##VIDEO ID:5A3HTv89OcU## e e good evening ladies and gentlemen and Welcome to our December 16th council meeting our last council meeting for the year of 2024 our first order of business is a call to order and rise for the Pledge of Allegiance iedge Ali to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic stands Nation indivisible second item on our agenda is the reading of the sunshine statement and roll call by Mrs Lauren sta or Municipal clearly this meeting of the denell andboro council is called uent to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of December 16th 2024 was included in a list of meetings that was advertised in The Courier on January 8th 2024 and as a teleconference was noticed on the official dellan website on December 13 2024 and on the public bulletin board on North Avenue on December 13 2024 and has remained continuously posted as required under notice under the state statute mayor s present council president Albertson present Mrs Lance here Mrs Rios here Mr Scott here Mr Sigman here and Mr vanderark here okay next up on the agenda is a reading of a proclamation um recognizing the denel police department for their 100th anniversary this year for 2024 so uh we have members of the uh police department with us and if we can step forward we have a proclamation and a plaque for you put this over here so we take photos there's no one Chief hold that okay so every good Proclamation we give it a readout and I guess there's no better proc to re the last one of the year than celebrating the police department right so celebrating the 100th anniversary of the denan police department whereas the denell and burough Police Department was formally established in August 1924 with Chief Owen moan along with patrolman Patrick tarpe tarpy and Samuel Strickland forming the foundation of law enforcement in dellan and whereas the dellan burough Police Department has exemplified the Burrow's commitment to Public Safety by standing up staying up to date with the latest trainings and incorporating Innovative measures for Effective law enforcement initiatives and whereas over the last century the denell andboro police department has evolved into a highly respected law enforcement agency remaining dedicated to its mission of protecting and serving the residents businesses and visitors of the nelon while fostering Community Partnerships and ensuring Public Safety and whereas the dellen burough Police Department which has grown from its humble beginnings with just three officers to the modern professional force it is today and it's continuing to grow has demonstrated unwavering courage professionalism and commitment to the burrow and whereas this Milestone provides an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of those who have served and honor their contributions to the safety and well-being of the burough of dellan while looking ahead for the bright future of the department and generations of police officers to come therefore be it resolved that I mayor Jason F salento along with the burough Council and the entire burough of dellan congratulate the dellan burough Police Department on celebrating their 100th anniversary and commend them for their dedicated service to the burough of dellan over the last century dated this 16th of December 2024 I'm going to my signature so congratulations guys thank you for your good council do you want to join in this photo okay bring [Music] counseling oh thank you than hey next up is item number four on the agenda the approval of our regular meeting minutes from December 2nd 2024 um can I have a motion a second please move it sigment second Albertson any comments additions or redactions as I currently stand okay roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes item number five on the agenda should we technically even be introducing an ordinance uh that's a good point uh the typically you would want to introduce it at the of the year so that you're not going over terms unless there's an urgency to this can be carried at the next meeting there some urgency on I think the concern is that it's going a new term starting after January May new members who may not have soon introduced it make that 30 it's not changing not changing so if there's an urgency to it uh think it would be acceptable be better practice is typically to carry to the beginning of the so if council's okay we can move it we can introduce it on January 1 okay sounds good this is solicitation right uh no this one is there handic parking space on FR stre well I will pause is there an urgency for this resident because I don't want to well I told them that it was would be introduced in so let's if council's comfortable let's vote on it then in terms of introducing and then it would be January 21st meeting it would be publicly heard and adopted yes okay because we don't do that type of business January 1 so even if we were introduce it on January 1st then we're fine for the just because you committed to the resident let's just again we we'll do it today because the council's not changing um can I have a motion in second on uh introduce ordinance 2024 -33 move it Rios second Sigman okay it's an introduced ordinance so we don't discuss it'll be publicly heard and adopted at the January 2 1st meeting yeah because the 20th is in Monday it's president's the inauguration no Martin Luther Kings Day I apologize and uh inauguration so okay roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr Mark yes okay item number six on the agenda is the adoption of ordinances uh we have 2024 d32 can we have a motion on it in ordinance to repeal and replace entirety of chapter 211 pedaling and soliciting part two general legislation of the den bural code move segment second Rios uh this is an ordinance uh dealing with a solicitation and uh the process in which it will be handled moving forward so with that open the floor to the public if you have any comments or questions solely to 2024 32 please state your name and address and the microphone is all yours or online you can uh address your comments is got somebody talking oh it's a radio okay I thought this sound online was okay uh we'll close that portion of the meeting and we'll open the floor to Mayor and councel for discussion so on 202 24-32 yes just for uh public knowledge would this also affect political campaigning this excludes political campaigning nonprofits and religious entities this is mainly for for-profit entities that would have to fall underneath this although I would hope that those other organizations such as a campaign or religious organization or nonprofit if they see the decal on someone's property they would respect that and not knock on that door but in terms of following the procedure of list and fe uh they're excluded thank you you're welcome any other comments or questions pertaining to this without hearing any we'll take a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes okay item number seven on the agenda is resolutions Mrs stats will read through them and give mayor and Council an opportunity to discuss them resolution number 346 is to pay the bills move it Rios second Albertson Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandermark yes resolution number 347 is adopting an amendment to the Personnel policies handbook procedures move it segment second Rios uh the main uh change to this is for any employees hired after December 31st of 2024 they are no longer uh uh entitled thank you that's the right word to uh longevity that's being removed underneath this Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 348 is to hire winter staff basketball coaching for the recreation department move it Sigman second Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number three 349 is to approve a service contract between animal control Solutions LLC and the burough of dellan move it Sigman second Rios Mr Miller can you speak to this yes mayor in the past uh Ed to provide service to the B and summer time they informed us that they were no longer uh work with outside town basally they municipali sechot facilities Oran so GRE agen they they they with they they work 49 different municipalities and I see they they the contract falls underneath the bid threshold but you got other uh bids um I know in terms of the news and I believe it's all allegation so I'm not speaking on legal fact Edison there was issues with Edison as a shelter in general so I actually think it's good news that we're leaving but so in terms of knowing that they they come highly recommended by the towns that you spoke to ioke agency and okay um and I think if Council were to approve this tonight I think just so residents understanding something get placed on the website that we no longer use Edison this is the services then maybe get something into the den report and an email blast just so people know not to call Edison Council any questions yeah so if it's in Flemington how does that work sorry if they're so they're based out of Flemington is there somebody local or do they have to come all the way from Flemington well they like I said they work with Rook so they're always around know like I said think 49 different municip I right I just I feel like some residents will think that oh well they're coming 45 minutes away that's going to take a while um what do I do with the animal um so that's just my concern thank you okay take a roll call okay Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vandemar yes resolution number 350 is to approve a shared services agreement between the burough of dellan and the dellan board of education for a school resource officer mov Rios second Sigman Rio Sigman yeah so I think um this is a with Sergeant chin at the time he was a school resource officer's retirement we've we've lost that position so this is the efforts to Ren negotiate that contract and um bring back a school resource officer on top of what their security um officer is currently on staff uh Jason uh I've met him he's a good guy um so I think this is important for Public Safety the safety of our children um I personally believe in Harden schools so I think this is important for safety um so uh this uh was a several weeks to a couple months negotiations and so this is uh the product of that so I just want to extend thanks to Alex Miller Bill Robertson chief chief Smith Lauren and the team that was really strong on getting this together um this council's had time to review this but I will note for the record because there was an amendment before the council meeting that council member Lance brought to our attention I think it was a good recommendation so he added it to hear so for council's consideration underne duties we added H that the officer may be requested by the superintendent or his a need to assist with traffic flow and enforcement during morning drop off and afternoon pickup on and around school grounds because that was not on the duties so I think that was a good recommendation we did add it and so that's on the floor for Council to consider as the overall package of an agreement okay I think that's a great Amendment okay Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mrs Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution 351 is to authorize the transfer 2023 appropriation reserves to accounts payable move it Sigma second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes okay item number eight on the agenda is consent agenda we have items uh resolutions 352 through 370 so Council take a moment to review um and let us know if there's any resolutions You' like to pull out and speak separately before we take a consent agenda roll call uh 355 okay any other ones just okay so we could take a vote for the rest of the consent bill is that have yes motion second on the rest of the agenda with the exception of 355 move it sigment second Albertson all in favor oh sorry you doing I'm already a German M Albertson Mrs Alberton yes it's okay um Mrs Lance uh yeah yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vanderark yes okay can I have a motion and second on resolution 355 move it segment second Rios okay council member would you like are we doing a limit on how many um residents are like like what if all of dellan wants chickens well that I think the ordinance would be their right to do it we limit the number of how many how many chickens chicken it's five chickens no no roosters yeah no roosters I think I wanted to just clarify that okay and they're all inspected George went and inspect their coups um in the past week and they all passed so fantastic and we do that every single year I have one question um are any of these new this year that haven't already been approved like the number of houses growing I think one was added last year um but only four so it started out with just one and then each year like one or two yeah awesome thank you one more question sorry is this like a swimming pool thing where they have to be fenced in you know like yes so the ordinance and I know by because I remember when this was happening we were it was being proposed by the clerk at the time that we not allowed chickens at all and we apparently have a a growing at the time we had a growing organic uh chicken Community apparently uh so I was getting emails about you know you're going to kill my chicken um but then many of them went ahead and killed their chicken for food but anyway um so uh it's basically you have to treat this like as if it's like a shed in your backyard they have to be Co and it has to be certain distance from your neighbor and property when goes around we have a checklist and he marks everything up on the checklist to make sure it's proper I'm just asking about the fencing in because of animals coming in that's the only reason I would think that it would have to be fced in but if you want to read ordinance 2016-08 could you know you can read up on it thank you sure are there any more questions okay we take a roll Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes okay item number nine on the agenda is Council reports council president Albertson very brief I just like to wish everyone a happy holiday stay safe stay well and enjoy the new year amen council member RI yes dellan Public Library join us uh December 23rd at 1M for a festive Christmas Willie party registration is required uh come celebrate Hanukkah on December 26th at 10:30 a.m. with a special story time for children ages 1 through six holiday closures to keep in mind the library will be closed December 24th and 25th for Christmas and we will also close early on December 31st Board of Education upcoming uh events December 17th Board of AD meeting at 7:30 Lincoln Middle School December 18th is the LMS DHS winter choir concert December 20th is early dismissal December 23rd through January 1st is District Clos for winter break and January 7th is their uh reorganization board meeting uh the uh where am I denell and recck annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony took place on Friday December 6th at 6:30 at Washington Memorial Park it was it is always a special night in dellan it took so many wonderful people to take to make this beautiful night happen thank you to Mayor and councel for supporting our programs special thanks to all involved mayor sento ceremony countdown for the tree lighting recommission for all your assistance with the event Carl gger and the fifth grade choir wonderful job Imperial brassband all the denell and EMS fire department rescue squad OEM search team and police department dep Mike loan thank you very much Santa roundtown another dellan classic tradition on Christmas Eve our fire department will escort Fanta around town this year we will start on the south side of town starting at 10:00 a.m. uh be sure to listen for the sirens annual senior citizen holiday party this year's party will occur on Sunday January 19th at 1:30 at the dellan Firehouse any seniors interested in joining can call the recreation department as always the recreation department would love to have the mayor and Council join us at this party winter flag football flag football what Youth Flag Football has become begin with 10-week program is led by parent volunteer and high school football players registration is still open and there's still space available to register V visit our Dell and parks and record website recreation basketball this 8-week program for children is in kindergarten grades kindergarten through 6 will begin Saturday January 4th basketball will take place on Saturday morning at fav gym there is still space available you can register online at dellan Parkson rec.com and I just want to wish all of dellan a joyful holiday season filled with warmth PE peace and togetherness here's two sherish traditions and a bright new here thank you okay very nice council member vanderark I have nothing okay thank you sir council member Lance yes for buildings and grounds um the Viking security call box system for entry to the police Lobby and Chambers Court is now fully operational the side door will automatically lock at 5:00 p.m and unlock at 8:00 a.m. on evenings when Council meetings planning board meetings or Court sessions are held the doors will lock at 900 p.m. add Additionally the system includes call boxes located both inside and outside the police Lobby which are monitored by Somerset County dispatch Around the Clock some updates throughout Burl Hall plans for further security enhancements are being made Alex Miller recently held a meeting with representative from J1 door company regarding the replacement of the doors at the office of emergency management and the recreation office during this discussion they outlined the plans for the project which is scheduled to take place in mid January winterization has been successfully completed at McCoy Columbia Park and Washington Park to protect unoperated facilities and irrigation systems from harsh winter conditions and um for the dellan Arts and inclusion culture commission they've already start transformed several business storefronts with festive winter displays that celebrate the season passers by can enjoy snow covered Landscapes cheerful snowmen and twinkling holiday lights we encourage residents and visitors to explore the town and support local businesses and that's all thank you council member Sigman uh yes I just want to clear my throat and then uh and then wish everyone a safe and jolly holiday season thank you thank you council member Scott so for DPW they continue weekly Lawn and Landscape Maintenance at Burrow parks and properties Leaf cleanup at the burough parks and properties uh cleared to catch Bas and Lids Leaf bag pick up throughout the burrow and a reminder they're going to continue picking up through the end of the year two more weeks so it's coming soon uh removed debris from the trash trap in the creek uh the crew walked the streams cleared debris from the stream after the last few rain events and I'm sure this week there'll be more uh finished installing the Christmas decorations and for the mechanical division they service the police Feet Fleet as they come up for maintenance or breakdowns arise service the DPW equipment as they arise uh issues for maintenance service the large salt spreader prepare for winter clean and adjust the chain lubricate the grease and bearings uh repaired to the DPW pickup truck for a faulty plow lighting module installed a new leaf vacuum on unit 2 and repaired Leaf equipment as issues arise with daily usage and that's all okay thank you um my report uh volunteer applications are they're still open for term starting in 2025 uh they're open until Friday feu um February December 20th I'm already skipping ahead geez um I I believe that volunteering your time is one of the greatest gifts you can give so think about that during the holiday season um and I'm grateful for the count I know the council members are grateful for the countless volunteers here in dellan who generously give back by serving on our many commissions authorities and Boards uh so we proudly offer many opportunities for individuals who are interested to getting involved through many of our commissions which you can find on the website at dellan - nj.gov back volunteering or you can come to burrow Hall and apply in person if if you you're still a pen and paper kind of person so um we invite you to join us on Sunday December 29th at 6m at Washington Memorial Park for manora lighting celebration come together as we celebrate the warmth and light of the season with a brief history of Hanukkah followed by the lighting of the manura and I believe the habad of new Bruner will be uh leading those efforts on Thursday December 12th um I had the honor of attending the New Jersey chapter of the American planning association's 2024 planning excellence awards and great places in New Jersey at the South Orange Performing Art Center um I was joined on stage by the denell and downtown management organization and arts denell arts inclusion and culture commission member and volunteer heid heliac uh and billly George our Communications coordinator joined us as well uh we accepted the great downtown award on behalf of the burough of dellan this annual award program recognizes the people plans projects and places that embody the power of great planning to create vibrant healthy Equitable and sustainable communities across New Jersey so just extend a thank you to DMR Architects NW Financial McManaman Scotland and Balman CME Associates Wendell Mark Lane and mittendorf King mentioned Collins LLP Gabe G Baylor who actually submitted us to be considered former mayor Robert J Cedar uh and current and former council members um the denel planning board business administrator Alex Miller our former administrator Bill Robbins director of community development director uh Derek white the ddmo the denell norts inclusion and culture commission um there's a lot of people to think that made that Journey possible the parking authority are bur employees volunteers residents and business owners and all who have had a hand in the incredible progress of our Miracle Mile and all the efforts we've we've accomplished so it's it's uh it's nice to be recognized by the state and state organizations we also will be featuring in New Jersey real estate magazine so that's coming up in the next several months so um dellan is on the map and uh it's been a shared vision and Community effort to get us there so kudos to everyone involved um and you actually you know what yeah I saw your applaud that do over RS a Redevelopment Town Hall last Wednesday we hosted our annual mayoral town hall on Redevelopment in dellan if you're if you are unable to attend have questions about Redevelopment in dellan I encourage you to watch a recording of the event which is available on the burough of Dell's YouTube channel it's titled denel social media as the presentation provides important details on our revitalization efforts I'd like to thank everyone who attended in person or virtually and a special thank you to our panelists um which they'll be in the meeting minutes so I'll put them in there um there's just a lot of people but thank you to all of them you can see their names on the if you watch the Youtube um drone updates uh we are continuing to monitor the situation involving the drones that have been seen flying throughout the state um while they have not officially been reported through the dellan burough Police Department numerous accounts of sightings have been reported in dellan that we've noted based upon uh social media conversations an official briefing from the New Jersey State Police and New Jersey office of Homeland Security and preparedness stated that if you witness this suspicious activity the Drone activity it should be reported to the njohsp uh counter threat watch unit at 866 uh 472 3365 or email tips np. goov and if needed through local dispatch which that is uh 73 2968 3000 extension Z please do not dial 911 unless it is a true emergency please if you see one of these and you want to notify local officials please dial the non-emergency line unless it is clearly lifethreatening um the Department of Homeland Security and FBI have deployed drone detection technology and infrar cameras to determine the origin and nature of these drones the FBI is leading an is the leading agency in investing these in investigating these sightings uh state and federal officials have noted that there is currently no evidence of a threat to Public Safety but it's still important to report these sightings to the proper Authority so they can be investigated uh we will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available uh to us um okay some good news um burough of dellan was awarded uh $430,000 for a North Avenue Improvement project uh which is basically uh the North Avenue streetscape Improvement which will which will complete the decorative lighting that we see in the downtown from uh Jackson all the way to the planfield Border we also received an NJ doot State streets program uh grant for 6 146,000 um to uh basically to go towards the replacement of sidewalks along the entirety of South Washington Avenue um so this program will get new sidewalks along South Washington Avenue and the goal of the program is basically safe routes to Transit um and South Washington is one of the key routes to walking and liking to the train station sford Avenue we receive $46,800 in Grants from the njdot to do work there um while the grants for these projects have been awarded for 2025 fiscal year it is important to note that their completion follows a two-year cycle due to the timeline and financial obligations of projects that are currently under way so while we have the funding net we we got the grant funding just due to like guys noted uh financial obligations and timelines to Grants that were in the pipeline before them it usually is a two-year timeline before these projects are done um just want to be transparent about that so good news is between these three grants that totals just over $1.5 million in the last three months um which is pretty good for a square mile town of only about 8,000 people and um I think that now between grants from the state over the last five years and Technical assistant grants puts us just around $10 million over the last five years in Grants so a significant amount for our little burrow and I do credit because we survey the community often and we work with state agencies that do technical assistant grants and help us with reporting and data collection and why we and also having the climate resiliency plan that we did we create um really good applications that the state appreciates um it was funny I was getting uh emails from one of the state assemblymen down in closer to South Jersey going your your Town's getting money left and right what's going on so I gave him the advice of what dellan does is we we talk to our community members and we make sure that we engage them and develop policy around what the community actually wants um so our Engineers report uh downtown wave finding signage plans and sign details have been modified due to the mutcd requirements regarding traffic and pedestrian signage bid documents have been upd uh uploaded to pmrs for local Aid review and SEI has received initial review comments from the njdot and the highway occupancy permit application has also been submitted uh clein place um the contractor attempted to complete the remaining work on the project however further corrective work uh is required I will note to the council and the public um there after the work was done it was creating almost a a a pitch down in the road so it was puddling um the contractor came in to do corrective work without notifying us the engineer or the residents so it was quite the surprise when people were calling saying the road is being torn up um but uh from my understanding we're not satisfied with what was left behind and we are going to be sending um through the engineers and if needed legal uh the requirement that they fix it to what it was done to so just so the residents inclin place and Pearl and Jay do and Kennedy understand we're not going to let it be left that way same thing with Oak around Maple it's starting to flake up a little bit so we're in Communications with American Water to ensure that they hold the contractor accountable to fix that area too um fortunately when you do this work it does happen it's just a matter of how do we react and hold those accountable to actually fix it the way it should be fixed uh Washington Avenue street lighting the project has been awarded and C is coordinating the approval of the award with the NJ do local Aid uh Second Street phase one the project me award in CME is coordinating the approval of the award with njdot local Aid roer Culvert a meeting was conducted with ibank to discuss the project status and issues um we are requesting a meeting uh with the Army Corps of Engineers of the status project of the Greenbrook uh flood control project uh the infamous strip joint 635 bound BR Road demolition contract to be bid upon completion of the building assessment so once that done we'll see that building come down then we can start the process of remediation before the rescue squad can uh get the appropriate Finance to build or building that they proposed um CME continues their their discussions with uh psng on the light conversions as we noted we're going to keep them we're going to make them LS it's an ongoing conversation just because there's cost Associated to it so we need to consider what that's going to to go into a new budget year um CME continues to monitor work being performed by Comcast so we do have our Engineers on the ground um if anybody wants updates on Comcast please follow our social media platforms and also we have a section on our website if you see concerns please report it um they should be notifying the residents before they come in and do work if they're not let us know officially um we don't always go to Facebook for our news so you need to let us know um so we can handle it up recording link um uh we uh we did discuss with CME was a part of a meeting with some stakeholders in the administration to discuss conditions of sanitary sewage system and potential funding of improvements to accommodate Redevelopment and everything so uh that's an ongoing conversation that'll be brought to back to council for discussion and budget letters were submitted for South Washington Avenue New Market Road pedestrian improvements the Bound Brook Road streetscape improvements and the bur RRS p uh improvements that was the local aid grant we got for 170,000 and actually I apologize that what one of part part of that is um but uh so that will be discussed in our budget conversations before the budget is presented okay um I hope everybody joins us on January 1st uh at 12m for our annual reorganization meeting um don't party too hard the night before um it's a lovely day and we have uh lunch at the Denon hotel that everybody at the meeting is welcome to join um if you're at the meeting um uh Council me president Albertson and council member Bill Scott will be reworn in and um it's it's a it's a fun time reorganizing our government so everyone is welcomed you'll hear the state of the burough address here what we did in 2024 and some plans for 2025 um Council just so you're wereare working on count committee assignments um I would recommend going in to 2025 that at minimum the chairs meet with their committees at least quarterly to discuss with department heads their needs their wants and just kind of where they're at throughout the year um if you do that great if not please do that I think it's important um and if you're doing it cly it's only four times if you think about it you should and could be doing it more but just keep at least quarterly in mind and uh I'll just conclude with wishing everybody a Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah and holiday season and a happy and healthy prosperous New Year we uh will be sharing over the next week or two the year in review as we normally do the graphic of what we accomplished this year um I I will say we accomplished a lot we're small but we're a mighty town and I'm very thankful to be your mayor and get to serve alongside such great public servants H from Council to volunteers to our buau staff and people like Mr luck who work in a different Authority but we enjoy working with you and uh but thank you everyone for your service and I look forward to working with you and seeing you in 2025 so a happy and prosperous New Year and uh let's do some good work okay where we at number 10 department head reports legal thank you mayor no report okay clerk no report tonight Administration the contract try to fix the L spot theed our engineer will be um and Bill yourself all the involv the S took a while to get also bring up she I was working with the school on security and we the police hav't don't okay thanks thank you it Qui we had good amount of live events that we hosted such as the Christmas tree lighting fire opening and development we did have producent viewerships on it for the lighting we had 36 views the fire opening 69 views and development 60 nice thank you Police Department anything from parking authority functioning chaplain anything from Fire Department fire company appbody God bless them thank you okay at this moment in time we will it's item number 11 on the agenda public comments um we'll open the floor to the public we'll go first who's in Chambers we just ask that you please state your name and address okay any members online please state your name and address okay one last General blanket anybody joining us either in person or virtual please state your name and address okay we'll close that portion of the meeting um before we close out the meeting in next year's agenda you're going to see something called new discussion um we just ask there'll be a procedure that if council members and it's always council members of always had the opportunity to bring something to council discussion but we'll place it on the agenda as a just a placement so people know that they are able to uh I would I think the Lauren and the administrator would just appreciate prior to you know any new discussion you just email them for whatever you're going to request it be on the agenda at least a week or two in advance so okay with that have to take the last opportunity of 2024 to gavel if we haven't motion and a second on resolution 371 to adjourn our 2024 bural Council season move it Sigman second Albertson all in favor I hi any Nays only once okay thank you everyone God bless you Happy New Year and we'll see you January 1st 2025 for our annual