[Music] [Applause] I call this meeting to order and uh good evening welcome to the April 18th 2024 City commission meeting and uh I'm we're going to start with the invocation Pledge of Allegiance by Jennifer thank you let us begin this meeting by taking a brief moment of silence and reflection in remembrance of the former Governor and Senator Bob Graham amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Jennifer and um and could I have a motion to excuse mayor bossk's absence as you we all know she's still sick um so if I could have a motion so move second okay all in favor I and the motion passes unanimously okay well we have no presentations tonight so we're going to go right to Citizens input if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on a topic that's not on the agenda and I think we at least have one person yeah come on forward Dale Cox Broadway and Elbert as we all remember two years ago we were in the midst of a very controversial uh subject and that was the overlay and um there was the red team the people in the middle and of course the proponents of the overlay and one of the things that struck me is that the people that were opposed to the overlay had some very significant concerns that uh kind of stuck with me and so what I did is I went and met with George Kenny who is uh the coordinator I think for the uh public development something along that order and during the controversy we had people that were concerned about the impact on the property values within the historic residential and along with that there was also concerned about the people that had existing houses that wanted to do additions or wanted to do alterations to accommodate their needs and they were all concerned about the impacts that they would have uh the overlay would have on their personal properties and so I took it upon myself to go see George and meet and confer to just see exactly what kind of impact the old overlay had on our citizens especially in the um historic residential and one of the things that I was concerned mostly about was the fact that it was going to have a impact on the sale of real estate and I'm sure there could be some debate whether or not it did had impact or didn't have impact but from what I've seen on the real estate values in this historic residential some of the sales that have taken place in our historic residential would make you choke they were far beyond what anybody would have ever expected and so the effect on the resale or the sale of real estate was something that I was con concerned about and luckily um as far as I could see that the overlay had little or no impact and the same could be said the same could be said for um people wanting to do uh additions and alterations and with George being at the head of the spear I felt that I should ask him was there any Community pushing back in regards to any applications for tear Downs or remodels or anything along that line and the answer surprising to me was zero zero impact from any of the taxpayers residents or anybody that wanted to do alter or tear down or do whatever they wanted to do with their in with their property so and Dale this is great stuff but try to wrap up too so basically what happened with the overlay was a very positive thing in my and a lot of people can argue it and I'll leave it at that and in closing once again I want to say thank you for what you do thank you for what you've done and thank you for doing the right right thing thank you for the opportunity to speak and Dale thank you because you were involved in that and got up quite a few times to speak and we certainly appreciate your input as a citizen back then thank you okay just go home now I know that was good let's go home um okay we're going to go to our action items and we're going to start with uh 2A resolution 24-7 to authorize the city manager to execute the corresponding pavement memorandum of agreement number 03-14 amendment number one and Jennifer if you could read the resolution 24-7 by title only resolution 2407 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of dedan Florida authorizing execution of amendment one and renewal of pm0 or PM OA 03-14 district 7 Highway pattern pavement maintenance memorandum of agreement and providing for an effective date that was resolution 2407 read by title only right thank you and uh I guess uh I just need a motion so move second okay and uh staff presentation to Bob yes Bob Marin Smith director for economic development and housing this is just a brief this is in conjunction with uh Fon with uh Skinner Boulevard obviously we're going with complete streets four lanes two lanes with uh the roundabouts and what we have in there is what's called pattern U Street crosswalks this is where the as is heated up and it looks like brick and it's painted red and part of what uh fot wants to ensure is that uh every so often that these are friction tests and that the city maintains it this is pretty common practice and with the approval tonight we'll be able to keep on going with local funding agreement with fot so this is something that's fairly common with fot if you're doing some type of more a static type feature which is these pattern paved crosswalks that the city will maintain them and we have these elsewhere in the city also on edge water and some other places great thanks Bob um questions for Bob I'll start with Jeff any questions thank you vice mayor you just AAL I apologize it's all good um yeah Bob uh this is the only Street I know there's multiple locations but they all seem to be on Skinner right it's the only place throughout the city where we will have these right do we have them in other areas yeah I think I believe there might be trying to think of no I don't think this's one on Broadway this is pretty much all the areas I think they're a little bit more where the walkable situation is so we try to have them in you know close to downtown okay well the reason I'm asking because it actually makes pretty good sense on what they're asking in in my opinion and I was just wondering why we would be doing this for fot in this location and not others in in other areas they do what's a white painted ladder so have the asphalt and it's more of a ladder it isn't a decorative brick looking type feeli they didn't heat up the asphalt in those other locations that's correct and this is friction testing they want to make sure you know that uh it has some tactile feel to it for workability and for the vehicles to feel it is this something that we'll do in house or we going to end up uh we'll we have the skill level to do this yeah we have to hire a consultant to do the friction testing it's a a little bit of a unique type technical art there and I didn't see it in there is there any do this inir idea of of how frequently this will have to occur yeah we're looking at every two years I think is what they're kind of looking at yeah okay yeah it is interesting they do this in airports much larger scale and and do we know what the cost of that is no we're trying to look to secure it but we don't expect the uh we don't expect the cost to be anything that's over the top by any means we're looking into that now there aren't many operators in the State of Florida that do this friction testing so we're looking for some guidance from fot okay right and if this is put down and we find in the future that all of a sudden it it it without understanding what the costs are that it becomes cost prohibitive is there an opportunity in the future to change this from what we're doing now that we can re asphalt and or are we locking ourselves into just ongoing expenses yeah we don't expect I mean this is really um an asphal Paving thing it's more of just a painting thing of red with a with a special paint that has a little more of it so we don't expect this to be a situation where it's reheated up and redone um we do have some painted crosswalks downtown um there's one on Douglas or some other areas and we really haven't had a problem where we're looking to continually maintain those and shape or form okay great thank you thank you okay Great Commission Walker thank you vice mayor um yeah might so the questions with regards to cost um is it is it the city our our employees that do that testing or we bringing a third party on that no we have to bring a third party it's a unique thing with the friction testing but we we do expect the cost as I said in the Staffing to be you know really more of a refresh type sit situation okay so U no there aren't it's just a special I guess I don't know all the technical cuz I haven't seen it down but I think it's more of a technical type skill where they have certain apparatus that can look at the friction component of it and to be honest with you uh you know this is something that um we really just don't foresee as a real major obligation on the city's part as far as maintenance okay so basically the intent of this is to just provide awareness and uh the this is an ongoing thing cuz it if if it's minimal and it falls within the threshold of not requiring commission approval I think correct I like your word awareness yes yeah you know if if if it falls into some type of deficit situation which we have not seen I mean I've been here a long time and we just uh we do have some already downtown they're not DOT they're city of dun Eden painted crosswalks and uh we just haven't had that occurr you know we just recently did one we hired a contractor of course to do the one thing across from the brewery and The Artisan that's a paint to crosswalk to give you an idea of what we're looking at okay cool all right yeah no further questions commissioner tranga thank you is this an extension of an existing agreement yeah it is 10 we've had it for 10 years and we're extending it for another 10 years that's correct that isct and it's principle principally to be able to move also to move this contract along that waiting for from from fot yes commissioner yeah they they will not uh move forward with the local funding agreement uh till this has uh been approved yes that's absolutely correct thank you I have no further question they held us pressure I no they did they did and uh you know from a staff perspective um it's like this is a multi-million dollar deal and we're talking about Painted crosswalks okay that's just the staff uh it kind of cracked me up when I saw it because it's such a small piece of the thing yes but I will tell you this I I know I just perhaps ding do they've been fantastic though they're already out to get stuff going for the bid letting so they've not held it up on that and so they've been fantastic and of course they're bringing 4 million do to the table so uh they've been great Partners so I don't want to focus on it too much but I have nothing further thanks Rebecca do you have a clarification I did vice mayor thank you I I appreciate you letting me um I just wanted to let you know in the title here on the action item 2A it says resolution 2407 authorized the city manager to execute well this afternoon we realized that the resolution itself actually said the mayor so the the one that you're signing today matches um the title of the city manager in that item and I just wanted to let you know because that is a change from what is um was that you had to look at prior to this meeting so I just wanted to clarify that great thank you and uh did you have a followup real quick and I'll ask any questions I have okay oh thank you uh thank you yeah just to follow up because it's a state road Bob if if we look at it in two years four years six years and we do have issues is the state involved in how we respond to those issues or it's it's just up to the city to maintain it is up to the yes commissioner it's up to the city to maintain okay yeah and and Landscaping that gets out there so there'll be a maintenance agreement for all that okay thank you yeah I don't have any other questions um I I I'm going to open it up to the public unless there's anything else so uh if anyone from the public has anything to say or wants to come forward this would be your moment okay I'm going to close it to public input seeing no one and uh I'll go to commission comments commissioner T I have nothing further sure um I'm just going to say I think it's great I love the I love those designs and how they're done so I'm glad that's part of the whole project um and U so go forth oh no appreciate that yeah just being painted red makes a difference as opposed to just a white ladder yeah you know really and we're looking to do a couple more too actually here because soon to in the downtown so okay so we need to do a roll call Vote Yes please Rebeca commissioner TGA hi commissioner Walker hi commissioner gal hi vice mayor Frey hi now motion passes unanimously okay thank you Bob okay okay next we have um the Midtown parking garage design criteria package and staff is recommending that this be postponed uh to the U April 30th work session uh I think just out of respect for mayor Bowski because obviously she cares deeply about this issue too I think all of us would want that same respect shown so do I have a a motion to postpone so moved second okay all in favor I I and that motion passes unanimously thank you okay and is there any concern on we're changing it from a commission meeting Jennifer to a workshop so it would be an action item um during the work session okay yes I mean I thought about that too I would prefer it was I like that it was a Thursday night item but I also get that we have a a development agreement that Thursday the following and otherwise we're putting it off a month right um that's probably part of it so but I I'm glad you brought it up because I kind of like that it was on a Thursday night but under the circumstances probably makes sense um okay so we're going to go to 2C uh award the construction of the fiscal year 24 Wastewater lift station Rehabilitation project TLC Diversified ink of pal metto Florida in the amount of 941,618 and I have with me Rodney Rainey our collections manager so this uh item is a contract with one of our local contractors to do an annual Rehabilitation we we do a number of our lift stations every year we rehabilitate them as you know the infrastructure is um Wastewater infrastructure Wastewater is corrosive and so it continually is corroding away and so we're working hard to keep ahead of the corrosiveness of of the environment that the was water exist in so this year um we've looked at all of our stations evaluated all of our 42 lift stations and tried to look at core criteria of structural mechanical and electrical integrity and then prioritize the ones that need the most um rehabilitating at this time uh the other thing we look for is if there's any um inflow or infiltration of either rainwater or groundwater that would be contributing to making us more Wastewater um and the staff have found that lift stations 17 18 17s in the Fairway Estates neighborhood 18 is down in the Scottdale area uh coach light way is uh lift station number 21 in the coachlight neighborhood and then uh lift stations 29 and 33 over um in the Indian Creek Lynnwood Court area um are the highest priorities within the system for being rehabilitated so um we went to one of our local contractors that holds a contract with this U pelis County to do this type of work the rehabilitation of lift stations and got a proposal that we felt to be fair and and to meet our needs and um it runs a little plus or minus $200,000 a station and that's pretty much just what it costs to rehab a station right now and so the total award is for uh nine $41,250 to TLC Diversified of paletto and staff recommends you award this contract to them and Rodney can answer any of the hard questions specific to the lift stations okay so uh questions uh commissioner tra thank you well Rodney I'm going to save you a day because I had a long conversation with the city manager about this and went through all of this and looked through all of these things and it's pretty incredible what happens here and I and I appreciate that you guys are are really watching this and keeping up on this obviously this this includes all the elements that you said that you look at to look to to update and I guess from what I've been told um and we've been listening to this pretty much every year uh what I understand is is pretty much everything gets replaced so um I I really don't have any questions and and I know it's an exp of process this is almost a million dollar so I had a grave concern again but I understand we need this so I appreciate you you keeping in touch with all of this stuff thanks and the piggyback made total sense after after you look at all all of it and how we've worked with this company before so I have I really have no further questions great uh commissioner gal oh thank you vice mayor uh yeah and thank you for you guys doing what you do I it's um nobody really notices anything until the toilets don't flush right and then until there's a problem and so thank you for making it so that the residents don't don't notice all that lip stations play a major role uh you did your analys on all of them and you came up with we're top the top five and now do you look at this as these are the lift stations that need repair or and then how much does that cost or it's what's in the budget how many can we repair with what's in the budget I for the next one that didn't make it on the list how big a concern is that to it should be on the list we just don't have the money for it we have an assessment we did a few years ago sometimes every year you have to reassess it but the biggest thing I look at is the well well itself do you see the grout like rocks in the wet well and then the piping so it just goes and yes we do what we have the money to do okay sure this is preventative we're not in a disaster situation we are doing this preventative so that we don't have a lot of problems so if if there were an emergency station then we would come to you and we would ask to do it or if we felt like we really needed to do six and not five then we would find money in the reserves and and ask you to do that but we try to hit every station so that we're on like a a 10 to 15E cycle of of hitting every station but quite truthfully we never get done it's it's like scraping Barnacles off a boat you never ever get done there's going to be more coming after you know by the time you get around a boat or painting the San Francisco bridge or whatever it is an ongoing thing thank you thank you Mr Mayor right thank you Mission Walker Oh yes thanks um so the the the preventative maintenance aspect of it um I think you were starting to touch on it but is it um more periodicity or is it more criteria related where you look at it and you say well that definitely has the criteria to be evaluated you know at a higher priority yes it's like a a one to five criteria on the wet well on the piping the valves and that's how the ones get set up but remember once we get through this in approximately 10 years the these are old designed stations they don't have U basically you can't separate the station from the sewer system but we will be able to when we're done so the pump offs and then the maintenance will be more inhouse because hopefully you won't be doing the wet well again it'll just be swing checks valves Air Relief valves things like that so that means like sometimes there is a valve replacement oh yes during yes they go to Every station we try to visit every station once a week that's the minimum and then quarterly you have to check the swing checks so there's routine and then when they find something has to be changed out we change it out and make the repair yeah okay yeah you got to the heart of it where you have a set of things that you look at on a on a weekly monthly semiannual basis yeah there's actually a folder with each station that when D comes they they check it make sure we're checking and what we're checking yeah all but having you know during the course of my Navy career preventative maintenance system was was the the heart and blood of everything and uh I am I'm I like the fact that you guys follow that same sort of regimen so anyway thank you um okay well I don't have any questions so I'll open it for any public input if anybody in the audience would like to come forward to talk about this item uh seeing no one we'll keep going I'll close public input uh and could I ask for a motion on this item some second okay and uh so any commission comments uh M thank you m trunka thank you okay and I'll just say Obviously again it's been said but some of the most important things things that we do prevention is great and I appreciate all you guys do um I I've said it and you kind of said it nobody cares about a Marty gr party if you can't flush your toilet so uh it's really important so okay and that is what I said yeah I just had a little extra to it yeah it's all good um okay and uh so um so I've got my motion I've got my second and all in favor I I hi and that motion passes unanimously okay um well hey we're doing good here guys okay we've got the proposed agenda for May 2nd 2024 commission meeting um do I have have any additions or changes okay if I could have a motion to approve the agenda so moved second okay and all in favor I I and that motion passes I I should say I motion passes unanimously thank you um okay um anybody else have anything they want to add since we're 26 minutes into the meeting anything of Interest okay well seeing nothing I'm going to close the meeting and we are officially [Music] adjourned for