##VIDEO ID:SWFFlJtO2i0## we have minutes from September 10th the approval of the exemption of the public drinking bylaw at ler Memorial Field for the T Fest event that they're looking to have approval of the one-day liquor license for the beer guy LLC for set event small Town's collaborative presentation this barter Spectrum Charter franchise agreement so we can have a discussion on that and review of we apparently canot approve an agreement tonight because we need to have a public meeting on that public hearing on that probably too and the approval of the early voting hours for the state presidential election and the Professional Services agreement for the col Center of public management Boston compensation and classification review review of the existing shared treasure collector agreement with peol um that is related to the um compact Community grant that we received okay so we'll begin with the municipal electricity agregation draft planation on that this gentlem from before yeah he's got I'm about to share it yeah I might say Sir if you just in a little bit so the folks that are here could hear you just so kind of align with Jason if you're comfortable with that just might be more easy to [Music] hear all right so we've been working with um Paul and an associate on um pulling together a draft plan we've submitted it to eoa and had a consult meeting with them and kind of the next step of this process is for us to open up a 30-day public comment period so we thought to kick that public comment period off we have Paul here I will say they are doing a terrific job with keeping us on schedule if advising us well and um keeping me accountable which is usually the reverse I'm usually CH and consultant so it's good to have a consultant on my tail so he's here to provide a brief presentation and um after that we will open up actually we've already received one email with some comments but um once uh I guess well I guess it opened up today so the public comment starts today and people are welcome and free to review the plan which is posted on our website and offer any comments or ask any questions l so with that PA I'll hand it over to you thank you very much so see if I can manage the slides fantastic so um as as Jason said we the town has developed we here to talk about D power electricity uh program from the town um the town of town has developed something called an agregation plan which is a document that needs to be submitted to the state for their approval um and is now taking public comments from the residents for the next month about the plan the reason I'm here is that the plan itself is a regulatory document it's not all that comprehensible for normal people so what I'm going to do is just explain it in a more simple way just so folks understand the program I can answer any questions and help folks who want to comment on it understand the program that sheas said comments are accepted until the end of the month so what is Dunstable Community power it's something called a municipal electricity navigation program that's kind of a mouthful and if it leaves you as confused as the dog in the photo there you can say it as in another ways it's a form of group electricity buy sort of like Costo for electricity and it's a misile alternative a program offered by the town it's an alternative to the electricity offers you get in the mail or over the phone this is something very popular in Massachusetts over 200 cities and towns have programs like this and this would be done having its own um why participate in this what's in it for you so a few things one is new electricity choices that are not available today um the next is stable electricity prices this would be in comparison to the National Grid's electricity Supply price which changes every six months the town will likely enter into a longer term contract and offer a stable price a goal of the program will also be to provide savings compared to the National Grid price the great majority of programs like this do provide savings but it's important that the town can't guarantee savings and that's because while the town will lock in a price and know its price National Grids price changes every six months no one knows what will be in the future so we can't promise the future but definitely the experience with these programs that that they do Prov on savings and then the third benefit is consumer protections as compared to those private electricity offers those the pro offers designed by private companies to benefit those private companies this is a municipal program designed to benefit the residents um one important thing to say at the beginning is that this program does not replace National good as your utility um National Grid is the electric utility for dunable that there's no choice about that set by state law and they're your utility no matter what but in Massachusetts you can choose your electricity supplier and this program would be your electricity supplier should you choose to participate so the key conceptual Point here is that electricity has two components to it electric service has two components there's delivery which National Grid does no matter what and that's about controlling owning the poles and the wires and reading the meters and sending the bills National good does that no matter what and there's Supply which is a separate thing that you have some choices about there are actually three ways to buy electricity of Massachusetts you can have National Grid do it for you in that case they're providing two Services delivery and supply and that's what's happening for most people in town now and they're getting and the supply part is what's called basic service so you can do that you can sign a private contract within El supplier which I mentioned earlier um or the third option is the town can sign a contract with the supplier and create a municipal program and that's what dunable community power would be about um so here is a picture that just sort of it shows in a picture what I've been trying to describe so here we have what it looks like today for most folks on basic service when National Grid is providing two Services Supply right so that's the windmills there on the power plant delivery that's that big transmission tower so they're doing those two things for you and then you're the customer in GRE so that's how it looks today now with the program it's almost the same picture but the far left part the National Grid there has been replaced by an electricity supplier that the town would choose the National Grid still stays in the middle they doing the delivery part and importantly there's no interruption in the connection between National Grid and the customer so that the right two3 of the drawn there stay the same but there's a new supplier over there on the left replacing National this component of the service so what will the program offer it will program will offer two new choices for you there'll be something called Dunstable standard which people will become enrolled in unless they choose the other one and that be the lowest price that the to can offer there will also be an option for people who want to choose it that will cost more that will have 100% green electricity so that would be an option for you but you won't if you want to choose it but you don't choose it you won't get it as I said before prices will be guaranteed for a period of time that the town will the time the town will decide on later but certainly longer than the National Grid six month price guarantee everyone always has the option to do what's called opt out of the program not participate and then you stay with national good based service where most people are today so two choices in the program or your choice to leave the program Al together and be on National Grid basic service um so this is how it will affect the bill so this is important National big will still send you your bill you'll only get one bill just like today if you're in the program just two things on the bill will change and those are the things in yellow there one is the name of the supplier chosen by the town will be listed and your supply charge will be determined by the price the town's price for the program rather than the national good price for Supply otherwise it's the exact same bill comes the same way as now you pay in the same way as now there's a very little change there so just to emphasis emphasize and this is really a recap the primary relationship remains with National Grid they still deliver the electricity you call them if the power goes out they still send your bill you only get one bill and if you get a low income discount or budget billing or fuel assistance anything like that you still get those those discounts whether you're in the program or not now participating in the program that's easy um the program has what's called an automatic enrollment model which is the way all these programs all 200 of them work under stap law and that means that if you're eligible to be in the program you get enrolled automatically unless you say you don't want to be in it you'll get a formal notification in advance 30 days in advance telling you about the program telling you about the prices and at that point you can say decide I want to be in it which case you don't have to do anything or you can say I don't want to be in it and then you would be removed from the program and there lots of ways to say you don't want to be in um and importantly you can try the program for a while if you want you can always leave there's never a charge for leaving you can always go back to National basic service you have a question have taken question so I actually already have supplier so I would be not eligible until that contract is um so you would be not eligible in the sense you wouldn't get automatically the program so if you have a private contract you don't get automatically involed as far as the program is concerned you're free to join at any time and the program will charge you to Jo but if you have a private contract that contract might have a penalty if you re you might want to let that contract come to its end or talk to that supp and see if there's penalty or not so the town program would always welcome you in but the other contract might prevent you from do that not want to be that so only those that have the basic service would be automatically yes exactly correct I should have been clear about that so the automatic enrollment group is the people on Bas service thank and then let's see so we just have a few questions so this is exactly the question that just came up so you're a step ahead of the presentation so if you have a contract with electricity supplier you won't be automatically enrolled but you can join if you want to what happens here solar panels people ask about that a lot then nothing changes you still get your solar net metering credits or your any kind of community solar credits everything you get now and they're still calculated the same way as now so whether you're in the program or not those credits are calculated the same way um and then as I said before if you have a low-income discount a fuel assistance National good budget billing all that stays the same none of the changes if you Paul on the budget billing that's a pretty common practice um for you know like $50 a month or balance B if the rates lower does it go down it would whenever National Grid resets right so okay the way budget billing works is they make an estimate of what your use is going to be for the next period and what their bill would be and then they collect the regular amount then they chew it up at the end so they would factor that in and determine the bu okay yeah just because it may shift a bit that's right um and then just to give a sense of the timeline so um this whole process takes about a year sort of over on the left there on that first grean bar um which is developing the agregation plan having the public review then it gets submitted to the state for their approval that's supposed to take four months um and then from there the town is ready to go so the CH would uh will conduct it for procurement choose a supplier and then there'll be a before the program launches a public Outreach and commun education period where there'll be a mailing to everybody there'll be public information sessions in town um help them just to make sure people understand the programing and decide whether to be in it or not and then the program will launch um how we will get this information just like I said there'll be notice in the mail the announcement and importantly there's a there's a website and the last I think this is my last slide here want to get more information you can go to the website now Dunstable Community power or you can call that 800 number there and there are folks there who familiar with the program who can answer any of any of questions and just public comments on the plan accepted through October 25th and you get a copy of the plan on the website or on the town website or I think they copies available here in town hall and that's the end yes this consider Body nonqualified Body Energy suppliers yes so that's cor you I the last time you asked that question I didn't know answer actually been asking National gr for the last month to answer that question for but I'm pretty sure the way it work is today you're getting that discount on 100% of your if you join the program you would only app to theivery of probably off not [Music] only oh see so you're better the national I must have asked this question 10 times I mean that particular Bill there a little over yeah multiply that times 12 months in we had actually talked about Paul and I had talked about including that in our materials too I think that's why we're trying to get a better handle on how it works because if there are more people like you if they are we want to make now oh so then then it's only on the delivery part but I'm now really going to push because maybe it's better than I thought that it wouldn't change but we'll get this answered for sure and it part of the educational material the discuss in the that goes to everybody and we'll be sure to highlight it on the website so we have this and I'd be happy to follow with you directly more cont anybody else have any questions so right now iary sounds but I'm guessing that the will be stated before my contract and I choose um yes I'm sorry but I did not hear about the time so your your contract runs until when right now it just runs until January but at any point in time I want yes exactly check the provider I know I have one of those as well and I think it had like an 18mon timeline and there was like a $50 cancellation fee so if yours is up in January mine didn't State whether it would roll automatically back and think it just said it would it's almost like a 10 at will like you're still on it until and the rate may vary so you could either shop it around or just Auto join the dunable community power that it's pretty common I think a lot there was a big Facebook emphasis on this a while back and this is sort of why we you know you know decided to work at Paul to try to get a better rate for the town and a lot of towns do this now all right anybody else questions on the is is there any sort of buying price into this for to for individuals like to switch over their cost oh yes great question none in the down program so there's no fee for joining the program no fee for leaving the program and no fee for rejoining National is the cost saving depending on how many people join it I know it's an po out program but say 30% of off out is a lower saving I'm just trying to get yes um great question and no there will be no difference so the town will sign a contract with an electricity supplier they are committed to whatever price they offer to the town and they're committed to that price whether everybody in the town is in it or only one person the to and last question on the supplier I'm just not familiar with the whole process um so I'm familiar like if something happens with the supp right now I'm assuming what happens at that point we just to National GD yeah so that's a that's a great question what question is what happens if something happens to the supplier that yeah so um as as far as the physical electricity goes that would not be interrupted because um it's the it's actually a regional entity that runs the power grid and they make sure everybody gets electricity no matter what if the supplier of the Town chose ran into trouble and didn't Supply the electricity were supposed to there would be Financial penalties for them but no loss of electricity in the worst possible case say the supplier were to go out of business what usually happen would happen is another supplier would just purchase the contracts and everything would stay as it is worst possible case you just go back to basic today that's never happened but if the worst case happen that's that's so what company do you work for I work for a firm called Mass power choice we're a consulting firm hired by the town to help with the program but we're not the electricity supplier we're just we're just Consultants okay and so is it's like a one time Fe we the way we get paid is we get it's called a broker fee so we get a a small bit of every kilowatt based on every kilow hour that's sold through the program which is p PR that Char part of part ofice anybody else so as you said we've got 30 days of public comment to come in and you subscribe you'll be on our website where you can go to submit your comments questions I call Jason follow up with Paul yeah we have a full portion of our website now built out with all the information about the program and how you can for your comments the Draft plans posted so everything is right on the website right on the home there's a button right on the home page to go visit it and um as Paul said there's also a separate website that you can go look at and call the 1800 number send me an email and um we'll respond to all the questions and comments we receive I mean over 200 communities in Massachusetts have joined similar types of programs so again I think peil has gr discussing it correctly sorry has own that's right Westford has their you know program so this is something that you know I hope there's a benefit and you know I think it goes back to us listening to what people were saying a couple years ago when rates were out ofous world and on Facebook it was just a it was nuts like I mean and I think you know that open the door for what Erica has done and just sort of shop around and I did the same thing so you know it's uh I hope it's a benefit to folks and hope some people inol so thank you Paul is that that number how many communities participated is it there 351 cities and towns 200 are under some sort of agregation agreement yes 200 communities have have uh programs now in all almost every case of their Town specific programs um and there are many more in development so you maybe by the early next year we might have 250 towns want to take into consideration how many towns have MP and there's a lot of them yeah a lot of them they don't participate in yeah so you have saturation at 200 communities pretty taxes I can think of probably 60 70 ttimes of Municipal Utilities but that's it sort of validates the our suspicion and following through in this program and trying to give residents an opportunity to reduce their bills it's a great [Music] sure thisd that you know even though it's you're doing they Chang the rate so I leun that the hard way is there any sort of something like that involved where once we're you know we are in it you know it's ongoing so can that rate change at any point in time um yes although in a very different way from the way third party supply work so the way third party supply works just as you said you they'll offer you a rate for a period of time when you come to the end what most most of them do is they keep you on month to month for the month to month 10 but they you whatever they want so very often the price will double or triple you get to the end and many people don't find out about it till they happen to notice year later what happens with the town Town program is the town um conducts competitive procurement takes bids chooses price for the program and that goes for say two years when we come towards the end of the two years the plan would be the to we go out to bid again and if it gets a a price a good bid price the town decide to be beneficial for the residents the program will continue the town will inform customers in advance this is your price now you're coming to the end of the contract the new price is going to be X you can stay in the program at that time or leave if you want so it it continues on but the critical thing is the supplier doesn't get to discharge what they want in said the town takes bids and besides are any of these bids beneficial for the town if yes you continue if not they all right you good all right thank you thank you presentation okay public forums anybody here have any questions comments not related to anything on our agenda none we will move on to the Board of Health um do you two need to call a meeting quum probably we areum you are a Corum you have a posted meeting yeah yep right on time um discussing the fabric the bins yes the fabc bins and I'm assuming they on and first of all we were a little concerned that we were unaware that the select board had voted on moving them and we weren't notified so we were presented with sort of an emergency they had to be moved within I know 48 hours they had to go now um I don't know you guys we had a I don't think we ever did have an vot so there wasn't I was looking back at the history and talked about not a perfect historian but there wasn't a vote to put them at the like post office um that that space to the left if you're looking at the post office there um and there wasn't a vote to necessarily move them down there was a discussion and that's sort of the early on there was a discussion we checked it out with everybody and we set it all up it was all sort of fine and then suddenly there was this from Ron that these need to move it needs to go highway highway it has to go now nothing was really checked out neighbor um and it dropped on the board of T if there been a we've discussed this we need to move it whatever I me we had a big discussion what six months ago and then suddenly it just dropped on us you know on communication for representing the board that they need to be moved immediately I have to say that this was not a formal discussion it was not a specific agenda item that the board took the vote on we did discuss it because we knew that once we get the MUD district project going that the property was going to be named as ownership by the town it's being leased by somebody else eventually they they would want those moved right that was part of the discussion way we knew they were going to have to move eventually but yeah and and this is something we you know we talked about where are we going to put next we considered the library we considered a bunch of yeah the library is work you know so and then suddenly was and I can't say that was appreciated not work out not oh I heard about [Music] that take all right well Ron I'm going to pass it to you so I'm GNA I'm going to take issue with um you know yeah I spearheaded this but quite honestly to my own self-defense here all right I started this thing last Janu and there are emails that went out to everybody including your okay with pictures of where those bins were going to go why we needed to move them we have the library board here you folks have been here we had the highway guys here Maria we went the route with this thing now whe and it's been quiet ever since then but it does come to a point well I think both Karen and myself and maybe Leah to some extent have had residents of the Town complain to us about where those things were and that they yeah they didn't look we don't own that property anymore we do own that property well it's least on 100 a 99 year leas to a developer you know none of us are going to be here in 99 years so we we own it but we don't right and the bins needed to move because he was going down there with test Waring equipment now some of that is delay at this point because of a turtle issue but there was a point in time back in March or April I don't know when when the developer who I spoke with was going in there with equipment to do test bars and then they didn't do that work neither here nor there at this point the bins couldn't stay where they are I think we had we had everybody in on the thing from the GetGo we did we had discussion months ago right and we knew this was an open issue and then there was silence um and there was discussion but if the select board was going to hit this point is they got to move now you've got 48 hours to going a highway and you better tell Highway warning would have been nice on that likeon suddenly came to a head yes it's been going on for a while there's a lot of things in town suddenly it came to a head suddenly decision had to be made there was not a decision that 30-day was not a decision that was voted on by the board the decision the only thing I know is that there was consideration at one point that our Highway guys were going to try to move them but the owner of those bins said he wanted to do it himself which was fine that was the last I heard it doesn't mean other members of this board didn't have other Communications but it was not done at a meeting so what the 30 days I was not pretty to that bit of information whether the man the owner of the bins called up someone else and said hey I'll be here at this no that wasn't what happened what happened was we were told they had to move they're very willing to move when we want to move and I don't blame them and it's better for us right like just they were just like where do you need them put but we had a sudden situation Highway was not informed and not happy I'm going to take isue with that too you know what I'm sorry I I am dead sorry I was extremely extremely meticulous with all the emails that went on to everybody Maria I'll print them all out to you they go all the way back to last January there a lot of history back but there was not was this is coming up and we have a deadline coming it was coming up we've got to get moved and and you know they' got to get moved means we've got to get a trash program we've got to do whatever yeah just a they you knew what the deadline was apparently yeah there was no deadline the deadline the issue with it from my own perspective is from January months and months go by and the B sat and we had the same he D too we had people call us up and see us at the gas station Don saying why those beens still there they went back and forth and finally he Karen brought this up several times he's had several issues with them too here's the point with it the urgency was because people were complaining not the urgency was that's a little unfair because the urgency was we had come to an agreement with the town own land and the lease to begin a project for the town for affordable housing and the timeline there was this early spring the goal was to have machines go down through the the Snell property and begin exploratory borings and such to Ron's point that was delayed but we knew the imminence of moving the bins needed to happen because if they showed up with an excavator and they're like what do we do either they may damage the bins which would be unfortunate or it would slow down that project which with turtle and habitat type of stuff there's a certain time frame for those types of things I I think that's not really valid I don't I certainly was not in receip of your email so the town Board of Health email tends to F to a lot of us but um my direct email always gets to me um we were not so while this is building up so we have a conversation back last winter things need to move we're not sure the exact time frame whatever and then all of this is building up and pressure cooking the hew and then suddenly they gotta move now now got 24 get them in get the people in next couple of days it has to happen so there was a big quiet Gap this may have been going on in your head to what was happening here communication with the Board of Health is Big Qui a gap um I don't know are they still in the WRA around with caution take with the GU threaten people that come here with so we still have a problem in a decision I don't know what they're taking in at this point or do we want to keep the bins I I was thinking my stuff the L before the bins arrived um so the bins where they were on SN now really worked well the guy that was picking the stuff up who I talked to several times right he was meticulous with what he was doing he was pulling cash out of the pockets of the pants and the jackets that were thrown in there good luck to him and it worked really well they were absolutely well received and and a lot of us dumped stuff in those things and so from the standpoint of the utilization of bin or those fins it was it was well received up until we move those bins we did not have any issues with those bins in the occurrence of vandalism that's going on now and even last night more vandalism it is outside of the culture of this town to have that go on to the extent that's going on for all this time we put them there right and it appears to be pointed at a neighbor who dislikes having the bins there quite honestly we may not even be here tonight had those bins not consistently become issues and the vandalism is continuing even as of last night and so the discussion today at least I think anyway is do I personally dislike the fact that we have an individual that appears appears to be the the cause of this vandalism I want to be careful what that word appears um to the extent that that's been going on and so the question is do we um move the bins to some other location do we eliminate the bins do we need to have the bins I don't like the vandalism that's going on it's threatening the functionality of the highway garage it certainly is um and so I'm just sitting here going all right what are we doing now do we need the bins do they go can we wait where else can they got I don't know how many people complained was it 20 30 40 50 people 10 five or were they just really loud no I I I don't know how many I could probably figure it all out but how many you know you have a Hall Park in your head yeah there was I I got whacked the gas station probably eight or 10 different times by in some cases by the same people who said you know why are you guys not paying attention to what we're telling them or what you know this the s board care I mean when those people come at us with that angle all right you know this board anyway as it sits today we go out of our way to follow up on things and be sure that people who communicate to us through the website the chair whoever the chair I mean they're getting responses back the same day or the next day and we take pride in that and when I hear that those bins are still there and someone comes at me and says well why are they still there do you not care you know what I take that personally because we work hard to be sure that people are sufficiently communicated with on issues in the town so a long story short is here we are today all right we've got a significant vandalism issue that is still out of control and the question is I don't know if anybody's even using those bins right now because of the because of the caution tape and the cones and the the the the quite honestly it's it's a visual threat to people that are I'm what do we do withit thepose of how we got into this whole thing the first place which is that the state made it illegal to dump Fabrics trash now not that anybody goes around checking your trash but it's also good for the environment in terms of recycling fabric so it's uh it's an addition to our recycling program which the border of Health provides the trash service and recycling service to the town it also supports a local nonprofit and it returns funds to the town so we in my last C from Jo was about $4,000 to the town where having been at the recent town meeting every penny counts like I we keeping the lights on in town hall with recycling fact it's fantastic so one question to be would be when you receive complaints did you use that as an opportunity to educate people to those facts um or is it just it's an eyesore Get rid of it and because that's been the biggest conflict it doesn't look like d it's an eyesore and the lot is an eyesore that so I have gone out of my way personally to those people who I have communicated with and although um you know I'm an environmentalist at heart I appreciate the fact that those bins are being used to the extent that they are and even my own wife throwing textiles and shoes and stuff in there we don't I mean that's what we do with the stuff but I but I I want to know that the stuff the textiles are being handled the right you know you can talk to Shaw you know Shaw's sorting facility is pulling all that stuff out and it's there's no reason for it and I think we've done I think we've done as a town a really good thing by having those F that's how I see it well the other things I'd like to think about too is certainly on the board of heal we we get more than our fair share of on people um people screaming because we made them do another test pole and then then they didge mean but we closed the transfer station I we had a full of people screaming at us for that I mean screaming at us I remember that bad plan okay masking and we got a lot of quiet people for all the people we had ripping up stuff one side down the other and online comments and I was smow U and D on social media for it and all the Flack that we got the the loud the people who complain tend to be the loud people and they're only us and people in favor were quiet and we got quiet I got a handwritten note from a citizen Thanking us and we've had people individually ask us and thank us but the people that were screaming were the complains and and I think we have to consider that sometimes not everybody's going to like what's the best decision for the town that is even generally more overall populated and consider whether those 50 people uh that individuals that complained and if they're getting mileage if you're telling them you're going to get they're going to push I mean I think we need to consider that too I mean is there a better decision for the town or are some people going to have to just live with it and we know we're going to have to move but it was fast it is in a very difficult situation right now and we still haven't come up with a good place to put those pins so they're visible they're along because if you put them on the back road people going start dumping stuff there and they're going to have to pull them out because they're very good about picking up whenever people dump they're like oh people are dumping it's horrible just let us know and they they can here within like six or seven hours most of the time certainly within 24 to pick up what people dump stuff around there but we put it back out of the way you know tucked away in a corner then people are going to be able to dump easily we're not going to be able to see it it's just going to way for jumping and it won't get the use it won't people won't know where it is like the library I mean I think my there for seniors once a week it's a it's great for a library but it doesn't take traffic in and out people don't go buy it it's not easy in and out it's they don't have a room and they would certainly be a rough place to be unloading dumpster white dumers in on a regular basis I mean we're we went a long ways trying to figure out the first time we're qu it and now we're like well the highway solution I I think I was the first one that you know make a little Loop or something something there but if it doesn't work it doesn't work or can adapted um I I feel there was an implied criticism like well we take the comments of the town we take the comments of the Town very carefully too we really care but we're not just looking at our decision who's yelling loudest and who's the most upset it's often not the best decision if we followed that we wouldn't have had masks and we would not have had Town trash program which over years most many people have adopted so do we want to get rid of the bins is it really a good idea yeah so what is our path forward here I mean I think I think it's beneficial to have the I think they serve a great purpose the money that comes in is obviously very helpful um doesn't help to have them in a place where people are afraid to use them Mr [Laughter] Cheney anyway I digress so I think if keeping them I personally think is a is a good idea I think it benefits the board of health benefits the town people things to do if they're in a place obviously that people are afraid to use them because of the situation that's going on um obviously we may well not have them where they are now I mean literally I'm on the I'm thinking my next load's going to roll I'm trve and that's only open business off so you can't just do we think that I mean so to your point and I want to make sure you feel like you're being heard because I appreciate that like I I think it's important to try to hear everybody and I appreciate the volunteers and you put into the board and such but the in the same light like I don't want to I'll use the phrase bend the knee to the upset neighbor because that's T just as if that parcel that we had to sell it's it's Town owned land this is for all the residents of the town and your your comment about the loudest voice the loudest voice you know this this whomever it might be allegedly you know they're upset but you know like I hate to like I said bend the knee because someone's really upset and like not feeling H like they could have come to the meeting tonight to discuss unless they're here not sure me or talk to I don't like open the highway is on 113 it's in town I don't want it to disrupt highway but Highway it is Town property um they be mov to somewhere different through or something a little bit different perhaps weet meet with Highway maybe moving to the other side of the entrance to the field rather than being in that location I mean there's got to be a solution to this okay you know I don't I don't want to see them removed altogether but if we can I don't really know what the main issue of the butter is is it because they're ugly they're afraid they're going to be vandalized I I don't know but if we can address that without it destroying something that's really good for the rest the folks in town um I think we should try to figure that out well then so probably talking with Highway first is the first thing that we need involvement of the selector or and or the police to get this see if we can't get this to a aable negotia because there really are only there no bins a new location or do nothing those are your three options okay Mr chy yeah I use the things myself I think they're very good to have um the uh your idea of Shifting over to the other side of the driveway space there definitely look at it folks and why not pain green may he may have a trademark on that blue but I don't know blue you can ask green take M guess what green and you know they would look better they were green can they maybe put see they're there them but than It's Kind yeah I mean need [Music] the reason is because everybody knows what that means you know you're right like at some point we knew the clock was going to beep and expire on us so it's we're and they are used now scambling because it's a little abup but yeah so we'll talk to Highway okay yeah I mean I just I hate to think that you're you're right like should the loudest voice be the one that's honored here like well I mean they should be I'm curious what their concern really is about it but at the same time if it's simply because they're ugly I'm not sure that's enough reason but put up a fence I mean I don't I don't know I don't know the off I mean and they're on 113 this time beautiful they're TIY they're not chipped Highway commission Mike Mr Martin we wasn't look's problem know I know it um and to move them from where they are right at the moment and put them over on the other side the driveways not acceptable especially come winter time too much traffic in and out we can't afford to have some pull up and do whatever they do and if you put them further down towards the boundary line that means they're going to have to drive across the yach now that me whether you you set the yach up and do away with the grass and whatever put those in because you can't put them up next to 113 that do you any good the CL yeah you can't put them on that side of the driveway or on the driveway side either side of the driveway going in and out because of the traffic that especially in the win that night you don't know when these people drop stuff off I mean the traffic going of your Highway 247 liability for us running somebody's power or whatever somebody you know with AOW in the ice that's ridiculous um look I don't know I didn't want to get into it I don't understand why they were moved to begin with why they wer cing 180 de run with the boundary line between the post office and the and Leon Snell's property running with the thing and if you had to put a six foot stockade fence or something at the end so that people didn't see the end I like the idea green know would look into it maybe maybe it would be possible I don't think that Shel going to hit that ground in there for another two years two years come back and move F in two years you got two years I don't know you got time to be looking to find a permanent home for these if they don't if they they can't stay there how do you know that the people who leas the land won't let them stay there we knew it was temporary right from get we no I'm I'm only bringing this out for the simple reason that you you're not you can't go on either side of that drive going into that guy unless you go further down in which case you would have to probably do some ground work dri they cannot against I think liability would be phenomenal and it wouldn't take much to start problem and right now we are having problem behind we'll have to think about new stocks then or well not I mean okay uh we I think we're in agreement that the bins are going to stay in the town okay and so I think going forward all right you guys come back to us and say where you like in place right but to Mike's Point putting them on the other side you know when they're plowing snow or in snow remover operation and they get contractors in here that are plowing that are going in there to load salt and sand and coming out I I I I agree with Mike I think that's a significant liability to hitting somebody or the road is IC or right now where they are we used to be what we and I don't think he's using it anymore was the veteran office right and you know Peter George had all of his stuff in there and so that parking space and that space became you know a a the one that we selected we've been we're going to put them by the police station fire station the library Town Hall uh the old uh up on Hall Street there the old salt shed up those trash bins have been everywhere so we decided that that was probably the best of all the choices and that's why they ended up there well it's a good spot for them really it's a good spot where they are is a good spot but we're in Conflict here with a neighbor who has chosen to um present all these different well and again I want to be careful here that we understand we don't have information yet as to who's doing all this stuff but we're highly suspicious because when those bins sat over where they were it was never anything wrong they were perfect and so now we've got this issue that's cooking over there and the vandalism as of last night intensified to something more significant and there's a couple million dollars in truck sitting in that yard pardon me should we have cameras on well I think we that discussion happened this morning uh Mike is here um and yeah I do think that but even going forward um just the ring camera 50 [Music] bucks the Pleasant Pleasant Street Extension I think it's what it's called yeah they have an that [Music] I think that's Town owned but I think National Grid has a easement over that for turn around then it's winter time they were respectfully [Applause] [Music] all right I think we're g to kind of redirect this back here not have five conversations going on out there um got your support and trying to work with this because yeah we just got dropped into it and now it's a mess yeah um which I think was to Marie's original but was just to improve our collaboration so that we're not yeah yeah I'm not message from they have to move in for in days like okay um and it was it was quite un that so Alan and then Erica and then we're going to move on yeah that triangle piece is Chap piece conservation land however uh you know uh it's not supporting hell of a lot of wildli at the moment turtles or whatever I don't know that would solve your alleged problem with the alleged neighbor um but you could at the same time that you would doing that you could put a nice big welcome to dunable sign which E I am very jealous of that sign and so I think do both no mind but you know I don't think the care over using that it's just that I don't know Mike says somebody said that Sol your ER BS so there is motivation for the town to have what is the motivation for the bo of Health to have bins in the town well it's recycling people to trash recy town and you no longer you have to recycle Fabs so the service town have a place to be able to recycle also BRS Revenue it just happens to come through our board so inated by the fact that you can no longer put textiles in the track so they're providing the service to the town to be able to do that no textiles no mattresses no box Fram no food well food's coming around pretty soon food's already not allowed going in the track it should not be going in the TR you cannot food or food scraps food waste textiles and the trash it's not trash any anyway anything else in this okay great okay if you find it becomes too burdensome yeah just try the best can I'm saying it becomes too burdensome and it's just that like it's until we have a better plan have them removed and then once that project's done over there perhaps the developer there will say I'll carve a space out for you he could I mean those those bins were on a pad site they weren't that that's a pad site that's up there where he where they were and you know I don't know I I I I Karen I'm going to agree that I don't like this nonsense and bending the knee here because we've got a neor here that is decided that he's going to wage a war and do the kind of stuff he's been doing I we don't want our citizens at wait from the war yeah but this is vandalism and there's no you know there's no place any place for that and I object to that and it's it's it's poor for him to do this alleged it is allegedly uh well we're going to take it time ask and see what we can do count support SEL to get this result yeah the only thing I would like to do is just ask that we do this in the next couple of weeks or that there's some timeline so that we create an expectation as to what we're going to do because I mean obviously discover it's hard to do a weeks is not enough time to S something we I mean considering it took us six months W think of are longer than need there priortize but we're in Discovery we don't know if that site us or whatever can't timelines deadlines so let me say this about that okay I I hear you the only issue is this one in this particular matter has a different complexion to it because of the vandalism that's going on there that's and so in my opinion so we have a Police Issue well you know I don't know you know there's an issue and to let that sit in language is only going to continue to allow this to go on and I don't see it falling on the boorder of health tool this issue with the vandalism right now I think if even just having them there I we've got a Police Issue we've got a town relations issue we've got something but and and trust me we want them out of there as long as this is happening too but for us to say we're going to find somewhere to dump or get them pulled out of town until the mud developed five years from now is not because we don't fit this timeline that's been chosen but we'll prioritize we'll prioritize we on we we don't like where they are now um maybe it can be solved maybe it can be fixed but we kind of got where we got by doing it in two days we'd rather not jump outs thank you John how much would it cost to set up a couple cameras down here I I don't know you can get a battery oper camera for 50s yeah go to Best Buy you can have one up in 10 minutes I just know we're not talking all right well thanks Mike Mr Mike you know this issue that uh creeped up last night right with what was done there last night you know what it causes me some concern and and you know you you got that you guys control that building in those grounds and that's great but my caution here is that you know I think there's a couple million dollars in truck sitting out in that yard and I could almost believe that this is going to escalate into something else Mike it's going to be a hydraulic H cut orach pour into already it's already it has already so my my my my my offer here and you know I'm I I'm going to I'm always the guy that kind it goes off the deep end right I would have the camera system put in and I have the cameras report to the server and just hit it hit it I hear the ring camera I don't know that ring camera is going to get you what you need over there that those as long as those trucks are housed outside like that and knowing the potential that is there to ca cause damage and and in you of all people the excavator is a year old I mean we we just we we just can't afford to have this St not and it just takes the equipment out of service at the same time in my advice and I said to this David this morning is that we have a camera system put in you know you know Mr T put in a camera system over at low road there right that's all around we can go on his phone and see what's going going on in the backyard over there you need I think I think a ring Camp it's nice I don't think that's the dire go I think you need to look at putting in a camera system that can look at the yard and trucks and everything else all around the building because something's going to happen and it's going to happen soon and this problem is bad well it's very it's despicable that this is happening whoever is doing very very selfish just but anyway we are moving forward now we going to move on to our next agenda item we've done discussing this I think yes next up Brian twin wants to have a discussion on the sign policy that the board that I'll refer to there nothing fancy to just kind of support the fact that I [Music] bring apologize first of all ask to have some time because I wanted to address the format content of sign policy announced by that's sh exhibit I've been working with a couple candidates election and since they are not incumbent they're concerned about the lack of being able to put to I'm sure you're all committed since we've been elected and been involved in it that it's a time consuming process to uh to get private people to put the signs up it's not always a question of their politics um businessmen don't want to put them up for obvious reasons and U I can think of one particular spot in time it would be a lonely Soul have to find for these two people uh given the signs that are all around us and getting those signs up is in my opinion is a huge Advantage for an incumbent so from a personal standpoint I think it's suppresses democracy to not allow the to the town to not allow the sence to be on their land um the other aspect of that is whether or not it's changed to zoning laws andas and I had a discussion about this and couple of things that he mentioned was he didn't think signs are all that contributory to candidate success but couple articles in there one of them by study by Columbia University would discute that and I'm trying to get my head around why the procedure was the way it was um and executed that way I would think that any change in the zoning laws would require It Go in front of the town for a town vote uh again Jason disputed that it was a change but a couple of points um that seem to indicate otherwise first of all section 18 of the town's only bylaws prescrib stat quote any procedural matters arising under this bylaw including amendments Administration interpretation notice and other matters not specifically prescribed government by the appropriate provisions of mas laws Z not a municipal law attorney but reading through those it would seem that there's a process and I don't know what that process was going through were there meetings public put into this that would seem that the state laws would require that sort of thing I know you can't change anything in the pl code and it's the biggest reason they don't want to change St it's so expensive to go through the process um also the wording of the policy the use of word the phrase private signs um there's no definition of private signs in neither is there a definition t PE on by for the phrase private signs as regards the meaning imputed by common uses of the phrase um there are some examples in the exhibit of what you get when you Google private SS and we get things like private driveway none of it you know says that it's assigned by an individual or whatever in fact black law orary has no definition for private science um so I think that policy statement is relatively ambiguous for that reason I would think that having ambiguous regulations or policies would be a good thing I don't see that anything in the current sing laws prohibits son on Tom land fact as paragraph has rules specific to political sence time that they can be put up in the time in which they have to be removed I wouldn't think that that would apply private property I would think that it's my right if I want keep a political sign up 365 days a year I probably have the right to do that so I'm guessing that that was C for signs on common land and I know that last year and test to this we had an incident where one of the signs put out by friend of mine at the triangle g d Street in run 13 some taxpayer thought that that would come world and Trust land and took it upon himself to remove it and Keith came down and showed that that was time land that sign was allowed to be put that God so I would think that there was any prohibition against SS on to land um that that would he wouldn't have been allowed to put son god um see Arch also seems to suggest that Paras of zoning regulations pretty analogous to plans and spe made construction project and they have to be very specific another thing that would require to be very specific and accurate is the aclu's funds for signs um also the rotten and Tin zoning bylaws specifically prohibit political signs they don't um so one thing that that kind of blars out with all of this is that it looks like there's going to be a town meeting so am I correcting that mm for zoning change for a zoning change for a bylaw change you would need review by the the he's just saying it's going to be a ton of meeting yeah so my point is what was the urgency on this that it couldn't have just been submitted to to to do what would be a completely defens and the to whose land it is um decides as a prove that they want the political signs to be allowed on the conf with or without regulations I as I pointed out today drive over the line it can be a bit much it's the Wild West it's the wild west when you cross the border signs everywhere must be and and so I know that um even as regards like Business Signs kbor requires those they allow them on Town land but on kiosks and things like that so for those reasons I just think so this is reconsidering the policy well the way the policy was put out I you you have you the administrative board you have the right to decide what you want to State as policy going to the town meeting and say we don't advise this we think it's very py Wells doesn't have it whatever your reasons doing this were sure yeah I just want to make sure it's it's clear that this wasn't a zoning change this was a a policy that's what he's saying yep so no no but he stated zoning a couple times I to make sure for those listening that this is this is a policy he's claiming that it should be a zoning change and that we failed to do that appropriately he's saying that we should not have done it as a policy change that what we actually did was did a change to zoning bylaw improper as I assume is what he our stance is that it didn't require a zoning bylaw change it is a policy defining what we do not want to be placed on public properties on Town owned lands that's overseen by the select overseen by the select board right so the the we have folks from the planning here um I guess I would interpret the zoning bylaw in these signs are specific to residences that are being built there's only one reference to public land and that refers to the public way which is different than land owned by the town under the control of the S so we weren't making any change to that zoning bylaw the public way is part of the roadway right right of way of the roadway that's not what we're controlling and this is not controlling what you can you can leave your signs on your property all year round if you like that's not what we're looking to to oversee it's not putting signs up on the town common or the town hall property or the few other Parcels that the select board specifically has control over and I don't think there's anything in the current by law sorry I don't think there's anything in the curent bylaw that allows signs to go on those but another thing my research rudimentary might seems to indicate that in zoning if something isn't specifically prohibited then it's kind of like same C appr unless somebody some lawyer canti to some other zoning provision that generally what's not prohibited as well and and there's the fact that these other to and I only researched I I can't remember what what PE was maybe it's PE there couple of pages out of each time only in there but BR for sure says no political signs and te specifically says no political signs allowed on common land so I would think if they're going to that extent that it's something that that needs to be said in the zoning laws so you be adding the zoning law thaty that's basic well our zoning one does refer to public elections gives it gives guidelines for how political signs can be put up under the zoning bylaw but that's not what we're we're not changing this bylaw if if a policy whe there are legal opinions sh on that maybe a call into the the policy was vetted by Town Council yes if the policy was trying to regulate every property in town and I would completely understand what you're saying right now but this only this is only for town propag the jurisdiction of the select board which is fully under the authority and what property is that versus just as an example don't we have time for Street that's managed by the Town Forest commission like conservation overseas certain land correct the land trusts oversee certain lands so do they need to make a policy corre they if they they could do that so without a policy that that particular sign yeah it's it's outside of this poliy board cre it's outside of it what what what land is in you would have to look that up on the dun map Geo to figure out what land's overseen by conservation land trust forestry Highway Etc it's pretty easy to figure that out I have that information so but if you just yeah if you just let me finish that but you also have to expect that that individual committee May remove that sign which they would be able to do because they control that property B go and recycle it and you may never see it again and it should be noted just to be clear this is not a a ban on political sence this is this we in the policy the policies is not the policy does not refer specifically to political signs this is a policy that prohibits any private sign and and what I would think is private sign is any sign that is not a public ask Jason why you put in there with with election seas in that hand you kind of because there are going to be a lot of private signs being put all over the town put directed at any one particular s so for instance like there's before the Memorial Day Parade each year before the Memorial Day Parade each year we go around to three different spaces in town and say a few words and honor the veterans who serve the country to me personal opinion it would be a shame to have a vote Kier and mean for select board sign on the Dumont Memorial up on Thorndike in French street that would be a shame and like I didn't put my signs there to one of the women that put a couple of signs triangle one I said I don't think that's I I would expect it be removed Prett quickly that that's not a place for political science and Common Sense is a loaded term so it's a it gets really tough these days Mr CH had his hand up for a while few signs from the cemetery they always pop up what people don't realize for example the slope on 113 there is actually Lots or nine family tombs there the French family for example two of the Fells better there were hker Hill both were wounded uh I picked up a political sign on the prop uh property and cor slope I didn't appreciate uh the Conservation Commission uh just this past week guess was this week um voted to basically do the same thing as the sele and the reasons are two one everybody owns the Conservation Commission land everybody not everybody supports a particular candidate two um it's a matter of Aesthetics um we just soon um Place conservation property look likeed a lot a lot so far that and because the trees and Wildlife and so we just soon stay out of it you're absolutely right 3500t front in the town on street and we just not much so you [Music] know put ER so I kind of the thought processes I don't think sign but whatever but my kick these days is what was the motivation was the motivation behind the decision that you didn't want any political signs it's not specifically political science there are a lot of science that I what difference is what motivated it really because it this is where I although I don't think science do much I do agree when I mention that my which sometimes do why fighting us he had a point that made me think that it is giving an advantage to incumbents because they're I'm sorry advantage to what it's giving advantage to the incumbents because their name is known it's already out there so if you have someone who's you know not an incumbent they're trying to get their name out there they don't typically know a lot of people in the area so that's where I find it really should be something that's a decision well personal opinion I don't think the town hall property is a venue in which we need to be promoting the new well but that's this is the property one of the properties that properties in town that could be triangle da especially considering that private Enterprise rural land has a sign there to advertise the farm so that shows I think a I believe that triangle was owned by the land trust but I'm not sure Keith brought it up on the GPS he pretty well proved that thought well he brought up that it was on the map it was tagged as Town property but when we talked to Allan the land trust that wasn't the case you will have a hard time finding a deed that shows that the town owns that crme I think you can find shows um and the zoning map is not Alla that is [Music] what about cross street about K Street well individually know stre that one is I I saw I had a sign there and the neighbor said take it off so I took it off yeah this is when I was running for election they're like hey get it off there so I drove out there and took it off it's town ownland so it it wasn't anybody's it was Town own so I said I'm running conru take the neighbor said hey that's Town own land your sign shouldn't be I said all right I'm sorry yeah I bet I didn't know I don't I mean I I hear you as I think maybe maybe the newest member to town in this room I don't know this young lady in the purple over here she's been around for while okay so and I've been run for a few elections to Erica's point it's it's more than just the signs that get you elected um so it is something you can do without having to uh have a sign up I never put up signs I mean I I also appreciate the small town atmosphere of DPL get to know your neighbors it's I think it's one of the most unique things about our town so go knock on some doors that's usually my thought on that that's a whole another that I wanted to bring up bring it up another time I think the issue being that things like this what happened and I mentioned this to Jason last spring uh in an email that what happened to her on social media last spring was in my opinion atrocity to the town I'm I understand that I wasn't born here um and I'm not a Tom but I've been here for 48 years and um I have never experienced she showed me stuff that people posted because she had a different opinion to her that the I I know that which is why I don't participate in that social media for get there like if you can't do signs you have to do something and if you have a different opinion online I mean I was attacked personally attacked which is I don't doubt it because people use that venue to say things that they would never say and she's been here since she was four and I have I have other children been here since they were 4 days old so I guess they qualifi and to be saying if you don't like it move out totally inap yeah absolutely I'm sure it was which I bring up the zoning [Music] generally it's ni all right well is there anything else that you wanted to this well thank you sorry we missed you last time around but you made it tonight so thank you all right okay um next up minutes we have a set of minutes from September 10th 2024 so a motion to approve move to approve the meeting minut from September 10th 2024 as submitted with corrections discussed second any further discussion none all those in favor I I okay next up we have the um approval of exemption of the public drinking B at L memor for field for October 19th 2024 for an October Fest event that I guess being put forward by the parks and commit excellent is there anything you want to come and speak to this on or no has already already emailed about where the truck will be placed and that will be are [Music] okay hopeful to have said to 300 people so wait see how many offic yeah we've spoken several times we got a good plan in place we're to treat it Prett much we with [Music] 350th can you just give us a little idea of what this October Fest is going to entail or it's a New Concept for sprung from the Food Truck Fridays okay we tried to have a beer truck those least one of them and time just so during one one of the last F truck Fridays I was mcing and I just threw out there who would like to have alcohol at these [Music] response so I thought oh October's coming up how about October out there to the rest of the parks and members and everybody you know kind of like the idea and kind of grew and so it's going to be a food truck with German Fair um we have a DJ here um some Stein contests that they're preparing um um kind of working on other little things but nothing is nailed down yet it's hard to get volunteers but basically um having you know people get together that live in D and get to know your neighbors food TR Fridays went fairly well I didn't he I don't I'm not on social media either so I don't know if there were negative comments but different or better but you know see okay what time is this event going to run 2 to 6 2: to 6 we kind of have two motions here to tie together public drinking bylaw so Madam chair move to authorize the consumption of alcohol at L field on October 19th 2024 between the hours of 2 p.m. in in 6: p.m. for the recreation commission's October Fest event second any further discussion favor okay the second part of this is I just want to know on his application he's the bear guy um one to8 for the time of the event I think that's because for a setup clean up so I did note that the motion but we also just should have consumption during the event time I just wanted to okay CL yeah I see that this we let me ask this question is this the guy that we had last year yes at the 350 same truck same guy same drill and there were no issues police that was a cool setup yeah it's like the old fire truck yeah it's pretty sweet yeah I move to approve the request from David ciotti the Beer Guy LLC for a one day liquor license for the sale of wine and or Malt Beverages for the October Fest event on Saturday October 19th 2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. setup starts at 1:00 p.m. and clean up is from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at lot field subject to the following conditions delivery of and receipt by the licensing authority of the required fee delivery of and receipt by the licensing authority of proof that the alcohol will be purchased from an authorized Source delivery of and receip by the licensing authority of proof of insurance proof that the applicant can receive proper delivery provide proper storage and disposal of all alcoholic beverages purchased all in accordance with the requirements of GL chapter 138 second further discussion I think the only issue um Jason that I would asked for is that the Certificate of Insurance that he um being has to provide is that the to D will be the significant cibil I I think this guy was going to know that he did that the last time right the proof of insurance yeah his insurance ceric name he needs to name yeah one other thing oh we have to vote on that one sorry yeah I would vote and then I just have a claricy question on the previous motion okay all right all in favor hi I on the previous one we said move to authorize the consumption of alcohol at lter field should it be the consumption of retail alcohol can say you could say beer and wine because it's just a beer and wine lior license I think you're concerned people going to bring their own the S yeah it's this the move to authorize the consumption of for sale alcohol at lter field so we may purchased purch purchased Al yeah I think we should maybe make a little Amendment um I don't know so when we did the 350th right and we had the beer guy that was here Eric did we restrict people from Bob and we said out like a last minute postcard because at first it was it was it was a cool event and I think we thought and then we kind of realized oh it kind of spiraled and people were like we're gonna bring a case of you know light here and c and just slug beers all day like we can't have that no that's a fair point so so in ourke we put something to that well not EOB it's only what is purchased it's being marketed that way now I think on Facebook and I mean that guy has such a a cool selection of stuff that the Beer Guy truck is you can get a Selzer you can get a you know IPA you can get whatever like but I just want to make sure we just put the proper word there yeah so let's let me amend that public drinking bylaw on motion so the move to authorize the consumption of alcohol at ler field shall be purchased at ler field between the hours between the hour of 2: p.m. to 6: p.m. for the recreation missions Ooba Fest event and then I think I want to just add to that just so that there's a point of clarity here this event is not a bob correct second okay further discussion on this we good all those in favor I hate to be a buzz kill but I worry about people driving good touch okay all right so the next thing we have on here is just a quick update on um the group that Jason and I have been part of um called the small towns collaborative and um what this little PowerPoint is is basically a draft website that this grou put together um so quickly um the small town collaborative consists of the first middle sex County um District communities of Ashby towns in lber Bron pepper and dorg and in 2023 of the direction of Margaret Scarsdale represented Scarsdale leaders from these towns formed the small towns collaborative essentially to promote um these towns as rural destinations that have great opportunities for recreation arts and culture farming culinary experiences and business growth employment education and tourism um the group us together trying to sort of spur some economic development among those um the towns find their place on the map um encourage people to come in and visit do some shopping spend some money agricultural tourism Etc so we've been doing this for how long been a while about a year and it's taken a little while for the the group to sort of really gel together and figure out what our mission is but we've come up with the mission um that the collaborative is used to used to the collective strengths of the six individual communities to create a th thriving region where shared energy enthusiasm and foresight help overcome limiting growth factors in these World small town communities um we've been meeting monthly um and starting to really pull things together we have one of our members from um Town who put together this draft website it's not gone live yet we're still trying to work it out we're still trying to raise the money in order to get it done and it would be actually pretty cool site so once you get in there talks what it is and then you'd be able to click on each one of those which would then send you down sort of your your own Town's radical to offer what you have for events or businesses or other opportunities um hiking places Farms to go to other community events that may be going on um so yeah it's cool yeah it would it would be cool once we get it going originally they were asking for $1,200 in each town in order to start this website two towns of the group got pass on that due to our financial situations Dum being one they sort of covered us uh they are going to be looking for money going forward for the management of it so either it's something that the town can do or we can try to work up some business sponsors to see if they'd be willing they could get their name on there you know get a couple of different businesses in town to do that working on a form that they're putting together that would be able to use to present to these business members they would also like members on this collaborative someone from our business World in dumville and from the agricultural group to also be members on this um we don't have a Business Association so it may be difficult to just pull one person in in I had recommended that perhaps maybe someone from our Economic Development Committee may be willing to participate in that um you know it's been it's sort of been difficult because once again gun school's a bit of an outlier the many things that we're we're involved in small we know have a lot of businesses and we actually we have many businesses but they're not all storefronts they're so it's sort of hard to pull that together it's hard to entice people to come from Boston and hang out in dump school for the day or you know maybe swing through while you're you know go through get a book get a sandwich what go for a hike so um I've been struggling a little bit to find out exactly where our place within this group is but I think as more time goes on and we get a little more cohesive and learn what each Town's strengths and weaknesses are we can kind of make that work I mean I think that I think that that is I looked at I think that is a phenomenal idea I like every aspect of it um and I and I I I don't mean to um to come across the along the way but there certainly are a number of residents in this town that own very successful businesses that could even though they're not Central to dunable um they provide services to dunable we have a heating oil company that um the CEO of the company Liv in town and um certainly a bunch of others that I could think of that would be yeah yeah they can get a little add on that I think that thing is just Jason so it'll also be linked in with the um the north central chamber of I want to see the Farm Stand that you I thought that was cool um yeah yeah what's with that it's a little Farm Stand and it's a way for your local agricultural folks or a beekeeper to put honey out or flowers or you know I think it's a way that you connect what people are growing in the community and make it accessible I that it's a really nice sort of depiction of what Right to Farm communities I think really Thrive with so that that f stand doesn't exist right now it's well that's in yeah it's in L what I meant say no no it doesn't but there would be some some little Lop closing things to jump through in order to just have a farm St there are agricultural aspects that you have to here too you you can't just throw a farm stand up that doesn't have products 25% of the products coming from the property otherwise it would be a commercial store yeah so and that's but that's I know that's something that I think are our other committees are looking to sort of search up and do you're looking at yeah I don't I haven't heard that rule before Farm Mar right didn't they just yeah Wednesday 36 it came from all over the place yeah with a will way no it's a cool idea I mean you know certainly some of the like rotten and lunber have a lot of a lot of businesses but this will as I was saying that this is will be linked and tracked um the north central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce so if they anyone that goes to that website would be able to link to the small towns and then search out each Town individually It's really because I think we're pretty like Ashley is a small kind of farmy town I don't know a lot about Ashley but they driven through it a few times and I kind of think we're kind of it's cool it's got a caint little like sandwich shop you know not yeah not a lot to it it's sort of like us it's kind pass through this type of community yeah um so hopefully we can you know is it do you think it's someone from one of our like master plan implementation committee or the event we you know ask someone from Economic Development I'm thinking more the economic development I know they were working on putting a business um database together of all the I don't know how far I think they're making progress they're close to issue a survey too so they they're working on a number so that would probably be a good time in because you're right there's a lot of local businesses that may may be able to pull together some resources yeah you you may get a real tree you may get a farm you know Farm owner you may get a h person and say all right sort of get D's name out there in a way and go from there and then you're trying to find someone to lead the charge I think is just understanding the commitment you know is it once a month is it once every other month because the website and the concept so cool really nice way to do things so it's great work all right well so just I wanted to just briefly reintroduce you to this again and show you what they've been working on and yeah starting to make some traction we did elect officers so it's becoming a lot we're not just like not just a bag of swirls anymore it's about of D yeah yeah but you know you start something completely blank it's just hard to figure out what your mission and Leah's been doing a lot more work on this than to be well other people have been doing a lot more than I have too so but Joe I had not heard that this was going wrong I think it's a great idea you know have like like for our particular business we're you know seasonal yeah but uh you know I think there's so much more going on in this town now than used to be yeah yeah and you know I think I think there's quite a laundry list of things that would attract people you know to come to this town to you know the trails you you know that that lunch you know store the spring and there's couple different you know flow shops and yeah so yeah I think I think it's certainly sounds like a worthwhile project and uh whoos to to uh good friend Margaret star I don't think it's spending her money properly but I well she's brought a lot of money into this town you should give her credit for that she brought she's brought some money into this town she could have uh with with the money they're spending on in other places she could have been bring a lot more yeah well you got to remember she had a late start huh she had a very late start because her um her election was challenged and courts and oh right so she had a very light start I mean she's essentially got half of her time yeah you know I think I think she's I think she's try but you know as I said you know think she's she's only able to do so much because because hey you we're not going down political conversation here we're focusing on this group which has a lot of potential that could do some good for us and certainly some good for the other towns involved and um yes it it was Margaret's brain CHS that she started right off with when she was finally sworn in so and I have to say our number one Finance this year is chapter 7 she has been one of the people driving the bus to get attention on how to fix it yeah which is if we're able to fix it and she's been really strongly advocating for change in that yeah she she still anyway so that's it nice and short brief no great wasn't okay uh Spectrum Charter franchise agreement which we can't vote to approve they have to have a public hearing first but so you have a draft of the agreement it's substantially the same as a prior agreement which expired 2021 so um so we'll post the public in for next um for next meeting and if you have any comments or questions about the dra as it is between now okay good early voting hours for the state presidential election so yeah it is I was just going to say we've been having I don't concluded a letter in her in in the package which kind of outlin some of the voter turnout during in-person voting hours which has not been allow so she is proposing to reduce the hours from 995 to 9 to1 during the week um and then the first Saturday 8 to 12 that's the 19th and then the second Saturday is actually 9 to 5 because that's the last day to register to vote so we9 5 um so the the need for approval is I believe due to the reduction in persons okay and it's purely based on what we've seen in the last three elections in voter ter it's just stop being utilized yeah I think more people are using vote by the own yeah so yeah I have no issue with that I mean we're doing the best we can we're accessible vote by males and options yeah let's not overthink it I think that's fair I move to approve the early voting schedule for the presidential election proposed by the town clerk as follows Saturday October 19 8: a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday October 26 9 a a to 500 p.m. 8 a.m. no we changed it you did yeah Monday October 21st through Thursday October 24th 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday October 28 through Thursday October 31st 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. second discussion okay and last but not least the Professional Service agreements for the um commity compact we received the total of $50,000 through the community compact Grant which is great um we're using the grant for two purposes the two separate grants total 50 $20,000 to do a class classification and compensation review employees this also includes updates to our job prescriptions and then the second project is a $30,000 contract for review of the existing shared treasure collector agreement with the town of Pep um the classification and compensation review that hasn't been done for three four years even long than that would so it's time to give that a fresh look and job restrictions are definitely in desperate need of updating and um the agreement for the shared treasure collector agreement review that's to make sure that this is a sustainable model and to really kind of dig into what it's going to take to build the successful model for the long term so uh the col Center is excited about the project in particular I think the regional collector because I think everyone recognizes that for a lot of communities this is the this is the future this is the model this is the model and it's a unique model and um so they're going to be able to roll up this Le and help us kind of make sure that this is sustainable over a long time so yeah is 30k a lot for that 30 30 it's $30,000 right am I reading that yeah yeah it's 30 um on my my initial my initial application was 25 for each yeah and the proposals as they came in were slightly different okay um So based on it's they kind of shifted a little bit but was it was the same overall cost based on my requests and that's the intent of that compact Grant correct is to do this type of review and it can't be used for any I mean just trying that's correct so there are so there are several categories of community compact RS you might remember last year we got a community compact it Grant to update our servers this is community compact best practices program okay so there's a variety of categories that you can apply for um Economic Development zoning uh regionalization um right um staff employee training administratively right there's uh green environmental initiatives things like that okay there's a bunch of them aging place um so um this was under I think just um regionalization Services there were a few options um so but yes there are best practices specifically that are identified under each heading and you can then go and pick best practices and apply for projects that fit within those categories okay yeah I mean it's it is certainly where I think a lot of towns like our like ours are going um and I think it's not lost on pepo and duno that there's some Financial constraints in each town so we ought to continue to you know blur lines if you will to bring groups that we can together that can be regionalized and what a great R our pool resources so yeah and I think I've heard positive things about what Andrew's do doing individually so I think it's it's working for us same with Brin and um you know water department Etc so testing it the Jason as well as Sue and you know P you know being amicable such things so yeah we've been lucky to benefit from B being here to the former treasure collector who's been assist assistant um part-time and she's really helped with the transition and continues to really help with the transition and we just want to make sure it's part of this work that that all of that knowledge on about the job and experience that Barney has is transferred properly from her to the current uh treasure collector we're building a staffing model that makes sense we're building a staffing schedule that makes sense we're defining the roles and responsibility of each position so that it makes sense and the overall picture of dumble and peils working together on it so that's the that's the Dream from this project hopefully and I bet it's also like documenting standard operating protocols because you know Bonnie know is legendary in her role but there's a lot of things she probably knows that maybe aren't documented which is such a tough one when like Legacy employees move on and retire and enjoy themselves like you know sometimes they carry all that knowledge with them that yeah it's the communal knowledge that you can't actually understand unless you draw it out write it up in a PowerPoint you know so so I think that's a right a right practice for us to keep doing that so if we all in Powerball the town will continue to operate PowerAll we all have to give money you here to see a lot of bees a lot of dogs in town is just a motion to yes move to approve a professional move to approve the Professional Services agreement with new Mass cost the amount of $20,000 for for a compensation and classification review in a Professional Services agreement with UMass Boston in the amount of $30,000 for a review of the existing shared treasur collector Regional agreement between the towns of peil and authorized the town and authorized the chair to sign the agreement on behalf of the uh second discussion in favor all right thank you I think I just I want to just make one little side comment right you know we like to always in some way talk about things when they don't go so good right I want to make a comment I about M all people that are here tonight to look at him now this transfer of our emergency communications to Patriot has gone I don't know G any better I just don't going beyond that and I don't didn't know David all that well with the technical aspects of how that dispatch functions his abilities and his ability to attract quality people who are dedicated and devoted to functioning as emergency dispatchers right is beyond my wildest expectation typically EDS are you know they how they go and it's like a sandwich shop person you know you train them they come in there and then six months later they he's got none of that and to to the extent that everybody really understands that in the re um reallocation of all of the fire apparatuses uh dispatch numbers no dustable 4 E6 and so on that's all typically how a really matur well-run organization runs and um the the guy needs to get around of app Clause because he came out of the closet and put the Sant together and's he's just really kind of phenomenal job at that Regional dispatch function and I see it I hear it I talk to others and I I want to publicly thank David and and and I think it's Rebecca bourman his right hand person phenomal job that they've done with that and they have not missed a beat and they it was it's even Beyond singles I I I I I don't know it was probably the best put together transition that I've seen in anything in years he just done a great job and I want to extend my thanks and our thanks and the patri certainly the move move up the DAT too I'm very yeah he's terrific he actually was um he our Citizens Academy that's going on he presented at the first session with the fire chief and he got R A yeah no he's he's St just even beyond that oh that's good to hear I'm glad we're in it and you know thank you David um all that you've done to make that thing work as well as it is I have the only thing I will add to that is I joined advisory for the emotion recent meeting um that group's you know working hard on the budget topic so um you know it's that time of year so for those those listening at home you know I encourage folks to go to an Advisory board meeting and Gear Up for perhaps a similar looking Sprint that we just went through so I hope yeah more awareness the better so dep budget spreadsheets will likely be out otherwise motion to adj Second all in favor all right everybody thank you