##VIDEO ID:DUXCG9wPtV8## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the October 3rd 2024 City Commission meeting and I'd like to call the meeting to order officially and we'll start with uh invocation and Pledge of Allegiance um by Jen let us begin this meeting by taking a brief moment of silence and reflect on the great strength of this community and its commitment to help one another to overcome the impacts of hurricane Helena amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay well first of all um mayor Bowski is uh not here tonight she had to have surgery she is doing fine however and uh so I want to ask for a motion for an excused absence um for the mayor so moved okay um and all in favor I I that motion passes unanimously okay and now we're going to go to um presentations recognition of the needen high school middle school History Day winners and we're going to ask commissioner gal who's our lays on to the schools to recognize that IND Highland Middle School History Day winners so take it take it commissioner well thank you uh very much vice mayor you know research consistently shows that a community that is their overall well-being uh is improved along with localized school performance uh goes hand inand so the better the schools are the better the community and the better the community the better the schools and in dun Eden we really do take that seriously uh we are the only city in the county that has a commission liaison uh from this from the the city commission to our schools and uh our Chamber of Commerce has a foundation which works really hard to support our schools our staff our teachers and so we we do real well as a community on supporting our schools uh and we're here tonight uh as as part of that support and we're here to recognize the accomplishments of the students and teachers of D Middle School each year there's a uh National hist day competition and every year the school system reaches out to the community and really asks people to become a judge for this history competition and I've had the pleasure of doing it the last three years other than this last year I wasn't able to do it but it's amazing you know so often you hear it from me all the time that we can drive by our schools and you don't even really know what's going on but once you get inside those doors you find out how amazing uh the student stents are and the teachers are and the energy and the creativity and the projects and everything that's going on and you find that just as well with this uh history competition and so actually I believe the theme last year was the Boston Tea Party maybe it was beyond that it was beyond that Boston Tea Party and Beyond I think there's going to be a movie uh anyway it is because of the hard work of of the leaders and the administration and the teachers uh at our at our schools that really really do make a powerful difference in our community and our schools and this this evening here we are here to as I mentioned before recognize the students and um Scholars of Dunning Highland Middle School and danan Holland Middle School is under the leadership of uh Mr Brandon Glenn principal of danan middle school so thank you Mr Glenn for everything that you do and uh Teresa Bergstrom who is uh a teach to their history teacher there and so what I'd like to do now is T if you would just like to if you could come up just kind of tell the story it's history so tell the story and uh please introduce the scholars here in the house the podium is yours well good evening everybody I'm uh Dr Teresa Bergstrom I am a teacher at Denine hila Middle School at the center for gifted studies and I been a Highlander since 2007 yeah and uh commissioner AGA and I uh go way back um as as teaching Partners um at at D Highland Middle School National History Day is a international academic competition uh for students to explore history uh to dive in become experts and then become storytellers of that history uh every year there's an annual theme with the competition and um and last year's theme was turning points in history history um and students can choose a topic of their interest um research it um through a variety of primary and secondary sources and then use that new knowledge in order to produce projects in five different categories that can create a documentary an exhibit a paper a performance or a website and with those projects they enter those projects into competition um but I love is the fact that they teach other people something new about history um not just United States history but world history um and with those projects uh there are a collection of Judges that evaluate their work with a rubric and uh the top two projects in every category are invited to the next level of competition our school has competed at National History Day since 2009 um so we've done this competition for quite a while and every year we end up taking students to districts States and national competition um this past year was our largest um showing for uh National History Day projects at um the national competition which is at the University of um Maryland um next to Washington DC I always say it's in Washington DC because then the kids get all excited but um so uh we traveled to DC in June and we have 12 Scholars that and four projects from dunen Highland Middle School that made it to Nationals um we have a group website two of the three members are able to be here so Molina Garcia and Kennedy hang and then their partner James Bond you want to stand be acknowledged congratulations they participated at national competition their group website was on the senica Falls Convention um then we have a group documentary we have Tyler Jones and we also have Walt Kent who is in the process of bringing a student who was stuck in the rain and then Amelia Lane who could not be here today you want to stand yes they had a documentary on Yellowstone National Park then we had Richie mesidor he is the one stuck in the rain right now um he's a fantastic Young man um that lives in dun Eden and um and he wrote a fantastic paper on the Montgomery Bus Boycott and was sixth place in the nation so he made it to final competition and we found out there he is come on I'm just talking about you it's perfect timing so Walt Walt Walt waved to everybody Walt was part of the group documentary that I just introduced and then Richie stand up we were just clapping for your sixth place National History Day paper on the Montgomery Bus Boycott thank you for making it today and then um we had five gentlemen who put together a group performance on the Boston Tea Party um which won first place nationally at competition so we have Jay papori and we have Liam Jacobs and R Shaw and sasi and Matthew Cheryl stand up gentlemen so this year's Scholars that I have the pleasure of having in my classroom they have a lot to live up to the Legacy continues but um you know the their job doesn't stop many of our students come back every year to Denine Highland Middle School Mr Glenn does a fantastic job supporting us with allowing our alumni to come back and judge at our school competition so um you know students are able to come back and give back to their program every year and I'm excited to see all of these students come back and give back so that our Scholars this year can really shine just like they did last year so that's my Spiel I'm afraid uh now now we at least have two of those students that are thinking that every time they enter a room it's going to be for a round of applause and and they deserve yeah that's not going to happen so so so that's your is that's your life expectation uh um but wonderful thank you dror for for and this is because of you and it's because of Mr Glenn and the hard work of the parents that came tonight and what they do every day and for the students on what they do every day and it really is a shining example of our of our schools and uh that is the reason why dunan hogland Middle School is an a school so thank you you're welcome thank you if we could Brooke could you do us a favor uh as many pictures as we can because we have a light agenda tonight uh can we get pictures within each category and Teresa could you help organize that and what that looks like the students coming up and then a big group picture and then one with parents and everybody sure Rook is just bossy enough that she'll be able to get everybody in and that she is what do you want first uh yeah I'm going to leave that to bro just we can order how you Inu time okay that's fine do you want me in the pictur yes so I'm going to have you guys line up over here got thank you documentary [Music] Mr got it got it all right two 3 two one got it yes all right never it doesn't matter let's see do you see the people I think I do okay all right three two one got it yes sorry I stepped on your toe you're good you're good very good parents too you said yeah everybody parents too we all we all part of yes so we post them on social media if I can have you guys squeezing just a little bit more all right three two one got it thank you thank you so much oh thank you all thank you all very much and and Brooke will will these pictures go up on Facebook and Instagram Brooke will these pictures Facebook not Instagram no not ah how do the young people know that they're there okay all right okay so parents please look for these pictures on Facebook under the city dunen Facebook page and uh become historians and help dunen Middle School tell their story it's really important so thank you all very much for coming and you can stay for the rest of the meeting it's a public meeting if you want it's a wonderful it's history this is a civics lesson but if you've got other places to go we certainly understand but uh but hold on one minute I do want to say to the group um thank you for being here I think when aity is in crisis like we are it's really important to give some normaly and what is really great is when it involves kids because it gives us kids always give us more hope right so thanks you all for being here and and exactly we would recommend you don't want to stay the rest of the meeting so thank you sorry but thank you thank you all very much [Applause] sorry Bob it's not that you're not fascinating yeah right oh am I it was very nice very nice no I'm used to following like a sewer pipe or a zoning I mean how do I follow something like this I mean see well the good news is it's citizen input time so it's not your time quite yet so so uh so this is citizen input time does anyone in the audience wish to speak on a topic that is not on the agenda if you do please come forward now very nervous glad the kids left because I'm following as a much older student you might want to reach the and have the make sure it's on too so good thanks um good evening my name is April Jenkins I live at 1113 Ohio Avenue in Denon I'm here this evening because I'm graduating in December with my bachelor's degree in public policy from SPC and as part of my graduation requirements I need to present a Capstone project um when I was trying to decide on My Capstone project I always intended to do something with food insecurity I wasn't exactly sure what that was going to look like so I reached out to denen cares and I was hoping they would have something that might give me some Direction when I went and spoke with them a topic that kept coming up was hygiene products which was not something that was ever even on my radar but when I went to visit um I saw a lot of elderly people waiting in line with their walkers it was very hot out the day that I was there and they were there hoping that there would be some incontinence products available for them at the pantry and in that moment My Capstone did a total 360 pivot because I couldn't help but look at them and think of my own parents and think of what that could be them standing there in the heat needing not only food but medically necessary products so the Capstone project I'm here to talk about tonight is providing senior supplies to deden car's food pantry the Pantry's primary focus is to feed the community so they only use their funds to purchase food products any other items they provide whether it's feminine hygiene or pet supplies or even incontinence products all come solely from donations um have learned that most insurance companies including Medicare do not cover the cost of these products and depending on what type is being used and the frequency the costs can range anywhere from $50 to $200 a month um part of my project did include creating a survey and I was very shocked to find that even in the small sample group that I had 55% of the respondents were skipping their medications or food just to be able to afford their supplies my goal with this Capstone is to shortterm Simply raise awareness that incontinence supplies are needed and are always a very high demand because I don't think that it's something most people would consider donating to a food pantry um long term I would like to find some way whether through local businesses or sponsorship or even a grant program to make sure that the pantry can have these products stocked consistently I know the city um already supports the the denen car's food pantry I know a lot of local businesses have Partnerships with them so I'm hopeful that by bringing this project here tonight I might be able to reach somebody that's in a position to help or plant a seed that will last beyond my graduation project thank you so much for your time thank you uh is there anyone else that would like to address the commission at this time okay seeing no one going going gone okay so we're going to go to our action items and the first uh we are at the first reading of ordinance 24-25 termination of development agreement with Gateway denan LLC for the Gateway denen mixed use project located at Main Street Milwaukee ab and Skinner Boulevard so Jen could you please read ordinance 24-25 by title only absolutely ordinance 24-25 an ordinance of the city of Duneden Florida approving and authorizing termination of the development agreement between the city of Duneden and Gateway Duneden LLC providing for severability providing for conflict providing for recording and providing for an effective date that was ordinance 2425 read by title only thank you um could I have a motion sove second okay and staff presentation Bob uh certainly vice mayor uh this uh although this concludes what we're looking at tonight the termination of development agreement it's really a new beginning too uh Mr kokakis the own the property the developer who has a strong record downtown we've been working with quite a bit this is kind of reenvisioning and reimagining the project if you recall the past development agreement which is in play today uh became economically unfeasible due to interest rates inflation the overall economy and Mr kokakis in July of this year sent a a formal letter to the city requesting to terminate this development agreement and to begin something new as you remember from the previous commission meeting one of the things he need to do to satisfy the existing agreement was to deed over the Jernigan property that has been accomplished that was closed on October 1st and we're looking to go ahead and start a new um some of the things too that he has looked at was the naming of the park after his late dad John kokakis the commission went ahead and approved that we're working with Parks relative to um getting a sign out getting the the park accessible that's officially transferred now right it's officially transferred there was a transferred development rights that also stays with the property there was 19 units coming off the jouren property to go to the Gateway uh been working with Parks relative to the jouren property to make it real accessible to the public so we're looking forward to that he also had some other items that I'd like to mention one is he wanted make sure that this had a a fairly quick process I think we've accomplished this this did go to the local planning agency and they gave a conditional approval of termination of the agreement um and we've been working obviously closely with the city attorney uh the other aspect that Mr cakin was looking at was instead of having two readings just have one but by code we need a second public reading that is going to be scheduled for November 7th in addition uh there is a applicant fee when you either go with a development agreement or termination it's a $5,000 fee he was looking for that to be waved at this point in time staff was recommending not not to wave it but uh Mr cacus is in the audience he certainly can answer any questions relative to a new project but we're excited to work with him uh he's still looking at a boutique hotel and a mixed use this is kind of the Gateway into our city this with Skinner the complete Street project that's happening this will really make the East End of downtown really shine so we're excited to work with him be happy to answer any questions that could someone close that door I think would be good yeah but don't ask the parents to leave just close the door right exactly no that absolutely that's what so we're we're in the final stages so what's before you today obviously is first reading a termination of agreement 2425 it would be a second one of November 7th and then we'll work very closely with Mr kokakis with reenvisioning and rematching that property which is a key piece uh this property has had a stored history if if you been here a long time remember this was purchased by the city first in 2004 I negotiated that purchase and of course we've been through a developer a year or so um but I feel very confident with Mr kokakis if you just look at what he did on Broadway you look at what he did on Douglas with the Artisan uh these are the projects that really create a sense of place and add to the Ambiance of our downtown great okay so questions for staff commissioner gal start with you I don't have a question for staff but I do have a question for Joe if he'd like to come forward I want to put him on the spot ah he's just to the spotlight I don't think I think he can be I know he he loves I don't think he can be rattled he L Joe cikas one of us to drive the Florida thank you Joe very much um I I just wanted to publicly ask and continue our conversation of Tuesday and if there's any way within your concepts of what you want to do with the Gateway whether you would consider and whether there can just be some conversation between yourself and staff about the possibility of a parking garage at Gateway um definitely if it makes sense uh frankly in a a long-winded response the staff's recommendation to not wave the $5,000 development agreement modification fee I think is entirely uncalled for um and not because I spent a million dollars on drawings to put this Pro together cuz I know the city spent hundreds of hours and countless dollars of their own you know every City Commissioner met and reviewed the plans every uh you know we've had so many meetings here and you know and frankly I I still think that you know when I added the density to the project that was incorporated in the initial development agreement and was forced to modify the development agreement that delayed the project cuz I had to go to LPA and two commission meeting meetings another 6 months that pushed us into a pandemic and into record interest rates at least record for the last 30 years so you know last week I was here and you were all kind enough to to accept I guess our donation of the jurnigan tract and honor my father's memory and keeping it a park in perpetuity I purchased that property from the city who purchased it from the previous developer who failed on that site uh and I purchased at the exact appraised value from the city's appraiser that they retained as part of the termination agreement I retained the exact same appraiser who performed an appraisal and determined that that property was worth $1.5 million today I donated that property to the city Bob came to me and said like you just said commissioner would you consider covering the closing cost um and I said of course I kind of joke with him a little bit but I said you know that would be like me sending someone a gift and then asking them to pay shipping costs so if I'm going to donate this property and it is in my father's memory I will spend the $6,600 in closing cost that I did earlier this week all under the impression that my request for a waiver of the development fee cuz the city was kind enough to split it at the last time when I because I had it technically per code it's another $5,000 development agreement when you modify it so since I was forced in my opinion wrongly to modify the original development agreement because I didn't make the building bigger I didn't make it taller I didn't change anything that anybody would have noticed except I took because I had the additional density a large two-bedroom unit and made two one-bedroom units you know Bob was kind enough to mention the things that my family's done in this town you know he didn't mention that the North District station you know when the sheriff had assigned leas commitment for Palm Harbor and was leaving denan because you all kicked him out of here not one person from staff or the commissioner for that matter work trying to retain that significant presence in this town but I met with the sheriff I told him that we have this beautiful property on the corner of curu and Alder 19 he said I'm concerned it's in a flood zone and he was right and then I said I will give you the first floor free and I will gut it for you and turn it into a secure parking for all your vehicles and he said if it's free we'll take it wasn't the best financial deal for me I'm getting rent for the second floor but it worked out great for the city because I also enjoy having the sheriff's patrolling my street in denan and this town you know so much was done working in partnership with this gentleman here and frankly I feel that that commitment to working as a team and working together is is one-sided Bob called me up a couple weeks ago and said the fdot contractor starting on Skinner do you mind working with him so he can put a container and use a staging area on your property on the Gateway because it makes sense there's nothing else where he can use I said sure we reached out to him you know we he gave me certificates of insurance we arranged a deal the first thing I got from the city wasn't a thank you it was code compliant saying that there's a trailer on the Gateway property and code compliant going out there and complaining about it you know Crystal uh uh clear sky called me up Dan called me up and said I need pods to put my stuff in the parking lot that he's renting from us at the Gateway and I said all I want to tell you is that our city already called Code Compliance on me because apparently in the spite of This Disaster that my entire street is blocked our street is blocked off with trash and garbage all Co compliance could come up with was calling my office and sending Trevor to my office about a trailer on the site that the city requested I put there so with all respect commissioner it's really hard to feel that the city that we put angled parking on on Douglas that transformed that street and I agreed to leave open to the public when every other person I put parking on in this city uh retained it for their own personal use even though it encroaches in the right away I'm the only one that left it open to the public which allowed Ben Brewery and all those places to close all their parking lots and now they Park in the spaces that we created on Douglas so my tenants Nature's Food Patch that you're also excited to have in town has no place to park because it's filled with patrons from other businesses I didn't do that I said it's best for the city and it's best for the public so I'll do whatever you all want you know as far as this terminating this agreement I will honestly work cuz it's important to me to ensure that something happens with the Gateway if a parking garage makes sense frankly I don't know if it's close enough to impact the needs of even my tenants and the whole downtown core um but maybe it's a way with people smarter than me to draw people farther east you know Doug had the Deep downtown East End plan maybe it's a way for that I I really don't know I definitely I'm not saying no to it but I'm saying that the current treatment people say that I get special treatment in this town and and I don't know what exactly that means because you know the fact that I'm in this position having this discussion you know it's it's frustrating for me it's embarrassing even to me so I guess to answer your question yes I'd consider it my time's up thank you for your question Jeff yeah did you get your answer I I I got an answer did didn't I yeah I wish the kids were here okay uh do we have any other questions from Jeff or commissioner no okay so commission commer Walker for me I don't I don't know if you want to do do you need uh no I this my question for staff okay so we're good job thank thank you um you know I just going through this and I you know I think the only thing I've seen on here is the reference to the legal fees that the city paid and it appears to me that that's the reason why we wouldn't wave the $5,000 um I can can we elaborate a little bit more on why we decided not to wave the $5,000 um sure absolutely so um and and keep in mind whatever the commission decides to do is is perfectly fine with staff so the question with the $5,000 was uh whether or not uh we had incurred the cost it's as far as the drafting of the agreement and the attorney was involved quite a bit the termination of of the development agreement was requested by Mr calakas it was not staff driven it wasn't requested by the city commission and we it was in in drafting the agreement or the termination agreement uh was definitely um a hard cost that the city incurred and so the $5,000 we recommending that $5,000 stay in place um as I said uh you know any sort of a compromise typically we would go half and half or that type of a thing or even a full waiver that's that's fine that's fine with me it's just a hard cost I mean it's that the city incurred as a result of determination and a direct cost as well well that answered my question thank you okay um commissioner to thank you questions yes I have a principal question about the $5,000 um first of all I honestly do not recall although I've talked to the city manager in the past about some of the fees and and there's usually an explanation of how they were developed and why they're why they're the way they are I don't recall this one I don't recall the $5,000 and how long that's been like that it's $5,000 in and it's $5,000 out so I got some series of questions after that but can can you maybe just answer that one for so so the $5,000 administration fee for a development agreement the first thing that happens is that the applicant requests that the city commission authorize a city manager to start negotiating the development agreement and then there's an application fee of $5,000 and the application fee is intended to cover those administrative fees that will be incurred uh by staff and as the attorney uh by the attorney as we negotiate that development agreement so it's it's much like a a petition fee an application fee you know that type of a thing and so I don't know uh commissioner how long it's been in place it's been in place longer than than I've been here um the we have in the past waved the fee for Mr calakas I think when the modification occurred um uh to the development uh agreement originally we waved the fee Joe do you recall originally I think I paid it that when we modified split it was split okay it was split and that modification occurred because there was an increase in density you may recall um on the site and the code was very clear that that any increase in density requires modification to the development agreement given that that that increase in density um uh was was very well explained if you will by Mr kokakis in terms of I think a decrease the size of some units which added uh additional units it did not it did not impact the footprint of the building uh or anything architecturally but the code was very clear it was black and white and and it's not within my purview to um wave you know a section of the code that's very very clear in those terms so that St in place and we did split that development agreement 50/50 the fees that application fee I'm sorry 5050 the fees that we take in how much are the cost or what are the total numbers that we normally see for that in a given year the fees for the filings I'm not sure I'd have to give my budget to have a look I I think we end up on a positive side oh yes definitely so yes I I don't remember the fees don't traditionally cover all costs it's not full cost recovery in the in the building division or the or the commune development department covers most of it and how many how many times do do you have any idea how many times we have waved this and for and for what reasons the history some of the history no no I don't I don't yeah I don't I don't know that this one's a little bit unique from the perspective that it's uh kind of a pseudo you know and it's been modified public in a way that there it's a Gateway property the city owned went through the developer so it's a little bit different in some ways there there are really different things happening as well for example when it comes with design review sometimes we wave the second public hearing for design review which we have in the past um the the fee is different the original $5,000 since I've been here I never I don't recall ever having waved that original fee but as Bob said this one was different because we modified um the we modified that original development agreement and and as a result because we're still moving forward with with the development that we agreed to the 50/50 split and also we really didn't you know the cost incurred the hard costs weren't you know I don't think we're up to that $5,000 level so um a lot of research and staff time has gone into this and that's the justification for not waving it you know Mr kakas brings up a great number of things that the kakas family has done for the city and I don't disagree with that but the point was though that those were hard costs that we we incurred and that was it that that that that's what drove that decision yeah it's it's a commission decision for sure but I think as Jenifer mentioned it's it's a little bit different you know the kakas family the Purple Heart Park there's a lot of things on Douglas we did a partnership with him on the ground utilities as he mentioned that angle parking was a result of a partnership so and this one's a little bit unique from the standpoint that we're trying to get to a certain point we're trying to get something that is a great project on the East End that builds a tax base you know so I think as Jennifer said about it's not something that staff can can recommend it's more of a commission decision on this but there's a lot of there's a lot of positive upsides here too let me continue then so sure um so you're talk without getting any of the detail I don't need any of the detail for the for this question they are planning or Joe kakas and his organization are planning to do something on that you're talking about this as a revisiting and it's a reimagination etc so there is an intent to do something more on that property by him is that correct absolutely I I even joked with him that you you better not try to sell this and he said no absolutely not no he's committed to developing it you know one of the things that we lose with time is the development in the tax base and things that are created out there employment and all that and uh you know if if we had to go some different route if we didn't sell the property didn't do that we go now for another RFP it'd be a protracted period of time so um there's there's some upsides there for sure so I'm into Economic Development as you know and so are you yeah um in Economic Development when you when you have a piece of property Andor when you are the owner of a piece of property Andor you are a municipality or you are a company that has an opportunity to bring somebody into your organization or into your location or to have a relationship sometimes there's a cost to do that and I think in this particular case um I think I think we ought to uh we ought to consider something like that if nothing more than from an economic development side if you have a person that's willing to and wants to come in or wants to continue the work and was into the situation which occurred and he's not the only person that got got benefits from the city when we went through the the whole process of this K Co uh MH Co issue so um I hear I hear the city manager saying you know she's it's not this is not her purview so she's just saying hey you guys decide what you want to do here it's a commission is what's your question now I'm trying to yeah so so my question is we we've done this for other people well I think and supported other people during this during this transition got caught in that transition yeah I think from a staff perspective this one's a little bit different we're we're terminating a development agreement to reinv vision the other thing is we have a proven developer you know this would be different if we had someone coming out of uh you know wherever it was Miami whatever and we didn't know much about them we want that development agreement for certainty you know that's and and the fee to cover the staff time this one is a little bit unique and different from the standpoint that we still have uh someone that's proven that wants to go forward with a project and we want to move it but again it's it's a commission decision it's not Jennifer or mine well we certainly understand and recognize that but it wasn't something that we could just recommend you know wav or pay half or something like that but yeah I think the discussion up here is is very good this is a unique situation it's the first time I've been in a situation where we terminating agreement to reimagine and reenvisioning cut boom they're gone we're starting over this this one's a little bit different so so to make this change we would have to make a change to the motion is that what would have to happen yeah once we're through with all questions yeah I'm just saying I'm just asking the question I've got one more related to your um so when when we Embark upon the reimagination of the Gateway is it expected that Mr kokakis would pay an additional $5,000 for the design review okay if he does a development agreement if it's needed you know you have to understand this previous development agreement had some incentives and things Laden in with it that's why it was this Partnership if he decides and we're not looking to go that route if he's just going to do was a typical project he might not need a development agreement I want to make that clear okay thank you and lastly we want this we do want this to be developed is that not correct I do I you know from an economic perspective a boutique hotel is what we call a captive Market it would service and and create uh you know economic factors for all the shops and stores that are downtown that suffer from online and things that occur you know we we we talk about this Entertainment District versus creating some service and Retail and things like that the captive Hotel would would do that so yes we want to see this developed and it works nicely in conjunction with the with Skinner with the complete streets it's a major project so these two coming together along with the redo of Old City Hall this beautiful building that we're in today this is transforming this east end part of downtown so yes so you're almost calling this as opposed to an expense if we were to do this in an investment it it certainly falls into that and some relationship building to what degree of course that's a commission decision so again it's not Jennifer or me but uh yeah this is a little bit more unique it's not like we went out with an RFP we have someone we don't know too well they're not a proven product uh we're going to want to have all those safeguards in place for sure this is starting over it was you know we started once got modified now it's a termination and now we're looking to reinv Vision thank you I have all my questions thank you commissioner um so my question question is for Mr calakas watch out Mo I know I am not going to ask you about a parking garage at gayway I can tell you that obviously that hit a hit a little nerve we're hoping for a record short meeting today right so I guess my question is um can you kind of just tell me well first of all is there an impact to your timing of developing is two things what is your thoughts on the timing of developing this piece of land and secondly does this storm and some of your projects I know here and in Nasheville that have been impacted impact when you can even think about this development just so if we can kind of get into your head a little bit well my projects in in Asheville and North Carolina South Carolina are all impacted but that's our day job as a contractor not as a developer okay um and and as a developer who lives in Denon when only develops in Denon um uh of something like this magnitude at least I'm the storm isn't going to impact it um costs will go up again um the the even the the the strike at the pork will you know at least short-term impact costs um half of me listen like I said we spent a lot of money on this plan you all invested a ton of time and money getting to this point part of me thinks it's a blessing um we have met with three Architects so far doing schematics kind of concep ual design and when they saw the plan for Skinner and they were concerned to express concern about the hospital and ambulances they said while name wise fronting on Main Street is important you may have made a significant mistake and had the back of the project and parking along Skinner because if Skinner turns out the way it's envisioned the way it's designed then that will be a tremendous walk able wide prominade Center you know two annoying traffic circle uh project and then they recommended that at least the resident component should be facing Skinner quieter um and then put the hotel closer to the center so there's there's a lot of possible good you know I half of me thinks that if I continued through it and was completing construction that I had a perform with three and have 4% interest and all of a sudden my my permanent loan was at 8% interest that changes things even if I could overcome the costs but costs have stabilized you know this will be a bump for the hurricane but we've gotten over hurricanes people will still always come to Florida right okay good thank you Joe appreciate it um okay that's really the only questions I have so I guess we have a motion on the table by commissioner torga were you wanting to do something anything different than the staff recommendation or or do we oh sorry I've got to ask sorry all right uh I'm going to open public input if there is anybody else in the audience that would like to speak on this issue please come forward sure uh this this is Emma from St P College I had a feeling she called me earlier today so she's doing you have the potential to solve this whole issue right now Emma so we're listen intently she's wondering what did I get into right can you hear me okay um good evening the city of denan City commissioners and everyone um my name is Emma k um I'm a student from s college and I'm majoring in public policy and administration um the reason I'm here this evening is because I'm working on this um case study about this um agenda item that um Mr iron Smith just presented um this for my policy leadership class and um they require us to make a public um comment on the um agenda item to either support or against this agenda so um after doing my research and um look through all the files available online um I'm here to support for this agenda item um I have a few comments um first I think um by supporting this um termination of the current agreement I think um we can take A New Path for this um valuable property and um avoid um sticking to the own plan that no longer financially Works um second I think this will allow developers to explore new plans um new better suited plans for for the city and um last I think this the right step to um make sure that the city can move forward with the new project that makes more sense um for today's environment and um for The Current financial situations um that's all my points thank you so much for hearing me today thank you thank you very much um anyone else in the audience that would like to come forward and speak to this issue okay seeing none we will close public input we do have a motion on the table and uh commissioner torga final comments City attorney if we want to modify this this motion when's the time to do that um so if you want to modify the motion excuse me so if you want to modify the motion um the person who made the motion can ask for the amendment in the second can agree to that and then you could move forward on that second can we have discussion on on that yes so were you the second or were you the second I have I think we were a team oh I'll throw it to Rob okay so okay don't thr got gotcha what so commissioner Walker be the second so so what I'd like to do is is I'd like to make a recommendation that we modify this motion to a number that is anywhere between zero cost and perhaps up to half but I'm fine with zero and I'm saying that simply because and only and only because I don't like giving money away to anyone everybody up here knows that but from an economic development standpoint the development of our city we have a known commodity here we know what happened it didn't only happen to him it happened to others and his family has had such an A positive impact in my opinion uh on our city that that this is a wise this would be a wise I call this an investment this would be a wise investment people are going to have to work from the city with Joe Joe's going to have to work with the city going forward his full intent is to develop that and I think we'd all like to have Joe as well as any in in addition or as opposed to anyone else develop that area because of the knowledge we have of Joe so I'd like to I would like to make that but I would like to give everybody an opportunity to decide whether they want to change that number um but mine would be zero or for $2,500 a lot of money a lot of money but I wouldn't I wouldn't go with even the 2,500 I'd go with with a zero thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Walker seconder yes thank you um you know I when I I looked at this it you know this this was not somebody I think you use those words Bob this was not the end of the relationship this is the beginning and um the other thing that you know I I absolutely Embrace is the whole concept of a public and private partnership and I just this I I'm having a real hard time I'm struggling with with why we would not wave this um I because you know it the contribution the kakas family has made to this town has been significant and but that is not the reason that's that's a fact but that is not the reason why we would wave this for me from a business sense um it it doesn't make any sense I I think the relation ship that uh you know the city has and and what Joe and his company have done I you know I I just think that from a relationship standpoint it makes all the sense in the world to wave this knowing that he's he's going to develop there you know in the future and looking back at the decision to terminate it was a horrible business environment we were basically if he was taking a huge risk and so I look at this as really the beginning not the end thank you so I do do you want to make a motion and and if everyone is comfortable I would make a motion that we that we do not charge this $5,000 fee so I make the motion the motion previous was that we accept this and I would say but in this particular case we do not have the fee, wave the 5,000 okay just so that it's clear for the record so the original motion was to approve ordinance 2425 on first reading and um and the termination and release of the development agreement and you want to add to that motion and say and wave the filing fee of $5,000 correct yes thank you if if everyone else is and and is the commiss Walker are you acceptable to that yeah I I second it okay so we have Motion in second and so now we'll officially do final comments I think that's prob best even though I know you guys did make official do you have anything else that you want to add to your comments yeah I would I I just I just wanted I wanted to point out um that that I'm in I'm in agreement with how this is taking place um I'm I was always frustrated by this project and and I think a lot of us have been frustrated by this project uh this this part of it was almost unavoidable if if I may and and and it was probably wise for us that he didn't continue on with this uh in my opinion I think it would have put put a significant strain um on not only on on us at this point in time uh but certainly on an investor that's having a project in in in our in our city here I mean we do not want to see something like this go wrong uh it's a big deal that would be a big deal so um I wanted to make that point so for me this is a business decision wise business decision and uh I'm going to stand with it thank you commissioner and commissioner Walker any additional uh just I absolutely agree with commissioner torga on this um this is a business decision and uh you know I think in the interest of public private partnership it's the right thing to do okay M gal um I I agree um um you know it's it's the right thing to do especially if if there's uh the strong possibility of a future development occurring on that property we've all been staring at that property for how many decades now so it's if this is one more opportunity uh then uh yeah I think it's time and I I think this is a good decision so I completely disagree I'm just kidding so um no no I totally agree I mean I was sitting here up here thinking like so for all the special event parking uh Mr kakas you charge for that not for the blue yeah but he does the park and ride for us for the Blue Jays but charges for the others yeah he does and I also know that that uh Joe and Anna also um work hard and incentivize the types of businesses that they lease to in the city of Denon because to them they want the Right Mix to them they want incentivized and I see nothing different from this we we want um we want a good quality developer who's proven and and if we didn't have somebody we'd be begging somebody to come here and try to do it and we'd be willing to put money on the table so I I really balance it against that well why would we give $5,000 of Citizen money when it's hard cost because we have a proven entity that we know will be way more valuable if this is developed right and we know we've got somebody proven and um and so I think it absolutely is an economic development decision we have a partnership that has worked and worked really well and I think this is just a good faith incentive to stay keep that on track so because I for one I'm counting on you two and and now that your dad's going to be that Park's name after your dad you want it to be good so I think we keep that ball rolling and so I'm completely in favor so we are going to have a roll call vote commissioner gal I commissioner Walker I commissioner torga I vice mayor frainy I and that motion passes unanimously uh and just want to say there will be a second reading of ordinance 24-25 on November 7th so thank you very much vice mayor if I may add Jennifer I'm very excited on this project it's just we couldn't just recommend to wave that that was something that had to be a commission to no I think you did the right thing absolutely and I I think we ended up at the right place but I think it's good for staff to do that I don't want it to show that not excited or working in tight partnership to make this happen so I I just want to make that clear but we had many discussions on this it's just something we couldn't just say this is different this isn't setting a precedent this is a very unique situation so thank you well we've made Joe happy twice in a row now so I expect you to make us happy really soon okay you know and and I Envision years of that and I Envision years of that parking ride continuing with the Blue Jays AB in a nice parking garage on that property oh well we not going back to that right now okay okay motion passes unanimously let's move on quickly commissioner gal don't stir the pot okay so uh next item is consultant for design criteria parking garage in the amount of $96,000 and staff is recommending this item be postponed until the October 17th commission meeting uh do I have a motion so move second all in favor I I and that motion passes unanimously okay that takes us to the city clerk's annual performance evaluation and I'm going to staff presentation by Teresa Smalling Teresa here she comes she coming good evening vice mayor commission uh Teresa Smalling director of HR and risk management for the city I am here uh to lead you through the evaluation the annual performance evaluation for our city clerk Rebecca Slicker uh as you know you uh received a memo requesting you to meet with her and complete her evaluation uh her she was hired October 2nd 2019 and you have the exhibit which shows the compile version verbatim of all of your evaluations with uh Miss schlicker so at this time uh I invite you to go ahead and um make your comments and uh I leave it up to you vice mayor okay so really at this point yeah that's what we're doing each person each commissioner gives their comments on her evaluation and we'll give her a chance to comment yes if you wanted to add to the comments that are already in the in the compile version um I invite you to do so okay sounds good uh so we'll go ahead and I guess start with commissioner toga first um I need a moment I need a moment to look to oh okay okay so we'll start over here with commissioner G oh I I'm I need a moment I'm sorry commission I said that for levity that wasn't at commissioner toa's uh um I I don't know what more I I I can say I it's just it's been a five years is it Rebecca is that it and uh and we've seen an entire transformation within that 5 years of of of the way that's run and that's not a reflection on NE on on the past but it's just the improvements the the smoothness the uh the atmosphere within the room you know I tell people all the time on the first floor we have a quiet room for the employees if you get stressed uh in Residence sometimes or boss or whatever you just need some time to yourself there's a place for that but if that is occupied I highly recommend anybody go to the city clerk office uh just CU of the levity and just they make you feel comfortable it's like an old pair of shoes uh so thank you Rebecca for for all that you've done uh for the city staff that's under you for the leadership the um the constant team building that you do the constant uh improvements on their own professional paths and the training that you do with them to make them have a path forward is just is just amazing and the ease in which you do that um is is just incredible uh you are certainly at the same time quite a Taskmaster I I I hear that but um that's your job so well well done there uh so I'm just I think that the city is is truly blessed to have you as a city clerk and so thank you for everything that you do thank thank you commissioner gal commissioner walker uh yes thank you vice mayor um yeah I you know I I'm always uh I'm always amazed at all the responsibilities that the city clerk's office has under their their purview and uh and I it's it's a lot and it's not like it's it's you know it's consistent they kind of are the kind of the dis area where all the desparate things that nobody knows what to do with end up and uh I I have to think that takes well I know I I mean Rebecca certainly exhibits the uh the understanding in the importance of the job because she does it so well and uh with that said you know we're lucky to have her and um I really appreciate everything that she and her team does um I'll fit I'll close with this you can always tell the tell the you know you can always see the true leadership when you start taking a look at the bench strength of the team you know she brings her staff her staff you know I think they've all sat up here at one point and uh you know that's the mark of a good leader so thank you Rebecca Comm trunker I got it up here all right sounds good good I'm ready but you know I really I really didn't have to do that but I did want to have that if we were going to go through any of this in detail so that just so anybody that's listening knows we do do that and we go through all the elements of this and we sit down and talk with that um but I'm going to make it I'm going to make this real easy because um as I page through this I thought well if I had to just summarize this what would I say it's exactly what I said at the end Rebecca is an excellent city clerk I had nothing to say negative I had nothing to write for an improvement Rebecca is an excellent city clerk thank you okay so um I mean yeah I I mean Rebecca you're fantastic I mean and and as I said in your um in final comments I mean the the city as a whole and I don't know that they totally understand or realize just how lucky we are to have you as a city clerk and I think that you've been up here over the last few years too and you've had your personal challenges and to have rebuilt that department to have brought the kind of Excellence to the department that you have to have created the bonds that you've created with the you know supervisor Elections office other city clerks and brought that sense of Excellence I mean to me is that is the sign of leadership when you've got so much to deal with over here but you put your staff first you build your team you you you just driven to Excellence and none the least of which part of you is the high highest of integrity and when you're dealing with things like the elections and and the kinds of things with public records rules and things like like that there you want the highest Integrity person in that role and you have it and you've built it in your team and you've built you talk about customer service at its best is you and your team I mean I can't say enough and to be honest with you I started looking through my scores and I'm like gez did I give her good enough scores I mean I gave you high scores but it's like I'm yeah I might have to relook at that but um you're you're You're great and I will tell you like I I'm very thankful and like said this before and I will say it I mean I've been around the track in this city because I worked as a staff person now eighth year as a a commissioner I've seen The Good the Bad and the Ugly of city clerks and you are a fantastic City Clerk and we are blessed so that those are my comments um so um do we want to I'll let you speak but maybe we do we want to do the raise thing first or do you want to talk first it's up to you I think we should probably decide on a raise why know a raise was going to be part of it yeah well I mean I do we do need that right uh Teresa yes the um the current Merit raise uh goes from 0 to 3.5 okay so um it's up to the commission to let us know what the Merit increase will be I did I'm I just want to point out that uh due to uh her illness mayor balski was not able to uh complete her evaluation but she did allow us to proceed yeah and I mean I I know the mayor thinks way highly of you do there anything else you want to add or do you want to say about that or no she does absolutely and I think what the mayor told me on the phone is that that she she thinks very highly of Rebecca and has nothing negative to say so go ahead that's good that's great that's great okay so do I have a motion from a commissioner or two about the race so mov to which what what number to give a raise three Oh you mean in terms of a number yeah oh yes okay I I move to give her the full 3.5% second okay second uh and uh all in favor I all I that motion passes unanimously um uh well we've all made our comment so Rebecca would you like to or maybe I should ask you first you want to say anything I'd love to okay yeah sorry no I think you know Rebecca she knows what I think of her and she really is the best city clerk I've ever worked with and I think I said that last year and the year before that too so um but she is uh you know Exemplar at her job um she is not a pushover in any way shape or form that's true and she and I but heads a time or two um and and I won't tell you who W or lost but um you know she always tries to find a way to accommodate what it whatever is we're trying to do um transparency is is is her her number one Mission uh and the number of public records requests this year that her her office has had uh has put uh it's been very difficult for them um their the public records requests are long they're asking for public records going way back um and and she fulfills them in a timely manner accurately and if she doesn't think that staff has done it good enough she's going to come around again and tell you to fix this and so um and I enjoy working with Rebecca you know she's got a great sense of humor um I know the department directors feel the same way so um just as a team you know she's you you mentioned in your evaluation that she's a team player she is to a point she's and the point is what is in the best interest of the public and making sure that she fulfills her her duties by the charter so so she'll team play up until then but if it butts up against those duties then then all bets are off and that's makes a great city clerk that is a great city clerk so um well done congratulations and uh looking forward to another year Jen did you want to add anything because I know you work closely too yeah I'll just say that um she never hesitates to reach out she generally knows the answer even to the questions that she's asking sometimes I think she's just testing me but but I love that because you know her office is so forward facing it is um that transparency is Paramount and so in having that relationship where she's not afraid to reach out where she'll ask the question and test me um I personally love that because then I know the city is in the best hands for being protected and for doing and for following the letter of the law so and I enjoy working with her very much she is an excellent City Clerk you want to add anything I'm humble I mean truly I I love what I do that is so sick but I it's just it's a challenge that I enjoy every single day and the staff that I that work within with me at the in the city clerk's office they they too enjoy what they do and and just truly want to do what's best for the city for the letter of the law and so um so for you to say nice things about us as a group and you know I I can't it's just truly um you know I look at yesterday five years you know you see the balloons in my office you know like celebrating those celebrations you know um we're good at that and you know it makes it fun so um again I the kind words and that I truly it's been a it's been a rough couple years but you know we're turning that path and so um we're looking forward to a few more so thank you each of you I so appreciate each of your time sitting down with me every one of you and so um I appreciate all that thank you thanks Rebecca and I think I need to ask is there anybody out in the audience that would like to come forward and give public comment on this okay I don't see might want to ask Joe Kaka yeah you triggered a little thing there okay okay Teresa how how many years before you're vested with the city uh for as far as retirement plan yes five years oh so now Teresa is going there you go Rebecca's going yeah I don't care what you say about me now I'm Ved there you go okay we do have the performance objectives and goals for the upcoming year which everybody looked over their sheet um if do we just want to approve those officially or does anybody want to add anything to them I'll just commissioner Walker anything else to add I'm good okay Comm commissioner torga okay I'm good so motion to approve the goals and objectives so moved second okay all in favor I I I and that motion passes okay unanimously okay thank you and congratulations thank you can't imagine having an evaluation them [Applause] public yeah I mean it's really tough when you're not doing well though when you're doing well it's kind of so it is incentive though that is okay we're going to move to the proposed agenda for October 17 2024 commission meeting and we do have to add the design criteria of the parking garage and ordinance 24-26 for firefighter reti plan revisions based on the collective bargaining agreement uh is there anything else that we need to add or does that look good to everybody looks good to me okay so do I have a motion to approve the agenda so move second okay everybody all in favor I I I and that motion passes unanimously okay informational items um uh Jennifer can you just give us um you know for the public just any kind kind of update on the storm that would be important and the recovery you did a fantastic job by the way at the business after hours for the chamber which was great um so I wonder if you just could give us some highlights um so uh debris removal we're going to be starting that as soon as possible um we uh we going to probably be able to to push out through social media either tomorrow first thing Monday uh the plan for debris removal um and when we'll be in the neighborhoods obviously we'll prioritize those areas that are the most badly damaged and we'll use our our our message boards to to post them up at the entrance of the sidewalk so the folks know when we're coming through um and um also people are going to if you recall during Irma they really want to know when we're coming to their neighborhood and we did put out the plan um I think that I want to work with the debris hauler a little bit more and have them get started and working um and then we can um we can put out you know the plan moving forward about where where we'll be and when this storm is different than any other because as you know during Irma that was a um you know it was vegetation issue uh there was there really wasn't any SE indd which is construction and debris for Irma there is now uh as you know when you drive through the roads it's hard for them to pass it's hard for the trucks uh Solid Waste trucks to pass um so so we'll get at it and when we get going then I'll I'll I'll be able to as I said you know estimate when we'll be in certain neighborhoods again I have to preach patient it's going to take a long time it's going to take a long time we have uh our debris haulers estimated that we have about 40 between 44,000 and 50,000 cubic yards of debris uh and just to give you an idea how much that is uh one dump truck is 8 cubic yards and so there's a lot to to remove under we understand that that it's sitting on the curbs we understand that it's it's getting stinky and we'll get there as quickly as we can and put as many resources towards that as we can the regular trash uh uh pickups are we're we we're running a little bit behind we caught up um we're probably going to suspend over the weekend and because those guys need a break they need to go home uh and their management they need to go home and they need to rest because they're driving large pieces of equipment and they need to rest so um but we did get caught up in those terms uh we're pumping everything out through social media about where to put you know what pile and what goes in that pile um you go to our website and we have the banner on top saying hurricane upate updates and we have uh trash and debris a special tab for that um so um uh we're doing uh as well as other cities maybe better than some other cities we we have as I said last time a pre-existing uh a preapproved FEMA hauler and we do that every year at the beig long before hurricane season and we have tetratech who's the monitor a lot of cities don't even have their monitor in place you know or their debris huler in place and so we're uh ahead of that uh ahead of that game uh in those terms so we did uh something today that I'm really proud of and um the uh and I'm very proud of the employees I don't have all of their names but they went door too today in um those areas that have seen the most uh destruction they didn't knock on every door they were on every street we were really kind of going um uh to the homes that didn't have any activity either it was dark or there was very little debris uh because our understanding is uh that there are some f folks who are in their homes with no help and so um um we did stand up as you know toan strong which is um and that's working really well it really is and de de strong is is it's essentially a program where we match um um volunteers with people who need who have unmet needs um we are getting individuals and as I said you know I don't really like to match an individual with somebody in a home who has unmet need we don't know the individual we don't you know we had to through a background check they haven't but there are people individuals who are signing up to help us haul food uh somebody you know wanted to sign up to fold laundry at at the laundry you know station that but we can do things like that uh so that's working really well and you have lent your your uh assistant Lindsay brush uh to to work that program she's doing a great job yeah and Nicole Delino uh read the wave of volunteers on the streets today so um that's going really very well we have the portable laundry which I think I was at the gym this morning and they're changing the bladder so it's a big bladder that sits on the ground and and it's completely self sufficient and of course this being denen we we put the portable laundry in place and boom we have all this detergent just shows up that's great Santa Claus came Santa Claus of detergent so um uh and then the showers are available as well at the um at the Aquatic you know we didn't get a shower um uh station because we have showers you know and they're probably better than a shower station would be so uh what else is there um facilities wise obviously the marina is still closed I think theres and I are going to be having conversation about the marina tonight um the um the restrooms on the causeway should be up and running that lift station sustain some damage a little tiny lift station and a LT station is what actually pushes the gray water uh to our wastewater treatment plant so um um lift station 8 which is on North Douglas is on a bypass pump it is I think it's our largest lift station uh and we're going to have to replace a lot within uh lift station 8 so the bypass pump is doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing right now and moving through um we have our Park remains closed I actually just have not had a chance to talk to Vince about about the yeah go ahead Teresa Teresa's been all over town with our insurance adjuster and Industrial hygienists and all sorts of people go ahead Z completely fled um I it wasn't completely the actually the one part of it was flooded and then the uh electrical system was flooded yeah uh Teresa swalling and director of HR and risk management for the city so the playground at Weaver Park is currently closed barricaded off because the um the ground cover has is totally um destroyed so we will be going out there tomorrow to take a look at it we just found out found that out today um it is part of the assets that we ensure so uh we will be looking at it the adj we have an adjuster coming tomorrow that I'll be going out again to look at uh right now we have seven properties including the lift station that we are looking at and um we have some other property in the open some fences light poles uh that we still have to um adjudicate also thank you so you asked me uh vice mayor I think on Tuesday about Honeymoon Island yes so we reached out to to uh honeymoon and um we did not get a call back but we have heard that it will remain closed until further notice Caladesi and Honeymoon Island they save us being our Barrier Islands but they took a battering was my understanding and so um the restaurants on on honeymoon were high and dry so but they they had some structural damage uh underneath on the on the elevated area so um we'll message that out as soon as as we get a definitive uh from from those folks about exactly what the situation is but but it was pretty bad I understand at Kell DC that that the marina is badly damaged um as well so uh uh that's been a common question quite a common question as well I I think that's it I don't think have any more for you anybody have any questions commissioner Walker commer G how about the blue J's involvement during all of this so sorry how about the Blue Jays involvement with all of this and I had heard uh that the Blue Jays as a group um are are doing a lot of volunteering through the Denine strong program and maybe even on their own but they have been actively involved in volunteering yes great thank you and was there any damage to the stadium or the complex no uh not that I know no thank God that's one thing how did the how did the hotel out on the Crossway I wondered that the Hotel The The J Hotel yeah I I I'm not sure no I need to call Charlie and just kind of get his sense of it um buy it it looked fine yeah it did yeah it did um I remember in the noname storm 1993 I guess um the stadium was badly hurt and and it's it's when I learned what a batter's eye was and how expensive a batter's eye Anybody Everybody Know batter's eye it's the big piece that goes in the center field that gives you the perspective of the ball as it's hit so so that you can kind of see it so that's a batter's eye it may not be exactly the right description but that's it and it's extremely expensive um and it was taken out by the No Name storm um okay um any any just like last comments I mean I I only say that because I know our community is going through a lot if anybody wanted to add anything as commission so I done okay um just um can I I I'm sorry may add one matter sorry um I do have to we we have a daily phone call as you know with the County Administrator the sheriff is usually on the phone call and all the city managers um and uh I was really proud again today of our staff because we've sent a crew down to South County every day to get their water uh up and running again and and we got a special shout out uh from from Barry Burton our County Administrator we're guarding our crews down there and um you know they're they're tired um and we're fully operational here it was it was a pinch for us but but they have spent most of the time in South County getting their water running so I was very proud of them yeah Jennifer I did have one question which was the is the community center still kind of be the the layout place for the trash you know the the debris is that still yes higher Park yes so we don't have a alternative we don't at this point I am exploring any other alternative I'm praying for that other alternative so that's why I ask you so yeah okay that would be that would be awesome and it would be I mean we could really lot on them about Community Partnership if they if they did that it would be so great um yeah the only other thing I'm very proud of our staff but I'm really proud of our community um you know we we do have two different denans right now and and there's a lot of people hurting on that West uh west of 19 and not not you know there's some people on the east of uh Alt 19 so um but I'm proud of everybody stepping up um you know that's that what that's what denan does best and uh and so let's keep doing it there's still a lot of pain going on out there and there's going to be as we heal so but but thanks Jennifer I get a lot of comments about you know the laundermat the just all the the TLC things that staff has been doing and and again I'm just going to finish with this um you know what our community and our staff they love this place they care about this place they care about the people of this place and and again this is just another example of how it shows when when there's a crisis not just when we're having to find at a marra so anyway okay nothing else uh this this means adjourned