##VIDEO ID:wsFZu7ibHks## [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome everybody to our Wednesday Wednesday this is a Monday can't fool me me it is Monday right yeah feels like a Monday Monday September 23rd special meeting on our budget I will call this meeting to order um before we get into our voting stuff I thought I would give um Jennifer Bramley a chance to give the latest update on the Storm path and all that stuff because we do have a lot of events happening this week and it would be good for people to know whether they should put out rain dates or something we do yes thank you and good evening mayor vice mayor and Commissioners so we've been keeping a very close eye um on the golf of Mexico and welcome back by the way thank you very much it's so good to be back to Hurricane country yeah every time I go on vacation that's what happens I almost feel like I can't do it yeah well sorry go ahead so um we we have actually been keeping an eye on on this storm um from really late last week um and and we're watching the hurricane track now it hasn't even formed um in the a center at this point but uh we we understand from the National Hurricane Center and and meteorologists that they're anticipating that it certainly will that it once it enters the gulf um it is going to strengthen very quickly um into a major hurricane as it it it gets into the North Eastern portion of the Gulf of of Mexico um we here in denan we are uh we already had a 4:00 emergency management meeting with all the department directors um we're anticipating at a minimum a wind and rain event and storm surge as well which is always a challenge for everybody ugly side yes we are on the ugly side okay which is always a challenge for everybody along uh the West Coast of Florida um and so we uh amongst our among our preparations um we top off all of our fuel tanks which which is just it's part standard operating procedure uh to get ready for all of our vehicles to deploy uh when needed uh Vince Gizzy and his staff are preparing the parks and that includes taking down some of the canopy and the shade covers uh Turning Tables upside down removing uh uh trash cans and that type of a thing anything that could fly from the parks um we are um our our storm drain system is maintained throughout the year uh there isn't really any additional um function for that at this point as I said we make sure that they're clear uh throughout the year uh we will be activating our emergency Operation Center most likely uh Wednesday evening uh to a full activation status which means that that those Department directors uh and myself and the city manager's office are in the EOC overnight to monitor the storm uh we'll have Public Works in the EOC we'll have um utilities um we will have it um we will have human resources and so on and so forth uh in the emergency Operation Center uh we do have protocols for the marina obviously and the marina uh the the slip renters and the captains and the commercial docks will be receiving separate emails uh from our Harbor Master yeah I already saw on social media yesterday I want to say this is politely as possible some person wrote in any discussions or one of those is something going on everybody's pulling their boat out of the marina mhm I was like where have you been yeah yeah yeah so but I mean we all get complacent so right right exactly um so what are we thinking about the timing uh we're thinking that it we'll start get seeing wind gusts uh tropical storm strength wind gusts uh Wednesday evening um into Thursday morning and so we think that Thursday day is going to be the the time yeah high tide is in the morning on Thursday at 6:29 a.m. okay uh and then you know about 12 hours later is another high tide so it's really Thursday that we're worried about so an event going on from 5: to 7: or something on a on Wednesday night you think it'll be all right so no it's hard to tell okay yeah no uh we actually have the uh the Skyway Bridge um disaster um it's not a class I'm sorry say at what at the library we had an event regarding the Skyway Skyway Bridge disaster um and that is going to be canceled we're canceling okay you're canceling everything for Wednesday night Wednesday evening okay so anybody else should do the same yes as a precaution there will be there will be Gus to be sure okay um we're also uh but we do have Citizens Academy on Tuesday evening we're planning on keeping that um it's really hard to reschedule those and those that they're in the library the stadium uh and the history museum or Hilson at the library at the history museum yeah at the library so those Department directors and those staff they're able to to continue with Citizens Academy the operation staff Public Works utilities and so and they're going to be working exclusively on the storm so dco is doing their candidate Forum I think Friday morning at 7:30 yeah I think that we're going to have to take it step by step it really depends on what we get on Wednesday and Thursday I know there's a big ribbon cutting at that new MID Central whatever that we're all supposed to be at at 8:30 I think on Thursday Friday on Friday yeah I think if the storm continues to jog to the West um we might be okay on on a Friday morning so I just I would just wait in the next couple days to see you know what the hurricane track yeah and that's something that like mid Mid Florida is doing it on their own that we were all invited to attend I mean that's not something the chamber or anything is doing right but you know I they have a slated to speak most of us are going to be at the candidate forum and so you know I was going to maybe reach out to them and suggest they do it the following week or something yes yeah as far as preparation go obviously um uh we are prepared for the worst as we always have to um you know as far as cancellations go and that type of a thing I would anticipate um that that for a Friday cancellation we'd need to wait to see a little bit farther along where we are in particular with the storm but Wednesday evening and Thursday I would say is a sure bet to cancel okay thank you um what do they it's category three right no they're saying category two right now okay yeah somewhere along line I saw three but that approaching the panle social media thing that I haven't there's a lot out there um I'm I'm we watch National Hurricane Center yeah and ACA weather actually is very helpful as well but they're not even coming close to a direct hit with them it's just the storm surge that's going to be our problem and wind well I was in talking to commissioner gal and commissioner Walker before the meeting being on the very periphery of the of the um forecast is a bad thing you know when you start off in your in the center then it usually goes the other way so but no we're on the very Eastern edge of the forecast for um so uh we as we know that can change but I mean for now okay right Jennifer can I can I ask about sandbags yes and so we're standing up our sandbag distribution tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. at Highlander was it 8 or 7 8 8 at Highlander 8 to 7 8 to7 uh we have uh sandbags that are pre-prepared and well they last uh you can come by and get your your repared sandbags and we then thereafter if we run out then we will have the sand there and and staff and and shovels to help but we don't hopefully we won't run out um but um you know I I would advise everybody to get there when they can we should have be have two me two lines so it runs a little bit faster than it has been in the past so sorry no I believe it Deb wasn't wasn't it Deb be where we actually had sandbags ready for our residents on base show or we did we actually distributed 2400 um sandbags to uh uh Baywood Baywood Shores yeah Baywood Shores and um also we distributed to uh North Douglas as well are we doing that again yeah yeah we do so no um we delivered 2400 sandbags to Baywood Shores um of which we got to 2,000 and then 400 sat on the pallet so we do not have plans to deliver we will open that up to them at Highlander moving for so they're probably reusing them is that what you're thinking well yeah I mean the first two pallets in Baywood Shores disappeared you know very quickly we we put it by I think of the community their Clubhouse and the residents came and got them and then uh about 400 sat there for a while and so um and they weren't used obviously and so we we um we moved on to other areas and making sandbags pre- reparing sandbags for distribution to Highlander Parks so I I they can come to to the park um and get the sandbags there do they know that we have yes Sue says yes okay and as long as as long as the communication is there right Sue has a direct line of communication um with both of those areas via email okay anybody else have questions for Jennifer okay well and you'll keep us updated tomorrow I'm sure sure will I am so I'm one more thing mayor the the county is um oh yeah emergency order I had a note yeah they there the county commission's meeting at 10:00 um and yes and so I'll I'll follow that with an executive order because we will have expenditures I want to make sure they're covered and then we're hoping to get all of you together on on Wednesday afternoon to um to ratify that executive order if you're available I'll make myself it take 10 minutes yeah um yeah Rebecca four o' Rebecca Rebecca wants to send out an email invitation it'll be an emergency meeting so there's no notice requirement can we do it first in the morning if that would be better for all of I'd rather not do it before the county I want to do it after the county does does theirs oh yeah yeah yeah oh well Jeff's going to be at psda so he's going to be the farthest away probably mhm um so early in the day and later in the day is better but I worry about later in the day because of the obvious M does it matter whether we do it before the county no oh before can we make the motion no I I would prefer not to do it before the county mayor we have a regional Operation Center meeting at 8:30 and the county is convening at 10: okay can we ratify it after yes I think that would be better because I mean now that what well I have a big event Wednesday night I got and it's at 5: we probably going to have to cancel it maybe but you're going to have you're going to have same issues you're going to be work you're going to be there helping them with whatever their hurricane plans are MH we yeah we we can ratify your next city commission meeting as long as we have the executive order in place and you ratify it thereafter everybody okay with that I think that's probably better that's fine okay all righty we'll move into new business um all right we have adopting the fiscal year 2025 final millage rate and and final budget the first resolution is 2417 which is establishes the millage rate Jennifer would you please read resolution 24-7 by title only resolution 24-17 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of denan Florida adopting the final millage rate for adorm tax revenue for fiscal year 2024 D20 25 at a rate of 41345 Ms or $413 per th000 of assessed property value and providing for an effective date that was resolution 24-17 read by title only thank you can I have a motion to approve so moved second okay vice mayor fry and commissioner Rob Walker thank you I can do an opening there huh if you'd like I I can open the uh sure this is an opening for all of the budget discussion or just the military actually I'm going to give an overview and then we'll go okay gotcha right okay shoot in fact I might say some of the stuff that Les is going to say but but we do this but regardless we did get together this morning to talk about who's doing what this is a special meeting of the city commission to adopt fiscal year 2425 uh mill rate and um and budget the fiscal year 2025 budget resolution 2417 pertains to the proposed mill rate which is 4.1 345 Mills this equates to $413 for every $11,000 um in value in your property approval of resolution 2418 will result in the adoption of the final budget the budget is balanced as required by state law net expenditures across all funds total 138 million 8 $57,200 the business plan was presented to the city Commission on June 5th of 2024 for your consensus Direction on some items and comments and input on other items this plan contains 43 uh business plan initiatives and 134 capital projects both the budget and the municipal business plan have been before the city commission for discussion on numerous times and I counted six but I think there were even more than that and I say that mayor vice mayor and Commissioners is because typically the adoption hearing is a relatively short meeting uh because you have spent literally hours and hours and hours uh looking at this budget in the municipal in the municipal business business plan finally we have a budget amendment and that's the third item on your agenda all items pertaining to to the Chamber of Commerce have been removed from the budget approved by the city commission under resolution 2418 as you know the mayor is the president CEO of the Chamber of Commerce and so uh having done some research our City attorney did a great deal of research as did our Director of Finance we need to remove anything pertaining to the Chamber from the budget uh so that all five of you can vote on that on the budget itself so the budget amendment then will roll those items from the chamber back into the into the budget itself the fiscal year 2020 budget and the mayor will will recuse herself and leave the chambers when you are considering that budget amendment okay the board of Finance mayor uh vice mayor and Commissioners has supported the budget uh they have submitted a letter of support um of this this budget and they also have gone through it with a fine tooth comb heard from Department directors uh heard from Les Tyler I direct of Finance certainly and so Les is going to give a much more detailed uh presentation but I wanted to give give you that overview staff is recommending that the city commission adopt the millage rate the budget and of course a budget amendment thank you thank you Jennifer oh and the business plan okay Les okay thank you Jennifer and Ashley good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners Les Tyler the finance director and I'm here with Ashley Kimpton our budget manager uh the fiscal year 25 budget has been prepared in unity with a strategic priorities and epic goals as described in the city's Municipal business plan this is a final hearing for the f year 25 budget the city has had several workshops leading up to this point the fisc year 25 through3 draft business plan was presented to Commission on June 5th 2024 Workshop number one proposed budget was delivered to the city commission and board of Finance on June 30th 2024 and followed by two workshops on July 15th and August 6th the millage rate of 41345 Mills is 8.89% more than the roll back rate the roll back rate is 3.79 70 3.79 m Mills the roll back rate is a rate that would generate the same amount of property tax revenues as approved for uh less less some allowances when the tax base increases the roll back rate is less than the prior year's tax rate the city commission held a public hearing and adopted resolution 24-15 establishing a tentative millage rate of 41345 Mills for fiscal year 25 on September 3rd 2024 a millage rate of 41345 Ms is the same rate the city has passed since uh fiscal year 2016 so this will be the 10th year in a row at this millage rate the rate will generate uh $1,994 th000 in the general fund budgeted at a 95% collection rate and will generate 1, 159,000 for the city's portion of the CRA advalorium Tiff revenues staff recommends approval of the final millage rate of 41345 Mills for fiscal year 2025 thank you okay any questions for Les or Ashley any public feedback on the military all right we'll go to final comments uh that would be vice mayor frany um no I mean I support this millit rate um I'll save comments till we vote on the budget but uh I I support it I think we worked very hard at this Thank You Les thank you Ashley thanks to everyone um and um anyway I support it okay commissioner Walker I also support it um it's remarkable that we haven't had to raise the milage rate since 2016 and uh I uh I think that's a real positive thing and uh you know I I'm I'm for this thank you commissioner gal yeah uh thank you mayor yeah I agree with everyone else the fact that we haven't had to raise it since 2016 I think does speak volumes to the stewardship that the the commission as well as the city has has done in in maintaining stability and I'm a big fan of that stability so I'm in favor of this thank you commissioner gal commissioner TWA thank you I do not support the military and um for all the reasons that I've said before and I would like to have seen some kind of a roll back if we could would have done that there was no appetite for that up here uh the county did a small rowback um I think it would have been wise for us to have done that we have had increases in the dollar amount that we've received rather significant the tune of over 10% over several years and uh so I I do not support uh but I'll I'll uh give some more information as we talk about the budget later thank you okay um I support the millage it's been consistent um I do think and I'll probably repeat this three times today whatever we're voting on I think if you vote for every single project that's being proposed in this budget um and the ones that were in the year before and you don't Pro and you don't come up with reasonable ideas to cut the budget then you have to vote for the milit rate that it needs in order to survive so um I am supportive roll call vote please commissioner TGA n commissioner gal I commissioner Walker I vice mayor frainy I mayor Bowski I and that but that motion passed 4 to one okay the second resolution is 24-18 established the budget uh 2025 final operating and capital budget Jennifer would you please read resolution 24-8 by title only resolution 24-18 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of dun Eden Florida adopting the final operating and capital budget for the city of Duneden Florida for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 and providing for an effective date that was the resolution 2418 read by title only thank you can I have a motion to approve so moved second vice mayor frany and commissioner Walker thank you okay leson Ashley okay thank you on September 3rd 2024 the city adopted resolution 24-16 establishing the fiscal year 25 tenanted operating and capital budget of 138,000 279 in All City funds no changes have been made to the tenative budget as passed by Commission on September 3rd 2024 staff recommends approval of the final fiscal year 2025 operating in capital budget thank you okay any questions on the budget I have uh yeah I have one first of all um You probably sent it out and maybe I missed it but this we did receive the safer Grant right yes we did okay the what gr the safer so six firefighters are paid for oh gotcha okay so okay just want to and which is great so for 3 years those firefighters will be paid for so yes great very good and uh Les you know what the County's milit rate is uh it's in the fives isn't it it's um no I believe it's it was 4.79% and I believe it it it was lowered some but it's 4.6 4.7 range somewhere in there and what's ours 41345 tells you a lot doesn't it right so they're working off the same property value as we are so thank you they also have a huge Reserve if I they have a huge Reserve oh yeah they have a reserve like no other but again again that's holding money of our you know the residents yeah they have a good Reserve they do good Reserve if we were holding money of the residents in my opinion I would be V what I voted for time we reduced the millage was because our reserves were consistently at 25 to 28% of operating and and you know to me I don't need to hold your money for you you guys can hold it put it back in your pocket and do something with it put it in the economy or whatever um anyway and of course they're putting a little bit more money back in their tills with with the um um uh CRA districts which is fair it's fair so that's helping them on that end as well but it and it is fair correct that's true yeah but again that reduces us and increases them so M any other questions okay this is a public hearing anybody wishing to come speak to the fiscal year 2025 budget seeing or hearing them come back to final comments vice mayor fry yeah again I we worked hard on this budget all of us uh had multiple meetings on it you know all day meetings um I I support the budget I think it goes certainly goes to what I've always said my is slow steady stable you know we still have a structural deficit we're getting in a balanced budget because we have our reserves are up which is good and again it's proved us well to be slow and steady watch our finances as we go cut where we can the finance board who's supporting this budget as well who is a citizen board the only chartered board in the city mandated by the charter and again they gave us a lot of good feedback about the things that moved actually in a very positive direction for this year's budget so slow steady stable and I you know caution anybody to compare us with others different issues different times and in this case we have a lower millage rate by half a mil so commissioner Walker thank you m uh I think it's a I think it's a good budget and I support it and um the board of Finance thinks it's a good budget too which is essentially our our recommending body so I I I approve this commissioner G thank you mayor yeah I approve this budget as well uh approved by the board of Finance uh we' talked about it a great deal and so I'm I'm I'm good with the budget okay commissioner tonger uh yes I am not support of the budget uh the as I understand it the um Board of Finance did bring up concerns about the number of employees we did go uh a h rather large uh increase in number of employees since 202 uh 2022 I'm not in favor of that um and so that's one of the reasons why we are adding we are adding costs because of that perhaps we're doing too much uh have we may have too many uh programs going on right now if we can't manage them need to manage them all really well and and very close to the board um we um I I'll I'll leave it at that at this point in time thank you um I just need to I'm sorry but just because of the comments I'm hearing Jennifer do you feel like you have the staff or the project management to keep up with the projects that are in this budget I do I do with this lot of that was all the new employees you've added yes yes um I'm very grateful for the six firefighters for the safer Grant and and we're increasing it by 13.5 six of those are for the safe from the safer Grant as well and so I do feel you know these these employees are requested by the department directors who are telling me that this is what they need to maintain the levels of service in their dep departments and and deliver the services that our residents are accustomed to so I do support the the addition of these employees um and I think that next year uh I don't I don't see you know unless it's an essential service that we must have that we're going to have additional employees moving forward I've had that discussion with the Department directors already so um I do feel that that this will um allow us to deliver the services that we need to deliver some of these are essential Service uh employees uh the grant writer is is going to you know certainly there going to be revenue recovery from him or her when they're hired and so um yeah I'm I'm I think this is a good list of of additions to our our Workforce and they're needed thank thank you mayor mayor can I just add one comment to that so and again the devil's always in the detail right so another good example of the type of positions that needed to be added and I I I'll never remember what the title of the gladus Douglas Preserve at in Parks is because it's a specialist I think to do with chemicals and how you know because you know how that is we're environmentally friendly there's certain things we have to do out there to protect it but but do everything environmentally correct and the the the choice was Contracting at a much higher rate or having an employee to do it again Devil's in the detail you can you know you can make added positions seem worse than they are but again these are good business decisions and the city manager's resetting and has assured me we're not going to be looking at much in that if any new positions were were reset so okay so you feel that you can do all the projects that are in the budget and we're L we are within our debt ratio approved debt ratio yes we're well than our debt ratio are we're uh yes we are um and our reserves are at 22% or something about 22% yes yeah and our required Reserve is at 14% 15% minimum okay yeah that's what I meant okay so yeah I support the budget because we're meeting all of the the criteria that not only the finance board but past commission sitting up here not just us um and finance uh Department have suggested recommended policies that we follow and we're following it so pretty happy with that okay roll call vote please commissioner TGA n commissioner gal hi commissioner Walker I vice mayor frainy I mayor bajowski I and that motion passes unanimously then we have the resolution 24-21 1 2 3 4 5 6 uh sorry resolution 24-21 25 uh 2025 through 2030 Municipal business plan Jennifer would you please resol read resolution 24-21 by Tyle only sorry I just lost my computer that is resolution 2421 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of denen Florida adopting a fiscal year 2025 through fiscal year 2030 Municipal business plan for the city of denan Florida and providing for an effective date that was resolution 24-21 read by title only can I have a motion to approve some move I thought this was the one I had to do no that's not the next one oh sorry next one never mind who's the second second second so commissioner gal and commissioner Walker Les okay thank you some background staff presented the draft business plan to the city Commission on June 5th for review and further discussion the business plan includes 43 business initiatives at 134 Capital Improvement projects at a total cost of $4.1 million in fiscal year 25 I want to briefly mention some of the key elements in the business plan first the business plan covers fiscal years 25 through fiscal years 30 and it is a comprehensive look at fiscal year 25 and future years since the June 5th Workshop number one when we discussed the 25 draft business plan there have been changes that were presented at the July 15th and August 6th budget workshops number two and three and also the September 3rd tenative budget discussion and approval there have been no changes to the to the business plan since the September 3rd 2024 meeting and approval of the 20is Year 25 tenative operating and capital budget both the 25 operating and capital budget and the business plan can be found on the finance department's website that concludes our comments any questions happy to answer them thank you any questions questions on the business plan not really a question but for fear of freaking people out there's no chemicals of glattus Douglas preserve it's a horic horticulturist and the Art of growing plants so just didn't want to freak anybody out didn't because it is a passion sorry I have no questions on this uh question yeah mayor yeah Les did I get this right that there's been no changes in this plan since December to the last time it was adopted is said there's uh there's we we presented it on June 5th draft and then we've had changes throughout the budget process and then we had some changes uh in the September 3rd tenative budget hearing but there's been no changes since that tenative budget was approved okay since yeah okay thank you thank you good okay anybody from the public wish just SP speak to our list of projects if you will our annual business plan see you're hearing none come back to the maker of the motion commissioner G uh you know I think the the business plan kind of goes hand inand Forward Thinking with with the budgets um and so we again we've discussed all these projects at length and so uh I'm good with what's in the business plan okay commissioner walker uh yeah Echo those comments um you know you can't have one without the other and uh I will say that we have been through these projects many times and uh I I think you know the most important thing here is is that these projects uh were generated to support the six epic goals and uh also to provide continue to provide the the level of service amenities infrastructure uh for our great City so um yeah I support it okay uh Vice May yeah I support the the business plan um again I think we've did a lot of workshops spent a lot of time and uh and worked hard to try to get this right um so I support it okay commissioner T thank you I'm not denying that anybody hasn't worked hard um I am concerned about storm Water Rising water high tides and that's a sort of thing for us here as a coastal city and um I could I could vote for this or or not I like I did like the process I think that the um a number of the staff really worked hard to put this together so I'm not I'm not picking on that part of it uh I have been a little uh not not real pleased with the with the movement that we've made on that storm water issue and uh I know we have a study going on right now for resiliency in that area and so I mean as I said I could votee for this um but uh we'll see how I how I vote in the end but um that would be one of the reasons why um second of all again um I think that we're making some commitments here to certain things the the ready for 100 U but also the number of people that we have within the new organization so I do have a concern thank you okay um I'm very supportive of the list of projects or jobs if you will some are capital projects some are you know programs if you will but it's sort of a list of everything and uh it's it all makes up the budget and I'm very supportive of those projects uh we call oh sorry public hearing anybody want to do public hearing I mean input sorry I'm getting a little brain dead no public okay roll call commissioner torga n Vice may frainy I commissioner Walker I commissioner gal I mayor Bowski I and the motion passes 4 to one okay so uh just as a public notice I am going to recuse myself on resolution 24-26 as a voting conflict I filled out my form form8 form8 uh because of my employment with the chamber and it goes to benefit the chamber okay I got one so I am going to get off to guys okay so um Jen could you read resolution 24-26 by title only as soon as the mayor leaves the [Laughter] room resolution 24-26 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of den Eden Florida amending the city's operating and capital budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 and providing for an effective date that was resolution 24-26 read by title only thank you and could I have a a motion so moved I have a second second and staff presentation Les Ashley yes thank you this item resolution 24-26 is the first budget amendment for fiscal year 25 operating in capital budget the total budget amendment in this Staffing report today is an overall uh increase in appropriations of $39,375 the proposed budget amendments are on pages two and three in the Staffing report uh the reason for this uh early budget amendment in fiscal year 25 is for items related to the Chamber of Commerce as identified to be included in the fisc year 25 budget uh the City attorney has recommended that we do this under separate motion and resolution uh the chamber items are presented now to the city Commission in this budget amendment to fiscal year 25 operating and capital budget and to sort of highlight the amendment uh starting with the general fund Amendment amendments um there's an increase of $3,700 for uh chamber me memberships and some other miscellaneous items for for the chamber there's an increase in a organizations of $5,000 for the Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation an increase in Aid organizations uh of $10,000 for Economic Development Department for extended hours in the uh chamber visitors center and an increase a organizations uh of $20,000 for the Chamber of Commerce Hub program and the total impact to the general fund is $38,750 uh for the welcome back Toronto Blue Jays item and that's a reduction in fund balance of $600 in the stadium fund just want to point out Exhibit C in the Staffing uh shows the fund balance estimated for each fund we only have two funds impacted but both of those fund balances uh are estimated in 2025 to be well above their target levels that includes our comments Thank You Thank You Les um any questions for staff John yes thank you what was what was the budget uh the total budget for the chamber last year it was uh the total budgeted items were $44,100 and what is it this year 39,380 seeing and hearing none we'll close the public hearing and I'll go to comments by the Commissioners and I'm sorry but I forgot who made the motion okay so commissioner Walker yeah thank you vice mayor um yeah so I you know this uh you know it my opinion um you know the role and responsibility of the city um overlaps and needs to be aligned with a strong Chamber of Commerce chamber Commerce is what uh promotes our business welcomes our visitors you name it and uh you know it's important as a community that we're maintaining that viable piece of our great City so I fully support this um I am very uh I I I I do like the fact that uh the the funded amount is coming in less than it did last year but you know if we can make that work that's great thank you commissioner Tonga I support the number thank you and uh commissioner go I I agree with the comments that have been made and um I do as well um I am also glad it came in less so it doesn't it uh that's good and maybe it'll be lower next year because uh their new chamber president will be making more and more money for them so there we go but it is a long-standing partnership uh it always has been and and there's a lot of things that that jive together uh the least none the least of which is uh there them as a visitor center so okay um I guess we'll get the mayor back here and roll call vote oh roll call vote sorry I'm glad I got people help me that's okay commissioner gal hi commissioner torga hi commissioner Walker I vice mayor frainy I and that Mo motion passes 4 Z thank you thank you we should have talked about there she is oh she was we should have talked about the mayor While She Was Out we can talk we can talk about her till she gets up here I'm surprised she didn't want a walk up song yeah I know hey did did you hear my walkup songs they were pretty good I mean I still I still yeah I'm still standing was my walk up song to do my presentation that's cute and then uh Freedom was my second walk up song which was the one I had for stay of the city so I thought they were pretty appropriate okay is there anything else for the good of the order stay safe Den will we uh get I'm assuming we'll get like a three or four o'clock update tomorrow I will send the situation report from the county as soon as it comes out to all of you so it's usually 10 or 11 and then four or something like that yeah yes are you going to need do I need a plan to go to the emergency operations for any Communications we we haven't ascertained that yet okay you'll let me know because now I'm not just sitting around at home or in my office up here so right yeah we as the storm uh forms and the path is is more clear then we'll ascertain those types of things Okie do question yes sir what did we decide on the ratification of the executive order just for planning purposes oh after after the next commission at the commission me at the work session next Tuesday we'll just take it to a regular City commission meeting T Tuesday a week Tuesday next week yeah oh gotcha okay all right yeah so we don't have to come in tomorrow or Wednesday no I think it's too hard for everybody I no it's all right you didn't do anything okay we are adjourned thank you everybody [Music]