##VIDEO ID:WDy2FlbWQKU## [Music] [Applause] [Music] to our Tuesday September 19th community redevelopment agency meeting we'll call this meeting to order um now is the time for anybody wishing to come forward and speak on any item that's not already on the agenda please feel free to do so seeing or hearing none we'll start with uh business item number one our fiscal year 25 community redevelopment agency budget which is CRA resolution 24-2 Jennifer would you please read that by title only resolution 24 resolution 2402 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of denen Florida as the governing body of the denen community redevelopment agency CRA adopting the operating and capital budgets for the community redevelopment Agency for the state of denim Florida for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 and providing for an effective date hereof was resolution 242 read by title only okay can I have a motion to approve second okay commissioner TGA vice mayor fry thank you Bob uh certainly mayor commission Bob iron Smith community community redevelopment agency director uh C is very strong it's very healthy we're looking for very uh Big Year coming up we got over 20 million planned in capital projects a big one is the uh the parking garage what you see in the budget is with these capital projects we're starting to take on debt if you recall we uh the city purchased the property there on Douglas and uh Scotland and uh we took on debt for that and we're also looking to take on debt for the proposed parking garage so we have the ability to do that that was something in U in conjunction with pelis County if you recall we had major capital projects in order to continue the CRA and to continue it at the same rate for the tax increment financing so here to answer any questions we also have Les Tyler a finance director here with me for anything more detailed okay um any questions from anybody something we already we've already seen essentially inv voted yes you have you've seen this before and this is more memorializing is yes you're correct okay anybody from the public wish to speak to this item all right we'll come back to the maker of the motion commissioner Tonga thank you mayor um I'm pleased with the budget except that I'm not fully accepting yet of the parking garage and the funding of it and the debt that goes along with that so um uh there's I don't think much we're going to do different about that and I brought that up before I really would like to know um if any time has been spent on the theater uh project for that consideration but outside of that those are my comments uh certainly I know we had some initial contact with the theater I haven't had any more with the theater uh certainly had concerned about their funding program and how a public private partnersh partnership could work how do they generate Revenue uh typically with a you know public private partnership there's a revenue base uh we didn't quite see that with the theater but uh I'm always open uh this will come uh to the commission here in October to start the process uh and then of course it moves on from there so you will still have some abilities or options or whatever to go ahead and look at and review the parking structure so uh it certainly is a large ticket item we feel very much compelled to do it in concert with the county to keep our Tiff funding going so that's another ingredient to it I will say that I do know that there is a um local business I guess I would say um that's working with the theater on a possible location uh vice mayor no I mean we've talked about this a lot in the budget hearings um you know I'll just reiterate one of my big things of course is that um we've got the downtown we have more dedicated money up till 2033 and just want to make sure we're keeping the Jewel of the downtown a jewel you know that means the walkability the pavers making sure we're keeping it up and not letting it get tired um CU there a lot invested in it we don't want to let it go so thank you okay commissioner gal thank you mayor I think that Jewel would be a a pearl is that right [Laughter] Trevor denen is a pearl uh we we we have talked about this in length um I do have reservations about the parking garage but I will fight that another day uh but as far as the budget I really don't have any it's all good um I'm totally fine with the budget I will say this about the parking garage um I'm in very large support of it but I again I would like to remind my colleagues that uh we have an agreement with panel's County that our the extension of our CRA tax increment financing is based on our need for a parking garage and if we do not do this they will pull our funding so um it's not just a need it is an agreement that we have with penela County and as they've been a good partner to us we need to also be honorable and follow what we've said we're going to do so uh roll call vote commissioner gal hi vice mayor Cheney hi fry and was like who' you just say uh yeah vice mayor fry says I sorry about that uh let's see commissioner TOA I and commission mayor balski boy long day I and that motion passes unanimously um real quick I totally forgot to mention that commissioner Walker had a personal matter he had to deal with today and couldn't be here can I have a motion to give him an excus absence moved second third commissioner frany commissioner gal all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion passes 4 to Zer which is what I should have said on the budget resolution my apologies okay uh community redevelopment agency director's report Robert certainly mayor just a couple of things I I understand the sensitivity with the Downtown parking garage I just want to reiterate that um in addition to uh meeting the county obligations whether are inter local uh the ocean Optics property is certainly uh going to be looked at to be developed and we have 60 55 Prime parking spots there when that goes away we're going to feel the impact so that's one of the reasons we want to get ahead of the game with the parking garage we get a lot of atrisk parking I know that's something that we're beating the drum on that we've mentioned but I know when ocean Optics goes away boy we need to make sure that we can account for the cars that are coming downtown so just want to mention that uh the other item Skinner Boulevard we spent a lot of time today with the contractor that's been chosen by do we got a pre-con coming up here shortly uh we're working with subes with regard to public Outreach because there are going to be detours there is going to be inconvenience we have a lot of special events so this is on everybody's mind here at staff but uh Skinner is getting ready to kick off here in the next couple months if not a little bit sooner and orge spent a lot of time with us too relative to that meeting so um it could happen here really in the next month and a half or so so Skinner is certainly a uh a GameChanger type project for our downtown so November uh in November or a little sooner we were a little caught off guard today with do schedule and we asked them a little bit to just slow down to make sure that we can get our marketing and Outreach to all the public out there so we're working right now this just occurred late this afternoon yeah and there's no good time because you know what we're going to hear is why would you do this right before the holidays and then if we do wait till January it'll be why did you do this right before season but it's still going to be a two-year long project so it's going to affect every single holiday and part of season no matter what we do right that's correct yes yes yes is I think that's important to put out there to people that it's there's not going to be a piece of a year that it's not going to touch so it really doesn't matter that's correct it matters and equally is important is I'm sorry about when some ribbon cutting on this don't have ribbon cutting yet for skin and shovel the you mean the no no I mean the end oh yeah the end oh the end I got you yeah that's about right all of 26 right yeah that's true before November right yeah before the holidays and before season starts please in office understand well I I can tell you that uh Jorge myself Sue Doug certainly don't you come anyway so if they need to start early I mean you know it gets it done earlier just saying no that was part that was part of the conversation so J smiling over there but uh [Music] yeah yeah I'm sure he's freaking out oh yeah absolutely uh we're still looking to do some revitalization of some of the streetcape downtown this is the main street from the trail to Broadway both sides we're looking to put money in and get concept plans on that we want to break around that probably after July 4th somewhere there about so there's a lot going on with the CRA which is good you know we're continuing to go ahead and reinvest and make it a real strong strong downtown but I'll be happy to answer any questions that you that you might have okay questions any questions on anything in general in the downtown mayor if I can yes you okay yeah just I just want to clarify that you don't start on time or quicker if it if it involves not marketing to the residents yeah yes please do that first just and I'm saying that for anybody that's listening no because we're going to blame you not commun every call is going to go to my voicemail wanted to rush it the the uh please communicate to the residents the communications director made that very clear that we have to do public Outreach and we we did budget money to do public Outreach too so no commissioner we understand we agree it needs to occur so anybody else um I'm just going to point out and maybe it's Jorge that has to answer probably when is Douglas on the schedule for I don't know if you want to call it reconstruction or repaving or whatever I need to check with engineering to see one that's on there because I mean I know we've been holding off because whatever happens with ocean Optics and this isn't the first time I brought this up sure because we might want to get rid of some of those medians we don't know we want to do some undergrounding but even the south end of Douglas on the south side of Main Street it's just not great and it just looks bad looks tired it does it really needs it need I mean it needs something can I just can I just verify that's the hundredth time the mayor's brought it up yeah well at least I'm consistent no you you are I'm consistent about the things I bring up you know but it's cuz I'm driving on it every day and you know there's a pothole and a this and a that and it may be that it was actually scheduled to be done it got deferred because of the Force main work that was being done we didn't want to PVE a road and then cut it yeah no I totally get that but I I'll I'll get confirmation that' be great um I guess one one other question it's not totally about the CRA but I mean it it does affect the CRA a lot because I've been asked by several businesses I don't know if you can ask answer this question it's probably a George question but um everybody wants to know what is now the process to apply for their outdoor dining and to go through all of that do we do we have a a process for that I'm sure there is and we might ask GE that at the next meeting I think it's important for us to communicate it in some way I don't know what the best way is but I've been asked by you know people that actually have a current one and want to update it and they just don't know what the process is maybe there's an information page we can put out there for the two different people the people that maybe don't have it or the people that do and need to up reup it and okay okay um our next item is the draft minutes from June 6th and 18th um are there any changes I didn't see anything everybody okay all right um can I have a motion in a second I'll move second okay vice mayor and commissioner TWA all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes unanimously and then we have the community redevelopment agency advisory committee membership recommendation um two appointments uh appoint uh Sally Kuran to partial regular term ending March 1st 2026 and appoint Jillian bandis to a partial alternate term ending March 1st are there any other um nominations no okay um is there a motion soba could I ask a question MH So when you say staff recommends approval I mean the board Rec too right the community redevelopment advisor reel yes yeah no I'll move they uh they spent some time discussing this and in addition um Caroline looks at some of the length of time that people have been waiting to get on so those two factors which we've asked thank you second okay vice mayor pry and commissioner TWA um anybody from the public wish to speak to this item okay any final comments from anyone no okay all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes four to zero and then we have the community redevelopment agency advisory committee chair report calm on down Vice chair Kimberly pla Alan male's out of town so Kim is stepping up here for us she's in Scotland isn't she yes he is nice timing Allan I didn't know that this was going to be part of my uh requirements when I told them sure I'll take care of it for you and I was like oh wait what okay anyways um this is from July 10th um our meeting uh Alan male called the meeting to order he was the vice chair at that time um and we seem to have had a lot of changes um in our group um we did an approval of the minutes for June motion carried unanimously uh we had a discussion on the vacant seats which was pretty lengthy and as you guys said we had a long list um and Carolyn did some great job cleaning it up and calling people and seeing if they were still um interested some people dropped off and some people said yes so um we ended up deferring the appointments to the next meeting on September and then it was resolved then um hence how I'm here and um then for under new business we talked about the blanket road closures um and under Bob's uh Jory wasn't able to be there so she also deferred to September and um then it was resolved then and um we all agree that that's a great thing that she comes and gives us that information she also sends it out to many businesses for myself personally so needed um to know what's going on all the time Jory does a great job with that so we wanted to give her kudos for that so you guys could hear that um for the director's report everything that Bob was just talking about um the kind of General consensus for the ongoing projects was that it was it's uh costly but very necessary especially the garage and any type of additional parking we all agreed that it was it's time you know they're here and we need a place for them to be um under old business uh Mary Carr had declined a position um on the board so that was one of the things that we wanted to make sure we brought up and put in the notes there uh Kimberly plat myself brought up um the difficulties I was getting um having my Palapa permitted um and under construction before busy season and I needed some help I got that immediately so that was fantastic um and uh Mr iron Smith had mentioned that they're looking for a space to find a potential Bakery B for a bakery business downtown I think all of our eyes and stomachs lit up at that point so we are excited about that and we're going to try to help as much as we all can um and then we talked about the Gateway project uh agreement being turned terminated and then uh that uh Mr kaka kaka still wanted to do something on the property as a hotel yep um we didn't have any liaz on reports no citizens input and then we scheduled our next meeting for September 4th which was successful any questions for Kimberly thank you thank you thanks for filling in okay um anybody have anything else they would like to bring up in regards to the CRA I don't think so no okay think we're done all right thank you all right we are a juring thank you guys for coming thank you [Music] cool e