations for changing some some of them very minor but still um cleaning up the charter okay all right any questions for Rebecca anybody from the public wish to speak to this item seeing or hearing none any final comments okay roll call vote please commissioner gal hi commissioner TGA hi commissioner Walker hi vice mayor fry I mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously through the second reading of ordinance 24-19 calling for referendum election for proposed amendments to Section 504 506 507 508 9 and 10 of the city Charter to replace the term voters with electors Sarah would you please read ordinance 24 19 by title only an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida submitting to the city electors proposed amendments to sections 5.04 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 and 5.10 of the city Charter to replace the term voters with electors so as to provide consistency throughout the sections providing for a referendum election providing for an effective date and this is presented for second and final reading thank you can I have a motion to approve so move second commissioner TGA vice mayor fry thank you Rebecca anything on this one no there's self Ser self ex explanatory there you go that's what I meant to say yes any questions anybody from the public wish to speak to this okay um roll call vote commissioner gaw hi commissioner Walker hi vice mayor frainy hi commissioner torka hi mayor Bowski all motion passes unanimously we have the second reading of ordinance 24-20 calling for referendum election of proposed amendment to section 301 of the city Charter adding an introductory sentence to describing from where the city commission derives its powers Sarah would you please read ordinance 24-20 by title only an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida submitting to the city electors a proposed amendment to section 3.01 of the city Charter adding an introductory sentence describing from where the city Commission deres its power providing for referendum election providing for an effective date this is presented for second and final reading thank you can I have a motion to approve so move second commissioner TGA and commissioner Walker thank you anything on this Rebecca anything okay any questions for Rebecca anybody from the public wish to speak all right um any final comments roll call vote vice mayor frainy I commissioner gal I commissioner torga hi commissioner Walker I mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously then we have the second reading of ordinance 24-21 calling for referendum election for proposed amendments for sections 102 103 401 406 503 504 506 and 509 of City Charter to correct the use of improper grammar and po uation reformat Reber and correct internal references to sections within the charter Sarah would you please read ordinance 24-21 by title only an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida submitting to the city electors a proposed amendment to sections 1.02 1.03 4.01 4.06 5.03 5.04 5.06 and 5.09 of the city Charter to correct the use of improper grammar and punctuation reformat rumber and correct internal references to sections within the charter providing for a referendum election providing for an effective date and this is presented for second and final reading thank you can I have a motion to approve so moved second vice mayor frany and commissioner Walker thank you anything further Rebecca um nothing further but I did just just as a reminder and for anybody who's watching that these will now after um all four of them will be sent um to the supervised elections so that they are on the November 5th election okay um any questions for Rebecca uh yeah mayor just added curiosity uh the verbiage in the referendum Rebecca will will that come back to us at all or it's going to go from our vote tonight it'll go from our vote tonight the verbiage is in the um ordinances yes and then the um questions are in the ordinance as well and then it's a yes or no whether um it passes or not thank you anybody else anybody from the public wish to speak to this seeing or hearing none any final comments all right roll call vote commissioner gal I commissioner TGA I vice mayor FY I commissioner Walker I and mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously uh the proposed agenda for the August 8th city commission meeting anybody have any changes short meeting that is meeting just be three of us yes good to me commissioner gal and I will and city manager Bramley will be out of the country any changes are we actually going to vote on a new freebie contract that night so that's a a a a shorter term pilot program to get us through to the winter months okay so it's not the big no I was going to say I didn't think you'd want to do that on a short commission the off peak pilot program right okay we could handle it though the continuing resolution on free every 3 months it comes back just a few more months just a few more months editorial comment mayor sorry it's okay can I have a motion to approve so move second vice mayor frany commissioner TGA all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes unanimously and there are just a couple of reminders for everybody our qualifying period for the November 5th election closes on Monday at noon the 29th so on July 29th we have the LPA special meeting at 6: PM right here in City Hall anybody wishing to come here and speak they are more than welcome and then we have a special commission meeting on August 1st here at City Hall at 6: p.m. both of those meetings the LPA and the commission special meeting is to discuss the noise in outdoor dining ordinances anything else for the good of the order okay we are Jed thank you everybody