e e oh so when you hit the ground you know and I guess we're live We Live to our March 18th council meeting our first order of business is a call to order and arise for the Pledge of Allegiance so please rise i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation God indivisible libery Justice for All next item on our agenda is a reading of the sunshine statement and roll call uh by our municipal clerk Mrs Lauren stats this meeting of the ellenboro council is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of March 18th 2024 was included in a list of meetings that was advertised in The Courier on January 8th 2024 and as a teleconference was noticed on the official dellan website on March 15 2024 and on the public bulletin board on North a on March 15 2024 and has remained continuously posted as the required notice under the statute mayor salento presid council president Albertson pres Mrs Lance here Mr paulon here Mrs Rios here Mr Sigman here and Mr vanderark here before we move on to item number three in our agenda which is the appointments to boards commissions and authorities I would just like to rate read a statement out for the public based upon um what happened at the last council meeting just so it's noted and on record I do believe I made my position on behalf of the council in the entire town of what we believe that phone call was and how we won't stand for it but I do have a statement that I would like to read out for the record it saddens me to have to address the recent incident of Zoom bombing during our March 4th 2024 council meeting Our Community Values inclusivity respect and constructive dialogue any form of hateful speech or behavior whether in person or online as it occurred on March 4th is utterly unacceptable and it goes against the very fabric of our Burrow's identity unfortunately we are one of the many communities throughout the country that have been recently experiencing the zoom bombing a term coin during the pandemic that entails racial anti-semitic and other hateful speech during public meetings while we recognize the importance of free speech it must never be a shield for bigotry or discrimination as a community We Stand resolutely against the hate in all forms we are committed to fostering an environment where all residents feel safe and welcome to participate in Civic discourse without fear of intimidation or harassment and we are proud that we've been able to accomplish on the Miracle Mile in light of this incident We are continuing to review our procedures to ensure the security and integrity of all our Council meetings virtual meeting meetings we will work diligently to implement measures that uphold the principles of free speech while safeguarding against malicious disruptions our goal is to create a platform where every voice can be heard respectfully and constructively furthermore we are working with our local law enforcement having reported this incident and anticipated that an investigation will take place in order to identify those who participated in these vile actions and I will note names were taken they were found they were reported and let me tell you if you're online again tonight it's going to continue to be reported so stop your foolishness I urge all members of our community to join us in condemning hate speech and standing up for the values of Tolerance diversity and mutual respect together we can build a stronger more inclusive dellan for generations to come and it's something that we have been building because dellan is a great town to live work shop and raise a family in so those are the values in which we stand on and we condemned the ridiculous vile comments that were made at the last council meeting and as I said then I'll say again you'll have to answer to your maker based upon those comments that you made okay now without further Ado item number three is the mayor's appointments to boards commissions and authorities uh item number one on this is the appointment of Sher muha for term to expire on December 31st 2024 uh to the denell municipal Alliance um Mrs muha is not here so she can see uh Mrs stats to take her oath of Allegiance excuse me next on our agenda for this appointment is uh the appointment of the following members to the down Arts inclusion and culture commission um I see we have two members of the audience today that are being appointed so I will ask for them to come on up and we'll do the the allegiance yeah we did M art cult commission we Solly swear swear that we will support the Constitution of the United States that we support theti of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jers that that will bear true faith and the same and the government established in the United States the United States and in this state under the authority of people under the authority of people so help me God so help me God congratulations yep so for the remaining members that were appointed to the denal Arts inclusion and culture commission uh please see Mrs stats at the clerk's office and she will uh read the oath of Allegiance for you and you can sign I was notified this evening by uh Luan steber that she did decline the appointment so we will be seeking a member for the alternate member one position um thank you to everyone who steps up and Volunteers in the town um we need volunteers we need more of them um the dellan Arts inclusion and culture commission is the establishment of of uh the denel diversity and inclusion and with the denel arts and culture commission um the Liaisons for this commission will be uh council member Daniel Sigman and crool Idis Lance so thank you for that council members also just said on the topic we did reissue the special assignments to the council members because of the addition of the denalan Arts inclusion and culture commission as well as uh reaffirming the communications Advisory Group which is uh council president Albertson council member Sigman and council member Rios who will be a part of that group so uh they will be the Liaisons to that to the already working committee um so where are we we are on item number four approval of the meeting minutes can I have a motion a second to the regular meetings of our March 4th 2024 council meeting move it Sigman second Albertson any comments additions or redactions to the meeting minutes as they currently stand without hearing any let's take a roll call please Mrs Alberton yes Mrs L yes Mr paulon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vanderark yes okay uh before we move on to item number five I should have done this in the beginning of the meeting our attorney uh William Robertson who will would normally be here is not here this evening obviously and Michael silbert from um The W Francisco thank you y uh we're so used to having a soulle proprietor as our attorney Francisco uh and baitman is here to represent on behalf of Mr Roberts and I apologize I should have introduced her earlier that's okay thank you for having me um so item number five on the agenda adoption of ordinance uh 20 24-6 uh to amend the ordinance 20245 authorizing the execution of RightWay agreement between the burough of denel and Comcast a plan field LLC to permit the installation use and maintenance of cable television service and Telecommunications facilities within public rights of way for purposes of providing cable television and telecommunication Services can I have a motion in a second please Mo Rios second Sigman okay it should be introduction Okay so this is an introduction uh we're amending the agenda as we currently speak so um this is just language that was amended to the the prior publicly heard and adopted ordinance which noted uh Comcast of Northeastern or was West I think it was West West uh it was a clerical issue it should have been Comcast a plane field that's the only uh change to the ordinance so um no discussion at this time just updating you and the ordinance will be publicly heard and adopted as it's amended on our April 1st council meeting the goal at this everyone is to get Comcast in to give uh Optimum Alti a little competition so we're very close to getting this done so can we have a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr pchan yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes item number six on our agenda our resolution tions uh Mrs stats our municipal clerk will read them out and she'll give each she'll give each resolution opportunity for mayor and Council to discuss and question if they so choose resolution number 102 is to pay the bills second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Paul Chan yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr andar yes resolution 103 is to award a contract to Verizon for police vehicle laptop computers move it Che Rios was vandar okay yeah Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr paon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr Vander yes resolution number 104 is to amend resolution 07-03 2023 number 15 the hiring of Ola Tapia to create a mural on the Madison AB New Jersey Transit underpass on behalf of the denan arts and culture commission move Rios second sigment Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution 105 is to issue a tax redemption move it second second Albertson Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 106 is authorizing the burrow of dellan to enter into the the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance Cooperative pricing agreement move it Sigman second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr PA Chon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vanderark yes resolution number 107 is to approve the Nights of Columbus for an instant raffle license for April 22nd 2024 to April 21st of 2025 move it Sigman second Albertson Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandemar yes resolution number 108 is to approve the tri bur Memorial post 5479 BFW for an instant raffle license for April 26 2024 to April 25th 2025 second Rios Rios yes Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Bon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vandar yes resolution 109 is a resolution to transfer appropriation reserves for the 2023 operating accounts move it sigment second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes okay okay yes you're welcome item number seven on the agenda is Council reports council president Albertson anything to report this evening no report today oh council member Rios anything to report it's okay I got three pages no it's it's large print yes I do uh toland Public Library there is a critical need for foster parents in New Jersey and on Tuesday March 26 representatives from the New Jersey Department of Children and families will be available to provide information on becoming a f Foster family if you're interest interested in learning more more stop by between 600 pm and 8:00 P.M a representative will be there some special programs for children and teens this month include a collage art on Tuesday March 19th and a DIY DIY lip moisturizer program on March 25th where you can make your own chapstick on and on Saturday March 23rd we will be sell celebrating Holly holy from 12: to 2:00 p.m. with special crafts and a color Party come dressed in white or as you are and help us welcome spring with colorful chalk the colorful powder will be enjoyed at the end of the event jelan parks and wreck the rec reation Easter egg hunt will be held this UPC upcoming Sunday March 24th at Columbia Park at 1 p.m sharp this event is open to kids prek through third grade and dellan residents only bring a basket and don't be late adult yoga is returning this spring registration deadline is March 31st classes begin April 8th from 7 to 8: in the senior center class is free for dellan residents 62 years and older softball opening day is April 13th we will have a rookie and minor league team that will be participating in the Somerville League Baseball come join and support this annual tradition of the opening day parade and ceremony scheduled for April 20th at 10: a.m. youth tennis grades 3 through 8 third grade to 8th grade registration deadline is this Friday March 22nd tennis program begins on April 13th on Saturdays uh Club Tennis will also be offered again on Tuesday nights for competitive play for kids in grades 6 through 8 Board of Ed education on March 12th the Board of Ed had its tenative budget repres presentation for the Year this meeting was to review prior years and current year accomplishments outline enhancments uh plans for the 2025 2024 school year describe the budget process and timeline identify project revenues present a planned budget for the 2024 202 five school year and indicate the tax impact on the presented budget the next Board of Ed meeting will be April 16th have a great day and don't forget to volunteer okay thank you um and that anticipated tax increase is $23 from what I understand on the average home okay so when's the next meeting well the next meeting will be April 16th but the actual budget report will will be um May I'd have to look there's like the middle of the month which I'll let you know on the next so that in the middle of May is when they'd adopt the budget yes okay so if anybody has a concern about a $23 increase on the average home of I think about 425 on the school side make your concerns known I have a concern about that it's going to be a significant increase on our senior population lower income residents so I respect what the school's doing I agree with the quality of service increases and the educational way Direction they're going but uh change is incremental and $23 on the average home is a lot because the average home and denell is 425 mine's 465 so that means the increase is going to be more than 203 much like half of denell so just make your voices known that's all I'm going to say council member Vander Mark any [Music] [Music] report for okay is it working can you hear me now okay uh we could get sow and watch in March and April so keep that in mind I my yes for buildings and grounds the majority of the lights beneath the South Washington a bridge have been upgraded to new LED lights um significantly improving the appearance and safety so we're looking forward to also getting some painting done there too um seven new HomeTown hero banners have been recently ordered for 2024 and all Banners are scheduled to be displayed in May alongside the American flags the DPW crew carried out sidewalk repairs at the library and maintained the playground mulch at morecraft Park uh no report other then just to say remember uh you don't have to be a great athlete to be a great coach uh Joe reminds me of that Weekly this again uh also just want to uh say I'm really excited to see the work of the dellan Arts inclusion and culture committee uh moving forward and synergizing our efforts uh and excited continue the work on the uh Communications Advisory Group that we've been doing so that's it okay great thank you council member council member Coach Joe Paul John all right there we go yes and please sign up because he's been asking for some time so I would hope that you would listen to him because he's really asking so anyone that can please sign up and be a coach and again he is my role model so thank you for thank for that that buddy uh DPW report on March 9th some crew members came in to assist uh with the flooding during a storm the crew assisted the police department on the road closures following the storm the crew cleared all the catch basins and swept the flooded streets and continued to walk the streams the DPW crew also uh routinely cleaned the downtown area all burrow properties and Parks they picked up branches throughout the town cleaned up two Fallen trees at McCoy Park sprayed for weeds in the downtown area and all the burrow properties and Parks repaired a sidewalk at the library began working on all the baseball and softball fields for the upcoming season which is exciting uh in the upcoming week the crew will be working on potholes around town so if you do see them please try and swerve around them and if you're behind them gives them some time to do what they need to do uh and they are doing repairs on all vehicles police vehicles DPW trucks and prepping all law m it's equipment for the upcoming season on to the rescue squad they are continuing to look for volunteers uh like I said we've mentioned many times there's a lot of good things happening with the squad in a bright future so please check out their website for all updates and if you want to become a volunteer you can do so uh please visit theelen rescue.org and that is all for me okay um uh Center Street uh the mill and pay project we're anticipating that Center Street which is a shared service contract with bcat Township will be milled and paved um this summer um if you remember in 2023 uh we repaired and replaced several sections of damaged curbs and added new uh compliant Ada sidewalk ramps um as we get closer to the start of the milling and Paving notices will be issued to the residents and the school district uh Railroad Avenue to Grove Street sewer lining project uh we anticipate this reining project to begin on or around March 29th it'll take approximately 3 to five days to complete uh New Jersey American Water the milling and Paving of North Washington Avenue North The First Street uh is planned for spring of 2024 our May 19th multi sight uh clean up of the Greenbrook uh this is our third year of uh this multi municipality and multi partner initiative which includes the lower RIT and Watershed partnership mayor's Alliance for a clean Green Brook water way and many more please join us at McCoy park at 9:30 a.m. on the 19th to clean up the Green Brook uh something new and exciting dellan volunteer picnic and events uh please join us for Dell's First Volunteer picnic on Sunday April 28th uh 12:00 pm at Columbia Park information will be noticed out soon uh just wanted to make the announcement tonight here at the council meeting uh just want to give a shout out to Kelly Cedar uh she's really been working with me on this and she's been doing a fantastic job but what is uh volunteer Picnic Day um this will give the Committees commissions boards and authorities the opportunity to showcase their agencies and explain to the public about their missions and goals and hopefully encourage more people to sign up and volunteer it'll also be a means for us to thank our volunteers with a picnic um additionally I'm planning a mayoral Town Hall called volunteering in dellan for Thursday April 25th at 7M at the denell senior center um we are in conversations with the school on whether if we can get that same Town Hall assembly into the school district on Friday the 26th um to get encourage the students to get involved uh finally during the week of April 7th to the 13th uh we will conduct a social media campaign for New Jersey local government week as we always do showcasing our public employees and various volunteer committees and commissions uh budget introduction and presentation Dell's 20 oh I had 20 2045 on here that's interesting I plan not to be mayor at that point uh Dell's 2024 budget uh will be introduced at the Monday uh April 1st 2024 council meeting at 7M it won't be April fools we will have a budget pre uh presentation uh Klein Place Road Improvement project a uh pre-construction meeting was held on January 25th uh construction is anticipated to commence around April uh supplemental some pump and leader drain connections are are being coordinated with the burough for future tie-ins by residents uh the contractor is still securing a suitable supplier for the pre-cast sanitary and storm water sewage components of the project which could potentially affect the start date for the project but uh we will follow up with more information as we closer to an answer on that Lincoln Avenue uh the remaining work has been completed and close out paperwork was transmitted uh to the to us on the 9th of February CME Associates our engineer has received the signed uh New Jersey Department trans ation change orders from the buau and we are processing the grant close out with the Department of Transportation they've also begun preparation of the final certificates of costs to obtain final Grant reimbursement from the state uh Washington Avenue street lighting project CME Associates is addressing uh the review comments received from the New Jersey Department of Transportation to advance the project de bidding uh the lighting lease agreement is being processed by us the burrow uh the down station K havan component uh the report for the final uh temporary certificate of occupancies has been submitted to the construction official uh our Engineers are conducting site observations to generate a list of work to be completed or bonded prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy and um mix that up I apologize uh CME Associates is preparing the recycling tonage Grant application it was for 2023 clerical error last time I said 2024 it is 2023 it's a year behind uh C Associates is in receipt of com ments from the njd regarding the railroad Culvert project um and they are in contact with them about the needs for uh to be done and receive the final approval uh C Associates is scheduled to attend a virtual pre-construction meeting uh with the New Jersey Department of Transportation on March 28th about the proposed Ada uh compliant ramp improvements along North Avenue so if you remember in 2020 they C the state came to us and said they're going to do in 21 and then they came back and said they're going to do in 22 and then they came back and said they're going to do in 23 well we never got to this point with a meeting so maybe this means they'll actually get done in 24 maybe 25 but anyway uh we're having a meeting on that uh CME Associates is reviewing um the application to the planning board uh for 337 Front Street which is slated for April planning board meeting um so that's that um just a heads up to in Communications with congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman her off office um there are some projects we applied for for federal funding through Appropriations and um looks like we might get some funding for them one would be a bike trail and path around the mous additional one would be some improvements to the downtown so more information to follow on that so with that we will turn it over to our department heads if you have any uh additions so just for fire dep so is it on it is on so for the fire department the uh projects moving along they today they started the floor work in the bay so hopefully in about two weeks two and a half weeks I can invite you all down to take a tour of the progress so far as we get ready to move the trucks in so that's exciting that's the last hurdle to get us into the Baye rest of the building is still looking June is could be a little longer but uh it's moving along so and one other thing as I was thinking uh this Wednesday night the fire department set up a pre-plan of the new project down uh by Warrenville Road so we're going to be doing a walk through the the construction to see how everything's going and learn where the fire protection features are so it's all for the fire department yeah one yes um we continue a safety Saturdays um and actually we're looking for our First Responders the fire department the police department the rescue squad to be a presenter at a 20 minute virtual safety Saturday the near future the other thing I just like to say is that um thanks to uh DBW they have prep prepared the pad was to receive our 40 foot container uh which we will use to stockpile emergency supplies uh we have offered uh the Carol fund space there uh as well in the 40 foot container that's it open the floor how's everyone good good yourself personally my name is James Spears I live on the street right here 16 Prospect Avenue okay um firstly I would like to say good good evening to all in attendance virtually as well uh that feels better okay um for myself and the vast family that supports me I would like to say that March 4th 2024 I had the pleasure of viewing my first public viewing of a proper and professional council meeting I have my past worked along with the mayors of planfield current and past and the current mayor of Lyon while I do not know any of your personal lives I've Had The Graces of working alongside you and I commend you all on your current Endeavors in future because I see that you all support change and will stop for no one on what is grammatically and physically correct with our society the way it is at the moment when social media runs as the news craze and false information is spreading like wildfire I realize that Visual and soundly pleasing Comm in in a soundly pleasing Community is a key feature and goal to strive towards I would like to bring up a few topics one being that March is here and that I did not see any indigenous art or activity for the Youth of dellan or even the young adults seniors in the past month of February as a town of a diverse culture I know it is imperative for us to learn the cultures of others in order to create positive environments for the Youth we have multiple restaurants in dellan give me one second as I scroll we have multiple restaurants in the city of dellan but no public outings for growth meaning more culture-based outings for more people to visit and feel comfortable this will create more opportunity for our Town's business and create more job opportunities for the Youth who need to learn the significance of work I am not a political person nor am I looking to be but I do relate to people and I can understand where they are coming from so I hope I can be involved in making this happen I do not have capital or currency to make to to back me I am an entrepreneur who hopes for the best given my own circumstances and living situations I am not on Section 8 or even disability so I definitely know and feel the Growing Pains of inflation and growing up this was not something I was taught in grammar school or even high school because economics was not highlighted I think we as a community should Implement more into the school's education system and programs for the future creators doctors lawyers Mayors and judges I have no degree in any college but I have studied multiple Avenues from philanthropy entertainment Logistics business analysis macro and ecological economics and I know that this is something we need in our city and can work together to find the res resources my next point is the amount of capital we spend on decorative allowance on keeping the city appealing we could really use charging stations that are Wi-Fi enabled for free just like New York City and I'm not I'm not implying to put one on every corner but it would definitely create more lucrative opportunity for delivery bikers drivers Etc with hopes of no one having to sleep on a street or in a stairwell it's not something I would want any child to have to grow up and experience because of the lack of resource with your help we can create a city that people from all walks of life can afford and bring a positive outcome to I will definitely have more to speak on as I watch the city develop whether I live here or am just passing through with all hopes to a better future for myself and you all thank you for listening and considering my thoughts on what can definitely change and mold all of our own family future sincerely James Spears thank you James for being here this evening and sharing with us your opinion your thoughts your P perception and um there are multiple opportunities to volunteer I encourage you to go on denel and- nj.gov and see what volunteer opportunities are on our volunteer application um and you spoke about business there's a denell downtown management organization to get involved with the denell Arts inclusion and culture commission again involved with the library is a cultural Hub and they're always looking for volunteers and the town overall is looking for more volunteers so uh we're proud of our diversity and we appreciate you being here today to to recognize that and also bring some points to us to consider um so always open to a conversation so thank you thank you you too James okay any other members of the public that are in person right now please state your name and address Carl okay well Rick's not here so we're not talking about me getting to a kayak so that's good news right oh hey Gigi how are you I'm great good evening everyone Jette Mosley 113 Pearl Place denell uh my question was about the um what action can the barrel take for repeat violators hindering snow removal and um soon the street sweeping uh do we have like first offense second offense third offense anything like that um some of it being um flagrant actions thank you well without me looking at the ordinance right in front of me um which Mrs stats is looking at I can tell you in terms of uh cars that are not removed um during snow events they're automatically ticketed uh there's no warning from my understanding in terms of when street sweepers go by um I we don't really ticket or warn on that one just because it's a matter of you know they're doing whole sections at once um I mean I guess we could visit that that but um you know I guess they just they don't get a clean front of their curb that's their that's their I guess you can say the action on that one they don't move their car so I can also ask uh Mr Robinson to look into it I I don't know the ordinance by heart so oh I can get back to you on that there okay we'll get you a copy too okay any other members of the public that are here in person okay it doesn't seem as though we do welcome back Jessica always good to see you um so we will open up the floor to the public that is online we ask that you state your name and address and our it David peten Jinger will uh handle the coordination of our online I heard him earlier okay so without hearing any comments from the public in the virtual world um I'm assuming there's no more in person uh we will close that portion of the meeting and uh there's no further business so item number 10 is adjournment um can I have a motion and a second please move it Sigman all in favor sorry all in favor any n okay good have a good night everyone [Laughter]