[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 20th uh City commission meeting we'll call the meeting to order and if you'll just please join us and Rise while Sarah leads us in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance good evening let us Begin by taking a brief moment of silence and reflection okay I pledge Alle to the flag of the United United States of America and to the Republic for stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay we'll move on to presentations and our first exciting presentation is the John dogon scholarship award and I will turn that over to commissioner G who is also our school liaison thank you mayor very much it truly is a very this is one of my favorite nights it is so wonderful uh for those that don't know that the city of dun Eden uh gives a scholarship to uh Dunning senior every year and then we ask and we partner with the Dunning youth Guild uh to administer that that scholarship and so we have dny uh youth Guild represented here tonight we have a high school administration principal Jim kimlinger is here a Schoolboard member e long is here so it truly is a really big night to show uh the community and the tie between community and and education and our schools and so what I'd like to do is at least give uh Susie Gizzy president of the uh dunny youth Guild just a few minutes to step up and and just say a few things about the youth Guild and our recipient if she if she would like [Applause] to hello I'm Susie Gizzy and I'm the scholarship chair of the donating youth Guild Leslie King is our president we have Susan Wilson our membership chair Claudia Walker and Ann Louise fernbach as other members the dunan youth Guild has given out over 300 scholarships since 1977 which adds up to over a half million dollar this year alone we gave out $50,000 which includes the George gun family Legacy scholarships and the City of dun Eden's John dogley own Public Service scholarship the dedan youth Guild is proud and honored to partner with the city in administering this scholarship wonderful Wonder thank you Susan and those of you who don't know about the dunan youth Guild please know please find them out please search them out it is a truly amazing amazing group uh all women that are so financially Savvy it's insane they can certainly get a dollar out of a dime so it's a wonderful group please take their advice when they give it to you um as as was mentioned it is the John Doug leó uh service award and so what I wanted to do is just tell you a little bit about why it is a John dougle own award and John Doug Leon was so much and spent so much time in this community over 15 years as commissioner and as mayor uh he worked a lot on the boards and committees in the community he was president of the sunos league of cities and he served as Executive Board member of the Florida League of cities he was an Air Force Squadron leader during the Vietnam war rescuing uh the last prisoners of war in Hanoi his true passion was for the young people of this community he gave particular attention to the njrc program at dun Eden High School it was his life passion for government his passion for the citizens of the city and the youth of dun Eden high school that is deemed appropriate rename the scholarship the John dougle own government services scholarship and I think it's important that we continue to remember and where where it all started with John dougle own so it is a welln named and for those of you who remember John uh it is certainly appropo uh the naming of this scholarship and so now on to the recipient uh you know as the commission liaison from from the city commission to our school I have the honor of uh receiving the applications and going through them and and choosing and I certainly say often enough that we can just drive by dine high school and you really have no idea what's going on but the moment you get inside those doors you will be so amazed at how active and how engaged the students are how passionate the teachers are and the support that Administration gives them we are truly truly blessed to have the Community Schools we have in done and so with that um uh the one that certainly stood out was that of a young lady named McKenna ows me and McKenna is here tonight with her family and her grandmother especially so how wonderful is that but I would like to ask McKenna to come forward all by herself Mom Dad family you'll come up later but she gets to stand all by herself [Applause] and this is why I chose McKenna okay every year sorry and I'm sorry I usually wear a kilt but I've just had that kind of date today so I apologize for what I'm wearing it's certainly Kilt worthy uh but McKenna is a Duneden native and a graduate of both Academy Da Vinci in dun Eden high school and St Petersburg College she is highly regarded amongst her peers as a role model of good character McKenna's list of service is extensive and it includes teen leadership program for the city of deden summer camp Academy Da Vinci Charter School PE coach assistant National Honor society's food drive clothing donation services and Beach cleanups volunteer choreography for Dunning high school middle school musicals in Tampa Bay dancing academy dance teacher assistant receiving only three b's and a staggering 38 A's in her educational lifetime she maintains a high GPA while also serving as the captain of DHS fars City cheer team a member of the Mu Alpha Theta Society math honors a member of the chess club and ball dance teacher instructor at author Murray ballroom dance studio of Tampa Bay her dedication to both education and volunteerism inspires the community notably the director of choir and theater at dunan high school Carolyn mongan describes McKenna as one of the most hardworking students she has ever met and if you knew miss mongan you you know what praise that is cu that woman is a Dynamo with admirable work ethics and time management skills Beyond her years furthermore the owner of Arthur Murray Dance Studio Lena Berger describes McKenna as patient and Polished young woman who frequently exceeds expectation and who has proven to a delightful asset to the dance World McKenna is an outstanding student dancer singer choreographer and service person she will attend Florida Golf Coast University majoring in Psychology cognitive Services we are honored to present her with the 2024 John Doug leó government service award scholarship Mna thank you very very much for what you do to this community thank [Applause] you you going to get a TR yep Mom and Dad come on up it's picture time I got it we'll have all kinds of pictures I'll step in one or two I'm sure they're going to tell me I have also geter in can get the schol board absolutely all right come on Jim come up up here um Great Grandma can she come up her great grandmother is hundred years old so [Applause] [Applause] speci [Applause] okay and I told him may be out by 6:15 look at that very good look at that congratulations thank you thank you mayy thank you so much thank you so over kind okay okay we'll move on to our next presentation which is uh the Independence Day Fourth of July Proclamation I'll turn that over to commissioner Walker thank you mayor I believe we have some members from the CC chapter the Daughters of the American Revolution if I could get you guys to come forward hi so this is uh absolutely one of my personal favorite proclamations and largely in part I do have a connection uh to this my grandmother and my mother were both me members of the Daughters of the American Revolution and uh I think I said that last year and uh I am very proud to be able to read this Independence Day 2024 whereas two 148 years ago 56 brave men signed their names to a bold Creed of Freedom that set the course of our nation and change the history of the world and whereas on this anniversary we remember the great courage and conviction of our Founders and we celebrate the enduring principles of our Declaration of Independence and whereas as we celebrate our independence Americans can take pride in our history and look to the future with confidence as we offer our gratitude to the American Patriots past and present who have sought to advance freedom and lay the foundations of peace and whereas because of their sacrifice this country remains a Beacon of Hope for all who dream of Liberty and a shining example to the world of what a free people can achieve now therefore I Robert James Walker by virtue of the authority vested in Me by the mayor of the city of denan Florida on behalf of the entire city commission do hereby observe Thursday July 4th 2024 as Independence Day in denan and pay special tribute to all the men and women currently serving in the armed forces and to our veterans our city is indeed grateful for their contributions which have been critical to the defense of our country and to our [Applause] freedom thank you good evening mayor City commissioners as we celebrate the birth of our nation this Independence Day I thought it'd be fun to share a little bit of trivia with you perhaps you know these thank you I think you did that to me the last time I talked um anyway a little bit of trivia 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence George Washington did not sign the independence as he was in New York serving as commanderin-chief of the Continental Army the Declaration was largely written by Thomas Jefferson at the age of 33 Benjamin Franklin was the oldest signer of the Constitution at age 70 Timothy matlack is the man who pin pinned the document with a style in calligraphy three signers lived into their 90s John Adams William Ellery and Charles Carroll only two men signed the Declaration on the 4th of July the formal copy of the Declaration wasn't signed until August August 2nd 1776 John Hancock the president of the Continental Congress signed first and as you know signed the largest uh John Adams said there were fireworks each year to celebrate and commemorate the occasion James Monroe died on the 4th of July in 1831 at 73 Thomas Jefferson was 83 when he died on July 4th 1826 and by coincidence John Adams died on the same day at age 90 it was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence mayor as we celebrate 248 years of American independence this Fourth of July we the members of cadc chapter Daughters of the American Revolution encourage our citizens to take time to recall call the sacrifices our forefathers made thank you for this Proclamation enjoy the fireworks at the TD stadium in dun Eden and happy Fourth of July to everyone same to you thank you okay in front of the commission come on ladies I'll get it ready make sure I can see everybody just right here yeah that's great yes all right everyone okay look up at me to take a couple excuse me okay great thank you that'll be a good yeah that'll be a good one I couldn't hold it I was I was yawning I'm so sorry for a long day okay thank you ladies all right citizen input now is the time uh for anyone to come forward and speak to any item that is not already on the agenda please give us your name and address for the record and there's the clock for three minutes come on Dave hi thank you mayor um David Ballard gettis Jr I live on Georgia Avenue in Palm Harbor based on Article 1 Section 8 Clause 17 of our current Constitution this government is intent on giving rise to fortifications manifesting imposts of such 10 m Square as the new seat of government manifested fortified as despotic water jurisdictions under the 14th Amendment as enumerated from Article 1 Section 2 in its capture of both land and water in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11 and birthing an actual Invasion roundly assailed as a ship of war from Article 1 Section 10 as legislated capturing the water fortifying water jurisdictions taking our Liberty property and life in its process as contrived under the 14th Amendment so I ask does the concept of the city pridefully engage in allowing businesses within the construct of its 10 m Square parameter to also engage in deception within the fortnite of the city is it in the city's nature to allow business practices that betray and defraud their customer base proactively engaging in fraudulent business practices within the parameter of such 14th Amendment fortification sadly the same attorney that the city has frequently used in the past my father also hired to oversee his last will and testament attorney Freeborn together with my mother betrayed my father in the forgery of my father's will willfully deceiving betraying backstabbing disavowing my father forging my father's last will and testament together with my mother Freeborn made a foot stol of my father and his name's sake does the city not invest investigate legal crimes that take place within its parameters the criminal nature of forging legal documents to include the fortnite of the city itself appears to be a constitutionally systemic problem in our government as based on the 14th Amendment this it all of it is on notice and here my statements thank you Dave thank you appreciate it yeah go ahead okay anyone else wish to come forward and speak to any item that's not already on the agenda okay all right we'll move on to action items right all right first reading of ordinance 24-16 Historic Landmark designation of 265 Edgewater Drive other than known known as casakin debor kin's home um Sarah would you please read um ordinance 24-16 by title Lily yes an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida designating certain real property located at 265 Edgewater Drive dun Eden Florida 34698 7533 parcel number 34- 28-15 D 2754 d006 - 00001 with designated meets and Bounds and totaling approximately 37 acres and the residential structure thereon as a local Historic Landmark and providing for an effective date this is presented for first reading thank you very much um can I have a motion to approve second second okay commissioner or vice mayor frainy and commissioner GW okay Francis all right good evening mayor Commissioners I'm Francis Leong sharp planner 2 for the city of denan presenting ordinance 24-16 the Historic Landmark designation for 265 Edgewater Drive also going to be titled as House of the night blooming serus um just to get everybody um its bearings um this parcel uh property is located right along Edgewater Drive and at in an at the um Southeast intersection of Florida Avenue there and going for the uh criteria for designations um one of which is the historical and cultural significance um it was once a home to Walter s Hendershot and Eda e Hendershot um they purchased a lot in 1946 and constructed a home in 1948 um Mr Hendershot was an educator and he was also involved with the uh moonshine Island um initiative there and also was involved with the development of the denen causeway um he also LED and and was involved with the undergrounding of the electric cables on Edgewater Drive as well as a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post 2550 in the kuas club um Mrs Hendershot um was also an educator as well um she taught at the South for Elementary School in clear waterer um and then she was also the supervisor of the preschool activities at the First Methodist Church of denan I want to know what moonshine island is that's what I want to know too what is it sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your presentation it just seemed very important to ask that question the same thing do you know like what the story is you said he was involved in it and I'm like what is it were people making moonshine out on CC Island so it's a development so he was dealing more specifically the environmental issues on on the island oh it's the name of an island yeah so it's called but I want to know why it was called that history to that mean my my roots come from North Carolina everything was moonshine well so actually and I don't know there it's an island that's that's very yeah it's very it's yeah it's between here in Caladesi and the it's called moonshide Island because of the fact that that's exactly what the industry was and in fact um and I I just recently learned this um when Terry forner provided um provided the history of Caladesi and in terms of just um providing an example of what a daily commute for Myrtle was from going to Caladesi to Denon it was somewhat proximal to Moonshine Island and uh the uh that was was obviously concern but in that particular day as long as you basically ignored and you saw nothing that industry would perpetuate and so anyway that's that's what I know about that yeah very nice very nice okay sorry didn't mean to interrupt oh it's okay interesting but I learned something new too thank you um so another historical and cultural significance um as you as many of you know this is a current home of Ellen and Deborah KES um so they purchased the home in 1979 Allan K was is an is an a real property law attorney uh he practiced as a partner in the clear water Farm of Harper kind's Geller and green leaf and then in 2020 um he joined free born and Fe born in denan um he was also involved with uh a lot of community and city um organizations um in there is an extensive list of organizations and clubs that he was involved unfortunately I can't squeeze everything into the slide okay know um but um those are the notable ones the Denine Library Foundation Denine Fine Arts rotary uh Club of denan north um city of denon's uh Charter review board Board of adjustment and appeals and um ordinance Review Committee um Deborah K on the other hand uh was our former vice mayor um to the city and she was also our uh City commission um from the years that is listed on the slide um from 1999 to 2009 as well as 2014 to 2022 um and she was also a former assistant County attorney for hillsbor County and then she is heavily involved with um City organization and commun in with in the community organizations as well assisted there and one um good um note to highlight is that um Deborah kin is also the chair of the historic preservation advisory committee which I am staffle Aon to um the other criteria for designation is its site significance um the reason why um this particular Landmark is tial in such a manner is that there is a unique uh cactus plant that's grown on the property um it is known that the um plant in itself is um planted in the 1950s um it's located at the Northeast portion of the property um surrounding the old life tree uh Live Oak Tree there and what's unique about this plant is that the cactus blooms periodically during the month of June so at this time of the month or the year um you'll see that the flower only opens in late evening um and it does display a fragrant um some um fragrance and then a bloom that closes um right before sunrise and then last but not least uh the other criteria for designation is for its architectural and structural significance uh once again this home was built in 1948 uh and with over a period of time of improvements and additions um it is determined that there is a mixture of architectural styles that is demonstrated here um it is also known as the lamphouse and the story for that is that in the past um there's always a lamp that is being placed on the table that is visible out in the view of edge water there and it also features um an underground sprinkler s uh system with well and pump oak flooring and pink marble fireplace um and then as you can see on my slide um there's a couple of Renovations in um in additions that were done um by um our um by our some by a couple uh local Architects Jim Grant and Roger painer and So based upon as a result of the modifications and additions that were done um they were designed to maintain the overall character of the O of the original structure excuse me so going through the uh photos of the home in itself um here are the front views as well as the side views more images there and the rear view of the property and then on April 11th 2024 um the historic preservation advisor committee um held a public hearing um for this particular application and unanimously recommended uh an approval for the landmark designation um based on the criterias that were that are presented this evening as well in addition to um the historic preservation advisory committee's recommendation um staff recommends approval for this ordinance um although um Deborah K is not here today we do have Claudia Walker um who is able to um speak on her behalf and I think we have a letter that Rebecca wants to read correct thank go ahead thank you mayor let let her read that um this uh is from um Deborah and Allen KES uh dear mayor balski and Commissioners this letter is confirm our approval of and our support for ordinance number 24-16 designated our residence located at 265 Edgewater Drive The House of the night blooming Cirus I'm not Sor as a historic land local Historic Landmark since purchasing the residence from its second owner in 1979 we have focused on protecting the original structure and grounds as well as preserving the special Ambience of the property it has been a pleasure to support many causes while sharing the property with so many friends through through these 45 years we will be out of town on June 20th 2024 and unable to attend the first reading of the ordinance in person thank you for your consideration Deborah and Allen Kines thank you Claudia go Claudia hello I am familiar with the home at 265 Edgewater Drive since it's just around the corner from my house which by the way our house was the very first historic designation in the Bel neighborhood so as you've heard it belongs to Allan and Deborah KES and they have graciously hosted several parties that we've been lucky enough to attend they've lived in the home for over 40 years raised their children and now their grandchildren it is the kind's wish to preserve their home and the old Oaks that support the night blooming Sirus and I support this designation 265 Edgewater Drive to be known as The House of the night blooming serus thank you anyone else wish to come forward and speak to this please good evening mayor City commissioners um my name is Mikela gutilla I'm an international student at St Petersburg College majoring in public policy and administration the reason why I'm here this evening is because I uh selected this particular agenda item for a case study that I'm writing for my policy leadership class and uh I would like to share my opinion and my support for this ordinance as well the reason why I picked this um agenda item is more specifically is because I deeply care about historical preservation and I strongly believe that uh by preserving the cultural and historical Heritage of a town the administration is making a clear statement that says that the Community Values the town and its beauty as you all know danan attracts many visitors all year around from different parts of the country and and it's because of its unique features like the small town identity the walkable downtown area and also its attractive architecture um I believe that um these are the features that make the Eden Stand Out compared to other municipalities here in pelis County so last week I had the opportunity to interview Miss sharp and and I was fascinated by learning about the uh background of this building and the history of this community what I learned from my research is that um the historical preservation is crucial for maintaining this uh features for in Dan Edan and examples like 265 Edge Water Drive represent the statement that I mentioned earlier um I look forward to see um what other project will come up in the future for historical preservation and I hope that my comment can make the difference for this agenda item and for future historical landmark designation thank you very much for your attention and thanks for giving me the opportunity to speak thank you hi thank you again home does it take the home and place it in a a tax free bracket or status in regards to property tax um because that would be an area of concern being that still you know residential home and I think a tax break that's not given to other homes whereas this home as redesignated as being redesignated uh set it aside as uh some sort of uh status that others are not able to enjoy thank you thank you thank you anyone else okay questions for our St on anything no okay um final comments uh vice mayor frainy yes so it's an honor to make the motion for this one since we know Deborah is the queen of arts and the queen of historic preservation um but um and boy there's a lot of memories in that house for me I can tell you that lots of good parties lots of good friendship so Deborah and Allen are both amazing friends and amazing contributors to this community and uh and this is Deborah living the word Deborah now you know living what they believe in and what they want for all of the needen and it's a it's a good day so I uh you know I'm happily supportive of this thank you uh commissioner gal thank you mayor yeah uh certainly uh Deborah and Alan Walk The Talk especially when it comes to Historic preservation that's the the phrase I was trying to come up with walk the talk and you got talk I like it and and so yeah it's just it is an exciting night that we get to do something for her when she has worked so hard for everyone else in the community and supporting and advocating for uh historic preservation so yay commissioner Walker uh thank you mayor uh you know having have been through this process uh Claud and I certainly understand what's involved and uh you know when you start taking a look at the the site significance and the architectural just continuity and you combine that with the um with the leadership and role that Deborah KES has put into this program you know I have to say um this is a a match made in heaven and uh it's a beautiful property and for all the right reasons it needs to be designated um and the other thing of regarding the night blooming serus you if if there were ever to be a genetic study of all the the night bloming seres around denan I think you would find that her house was the origin for all of them I believe I would say it's good yes thank you T well Alan will have a lot of tasks to do even more than poor Alan but he'll love it deah deorah is just fantastic about all the stuff so it's great very proud of them for those of you that don't know she is the chair of our historic preservation advisory committee um in which she is also the leading member that started the committee um and started these regulations so we're very proud of her so uh roll call vote please commissioner TOA hi commissioner Walker hi commissioner GA I vice mayor fry I mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously there will be a second reading of ordinance 24-16 on July 25th so then we'll move to the first reading of ordinance 2417 Historic Landmark designation of 628 wilky Street Sarah would you please read ordinance 24-17 by title only yes an ordinance of the city of den Eden Florida designating certain real property located at 628 wilky Street Duneden Florida 34698 parcel number 34-28 D15 d33 984-2001 n0 with designated meets and Bounds and total approximately 23 acres and the residential structure thereon is a local Historic Landmark and providing for an effective date this is for first reading thank you can I have a motion to approve so moveed second third commissioner TGA and commissioner Walker Francis yes once again Francis Leong sharp planner 2 for the city of denan uh with a presentation of ordinance um 24-17 this the Historic Landmark designation for 628 wiy Street um it will be known as the me nurse's home um just to um inform the commissioner and mayor um the applicant is not able to attend um this evening um just for your permission um if we if you uh like me to continue the presentation of this application okay all right I'll move on so just to get everybody um acquainted to the area um this is the general location of the home um near Gulf Avenue in wilky Street there and then going through the um criteria for designation of this property um this home was once owned by Dr me um Dr me opened me denan hospital in 1937 um Dr me and his wife glattus had dedicated their lives to um their work to the hospital and its residence for 50 years and another criteria for the designation is of its um architectural and structural significance um this home was built in 1925 in the Craftsman um Bungalow architectural style that you see here um the applicant um indicated that the um fireplace um the original fire place is still intact to this building and based on um the architectural significance um the applicant is currently going through some renovations to restore um and preserve the property here so I can as you can see in the front ENT entry view um the um front porch that you see there as well as the side views of the property and in the rear um they did build a um an accessory dwelling unit that matches the architecture of the um existing home there and then here's some um photos of the original fireplace that's um still there as well as um key features of the interior of the home the historic preservation advisory committee held a public hearing on May 9th 2024 and unanimously recommended to approve um 628 wilky Street for a local Historic Landmark designation and based on the criterias that are presented this evening in addition to the committee's recommendation uh staff also recommends um the approval for uh first reading of ordinance 24-17 okay [Applause] questions sorry I'm eating a cracker I have my mouth full this is so unprofessional but I'm just starving um anybody wish to come forward and speak to this item okay final comments commissioner wilky street is cool this property at 628 is just loaded with history and love to hear that and and what a what an Accolade um to the to the city to certainly to me and and certainly toh to wilky um I I love the I love the Simplicity of of the of the construction and how they've left it the way it is so um I'm obviously in full support thank you okay uh commissioner Walker it's hard to follow the wilky street is cool comment but uh yeah it uh you know you you take a look at that area and you just take a look at the map of all the historically designated properties it's definitely you can kind of just see that and see how the city grew in that particular area um yeah I I'm I'm excited by any designation that that meets the threshold of the criteria that we've set and uh My Hope and desire is is that uh with a draft ordinance that's going to be coming forward soon I hope that we can start expanding the the boundaries of that program um so but yeah I think it's awesome thank you commissioner gal uh thank you mayor you know what's it's really nice to have a historic preservation we've heard all kinds of owners and why they want to and it's it just seems to be that icing on the cake when it's not just the the house itself but who live there you know we talk so much about our history of our community and the idea that you can tie these homes that are still here back to the generations that kind of built the community it's just a wonderful Testament to who we are and the fact that we not only save these homes but we appreciate these homes and so this is just a wonderful opportunity and to know that you know Dr me you know lived there then and that's that's cool on on on Mony Street and so it is it's just a wonderful night and and just thrilled to be able to to be up here tonight and vote in favor of this so thank you mayor vice mayor yeah wiy street is very cool John you you said it right uh it is cool and it's a such a part of our um historic Hub so to speak and um and I will say uh when you look at these properties and other properties that have done it like it's a huge commitment for these people to do this just ask commissioner Walker and Claudia about replacing their windows it's a huge commitment it's a huge thing to do and it's a nod to the meaning of denen and the commitment to the history of den Eden so uh yeah this is this is great thank you well I want to thank Jolene for refurbishing this home um and taking the time to do this before she's selling it right yeah that that takes a lot of courage and a lot of conviction by somebody who you know intends to sell a property and you know there's always concern that that that it's going to make it harder for them to sell but she didn't look at it that way as you can see it's all under construction so you rock Jolene thank you yes ma'am neighborh uhhuh yeah I've seen it oh so another nod to that yeah a long time I think it was just it's going toize and by doing this she protects it and this guy wants to be on our Architectural Review Committee by the way she's applied several times um okay roll call vote vice mayor fry I commissioner gal I commissioner TGA I commissioner Walker I mayor Bowski I and this motion passes unanimously there will be a second reading of ordinance 24-17 on July 25th 2024 thank you all right first reading of ordinance 24-8 calling for a referendum election for proposed amendments um I'm going to have you read that ordinance by title only I'm not even going to go down that road an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida submitting to the city electors a proposed amendment to sections 3.02 and 3.06 of the city Charter to recognize both genders in its language providing for a referendum election providing for an effective date thank you um can I have a motion to approve so moved commissioner or vice mayor frainy second commissioner Walker I just before we get started I just wanted to remind um folks who are watching the next couple of ordinances several of them are all from recommendations from our Charter ordinance Review Committee Charter Charter and ordinance or just just Charter our Charter Review Committee um and we have an election coming up in November so um having these things getting them onto the um ballot is a timing issue correct kind of housekeeping we've already seen all of these correct okay um Rebecca um kind of thank you mayor just as you just spoke um the charter Review Committee met six times in 2023 and determined these proposed revisions that again if they're passed on second reading on July 25th they will will go on the ballot for November 5th um the committee presented the final report on September 5th 2023 and there were no um recommended changes noted uh the final report is included in your Staffing so you did have a chance to look at that as well as each of the ordinances and again this will be four different ordinances and um if you have any questions please I'm here to answer that okay any questions for um Rebecca no no okay anybody from the public wish to come and speak to this item seeing hearing none come back to the commission any final comments no NOP okay roll call vote please sorry just one minute okay can do commissioner gal I commissioner TGA hi commissioner Walker hi vice mayor frainy hi mayor B I and that motion passes unanimously then we have the first reading of ordinance 24-19 calling for referendum election for proposed amendments um to replace the term voters with electors uh Sarah can you please read that ordinance by title only sure an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida submitting to the city's electors proposed amendments to sections 5.04 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 and 5.10 of the city Charter to replace the term voters with electors so as to provide consistency throughout the sections providing for a referendum election providing for an effective date and this is presented for first reading okay can I have a motion to approve so moved second second vice mayor frainy and commissioner Walker anything you want to add to this nope is exactly what it says we're just replacing the terms voters with electors correct okay anybody from the public wish to speak to this item all right any final comments no okay roll call vote please commissioner torga hi did you call for any I did you did okay I just commissioner TGA hi commissioner gal I commissioner Walker I vice mayor frainy I mayor bajowski I and that motion passes unanimously there will be a second reading of ordinance 24-18 on July 25th then we have the first reading of ordinance 24 -20 calling for referendum election of proposed amendments adding an introductory sentence describing from where the city commission deres its power uh Sarah please read ordinance 24-20 by title only an ordinance of the city of dunen Florida submitting to the city electors a proposed amendment to section 3.01 of the city Charter adding an introductory sentence describing from where the city commission deres its power providing for a referendum election providing for an effective date this is presented for first reading thank you can I have a motion to approve some move second commissioner fry and commissioner vice mayor frany and commissioner Walker anything you want to add Rebecca um just so you're aware what this um the adding is is as the governing body of of the municipality the city commission has powers and authorities as derived from the Florida Constitution Florida Statutes this Charter and as otherwise provided by law so that will be added in to the beginning of section 3.01 any comments from the public seeing you're hearing none any final comments all right roll call vote please commissioner torga hi commissioner gal hi commissioner Walker hi vice mayor frainy hi and mayor balski I and that motion passes unanimously um I got to assume there will be a second reading of that as well correct okay there'll be a second reading of ordinance um 2420 on July 25th all right and then we have the first or first reading of ordinance 24-21 calling for referendum election for proposed amendments to correct the use of improper grammar and punctuation reformat reum and correct internal references to sections within the charter anything you want to add Becca no to this one okay uh Sarah can you please read ordinance 24-21 by title only an ordinance of the city of dun Eden Florida submitting to the city electors a proposed amendment to sections 1.02 1.03 4.01 4.06 5.03 5.04 5.06 and 5.09 of the city Charter to correct the use of improper grammar and punctuation reformat renumber and correct internal references to sections within the charter providing for a referendum election providing for an effective date and this is presented for first reading thank you can I have a motion to approve so moved second commissioner torga and commissioner Walker any followup Rebecca nope I these are just basic cleanup items okay anybody from the public wish to speak to this item any final comments all right um roll call vote Rebecca commissioner gal hi vice mayor frainy hi commissioner Walker hi commissioner TGA hi mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously there will be a second reading of ordinance 24-21 on July 25th okay we have uh the proposed agenda for July 11th um any items to change or move around no all right can I have a motion to approve so moved second second sorry that was a a low second commissioner TGA and vice mayor Frankie all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously all right and then we have a supplement [Music] um do I have to do a start item here and add this to the agenda you guys on Tuesday yes okay so that's and plus you're not voting on this item this is more of a workshop if you remember y okay Les how are you all right mayor vice mayor Commissioners very good Les Ty the finance director uh this item before you is uh every year we go through our Comm commission's budget line item detail I'd like to just mention a few things that are in the Staffing report uh within the report uh exhibit a includes a summary of our of the 25 proposed budget for the uh commission budget it shows the actual cost for fiscal year 23 it also shows the cost to date uh for 24 from October through May of this year and the original budget for 24 and exhibit B in the Staffing includes a little more detail for each line item in the 24 budget original to the 25 budget proposed uh I'd like to mention just just a few changes that that I highlighted that are comparing 24 to 25 budget the first is U the salary and benefits this is in exhibit a which is uh the kind of the summary level salary and benefits have a small increase uh in 25 compared to 24 that's due to about a 7.2% increase in health cost uh uh that is that is consistent with our current budget uh in the operating cost the majority of the increase from 25 to 24 is the it internal service fund costs have increased Citywide in 25 by about about $20,000 for the city commission's budget at this time that's about a 33% increase I want to mention that staff is still fine-tuning the IT services budget and we expect it may it may be changed and reduced some as we as we work and roll out the proposed budget on June 30th so that could change a little bit uh travel and pum has decreased by $99,900 in 25 compared to 24 and that's due due to the travel cost uh to Sterling uh in one year versus the other and um promotional activities in 2025 has increased by $4,000 uh more than 24 and that's due to an increase uh in the official uh ceremony swearing in cost in 25 over 24 and also we increased our holiday party by $2,000 uh in 25 over 24 from 16,000 to 18,000 the aid to private organization uh in the proposed budget is 28,000 which is 40,000 more than our 24 budget and uh we uh the reason for this was we we added dunen carers as a Civic partner last year if you recall and we designated them $35,000 and that that did not leave a lot for the other Aid to organizations uh after we we made that change so we're proposing to put 40 more in there and also we did our grant applications were due last Friday and they came in and we have a lot of applications which is great we have I think five or six more than the last few years so we do have a lot of applicants that have submitted so we've made that proposed change for your consideration uh the first aid organization meeting uh with our subcommittee will be on July 1st and we'll start looking through the applications to bring them to your commission in August that includes my general comments be happy to try to answer any questions you might have thank you questions for our staff I have I have something this just occurred to me maybe I shouldn't I should keep my mouth shut or not but do does our Social Services Group review these the recommendations to us on the the aid to private organizations only because I was in their meeting this week and they got into a big you know they they try to look at like the needs of the community and things like that so you know they they may have some value in you know being part of the process so just a thought you don't have to do that but I just thought you know that's kind of their their goals is trying to see what our needs are sure we consider that yeah we right now it's just our subcommittee but we can check into that thank you anybody else um just on Aid to private organizations um I see the 2024 original budget and then the 2025 proposed budget that proposed budget will be based on review of their Grant application is that correct that's correct exactly we'll walk through the grants and uh the subcommittee will and we'll make recommendations for your commission's consideration okay um yeah so really that that dollar change in the percent really has nothing to it's it's not really relevant at this particular point until you review the grant applications right yeah that's right that's correct and also the amounts to the civy partners those could change too you know as we review them they may be they may be be proposed to be changed in 25 as well okay and that was my third question thank you thank you anybody else yes I I do um was there any consideration given to to the the three big organizations that we've given money to in the past uh for any kind of an increase as it as it might relate to that 40,000 and I understand the 40,000 was chosen as a number um just try kind of balance things out and bring some of the some of the funds back up because we we didn't have funds uh because of what we did with cares before um so you know I I don't want to get too much into the Weeds on the 40,000 um but but maybe a maybe a little bit of that might need to go to some of those other organizations and I know they're they're they're struggling um as everyone is and could be struggling so I just I just thought bring that up as a com more of question is a comment and okay thank you um I I have it's not really a question it's it's something I'm posing to my colleagues um that I did mention to Jennifer um in the last couple years what I noticed is we we've increased our attendance of things like creative loafing best of the bay and visit St P claters Besties when we're nominated for things and those things aren't accounted in our budget to spend the money on it so I just thought we might want to put I don't care what a couple thousand maybe five grand and our budget as a for those kinds of things that we are not aware of not for travel or anything but for you know group attendance of things that that aren't budgeted yeah and why you say that I think it's important to say to the public that we were $120,000 it looks like below our budget we so that we gave back to the general fund so yeah we don't use it if we don't need it no that's true it's just there right but you know we're here we are in charge of a very large budget which is it 135 140 million um so I don't like taking money when it's not in the budget it bugs me have that problem at home too as most people do so I just rather have a little cushion if it's okay with you guys something I don't care what the number is but is that all right with you yeah I mean I think it's yeah no like I said I think we don't spend it if we don't need it and that's a minor and it's a legitimate expense I mean yeah we're supporting our community i' I'd rather have it there and not spend it yeah than not have it there and need it right and we did get best walkable downtown I don't know what it was that we got it it would have felt funny if we had not been there it would have felt really funny if we had not been there and I mean that one was only 500 right that one was only 500 but we've gone to others that have been a, or500 you know for a table that one was relatively inexpensive so I just and a lot of these things that we do go to are increasing in cost because food costs have gone up so I just want the cushion sure yeah we'll make that adjustment yeah thank you thank you anything else do you need anything from us don't you want to talk to us about travel or something I do in the next item but doesn't that relate to this no no you've got your travel budget doesn't change your travel budget okay thank you thank you very much thank you yes ma'am manager's update yes okay very good thank you mayor um so thank you for rescheduling this from Tuesday it went a little bit long so um uh Vince gizy called to my attention he's a director of Parks and Recreation for those of you who don't know but he called to my attention that last January when we are talking about rules of procedures uh and your travel uh policies that we talk during the the course of a publicly advertised and scheduled meeting about trips the Toronto trip and the Scotland trip as well we did talk talk about the Scotland trip and the Toronto trip within the context of that policy and as you recall we we took out I think it was a reference to room nights and that type of a thing so so the resolution is clear we talk about if you're going to go and you established during the course of that meeting that that we are going to go to Toronto and we're going to go to Scotland um and we discussed who would be going and that type of thing and then the other part was when and at that point we really didn't know so we it's we've uh kind of evolved Farther Along into when and and who's going and that type of a thing so I just wanted to commit to the record and it's attached to this agenda item uh who's going on these trips um uh what budget is coming out of um in terms of of the Scotland trip as a line item budget in your in your um in the city commission's uh budget if you will the um and Toronto is coming out of your travel budgets in your individual travel budgets and I want to talk a little bit about about staff going to so uh Toronto then is the 18th through the uh 21st and attending the Toronto trip will be the mayor um the vice mayor in her liaison position for the Toronto Blue Jays and commissioner Walker as well will be joining us for staff Vince gizy who's the staff Lea under the Toronto Blue Jays will be going and I will be going as well um we if I may and I I just I already have my meeting set up with the president mark shyro because of course that's one something we do annually and all it's all about kind of the relationship of what's Happening Here and how it relates to denan so um that's been set for I think our first day there so right and the uh as you know the trip is is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and there are others going along as well so it's a representation of the community in Toronto and um I think we have about 35 I'm sorry I think we have about 35 people call that's that's a good group and that was started I believe mayor and Lin Wargo who felt that we needed to kind of deice the relationship that we had with Toronto and uh it's been very successful I think ever since and I will yes and I you know just to say I mean some of us live through the ice age days and it nobody won nobody won and we have a relationships are important and you know and and this is a one that's you know we're their only home they've had for spring training we've got them for 25 more years probably more than that it's a really important relationship that they they take care of here and we do a lot of things here but for us to go there one time a year I think it's important to the relationship yeah they're our largest corporate partner true going to say that yeah they are so and they do a lot for our community our schools they do they do very much so uh so that's Toronto um we also discussed during in January the Scotland trip and um the Scotland trip is is uh does not occur every year obviously uh last year we had budgeted for the Provost to join us uh in denen and traditionally they fly the Provost over and we put the Provost up and there there's a list of activities um that that that we uh we kind of Squire the Provost around unfortunately as you know the Provost did not uh come last year there was an issue in Scotland in Sterling and he was not able to come uh so we actually carry forward the funding that we put aside for the Provost for the trip uh to to Scotland this year um and again though we have a very uh good response from the community uh we have a number of of members of the community joining us Nicole Delino has been working on the itinerary and it's it's really it's impressive um as far as where we're going and what we're doing uh the Provost who uh was supposed to come last year is no longer an office and uh and there's a new Provost who is really embracing this trip uh Colin O'Brien I think is kind of uh uh working on that relationship um they are are organizing a reception for us they're organizing a number of activities during the course of the day uh we reached out to visit St Pete Clearwater and they are actually sending folks out from London to their Travel Agency in that area to meet with us and they're going to have a denan day in that travel agency they called a specific thing I'm not sure exactly what it is but um um we are going to be visiting the museum that we visited last time you remember Caroline came here we're going back over there the picture in the lobby there is from that museum we're not bringing it back though no no it's going to stay there for a while and so um we are meeting with the valley fourth uh Chamber of Commerce again uh we will be meeting with their with their staff their City staff so we're going to be busy while we're there um the dates of that trip are the 7th through the 19th there are 10 hotel Days in there because we'll be traveling on two of those nights as well um staff I was just going to say something special not I know I'm interrupting you but I don't think I don't know that you got the memo on this um wear your pajamas we are visiting a Highland Games while we're there right which you knew yes I'm sorry I forgot about that wa but it changed oh and that high this new Highland Games is going to be the one we were going to go to unfortunately the person passed away that runs it so they've canceled it so we have a new Highland Games which is in Perth and it is the European Championship championships which our pipe band will also be competing at so guess what we get to see them not only in Glasgow perform at Worlds we get to see them at Perth for the European championships so this is like I mean Trina couldn't have made it any better yeah no I had not heard that yeah so and that was that was the largest part of the trip yeah was was the World Championships where we're taking a group of of uh uh citizens and staff obviously City commissioners to support their their effort that becoming the number one band in the world yeah which um I you know I think is is really important again we've had a great response from the community um as far as the trip goes and so um as I said we we carried forward some funding from last year you allocated funding uh this year this fiscal year for that for that trip um it from uh the uh elected officials it would be the mayor and commissioner GA who is a liaison to the Scottish Arts um that is I said it's a line item in in the commission's budget and then from staff it will be myself and Vince Gizzy uh my the funding for the the portion of the trip in which we are interacting with Sterling on an official basis um is paid for out of my uh line atem budget in the city Manor's office and Vince's private paying so um um that I've I I've attached to the agenda item the uh cost for the trip and and what uh what fund it's coming out of so I just wanted in the light of of of of transparency and all those sorts of things I want to Circle back and bring all those details to you thank you can I just ask one quick question sure because I didn't think you clarifi you clar clarified it for you about the part of the trip that is you know same for us it's the same for the Commissioners I just want the I apologize that's part of our policy it's the part of the trip that actually does with the official business so and the rest is rest is private pay correct thank you vice mayor I'm I was sure to quote you know for myself any have anybody else have any questions anybody from the public okay that it yes thank you oo you all don't need to think of anything else if you don't want to no might one okay um anything uh that you want to tell the community well one thing I want to tell Jennifer is that there was a meeting to do with Baywood Shores last night and I know a couple of us were there I know commissioner Tara was also there and um a lot of the community was there and it was uh a really good meeting a really good meting meeting I thought our staff did a fabulous job uh the engineer that we had that we hired did a great job um but more than anything what you heard was really a lot of appreciation from the residents they they realize how hard our staff's been working so you you had a several people you know thank and I think there was even a hand clap there it was and um and and they they realized matter of fact I love when somebody said I won't say which Community but you know Den's different you know they jump on things and you know we've got to continue that commitment with with Baywood Shores and North Douglas but I mean it was a it was a good night in that way where I think it was a and and also what how can we work together in the future with things that they've got to be able to do in the neighborhood that we can't do but you know to make sure we keep that communication so I thought it was really important to notice and I I I I was I was just happy about it and I just uh thank you for an ongoing commitment and where we started it was it was a it was a good night thank you Vice we've already sent up sent out some of that backup information we mentioned last night and I just want to thank Jorge kinas the deputy city manager Sue Bartlett director Public Works Nan Bennett director of utilities and the storm water crew of which there are only six uh employees and they've done just a fantastic job of of really non-stop trying to get on top of this and and I'm very grateful to them thank you very M nice of you to say anybody anybody else have anything yeah mayor if I can sure I just just cool moment it might be just for me I but it's so reflective of the community uh Tuesday uh we talked about the the utility wraps and different pictures and things of that nature and we had talked a little bit about what should go on at the corner of Patricia and Union and how it should represent the the the history of piping and things of that nature and uh after I can't remember when if it happened before or after but I had a conversation with uh Elizabeth prow about what would go there and she suggested uh if I could find a picture of Matt forsight and Matt fory was the first piping instructor that we had in the community and so I took that kind of as a challenge but it was a pretty easy challenge um and so I just uh went out to the piping Community all the alumni and uh reached out to Irma and uh Irma is uh the first Piper and dun eting that received an award uh competing for the Hames representing the city of dun Eden so go Irma but she said absolutely I can do that and I met with her before the meeting she is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and she actually brought a picture of Matt forsight and and I'd already shown it to Elizabeth and Elizabeth thought it was a wonderful picture and so it's just neat that uh for the history we have with our piping and our Scottish culture and our heritage that it truly is still alive in this community and you all you need to do is throw out a question that on Facebook and you just get more information from the people who lived it and experienced it it's just it to me it's just such a wonderful sense of community and I just thought it was a cool thing that I needed to share so thank you mayor you're welcome anybody else I do want to remind everybody that Pride starts tomorrow we all have pride every day but the official events um do start tomorrow um there's a long list and you can go to www dl.com Pride to find out all the lists and of events and sign up tomorrow is baseball yes tomorrow is the golf cart parade golf cart parade man golf cart parade the pride Golf Park cart parade which should start around 6:20 um the game starts at 7:15 we have an honorary local celebrity throwing out the first pitch we have um a golf cart decorating contest and after the game will be fireworks so nice nice nice event um and then there are a lot of other events as well so partake in whatever you can so thank you we are adjourned all right [Music]