##VIDEO ID:p_-vxNyt5cQ## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome everyone uh to our October 15th work session we'll call this meeting to order uh Jennifer would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance yes I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Jennifer uh Jennifer Bramley uh I'm guessing you're going to want to give us a storm update at some point do you want to do it at the beginning of the meeting or at the end um actually I'm I'm still getting information I'd rather do it at at the end of the meeting just didn't want to get started okay uh presentations it's Clan mcferson day commissioner gal with such enthusiasm um and thank you for that enthusiasm uh sadly um but Clan mcferson day is right it's an AGM it's annual general meeting where it's for the US chapter of Clan mcferson they come from all of the United States in Scotland and and spend uh three to four lovely days in our city but sadly after two hurricanes uh yeah they've decided to cancel that event and um so um there's not there's always a need for a proclamation but this morning just I just had one of my Facebook memories was their big event at bonapati a couple years ago and they were then they were planning it again and so they had to cancel with bone of petite they had to cancel and just what was was a lot of the members they're coming to Dun Eden but while they're here they also see the beaches and all this and they've heard all about all the destruction so they've said no maybe 25 or 26 I would have done the same thing all right thank you uh all right Florida city government week commissioner TGA thank you mayor you know I've done this before I think we should have a city manager standing up there as well okay so if you would please very nice suit Florida city government week October 21- 27 2024 whereas October 21 through 27 2004 has been declared as Florida city government week end whereas Florida city government week is a special time to recognize the important role played by city government in our lives and whereas Florida city government week is a time to spread the word to all citizens of Florida that they are an integral part of the government that is closest to the people and whereas city government week is part of an ongoing effort sponsored by the Florida League of cities to raise public awareness about the services that cities perform and to educate the the public on how city government works and whereas cities provide a higher level of service than most governments and yet many residents are unaware of how city services impact their lives and whereas city government officials and employees share the responsibility to pass along the understanding of public services and their benefits and whereas Florida city government week offers an important opportunity for elected officials and City staff to spread the word to all citizens of Florida that they can shape and influence this branch of government and whereas the Florida League of cities and its member cities have joined together to teach citizens about municipal government through a variety of activities now therefore I John torer by the virtue of the authority invested in the mayor of the city of dun Eden Florida and on behalf of the entire city commission do hereby recognize October 21 through 27 2004 as city government week and encourage all citizens city government officials and employees to take an active part in promoting dun Eden through civic education and volunteerism if you would [Applause] please and what an appropriate time yes it is yes it is uh good morning mayor uh vice mayor commission Theresa Smalling director of HR and risk management for the city um as as you have said um I think hopefully our citizens have recognized just how um in touch our employees have been with them the services that are being provided I'm not going to steal Jennifer's thunder in any way but it's it's been amazing to watch how our our employees have been all in and helping our citizens try to find a sense of normaly in very abnormal times so thank you very much for this Proclamation thank you Jennifer you can wing it thank you mayor vice mayor and Commissioners and um it it's been truly uh probably the most interesting time in my entire career with two hurricanes back to back and nobody here you know knows more than than than our residents the impact and and I know that some of you have been without power and out of home for a long time so you're completely in touch with your constituents uh and you've been conveying to us some of the issues out in the community um as well as on social media so it really helps us to uh support and and um uh begin our recovery if you will the attitude amongst the employees has been something that's I've never seen before I mean from from debris cleanup um just before Milton and we actually cleaned up more debris than the previous Hall did the city employees did our pile was bigger than their pile so um yes it was it it was really all handson uh in those terms bad I could make so many jokes about that yeah please don't but anyway um so and and a lot of our employees as you know have been working every single day uh since Helen uh including management staff including um you know and they were on vacation they were uh calling into all these meetings they were in all all those sorts of things but this is the time that we're really needed and this is the time that that we need to shine and we did and I'm very grateful to all our employees and thank you very much for this Proclamation thank you we're going to give you a little Standing [Applause] Ovation and it really is Mayor it's everybody standing behind that are employed by the city you guys are rock stars really rock stars and everybody in the world has been taking it on the chin everybody employed sure come on up come on firefighters you're employed too my chair has rollers so I can't stand on it that look bad that look than go down come on Jennifer get up here I'm going to need people to go behind actually Jennifer just scooch over here just go behind yes just go on in with the commission if you don't mind this is how many people [Applause] audience yeah Sue you should get up here you easy be able to just stand in front no I'm not a control freak I I have to take that picture I know right all right thank you okay we'll talk a lot more about those storms at the end of the meeting we will yes uh now we go to the 2024 National retirement security week and I'll turn that over to Vice May Frey I'm sure there's not as many people here for Save the retirement week but it is very important and when you get there you know people people find that out okay National safe for retirement week October 20th 26 2024 whereas in 2006 Congress established the first national retirement security week to encourage Americans to plan for retirement and raise public awareness about the importance of retirement planning and whereas the national campaign takes place annually during the third full week in October designating October 20th through October 26 2024 as National retirement security week and whereas Social Security Remains the Bedrock of retirement income for the great majority of workers in the United States but was never intended by Congress to be the sole source of retirement income for families and whereas the cost of retirement continues to rise and important to their understanding of the need to save for retirement and whereas many workers may not be aware of their retirement options and saving for retirement or may not have focused on the importance of and need for saving for retirement now therefore I'm morining by virtue of the authority vested me by the mayor of the city of Denine Florida and on behalf of the entire city commission to hereby Proclaim to all citizens that the week of October 20th to the 26 2024 is retirement security week in Den Florida the needen supports the goals and ideals of national retirement security week including raising public awareness about the importance of accumulating adequate retirement savings to Achieve Financial Security during retirement [Applause] Teresa uh so just real quick it's really good that we have love of our firefighters here because um years and years ago a retirement adviser said don't wait the younger you start the better off you are and you can start with as little as $10 per pay with inflation it's probably about 25 now but you know sometimes we wait because we have to pay the bills and and all of that but it's good if you can put something away and during our open enrollment we had our retirement adviser speak to our employees about that so we do encourage not only our employees but our citizens to think about saving for retirement so thank you for this thank you [Applause] Teresa okay for the most exciting thing under presentations we have the firefighter of the Year award Chief parks mayor vice mayor Commissioners good morning Jeff Parks fire chief uh before we get to our firefighter of the year with our this our selection I'd like to say that there's many of them behind me that could be firefighter of the year after our past hurricanes that we've uh we've just gone through if you witnessed some of them in the middle of the night during a lane we're out in John boats rescuing people that didn't heed our warning to leave uh the area and we're just we're very honored that they all they all stood up to that took the courage and uh I give him very much credit for that and we'll have a lot more nominations next year so [Applause] that Sor so perfect timing hey we just had two hurricanes I'm sorry so with that I'd like to recognize our firefighter of the year for 2024 2025 and firefighter paramedic Derek Courier and before I start with his resume why we selected him I'd like to make it known uh as we do every year we have a meeting of our peers that the lieutenants get together with a staff meeting they all submit a letter or a reference for their firefighter selection and Derek came out as the the top candidate for that so we congratulate him on that and like to read a little bit about him firefighter paramedic Derek Courier joined the Duneden fire rescue Department in April 27 2022 firefighter Courier exemplary actions during a recent international flight exemplify a dedication quick thinking and professionalism that make him an outstanding candidate for this recognition while in route to Italy with his wife of course we didn't get to go he went to Italy but I know when do I get to go to Italy yeah firefighter Curry found himself in the midst of a medical emergency a 56-year-old male pass passenger seated behind him suddenly stood up stumbled and collapsed into his own wife recognizing the gravity of the situation firefighter Courier immediately sprang into action observing the man's altered state of land stroke like symptoms he knew that Swift intervention was critical without hesitation firefighter Courier positioned the man for comfort and ensured that his Airway was maintained an essential step in managing potential stroke victims understanding the limitations of being in Flight he and his wife promptly alerted the flight staff requesting any available medical supplies despite his limited equipment on board or The Limited equipment on board firefighter Courier conducted a thorough assessment and confirmed his suspicion of a stroke demonstrating his extensive training and calm demeanor firefighter Courier managed the patient's condition during the REM remainder of the flight which is still an hour from their destination he ensured that the patient received oxygen and conducted a glucose check to further support his diagnosis in consultation with the Airlines online medical control firefighter Courier administered necessary medication stabilizing the patient's condition as much as possible given the circumstances upon Landing firefighter Courier coordinated with the flight crew to have EMS on standby to terminal with the assistance of a translator he seamlessly transferred care to the responding EMS team ensuring that the patient received continuous and appropriate care firefighter paramedic Derek Courier's actions during his critical situation are a testament to his skills commitment and unwavering dedication to the well-being of others even while off duty in a challenging environment he held he upheld the highest standards of the fire service potentially saving a life through his decisive and expert intervention Beyond his life-saving actions Derek Courier is also leader in the Department's community outreach efforts he has taken the initiative to organize food drives for done cares ensuring the families in need have access to essential resources additionally he spearheads efforts to collect school supplies for students in need and organizes the annual toy drives for the holiday demonstrating his commitment to supporting the broader Community firefighter paramedic Derek Courier is an exceptional example of those for those around him consistently going above and beyond both his professional duties and his dedication to help others his courage professionalism and selflessness make him a truly deserving candidate for dun Eden's firefighter of the Year award congratulations [Applause] [Applause] let's take it out of this so on behalf of Jennifer and the entire commission uh this is the firefighter of the Year Award presented to firefighter paramedic Derek Courier I didn't bring my glasses in recognition of outstanding achievement and dedication to duty D needen fire rescue 2024 and 25 way to [Applause] represent we also have a a badge or a bar for his uniform uh it's just a it's a firefighter of the Year Insignia so we'll give you that and also if I could mayor more one more second what we'd like to do also uh we have a an EMS award which he didn't know he was about to receive here exemplary EMS performance award and the behind this award is awarded to an individual for exemplary performance during a medical incident whereby an individual acted in a manner to bring a situation under control with minimal collateral damage to persons or the property in imminent Peril so we have uh another bar uh that he will add to his uniform that is a it's a Star of Life EMS so we'll give that to you and we have a certificate it's just uh Exemplar EMS performance award to Derek Courier awarded to an individual which I just read all that I won't read that again to you you're commended for your heroic actions and bravery which occurred on July 10th 2024 on an international to Italy so get it [Applause] congratulations all right so let's do some pictures real quick um you guys come down and then we can go back up and the family can do picks we get our [Music] we can let this get out cuz this is always a long one I do it differently every [Laughter] time all right does the firefighters want come up and get a pick come on back I'm just going to sit I'm not standing into this we already did ours oh forget it I I forget every time p p take some around the back come on back we'll hide we're hiding we're hiding how you doing my fellow Steelers man yes ma'am a few of you in the back maybe a few more here wait for Mark Wait Mark in that would be a risk I gave you permission all [Music] right got it okay all right jerck don't go anywhere just stand at the podium just go by the Yeah stand by the podium I was just going to give it a an opportunity for my colleagues to gush on you a little bit all right I'll start with vice mayor well you might be able to guess what I might say I'm just disappointed that the fact that you were not you were my first responder when when I broke my wrist on Douglas a that's not why you're getting the award but um I'll just say that um uh this might sound a little weird but I'm proud of you um you are an example of our fire department and what it means and as somebody who personally received your service um your caring um and your good and U it means everything to this community congratulations thank you commissioner Tonga thank you mayor I certainly am proud of you um I'm most proud of how you turned and looked at your fellow firefighters and when you when they said someone said there's many others that could you immediately brush that right off of yourself right to everybody else I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for those guys so that I am most proud of that thank you very much thank you sir commissioner gal thank you mayor yeah when you have uh a department that we have in dun Eden and Chiefs comments that you know especially during our storms next year the the number and then with within the the room of Heroes you find the hero and the hero is just really amazing so thank you thank you for what you do I really do appreciate it my pleasure commissioner Walker yes ma'am so in as through this recognition obviously you are selected as the representative for your entire department um and you have led by example and your your actions speak for themselves and are a great reflection on the department as a whole in terms of I see you guys during the course of the Hurricanes you're everywhere and you are you you are the example thank you thank you [Applause] sir well kind of going off of what commissioner Walker said um that's that's a tough act when all your lieutenants are sitting around a table talking about the great people in our department because we have so many so that's what you should go to sleep in the night to think about that that you were the guy that Rose to the top cuz it's a hard group to beat um and even though this isn't about you directly I just have to say thank you because I did get all of your service two weeks ago um and you were very kind and stayed with me until I got good pain meds so thank you for that and you made sure I wasn't dying of a heart attack twice now um and a back accident so you guys have always taken a really really good care of the people around you um and so you've set a great example for Derek because he does the same congratulations to you and your family I know you guys are proud of him great job thank you Jennifer I didn't give you a chance to say anything sorry well I have to say that I've actually needed the services of the fire department as well when I burned my toast in the morning and um my fire alarm went off and when I called the alarm company and said stop them they said they're on their way and I was like oh no yeah no I did actually what I really love here your sons these are your sons what I love here is that how long they're going to remember this day what your dad did right yeah and all these guys here too I mean it's funny I came into City Hall uh what was it after the storm Friday and there was a pair of pants by the back door I think I'm good I think I I got it under control you were wavering there there was a there was a pair of pants by the back door and I was like oh a pair of pants and they're obviously we had the fire department in in the city commission Chambers but it's because they're going through these flood waters and saving people and probably didn't want to wear them inside the building because you know so they were gone the next day I'm happy to say but anyway oh that had to be funny though the thought about what okay who doesn't have pants on in City Hall well I didn't go looking I can tell you I'm sure yeah she said yeah I'm sure she did but just during the course of of the storm uh what these guys did and you see it sitting in the EOC all the calls that are coming in and the that they're going out on um and how grateful that we are for the service that you provide for all of the community and congratulate Derek for for the work that you I had no idea the work that you've done other than saving people on airplanes and picking commissioner up off the middle of Douglas Avenue and and all those sorts of things so our vice mayor excuse me so congratulations drinking involved though there was no drinking of it was I contest just want to make sure everybody knows so congratulations and well done and congrats to your sons for having such a great [Applause] dad all right you guys can go you don't have to stick around it won't hurt our feelings unless you want to you're more than welcome but thanks again guys you can have your tissues back uh-huh thank you there's one left it takes a lot to make you cry too you start I cry I I didn't I got this is the kids it's you know you see the kids but I mean when I hear you choke it's like wow I cry the drop of a hat okay now is the time for a citizen input anyone uh that wants to come forward and speak to any item that is not already on the agenda seeing or hearing none we'll go to consent agenda and we have the Merchants Association that Unwin the Blues revocable license agreement uh can I have a motion so moved second okay uh commissioner Walker and commissioner gaw um any questions on this item um anybody from the audience wish to speak to it all right all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously all right we have no action items and and we'll go directly to our Workshop which item which is the State Road 580 study uh project presentation staff is recommending to table this item yes is there a reason why fot is busy elsewhere uh and there wer weren't able to come today yeah yeah um well before we take a motion to table because once we do that we can't talk I don't Kathy are we tbling it did we get a date that they're going to come back good morning mayor vice mayor commission City attorney CL uh no we do not have a date yet um we are still working on that however December 3rd we have two other fdot presentations we have the alt9 landscape medium presentation and the Kuru Causeway presentation um and those are both 45 minutes so we could with your permission we could include also the state route 580 presentation within that you trying to kill us that's a lot to digest okay I will work on a date and I will let the city manager and the city clerk know so given that we don't have a date let's table it yeah yeah so if I can make a suggestion just from a timing perspective I know that um the the causeway from a timing the C Causeway is number one because that's the earliest project and then I think Alt 19 is right behind it and then I think 580 is after that so just from my knowledge at forward pelis so just so you know from a priority perspective but commissioner gal and I did attend their public meeting um we got to put dots on stuff we got what is it three we got three dots dots and we had to pick the most important pieces of I stole other people's dots I'm telling you um I think I think you did too yeah uh but there were a lot of priority things that they were showing all along the quarter because it's not just done Eden it goes all the way into sore and all that um so it it seemed to me what did you think the top projects were the top three were oh I think well one of them I think was the turning lane at 580 and um Alt 19 or 19 Service Road you know you get backed up right there going to the mall that was one of them uh was it the intersection of frenchwood and Renwood Estates in 580 what about it as well as I think there there's some Focus there U meeting uh mid block uh crosswalks there was one more big thing and I can't think of what it was Cathy were you there I can't remember were you there yes I was there but however I do not remember also yeah it was just I just remember there were two k yeah that wasn't it was it the was it the turn lane and all for 19 yeah that was that was the one of the top ones which our residents asked for a lot there was another one that was a big deal I don't know I don't remember we'll see but what was the one you said was it uh the turning lane uh heading east so the right turn lane um on 580 onto the service road to take you to 19 so BJ's you know it going a dedicated right turn yeah but there was another big one and I and it was actually in Duneden but I can't remember what is okay so staff recommends us to table this item so can I have a motion to table second okay commissioner fry or vice mayor frainy and commissioner Walker all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously thank you Kathy thank you okay informational items uh commission discussion I don't think we had any items that I saw come through so we'll talk a lot here anyway um city clerk update um yes mayor the only thing that I did want to give an update on is the Citizens Academy for tomorrow evening um we have had to cancel that as well um as it was that was graduation no um graduation we're I'm still working on the final schedule now but um tomorrow was going to be the firefighters reschedule um and so uh we're not able to do that tomorrow but we're working on um a new schedule to finish up city manager update yes you're on thank you um so so in my update I'll talk a little bit about uh damage and the damage to the city and I'm going to uh talk about both storms um both Helen and Milton um obviously as everybody knows Helen was a storm surge issue and Milton was a wind issue Wind and Rain issue uh although there was flooding as well with Milton um and then I'm going to talk about debris uh and debris removal which uh started this morning uh in Baywood Shores with two very large trucks um and I can show you a picture of those um our operational status of water Wastewater Solid Waste um Parks and Recreation um those types of things operational um I'm going to talk a little bit about the marina and and where we are with the marina and then I want to talk about how we're going to pay for all this because that's important oh yeah um we still are under estate of a local state of emergency for both Helen and Milton uh when when you adopted the ratified the state of emergency for Milton you allowed us to combine the two it's very interesting because right now uh FEMA is not allowing us to combine the two storms so um the lay down in a lot of areas is lay there we laying down debris for Milton and laying down de debris for Helen which is it just have to make everything so hard yeah yeah which is something I I think they're going to budge um the county they're going to have to budge yeah they're going to have to budge because it's twice the documents and just like that email I sent in on our behalf right yeah get over yourself with your paperwork right yeah and the county actually wrote uh a letter to the president County asking for some relief from that it just makes it all the M you know all much more complicated well and let me just preface while I'm very annoyed with FEMA that's not an annoy going on with the the crap on social media it's just the process that's annoying because that's what's right you know we're taking a lot of heat for their process right and anyway go ahead I'm sorry uh as far as damage goes so we do uh damage assessment uh structure by structure basis for Residential Properties only and not for commercial so so actually the way the system works is that after the storm our building inspectors and our Code Compliance and really staff from Community Development uh they use their iPads they take uh photos of the water line and they send it into County um and so the county then uh gives us the cumulative total and the total by City And I don't have that yet for um for Milton I do have it for um Helen and we had 580 to 590 uh structures with major damage we had I'm sorry say that again 580 to 590 structures with major damage and that are those all homes or yes this is residential that I'm talking about now um and that's residential and then we had a total of 1,200 with some damage alog together so um that's reported then to FEMA to get the Declaration as as a disaster which we've had that declaration from FEMA obviously um the like I said we don't have that yet for mil Milton and uh we have another 7 days to report out for Milton so I can give you those numbers um when the time comes as far as as structurally uh throughout the city uh commercially they have to report that's that survey the link that we keep on putting out uh as far as commercial damage throughout the city it's a self-reported by by those properties um we are working uh with FEMA on mitigation grants uh for the residential and uh for the commercial as well and I know that Sue is pumping out all that information the minute we get it from the county so um we we really wanted to embed FEMA here at City Hall but they went to Largo at the library there and now they're traveling around a bit they're going to next is Palm Harbor I think and then uh some somewhere else but they're they're not coming to our city hall but we are directing people to FEMA wherever they are um uh so and we keep on inviting them here we'd love to have them you know when when we can get them we are looking to again hire uh someone to help people through that process we haven't done that yet we need to find out exactly what the process is going to be and where they need to go and then we'll will the same way we did with covid for the for the businesses as well somebody to to kind of massage their way through as far as far as City buildings go we had some uh damage uh from Milton from the wind damage solid waste the fences are down um we had damage to uh pumps five and8 I think we can give you that report in a minute um uh two pump stations damaged from Helen I've got it right here thanks um the two stations are located at at Baywood Shores in North Douglas as well and I want give you a water Wastewater overall uh condition of where we are um I can't think of any other the wastewater treatment plant came through and and couple Wells couple Wells yeah a couple Wells were damaged as well um we did have some some pumps that were flooded as far as a Wastewater system goes at lift stations um and we've we've fixed those as as Nan advises me it's really a very Dynamic process right now it's very uh we have a number of stations and they were in undated so um we continue to to to repair those um as far as let's talk a little bit about debris then if I may so we our debris hauler uh or our monitor which is tetratech has been through the city um several times our new hauler has been through the city several times and we're estimating that we have over 100,000 cubic yards of debris to remove um throughout the city we have um our our first lay down sight was Highlander as you know and Highlander is is a unpopular decision in most Avenues uh but it was a very logical decision that we we had to make and two back-to-back storms and both of them storms of the century lead to many difficult decisions Highlander was chosen because of the fact that that um it first of all it can't be anywhere within 50 ft of a water body or anywhere within 50 ft of something that that gets wet when it rains and floods and uh a portion of Highlander Park does uh and we've got Lake Nest there as well so um but the portion that we're laying down is um the area that does not and it's 50 ft from those from those water bodies a lot of people are questioning why we didn't do it at Sterling Links and the reason is because that property is wet and there there are two uh Retention Ponds if you will in there uh why not youth Guild Park why not and why not in all those areas it's because of the proximity and the elevation of the properties we couldn't uh certify them uh through FEMA so with Highlander what we did was we do soil testing to begin uh then we do our lay down and when we're done we're going to do that soil testing again and return it to its previous condition it is going to take a long time and I I want to set that expectation the county is saying between 6 months and a year for us to recover you know throughout um all of the debris and return everything to normal um that said it's not our only lay down site that debris pickup you're not talking about picking up debris in 6 to 12 months no a full recovery oh right okay right yes can you can you say when the debris might be picked up um you know I'd rather give you that report once we get our hauler and see how fast they're going and then I can give you that report I'm not not really comfortable with it right now because you know right now we have three certified trucks working in the city we're looking for more there they are there a good picture of the trucks that we have as you can see they're very large well it took it took six weeks for Irma just to pick up yard waste vegetation mhm at a minimum and this is so much worse that's that's the other part though of Highlander Park why it's really important you remember it took a lot longer than that in Irma actually did it I just I just remember it was like six weeks until I got my crap picked up but you remember you know one of the reasons why it took so long was that our lay down site wasn't wasn't even in the county and so you you pick it up and then you have to drive it an hour and then dump it and then bring it the truck back so we learned from Irma and we're not going to make that mistake because we have a lot more CD C and D which is construction and demolition debris so in dropping it at Highlander and other places in the city we're able to return immediately to to the the site um and then we will remove it from Highlander to the landfill itself so that's a second part of the operation there are other areas that we're going to need we have an excess you know uh I want to limit the impact on Highlander if I can so behind the EOC is a certified CND site and we will be using it um and then also I have been talking to Coca-Cola um as you know uh they they we gave them a site map of three areas around this Coca-Cola that we would like to um to use and they said no uh and then uh Milton hit and um sent another uh somewhat pleading email to Coca-Cola saying we need you you know you were our partners for a long time we need your site and so they luckily um they budged a little bit uh upper management is looking at at a an agreement that Jennifer drafted and I executed and sent it up to them saying yeah this is this is the agreement we're not sure if they're going to sign that agreement they may want some changes and we'll be ready if they do to to make those changes and immediately resend it to them um out of their three sites that we wanted two of them they uh they they might allow us to drop debris on but we are pursuing them actively um on a regular basis because you know according to our holler it's perfect it's not far from the area the most damage there's a lot of impervious property there that we use there's some impervious too but you know the impervious that we can use it's fenced and and just on and on so we're really pushing hard to get that debris site commissioner just the the reason is the reason they don't want to do it because they think it would delay a purchase of that land or is it more than that it's actually it's more than that yeah it's more than that actually cuz they they need the site that one of the sites one of the three sites that we wanted to to actually lay down their own um equipment out of the factory as as they you know as as they leave if you will so it's that and the sale so in essence it's accumulation of those two things I just think they have an opportunity to be an amazing corporate partner and Coke I mean I'm a Diet Pepsi girl I'm a Diet Pepsi girl but I was drinking diet coke yesterday when you told me they might do it I'm just saying they have an amazing opportunity to be a great corporate citizen I mean we can give them some great you know I'm just I I just I hope they go that way I understand they might have their own issues but this is unique time let us know what you need in that effort absolutely okay good so as far as Highlander goes uh um we'll minimize the impacts on Highlander as much as we can uh and and remove the material from Highlander as soon as we can um I can't like I said I can't give you time frames let yet let me work through it um well if you're talking about Highlander the big question is the Celtic Festival yeah well when we originally did the lay down s that was Helen and when we originally did that lay down sight we thought that we could work around and have the Celtic Festival there and then Milton came along so at this point I can't commit to that but we can commit to working with them to find a location where we could do it I'm not saying yes I'm not saying no but it's this is going to be a process so um and like I said that that lay down site was created as a result of of Helen and you know so Milton complicated things somewhat I got so um uh on the debris also uh first of all you know as far as Communications go Sue and her staff have been Stellar I think you'd all agree just done a super job yeah I mean it has been night and day for them and all weekend long um and and that's not to to not acknowledge everybody else who has been all weekend long but but it you know they've been a done a super job communicating and we will with the debris to terms of uh uh you know we started in Baywood Shores today we I I believe we had a deputy leading them into Baywood Shores we have one of our engineering staff in Baywood Shores with a to yes for safety reasons no just to make sure that the streets are clear and let them know where they yeah gotcha so um not for safety but just to was going to be like really yeah we're here and clear the roads we're coming so I mean those are those are big trucks yeah know they are big yeah and they're going to know they're there so uh we started in Baywood Shores in Harborview today um and so we will communicate uh where we're going next but we need to know how far we get through there today so as we get into this you remember with Irma we did the same thing once we understand how much we can pick up how quickly then we'll be able to really put out where we're going to be the next day um and we'll put out our our message boards and all those sorts of things um as we progress so I really want to set up a dashboard some one of you mentioned that clear water has a dashboard yeah Vice M men clearw has a dashboard so we can we can certainly populate something like that did we put out today that we were going to on social media last night okay cuz I I I haven't looked yet this morning okay last night yeah so um you know sorry to interrupt but the the one thing that I had mentioned that I talked to a citizen behind um in Harbor views area was just um and I know you're on this but just as you know uh because there complaint was that the the sign board for 4 days said come it you know clear the roads it's here it wasn't there and so again it's just all about say it when you mean it because then they'll get their contractors to be off you know no don't come that day so um and and I know you guys are working at that there's a lot of moving parts so it's not a criticism it's just a you know to the extent we can you know not cry they're coming until they're really coming I think it helps them with their contractors continuing to move and things like that so yeah so um as far as debris I think I got everything anything else Jorge you think of no okay um okay morning mayor vice mayor and Commissioners um I just wanted to add that is a valid criticism that um your residents in harb view had and the reason we had put out the notice that we did is uh DRC which was the original hauler that we had which we've subsequently fired um showed up with pickup trucks and trailers as opposed to this to this so we thought we'd be in there sooner than we were we thought we'd be in there with something of this caliber and instead we had you know and we were preparing for a second storm so something's going to get missed so it is valid criticism but we're here now I the same thing no but even before that before the second storm I know and and you're and that's right I mean you can if you so come with which is why Jennifer said our pile was bigger than theirs right and and to you guys credit you know you got rid of them quick so now we can be on target hopefully you know we'll see how that works they pretty much self- ejected but yeah they ran they saw you yeah and said oh no I'm leaving she's scary yeah um so our operational status then um we are up and running uh we never lost uh uh any you know pable water as far as boiled water any pressure um and they did a fantastic job of keeping us up and running we were flooded with questions about whether or not we had a boil water or and we never did and it's because St Pete when they turned off their system in order to preserve it yeah and the county and so we did not and the Wastewater uh plant as well was was not damaged we did evacuate that staff into MLK uh for for and that was a life safety issue but they continued to operate the plant uh from MLK the MLK Center so um we did have some damage as I said um it's interesting because the plant is operating at um 7.5 million gallons per day MGD it peaked at 35 13 million gallons per day and you normal flows are 3.5 million gallons per day so that gives you an idea of of the Deluge essentially and they put out is this right here n they put out rainfall at the plant 14.3 in from Midnight Wednesday morning to Thursday at 3:00 a.m. 14.3 inches so and it rained all day before that yes yeah yes right um so let me see the water treatment plant then operating on utility power which is good no generator the northern fence leaning are down from Milton you know Milton took out a lot of our fences um as you know uh well 11 and 31 trees fell on the wellhouse so that's going to have to be repaired two Wells had bad Motors and one well missing a ble power now that's kind of like yeah Water Treatment Plant language that we city managers are like what is that uh the distribution system is back to normal um and we had two private connections turned off due to to tree damage you know there's a lot of private a lot of damage on private properties structural damage in the city was really from trees as you know from Milton so uh they are back to to normal operations um as far as as City Hall goes and staff uh we returned to normal operations on Monday well kind of an alter alternative normal if you will we still had our cooling stations and they're still there um and then Rebecca did the uh the Water Ice and food did a fantastic job uh she and John her husband also kudos to her assistant and he actually did janitorial around the building too because there were just so many people in this the military guy for you yeah yeah there there were just you know so many people in and out of the building um and and we'll keep it open for a cooling station until every last person has power um uh we are um as I said we're we're open for noral operations so we are running a daycare for our employees yesterday and today um at the MLK Center as well so their kids are safe as as they return to work um so that's really our operational status I think it's interesting because you know we we are essentially in two states of emergency right now and and we need to operate normally which is the hard part it really is um we need to meet as a city commission and staff and approve City commission agenda items and and you know most of the city's operating as as they would at normal operations but we still have those out in the field who are uh you know Solid Waste are they're inundated I mean people their fridges in their you know garbage uh uh cans and and so on and so forth so there's a lot there's a lot but we're we're keeping up and I think Solid Waste is running on time and they only fell behind for a little bit actually during the storm so those guys are working really really really hard um arm Marina oh you know that that tragic to see it it really is so the bulkhead buckled um and and we have other uh signs of buckling um right around slip 180 there uh which is the large one at the mouth of the marina um the uh the the commercial Fleet is out they're a to to get in and out of the marina right now we did get access to uh some of the slip renters to to go they have visitation with their vessels right now which I think makes them feel a lot better I don't me to laugh it's not funny but yeah and they need to see how you put it visitation they need to see their vessels they really do and and and they need to you know energize them via generator as much as they can and those types of things so um we are meeting tomorrow afternoon at staff the our first last we spent last last Friday morning walking through the marina our first uh our priority was to secure it to make sure it was safe as far as where the public can access and where they cannot um and you know the thing is some people are they're kind of like water they'll get anywhere and we were experiencing that as well so we had to post a deputy uh there as well um we found a couple teenagers out on the end of the pier Jesus yeah so I'm not surprised teenagers I was that stupid I was that stupid as a teenager I still am you just gave me a look over there I was going to say something now go ahead about me but anyway yeah no and so um so next steps uh we we're going to need help with with the marina we're going to need professional um help with Marina repairs and and uh you know we have Engineers on staff and really good Engineers but but this is beyond our purview yes and so um we're meeting tomorrow after uh we're bringing Finance in the harbor Master obviously our Engineers uh to talk about just what the next steps would be what kind of rfqs which is a request for qualification we need to put out um uh you know slip renters are asking about their uh slip rental fees and we need to make determinations there for a clear path forward for all of them um how we ensure that they have continued access to their vessels um and and how we start the repairs on the marina so when I have that information I think we need to Workshop that um and do you know a step by step with where we're going um the boat club obviously took a very serious hit um on the roof on the floor um and and and on and on and so uh we are assessing the condition of the boat club right now we did have um a report on the condition of the boat club after Helen but now we need to have assess the condition after Milton as well so um I don't have a definitive on that at this point and I will that's part of our our next steps so J can we when we do get or when you guys cuz I probably won't be here but can there be a report holistically on the marina area the boat club the pier and the Marina and the park I mean because you really do have to look at the whole thing absolutely and that's B picture and then you dissect the little pieces of it and how that gets paid for the Harbor Master building yeah all of it I mean it just is Walt Waltz is Waltz open open so not yet we we want to get someone under water and that's going to happen tomorrow yeah they're going to assess the you know the uh underneath essentially the the the dock on the Harbor Master building and obbe cafe and we have been in communication with Walt quite a bit because I just can't see how that seaw wall doesn't keep going you know and and really the thing is is that this thing was built in the ' 50s or 60s right and the the methods of building um and the regulations that they followed at that time are not the same as today MH so yeah it's very concerning yes it is it is but we're going to take it one step at a time I mean the first thing is to lay out the path moving forward and I'm I'm assuming we're going to be looking for FEMA and insurance and all that absolutely they've already been Teresa's had the adjusters there already uh um and I'm sure they'll be coming back uh and then FEMA um will be on site most certainly uh and and just everything that we can bring to bear but it it is a matter of of one step at a time well and let's not forget marker one is at least the docks are out of commission right marker one yes so Pirates Cove is still okay right I don't know I'm not sure but I mean it's important in making the decisions because if a if a lot of marinas in the area had damage it's going to be hard to find people to actually work on it from start to finish and then B where do these people go if locally right you know so I mean anything we can do kind of like with the dreaded dredge I hate to bring that up because this is not the same situation um but anything we can do to be talking to those other area marinas to try and you know get everybody to understand give us give them a deal do do whatever if people have to move out well you know mayor as far as gravity goes this is the dredge times to oh this is the understand yeah this is so I just want to to convey that staff understands you know the issues here and um you know I mean I know clear water was damaged DED um I know Marker 1 was already heavily damaged and there's not a lot of places for the vessels to go the good news is point of saying it yeah according to the Harbor Master about half of them have been trailered out of the marina already yeah so it would really be the larger ones that that we need to figure out uh what we're going to do so uh Edgewater Park is open so it's really important that we keep that open yeah and and operating so that uh folks can go see the sunset and we'll do our pip um the park instead of the P yeah that's good and I think that we ought to do instead of a boat parade we ought to do a a golf Boat Parade well I was just going to say we can't really have a boat parade cuz where are they going to go both marinas are shot right well we can I think we ought to uh dress our golf carts up like boats dress our what golf carts up like boats well I mean they do decorate but can you also follow up to see if clear water is having one cuz I don't I don't think they can either I can do that Island Estates usually they we do it on different weekends I don't see Vince you would know that um so that we don't conflict but they go into the fingers of Island Estates and I got to assume most of those houses were flooded we're going to do something that will bring some Whimsy to this uh and and we're going to have fun and we're going to have a boat parade in golf somehow we may not be floating but we're going to have a boat parade knowing our community there'll be some pretty amazing boats there will be we're going to have some fun here so w um so as far as how do we pay for all this um one thing to remember is that uh during Hurricane Irma it took us four years to re recoup everything from um FEMA MH and so um we have a Reserve at 21.4% uh congratulations because we're going to use every bit of it uh and we're not going to go below our our uh Financial policies meaning we will have a 15% reserve for future emergencies um so we currently have $9.3 million in reserve uh that's that's 21.4% 9.3 million in reserve the 15% would be uh $6.5 million so we have $2.8 million dollar to work with um we will um and we're going to we're going to expend every dollar of that but that's just the reserve that's not any of the other funding sources that we can so the reserve so that's general fund reserve and what what's happening is that we need the cash on hand which we have so um and that's the good news we have it and so um for example with our our haulers I mean we issue a PO we've got to pay them and you don't stop paying them or they'll go someplace else so um and there there there are some things that we're going to have to purchase moving forward to help with the recovery of the city um so uh the um and one the reason why I bring this up is that under our uh local state of emergency the executive order which was ratified by the city commission those procurement policies are essentially set aside and meaning I'm authorized to uh execute that PO uh for for you know amounts above my delegated authority to get things moving and I have um we will bring all of those to you to ratify in in a list I mean all this will be approved by the city commission but we cannot wait from commission meeting to commission meeting which is why we have the local state of emergency uh which all of you have ratified as I said so the haulers are going to get more expensive and the reason for that we had a long meeting with the county yesterday is that the state executed uh an agreement with local haulers where they're paying about $14 per cubic yard we're paying about eight I think yes is that because they didn't do it far in advance like we did no no I I think that they just want to bring in the haulers no matter what so the state to attract them right so we piggyback with the county right Hillsboro County then is now paying more per yard so we're in you know in essence the county that we piggy back off the county they're going to have to pay more and we're going to have to pay more so they shouldn't be allowed to do that in a state of emergency that's like price scouching well one of the things we had a long conversation about that during the meeting it is we've got to do it and the attorney will take care of it later because we you know we've we've no I I got you yeah so it is I agree and we're not happy with it I mean you know the County's not happy with it we're not happy with it well I mean even even the state and the county Hillsboro once they agreed to it they hindered the rest of us is my point use a bigger word but I'm not going to yes and that's what I'm saying shouldn't be allowed yes I agree yeah we're perfectly aligned so we're going to have to uh execute a new interlocal agreement with the county as far as our piggyback uh contract goes which we'll be doing probably Wednesday or Thursday it we're under the current contract with with uh Crowder our huler right now so but that will also be coming to you um so those that that's kind of an overview of where we are uh with our finances as I said it's it's good that if if we were at the 15% then we would be um going way below our financial policies which is not good so something we do not want to do that is my report okay uh questions vice mayor that is a grim report can you try to do that a little better than that um what's our deductible for our property damage in the city uh for a name storm it's 5% of each building so 5% of the value of each building I mean are we going to really get any benefit from some of our excess policies or are we going to be eating a lot of so we for example we have equipment damaged some of our Moors that's a different policy from our property uh we have some roof leaks that probably would not be would be well below the deductibles so we're working right now on seven structures that would have will most likely meet that 5% I mean is a marina going to going to be helped as the marina I mean I don't even the the marina will be helped to some degree the building uh Old Bay Cafe and the the office building that's covered certain areas other areas are considered what we call property in the open so to some degree it will be covered but uh a lot of it we're going to have to depend on FEMA re FEMA to help with docks and some of those because it's we think we'll get some help from FEMA and some of that it's possible where they um the insurance company is going to help us navigate through um trying to get that back up and running great okay thank you on that um I think you one of the things you said and I'll get to a question one of the things you said about we have the money slow steady stable budgeting um thank goodness I think of it even as people have flooded the people that have a little bit of extra money they can front versus not you so worry about the people that that don't and for a lot of reasons not anything of their own but just you worry because you do have to have a little bit of front money in some of these cases to keep things moving um couple questions um so timing of getting debris so I'll say it in a personal way had all the debris from Helen out it's out on the front Okay all the home things everything and then comes Milton so after a lot of work you know clearing the yard now it's all a disaster again so how many rounds are we going to do I mean right now like I think people are tired right it's like I look at that and I'm like I am not cleaning that right now again I am exhausted so I think people feel that same way so how fast do they have to get that out will there be another run I mean we we're going to do at least two passes okay they don't have to worry that all of a sudden they'll be charged that oh yeah that was you had to have it out right okay yeah okay good I mean obviously it's better to get it out and and I think people will try to one thing vice mayor about that though is that um the the hauler or anybody else they're not going to pick up all the small bits you know the property owner is going to have to you know they're sure sweep up the smaller bits sure of course CU you saw for the previous hauler I mean they would pick up the large piles but there was still stuff that they that they you know didn't pick up the property own is going to have to fix fix up the soil area well and I I also think about it as when they're picking up the debris now again I use my own experience my white appliances are still in the garage because it's unclear on all the coverage issues everything else is on the front lawn so you don't want to oh you know you have to come back a couple times I think cuz most people most things are out there but there's there's nuances of what still needs to go out there so I just wanted to kind of I get that question from people I can relate to it so I just thought I'd kind of be make sure I'm clear you know people are you know they don't have to they have to be a logical about how they get stuff out there yeah vice mayor if I could elaborate um Jennifer's correct we're going to have to make several passes and there's probably going to be different Crews as well there'll be Crews that focus on the vegetative material there's others going to come after the white goods and those kind of things but right now um even in in Baywood Shores there's certain limit that they can reach so they'll they make the first pass and then residents are going to have to push what's left back out to the curb so they can make that second pass cuz they can only reach so far and so they'll get they'll get what's immediately adjacent to the RightWay and move on and then you know there'll be multiple passes until we can take care of that's a great point there oh well and that's going to it's a great I'm just saying I don't see another way to do that but that is going to frustrate the heck out of people that oh my God it's still not gone so obviously Su it's it's all about the communications it is setting the expectations in order to get things done quick more quickly what you can do to expediate what what's possible you know for the for the haulers to do what isn't possible so I just actually good news I just got a message from Sue Bartlett is she said looks like fot and the National Guard are here are still working on Alt 19 South of Michigan that's that's great they were there I I passed them yesterday and they were they cranking along so that's awesome um I think what happened in Milton and I got a I got a text on this and I actually went over there um to like Sky Villas places where in the Milton it was more storm water system couldn't handle all the rain and you had got some flooding over there and of course you've got I think I think in their case they're like a dzone no expectation of needing flood insurance so I just want to don't want to lose sight of how we need to make sure we're you know taking care of those citizens and seeing what their needs are because they they've definitely got a lot of stuff out there as well do we have a lot of areas like that where the the rain overcame the storm water system so they're not the typical places that would flood but they're flooded that whole area not just Skylock right I was in Bel trees Patricia right there's some Streets back there that were in these are all of those areas and it's all on sort of I believe it's all on the same drainage right and we're still doing that assessment converge together or whatever say it again we're still doing that assessment okay good good it actually I mean sadly made me not not in the same way years ago like probably around 1990 there was one in Ranchwood overcash and nobody had flood insurance and though they had I bet they had you know four or five ft of water in their homes and it was all and of course all those storm water things were improved to help um and but you you know you still can't prepare for every storm so okay so M Clean Street was one of them too did you see that the the water going the water just raging down M Clean Street no I didn't I miss that yeah guy had a video Let's see you brought up the marina no that's it I think you guys put out some stuff about the there's a a some type of a a FEMA session or Village or whatever in Clear Water where people can literally talk to their insurance companies talk to FEMA um and understand yes hurricane Village it was canc um well last week or the week before whenever we've all lost track of time um because he'll um Milton was approaching so they rescheduled it so we put all that information in our E news last night what we know I mean we we try to be as current as we can it's an evolving situation yes okay great um I think those are my questions for right now thank you commissioner torga thank you mayor uh I spent a a good amount of time yesterday asking the questions of the city manager and we went through a lot of things but there's one thing that I would like to like to ask here and it's difficult and she's she's ready to answer this but um so and just a just a comment before that gives you an idea of the frustration um I was I happened just happened to be at Highlander Park when these big boys pulled in yesterday just happened to be there and these puppies are big I mean significantly bigger than what we had ever seen before here um and so that that made me feel good I also was in Bayshore this morning watching them start their process because of that issue I understand that we're going to have issues of trying to move things forward and you've answered that already trying to move things forward from the house to the street where they can actually reach it um and so there it's going to be an ongoing and I appreciate the concept of of of at least two passes I mean I think that's going to be necessary but we'll see um but when do you and we talked a little bit about this yesterday when can we give a preliminary uh not yet but when we learn a little bit more how they're doing how fast they're going uh can we as soon as possible just give an estimation I know I had I received a an email while I was actually there this morning from another community that was saying hey when are you going to go to the ones that are most affected I I can't there's no way to answer that I can't touch that with a 10-ft pole um it's it's I know how you feel you're being affected um but there's others that are affected but you can't really say that very well but I think of if if if we can as soon as possible just a prelim call it a preliminary or whatever we want and even if it's slightly wrong or whatever we can update it yeah but can we get something out really really quick so yes we we have uh our monitor tetratech plus the holler Crowder and it and um Joseph who's the project manager for Crowder has been uh in the city quite a bit and driven around quite a bit with Bill piam um and as soon as we can put something together for you uh we will we will provide it to all of you and as well as neighborhoods will be in next so so we we can look for something within a couple days some kind of an some kind of an estimate I would I would I don't know if it's a couple days but as soon as possible can we do it in a coule we need to say something so for example I'm I'm I'm the uh president of Spanish Trails okay I got three issues right now that I have to keep addressing number one when are they going to pick up the stuff that was the home damage stuff M and nobody knows what to call that uh they call it something different when are they going to pick up all the trash that came from the trees and it's growing and growing and growing and then and then thirdly um do we really understand all the damage that's occurred that's going to affect us if something else were to happen another storm were to come so for example we've got a huge drainage area through there and they they need to know what what that might be or is that blocked how how blocked is it nobody know we don't know and so there's a big concern about that um but I'm not really talking about that at this point in time but just some kind of a schedule because what I mean what am I supposed to say I have to say something to them MH um and uh but there's others that are also presidents of homeowners associations or organizations and they they just don't know so they're making some people are making things up now um about what might happen so I'd rather us come up with um this is just something that's going to have to be updated all the time but we're just giving you some input here's what we saw today so based on that maybe this is where what might be happening and the next neighbors that it might be going to and why commissioner if I if I could elaborate um we will certainly provide that information as soon as we can as as Jennifer indicated we kind of need to see what the production rate is going to be based um as you can see they arrived this morning with uh those two large vehicles um the report we received from Crowder late last night was that they have three certified so we think the third one is in route currently and will be in in the city limits later today uh they indicated that two more will arrive tomorrow so once we have five of these things in the city and we can start hitting the different mostly impacted neighborhoods see what rate we're getting as far as collections um in order to respond to your question though we need to see what's the production rate that we're getting out of these vehicles daily uh what's the turnaround time getting the material back to Highlander and then back out to the neighborhoods again to continue um obviously we have to cease operations at night it just becomes too dangerous to do so once the sun's gone down um but you know keeping in mind if um if you were able to go out there last Friday we pulled all our resources Park staff helped as well and I would like to recognize Parks assistance uh that has been provided to Public Works um in order to essentially take what had been previously collected under Helen and deposited at Highlander we Consolidated crushed and maximized the ability to use Highlander knowing that Crowder was showing up today with with these vehicles so it it's a matter of how fast can we collect how quickly will we consume the available area at Highlander can we get Coke um how much can we get um deposited over at the EOC so all those things factor in in addition to we've got our Public Services folks going out F fixing failures on on gabian walls throughout the city uh repairing the wash out that we have at the Grady box cver that we just constructed so we've got our folks spread about as thin as they can they've been going at it fulltime uh for several weeks now so um we certainly are um um realize the need to provide that update but um we don't want to um provide an unreal realistic time frame without having all the information to be able to make those those predictions so that we don't have a situation like the vice mayor indicated earlier where folks were told one thing and and we didn't show up so we we want to make sure that the information we provide is as accurate as we can given um The Collection rates and our ability to deposit um as Jennifer mentioned earlier U tetr is our monitor I believe prior to Milton their estimate at that time had been somewhere in the neighborhood of of north of 100,000 cubic yards of material just from Helen and now we've got Milton on top of that so it's a substantial about of material that has to be collected uh moved and then um accommodated so as soon as we have that information we'll we'll certainly convey it so I'm going to say again I appreciate all of that 100% And I've been following this I was on the telephone last Sunday not this past Sunday Sunday with the city manager saying hey this is we're not even going to get close to what we're expecting but we need to tell somebody something and and I would I need to know um as for example of as a president of our of our organization there's many of us out there and somebody we need to know something so I understand Maybe not today but not later than Maybe Tomorrow based on what we're seeing happening let's at least give an idea of what of what of what we think is going to be happening so that they know's they're asking and and they're asking us I understand that and I'm getting the communication I don't want to give you a false number either so you're not giving me a false just just guys we're not going to get a resupply so take care of it take care of what we need to know I just need to know am I going to get a resupply or aren't I if I'm going to get picked up by helicopters then find tell me about when that's going to be and I got to tell somebody cuz I need to know what I need to do between that time period Well it may change it may change but I need some I need some information they need we need some information we'll do our best to get it to you as soon as possible understand you want it the next thank thank you that's that's it that's that's and I appreciate your comment by the way and I and I do I understand the frustration but we're they're also frustrated and so there they don't understand it all we they don't need to they don't need to be told all the detail just give them some I call it hope Andor information so I know how to I know how to deal it to the best of my ability it can change thank you commissioner go uh thank you mayor yeah can Jennifer oor can you tell me if you haven't already mentioned it in my apologies um what is the process we're we're we're picking it up off the curb taking it to the dump sites and so if then somebody taking it from the dump sites to its final location or do we have to wait till everything is off the curve to the dump site then we take care of the dump site what what is that chain look like so we're picking it up we're laying it down to Highlander and we will be laying down additional at behind the r EOC and hopefully on Coca-Cola we pound it down to it's about half the size of the original lay down and then we take it to a landfill that's that's correct it's a lay down site it's not the ultimate location we don't we don't know we don't know the ultimate but I think what I think what you're asking which is a a good question is and I don't think we have enough people to do this but I'm just asking do we wait until all of it is removed from the homes and then start taking it to the dump or do we start taking it to the dump you know before that while while we're picking up at the curb yeah we need to work with tetr and and Crowder golf on that it you know it may be that the ultimate destination is not the dump it may be going somewhere else right and I don't know if it's they wait till that site's completely full before they start to offload or if they're continually moving Material off again we want we want the trucks to be dedicated to removing from the RightWay not hauling somewhere else I do think and I'm just jumping on you so sorry I do think we need to know that once you get it I think once you figure out your time frame and you're talking with these guys you know they should be able to tell you something but I I do think we need to know that because you've got the neighborhoods that have the household debris mhm and then you've got the neighborhoods around the Highlander Park site right so you got two different issues I would prefer I would prefer that we we remove it as we're laying it down yeah so too that's the way I'd like to do it and you know we'll talk to tetr and Crow and see how that goes um and if it's not possible then then i' I'd like to know why so it may be the way we lay it down it may be but we will give you that information as soon as we have that discussion okay sorry can I ask one question on that just process because you know I'm sure somebody's done a Time motion study on this as to when you say Irma that it took so much time to take it to the landfill and do that at the landfill but I mean it just seems like by the time you pick up stuff take it to local but then you pound it down and then have to take it to landfill like is there really a difference in time to the community overall well I think that to the homeowners there is not to the not to the hall right well you know there there's an environmental issue of actually hauling it way far away too you're using diesel you're using you know and all those sorts of things then there's I got you L the hall cuz you packed it down and okay yeah yeah so all all these I understand that I got debris in front of my house I get it I I want it gone yeah all these all these sites are pre have been pre-approved by um G and that's what we learned from Irma right yeah but in order to do that sat there for so long they thought we weren't doing anything in order to do that you need to have uh certain geotechnical testing done to to have a baseline because you have to compare to that when you're done so you know initially we want these resources dedicated to getting the material off the rideway you know we don't want to you know we've got three tracks in town and we're going to use one to haul it and then all of a sudden we only have two dedicated to to removing from the rideway so the initial focus is to get it off the rideway take it to the lay down site and then as as we start to see the production rate then we can work out with Crowder what's the hauling me that's probably a different resource a different truck um but you know we want them to focus getting the material off the rideway initially and then you know as we start to fill those sites where's it going how do we get there and and how do we not impact the production rate in the neighborhoods Jeff we jump on Jeff's stuff all the time it was that's a great question Jeff okay go ahead sorry or we're confusing questions and everybody no but it's it's important to understand it's important for the residents to understand that we are focusing on what's best for them first it can be complicated yeah and my focus is to get Highland Park as clean as quickly as possible uh and I I guess there was my only other comment I'll make quickly before the mayor says no comments uh no we're not you do honey you do whatever you want go right ahead this is open staff has been absolutely amazing yeah at each step of the way from fire rescue to solid ways to parks and wreck to streets to water to City Hall staff it's just been incredible the way they have stepped up uh please be mindful of that and and thank them and appreciate I'm sorry I saw a post you did and then a comment on there and I saw your response to that I have to clap me too come on Sue oh yeah I I can't say in public but let me tell you I can totally tell where you were in your head space because it's hard to deal with social media you get to a certain head space that you just want to react really quickly which you did and I was so proud of you really I mean I was very very proud of you so I you took a big get a start for the day you do sticker you do you didn't thank you wait go ahead and from Sue there you go well done thank you um and I cuz there was actually there was a wonderful post on on Facebook that talked about mental health and I know that the city manager and I talked about that yesterday and that people are going to end up breaking over this and it may not be today or tomorrow next week what they're going to is that adrenaline Leisure body and knowing that especially for our staff uh what they left at home to come uh we have no idea the devastation that they're experiencing with um and to leave their homes every day without power without water and they come right to to service our residents so please be mindful of that please be gentle and kind and polite to our our our our staff that's not just D in residents but that's City staff be polite to each other and if you see somebody start to crack give them some Grace and reward them as often as you possibly can with whatever mechanism you can under your Authority if it's it's outside your Authority please come back to us and say Hey I want to do this for staff cuz they just deserve the world on the way they've stepped up so that that that's it thank you commissioner me commissioner Walker yes ma'am um so I'll start with some questions um so basically once we have the timeline for the more critically affected areas like B Baywood Shores um we'll promate a schedule for the neighborhoods just make sure that we can communicate with our residents um and in terms of uh Sheriff resources do we think that we adequate we have enough to keep the roads clear during this process yes yes we do yeah they've been very responsive for excellent and I I assume that probably I mean you the there was Lessons Learned generated on Irma um I'm assuming we're we're capturing those because the big question I have and I I think this is we dodged a bullet but uh you know sometimes it's better to be lucky better than good but I think in this case we were lucky and we were good um you know the potential uh when when Milton hit um you know the potential for the material the debris and the lay down that had a really big uh chance of going airborne and becoming weaponized and uh I'm just like we luckily it didn't was there something we did that uh kind of mitigated that or rainfall no yeah I think it all held together like the rainf in 24 hours I think that's what it was blessed oh you know what that probably was yeah it just packed it down yeah yeah may I comment on that a little bit abely if you don't mind as far as as some of the lessons learned because we've we've had at least you know at least since I've been here and longer before that gone into a state of emergency at least twice a year at least and into the EOC the emergency Operation Center at least once or twice a year and we do an after action after um hurricanes and a couple of things that we brought uh brought to bear this time around was uh we stood up a main line uh for people to call and the main line then was attached to to a dashboard that uh Wayne Clark and our GIS engineering had developed where the employee would just input what the comment was and then it went up to everybody and we could address it moving forward so that was one process Improvement first time we did it was this storm uh and the other one was the cooling um here at City Hall in charging for all of our residents and in fact I I would say a lot of them were not City residents as well who came but thank you we didn't care yeah right and I appreciate that because I I do wish other municipalities I won't call them municipalities other larger governments wouldn't care so much either right we all know who I'm talking about those those were two things though that we' been that came up in our after action that we had been wanting to do and we did it this storm and I think it really helped our our our residents so sorry I just one no I I think that's a great example because I actually got a few few comments based on that the fact that um that resources available and I think more critically was how quickly the critical issues were responded to yeah and I think that was a big part of it I think that's an awesome Point um in terms of uh there's still a lot of like really large trees Oaks and such that are leaning very precariously um how how are we assessing those because obviously they're going to have to be approached with a great deal of care because you know some of these Oaks are huge and U it could create more damage or even worse so how how's that process going so um you know the some of the Oaks is if it's on private property it needs to be addressed by the private property owner if it's a life safety issue and we have in the past we we will help out if it's a life safety issue um so the ones that are across rights of way um first of all the first push after the storm is really done by the fire department and our Public Works uh and they really are First Responders uh and also our Parks maintenance um to assess the major artill roadways Pathways to the hospital the main roads uh and they look at at at they look at uh power lines down and they look look at trees across the RightWay uh then we start to get into the neighborhoods and some of the neighborhood streets and then we put those if it's over the RightWay we put it in a queue and all we do is is is cut the tree to get access to that area once we're sure that the line is not energized which you've seen a lot of that is happening where our crews will not go in until we are absolutely assured that the line is not energized you know that that there's no energy um and then we'll cut it and we'll lay it on either side of the RightWay and then come get it later but it's really just to to get access in that area so but I mean we have a long list of areas that we need to go into and um the golf course there were lots of trees down the golf course as well and and um some of them were on private property and we wouldn't got those technically if a tree is on public property and it falls on private property that portion on private property is a private property owner's responsibility that said um you know we're we're making sure that that they have access um and that it's not a life safety issue even if archery falls on private property yeah great um yep go ahead come on down man Bennett director of engineering and utilities I am not an arborist but I know enough to tell you that those trees that are tipped up with a lot of Earth are very dangerous and people should not attempt to cut them down by themselves they should get certified arur because when that weight comes off of them they roll back so yes it's a big problem but we really need the professionals that know what they're doing to remove those trees and and not people to try to tackle them on their own because all of that weight all that Earth that comes with them they snap back in ways that people don't expect so this is a place where we really need to bring in the professionals to do the work good point Nan yeah excellent point and I I think um I I think that's a a a point that needs to be communicated uh I I'm picturing Three Oaks as it well that's funny cuz I was thinking that's same thing um I there are three Oaks that at least that I'm I'm thinking about that you know if if it's cut from the wrong end there there could be that that that that bounceback and that would be horrific why are you laughing so much I'm just thinking about me and a chainsaw I'm again you know you know that's funny because I got this cuz I was thinking about you with a chainsaw too yeah I will tell you that's anything but funny come on now us really slept the night at the storm right and the next day it's all clean up and I stopped my son and husband from getting a hold of a chainsaw I was like uhuh no sleep in chainsaw does not equal go I'm sorry that's okay that's all right it was uh point was W take a Jeff um regarding the parks uh honeymoon and and CAD DC are we providing any level of support there I know we've spread very thin right now but uh um I've seen Drone footage and it's not it's not good no we're not in those Parks yeah gotcha yeah do we have any status on them I mean just that that uh Vince Gizzy did some telephoning reached out to Tom beron and the all he said was closed indefinitely I don't know what the status is is there any way we can get a tour sorry I don't get it we'll reach out to them and see if we can get on there I don't I don't know though to look around I yeah I would like to know what they're what they s you know they've got to be doing the same thing we are they're creating a plan they don't know what the plan is yet but they're creating it and I mean we'd like to know those visited state park you know they don't want it to stay closed well season's coming and all that so yeah the the docks I guess C see the picture I've seen their docks were almost completely decimated um Marina yeah really and those are aluminum docks right uh yes they are I think they're combination of aluminum and concrete aren't they yes je um our issues Jeff yeah the uh well to put put it and you know I have a picture on my phone of one of the Cy Fair impaled on a um piling no during The Surge went up on top of the piling surge went away yeah so wow and it's it's they're still trying to figure out how to remove that um but anyway that's um the other question was related to the uh debris removal process uh tetr just from my understanding is the the FEMA certified in Spector for ultimate removal and disposition is that is that what tetr does so tetr is um so you've got the huler which is Crowder Golf and then you have tetratech which is the the FEMA monitor so Crowder golf gets paid based on the assessments that tetr does with each load they estimate the quantity and by by by that then they get paid by the cubic gar on those Halls and they also direct the location of the piles so that they're segregated by material type um so it's kind of they they work hand in hand that's why tetr is sitting on the lifts so they can see as the trucks come in they can estimate the volume that's being deposited on that particular load they record where it came from the time make sure that it's only the needen material because you only get compensated for you know we don't want somebody from outside didn't need coming in and depositing so those are they're controlled sites and and it's monitored very diligently in order to to then be eligible for that FEMA reimbursement okay and then just to kind of um and we we discussed also about you know whether it gets removed sequentially or whether it gets removed in hold um what's do they have any say in that process or is that ultimately a city determinations I I think they work closely with Crowder gol golf the hauler but ultimately I believe it's Crowder golf that works with like they've got Crowder golf has already has a hazardous material like paints and oils and things like that they've got a disposal site for that already lined up so that's something we don't have to worry about so again those those are different Crews different passes that focus on those type of materials the white goods uh hazardous materials and then just seeing D debris um so but ultimately it's Crowder that then disposes of it from the lay down site okay all right um yeah and just just a few comments um you know the one thing that I thought was was absolutely remarkable and actually just um exactly the right thing to do was um implementing um Mental Health Resources for this event um you know is a obviously a very strong proponent of uh Veterans Affairs um I can talk to the PTSD aspects of uh a whole wide range of you know any anything from you know major disaster to you know combat and I will tell you it's it's real and the fact that we are taking care of our employees through this event because this was real it was devastating it was horrific and uh want to make sure that our employees are taking care of because you guys have been out and on top of that the number of hours the the days I I could only imagine you know how these days have run together the hours have run together so I'm I'm just absolutely heartfelt in terms of making sure we take care of our employees um although Teresa argues that in my case that might be a pre-existing condition it is a pre-existing condition well okay I'm not going to argue with that but uh um I also want to add on to uh the how the how the city has responded um because again I'm I'm said this 17 million times but the city you the staff our First Responders have been been been everywhere I I mean you know um and I am very grateful to the fact I had a you know we I think we all did had a lot of people reach out um in terms of very critical issues that need to be addressed quickly um and I was just hardened to you know when those issues were brought up most of the time y'all y'all yall knew that those were happening but you know in the case where you didn't um you the response was awesome I mean you know I I get a phone call within like half hour saying thank you thank you they're here and uh so I want to add on to the mayor's uh comment um you know I as I took a look at the buckled sea wall and the status of the marina as a whole um I this this is got to be handled holistically not sequentially um I think there there are so many things that occurred during these two storms that we need to address as a whole now the hopefully the the really good thing that's going to come out of this is is that we will be able to look at this holistically and we can come up with a plan that addresses all the stuff that you know not well not all the stuff I definitely I'm going to step all that stuff back but we can address the the things that we've been discussing as part of the master plan um you know for actually consensus in in in implementing this correctly so uh anyway so that's that's what I got thanks thank you um commissioner uh just a couple of questions um Code Compliance can you bring us up to speed on I know we've asked questions but in general I mean there's certain things that people need right now that aren't necessarily within code people parking in their own yard to get out of the way or parking trailers in a road because they don't have any place to put them and they're using it for you know repair materials and those kind of things so RV future RV parking so yeah RV parking is actually preempted by State Statute so so you can roll on up with your RV plug it in and and you're living in your RV um as far as the uh um before you move on from that though under what conditions like does it matter how bad your neighborhood is is it one house damaged among 500 but you can have an RV there what yeah I mean what what triggers that I guess is what I'm asking my understanding is we're in a state of emergency and okay so you're in a state of emergency that triggers it I don't know if that that in of itself triggers it okay CU I did get asked that about a certain area that yeah let's definitely find yeah let's clarify let's definitely clarify because the state of emergency will be lifted and then what you know I mean so if it's related to the storm damage that much I know yeah cuz I mean when you saw Andrew in South Florida everybody had a RV or a trailer in their front yard essentially yeah while they were rebuilding their home M they were everywhere and and I don't want to ask an extreme question but I but you get ask nuances of questions so you're in Baywood Shores obvious okay you're in um Trails West not obvious you know what I mean yes they were in the in the zone but you know and I I truthfully I don't know if there was any water damage there but just an area that didn't all just had some you know uh debris from yard debris whatever I just want to make sure I understand because we're getting asked all the nuances of those questions so yeah we I sent you an email as you know yes somebody they had Dam so just hang on somebody said they had damage um from both storms and they had a trailer you know vehicle and trailer behind it that wouldn't fit in their driveway so they parked it in the street which has all these materials to help dry out their home but when they they said where they lived I thought my God I don't think there was any flooding there m so I I don't know if we look that deep into it but I don't I don't want a nitpick and I also don't want to let people run away so I just needed to say yes Clarity one thing about that though is that um I want to sit with with George and Joey and put together a a very clear path as far as Code Compliance goes because as you know in a state of emergency like this once we let that Genie out of the bottle it's going to take us years to put it back in well it's like the downtown stuff that we just went through right ex same thing so we're not we're not going there again no we're not really so um so you know I and as far as you know what what um permits are required waving fees all those sorts of things and put together a briefing paper for you well and the 5% thing look back right yeah sorry five year look back five year look back I meant I meant not percent but all those things um um and you're I I had really wanted to call a special meeting before Milton to talk about the 5-year look back back and of of the 50% rule but obviously you know we got a little bit busy got a little busy but so we'll put together but I want I you know as far as that goes the path forward I want to be very clear about what is we're doing and how long we'll do it for and then well from the issue I mean this one particular issue I'm sure there are others that I don't know about but on this one particular issue it was we were forced to go because a neighbor complained MH and if that piece of it had was lifted or very clear we we would have not gone out there we would have not whatever right well you remember after Irma we did the same thing remember and we had to get that Genie back in the bottle so yeah we're going to be very clear this time Lessons Learned I just thought it was already happening I mean I I did I understand the RV is already happening no I mean I just thought the parking issue was already happening but we were already you know during the state of emergency and with cleanup that we weren't going to worry about it because we need them to get wherever they need to get to get out of the way well I mean it is in Baywood Shores and and you know in the areas with all that debris it just that you you drive through that neighborhood and they're parking everywhere they're everywhere yeah so I just didn't think we were going out and I don't know I have to look at what the situation was I don't no I get it you don't want to say but again I was under the assumption that that that we wouldn't even be going out on that situation no I mean we're not going to unilaterally wave that stuff um uh you know I need to like I said I need to put together a memo and talk to all of you about it okay um mayor if you um just for your information when we were talking about the new law that was in place in 2023 regarding temporary shelter so um temporary shelter would be a recreation vehicle trailer or similar um that is placed on the residential property the resident has to be making a good faith effort to rebuild or renovate the damage that was made to the permanent structure they have to be living in the temporary structure and the temporary structure has to be connected to water or electric utilities and doesn't present a threat to health and safety it can only remain on the property for up to 36 months from the date of the Declaration or until the certificate of occupancy is issued whichever occurs first so that's makes sense those are the restrictions that are in the current law okay awesome um uh going off of I think it was vice mayor comment um Milton and the amount of rain and the drainage I mean there were weird little streets that flooded but the major area was sort of the center of town you know where where Patricia Avenue and Bel trees and all the little side streets and and then McAn I heard about not I don't know where else but I mean those were and they were clearly it was on one drainage area if you will when we have a storm do or we know A hurricane's coming do we go and clean out drains that's part of the normal process right I mean obviously you can't speak to what's clogged it from the storm I'm saying in preparation the storm do we go clean out we clean them all year long but no I I understand but I mean go ahead yeah so um Sue bartand and I when we were at the county those were called hotpots I'm not so we would focus on those areas in advance of storm I'm sure our staff does the same thing but again as um Jennifer noted we got 14.3 in of rain over a 3-hour period so there's no storm system in any municipality any agency is designed to handle that volume of water so um we clear what we can but U it's fully expected that that we're going to see the level of flooding that we did so the the issue now is if something did get clogged post storm debris got washed into a creek that's now a restricting flow that's those are the areas we're coming back while our staff now trying to clear that to to try to dissipate any flooding that continues to to exist as a result of that but we do go in advance of the storm but as you know the amount of debris that gets washed in that that well I mean it's it you know it's been said yeah I read a lot of stuff on social media you know and people are saying well why didn't they clean the storm drains and I I mean like I know it's part of the process I don't know to what degree yeah a storm drain is typically designed for a 10year storm event what we experience is far in excess of a 100-year storm event so let me ask you this we're doing this vulnerability assessment we just saw it we just saw what our vulnerability assessment is I mean it tell me how that tell me where we're at with that did we have we even started it yeah we we've beun we actually had a workshop with the residents I want to say a month or so ago um but again it's it's a long protracted processes like a PD and study for a bridge replacement how mean how long are we thinking that's going to take I want to say it was about a 2-year process in order to remain eligible for federal funding for the projects that get identified out of that study so obviously we see where we saw the big issues happen in both two different kinds of storms from rain which is one kind of water flow which comes down and goes out and then surge which comes from out to in mhm will we be having the vulnerability assessment Consultants focus on those types of things I'm sure that they will be but again you know regardless of what projects get identified and get built in the future I don't think any municipality is is going to have a situation where some of that does not occur I don't disagree but I mean institutional hang on institutional knowledge is dangerous and we've been working on the drainage I'll call it from the bowling alley area West for a very very long time um we've invested significant money in that area in in drainage um and now we see the result of that I mean you can't say to people it could have been worse you can't because it was pretty bad uh it took a long time to drain but one of the things that's unique about that area is a lot of storm water ponds and ditches that could not handle the storm water flow Now That's Heavy Rain like that of course but I also think that there can be some things hopefully the vulnerability analysis will will show this uh whether it is expansion of those ponds what some of those ponds were privately owned and I'm sorry but you cannot rely on a private person to take care of a storm water Pond we need we need to don't choke over there Mr Conservative but we need to take them over and we need to manage that and make sure the drainage is happening properly and cleaning it out and I mean that is a complicated issue you're oh I understand but we have complicated I I get it but there's careful that's a workshop all by itself I won't engage no I understand I said don't have a heart attack but I mean we everybody in that area is blaming the whole thing on Lake Earl everybody because you know take a look at Lake girl and it's part of our drainage system and it's uh I don't want to say anything disparaging against anybody I'm not trying to say that and I'm not saying that caused it but that is the general consensus of the area and so uh I just think we have to I mean even areas that weren't really close to a Sor Mar Pond flooded and sat so uh I get you I I think mayor I you know I and as you know I live in that area not in the area that was flooded but right up New York and um right by the nursing home that was underwater and so yeah that too yeah and what happened with their generator I would I you know I think that we need to sit down and and analyze exactly what happened and and you know what Jorge is saying is that it's simply impossible for us to move that much water I get it and I'm please know that I I understand that but I do think that we need a better understanding of of happed where the bottleneck was and what happened and uh and that's something you know but our priority right now is on recovery and and we will um you know put this in our queue it's interesting because our business plan is going to change obviously as result of of this year um and the first quarter of this year and the first month of the fiscal year so um well and I I totally understand what you're saying and I agree with you I bring this up because what we're hearing out there the general consensus we have two areas that that flood regularly and have for since I've been alive okay this isn't anything new so really long time I was oh get over there just kidding right for really long time since I've came here since you know which is north Douglas and Baywood Shores now North Douglas has gotten worse and I do think there are things we could and should do there Baywood Shores has flooded since I mean other than what we've done with those out thing I mean it's going to flood I don't care what we do it is just a low-lying area that today would never even be allowed to be built and and I'm not saying that in a mean way it just is the facts but there is a sentiment out there that we are not taking care of our infrastructure and I can tell you that since I got on the Commission in 2006 J he can give you the numbers 30 maybe $50 million we've spent in storm water drainage around major areas of the community I so I think two things need to happen yes I think you put it very very strongly find where the bottleneck was we don't have to answer every question but I think we have to take these issues head-on and be honest and transparent because the more we say well this happens no offense H this is going to happen with 14 in of rain the more people look at it like government speak and I I think we want to just earn people's trust and I'm not saying that in a bad way I agree with you there is nothing you can do about 14 inches of rain in that short period of time but I do think just taking find out where the bottlenecks are in an area that doesn't normally flood you know wherever that is like the McLean I think I sent you guys emails on that and you guys are checking it I'm I'm assuming but you know in these weird little areas where we don't normally see flooding you know we we do need to give people at least something of what occurred and then we put it in the capital Improvement plan and work on fixing it it it's not going to happen right away that's for darn sure and then the other thing is is like the other sentiment and I know Sue understands what I'm saying I'm sure your Zen City reports tell you everything you need to know the other thing is is you know people are so busy in their own little world with two storms and dealing with everything that's affecting their family rightfully so um they're not checking social media or websites or newsletters or emails or anything at this point because they're so they are in their own little world trying to fix things they're doing their own emergency response if you will and so I think when that happens they think Den Eden is an island and why isn't deden doing this or that or the other thing when we are literally just a neighborhood in a much bigger island of penela County and and that what we're going through is what every city is going through and I think it's important to do some comparisons and let people know this is I can't understand seeing don't need just dro the ball you know I don't want people to feel that way about their Community now granted they're frustrated they're in their own little world they're just responding kind of like you did the other day you read something pisses you off and boom smack you around a little bit I see that I think there's something we can do with communication and I'm not saying you did anything wrong I'm saying going for forward cuz when you're an emergency you can only do what you're doing I think there's probably something we can do from a messaging standpoint to show that we're not the only one having struggles getting haulers without saying that I don't know if you know it's a competition where we say oh clear water's hold this much but we hold that much I I don't know I don't know what it is but it's something to show that we're we are not an island you know without being defensive that what we're going through is what everybody else is going through I mean I know I keep saying that to everybody but I you know every Community expects a lot out of their local folks so I just I don't know what that messaging is and that is not to say that our messaging has been incorrect I don't feel that way at all I'm just saying going forward uh I do think when this thing is over or not over but and again major surge event major wind event I think Duke we need to get a report from duke um once all the electricity is back up I think we need to understand the various areas of the city that were worst affected again I understand major thing you're going to be out I'm not complaining about that but like I happen to know in my own area I'm always first off and last on because it's a short line that's damaged in some way years ago that has never been right I think we can pick up on some of those things by looking at areas in the community that maybe had the long outages that I don't know and talk with them about it so that we can focus on how do we improve that again I don't know how you approve it in a surge and wind event two storms back to back but there's probably something even if you get people back electricity one day earlier that's all I'm saying I I think that needs to be on our list of things to do I'm not saying it needs to be done tomorrow but I only have so many times to talk to you about this stuff so I'm getting it out now uh te manag just going what day is I'm just um can you tell me what cleanup of Highlander park looks like cuz you know a lot of people and you may not know this but I'm sure there's some general things that you would do once all that debris is gone a lot of people are talking out there that we have we will now have contaminated where our children play and all this stuff is going to go into Cedar Creek you know which is Extreme and I I'm very sure that there's something we would do to do cleanup I mean is that sort of ripping off the top layer of the soil I mean I don't know I don't know what we we do we'll get an engineer here and again it doesn't have to be perfect just a general so um that is the purpose of Permitting these sites that is the purpose of us getting Soil and Water sampling ahead of the time to say what was on the site before we got there we will have to do the same type of sampling afterwards if there were to be any contamination of the soil or the water we would be obliged to clean it up and that's the point of having every lay down site permitted through the department of Environmental Protection is to assure that we don't contaminate sites and we don't create those problems that's why we have to go through this process right but so what does cleanup look like I know it depends on what it is it looks like taking everything away and regrading the site and probably residing it and taking the fencing away and it'll look like the field that it was when we when we started so when you say grading it you mean like ripping like the top layer of stuff away so if it was contaminated with something not if it's not contaminated we won't carry off the soils but if if we find that there is some kind of contamination then we will remove anything that's been contaminated if we need to we'll bring in clean fill afterwards if if the worst thing were to happen and there were some kind of like petroleum spill or something I mean we've had these incidents happen in other sites there are ways to clean them up and we will be responsible to do so that is the point of having a Baseline on the site before we start checking it before we leave and close out the site and that's the reason why they're permitted sites okay I just and the only reason I'm asking is cu people there are a lot of assumptions out there of you know I'm never going to be able to take my kids I'm never going to trust I can take my kids there anymore and so I I you know I just like this process is what slows down getting started and and people are very frustrated because it takes us a week or two to get started but we have to go through these steps so that we're sure on the back end right that we haven't created more problems than we've solved and so that's that's why it takes a little bit of time to get up and running with de debris removal and getting these lay down SES okay thank you um uh commissioner Walker and commissioner gal made their final comments well commissioner frany I guess you didn't I just um you know this is all about getting back to normaly and then obviously assessing a lot of different things including storm water which is what I said to some people out at um at Skylock when they basically apologized to me for blaming the city and I said that's fine I mean be say what you feel at the end of the day we're going to try to get through this together and then we'll assess everything and and determine you know what we could uh do differently what we could not do differently um but those things are to come but I agree with the city manager right now it's about getting to normaly I do want to say you know you know what happened during Helen was devastating to so many and and what happened during Milton was not as devastating as it could have been even though we have a lot of issues so in the midst of our crisis we need to also be grateful we are not dealing with what some communities have dealt with like Fort Meers like I don't even know what's going on with Sarasota Bradon and down there what Puna gorta got when they got Charlie when it would have been Us in 2004 so in the midst of it there's there's being grateful um there's also and it got brought up I and and on my street I see it people that one couple that everyone knows up here you know pillars of the community the intels house got decimated and um they're moving into another place today at least temporarily but there's a lot of a lot of individuals who I don't know if they'll ever go back to their home and it's been their home forever um so there is a lot of mental health and emotion in this and it's going to hit it's going to hit in in droves but but we also we we we also dodged a bullet that could have been so much worse and D's got such a great spirit we just need to stick together and and work hard we have great staff I have posted things on my Facebook on in Instagram and people have said oh thank you Mo and I said Thank our staff we are lucky to have hardworking and inold caring staff they care about this community it's not just a job and this is where it shows even more than ever um I um so I just I think it is it's about getting to normaly getting the debris out of the neighborhoods getting the debris the heck out of our community um and and also having fun making sure that we are providing Avenues to still have fun because that is part of mental health um I posted the other day my neighborhood couple of my neighbors had a margarita party in the middle of our street on Friday night all all the ruined stuff around us um and it was healing and and those are the things you have to have some of that along with just helping to get whole again so um so again I I'm I'm very proud of how so many um people in so many parts of our community have stepped up for the people most uh that have been most affected um but we have work to do and um we'll do it together we it could have been so much worse but we have a long ways to go we'll do it together we'll get there and we will be denen and I'm proud to be a denen resident proud to be part of this community and um you know and and we'll fix things that we need to fix in the future we'll we'll look at those and obviously the mar you'll be one of them so that's that's all I wanted to to say thank you commissioner torer did you want any final comments yes please uh since we're doing that I I should um I'm I'm concerned about a number of things um that I think we need to not reflect on but but act on almost immediately we're in a period right now where I don't see it getting cooler and and we all talk about about sea level rise Etc so I think we need to do the common some of the Common Sense things as quickly as possible and someone can say well fine that wouldn't have happened if we didn't have the 14 or the 18 in of rain depending on who you talk to there's a lot of rain um and and of course it just depends on what what what happens to us in the storm whether we get the storm water coming in or we get the rain water coming down but we have a basin a huge Basin between clear water and and Palm Harbor and we got a couple major areas and and they are they are creeks and we need to make sure that we're keeping those as free as possible um and I think we need to focus on some of the basic things that might help us because we could have another storm yet even this year or certainly at the beginning of next year before we get all of this uh sort of taken care of we know we have some fundamental areas that have major problems we've listed them I'm not even going to mention them um today [Music] um they were mentioned already two two areas uh we need we need to react to that as quickly as possible uh we can wait for studies to come in and we can wait for all of the issues that might bring us Federal funding Etc but meanwhile we have disasters most important thing for us two things that we did have that continued to have we have water and wastewater congratulations St Eden two of the two of the biggest things that we didn't have is is we didn't have a couple of the areas that we know are going to be a problem taken care of and I said I wouldn't mention Douglas and bl blah blah so we need to jump on that and I think mayor I think you brought up some of those things that we need to do as quickly as possible um and if that if that's what our entire Focus if that's what our business plan focuses on then so be it if you don't have security and safety what do you have uh you have you have you have a potential huge problem and we just can't do that we have to we have to protect our residents so I I'll just leave that and it it's not it's not pointing any fingers at all it's just saying that that's where we need to now in focus in my opinion uh we need we need to settle this we're a coastal city I've said this before we're a coastal city we lose one little part of our city and it's not good for the whole city uh we got major issues within the city that we need to take care of and and the city manager talked about we're having an emergency meeting in a in a day or two about that we talked about that yesterday about our Marina we're we have a Marina and we should have a marina so what are we going to do how are we going to how we're going to keep that that Marina so again I'll go along with the fact that Safety and Security we have people that can't get into their houses right now can't even work on their houses right now and everybody in here is working towards the remediation of that so that's really really important and we need to communicate as most effective as possible thank you very much have a great day thank you commissioner mayor may I just had one more thing comment to M just uh when Jennifer when I mentioned take care of staff that certainly includes directors and that's from the top down or the bottom up either way include everybody cuz you guys have been amazing thank you thank you thank you everyone I I do think um there's just a large amount of Grace we need to give everyone and ourselves uh everybody that's given a little or given a lot should be equally thanked and there are a lot of people out there groups uh that have gone out to help people empty their homes restaurants that have you know sent food over to homes that flooded now we have restaurants offering discounts um um everybody's coming together and it's going to be a long haul and a lot of patience is going to be needed from all of us whether we're in this position a staff member or a resident that's experiencing all of this we're all working towards the same goal um believe it or not you know the diff difference between a municipal government local government and state and everything else is we live right here where the incidents happen we're not typical government we're your neighbors and you're our neighbors so um we have every intentions of doing everything humanly possible to fix something and I believe that our team will do that the other one thing I did just want to mention is uh as you guys are meeting privately and some of these areas I'm not going to say which who and what that have consistent flooding some of these areas might not actually get a fix there might not be a fix um I know I'm looking at the engineers so I just want to say If there really isn't we need need to come to that determination quickly and find the right way financially or through grants or through insurance or through FEMA or through whatever if perty per if property needs to be no longer used as a residence I don't want to see people go out and get permits and spend their life savings on fixing things even if they get somewhat reimbursed by other things when it's just going to be a problem again so if that exists we need to take a hard look at it and take it on from the beginning versus letting it go on and I know you guys know what I'm talking about I'm not saying that's the answer for everybody but I know that there are some of those Fringe properties that I just don't want to see our residents going down a road and then two years from now we're saying why didn't we just buy that property I'd rather stop people from you know spending money and time and angst doing something when we know it's just going to happen again um okay that's everything on the Storm uh City attorney update no update okay uh two things before we get into commission comments let me find oh that is a commission comment uh we have a commission meeting on Thursday yes the Staffing does not say the parking garage is getting postponed is it we don't know that it that we're recommending it's postponed but you all have to vote on it right but it doesn't say that on no on I that's something new correct yes yeah okay cuz um I mean it's Tuesday That's Thursday people think they're coming here to talk about it staff is recommending that you postpone it and that we schedule a special meeting for October 24th 24th okay mayor if I may yes sir actually if we're going to talk about tabling that um project I I would ask that it gets tabled and until we have had serious communication with Joo kakas and what opportunities that might bring uh to change the location of the parking garage from its current Focus to the Gateway yeah I wouldn't do that I I I would not ask for that at all I am asking for the commission to consider that I we already talked about it not just be done in a parallel fashion though cuz I'm just concerned there's been talk over the years about that location that location of Gateway was bought initially in thinking about a garage but it readily was decided to do the Baptist Church area because that was seen as more centrally located for people to get to and then then kind of talked about because you know people want to be right where the action is and then um and so that's where I think the more central part of town was seen as a better option I I'd rather do it in parallel versus weit cuz that could be a long well there is no parallel though one is design phase for building it right the other is conversations that might take a while so there is no parallel right but the real trigger that we pull is after Divine Design phase because then we know the cost we know the impacts you know what I mean yeah that's just my and if I add to this I'm just going to say we've already gone through where should the parking garage be we spent over $4 million on this property specifically to put a parking garage there I think trying to change at the last minute it's just like what we did with City Hall you know that thing went on for 15 years with no offense Jeff but with random requests after decisions were made just random requests was the was the Gateway location considered when we purchased the current location where we're talking about and the idea is that something something is currently come up and is now available for at least discussion we we don't own it wait wait wait that I I understand we don't own it that's why I said discussion right and the idea is that the current location at Scotland and Douglas we own so we can hold off and not do anything for a year we still own the property so we've got nothing lost in holding off and with the Gateway project we don't know what that will bring it could be a bigger parking lot we we because of the location we might be able to go instead of three stories we might be able to go four stories so we might be able to get a bigger bang for our buck if we enter into discussion and I I I I think I think that's actually prudent it's not random I think it's a SM I think it's a smart business decision to hold off and make sure we get it right if we want to talk about sea level rise we want to talk about climate change you know car emissions are part of that I it's it's a serious serious thing and so if we're going to do this let's do it right and I think that so all that I'm asking for is postponing until we have serious conversation with Joko kakis that's what I'm asking the commission so if I can also add to that we know that at some point ocean Optics is getting developed and and uh there are other little parking areas around there that have the opportunity of going away I won't mention them because some of that is just in discussions and that is the busiest area of our downtown and the reason to build a garage there physically is because we need it there because the Gateway is going away there are several other least lots that we don't own going away um so I I have no interest in holding up because the design is going to take months and months and months and then the building is going to take two years and that Gateway is going to they're going to bring something in and if we take six months to a year to focus on talking to Joe we've now again not taking care of our infrastructure so I I'll open it up to the rest of the miss this item is not on the agenda so the public is not able to weigh in either so I I just want to caution everybody on that commissioner Walker anything you want to add um yeah I uh I you know I am not one for kicking the can down the road any further um the and I this this is not intended to be a um uh derogatory in any sense but I I just don't know what the definition of a serious discussion is and because without that framework um it kind of sounds to me like just to clarify then my my definition of serious discussion is get to a yes no either it's going to happen or it's not I I can tell you right now not to interrupt you but I think the Gateway of our downtown is a Terri place for a four-story parking garage I mean you want activity there you don't want a bunch of cars there I mean obviously Joe when he was originally building the thing had tried to put public parking there and we were going to have some use of it but I I just that's not you don't want the front and center of your downtown just like we didn't want it to be a city hall I mean Mo you and I thought about that for years because you don't want something that's dark at night same with a parking garage you I think you're painting it in a disingenuous framework I'm sorry I think I think that's the wrong you're you're trying to put a negative focus on it and it should be just a focus is at the right place and yeah if you you don't want to put a parking garage right beside Soggy Bottom but maybe something that's more along the Milwaukee side that it it's not it's not the first thing you see and and the lighting is just a matter of fighting that can be adjusted we talk about the the deep and trying to expand our East End there's parking for the East End we talk about D our downtown being a walkable downtown I wanted the garage right there right and we put that off in order to get the other one I I understand I understand and you know we talk about the the the Looper right the original intent was for remote parking but now we don't want remote parking we want it as Central as we can in our downtown either we want walkability or we want the Looper or we don't I you know it just seems to me the idea of pushing aside something that is that would encourage more walkability in our downtown to encourage the benefit of having the Looper just to me makes sense can I I got to go back to commissioner Walker because I'm the one that interrupted him to his comments that's okay I interrup so this has been a very Dynamic and Lively discussion um I'll I'll tell you that my concern right now is the the timeline uh we just terminated the agreement with Mr kakas um we would have to get basically the discussions could happen in parallel but then there has to be a new agreement and then the agreement would sequentially predicate a another design review which boom boom boom boom down the line and I I see a year see a significant delay um in in getting this done and I I do know the premise of buying that property um and the proximity and I totally agree the the Optics um the Optics building you know going to get developed that's going to have a significant impact to downtown so you know that my thoughts are I I just don't want to you know we we agreed that we were going to do this and I I we need to not Kick the Can down the road commissioner yeah no I mean obviously I'm not closed-minded to anything on this um but I do think we're a ways down the track on this and I think in in due respect to you commissioner in my mind because of having been here as the city manager when that P that land was originally purchased and working through where this lot ended up versus being over there you know I've got things in my head doesn't mean I'm closed-minded anything um but I do think um if you wanted to bring that up probably when we when we look at the design that's the time cuz that's when people will come be ready to approve moving forward the design model or you know looking at some oh let's wait I think that might be the better time to discuss it so yeah I'll consider that thank you no I'm I don't and I'm not trying to I think that's crap thank you very much appr okay I I didn't mean it in that way Jeff I really didn't I I I I I guess because I I guess if if out of if if on the spot today we're asked to delay something of that level of importance then my answer would be no I'm I'm just trying to say if we were going to have a serious discussion I'd have to think about it truthfully and this just kind of came up today so I get it and I was disrespectful and I'm sorry vice mayor it's just the idea that to have one more meeting about it where we're talking about the design of it there's no way no way anybody would ever consider so to me the idea that if we're tabling it now is the time to have that conversation well we're not tabling it we're moving the me table table postponing whatever you want to call of an emergency situation I'm not judging on why it's being moved I'm just saying if we're going to move it and given the fact that we have just ended one agreement they're created you know I'm I'm not pulling something we we created an opportunity or there's an opportunity that's there but I hear where the commission is going and so it doesn't sound like it's going to be considered and so I'll I'll just eat my crackers in the corner or whatever and you know I'm just going to say we we've we've had a long meeting we're in recovery to me we have two bites of this apple with this garage one is when we actually talk about it to to approve or not approve design and the second is after design with how much it's going to cost and whether it makes sense beyond that I don't know Jeff I respect your opinion always I'm open but I think we should move forward on the path we're on commissioner Toro thank you mayor um I'm I'm make a couple comments if I may and and then I'm going to support something um the my biggest concern right now for deden is our entire infrastructure and I'm talking about Safety and Security and I'm talking about what just happened to us twice and should it happen again or what where are we what should we be focusing on at this point in time um I'm not so sure that it's a garage I don't think I really even want to talk about the garage at this point in time but I'm open I'm open to um to the comment made by uh by commissioner Jeff who is who's asking for just a little bit of time so he can kind of feel his way around to see what might be occurring in a different location may not be the perfect place and I understand that um and not to say that it couldn't be over at Ocean Optics it I'm not saying it couldn't be and we stolen some property down there and that's fine um I think there's some other options that could be done with that property we're if we're looking at design criteria I still think that there could be some options for for another another floor on that or for a a floor to be changed from from a parking G uh garage we have a significant problem right now down on our Coast right there we all know what that is that's a basin we have to look at that entire Basin to see what do we have to do what should we do and how should we do that second or third of all um we may have it's potentially we have three new Commissioners up here uh members of the commission up here um inside of four weeks so I don't know how they might how they might react but I can only assure you that looking at these trucks we keep looking at these trucks all day today um when I go back out there it it's not pretty there's nothing pretty all up and down the coast at this point in time it's it's very very very concerning for me and I want to make sure that we have a solid plan going forward from Safety and Security as it relates to our storm water that means all water wherever it comes from and how it how it might affect on eeden um so I have no I have no hesitation about about saying look let's just not talk about this right now let's wait let's wait at a a small period of time until we see how we're going to clean clean the city up and and what we think we need to do to protect some parts of of of the city uh so I'm I'm I'm okay with with the comment uh commissioner Jeff you you you want some time um I'm I'm okay with that rather than making a commitment to a to a huge sum of money to build a garage that we can we can do in in in another in another month if if if we see where we stand I need to know where we stand uh much more significant than what I know right now I there's just so many things that I don't know uh I don't know what we can do to protect for curu Creek which is affecting a number of things to include uh Douglas to include uh obviously uh Baywood um and I don't know if there's a solution to any of that I think we need to focus on that and I don't know the solution for the Marine at this point in time until we really get into that so I'm I'm I'm in fact I'm supportive of of waiting at this point in time thank you thank you I think it's really important to understand uh that the parking garage and our storm water improvements and uh FEMA money and insurance money are all different pots of money we are not saying that any of our drainage issues will be affected by this parking garage financially so I think that's really important for people to understand so that we're not saying well we should spend that money on storm water drainage they're all different pots of money and there's enough money to do both at this point once we see how much it costs when you're talking about design it's less than $100,000 right 96,000 yeah so it's less than $100,000 out of a $140 or $50 million budget so when you're talking about the amount of money yes $100,000 to me is a life savings but in the big picture of things to do the design and get the appropriate cost to make that final decision that you just discussed about how it will look because when we get the design phas we'll see how it looks everybody's worried about how it's going to look in that area $100,000 compared to the 140 or 50 million budget we have is nothing to spend on getting us to The Final Answer um as I mentioned ocean Optics is going to get developed that guy is a developer he's not going to sit there forever and it's prudent of us to get our garage built before he or close to being built before he starts construction or guess what our economic infrastructure is going to be severely hurt because there is infrastructure um the park and garage is infrastructure and our biggest economic engine is our business community and our downtown and if you don't service it then we're not doing our jobs either one of the things I also think it's I think as Leaders we all look to how we've institutional knowledge or how we've gone through a process and maybe learned what to do or what not to do with any given thing until we made the vote to build this building that item went on for 20 years 20 years and and at least since I had been on the commission there was probably five or six times more than 20 years just so you know yeah it was probably five or six times when I was on the commission it had already been happening that that item had been pushed off because of one thing or another and when I say pushed off we own the property okay just like we own the property where the potential parking garage going twice we went around looking at everybody else's property to see if we could build it there at you know7 million $8 million land cost the time it' be a lot more now we did that twice when we already owned the property when we thought the Blue Jays were going to leave we said oh we could probably use their offices so we had to wait for the Blue Jays that was what five years I mean we waited on a lot of things and I to me I know there's a good reason sorry Jeff I know there's a good reason to look at all these things but we've done it and as good leaders we just need to move on and stop trying to we've looked and looked and looked now if we want to work out a deal with Joe if he builds his Boutique Hotel and we want to try to do an annual lease with him for additional public parking on the East end at at his cost but we pay some rent great let's talk to him about it we can do that too depending on the situation financially but we don't stop this process we just need to get the final cost and trust me with all these hurricanes I can't tell whether the cost of construction is going to go up or down I really can't and I'm pretty good with economic forecast casting I I don't know yet supplies are going to probably be low because of the hurricane just like what happened with Co so I don't know so the construction cost may be completely off the chains and it may be cheaper but I can tell you right now I definitely don't want to wait because at some point we just have to pull the trigger I mean we were talking about building a garage on that property which I thought was and I still think is the right property to do it at because again it's off the beaten path but it's very Central to main main street but that went away when we did the Glad of dougl property so those are my comments on that so I at so Thursday we would make the motion to postpone the item yes yes okay so then the other question and I I hope this doesn't end up being that long of a conversation um sorry I'm looking up my notes to make sure I uh your review I actually postpone it to the special meeting of the parking tune if you just hand it to me I'll fill it out for you I just I don't have I just can't get to it yeah I couldn't get to Rebecca's either it's just been a really and I mean I've done it every year sometimes I've been the first and sometimes I've been the last to turn it in but I I I mean I just humanly cannot get to it sure we request that you roll that to the 24th as well okay so I'll do a supplement for both of those items changing the staff recommendation to postpone for both of those items to the a special meeting for the 24th and then that way that will be updated for anybody looking and like you mentioned planning to attend yeah um okay so commission comments vice mayor uh just two things I mean with my lays on positions try to Blue Jays obviously just rotate I have to use the restro are assessing um you know the damage to the stadium uh and I Teresa put them on to you uh so that process will go forward and then um and my role as Vice chair of Tampa Bay Regional planning Council obviously the storms have become front and center because that's really kind of a a big think tank of what is happening with some of our Cil level rise and storms Etc and and you know it's also a hub of being able to get grants for communities to look at some of the things that we can solve problems once we kind of assess them correctly so um we've had to postpone our meeting that was going to be Monday but there'll be a lot going on within Tampa B Regional planning on on some of the stuff that's happened with our community um that's all have and so I guess I'm chair now so I'll move it to John commissioner T thank you um I I want to make a comment about the the current storm that we've just been involved with and in the future I've made some of those already um I was on an I'll call it almost an emergency call yesterday I'm on an organization of the seven directors two were without housing um three were without electricity we deal uh we are involved in about nine counties but let me just focus just on pelis County of those that I just mentioned um they all lived in penis County uh we have people that are volunteers within our organization that absolutely do not have electricity yet um and uh and there's lots of issues still within within penelas this this was really serious uh and it is really serious to this to this date um the the ones I mentioned to without houses one lost two houses they didn't own the second one they were moved just had moved into that and that that was lost um because of the second storm so there are going to be some there will be delays Etc um this is this is really quite serious um it gets more serious as you stay in stay a tune to it if you stay out of it it's fine I know for example that I don't have uh the internet and so my capacity within that organization is is is somewhat limited so we've got some problems uh we still have problems here uh in Den Eden and we have some people that are severely hurt and are severely and they will they will continue to have that feeling for for some period of time so I I think I think how does that relate um to me giving input at this point in time I think we need to go slow on a lot of things and as fast as we can on Safety and Security for our for our individuals that are sitting there saying what's next and what could be next and they can't even get they some of them can't even get to their houses to work work on them if they wanted to because of all the all the stuff that's in front of them so we've got issues uh I'd rather Focus solely almost solely on that uh and make make that make that the entire issue uh and not not be bothered um by the complexities of of other decisions we're attempting to make that we feel some of us feel we really want to do them um I'd rather I'd rather slow down just a bit I'm fine I'm fine with slowing down just a little bit so um do you have any um things that you want to report on your liaison positions um no not at this point in time okay just remind everybody the school is back in session tomorrow so please drive acknowledging students might be out in our public right away hey do you know when um have they talked about when they're going to reschedule the the band March and stuff cuz it's gotten cancelled twice because of the storms um I have not I know this been canceled I got in this morning has responded about that or the Celtic Festival so I don't know I'm sure is I'm I'm my thought is they've moved on oh I don't want to move on we need little things like this right now I mean this is the perfect little thing that doesn't take that much work other than a Facebook event and people showing we're talking about the band March you know I I mean I really do think that that's just one of those little things that is wonderful I know I talked with the middle school band director last night she actually wants to have a concert in pioner park on Monday that would include the high school and City band and I just haven't been able to talk with Jennifer or JY about yeah I think all these I think all of these little things really but definitely find out when that thing is because so we'll we'll promote it the March and I mean we all want to be there we all want to acknowledge it and I don't I want them to get their due for the sheer effort and amount of money that they had to personally spend also some was gifted or donated to get them to a on the other side of the world and then you know they get fifth place I agree I mean that I I don't want to lose sight of that because of a storm these are the small little things things that bring people back to normal SC I work on it commissioner yes how's csda um well it's kind of kind of been on hold due to the uh yeah for pel has hurricane um I I do know though that uh PSTA did did Step Up significantly for evacuation and for discounted rides over the course of this so um I would say that that was a tremendous service that was provided to the county uh the other lays on an position I want to just quickly mention um a lot of people a lot of people donated a lot of people gave their time and supported the needed cares over the course of this and uh that uh absolutely was was was noticed by the community uh with that said is the the pantry and Associated uh Sundries are nearing depletion so I ask everybody to go to the website and look at the items that are needed and uh let's um let's continue that great work that's happening during this time of need thank you um could I just ask you one question are do they want goods versus money or or either yes yes and yes uh cuz I have this question um I had a question um there's some people uh contacted me were I don't know former college professor or something wanted to give something to they need more should they donate I talked to Jennifer and we decided probably D and cares was a good place for them to do it um and um so and I know they in this case they want to give $500 they've already sent the money to this other person so um so I just you know that's probably a good thing to do yeah put them put the website the website has the ability to donate or just go drop a check off or you know just go down there and give moral support to the volunteers whatever it yeah it it's all greatly appreciated thank you Rob can I ask you a question about psda well it's kind of a question for you and Jennifer I don't know how much damage clear waters to marinas have I know how much damage we have um I'm sure neither one of you know the answer to this question well what's the status of the ferry Clearwater fery not Caladesi so I did talk to Jennifer poer who's the city manager of Clearwater and they did sustain damage they were when I spoke to her which was last week they were doing an assessment about you know the fery landing and and how damaged that was and I don't know I I'll go back with her and find out as far as this fery itself we don't have a place for it to go right I mean even Weaver uh appearer is right not that that would be sufficient anyway but um there this isn't a place no yeah this hasn't um yeah there needs to be a more detailed assessment I I know that one of the docks sustained significant damage and possibly above vote um but I I don't have the specifics on that well and I also think it's important that we I know Cy isn't here but said our folks uh work talk to um the state I guess it's fdot for the grant we got mhm and make sure because this is emergency situation that they'll you know expand our deadline or talk about either you know extend our deadline I think is what I'm asking and same amount of money just take the time out or uh find out what they will allow and I mean I look I know that's not the first thing on your list but if they do give us let's say they they because of the emergency situation they give us a year right then we know we have a year to rebuild where they're going to be in theory I understand that may not be the case we may decide to postpone all that but I mean I think it helps us with our decision- making from a priority perspective if we want to utilize that or we don't utilize it yeah um you know we have a board meeting next week so um I'll see if well you know I'll see what the process is I'd like to get that maybe on the agenda or at least have a discussion with somebody they can have the discussion with it's fdot that gave us that Grant right yes that's what I thought not us the you know every PST yeah I was thinking I think that's the thing you know I mean and I frankly if we could get maybe you can mention this to your board we could get two years it would be better okay all right if they'll hold it yeah because I mean then then the pressure is not on and we can make a valued decision on how we do things no that makes total sense okay um this tomorrow night today's Tuesday right okay so T tomorrow night uh the ddma is having their monthly meeting um at Wolf Gang Bakery and dog grooming this is not just a normal meeting this is a town hall and they're going to talk about some really we matters um maybe you guys have seen the email it's really important that every one of you are there it's really important I I don't want to discuss it here I just I'm telling you if you even if you have something to do this is the place you need to be yeah unfortunately I'm getting on an airplane here in two hours I go to Washington okay um I would say the same thing for Jennifer and I know Bob just got up and left I think Bob absolutely has to be there I'm actually meeting with Isaac today h I'm meeting with Isaac today right but I mean I I do think um I have that on myar it got moved from last week we'll make sure it's on your calendars yeah I got it was last week originally and because of the storm it got moved okay good I just feel like it's really important that everybody is there to hear the kinds of things they're Tau if I'll find the email I got and I'll send it to you guys uh so you can see the kinds of things they're going to talk about and you'll understand why I'm urging you to go uh four panelas canceled their meeting um I know the election is on the 5th right uh I will be attending their November 11th meeting because we will not have made the transition yet because they need me to chair because Janet's not going to be there so I can't miss e anyway um and just as a reminder it will be Janet's she'll be out of office too so just make sure you reach out to her thank her for her service um what else do I Lea is on oh History Museum yeah they're they're an influx like the rest of us so nothing really to report there um okay I think that's it I thought we were going to be here an hour oh well yeah okay thank you everybody um and you know some hard dialogue all right thank you we are turn [Music]