look at all those happy faces in our audience today thank you guys we'll call the meeting to order and thanks for joining us um if you'll join us and if you stand please for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the FL of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay thank you Jennifer Rebecca talking to me about my password again I'll just give it to you we talk among ourselves no okay so just a couple of housekeeping items or at least one housekeeping item if anybody is here today to talk about the parking garage we are going to be recommending postponement um Jennifer did you want to say anything yeah thank you mayor uh good morning mayor vice mayor and Commissioners we um um we reviewed the procurement process for the garage and we're recommending that we postpone it uh to a Time uncert uncertain we are still fully supportive of the garages staff and recommending approval but we need to go back through the process and so we're asking that you actually table it this morning and we'll bring it back to you um in a later date okay so I just didn't want somebody to sit here throughout the meeting waiting to to talk for that item without knowing that that was coming all right uh we will go on to presentations and we have the recognition of the 2024 National Public Works week I will turn that over to commissioner TGA well mayor I just went outside back there and we had a whole whole group of professionals and I think we ought to all have come up don't you sure let let's have all of let's have all of our Public Works folks come on up and we're going to read a proclamation for you let's go baby this means you don't get to sit down for this one on up everybody [Applause] all right you guys got to face this way all right and then you'll face the other way for the photo right there you guys can stand right down the aisle it doesn't matter all right well welcome this morning fantastic this is a national public works week May 19 to 25 2024 advancing quality of life for all whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure facilities Emergency Management and services that are of vital importance to sustainability and resilient communities and to the public health high quality of life the natural environment and well-being of the people of the city of dun Eden and whereas these infrastructures facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Work professionals such as you who are federally mandated First Responders Engineers managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our nation's Transportation storm water water supply water treatment sanitation systems fleet vehicles and Equipment public buildings and other structures in facilities essential to our citizens and whereas it is a public interest for the C cens Civic leaders and children in the city of dun Eden to gain knowledge of and to maintain an ongoing interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in their respective communities and whereas the year 2024 marks the 64th annual Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association Canadian Public Works Association now therefore I John toring by the virtue of the Authority invested in the mayor of the city of Duneden and beond and in behalf of the entire city commission do hereby Proclaim May 1925 19 through 25 2024 as National Public Works week and urge all citizens to join with the representatives of the American public works Association and government agencies in activities events and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our Public Works professionals Engineers managers employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they you make to protecting our national health safety and advancing quality of life for all and I'm going to hand this to who gets the proclamation who gets the proclamation which maybe we got Sue is coming through come on through Sue thank you hey Sue are you gonna say anything yes of course thank you all for your support thank you all for your hard work every day um Nan and I have um join together to uh have the equipment Rodeo the Public Works equipment rodeo and all of these folks hopefully will be able to participate as well as the rest that are all back at the um out in the field and we want to invite you as well as the public to attend that would be May 22nd it's a little ways off 8:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Highlander Park we're going to have a lot of things there that you can learn about public works all the different parts and they can show you some of the skills that they use in the out in the field as well as you might have a little fun operating a piece of equipment you know doing something that you hadn't seen before there's giant life-size pong it's not beer pong but it's a nan did you want to this is a not everybody by any stretch of the imagination but but think it's important that we see the people that really make this city the wheels go around on this city and and so I want to thank each of them for what they do every single day y all right girl how do you want to do this picture all right you guys got to squeeze in this way in you have to shrink down so they can see the commission no get in get it all in let them get that settled ask if you're really tall yeah that's a good idea some of them come up here come come on back here tall people move to the back you did don'ts no bunny ears you're need to stand up there I this is as tall as I get there we go can I have you guys over on this side last row yeah have [Music] EMP this the last row over there now you realize you're just watching yeah and then I [Laughter] [Music] need AR right y thank you guys oop sorry everybody will you stay because we have a video so sue and Nan would you stay we have a video that we want to show a little bit later as a surprise it's not a surprise anymore but any what you say video that's good we have confetti cannons as well stop it okay uh sorry um do do we do the video now or no the public service week oh okay the third presid so now we have the 55th annual professional Municipal Clerk's week Proclamation I will turn that over to commissioner Walker can I get the municipal clerk's office up front end Center we just honor and everybody today that's right easier picture so uh several months ago I I got to spend uh probably one of the most productive hour and a half so I've spent in quite some time with the municipal clerk's office uh to understand the breadth and scope of what they do and man they do a lot and so it's my uh my honor to read Municipal Clerk's week Proclamation whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk a Time Ed and vital part of local government exists throughout the world and whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants and whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels and whereas professional Municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality rendering equal service to all and whereas the professional municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and community and whereas professional Municipal clerks continue strive to improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of the professional municipal clerk through participation in education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of their state provincial County International professional organizations and whereas it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of professional municipal clerk now therefore I Robert James Walker by virtue of the authority vested in Me by the mayor of the city of denan Florida and beh on behalf of the entire commission do hereby proclaim the week of May 5th through May 11th 2024 as professional Municipal Clerk's week and further extend appreciation to our professional municipal clerk Rebecca schlicker and to all professional Municipal clerks for the virtual Services they perform and the exemplary dedication to the communities that they represent thank you I don't get to be on this side very often thank you mayor vice mayor um and Commissioners uh commissioner Walker for reading that um I thought real quick that I would do a little bit of Clerks um year at a glance just kind of to of some things that are going on obviously I uh announced a few weeks ago dadian Citizens Academy is um August 20th to October 24 22nd and um tomorrow I believe right uh is the opening of the applications so we'll be excited to get that going we do have a municipal election just in case nobody knows um November 5th we currently have three candidates for mayor uh two candidates for seat one and two candidates for seat three um currently we have 26 active boards and committees the dunen cemetery we currently do have one full space available we very seldom have that but somebody did sell theirs back 21 crean spaces available and 29 cial bench spaces available so that's very nice uh public records request this time last year we had 93 2024 we've had 160 so our public records requests have been very active um currently I am serving on the P pelis County Municipal clerks Association say that a few times fast um as the vice president so that um we're active in that as well but um when I mention all of these things we're doing I just need to let you know that these three are really the backbone of the clerk's office they truly work hard for each and every one of you and every one of the citizens to make sure that everybody is treated equal so I appreciate this but really this is your backbone right behind me so thank you [Applause] Y come on three two one got it all [Applause] right are we announcing this yep sorry okay and finally we have public service recognition week um and I will turn that over to vice mayor frany okay so this is everybody right yep yeah so I won't ask everybody to come up again anyway um Public Service recognition week and we know we know who makes us good look good up here so it's you guys so whereas Americans are served every day by public servants at the federal state and County and City levels though these unsung heroes do the work that keeps our nation going and without these public servants at every level stability would be impossible in a democracy that regularly changes its leaders and elected officials and whereas Public Service servants make crucial contributions in every Community across the country by providing a wide range of essential services to keep us safe and Propel us forward and whereas during Public Service recognition week we express our gratitude to our public servants for their dedication to Mission service and stewardship and whereas public servants reflect the full diversity of this nation and it is because of their remarkable remarkable resilience and dedication that we continue to transform our communities for the better and whereas the city of Denine is especially proud of all city employees in our various departments who work tirelessly to make the city a truly special place for our residents business owners and visitors now therefore I'm morimo frainy by the virtue of the authority vested me by the mayor of the city of denan Florida and on behalf of the entire city commission to hereby Proclaim May 5th through May 11th 2024 as public service recognition weekend in needen and call upon all citizens to recognize the accomplishments and contributions of government employees at all levels especially our very own city of denan employees and to show appreciation with demonstrations of gratitude and again I just want to say to everybody out here and Citywide that um you are the backbone you are the backbone you make us look good every day um we are you know I like to think we work really hard and we're good at what we do but we are the figureheads of you guys doing the hard the hard lifting so and we we really appreciate it so thank [Applause] you good morning mayor vice mayor commission Teresa Smalling director of HR and risk management for the city I am honored on behalf of my fellow employees to accept this Proclamation as Nan put it you know every single one of our employees are valuable to the city and the way the city operates and we would not be who we are today without them so I'm going to ask them one more time go ahead and stand up and be recognized please [Applause] everybody um and with that I also want to um thank Communications for putting together a short video that we're going to watch now devel of we're always ready to welcome new businesses into our city we work at Fleet of course we laundry day we work for fire rescue of course we like play with life the sirens I was in that yep I can get that get that for you right away hold on we work in utilities of course we know when there's a reclaimed water shortage yep I'm right on that of course I can edit out your bald spot no one could tell I promise we work in communic ations of course we like to be creative I'll use AI I promise it's going to look great we work at Recreation plan and manage of course we know how to juggle our [Music] activities we work in Wastewater of course we handle the rest your number two is our number one we work for the office of the city manager of course we have to be great at multitasking where am I going one meeting thank you we work at solid waste our business is picking [Music] up we work in the city clerk's office of course there's new public meetings to post every [Music] day we work in engineering of course we dread announcing road closures we work for parks of course we get our daily steps in you see this grain space we have we work for the library of course we try to renew releases before they hit the shelves we work in strategy and sustainability of course our offices are full of plants we work in community development of course you need permits for [Music] everything with Public Works of course we do all the heavy lifting we work in HR of course we're going to ask you where you see yourself in 5 years Hi how are you today how are you good we work in it of course our passor our dog [Music] snakes we work in water of course we provide good quality reverse osmosis water for you and our many crap breweries we work in finance and of course you'll never see us as we are springing nerds yeah we work in facilities of course we're responsible for the cool Factor we work for the city of of course we are dedicated public servants here to serve you and our entire community [Applause] man that was that was Rockstar congratulations Communications but congratulations to everybody that was a part of it I think that really showed exactly who we are and what we do and what you commit to our community so thank you good acting too some really good yeah I know great coaching by Brook too yes oh yeah phot up Teresa should we get everybody back no I'm just kidding oh we got one that was good got it thank you thank you all right I think that's your cue you can go you guys don't have to stick around for all this whole meeting but thank you for all the hard work again I don't know how thanks guys video maybe CH Brooke did that video she did a great job I know it's supposed to be funny it was funny and then it was heartwarming it's hard to make me laugh and not cry your home [Music] stretch lack of sleep trying to help okay all right now is it time for citizen input anybody wishing to come forward and speak to any item that's not already on the agenda if it's on the agenda you'll get a chance to speak to it at that time so anybody wishing to come forward please feel free to do so you have three minutes and give us your name and address for the record okay seeing or hearing none we'll move to consent agenda which is the approval of the minutes from March 21st for uh April 2nd and April 4th board and committee appointments which are um committee on Environmental Quality historic preservation and Social Services the approval to increase the funding in Tyler Erp project in the amount of $94,800 uh the Emergency Medical Services Program internship agreement the award of gec service authorization task assignment in the amount of 26,8 excuse me $820 the approval and amendment of City service agreement with Empower Financial Services um and a recommend to extend the freeb loop pilot project for 30 days that is going to be postponed I guess I should have done that first which one I was going to pull it off off the agenda and ask you to continue to Thursday which one the free 2G yeah cuz I didn't see any okay so any items to be pulled Jennifer is pulling the freebie Loop pilot project item 2G sorry 2G are there any other items to be pulled and mayor um on item 2E you said 26,000 sorry 9682 I just wanted to confirm that I didn't type that wrong so okay no yeah I'd like to e p two e pulled 2 C Jesus you guys are killing me okay anything else to be pulled all right can I have a motion and a second to approve um except for 2 c 2 e and 2 G so moved second okay commissioner torga and commissioner gal any public input on these um consent agenda items seeing or hearing none um all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously all right we'll go to item 2 C which is the approval to increase the funding in the Tyler Erp project um commissioner Walker that was yours right did have a question just a question okay go ahead um so the uh I went through this a few times so is um is this an increase in budget request for these these services for the Erp or what does this constitute so we spent all of our budget on all the implementation days and by trying to um made so many changes in staff that we had to have additional days and it took us longer we had um additional pre-live days we've had about three we're going to have going four weeks of Post Live days so we didn't have funding for those days so this is what this funding is for to pay for those days okay I appreciate that now was that as a result of an increase in scope or no no okay so this was this is really kind of just a budgetary action to cover the remaining days of implementation correct okay great that's all the questions I have thank you anybody else have any questions on this well I wasn't going to say anything about it but I will since Rob pulled it um I had extensive talk with the city manager about it and and I get it I mean we've had new people and we're you know training but we know this has been a long time coming and you know I've talked to at least one person who uses it regularly and I know it's not you know it's got It's On The Struggle Bus in some areas still um so we want it to function well so I did suggest as the city manager too that as we're moving along maybe there's a few of contractors that we know that regularly use the system and maybe we reach out and make sure it's working well for them um as we also train our employees because it doesn't sound like it's an issue I mean the employees are trying so it's so I want it to be functional so that wasn't a question but I wanted to make a statement since it got pulled okay anybody else okay can I have a motion to approve so moved second commissioner Walker and commissioner TGA um anybody from the audience wish to speak to this item seeing or hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed okay and we'll go to item 2E which is the award of GE service authorization task assignment in the amount of 96,00 um $20 um for the north Douglas Avenue flooding alternative analysis um was this you commissioner it was mayor was there just a question no I just I actually would like an overview you know it doesn't have to be extensive but I think it's an important enough issue um to quite a few of our citizens so I thought we should at least do a little bit of an overview is what we're doing good morning Nan Bennett director of utilities um so this item is to bring in one of our general engineering Consultants to help us look at solutions to Sunny Day flooding that has become a much more frequent event on North Douglas Avenue and San Mato north of Mira Vista towards where the um Road drains into Cedar Creek we've had a a number of days that that it's perfectly sunny outside and yet there's flooding on that street and um we've been meeting with the residents uh at various different times since the last hurricane event because there was flooding during the hurricane as well but but the the item that has caused them the most difficulty is the sunny day flooding we have put our heads together as staff come up with a number of potential Solutions but we've asked the consultant that uh it's Jones Edmonds and Associates that previously did our storm water modeling to look at these different ideas that have been brought forward by both staff and and the residents and the and the Consultants as well and say what is it that we can do to help give them some relief for some of this sunny sunny day FL Flooding at least um in the near term so I think that that's fine I mean obviously you know we've got about 10 different things that are going to be looked at and picked out what three of them as potential Solutions so I just thought it's important and I I do agree with the direction we're going on this because I think we have to kind of have a Baseline and decide you know what can we do what can't we do the residents deserve that so anybody else uh Ju Just a comment um if I may sure um yeah I I like I like the way this was laid out um you know in terms of first of all identifying specific tasks and then the taking a look at the potential Solutions um I I do believe that um my this my observation is is that I think um there's been a lot done to to identify some of the root cause and corrective action things that might be in the realm of the possible um and uh uh I guess the one question I did have uh I'm I'm assuming that the due date for the tasks ntp is notice to proceed okay all right no notice to proceed is when we give them a work order and they start work got it okay the due date is I believe about 6 months after we give them a notice to proceed okay all right okay thank you and Jennifer you feel like this is The Next Step that we need to do I do I do and the residents have been really involved in this as well the the list of things that that the consultant is going to look at is a list really as as Nan said that we worked on with the residents and we told them everything's on the table we'll look at all of their suggestions and we are well that's I think the most important thing is working with the community and the neighborhood um you know not everything can be what we think it is M you know it's got to be some times we get so in our head in government process or standards that we're we don't listen to you know what other people the the common person that sees what is obviously right in front of them you know what they think and I think that's that's really important that we do that yes okay mayor I was also going to say and you know to this too I there all of us do you know other communities around penelas around the state are dealing with the same issue in some of their vulnerable areas so I think again you know kind of of doing this very um kind of detailed review on some of this stuff will help us in other ways as well as we look towards sustainability sea level rise sure I agree with all of that and I've had a number of detailed conversations and I think it's imperative that we do this uh and gain whatever we can as quickly as we can to for for not only for storm water but but for all water coming into our community as a as a coastal coastal city so thank you you got anything over there you usually do well I don't want to feel left out why didn't that commissioner same thing uh yeah no I think it's uh can never be too soon to to study this and getting uh resident input on this is vital so thank you thank you okay anybody from the public wish to speak to this item seeing a hearing none um can I have a motion to approve so move second okay commissioner G now vice mayor frainy all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed motion passes unanimously all right and then Jennifer recommending the extending the postponement of freebie Loop pilot project for 30 days yes just until Thursday and so we've since the April 16th meeting when we had the update on the pilot program uh the commission had had comments I had comments regarding uh the levels of service and we had a good meeting with freebie they are uh responding to those comments we need an addendum to the agreement because it expires on May 2 and so I need an additional 30 days uh to work with freebie to bring a a a changed modified level of service for and operations for the off peak uh time frame and then look at some other aspects that would address the the questions and comments that you had we uh the city attorney's office has approved the addendum it's a two-page addendum I think we just didn't have enough time last night to get it to all of you uh and so you need a couple days we need to send it to you today and I'm asking that you just continue this till Thursday evening so moved second okay vice mayor and commissioner gal anybody from the public wish to speak to this okay all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously thank you thank you um Jennifer all right we'll move on to our action items all right we have the resolution 249 equipment Master leasing services with Bank of America for three Solid Waste Vehicles 72 Club Car golf carts and one club car car all Cafe Express cart at a total cost of 1 M 56432 2017 Jennifer would you please read the resolution 249 by title only resolution 2409 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of d Florida authorizing the least purchase Finance of the acquisition of a 2024 crane carrier battle motor New Way 20 Cyd rear end loader 2024 crane carrier battle motor New Way 31 Cyd um Sidewinder 20204 um crane carrier battle Motors newway 40 Cyd front and loader 72 Car golf carts and one Club Car carry off Cafe Express golf cart approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of schedule 3 to the master lease purchase agreement with Bank of America public Capital Corps approving the form and authorizing execution and delivery of an exore agreement in connection there with Argent Institute Trust Company authorizing the execution and delivery of other documents required in connection therewith making certain covenants and agreements in connection therewith and providing an effective dat that was resolution 2409 read by titled only okay can I have a motion to approve so move second okay vice mayor and commissioner Tonga Les good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners Les Tyler the finance director as mentioned this item is resolution 2409 for equipment Master leasing services with the Bank of America and this is for the purchase of three solid way vehicles and also 72 Club Car golf carts and one Club Car carry all Express cart for a total cost of financing of $1,564 th000 I'd like to get some brief background on this item the city commission awarded uh a contract to the Bank of America in January 2022 as a result of RFP 22-11 195 the city entered enter this contract the BFA on January 21st 2022 the master lease agreement is for a 5-year term and will expire in January of 27 the purpose of the of the award and the contract with BFA is to identify a financial institution that our city could contract with to finance the purchase of various Vehicles the purchase of which the city commission has approved uh the the the lease or Debt Service payments are made in AAR on an annual basis the city commission approved the purchase of three Solid Waste Vehicles as part of the fiscal year 24 Fleet replacement plan that was presented to the commission on February 6 2024 in addition the city commission approved the purchase of 72 Club Car golf carts and one Cafe Express cart for the for use at the Duneden golf club and that was presented to the commission on December 12th 2023 uh the city commission was informed uh that this that that City staff would Finance the purchase of these vehicles uh and the vehicles are listed in the Staffing report uh background section and I'll briefly go over them it's a 20 there a 2024 crane uh carrier battle motors with with a 20qb rear loader the cost of that is $326,000 there's also a 2024 crane battle Motors new way uh 31 cubic yard Sidewinder the price of that is $416,000 the next is a 2024 crane carrier New Way 40 cubic yard front-end loader the cost of that is $374,000 and then we have for the golf carts there there're 2025 72 Club Car golf carts and one Club car carry all Cafe Express uh with a total cost of $447 $724 uh one of the solid waste Vehicles will be delivered uh any day now it should be here in early May and the other two Solid Waste vehicles and the golf carts are expected to be delivered in October 24 or sooner uh the total cost and borrowing amount will be 1,564 132 Bank of America has proposed an interest rate tax exempt interest rate of 4 .6% over a 5year time period the annual payment will be $352,900 and that payment will be uh a portion of it will be paid by the golf course fund which would be $1,331 and the remainder will be paid by the solid waste fund and that amount is $251,900 and the total interest paid over the 5year period would be $2,652 the city will be required to enter into a Master Lease uh with Bank of America for this process to purchase these vehicles uh Jennifer Cohen our City attorney and drain Draper with our bond and disclosure Council have reviewed the terms and conditions of these agreements and find them acceptable also drained rper is here today to assist with any technical questions that may come up acceptance of schedule 3 within the master leasee agreement requires approval of resolution 249 staff is requesting uh that City commission approved resolution 2409 and authorized staff to enter into a master lease agreement with Bank of America to borrow 1,564 132 to finance the purchase of these vehicles and I want to mention that uh you know it says lease but this is uh in my mind it's a loan to finance Vehicles when these vehicles delivered we they our asset we own them so I just want to clarify that that concludes our comments and any questions happy to answer them thank you questions for Les I I do have um thank you for the presentation and I I appreciate you pointing out that the that lease is really really a purchase I had a long conversation again about that I remember when we when we did that years ago there was some confusion about that so I think that's important particularly because we got two different also we have two different kinds of vehicles here um both are for pleasure of course because if that don't happen we have a problem but on the golf on the golf course Vehicles a little bit different and and frequently they will exchange those Vehicles out um and they do lease them from uh from a from a company um and so in our particular case we're taking care of that own our own financing for that and it's in the form of a actually of a purchase so our leasing agreement is is really internal and when we wish to replace those golf carts then we'll we'll do so and and we get it we get a nice penny back on them when they do that frequently it's common in the industry that's correct that's that's uh there is a little bit of a difference but but from the financing side really not so much yeah no that's correct yeah we're we chose to purchase the purchase the uh the carts rather than leasing them so we'll own the carts and uh then uh four or five years when we when we turn them around we'll they'll have a salvage value and and we'll be able to sell those cards for we we're guessing 2500 each is our estimate somewhere in that ballpark but yeah that's correct thank you thank you mayor anybody else yes may I can um Les we we chose to purchase the golf carts as opposed to lease them uh and I'm guessing the answer to this is going to be yes but we do have the expertise in house to maintain those golf CS yes the uh the golf carts the the maintenance agreement and the warranty is the identical whether you purchase or lease so these have a four almost everything's covered for four years uh with these golf carts so uh the manufacturer uh club car will take care of most of the things that that might might come up but but uh the the staff at the golf course would not be doing anything from a maintenance standpoint that that they would if they relased if that makes sense because the majority of the work is done will be done by the manufacturer over that four-year time frame as long as we have that maintenance agreement in place that makes sense um I won't ask about whether or not the uh garbage trucks are electric or not um but I know that we're looking at that when that day comes but the golf cart the golf carts and primarily the the Caro Cafe Express from my understanding that is not electric that that is gas yeah the 72 golf carts are electric and but the one the one carry all for the that will be for the food and beverage cart that is that is gas that's not electric correct did we do any calculations or analysis on the the price difference in when you calculate in fuel the cost of fuel and what the difference in maintenance might be to where from my understanding that the reason we're going gas is because that cart basically runs all day right it it has to Loop through the course in order to sell the products uh but to be take into consideration what the maintenance of that cart is going to be uh what the fuel costs are going to be and what an additional what then an additional electric cart of that same function might be so it might be cheaper or the same price to get two electric Cafe carts that are electric as opposed to one that's combustion fuel did we do any type of analysis like that uh I'm not aware of an of any detail analysis on that I I can Circle back with the the the golf course the GM GM Golf Course and and get get his have him check into that if you'd like I think you're right if we we would we would need to have two electric carts for sure if we were able to try to do that because of the range issues like you mentioned uh but I i' have to follow up on that item I think may I commissioner May the um uh the the gas powered uh bed Hospitality vehicle that was really the recommendation of the golf course as well in in uh Blair Klein just because the the way that it loops around the course if we were to have two uh Hospitality carts if you will we'd have to uh stock both of them as well so um we did not run that analysis we can Circle back and have a look at it but it was a recommendation of the golf pro and and the director of golf operations and and I can appreciate that and I understand that but also the recommendation from a golf pro that's been in in it for 30 or 40 years might be a mindset more of an analysis decision and and so if we should always be doing that calculation to make sure that know we're we're meeting toward current standards we're moving moving forward instead of same all saml type of thing and yes you would have to take both of them offline to charge but if they're running independently while one is charging one is moving and so they're not both moving at the same time um can I can I ask a question on that how much did you and you might have said it and I missed it did you did you say how much the the carry all cart is I don't remember individually how much the car all card is do you less I don't remember the individual prise I don't believe I think it's in here all as one lump sum yeah because I mean what you're saying is look at the price of the cart and is it worth it to have two right electric versus one guas gas right and considering the maintenance on on the fuel and then the fuel the maintenance on the fuel cart also the fuel for the fuel cart taking all that into consideration we can have a look at it I mean maybe I'm Dreaming this highly possible I'm Dreaming this but but um I I was thinking we actually asked that question when Blair was here and we were talking about the package but maybe I'm dreaming that did we didn't he kind of answer it because I did well then I'll Circle back with CU I just don't remember I was thinking thank you yeah yeah cuz it would make sense that did this came before said I would have asked the question then as well and I just don't we if one thing we know about electric vehicles you're consistent that's a good thing that's a good thing thank you you keep us all in our toes well well then never mind all right anybody else with questions no okay um anybody from the public wish to speak to this item seeing or hearing none um commissioner fry any final comments no I mean I think this is mainly the finance package for things that we've talked about and um obviously that we need so I'm in favor of it thank you Les commissioner Tor got anything final I'm fine thank you as our Lea on I'm fine thank you anything from you no mayor I'm sorry I need clarification I mean commissioner said never mind we don't we don't want that analysis because I think we already covered it is what we're all saying okay all right but just highlighted the Blair I mean ongoing right to consider don't I just need no no I'll go visit Blair and he'll educate me again Rob anything uh just yeah just just make for public awareness this is just completing the finance package that um for the actual procurement that we approved in February and uh when you see the number of Public Works people that get up uh for the proclamation today we need to make sure they have the right equipment to work with so thank you okay uh I'm excited to move forward Jennifer real quickly can you tell me can you just give a brief overview it's a little off topic but how how the golf cart improve I mean the golf course improvements are coming along and if we're on schedule we are on schedule yes and and they're coming along very well but I'm not going to jinx ourselves okay so but yes we are on schedule mayor thank you all right roll call vote please commissioner gal I commissioner Walker hi commissioner torga hi vice mayor fry hi mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously we need water thank you all right Florida Department of Environmental Protection Grant agreement in the amount of $38,900 for the city of denan comprehensive vulnerability assessment and adaption plan Michelle good morning good morning Michelle Monaco I'm the environmental program manager for the city of dun Eden and we are very excited to bring um these two agenda items before you all for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Grant agreement for $ 38,9 for the city of dunnan's vulnerability assessment and adaption plan this funding is eligible for a cost reimbursement upon the city's commission's approval today so as we mentioned during our storm water rate study and just to kind of bring you all in line and to connect the dots um we implemented a resiliency implementation program under the rate study under our Capital planning and the first project that we really prioritized was the our vulnerability assessment and adaption plan um this project is extensive in its nature it covers you know flooding impacts in the city so we're looking at rainfall we're looking at sea level rise storm surge and tidal flooding and then also what critical assets we need to protect or city facilities we need to protect and then what is our adaptive capacity or strategy that we're going to use to make us more resilient as a city um once this project is completed uh we will present our final results to you all um we're aiming for early March of 2026 so the second agenda item I'm just going to go into it um is to recommend the award of this grant to the general engineering contractor service authorization to wsp environment and infrastructure they have a lot of professional and experienced resources and really an impressive track record um conducting vulnerability assessments throughout the State of Florida and and even in the local Tampa Bay area so we do have a wsp representative here um his name is Nabil bonway and he is a professional engineer and a certified flood plane manager so if you have any questions for us um we can take those now thank you okay do um questions for Michelle I'll start this way uh Michelle U thank you for the presentation did I hear you right that we hope to be done with this by March of 2026 yes that's correct is that okay um dang I don't know why I think that's too long but I understand I just want answers today um no um no more questions comments no more questions any questions Rob uh just in terms of the the um so my understanding the way this works from a cost reimbursement is the grant basically reimburses any cost of the city is that correct correct so as we move along the project there are different tasks in the project and once we complete a task we submit for reimbursement through this grant okay and just in terms and it um I know I think this has been a long time coming but so my question isn't um but are is there been any sort of proforma done that would to basically predict the cost from the city's budget is that I guess the question is do we anticipate that this is going this what we're going to have to end up paying out is going to exceed what we're getting back in the grant it's the same amount same amount okay perfect all right thank you vice mayor um so uh so there is a representative for wsp yes so would you be willing to come forward and just tell me um who will be the lead on this project and and kind of your view of the project sure I yeah yeah that's great or whichever it's fine this is important to us so I want to look you in the eyes it's important to us an amazing job thanks um so yeah my name is Nel bani professional engineer and CFM with wsp um just to give you guys a little more background myself uh I worked for the city of clear water in penel County uh for about 8 nine years um so I know this area and I frequent done e in quite a bit um and so this project is supporting me just as much as this to you um a little more on the background of the project it's uh it's fdp Grant funded fully funded fully reimbursed um wcp help um apply for that and we've eventually want it so hopefully that helps the burden for the residents um as far as a project background wcp will be um conducting uh data collection we'll be doing sensitivity and exposure analysis um and eventually we'll be coming up with some adaptive strategies and solutions including maybe identifying some funding strategies so um a little more on I guess is that sufficient um so are you technically the coordinator of the project I'll be the project manager so what does that mean in terms of percentage of time dedicated to the project it's extremely important project for me uh I'll be committing U quite a bit whatever needs to be done really um but I'll be running it from day to-day financials we have extremely talented um uh Team behind me some of them are international U like Michelle mentioned we've done these quite a bit throughout the state we're kicking off a few right now and hopefully that leads some efficiencies for the city um we're kicking off in Charlotte County we we do a lot of this work down Monroe uh we completed the city of Oldsmar vulnerability assessment penel County vulnerability assessment so it's something we do this is pretty uh frequent work for us okay who'd you work with at pel County directly I was over in the was Management Group um reporting to Paul melis and uh eventually up to Kelly Ley the Public Works Rec okay good okay good no thank you unless somebody else wanted to ask while he's up anybody have questions for the Consulting sure I mean I have other questions but for this guy just I was just did okay so um the um yeah okay this this presentation that you're going to end up with or we're going to end up with is is a distance off in the future uh unfortunately um and I and I assume there's no way to to sort of speed that up um that could be a question um yeah sure let me get a little more I'm sorry for so for the deliverables to us obviously there's quite a distance of time and and probably some of it needed of course um but so that's one question and the second question that goes along with that this allows them us to seek grants correct perhaps federal grants Andor and gives us a a step up on that so obviously there's a tremendous Advantage uh to that and there's a tremendous advantage to have that as soon as possible so big question is is there any way that that this can be be sped up a bit or so a little uh background on the way the project deliver is going to go we have um the vulnerability assessments the first phase if you want to call it that um but it's a major deliverable um in between there we do have a couple public meetings that will be uh undertaking so there'll be opportunities for uh more information get spread out to the to uh Council um also um sorry what was the second question I I could have as the staff this as well but I was I was ask asking about this the sort of essentially the speed of of of getting of getting the information that would allow us then to accomplish some of grant funding so yes um as far as so the the total project seems lengthier uh it's essentially two projects and one a lot of communities uh have done just vulnerability assessment and then that's been the completion they go back out for fdp for additional funding they complete adaption plan so this is kind of two projects slumped into one and hopefully that does have some efficiencies as far as uh funding strategies um wcp is really proud to have just worked with penel County for their fdp grant funding we're able to win quite a quite a bit of funding Millions um what we'll be able to produce is a better idea of risk and Associate dollars with that which fdp really finds favorable for for increased funding so we're hoping that once we're complete with the vulnerability assessment we should be really well positioned um to the city get funding I say we have staff's trining to jump in I know no it's okay um but we are kicking off this meeting on May 6 so we are starting as soon as we can I've met with our GIS um administrator and we're trying to line up our ducks in a row so that we have the data available to hit the ground and run so we understand the importance of of getting this work done hi Mike Sue Bartlett Public Works director um also in the packet there is a schedule with with the tasks and the anticipated uh task due date which we worked with um wsp as well as with d to come up with a a reasonable schedule of course we're going to do everything we can to um do this quickly as we can but we have been assured by D that when the data is placed in we will be eligible during that process for some of the funding um on some of the projects that we have brought before you and um and then the adaption plan is that big deliverable that is 26 where we come up with these strategies for some of the tital influences that we're seeing sea level rise as well as um you know storm flooding so that's where we're going to come up with some more projects and bring some other alternatives to you but just even on our known projects again we've had plenty of meetings with the and they have assured us that we will be eligible when we get this initial data put in for the vulnerability assessment great additional uh information to that to that question thank you thank you anybody else questions for the cons I just had m i just no I'm just for the consultant oh gotcha okay you can go sit down and now I'm going to come back to VI gotcha you do know what you're doing I do thank you um no I actually just since we have a wealth of experience with the county over here I assume we feel really good about our selection for who's doing this absolutely absolutely that's all I need to know thank you okay other questions commissioner I have nothing further thank you all right anybody from the public wish to come forward and speak to this item okay uh can I have a motion to approve so second okay commissioner TGA and commissioner gal thank you very much any final comments I'm delighted I think this is just outstanding for us being a Coastal Community wow and if and whatever we can speed up but I appreciate your comment about us being able to be adaptable into this program as as it's progressing but whatever we can do I I think is very important and imperative thank you any final comments uh yeah just um you can certainly tell from the tone of the commission that we're all kind of excited and uh want it sooner rather than later given we've already had one agenda item this morning on daylight flooding and certain aspect and knowing that um the marina is already shown and talk about impacts we have another neighborhood B with chores that has been impacted so uh the the time certainly is now so thank you all very much commissioner Walker yes ma'am uh yeah so I think you know obviously the the real benefit here and again just to Echo the comments of my colleagues the ability to move this along more quickly would be good because the benefit to this is is that this really provides that assessment that we need to go after grant money and other other money funding and so um I this is you know i' would say arguably from a consultancy standpoint this is probably one of the most important things that we will be doing um because we are are we are vulnerable and so uh with that said uh I absolutely applaud this um let's just get it done thank you vice mayor um well I think this is the challenge of Our Generation right I mean we um um we live in interesting times we're a Coastal Community and I think there's probably no bigger thing that we need to do right now and to understand our vulnerabilities for who we are and what we want to be as we continue to be such a u Premier City so I'm very supportive of this and um it's going to be fascinating to see the results of it so thank you okay I'm very excited about it as well all right all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed motion passes unanimously thank you very much all right now we have the award of the GE service authorization task assignment to wsp USA environment and infrastructure in the amount of 380,000 wait am I reading something twice well one was the grant one's the contract thing so I think it's should be an easy okay money spending Mone yeah exactly got it okay that's a good St so Michelle doesn't have to represent as the point Michelle doesn't have to represent cuz she already kind of gave her all right any anything else from the commission anything else from the public I move approval okay second vice mayor fry commissioner G any other comments nope all right all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes the unanimously and Jennifer I noticed how you put this at the last piece of the discussion the parking garage next time that should be the first thing we talk about just given the length of what that might go into all right so uh Jennifer did you want to discuss again the parking garage postponement uh no mayor I just request that you table it table table okay that's what I said to begin with I know all right I need a motion to table so moved yep second okay all right all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously do we have any idea when this is coming forward did you say when it was coming forward uh actually I'd like to meet with staff to set out the time frame all right was there something you were you were oh no I I said I real quick but Rob was louder and stronger okay so I went with a second I'm CL with that uh all right we have a starred item resolution 2410 auditor selection committee I need a motion and a second to add this to the agenda so mooved second vice mayor and commissioner torga all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimous all right then we have the resolution 2410 by title only Jennifer resolution 2410 a resolution of the city of dened and Florida creating the city of denen auditor selection committee to implement controlling state law providing for legislative findings and intent providing for the committee's establishment and purpose membership duties and responsibilities meeting recommendation providing for implementing actions providing for conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date that was resolution 2410 read by title only okay can I have a motion to approve so move second okay commissioner frainy vice mayor frany and commissioner Walker Les good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners Les Tyler our finance director uh this item is for the selection of an auditor audit for of an auditor selection committee to assist in the selection of an auditing firm to conduct our City's Financial audit which is required by section 218 391 Florida Statutes the city has had the firm of more Stevens love La perform our yearend audit for the past 10e time frame it is time to to perform another RFP process red in Services the process of identifying and Contracting with qualified firms to provide auditing services is again regulated by uh Florida statute uh 21839 one the first step in the process is that the city commission appoint and auditor selection committee and I want to mention that uh in Fisco year 21 U and thereafter there are new requirements on how we select the auditor selection committee uh and I want to briefly go over kind of some of the the key areas of this the OT selection committee must consist of at least three members one of which must be a member M of the governing body so one of the members has to be a City Commissioner and who must serve as and and that person must serve as the committee chair no employees of the city may serve as a member of the auditor selection committee however an employee of the city such as myself as the finance director I could I could as example serve in in an advisory capacity only staff is recommending the auditor selection committee be three members uh and the intent of the committee will be to to contract with a selected firm to provide audit service for fiscal years uh September 30th 2024 through 2027 and the contract May provide renew renewals for two additional one-year periods that's consistent with what we did with the last contract the following people have agreed to serve on the committee and are recommended by staff for your uh commission's consideration the first person is James eoff he's a board of Finance member and he was recommended by the board of Finance uh also uh the Director of Finance for the city of Tarpon Springs Ron hering has uh has offered to assist and we're recommending that he be on the committee and the third is the city uh the city commission one member of the commission needs to be on the committee and we're asking that the commission choose that member today uh once the committee members are determined by your city commission the purchasing agent for the city Chuck ankney will be the facilitator for the RFP process with the committee to approve the first approve the RFP uh for audit services and then go through the evaluation process uh as a result of the evaluation process the committee will provide the city commission with a list of the three most highly qualified firms and that is anticipated to occur in Late July early August time frame and staff is asking commission to do ideally three things today uh first would be to approve resolution 24-10 creating the auditor selection committee uh the next item would be to choose which member of the city commission will serve on the auditor selection committee and the last item would be to confirm the three members to serve on the auditor selection committee we happy to answer any questions you have and again this is new this is our first time going through this uh uh tman Springs been through it a couple years ago uh but but we uh it is and I want to thank Jennifer Co for assisting me with the resolution and and the Staffing as well uh for this item thank you okay uh any questions or less or any of the Jennifers okay um anybody from the public wish to speak to this item all right uh final comments commissioner fry or vice mayor fry we're just this is the first item only first item only um no I I have no comments I mean I think it's probably a a good process I'm not sure exactly why um it was legislatively done this way but I'm sure it's just as just kind of one arm's length to make sure you know no undue influence by the the finance group that's going to work closely with the auditor even though I have great uh great uh faith in Les um anyway so yeah I'm in favor okay commissioner walker uh no questions on the first item comments oh comments um yeah I I guess I'm kind of surprised that this hasn't been in in place before for um because I I would think this would be a kind of a normal part of the process of due diligence um but no I I this is absolutely my opinion the right thing to do so thanks commissioner uh no it's the right thing to do no comments Mission this sounds excellent thank you I thought it was overreach by the state I just have to say that I thought it was a lot of overreach I'm not saying the process is bad but again I thought it was very it's overreach and I think to have an elected official on an administrative internal decision making and I mean I know that they report to us but not in all cities do they and I just thought it was real overreach I'm fine with moving forward with the process it's not that I just I think to legisl to have this as a state law is overreach but that's just my humble opinion um okay uh all a roll call vote please commissioner gal hi commissioner TGA hi commissioner Walker hi vice mayor frainy hi mayor balski I and the motion passes unanimously okay now it's time for us to select one of our colleagues to be on the committee the selection committee so I would like to get nominations please commissioner Rob Walker okay all are there any other all right you're it that was easy well thank you I wasn't sure how that process was going to go but uh if there's only one I I full-heartedly accept I'm excited to do it thank you okay thank you awesome uh we don't need to vote right because there was only one nomination you'll need to vote for the final membership of the commission of the okay so can I have a motion in a second to now approve the uh F Board of Finance member the Tarpon Springs director and commissioner Walker so moved second commissioner TWA and vice mayor frainy all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously thank you commissioner Walker it is absolutely my pleasure to serve thank you I'm glad to know you accept I hadn't heard the acceptance yet but that's good now all right the proposed agenda for May 14th work session are there any changes seeing or hearing none can I have a motion to approve so move so moved okay vice mayor frany second and commissioner gal all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed I all right motion passes unanimously all right so let's take a little 10-minute break or you know something between our our action items and our informational items um okay up next is our Bel Bel Tre Street Safe Streets concept and the legislative post session report that in itself are two very large items to tackle all right thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome everybody back to our April 30th uh work session we are going to move on to the belri streets Safe Streets for all concept plan technical report Jennifer did you have any opening remarks I don't mayor no okay George thank you mayor Vice May Commissioners George Kenny on behalf of Community Development Department and obviously with us is uh our partners in this effort uh being pelis County and Fa and peers uh and Kathy our illustrious project manager we'll introduce those uh folks as they uh are prepared to make a presentation so we've had the pleasure to work with both the county and the Consulting Group through this effort uh to administer the beltre's safety Grant and as you know the the limit the limits of that study are from are the belri corridor from Patricia all the way to Edgewater uh the project goals were obviously to identify safety opportunities and complete Street opportunities for implementation um and that's you know what this draft is and I think Cathy will talk to you a little bit about that it is it is a draft plan that is talking about potential um implementation mechanisms that would obviously come forward once funding is identified and the commission is satisfied with whatever those recommendations are so as you know there's been considerable public input uh and again the teams completed the draft and with that I'm going to kind of turn it over to Kathy to talk about what we're hopeful to get uh from this afternoon's conversation okay welcome thank you so this is the Bel trees uh Safe Streets for all project and as you know we've been here before uh we presented the first of our recommendations um a couple months ago um in the meantime we have taken public comment and staff comment and um every comment that we could get um we did revise the plan a little bit and then I will Kristoff will will talk about that uh what we kept in and what we took out and the reasoning for that um so the final project the final report that will if approved by the commission um all the projects in the plan are just that they're just a plan they're a concept plan um what happens next after uh the commission if you decide to approve the plan and all the recommendations in it what will happen is um staff will go through those go through the plan and find the projects that are most feasible most cost effective and we will work with our engineering department and see which one of the projects are most feasible we realize there's RightWay issues we realize there's tree issues we realize a lot of other problems out there but we want to be sure that we have all the data and we're going to need other partners to partner with us to see which one of these projects are feasible and then once we get a list of those then we will work with uh forward pelis again and we'll work with Valerie and her group and we'll get funding we'll try and get funding for those projects so so right now this is just a concept plan and it's just a recommendation plan and nothing is um going to be implemented anytime soon without commission Direction commissioner fry had a clarify just a quick clarifier quick CL clarifier so we'll see these this multiple times before anything's actually done in terms of oh absolutely absolutely all the projects that will come forth will come forth in front of the commission for approval okay thank you okay thank you mayor go appreciate that thank you and I'm going to turn it over to Kristoff who is a project manager for the fair and Pairs and for penela side thank you Kathy good morning mayor vice mayor members of the commission um Kristoff deasy with f Pier here to talk to you about the B trees safer streets plan um before I dive into the presentation it what I was hoping to get to do today was give you a brief recap of some of the Alternatives that some the initial Alternatives that we presented to you all last time we were here um where we got some feedback from you all from members of the public staff had a chance to review and and show you what what's changed from that initial set of recommendations and um what we're where we are today so in terms of short-term recommendations um there were a couple of things that we we thought could be done in the shortterm um double up some of the warning signs at the trail um so a neighborhood traffic circle at Broadway we had we were recommending some speed feedback signs at six locations along the corridor um the the potential of automated speed cameras within the school zone around uh Douglas and Milwaukee um the installation of uh back plates at the signal at Douglas Avenue and then relocating some of the Z the school zone flashers to be in line with the the pavement markings so those are the ones that we thought could be done in the short term um Qui I'll go through these quickly from going from west to east uh along Bell trees um the first recommendation was to oneway uh the segment between Edgewater and Douglas um westbound um with uh to get the space to provide uh some some uh bike facilities along the segment um this is of at Broadway we're recommending for for the traffic circle the neighborhood traffic circle to uh was originally supposed to be done uh with uh paint and and balled some temporary materials but having it been permanent U with a raised intersection um I'm sorry can you go back to that a little just go a little slower say it again so the the traffic circle at Broadway originally we had it from the short-term recommendations was supposed to be done with uh with temporary materials so it was be would be a quick build project um and then at at part as part of the long-term uh project it would become a permanent uh uh neighborhood traffic circle so it would have an actual raised island with uh landscaping and and sorts okay and so is that changed yes it has changed so this this is just a recap of what we presented originally and then when we get uh further along in the presentation I'll show you what um based on the comments and the feedback we got from you all and from staff what's changed and what what the alternatives are now thank you um going from Douglas to Milwaukee we're recommending a Shar a 10 to 12T shared use path on the North side um also providing some Crossing opportunities uh with the rectangular rapid flashing Beacon so we'll call those enhanced crosswalks um along the segment um at the intersection of Milwaukee we were recommending uh another mini roundabout or traffic circle so uh converting from a signal a traffic signal to a mini roundabout um and then moving uh further east between Milwaukee and Patricia having an a separated on street bike facility two-way bike facility um with some Crossing opportunities also between Milwaukee and Patricia and so that's what we presented last time and I will show you what what has uh how these projects I mean sorry these Concepts have evolve based on the feedback that we've receiv received from you all um so what we're presenting today will be two Alternatives um the first one which is an iteration of what we've showed here where um we heard from the commission that uh maybe the idea of having it Go westbound may not be the best and so we're leaving it kind of open whether it goes eastbound or westbound um is something that can be vetted um further along you know in the process once it uh once it becomes actually an actual project um really what you would be doing is is putting do not enter signs so whether it goes on the on the Douglas side or on the Edgewater side is something that can be determined further along um and then as part of alternative one there wouldn't be a neighborhood traffic circle at Broadway so that one is going away um alternative to um there was we were asked to look at the possibility of having uh the shared use path on uh on I'm sorry provide a shared use path between Douglas I'm sorry between Douglas and Edgewater so instead of having the one way between Edgewater and and Douglas having a shared use path on by widening the sidewalk on the North side um and the share juice pad that we were provide that we were recommending on the south on the North side between Douglas and Milwaukee having that switch to the South Side uh closer to the school so those are the the um Alternatives that we we uh looked at and um evaluated some of the impacts of those Alternatives um so here as you're seeing it it's for illustration purposes we still have it shown as westbound but again like I mentioned the possibility is to go eastbound or westbound um we're taking away the traffic circle at Broadway and so now we just become a raised intersection um wood textured pavement so with alternative to um here we're we're showing if we were to widen a sidewalk on the North side what it would look like um so one thing I want to mention with this one um was that it would there would be some impact to trees um there's a a a buffered area between the sidewalk and the the the the street that would need to be narrowed and so the trees that are there right now would most likely be need to be switched to something that would be smaller so it would go from a 9-ft buffer to a 5-ft buffer so there would be some impact of trees if this would this is the uh the recommendation that goes forward um um also moving moving further east um with the traffic circle being removed also at Broadway as part of alternative to um and with alternative to moving uh the the shared use path from the north side to the south side side and this is what it would look like on the South Side um so just for comparison purposes looking at the cross-section um as I mentioned before so you're going from uh a 9ot buffered area for where the trees are to a 5- foot buffered area um if you keep it two-way and put the shed use path on the the north side between Douglas and Milwaukee um one of the issues we had with uh putting the the uh the share juice path on the south side was in order for it to be considered a share juice path we need a minimum of 10 ft and we only had nine so there would be some curb work that would be needed in order to to provide that that uh that tedf font path so it it it it would increase some of the costs that are associated with that so um want to caveat some of the these uh these uh fees that you're seeing here um again these are planning level fees so there's there's going to be some overestimation um provided as part of this we did provide um a 30% contingency fee um typically it's around 20 to 25% we upped it to 30% because we know that there were a lot of unknowns for this project um so what you're seeing is with alternative number one uh close to $2 million where uh alternative number two would would jump up to 2.7 million um close to 2.8 million so um and a lot of that is because of the curb work that you need to between Milwaukee and Douglas to move that that curb in order to to provide that chair juice bath on the South Side so that these are the Alternatives so far uh if you have any questions for me okay um just let excuse me this is what I get for eating while I'm trying to talk I almost choked it before we get into this we've been getting emails about the trees and that the trees weren't I guess maybe discussed it at some of the public meetings so everybody's panicking so can you just for the for the edification of people that are watching that have sent in emails and that might be here it's not necessarily what you're recommending right it's just telling us what the outcome would be if we go in that direction that that is correct um we were asked to look at that as an alternative and so we just wanted to to provide that as as kind of a heads up these are the impacts if this is the direction that we go all right questions vice mayor sure and we can do questions and comments at the same time so I mean I don't have a lot of questions I just um shared juice again Walkers and bikers that's correct sure making sure we're talking the same talk and then on the um Al alternative one between um Edgewater and and Douglas it's one-way cars two-way for bikes that's correct ma'am okay okay um I don't really have any questions I'll save for comment okay after I hear what some of my colleagues are asking commissioner Tonga thank you mayor mayor did you say we were doing questions and comments yeah I mean I mean you know most of the time most of the time well why don't you just do questions CU okay I mean like vice mayor said it's helpful to listen to what everybody has to say before you formulate your comments so this this is this is difficult for me because of the um the the two Alternatives one alternative is a is a one-way uh Street and and I I I'm not sure how that would fly with with the residents and have a have a concern about that I I do it by way I do appreciate the limitation on some of the intersections now of reducing the cost of of function within within that but if we went with a if we went with a one way have you gotten enough have we gotten input from from the residents about that being a one way um regardless of which way it goes and I'm supportive of going towards the water but uh if we were to have it but have we had input from that or what what is the feeling what what are the feelings what what are your feelings about that of having that be a one way um so we we did hear from one resident I think it was during the last commission meeting that was not opposed to to the one way um but that was the only input that we've gotten so far right thank you thank you so so that's that's still widely open I I would assume um my concern uh and and I've had conversations uh with the city manager about this um just recently again for updates Etc um is the school and I appreciate the fact that we said we have some short-term things that should go on for the school so for me whatever whatever actually needs to be done for the school um I would hope that that this doesn't get put in this big project and then sort of get delayed I'm wondering if and so the question is I'm wondering if we can't can't sort of isolate those two it's difficult I realize because then you don't have a whole plan but if we go on and on if there's an issue at the school now I go by there frequently a lot and uh and I'm not seeing any major problem uh for the school but those are our kids and we want to make sure that that that they're getting to school comfortably and it's been implied that there are some issues about that can we can we separate the school part out and and and make sure that that's that that that's as comfortable as can be as soon as possible or does that is that fundament fundamentally um uh interfere with the funding by doing pieces I don't I don't know if I can speak up to the funding part of it but I know when we originally spoke about the Alternatives that were coming out of if it was more of a menu of options so I don't think there's anything that precludes the um the school part to be separated from the entire plan and just having it come out as its own project and mayor forgive me I I just see somebody shaking come on you can come up to the microphone there thank you Valerie brookens with Ford pelis so I just want to speak to that where like Kristoff was saying it is kind of like a menu it's not like you're voting on oh alternative one or alternative two there all these can be improvements and especially when we go look for funding some funding buckets are just School related so it's kind of we can pick and choose those are you know and more defined Improvement so you don't need to do the whole roadway just to improve you know movement within the school and safety for the kids so as we look for other grant opportunities and funding sources you know some of those can be pulled out well I'll I'll Reserve that for my comments later than certainly because I'm quite supportive of of a particular direction um the trees um that has always been noted as a treed area when you go down there um I I would I would almost like to put it would suggest that we might even want to consider a parameter about those trees um that those trees probably should stay there and we have to work sort of work around the trees it would it would almost seem I don't know if you've received a lot of communication about the trees I have not but I would imagine that I would if we got into talking about about doing something with those trees on that on that street so have have you received a lot have we received a lot of a lot of information about that yet or we're still cultivating that or still developing that information I think so um again this the the final report for this has has just recently come out and so I think probably there's still some some some reactions to this um again I want I want to mention that the the kind of the idea with the trees is more of a uh an impact if we were to go with the the um the Shar use path on the North side um I do want to caveat that um as we mentioned before this is still at the planning level so there's a lot of unknowns in terms of right away what space we do have and so there's a lot a little bit more work or vetting that needs to be done from the engineering side to see if there is a way to actually Implement that that shared use path um within the RightWay without affecting a tree so again that there's we're not necessarily saying it's off the table in terms of having that chaired use path but initially at the planning level these are the impacts that we see um but it could be it will be vetted when it once it gets the design and Engineers actually look it right away I'll try to limit my questions to two more so others can talk first um let me go all the way to the west end of it and on the west end we have got some crossings that we're establishing potentially across Edgewater or or Alt 19 um I don't know if we've master planned all of the crossings that we want to have across Edgewater uh um but if we have or haven't um I would assume that we probably would like to do that and that may or may not enter into this just because it happens to be beles at this point in time um I think a lot of the people that were concerned about beles were less concerned about that than what they were about the speed and the and the and the and the efficiency of of that roadway particularly up on the more on the Eastern East Side so um have we do we have a master plan for all of the crossings that we're going to be recommending on on Alt 19 no not as part of this study um but the idea with with this Crossing in particular was um when we did our walk audit and heard what from some of the residents that was one of the concerns about not being able to cross Alt 19 and um using some of the precedent that we saw on Alt 19 with some um further north I think on uh on Edgewater we figured this would be a good a good opportunity to at least present it um there's there going to be some coordination of course needed with the with uh with f do because it's their Road um but we wanted to to kind of put it in there so that um it was looked at um f do F Andor forward pelis as it relates to the other side the east side there was some concerns from individuals about the speed and and and and the roadway shall we say um do they have any position on on one of the preliminaries that we were talking about here of putting up some registering signs that are telling you how fast you're going Etc I mean I know we have I know we've had uh law enforcement um directed patrols on on that road and that seemed to that seemed to make some kind of a difference but people will say it never never is enough but I think some of those signs uh do we have any input on that I it seems to me like that would that could that could immediately slow down some of that traffic if if there is that continued issue on there have does forward panel sort of does fot have any position on that I kind of feel like that's maybe a maybe a city decision it is um yeah okay but so yeah we wouldn't be responsible like the sign part we can't actually implement but we can help on different projects so like we are going to be expanding one of our grant programs um to EXP expand it from just complete street so we're going to open it up a little bit and you know maybe something like this might fall in in the future but I think it's kind of would be up to the city and sheriff and make that decision thank you thank you I I'll I'll mayor I'll let someone else ask some questions CH questions oh yes mayor thank you uh just for the ref I kind of like the traffic cirle so hopefully that he not completely dead I have chance to come back um I also think that uh shared space is a misnomer I think the most popular shared space we have't done even is Trail and all that we get is frustration from both bicyclist andri because it's shared space so I think any opportunity you have to separate is the better also B still safer your microphone your mic I'll start over no I won't that and also bicycl feel safer uh when it's not a a shared space right we have separated bike Lanes bicyclist always feel safer and so I think that's true for both pedestrians and bicyclists in that shared space for them that we can separate them the better um also I uh which slide is it that shows the median you got a small median in one of those slides and my question was is uh what is the width what's the width of that roadway from the widest part of the median to the side of the road from the widest part of median to the side of road yeah I right you're squeezing the space for cars as as a desire to slow down right an incentive correct and so I'm just wondering what that um so I I'm I'm a little fuzzy on the details of but I know the um the uh the ride of way um was enough for us to be able to provide 10t 10ft lanes and a 6t uh median um for for that that space um so we wanted to make sure it was a minimum of six feet because that's the minimum for it to be conf considered a refuge for pedestrians and so it is um right now being provided as a refuge for pedestrians say 6 feet okay and so I just want to take that concept and if we only allowed that space for cars the entire length of that road right cuz right if it's uh 6 feet for right was it 6 feet for passengers or for pedestrians correct so we're talking about 10 and 10 is 20 minus 6 that's 12 so that's 6t for cars as well similar somewhere around in there I'm sorry right but the idea is it's a it's a shrinking Lane for cars as a as a purpose to slow them down so if we reduced the each lane to that amount would that not slow cars down yes sir so the idea is to actually provide um and we have them in in in the report you'll see them as general recommendations wherever possible to have 10-ft Lanes throughout the corridor um and so um kind of going back to the you know it's we're still at the planning level so it's there's there's going to be some some flexibility needed in terms of where we can provide 10-ft Lanes or where we can um but the idea is wherever possible to have 10 foot Lanes so that we're we're slowing cars down okay and where do we get that 10t lane is that legal statute somewhere design stand design standards so is that okay so standards is law then where we can we have to provide 10t lanes and so where we can't provide 10ft Lanes is there a rule for that um typically when when uh whenever you have Transit um buses usually go to the minimum of 11 ft but because we don't have U Transit right now on on B trees 10 foot is the minimum that we can provide 10 foot is the minimum okay I just know over time right you look down any of our streets and those older streets are always you know they're always narrower than the streets now yes um and and so it just right we add a lane to a road to try and reduce uh congestion and it just brings more cars right we we all know that area and uh certainly if you widen roads that oh we can manufacture wider cars now um or vice versa wider cars and now we need to wider Lanes also we widen the lanes because of uh the unskilled driver and so it's kind of a safety measure and so we're always always always always always focused on car drivers and never never never never never never never on pedestrians and bicyclists um and I I think this is an opportunity to kind of change that mindset um so anything that really does put the bicyclist and pedestrian first is wonderful uh whether you reduce that from two lanes to one lane I would like to hear from the public on that um uh and um so I I I think that's it the reason I like the car Circle I know that anybody whenever we think car circles thinks Clear Water Beach right no I hate them uh when it's a circle you know and if you can't navigate a circle I'm going to question whether or not you should be driving um but also if you go to clear water and in through those neighborhoods in Clear Water there's all kinds of traffic circles in in Clear Water on Cleveland Street that just work as wonderful traffic calming devices and and so they're very easy to to navigate but everybody just goes to Clearwater Beach and that's kind of where the focus is and that's and that's disappointing uh but those are my comments for now my only concern is that we say yes to this we say yes to this and pretty soon those Alternatives that we really are questioning right because it's kind of allart all of a sudden well we have to do it this way because where we made a decision at a last meeting not last from this but somewhere along the line we missed we've missed an opportune with that I I don't I think we have to have a full FL plan yeah that's that's put out together so I'm uncomfortable with olart CU I think that at some point that locks us into something we might not have wanted but those are my comments thank you commissioner Walker questions I ask man the questions and comments or just question for God sa questions okay um we've had one public input session maybe two um what's the plan for the next one so what will happen now is once the city commission approves this plan or any part of this plan then um over the next um few months or time frame uh staff will go back and uh look at what could be implemented uh we will be working with forward pelis um since Valerie said they are revamping their grant program uh we will make sure that um the projects that like the like alternative one like the the easy projects to do let's say we choose to do those that we will make sure that they fall in line with the for pellis grant funding requirements um we will bring it back to the commission of course for your approval um if that's something that the city would like do that so and we will be working with our engineering department as well yeah I yeah I think that's really this is um and I think this goes back to the allart comment um there there's a lot to take in here uh with regards to all the different Alternatives and um I I live right over there and I know that I my my my neighbors have specified a number of different opinions on this and um so I I think that part of it's going to be really important um the other thing I'm just a little concerned about is the impact to the residents uh it looks to me like one alternative alternative one is less impactful than alternative two um if I understand this correctly that shared use for alternative 2 looks like you are carving out more real estate or more more space to accom accomodate that in light of the fact that you still have twood Direction traffic and then you've got that shared space um is that is that a correct assumption or interpretation yes it is Sir so the the issue is that we have we had a limited amount of space within the curb line to provide those bike facilities and so it was either um one way that street and to provide those those bike facilities or provide them um widen the sidewalk to provide those bike facility so it was kind of either or and that's that was the impetus behind uh keeping the two-way and and having that that uh shared space on the North side now okay with that said is that an easement of sorts that or what how how does that work from a property owner standpoint over there if um so right now we're the way we were looking at it was not through an easement we kept it um based on the property lines and again this is just based on the property of appraiser so um it's uh it's again at planning level but it was uh widening into the buffered space so that 9ft buffered space that currently has the trees it was widening the six foot sidewalk into that buffered space to provide the 10 10 10 foot share juice path okay um now there's taking a look at the rough order magnitude estimates um do do any of those take into account the Improvement of that street I'll say between Broadway and Edgewater um that that Street's needs some work it I mean it's it's going to be um there's there's potholes there's crumbling uh curb sides anyway um does any of that take does does those estimates take into account any improvements to that street uh no it doesn't it does not no okay all right um and uh just the final question um it looks like alternative one and alternative two have a raised area at Broadway and beles this both have the same kind of concept correct yes all right um I would uh you know it's there's not a lot of there's not a lot of real estate there to work with um so I'm kind of to me just from a impact to the the local residence there that's that's going to be one of the higher impact items um it's you're basically going to be shutting down well I'll call it a major intersection in the neighborhood but uh I think you know where I'm going with that question um I was that part of your assessment in incorporating this into the alternative I'm if I'm understanding your correct your question correctly are you talking about the maintenance maintenance of traffic during construction or is or is Yeah well yeah yes um well I really can't speak to the maintenance of traffic I think that uh usually Whenever there is any kind of plan whether it's resurfacing there's going to be a maintenance of traffic plan to see how we accommodate traffic you know during construction so um I think that that that comes at the at a later phase during design which will include a maintenance of traffic land to understand how what do he impacts the traffic where does the traffic uh where is the traffic accommodated during construction okay all right those all the questions I have okay I have some questions so I heard what you said about the trees thank you is there a way right now you show the shared path on part of the road on the north side and I'm part of the road on the south side is there a way to have that shared path on one side of the road all on the south side of the road or all in the north what whatever it is just I mean I prefer it on the south because of the schools on the southide because the change bothers me understood um so for the for the segment between Edgewater and Douglas it it might be a little trying because we don't have there's currently no side walk on the South Side um so you would eventually be taking property in order to provide that um or moving the curve all right d answer just my question yes um I mean I think the one way is better than taking the trees but you've got all right let me ask you this question I'll give an example we have Virginia right out here right and once it hits Milwaukee everything turns into one way and you can't go forward most people get it because it's been that way forever but I do see people not paying attention going through it not a lot but I do see it is there kind of a standard out there about doing something like that I mean is there something that says don't do that I guess it's really more though no there there there isn't um again we can do some some enhancements to to to kind of make it a little bit more intuitive have some arrows on the floor do not enter signs um sometimes those those are accompanied with um red flashers just to bring more attention to to folks that are unfamiliar with the area to let them do not enter um but in terms of Standards no it's it's more of an understanding what the impacts are in terms of one weighing a street the reason I asked that question and I know I discussed this in the last time we talked about it whenever that was I I'm concerned about access to the school number one people come from Patricia they come from Milwaukee they come from Douglas if everything is going what you would perceive to be the correct way west heading west people from Douglas will not be able to access the school they have to go around and Douglas is kind of a corridor I mean you're sort of cutting off the downtown people that actually live in downtown and we have kids that live in downtown so I'm a little concerned about that I don't know what the answer is I feel like there probably needs to be two-way traffic at least to Douglas not is concerned about two-way traffic from Douglas to Edgewater in theory I'm just saying in theory I don't want anybody out there that's listening saying are you crazy they're only proposing it for that edwat huh it's only being proposed frge water Douglas though right right correct yes just want to make sure I was following you um if it was one way just from Douglas to Edgewater then we don't have to do the whole tree thing correct it solves that problem um I'm just reading my notes Here have you all discussed at all about discussing with the school moving I'm not sure let me preface this by saying I'm not sure exactly what the advantage of it is but it might need to be looked at the drop off circle is on Bel trees that's the pinch Point that's the problem area because it's right next to the Blue Jays and that's where everybody's walking and that's where they're delivering yes no I'm seeing people shaking their head no am I wrong I think Nicole speaking as a parent I was I was a parent a Curtis parent for nine years um the parent drop off circle is off of Milwaukee um it's the staff parking lot that's off of Bel tre's there you go and I can concur so does that mean does that mean that no parents really cuz I've heard complaints that hear the same thing we're the we're hearing the conflicts between the Blue Jays and then the school parking lot right next door that might be official for Curtis but what the parents do may be different I I think that's probably a communication with the school I mean as again I was a parent for nine years I never used that front lot it's it's highly discouraged there are parents that Park in the Blue Jays parking lot and walk their children that's different so and should not be doing that what's that they shouldn't be doing that correct I oh that's yeah it's just been a stand thing that they've done for a very long time and as I recall one of the major issues there was a lot of emails a couple years ago right I think that's what you're thinking about is the blue jay traffic coming in and out with people crossing the sidewalk yeah it was actually a parent who was walking and biking with their kids yeah it wasn't a vehicular thing so I think they probably are using that lot on Bel trees those parents yeah okay well learned scratch that question um the other thing that's concerning to me is we do have to look out for the fact that the Blue Jays are on the corner of Douglas and Bel trees and they are one of the highest economic impact on our city and the traffic that goes there whether it's during the busy time of the year or not their traffic pattern can't be thought about have you thought about any of this stuff and how it impacts them has anybody talked with them about it no it it has not been I mean we can't make a plan with and talking to the VFW as well I mean the am sheer number of events that they have their opinion needs to be taken into consideration the blue jay's opinion now doesn't mean that their their opinions are the end all to be all but I mean we are talking about removing access from Alt 19 on Bel trees to the stadium I'm not saying we shouldn't I'm just saying we are doing that I know that the Jolly Charlie during season will go by there I think they use Union to do that to come up to Douglas and not Bel trees um but since the stadium has been remodeled the drop off is on Bel trees and maybe that needs to be relooked at their Uber or trolley drop off is right there on Bel trees has that been looked at no ma' not not part of so you see what I'm saying I think there's a lot more things that have to be looked at that could be what you might call those simple right now a lot of a lot I mean some of that that happens at the stadium isn't during school time and some of it is you know it's not just weekends at least during season I mean for my my you have to come to the microphone I mean any of these projects they they need further looking yes you know so it's like if it was an improvement you know for the school or something that affects the stadium of course there needs to be more involvement you know we had a limited scope I know Kathy did reach out um to the stadium manager yeah VFW several people were invited to participate at a more intimate level and they you know weren't available or you know those are the people you have to literally go to their office and and and present talk to them right they're not going to these guys are not going to go to a CommunityWide event yeah they're just not so I think you know that's kind of would be the next steps to if any of these Avenues you know want to seek funding yeah and I think that needs to happen I think we need to look at the traffic flow around the stadium I don't know what that means I don't know if we've studied that um but a look at it certainly would tell us maybe how how we can shift it or why why something would be a problem or wouldn't be a problem you know what I'm saying yes ma'am same with the VFW they have so many events again more or more than not at the BFW are not during school hours um but I mean if you just look at their calendar look at the go online and look at the Blue Jay's calendar and then look at where it Compares with the schools I just feel like there's got to be something should that drop off be on Bel trees are people actually using it how many times does it conflict with the school does it need to be moved we is one you're still talking about mhm so okay those are um my questions I I have final comments but those are my those are my questions um certainly would open it up to the public for anybody wishing to come forward speak please hi my name is Carol Bon I live on Lexington Street and I just wanted to just bring up um the oneway factor uh it sounds like the oneway will not be um the belis to Milwaukee it's going to be the other way Douglas to Edgewater um since Lexington Street is the next street over that is a through street because you get Plaza Drive Helen is that way that all kind of is in back of the library we already are throughway for a lot of the traffic for the spring training we become a parking lot which we love we've been there so long it's like a tradition for us and uh we're very unting of the neighbors but my concern is and I'm I'm hoping that you won't consider a oneway going from Douglas to Milwaukee doesn't sound like you are but then we would be seeing more traffic coming down Lexington Street so I just want to bring that up um to have you be aware of um that we are the next throughway and the same with going um belis to Edgewater the next threeway would be orange wood so they would probably what I think it's orange wood they would probably be seeing a lot of the off traffic for traffic that can't go one way or the other so those are the outside neighborhoods to um belis um so I I just wanted to bring that up that uh we're becoming much more busier on our stet and um so that would be something to you know consider uh s but I appreciate that you're looking into the safety factors okay you know so we use that area a lot walking and biking and so we're in Walking dist did you give your name and address for the record sorry Carol Bon 447 Lexington Street thank you is that Burton B Bon b a r d n thank you thank you mhm anyone else come on down morning good morning uh CC laski 405 Edgewater Drive right at the corner of Edgewater and Bel trees um I did write about the trees but I want to reiterate I'm not in a panic um I just think it's counterintuitive to what we are doing with sustainability with Tree City USA with whatever um I don't think it's a good idea to to take out trees um I live at Bell trees and Edgewater and I can see some advantages to the oneway um alternative but I also think it's very creative and very unusual and so perhaps this the neighborhood should be directly surveyed um individual with postcards or whatever um and then I just want to bring up one thing it's unrelated to this I loved being a part of this process and I think there's some great ideas um but some probably last year the Edgewater Drive committee did recommend to the city that perhaps they try a three-way stop sign at Citrus and Bel trees to Simply slow down the traffic it's not as creative as this certainly not as expensive but it might work it might just slow the cars down a bit and that's really what's necessary for mewat to say Broadway people are frustrated with the traffic on edge water so they turn off and they zip up Bell trees so perhaps just a three-way stop sign it and that uh Bel trees and citrus might be a short-term quick uh way of looking to see if we can slow cars down um that's it thank you thank you anyone else okay um excuse mece great um well so I mean I had the conversation with city manager yesterday obviously see at length and one of the things was there is a lot to do after this in terms of traffic studies and talking to people and making sure we're going down the right path the right road so to speak um but anyway but great ideas great work really I think it helps us to see a vision I'm not sure exactly what that is I certainly agree with my colleagues that you know at the end of the day we want to make sure there's a full vision for the road however we start to get grants and be able to do it um so um uh you know I actually kind of like the look of the one way but I don't know that it doesn't necessarily mean it works and it doesn't necessarily mean the residents would like it so I I think yeah there's a lot to to do with that and of course we love our trees so we're going to always be protected of our trees um uh you know the the blue jay drop off is interesting because I think there was a lot of thought in that to begin with when the stadium was done can't really imagine it being on Douglas because of all the stuff that goes on during spring training there so but but you're right I mean that's all part of what you have to look at um obviously that's part of what you have to look at in one way is you know Blue Jays was my number one over you know secondary to the residents but you know how does it affect the the pattern of the traffic for Blue Jays um so um you know I I agree with Jeff on roundabouts I mean I'm I'm a roundabout fan not Clearwater Beach and that is what everybody thinks of and not not done well but but you know done well they're they're they are safer um and um I and I like the crosswalks farther up once we kind of slow traffic down and have crosswalks up there it'll give it a more walkability smart you know Street feel um so um I I guess for me um and Kathy I think you know appreciate your lead into this and I guess to me the next steps I guess I'm thinking I'll look look at the city manager is is something that really tells us like realistically what do Staff feel like should be our recommended temporary measures you know and our critical safety points and then like you know how do we really Analyze This appropriately to say hey this is what we think the realistic look of this whole whole street is and then you know we start to figure out the grants as we go so I think that kind of covers my thoughts and and you know it is interesting cuz I think one of the things that ATT it's attractive to have dedicated bike and walking lanes because we we've been there done that Edgewater Drive you know that sidewalk people are terrified between the bikes and the Walkers and people are terrified on the trail half the time lately because of you know not just bikes and Walkers now but the electric bikes so um and that doesn't mean I don't love them and I get them as a transportation tool for people that don't have any other Transportation but you know part of the thing that we've seen in our surveys is not just the the mobility of people getting around but it's just all the conflicting bikes and people and golf carts and cars and so again the more we can separate some of that I think is the better so those are my comments anything else from you commissioner toram yes ma'am um I have uh I'm going to start off by trying to remember an answer to a question and that was uh the traffic studies that have gone on um as it relates to the traffic on on Bel trees specifically um I don't remember the the magnitude of that uh can you just give me a quick comment about that before I ask my before I give my comments when you say the traffic studies are you talking about as part of this project or the number of vehicles uh at what times of the day going up down Bell trees yes I don't remember the exact numbers right now but um we did look at the traffic numbers at all of the intersections to see if you know there were some issues from an operational standpoint so my understanding was that one of the things that we were attempting to do here was some traffic caling um and we wanted to make sure we had safety in that intersection particularly at beles in Milwaukee and obviously we have the drop off for the kids off of mil Milwaukee which which seems to circulate fairly well but we have a high usage of Bel trees not only at school time but any other times and some confusion a good comment made that would someone like to see the the multi-use area all you know just consistently all up and down all up and down B trees I'm not exactly sure what um what a traffic circle might do here I'm not I'm supportive of I'm always supportive of that but um you know I think we have we have a couple pinch points and I don't like using pinch points on the street I don't not sure we have to have to do that but um so for example the the the traffic light at at Douglas and and in bel's uh there's a lot of walking traffic there's a lot of bike traffic going through there and there's a lot of car traffic going through there and and so we we have that that conflict uh that that's got that's got to be worked on I'm not sure if if a if any any other system would would do that but also the traffic and the speed and the people that are controlled about are concerned about the speed on belies and I think maybe there are some some relatively easy ways to resolve that uh less expensively um and and certainly the tra I don't I don't necessarily see the traffic increasing more than what it is uh on Bel trees at this point so maybe it is and maybe it isn't but but I I really don't see that part of it so I think I think the the the thing that I would like to see is um I think the one the one way uh is a is a particular issue and I'm I'm not sure I'm H I'm not sure that's that's a good way for us to go the number of people that do need to move up and down Bell trees by by walking or by by bike um hopefully there could be some kind of a resolution on that and and I think the lower part of that area um in my opinion in my observation is is functionable at this point in time we just set to improve on it the speed control is up on the other end um and I think that that can be handled relatively quickly I would like to see us do what we if we feel we have to do something for the school if we do that we do that as soon as possible um and we can always do something so there's always some improvements that can be made there I would be favorable to that I would then be favorable taking that out to the public and saying here's here's some additional information that we have some Alternatives um maybe maybe they're less of expensive uh Alternatives than what we're presenting here uh but that can be implement it can be implemented rather quickly so um that's just my input on it on it quick so time time is time is important if it comes to life thank you sir just just to to answer your question about the traffic V was able to pull up the report so between Edgewater and Douglas is about 1,300 Vehicles a day um between Douglas and Milwaukee about 2700 and about 4,600 between Milwaukee and Patricia so it as you go further east the traffic numbers go um go up a little bit as you go to East yes yes absolutely and that's where that speed that's where that speed is a is a is a concern the rest of this is is traffic coming I see lots of stuff for traffic cing I'm not sure I'm not sure that the necessity of that um and I don't like to see it when you don't have to have it because it it puts something in a road it puts something in a road where somebody can hit it use it or abuse it and uh by accident so that that's just my input thank you thank you commissioner G thank you mayor uh anytime we're talking about Safe Streets um it's a wonderful conversation to have so thank you all for being here also want to make the disclaimer that by some of my comments I'm sure I'll hear from people that I hate cars and I really don't you know I think they're a necessity we'll always have them the idea is to create a diversified transportation system that allows residents to choose their mode of transportation and I think too many times we just give way to cars certainly because they're big and heavy and fast and so uh when an accident happens with a car especially if it's on another car there's most likely a death involved and so it's so I understand why we lean towards cars but if we can start to lean towards everybody I think we may have a a safer Society in general with that um other than that you you've kind of heard my comments thank you all for being here today it's wonderful information to have uh my only concern is the alart and does that lock us into something that we might necessarily want but thank you all yes so first of all um you know I I think uh I think there's been a lot of benefit to this study because that is an area that um definitely needs to have this particular discussion um just so I understand that I how my understanding of the process basically what what's been presented is an altern analysis of Alternatives specifically now now looking at specific Grant or funding sources to achieve what we would perceive to be the priorities is that correct that's correct okay um so what I what I do believe is I I think that there we we need to have a another public information session to talk specifically about these Alternatives um so that we can be well informed when we have to start making decisions of what we're going to fund and and what we're not with the grants um you my sense is that uh I I think there are several residents over there that would would would not object to the first alternative and that's the one way going west uh but I don't know that for sure and so these are things that I would be reaching out to my constituency and just engaging what the public opinion is [Applause] um and um yeah and the other thing is and I I just I'm just going to beat this drum just a little bit more getting the Blue Jays than the VFW input you again and as the mayor said you're going to have to go over there and visit them in their their office that that's because those are two very important aspects of how we're going to make our decision is community and then the businesses that are impacted over there um but anyway uh in I you know again to kind of underline the the whole objective of this was is the fact that you that there there have been there have been some uh some safety issues associated with Bel trees so I I I think this is a great discussion um so but I guess what what I'm most concerned about is is just it seems to be like I'm not getting a whole lot of input from the from the public and I don't know if that's not uh you know I so hence I I think we really need to be very open and very communicative with them and anyway that's all the comments I have thank you you okay here's what I like these are my comments save trees like the crosswalks love the idea of the three-way stop even though I know you guys are not making that as a recommendation and I understand all the idiosyncrasies about adding a stop sign when maybe it's not being called for by certain traffic standards but when you have a section of a road that they're if you're going to spend a million dollars or $100 I'm just saying would like that maybe considered love speed feedback signs I'm a huge advocate of them I they work they're proven to work if they work on me and you can look at my past history of speeding tickets not in the recent 10 years but before that they they work so you've had none in the last 10 years is that what you're saying no I don't think so very good one maybe I don't know maybe a warning they can't catch her they can't catch her [Music] um willing to consider the one way willing from Douglas to but again need input BFW JS and the community and I also think it's um re you know really important to remember that we are dealing with an older Road and a newer road that have been combined that came from two different eras two different times where traffic exist different kind of traffic existed and now we have a lot more usage maybe because of how the area has developed so sometimes some things are are just the way they are and trying to fix it to the end degree isn't workable but taking baby steps and fixing certain things are so I'm not even looking at the money at this point cuz I don't even feel like I know you might say this is the final plan I don't think it is I think we have to keep going back at it um um and I I I just don't feel comfortable giving consensus direction to move forward with certain things without getting the Blue Jays and the VFW and when I say the VFW I mean the whole group not just their leader you know and when I say the Blue Jays I mean their whole leadership team not just one guy um and I you know I don't know how that gets put together but I mean I you know they have Insight that we don't and if it means some traffic studies I mean we just had spring training it would have been the perfect time to do some traffic studies as my guess is on Bel trees those numbers you gave me gave us a little while ago are out the door during spring training and that has to be considered too and I don't think we have those numbers do we no we don't right so how do we make a decision on an area that supplies as a direct Supply to spring training at one of four one of you know three or four direct supplies of spring training when we don't have those traffic counts and which direction are they heading how are they using Bel trees that that to me is a huge part of this without I mean I just don't and we just had spring training so to me that's a flaw that we should have garnered um again I just think all those things need to happen before any decisions can be made but you heard the things that I'm totally supportive with I mean I'd be fine with the three-way stop I like you know enhancing the the crosswalks I like the speed feedback signs those are things I think we could do right away right at least the speed feedback signs that's so easy and it's so inexpensive and we usually have a stock of them I'm guessing we okay I'm looking hor is shaking his head we should not well and I mean we when we had a traffic calming program we did have a stock of them that's what we're looking for Kathy to create when she gets done with this you know because they're they're really they're much more effective at speed issues than um to me than a speed hump speed humps divert traffic they don't slow the traffic down they just divert it so those are my comments did you is that clear as mud I mean you didn't get a clear consensus Direction I think none of us are mayor isn't the take away like any temporary measures that we can do now that you think you can recommend while you do traffic studies and get more input on the long-term Vision absolutely there's there's a lot of work to be done it's a draft report yeah so it's and we'll be we'll be reporting back to you to be sure every part of the way okay thank you guys appreciate it um see I told you I didn't know how we were going to fit in Bel tre's in legislative post session um so I do know mayor our lobbyist needs to be in uh somewhere else by 1:00 and there's travel time so we're going to have to be brief and Brilliant can we take a five minute break yes and then brief and Brilliant and then brief brilliant okay thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay welcome back to our April 30th um work session and we will jump right into legisl legislative postseason report good morning uh mayor vice mayor Commissioners uh Nicole Delino strategy and sustainability manager here with our lobbyist Laura Beamer I will introduce her in a moment um but just wanted to briefly um go through our legislative um session agenda um we're going to obviously do this introduction of our lobbyists who some of you have not had the pleasure of meeting yet um we will talk a bit about budget because as we have seen in the last couple of years um a lot of times what we're seeing is our priorities are being moved forward um through the budget rather than through bills so we have um indicated some of that here as well um as well as key legislation um a lot of failed legislation which is in most part good news um and then our next steps um so Nico hold on one second mayor um invites meor yeah you were you were out of the um out of the uh room when I was briefing other Commissioners our monitors are not working have to continue to reboot them that one was that one's working that one over there's not you do have the presentation on your yeah uh attach your agenda if you can Avail yourselves of that okay thank you okay perfect uh so here here is our lobbyist uh that was selected through our RFP process last year um we began working with her in the fall um her name is Laura Beamer um she's with the Southern Group um she's been a partner since 2009 um she has 20 years of experience working in local state and federal governments um she serves as lobbyist for several of our neighboring municipalities um and has just a very long and robust resume of of working relationships with our um elected leaders so Laura I'm going to turn it to her cuz she's going to cover all the things I used to awesome well I think it's good afternoon almost good afternoon um Laura Beamer partner with the Southern Group uh first I want to thank you for um trusting us to represent you in Tallahasse it's well I love all of my clients I have to be honest this is near and dear to my heart I uh I'm a longtime resident in the city of Denon now live up in Arizona my husband is a 1985 grad Denon high school so um winning this RFP was uh was class 83 yeah yeah 79 I'm sure you probably know a lot of the same people um so anyway thank you again and I also want to just tell you how wonderful Nicole is she makes my job very very easy you know when things are going fast and furious in Tallahassee she's always you know really responsive with texts getting me in touch with staff so she's been really wonderful to work with so thank you J my boss isn't here so I'm just going to start off with some session statistics um this session there were 1,957 bills filed and just 325 of those bills P passed both Chambers um there were you're interested there were 2, um 196 amendments that were filed 43 floor sessions were held and there were 3,51 votes taken um some budget highlights so this year we had a record-breaking budget um it was historic numbers uh 11746 billion and that includes $10 billion um in reserves if you can see kind of the breakdown of where the state budget silos are and I'm going to kind of go through first I'm going to go through our highlight so we had two appropriation requests we asked for um the dening EC at North County Fire trading center phase 2 that was spended at 850,000 and then we were also able to get this storm water Gabon placement for 375,000 uh the governor does not yet have the budget so you know it remains to be seen you know if we make it through his veto um process however we you know early on met with the governor's office met with their staff so we've done our due diligence with them so hopefully we in good shape um moving into his Vos I'm just going to go through some highlights of um the different silos in the budget that I think are relevant to the city um they funded visit Florida this year at 80 million and I think Nicole you said that last year was at 100 million is that right 105 105 million so a little less this year you know that's always a fight between the house and the Senate if they're going to fund visit Florida what I thought was interesting this year is there's $5 million um from the tours and promotional trust fund for um marketing for nature-based tourism Trail towns which we are so uh should the governor sign this into law then we can see what that looks like and how he would apply to get some of those marketing dollars for the city of deden uh he funded the job growth gret fund this year at 130.4 million um affordable housing again that was funded ship at 174 million sale which is the impartment incentive Loan program at 234 um the new Florida Hometown hero housing program they funded that at $100 million this year um moving on to transportation funding the work program um was funded at billion dollar and then um what I think is most important for us uh from from the city perspective in applying for Grant monies as uh what was funded in the in D's budget so um they funded the resilient Florida grant program at $150 million the um water and wastewater revolving Loan program at 1.3 billion the Wastewater grant program at 135 million um and we've already had conversations with d staff about how we can best um position ourselves to apply for those funds and as soon as the governor signs the budget they open the porter for us to apply so we can apply you know hopefully end of May early June um additionally there was 400 million I mean I'm sorry 100 million in the budget for Florida forever and um 15 million in there for the Florida communties trust um the cyber security funding this was actually money that was budgeted in last year's budget but they didn't spend any of the money and so so when the House and Senate went into conference there was actually no funding in there for these grants and we were able to convince the House and Senate to reallocate this $40 million so that local governments can apply for the grants do we know why they weren't it wasn't funded because it didn't create the grant program it wasn't being administered effectively yeah yeah okay um so the affordable housing clar if you guys remember last year we passed the live local Act you know we still haven't made it through one whole year of the live local act however there were some just some tweaks that were made nothing real substantial to make everything a little more streamlines um I'll get to some other changes that were included in the tax package later on um but this uh passed early on in session and um still waiting for the Governor's approval there was some conversations about taking the industrial land piece out of the live local act it was in earlier versions of the bill got pulled out and so we expect maybe that to come back next session um there will be a ballot a question on the ballot to um for an annual adjustment of the homestead exemption for uh with the CPI with the Consumer Price Index so you'll see that in November on the ballot and that has already been passed and signed by the governor uh we see this every year these expedited approval of residential building permit bills um another one passed this year the league of cities in fact ended up being you know okay with the bill they worked the sponsor worked really closely with both uh the league and the the association of counties on it so this passed and is waiting for Governor's approval the alternative Mobility funding system Bill also passed as waiting for governor Governor's approval that was just to try to streamline the process because some local governments were still using um just your traditional impact fees and some were using the mobility fees so just a way to get them to be be on the same page and communicate essentially it's best way I can describe it um I'm sure you heard a lot about the unauthorized public camping and public sleeping bill um this has already been you to do so and then you have to get certified through the department of children's and families on that site there's a bunch of other you know things you have to do to make sure that you're complying can you can you clarify too that um sorry sure uh the uh authorized a person or business to bring a civil action against any County or Min yes that is a part of the bill that we do not like yeah so if they can it's kind of like the um what was what was the bill they passed a couple years ago if you can prove that you have um your business has suffered due to this public the public sleeping or camping because it's near your your your place of business then they can you can bring an action against the government and if there are a number of things you have to comply with um with DCF and if you're not complying with those they can also bring an action okay thank you uh vacation rentals everyone's favorite topic so the bill did finally pass this session um it passed at the very end it was uh priority of the Senate President the Govern does not yet have it if you remember three years ago or so he vetoed the vacation rental bill so it remains to be seen if he's going to sign this into law or not you know there's you you never know you know what the govern's going to do we don't have any indication at this point um however um it do include the grandfathering provision in it it allows us to um create a registry uh charge reasonable fees um so the ironically it seemed like no one really liked this bill but it passed so it it'll be remain to see be seen what what happens with so what's the bad part of the bill I'm sorry what's the bad part is there a bad part for us I mean for us not I I think I think for us our primary issues were the grandfathering because I at the last minute we there was a an amendment that removed that but that remains in place um the other piece that we weren't a fan of was the setting of the fees um initially there were some versions of the bill that had fees set at $50 or $100 or $250 there were all these very specific dollar amounts but this now just says reasonable fee so we are able to kind of charge what what we feel is reasonable okay and I think at the end of the day you know the league of cities and Association from counties they just it's it always comes back down to home rul right they don't want this to be printed to the State of Florida and that's kind of where they've remained even though that at the end of the day most of the local governments are very father it and that already have their ordance set question on just a question on LA's local government to require registration of vacation rentals um do we have any insight into what the next steps would be is that something that we would enact as a city to require that we already do have it we already do yeah okay and in fact you have an item before you we have an item Thursday about it yeah yeah that expands it to individual units right right yes okay you help us so should this be signed into law then there would also be a State registration as well with dbpr just one question about that as well the um the $500 fine issue what what's our per violation is it 500 Jennifer what's our violation somebody I think it's 250 they usually go before the code enforcement board and we'll start with I didn't turn that on so it depends on the code enforcement board but we have been bringing before the code enforcement board yeah and that goes up to 5,000 Max right correct and then we can do the municipal citation after that and that starts at at I think it's 25 and then it over over the 5,000 then yes right over 5,000 which of course you got to catch these people that many times though well actually the problem so we do use host compliance and we did recently add um to to that platform um so so it's been working well as far as uh when they advertise and it's it's illegal vacation rental then then we're on it so it's been going well actually the regulation are we going to get an update on that sure I can provide that would be good because I still hear a lot about violators working under the radar so okay cool thank you sir well and then I hear a lot from the regular the people that own vacation rentals that are playing by the rules exactly and they're mad about the people that aren't because it's taking away from their business and I've heard that ones that weren't playing by the rules and got caught and they were upset about it that's good yeah I like it well somebody down the street we'll get them yeah good that's that's kind of that's why I want an update I want to kind of okay tax package tax package um couple highlights out of the tax package so it reduces the sales tax rate on Commercial leases from 4.5% to 2% beginning June 1st um there's four sales tax holidays as always the back to school tax holiday the disaster preparedness tax holiday there's a one Monon freedom on ta tax holiday which the tax holiday for recreational items and then a 7-Day Tool Time tax holiday for tools and equipment used in skills trades um they provided $450 million to the toll relief program and uh there's a onee relief of residential property insurance policy holders covering the cost of insurance premium tax and the State Fire mon assessment for residential property insurance polies written between October 1st 2024 and September 3rd 2025 for 12- month period um there were concerns very big concerns for our County um originally the the bills had language in there that dealt with our um tourist development taxes they were trying to require us to go out to referendum every 10 years every six years they wanted to prescribe how we use the funds and we were able at the end of the day to get all that language put the bill there's nothing related to tourist development taxes in the tax package which was a big for us than you Jesus but the residential property insurance what is that exactly I mean I know what the residential property insurance is but what's the discount like I is that taxed and then nobody gets taxed on it it must be I mean honestly like I have to look into it but it must be it must be I mean in the tax package right I'll find out and I'll get back to you I don't because would our residents get noticed about that or just have it when they get their bill it's like no tax not included yeah I'll find out that's a good yeah I would like to understand that because I think you know obviously that's one of the big expenses some of our residents face and so you know some tax break would not a lot but it helps right so you might have read about um some of these issues during session uh specifically up in Pasco County there were some issues with existing apartment complexes coming to the county and petitioning them to get pulled off the tax roles and so they included language in the bill that says if you um if your county is is in is in the published shimberg Center for housing studies annual report that says that there is no uh need then you can opt out of this I don't know that we uh penel County really has the issue that Pasco County has with this but it was provided in the bill to be kind of a missing middle property tax exemption so the key legislation that failed sovereign immunity got as far as I've ever seen it you know it comes back every year um it ended up dying um in the house um towards the end of session so I expect that it will come back again next year um the two sponsors are still going to be in the in the um the legislature and I know they're really passionate about trying to see the limits up at least to you know CPI um there were there were two bills to one was to actually eliminate the local business tax and then it was amended to limit it and both of those bills died um there were a couple bills that were filed to um reform how cities and or cities are allowed to charge for utility rates those bills all died um obviously we talked about the ters development tax reform that was kind of a prescribed Bill how they wanted us to only use it for certain certain things that bill died um Senator Hooper had a bill um and we expect to see it come back next year to provide for an electric vehicle license tax so um unfortunately that did not get across the finish line but with him in leadership next year we expect that to come back and pass and then there was um an effort to double the homestead exemption versus the CPI which obviously failed and so that's why we're only seeing the um the joint resolution I mean the the joint resolution but the the language on the on the ballot to just increase it by CPI not double it so what's next is we have a long break because everyone is campaigning um so we will be back in Tallahassee in November after the election regular session begins in March um we've already started talking to our delegation about what next year looks like I'm really excited for the next two years being that our um Senator that represents City uh will be the Appropriations chairman in the Senate which is you know exciting for us so I think we have to think big and bold and come up with you know some some good items and that is who what's that Hooper Hooper y um we have the league of cities conference in August and then we're still waiting to hear on when the legislative action days um will be for next year and with that I will take any questions I think we tried to do the questions in between but anybody have questions any other questions um I I had two um one was what do you know what the actual percentage increase of the state budget was overall it was small year to year it was small this year last year it was it was small it was like 117 almost 117 last year and this year was like 117 point oh okay good 46 yeah so it was it was a small increase the governor really wanted the legislature to put a good amount of money into reserves and so that was kind of there was a back and forth during session this is what they ended up with so 10 billion then when um when the um Homestead um issue is put on the ballot is that does that go do they assume they're required to do an impact to local government it I wonder if it had it must have had to go in front of the uh Revenue estimating impact conference yeah let me just be curious to see if if that they have a percentage impact I mean obviously a lot less than what they were looking at so I will say I did work with les when we were looking at the the increase in the um the exemption overall and I think we were around a million dollars was what our our impacts were going to be that was just kind of estimating um you know with what we know from pelis County and the homes that are that have the homestead exemption you mean for the one that's going on the ballot not this one doubling the other one so we didn't we didn't drill down into this this probably is much more right much less much much less that's what I meant much more minimal I was yeah I just didn't finish my sentence right yeah gotta okay yeah I think that's all I have right now commissioner T I have uh I don't have questions no questions um when will The veto process take place do you think I no so they never tell us when the governor is going to receive the budget there's no timeline right so as soon as he gets it he has 15 days to act so historically it's usually theor Day weekend but yeah I think May yeah yeah last year cuz I remember looking for the um fery funding but I'll I'll let you all know as soon as we know when he we usually get tipped off beforehand so yeah okay and that local business tax thing that that failed is that do that mean like a business tax receipt like you know what we charge what you used to be occupant whatever whatever they used to call it yeah and and again I know through a lot of these bills through a lot of these bills you know we worked with the Departments that it would be impacting so for this this one you know the um the permit any of the permit changes the the vacation Reynolds we were working very closely with George how is this going to affect you where's your dollar figure out that that sort of thing so we were you know kind of back and forth and this isting the sponsor so then that way Laura can then take that information straight to you know the off the elected official and say this is how this is going to impact you know deden so she had all that information okay and then finally um you mentioned one referendum what about the other ones that are out there isn't there one on marijuana and oh well those didn't actually go through those those were petitions so those don't actually go through the legislature actually Build That B but there is do you know where the status is on that so I I know that the the marijuana question was is going to be on the ballot and there is also is there abortion right okay yep okay just little ones yeah there but they made it on the ballot is my question I'm not saying I support it or don't support it I'm just saying yes as of now I know the courts are still fighting about it but as of now they made it onto the ballot okay um what is the next step so we waiting for the governor to act right so hopefully our Appropriations make it through and then in the meantime like I said as soon as the budget signed that D Grant portal opens so I'll be working with your staff on applying for you know grant opportunities through D um I'm going to look into what that um visit Florida Trail uh marketing money looks like um if you are interested in the cyber security grant program I think that's something that we should go after um and then you know just getting it getting with staff and sitting down and saying what do the next two years look like what's important to the city and you know what do we need to be asking for as we move forward yeah so and a couple other things as as we typically see every year um Jennifer Cowen and her team will do the review of the you know the legislative impacts um for any changes um so that will be coming sometime likely over the summer um and then working with our departments on if any changes need to be made are they processed changes are they more than that um so that will be coming as these things as these bills are signed you know we'll provide an update um later after everything's kind of done this is where we this is where everything actually landed um one of the you know one of the things we've talked about as I've been before you on this topic a few times is kind of talking having these discussions more frequently so I wanted to you know bring this kind of after session what happened what we've done and then likely revisit again in the fall you know how do our you know how do you want to frame your priorities um you know update that document and then really start working on you know what do we want to focus on as far as Appropriations requests and our priorities with Laura um into the into the next session but I'm happy to come before session and do kind up a session preview was you know what right and we are working with our um three state legislators um Senator Hooper's office um representative Anderson and representative burfield to get them here um for a community event um we're trying to work out a date um because they are campaigning it is very difficult to find a date that's working he just said he was out of town I had one date I was working with um so we will go back um to him um see if we can't get that um session so again it would be kind of a you know in invitation similar to what we're doing with the hurricane Expo a public uh public Community event where we do Q&A panel um and have you know just again another point of contact with those officials okay thank you thank you you got you can go thank you thank you all right um we'll jump on to uh didn't have anything on commission discussion city clerk's update thank you mayor I did have two things um the first I just wanted to um let uh just a a general election update on our seats we still have three running for mayor um two running for uh seat one and we did have a second member a second person um just complete her paperwork uh Kate Spangler will be uh the second um candidate running for seat three so I just wanted to give an update on that okay and the other thing that I wanted to bring to your attention was I just received an email from Angela Christ with the Sun Sun Coast League of cities and it looks like um per the sunos Le of City's bylaws each member municipality shall designate one one of its elected governing board members to serve as a voting delegate which we have um uh commissioner torga is this our Sun Coast League of cities but it's stating in their bylaws that we need a um uh alternate member um so if uh commissioner Toro was not able to attend and so I just wanted to bring that before you and see um how you wanted to um move forward and just um getting that designation as an alternate so that I can turn that into to the sunos of cities all right who wants to be the alternate I would be happy to be the alternate okay can I get consensus everybody's good with that yep okay thank you is that for this the August uh session when they vote this isn't the voting this is strictly just the son Coast League it was something in the past it it was never asked for that and um I just wanted to follow up and and then in December when you do your regulars we'll um I'll add that to those to be included any questions for um Rebecca I have one okay the kiosk outside yes when are we going to start using that I noticed we're do we're still posting the meetings and everything by hand I mean isn't that what the kiosk is for the no the kiosk um can't you be used for um uh notices why because it it it you can't touch it and move to a new agenda so the time that it would take if I have 13 different agendas for somebody to stand there and look at the agendas so um so I believe that it's going to be used for announcements um for like parks and wrecks and different um things that can stand and um rotate the rotation part of it you mean it it's on a set time sequence like an advertisement thing right but but even let's say you wanted to read the agenda for this meeting that's quite long that's you know five or six pages then it would you'd have to stand there and wait for okay well I don't need to get in the weeds but I mean I just noticed it's been out there for well NE tomorrow will be a month I mean a year and we're not using it so I know we've paid for it and I I mean we should find a way to and right and we do its best ability correct and and we had that discussion on um like I said the the last um is probably just the um events that are going on so that um we could put but um that's just the last whatever it is it it just seems that the public notice outside the way we're doing it is archaic not against you but I mean it is pretty archaic putting a you know opening up a glass thing and putting a hand printed thing so I mean I that's probably what's required of us and most cities do it that way no I get it but I mean I'm just saying the process just seems archaic it's true so anyway that that was my thing okay city manager update uh nothing other than the uh penel County Sheriff's Office to need an analysis for March of 2024 is attached to my update anybody have any questions for Jennifer no but I was glad to get that notice I was glad that the person survived at that accident the other day the Keenan yeah holy smoke because the sound of it made it seem really bad um and I guess the other piece of that was there was some Smash and grab stuff going on in our city and there was yeah is that that hasn't been true around the city right is that just kind of a no it was in one specific area and it was one person um and so actually there's been there were five cars right one person yeah five cars but there's been some uh communication between s subes and Captain Jackson in regards to some public service announcements about how to protect your stuff yeah first of all lock your vehicle right and then also don't leave laptops on the seat and that type of a thing so sorry yeah that is just yeah gotcha okay okay um anybody have any questions for Jennifer all right I I did I I just wanted to let you know Jennifer this just something I observed the alleyway behind blur mhm and I'll look at you Jorge has no drainage and it's like a River the alleyway behind blur that whole Alleyway there is no drainage anywhere and it it it is like a the when I say a river if you have a a normal Summer Afternoon rain last time it was raining and I was trying to walk up that alley to go to my car I could not walk on it because the water was this deep coming down the alleyway we'll have a look at it so I don't know obviously I don't know what the I think they did that just because you were G to walk across it I think that's wasn't but it was bad it was really bad I mean I was shocked I had to like be up on the grass to walk around it and you can't really do that in that area the whole way there's lots of impediments blocking you right like dumpsters and different things so yeah there is definite drainage problem there okay uh City attorney update no update any questions for the city attorney okay and commission comments uh vice mayor we start with you for Lea's on position no I just I I I think quite a few of us are going to the region Regency resiliency Summit on May 8 9th and 10th mainly 9th and 10th and then future of the regions award I think a lot of us are going to that luncheon I think we're getting an award so that's very exciting uh for Tamp Bay Regional planning Council um so really that's all um and I I have a standing meeting with um with Shelby now with the Blue Jays once a month so I mean I'm going to talk to them about Bell trees but um you know anything that anybody wants me to throw into those meetings let me know tell them about what we talked about today yeah I will yeah okay vice mayor anything about your Lea's on positions I I actually I do not have anything specific thank you okay commissioner gal uh yes mayor thank you uh I had the pleasure this past weekend of playing Uncle Henry in in The Wizard of Oz which was absolutely amazing I just our community is just so engaging but what I liked about it and I don't know whether how much you all know about it but it was your typical Wizard of Oz right we all know the songs we all know the characters but they really tried to make it deden esque and so the new world Cults were involved as part of The Barbarians uh as part of the the the flying monkeys we had a piper that was part of it uh Emerald City was actually City Hall uh the wicked or Enchanted Forest where the flying monkeys come in was hammock park there were references to our inter Coastal Waterway uh as as Uncle Henry as a farmer I had bib overalls on the top but I had a kilt on the bottom uh they actually sell those I had no idea so it was really really a kind of a turn on on your typical wizard of Ozz and it was really cool very proud to Cole's like favorite Cindy Cole was amazing oh Cindy was just oh my God that was too great oh just priceless priceless and she the props she had at home and the makeup she did she not only did her own makeup but she did the makeup for a lot of the the kids that were involved and there were certainly many many many all the all the cast members were much better than I was uh but the idea was to bring attention to performing arts and the fact that dun Eden uh can sustain uh a public theater and Performing Arts and so to that end it was just a wonderful wonderful event um uh graduation uh is coming up for the high school and that is March 21st you all should March May one of one of those M months uh May May May 21st at 6 p.m. May 21st we should be receiving our invitation shortly May 2 uh and hurricane Expo I have for that night yep yeah there's there there's some conflict there yes um but at least it'll be on the calendar and then hopefully we'll get yeah I wish I would have known about that I wouldn't have allowed hurricane Expo to be that night but it was already they were trying to do it the same night as our business and I actually had it on my calendar for the 15th oh and uh they said uh yeah there was a change and so a lot of it is actually out of their hands as well you know you got to fit all these high schools in what they're doing and everybody wants to attend everybody and just still Ruth yeah and uh I wish it was in the stadium and back to the old days in the hot heat I don't think we'll get that again yeah everybody got comfortable with AC I think yeah uh and last night I attended they had their award ceremony at the high school and it is just amazing to really hear all the talented and wonderful things that are going on at the at the school and uh the number of seniors that are have just done some amazing things uh it was nice RC was part of it and sometimes they do their own uh but they were part of this one and so the Marine Corp was represented and just one some wonderful things and some of those students are doing certainly Performing Arts was involved but uh culinary arts um cosmetology and just all those areas uh history was involved so it was just really great um so congratulations to all those seniors and and your accomplishments so that's it mayor thank you okay commissioner Walker yes ma'am so uh the garden party was um two weekends ago and uh I have to say it was probably one of the best that I've attended um great turnout great venue um and just talking about you know typically and and characteristically den and that that that is an event that is that um and then I also want to back up what commissioner GA said he he was awesome as Uncle Henry and uh a very liberal label I I understand right now he's shopping for an agent um but the whole cast was amazing it was just it was just a fun evening and it was you know have to say it's h it was great anyway that's all I have thank you thank you was great okay [Music] um so mark your calendars Pride week is June 21st through June 28th a full list of events will be given to Lindsay to get into your calendar but there is something every single day of course there is and uh when's the Gaya the 28th the city will have a table um but all that information is forthcoming um and that that table is part of the annual sponsorship anybody that sponsors us like that gets a table and so there'll be other promotion as well the city's included on all the ads and our ads are really Rockstar so I can't wait till you see them good I have really stepped up our game um but I'll leave it at that I just wanted to make sure you knew what those dates were because I know if you're like me you're planning out two and 3 months and so don't leave town that week that's what I'm saying you can pick and choose everything you want to go to but there's you know certain events that I expect all of you at I'll keep you posted just a couple days ago I was Googling deden pride and it was D Eden Pride 2024 how cool it's already up there so I went to it yeah it was New Zealand yeah well I believe my hope is that the social media will go out Friday while I'm out of town that's what I'm frantically working on today it is going going into creative loafing we already sent it in so it'll be in their May issue which I believe drops Friday it'll be going in Watermark same thing and it'll be going in the beacon these are all half page ads um Beacon I think might be a little bit later in May you know miday um well I will tell you I've noted that and I'm not I'm not sure if I recall who it is but the new head of the chamber is working her butt off yeah just um but you know there's so many pieces that go through to this you know we have to have the backend registration available when the ads go up so that's what everybody's frantically working on is the registration system that'll all be done through the website and you'll see I think you'll be very happy um if I have time this afternoon I'll send you guys what the ad looks like but the city of den Eden is definitely on it as one of our title sponsors so thank you for that um the uh I will I want to thank uh vice mayor for filling in for me while I was sick with covid a couple weeks ago I mean I've had it a couple of times you know we just never had symptoms this was the week the symptoms hit like you know nobody can escape it completely it it's going to get you at one point or another I know Jorge at it sorry if I'm giving up your personal health information um but I mean you know I worked every day but I never got dressed outside of my pajamas and and I was sleeping by 1:30 or 2 almost every single day I mean it just was not pleasant did you did you watch the meetings that you met no no I did not I did not there are there are a host of related conditions that are coming out of covid and I I will speak for myself and so point is do not ignore any symptoms that are abnormal yeah and I'm fully boosted I mean whatever I've got all my like the dog I've got all my shots yeah I and I don't you know everybody said would you know where you got it and I'm like are you kidding do you know how many people I see I mean and and around and I you know you don't think about it anymore and it doesn't really matter where you got it you know it just doesn't but really my symptoms were all about fatigue my head felt like I was in a tunnel and my ears hurt as if I had an ear an ear infection but I didn't I mean those were the big symptoms for me but it is the right thing to try to protect others because as commissioner Walker said I mean you know and I know quite a few people have had you know just issues from it yeah and so people react differently to it so um yeah so well you know and when you work two jobs I mean you're a little rundown anyway so something's going to attack you anyway I wanted to thank you for filling in thank you guys for working around me but I am also out this Thursday because of a predetermined vacation that I terribly need um so I thank you again for filling in for me um I'll only be gone from Wednesday to Sunday but um and then finally there was an announcement I I think most everybody knows but Keith Fogerty our our uh old facilities person is um you know in Dire Straits and uh again I won't get into that but just want you to keep him and his family in his prayers and um you know I've asked Lindsay to send a plant and then we we'll stay on top of further actions that are he worked for the city like 40 years right I mean you know exactly huge impactor to yeah and so you know he's not doing well storm water Feast started with Keith you know that maybe that maybe that's not what he wants to be remembered for but no but it was the best thing ever ever right that happened so that was something I just you know I won't be here to keep all the information going so if anybody hears information please share I I would appreciate if uh your prayer on Thursday if you say something depending on what his situation is and I we don't know what it will be on Thursday so I'm sure Jennifer can keep you posted um that's all I have right at the moment um everything's normal with for pelis still working on all the same things so okay uh if that's everything good for the order we are out 2 minutes p [Music] [Music]