[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ready [Music] all right Welcome to our is this our second budget meeting for number one we've already talked about the business plan in the past okay that yeah okay budget Workshop number one I will turn it over to Jennifer for some opening remarks so good morning mayor vice mayor and Commissioners staff um this is budget Workshop number one we're going to be talking about new initiatives in the business plan you may recall in March the city commission and staff can you hear me it is on yeah I got my little green light on okay thanks um City commission and staff went over the business plan uh and and our initiatives to date for this year so we're going to in the interest of time in interest of of um bringing the the latest information to you we're going to talk today about the new initiatives which are marked in red in your business plan again this is a draft business plan there's a lot of work to do yes ma'am have a point of order yes ma'am please point of order I thought we decided we're not going to have any new initiatives because everybody's too busy and the funding issues so the new initiatives that you're seeing really reflect uh the city commission's work plan if you will and also essential infrastructure items as well moving forward okay and I was going to answer to obviously we have some Coastal issues and things like that that we know like regardless they have to be and and that's a very good example vice mayor because we have a business plan thank you city manager you're welcome vice mayor 3 minutes in all right IED to shoot I'm sorry go ahead yeah yeah H's going home sick now yeah I might too I'll dri okay so the way that we'd like to approach this uh uh commission is to staff will go over by epic goal by Department go over some of the the new initiatives that we're seeing we picked the ones that are either the most impactful that that require the most funding or things that we've spoken about before that have been folded into the new business plan for fiscal year 2025 and capital Improvement um plan as well so so just a couple remarks on the format um we are in the middle of a a new strategic planning effort and developing a new dashboard I think somewhat in the next year that this format may change a little bit as we align ourselves behind that strategic plan uh moving forward and and I think that will be able to be a little bit more brief and Brilliant uh in the future once we're able to to you know be more efficient as far as development of the business plan itself so um uh if you will yes mayor it is echoing if that's what yeah it's echoing a whisper I'm just kidding um so anything else Les that I need to touch on my opening remarks no just mention that uh that this business plan book does uh is it's it's a few more p p in the last book and we've got our our new cleargo format uh in the project Pages if you you'll notice that uh a lot of them are two pages instead of one page we think it's a little nicer look and better to read but that's one change this year that's right yeah um and and finally I want to comment upon a comment that I made yesterday um um in regards to the citizen survey so you're going to see um a business plan that reflects the results of the citizen survey along with some other items that that we need to incorporate within the business plan that are essential to our our um resiliency uh and to maintenance uh and Improvement of our infrastructure and so um that is really a classic strategic planning practice that we first of all go to your constituents and ask them what what they want and then we align our business plan and our budget behind their comments and and their initiatives and what they have placed as a priority um and and I guess of course as always there's the essential items that we need to to do every year uh and fold into our CIP and so that said I'll turn it over to Les thank you good morning mayor vice mayor Commissioners Les Tyler the finance director and I'm here with Ashley kmon our budget manager uh i' like to briefly go over the agenda uh today uh we'll first go over the general fund update for 2025 we've got our draft business plan that we'd like to walk through uh this morning and that's sort of the information as of May 15th that that cut off time frame then we'll go into the the business plan itself and and talk about the business plan process the business plan funding then we'll get into the projects and go over the business plan initiatives and the CIP projects and we'll do those uh as Jennifer mentioned by epic goal and department and we'll focus on the new initiatives and CIP projects and then we'll uh uh do commission direction for the proposed 25 budget so one thing before you go on um Les the commission has asked me all five of you when we're going to look at the other funds we're looking at general fund today that will be the July meeting yeah that'll be July 15th correct okay go ahead yeah yeah today we'll just focus on the general fund but all the rest of the funds will go over on July 15th starting with the general fund update uh we'd like to first start with our assumptions that we have in the business plan and uh first is our assess value growth for property tax in the business plan we have 7% property tax growth estimate uh that was that was a number we got from the county we I reached out to the county in in April and asked them what's a reasonable number for 2025 and at that time they said 7% was uh a conservative number so we went with that uh we have some good news we we just received on May 29th the our estimates the AV for 2025 and city of indan growth is 10.2% so that's uh very good news uh uh more than I was expecting but uh uh that's higher than a lot of other cities around the area you know if you compare but anyway very helpful we we'll talk more about the impact of that in a few more slides uh in the longarm range plan but very good news for 2025 for the future years uh we currently have uh our assumptions that we received from the county of pelis these are the same assumptions we had last year and in 2026 we've got 4.3% growth 2027 3.9 2028 3.4 2029 3.1 and then 2030 uh 3. 3% even um and again that may change once we once the county ruls this information out but we're using that information at this point uh for other taxes we're estimating 2% growth in the years 26 to 30 intergovernmental we're estimating 2% growth and then charges for services 2.2% growth and on kind of high level on the expenditure side we've got a 3.5% Merit increase for uh all non-union employees in our current budget which is pretty consistent with prior years uh we also have uh a sort of a uh a plug in there for the fire Union negotiation that we have in there at this time we have we have an amount in there we think is a reasonable estimate of what we're just beginning the uh negotiations but we have a number in there for that as well and on the benefit side we've got for 2025 we have 7.2% increase for health cost in 2025 uh over 2024 budget uh we're still researching that we're working with uh Teresa Smalling director of risk management and HR uh and we'll be working with her in the next few weeks ahead with our Consultants to kind of fine-tune that number but we think that's a safe number uh for growth next year and in the outer years we've got 6% growth for health costs from 2026 to 2030 operating costs are 2% in the outer years and non- capitals 1% uh one comment on the assumptions is these are our best estimates as of the middle of May uh you know our business plan was completed on May 20th the Count's not not shared with us their budget at this point that nor normally comes to us usually late June actually so once we get that information we'll look at their assumptions and we'll adjust to theirs whether whether it's for assess value we'll also be looking at that for our penny for pellis and and our sales tax growth and other ones but but uh we we are currently with the estimates we had last year we uh as I mentioned a minute ago uh our our 10.2% growth uh the the dollar amount increase that will generate in 2025 is just that $500,000 so uh when we present the proposed budget and we'll be we'll be rolling that out the end of June we'll be adjusting our av growth to 10.2 and that will increase the general fund property taxes about about $500,000 when we do that and going to the long range plan uh again drafter information as of the middle of May uh uh we we as before we have two sections I want to point out here we have uh if you look at the bottom if you look at the first highlighted uh row that's our that's our uh our our highlighted row is the shows that what are available fund balances without the shortfall being addressed and then we also then down below we've got another one that shows the shortfall being addressed and we'll go over those more than a minute but I just wanted to point that out we have kind of two different categories and I also want to point out uh if you look at the red font numbers that are towards the middle uh this shows that for those years 25 through 30 our expenditures are more than our revenues for those years and uh as you can see in 2025 it's currently about 3.3 3.3 million more and then 2026 is 2.7 it does go down some over time but we are our current estimates are expenditures are slightly more than revenues for those future years um we also uh want to point out that if you look at under fiscal year 25 at the ver uh if the very first highlighted yellow row we're currently at 22.4% for our uh our available fund balance which is really good to be there at this point in time as you know our Target's 15% so we are well above our Target at this point in 2026 our with our current estimates our available fund balance is 16.1% and slightly over our 15% goal in the current assumptions uh the bottom row that's highlighted is the same information uh as mentioned above but we are showing that shortfall and if you look at that bottom highlighted yellow row you can see that uh from 26 to 30 we have a shortfall of about 1.2 million uh pretty manageable and with that AV adjustment uh assess value adjustment of 500,000 that would bring that down uh about to about 700,000 uh a very manageable number again with everything else staying the same um and again the budget shortfall uh represents uh that a revenue increase needed or an expenditure decrease needed to achieve that to achieve that general fund 15% uh Reserve goal that we have from 27 to 30 and also want to point out that in if you look at 2024 uh the first yellow row which is our available fund balance you know we went went over the general fund a few a couple of months ago and mentioned that 23 Was a Very Good Year we expect 24 to be on budget plan we are estimating our revenues to be a little higher in 24 than budget which is which is helpful so we're estimating our carryover right now at the end of this year to be about 31% which is which is very helpful that large positive fund balance is helping us move into 25 so I wanted to make sure I pointed that out and on the expenditure side um we've got uh has say and then we'll do all the questions go ahead uh we've got labor cost uh increase of about 1.5 million in 25 compared to 24 and that's due to what I mentioned earlier that's an estimate for the fire Union as well as health increases and Merit increases across the boorder of 3.5% for all nonunion our operating costs are uh slightly more than 25 uh we about 525,000 more in 25 than 24 for for total operating cost and I mention that cuz that's a big that's a big number that's uh about 18.2 million and the majority of that increase is about 436,000 uh for our our property insurance estimated estimated increase in 25 we are estimated a 35% increase in property insurance uh in 25 over 24 we still got to work with uh Teresa our HR director and risk managementor director uh and the and our Consultants to fine-tune that number right now at 35% so that's our that's our largest driver right now for operating cost increase at this time and that and that number may change in in the as we roll out the proposed budget and uh I want to mention again that that that adjustment I mentioned of of 500,000 for the assess value that also increases that would increase our 2025 available fund balance uh the first yellow highlighted Row from 22 4% to 23.6% and the next slides are are capital projects and non reoccurring uh projects in the general fund for repairs and maintenance type projects I want to mention that uh city manager has met with all the Departments like we do every year and we've gone over their budgets for fisc year 25 uh and this is where we're at as of miday as I mentioned before we still have work to do we still need to work through uh some of the numbers I mentioned earlier and also want to mention that uh there are we do have requests for new positions this year in 2025 uh and uh none of those numbers are in here we've got no new positions in this draft and the and the city manager is working with HR and they're both reviewing those uh and and uh if positions are approved they in the general fund that will obviously change these numbers some uh and then our our plan would be to bring on July 15 to talk about new positions and go over then what the city manager is uh recommended and not recommending for new positions in 2025 and and all these projects will'll be we'll be going through the projects in the slides ahead so uh we'll be walking through all the new ones as J mentioned and then answer any questions that the commission may have on on any any project as well in the general fund and uh any questions on the general fund before we move into the the business plan yes vice mayor so Les I mean obviously historically I guess we Contin continue to I mean what do we continue to do not get projects done so there's more carryover which means that's extra money into the reserves or are we continuing to overperform in revenue and under and and then spend less because we've were more efficient or less projects because obviously you know we still have the structural deficit when we for Budget purposes but we're ending up with over you know overruns you know for every year so I'm just wondering is there a flaw in how we're doing this and so in in essence we are taking more Revenue in than we need because we're we're just because we're because our budget's out of whack but actually when we come to revenue and actual it's not out of whack so it's building our Reserve so I guess that would be yeah that's a good question uh part of it the carryovers you know we we do we do have large carryovers we had a huge carryover a few months ago in 2024 and that makes 2023 look better because those those projects did not get done uh the last two years our revenues came in more than uh budgeted and projected we we had we when we talked a couple of months ago we went over the general fund and and kind of discussed the results of 23 revenues came in better by quite a bit in 2023 uh and uh that's helped this reserve for two Revenue growth the last two years was significant was pretty significant uh if you looked at the last six years you know comparing so that that's helped our fund balance uh also our uh we've done a pretty good job last couple years of not spending all of our budget in the general fund not just carryovers just uh operating cost uh we've had labor Savings in the general fund the last couple years that has helped as well anywhere from 400 to 500,000 a year so that we've had that two years in a row consistently so uh you know the revenue the Revenue estimates in 24 they've been adjusted some uh they've been increased with what we're seeing but but want to mentioned a few things uh last two years the revenue came in came in very well we we budgeted pretty conservatively for revenue and we had a lot of revenues com in higher than budget that we talked about some a few months ago in the general fund update if looking at 24 right now uh we've got to do more analysis on revenues and we we we've gone through you know uh uh what what actuals through March we've done that and we're going to go through it again before we do our proposed budget uh currently what I'm seeing with revenues in general fund is uh sales taxes is down about 4% compared to Prior year in the general fund state sales tax is down 4% uh pening for pelis is down 1.4% so our count is doing better than the state uh from a sales tax standpoint right now last that's the last six months so and the other Revenue sources uh for the first six months of this year uh are are are looking like they're going to be slightly more than next year property tax we have a pretty good number on that what that's going to be uh the uh Duke Energy uh the revenue we get from them for our electric services tax and our franchise fees those are down this year Duke reduce the rates for residential and Commercial and we're seeing that in our Revenue so I expect uh that our revenue for those two will be probably just about the same or less than last year so there's there's some moving s but uh we're going to look at revenues more and we and we may we may we probably will adjust them some as we roll out the proposed budget over the next few weeks and they may go up some uh possibly once we look at them a little more but but we are seeing uh some trends that does so if um like in 2023 you know looks like we're we have the overage of like I guess it's five million um anyway so around five million and so would you say that that is Bec is there any one thing you would point to I mean I guess you know it's all about are we being too conservative with our numbers therefore yeah that would be I would say 2.5 million of that is uh is uh labor savings and projects that did not get done that got carried over and or two you have a 2.5 of that and the other 2.5 was revenues uh coming in better than we projected yeah and and so kind of kind of half and half on that number I would say uh and that and about 1.8 million of that of that difference rolled over into those projects rolled over to 24 you know that of that 5 million they rolled over and they're in in our 24 budget now so it's kind of a combination but uh probably half Revenue half expenditure uh with that number I would say okay pretty close yeah and my other question would be to Teresa what what's our Cur right now how many vacancies do we have okay you get it this morning sometime thank you cuz I think we were running around 43 or something last year I mean I'm just hoping it's better since we did actions to be better and obviously that affects that yeah hi an engineer at that yes um okay that's that's all I have right now okay I think that if I can just add mayor that that we do budget as you know those numbers very conservatively but in line with the county and the information that we receive from the county traditionally especially with Penny and with with uh taxable value taxes yeah the the majority of our Revenue sources not all but the majority we do look closely at the County's estimates you know that next year and future years we look we we do compare to them we look at the state too but the state information doesn't come out till till the end of July so it's not real helpful as you roll your budget out but we do compare to that too to to kind of see what they're look what what their growth looks like to and that's sort of been an Unwritten policy but we've talked about you know why aren't we use you know why wouldn't we use the County's estimates given the size of their budget Department exactly right correct yeah yeah I mean I get that but you know when every year you you look like you have the structural deficit but it doesn't come to pass you know you don't want to make arguments about how you make your decisions on that when it doesn't prove itself out over time um um yeah and the Staffing issue makes sense because we don't have time to get it done and there's huge carryover so it's not that I mean we should be getting stuff done we should be spending it but I mean I get it and I obviously I don't want to be you know we don't want to be Rosy either we want to be conservative with our estimates to be careful but lot lots of stuff can happen so okay thank you sure thank you commissioner Toro questions or comments thank you mayor yes I have I have questions um the first one I'll do them one at a time so the first question is uh you just made a comment about uh Duke reduce their rates would you comment about that I I I didn't know about that yeah Duke reduced their rates uh in I believe it was January this year and uh they did a uh residential and Commercial reduction both uh our reduction that we've seen uh is about three 3% for I for uh we're looking at our city bills you know I L we've looked at a few bills and since that time frame our reduction has been about 3% not 6% but it uh but uh I think residential was reduced I heard I think it was four or 5% something like that and now residential may not come into play that may not have come into play in J in January that could have been in April or May I'm not sure but but Duke Duke has reduced rate some and and and they actually a few weeks ago mentioned doing another rate rate reduction uh in moving forward as well not not not huge reductions but they are they are doing reductions and not increases right now which is helpful I thought that they had applied for an increase for this upcoming period is that not correct I read that they had well the latest information that I've received from duke Hy had sent that to me Hy you anything on that yeah I've got it right here commissioner they sent this out on the 20th of May it says Duke Energy Florida has lowered his electric rates for the second time this year due to low lower natural gas cost uh projections on May 17th the PSC approved Duke Energy Florida's request for midc correction uh as a result the commercial and industrial commercial bills are decreasing by 35% and 7% respectively the new rates become effective June June of this year what about going forward is that a comment about going forward so met Das went from when they did when they did the rollup it went from that was at almost at8 $8 and then it dropped down it's about two and half dollars now so they were sitting with the money so the Florida legislators were not particularly happy with that so we're seeing a a little a little effect of that not significantly compared to what the the savings that they realized on the natural gas side I heard they were going to go I had heard that they were going up and up to as high as 9% for this year but the numbers don't numers don't justify that in the open market right now for either for coal or for or for yeah this is based on their projections for um natural gas which is a big component of how they produce uh Power so it goes on to say in addition to that 3 and a half and 7% for commercial and Industrial uh bills effective June of this year those savings are on top of the decrease of about 5.6 and 7.2 that went into effect in January so those are compounded so to to L's Point our franchise fee is 6% of their revenue so when those things reduce our our franchise collection you commission I think Jeff Baker kind of alluded to the Natural Gas Pie when he was here for our meeting it was going to help the situation was they they should they should have cut they they they that's why they had extra money um but what do you do with with the with the public commission I only want to bring that up because at some point in time that eludes or or has a reference to the money that we're spending for example on 100 um and the requirements for that and I just wanted to make sure that we that we we understand exactly what is happening with with our Public Service organization um so my real questions um in the first you you gave some some increases or some estimate estimations for increases I'll give one for example um you had said for health it's 7.2 we've been averaging some pretty high increases for health and then you go down to 6% for the remaining years um yet we don't know where 7.2 is and and that and that can be a pretty pretty good size number um where are where are we with that 7.2 I'll let Teresa cover that yeah okay sure so we have been tracking um actually less than seven over the last three years um the 7.2 is based on the claims going back uh 12 months from about March so usually we get a firmer number in July uh but based on uh Pharmacy rebates that we've gotten as well as projected claims right now we are looking at about 7.2 you had talked about a month or two ago about how the claims have been relatively mild in relationship and so that is continuing so that that could be a good number that we we don't we may not be looking at some of those Health increases that we were looking at previously or that we over the past number of years looked at is that yes the market is trending higher because of a lot of uh specialty drugs and you know new medications that are out there but right now we are trending below Market thank you operating cost 2% is are you fairly comfortable with that I I I kind of don't see that necessarily occurring when I look at the numbers I but we're talking maybe a small number so if it's a really a small number we don't need to worry we we don't need to spend any time on that but seemed a little low that's a good question uh uh Ashley and I have had had have talked about that some and and whether or not that should be two or three is a good question uh the last couple years obviously with our inflation uh it's been much higher than that and now it's trending more trending down better and they're trying still continue to get it down so uh to may you know two I think is reasonable uh we we may look at two and a half or something like that as as we roll at the proposed budget but that that's a good question yeah thank you um one of the things I just want to bring up I understand if I if I put just an accounting cap on I'm happy with the flow of monies that went forward because we had excessive we had excess of funds that we didn't utilize as an operating person I'm not particularly happy about that because I understand why it happened you get $500,000 because you didn't have people in positions so you didn't get things done and so now you're rolling monies forward um I just want us all to I wanted to make that statement so that that we're aware of that uh when we don't when we don't have positions we don't have things things just may not get done and so again from an organization then we're not happy from an organizational standpoint so I appreciate you being happy from the financial side um but but perhaps not from an operating side that's a huge number that sits there that nobody is aware of and it rolls forward and it really really was un uh not completed functions shall we say we not not positions not that you have positions to do things but positions do do things so um I just wanted I wanted to bring that because that's been going on now for for a bit of time and I don't you we just saw the jolt report and the jobs jobs order report um and the unemployment Etc so we're right in a flux right now I I don't I don't know what's going to happen but um we should be mindful of the fact that a lot of money did flow forward that way yeah should also be reminded of some of these funds that that did flow forward that we did receive a number of increased increases through through the on the federal side and in some cases they were very they were very very large and so some of those are kind of stumbling forward now problem is we can't get you can't get some of the things accomplished and you can't get you have supply chain problems and those supply chain problems unfortunately which doesn't make any sense to the average person nor nor to me I'm an average person as to why that continues but it it just seems to continue there's either the inflation or the C the cost increase are just pling the supplies just not being available so I noticed that in the budgets we've got some large numbers later that that relate to that um some pretty high cost hey prices on on things being done we just had recent experiences with some of the some of the uh rfps that have gone out that we we couldn't complete them we had to redo them and redo them and then they're always and they're higher and they higher and they higher so um that also affects operating I think just a little bit just want to lay that I just want to lay my feelings up down about that that doesn't necessarily have to be a question although I wouldn't mind a response I agree with you I mean the the la our our vacancies you know there were F you know say roughly 4 500 in the general fund and they were probably 900 a million Citywide you know last year roughly you know and and it's and it's for a couple years we've had quite a few vacancies as for obvious reasons uh I think I think it's a little better now and Teresa can get get the details on that but but yeah it definitely impacts uh what we can get done for sure and my comment just for everybody is very very much aware I I appreciate the fact that we are trying to get those people we would like to have the people in the place but I just from a financial standpoint or cash flow standpoint that money flows thanks and just to comment on the number of vacancies right now we have 33 full-time equivalents vacant um and that we had four 33 we had four uh retirements alone in May so it did offset some of that um I think one of those positions still open so thank you you mind if I just please so could we just get the layout from last year to now in terms of vacancies because I just looked back at the May 14th and it said 37 so it would be interesting to see kind of the EB and flow of that number to see you know have we you know obviously it's down a little bit but it's still still significant at one point it was 46 even last year I think you're right yeah I mean that's that's a big that's a big flow if you look at $100,000 a piece so well I think possibly you're going to be bringing back positions later in the budget process I think at that time it would be greatfully not 20 positions I think it would be great to have where we were last year by Department versus where we are this year by department and maybe just a bullet point thing that says kind of the steps we've taken to fix it for a discussion point so we're not trying to remember it doesn't I'm I'm saying don't make a big paragraph out of it it you know can be simplistic but I think that would be great conversation for us to have okay I'm going to go this way if you guys you guys good commissioner gal thank you Mary uh mayor all questions have been asked and answered so I'm good than commissioner Walker [Laughter] he's waiting for energy stuff uh just a note of clarification here uh just for 2026 uh showing a budget short fall of 1.2 million when we're above the uh The the Reserve um what is that based on yeah that's a good question uh that that 1.2 million is sort of an average so even though you see that 27 is at 17.4 uh we're we're sort of averaging that number out so we make sure that uh 20 29 and 30 are are 15% or more so that's the reason you'll see some a little higher uh than 15 but we're we're we're picking one number and an average rather than having having a different number each year I don't think that's what he's asking no Rob I think what you're saying is how can we be meeting our our Target reserve and still have a shortfall is you're and I'll answer it I think I know the answer is is because the um expenses are over the revenues MH and so that's the difference cuz ideally in every budget you want your revenues to match your expenses yeah and I I think that's what that number represents to some degree anyway right yeah but I I mean you know looking at the 2025 budget we show a u under expenditures of 3.3 million but we're not showing a budget shortfall yeah yeah we're not and the reason for that in 20 in 25 we're not showing a budget shortfall because we have we have such a large carryover in U in 2024 that's being brought up at the top and that carry and that carry forward fund balance is is included in that calculation so that's why we've got a large carry forward in at that first line in 25 includes that carry forward that 15.8 Million number and then that flows down and then that's that's why 2025 is is is uh 22% even though the expenditures are more than the revenues okay so the carry forward is included in the beginning fund balance exactly yeah yeah good good question yeah that's okay y um just uh focusing on the assumptions here for a moment uh understand for for salaries and Personnel the 3.5% based on Merit um the question I have with the negotiations uh with the uh with fire yeah how do you how do you fact 3.5% seems low uh if you are factoring in negotiations for the fire yeah the the 3.5 is uh for that's for non-union but the but the union the 48 I think it's 48 employees we have in the union those those those are uh a different calculation and we put a we put a number in there of what we think is a a conservative realistic number that will that will that will that will be reasonable as we get through the negotiations but that and that that number is definitely higher than 3.5% yeah okay that thanks I yep and then I guess the question is and maybe we're going to hear about this more but um one one thing I don't know that we've been necessarily briefed on is the timeline for the negotiations um and when we I know we've started um when when do we conclude yeah I'm going to turn that over to treer real quick so technically we have U we're in the the preliminary stages um Union has submitted their proposal and looking at itone I was trying you're muted is the new thing right so um as I was saying we are still in the preliminary stages of negotiations the union did submit their proposal and we are um reviewing and casting out as well as looking at um alternate proposals we hope to begin an actual negotiation with the Union uh later this month um so we we think that the way we're starting out these negotiations we are hopeful that um we should come to some kind of conclusion uh before the end of summer okay all right thank you for that um you know I this is more well no this would be a question um so the the Duke Energy rate reduction is it on yeah can you yeah can you guys hear yeah there you go the uh the Duke Energy rate reduction uh I and I this is this is kind of a it's hard to and I know I can take a look at the website there too but um the feedback and also personal observation is is that the rates haven't been reduced um by by all measure um so my question would be is is that when did this go into effect and I I based this on feedback from some of the residents there they would ask say well I don't understand um you know why there was supposed to be this rate reduction but rates haven't been reduced uh on the residential I'm not exactly sure what month that started but we can get back to you on that we can check on that but I can answer that okay goad so on the resid IAL of 5.6 uh% and then 7.2 for commercial went into effect in January of this year and then the most recent reduction goes into effect this month and that is the 3.5 for commercial um and 7% for industrial okay all right yeah thanks perfect um and then the last question this is just a confirmation on this so basically Penny down 1.4% state income tax was there was a number what was that number first six months about NE negative 4% eight no negative four yeah 4% 4% lower than last year the first six months yeah for for our half cent sales tax which is Statewide sales tax for the first six months of this fiscal year okay and is the the county responsible for um allocating that percentage or does that work yeah the County's responsible for allocating our Penny funding they they allocate that monthly to us but the state uh comes from the state directly from the state for the half cent sales tax they allocate by population by population yes that's corre thank you uh that's all I got may they allocate by population once they take sheriff and all these others off the top then they allocate my population okay I I do have a couple of questions um and my apology is if we've already gone over this stuff the last time we met but I I'm I'm looking at um the P the uh cap CIP and non-recurring operating for the general fund I just had a couple questions there mhm for 2026 or actually I'm sorry 2025 um does Sterling skate park repairs can you just tell tell me what that is Sterling skate park repairs can you tell me what that is the skate park is um and I have that in my uh my notes for when we get into the projects but the skate park uh is is cracking um and waterers getting into areas that it it shouldn't so we've hired a consultant right now to um to provide us with uh engineering design so that we can actually repair that permanently okay so I'll just throw this out there I won't be here it'll be up to my colleagues um but I do think that the skate park needs a major upd dat um for where skaters are what they're doing today versus what they did 15 18 years ago when we built it um as you remember David Adams yes um who you know advised us back then is all over me about it again um so it doesn't have to be you know today I just wanted to point it out so whatever you're doing here you know I'm hoping that we're going to be thinking about what that should be in the future yeah this is for improvements out there this is for the improvements of the existing no no I I get it I just want to make sure if you're going to do something to the existing that it isn't something you're going to be changing three years from now if we do do updates that was it on that um The Causeway restrooms I thought we were working on that this year and I continue to get a lot of complaints including myself I I won't I won't go in there it's disgusting the work is definitely needed out there we are working on that but um during that process we found that the roof also needs to be replaced or repaired and so we put it U Vince put it in the budget for next year the for the roof part but the interior is currently our project and is currently being worked on when when will it be completed I don't have an estimate for you um our goal is to have that completed through the the summer we're going to bring in temporary restroom facilities while um the updates are being put in place yeah I thought it was going to be completed by May was the last update I had and we're in June so I'm just saying the the most use it's going to get it's going to be coming up yeah so I you know I get it I know why all these things happening so I don't I'm not trying to insult anybody but I do think we need to do better when we time these things this should have been done right in the middle of the winter that was our goal we did not meet that I know so and I get it but can I can I tag in sure um and if the wor needs if it really needs done I mean does it make sense to do it all together we we don't have the funds this year and um really the roof we we were able to put repairs in place for the roof if it's not leaking through or anything out there so it just needs to be scheduled and replaced we don't have the funds do you see our reserves I'm just saying it does sound like why would we do something twice yeah I I guess it's more efficient to do it together because clearly we could do it if it made sense you know but we we can have that discussion certainly I mean if it doesn't make sense then it doesn't matter I we have the quotes we I mean how we found out that it needed to be done I mean we could see but we looked at it and then assessed it during the process we can we can certainly look at it mayor before we go any further I didn't hear what she had said about some of the work that's being done after you said we need to have it you said that some work was being done and but something happened I I couldn't hear I didn't I mean I didn't say I said we found the roof during that process we just just haven't been able to accomplish our goal I think is what I said in the timely uh in the time that we had anticipated and planned and and just for for anybody then that would want to use that that head I appreciate what the mayor is saying completely what everybody is saying here um but I've been in it within the last two weeks I go and check it out every couple weeks now and it it's certainly usable and it's certainly clean it's kept clean by by by staff yeah we are you talking about the causeway bathroom I sure am I don't know what the men's bathroom looks like but I can tell you the women's bathroom is disgusting and I was and it's clean for an hour right until it gets used it's awful and I was going to conclude with the fact that our course I did not go into the ladies room um and and second second of all obviously people come in there and make a mess and so we should be aware of that on all all public facilities um I don't mean public but I mean that it can be used by anyone that they can become a mess uh in a in a very very short time period I've gone in there now three times in the last probably four four or five weeks just just looking um and and they've been certainly clean um so just wanted to pass that along so it's really really what the mayor is saying is that we need to have have the update done and we need to have the update as soon as possible and there's just lots of people using it so I canc um okay so thank you so mayor um if I may just as far as the direction goes I mean you know as far as the restrooms go I know Sue crew has been we understand the urgency they've been diligently working toward getting it done um as far as the roof goes it was when we got into the project we discovered that we needed to to to uh put on a new roof you know from my perspective staff saying it's not budgeted we need to do it next year is also a good answer you oh sure I I we are non but we're just saying go ahead and I'm not complaining that you're complaining but what I am saying though is that we will look at what we're able to do what we're able to accomplish to do it all at once it makes sense to be able to do that but as far as the reserve goes at at 22% right now what we do know you know is that this is a process and as as vice mayor says you know a lot this is a photo in time this is a picture in time we know that we have uh uh staff has submitted requests for um for uh additional positions and that type of things so um I just want to kind of frame that in terms of that 22% uh I think that there are uses for some of that 22% we'd like to stay around 20% you know if at all possible because it's really healthy Reserve but there there are things that we need to do moving forward as well yeah okay um can I just ask one question I thought we were going to go through these projects separate from this is that am I wrong on that bu I thought the I thought the business plan was separate from this stuff we're taking care of some of them I thought the business plan was separate from some of this cuz I didn't ask question that I I mean these are non reoccurring operating I did not think they were in the business plan well well we how would I know right we'll be going through the majority of these uh projects as we walk through the business plan in the next section we will and and we'll be focusing on the new ones but we'll also answer any questions the commission has on any project I'm going to ask on this one sure ones I've circled cuz now I see it um the uh roof replacement classroom building at the pool isn't that part isn't that part of our pool rehab no that that is our um storage building classroom building and that building is going to stay with the project but we're responsible for taking care of the roof it's actually been in uh past budgets so we felt we needed to get that done before we start construction okay um the Looper um I'm not talking about the price of it or anything like that don't choke over there Bob but shouldn't part of that maybe come from CRA yeah that's consider on cuz it's all in the general fund right now yeah that'd be something that would be a little challenging for the C as this is ongoing but I mean it can be looked at and and again I'm not trying to get into a area that's we obviously have some Financial challenges going forward with theage we're not looking at it yet I'm I I'm just putting it out there um I I think that the Looper in that position in the general fund is a placeholder at this point gotcha and that's fine yeah I haven't decided what we're doing moving forward that's fine um and then uh finally I saw in 2025 a one-time thing for PSTA Jolly Trolley at 24 Grand what's that it's one year weird it's on the last page obviously jelly trolley is ongoing so yeah I mean we plan for it for let's look into that and get back to Mayor I'm not sure what that is yeah we we we need to look at that uh I'm not I need to clarify why that's only a one year yeah yeah well certainly not the intent what I was going to say okay at the end of today but I can say it now because there's 24 Grand sitting there um is I do think as we go through we we should probably consider making one of our initiatives going after the 30 minute service and maybe the 24,000 that you got stuck in here by mistake probably um can help you do that but we'll talk about that later okay th those uh and the only other thing I wanted to say was you know Les thank you for keeping us updated on the uh Penny and and you know um well first is it going to be the next meeting will you where you're going to show a more accurate update on our property tax levels yes correct okay um and then I'm sure all of you have seen how the tourism bed tax you know they're they're talking about record levels I think it's really important to say the reason why that's there because they're not saying it in all the Articles it you know bed tax and and our Penny should be together they should be up or down together the difference is is that bed tax gets affected by the average daily rate of a hotel and so we're not seeing more bookings we're seeing a higher rate of booking so that's why they're up otherwise because they can respond to the market right otherwise it would be in line with our Penny tax and our sales tax revenue so I I want people to realize that it's all still in line it's just they have an they have an opportunity to respond differently than we do no good point thank you yeah okay all right so do we want to um next next slide yeah I think we're business plan process yeah next slide is gets into the business plan process um and uh just a few comments the the 25 business plan is a cohesive document identifying the city's epic goals and initiatives and capital Improvement projects chosen to meet those goals uh the Epic goals are established and or and were reconfirmed during the City Commissioner's Business Plan update on March 21st of 2024 and then as you can see on the slide before you we've within the plan right now we've got um uh 40 business plan initiatives uh 10 new in 20125 and then 30 existing in 2024 we've got 127 Capital Improvement projects uh 41 new and and 86 existing in 2024 and the total business plan initiatives in CIP of uh cost are 41.2 million in all funds in fiscal year 25 and all the initiatives and CIP projects uh are aligned to move us towards our achieving our six epic goals and uh for business plan funding uh as part of our review and putting together this business plan we do review and update our alarm range plans we walk through the general fund uh in detail just now but we do have uh in the draft business plan a longarm range plan draft long range plan for each fund and that starts on page 452 in this document just just to point out and we do that to sort of provide a reasonable level of certainty in our ability to meet the ongoing cost and services and capital needs to ensure Financial stability we're still working through some of those long- range plans but we'll be rolling those out with the proposed budget at the end of June and uh some another slide on business plan funding uh following our initi initiatives and projects we are expected and uh that we will be required to issue some debt moving forward to bring some of these projects to fruition uh and those include we have Solid Waste vehicles in our alarm range plan for Replacements and that's about 4.9 million in the 5-year plan we have uh Midtown parking facility currently in this in the CRA fund at 5.1 million of financing we've got the Highlander Aquatic Complex and the penny fund currently at a financing of 6.6 million and then we've got our Wastewater projects srf loans of 29 million uh over that 5year time frame and now moving to the uh business plan and and our specific projects we've got uh this is a list of of the projects uh and epic goals we have uh 1 through six and we've got 37 EP in Epic goal one 20 21 items in Epic goal 2 22 in Epic goal 3 56 in Epic goal 4 15 in Epic goal 5 and then 16 in Epic go six for a total 167 uh initiatives and CIP projects and now we'll go now we we'll begin the process of going through an epic goal order and by Department like we have in the past I do want to mention that that Jennifer mentioned earlier the city manager that uh some of these we're going to focus on the new items but some of these slides have do not have new projects so on those slides uh staff uh I'll ask if if the commission has any questions on any of those projects and then staff will do our best to answer those questions and the first department is under epic goal one and this is the city manager department and this slide is an example of one that has no new items and uh and I guess we'll ask if the commission has any any questions on this project on this slide above well Les we already did ask these questions back right in yeah yeah just go to the new ones yep that's fine we can we can do that let just go to the new sure okay here's here's a new one uh Community Development commun development yeah bike bike pet action plan okay great thanks Les May Commissioners good morning um morning this is a request really this is a request to update the 2011 Citywide bike and pedestrian plan uh the thought is to incorporate it's been a while obviously since that plan's been adopted the idea is to incorporate some new best management practices and kind of delete some of the older archaic things uh and then to fold it into the recently adopted multimodal Transportation plan so that's the thought behind it some of the deliverables that we're thinking about are a bike a bike pet event for uh at least a day or maybe two as part of this uh deal some obviously some stakeholder meetings um and uh you know just some general consensus building on how we oh oh and one of the cool things would be some of the street standards that we're going to probably incorporate into this as well that will accommodate bicycle and pedestrian in a more friendly way the cool thing about this is we're asking for $60,000 but there's a grant out there that we can apply for up to 75 to cover this cost which we believe we're eligible for and we'll receive so we really think we can produce this project at no cost to the city ultimately if you have any questions about it happy to answer have a question yes ma'am um just um George did we ever do an analysis of a what we achiev from the 2011 plan that that's going to be part of this commissioner I think we uh or vice mayor we're going to uh kind of go back into that plan see what we've done to this point see what we need to carry forward maybe in a better way or not even or say that we've accomplished and and not not move forward so I know that commissioner gal won't be in favor of this at all so I don't know you know how you're going to convince them to spend this kind of money but anyway um no I I just you know yeah okay yeah we'll definitely do that assessment I mean it's great that we have the because I sometimes I worry plan to plan are we achieving stuff but if we got a grant to kind of update it and get ourselves refocus that that sounds pretty good to me and I think carrying it into the multimodal plan will be very beneficial because then we'll have one mobility document that as it evolved we can just look at that one singular document okay I have a I just have a quick one perhaps over over this direction um so I read through the justification for this this and the plan coming into the plan and in the notes that we had I'm just asking I'm not being critical I I please don't take it that way at all why wasn't why wasn't this given previously was it was it because we didn't think we had the money to do it or was it because we it it was just something new that came up I'm just asking yeah I think it's just driven the multimodal plan some of the recommendations are to were to improve our bicycle and recommend so it's part of implementing the multimodal plan okay so it was new that came up then we weren't when we did that we did the first preliminary stuff it wasn't there and then it sort of rose to the surface and so now so now it's being put in it wasn't put in there for any other reason or because we have more than that there's more coming so MH that's my question they just showed up or it it it was our initiative commissioner is Community Development initiative to to start to implement some of the recommendations of the multimodel transportation plan yeah it was recommendation by the department that why why didn't we know that a month ago I'm just just asking not why wasn't that well well that could have been all of them yeah well uh two months ago on March 21st we talked about the we went over all the business plan goals in 2024 and now we're moving into a new year so you know this is one of the ones that is has come about over the last 12 months and and and an Initiative for 25 if that makes sense in other words this is moving into 25's goals or projects well I think Jennifer wants to respond to that please no I mean it at that time as Les just said that we went over the existing uh business plan initiatives and we did understand we did know that we would need to roll this into fiscal 2025 so we knew about it but we were waiting to introduce it to you today as a new Initiative for fiscal year 2025 okay thank you and I I did want to make one quick comment this is one of the only ones that we have like this in this business plan but since it's one of georg's items is uh we we did not have the the parking sensors are on this slide we did not have them funded uh last year and we do have them funded now I just want to point out that we've got them we had uh un unassigned arpa funding of of about this amount uh and so we in this draft we've put that unassigned ARA funding to pay for the initial setup of parking sensors and then and then it's moving to general fund in the future years to pay for maintenance but I want to point out that that that is we we do do have that funded right now in the business plan I'm sorry is is is the how's the flow of the book compared to like where would I find bike pedestrian action plan in the book page 52 and and I actually it's 5 oh yeah 5 this is actually I'm glad you brought that up vice mayor because this is and it's really describes everything oh good I like that you look at page 52 there it's really okay good I just want to follow along got you thank you yeah I see it is that me that's cool so this is the next the next section here with some new projects athletic fields so I'm going to be I'll be focusing on in this uh Year's projects on refurbishing sorry I I did have qu wait the vice mayor and Mr toga had questions are they sorry I just assumed you'd pipe in my apologies sorry about that and my apologies I was being polite I'm sorry about that now I know going forward I don't have to be polite no you do I'm excited about that um I should have asked I was too focused on my Muffet CL I really was I was I was too too focused on my Muffet uh George you mentioned that there's a grant available up to 75,000 correct so why isn't why is it 60,000 why isn't it up to 75 that's the the scope we got from one of our contractors off the gec list to accomplish the goals that we wanted it only it only amounted to that much at this point so I mean we can certainly look to to add items on if I hav I haven't seen the scope yet but I'm sure that we could expand it for $15,000 we could find something more there certainly and also just wanted to piggy back I guess on the previous conversations about it right it was referenced to 2011 uh was when this was kind of talked about so this is 13 years later and that's always my concern when we talk about plans and I'm a big believer in plans uh but you have to use them and so if you don't use them they collect dust and it doesn't make sense to make plans and then put them on the shelf and forget them about them so I'm a little disappointed that something that was talked about 13 years ago is finally getting into the business initiative 13 years later oh wait wait just just from my recollection I could be wrong no we did a lot of things from that bike plan I didn't see I didn't say you didn't I'm just talking about this one initiative yeah yeah part of what we'll do is assess that 20 yeah we did a lot of things but I will tell you that we had a lot of community backlash on any number of things that we wanted to do so those things had to get put aside but we did it's not that that plan sat we did it we did what we could I was at the county then but I remember the back oh the backlash the neighborhood yeah wasn't Pine it was Pinehurst that was right Pine and I could talk about Pinehurst that was just this is supposed to be I'll be thank you that was scooching back I know keep the May around Arms [Music] Reach Walker questions on this bike P action plan no I'm good okay and I'm done so thank you okay Vince Vince gizy Parks and Recreation Department so this year's or this coming year 25 uh CIP we looked at mostly refurbishing and repairs to some of our facilities so um our our top priority is the Highlander tennis court refurbishment um and our scope basically on that project is um looking at the existing surface stripping to exposed base uh repairs as needed uh provide drainage of the planing surface installing planing surface are what we're using for our pickle ball courts same product new shade structures evaluate fencing add dividers existing LED light lighting will remain it'll all be done in the same footprint at Highlander Park and then the following year in 26 we'd be looking at the um Fisher courts the second uh priority for us is the kuana spray ground uh the manifold which is the uh brains of how well the water gets to each of the features needs to be replaced the spray ground is was built in 2009 um we're also looking at replacing two of the shade structures uh of the kanana spray ground um and the third was we talked a little bit about this the SK Sterling skate park this is a repair to the skate park uh we we've also talked uh in the future years looking at a street more of a street course for the skate park but that's a little bit further out in in our plans this project is really to repair um what we have so those are the three projects my three priorities okay questions I'll start I'll start at this end commissioner goal uh the athletic field uh replacement a little more detail on that what we're doing there that's for um fence replacement around the all the ball fields at Highland Lander and Fisher um Little League fields so we we put in each year to replace at least one uh field defensing on each one field each year okay is there anything new that we might be doing with Sterling soccer um besides work right now we're in the process of U not having the water um as I've mentioned before is hurting us a little bit but right now the fields are closed so we're doing actually repair work now okay and you had mentioned shade structures and I'm sorry V I didn't see where that might be shade structures for the Highlander tennis courts oh very good yes all right I like that so like shade Sals over the courts not over the the courts just uh on the in between the courts right yes right that would be all part of the scope for refurbishing the uh the tennis courts and next year's budget um you uh I'll just take the opportunity now to to mention it would be nice if we could somehow even if it's an experiment just take one court and Sh actually shade the court to see what that does as far as temperature Court temperature surface court temperature cuz I might encourage people cuz any outdoor uh play stops in the middle of the day so you get a lot of activity in the morning and a lot of activity at night and it really drops and so now we got PE people that are competing demanding more courts well it might be a lot cheaper if we just put a shade over them so it can be played during the day yeah I can discuss that with the city manager we'd have to go way up with that structure over the lights I mean you still have lighting wind players just need to play better I mean the structure would have to be high enough to field lights for evening play but I mean it's something we could look into just I I think it's worth the experiment on one Court I don't know what the cost would be but anyway I'm I'm just planting that seed okay um and that's all that I have right now commissioner Walker so are we just focusing on the items on this slide and we'll go into the next slide or we talking parks and wreck by epic goal it's parks by epic go okay um yeah this is quick question on yeah the uh glattus Douglas preserve development uh 1.4 million um I'm presuming that's the second phase yes okay phase two okay um and with regards to the golf club um the golf club improvements those by virtue of the fact that they're listed here means means it's above and beyond what's currently happening in the course renovation um and possibly what's anticipated in the clubhouse improvements yes and most of these are in future years so the um driving range is in 26 the um starting shelter is in 27 and the patio expansion is budgeted or it projected to be budgeted or placeholder in 20 and 28 the only thing in 25 is uh placeholder for the maintenance facility which we all know um that number was put in that number right now as a placeholder that number is is not going to be enough um however we do have a plan to at least get us through the next several years by bringing in uh con containers with air conditioning as well as shipping containers uh for our equipment I'm sorry you're referring to the maintenance facility replac oh yes yes the maintenance building okay so we can use some of that 250,000 to cover some of those costs so so if I can just add um commissioner golf operations fund and these these items are not to be confused with the current initiative in place for the renovation of both the clubhouse and the golf course itself this it it really is the reinvestment in the club that we need to make moving forward the golf uh operations fund okay yep that's that actually yeah thank you answer my questions that's all I've got thank you vice mayor so when it comes to the when it comes to the golf course um you know I think it's a great project but it also can you know feel like the giant sucking sound right so I just want to make sure can can we do some type of a holistic layout of what we're doing when we're doing it and what the current cost are because you know we we know it's just continues to be like you know every time I turn around it's something and I and it needs it I don't disagree it's just about it's all about the money and the timing and and its impact on other projects so I just want to make sure we're keeping our eyes on that on that yeah just just on that point um actually Les Blair myself um next week have a meeting set up to talk about this a little bit further some of the um the future plans and some of the costs that might be involved so we will have a full um look at budget right the next several years yeah I just you know like when you see It'll be in there when you see the bits and pieces in here right it's like but you know some of what we're doing now M are we already having cost overruns we're already having issues my guess is probably yes but maybe not right well not cost over runs given the work that we're doing right now okay good there there was some you know tree relocation that type of a thing so and just well the maintenance facility understanding you know what we're doing with that so you know I'm just kind of how we're laying that out I just don't want to look at it pecem mail I want to make sure because it's such a huge project and it's so important I mean and you know it's important it's just it's impact on everything else they can't drown out everything else either but we want to do it right you know vice mayor we'll put together a capital replacement fund for for um the the golf course in the building and and all those sort of things you're absolutely right we need to do that right um because there are going to be expenditures moving forward that will come out of the golf operations fund to repair replace maintain right we're not doing the car path right now as a result I know and I I don't like that either but again it's all about the impact on other projects as well and the timing so exactly you know cuz somebody already complained about that to me and I'm like you know it's just it's just about the impact on other things the bathrooms impact we're painting them instead of redoing them because it's impact on that'll all be in the plan so timing okay we'll I just want to mention we'll be going over the the general I mean the golf fund long range plan on on July 5th 15 as well just wanted to mention walking through that that's great um the um community center stage lighting did you mention that I don't think I that wasn't in my it wasn't in my list so what what is that about um J you want to talk I mean I only asked because I think it's not really a functional stage anymore so I'm curious what we're spending yeah what you're talking about oh you're talking about the outdoor stage or the oh well I guess that's the question is it the indoor stage or the outdoor stage yeah the the outdoor stage no this is the indoor right this is all the um the lighting and all the control controls of of that it's uh it's not functioning uh it's it's the building was built in 2007 and that needs to be replaced yep what are we doing for the outdoor stage that was moved to um I think the less than next Penny I think we've we looked at redirecting that stage in any logical way right was so expensive that we had a cost estimate uh Ron Ron Rod Coleman who designed the building uh had done a cost estimate for us uh of what we felt that stage needed to look like and it was going to be over 5 or 600,000 right so I know it was I believe it was moved to a future a future year and on that same note when is the showmobile getting getting um I think that's in 20 I can get back with you on that you do have that in another a year as well and I want to say 26 I mean that's one of the best things we ever bought but I'll bet boy when we go to replace that you know it'll be you know cuz obviously it's been used so much did we roll that at the fleet fund yes yeah we did that's okay good and we're putting money aside that's right yeah good good idea yeah I'm sure a modernized one smart people here you it's still functional right now but it does need it's going to need to be replaced in the next few years that's on our radar um anything else I did just give me one sec here to make sure um so the the skirling the Sterling Park um the um the repairs versus the projected 2026 um Street course improvements I mean I mean should we be doing repairs if we if we're going to be doing more that's what I was asking exactly it's the same okay the bowl right now is is closed because we have safety issues going on there we have tried really hard to find someone to be able to pool companies to to make these repairs and we were getting no one to to bid on the project so now we're we're looking at putting a more detailed scope together and um we we've hired penon to study that for us they're actually working on plans right now and once those plans are done we can actually do a more formal bid okay and small question electrical pedestals for special events good morning Joselyn Broadhead Recreation superintendent uh the electrical pedestals are intended to go through the downtown Corridor to help support the different events and and uh reducing the amount of generators that we need to use and the long lengths of extension cords so uh we would work in conjunction with Bob and his team as well as duke uh because they need to be placed near Transformers so we would identify um right now we're looking at three uh so they're pedestals pardon they're permanent they are permanent yes yeah we just uh excuse me Jos we just put in new electrical outlets on the streetscape on casatina that project right there in the islands we have electrical outlets in there okay so again Aesthetics um and safety yeah safety um Catina project we're able to get them in the islands which is great some of the other locations yes because we don't want to be a tripping Hazard and that type of stuff is a little bit more challenging and and somewhere lost in the world is lighting up downtown um is somebody thinking about that we had a master plan done we we bid that out Vince I'm looking right at you yeah I mean is that just lost somewhere in the great beyond we did do uping on the Catina project because again as we do these things are are we thinking about you know how they play into that right sure yeah on the C we did the up liing so we did do applying on that you see I know you're not as deep into this as as Vince is though we just um talk about tree lighting yeah I'm talking we just contracted for the the tree lighting again as well as project in mind we just we just contracted again for the tree lighting and for the lighting up at um clear sky and also the lighting at Edgewater Park so it's really those three location and the museum what about the Old City Hall why wouldn't we be lighting that up lighting CU we're waiting for the design to be completed to bring before the commission for your approval to move you're not taking down any trees okay so let me just say this I don't want to bog down the meeting with lighting but um in the big picture but the we were going to come to talk about a holistic lighting plan for downtown and the parks I'd like to see that okay especially since we're doing some things which makes sense obviously to you know to provide access and easier and safer abilities to you know plug in so thank you all John thank you mayor um and I appreciate the questions that were being asked about the golf course um and and I just make a statement that I I do know that we're doing that the whole plan to put the whole plan together and on the golf course um the appreciation of course is that that it is an Enterprise fund and and that hopefully we're going to be making the kinds of money we need to be able to fund it and that's why the funding that's put down is of course the golf course itself um obviously if that doesn't occur then changes would be made I just had a couple one or two quick questions about this um the the the first one uh on the golf course let me just see on the golf course on on the drive I have the question about the driving range the 500 the 500 the driving 500,000 for the driving range and that comes out of golf golf operations yes just can make a comment or the driving R the driving range what are you doing for the driving R so that's one of the questions that um Blair is actually right now in a meeting on the development going on and there was uh several of our consultants in town so he was unable to be here so I'm going to have to get back to you on a on so in general what's happened is we've lost uh the statement just a statement so we've kind of lost a driving range there and the question was where can we get a driving range how do we get a driving well the driving range it still exists this is actually to make improvements the driving range that's there still exists it's but $500,000 yes so um mayor may I um when we did when Chris Spence did as you recall the the plan for the renovation of the Donald Ross they had uh modifications to the driving range and um they felt very strongly actually that in order for this to be the championship course that we trying to to uh renovated into that the driving range was insufficient to draw the the type of tournaments that we need or would want um given the length of the course and so um and they've been quite adamant about the driving range a sudden the very beginning and it was just taken out yeah we took it out so now we're trying to put it back in well we took it out of the renovation cost right exactly and so um I'm just making a statement just everybody knew what was going on but the other part of that too is that they feel that it's a safety issue because I guess you come up on the 13th Fairway I think it is in your you're driving right into the outgoing balls from the driving R yeah so um that is but that needs to be we need to talk to to uh um Blair Klein and Company about the cost of that in particular so 15 the five 500 it's a big number a placeholder at this point in time thank you um I'd like to ask a question when I think I know what the answer is go ahead um no on that question we got outdoor restroom uh Renovations as a new as this is a new one and it's for $100,000 for each one of the years going out um that's a new any reason why that was new or was it just forgotten before well the the the causeway is not a new project as we know but several of the other bathrooms like Edgewater Park um the trail little leak facility soccer Scottdale Eagle Scout Park um at some point in the next 5 years years we put 100,000 in a year for replacing tile partitions fixtures lighting Etc uh for just having them on the schedule so every year we can at least do one outdoor bathroom so it just may have been left out or it was left out for a reason and it's just a necessity of what we have well this year last year um this this current year we're doing the causeway next year we we're looking at doing Edgewater Park it has not been in the business plan before okay thank you thanks thanks v um that it these these ster on on um Sterling Park uh repairs you discussed that then we then we talked about the we talked we did we were speaking about the the skate park just real quick um is that is that still a very hot thing going on I I I I did give my skates away so I'm not it's very well used and it needs to get back up and running yeah it's still very popular still a still a h item now we know where the chief will be and the uh the Community Center parking lot yes that one is um we have a design for that we've studied it um however um I'm so we've permitted it I'm ahead of myself sorry okay well we've permitted it and um it's it'll look look like the work will be done in an outer year okay and the oh the the lighting on the community on the community center great Point that's that's that's that's very interesting and I probably a very serious requirement how about sound in there yeah this is going to just basically fix the lighting so we can use the lighting again um it is a very difficult room to get the Acoustics correct we do bring in some specialty people for certain events so it's something we can we can take another look at I'm not trying to spend money but I'm trying to use it make sure the asset that we have is is is super so that's a thank you yeah commissioner Tor I'm glad you brought that up because um I you know I the Acoustics are not that good but I I think just looking around the room the um that area a lot of that stuff is really dated I I think we you know again not in the interest of spending money but I I think we can probably do more so appreciate you looking at that okay thank you thank you mayor okay um any of my questions have already been asked and answered so why don't we go ahead and take a five minute break and then we'll start on the next one may excuse me might I have one minute before you take your break um we're we were taking public impact public feedback at the end of the meeting at the end of the meeting yes okay you're welcome snap done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think the microphone is working or it wasn't test is it working now test test we're walking roll band ber hello hello there we go okay all right would would you like to come forward and say something you can use that microphone right there yes thank you and I'm sorry I'll be very brief because I know I can see how much you all have I just was asked by the tennis community to come to this meeting and to represent them in saying thank you to Vince Gizzy and his staff we asked for a meeting with them in April to express some of our concerns about maintenance issues long-term plans and we got an immediate response most of the problems um the little ones were solved immediately and then we discussed long-term plans we're thrilled to hear Highlander is going to be resurfaced and that fiser will be the next year year being resurfaced and with with eight functional well-maintained tennis courts for a city this size we'll have a great facility so we're very very pleased with our Recreation Department we're happy constituents and I know maybe you you just get people coming to complain so I thought it might be a little nice change of pace to hear people say something nice so Vince you're our hero and the rest of you keep up good work thank you thank you very [Applause] much and you are welcome back any time that's a journ that's a journ yeah okay what's next okay we're moving to goal two now and the first one is is the uh Community Center parking lot which which is a new project there's only one new project on this list and at this point it's not funded I did mention this earlier that we have the Community Center parking lot designed and permitted uh but I know because of some of the other projects um and higher priorities in the department uh it has not been funded at this point any questions on that nope okay thank Thank You Vince next okay the next slide is uh has a project for Doc SE repair at the marina yes again the only um new project on this list is uh doc C and that's all being factored into the marina master plan if there's any questions on this slide mostly this is Marina uh Lany sheets is here who's doing the master plan for us so this is just a placeholder yes until we get the final master plan yes okay any questions no all right thank you the next one is uh Public Works man good morning no she said man is this working all right um you see um quite a bit of red and actually I think there are another page yes so it's multiple pages so I'm just going to um tell you my first top three priorities and they involve multiple projects here but the first priority is repair or replace failing and aging infrastructure corregated metal inlets things like that and um many of these projects fall within that priority and the priority to is to assess the aging infastructure and prioritize capital and maintenance projects and that um that that is why you see uh red here that's working now um because um we went through a great um deal of evaluation looking at projects that were inside operations as well as um on the capital side to reevaluate when they could be done and and if they weren't showing on our list we added them so you see a lot of red and then um that would include the storm water master plan and then a priority three is efficiency assessment and implementing recommendations for our um current operations so that we can do these projects better faster with less staff um without additional staff hopefully and um you'll see later in the budget that we have proposed um changing some of our staff to accomplish this um that's my three top priorities do you have specific questions okay mayor I'm trying to understand so the are these all little mini studies or something no no they're projects um there are a couple um studies in here but we laid them out working with engineering to include um Engineering Services in some years and then Construction in other years and then there's maintenance projects like ditch cleaning um that hasn't been done on a routine that's project level that needs a consult or contractor to come out and we don't have that equipment to to do that on an annual basis think you were asking about the top three yeah I was if I could vice mayor the way those top three are listed that's a an RFP that's Sue Has out currently and the reason that this listed three is because Public Works is funded across multiple funds so it's it's funded by those three different funds but it's it's for Public Works yes efficiency just one project and and actually we have this year we have public um we have uh facilities and I mean Fleet and solid waste and then this is for following up with facilities and public services to do the same kind of work to look at the operations and help us um with implementation recommendations establishing a work plan um and um matching our resources to the amount of work we can get done how does that fit with Asset Management planning which it ties I thought we were in the mist of doing yes it ties perfectly to Asset Management um asset management is the inventory and the assets themselves then we establish what you establish what the level of service will be um what how do we want to maintain that we make our recommendations to you that if we maintain it this many times or we cut the grass this many times this is what it will cost this is identifying what it will take to to do to actually perform that level of service so setting us up so that we can work in a computer system or just really setting us up so that we know how many resources and how much work can we get done and I was trying to remember if this is part of our current it package of you know do we have a computer system that's supposed to be doing this or is that already built in or Michael do you want to take that call mik on it services department so yes the new e system does include Asset Management um Inventory management so it should include every type of asset that we want to maintain and perform uh work on so I I didn't understand that answer you say no yes the system does include asset management or we can maintain any asset we put in the system so the distinction though vice mayor and part of this analysis that we'll have the successful consultant do um this is similar to what two and I did previous life right you go through you set of activity guidelines you define the type of work that you do the crews that are required for that type of work it's to essentially move you from this hair on fire reaction based mode of getting work done to a program based um PM cycled so you move away from line item budgeting into what's called program based budgeting so that you can essentially attack the work in an efficient manner um those recommendations may say that we need to augment what Michael just described because there's one thing where you track things financially but you when you can take the the work order system and tag it to the work that you do and you can associate the resources that are necessary and the costs associated with that then you get a true cost of what it is to do the work and what you need to budget for and how you schedule that work so it is basically trying to get to a point where we move into more of a program PM cycle type work assignment with the resources that we need as opposed to we're constantly reacting to things and isn't work orders part of our system and is it functioning and work orders I'll let Michael answer that but the I have been in the E sessions over this past year and uh there is a work order system with for tracking work um this is more about the planning of that work and projecting how much work and then measuring against that work to say we have accomplished it and we have accomplished it at this proficiency level and so it's more about process and structure and then using a system um they are still Jennifer has asked me this question since I got here with the system that we have will it do this work and I'm I'm still working with the consultant with Michael um to find out can it do the planning part of this necessary um comparison of the work plan um it they have proven it can contain the assets those assets are can contain any kind of asset and maintain a history of maintenance on those assets so that is a firm yes the planning portion where you project how much work you're going to do and compare against it is a question that they're still answering for us okay well I'd like to be kept up on this because I think it's really important for how we move forward effectively and efficiently I appreciate your work on it sue um and but what you're saying is those those evaluations are critical to you getting to a place to function in that kind of way they are okay all right um I I already know the check valve update so I don't need to ask that um yeah I I guess that's all I have for right now okay commissioner Toro anything yes I do just uh there's two Sue um there's on Washington Street Street there's a I I had made a note of this there was a part here that was showing uh monies that was showing about this the fund showing the uh American Rescue plan is is something missing there or is it just not needed be spent in fiscal year 24 and it's just not that column's not showing on this slide I apologize for that would you say would you please please say that again so for the arpa fund the funding um will be in fiscal year 24 this year we have a VA coming to y'all soon um we're not showing fiscal year 24's uh column on this slide so that's why it's showing nothing there but just just for the slide purpose commissioner how much money is in there for that it's 54,000 is that yeah okay okay that's U currently being designed by drmp one of our GES by the way that stuff about the that we were just talking about that's good really good stuff at planning stuff is really good thank you for bringing that up the I don't want to I'm just bringing this up because we'd all be curious about this again this Baywood we're all staying in touch with that um the drainage uh Improvement here um we've got we've got some serious money in in in 70 I'm sorry in in 26 could you go back I think it's back one yeah I'm sorry is it back one check Val an implementation and maintenance program yes um we anticipate uh of course we put our budget together now ahead of time um we are doing some of these um exact um adaption strategies in Baywood shores as you all know um but as we look forward into getting our vulnerability assessment we we certainly realize that there'll be other um communities other parts of the community that need to have the same strategy as well as we have to maintain these valves in order for them to function and so that that is now a program that will have projects allocated to it that will come before you each time we do them so I have to ask I'm asking for all of us for certain um that's not so a small amount next next year okay and then a larger amount in the following year for the project is there if we if we have an idea of what that might be and if we do I'm not I'm going to ask do we and then if we do can we speed that up if we're going to spend the money anyway if we're going to plan to spend the money yes once the projects are identified in the vulnerability adaption plan um that will be a choice of of this um commission I mean we will make recommendations but certainly we could um we can't speed up maintenance that has to recur annually right um and has to you know be done sometimes by a contractor sometimes in house depends on how large the pipe is like a 60-in pipe at North Douglas is going to take some some that's beyond our capabilities so uh the placeholder for the dollars are there for for the maintenance as well as any projects so how much of that is for maintenance how much of that is for new solution I don't have that exact figure we I I can tell you that we estimated you you know close to 100,000 in maintenance um but so a couple hundred th000 possibly for something new Etc and so correct I'm just asking is there any way we can speed that up a bit or well v may um commissioner if I could um the the name that you're seeing there is is probably not entirely representative so okay um you're actually going to see on the 18th um after the fact ratification agenda item for SU folks just put in a PO to purchase 10 inline valves we were waiting on a recommendation from one of our gecs on how do we replace these duck valves that that have historically failed over time so in the Baywood Shores subdivision itself on the 18th you'll have an item that comes before you for the purchase of those 10 inline valves that Sue staff will be replacing and then I think some of these additional funds aside from maintenance is as we go through other neighborhoods in the city that have these valves you know we'll be purchasing additional inline valves to to install and replace those over time in addition to the ongoing operation and maintenance thank you there were some other funds that flowed and it's called one of these is Ditch uh the ditch maintenance program ditch maintenance I I understand that with the maintenance of the ditch um and that flows out no pun intended $250,000 all the way out um is that is that proper um from the standpoint of planning or is that something that should be sped up I don't I don't I'm just asking I don't know well first of all yes this is all about planning and identifying the projects so we have identified projects currently um again this is a project level ditch maintenance where we need to go out and restore what has been there so we have several projects right now that are in engineering refer to engineering for design and so if we find one those projects is a million dollars obviously we're going to have to come back and say okay wait we only have 250 you know can we do portion of this or can we do all of it and ask for additional monies also this ties right into the storm water rate study and the projections that were done there and we um allocated that money across all these programs um based on need the programs there but then the projects will be defined as they're identified and then they will come before you um with defined a more defined cost so that we can put them in place so I know we're getting ready to hear something about storm water real soon um and we're all concerned about the storm water program that we have with this mony's in here and the in the red etc etc have we have we covered what we feel we need to do or aren't we sure yet or if we are sure do we do we have enough is there enough here this this is balanced with what we proposed on the consultant proposed and we we worked together to propose and then um Finance um looked across the funds to to make sure that we were balanced in um a prune debt where it was appropriate um at the appropriate time so yes they are factored in with these um dollars that you're seeing here the projected dollars to accomplish what we need to over the time over the period of time again we we um asked for a three-year rate increase so that we could come back to show the projects that we accomplished and then look forward to okay now now what the recommendations in the study um go out 10 years five five firm years and then 10 in projections of I could add commissioner in addition this is this is not anything dissimilar to what we do with any other infrastructure that we have to maintain in perpetuity right so these are requirements of our national our npds permit so as soon mentioned this is all baked into the 10-year plan which then rolls into the rate study um for those recommendations for the three years that are indexed in the rate study but um this is all worked it's baked into the CIP that's part of that preventative maintenance cycle that we discussed earlier in order to stay ahead and comply with those requirements of our I guess I'm saying are we fully funded this the storm water plan then with these red marks that are that are in here and then the last question about the storm water um we know there were a number of programs coming down from the state uh to assist in this area as I understand we're funded to the ex probably all over that stuff right we're chasing that yeah we're funded to the extent of those projects that we have identified in the current CIP as the Adaptive um reuse plan comes forward and the vulner vulnerability study have additional recommendations that's kind of why we did the three-year indexed recommendation because there may be additional projects that are identified in future years that we don't have the costs associated with those so once we have that then we can then re asss is the rate study that's been done and continuing that third year and for the next foreseeable future uh that in index increase is that sufficient or do we need to re-evaluate and assess the rates at that point going forward right so this is the entirety of the storm water it it includes the storm water master plan projects that were identified yes um and it's a fluid plan so as projects are identified and as our assessments are completed they will be brought before the commission and if necessary reprioritize which why that's why I put the priorities as failing replace and um failing infrastructure and then um assess and then reprioritize capital and maintenance projects thank you I have to talk real fast because I forgot to do this Vince the Kanas uh you got about $60,000 for the repair of that uh does a quanas have any interest in supporting that uh they they they did did the big project to get it in there or the spray ground spray ground yeah I'm sorry I'm cheating the the quanis is working on another project with us the decking of the uh of the of the spray ground presently so yes we did reach out to them and they are going to assist us thank you that it thank you commissioner gal thank you mayor uh yeah for the for the SE students in the room I just want to clarify on the asset management system we talked about earlier that is the triple 20,000 right so that's the 60,000 we're talking about multiple okay okay just we start talking about asset management and I'm going I don't see it on the left um so okay and then my other question was is that vulnerability study is that's to be completed by 2025 right is that we should see 26 2026 right okay and so I guess any new initiatives that come between now in that vulner vulnerability study are just going to be things that pop up actually if I may I attended a session at FCC in May this last week and it was on the vulnerability assessment and all the agencies were there and they said that once we complete um the assessment or we get towards the the the um culmination of that assessment then we can start submitting for projects so we don't have to wait till it's completely done that is correct um that has been confirmed by D um you know with our agreement that um we're working on the data first and when that data goes in um we become actually even right now we're eligible because uh Nicole's been putting in our data um and we are eligible for some funding projects and this kind of goes to the question uh the question I didn't answer about um available funding by the state uh we this budget does not include that we anticipate it but we don't have that money so it's not in the budget um we anticipate that we will have those offsetting grants and um an allocation from the state actually this year um to help us with this budget hence to Mo's early question about the fluctuation and um the the balance the fund balance sometimes these things have to be budgeted this way and then once we get them um we're in a better position than we were before see Sue knew that already but I had to go to a [Laughter] conference welcome to the Sea student that's right all right a little remedial help um and then so with that vulnerability study will not only show us other areas that we're not aware about but also for the projects that are currently there maybe to look at those from a different angle to where we need to throw a little bit more money at them as well yes it will help us Define the the best strategy uh to adapt to that situation okay do you know now acknowledging that we don't have to wait to the end of that vulnerability study do we know when we might be able to get the earliest Peak and what some of those projects are that in just no I don't have I understand I mean actually the project does have Milestones that um you know call out different dates that things will be done my focus was really based on when can we get the data in there so that we can apply for the grants of the projects we already um know about there's three major projects in here that we um believe will be eligible for funding and the consultant that did the storm rer rate study also um leaves we moved them into outer years so that we could apply for the grants and um and begin the engineering with that that's um San Charles Santa Barbara buav Vista I think those are the three and then um this year was the gabian so we we have identified three major projects um that we feel like they will be uh eligible but as soon as as soon as we get the information we'll be coming to you so all right thank you so very much thank you mayor thank you commissioner Walker questions yes ma'am um just to confirm I you you have a methodology by which to do your prioritization can you repeat that um yes I'll just read it some wrote it repair replace failing and aging infrastructure that's all kinds corrugated metal pipe or inlets anything in the storm water system um to assess aging infrastructure and prioritize the capital and then maintenance projects that are associated with that assessment so that gets all the way down to the asset assessment and then three is look for efficiencies um and continue assessing what we're doing how we're doing it I call that work management rather than asset management is really a major component of asset management though okay no thanks I just wanted to make sure I understood that um well I I did actually yeah so um we we may cover this in the review of the other funds but um so if I understand what I what I think I heard was is that everything in Black for the most part is funded is that correct or everything in Black everything in Black is an existing business plan initiative which you have seen before everything in red is new okay right and for the the new items for the red items um are these it are are we going to see those numbers reflected in the review of the other funds yes all those numbers will be included in the respective funds and we walk through all alarm range plans on July 15th yeah okay the ones in the general fund are in the general fund now right yeah the ones in general fund were included in the in what we talked about earlier on the general fund already yeah okay and um so we're reviewing the new ones right now um well I'll hold this question for a bit that's all I've got thank you okay I don't have a question everybody asked them all okay done plus I mean I want to see the storm water man plan you you're bringing that aren't you bringing the money the money part St Thursday right tomorrow right so well the rate study we already presented it's is the ordinance to implement the rate stud first reading tomorrow yeah tomorrow night thank thank you um okay next this is a city manager solar energy improvements yeah Natalie that she's way smarter than I am on this I am um commission mayor and commission staff is listening to the meeting and they they're telling me that they can't hear some of us so everybody please be sure to speak into the microphones and mine wasn't on so anyway everybody speak into your microphone thank you all right Natalie gas sustainability program manager um so in red the solar and energy Improvement CIP is to fund what we're doing with the solar feasibility study we're assessing all of our 16 major facilities um looking at Energy Efficiency improvements looking at solar feasibility that will come before you eventually soon um and I'll have more updates on that uh in the future but for this this is looking at the next step so that when we have the study completed we're ready to go um in terms of getting equipment and then also looking at solar and this will look at roof Replacements we're working with facilities on that and that way um you know if we see certain facilities that can be kind of grouped together with roof Replacements and solar we could look at purchasing solar and bulk which would be a reduced price and uh I also wanted to let you know that we are working on the eecbg grant uh application right now that is the Energy Efficiency conservation block grant and we're getting $76,000 to do Energy Efficiency um so this will allow us to kick that off right after the study is complete okay questions uh Jeff I'll start with you can we have more no I'm done no questions I'm excited thank you thank you anything from you commissioner walker uh no questions okay anything down this end uh no I I can be very general then um rather than going to the specifics in here um we're I mentioned this at the beginning of the meeting at at one point in time we're talking about ready for 100 um that means in 35 that we're to have energy efficienc at the 100% level on on all of the municipal buildings and we're talking about in 2050 having it throughout the city correct yes yes and you've brought up this before in a meeting um where you had you had said well we really need to monitor this all the way along the way to make sure that this is the efficient the most efficient way to go and and the solar the correct way you just have to constantly review that uh is that correct I think yeah sort of yes um are we are we along those lines are we doing well with that talked about doing the doing all the you're going to bring a consultant in and and look at all of all of the roofs and then once that was determined then determine how we were going to proceed where are we with that is that in here is that in this so this is this is the next step of that uh the study once complete will come before you um which will have all of that data and information um this is the next step so that when that study is complete we know where and when we want to be uh installing solar and with the the monitoring yes the current systems that we have we have monitoring on them um and so I can share an update at that time as well on where we are with monitoring and the goal is to be um also looking at inverters that can all tie into the same system or the same few systems for ease of monitoring uh and yes the clean energy goals is really a mix of on-site it's a mix of Energy Efficiency on-site solar and then also off-site solar so I can provide uh a large General update when also the solar feasibility study comes before you as well so I was dashing through here trying to find the number I think it was 1.5 million that was in here or a number do you can you help me out with that what what was that number it's the the number for that's that's uh requested for for Budget purposes or for planning or for the business plan so so it's a total project cost of 1.5 million over three years yeah right one so it's over over three years uh yeah so for 25 it's $7,500,000 250,000 for FY 26 and then FY 27 is 500,000 and so you're still looking to see what that efficiency really might be so that number is sort of more or less a placeholder as well then yes thank you thank you um I don't have any questions next is Community Development Thank You Les thank you Commissioners um so this is a um project request that's kind of a collaboration between us uh Community Development Department and admin Administration including Nicole and Natalie who've been instrumental in kind of putting this together but you had asked us at one point to kind of look at creative ways to use building uh building fund monies uh so what we've come up with is this concept where we would marry building F fund monies with general fund monies in order to create what we call a resiliency rebate program um and that program would basically allow citizens of dun Eden to come in and apply for resiliency based construction projects and this fund would reimburse some of those permit fees uh and for non-permit related uh of construction projects the general fund money would be used to help offset some of that cost to the to the uh property owner as well so it's a concept pilot plan it kind of would run akin to what you're accustomed to with the solar rebate program um and if it's successful then we would maybe continue to promote this app you know on an annual basis so with that happy to answer any questions okay uh vice mayor um well I was just curious uh like what kind of stuff would it be because I mean I think they I mean I'm pulling this out of my head but weren't they talking about some of the stuff at the state level and they got really caught up in um you know um you know what people would legitimately turn in and what might be things that like people could have kind of used this to get perming you know uh benefits but not you know cost savings but not really be a leg legitimate I don't know I'm not saying this well yeah how do you how do we make sure that we're this is like stuff people really wouldn't do and it it really is incentivizing stuff so that's you know those are some of the considerations we kind of talked about initially we have to flush some of those out a little bit more vice mayor but what we're thinking initially are things such as we've got a couple bullet points retrofitting or elevating a home or dry flood proofing uh whole house window business replacement whole house business window Roof Systems um living Shoreline conversions things that are really resiliency based and we can articulate that I think to a certain extent so let me ask you this if I was the whole front of my house doesn't have hurricane windows if I did hurricane windows on the whole front of my house is that something that would be a that's something we would look to say that would be if we kind of put it in that bucket or it's it's kind of meets that bucket or that intent then we would we would we would offer that rebate program to you as part of that and again it's what it's reimbursing is permitting fees correct up to 25 we're thinking up to $2,500 right now so that we have money available throughout the year but okay can I ask a question on sure what you just asked yeah you want to pay for my hurricane windows no no I don't even have them I just have big trees they're going to take out the whole house the windows don't matter um but the windows and the permitting fees I mean I love that we're talking about doing this but everybody knows that it is a lot more expensive for a permit when you replace all your windows and the trick of the trade we all know it's not anything new people replace a couple windows at a time because it's a lower cost of Permitting so and you don't have to really answer it now but you know maybe something that needs to be looked at is to change that yes so we're thinking whole house yeah so whole house Replacements right not I understand but but yeah if our permitting fees and I don't know if that's a state law I don't know if that's just us but everybody works around that cost of the permit to change all their windows by doing a couple at a time right and I'm saying why should we make people do that if we want them to replace all their windows and we're giving them a grant why wouldn't we just reduce the cost of the permit when you're doing a whole house cuz most people don't do that cuz they can't afford it so I I just you don't have to answer it now we I'm saying it could be sort of a benefit along with the benefit mhm because I mean my husband's in this business he's not really in the window business he's in the remodel business but he's in a construction business and no way in heck would we replace all of our windows at the same time because of the sheer cost of Permitting and they would do a few at a time to get the permit and it it's less expensive doing it that way so I I think we have to look at the system on top of the grant is what I'm trying to say got you mayor we'll look at that mayor can I just add something on this and I'm really then I do want it back you're getting it wait for vice mayor no no you go ahead so I'm thank you I can't wait to hear what you're say I'm I'm actually really excited we're excited to roll out this program I'm very excited about it great really it's something we've been working on since we've had our meetings with with North Douglas and Baywood Shores in terms of what can the city do to help you we are restricted as far as the building fund goes it has to be associated with directly with the operation of the building department and so Building Division and so that's why we need to put some general fund uh in here but again I remind you on the citizen survey the resiliency was a major priority for them and these types of programs are Taylor to address those yeah concerns yeah no I love it but I just want to re-clarify because you keep saying whole house well my back of my house is an addition therefore it has hurricane windows the front of my house is not and does not so does that would that qualify so again vice mayor we're going to have to kind of get into the details of it you know once you guys are comfortable with the concept but um you know and I'd want to talk to Joey probably a little bit because you know cuz I think like you know that's a good new question because why would I and I think we're saying both the same thing look at the look at the big picture not if I have hurricane windows on the back I'm not going to replace those but I would you would still want me to do the other part of yeah so that's good just take it as input so but I love the program I think it's great I'm glad you guys are on that path thank you uh commissioner uh TGA thank you my uh line of thought is is along that same line I went through I I I saw the rough numbers in here I went through the the detail in the presentation that we had before before we got here so I I read through what some of the things were and I saw it as clearly as an incentive program just similar to what the uh what the solar was so we're trying to incentivize someone to help us with a problem that could be related to resiliency or to all of those words that we use today and and I thought well wait a minute why are we giving money away to get that done well it's in an incentive so we do a lot of that I don't know what the I don't know what the federal government or what the state government has to support this but I thought the best way for us to support this is perhaps to go and look at something which I hear a lot of and that is building permits and the issues about building permits and that might be the greatest the greatest and fairest incentive to someone so that for example if I got an incentive to do something that comes out of some kind of a fund but only I get it and the other folks that that may not be spending the money they don't get any incentive but but you accomplish the task but somebody else had to pay for it in this particular case perhaps we just do it where if you if you put that stuff in something else good happens to you but but you don't you don't get an incentive for you don't get a cash incentive and maybe that would just be more palatable um to people that want to do things whether they have money or whether they don't have the money to do it and that falls into the same concept of what was just brought up here which was on the building permit that's May perhaps we can do it through the building permit or give them a credit to a build something like that so my sensitive was to issues that I've heard about people talking about building permits well we'll we'll look at it thank you just want to give that input you good thank you um I didn't go down this way no you didn't no okay you'll let me know I I will let you know thank you is you're so polite but I will be polite about it absolutely excuse me mayor may I um wonderful love the program thank you George very much um I'm wondering if that's actually enough money but we're just rolling it out so we'll see uh and this involves both residential and Commercial correct okay and so if I'm that's not enough if I'm commercial and I want to add some resiliency to my to my business this helps me do it so do we have anything in place with new development new businesses that those houses and I guess I'll speak to houses with development that are already coming with when you build this this project it needs to have solar on it so that all of a sudden right the developer gets out of something that is advantageous because he doesn't want to spend the money or she doesn't want to spend the money on it but now the homeowner is asking us to help to do something that the developer should have had in 2024 2025 if you understand what I'm talking about I I I think so might get off track of sustainability stuff so um obviously FEMA standards apply regardless right so for any new development FEMA standards are going to apply that includes elevation or dry flood proofing whatever the case might be and hurricane windows absolutely and and tie down roof tie down all that appropriate stuff um you know and the Florida building code amends from time to time to keep up with those changes what we do during design review is we have a sustainability Matrix and Natalie can probably speak to that but as we go through the design review process there is a matrix that we provide to the developer and they have to pick so many of those items I think it has to equal at least 100 points now if I'm correct yeah 100 out of 300 100 out of 300 which could include solar which could include uh any number of other environmental or Sustainable Solutions that that project would emplo and you see those as part of your sign off as that design review comes through the process right and so I guess what I'm asking if it was right now I believe that we only ask them to be solar ready right so add some sort of conduit or or something and I'm not even sure what solar ready means when a house can be 50 years old and get solar on it so I don't know what that solar is but why wouldn't we if we're going to offer a rebate to help residents get their solar and businesses get their solar why we also at a time of new construction aren't insisting that they have it as opposed to an option for them to tick that or not take so this BPI isn't tied to solar so are you going are you talking about our existing solar well well I no no I get I maybe I am and maybe I'm confusing them a little bit but just because you just say resiliency and sustainability weate program I just yeah right underneath the solar energy in gr okay so I understand the question if I may um we don't right now require that that that solar is in installed when the when the structure is built right that would be a policy decision made by the city commission and it it will be it would have a very large impact you know it it it's similar to when we uh uh implemented the public art uh F fee so I mean that's something that staff would research what other cities do how you would do it it would require a code Amendment and we would need to look at all sides of it so um when you the question is why don't you and and I think my answer is uh commissioner sub direction of the city commission it's something that we could look into and report back to you that would be wonderful do that um can I add something Jee sure commissioner um I I don't know the I don't know the last time we made a change to our Matrix I I think the first step might be change our Matrix because if I'm correct I think our Matrix has been this way since Greg rice was here yes that's yeah it is so you're talking 13 years ago whatever it's been I don't remember it's been a long time um so I think by changing the Matrix you're not changing a rule per se or looking at changing and make it really advantageous for them to add the solar based on Cuz 100 out of 300 points I mean I I don't know the whole conversation I don't need to know the whole conversation that goes into all that but I think if we adjust the Matrix so the Matrix was updated about 67 years ago but still uh which is still outdated and that was before we had a solar incentive Grant right um so there's things and you know as as that is looked at we can look at you know what other cities are doing how this fits into our stronger sustainability goals and initiatives um but it is certainly something on the list that we will be reviewing and updating as part of and that might that might actually encourage versus a whole study about the requirement thing because my concern on that in which I think we should okay I don't disagree with you but I'm also concerned about the state government and some of the regulations that they passed and they're looking at that and saying I'm going to take your ability to require that away you know what I'm saying so I just kind of seeing where things have been going so this might be a baby step answer that doesn't draw too much attention get us to the same result yeah exactly so I'm just saying you know as you're looking at your Land Development code which you are you got to weigh that with affordability too you got to weigh that with affordability exactly going to have to look at this two different ways I mean I certainly understand but you also need to look at the affordability of the house yeah so all of it is can I can I just tack down one more Rabbit Hole question what's better solar or um or a tree cover it depends on where it is well if you're asking should I get solar or should I plant a tree I'm going to tell you solar if you're talking about a tree down to get solar I'm going to tell you to keep your tree yeah I'm nuances of right which is kind of why looking at cover on my street for flexibility depending on for all of these yeah I'm seeing a lot of trees cut down where I live for the solar component which is a shame you're looking at 75 would never cut down a tree to put solar on my roof well I'm see it's happening because the state the affordability is a really good point yeah there's a lot there so mayor um consensus direction is for us to look at the sustainability Matrix yes I I think so commissioner gal it's it's your dime so is that is work that'll work absolutely back to I guess the new initiatives just so I understand it again the C students um this is only to incentivize people to bring their houses into FEMA compliance right not necessarily FEMA compliance so it's a resiliency project so if if you want to harden your home for instance a a window replace you know window replacement initiative a a door opening replacement initiative anything like that and then there's some some of the things that we wouldn't necessarily issue a permit for that's where the general fund money would come in living Shoreline conversions um anything like that so cool so anything like that is kind of contemplated in here all right tear down your seab ball put in a living Shoreline wonderful FEMA kind of FEMA kind of FEMA you're you've got the 50% rule it's it's ferally designated you're going to get what you're going to get out of FEMA so how about if I want to put up hurricane shutters that would that's what no no but not replacing window Windows yeah I was say hurricane windows not shutter yeah I mean those are things we have to think of as we flesh out the program whether those make sense all right there's a good list of uh just an example on page 85 of some for example EG charger install yeah oh then never mind how about I just how about I just read the book no it's it's a big long book and you just got it so but there is a good description of and I can add in there too that with this program any time to slap a commissioner down no no no that's not what that was clear the room clear the room hey commissioner gal no one on this thing has read that book I know okay we just got it yeah you just got not be very clear so my career will commence but again it's it's a this has cool stuff in it this is great great all right uh thank you mayor I'm done I'm scared to ask are you sure are you sure you're done commission Walker I'm going to be a heck of a lot more quicker than my colleague here more quicker more quicker yes he's going to be more guess I am but more quicker right student yeah so um you is I uh I I I like the program uh the question I would have is is that and maybe it's it's too preliminary at this point but um is there any consideration giving for for grandfathering uh properties that have done this say in a last a year ago or two years or whatever I wonder I [Laughter] could God wasn't that obvious somebody you know yeah right no I U right like think I know this I knew that I knew that comment was going to come up but I do wanted to say I you know one of the things that is I talked to our neighbors um one of the drawbacks is is if they don't already have them is they want them but the problem is is the cost and the permitting fees are are not insignificant are you talking about the windows windows yeah that's what I'm just that's what I just said yeah right but he he's being more personal I need to replace my windows and doors too yeah okay I'm asking for a friend I well I think what you're asking us to consider is let's look at the permit fee itself versus the versus well re yeah yeah rebating the perm well or both yeah but look at the I I look at just the total cost I you know whatever whatever the rebate is is what it is I will say that if you deter include resident in you know commercial I I don't know I agree like colleagues 50,000 is not going to be enough um I will add it in there too uh so this is looking at the permitting fees with this program when it's rolled out we're going to provide a lot of really great resources for all of the state and federal programs that offer equipment rebates incentives things of that nature so it can kind of be coupled and stacked for residents and uh commercial businesses to look into okay yeah great Point some of that written into the you you'll see as as you get through that book you'll see some of that some of those uh organizations listed in there yeah okay I thought the commissioner was asking if it could be Retro Retro welled that's want to be clear yeah how far but you know I regardless that question is is going to come up yes and I think the City attorney in the past is opine that it has to be in within that fiscal year okay so but you know we would OB that would be a question for this and if I would were to provide a recommendation I absolutely agree with that just but I think we need to be clear about that as this thing goes forward yeah good question y okay um uh the only the only thing I was going to ask on that is I noticed it only went forward for two years you weren't taking it out any further why it's kind of like a pilot project we kind of wanted to bring it back to you because you might want to adjust the funding if it's super successful um so we just thought we'd kind of take the first year and see how it goes and then bring you back a full obligation after that I would suggest that you add pilot to the name okay because I mean that was the first thing I saw is I mean I I just everything else most everything else is going all the way out even if it's new so that's why I was can run it out at the rate and always come back and too okay um that's all I have thank you okay next is parking Parks and Recreation okay so the um roof replacement for the uh Highlander Pool building we talked about that 25,000 to repair and Patch the um or excuse me to put a new roof on that building uh boardwalk and Bridges at hammock Park in fiscal year 25 we're looking to spend approximately 50,000 for engineering and design study and then in 26 we would uh do the construction based on the results of the study and then Park Trail Renovations um we're experiencing some repair workor that's needed uh at both Scottdale uh Trail around the pond and Weaver Park tree roots are creating tripping hazards and we need to cut those out and re um asphalt some of those Trails okay questions commissioner gal start with you uh no question looks good to me okay I'll wait for commissioner Walker vice mayor um I don't think this is where I'm going to ask it but I'm going to ask it here anyway way bridge bridge um we're doing the assessment just just kind of for the record because we talked on the side about this but the um the assessment that's being done um what when you expect it to be completed we have not secured a consultant for that yet we've had a change of staff and I've already sent an email saying this is a high priority so okay and I thought we so we're not doing an in-house we're just getting ready to go okay no it would have to be a a structural Bridge engineer that would do the assessment on that one it's a very unique structure okay and and will they also be doing the easement right away issues looking at all that I mean I'm just trying to understand like I'm just trying to understand that it's not going to be forever to to get it so to be perfectly honest I'm just trying to understand some reasonable timeline because we get asked yeah we so I would really I would really like to have some tag on you reasonable timeline that you think we potentially can achieve a decision I would think we could do it in a six-month time frame but we have to get the staff that's going to cure those yeah if I could elaborate so we'll probably end up utilizing the same um gc's that the dot uses for bridge inspections um that's what a prior staff member was supposed to be working on and so we need to kind of pick that up and continue on with it that same firm would not have the expertise uh to look at easements and things that's still fundamentally a concern we can look at what needs to be done at the bridge itself but the issue of legal access on the north and south side of the bridge is something that we need to address we wouldn't that be an attorney right that's what I'm saying isn't that going to an house attorney staff well I think that there there are several things involved here obviously and we had these discussions first of all the condo association whether or not they would Grant the easement and then we'd have the attorney involved in drafting up the easement and it definitely would need to engage our inhouse attorney um but but it the first step is that Condo Association um and whether or not they would Grant anything because they don't have to necessarily um right so well I I do know on both sides of that bridge and into Fairway included there's a strong desire to have that bridge now whether it's affordable whether it makes sense whether that means people will give up easan area I don't know but I I just you know I just have a desire that it doesn't drag on forever and I get the staffing issues fully so I just I I just kind of want to have kind of a reasonable timeline that when we're looking at the holistic issues so you know 6 months we do the study and six more months we look at easement and in six more months we you know what I'm saying I just you know so if I may then vice mayor let's go ahead and do this first of all we need to get the contractor on board um and and once we do that if we give you the timeline and then roll easements and that type of a thing that would be awesome okay thank you very much may I add one thing for the benefit of all of the commission this bridge is not just a bridge it is supporting an 8 in water main and a 4 in I believe 2 in gas and I think and a 2in force man it's got a force man a gas man and a water main so whether it's a pedestrian bridge or not that we have an interest in the structure it's not the only structure that we're we have an interest in making sure that is evaluated and properly maintained so we're trying to do things a little more programmatically I mean obviously there's an emphasis on this particular structure but um we're trying to do it a little more programmatically standard consistently with with industry standards of bridges and things like that and so and then separately there's the whole issue of The Pedestrian factor of that and and where does the bridge go to and from and and who has access and no and I get it because really before you Nan it was kind of like oh you know we're just going to tear it down Nan's like it ain't getting torn down so all of a sudden it puts everything it puts Doug wanted to get rid of that and it but it puts everything back in play and I will tell you commissioner gal you know our recent you know question about it had to do with biking it's actually in our multimodal plan as a biking path now you know I don't know that that makes sense in the future but again you know it's it's just it's a it's back in play for a lot of things but again I agree the easement issue is is a key no matter what happens with it so okay thank you appreciate it commissioner Toro anything could wax on that but I won't thank you okay uh I'm fine commissioner Walker yeah wax eloquent no no no questions okay I had I did have a question that wasn't a red project but it it's right in the same area on the bigger report and I kind of see what this was goes back to the same question I asked about the Jolly Trolley before so I'm going to look at you Bob it has the 36 in change um and the 24 end change cuz some is coming from Community re CRA and some's coming from the general fund which it does right it always has but it's only in one place and it doesn't go all the way out we're going to correct that I'll work with Finance thank you so it's just a it's just a human entry error correct yeah no I think the contract expires to October 1 of 25 so we're going to have to come back okay well we're not going to stop right no mayor but we have to do is get a new agreement from PSA come to the commission get approval and look to continue it we can put in as a placeholder some type of inflation factor for that all the way out yeah no we'll we'll work we'll work on that just making sure no it's not going to stop so that's why it was only 24 in the general fund and in one tiny little space instead of going all the way yeah only because the contract expires but we'll bring that back before you we'll put an inflation factor and carry that forward all right so um before I get started into another one one do we want to go ahead and take lunch it's 5: till noon I was told no lunch here I saw them go and byy with food I had a question should be c d yes go ahead well are we trying to be done by 3 to be at the ribbon cutting of the Grant Street in today we'll be down by three oh okay good I think you I won't be there none of my staff will be there okay Lincoln and Katie will be there but I I I can't okay is everybody okay with that or are we waiting to see could somebody go to Cal DC and see what's in there Caroline could you go see if I think Rebecca's done I don't know there should be less well she's not here no less Les we might need you Les you know always helpful always helpful he got off and ran out his good try Les anything that gets me away from you guys gotta love it I had one more question too really one more question and that is um again I I brought this up last year no offense to anybody I do think that the Clearwater fairy service should not be under parks and R I think oh you did yeah I I think all of our transportation I'm not saying you should help with it I don't mean it that way I think we have to look at Transportation differently I think the Looper I think the fairy I think the uh Jolly Trolley where wherever it should be it should all be in the same place managed by the same people I concur with the mayor's suggestion and we did say this last year I would like to actually see it happen this year if at all possible because that's where you see the big picture I concur with that and I think it also needs to include the multimodal okay lunch is there right now okay so let's take a break for lunch guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back everybody to our first budget Workshop of the Season we will resume our discussions hopefully hopefully we'll be out of here in about an hour okay great the next is uh engineering utilities okay so um the first project that I want to highlight and talk about is the first one the deep well injection study um last year we talked a little bit about the DPR pilot study the direct portable reuse pilot study and there was a determination that we should look at other Alternatives so uh late last fall we had one of our engineering General engineering Consultants do an assessment and look at what other options are there for meeting this um legislation that's coming down in 2032 to only discharge to not discharge out to the open water so they looked that a number of ways to discharge both the effluent from the wastewater treatment plant as well as I don't know if you're aware but but the effluent of the concentrate from the RO plant goes to to the um wastewater treatment plant so you know do you look at those streams as separately or combined they make reclaimed out of it but when we're not making reclaimed are those two or one different things so they looked at a number of different options namely um industrial deep well which would be just for the concentrate because if we didn't have the concentrate would we have enough reclaim water demand to not have to have a discharge in that way they also looked at aquafish storage and Recovery Wells they looked at um a class one combination well um for some reason the concentrate is considered industrial the effluent from the Wastewater is considered a municipal and so they're regulated differently um and what they basically decided was our best option was to look at having as a backup a class one um Municipal deep well that continue to combine the the concentrate and the and the Wastewater together take it through the plant make reclaim when we need it and whatever we don't need have this option to go ahead and and deep well inject that water instead um it it doesn't take a long time to do that it's about a year permitting and then you got to drill the well and stuff like that so it's out in fiscal year 28 to be ahead of the the deadline but I did want to update you because we had talked about it last year and talked about whether or not we were going to do the um uh direct portal reduce okay so that's the first project the second project I want to highlight is really two projects it's the lift station 10 and lift station 8 Rehabilitation they are very much the same these are two of our largest lift stations in the city um lift station 10 is at New York Avenue near James Street and picks up a lot of different lift stations from the south and the East end of town lift station 8 is at the um North End of Douglas Avenue in the hammock Park parking lot there and picks up a bunch of flow from the north all the way north of Caron that comes through there and rep pumps it there these are very large um what we call wet dry pump stations where you actually walk down there's a dry portion in the pumps are in a dry area uh we want to take those and make those submersible stations um do a major Rehab on those pretty much the upgrade on those are the same it's 1.25 million is the estimate on that and rather than just try to roll that into a normal um annual lift station upgrade these are big enough projects that we pulled them out and made those individual capital projects and then the um final project that I wanted to present I think it's on the next sheet of mine Ashley thanks is um not a new project but but it is where uh I'm looking for the electrical upgrades for the wastewater treatment plant thir one down from the okay yeah third one down wastewater treatment plant electrical system upgrade this is the U1 million dollar gorilla in the room and in the budget um this is a replacement of all of the switch gear all of the electrical control panels all of the plc's all of the conduit all the wiring and um in addition to that we're also going to make sure that we have um safety up updated safety for for arc flash um we have bid this project twice and it has come in over budget twice twice and and this 19 million doll plus or minus 18 I think it is 19 million but that's what we need in addition to what we have is our most recent update from our engineer of record and um electrical of all the things postco that are supply chain limited very difficult delays expensive for whatever reason electrical is the one thing really hasn't recovered but there's no way we can get around this this is what powers the entire wastewater treatment plant um I have Brian antonian here with me the wastewater treatment plant manager and Alex Gonzalez who's been helping to work on it um what we'd like to do is we'd like to try to rebid this again we're going to repackage it in a way that we have base bids and then additive alternates or deductive additive additive alternates so that whatever portion of this we can get done we're going to we're going to start eating this elephant one bite at a time and and get get as much done as we can so you know with the money that we have we're going to get as much of the work we can and and if for some reason it comes in higher than what we anticipated well then we'll have to bring in another project at a later date to do the rest of it what we can't get done if I could add we had a meeting U last week I think it was with wood and cerr and they're our srf consultant um for the Wastewater projects and so they have uh they're in the process of requesting a Time extension uh for the srf loan uh through D um the plan as as Nan indicated is to bid this with the base bid components those absolutely have to have components and then have um alternates included and so the intent is to award within the available budget that we have they have the ability to go back to the D I think it was August was it nov November is the next time D meets on their cycle to review um Agency submittals for or funding um the thought process is by that time we would have had the bid opening we'll know what components beyond the base bid we can award they would then subsequently ask for additional funding for those other components and in a perfect world we'd award and encumber the base Bid And whatever add-ons we can and then as they pursue trying to get additional funding from the DP since this is about a 2-year time period um project because of the availability of the components we could then if we're successful in getting additional funding we would then do change orders after the fact to add in those components we didn't award originally okay uh questions I'll start this one uh thank you mayor and I've asked this before and I anticipating your answer but um with the price tag of this and doing the vulnerability study I'm just concerned that we're going to have some issues with the location of the Wastewater what's going to happen or that with sea level rise and we're going to throw $18 million at this thing and then have to move it or whatever we're going to need whatever the vulnerability study shows so your thoughts so I was concerned that we were designing to a high enough elevation because prior to the most most recent FEMA Map update there was a good portion of the wastewater treatment plant that was considered to be in the hundred-year flood plane there it is no longer in the 100-year flood plane the new maps took the wastewater treatment plant out of the hundred-year flood plan really one one way to do it wait say it again the updated FEMA maps that are now 2 or 3 years old I can't remember what year they came into play but but they changed a little bit they were were areas like inside Tampa Bay that actually the flood plane went much further up than they had anticipated there were areas like on the barrier islands and stuff where the where they actually the the flood level they gained they they were better than they thought they were the the it had been about 20 years since FEMA had done the U mathematical modeling and and taking into account Surge and different things um some areas got better and some got worse in this particular case the wastewater treatment facility is not within the 100-year flood plane Bob what's the status of the Coca-Cola property regarding sea level rise nothing at this oh good thank you they're just uh obviously working through just closed and they're working through what their transactions going to be here in the future they're just selling the equipment that's out there so there's no plans that they have mentioned well as far as flood flood plane I was under the impression that part of the property I think portion of it is so certainly would come under any site plan that they do for redevelopment would have to be addressed but the big one right now is obviously more on the environmental front there might be a little corner of ours the northwest corner has a little bit of flood plane but not where we have any electrical equipment because I was very concerned that whatever design we had was in tune like getting it above electrical code makes you so far above the 100e flood plane and I wanted to make sure that everything had been designed to the proper most recent 100-year flood plane and upon investigating it it's all out of the 100-year flood plane oh I think we're all kind of pleasantly surprised um at at that yeah oh okay that just you got to The Experts um well FEA FEMA defines the 100 yes okay uh thank you that was my concern Walker so that um the one you were pointing out the electrical system upgrade is that uh what what I I see I read I can read Water and Wastewater funding but um do we uh do we get anything else from any outside organizations for that type of thing well the the srf loan that I spoke of earlier um the current one that we have I believe is 0% interest if not as very close as 0% interest there's a 2% Administration uh charge um on the loan itself and then they indicated if we had to go back for additional funding I believe that our consultant said the current rate was like. 34 is that correct Alex you recall um so it's it's still as close to free money as as we can get obviously we have to pay it back but the advantage of of an srf loan as opposed to Flo voting a bond is on an srf loan is a reimbursement so obviously we have to front the money but as construction progresses you submit those invoice draws uh throughout but then you don't start paying until you're done with the project so it actually defers the payments and allows us to spread that out over years as opposed to floating a bond you start paying interest immediately yeah okay I call that um and then regarding the flood plane yeah I yeah about was about two or three years ago it it changed significantly um our neighborhood over where we live which was majority was in the flood plane now is kind of half and half now so any some areas improved yeah yeah V mayor uh just to clarify the electrical work you're talking about is all on site at the Wastewater Plant yes okay and so all stuff that was put in there in 1990 is okay yeah I don't have any other questions Brian's having to buy things on eBay currently let's commissioner TOA thank you mayor um I'm concerned about uh the fact that the flood plane may have changed According to some analysis that they've made but what about storms um still a good question question that commissioner guy was asking you know we put the money into something there our alternative is tough but I'm just asking um and so what would happen if we really got hit by a big storm with some of it with some of storm surge like a very serious storm surge or hurricane coming through and big storms are we susceptible there and is that question that commissioner gal asking still applicable and and what would we do what what are our options if we had a 20 foot storm surge like they had in Fort Meyers then yes I would say we would probably be susceptible I I don't know that anybody is designing or planning for that condition that's that's just worst case that a natural disaster and um you know for the most part our tankage and stuff is higher so I think the plant would be there but I think there would be elements of our electrical system that would be vulnerable and would have to be repaired or or rehabilitated if we got a 20ft storm surch do you have any difference of opinion so is there anything wild that we could do or that anyone has done um putting it way out doing something unusual with it building a specific facility for that the only analogy I can think of commissioner is um several years ago Hillsboro County took the River Oaks wastewater treatment plant which was a plant that historically had all kinds of consent issues was in the Town and Country area so um hillsbor county has the advantage that they've got a lot of open land right so they took that uh lift station or um wastewater treatment plant um they built a new wastewater treatment plant up in Northwest Hillsboro County and once that was up and operational they then converted the the River Oaks wastewater treatment plant into a huge pumping lift station and they pumped that sewage to the northwest portion of Hillsboro County um can we pump ours over there too yeah no um and so we don't have that luxury we don't have tons of available land um and it is a uphill battle because when you try to build a li a pump St or sorry a wastewater treatment plant in an area that didn't exist as you can imagine the adjacent neighbors are not that pleased so that was an uphill battle that hillsbor County had at the time in order to get that uh project built um to some extent it was a little bit easier for them because it was an area that wasn't quite that developed at the time it has since developed uh quite a bit um but unfortunately we don't have that luxury we don't have available land somewhere that we can build a new wastewater treatment plant and then turn this thing into a gigantic lift station and pump to it is there something that we could do for the expense of of this electrical plus then we would have the electrical still working to to move that someplace else or to build it up to to create a a build I'm just I'm asking that question but I'm also asking that question in a broader sense which was not I was going to bring that up for this meeting at some point in time wanted to ask the question of um is is there some relationship that we could make with the with another organization we have all we have all these municipalities some of which have their own waste treatment and some which are doing something else is this a County is this I hate to rely on the county from a timing standpoint but is this something that we we get some collaboration on or or or something I'm just I'm just asking but the main question was about can we move this thing up or or do something like that the important equipment that we need still in the same location just drown proofed we can it will put it way up in the air and and it will be grossly obvious as you drive by to I mean for instance if you've driven down Sunset Point Road and looked at that lift station that is right up against Stevenson's Creek that you have to walk up steps to get to that that's to get the electrical panel up out of the 100-year flood plane yes you can elevate your electrical components way up out of the we are out of the flood plane there's nothing in this on this site that says that we couldn't build something on the ground level of this site we won't build on the ground level we we are mostly in buildings we do put them up a little bit you know that type of thing but yes of course you can always Elevate those elements but you know you're climbing up to them you're working on an elevated platform um it's terribly unsightly the reason the reason it's so hard to relocate a wastewater treatment plant is they've all been located downhill because we try to use gravity to get the sewage to where it's going and so there's an expression for that right right and and the reason why all the wastewater treatment plants it's twofold it's gravity works that way and it's a and it's a way to discharge the effluent that you make you know you've got a water body to dis discharge the effluent into and so you know clear water's got their plants on the water just like we do St Petersburg does everybody does because that's downhill and then there's a place to discharge what what um the description of the Hillsboro County that Jorge was talking about is without rebuilding our entire collection system it's still going to flow there and we are still going to have a big Master Pump Station which then you've got waste water that's that much more aged as you pump it back somewhere Upstream that's not a really good energy efficient way to do it because you're putting energy in it to lift it back up to take it to a higher location to treat it and then you have to discharge it you know to the reclaim system or whatever it's um you know you're pumping things up and down and the commission may recall a couple years ago we had a a thank you from Hillsboro County because we had to send staff over to that uh Pump Station because they had a gigantic clog and they were having a massive sanitary sewer overflow because it wasn't working properly to get it to the new wastewater treatment plant so again things flow downhill for a reason and when you try to pump them back uphill you're subject to things going wrong so lastly then putting the electrical someplace building that up the really is not an answer for any of this it's cost prohibitive it's it's cost prohibitive and it's unsightly and I think I think we get some push back from unsightly as well because you're what what if there's a 20 foot surge we're safe but what if there isn't a 20 foot surge and you've got all your equipment up there and you've got the cost of putting it up there the inconvenience of maintaining it up in the air the everybody looking at it and because it's it's big and obvious up in the air we'll create some name for it thank you thank you mayor I don't have any other questions okay the next one is uh IT services so the secure fiber cable inst infrastructure installation this was part of arpa but it was pulled out of the arpa funding um a while back but I wanted to put this back as a c P or is a project because we've got four buildings that currently aren't on the city Network or phone system um we're investing millions of dollars into these complexes and I'd like to get them on the city's Network in invoice um Network as well um and this also includes the D and Fine Art Center only because we own the building and we provide the phone lines there and these use what are called pots lines and pots lines means plain old telephone service everybody's familiar with the old phone lines we always had those are going away meaning as of August of 2022 everybody was supposed to plan for replacing pots lines they will never be deactivated however the carriers don't have to adhere to the typical $30 to $60 a month phone line charge they can charge up to $1,000 $3,000 per line because it costs them more to maintain pots lines so at some point we we're going to have to put fiber into the dun Eden F Art Center to put them on our phone system as well as these other buildings um so that's why put that out there it would make give uh the um Sterling Park their on Frontier service so they're not even using our phone lines they're using Frontier lines they have to VPN into the network to access anything um they're more vulnerable to cyber security related issues because they're not on a secure network the um Pro Shop we upgraded them to a a better Spectrum broadband service so they are able to get on the network and use City phones but that to me is still a temporary solution so at some point we need to get these buildings connected to the city secure network any questions um well one thing I'd like to get is just when we start talking about the cable the fiber cable uh when we looked at it holistically you had kind of it ranked in in order and I don't know if that's changed or been okay so so maybe just resent it I just want to make sure as we're going through this year's budget I understand what the priorities are although I know at every phase we'll be able to see it and and approve it so so the fiber you're talking about is the arpa funding for broadband that's phases 2 three and four and that does not include the Golf Club properties they would have been phase five due to funding a lack of funding was pulled out of the arpa Broadband funding so um I still want to move forward with that project so we to put it out there as an outlier year using um our funding to do it oh it was also about uh when we could uh spend the funds yes as far as ARA goes and we probably wouldn't be able to uh spend those funds in time where are they listed in here I mean I know they're not new but where are they I don't see them we'll see the other pieces when we see the other funds other funds um but that but this actually what you're talking about didn't wasn't even in those phases that's correct it was originally but it was pulled out last year or so yeah some time ago right yeah and if you look at the the top project uh on this slide on the under the 24 carry forward that's most of that arpa funding for that project you were talking about there that 1.6 can you say that again Les I couldn't really hear if you look at the very first on this slide broadband that's that it says uh that's it says arpa under the fund and that 1.6 million is that ARA of money for those phases that Michael just talked about that would be phases two three and four which includes public services to City Hall then from City Hall to Edgewater Park the marina City Hall to downtown area Min R Street Garage to provide public Wi-Fi no and I I get the importance of all this but I also also remember that this was all kind of in the big picture looked at as competing funds for competing capital projects so putting more in one hand took away from another I just want to make sure we're continuing to look that holistically city manager and that we're making sure we understand the impacts and not just you know piecing it apart and all of a sudden we don't have enough money for anything that might be an important project to each one of us so um okay imagine what mine might be but just saying okay um so that would be one um two other questions as it relates to this area online permitting is it functioning fully now yes it is no issues well we're still it's live it's been live since I forget what date we went live now we're still doing um continue training we're actually bringing the implementor he's been back several times coming back another week in August for um business tax renewals other kind of renewals training that people will need um George can can can answer if there's any major issues there's always going to be some sort of process issue that we're working out George so what we've really got up and running pretty fluently right now is the permitting piece of it which is going extremely well there as Michael indicated there were some bugs when it first kind of took off we had to get people accustomed to Reg registering get people accustomed to go into the citizen Self Portal um what's it's over the last I'm going to say six to eight weeks I think it's been operating flawlessly we have we have had basically zero complaints from residents on turnaround times uh it's been working really really well so it there's there's that initial period when you just kind of get it going where there's some bugs to work out but we got through those uh we've got some additional training set up as well to start to incorporate some of our other pieces like our Code Compliance piece our our business tax receipt piece all that stuff's coming and we'll kind of phase in but the permanent piece is working really well so if I called somebody like Patty Stow tomorrow she'd be like it's great it's working great because Patty is so positive about staff always and you know she voiced some concerns about it and just very you know always positive always loves staff's work but like yeah not quite ready for prime time there's a lot of issues so she'd say yep George is right it's right on there there's no doubt we had some initial Growing Pains vice mayor for sure we we had some issues we were backed up for a while for because we had to convert some of the older data right I think some was training I mean because the city manager then gave me some followup and there's a long list of stuff that had to do with being able to knowing how to put stuff in so the data came out right so the turnar around but but you feel like it's functioning I feel like we're doing really well right now and for a citizen they can go to the portal and pull up any property and get every permit that's related to that property and see that you know it's all at their fingertips so uh I I think it's going well and I think it's just going to continue to get to get better as we as we can continue vice mayor if I may I just had a conversation with a new Resident and they've already done the permitting process and they were just astounded at how easily it was to activate and how quickly they got their permit back good they he openly admitted there there was one glitch in it but that's because of something they did not anything that the city did good um and so he they just said it was just wonderful and he even as a new Resident he had heard about our our permitting process so he was anticipating being patient and he didn't have to be said it was just wonderful and are we copying the um are we doing the copies to the company and the resident homeowner oh glad you brought that up actually so I love that yeah so we we autogenerate an email to the owner you know so the the a lot of times the owner entrusts the developer to make the application on their behalf so we we require the owner email to be placed on that application so we generate an email both to the applicant and the owner at the time they submit and then we autogenerate an email at the time the application is approved not necessarily picked up but approved so the owner is in the no the entire time I'm going to say the majority of complaints that I received in the three years I've been here I've been from homeowners saying that they the permit's been sitting with the city for a long time and we always had to go back through and say well no you're you know your developer didn't push that permit in that's all that's over the last six weeks has stopped I love that because because most all of the complaints I get and I learned over the years don't assume because usually that's exactly what was happening we were being scapegoated you know absolutely that piece has been I was actually just talking to city manager about that yesterday and I said that piece has been really nice from our perspective internally so right and so uh and the last thing I'll ask on this slide and it's only because the word Cable's on there um are we when are when do we expect to be back on cable I had another I sat next to another person completely different at the senior Hall of Fame lunch the other day and they said you know there used to be this Channel and I can't get it anymore do you know anything about that on spe Spectrum so where how close are we we're working with Spectrum on that and I think we're waiting on them for the actual coming on site to do installation Sue can may have a little bit more information on that the last um that we Spectrum was here and they did a side visit which I think I provided you some updates on um with it and there's a cable some kind of fiber cable that has to be installed that I believe it is getting a quote on and getting it um installed and then the next step will be installation but they said it will take once that happens 60 to 90 days because there's a process and there's a testing and there's a lot of notifications that have to happen after that they're actually have to create the Duneden Channel within their Cable Vision Group because they've done away with these Peg channels the public education and government channels so they have to reprogram and that's whatever takes between the the 60 and 90 days on their side they they may try to push that up but the fiber cable that sus mentioned um our contractors will be here next week to install that but that's still not holding up the installation because they're already working on their background stuff to create the channel so they can't do their part till we do our part so can you can you give me not right now but can you provide within the next day when we're going to have our part done so that they can do their part next week our fiber line being run from the closet over here to the closet over there is being installed that's not holding up Spectrum they're already aware of that they're already working on their process behind the scenes but it's still takes 60 to 90 days so sometime September we're hoping sooner they'll try to speed push I'll speak for for uh commissioner tan myself I personally because because I literally I've had multiple people over the last you know two months ironically ask me about this whatever happened to that channel by the way and I feel you know very strongly that we need to drive that thing home finally because September 12th the chamber is doing their uh their candidate debate and people ought to be able to see that you know it's not going to be filmed live obviously or maybe it is oh absolutely it it will be live streamed just this meeting is and available on our on our uh Facebook and our YouTube but either way I know when that cable Shan is functioning that thing just replays replays replays people can watch it whenever it's convenient for them I know they can do a streaming but there's a still a segment of our population that's not going to do that and I sat in the middle of a group and somebody was trying to explain how they could do that and they're like you know their head was spinning they just knew they're used to be a channel where's the channel so um and we'll be there in in in in 3 years which we said we' we'd keep that but I feel like you know let's get that thing up and running the the cost is way less than it was earlier you know laid out um so let's you know I just let's push them to get it done so that at least they get to have that before the next election so we do have a very good relationship with our Spectrum account reps and they're very much aware of this they know that the city relies on Spectrum in all of our buildings and all the services and phone lines we have so they're treating us a little bit i' say better than or given us a little bit more leeway than they would others so I'm pushing them to get it soon it doesn't sound like it you can quote me back to them if that's how they treat us and we're A Step Above with as long as this thing has been that's the typical 60 to 90 days we're pushing as much as we can yeah I got you but it took us forever just to get a basic quote to get so yeah anyway you you know where I'm at so thank you sure I'm I don't have anything else I don't know who I left off with thank you mayor um regarding that same question um two things number one that's been quite a long time since we were were expecting that uh noted by by many people but we had two channels before now we're only going to have the one correct and that's that's spectrum is that correct and and I'm did we had three channels before three okay um the the consensus from the commission last year was to just go with spectrum and we couldn't get any data from Spectrum we did get a little data from Wow on how many wow subscribers there were um very few in the city of denen we we suspect that Spectrum has more subscribers but again no data was provided um and Frontier doesn't provide it anymore they no longer do the government access they're out of it so sadly so my question I guess is although we would like to have it if we're going to have it um is there a delay for a reason that that perhaps we don't even know why but but that there really is no they they may not even see a requirement for this any long wasn't it $660,000 for three years is that what something like that I don't think what was what how much this is um commissioner it took us months to get a price to get a confirmed quote literally months it was probably six month they gave us many different numbers finally when we got the actual numbers based on what our scope was and once they figured out what was in the building already that had been installed um by it it was it went from like a really big number I think it might have been $60,000 that first year installation is a little under 7,000 for the installation and then it is $1,500 a month so annually about $188,000 thank you so one of the gentlemen that I had spoken with within the last couple months few months uh when he said I'm going to get that right and I said well it's coming some at some point in time and then I asked him what channel was he watching and that's when I told him a call the city manager I'm kidding uh it wasn't it wasn't pretty because he said that's not what I'm watching so yikes I I wonder I wonder about our commitment to these folks that maybe we need to be some more a little bit more open about the status of status of this who's it with and when you know what so when he said what channel was he watching I'm confused was did was he watching did he have the box cuz even if you have Spectrum he wasn't watching Spectrum okay that wasn't his provider that's correct that's not his provider so even when we get it if he doesn't have spectrum and you have to have the box the cable box that not everyone does even if they have Spectrum but you have to have that to get the channel we can we can certainly put out some public information on I I think we I really oh we plan on it we plan on doing a lot of public information on the channel when it comes back but also all the other ways you can watch the the commission meetings and yeah John sorry if I just say yeah you know some of the people that weren't getting it and they understood it was only going to be on spectrum and one notable one that you know who I mean um said no he he'd change he'd change over the Spectrum so again I think it is about making sure that we prepare everybody else for hey the Channel's back you know so and that they know and they know what's back and what it is exactly yeah so that they're not going to look at us and say wow did I say wow no sorry oh sorry um question about the IT service uh fund I I want to remind myself that we're talking about 1 million and then there's a four behind that that's a lot of money just a lot of money just want to remind myself that as we're talk as I'm asking this question um that those are those are good things here uh and and and I respect you for putting them in there for and for the right reasons certainly um but it's a lot of money just want to make that point it really is a a lot of money that's my input thanks did you guys already talk or not I can't remember anything I was waiting yeah thank you mayor yeah just real quickly uh Michael and you probably already said it so I apologize you have to repeat it but that 1.4 is there any way that can be phased in did you did we talk about that or do you have to do that whole line all at one time it would be all at one time you're going to we would be running infrastructure underground infrastructure from the community center to into the Fine Art Center and also up to the dund golf club uh building so that's all underground infrastructure all brand new okay all right thank you mayor I had to add on I'm sorry one thing I forgot to add I had two questions I messed up that that's fine uh yes thank you um so just the converse of this and I'm sorry if you may have covered this but um why why do all of these other external activities have to be on same I understand the telephone part I you know I get that part but um what about the rest of the it did they be on the same domain I'm assuming it's the do domain right correct so what's the what's the rationale behind that so currently the golf club is on a spectrum service um different provider different provider and we're paying $25,000 a year for the service so that they could have network access and be on our phone system um if Spectrum if uh there's a problem with the Spectrum equipment there that invites any kind of intruder in we have that vulnerability the golf club I'm see the sorry Sterling Park driving range building is on Frontier service they have to they have their Frontier pots lines we can't put them on our phone system like we could if they were on a spectrum service if we were put Spectrum in that building it would cost us a lot more money just to put put spectrum of service in there probably another 12 Grand just to install it um and also they just don't connect our Network they have to VPN in so they're vulnerable as well um by putting this infrastructure in like we have everywhere else in the city those buildings will be on the city secure fiber line for the network for data um inside the firewall inside the firewall correct um no that that totally makes sense I yeah so uh all right well thanks for the clarification but I I well I will say I I you you want you want everything that presents a vulnerability to the city infrastructure to be inside the same firewall correct yes to me it's like having separate water service at those buildings are relying on an out third carrier to provide City water or county water to them it's not the same as our own secure City Water infrastructure so yeah okay I appreciate that thanks commissioner T I apologize yes I I simply wanted to ask can you just remind me where it service fund where does that money come from into that fund uh it is a that's an internal service fund and that is those that's paid for by allocations from all the different funds and departments that that they all pay into the fund based on their their usage so the good news is when we have an Enterprise Fund in there that that requirement comes out of that Enterprise fund to pay for that yeah and roughly about I mean that's just like I think as an estimate I think roughly is it 50% General fund IT services in general roughly so yeah yeah so about 50% of IT services cost go in the general fund and the rest get distributed to all the different funds based on their their number of computers and things like that based on allocation thank you anything else that's thank you mayor I don't have any questions okay next is good afternoon Michael hoga Deputy fire chief uh the first item that we're looking at is the um it's called the Elkart Ram ex water cannon or Monitor and what that is it's a piece of equipment that can be operated uh essentially by one firefighter to deliver large volumes of water um at the scene of a fire um and this it's going to uh provide the ability to um uh to for for a stable platform versus using handlines in a lot of different environments uh you see this um in typically like large fires uh where you can put a monitor on the ground manned by one individual versus having to have several firefighters on that line so it's a it's a piece of equipment that can be used in different um Hazmat situations structure fires uh so it is something that we do not have and we would uh be looking to to add to our equipments that's it and uh we we would be putting it on all of the fire suppression units so it would be the three Frontline fire engines and the two Reserve apparatus any question you want to go to next one the second one is the equipment standardization and modernization of our uh apparatus and our PPE which is personal protective equipment so one thing we found during the last hurricane activation is that we uh were we were putting Reserve apparatus into service and those Reserve apparatus didn't have all the equipment needed to to go out onto the the road and respond to calls appropriately and the reason that's happened is over years uh when we received a new apparatus we took all of the equipment off of the old apparatus and put it onto the new which at the time you know seemed to make sense uh but now that we are looking to standardize all of our equipment and have the ability to respond with the reserve apparatus uh we do need to upgrade all uh equipment and add equipment um and this is from everything from uh hose nozzles hand tools adding uh chainsaws uh portable lights highrise kits rope bags coolers and all pretty much everything that needs to go onto the those uh Reserve fire engines uh and as far as as far as the PPE that's the personal protective equipment uh we're looking to add things such as helmet mounted uh flashlights it's something that we don't even have today uh so a lot of times firefighters will purchase their own to use but we want to standardize and have like a Helm helmet mounted flashlight so that when they're going into a dark Smoky environment they have the ability to to see a little bit easier uh things such as gear bags a lot of times our firefighters are moving from one station to uh to another and they're just grabbing their equipment throwing in the back of the truck or their vehicle um and moving from Station to Station having gear bags will allow the firefighters to put all their equipment that they need to move from Station to Station into one central place um eliminating the ability of to get lost contamination uh it's just a protective thing and then the uh even things such as our scva masks we spend about $500 per mask they can easily get scratched uh and damaged so we're looking for uh protective covers for those as well so it's just trying to upgrade our equipment standardize it and provide a little bit higher level of uh quality there Jeff Parks fire chief if I could go back to the modernization part as well with the reserve apparatus it helps us also we have a monthly Fleet schedule that we go through so the crews would be able to just move their gear to that apparatus instead of having to move all the the tools that go with it hose uh so we move along with that same way with if the vehicle breaks down in the middle of the night they just have to move their their personal gear to that engine to put it in service so it'll save us a lot of time down the road by doing that uh our third uh priority is the safer Grant equipment and as you're aware we've applied for the FEMA firea grant to get I'm sorry safer grant to get six firefighters uh through the federal funding for three years and as our grant writer told us they they want the city to have some skin in the game so what they do is they'll pay for pretty much anything benefit wise health insurance cost of the the employee salary uh but they won't pay for uniforms bunker gear uh physicals that we require every year and the uh educ ation if we do any education they don't pay for that so the cost were we're looking at the 153,00 uh out of the the request that we put in for FEMA 3.1 million so we're uh we're hoping that that and again that spread out over the three years uh for the cost any question is that the last year projects that's three keep going we're going to wait till the end and then we're going to ask our questions that was it that was it they just do their three priorities okay uh vice mayor um so um well one thing and you know this you can just do this I'm going to want more detail $100,000 is a big number I you know I get what you're saying but I kind of don't get what you're saying so it's kind of vague and it's a big number so um uh and and it it seems like what your presentation was was pretty much what's in the book so uh a little bit more detail on kind of how that's flowing in writing where it might be a little bit clear so that would be great because it's a big number that's for the modernization right y yeah all right yeah it just feels like a catchall so I want I want to understand what all is Incorporated in there um I mean I don't really have a lot of questions at this point uh the extrication U for e62 is that just a replacement or no that what we're doing the county is going to a new uh computer system and they're changing around the definitions of what units are so we have uh currently on engine 62 we have a cutter and a spreader and the terminology correct me if I'm wrong is a light rescue or light extrication and a heavy extrication engine 61 would be a heavy extrication uh truck 60 would be a heavy extrication and all we need to make a light extrication for engine 62 is this Ram so we'd like to add that to the what it I guess then then maybe I need to understand what a ram is it it's spread so if they have to push a dashboard or they can widen the open just a smaller spreader or no it's a it's like a piston essentially they can move a lot more a lot further than a spreader can only pop a door type of thing okay I I I don't have any other question at this time okay commissioner I I I actually don't have any questions I I read through what was in the in the material here I think it's all for uh it all makes us more efficient and for safety so um I I certainly like the concept about the the spreader and the whole thing because when when you need it you need it if you ain't got it think mayor yeah I was watching Chicago Fire the other [Laughter] night kiding yeah actually no questions at all I'm good thank you walker uh I have no questions I you know to First Responders uh equipment is everything so and I had a chance to go through the various budget exhibits and that's all I don't have any questions um okay we're flying so final Pages here going yeah uh this is uh this is a large operating item that we wanted to uh point out to the commission today in in our draft business plan and this is for um the replacement of of our 800 MHz radios uh for many of our city departments the estimated cost is $510,000 uh this will be allocated across various funds U various departments and funds in in the uh in the budget we currently have it in the general fund we we we discussed the general fund today and the general funds portion of this right now in the draft budget is 137,000 there's still more work to do we're working with S Sub artlets in charge of this project and we're still working with her she's still identifying exactly how many radios we need and also which departments need help need what amount of radios and once we have that pinned down the allocations we have today may change a little bit but we want to make sure we talked about it and uh Su would you like to make a few comments on it as well um no um I just asked Scott if he would take this project kerson with Fleet is he has a Citywide approach and he agreed to do it so um we do have some information already gathered uh but he will be on this um so that we can come back to you and then the cost allocation can be determined what department but it is um we do have a requirement to replace them all they're um out outdated and they will not be supported next in the next fiscal year so okay thank you thanks next the next slide these are uh this is a list of uh business plan initiatives that that we are proposing be removed from the business plan we went through uh Finance staff went through this list with the city manager and the various departments uh and determined that we felt that these were uh normal ongoing operations Andor projects that are are completed at this point and we're proposing to remove them from the 25 draft draft business plan and uh if you have any questions on these we be happy to answer them any questions on any of these I have kind of a comment more than a question which is uh on the classification in comp study I still am concerned in some really kind of um Cutting Edge areas of of U employment that you know maybe we're still not um where we need to be um so I guess I would say Obviously that's an ongoing issue in terms of a moving labor market that we have to stay on top of but that's just a comment okay anybody else golf card it's coming before us what July yeah you'll have the golf cart infrastructure plan in July it's going to go to the LPA just for a to as an informative item and then come to you guys so remove from the business plan it'll be completed prior to October right correct Bel trees same you actually heard the final presentation on that one so at this point that project's completed um but we we understand your direction to start to prioritize some of those projects in there and so how does that so this piece of it is done correct the study part not the not the implementation yes is not how can we as a commission track that and if we remove the study from the business plan they'll add the implementation piece of so as we but has the implementation piece been added as we prioritize those projects and bring them back to you for your direction we'll put those in future business put those in as future plan future business plan initiatives whatever those improvements might be if we can't handle them ourselves internally we'll have to if we need a consultant to implement or if we need engineering studies or whatever the case might be you you probably see it in the in the city manager report too right You' be updating to commission would see right I would it would it would it make sense and maybe it has and and I missed it but okay I see the idea of removing it from as part of the business plan that makes sense because that project is done but to at least then have a placeholder okay we're moving so we've moved moved that we're done with phase one we're moving into phase two the implementation the implementation piece even if it doesn't have it can be blank well that's what it would be I yeah it could be blank I so so you're tracking it I I don't disagree because we don't have any cost don't see the same thing anywhere else so I do understand what you're saying let's let's mold that over and yeah I bring something back for you I don't you know if you do it here I'm a big I'm a big proponent of if you do it one place you should do it every place right or or not at all don't know that that affects a bunch of things but that's where I think Jennifer and the team would have to evaluate but I do get what you're saying Jeff totally how do you remember you have to remember the implementation is coming but you it's not listed anywhere and so and and like with the rest of these it's not that we're doing away with them it's just that these are all done so the website the website's all done all the training's been done so that can be removed okay because like a lot of the golf cart infrastructure plan right a lot of that is not necessarily project driven physical project driven it's more regulation could be ordance changes could be educational materials yeah I mean some of it is but I guess and part of the struggle I guess I'm having is is under St products project status it says existing as opposed to completed or done that would make sense okay it's done we're removing it but it says existing and so at least I'm struggling well wait a minute if it's existing why are we removing it and at least I'm going through that brain exercise so maybe if you change it from exting notes so that's why it says in the notes well project completed and they're suggesting to remote it ah okay so that's where that's why they didn't change it okay cuz there get trying to get your Buy in least that's the way I took it I agree no that's correct exting Buy in but let us know okay I just didn't read all the way across oh dealing with a c student I'm telling you I'm done uh I have I have no further questions I got nothing a smart Okay and usually me I'm always trying to keep something in but I got nothing okay this slide is um these are a list of projects and that department heads or project managers determined to be inactive or canceled and same thing we got a list of I think six of them there yeah I got nothing on that either anybody else nothing on that I didn't see anything oh I I did want to mention one thing I apologize I I had a note here thanks Ashley um the last one here uh I wanted to mention that uh we had taken the this uh storage building out of the business plan completely and I uh talked to Chief this morning and my understanding was that they did not need it it wasn't 25 it was taken out of 25 but they but they are requesting they that they they still need it in a future year so uh we're going to with the city manager and the fire chief and we'll probably be bringing that back in a later year uh that 200 the dollar amount may change because of inflation but that project yet uh Chief still feels that we need to have it done before 2030 so I wanted to mention that that that'll change for the proposed budget so it's out but it could come back yeah it's probably it's probably going to come back probably in 29 or 30 but it's going to come back probably yeah okay yeah anybody else thank you all right and now commission direction for the 25 budget um well let's uh do we have anybody from the public I'm looking around no okay um I'll get let everybody do um there any of their final comments but I'm just going to read the list that as I wrote it anyway for um downtown lighting plan last year versus this year position openings review the syst sustainability Matrix uh review window replacement permit [Music] fees way brige waybridge Bridge timeline all transit in the same place want more info on the modernization fire project um that's what I had as a global what I heard consensus um I don't know if anybody is looking to add anything else to this so I'll start with you vice mayor was this final comments or is this just added if you want to add anything well yeah you can do it all you can do any additions and your final comments we hope to be out of here by two that's my warning not just to you to everybody well I actually had two just little side issues sure one was um and I'm sure you're going to do this city manager that's a leading comment that you'll give us an assessment as we go along with the lobbyist um that we've got it's early I mean I get that so we're you know looking at all that value and everything else like I just want to annually kind of get a sense of how we feel that's going and um you know ultimately it is it's it's a a good expenditure um and then the other thing was I just want to ask the fire department do you use your drone Yes actually it's been deployed at several special events already um uh most notably it was up for about 5 hours at marra um gave us a good overhead view a picture of everything that we were doing uh it's uh currently we're waiting to get an inverter put into the district Chief truck and get that worked out so it can be um put on the district Chief truck 24/7 but yes it definitely has been used and is there multiple people that are certified to use it or is it just easy to use I don't it I could probably show you in about 15 minutes how to use it okay so that's out of the box it's easy it and uh it will be the district Chiefs primarily will be the ones using it and staff Chiefs nope I appreciate that those those were just my little extra um I mean truthfully I don't I think it was a good day I think it's you know it's the beginning of our budget process I I appreciate the information and we have a lot to study and look at and uh to picture and time right now so thank you to Ashley and Les and Jean and the staff and um all the all the hard work U but I don't have anything else right now other than I think it's a good day and it's a good start thank you commissioner dor yes thank you I am I'm just very supportive of of ensuring that we have the necessary funds for the storm water um entire plan and project so so that uh we can move forward as quickly as possible on those on those issues of course um we did talk a little bit about the golf cart um just that we're waiting for the finalization on that that might affect my position on some other things um the master plan of the of that which could affect in the denen freebie which could um affect my position on on a couple of other things so I'm waiting to see what happens with that and then uh i' like to just make sure that we're that we are covering our streets to the level you know we got all the different ratings on the streets and uh just making sure that we're that we're at at a high maybe even a higher level than where we are today uh we hear um not necessarily um issues brought about but we do know we we have the opportunity to do some improvement uh on our roads and streets so um I don't want to bring that forward as a project but just to make sure that we're monitoring that or that that you know that I'm that I'm concerned about that or have a position on that so um I'd like to I'm looking forward to the next meeting which is uh going to be on all of the other things so this is a general fund uh I know we haven't heard about the per perhaps request for individuals so lots of that will will affect how this how this comes together for me thank you thank you mayor no it was a good day uh unless I really do like the book actually I think it's a good book I like the new format of it um uh I I too am concerned about storm water and our infrastructure and the vulnerability study and maybe I'd like to see I don't know that even needs to become before us but J food we could identify some of those bigger projects and what might need to be moved in case we need to move some money in the future towards the storm water project as that b vill assessment comes along um might be prudent for us uh but other than that it was a good day thank all of you for for what you do I know uh yall love your jobs but I know that this isn't your best day youall probably look forward to it but um but it was a good day so thank you very much okay commissioner W ma'am uh uh I greatly appreciate all the information and all especially all the work that went into to presenting this um so I believe back uh March time frame we we had asked for kind of a the staff's not kind of uh staff's prioritization of the various BPI CPI cips um and I that's very helpful I mean we all get the we all get feedback from the constituents and and uh but you know you all are out there on the uh pounding the pavement every single day so you you have a really good idea of what needs to be done uh infrastructure storm water we've all set it um you know and that's where our priority needs to be um the vulnerability uh part of it is not only is it pertains to to our storm vulnerability but I I do want to just you know in terms of our it capability and getting that right is abs important because um the the threat has not diminished uh in fact it's even gotten more more robust and uh so that that part you know going forward um probably just a couple things uh this is more kind of um Boat Club right now that BPI is is is a placeholder uh we are in the process the boat club is in the process of cutting holes in the floor to do get that assessment done but we're all anticipating that um there will be some an assessment that will come after this so um hopefully that happens before August um and then the only thing is and I'm not saying this to be humorous at all but uh I've been approached by a number of of constituents who would love to see flower hang flower baskets [Laughter] I swear to God I didn't put him up to that no she she didn't yeah the mayor did not put me up to it I I I have received that feedback be a Sunshine Law violation for she just put the constituents up to it just the constituent you put up to I arrived at this independently I did not I never said anything to anybody that's all I've got thank you I don't disagree though to public meeting I'm allowed to say that I thought we were going to get through said it for decades I thought we're going to make it and I still think there's a there's there's something to it it's beautification stop it see but it's so pretty all right uh you know thank you everybody but I will say uh just two things that I wanted to add um or throw out you know and I don't know that we've given an update to the commission at all on this yet but we have been meeting with um Jennifer and I have been meeting with Whit and his team on the trail in our busy section Scotland to Skinner and we walked it with him we've talked about the things we feel that need to be done there Dave talked about suggestions you know of like latest things to for safety and we've talked about beautification in that area there's grant money to be applied for there is no cost at this point but we do oh no you got a proposal you were going to bring It Forward at some point um I do think we need to list it in the um business plan with no money in it but just I don't know what you would want to call it but our section of the trail and addressing all those safety issues how do we separate the walkers from the bikers and we've been working on this for some time so action has actually been taken not action but I mean investigation is a better word MH so to me it should be at least listed in the business plan it doesn't mean we're doing anything with it doesn't mean we're spending any money but I don't want given that I'm not going to be here in a few months I don't want anybody to lose sight of that because at this point we have Ford panel is pretty supportive it's important I we've been talking about this for a long time I just don't want us to lose sight it may be four years down the road before everything that was kind of discussed might happen but it should if you guys are okay I'd just like to at least List It Trail improvements I'll call it or Trail safety improvements totally agree are I okay with that uh the other thing again just because it's fresh in my brain and we've been talking about it and we have a new representative on psda I really do think we need to go hard and heavy for the 30 minute service for the trolley I don't know if that's considered a business initiative or not again it's not really going to cost us any money until it will if it if it goes from an hour to 30 minutes it's going to cost us more annually but it's not a project that that you spend money on it's an annual cost we don't even know what that might be with all the grant funding that is available to me I look at it as a two-year project because you have to go out and get the new starts grants and all of that but we've been asking for this for so long and we get you know not heard because we're not really following up we're not really pushing we're not talking to the other communities to get them on board cuz if they're pushing for it like we are well it's a bigger voice to get listen too so what have been the roadblocks in the past we're not getting heard money it's all money well it's it's funding and it's the other the other season and it's not they're not a roadblock it's that uh level collaboration because you can't just increase the Headway GE and has be all along the line right and we haven't really gotten all those people together I mean I for me I was work trying to work with the Brad and he's like well where where where's PSTA going to get their part of the money they're part they pay half so if you got $100 they're paying 50 and the rest of us are paying splitting 50 but we can get a new starts grant for half of the cost of the new piece so it gets really complicated but anyway there's a way to get it done over time there's also a way that possibly bed tax if bed tax is going to help fund some of the ferry we don't know that yet we're still working on it but if it does then there's no reason why it couldn't help us fund part of the service with psda there's just a lot of investigative educational pulling people together applying for Grants it's work I would think if there's a summary sheet put together that commissioner Walker will have this taken care of in no time right so I just I feel like maybe it should also be added to the business plan again there's no real cost to it other than it's labor and you put it where you can are you guys okay with that yeah because you're not saying you're going to even achieve it but a fullblown effort has to be made I I hear one yes no yes I I agree and I think part of that functioning is you know you you talked about the big picture yesterday I think we you know if we haven't done it we need to lay out the big picture of how this helps to solve our transportation issues how this piece is such a critical key piece to the rest of all the things we're actually doing to make things work so that definitely the trolley is probably the biggest thing that keeps cars out of our city right I I don't the most people and if it's visiting us twice as often in a day that's keeping twice as many cars off of our road and out of our parking lot right yeah so okay well I I would say this I you know when we went through our discussion I get out office I'll help you what's that I'll help you when I get that off okay I'm not allow to do it I'm okay yeah um you know I as we were having our discussion yesterday on freebie and Tiki rides and all that stuff um I will say this I think that your point mayor with regards to the integration of all the different resources and tools that we have in our toolkit is an absolute imperative because that part of it you know that it it only works if you know it all works yeah so um yeah I I I totally say that anyway but but I just wanted to say I do appreciate apprciate your remarks yesterday on this yeah I appreciate it and thank you guys for all the hard work Jennifer another another first budget meeting Les Ashley Jean everybody thank you directors work all the department heads all the under under I'll call them under secretaries whatever you know you guys have done a great job so didn't say anything that happen all right hey [Music]