##VIDEO ID:iwvtCu8KgvA## liy and justice for all thank you Jennifer so now I was always saying I think our first order business probably is going to be doing the excused absences for mayor Bowski and commissioner gal who are potentially in some kind of trouble in Scotland right now with a with a lot of people from deden on the trip so if I could have a motion for an excus absence for mayor wowski and commissioner G so moved second all in favor I I okay that motion passes and we said if they're still up I guess it's 6 hours ahead right it's almost midnight yeah they're probably not in good shape if they're still up but we we'll just we won't say anything more than that okay we have no presentations tonight so the next item is citizen input so does anyone in the audience wish to speak on a topic that is not on the agenda okay seeing none we will move on to our action items our first action item is uh second reading of ordinance 24-14 amending section 10527 point11 point1 site standards for houses and duplexes of the city of den Land Development code to prohibit vehicles that exceed 22 ft in length or 8 ft in width from parking on a residential street or right away unless loading or unloading and City attorney would you please read ordinance 24-14 by title only absolutely ordinance 20 24-14 and ordinance of the city of denen Florida amending section 10 15-27 point11 point1 site standards for houses and duplexes of the city of Duneden Land Development code to prohibit or to prohibiting vehicles that exceed 22 ft in length or 8 ft in width from parking on res on a residential street or right away unless loading or unloading providing for codification providing for separability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date that was ordinance 20 24-14 read by title only good I have a motion so moved second okay um any um questions or discussion any questions John I have none thank you no questions okay so uh uh so John I'll go to you as maker of motion or commissioner Tor I should say I'm very pleased uh this whole process and fully accepting of the presentation and design review so very happy with it thank you okay commiss Walker yeah I totally agree um the we have we have people that uh follow the letter of the law before we enacted this ordinance by building you know fences around their their SUVs in their backyard that sort of thing and uh I uh I yeah fully support this thank you so yes I'm moving a little faster so I don't think I asked for public input on this is there any public input in the audience on this okay and George since I'm going backwards is there anything you want to say on this this is greate continue this meeting seems so simple I'm complicating it okay georgees can you be in charge often okay all right all in favor hi hi I and the motion passes unanimously okay did that need to be a roll call Vote or are we good okay so we'll do that so go ahead now Michelle if you do a roll call vote on that commissioner Walker I commissioner torga I vice mayor frany I and that motion passes unanimously okay we'll go to the second item try not to do this one backwards okay um this is for application Dr 24-02 second hearing of design review approval for the development of mult M family residential project on the property located at 534 how Street okay and uh let me ask first does anyone need to disclose any expart contact for the record no okay and I'll go to George with staff presentation actually before you do that um I generally give like an overview of the procedures and then we're going to swear people that'd be great thank you absolutely um so just very quickly both the applicant and the staff will have an opportunity to give a presentation after their presentations conclude the public will be given an opportunity to uh make any comments following that the applicant would be able to offer any rebuttal um during that time if there are any questions that the applicant has for staff or that staff has for the applicant those will be asked as well as any questions that the commission may have of either party and at this time if the clerk could please swear in anyone who's offering testimony do you swear the testimony you were about to give in this proceeding the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you great thank you so I guess we can go to George George thank you Vice mayy commissioner George Kenny on behalf of the Community Development Department uh I I'll try to move through this fairly quickly because I know this is a second read as well but for the benefit of the public I just kind of want to walk through the presentation uh very quickly one more time if it loads on the screen here all right I'm not seeing it on the on the monitors there we go there we go thank you uh so uh very quickly Commissioners this is a request for design review approval uh the project name is sunrise Town Homes the representative is Greg Presby uh from trans systems uh the owner and applic uh the owner and applicant are behind me and I know uh if you have questions they they'll be happy to answer those questions uh the site is uh as you can see from the aerial uh to the right is located actually has two frontages uh to the West off Martin Luther King and to the South off a h Street you can see it's a sort of a t-shaped lot uh and and along gated and then with the home kind of up against house Street uh the area is approximately 1.22 Acres uh it is a non- flood zone area the land use is residential medium the zoning district is MF 15 and the existing uh use is residential and assisted living facility public hearing dates as you can see uh the local planning agency considered this application on June 12 2024 and recommended approval to the city commission for first read on July 11 2024 uh and here we are for second read on August 8th by way of description um the owner applicant again is request design review for a multif family residential Redevelopment on the property um the project would consist of one new two-story building containing eight town homes uh those Town Homes would be fronting a 5-ft concrete walkway and a 24t asphalt cartway uh and that it would be the access to the proposed homes and you can see those in the upper leand corner of the tee to the right of that te is the existing assisted living facility and kind of inside the the the the arch of the te is is where that single family residential uh uh is uh positioned this kind of shows you the existing uh site and how it's currently developed uh for this project you you will see that the uh two family residents that's located uh to the West there would need to be removed along with a small small structure kind of Center center of the tea would also be removed the assisted living facility would remain and the single family residential development is also proposed to remain um very quickly the uh property is developed uh with a single story 66 6658 ft 50 bed assisted living facility built in 1988 uh again a one-story duplex and a one-story single family residence both of which were built in 1960 um to make way for the new development uh and I'll get into this a little bit in the L use piece of it the assisted living facility will have to reduce its bed count from 50 to 21 from a land use plan perspective uh residential medium is the land use you can see the analysis here that was uh performed as part of the review the total acreage for the site at 1.22 Acres the total that would be used for this uh development if if um approved would be 1.07 Acres from a zoning District standpoint uh the property is own mf15 uh um this project does meet all the dimensional standards and I would just point out the number of stories in this particular District does allow for a five-story proposal this is a two-story proposal so um we think that that really fits with from a compatibility perspective which I'll get to here on the next slide uh so as part of what we do for every design review we do a compatibility analysis um this particular two-story multif family residential development at the proposed density on the property together with the potential development patterns of vacant lands in the area would be considered compatible with the existing building Heights and densities in the surrounding area and neighborhoods and is consistent with objective 2.9 of our future land use element in our comprehensive plan uh the commission's also fully aware of the criteria uh that are required as part of the design review process and as part of your backup you'll see that the applicant has addressed all of these criteria um typically the ones that most people are concerned with are the um are the um traffic impacts uh so I will just mention that it is part of your backup there was a traffic impact analysis done as part of this uh this site would only generate nine Peak nine Peak trips both AM and PM committee actions included the design Review Committee which met on December 13 of 2023 the architecture Review Committee uh met and considered this application on April 2 of 2024 uh and I will say that all of the um suggestions of the arc were addressed as part of the submission that has come to you all uh and again it was to the local planning Agency on June 12th and with a a unanimous recommendation to the to the city commission finally staff determination uh staff finds that the design review criteria have been met and our recommending approval subject to those three conditions which are typically our standard conditions but I'll read goes into the record very quickly that the applicant and developer is responsible for meeting the minimum criteria of the Land Development code and for acquiring all other jurisdictional permits and approvals two construction plan shall be consistent with the approved design review plans and drawings and three design review approval shall expire in 12 months from the date of the city commission design review approval unless the applicant obtains infrastructure review approval and vertical building permits um with that uh commission I will I'm happy to entertain any questions just so to make sure we'll um I guess we'll start questions on this side and be careful not to give an opinion until we've heard all of the evidence but uh commissioner Walker do you have any questions uh thank you um no I have no further questions on this commissioner T I have no further questions I have no further questions either uh so we go to the applicant presentation I think most of the questions last time came from the two people that aren't here tonight so thank you and good evening commissioner and staff um I don't really have anything to add without restating what staff has already presented to you guys I'll be happy to answer any other questions that you may have but we certainly appreciate the consideration of our project we're excited to get moving on thank you let me ask my colleagues commissioner T any questions of the applicant commissioner Walker and I have none either so thank you very much appreciate it okay and I'll uh open to public comment now is anybody in the audience wish to come forward forward to give any comment on this project uh seeing none close the public hearing and uh there's no staff response and so nothing's really come and so I think we'll go right to a motion and I have a motion so moved second and final comments uh starting with commissioner donga I have I have none other than to say that before we looked at it asked a lot of questions all the questions were answered and uh it looks like a very very nice project for that area thank you okay commissioner walker uh yeah I have no further comments except for the fact that I think the the design that's been presented I think will be a nice nice add to that particular area so thank you and I just add um I kind of rewatched the first hearing and I think um got a lot of the questions answered I know I said before I'll say again I'm glad you kept the height down and I I think it'll be a nice project for there as well so thank you um okay roll call vote commissioner Walker I commissioner torer I vice mayor fry I and that motion passes unanimously congratulations okay our next item is 2C and that's the proposed agenda for the September 5th 2024 commission meeting and uh there has been one additional item added recognition of greater d and little league in the presentation area um anyone else have anything to uh to add or take away okay so um all in favor of the September 5th agenda motion oh I need a motion sorry so second all in favor say I I I and that motion passes unanimously got all kinds of Guardian Angels tonight thank you um okay um any other information AAL items for the good of the order from my colleagues and or Jorge we're good okay then this meeting is adjourned [Music]