there we go thank you uh so if I seem a bit clumsy doing this it's because I I am simply Chair by default right now and we'll manage anyway so this is the March 133 2024 meeting of the local planning agency of the city of Neden we will now come to order the local planning agency is an Advisory Board appointed by the city commission this board is composed of volunteers who represents the thought and concerns of the community the purpose of tonight's meeting is to make recommendations to the city's commission regarding each item on the agenda tonight we will be conducting public hearings therefore this meeting is open to the public anyone in the audience who wishes to give testimony to any items on the agenda will need to be sworn in by the deputy city clerk this swearing in process will occur after to tonight's first first agenda item which will be approval of the minutes from the last local planning meeting Please be aware that the local planning agency is not a quasi judicial board and therefore has no final decisionmaking power our procedures however are constructed are structured in in a quasi judicial manner for the benefit of those who come before it tonight's format will be as follows I will introduce each item on the agenda after which the city representative will present information about it thereafter the members of members of the local planning agency will respond to the city representative finally anyone from the public may come forward those from the public wishing to give testimony will need to approach the deas identify themselves and then utilize the speaker Lector in order for their comments to be recorded upon conclusion of each public hearing the local planning agency will consider the evidence before it and will vote on the agenda item that Voice vote is the the rendition of the order of the board and there will be no written decision issued by the board the first item on tonight's agenda is approval of the August 9th 2023 LPA minutes are there any corrections additions or deletions to the minutes no hearing none do I hear a motion to accept the me minutes as submitted I make a motion to approve the minutes as submitted it's moved well second thank you it's moved and second to accept the minutes as submitted all those in favor signify by saying I I the minutes stand approv as submitted all right the clerk will now swear in persons wishing to speak or give testimony to any of tonight's agenda items please raise your right do you swear the testimony you about to give in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing the second item on our agenda tonight is is application Dr 23-3 has anyone had expart Communications regarding this application thank you hearing none let's hear from our city Representatives good evening chair members of the board George Kenny on behalf of the Community Development Department I'm actually going to turn the presentation over to Joseph depasqua who prepared the report for this evening and I certainly you have any questions after that presentation please let us know thank you thank you George um again possible on behalf of Community Development so what I'd like to do is uh walk you through a uh PowerPoint presentation I prepared based upon the Staffing you've received and there was a voluminous amount of information um but I'm going to walk you through our our staff analysis this is certainly representative of All City staff uh not just the Community Development Department obviously these proposals get reviewed by various areas so I'll start with an application overview the application number is uh again Dr 23-3 it's a design review uh approval request project name at this point is just 265 Causeway Boulevard the owner and applicant are uh the owner is I I assume it's jampp or jmap home builders LLC excuse me and the owner uh the applicant is Anthony pus uh the representative is Doug Anderson a little bit about the property uh the street address of the property is 265 Causeway Boulevard I won't go into the details of the parel number but the overall area of the site is just over an acre 1.05 Acres or roughly 46,000 Square FT Property lies within uh AE flood zone which is an area of special flood Hazard with an elevation or base flood elevation of 10 ft moving to the land use the property currently has a land use plan uh designation of coastal High Hazard area retail and services abbreviated to chha RNs the current zoning of the property apologize that seems to be a little sensitive with my hand hovering over this um the zoning of the property is TF towards facility and the existing use on the property is vacant land moving to the project description so the owner applicant is again looking for design review approval to build a mixed use development on the property uh the project essentially will consist of uh four buildings four new buildings and uh some other amenities and I'll describe each of those so you have two residential buildings each with four town homes for a total of eight units of these will be three story buildings with uh two floors of living over rooftop uh uh and rooftop patios over ground floor parking a a third building is a three-story mixed use building it'll have four Town Homes and'll also have a roughly 1,800 squ foot a winery component uh the four Town Homes will be two floors of living area and a rooftop patio again over ground floor parking and the winery is two floors including ground floor parking and a rooftop patio there will be a four-story 7even room Hotel building this is three floors of guest rooms over ground floor parking and the additional amenities include some surface parking outside the footprints of the buildings a a swimming pool and a cabana the property history so this property some of you if you've been around a while you may know that it used to be the home of a restaurant and lounge it was built in 1986 it was roughly 7,000 ft² it's about 190 seat restaurant operated for a number of years uh with a number of names as you can see Louisiana Seafood Company we find Found Records of quite a bit of history of names there but ultimately that building was demolished in 2005 and the property has remained vacant ever since uh back in 2015 the previous property owner did get final uh City commission approval to do a a project out there a residential project called Arcadia Luxury Condominiums uh this was going to be a 16 unit condominium development uh it was going to be basically a five-story structure uh parking with four floors of Condominiums above four units per floor and then it was also going to have some surface parking outside the footprint of the building as well as a swimming pool but um as you obviously everybody knows where we're sitting here this evening the project never never came to fruition and ultimately the current property owner purchased the property uh early last year so that that essentially that design review approval expired um so um it it never it never got even to a full permitting moving to our land use plan evaluation so this is where as you know you look at um density and intensity what what can be allowed zoning does not drive density intensity land use plan does and with the uh the land use plan that's Curr on currently on the property the chha RNs you've got uh a series of ways you calculate density and intensity and so for the three uses being proposed this table breaks those out the first one is the town homes town homes are they use 15 dwelling units an acre that's what the this land use allows and what this table is meant to do is with each of the the area each of the uses and the proposed size or density of them you can see how much land is being encumbered by each one of those and certainly you can see that it adds up to 1.05 Acres when you look at the amount of land needed for 12 Town Homes a seven room hotel and a roughly 1,800 foot Winery meaning a non-residential use so you do have you do have compliance between what the land use allows for density and floor area ratio which is intensity and uh you know what the project is be is being proposed then we move to our zoning and and denen Zoning is more about the dimensional standards the uh the dimensional standards of the structures themselves in the size of the property so in this case we have tourist facility being the land excuse me being the zoning our zoning does allow as far as the stories we does allow uh five stories maximum uh the proposed is a is a three and four stories one will be a four-story building the other ones will be will be a three story buildings the maximum Building height in TF is 50 fet and you can see the uh the most of the buildings are a little over 47.25 ft and um the uh uh excuse me that's the hotel is the larger of the two buildings and then the other buildings are just under 46 uh feet in height you can see the front setbacks uh 25t minimum uh and that is allowed to be uh amended based and I'll get to that in a minute they they've amended it along the frontage um side set backs are 10 and you do have 10 on each and there is the technically no rear you may have seen this in previous cases but when you have two frontages in dened you have uh essentially a primary front a secondary front the other two property lines are considered sides so in this case you do not have a rear property line moving back to the front setback the applicant can uh using some techniques and I've detailed those in the in the Staffing uh by moving your parking and your um your access around away from uh from the public View and sort of screening it you're allowed to reduce your Prof your front setb to up to zero they've reduced it along Causeway to 3 feet and so that is that is contemplated as a footnote and you'll see it on page five of the Staffing if you'd like to refer to it in support of the principles of doing that pulling it to the street park putting parking screened around the rear and and providing that as part of your design you can reduce the front setback and you're creating more of a relationship between the building and the uh and the ride of way so they've done that the other area of of uh zoning I'll talk about as far as uh is Building height so we do have supplemental height regulations the first one being U additional multiple stories and in this particular location there is a requirement to do a step back above the second floor if you go greater than two stories and um a lot of times that's referred to as sort of the Christmas cake effect you know you go up a certain height then you have to step it back and that is to uh I'll say combat for lack of better ter the building's overall impression on the RightWay in this instance they've opted to go step back above the first floor sort of further reducing that impression so it goes after the first floor the building steps back 10 feet before it goes up two more floors and so that certainly um is in the spirit of what we're looking for for that supplemental height regulation and that refers to the buildings A and B which are the two that front Causeway Boulevard and then the final point about modifying height uh we do have a caveat in our code that allows certain certain elements of a building to go above the maximum height and in this case um that it's 20% of the maximum allowable height So 20% of 50 ft you'd allowed to have you're allowed to have certain architectural elements and parts of buildings that can go above that so in this case you do have the the hotel building does have the elevators and the stering closures that do go 6 feet above that which is allowed specifically in our code so that's another area where where they've they've met that additional condition the next area I'd like to talk about is our compatibility requirement that we have in our comprehensive plan it's um it's objective 2.9 it's in our future land use element and it requires that any development we look at the uh surrounding land and its uses and see how compatible the proposed project is to what's going on around it both in the build environment as well as any vacant uses and what could be built on those so as I'm sure you saw from your backup We examined all the properties around from U you know from from an overall density meaning the number of dwelling units per acre if it was non-residential we provided a floor area ratio and we gave you an overall impression of the number of units and the sizes of those property so you could understand the scale and it did provide a we did provide a Google areial where you can see each of those identified along with this property and the idea to show you the area we're evaluating and so our overall existing buildings in the area vary from one story to Nine Stories so is a very broad range of building sizes and there is a mix of uses from low to to high uh high density Condominiums town homes and multif family as well as some retail and some office and some commercial recreation and of course the marina next door being a water dependent use so you really do have mix uses that you'd expect on on the causeway in totality looking at all the information that's been provided in your backup and with all the exhibits uh the staff has determined that a three or a four story mixed juice at the proposed density and intensity on this property together with what's going on around it uh does comply with the in consistent with our our compatibility requirements and our comprehensive plan so that's a conclusion that staff reached and then this is uh this is basically a list of all the areas that are examined by staff uh as part of the design review this is the essentially the criteria that's looked at when you do apply for design review here in the city of den Eden we do look at the and I can certainly go into detail on these I won't do that because I know you have that in your backup but I just for the record I want to point out that we're looking at common open space circulation and mobility of the site parking loading and stacking on the site the that the off- street parking has been met at least the minimum that's required by code buffers and screening fences and walls architectural style which as you know we this this prop this has to go through one of our architectural Styles uh sustainability because you do have to meet some minimum standards and they've they've done that and they actually exceeded it by a significant amount sign regulations public art uh our Parkland impact fee which applies to new residential dwelling units uh citizen participation they did have to have a citizen participation uh meeting and they did hold that we provided that backup as well for you traffic impact analysis to look at the uh proposed impact the site would bring traffic counts wise and there's a a series of requirements that have to be met when you meet certain thresholds and then our levels of service and level of service is basically the city's ability to provide water Wastewater storm water um and trash Solid Waste things that be able to provide and service the property do does City have adequate capacity to do that and so we provided all that information to you and uh staff has reviewed that both not just our area but others and um and have determined that the project as proposed is compliant with all those conditions and requirements some of our committee actions this project was originally brought to our Dr RC uh a about a year ago uh it was originally that is the normal first step with any development project the applicant gets those upfront comments from all the technical staff that review happened generally that kicks the ball off as far as getting into a design review application where we where we are today and all the comments that have been that were provided during that meeting and subsequent have been addressed in the conditions of approval and so staff is comfortable U from all areas at this point and of course the other part is the Architectural Review Committee uh the applicant did choose to go to a preliminary review back in March of last year and then did a formal review in Jan excuse me February of this year where they um had Incorporated a lot of the information I believe from the first meeting I'll certainly let the design team from the applicant talked in Greater detail about that but and they brought it when they brought it back in February they made it uh they made a second formal presentation the The Arc did approve the design unanimously uh with several comments and suggestions for their team to consider and I'm sure they'll talk about with that you this with that uh with those elements with you this evening so having said this uh staff finds that application Dr 2303 for design review is consistent with the applicable review criteria for approval subject to the following these are standard conditions we place on all design reviews and I'll just I'll just summarize those real quickly the applicant has to meet all of our regulations when they do if they do get City commission approval they'd have to come come uh meet all of our criteria uh the construction plans have to be consistent with what's ultimately approved by the the city commission and that the there's an expiration in our code that they're made aware of that uh 12 months from the final commission approval they have to get their uh what's called site infrastructure approval as well as uh building permits for the vertical buildings I will point out that the uh applicant does have the ability during that 12-month period to request of the city manager one six-month extension that can be granted so you could be looking at just for the record you could you could it could go out 18 months and with that um I'm I'm just going to stop there and certainly we're available to answer any questions you may have about any of the Staffing that was provided I've got two questions for you yes uh the three-foot setback does that include the sidewalk no so the typically this is from your property line the sidewalk is going to be out on the public right away got it okay and my second question has to do with the winery that the uh citizen meetings there was a question raised is it going to be a winery or not and that seemed to be not clear can we clarify that I think the applicant probably can speak to that that's that's what they've identified on the drawings I I will say this the winery uh for the purpose of just and I'll say this just kind of for the record the winery is really a a retail commercial use so from our perspective any retail commercial use would be okay so you could you could replace it with something else I'm not suggesting they are but should they choose to they would be able to replace it with another retail commercial use that may very well be a maybe a better option so um we don't really look at the word Winery necessarily we were looking really at retail commercial okay as part of our staff analysis I just want to kind of point that out but I'll I'll defer to the applicant thank you shall we hear from the applicant Dan are there any questions from anybody here I do have questionus because actually I have never understood why uh it is not a cumulative effect because you can take one little property and say well this is 51 then you take another property you have two an eight and a nine you have one story you have a to what is the cumulative effect uh and I think somehow it's logical that we look at a cumulative effect of traffic impact and in here you did say well maybe we need to address the traffic impact more I read it thoroughly so I you know I think I'm also a little concerned about the three feet gotcha do you have a five foot sidewalk how big is your sidewalk I would have to I would I don't really know what I'm guessing it's five or six feet I could okay so if you have a five you have a five foot sidewalk three feet is this big that's very very close to me and we have done I know it's the new urbanism and we have done other properties in Den Eden that we put very close and that was that didn't always work out I mean I will tell you um I also wanted to I was curious about the uh Green Space because I read in here it's 31% or 31% green space so which would be a third correct of of the entire 1.05 acre correct correct so can you show me how that how you came up with that calculation I I'll let the applicant kind of speak to it what I can tell you is that comes right off the Green Space plan so if you if you look at the one that's labeled gp1 I believe it's on the top of that page okay but um the bottom line is I thought the architecture was very nice looking I had no issue I know Ark really went through the architecture I'm not sure about the one Winery not that I don't like wine so but um you know I wasn't sure about that that usage I didn't think it was really clear either about you know I I saw some people said well maybe we'll have a convenience store there or you know a different usage in this I think you called it what is that called uh um a what's what did you call it the a HH whatever CH h a RNs is land use oh right land use are they required to have a retail in there so it has to be the the land use contemplates mixed hotel is retail right that's not just for the Jays is that correct the I'll let them them speak to the model for the hotel but a hotel is is um would be considered a commercial element the the Winery or if it were to be something else that would also be a commercial element which is what the land use calls for mix of residential and Commercial okay uh so you almost but but the hotel is commercial correct correct so then you added another retail um usage although you could do with one is that correct so the the the site needs to be a mix and what they proposed is the mix that the land use really needs is you really can't have a straight residential site and so what you've got proposed here is a commercial you have a hotel which is commercial component you have a commercial retail component you do have residential but in tourist facility you can also have short-term vacation rentals which are a commercial component so you have an opportunity here to have kind of a good blend of all and that's really what the that's what the land and that's what I'm getting at that's what the land use calls for a m a commercial component with residential as well and then I read through the other articles and um of the public meeting and they were saying well maybe we could use some green space for a dog park because everybody I guess is scaming to try to find land other than their neighbors land for dog park areas so those are my comments again I know the attorney is probably going to gavel me down but I don't understand and I don't think it's logical that you keep saying well this is di Minimus when it should be a cumulative effect particularly on that Gary Circle which goes you know like that that's my thoughts okay I have a question on the sidewalk as well um do you know what the plan is when they reconstruct the bridge because right now the bicycling is all on that Southside sidewalk and I agreed this sidewalk feels narrow if I bike this a lot and if I've got those that wall there for that little those little patio spaces that seems pretty narrow given how many Walkers what with their dogs aren't really paying attention there's not really much margin for error you're either into the wall or into the road if there's a problem how wide is that and with the new bridge is that still going to be the main sidewalk for pedestrians and bicycle traffic we did not we did not ask the the county about the Bridge configuration what I can tell you is the applicant may be able to speak to a lot of this stuff because you're asking really stuff about their project but they do I did point out that anything they do in that RightWay they have to get a County permit from and my assumption would be the county is not going to authorize them to do anything that doesn't really comport with what they have in the future with their with their Bridge improvements I got to believe those two are going to probably tie together at some point okay let's hear from the representative good evening my name is Rod Coleman architect with sdg architecture representing the uh project this evening we're uh pleased to bring this to the LPA because it it's going to be in the same quality plane as we have uh accomplished with Oaken project at uh New York in m Main and also miror Vista 1 and two at Wilson and Broadway and of course now the J Hotel also going up it's uh pretty much the same team doing all the projects and this project in particular is different because it is a mixed use and uh some of the concerns U do we have a PowerPoint that we can run through I I I don't have the ability to to plug anything else in so I can forward it for you if you'd like just ask me when well let me just see if I can answer some of the questions so the parking we we do have an overage on our parking uh the residential components for example are required to have two but we have four for each residence and then the uh commercial uh hotel has seven which is required and then the uh Winery has their own uh required spaces as well now we do have uh five Extra Spaces on site uh that are open for any of the uses to use um the Green Space we do have a dog walk and that I believe that showed up on the uh Green Space plan which I don't know if we have a copy of that or not it was provided in the backup I I don't know if you provided it though and the setback uh the 3ft set back is to a low wall and then the building itself the first level is another 2 fet behind that so it's actually a 5ft setback to the building only at the first level and then jumps back another 10 ft at the second level and we have some images that we can show that a little bit clearer for you uh yeah just keep forwarding now this this uh is an overall example it shows the project site up on Causeway Boulevard with the entire Gary Circle and as you can see the uh there seem to be quite a few parking spaces are parking on Gary circle at the south end and uh I don't we're not going to be impacting any of that space uh there are open spaces in the marina parking as well oops that's okay let's just keep there's your dog walk uh over by the recreation area uh that has the pool and the five additional parking spaces in that uh would be the southwest corner of the property and there is uh space behind uh Building C as well that's that's a 10-ft setback and uh so like we mentioned earlier there is 30% Green Space to be used for those uh functions go ahead go through just some raw elevations we can keep going Joey I just wanted to here's some of the details that we went through very carefully with The Arc uh in both meetings and uh the design is Coastal vernacular and U much to the same um Quality plane as we have in other projects the J hotel is a another example which is just uh east of this property and you can see the uh straight on elevations the lower right hand corner of the West Entry that's off a Gary Circle looking East you can see the pool to the right the dog walk area behind the pool uh dumpster enclosure uh we work very closely with the solid waste make sure that we can get our business taken care of there the uh Building C oops go back yeah lower left image Building C view East the upper left is the view of the J and that's quite a ways back that's in the uh Southeast corner of the property that uh upper right is the straight on view of the the hotel portion of the mixed juice here are some views of some of the other features of the properties that we went over with The Arc uh you can see some of the rooftop amenities the patio areas uh you can see in the lower right hand corner the sidewalk and the Green Space low wall and the first floor building and then 10- foot step back that's a little detail shot in the lower right hand corner of the patio um at the street level and this just merely shows some of the color selections that uh we reviewed with The Arc the upper right the amenities picture um clearly shows that dog walk area and this is a street view looking Southwest as you're going out towards the park you can see the hotel on the left is is set back uh past the driveway between the uh residential buildings little vignette in the lower right hand corner is the existing as it is today this view is looking Southeast as you're leaving the causeway Gary circle on your right then the lower vignette again is uh as it is exists today here's a little more detailed shot of the setback you can see that the low building wall uh is essentially 10 ft off of the property line and then your 10-ft setb so I think that walkway is probably about 6 feet it is a spur of the trail and I I think the county widened that I may have been 4T at one time this is off of Gary Circle again you can see our pool and amenity area the exit driveway the rooftop elements uh some of those may have some solar components uh we did that on Mira Vista which provided 100% solar for those residential units some more detailed shots of the amenities thank you any questions can you say more about the plans for the winery is it going to be wiy is it not going to be you there's nobody really selected yet to to be that tenant but uh the thoughts for the winery if that's what it should be it would be like a Bottle Shop they have bottles of wine for sale a I see and of course you can have a tasting if you need or would like but primarily you buy the bottle and take it out okay yeah and the concern would was that it become a liquor store no no then that will not happen is with I don't believe a retail liquor stores nobody wants to spend the money for that license cost I hear you yeah that that Winery does have a patio above there is the second floor correct yeah and that patio could actually be used by anybody if one of the residents want to use it U you're passing by on your bicycle on the trail you want to stop in grab a bottle of water you can go up there and rest so it's really a wine store not a winery yeah it's semantics so you don't access that patio through the winery store yes okay yeah okay yeah you might have so your access as a pedestrian on the side you might want to buy something on the way up to sit there yeah okay other questions uh just a question on the uh so it looks like on the the condums it's similar to Mira Vista where you've got the two deep and there's a garage door and then two covered open parking spots essentially that's the four you were talking about that's correct yeah they're all under the buildings yeah mhm and we do have five additional on the property that can be used by either the residents or the winery or even the hotel yeah thank you yeah you're welcome thank you sure comments from the public oh okay good after good evening my name is Doug Anderson 1413 Bayshore Boulevard Unit number six in D and um I want I'm part of this project in that we will be the general contractors building it we are not the developer but as part of this worked out we had a need when we uh got the J Hotel approved by the city it's few few rooms short of what the team needs at certain times during the year so when the joint use came up and that made itself available we were able to get seven more rooms the hotel tell that will be important to the team during the time of the year that they have all of their players here so the Project's going to be built with a concrete ins slated concrete Form Construction which is pretty indestructible on its own it's going to be very similar it's the same kind of design of mirror Vista phase one and phase two the concept is the same the materials are the same but the big difference between this one and that one is this one is 100% solar power it's completely sustainable so these buildings have enough solar array on top that it'll cover majority if not all their electrical needs so I I wanted to address that part of the J that's why we did that seven rooms and um um I I know that it would be very beneficial to the team at the right times of the year that they need them and does anybody have any other questions on the construction type thank you very much much thank you the public is invited to speak is there anyone that wants to chair if I may just State for the record we did receive one public comment via mail and it has been you all have received it in your agenda packet it will be made part of the record thank you thank you good evening uh my name is Jerry Kowski I live at 2539 Gary Circle about 200 ft from the project uh I've been a resident there for about 15 years so understand the the history of that project Etc U my first time here I thought there'd be a camera that I could demonstrate my photos but unfortunately didn't happen so what I would like to do is can I give this to them to the clerk yeah sure and if you can get to the existing so my background is this year I celebrate my 45th year as a professional engineer and 45th year as a professional traffic engineer so that's my background is traffic engineering and safety so what I'm passing by is the existing site plan and I have on there numbers one two and three if you could kind of keep those in your memory I'm going to talk about what those are all about and then under the existing site plan that you showed actually you can go to number two that'll be fine so what I passed out to you in front of you is the site is empty today it's been that way for a long long time but what happens is as you're going westbound on the causeway and if the bridge opens up traffic backs up all the way to alternate 19 so what happens is is people will find shortcuts to get out of the backup and what I've shown on illustration number one that's the left turn lane to turn onto Gary Circle to get to my property it's fine it's short it does its job but what happens is is the people that want to get to that lot to park their cars before this building comes they go from spot number one to spot number two they actually are driving against eastbound traffic going up onto the sidewalk and then parking in that lot since then they put the fence up so you can't go in there anymore but it's always been an issue people trying to go to driveway number two so my proposal is I've read the whole staff report excellent reporting have no objections but I'd like to add safety to that report and that is I really believe that driveway number two should be move to driveway number three so essentially which is okay so moving from here to the middle so Jerry are you saying you would want to shift the one building to the east to put the driveway between the two buildings correct you can take one of the buildings shift it to the east same square footage same drainage same everything it's just I moved the eastern most driveway is would be closed and moved to the west to the center of the property so that people can't go against the eastbound traffic to get back into the site there's mention of a wine store people see 30 seconds okay just in closing I really feel that their eastern most driveway should be moved to the center of the site to make it more safe uh that's how we discussed the Arcadia project years ago and the commission like to did that time so thank you thank you is there anyone else please close that off move this building down have right in right out that's kind of like a hammerhead good evening please bear with me because I've had this call for thank you thank you do you want me to pass him down good evening my name is Dave Paulie I live at 2598 Gary Circle just west of the proposed development on 265 Causeway Boulevard I must admit aside from a few points I'm very much in favor of the development for years I've looked at a vacant lot with a fence around it upon which I always hoped a lawnmower would appear one of the important reasons I support the development is that Doug Anderson is not the developer but the general contractor uh when Doug took on the uh J Hotel down the road he did it with an open mind and listened to constructive criticism and acted I felt in a positive manner with this being being said I would like to address two of the most pressing concerns I have heard and that I also concur with first would be to address the front setback the drawing show a three-foot setback front setback concrete entry wall and first floor overhang project out to that point our cold calls for a setback of0 to 25 ft around 2010 Greg rice director of planning and development was working on form based codes as well as Land Development codes he met several times with citizen in the causeway and reviewed these through the LPA in 2011 ordinances were being adapted thus the Land Development codes became official ordinances of dun Eden on the causeway portion efforts were made to control architectural design and to bring buildings closer to the street thus the 0 to 25 foot setback years ago you can hardly you hardly saw a pedestrian pedestrian traffic on the causeway that hardly saw what you see today what we thought were going to be inviting buildings with pedestrians casually walking by are now sidewalks congested with Walkers bikes and new electric bikes the speed of The Pedestrian has increased as well as the congest gestion a narrow street with a crowded sidewalk and a 3-ft setback would give a canyon effect way out of character with the rest of w Island it seems prudent from his safety and appearance standpoint to move the setback to 6 ft a beautiful building has been designed moving it back 3 foot putting it more in line with the current what currently exists on Ward Island would be the right choice just recently four $1 million plus Condominiums were built at 230 Causeway Boulevard caddy corner to this development and they have a front each setback of over 15t 30 seconds I recently asked the LPA board to please ask the developer to strongly consider this recommendation for an overall front setback of 6 ft secondly I would like to discuss the dumpster location and appearance proposed are a couple of fence spots in the northwest corner of the property to store trash it would seem sensible from a marketing aspect to offer trash storage better concealed centralized and convenient people paying storage paying million dollars for a condo I don't think want to walk back too far to get rid of the trash my father always told me if you're going point out what is a problem you better present it in a sensible manner okay I would suggest the developer look at taking the garage and carport in the eastern most unit of building a and divide it vertically this would give with the addition of some walls and doors a concealed trash room containing two 3x6 dumpsters on Wheels sir plus your time is up can I please finish well how much more do you have cuz you you got it in front of you not only few more sentences plus a secure 9x3 Bike Room the resident would have one garage and one parking space by narrowing the green space between Building A and B you should be able to fit in another unit possibly at building a at the end of building a instead of building a another consideration would be Building B to these two spaces offer secure convenient and TR storage in the secure bike storage area offering a great selling point for their Salesforce and the convenience of the owners once again I respectfully ask the LPA to request review action by the developer concerning this issue and you can see the attached day I want up talking about thank you very much m is there anyone else that would would like to speak hello I'm John cler 1160 Fairway Drive uh Fairway States I've been a resident uh in denen for 27 years I frequent the causeway daily um and I am all for this project moving forward thank you thank you anyone else hello there my name is Mark Mau I'm actually one of the owners of 2602 Bayshore Boulevard business it's a fine establishment you ought to come out and have something to eat and drink it's San Bor Grill sir could we get your home address for the record my home address yeah 4724 Simco street thank you um just came out I got window to this today I did not know was happening just came out to say the same thing I'm in favor of it looking forward to it bringing more residents bringing more people bringing more Merchants to our area and coming out to spend money and and keep it from going out to clearw Beach and everywhere else thank you thank you anyone else hearing none we will move on where is someone else yeah I've got a question rod rod the architect could you come up I've got questions based on the feedback we heard tonight um any insight from you with regards to moving one of the buildings to put this driveway in between the two buildings your thoughts on that and then also any thoughts regarding increasing the setback on the building what were the implications to the project to to make changes like that and third um the dumpster um instead of having it as an open walled thing could it be built with a roof over it which is what my condo uh Victoria Place has we just to make it more discreet those three things any thoughts well the uh the driveway locations are existing and we were hoping to keep those and reuse them because um it is a County Road and we would have to go through we don't know if uh the county would approve relocating the driveways or not and the the dumpster location uh was reviewed with um the solid waste and uh that was we're using the preferred version that they've desired which is drive up with the truck they didn't want to bring their truck on the property and this way they can just dump in little of a roll out a roll out was an option but they would they preferred what we have so this is just back in lift it yeah done okay yeah how about the setback to six feet instead of three feet that what implications would that have on the design well you can see from um North to South where we would have to reduce our setbacks on the U South sides to shift everything back and I think uh because the of the building that's you know 5 ft off of the sidewalk essentially is only one story and it's very incremental that's set back uh and you'll see that the uh second level is set back another 10 ft so I don't think there's going to be any Canyon effect here MH okay yeah other questions I I have a question I've been thinking about this curious what is the line of setbacks on Ward Island someone brought it up I'm just very curious how what is the usual setback on that island um I mean I I I I couldn't tell you the reason I is because you have I think six different zoning districts out there so you're going to have varying um setbacks what I what I will say is the things that along the causeway the the lots that are but the causeway typically are are uh commercial and they do have um when you see form based medium tourist facility and neighborhood business and those tend to have reduced setback opportunities to create that uh the the um the new urbanism field that that um I I think um Mr Paulie brought up and I provided you the 2012 snippet from the uh the original analysis of the causeway area uh that was done and that led to I think Mr Mr Paul just explained it it led to having our zoning uh form based medium was created as a result of that and I know you remember that as a commissioner and um also the uh caveats were there was the opportunity when you do design elements in in that spirit that you can uh modify your setbacks from generally speaking within TF down 25 to zero and then in a lot of the form-based mediums it's um 2 to 17 so those were all out directly at a result of those but but to answer your original question I I would say there's probably a very mix of setbacks depending on if it fronts Causeway if it's a newer building an older building or if it's facing a side street for example well you know I think in this case you know it's a setback that's that is mixed with safety because I see the Walkers the you know everybody that uses that path and I don't even know how to talk talk about the bridge but personally it's not a lot of setb and you know I can say myself I voted on things that was not a lot of setback and I have I have been sad I did that I'll be very honest um so you know I have three things we are not here to quash whatsoever here to tweak we only offer we're an Advisory Board we just offer our thoughts and then it will go to the commission and they are the board that makes the decision but it's important that we at least see what they might want to look at that's all we can do is you might need to look at this and personally uh well guess I'm not really supposed to be T I mean that was my question he says it's a mix I'm telling you new urbanism doesn't always work real close and it is mixed with safety for all those that walk those are my thoughts thank you are there other thoughts no I I I agree with the the setback it's just a little concerning that's as we get to more mixed use and trying to get more people on bicycles and out of cars and everything that's that's almost a pinch point it feels like when you're riding a bike through there with pedestrians especially as we grow and if there's more pedestrian traffic on there I'd like to see if we could expand that setback a little deeper just for a feeling of more safety for for bikers and pedestrians CH I'm wondering about again setback when the J Hotel was was being considered there was a setback question on that also and all of this kind of moves in with that this this is becoming an urban Corridor and I agree it's probably going to all all look like that and some of the ones that we've already done downtown or that have been done downtown do feel tight I'd like to also see it be a little bit wider although I will say the feel of it from the looks of the pictures it's very pretty looks like it's very nice M there is some some grass and trees planted before you get to the actual wall and it's not a straight wall which am I wondering is it is it just a 3-foot space where where these trees and plants are going to be or is it a 5ot space as youed it's actually five in most areas and then where the wall juts out it's three but the low it's a low wall for a patio area for the resident so it's so it's combination of three and 5 foot set backs it's not just a straight the building wall itself is five and the little uh decorative wall comes out another 2 feet okay giving us a 3 foot to the wall thank you yeah any other questions saying I mean I go there at 5 o'clock in the morning there's not that much traffic so but I know exactly what you're saying is uh it is becoming especially with the J hotel and everything it is becoming more and more populated and there is a lot of traffic that goes through there um I mean the bridge is in itself is is difficult getting across um you know so if with the buildings there will you impede on the driveway by setting it back more you know with the um on the property there is is that what you trying to get you know when you designed it this way yeah we'd have to shift the whole thing to the South including the driveway and including the South buildings okay and amenities yeah okay thank you sir you're welcome thank you can one more question what's the setback on the you know I get so confused with East West blah blah blah so that is what North on the south where you have the the J and you have the other build yeah's that set to is that 10 10 feet okay there's a 10 foot behind and you're saying that if you took we're right up against it we can't reduce that 10 foot you can't they can't reduce that to no the minimum setback for the both the southern and the Eastern property line would be 10 feet oh but can you take three feet out of the driveway that goes between no because that's another code requirement as far as the width of the drives yeah that has a a requirement to fit the fire trucks through there I think if I saw in one drawing is that correct correct there has to be it has to meet an autoterm movement requirement you you that was provided in your backup as well yeah yeah we're doing everything that we can to meet the requirements of the codes thank you um Rod just one thing and I don't know if this is the final landscape design but um if it would help rather than have those kind of bushes because it really is a contingent upon how well they're kept trimmed by the landscaper um could something else be planted that has less of a feel if you're biking through there right you know versus yeah this is not the landscape plan it is a separate document uh I don't know if you have it in your packet or not do we it's considered the Greenscape plan Greenscape and that identifies the species and locations of those different plants okay thanks thanks again sir would you come on up thank you do you swear the testimony you about to is proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you and if you can stay tun Walter Pacho 451 maravan Drive what's your name again uh Walter panaccio 451 maravan Drive I just wanted to State as someone who frequents the causeway daily as well I'm up and down there walking and sometimes I take my RV parket for the afternoon and then I just spend the day enjoying the beach I go by the site a lot um right now it's worse it's got a chain link fence that is on a Zer lot line so it's been that way for 15 years so while uh 3 foot isn't much I believe it's an improvement over what I Bike by I have an electric bike and I when I Bike by it it is it's going to be an improvement from where we are today uh even on the current site plan and you probably know that if you're biking all time I just want to state that because I'm thinking I know it's maybe not as much as everybody wants but for the last 15 or whatever years that it's been sitting BAC and it's been in a worse scenario than what we're talking about today thank you sir perspective we are closing public comment and the chair will entertain a motion regarding application Dr 23-3 chair is your motion to approve I I am asking for for a motion okay okay either um MH well I'd make a motion but my motion would say I would say to put this on the record and the commission can take it up to continue to look at the setback even if you could move it a foot or whatever I would still continue to look at that setback I would and as it said in here this can be readdressed I would continue to look at the traffic impacts and you know I I think that the commission should consider that move to the it would be to two move that between move two to three move two to three entry moving the driveway to the center of uh of those two buildings I mean he is a traffic engineer planner and that does make better safety sense in my mind these are some of the things I would say to the commission here's some discussion were on these items so Deborah do you have a motion to to accept or reject I would accept with the conditional uh to the conditions to look continue to look at the setback as to whether it can be broadened any I would uh look again at reviewing the traffic impacts and I would certainly look at moving the interlan to the middle of the buildings that's my motion but your but your motion is to accepted accept with conditions with three conditions yes is there a second to that I'll second it all in favor please say I I I I I all post the motion is passed as accepted thank you our next order of business is to elect a chair and a vice chair of the local planning Agency for this year we wait for folks to go they don't want to stay and hear us talk no they don't they did not I said out there through a lot of those okay we welcome nominations to serve as chair of the local planning agency I think you're doing a good job why don't you just take it another I fig I would agree I would also like to uh see the do good doctor taken I'll make a motion to have Michael broom as the chair planning okay so all in favor I I all oppose nay the motion has passed uh we need a motion for the vice chair I'll make a motion have Kevin as the vice chair and I would second I think that's great all in favor of Kevin being our vice chair I I I'll oppose the motion carries well that was quick enough at least so now we go [Music] to to electing new new members and chair if might may just let you know there are three of the applicants who are present in the audience tonight those three are Michael Costello Dennis Alpa and Paul stanik might we hear from them please good evening good evening to you even you're doing a great job tonight under I actually was recently Ed as the chairman for the board of adjustments here and I sat in that seat three weeks ago and did my first uh monologue as well so uh I'm a resident of Denon I've lived here for about eight years I live at 2772 Challenger Drive um I'm a professional engineer I do Land Development for a living and I wanted to give back to the community so I thought being on the boards that I typically would present at and look for approvals from as a good opportunity so that's my background I have a civil engineering degree from ruter I've been a professional engineer for going on 20 years and uh you know I look forward to the opportunity to serve on this board as well super any questions thank you thank you very much who's next good evening uh my name is Dennis Alpa I live at 1980 Barcelona Drive for the last 31 years I am a former member of this board former Vice chair of the coastal causeway committee and I've been off for two years now I believe went through term limits I enjoyed it immensely I understand the amount of work that it takes when you receive that packet on Thursday and don't finish with it until Sunday and I understand the amount of that work I've been involved with various projects over the years with uh respect to uh this board uh including ocean Optics many times the Gateway project uh dun Eden Commons blue jay my background was 41 years with the it Corporation in various engineering capacities I was uh senior director of operations for the past 25 years before I retired in 2012 love to come back and serve the city again and that's me thank you very much appreciate it thank you we have one more good evening my name is Paul stanic I live at 2161 Paddock Circle here in Den Eden uh I've been a resident since uh 2008 uh for those of you that that don't know me I've grown up in this area uh my grandparents moved to Oona in the early 60s and I've spent the M vast majority 99% of my life uh in about a six square mile area including Oona Palm Harbor and dun Eden um back in the day when and uh we wanted to go out to a restaurant or go somewhere to eat Ozona nor Palm Harbor had a restaurant we had to come to the big city of denen to uh to be able to actually uh have some food uh along with that um we didn't have a A Little League field at all as well so I played Little League here in Den Eden uh as well as my son and now my granddaughter so they're all they live here as well uh my background uh I worked uh in the public sector for over 32 years I worked for the Department of Health um I worked for this place called the city of denen for 15 years and then now I work for Tampa Bay water which is the regional water supplier so uh I want to give back to the community um I I want to make I I want to be back in part of the the community so uh also attend uh dco and I'm a member of the Chamber of Commerce so thank you very much for your consideration thanks Paul a technical question uh is at some point there was a rule that you had to have attended one or two two meetings that is correct okay yes sir at least one right and these three have met that that is correct yes yes and do we know if any of the other applicants I am familiar with one other applicant who has indeed met that requirement that would be Jeremy Reynolds as for the others I do not have confirmation of their attendance of an LPA meeting very good thank you was good to have that clear and we are making a recommendation on one full-time member of the board and two alternates that is correct do we have a motion for a permanent member of this board I um can we not do it all together or do you want to separate alternate well I think we need to you're the chair so you tell me what to do so let's do the permanent one okay um I'll make a motion for Paul stanik to be the permanent me regular member is there a second I'll second it all in favor I I that motion has passed welcome Paul thank you yes and let's do the last two together for Michael and Dennis as um alternates is there a motion I make a motion Michael and Dennis the alternates to I'll second second all in favor I I well done welcome we have a now complete board once again uh is there anything else that we need to talk about I don't think so good so our meeting is adjourned Mr chairman if I might very quickly sorry before you gabbled I just wanted to let you know we will be meeting again next month we do have two items that will be coming before you very good and what what is that date that date is April 10th April 10th yep it's always the second Wednesday so it's it thank you it's in the calendar done good job good job all right hour and 16 minutes thank you you did you get got that so much got e e e e e for