##VIDEO ID:d8AkfrOzcqc## 5:00 on October 88th the select board meeting call the meeting to order agenda tonight it's fa short got some interesting stuff on here we do have a public comment we have a state election warrant the conservation restriction for parel 1440 um sweet property on Pleasant Street and 41 low Street the Land Development agreement the arpa relocation um funds for the town hall boiler and other repairs and then the teer report and that's it sweet um public forum is anybody out there would like to speak of something not on the agenda all right you will expect to hear nothing else from you tonight J so we good that okay um next thing is the the state election warrant four questions that I'm sure everyone has right that's it just the four questions that's on there that spons yeah the election questions right War toal the election toal but we can read through it if you like no no not word for word every every pie every question it's for the electors of the President and Vice President Senators Andress representatives and Congress counselors Senator and general court representative General Court CL of Courts Register of Deeds school committee and that's for the great all for four years of Dr it four years below and then the four question is that um the state sends out to every household and we just need to approve this move to post the warrant for the 2024 state election at the post office Town Hall police station and Library second any further discussion on this I see none all in favor I see an audience member with a hand in hand up four questions are these different questions than the ones we got from the ladies it is the question one law proposed by initiative petition these questions are the ballot questions as the ballot is been is being printed there's not a different set of questions here and some other one out there this is this is this is from the Secretary State the one for the referring to the state auditor the second one regarding the mcast the third relating to um transportation network drivers the right to form unions and then fourth um I think that has to do with the Tipping yeah the minimum wage for the minimum wage for tipped employees is that the one that oh no sorry I'm I'm wrong yes that's that's number five okay so there are five there are five questions I was wrong about that stri my PR SC strike it from the right okay so you good I'm good thank you okay that's I seconded that I think yeah and we voted to approve I I I okay the next thing is the conservation restriction for parcel 144 Pleasant Street this a conservation restriction that um being taken on by the land trust and we just have to sign this we to do Ernie Street parcel off of Pleasant Street we've been working with the Dunville rural land trust for the trust to to have a conservation restriction on that property yeah there's a pond or something behind was in that in behind right behind G down to the S Brook and follow Sam Brook over until H theot Brook in main stre 17 what we doing good 2018 years yeah they've had a little bit of a backlog with improving conservation restrictions there run this few times here so just know it's a good deal for the land and it's a part of the sort of that waterway that we sort of have our eye on to keep protecting yeah the Green Way along Salmon Brook which is our main source of our wells and acers for our water system to protect this pce I think it's important for those at home to know that it's not for it's not Public Access but it's not our funds it's not taxpayer F the land trust correct acquisition so we're just we're just assigning sign off CR Authority and I also want to be careful to those who are watching this is not a sweet PA right I heard that has not so I move to approve the conservation restriction from Ernie g s excuse me from Ernest G Suite in Ernest G Suite to the dunable rlo land trust for property located on Pleasant Street recorded in excuse me at the middle sex North District registry of thedes in book 2480 page 521 in the public interest pursuant to section 32 of chapter 184 of the Commonwealth excuse me of Massachusetts general laws all we second any further discussion none all those in favor excellent thank you yeah that was easy I'll call you tomorrow all right I assume you have a copy of that yes yeah I've got a bunch of Stu this yeah okay next up item number five is 41 L Street Land Development agreement the um 40b 55 plus project Bratt on the Dumont property working out the details for development agreement we have the latest one here before us and really the focus here is just the the pasture land right that's sort of what we're visiting mostly I think well oh I mean there's several changes to this not anything of true or large substance but there is more more guidelines and structure to the overall document it does speak to that that pasture land as well there was an addition to that that was made to allow up to 3% of it to support a structure that would be related specifically to any livestock maybe okay so that's a 4 parcel 3% of that is about just about 5,000 square ft um and I'm assuming that would be in total and not per structure so it could be accumulative bunch of smaller ones but the limit is 5 yeah the total area yeah so like you would have like a I know like in some towns you be like a hoop house right so if you had the cows and they needed a place to hang out for inclement weather if we had a if we had a Milton come our way they go you could have a barp just walk yeah I don't cows so I could really tell you or for goats or whatever the they using plastic PS they got him from the hilltop saw I saw back truck the other day um but overall it's still basically the same 156 unit 55 plus um 25% of units being um affordable at an 80% typical area medium income 25% are eligible for the inclusion of the state subsidized housing inventory will be broken down into three of the large buildings and then the remaining as Standalone um units of what are they basically two and three bedrooms yeah yeah I mean if if really the only change of note is the pasture land I yeah that makes sense to me and I I like the idea of there being some livestock whatever it the flamingos blowing up here from Milton or cows or goats or sheep whatever the property in the back south of the power lines is intended to be conveyed to the land trust as open space no work within the 6ot buffer zone for the request of the Conservation Commission the garage will be um renov and gifted to the town as a potential to beer to whatever you want TV yeah not a lot of questions in here there we beat this one up pretty good so yeah I'm I'm I through this a couple times early I don't all that we need to add this we all in agreement that we're all happy with all we got here it's time to join contact Living this has been reviewed more times any other document I've handled so this has been reviewed many many times come back and forth I think it's ready I I think so too I move to approve the Land Development vment agreement between the town of dunable and BR Development LLC for the development of 156 housing units on property located at 41 L Street as presented in authorized the town administrate to sign the Land Development agreement on behalf of the board I will second that any further discussion none those in favor I thank you gent so next steps on this once this is signed get submitted to the state um the lip application the lip application will now which they've prepared um and essentially is ready to go I think I've reviewed it it looked it looked consistent with what we've talked about all along so um and I've shared it with board as well so um so yeah I think in and at the prior meeting the board approved filing the lip application and and submitting a letter of support so those two things are already in place now have the LD in place LDA in place it's it's uh the next step is finally the application only other two documents that are outstanding with the the letter support letter from the town which we provided support partnership great just one thing is just to scrub all the documents because we had a name change from Board of select men to select board and I saw it in a few places it had been changed there was one or two spots that just so we have that in the it was still what did I CLI I think it was in the get it right well see you later it was probably correct when you drafted it it just happened it just happened all right cool yeah we voted all yeah anything else thanks guys is that okay I think it's just you Jason right yeah's the authorized [Music] signat over AR yes but I was just going to say we need to have another meeting so they can drop a bucket like they had something downstairs last year and they had a bunch and was like these are nice saving the town although we're paying for these pens anyway in flusher P FL pounda flush p schol nutsh the restaurant Jason hot potato you guys D interesting doing a whole area there was open bar what do what do you need whatever you all right all right got one more thing on our agenda and that is for the ARA reallocation for a town hall boiler this poor boiler is this going to be like a final thing to fix this thanks guys let me disaster going on Miss C oh my God God help so let's let's have a little bit of a discussion about this I know we on TV and there's not a lot of people in tonight I want to be really careful to understand that that the boilers were put in they were place about 10 years ago okay and they had had deferred maintenance for the last nine is this the town and now there's an accumulation of problems which is typically how deferred maintenance go it starts off with this and it becomes that right the this heer that we see here today I want to be careful that we we all understand this that this heater was put in along with the other one to heat this room at that point in time the hvc system this room the H so the heating and airing system for this room was nonfunctional those heaters kept us warm this is a different place that we're in right now the primary heating system is failed this building has no heat not not in this room not downstairs no place it's got zero heat and zero hot water to wash your hands right because we not it's cold water right so um Jason and I worked on this last week right R away and you know he's got pricing in here that is competent comprehensive local guys um this is not a good situation for us to be in it's not it's getting cold it is it is it is and so there are four items on The Hit List one of them I I'm a little fuzzy about and that one is sealing the drain pan for $2,400 before Ron would sign on on to that I I want to see a labor material breakdown because that is a couple of tubes of and I don't know how they're even going to seal that pan the first place it's it's it's it was a poor decision to put a pan like that in in a corrosive environment but that contractor did that and that's how you got it f nonetheless is um the boiler repairs which is a pump Bo o and maintenance which is U igniters and some sensors in there that allow the gas to be burned correctly a relief valve which is currently leaking on a pan that can't hold water and all that stuff ran into the ceiling last week or the week before right so the plan is to pipe the valve the relief valves into a drain so we never have to go through that again and then there's this $2,400 which is going to seal that pan and try to give it some I just well this this describes and it's not a it says they can't guarantee it guarantee because you got to pop the boiler out I'm not a fan if you take if you take the boiler out what should have been put under it is a is a poly polyethene pan yeah you can't do that right now because the polyethene pan is about 3/4 of an inch thick and the one that's up for now is probably about 16 so the piping Dr that line up just can't take the boilers it ain't going to work that way so the best hope is that we take any of the Overflow devices that drain into the can drain them directly to um a ciny waste or an indirect waste and just eliminate that problem and you know I'm just $2,400 to see how that P just looks so you're saying if we do the the the piping we don't need this we won't yeah I'm not a big thing of spending that money I'm not and I don't because it's a couple of tubes of silicone a brush in an hour's work $2,400 is a lot of money for that I just it just it just doesn't seem right the rest of the work the boiler repairs maintenance and new piping um I think that we've decided that denomi from Kingsboro that's what this quote is based on these numbers are based on yeah and you know what they're going to get I'm going to tell you that I've work with denomi in the trade is denomi is a quality organization um and I would support and what I would do is let's get all of this done because we do not we need we need reliability in that heating system plant and just to let this go it's just I mean it's 10 7 and a half 10 horsepower pump that's up there we smoked it because no one was up there putting oil in it it needed oil every no one didn't can we set aside this 2400 then to put into a maintenance program to cover ongoing maintenance servicing so that we don't allowed to do that so we have to commit the arer by the end the calendar we have to spend it to one two years after so as long as we we could enter into a service yeah we could with that ask ask have you know that have denomi send you over a service agreement I'm I'm going to tell you that in my world service agreements for one year are not a good value they need to at least be three it just doesn't it's it's it's a it's a Nutty number one year yeah it's one year band till next November see you later if you could say look give us a quote for a threee service agreement this so here they're going to come in August September and and change the pilots on that thing right and you're done but if you get it for one year no those numbers come they don't come up the right way and I I've been doing this a really long time they don't okay and so I'd ask them for a threeyear package okay and yeah I do I do he didn't know me is one of the owners of the company he and Ron work in trade together and we work with Ron and so I I support them I think they're a good organization not to say that Wilson is not I to know a little better I I would like to see us move with that allocation of that APPA Opa and get these get this repair work done now to that point Jason I I think this is an emergency repair this goes the way it is I see guidance on that would you call my wife you know I can't remember a time when we haven't had problems with the freaking cood you're right what's going on well I don't know if that's what's the problem I don't know that that's completely accurate and here's why I say that right I have pictures of the boilers that we took out and put these in these got put in about 10 years ago because of the condition that we had a close Town Hall if you remember that we closed it for several days I think we did it over Thanksgiving weekend we closed Tuesday and Wednesday whatever it was and these and then that was to replace the boils some of these other problems that we had have been specific to other components of the system outside of the boiler like this room lost its heat it lost its heat because the air handling system that circulates the air fail nothing to do with the heat and so we had a guy uh New England e and fox BR um did it and and so you know and then down stairs um you know where um Carol Rock sits there were issues with that thing it had but that was an electrical problem was up in the a problem I think John B's guys fixed it or intering electric or whatever it was multi that was an electrical problem they're all different issues they're not and they but they to to to to your point you see it as a lot of people do what's going on the heting their fishing it never works it looks that way it does but when you peel back the onion take a deeper dive into it we get all these little components new system that go up there uh is not going to require somebody to go up there and and with a can of two one m and lubricated every week eliminate that problem they we're going to have to change the hamers that are running the wheel instead it doesn't it doesn't need to be lubricated that frequently but typically a once a season go through is what should be happening and it has not been happening it hasn't been so we should be in good shape most of these components seem to have been addressed to replac the six within the past two years now so knockwood with maintenance a regular maintenance every year those will come out and they'll do that they'll be tied to it that's right that's right and that you know but I want to be careful to understand that service contract that we're speaking about here is specifically for the heating system pump circulators and there's some other components too as well that does do mean that the air conditioning system is included in that because it's not but that's also should be maintained you know what there's a lot to be said for that but your risk with HJC is on the heating side and not on the air condition conditioning side what's what I mean by risk if it's cold in the building people aren going to come to work pipes are going to freeze you're going to have freeze damage that's all fail hea air commission system if it go goes bad you know what it might be hard for a couple days and you get it fixed and that's the end of it but the liability in the heating system is far more significant sprinkler system freezes but you can get to un rest and so we spent a ton of money yes some of it was our money and some of it was money that came to the town from the insurance company you know the ceiling was replaced we've replaced that ceiling three times since Jason's been here Jason yeah and the insurance companies picked up the tab they also replaced the unit for this this this Green Hall has got the brand new Heating and the Air Conditional system in and and now we just finished the clerk's office is well it's called the clerk's office it's the front half of the build just replacing the component up in the right how Longo was town over 20 years right this air conditioning systems that are in here I'm tell you for everybody to is are residential air condition systems they are not commercial they belong in a home okay and that's what we got and you know hopefully this is the end of that we pmic What's the total price for this $4,475 but we're looking to take it out of our for money so it's not money that's coming from the tax base or from our budget how much will that leave us how much our we have we have well we still have we'll still have approximately 40,000 for ms4 this is approxim about 40,000 ms4 yeah still water and I think quite frankly we're not going to be able to commit that all to ms4 by so we'll probably have some additional funds we'll be looking to use in other ways as time as time get Clos it to be so one thing I think about with like thermostats and such is I know that thermostat does this room but also does the office spaces is that correct or is it two zones no that thermostat does this room there's a thermostat in his office the back half and there's another one behind where Sous sits that does the front half and the old sel's office okay okay and then the downstairs is on its own thermostat and then there are and then in the grand hall downstairs there's a ther that just controls the heat should these be smart thermostat so we had smart thermostats in there we did okay we did and there was so many service smartest but there's we had service calls up waso because no one knew how to make thermostats work and so no we went through the building was Christmas morning the building was 20° because one of the thermostats put the heat in the off position we so we we off Ed to not put those in and those are traditional standard nonprogrammable thermostats up down heat cool off it's dumbed down specifically because we went through that and and I I do realize that was a long time ago and people are more confident but we we had that the downstairs unit had two or three service calls on it because they changed the settings and weren't in the right Zone and we got rid of all the STS that while I just asked because I know yeah Simplicity is really important but we also have groups using this building after our town Administrative Office folks have headed home and sometimes if it's really hot in here and you're you know uh you're doing bone Builders or you're doing theater performance and you turn it off that could be a Friday night and it might be a long weekend and no one's back here till Tuesday and if the heat's off and it's December so not I'm not trying to add more money to the you know costs here but you're you're right about being a little fearful of what could happen if those sprinkle heads freeze oh yeah you you ruin this whole room we did after because the we had a freeze last right was pipe broke yeah and the one who found it was Jo Dean and the water was spraying all over the Flor down and NE grp was coming in fix mus or something and there was water like all over the place and so we fixed that my my my point with this is that there was a point in time and I don't know if we're still doing it we ask but during the co weather the police were supposed to come in and check the build what's a now I don't know if that's happening well revisit that with Eric but the deal was they supposed to stop in and just make sure not okay because it's no one's ever going to know you're right that's just it until J Dean comes in on a Sunday morning and the basement's flooded that's how we found that yeah just so yeah it's just something to keep thinking about like we don't we don't have a we have no we don't have a security system the security system that's here is like a baring dog yeah doesn't do anything so you can put like sensors on like water and you could put temperature sensors in like when I when we we go away in the winter ad call our boil off right but we called Gordon and they came and got the boil we don't have any we don't have any of that because the alarm system is so rudimentary it's just a keypad in the buzzer doesn't do anything yeah and so we could put water detection sensors in right picks up a leak we could put some temperature sensors in that report back to the alarm system that's going to call and well let's see what we have left building we could there's no intelligence of the building at all just I mean right if if we came in here January as our first evening of the Year this place was full of brown water from sprink cloud we don't look great and we don't have a working environment for our employees and staff down the money people yeah so no I mean I know we have a motion in front of us so this any so so I move to approve the reallocation of um Opa fund from the ms4 storm water permit um Opa allocation in the amounts in the amounts in purposes listed below $88,000 for boiler PA 2475 to boiler maintenance 2400 to resal the drain P which will be some further discussion and 1,600 bucks to um repipe the relief valve we want to change the 24 to S out a service agreement rather than sing the pan yeah they have a very legitimate reason is why the pan needs to be sealed then I guess it's $2400 I mean I agree with you it seems successive to me a lot of money I'd spend that money on the service agreement and I'd have it be a three-year agreement and let's get this going out of our i' like that to so I'll I'll second that with the service agreement okay concept there okay any further discussion on no is there forever any under the boilers the boilers set the pin treats like a bathtub the the boilers on top of it the trouble with the pen is to sheet metal pin and the boiler pushes out water that is like acidic level of like two on ph there and so it ate the Daylights out of the pen so the pin lost it its integrity and doesn't P water anymore and so the deal is that we're going to try and put some Schmutz on it and seal it I'm like it's probably not going to work so what I I I guess I don't understand how how the boiler is going to isn't that going to be a problem if you don't fix it but we're putting in a pipe valve to collect the water that would normally go into the pan and that's going to be redirected right so the pan becomes secondary the Overflow on the boiler drips into the right now runs into this pan right which is full of holes almost in some points completely brought it out and so when it leaked last week it went into the pan and into the ceiling and into a light fixture and we had to give it back so if we take the Overflow anymore P the only the only concern that they they did mention but again this is way my wehouse is if we do that which is fine when the relief Val is not functioning they will not they won't be any obvious um warning of that because we won't be seeing it yeah it will be going directly into the the backup system so we won't necessarily know that anymore now we knew last week or two week because saw a lot yeah but um if it's being piped directly into that drainage we wouldn't necessarily know now there's there are likely other symptoms that allow us to narrow down but that was just one thing that wasn't a reason not to do it it was just something they mentioned to me yeah um that's I don't te discussion have a tough time signing up to that if issue if we do get to a Serv agreement and they're here that's August September we really shouldn't have to we should have that makes sense okay good thank you that was helpful all right all in favor okay well that's it oh we have a little ta report but watch you mostly information that you all have been made aware um I was I actually bumped into someone in Home Depo today who had a question about the railings at the Bandstand and are they going to be painted yes yes after the wood mates he's just waiting he was out here last week that's one of the he did the moisture meter thing right he he did again he once again tested the wood um and he said it was still a little higher than wanted but he's monitoring it and Y good than for watching yeah everything else looks good so good I had a nice meeting with uh planning board last night um Joanie was there so she can jump in wherever I don't summarize it correctly but it was discussing a master plan implementation sort of concept which was talking very in in a very introductory way about possibly expanding the time Center overlay and just sort of seeing the pluses and minuses to that and the appetite um you know no decisions are being know nearly we're not in the place to make a decision it's just discussion um but it was nice to uh sort of hear from some of those folks and they're going to keep chatting about it as well and I'll report back to the master plan implementation so yeah just something that positive me think about yeah it's a goal of the master plan you know and some of it's different concepts so for the see where it goes did did we get the Camas put off the high garage it was one that was being installed didn't get installed and the problems going away since the camera put in I ask notifi said problem said problem problem so the answer question yeah they did they they put in they were putting in kind of a basic camera function and that was probably done two weeks now right about two weeks ago that that that that was put in and um problem like a [Music] camera I'll make a motion to adjourn second all those hi hi hi thanks for joining God your