[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Workshop which is our business plan update I'd like to call the workshop to order um just a brief announcement um vice mayor frainy is not with us here this morning she had a terrible fall yesterday and broke her wrist um and sprained her other one so she's not in any shape to be here this morning and this just happened late yesterday our one wonderful firefighters helped her get to the hospital um so she uh sends her regrets and her best wishes to everyone and gave me permission to make that announcement um so we wish her well and I'm sure she will be on the menend very soon um so uh Jennifer did you have an opening I do thank you and good morning mayor and vice mayor on TV and in Commissioners uh this is our business plan update meeting and and we have a little bit of a different uh format this year than we have in previous years usually we do uh the the business plan update during a a day long meeting which we call the Strate strategic planning Retreat it's so hard to say that but anyway um and um this year though as you know we are doing a um a a Str strategic Plan update uh specifically and devoting our meetings to that update in of itself it's a refresh our plan um and uh as a result we need to to kind of bifurcate the business plan and the Strategic plan session we're going to have your leadership Forum uh uh part two next week and so this morning what we're doing is looking at the first quarter of of this uh fiscal year and our progress on our business plan initiatives uh solely the um as you know we usually report out by epic goal and by Department um we were not able to to to use our usual Workshop Forum this or format this morning where we all sit in a big square and just kind of chat because we have a city commission meeting this evening and it would be hard to put the chambers back in in City commission order and so um we will uh this the um Department directors will talk to you a little bit about um some of the initiatives in the business plan um the uh we're not going to talk about the larger scale ones that that you're pretty much up to date on unless you want to and so we'll go by epic goal uh the uh directors are ready to report out as I said on some initiatives and then then mayor I think you probably want to stop by by department or by epic gold to see if there's anything else within that goal that you'd like to talk to uh that department about and we should be able to get through this relatively quickly actually um so nothing is nothing could make me happier I know I'm just teasing I know uh but nothing is new to you this morning this is our adopted business plan and these are initiatives that all of you have adopted um as well and so uh that said I'll head it over to Les Les is there anything I I didn't uh I forgot to say uh no thank you Jennifer morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners Les Tyler the finance director and I'm here with Ashley kmon our budget manager uh as Jennifer mentioned this is our first 24-hour uh Business Plan update for the first quarter um the staff in the day provides information uh for the first quarter as I mentioned October from December October 23 to December 2023 and we'll be going through these in Epic goal order 1 through six uh the information is in Epic order is mentioned and we want to briefly mention uh if you look at the first slide here with the projects and and the key items that we we have on this slide are project title uh lead department for the project the fund that's impacted and the cost if any in fiscal year 24 budget and then a brief status uh of the project as of December 31st 2023 uh the page numbers for each of the Epic goals are referenced on the far right that ties to our the business plan document for 2024 and also attachment a and also we have a handout uh before before you too that has the information uh listed by epic go order 136 the same that's in the PowerPoint I did want to mention that uh this is focusing on the the first year fiscal year 24 first quarter we do have a couple of slides we noticed this morning that say fiscal year 23 on the top that's a that is a typo but this is all 24 information and what I'll do now is we will go on Epic goal order and the first one is the city manager thank you thank you very much um so just of these just talk a little bit about the sister city program so we do have a trip to Scotland travel to Scotland plan for August of of this year my understanding is the the um the trip is sold out and on a wait list at this point we have uh reconnected with the new Provost of Scotland uh he is uh very interested in our trip there she is very interested in our trip there um as are we in getting her here uh not this year but next year as well um so so looking forward to that trip we uh we'll be doing we'll be visiting the the valley fourth Chamber of Commerce I believe we will be visiting uh with the Provost and staff from the city of Sterling as well as supporting our our uh pipe band well since we're on television I'll be able to tell you that there have been four openings oh okay so anybody that would like to go on the city's Scotland trip at your own cost of course good yes at your own cost um would love to have you very good and and just the public art uh mayor the jwalk uh is complete it's delightful the signal box wraps you're going to be seeing and the leand chase outdoor gallery you just saw and approved okay any questions okay thank you um you know I I would like to ask you a question for the upcoming budget um as you go through all the different things I know that we need so I'm not trying to make a priority out of this but it might be nice to see a little more money in the public art master plan development going forward so uh we did see it with as you know general fund uh funds last year we do have some design review projects some some that made the threshold for the contribution to the public art so we'll have a look at what we're going to be receiving um funding that program okay who's next Community Development okay okay looks like looks like we're there right go ahead yeah go ahead okay yeah mayor Commissioners Good morning George Kenny on behalf of Community Development um so there's uh we have two projects for epic goal number one the first is the historic resources survey the commission may recall you've already approved a state grant for $50,000 this is for phase the phase three survey uh in that area south of dun Eden um it's pass due money to our consultant kimley horn and then reimbursed by the state as we move through the project we do anticipate this project to be complete before uh fiscal year 25 uh the second thing is our parking sensors uh we did receive some quotes on those last year however it did remain unfunded so that's LT it as an unfunded project at this time happy to answer any questions any questions obviously that's one of those other things that I'd like to see fully funded um moving forward at least in the next budget um those quotes and they were like 4 or 500,000 they were to complete the project which would provide uh parking sensors in all of the downtown which can show in real time folks where an open parking spot is I think it's a great investment but you know we can talk about it through commission discussion but great thanks mayor MH okay onward to Economic Development I'm not seeing I know Bob is on annual I'm not seeing Genie and so I'll take take this MH the um the downtown ballards we did move that out uh of Economic Development and into risk management the uh when we went through the budget cycle last year we were uh investigating whether or not we could have like the pneumatic ballards that that come directly out of the center of the right of way um or even install a different type of ballards we found out that a they prohibit they are prohibitively expensive and this is in the downtown and B that an removable object in the right of way is is not a good idea we did um purchase uh with the city commission's permission the Archer barricades and actually we had training on the Archer barricades um yesterday and those are a barricades that that you hit essentially and that it absorbs the impact and lifts the vehicle up so it can't pass um we had a meeting with the sheriff's office yesterday and they have a number of barricades that we can use as well so we we'll be looking forward to those at the the entrance the major entrances to downtown in the future and we will be able to remove our large trucks which even when we put a bow on them people don't like them so um the existing City Hall adaptive reuse uh we get asked about that a lot so I thought that I would bring it up this morning uh the demolition is complete uh and the essentially the foundation of the previous City Hall uh Lies over some some roots that need to remain in place for the grand oak uh tree so we we left that Foundation there we we kind of retracted the fence around the foundation we're going to have to treat that with pavers and with some uh difference in elevation because the foundation actually sits up um it's elevated uh and we did not know that when we demolished the building uh Parks and Recreation did a uh Parks did a fantastic job of soting uh leveling it and soting it we irrigated it we'll throw some benches on there um and also Bob's shop is working on a design for that Park and it's going to complement Pioneer Park it's not going to be exactly the same but it'll be complimentary to Pioneer Park like a little mini Pioneer Park is there anything else you'd like me to go over colleagues uh just uh matter of process question um when you say we move something from whatever the the uh department is to risk management what does that mean exactly and so it was previously funded out of Economic Development and Bob's Bob's office is has funding an economic development which is actually general fund in and in the CRA um we were able to move it out into risk management um because our risk management our risk fund is well funded and it is an issue of risk the barricades themselves okay so does that still remain then a like a funded item or yes okay perfect just a different funding source just a different funding source correct okay thank you when when do you plan to when do you think we'll see the design for the The Old City Hall Park well we we've commissioned the design right now I would say probably months yeah late summer great I know everybody's excited even though can't get fully funded or anything anytime soon well we know our priority is restrooms we've got to build those restrooms there yeah for sure mayor yes sir so city manager Jennifer um uh in response to or in concert with the question that was just asked about the funding um have most of those things been approved or discussed with us previously the uh moving the fund into risk has that been discussed with the city commission no we have not discussed that with you the next bu adjustment that we bring to you um so then perhaps that's a good good point that if if those things occur here if we could bring those up if there's a different funding source absolutely because I have another comment about that at the end about the whole funding source but okay that's a good point Thank you thank you okay thank you thank you who's next Library is it not working well Ashley can we get somebody from the back to help make our PowerPoint work better I'm not exactly sure what I'm asking for I just figured I'd help so do you have it in front of you fyis I don't no does it have the um do you yes there we go yeah and we're working on this right now thank you um no uh so the library playground um that was approved at commission um we have the equipment on order our parks department will be doing uh the Demolition and we're looking for a late summer installation and it it we need it our current one is looking very tired um so it's it's well needed so um and we have 50,000 in arpa funding 100,000 um from a bequest and then um an additional 4,000 from the Blue Jays um that they had given us for parking during uh the 2020 um season any questions for Phyllis is that is that on has a really cool book topper it has a book to a book topper it's going to be amazing thank you questions it's you okay thank you parks and wreck good morning mayor City commissioners Vince gizy Parks and Recreation director first we'll talk about the fastest growing sport I know if you've heard that many many times over so we have great news the um pickle ball courts have been designed and bid and we receive for bids on March 12th and we are um planning to present to City commission hopefully on April 2nd with the construction uh award and right now we're in the process of doing all of our due diligence and checking references Etc would you um Vince when I last briefed all of you on uh because you know it's it's eminent the agenda item we were we were within budget but that first low bidder was was disqualified disqualified and so we had to go the second low bidder do you want to talk a little bit about that um yes the first the low bidder was disqualified uh so we uh moved on to the the second low bidder and uh when you add in the design fees and the um uh and the additional from the first bidder to the second bidder it increased the budget by about uh $48,000 and that will be American Rescue plan act funding it will be before you uh for approval as a budget amendment okay 48,000 over what the first bid or the lowest bid was so that'll be presented on April 2nd once we get all of our references and all that done any questions for vce um oh you got more nope that's all right any other questions good okay thank you okay oh I do have one question when do we think those restrooms on the causeway will be completed I'm going to defer to so I have to ask that because Mother's Day is coming up and it'll be a year from the last time I talked about it they were a mess we actually just um have the scope so that it can go out to bid so that process will be a couple months long um so hopefully they'll be started by May yeah it's not encouraging but that's the reality yeah I was hoping it'd be done before the summer well we'll see see how quick we can get the purchas single turn it around very quickly thank you you're welcome and now we're moving to Epic goal two epic goal two and starting with the city manager Jennifer Yes boat club Foundation leveling so so we have um issued that task assignment uh to penon and that's a structural ass assessment on the boat club um so are we still waiting for approval to access yes yes what with the working with the vot club what come on John chime in what what are they not giving you approval uh yes good morning mayor um and Commissioners uh the consultant penon has uh gone on site with Mary uh we've done several uh visits the most recent one was with members of the boat club in order for the structural engineer to do a proper assessment and make a proper recommendation he needs to gain access to the substructure which means they have to cut a hole in the floor in order to do so oh and the boat club is not receptive to that suggestion so we're kind of they can't crawl underneath they can't get to where they need to to make a proper assessment without gaining access through the floor so we're kind of at an impass because without doing so the structural engineer can't give us a proper recommendation so it's kind of where we're at can can I ask a silly question I'm not trying to go down a rabbit hole here but I I just have to ask can we not dig a place where they can crawl under um I mean versus cutting a historic 100y old floor well it is a boat club I suggested let's make it a hatch um but um yeah which is a total trip and fall kind of thing with what happens in that building um so we'll look at other possibilities but it's you know if we ask a structural engineer to give us an assessment and they tell us they need to gain access yeah but again it's 100y old floor I get it I can understand why they'd be reluctant yeah so Rob any thoughts there um well I yeah I can understand why they would be reluctant um but some point and I'll I'll I'll talk to the commodor but you know I mean at some point yeah we got to figure we got to figure it out yeah exactly so I'm just like I said I'm just wondering if they could I think a hatch and an area rug would be very nice but yeah I understand their reluctance but have we reached out to Historic preservation do we know what the impact will be from that perspective in doing so oh my God Jorge you are Priceless thank you sir very much I'm sorry let me clarify that statement from a historic preservation standpoint is there a negative impact that might occur because I'm assuming that hole that we're cutting we're just taking s out we'll replace the S only it's not not s it's flooring so we're going to be replacing the flooring with the same flooring so really what is the negative impact of cutting a hole again from the historic preservation standpoint um I would say initially it's probably insignificant I would say I mean if they can place uh the same uh floor decking back as they when they remove it um again the significant impact might be what the recommendations are to level a building from that point forward so I think in a big scheme of things the whole in floor is the least of our worries yeah I I mean when you look at the if I can jump in and Rob and John tell me if you don't agree but like if you're on the East porch right whenever you're whenever you're I mean you can look under that East porch and completely see under the building yeah so it would seem to me that cutting through the um the porch and crawling under the building would work better than cutting through the floor of the inside of the building because the porch is not historical in any way yeah I I would agree with that I I think um I the engineer is going to tell us how wrong we are no no not wrong I don't know good morning Mary sheet city engineer um mayor Commissioners vice mayor it's not that they can't get people underneath the building to be able to do the assessment they have to have a piece of equipment that's taller than the crawl space underneath there and so it's almost impossible they they we did look at some different types of equipment that they might be able to get under there but there's just not enough room so they're they're actually doing some measure of sonar or an ultrasound through the substrate underneath the building I think is that kind of what that piece of equipment does or it's more of an augur Aug oh so you're digging yes they have to dig they there's a lot of different materials that are underneath there and there's at least four different uh supports that have been used to brace it over the years okay that are in different states of disrepair okay I'll I'll leave it to to John and Rob to work with the bo Club on all that thank you may I'll just make a quick comment um a little bit of a risk for my fellow friends at the boat club uh this is imperative that we get this done yeah has to happen soon in my opinion and uh and a hatch there's really really nothing wrong with a hatch if you do it properly and we have them on boats all all of us have hatch us on our boat so um if that's what has to happen I I think that that needs to happen sooner than later in my opinion I was just again on the floor so yeah I I absolutely agree with that um so I I think um rob you talk to the commodor yeah I'm going to talk to the Commodore I I think those of us you know most of us are members up here so I think we need to just make sure we're communicating with the boat club anyway y thank you okay anything else Jennifer nothing further May okay um who's next Community Development okay Economic Development there you go oh Economic Development no Community Development Community Development excuse me excuse Sor has a development sorry about that I'm going to grab a cup of coffee I'll be right back do you want me to wait mayor no okay uh thank you mayor members of commissioner George Kenny again uh really uh of the four that are in this uh program uh in Epic 2 uh three are unfunded at this point so I'll kind of concentrate on the golf cart micr Mobility infrastructure plan uh the commission knows that we're underway with that study we've been before the commission with a workshop uh a couple of months ago and we will be we are actually in the middle of preparing the final report for your present for presentation back to you on July 23rd where we anticipate uh that plan will be finalized if you have any questions happy to answer sorry what was the date on that uh we'll have that back to you in July July I think that's probably one of the most important things on this on this agenda yes yeah I think uh you know not to not to prolong this but our consultant has done a really good job uh we've done a lot of community outreach on this particular plan as you know uh Community sessions surveys uh we've gotten a lot of input there's been a lot of interest and I think you'll be pleased with the recommendations that come before you in July and your your your comment about the unfunded part of it is important for us to realize up here that we have to pay attention to that is that correct oh those are well those are for the other program in in corre this epic goal yes so there are three and they're all related to Main Street you know we've had discussions about these programs in the past George if I can and mayor I'm sorry on the on the 580 projects also isn't isn't do doing some sort of study on 580 they are hitting on some of these uh not so much the monument pole particular one but the median piece of it as you know they're doing that study all the way from uh basically from Alt 19 all the way through Largo so a lot of that will bear SAR yes sorry uh so a lot of that will be parsed out as part of that part of that continuing we know when that study that uh last I uh I don't know maybe one of our Engineers might know but the last I saw uh they were um still working with the communities you know this past winter so I'm I haven't seen anything since George how long have they been working on that I couldn't two years yeah I was going to say it's at least two years and I I do think it's completed I when I say completed in draft form in I don't think they've submitted it to anybody to review and they kind of did the same thing with Alt 19 when they did the Alt 19 study about six or seven years ago so I just as someone who's been through this with them before you I'd be asking for it okay to review it and see where they are um because once they get all the recommendations done we should be having them come and make a presentation for our portion yeah absolutely and then we could ask him and you know so that we understand it and with Alt 19 back in the day they did not do that and it was like you know they swept in got our opinion and went on their merry way and you know I I think we deserve better given the fact that the majority of our city holds State Road 580 yes yeah and I believe a lot of prob of what they're doing probably hits on at least two of these projects yeah okay any other things Okie do than you so um epic goal number two Economic Development uh all of you just uh during the CRA meeting approved the uh the the year end report for the community redevelopment agency but that said uh all of these projects were detailed within that report um and I can I can describe them if you'd like or just chat a little bit about anything that you want to uh anything you have questions on anybody have any other questions on this area are you talking about chatting about Coca-Cola we can certainly do that go ahead so the uh as you know the the the closing of the plant is imminent we have had uh two or three at this point um uh job fairs we had one just us at during lunchtime we got a few applications and then I know that Career Source went in as well in the county has has been uh meeting with the Coca-Cola employees uh we have been in contact with Coca-Cola um Atlanta they um first of all once the plant closed es they are going to then uh repurpose everything within the plant and then thereafter probably next spring it will be on the market uh they have committed to to work with us as far as highest and best use on the property goes um and you know in the spirit of our partnership with them in the past over or the past 50 years with Coca-Cola um they uh they do not at this point have a broker Here Local yet so um when they do we'll we'll certainly reach out to that broker and work with with um the broker so um that is that's all the news that I've got on Coca-Cola at this point as soon as we know something I would bring it up during city city manager update during City commission meetings and are we still working on all the environmental okay yes thank you anybody else okay thank you Jennifer you're welcome goal number two for Parks and Recreation uh the only um initiative is the Purple Heart Park renovation uh it's in the general fund for $100,000 $100,000 uh it's basically the scope is to reconfigure the monument to the north for better visibility uh relocate the bricks and add all of the service Flags we have received a quote for design which was much higher than we anticipated so now we're we are exploring other quotes for for design okay anybody have anything all right thank you thank you streets public works good morning Sue Bartlet Public Works director goal two we have our pavement Management program and that is has been bid and awarded and will begin the work will begin April 15th um along with that we completed the Santa Barbara brick streets program uh both of those um are assessed the condition is assessed in the pavement management software which has trees um decision trees that can be modified so we're looking at that with the brick streets for options they all those streets have been assessed and prioritized um and with the uh dollars allocated now we are planning um some smaller segments that can be repaired any questions questions no thank you engineering good morning good morning Mary sheet city engineer um we have the pedestrian safety Crossing program various locations what this is is where we have the imprinted brick pavement design on crosswalks and we have some that have already been created we have other areas where we want to create more they have to be evaluated periodically because they're just sort of like a paint and they lose their frictional coefficient and so that's what this CIP is for any questions I would just say Jennifer that to anybody you know those those Crossings we we put that Crossing on Douglas we definitely need another one if not two I'm driving down that road a lot just in the future um you know there's a lot of people crossing at creative arts and and would write with no crosswalk or nothing and then further south so just saying we'll investigate yeah I mean like when you you know when you're making your plan for future years we definitely need a couple more there thank you all right parks and wreck again just stay close Vince sit right there so in parks and W for gold 3 all of these are future projects the um the marina master plan as you know is being worked on by Laney sheets and um if there's any questions on the master plan she can respond to it meeting dates or anything like that she can respond okay thank you so I I do want to add on the shoreline um investigation for Weaver Park uh Nicole has been working with our lobbyist reviewing some of the resiliency grants uh that are available and there are quite a few so we're going to to actively pursue that see what's out there okay thank you storm water Sue Bartlett Public Works director again uh the majority of projects on this particular page have been re-evaluated and prioritized um with the recent storm water study and so you'll be seeing those updates as we look at um fy20 5 um here the status is showing pushed to fy2 for several of these projects this slide out actually is one of the ones that has a couple of typos on it including the 2023 at the top which it is 2024 the data is accurate as Les mentioned um we have completed Santa Barbara um bricks but not the drainage and we will be coming before you on April 2nd with the sidewalk repair um in the amount this is 100,000 but we we have 200,000 um based on direction from commission previous and um funding that was carry forward so we will be um accomplishing a big chunk of that and then providing you a status at that time of what has been completed and what is to be completed yet okay so the gaban repair and replacement mayor is an appropriation that we submitted as part of our legislative platform and it is still alive still has a heartbeat so it's still moving through yes so far still in the budget yes a state budget yes all righty questions how was the progress on that on the gaban we have a design ready to go to bid um we are um really it it's it's ready the Design's done the bid spec package is put together um we just would like to see if the state appropriation comes through because it's a nice big chunk of funding so we don't want to get started and then not be eligible for it so the project is sort of like on a wait and see until we find out about it would most likely be when the governor signs a budget which should be July yep and and then it will go out to bed and be awarded and then we had these two large uh we talking about those now those uh drainage improvements do you have any there's three actually buav Vista is also one that's one of the typos but Santa Barbara um San Charles and buav Vista three drainage projects that have been reprioritized um and preliminary design and um survey has been done for most of those all three of those projects and they were moved out to 25 yes so when we come before you again and with the ordinance for storm water rate approval and then we watch that that funding will come in and we'll be able to fund those projects is there urgency on that or uh they're well they're prioritized um again this um some of the resiliency um measures that will be taking place um those all three of those are actually recommended in the um storm water study the the the Basin study drainage study part of it so yeah there is there're our priority they're one of our top priorities all three of them are in that top level so that's but but it is moved out to 25 thank you mhm anybody else okay uh city manager I'm going to actually ask Nicole or or Natalie to come up talk to a little bit about these projects awesome the subject matter experts there you go good morning mayor commission um Natalie gas sustainability program manager uh we have our greenhouse gas assessment which we hired an intern and they did most of that work we are just completing that and then also looking at uh software options and what is the best route going forward for that assessment for our Wildlife corridors we are working with heavily with our committee on Environmental Quality and sustainability um and working with residents and that's a residential and school program um to expand habitat for Wildlife within our Urban setting we've paid $55,000 to solar United neighbors for the pelis solar Co-op for 2024 and this is countywide um but it allows our residents to be a little bit more protected when they decide to go solar and it is a a holistic program that they can walk through we're going to be heavily promoting that for Earth month coming up next month uh ready for 100 we have staff working with Duke Energy to conduct uh energy audits for our facilities that are part of this program and then we will be um working with we continuing to work with McKim and Creed for the solar feasibility study and when that is complete I will have very um pretty and clear package of what are ready for 100 program is how far we've come um and our next steps and priorities moving forward questions okay thank you thank you Community Development thank you mayor um with regards to the downtown Looper I'm sure you've seen that circulating in the throughout the community um we were actually just on the phone yesterday with the service provider uh their ridership numbers are actually much higher than they anticipated when they launched the service uh you may recall that we're in a pilot uh six-month pilot window at the moment which began in November and will end in May uh freebie is actually going to be coming to you all in April to do a presentation of provide you some of Statistics that have been uh secured as part of that pilot project so we anticipate having them before you uh in in about a month any questions and then quickly with regard to the solar energy Grant um this it's actually the money's actually lasted a little bit longer than usual uh this year we still have 82 $100 left in that fund we had we have approved 19 projects this year uh as you know it's an ongoing annual program and and it's been very successful and popular OKO George you know why there might be a Slowdown in that is it the economies and inflation we're not sure because uh you know I was actually on site yesterday with the developer of those four units off of San Christopher behind P behind where we used to be at Pinehurst and um he's looking for some solar opportunities so I think he'll probably come in and possibly use the balance of this and then maybe even into next year's allotment so cuz typically we run out pretty quickly into the year we do yeah this it's held on a little bit longer this year for some reason I'm not sure the reason though commissioner thank okay Economic Development Jolly Charlie's ongoing we could probably take this out of the business plan just in terms of it's a line item that we pay every year I think we purposely left it in there I think we did actually we had the discussion last year too yeah because well the show that's because what ideally we want to get it to be every 30 minutes right and so there's still a project M um and I would think that we would want to keep okay I I think we need to make an official ask um and CC the other partners that this this service is essentially needed they'll be in their budget planning phase anyway right right yeah so it'll be a good time and Jeff could lead the way you know make the off official ask I mean mayor are you asking for that 30 minutes uh year round or only seasonal year round year round listen if we get seasonal we'll be happy but you know one 1 hour service especially when it's at least 50% tourism is not good service M it isn't we can work with commissioner gal to work with bsta I think once we get in on better service then you can take it off the list it's just a thing I agree okay okay uh Parks and Rec goal number four for Parks and Recreation is the Clearwater Ferry contribution we have 55,000 budgeted in year fiscal year 24 but the scope is still yet to be determined uh in years 25 to 28 we also have placeholders for another 55,000 a year so another 220,000 again the scope uh to be determined any questions Okie do facilities Sue Bartlet public works again um I I did want to go back to the previous epic goal I think I missed an opportunity there to um let you know and mention again because it had been so recently um before the commission for the storm water rate study that um those three projects that were asked about um they are um elig they will be eligible for uh Federal funding um when we complete the assessment vulnerability assessment and implementation plan for which we received a $380,000 grant that will be coming before you all um in April uh when we have the agreement um approved through the attorneys and the language U we have that slated for the late April to come to you and for approval for that agreement and um it is anticipated then that work will be done and then we will be eligible for all three projects for additional grant funding so I'm sorry to not pick that up back there on goal three thank you so much for your diligence um so for facilities um and this also has a fleet replacement um those have been approved by the commission and are being Acquired and um for as far as our countywide Citywide sorry HVAC and um roof Replacements the bids are being developed now for those to be um put out and replaced any questions anybody have questions for Sue uh yes mayor on the community center yes I know that we are kind of banding that we are I don't I just know that it's hard to manage yes the two um units that were um not functioning um we have installed one of the parts and the other part is on order and we'll be installing that but it is functioning right now um currently yes wonderful and so the part that's on order is that going to solve the problem no oh I mean they need to be replaced so no okay all righty just know that the community center is very active and so thank you it is a priority for us yes it is very much a priority okay Fleet Solid Waste engineering I don't know who we're talking to we're on the utilities and city engineer whoever wants to come up utilities okay gotcha good morning Nan Bennett utilities director hello Miss Nan so I was just going to give you a couple updates we've got a a large number of projects so I'm going to give you a couple updates and then let you out questions um regarding the direct portable reuse pilot study um we heard loud and clear that that wasn't the direction that the commission wanted to go last summer so we hired one of our general engineering Consultants to look at other ways to meet the state requirements to get the affluent um to to take the um surface water discharge to somewhere else and they did that by November we did a study it looks like we'll do a number of things want to try to increase our reclaim water storage trouble is is there's times we need reclaim water when people really want it and there's other times when we make reclaim water and they don't want it as much and we can't store enough so uh first of all we will try to increase our storage it's been a goal for quite a while with within the reclaim water system secondly we'll look at some deep well injection for the times that we can't do anything else with the affluent um and so those will be coming up at projects between now and and 30 2032 so that's the update on that project the update on reclaim water where do we store the reclaimed water currently okay we have a tank on site at the wastewater treatment plant I think it's a million gallons um we have a a 2 million gallon tank at Jerry Lake and another 2 million gon tank at belra Road and the elevated turtle tank is reclaim water storage and how how big is that the the turtle sour it's a million a million I'm surprised uh your about your comment about how uh we sometimes don't have any room to put the additional product that we have made um it's just interesting to me uh I did I didn't know that it was to that uh proportion at all it's a day byday balance we do it's it's kind of been that way forever because during rainy season nobody's using it that's what happens so then we have a whole bunch that's left right I mean you know it doesn't happen in one day but no so so there's last couple years um I thought that I thought we were basically short a lot but not that's not the case we are very short of reclaim water in the dry season and we have excess reclaim water in the wet season yeah no certainly we are right now I understand but but I thought I thought that that had even itself out a little bit more than what what you're communicating but thank you then for telling me I I have to tell a story um on this very thing because I thought the same you know I had that same mindset well before I ever got on the commission um I was sitting in the audience at The Old City Hall and our old Public Works director Bob Brotherton um got up and you know we had run out of reclaimed water and of course the city had been out there selling selling selling free water use as much as you want right and he got up and actually it was over at The Hil Center when they were replacing the roof at the old doesn't matter um he got up and said we need people to water when it rains and I thought if there wasn't any more stupid thing for a government person to say which which actually promoted me to get on the reclaimed water advisory task force on what to do about running out of reclaimed water we still haven't solved it we did make a watering schedule though we also augment um we did we did we did take a lot of steps but it still doesn't we've learned a lot since we added reclaim water to our to our mission I suppose I should say this rest in peace Bob yeah the demand for water varies greatly with with the climate um a lot of it is lost in just trans evaporation in a hot dry climate and so it takes a lot more water and so we we create generally the same four 4 and a half million gallons a day of of reclaimed every day of the year because people use the same amount of water more or less varies a little bit in the at the Wastewater Plant but the demand varies greatly and so trying to have enough storage on a day-to-day basis is very difficult the the good thing about underground injection is that the aquafer is huge compared to the couple of million gallons that we have um interesting approach that you're going with that's interesting so okay you let me move on to an update on lofty Pines um we recently brought before you that contract award um for the construction of phase one of lofty Pines and that construction it they we have had a preconstruction meeting they're ordering their materials so they have in our terms are under construction but you will start to see actual construction probably beginning in May as soon as they're able to take delivery of of the manholes and the pipe and the things that they need to install those um and then one other update I want to give you is the Virginia Street water main replacement project that was the uh large diameter water main that we had failed twice last year um that we accelerated the replacement of that um we have that we have uh signed that to a consultant and they are in the process of Designing that and we hope to have it out to bid this summer and I'm prepared to answer questions on any of the other I know there's a lot of projects in there if anybody has any questions anybody have questions okay thank you Nan all right back to Jennifer alrighty well actually good progress on all of these uh the the strategic planning we have the the second part part two of the leadership Forum upcoming uh the legislative lobbyist um that the southern group is certainly working very well um yeah come on up Nicole Nicole can give us an update um very pleased with the lobbyists and and her Effectiveness in Tallahassee so want to good morning um yes for the just to go back to strategic plan that's for the um dashboard and the software that will be phase two of the planning process um and then as far as the lobbyist goes um I did look at our notes I mean we're still waiting obviously to for the budget to make it through the governor but we currently have 850,000 in for our fire training Tower and 375,000 for gaban replacement our lobbyist I felt was very effective um we were often texting uh back and forth as she's meeting with uh legislators on various bills uh that she advocated for us she spoke um in committees at the psda uh bill when it was under review um and behind the scenes with many of our legislators on short-term rentals our water and sewer rates um and then has facilitated uh meetings with agency heads um such as the uh D and then I was just here for the resident survey yes you are so any questions questions for Nicole uh yes mayor yeah Nicole do you know when the is there a plan and if so when that might be where the lobbyist can come forward and just kind of yes give us an update on yes we have it on a a workshop schedule for April the end of April I think believe it's the 30th uh meeting so we'll kind of give you a update where we are with with what bills passed what the impacts were um and then kind of the work that she did up there and you'll be able to meet her officially cuz it kind was Fast and Furious when we went through that process thank you well it sounds like it's already been beneficial extremely yes so that's exciting well really an example of that is you must be proud oh yeah uh very pleased well the short-term rentals remember the bill was uh I think it was a house bill and then somebody had put in a preemption on our preemption as you might recall and and she reacted immediately I mean we had her on the phone you know that morning and texted her and she was already working on it and and it did not pass so thank you Jesus okay thank you thank you hello Miss Antonella hi we won't bite I promise good morning uh Antonella n for senior communication specialist uh I'm here covering for Sue um so in regards to the brand refresh we're at 75% % completion um we're looking to get feedback on the focus group members on brand Direction before coming to the commission with a staff recommendation uh on Direction and marketing plan um and we were supposed to meet April 4th but we're postponing that and then in regards of the website it's pretty much done so we're already with our new website so that's it any questions okay thank you good job Antonella come on down mayor Commissioners George Kenny again Community Development um first one on our list is the Bel Tree Street Improvement study you may recall you just uh got a a a presentation not too long ago from the consultant working on that particular project uh they do anticipate having the project completed in April and with a final presentation to the commission at that time um with respect to the Land Development code um we are finally finalizing a consultant contract and we hope to have that before you for approval also in April and if you have any questions on that please let me know questions I do here that Land Development code is that going to Target the entire city or are we looking at just yes we're looking at a complete rewrite uh what I shouldn't say rewrite reorganization uh and then uh the really the goals are to start to include some of the recent legislation that's passed make sure that gets embedded into the Land Development code reorganize it uh restructure it and what we what's exciting about this particular consultant is there's a bit of AI embedded into it um so we hope to have what we call a smart code which will allow people to kind of get to things both visually pictorially and graphically that uh will help uh them develop their projects and and move forward with uh and answer some of the questions on their own that they might have not been able to answer before that's ironic because Kathy Carlson said that's exactly what city the city of den Eden's Land Development code needs AI she was serious okay she's like can I just read it into Ai and they'll rewrite it for us that's what we anticipated so I think you'll be pleased when we present this contract to you and some of the the sophistication that's coming with it we'll be reading a lot of stuff into that you have a lot coming in April from us all right thank you Economic Development I guess yeah affordable housing um so you have uh 610,000 set aside um uh throughout arpa for affordable housing as well as in the CRA uh Bob and I recently met with a developer we have a project that we're going to be bringing before you uh sooner than later and um and we have a site as well okay any questions mayor I do just have comment uhhuh um this is more just kind of process is it possible Jennifer or Les uh or Ashley uh that when you put in carry forward if that can also include the amount that was carried forward yes that's something that we're we're actually uh developing our cleargov that there's a next item and and that's that's going to be part of that process that we'll be having that number in all those correct yeah cleargov being the new software system sofware system for Budget yeah okay thank you uh finance and that was a great leading to that question thank you gotta thank you fire yeah uh basically we've been working on the cleargov program for months the finance department has and currently we're working all the Departments are ENT entering the 25 budget in the new cleargo software our new budget software uh we Finance uh has been working on setting up data files for months setting up user access workflows and creating templates to assist the Departments to move our capital projects and our BPI projects into cleargov and uh it's going well so far it is a learning curve but it's going well so far and I want to mention that uh as we roll this out the budget document will look a little different than it did before but it will be it will look very professional any questions happy to answer them no thank you thank you fire good morning mayor Commissioners Michael hoga Deputy fire chief uh the two the two items we have for the Epic goal number five are the digital fire extinguisher training trainer and the fireboat 60 engine repow so on the digital fire extinguisher trainer that was received it was placed in service uh we uh Chief castio from fire prevention has actually already conducted multiple uh uh training sessions here at City Hall uh trained all the uh staff inside on it uh he's done ex uh external trainings at me life me hospital uh he actually did all the the coke plant so he's he's been reaching out out into the public and we're getting that used uh by both internal and external customers uh as far as the fireboat 60 engine repow that was uh scheduled for 2025 but due to uh a critical failure in the engines those had to be moved up and that's been taken care of questions okay thank you H [Applause] sure good morning uh commission my mayor commission it's been a while uh Teresa Smalling director of HR and risk management uh so on in our epic goal number five we have the customer service program and the public service recognition day um as you'll see in the second uh in the sixth goal we were pretty busy there so um with the customer service program we had started that initially just before covid we had our um employee task force put together our standards and so we will be U revitalizing that especially with the incoming online learning management system that we are will be working on this uh spring summer I just want to make a quick um editorial if I will on the fire extinguisher because uh we had a fire drill at the city and um after that as a followup we have been doing uh training with all of our employees on the use of fire extinguishers and that training came in very was very time appropriate and was very effective so thank you questions thank you you Michael good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners Michael N IT director the costs for the engineering and design work for the broadband internet phases 2 three and four are being brought before the commission this evening for discussion and approval um phases two three and four are for the public service the city hall fiber City Hall to Marina in the city hall to D downtown area for the Citywide Security Cameras we ly reviewing the bids for the six building sites that will be installing cameras and that includes the Hill Center Sterling Park driving range the dunan golf club in the fire stations okay any questions thank you thank you fire again good morning again so so for epic gold uh number six two the items that we'll touch base here on are the uh the extrication struts uh that equipment was receed plac in service and has already been utilized on some calls so that's been very effective uh the other thing is the temporary TR fire training facility uh the the the cargo containers uh were received and have been put into place and they're already being utilized in the for the temporary facility mayor if I may yes ma'am I want to collaborate on the uh fire training facility uh namely the burn Tower in in particular yes so as you know uh as part of our legislative platform we submitted an appropriation for $1.25 million um it the appropriation so far is funded uh it is on the governor's desk the uh Governor staff reached out uh to to us uh middle part of last week and said that they will fund $850,000 of that $1.25 million uh they needed an answer whether or not the city would fund the remainder by close of business on Monday and I committed to uh to that funding that said that is not within my purview or my authority to do so so um uh that said uh I briefed all of you individually and I'm and now as a group um if you if we have a consensus direction from all of you not to fund the remainder then we will pull that appropriation but I felt that it was um uh rather than uh not answer by close of business and give up $850,000 it was more appropriate for me to to commence with the funding um and and have that discussion with all of you in an open public forum this morning um so the uh the the six cargo containers are uh useful but they're not a burn Tower uh they're not the training facility that we were hoping for um we did reach out to the county uh as far as helping us fund uh the the um the burn Tower we don't have an answer from them yet we can put together the the funding and Les can talk a little bit about that uh right now if you'd like us to as far as the remainder of the 850,000 Les do you want to talk a little bit about that sure yeah uh we're looking at the our our contribution be 400,000 uh basically our match or contribution and we've got uh fire impact fees of $90,000 that that that are for this purpose Capital project so we have that available to put towards this less did you say $900 uh 90,000 sorry 90 excuse me $90,000 in Impact fees we have uh the county would contribute 133% of the 400,000 we know for sure we have asked the county if they would contribute more and we're waiting to hear back uh and the difference uh would be about 250,000 if the county does not contribute anymore and that could come through uh the recommendation would be probably either general fund or Penny fund uh one you know either option but we think we think we have the will all to be able to fund it without any big issues questions comments okay thank you appreciate your efforts okay so mayor consensus direction to move forward with this appropriation as proposed I'm sure yes yeah okay thank you very much thank you okay Miss [Applause] Teresa hello again you are the last of the moh yes wow almost this is where this is where most of our uh meat and potatoes lie in HR and risk management so as you may remember uh we began an extensive class and comp study as far back as 2022 it was completed last year um with uh as well as an organizational review of our operational um or uh departments and um so that took up most of uh 23 and the first part of 24 as we finalize some items there's still some work to do but um the study itself is complete um we also uh received approval and implemented a neov for our applicant trackin and a new employee onboarding system um that was rolled out uh in 23 and continues to um be an asset to the city and we have have now added perform which is the performance module for neogov uh we tested it out on uh different employees and we are in midst of rolling it out to the city we did the training for employees on Tuesday and we'll be doing the supervisory training today and um that's pretty much it unless you have any questions okay anything for Teresa the real Last of the Mohicans thank you Teresa thank you sue Bartlett Public Works um these um truck columns for Fleet came before the commission on March 5th and um that order has been placed just awaiting arrival any questions thank you okay so why don't we take um I'll ask for public input but then we'll take a break and come back and do our final comments is that okay with everybody okay anybody from the public wish to give input on all of the projects that we've just discussed all right seeing or hearing none um we'll take a five minute break come back and finalize our discussions thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well usually it's Mo walking in at the last minute so okay we will call this meeting to order um Jennifer yeah thank you mayor so um our the first part of the meeting went very well that was the business plan update and thank you very much for uh uh being brief and Brilliant everybody so super job uh the next part of the meeting uh City commission discussion and so uh early on in the budget process we'd like we need to hear from the Commission in terms of what uh projects initiatives um that are either in the business plan that you you'd like to see funded or anything new um we did have the conversation during your meeting uh on Tuesday in terms of uh when we're talking about a carry forward uh budget amendment in terms of of the work uh uh in in front of the city all of us uh the five Commissioners and staff uh we have several large Capital items that we need to complete uh this upcoming year and so you know for finish of this year in the upcoming year as well so um staff does have a few initiatives that we'd like to put before you we're not quite ready to do it right now that would be part of the first uh budget uh Workshop um but this is your opportunity then uh to tell us what it is you'd like to see us elaborate upon or or anything new uh moving forward um that said I have had individually discussions with all of you uh throughout the year uh when you ask about a project or a or initiative uh that you'd like to see a program and I always tell you we we'll talk about it a budget time so this is the time to talk about it thank you mayor okay I will start with commissioner GA do you have any any things you'd like to see looked at so many for next year so many things I I know that wait a minute I do know that Jennifer has said don't make me your capital projects cuz we have enough oh oh then never mind uh no actually uh I don't have any uh other than to say look at some of the plans that we've already put forth right um our Dream plan storm water master plan all all of our Master plans and just staff in their professional wisdom um see what see what those next steps are um I looked at uh where we we are today and what we just reviewed and the number of carry forward projects that we had from last year that we just can't get to they're either not funded or we don't have staff or um the bid was too low or or whatever the situation was and that concerns me uh right now I'm just going to rely on professional staff and you guys do what you do because you do it very very well so thank you thank you commissioner TGA thank you mayor I attempted to keep my communication rather short this morning for the sake of we have all everybody out here and everybody out here I think wants to go to work so and they do I know we've got some engineers in here that want to work on projects uh and the like so uh in my conversation with the city manager earlier this week uh fundamentally I said that that I would like to just settle back and and and and really not give anything new and Watch What Happens we've got some open issues on here um if if there were anything to focus on it it would be the continuity of our storm water plan and the continuation of that and completion of that and I know we're looking at new things on that but uh that's really important and that falls into not only not only Safety and Security but it falls into economic economics as well so we certainly don't want to lose anything or have major problems um I do want to would like to make a comment if I may may right now about the presentation that was made um I would I would like to see or I would prefer to see a presentation um if I may and I'd like to just hear any input about it um or comments or or disagreement or whatever um I would like to see less of an in uh an input on our on our epic goals and a listing of those and more more on what's going on by Department um and then where those funds are coming from uh for example if I look at this um I don't really follow the Epic EP epic goal from the standpoint of where the funding is coming from or where it's going to uh or why something was chosen um I look more at at why something is exists than why it was chosen so I would really prefer to see more more of it by department just a focused by buy department and uh and I know that's probably fairly I know you probably have that set up to do that so I guess I could get it if I really needed it but I'd like to see us discuss it like that so that we're aware of of aware of what's Happening by department so I I I leave that I leave that open and I agree with commissioner gal's comment about the carry forwards um if we could and you're working on that so thank you very much for that that would be very helpful I think that applies also then to the constituents uh I think they see this they look at this and it it becomes it becomes quite quite daunting I'll just say it leave it at you leave it like that it's difficult to figure it all out then and we come back to Pro just by project so thank you very much mayor thank you commissioner um Jennifer I know that the reason we're we do it this way is because how we have our goals set up and how we're funding them but I I believe with the new strategic plan that a lot of that might get adjusted correct yes it could it certainly could probably probably at the time that you come forward with yes the final recommendations maybe you can give us a not what it fully looks like but maybe an outline of what it might look like in the future yeah mayor and and and thank you for giving me the floor for a moment I think actually um we we're evolving I mean originally when we first developed adopted uh the business plan it was a new document and so reporting out was something new for us as as well it was really an update on all the projects that we're doing the funding source the the level of completion of all of those and I think we've evolved past that I think that once we're we're finished with our strategic planning process that these types of updates are going to go faster and be more efficient so I think it's all going to fall in line behind it okay you know I'm proud of the work that we're doing as far as the update goes um but I think we can be more efficient in the future to be sure and once we have that instrument in place then we will be right and you can bring forward something to let every everybody look at make sure it's how they want to how they want to see it absolutely okay commissioner Walker thank you mayor um first and foremost uh I I support the the general premise of no major Capital Improvement plans in the next year um I think we've got a lot on the plate and I think we need to get those to fruition and uh get those on a good good good path um Second and this Ates uh somewhat what commissioner GA said um we've got a couple of very uh very important Master plans in the process of being done and uh there's going to be some outcomes that uh that that we're going to have to address so I I think in terms of anything new it would be difficult to put up anything new until we got the results of those Master plans back um with regards to the business plan initiatives and any future Capital plan initiatives um the one thing I and I I support the Epic goals I I think it's a I I you know I I do um I I think uh to what commissioner Toro was saying with regards to essentially a deeper dive on the bpis cpis I I think that's that's important and I'm I'm going to focus on just one area here um that area is uh is is how we prioritize those projects um you know look at the Epic goals and I you know can see what the what the what the initiatives are but what I'm not pulling away from this is is a prioritization by the Departments okay what is the most important thing and you know we obviously can make some assumptions and those sorts of things we can certainly discuss those with the staff um but it would good to get that that kind of feedback in terms of how the information is presented in terms of what what does the staff view is being the higher priority things so anyway um I guess to to go just a little further into the weeds um obviously I think we were all a little surprised by the by the boow club and I'll just say that you know we all anticipate that probably at some point will become a capital uh capital plan initiative um so I think in if there's any goal we set for oursel in that regard is is we need just get to get this thing started so that's my unpaid unsolicited editorial opinion on that and I love Jorge's suggestion of a hatch thank you mayor thank you commissioner um I just had a couple of things so uh I I think as I mentioned earlier um which it's already in the business plan the parking centers I really believe that that could change our life in so many ways by having all of the Downtown parking covered with parking sensors so people can see where to park or continually see that there is no parking and they can ride their bike and walk and come down in in different ways and um the other Beauty about those parking sensors is that on the back end we will have all the parking stats we ever wanted to have what's the worst time of the day what's the best time of the day um because they'll there will be another time when another piece of property comes comes available do we need to buy it don't we need to buy it all those stats without having to go out and hire a consultant or do anything will tell us everything we need to know um tell us clogged areas you know hey on the East end it's always full and on the west end it isn't or I should probably should have said that vice versa but you know um what do we do to address that um I just feel like dealing with it head-on will be kind of the last piece where we will be in control of our own future and our own destiny when it comes to you know the ugly head of parking and complaints about parking um cities that have done this have been so thankful um it really is a game Cher so um for me that's a priority I know it's in the business plan so it's not like adding it but trying as we go into this budget fully funding it I think is the best thing we could do um for that piece of the issue that's going on in downtown denom so that's the big thing for me um I just want to add you know we have business plan listings for public art and for corridor beautification cor or beautification we' talked about this for I don't know eight years maybe about you know we always hear from a lot of people that downtown gets all the attention and sometimes it does because it has its own funding source and when it has its own funding source you're going to pay a lot of attention to it um I think it's really important that we start taking a stab at beautification of other corridors we are doing that with Patricia Avenue we have done that with Douglas but there are other corridors in this city and what that beautification looks like I don't know whether it's lamp posts and benches and garbage cans that all match um um wrapped signage I don't know what that is but I know that what we've all said at one point or another we want you to know that you entered Duneden no matter what road you came in on and we don't have that right now and I'd just like to see that in the future as something we plug away systematically over time to get done it's not something you can do all at once um but I I think it benefits the entire Community the entire business Community the entire residential Community um and certainly tells people that when you leave clear water and you come into deden you know you're here without a sign you know you you feel it you see it you see that we're different um so that's something that I think is really important and then finally uh one other thing I am on my way out don't dance a jig um but uh six years ago I believe it was we had voted to um do an evaluation and have staff make make a recommendation to increases for the city commission salaries um I'm on the way out it won't affect me and nor would I ever take an increase on my way out but I absolutely believe that you just look at this business plan look at how many things we're working on look at how much work and how many meetings we have and how many liais on positions we have um clear water just had their elections and they are they have upped their game when it came to pay now granted they have a whole lot more um population than we do but I I don't know that that's what makes the difference here I really don't after 18 years of being up here I couldn't have worked a full-time job and did what I did no way in hell no way um so I I would like to at least ask an evaluation be done um and I I don't see a bad thing about having just instead of having to have this difficult conversation every 5 to 10 years why isn't it just a part of our annual budgeting process you know or if if our employees get a raise the Commissioners get a raise you know as a percentage I know that this isn't meant to be a full-time job it's not it's meant to be a stipended and I'm I'm not looking for it to be much more than that um but and no offense to anybody that's running but right now it's difficult to get people to run unless they're retired and that is not the 100% makeup of our population and I think that by adjusting slightly and continuing to adjust in the future um might encourage all different walks of life to step up and support their community and and do this wonderful wonderful job that I will never regret a day of my life so I hope I could get my colleagues um support it's you're not supporting the actual action it's just the review as they go through the budget process to look at what's going on out there in the world um I just think it's important and I hope I can get your support to give that direction don't speak up all at once mayor mayor if I may ask yes sir um did we do a little bit of that research when we did the survey uh for I guess I should ask our HR Director back there but wasn't that included Jennifer we did do yeah we did prary research uh as part of the of the class and comp study but Clearwater didn't hadn't done what they did either no so was there was that significant uh as it relates to the subject matter we found that the commission salaries um as they are now are are similar to cities our size and smaller that's what we found so mayor I'll I'll make make a comment and I think that I think HR could could continue to look at that I mean that just makes sense to to to be awake yeah to be awake while we're while we're considering everything and especially with what clear waterer did I mean I am not suggesting what clearw did correct not anywhere close but they changed the game and I think that has to be considered um and again I it's too prong what should the salary be and and can we stop these difficult conversations and try to have something that's just a little bit more automated that's reviewed every year just like our normal employees I think just makes total sense and takes the politics out of it you know but that's my humble opinion yes um yeah I would uh I I would support uh further analysis on this issue and I I probably bring perhaps a little bit different perspective than my colleagues um because I am I am still full-time employed and I'm I run my own business and uh I will say that uh the this this job and I probably should have prefaced with this this job is a labor of love it is an honor to serve this community it is and um with that said going into the future we do need to make sure that that we are tracking or we are attracting a uh a a very large um crosssection if you will of our community and the some of the expertise that you know people that are still full-time employed and bring and especially in terms of you know just let's just say as an example technology development and that sort of thing I I think the city would really benefit from that sort of of expertise and uh I I think it's important that we do the right thing so that we can cast that larger net to to get good people to to run for the for the commission and I I agree that uh um again I I don't regret one second of of the the time that has gone into sitting up here or even having a front row seat with regards to the great things that happen in Den and routinely and so I I think it's important that we provide some measure of encouragement for people to serve their community and so that's my two cents thank you thank you commissioner thank you mayor um I have not been shy on this uh this topic uh uh I am desperately looking for work um and that means there's a lot of Leon positions I am known for being out in the community uh everywhere and as soon as I can get a job that will not be the case and that absolutely breaks my heart uh like everybody else has said this is a labor of love and uh I say all the time that everybody should have the opportunity to do the jobs that we do because this is an amazing amazing Community uh I just have all kinds of opinions on what salaries are what they should be uh which are two different things uh typically minimum wage in starting salaries specifically are all based on Market everything's Market driven But please understand that the the people who are making up the market are employers that are designing the system to pay you as cheap as possible and and so to my mind what really is a market rate when the entire industry Private Industry is how cheap can I keep my labor and none of that is tied to cost of living right and so as we talk about how hurting um our residents are uh we're supposedly supposed to be immune to that and it is a part of a political system and that heaven forbid we ask for a salary increase and all of a sudden we're living off of taxpayer money we're living off the government and that is absolutely not case I just want to be able to pay pay my mortgage honest to God and so many times you know we talk about the affordable living in dun Eden and for those that can finally finally afford to live in dun Eden the property insurance is pushing them out um car insurance is starting to push them out um I took this job well knowing the financial impact it was going to have on my family uh and I did that because I love my community and that's no longer the case I can't do it and it's sad that I have to sit here and almost beg the community to please let me stay in my home please let me keep my job thank you mayor thank you commissioner since you were kind enough to share your personal story I'll share my own my husband has had to spend the last 18 years supporting my family and that has not been any easy process um but he did it for me because this was so important to me and I just don't feel like it it should be that way for people to serve their Community I don't I don't think we should be rich um but I'm so sorry I did not expect that you got to me greatest substitute teacher in the world right here um there just has to be a balance really there does um so that's it I think you got your consensus I think we got consensus Direction all [Laughter] right thank you you're welcome um anything else do you feel like you heard what everybody had to say and that was all okay you got Direction I think we're very good thank you very much mayor can I add just one small thing because I just never know when to talk about this sure is there any way that we can fund or look into replacing the piper that's on 580 on the welcome to dunen sign there's your Corridor I yeah part of the corridor study the the drones are broken off I've heard people refer to it not as a piper but as a pirate and talk about breaking my heart that just kills me um so if we could just somehow look look into that that would be fabulous did you you said 580 Edgewater Ed Edgewater all 19 I might have said 580 I don't know but I meant Edge Water I maybe I heard wrong okay very good wonderful public art project yeah there you go okay uh anything else for the good of the order all right commissioner or vice mayor frainy if you're watching or listening later on we wish you all the best and we look forward to seeing you very very very soon um everybody keep keep her in your prayers yes did you want to say anything is she texting what's she saying uh oh shut up well no she hasn't she hasn't responded to that but I I also Echo those sentiments I hopefully she um has a quick and speedy recovery but um she wanted to let us know can you say it yeah to get your stuff commissioner G and I may have our stuff on the on I knew it when I came in here from break I looked at that stuff there and I thought that would not be happening if commission vice mayor frany was here yeah she doesn't want us to see all that junk up she doesn't want you all to see all the junk back there thank you m when the cats away the mice will play okay all right that's it thank you everybody and thanks for all the hard work to our team thanks guys [Music] --------- [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome everybody to our um Thursday March 21st 2024 City commission meeting we'll call this meeting to order and if you would please join me in Rising for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance let us begin this meeting by taking a brief brief moment of silence and reflection amen I pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Jennifer all right our first Proclamation tonight under our presentations is the National Library week commissioner donga thank you mayor Phyllis I'll bet you there's some folks going to come down here while they're on their way down here I've always had this great little relationship with Phyllis because I always used to say Here Comes Phyllis I must I must own owe a book or something but second of all my wife and my wife and I were never able to travel past the library or a zoo U my wife loves the library and I'll tell you why National Library week 2024 whereas libraries offer the opportunity for everyone to connect with others learn new skills and pursue their passions no matter where they are on life's journey and whereas libraries have long served as trusted institutions striving to ensure Equitable access to information and services for all members of the community regardless of race ethnicity Creed ability sexual orientation gender identity or social economic status and whereas libraries adapt to the everchanging needs of their communities developing and expanding collections programs and services that are as diverse as the populations they serve and we're whereas libraries are accessible and inclusive places that promote a sense of local connection advancing understanding Civic engagement and shared Community goals and whereas libraries play a pivotal role in Economic Development by providing resources and support for job Seekers entrepreneurs and small businesses thus contributing to local prosperity and growth and whereas libraries make choices that are good for the environment and make sense economically creating thriving communities for a better tomorrow and whereas libraries are treasured institutions that preserve our Collective Heritage and knowledge safeguarding both physical and digital resources for present and future generations and whereas libraries Librarians and Library workers are joining Library supporters and advocators Across the Nation to celebrate National Library week now therefore I John T by virtue of the authority invested in the mayor of the city of Duneden and on behalf of the entire city commission do hereby Proclaim National Library week April 7th through 13 2024 during this week I encourage all residents to visit their library and celebrate the adventures and opportunities they unlock for us every day Ready Set [Applause] Library well I know I was just here in February for love your library month but this is just a week so we're gonna focus on our library and we've got a lot of great stuff happening I have with me um our president of the friends of the library Mala Koff and um they love celebrating our Librarians our library workers our um patrons everyone that comes and I have our assistant Library director Carrie kicho with me as well who has taken on um becoming the program manager of our passport program which is amazing and it's a great service that we offer um not only to our Citi citizens um but to the entire um Tampa Bay Area um we are just seeing so many people come to our library for that program um and I'm so excited because our door count we keep track of our door count has just been skyrocketing this past month so maybe a couple people trying to come to the library and then go to the baseball game but I'm I'm saying they're all coming to the library so the week of April 7th through 13th is the National Library week um we're kicking it off we didn't plan this there is a solar eclipse on April 8th um and the library does have the glasses so I know a lot of people are going to be asking about that they'll be available at the library on April 5th first come first serve basis until we run out um and then you can kind of stick around at the library if you check out the solar eclipse uh best time's about 155 to 3 I think is what it is um and then April 8th in the evening we are having a watch party with New York Times bestselling author online she'll be online and we'll all be together um chatting with Cara black who's an amazing uh mystery writer uh her newest book just came out March 5th and we're going to have a friends update so I wanted Mala with the friends to share a couple things about um their amazing group awesome welcome thank you as an advocate for the library and for the friends of the library if you are not a member of the library I encourage you to do so please come join us it's a free event on April 8th Cara black if you want a really good book to read try three hours in Paris she I'll give you the hint she's a sniper and she's out to get um oh my God Adolf Hitler oh well good for her yeah so thank you very much thank you all right thank you and as I I did want to also mention um a big thank you to our library staff um they're amazing and they have a new video coming out our last one um thanks to Brooke uh and Communications went pretty viral um so we have a new one coming out so um thank you to our staff to our friends our foundation and to all of you for supporting your library thanks thank you [Applause] guys oh yes okay all right three two got it thank you okay okay uh now our other presentation is for the 56th annual Highland Games Proclamation I will turn that over to our Le on commissioner G thank you mayor it is my honor and my privilege to call forward uh uh Ian doson Eric mcneel and Sue and Dave ever could y'all please come forward to accept this Proclamation please 56 annual I don't know why this room isn't full but as it should be but it's just wonderful wonderful thank you all for what you do while you're standing there before I read this just cuz that's who I am uh yeah you always have one [Laughter] antisocial as long as he plays that's right all right very excited so let's get to all the wear asses uh Hing games and Festival week whereas in 1899 Scottish family settled in what is now known as the city done Eden and whereas Pleasant reminders of our Scottish Heritage continue throughout the naming of our schools shopping centers streets and buildings and whereas in 1967 the Highland Games were implemented to raise funds to support the three Scottish bands of D of Duneden the city of Duneden pipe band The Duneden High School Scottish Highlander band and the dunen middle school band and whereas our continuing interest in Scottish Heritage and Customs is is further reflected in our authenticity clad bands professionally trained bagpipers and Highland dancers and athletes and in this year's 56th annual holling games and Festival we continue to pay tribute to our Scottish origin and whereas we also pay tribute to this year's honorary Chieftains for 2024 Dave and Susan Evert in recognition of their many years of service and dedication to the arts program in our community now therefore I Jeff gal by the virtue of the authority vested in Me by the mayor of the city of Duneden and on behalf of the entire city commission to hereby recognize the 56 annual Highland Games and Festival week commencing on Friday April 5th with pipe band March through downtown Duneden along Main Street and ending in John R Lawrence Pioneer Park for a festival and Gathering the Holland games then take place on Saturday April 6th at Highlander Park we encourage all citizens to participate in the many activities planned for this very special tradition and [Applause] occasion much and April 6 is also Tartan day so how wonderful is that um thank you thank you guys I'm going to uh present present this to our honorary Chieftain this year David and Susan Everett um we're really excited uh planning is going really well for the event um our entries are closing for some of the events but we have I believe 75 athletes which is about as most as we can fit that's up from last year by quite a few our clan Village is full we have no more room unless uh we find a bigger park somewhere um and uh uh that's a we have a record number of uh pip and drummers who have signed up to compete here for our solo contest traveling in from all over there are competitors coming from Oklahoma and Texas New York Virginia um New Jersey it's uh it's pretty awesome so we're uh we're quite excited so thank you very much and I hear I I'm getting kidnapped by somebody oh no oh no oh well I hope you don't miss the games condolences I told them they could kidnap me as long as there was Scotch involved oh we'll make it so I hope I'm kidnapped one day although you don't need to kidnap me to give me Scot I grew up in the right town to be able to say that come on now well we'll make sure that uh works out thank you guys we can't wait for all you do before you guys go I just want to recognize uh Dave and Sue for their insane number of years and dedication and hours and passion that you have put in to not just the the Scottish Arts foundation and the Highland Games but all of our school programs uh Jamie graduated we won't know I won't say how many years ago see and you're you are still involved and that just really shows the the the passion of our our our heritage and culture and what it means so thank you very much this is a well-deserved recognition thank [Applause] you come on guys okay yeah you can't leave yet two one got it thank you thank you foring thank you it has to happen now I just sneak well let me ask for citizen input you can go if you want to do that should I go right yeah okay um now is the time for anyone wishing to come forward under citizen input to speak to any item that's not already on the agenda I know of one lovely lady and a green frock right there come on down to follow tonight with all these people they did a great job well good evening to every everybody it's nice to be standing up here tonight on behalf of the businesses that are located at the West End of Main Street in dun Eden I'm speaking as a proponent for the continuation of the freebie Looper service that has now been a pilot program and is coming to an end um we hope it's not an end because absolutely we feel it has been a great asset to the community the surveys have the surveys have gone out in the comments that we've heard have all been very favorable as well as the statistics that have been sent in from the time that it started until now a great fit for dun Eden with visitors and locals alike being able to speak and and about this and have them come into deden and be able to park on the outlying areas and have this wonderful service bring them into the community has been outstanding and it can't be said enough all accomplished in a very professional and pleasant atmosphere with the drivers these vehicles are compact which makes them being able to maneuver around the streets of deden and this is very very important most of all from an economic standpoint the freebie has created a very positive impact for the businesses in the sense of increasing awareness for the business themselves resulting and of course many extra dollars coming in because of this and we're not all for the money but let's face it it does certainly help and these people really are so accommodating to the to the passengers we hear nothing but great comments when they get off of the freebie and say this is the best that they've ever seen down here and some of them have never even been down to the West End so they get off at CC riders or they go off at Victoria place or any of the outling stores and then of course to Walt's place and down to us and they they just go around and then when it's time to go there's a freebie ready to take them back so I guess at this particular Point um I can't say enough about it and I know that my other cohorts are very much in favor of this tonight and hoping that everybody listening will take the same Viewpoint and look forward to a positive outcome so thank you so very much for all your time thank you Ellen great job can can you give me your name and address in the my for for the record please n hail hle and I live at 509 Ashley Drive right here in Den Eden thank you appreciate it thanks Alan anyone else wishing to come forward and speak to any item that's not already on the agenda okay thank you all right we're coming to action items and there is a resolution 246 um I have a voting conflict so I will be removing myself uh from the dis and I have turned in my um conflict notice to my City attorney and she'll come get me when it's done and I'm going to turn it over to the senior commissioner on the DI commissioner gal have thank you mayor well good luck on getting the gavel back when you come I doubt need it right that's right yeah no no kidding no kidding um thank you mayor you it's uh item 2A and as the mayor had mentioned it is resolution 246 non-ad valorum Revenue note series 2024 uh Jennifer could you read that resolution by title only yes resolution number 24- 06 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Duneden Florida authorizing the issuance of a not to exceed $2,600 th000 city of deden non- adorm Revenue note series 2024 to finance and or reimburse the cost of various capital projects including without limitation the acquisition design construction reconstruction and equipping of a golf course renovation and improvements related there too and to pay Associated transactional cost providing that such note shall be a limited obligation of the city payable solely from non-ad valorum revenue budgeted appropriated and deposited as provided herein providing for the right Securities and remedies for the owner of such note making certain covenants and agreements in connection therewi and providing an effective date that was resolution 246 read by title only thank you Jennifer very much um I'm looking for a motion so moved second all right and do is there any comment on how that motion is made yes so with this normally you do a motion just to approve the resolution but in light of the um a voting conflict and the mayor removing herself from this we also need that motion to include an authorization um to authorize commissioner gal to execute the uh Bor the associated borrowing documents so moved second and you'll figure out how to write that in on the back end right we need help with that fantastic all right Les can you give us a presentation please sure good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners Les tyter the finance director this item is mentioned there resolution 246 uh non aderium Revenue note series 2024 for the golf club restoration project uh key members of our finance team are here today uh with us and we have Joel Tindle with Hilltop Securities with us this evening our financial adviser we also have Dwayne Draper with Bryant mer Olive with he's our tax disclosure uh Council and Dwayne's to the right here and also our City Attorney Jennifer Cohen is also a key member of our finance team I'd like to briefly go over some background for this item starting on uh on December 12th 2023 the city commission approved the contract award for bid 23- 1243 for the Duneden Golf Club restoration project to uh XD xgd systems uh DBA TDI golf the total contract award and construction amount for that contract was $ 5,839 th000 the project Finance plan discussed at the December 12th meeting included a 2. $5 million contribution from our golf operations Enterprise fund to fully fund uh the golf uh restoration project the finance plan we're discussing today is the is a $2.5 million loan uh for the golf restoration project uh it'll be a tax exemp loan a bank loan secured by our City's Covenant to budget and appropriation non-ad valarium revenues for repayment the loan amount and Debt Service is included in our in our fiscal year 2024 golf operations fund the city issued an RFP uh RFP number 21-1 1255 and that was a request for bank loan proposals on January 26 2024 in an amount not to exceed $2.6 million uh to be to be repaid in approximately 10 years for the purpose of obtaining a a tax exempt loan for this project the intent of the RFP was to select Bank financing that provides the lowest overall borrowing cost to the city and meets the financing requirements of the city the proceeds of the loan will be used to finance uh as mentioned earlier uh for the cost of various capital projects including acquisition design construction reconstruction and equip equipping equipping of the golf course renovation and improvements project and also to pay for the cost of expenses in connection with the issuance of the series 2024 note uh the city received five proposals with our RFP that were deemed responsive by our February 25th submittal deadline an evaluation committee was formed to discuss the proposals the evaluation committee ranked South State Bank proposal the highest staff has performed due diligence working with our City attorney and bond counsel and our financial advisor to verify that the terms and conditions of the loan proposal are acceptable to the city the evaluation committee uh included myself Les toter the finance director uh Vince Gizzy director of Parks and Recreation and Jean horwart are budget financial analyst in the finance department uh South State bank's proposal provides a fixed interest rate of 4.19% the loan will have a final maturity date of April 1st 2034 or approximately a 10-year loan and one important thing is the loan provides flexibility to prepay at any time without penalty over that 10-year time frame uh some key financing information that's mentioned in the background section uh on in the staffer report is we the total debt service for the loan over the 10-year period is $3,186 th000 the average annual Debt Service is 38,300 per year and I also want to mention that in our debt policy uh we have a requirement uh that we we talked about before during the budget process that in our policy we have a limit that uh we will not have more than uh a ratio of more than 20% for our total annual Debt Service uh divided by our total governmental revenues and that with this loan uh loan amount added to included in our ratio would be 14.4% well below our 20% maximum in our policy and regarding the resolution resolution 246 is attached in the staff report I'd like to turn over to Dwayne Draper with Bryant Miller Olive to go briefly go over some key points in the resolution thank you Dwayne Draper at Bryant Miller and Olive we've had the privilege to serve as your bond Council for over two decades and I'm happy to be here tonight uh less covered really everything I wanted to cover with two exceptions that I'll mention the uh interest payments on the loan will be semiannual the principal payments will be annual and uh the bank agreed to the city's anti-dilution test of 1.5 times and that is um the same anti-dilution test the city has with regard to other debt that just limits your ability to borrow a legal bonding capacity so to speak so they agree to what you've already agreed to on your other bank loans and with that I'll just open it up to any questions that you may have uh that concludes my presentation thanks are there any questions uh commissioner toret uh thank you commissioner gal I um I had a thorough review of this uh by the uh city manager and we discuss this in in detail and I'm fully aware of the of the principles involved in here as well as in very supportive of of the action as it relates to the uh to the asset that we're uh helping to create here and promote thank you commissioner buer uh no questions uh just yeah I've had a very thorough briefing on this um this is this is important for the project and uh that's all I've got very good well I agree with my colleagues uh yeah we've been all been brief on it we know uh how it's going to work we're all very excited about um the golf course and opening up hopefully in in in in late fall uh this time I'd like to uh turn it over to the citizen input if there's anybody who would like to have a question on this please come forward any comments questions hearing none seeing none I will bring it back to uh the commission and ask for a roll call vote gu to be commissioner TGA I Walker I I and that passes unanimously well done gentlemen look at us all right an all male commission oh it has been a long time long time all [Laughter] right it's actually a pretty big deal I'm allowed back here I got mail coties on the on the javel that's all right all right thank you all for that little musical chairs our next item is the award to award the engineering and Design Surfaces for the arpa broadband internet fiber project Phase 2 3 and four to mckin and Creed Inc of Clearwater Florida in the amount of $393,100 Commissioners um good evening Michael Nei director of IT services here to request approval on awarding a contract to McKim Creed Incorporated for the engineering and design services for phases 2 three and four of the arpa Broadband project so as a reminder to the city Commission in our public audience the arper broadband internet funding will provide a much needed and new secure underground fiber optics cabling infrastructure to the city the fiber cabling I'm sorry let me go back I skipped ahead too quick um for those in our audience that are unfamiliar with the term as to what is broadband internet in simplest terms it is any high-speed internet service Broadband is the most common kind of Internet service available and that's been true in most parts of the most populated regions in the United States for several decades there are four types of broadband internet service that you can use cable internet uses the same Cox cable that you get your cable TV into your home DSL known as digital subscriber line it uses your telephone line for internet connections fiber optics cabling which is the fastest residential internet you could buy and lastly satellite internet service which is the least used and most expensive type of Internet service typically used in very rural regions of the country third world countries and um in certain military installations with where they want security the purpose of the arpa broadband internet funding is to provide public wireless internet and designated underserved areas in the city such as in city parks parking garages the marina and also in the downtown area sorry about that it's not going fast enough so as I mentioned as a reminder the city commission our public audience the arpa broadband internet funding will provide much needed new secure underground fiber optics cabling infrastructure for the city that that fiber cabling would provide dedicated connectivity between many of our city buildings such as a dedicated data line between the Public Services Data Center and the City Hall data center a new data line connection between City Hall and the Harbor Master building a new data line between City Hall and the mono Street Garage in downtown areas by connecting those buildings the city will be able to provide free public Wi-Fi zones in these areas Edgewater Park the marina Pioneer Park Veterans Park main Street walking areas the Maro Street Garage in surrounding area and a future um Garage on Parking Garage on Scotland Street in the past the city approved funding for the arper broadband internet project phase one to install fiber optics cabling from the city hall to the Wastewater Plant back on June 8th 2023 that project did not require any design or engineering work as it only required new fiber optics cabling lines to be installed in our existing um underground uh conduit currently we were asking the city commission to approve the engineering design work for phases 2 three and four of the arper broadband internet project the design work will then be used for contractors to bid on the work required to complete those phases the cost of the engineering design work is $393,100 102 the current available funding for the entire arpa broadband internet project is currently at $2.6 million also as a reminder to the city commission and the our public audience the arper broadband internet project phase two will connect City Hall and public services with that dedicated fiber optics cabling which will provide a direct connection between the city's three data centers for data storage and backups those data centers are located in these buildings the city hall downtown public Services administration building on Cony Road 1 in the city's Emergency Operations Center on belra road as a side note the city already has a dedicated indirect fiber line between the EOC and the Public Services building that was installed a couple years ago new fiber cable we want to install under phase two of the ARA broadband internet project will therefore connect City Hall to public services to the EOC without having to be routed through any other City facility the arper broadband internet project fa 3 will connect City Hall to the entire Marina and Edgewater Park area by doing so it will provide free public Wi-Fi in the park and surrounding Marina area it will also connect the Harbor Master building directly to the city hall building without R relying on the current third party internet provider we use phase three fiber CA will also allow for a future connection to the parking garage on Scotland Street where free Wi-Fi and security cameras can be installed now phase four of the arper broadband internet project will connect City Hall to the downtown Corridor in the main and the Monro Monroe Street Parking Garage phase four will provide the free public Wi-Fi in Pioneer Park Veterans Park the mar street parking garage and in designated areas along Main Street by doing so the security cameras in the parking garage will be on a direct connection to the City Hall without relying on the third party internet provider we have now during the May 16th 2023 commission meeting under agenda item 2. d the commission awarded contracts to 22 pre-qualified Consultants as a result of RFQ number 23-1 1221 to provide miscellaneous engineering landscape architecture survey surveying and planning services to the city one of those awarded consultant contracts was to McKim and Creed Incorporated um the scope of fees in the amount of $393,100 design work services for the arer Broadband projects 2 three and four was produced by the very same engineering consultant firm of McKim Creed Incorporated the city's engineering department recommended to the IC IT services department that the engineering design work services for those phases should be completed by McKim Creed as they would be the logical engineering firm to provide services for this type of project due to the previous success in the design and management through construction on the recent Solen Avenue fiber optics project which provideed fiber cabling between public services and the EOC and also into the new parks operation facility due to the deadlines for spending the arer funding and implementing the fiber cabling required for the free public internet the city will need the engineering design work project to be completed as soon as possible McKim Creed has stated they will expedite expedite their work once the costs have been approved by commission which will help us meet any timeline for bidding out the RFQ for the actual construction work staff therefore recommends the approval of a general engineering consultant service authorization for phases 2 three and four engineering design services to McKim Creed Incorporated thank you okay thank you very much um commissioner TGA any questions thank you mayor would you um you just went over a lot of this and let me just let me just ask this question really simple um this is for principally for a A system that is that is good for Safety and Security for for the city is that correct correct and that really is the main main purpose of this know the main purpose is provide free public internet in order to provide it we have to connect our buildings and provide those that infrastructure you can't put water in a park a water fountain without putting in the water lines you can't provide internet without putting in the the car cond infrastructure so it really isn't for the Safety and Security of of the build it's the benefit of it it's the benefit side benefit of it yes that's what I thought I mean the that wasn't our main purpose it the main purpose when we started this it was for for the free free uh yes free Wi-Fi and so I was wondering previously was there a less expensive way of doing this for free Wi-Fi uh and we've had free Wi-Fi here before in in certain of these areas so I assume that this combination then and that's my question I assume then that the value is in the combination of of the security and safety for the city as well as for the free Wi-Fi is that is want to comment about that or if if we don't get it approved through this project with this free government money um IT services will have to come back to commission at a later date and request all of these infrastructure changes at a cost out of the general fund for each one of these phases and the future phases that aren't included in this project and is that for security for security mainly for security so I I that's a I think one of the main points here isn't it I mean we talk about we talk about that constantly of of our concern of our of our security of our systems here so um I just wanted to just reiterate that I I may not have been quite so aggressive if it were just for freei Wi-Fi M um the second question question as it relates to this the options for free Wi-Fi are is it is it that you have your own program on your on your phone or or what what what happens if you don't have this free Wi-Fi in a in a particular area most people probably have some sort of data plan on their own personal device but this will give them the option when they're in an area where we have providing the free public Wi-Fi in our parks parking garages they can connect automatically to it without using their data plan so it's just an option for them it's we we currently don't have Wi-Fi in our Parks um so if you are a visitor or citizen that doesn't have a a uh your own data plan or for whatever reason it's not working um would they'd be able to tap into our free Wi-Fi and use it and lastly if you would the the cost of this the design is about 400 yes and and the implementation is estimated at out of the 2.6 million so we're talking about about 2.2 million we won't truly know until we put it out once we get the design work and put it out for bit correct thank you thank you mayor commissioner go uh no real comments I I I think it's necessary yeah so as long as we have ARA money let let's use it but I don't have any questions it's good any questions commissioner Walker yeah so um the infrastructure that's getting replaced uh just as an example the Harbor Master building I'm I'm assuming that it's it's it's different Hardware firmware all that stuff than what we're currently got here so basically there's an added benefit my understanding and you can confirm this added benefit of uh basically making the infrastructure similar they across the board yes for example we are using a thirdparty internet provider at the marina their phones the security cameras their data the internet access is all relied on that carrier connecting back to our network if that carrier has some sort of uh Integrity or intrusion problem it could affect us by us putting our own dedicated fiber to that building they're on our Network on our voice system on our internet the security cameras are accessible from this building or from the EOC when we're in EOC mode right now we don't have access to look at those cameras fire and rescue don't have access without going to that building so there's that part of that security aspect and that that ha that occurs in the mon Roser garage and in the future garage that's a huge benefit I mean that that's actually that's a security issue all by itself in addition and going back to U what commissioner T mention about security was phase one is given us a dedicated line between this building and public services currently we go from public services building to the wa to the water plant down s Christopher to the Wastewater Plant to here on S Christopher fiber was installed 20 some years ago and some of it's just under the black top when they dig the black top there's our city main fiber um it's if water plant has a problem or Wastewater Plant has a problem the entire city could be affected this would provide secure access between all of our data centers so if we are in operation mode emergency operation mode we don't have to rely on all these other buildings being up as long as the three main hurricane rated buildings are up and the the cost of this design study um you know also it's my understanding and you can confirm this is that it's being paid by arpa which was my understanding again was one of the original um intentions of theeran American Recovery Act money was to this was actually used as an example to provide free public Wi-Fi correct so you're fulfilling that with the funds which they were intended for yeah thank you um I think I'm going to look to you Jennifer on this one my question um can we we talked this morning about the whole parking sensor thing mhm so as you're looking at that and you're looking at this can you take the parking sensors into consideration with your design phasing yes absolutely not your design phasing I guess your implementation yes it's certainly I guess it would be designed because those parking sensors require Wi-Fi and they're not on the perfect grid can I jump in here yes say what y the parking sensor program um at least we were talking totally separate system where the vend the contractor provides cellular service they maintain it all it never hits the city's internet at all okay I'm it wouldn't need to at all unless we want the separate system that we would maintain so you must be looking at something different than what what we were originally talking about because I know what we originally talking about required Wi-Fi originally for that yes and then we talked to the city of St Pete Beach and they're the company they're utilizing and they went with the less expensive ensive option that they currently have so it doesn't rely I just want to make sure whatever it is I don't care I don't care how it operates yes I just want to make sure all the various pieces are thought through if if we go down that road that we're not designing something that then puts it off right yes that's all got it okay anybody from the public wish to come forward and speak to this item seeing or hearing none can I have a motion to approve so moved okay commissioner Walker and commissioner gal thank you any final comments commissioner walker uh yeah I just um you know spent some time in Europe but there's so many towns that that have this and I know that there's a lot of towns um you know cities here in the United States that say they're going to do this and I've lived in a couple of them and it's just taken them forever to get to to this place and we're we're making it happen so and we're using it with money that was basically passed to do this so um I'm a big fan thanks commissioner go big fan nothing further well I I too agree um one of the big discussions when arpa was put out there was there are a lot of people that are underserve people in the community that don't have access um and so there are parks here and and other opportunities for people to be able to bring a device and have access to free Wi-Fi where they may not be able to afford to have it at their home so that's all good [Music] um I also think that um I believe that Wi-Fi capabilities especially like in the downtown would it I believe it can provide us with a landing page that we can communicate with the people that are in Den Eden and gives us the ability to track certain things which will help with tourism usage messaging to our residents messaging to our visitors um so there are a lot of advantages to having this wi-fi especially in this particular area um when you've got you know maybe 50% of the people down there don't even live here and you need a message to them about something um so I really love that idea um so I'm very supportive of it uh roll call vote please I commissioner gal hi commissioner Walker hi mayor Bowski I and that motion passes 4 to zero thank you thank you Michael um then we have the proposed agenda for April 4th we have a development project on there we do that's pretty exciting review yes it's actually the first one that's met the threshold for uh design review in two years yeah very exciting okay uh any changes from anybody okay uh can I have a motion to approve so move second okay commissioner cow commissioner Walker all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes 4 to zero um any informational items for the good of the order yes I have one uh-huh um I just want to remind everybody that March 29 is National Vietnam War V day so should you know someone in your community or have a friend or if you are one um that's a day of uh set aside for the folks that were involved in the Vietnam War thank you commissioner that would include you yes thank you John and you too no okay my dad is it VFW doing anything I don't know the programs for either one of them but they will there'll be something going on we had the wonderful ceremony in pineer park yeah one year I think it'll mostly be at the facility okay thank you thank you for asking um I'm just going to bring something up that just came up today and I I emailed all of you and that is the best of the visit St P clearw best of the Bay Awards um we have 20 some denan um businesses or facilities that have been nominated the Voting is closed but they do include um downtown dun Eden as the best stroll which I think we have a good chance of winning that I don't remember who we were up against but it looked like we had a pretty good shot um it also included spring training as being the best baseball event in the area I think we have a good shot um our Fine Arts Center and um the Highland Games Festival best Festival uh cadc Island Honeymoon Island and Honeymoon Island dog beach um and then any number of and the Chamber Visitor Center um so but and any number of businesses I just feel like especially because it's visit St P clear waterer they have really invested a lot in our community with the stadium with the now 75,000 they're giving to the Highland Games um they're investing in The Visitor Center I feel like we should show up in b in a big way um to support our local businesses even if just one thing wins to me this organization is investing a lot of money in into our community and I think we should show up and show just what a little small town can do that Den Eden is worth being reckoned with it just happens to fall on the night of a Thursday night commission meeting May 16th so and we know how commissioner frany or vice mayor frany feels about that but I'd just like to we don't have to decide now I would like Jennifer to for text from Mo yeah I just like for for CH for her to see if there's a if it's even possible that we CU I I do think we should all be there with 20 some businesses being nominated I feel like there's a good shot we'll have a couple that win and I just think we should go and show the love I don't even know where it's going to be yet they've just announced the date and the time and it's 5:30 on May 16th right in between a CRA meeting and a regular meeting so that's it you know we may not be able to do it I get it no no I don't want to do that no and I wouldn't I wouldn't you know I know how vice mayor feels about that stuff I and I don't know what's coming up on our agendas there may be some really important things there there may be development projects are planned for that date and I just don't know no they're none I mean right and that's what I'm saying I don't know so I don't want I don't want to just blanketly try to make a decision blindly I think Jennifer can advise if it's even possible and then we can take it up yeah okay absolutely thank you wel mayor I I don't know whether we we need to do this and I don't we could have and I missed it but do we need to excuse vice mayor yeah we probably should for both meetings we didn't do it this morning either at least this morning oh no we didn't no okay so can I have a motion in a second to excuse so second okay vice mayor I mean commissioner uh Tanga and commissioner Walker um for both meetings yes yes okay all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes unanimously okay that's it thank you we're adjourned [Music] [Music]