##VIDEO ID:essCMcDoU5I## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome everybody to our Tuesday September 17th City commission work session we'll call this meeting to order and if you'll please join me as Jennifer leads us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Jennifer and uh if you haven't notice we have Jorge on the Das today so we're going to do our best to give him all kinds of grief as we generally do when he fills in for Jennifer Jennifer is on vacation seeing her new grandbaby um so she will be missed I'm just kidding Jor Bring It On yeah I'm not kidding now I'm ready okay uh first thing on the agenda our presentations we have the recognition of the 2024 Savvy award for digital in interactive electronic newsletter by the city county communication and marketing Association come on down I guess well welcome and congratulations thank [Applause] you thank you um this Savvy award which we received just two weeks ago at the um Na International Convention which had more than 700 attendees in Dallas actually Arlington Texas and we know that there were more than a thousand entries in these Awards and these are industry Awards and these are Awards of communication excellence among our peers and there were 38 categories and we were so proud and so pleased to bring home this Savvy for not only our team but for all of the staff and the department heads the commission and of course our community and so this is a very collaborative effort um it's not just us I mean we're responsible for it and we publish it every every week every Thursday it goes out in an email around 3:00 um and we've been doing it for 2 years uh since January 2022 and when Antonella knock for and I CU I have to give her credit too because we we launched this together in January of of 2022 with about 4,000 subscribers that were um part of the old um uh e notify system and we are at almost 12,000 today yay so with a really strong open rate and growing every month and I have to also thank our our content creators and idea generators which our staff and our department heads and even the community you know because we don't just publish information and put information out we do a lot of social listening and that social listening goes into all the content we create um and as I say all the time if you want to be in the know you want to be informed you need to subscribe to the Denita news because it is the number number one way to stay in form and so commission please share the Denita news thank you congratulations yay come on let's take it a picture take a picture yeah you guys get to be in the picture I was like I don't know all right just keep smiling I'm going to get closer all right you have a lot to choose from thank you good job all right next we have citizen input this is the time for anybody to come forward and speak to any item that's not already on the agenda if it's already on the agenda you'll have a opportunity to speak to it at that time okay I'm seeing you're hearing none we'll move on to the consent agenda which is uh the approval of the minutes uh for August August 6th and August 8th board and committee appointments to the code enforcement board disability advisory committee youth advisory committee um the blanket road closure list from October 24 to July 25 the authorization to issue a purchase order for the kanana Sprayground um The Artisan lease agreement for City maintenance yard the contract to the gearing group for employee benefits in the amount of 163,000 the agreement for credit card payment processing in the amount of 875 and then the authorization authorized payment to bashore Boulevard emergency water main repair in the amount of $54,000 and change are there any items to be pulled mayor can I pull the disability advisory committee appointments please okay anybody else okay oh oh you know is there uh anybody in the audience wishing to speak to any of these consent agenda items seeing or hearing none um can I have a motion and a second to approve everything except the disability advisory committee so move second okay uh commissioner Walker and commissioner gal thank you all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously okay Becca um mayor it was requested I think with some of the um agenda reviews yesterday that we talk about the um disability advisory committee and some of the um what's kind of gone on with the disability advisory committee for the last um probably about a year and a half really um they met in of May of 2023 and then before that it was in December of 2022 we've struggled to keep um enough members on the committee um to um to make the Quorum and so as you see on your appointments two of those recommendations are actually staff recommendations um due to to make so that they have enough to make a quorum to be able to meet and so um so I just wanted to make sure that everybody was aware that that was not a recommendation by the committee it was a recommendation um by uh actually it's the two oldest members that were on the the list to um that had applied and Teresa and myself and the clerk's office we just kind of went through the applications and that's how that um came forward mayor if I could add so during agenda review the the question that was posed uh which is a very good one was given the fact that staff had to step in and make these recommendations because this specific committee has been unable to meet um for quite some time as as Rebecca described uh now being able to to have a a quorum the thought process is should commission consider perhaps combining this committee with another existing committee that has been able to meet regularly um because that has been a goal over time is to consider combining some committees and here we have one where staff had to step in and make a recommendation because we can't get a quorum to even have a meeting so um that was a reason you know staff doesn't typically pull items off of consent but you know this this was one that that was an ability for then the commission to have a discussion well seems to make a lot of sense to review that cuz you're already reviewing it right um everybody okay with that to ask staff to review where they might sit versus trying to seat a committee that doesn't meet yeah I'd be curious to hear what the existing members think about it and their thoughts as well but you can do that when you're reviewing it yeah everybody okay yep okay um so I think we have consensus direction to have staff take a look at it and see where the the most reasonable spot for them to be in yes we could make that recommendation back to the commission and of course that we'll have to reach out to the uh sure the committee via email because they still don't have a COR to meet so yeah yeah and just for me I don't want to assume assume we're going to fit them somewhere else without knowing I don't know what the rest of the members are feeling and I mean we all know that's a really really important area our Ada sure okay thank you okay thank you so so we will not be voting on anything with that today all right uh so we'll move to our action items we have the Parks and Recreation advisory committee continuance discussion um we have Vince welcome good morning good morning mayor vice mayor City commissioners vinsky gizy Parks and Recreation director and with me is Jessica Reigns our secretary to the Parks and Recreation advisory committee bunny Dutton is our chair she sends a Reet she couldn't be here this morning so with that I will turn it over to Jessica Jessica um I am going to start with the conclusion of the parks and recks Advisory board when asked the question would we vote to continue the board for another 3 years the vote was a resounding and unanimous absolutely yes before we talk about all the accomplishments of parks and wrecks and the involvement of The Advisory Board I want to say that the strength of parks and recreations is the people Vince and Joselyn are such an asset to the city they know how to ask for feedback and then to listen to the feedback that is an underrated skill the strength of the entire department is shown in every aspect of the work that they do for the city we offer so many activities and programs on a regular basis before and after school programs senior activities to name just a few these all require dedicated staff to deliver the high level of service that we offer the level of service is clearly brought into focus with the annual resident survey although other departments who are equally important to the city such as fire and Library are rated as high they don't cover the weight width and breadth of the city the same way Parks and Recreation impacts every aspect of City Life Parks and Recreation comes in at a whopping 96.2% satisfaction how often do you see that in today's world people rate anything that high the city is a gum and the Parks and Recreation is a significant contributor to the quality of life here then you need to think about all the special projects that parks and rocks has taken on in the past year or has planned for the coming year and they involve The Advisory Board every step of the way we can start with all the efforts to improve the dun Eden Golf Club the history of this property is so very special to Duneden but to the State of Florida also a Donald Ross course original home to the PGA the effort to move the course under City management and to restore the majest Majesty of the property is a huge under taking and this is only one of the present projects going on within Parks and Recreation then let us look at the creation of 10 permanent pickle Boog courts how proud we should be to be out front of this effort to provide another service to resident and visitors alike this is the fastest growing sport in the world and we are going to be set up to move into the future the effort to site the court courts and arrive at a solution took a lot of patience and involvement by Parks and Recreation Department The Advisory board and the community the beauty is that we are now building the courts and everyone was listened to the glattus Douglas preserve is another example of outstanding work at Parks and Recreation and The Advisory Board this is a wonderful example of everyone pulling in the same direction to set aside Green Space and to ensure the community has input into the outcome of this property the community donations of $4.5 million and the grants that Parks and Recreation received are such a credit to everyone Parks and Recreation will be working on phase two of this effort in 2025 this will include adding Pavilions docks bathrooms and more permanent parking the marina project is another example of efforts to put forth by Parks and Recreation the marina is such an asset to the city and the need to refurbish and enhance the property has required tremendous input from all residents who use this space for a multitude of reasons the approach of Parks and Recreation to gather feedback and to listen will be key to the success of the project working with community and involving The Advisory Board of Parks and Recreation and the marina Advisory Board every step of the way is an effort we all look forward to another sizable project currently being over seen by Parks and Recreation is the Highlander Aquatic Center I know everyone on The Advisory board has seen firsthand the need for this facility to be upgraded and enhanced we are lucky to have Parks and Recreation leading this critical effort to ensure that we have a facility that will work for the present and into the future other efforts that Parks and Recreation will be working on in 2025 our Highlander tennis court refresh efforts this is a much needed project to restore these courts another effort underway for 2025 will be the living Shoreline review for Weaver Park these are not all the projects that Parks and Recreation have in progress or planned for 2025 but they are some of the major ones The Advisory Board is thrilled to be able to to provide input into the projects and to provide insight into how the community views the efforts we have a wonderfully diverse board that ranges from users of senior activities to new parents involved in daycare programs and summer camps we have a youth member who helps us understand what the Next Generation would like to see from Parks and Recreation I believe that with the leadership of Vince and Joseline The Advisory Board provides valuable feedback I ask that you vote to continue the Parks and Recreation Advisory board for another three years thank you a lot of work good job they're doing a lot of work thank you for all your your efforts okay um can I have a motion to continue so move second second there okay commissioner gal and commissioner Walker all right final comments wonderful job commissioner Walker yeah I yeah absolutely it's just it's all inspiring to hear everything that that goes on I mean I've lived in a lot of different places but I will tell you I have never seen a municipal parks and wck department is robust in terms of offerings and everything else associated with it so I am a big yes thank you mayor we never have to worry about what uh wreck and Parks Board is doing or parks and wreck board is doing I think we used to call it wreck and Parks right and Vince changed it to parks and racks I still get kind of followed up but anyway you guys do a great job you got a lot to do I mean we have such a robust program it's true we have an amazing staff and I just add one thing because right now I'm knocking on doors and talking to our citizens and things like that and you know it's almost fun when I especially when I go to homes where they have kids like 9 10 even four because they're going to go to the Sprayground and it's kind of fun to listen to them and talk to them and of course the parents are always very we just have the greatest programs I mean we our department and what we offer is so good and you know when you look at how that really focuses kids right from the early stage of their life it's so important so thanks for all you guys do thanks to our staff thank you for recognizing the staff as part of your report but absolutely we want you guys to continue so commissioner Doro thank you to the all the all the folks that have served in the past and and are going to be serving in the future and certainly the group that's in there today great group of residents really happy about the boards and committees thank you I couldn't be happier they all set it for me um you know we just talked about a committee that that maybe can't get enough people to serve I don't think you ever have that problem um there isn't anything more fun and more rewarding than working on Parks and R um just uh anybody from the public wish to come forward and speak I didn't ask for that okay mayor can I just say sure one thing um well it's been a real pleasure for me ser with this board for over uh 16 years and as Jessica said we really do have a good board now there's a lot of impact a lot of feedback we did have you know some uh concerns and some issues uh along the way last year and a half or so deciding where our pickle ball courts were going to be and the board really and we had several people coming to those meetings several of the public were coming to all of our Parks and Recreation advisory committee meetings and um they the board just handled it so well so smoothly and we're able to work out a great opportunity where we decided to put the courts and a lot of that was with the help of the advisory committee so I just had one other thing to say you know it's it's funny you normally don't want anything to get pulled from the consent item but um the uh kanana Sprayground flooring I just wanted to recognize Mary if you don't mind Ellie Fox is here and Dan Barber they the kwana club has contributed to $34,500 to to help us pay for the uh new decking new flooring of the spray ground so since they're here I just wanted to give them some recognition and and the spray ground they put in 50,000 when the spray ground was built back in 2009 and it's been one of our most popular amenities awesome well I also see somebody else from in the from the audience from a from a consent agenda item I'm I'm guessing it was for the annual Street closings it got approved um okay uh all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously thank you everybody um okay we have the next item is State Road 580 RightWay fence enhancement $40,000 budget Bob yes mayor thank you Bob iron Smith economic development director and uh it's my pleasure to uh have our team here I got Carolyn Homer our Economic Development specialist and Trevor Davis our special projects coordinator and they're going to go ahead and uh present just and U give you some information relative to this item which is a nice Corridor enhancement that is outside of the downtown so good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners Deputy city manager uh City attorney and City C my name is Trevor Davis I'm with the econom IC development and housing department for the great city of Duneden which we know is the pride of the State of Florida and also the pearl of pelis County um today step is requesting approval to remove an unsightly Cyclone Fence surrounding the fdot uh pond on the 15 the 1300 block of Main Street between uh Lake Haven Road and uh Crosley drive and we'd like to um uh replace it with a 6 foot black aluminum decorative fence and fdot is very appreciative of the city in making their Pond look a heck of a lot better um the new new fence will be placed on the East the North and the west side of the pond Lake Haven residents have asked to M retain their Cyclone Fence it gives them PR uh privacy and noise reduction fdot has granted that request on the west side will be a roll gate which allows fdot to have their equipment to maintain the uh the pond uh funds have been appropriated for this fence project the new de ative fence will enhance the area with a positive impact on Main Street and enhance that Corridor 10 years ago fdot and the City of dun Eden collaborated on a very similar project on Broadway uh just south of uh Washington Street and we removed a uh a Cyclone Fence we put up a uh decorative fence and it really had a a a a great effect on that area it just beautified the area we hope to do the same up on Main Street if you see the photos you'll see the uh Cyclone Fence to the left that we wish to replace and on the right is the uh uh fence that's over by Broadway and we'd like to re uh put that up on on Main Street uh if you have any questions be happy to answer them at this Point yeah I I just want to add to Carolyn's been a big part of this too relative to both them working as a team getting dot approval so uh and Carol's been working with Trevor on this so we're excited about this you know we always hear everything you do is downtown well here's a project that's outside downtown similar to what we did with Patricia Avenue with the median you know Landscaping yep I have to tell you working with fdot is uh has been a pleasure uh they really like the idea of of helping and the city is really helping them with this this is the second project okay anything to add over there Jorge I'm going to stick with brief and Brilliant I think he covered it there you go okay questions vice mayor so so you guys really think that looks better those just kidding yeah uh yeah I yeah yeah I don't have any questions maybe a comment later okay commissioner Tor got questions just real quick does does this fence that go exactly where the previous fence was actually it it it will be a slight change fdot has asked to add another foot inside to where the old fence is good thank you questions commissioner is there a rationale for that change I'm sorry is there a reason why fdot asked for that change yes there's some poles there and they want to get their equipment so that they can move uh quickly yes so it didn't have anything to do with maybe widening the sidewalks for no no of course not of course not and I'm really surprised right and I'm surprised that ft would be so appreciative of us spending $40,000 to help them beautify their roads so yeah that's so gracious of them thank you new comment well they think they think dun Eden is the greatest I'm sure they do and we are and we are any questions commissioner walker uh no all my questions have been asked thank you okay um anybody from the public wish to speak to this item all right can I have a motion a resol oh okay yeah it doesn't tell me it's a resolution sorry no worries just says it's it it says resolution 24 23 my cheat sheet does down I see yeah resolution 2423 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of denen authorizing execution to a modification of a Highway beautification Maintenance memorandum of agreement with district 7 of the Florida Department of Transportation to provide fencing improvements on the south side of Maine between Lake Haven and Crosley drive and providing for an effective date that was resolution 2423 read by title only thank you can I have a motion to approve so moved second okay that was uh vice mayor frainy and commissioner TWA are there two items here to be approved believe it's approving the resolution which authorizes the execution of the agreement okay okay cor commissioner fry so um you know doneen is a perfect example sometimes in downtown used to be this way where you don't know why something hit your eyes as being ugly like because it's a lot of little things and clearly this fence is one of those things that makes that road look ugly and so why spend this money why is it a good expenditure for the public to spend and of course we know over the years by investing in these types of things it technically turns around and becomes an economic development tool we invest then businesses invest things start to look better property values go up and we have more money in the till to do more money for quality of life for our community so good expenditure will help a lot with ugly on 580 and I think spur develop for uh add to investment by you know private people so thank you yeah you know if I may add the picture probably doesn't do justice this is a lot of long there's a lot of lineage here there's a lot of footage this is going to be a big difference maker you know years ago if you recall working with Jorge we painted the man storms black you know so we've been doing touches Patricia Avenue we did the palm trees we changed some to street names so these are little things that add value in in community and people do want to reinvest so this is a big difference maker you might not feel it but when you see it uh it's going to be quite a change so and I'm going to be back back at you then I'll be done with my comments but the reality is part of what's made the need and what it is over the years you know go back 35 years is slow incremental investment in infrastructure and then businesses have followed and that is a lot of why we got here today you don't see it but it's in the little incremental changes in Investments so this is a great example of it thank you vice mayor commissioner torka yes I just want to make sure that uh that fence gets moved in on the other side of those polls so that we don't have a have an issue on that so I'm sure you'll do that and I'm sure that is the case yeah we'll work with the uh defense company and also uh fdot wants to send somebody out there when we begin the process thank you commissioner thank you commissioner gal yeah um a a concern that I actually do have with moving the fence line is that now it does bring about exposure of those bows to anybody that's walking or bicycling on that rideway so uh let's hope we don't have any real concerns over that accidents that happen but this is certainly a good project um and I actually uh while I kind of poked the bear with do a little bit earlier uh it's it's great to have Partnerships and and working together to to get things done and so this is a a fairly small lift that we can do that will have a great impact for the for the area so uh thank you Trevor to be honest um working to get permitting it's it's not an easy task you have to work hard with them don't we know it commissioner Walker yes ma'am thanks um yeah this I mean this really should serve as an example of not just this particular Gateway into our beautiful city um but it really should set the bar for other gateways that we have in Denon and uh I I I think U the Partnerships that we have in the work that you do to enhance the the economic vibrancy of the town is is absolutely imperative but uh there are well it's not a but but the um other part is is there there are other areas where I really do believe we need to focus um North Alt 19 corner of va 19 and curo um that area is just really we need to do something about that um because that is the Gateway not only to denan but it's the gateway to Honeymoon Island anyway that's my my input thank you commissioner Walker um commissioner gaw and I along with a colleague of ours uh from Clearwater um council member manino who is going to be joining um forward penis we're all at was it last week or the week before we were all at the fdot um State Road 580 public input session um and much to commissioner G's dismay the top two vocats you were able to go put dots you only got three dots and you were able to put dots on improvements to State Road 580 that they wanted to hear about and the top two vote Getters uh from the public from me too but definitely not him um number one was the the turn you know the uh the eastbound Lane that you would be in to turn south or right onto US 19 to make that to put a turn lane there a dedicated turn lane um which you know I've heard about many years over and over and experienced it every time I go to PSTA or some other South County organization and the other thing was to get rid of the suicide Lane all the way down 580 that it that it's dangerous and um makes 580 sort of the Wild Wild West and puts some puts some medians possibly landscape medians certainly we don't want to um you know Hind access to business that's that's always a concern um but one of those things is a safety thing but it's also a beautification thing so you know seeing this the incremental that you spoke about to me is if those medians happened and they were landscape medians um you know kind of like you see on Gulf de Bay uh they have a landscape medium the whole way down it's beautiful makes the road look a lot better makes the entryway into our community look a lot better so I'm extremely supportive of the fence well that's what all that came down to Mayor if I may since you brought it up I feel the the compelling need to respond I don't know if it's to defend my priorities or not but I was focused on Mid plot Crossings yeah I was focused more on pedestrians and bicycles yeah so and they're all good things too we wanted all of those things yeah absolutely I I I do have to get a do rememberers providing almost $5 million to US on Skinner so they've been a pretty good partner for us yeah so they have okay uh roll call vote please commissioner gal hi commissioner Walker hi commissioner TGA hi vice mayor frainy I mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously um okay now we have the forward panelist board reapportionment Tina would you like to come forward um as your representative many of you actually come to came to forward pelis because at one point or another um there was a recommendation to remove us from the board as a voting member um ultimately the board voted to um expand the board more more voices the better is the way we saw um and so I believe that forward pelis wants to get every community's buy into to that well thank you for having me here Tina jablon from forward penis um actually forward penis is a fictitious name and our board is really comprised of two separate legal entities and by federal and state law law the way our board membership is governed is that every 10 years after the decennial census we are required to re-evaluate our membership based on population growth or decrease across the county and as mayor um outlined after we did that and we compared all the data there were suggestions about making some changes to a few of the seats on our board and we had many a meeting in 2023 uh including a special meeting to get to where we are today currently our board consists of 13 members that represent the 25 local governments across the county and we are seeking to amend that and add six more seats to our board making it a 19 member board and that is being done by an amendment to an existing interlocal agreement the existing interlocal agreement was created in 2024 at the time when the penella planning Council and the Metropolitan planning organization merged into one entity so what you're looking at in your packet today is merely a First Amendment to that agreement simply to change the membership composition of the board to add those six seats in addition we did make another minor change and that was we required one of the pelis County Commission seats that it must be an atlarge seat to better represent the entirety of the county and their population we also um Extended the terms of the couple rotating seats that we have on the board those of you that have served on our board can attest the learning curve for the material that we cover at our meetings is a steep learning curve and in the past we rotated those seats every 2 years and what we as staff found was that in doing so we were putting people off the board that were just getting their feet wet that were just beginning to be in the know and quality board members so we extended those rotating seats from two years to three years those are the only changes that were made to the existing agreement so what you have in your packet today is an amendment to that agreement outlining the change in membership also the Governor has to approve our reapportionment plan which he did and part of that or the governance that the governor has over our board is that you must also reaffirm your appointments to our board by October 7th or the governor has the Liberty to do so so it's a two-fold process today we're looking for you to agree to continue to be a part of the forward pelis board sign the interlocal agreement that will reestablish our membership and then make an appointment I know they're subject to elections unfortunately it took us almost a year to get here so we weren't really planning to be doing this in October when November was going to be elections so a lot of folks just reaffirming what they have now to meet the requirement of October 7 and then you can make any changes as you wish in December and I'm happy to answer any other questions you may have okay any questions for Tina mayor may I tin the expansion of this came from the Census right it's the changes in population correct throughout the county and so I know that panas county is is a densely populated county but within that we have 24 different municipalities my thought is that while deden is currently still part of the board and has a seat because Duneden for the most part is built out our ability to increase our population is a little more challenging so I'm wondering and I know you can't tell the future but is there at least the thought that as populations grow comparative to the other communities in the county D could actually lose the seat by population alone of course I can't venture to predict the future but what I can tell you is the data that our staff is looking at as we're in the process of developing our next long-range Transportation plan as well we're looking overall to add about 100,000 people across pelis County your city although I think is super unique and I'm born and raised in dun Eden um we are looking at population constraints across the county it wouldn't be unique I would say to daned a lot of panel county is built out also there are requirements per federal and state law that also in addition to it being based on population it's based on percentage of the vote on the board so for example the penis County Commission is required to have 20% of the vote right so I would say we are definitely going to look at that and as staff we constantly are looking at those numbers it's what took us so long to get to this point was looking at the population looking at the growth we're expecting and looking at the federal and state requirements to make sure we're complying with them and of course one of the things that I brought forward too was um given that we're Transportation planners at forward pelis um you can't look at that without looking at the percentage of Tourism each Community has it may be a small community but they may have a you know pretty decent percentage of terrorism and we do so yeah I'm just concerned that right we already had to defend ourselves once uh it was small defense but we had to justify keeping our seat and I'm just looking at since it's going forward that that defense might get harder and harder well I also um hang on just a second J um for pelis is working with other counties in the region um because the the desire in the region is to go to a more Regional Metropolitan planning organization and that is an active works and it's ultimately going to happen how that all gets laid out is the big question will there be a local Advisory board or whatever we we don't know all of that yet so we may not have a choice about what happens in the future obviously whoever represents dun Eden after the election will need to try to ensure that their voice gets heard about having a local Advisory Board because denan as you know we're not afraid to ask for things and we do it all the time I didn't want to be the one to say that but thank you I have no problem saying that well and you thank you for saying all that you did um now that you bring it up that was on my mind in the back of my mind as well as we look to potentially um unifying Pasco hillsbor and pelis mpos one of the things in fact that we'll be discussed at the next TMA leadership meeting on Friday the 20th is the role for smaller cities because even if we are thinking regionally and developing a regional board especially here in pelis we do not want to lose sight of how many small and fabulous cities that we have here and we want to ensure that they have a voice whether that's by way of a smaller City committee as mayor Bowski pointed out that all remains to be seen um as we continue to move forward discussing the merging of the three npos jge I think um Jennifer has a question as well but I just wanted during individual agenda reviews yesterday I may have given an incorrect response uh to a question you mentioned Tina that we needed to reaffirm the city's appointment by the October 7th deadline and then that could be changed later in December um do you need that to be read into the record today as far as reaffirming our appointment yes she do if you don't have another meeting by which you could accomplish that then I would say yes um and I'm reluctant to use the word reaffirm because technically it is your appointment but I'd also like to point out that our governing documents allow for a commission or Council to make changes to their um appointments to our board at any time so um and that has happened over the course of of the year so we're at this point just trying to meet the deadline and again it was out of our control we certainly did not imagine it was going to take a we we submitted our um reapportionment plan I think in September of last year and it took us almost a whole year to get our back so I apologize for the timing it's been inconvenient for a lot of folks and it has created a lot of questions so as far as that piece of it goes the reaffirming um we have two more meetings before this election um is ratified and so I would just ask to reappoint me until then so that the new commission can do their normal appointments in December I fully agree okay makes sense yeah because there will be new people here and they should have the opportunity to speak to any appointments okay I it seems like a time we can just knock you off that that committee though I mean right oh I'll be knocked off Beauty in two months I will be KN she does amazing job there well whoever you appoint is chairing our meetings and she's committed to chair it for the next two months anyway so thank you all very much um I was just going to say um you have a motion um right now where you're going to be consider approving the amendment to the inter local as well as the reapportionment plan you can certainly add on to that motion if you want actually I don't have an a motion yet I'm sorry okay you do so we want to make sure that that that motion approves the interlocal agreement as well as the reiteration of your representative so so moved second okay commissioner TGA and commissioner Walker okay any final comments no no thank you um any comments from the public seeing or hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously Tina thank you very much thank you okay then we have the proposed agenda for October 1st anybody have any changes there no okay um place can be removed the label placeholder can remove can be removed off of item 3A because okay it is now it's still the it remains on there it's just the word placeholder resolution okay all right um can I have a motion and a second some second third okay commissioner Walker and vice mayor frainy all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously all right we have no Workshop items um I didn't receive anything on commission discussions I'm assuming there isn't any of that City Cook's update welcome back thank you it's great to be back um I don't have any updates I mean where the clerk's office is busy tonight will be another um Citizens Academy uh at the p um pillis County Sheriff's Office so we're excited for that and um it's great to be back thank you okay City manager's update none none City attorney's update no thank you all right final commission comments on their liaison positions and anything else vice mayor um nothing on my lays on positions um I did um one question question for you Jorge um so at 4:30 today there's the the workshop on or Workshop or input session for the medians on Alt 19 yes I believe so okay has that been pushed out on our on our communication system I talked to Jenifer about this because you know there's there's I've gotten some feedback and interest in that particularly in the Baywood Shores area um yeah I'll need to confirm because I actually don't have that on my calendar either so I have to check see yeah if we could just make sure and you know especially because it was Baywood Shores I mean maybe we have a special email for that maybe we can just make sure people are reminded of that because there is a significant interest in how they do those there um and then um other than that um yeah that's it I the Duke Energy thing we're working behind the scenes so I don't need to bring that up thank you okay commissioner Tonga I have nothing to add thank you commissioner gal uh thank you mayor Le's on positions want to remind everybody that at Thursday night's commission meeting we will be recognizing the city pipe bands for their accomplishments um at Worlds and European championships this summer and also on Friday the 27th uh we will be doing not a recognition but a celebration there'll be a small pipe band March from Pioneer Park to Dunning Brewery step office at 7:00 and we'll be celebrating uh lots of hugs and Pints at uh at the brewery when is that uh the 27th a week from this Friday oh okay cool and uh as far as the high school goes I had the pleasure of um observing and watching and talking with students of the robotics program and uh if you if you don't know what's going on at the high school you really need to open up the doors and get involved those students are amazing the robotics program the growth alone two years ago they started with 20 freshmen last year was 40 freshmen and this year at 60 freshmen so they're just growing by Leaps and Bounds and uh because of that growth uh they do need a lot of support love and attention so if you have any experience in robotics or you have funds you can donate and support please reach out to D in high school they can uh use anything that you can give them so thank you all very much that's it thank you commissioner commissioner Walker um nothing on my currently is on positions uh however I do want to just do a shout out for the honorable Deborah KES and the history museum for just a fantastic event this weekend uh which culminated in a bridal gown fashion show um I know what debor has been doing with her with her second career and she is she is an excellent Runway commentator that's great I don't have anything to add we kind of talked about Miley Aon um and you just talked about my other one um and unfortunately I wasn't able to go but um I mean Deborah rocks it so have no worries on that um so that's it uh this has got to be a record quickest Tuesday morning meeting in history 50 minutes baby good um all right we are adjourned [Music]