5th we will open the board s meeting our agenda tonight is a pretty quick and easy one hopefully we'll start with public comments knockwood yeah public comments we have the meeting minutes from June 11th 2024 appointments the town accountant contract then the Declaration of covenants and restrictions on uny Brook Way land donation at zero Hall Street the swallow Mill Pond Land Land Management plan and cons a restriction the Kenedy conservation restriction resolution and author authorization to act the chair of the Conservation Commission and then the building and electric permit town clerk treasur collector fee adjustments Rie and then any topics not reasonably anticipated by the chair um welcome the floor the public do anything anybody out there like to speak to that is not on the agenda Jones taking a pass all right very good document that y the pass that is noted no jo all right next time for now orever hold your peace that's it okay I'm waiting for the wheels okay um minutes for June 11 2024 I made a couple of Corrections earlier and sent them to sue she did provide those here so if anybody had anything else in their review that they wanted to no address I don't no okay then move toint excuse me move to approve meeting minutes as submitted for the June 11th 2024 second all those in favor good next up our appointments short list um for affordable housing for of water Commissioners Capital planning committee Park Commissioners and the union building committee no questions there no that's good no set okay move to app Point um Town officials boards and committee members as presented in the document entitled appointments staff committees boards and commissions dated June 23rd 2024 second all those in favor I the union school committee does have a yeah it does with this one on uh next up the town accountant contract so this is looking to renew the contract for um Eric kiner our CPA so is it it's only for one year yeah that's you that's we been okay so it's basically the same as just updating the yeah he's been he's actually been operating believe it or not he's been operating under without a contract so this is just memorializing what he's been doing for us and it's the same we don't we're not seeing an increase in fee for next year so it's a same that we're now and um yeah just documenting the agreement and what the services he's providing us okay so just and it doesn't need Town Council review it's just the same boiler plate item standard contract from Town Council is used with his scope attached okay right and he's been working this for a few years yeah he pretty sharp great we're lucky to have him he actually comes to the town meetings he does I know he's good to have them right it's huge no he's he's very okay move to approve a contract with Eric a kinff CPA LLC for accounting and financial services in the amount of $36,000 to expire on June 30th 2025 and authorize the town administr to sign the contract on behalf of the board uh second further discussion being none all those in favor good next we have the Declaration of covenants and restrictions on uny Brook Way so that is the subdivision on rer Street yes next to the rail trail and what do we have going here so we have a draft agreement that's been approved by the planning the planning board um and essentially what it does is just again memorializes and documents um the agreements as part of the approved project um there's still there will still be uh steps moving forward to you know report um the easements Etc that we'll need to this is basically an agreement between the two parties on what they need to provide to them okay in terms of drain agement motivation open space Etc so the land has already been the open space has already been conveyed to Fish and Wild I believe part of us part of it part of part and it all but it documents let's see it also documents the construction mten to the walking [Music] trail the responsible the responsible parties for me just things like that that I think are were part of the planning Board review decision any anyway but um but this just sets it all um into uh into agreement from both parties for that maintenance it doesn't say who's responsible for though right for the for what for the maintenance of the walking trails yeah it's it's the um is it the HOA no it says the de the yeah so is that us then the no Town shall not be responsible for the well not for the open space parcel so it's in the Restriction 1 a what's that Al right but the the walking trails who's who's going to keep well that's the next that problem elsewhere right it's a zero like we don't have any funs everybody going one of these fishing game they want but fishing game is responsible for their parel but not the not Lot C in this Pro this person so who's responsible for the de no so the so there's open correct me if I'm wrong there's planning board member in the in the audience but there's open space that will be maintained by the developer that's part of this project correct that's what this is saying open space parcel C is that and the walking trails as shown on the plan we don't have the plan here my understanding is that there's open space that will be held by the developer as part of the open space development you know under the b in that they will be responsible for the maintenance that's my understanding I thought the open space that was part of this project was conveyed to fishing Wildlife so is there another okay is there in in Fe okay in what yeah so fish and wildlife does own that is that a separate parcel than the open space parel [Music] c it's separate yeah I believe so yeah I think Alexander Way has that so it does Chapman Street so do Bear Hill I don't think this has anything to do with the fishing no it's fish being would take responsibility for clearing it but that's this is an agreement between the town and the developer not fishing game is not so this specific to open space parcel C and the walking trails which will be maintained by the developer I G they do not want anybody else messing their property in main no I think this is just Trails within parcel SE the one and I don't I think this allows it I don't know that it doesn't require yeah this is all the trails Recreation whatever the pars is see specif that's my only concern to some point we've got to maintain the awesome Trails we have and the great work of conservation and planning and such and if I'm a developer as soon as I've sold all 11 Lots F by I'm out you give me back my bond seal it and they're never coming back and realistically the developer is going to spin it back to the trust of the street to take responsibility to homeowners for the you know drainage easements for the Mowing and all the other stuff well that's exactly what it says the dec and its successors and or asss yeah so it's he's going to walk away once he's done what he's done and that happens all the time he's not going to be specifically tied to this in perpetuity right so then it's up to the 11 house slots up there for them to decide housing what they call so like that states there's going to be a trust but then that trust is going to be responsible for how and how are we going to enforce that well this is should be part of that yeah it doesn't have a teeth right it's just like it's like our FS you know we fines then we never actually R rarely do we enforce them we're going to talk about that later on their fees so so that's my only concern is I'd rather it just be you know it's too late to say I wish it wasn't a trail but it really just shouldn't be anything sure it's it may not be because they're not required to maintain it as a so if they don't do it then it doesn't but open space parcel C the proposed foot path parking spaces in signage in section e there so there's going to be something up there and then in a handful of years it's just going to be Wasteland and gone away right I I think that that he's absolutely in pointing with that those things are just left cuz it happened up on yeah I mean that and I know like one of the Eagle Scouts came back to help up you know create the water bars and everything and clean up so it's always a future project but we just we don't have to be relying on the eag yeah I mean we just we're running out of bandwidth for maintenance trust we've also run out of money to be able to do the maintenance of all of these places in the Conservation Commission we've been scraping the bottom of our barrel for a while and maintaining what we can and we have often done work groups by ourselves on a volunteer basis Jack used to do behind you know SP old rail trail um I don't know I'm I'm not trying to kill it or anything I just I worry that we don't have too many more subdivisions black in town but um just don't want to set us up for a headache down the road well at the end of the day I'm not up set if the trail going into the fish M Property is not maintained it doesn't get maintained that's right you know but these I'm assuming that any little recreation area within this subdivision it would be the interest of the people living there to want to take care of it there's no well the interest would well not necessarily as a neighbor would you want to have people parking back there and potentially going down and fishing and stuff like that that you want it's sort of so what is what is your so my greatest concern is maintenance of of project of these properties we keep acquire yeah I mean this the idea of this agreement is to give us te to be able to enforce now to your point is well taken will we how will we that's fair yeah and usually enforcement if they're not um meeting the obligations of this truthfully cost the will cost the town money to enforce so there's there's that issue as well um but the agreement is based on my understanding the approval project that's been approved by the planing board and it really just sets in motion um in in um in documents agreements that are in place as part of that so that we can we can enforce as a town yeah what's been agreed to that's that's I think that's the intent of the agreement but if it satisfies definitely a balance it's a it's a valid it's a valid point right John um I can't remember talk about this is there is there no now there there is there isn't there will be there will be yes but it's you know H H how do you enforce a homeowners association to maintain public parking and access to a trail what's the definition of that like do we have we don't have a zoning we have a zoning enforcement officer but do you send them out there to say the association's got to keep this path clear I I it's kind of aoral question I just don't have an answer for it and a Leah's point I'd almost rather just keep it open space on page but on page two there is a section membership in HOA and it doesn't specifically charge the HOA with tasks but it tells everyone that there is an HOA and they're going to have to put money in h they're going to have to put money in P2 under membership they're going to have to put money into a into a someone's going to have I mean h have dues every month yeah got an Alexander way and it's just yeah but you got a president right of the HOA some somebody in that Street's the president and Treasurer and someone's collecting the money and paying the bills if but in terms of you know that um detention Pond and all that I mean I don't know how yeah the town comes and does it on Alexander Way so and we are responsible for the drainage ements on the side of the road been clear well because that's part of the roadway that that's accepted by the town so that this different mean I think this the HOA which we don't have included in this document the structure of that or it's charge but I would think that since the actuating an HOA that get challenged or charged with maintenance that needs to be accomplished on an ongoing basis so if you have turnover right is you know you just get yeah there's also affordable housing up there too so it's like I mean it is what it is I mean it's it's clear that based on the language of this agreement that once the Project's developed the units sold and the home ownership Association is formed they're going to be responsible for the obligation that for what yeah there's no question about that so the de so they should it would it clear it up if you specifically said that the HOA is the successor it does it say that I mean it says the de DEC or it successor successor assign item F I think talks about that shall maintain right page two item F the deck it its successes Andor signs shall maintain erosion control features well yeah I mean in the property so saying what the decent should do but then it doesn't specifically say will now be the HOA right you know unless you don't need that but or in section e there it should say open space partial C the proposed foot path parking spaces and signage shall be maintained by the homeowners association as a recreation area in manner not inconsistent with Section 6.6 of the town of dunable zoning byw because that calls out who's responsible for the part right so it should be the HOA that would be responsible right it's purposely vague but it could be they just left it that way didn't understand it and I don't know whether we want to amend that to am I just reading this entirely um because the say the declarant it outlines everything that the declarant shall do and then the separate section is the membership is all that that is saying is that the lot owners shall become a member of the association trust it doesn't say that trust is the decant that is responsible for all of this stuff I mean the way I read it is that it says the decant its successors Andor sign so to me once the declarant the developer no longer owns the property that this is referring to it's owned by the homeowner home home ownership Association and because of that right it's automatically assigned because this is all these restrictions relate to the property that now the home ownership asso right and that's what I'm thinking that's what I believe it is doing I'm just not it doesn't specifically say that it doesn't say that the assigns or the successors are an HOA yeah unless you don't need to I attorney it's that obvious to me I don't okay I mean it's it's I think it say but it's okay um but you can amend it if you if you okay um this this has been reviewed by Council okay um it's if it's legally doing what we are thinking it's doing then that's that's fine I'm just trying to be clear if you want to add something to it add something to it and and you know send it back to that guy it's not going to be the first time that uh you know that uh you know he like oh jeez yeah so like even putting in a the dec in successes or assigns in the form of an HOA I think would just make it that much clearer for me anyway unless somehow some way at some point there was no long longer an HOA disbanded the HOA I mean indued VAR happen and then who's responsible nobody nobody I don't think that's true based on the language that is in the agreement I think it is whoever owns the property um so I well who would own if there's no HOA then who owns the property who owns parcel C that's my question yeah there is an answer for that in our in our perview mean the way it was described to me um is the uny Declaration I just pulled this up un declaration imposes obligations of the developer that run with the land it does not convey any reasons we know that or open space but gives the town enforcement Authority with respect to to the developers obligations East and open space Deeds come later so if we want who is supposed to own parcel C do you remember planning board people out there open space yeah but someone still has to plan would we don't up here know I think Carol can probably i' have a look at it and see what pass C is I don't have a metal picture of it yeah uh you're not that doesn't refer to the parking area and access does it does SE have Frontage on River Street or on the development Street I don't know but it does refer to well if it's on River Street then fishing game owns it partial C the proposed footpath parking spaces signage well that's that's fishing game all right well we need to look at the plan to see y c because if that's the case then this makes perfect sense if it doesn't if it's not the fishing game then I'm confused yeah I was surprised that fishing game was interested in um having that trail and maintaining it they typically are not Bing Trails yeah sorry what's that who prepared that civil land no they're attorne Catherine L there it is Catherine farell cther I know yeah right yeah been a little fast and loose I was not aware that the access point from River Street a separate parcel designation I would have thought that it was simply part of the 72.5 ACR plus sorry just figured this would help yes it would just to visualize so partial C is is the fishing wild so then that makes sense okay see me it doesn't sense to me it does it okay yeah this requirements on the whole thing is partial C the developer to maintain partiel C no no it's but I think this is I see this as acting after the fact it's already been conveyed to fish and wildlife so therefore it is putting the burden on them they are the new declarant and they're the ones that are maintaining this I thought paral C was like another little section right there and that has been conveyed to it was a concern of fishing game that uh the parking area little graveled area a sign SL kosk and the trail yeah or a trail or whatever I'm not sure which um be taken care of by the developer thereafter uh I don't think it was fishing games I know damn well would not be their intention that that the developer maintain it no no they're not supposed they're not supposed to once the fishing game would main yeah yeah yeah oh yeah because they do not want anybody messing with their property in any way yeah see I think we're already at the successor point of this contract because fishing game already gos this that's correct so we but the developer hasn't done those things parking in right right so he he needs to create that that's part of the deal okay and then once that's done then then fishing game will take about uh having the planning board make sure that the developer did what he was promising in other words hold a bond or do something rather they wanted us they wanted a planning board to hold a bond teeth on that access planning decided not to uh and uh whatever you've got what you've got right got a space parking so the TR the foot is not long yeah right that's where it's supposed to be because they have to have Frontage on River Street Y and then foot path this is It's only to here but that's a long foot path I mean it's I mean it is well they do it all they have to do is create it once and then it's up to ficial mon left to maintain it if they choose to right but it's already owned fish and wildlife will maintain it he needs to originally so now but but now they get the option to maintain it but this says this it needs to be maintained they will typically do that I mean because they need to get their access in but they're not going to want trail system you know all kind of through out there but I I can see how they one right yeah and own people right so I I believe they will maintain that they don't yeah because they own it at this point okay what's put into the responsibility of them so we we've sort of yeah that's okay does that make sense now it does no okay yes all right so we don't need to tie this two H has nothing to do with this well so the HOA this this isn't only about that par so you know there if you look but for this particular section yeah yeah there's some drainage Parcels is a fire sorne me so there are other things that this addresses as part as part of the agreement but correct you don't have to worry the right okay that special okay good that was [Laughter] easy you say so well the greatest concern is that maintaining it's not like it's not reasonable to think conservation has another what couple thousand dollars every few years to keep you know doing gravel out there and stuff like that no don't they do it I they have their own ways of maintaining stuff that is based on Wildlife not human use they have a completely different angle of yeah turtles so okay motion are we good with this now I don't know all right I mean the only other question I have is that there's a sister whose responsibility is it to maintain the SST right once thing gets a crack in and all the water goes out are they going to look to the town to say fix your sister so typically those get inspected by D fire I've seen that Al I've seen that on Chapman Street and they are the responsibility town the is the it is yeah but what if the thing developed the crack and and now we got at no time shall the owners of the said Lots or residents be permitted to encroach on open parcel C drainage parel A and B or the fire system that's oh wait the te shall Place permanent markers deline the space process and shall be responsible that's yeah I think we we own it we're going to own it y thing develops a leak own it yeah the town that resp we're going to own the system that's what we need the fact that the fire sister easan is part of us makes me think that it's here so we can access to it I get that I mean they need access to the fire and for inspection right so they they go out and they inspect it right and this Chapman way has one go they open up and the thing's got no water right now it say in pass inspection and what happens after that there's some mechanical issue or the sistern develops a leak right and sometimes those things are pre-cast and they they could crap in the winter time would are we on the hook for that I mean you I don't know we have to replace it you got where is the sister this show the sister is come the right wouldn't that be in the this is the only easement it's this little tiny thing right here it's huge it's they're usually underground they have a little hole next to them and then a hydrant it's 10t wide candy yeah they're not big okay but there must be a that cheap Barrel on the fire well yeah oh that's had right there it's you know I guess cuz I kind of created this the of chaos and questions you our planning board has certain standards in which you guys approve and move these things along right so I do got through your is that what that is 10,000 is that a drawing yeah it's pre-cast sectional 10,000 gallon tanks looks like there's no look it's 30,000 gallon yeah there are three 10,000 Gall that's a lot of water 30,000 gallons for house fight it's got to be enough for at least is it always like two houses there's some Metric for it 30,000 gallons of water is a lot well I mean that's not the houses are close together so supp you have to plan on the fire jumping they're all going to burn I guess my one house each that yeah that's really okay okay so your question Ron is who's responsible for it yeah what if it breaks who owns it there were level senses on it right when they when we go by and when we look at those sister there's a level sens supposed to say how much water's T now the thing's got no water in it what happens everyone's going to come well the town's going to have to fix it that's the only issue someone's going to be made responsible for ssts I don't know who went up and chat when someone must own that it's never been an issu but could be I I know they got expected I've seen him do it this is a pretty Comm approach it is and my guess is know there's nothing in here that's I don't see anything in here that that obligates the developer property it doesn't say who owns the EAS is there anywhere there says who that easement is being conveyed to I just U do you want to check with our other plans before we read this motion keep comparing contrast to like Chapman be Hill Al way yeah I mean I'd suggest with all these questions that the planning board is was represented at the next meeting and we can talk with them because um I mean I'm I'm doing my best but I was process and uh and so it probably makes sense to invite them in and yeah let's find out who owns that I don't I'm not it doesn't mean it's not in here but I'm not seeing who who the easement is supposed to go to how how did the planning board leave off with this J as far as as far as what we so these open issues that we've just chewed through right any of those been even discussed at planning board meetings who owns the sister up on Chapman or or Alexander do we know this you know I think I don't yeah but I would assume that something like that would come with some type of guarantee or warranty or something from the people that install but that'll end huh that will end that has an end well you know in which case I would think that the homeowners association would be uh on the that not for not for the town it doesn't seem that's not really clarified from what I can tell it's not clarified in here so I mean ask the question would that be would that be considered water infrastructure it says water it says that the town will not be involved now or forever in water infrastructure is that's why that's why I yeah so I would think it's water infrastructure but fire water I well that's what I'm that's where I'm say who it's Cony to it doesn't say who the easement is being conveyed to from what I can tell but I think that what I'm reading about that water structure on is for each individual lot but they're cutting out an easement for the sistern and they have no right to encroach on that easement so but they where's the this yeah this little so it runs on lot eight right but they they're going to pay the taxes on it an e right so that's just an access easement so it's part of this part this this parcel here they're going to be responsible respons for for the Sisters no they're responsible for the easement for the I mean that it's like having a common driveway right because if you have five houses in this common driveway and there's an EAS creat the common driveway this is just an easement on their property that says to this homeowner the fire department has access rights to this it's all say doesn't say that Lot 8 is going to be responsible for maintaining the sister but does no no it doesn't say anywhere who is responsible but it will remain well it if if to me that's water infrastructure it says the water infrastructure on each lot sh made forever private and the town shall not have now or in the the future any legal responsibility for its operation maintenance repair replacement It also says here at no time shall owners of the Lots or residents be permitted to encroach on open space pars the sea the drainage easements or the fire sstem easement so don't encroach on it don't put a shed on whatever that's all that means doesn't say anything else about there's no drop right I'm just curious because you brought the question who if it breaks who's responsible the HOA or the town it doesn't spell that out it says the town is not responsible for water infrastructure I would think that I would consider that may be sufficient right I mean I don't want I don't want to have this going around I don't think the planning board's going to add much to that discussion I think that I could have if we wanted to have councel in on it no I think we'll just hang our hat on that catch all satement about water infrastructure it is water for sure my only resol I consider water my only pause there is we two other big projects coming and we want to make sure this stuff is very clear that the town does not absorb all the responsibility for these things not I and I again I have no no idea which way this goes on this one but I know I just don't want us to set one standard and then eat our words next year we have the other ones the MUD district we got the Brattle project it's probably one or two more coming uh is this a um limited impact development like is it country drainage yes yeah that should be is that what they mean by water infrastructure no the drainage SS because the water infrastructure everyone's going to have a well since when has anyone ever restricted saying it has to be private I don't I'm not convinced that water structure refers to their drinking water I think it may have to do with storm water management because there it looks like you've got swailes yeah it's country drainage so they they have to maintain alexand has to maintain that Chapman has to do that on their own and so this be Hill I personally don't think that has anything to do with the systems I don't think so I think water infrastructure refers to the storm water see what other towns do see and I think if this there may be an easement for maintenance of the ssts but to have Lot 8 be because they own it I don't that's they don't own it the the land is an easement which means that they're only responsible to it for the taxes that's it I mean we have easements all over the town all the common driveways are easements even my question is is who owns the easement lot eight but they should not be responsible for the systems because it's on their property who owns the syst that's the that's my question who owns the systems the easement they these people own the land in which the easement is on but the easement has to be granted to somebody who is it being granted to the HOA or the 10 oh I just the to for the to go to the tank okay I don't know if that's clear though is that not clear is that what you're saying well it's not clear it's no time sorry to bog this all down but it's what's going to happen Something's Gonna Break and be like who owns it well it's on lot eight you own it well some of the and the truth is some of this like this isn't the actual easement this is just the developer ageing to an easement the easement itself comes later um but I I think we should go Council hit him with these items right which is going to be made of the of the Landscaping right the drainage ponds let's be clear with them on that yeah to Leah's point you know what's the language around the easement and then who owns the sister right and if the sistern somehow develops a leak and all that water goes into lot 8's basement or lot 3es or twoos who's got who's going to have that who's going to wear that and then confirm water infrastructure is storm water that I think that's iect he doesn't do a lot of land stuff no missed the boat on this one he's out in the ocean some I don't know I don't know I just think I just think I don't I I I just think I don't have the answers to these questions I don't know that he missed the vote I just think there's no one here with the answers I'm sure someone knows the answers you have the items that we want to have Clarity on or Define or amend the um Declaration of covenants amended so that we have Clarity to these items that the town in no way should take responsibility in the event that the sister should fail or is you know warranteed for the first 10 years of its life I mean that's I get because the roads going to need a at some point too and they're going to some type of reasonable expectation of time we okay with that we're going to send this back yeah yeah and have them come back at us with am dra fire system easement land Landscape Maintenance so you know landscap I mean the grass cutting and all that kind of stuff for what along the edge of the road isn't there that they are the individual lots are responsible for those that's what that but like even but like so the fire department comes up and clears the hydrant on Alexander when it snows unless the landowner does yeah so it's maintenance I'm trying to like make it really simple like to reference but like that's maintenance so mean it's you know the fire department are volunteers to go out there and shuel around those things well while we're on it the right if this is in fact referring that c number c letter C under the restrictions page two page the water infrastructure if that is referring to storm water should say it says it's Shain private and they're legally responsible forment they it should also say that they cannot alter that they have to maintain it as is it has to be maintained as a as it's it's designed right as designed I see that happened so many times on site people just oh what's this ditch in my yard and fill it in and now you've got water coming off spilling on the road it actually happened on Bacon street but they didn't finish it and flooding a backyard because the developer and the homeowners didn't finish the proper drainage wed basement Road in North red happens yeah it can happen we can PT that one for me that back good discussion okay moving on thank you for that okay where are we at the land donation for zero Hall Street so there is a resident in town who has an acre lot behind his structure on Hall Street and he approached the town the Conservation Commission looking to donate uh this property and we're looking to be able to accept it you guys are up there there looked at it oil tanks thrown out there no it's nice and clean it's a nice lot yeah it does Connect into open space that is part of the Alexander Way property yeah I think we've kind chew this yeah so if there's a motion to go forward with this I would appreciate move to accept the donation of land at zero Hall Street for conservation purposes under the care custody in control of the Conservation Commission and to authorize the Town Administrator to coordinate the preparation and recording of the deed second any further discussion thank you being none good you're welcome thank you all those in MO all those in favor I I awesome swallow mil Pond Land Management plan and conservation restriction so this Project's getting wrapped up and one of the things said is the requirement of the grant is to have a maintenance plan of the property the Conservation Commission has put that together and has approved it at their meetings and we just need the final sign off from the select board as well as the conservation restriction that's also part of the requirements for the land grant so that was before you to so this this completes Our obligation yes right yeah they closed on it today Y and this too was checked by Town Council so we covered that brid yeah this has beenal I'll move to approve the land Land Management plan for the swallow milpond property as presented and authorize the chair to sign the plan on behalf of the select board and approve the conservation restriction from the town from the town of dunable acting by and through the Conservation Commission to the trustees of the dunable rural land trust in the public interest pursuant to chapter 32 of chapter 184 of massachusett general laws which I've read many times second further discussion no who in favor I great thank you very much do you have that document here or so don't run out no okay one more conservation thing and that is for the Kennedy conservation restriction the resolution and authorization to act the chair of the Conservation Commission that's with the processing of the documents for that land right yes I thought we did this once before so this that's just we have to um um we're preparing I'm sorry we're planning to submit an application of land another land application so in order for us to do that we need to authorize um somebody to do it in this case Mr Cheney and then um they also reply this resolution that essentially um says that we did that uh and just documents it yeah yeah this is boiler plate it is yeah just lets us apply for the ground yeah okay there a motion to do that um move to approve a resolution related to the local Acquisitions for natural diversity land grant program and authorize the preparation in filing of the application to the massachusett executive office of energy environmental Affairs for a land grant which could allow the town's Conservation Commission to Pur purchas a conservation restriction on two Parcels of land totaling 29.8 Acres said land being located on High Street IND dustable owned by Robert Kennedy and described in a d dated October 29th 1974 book 2153 page 611 and a deed dated December 30th 1975 book 2179 page 121 both filed at the msex North registry of deeds and authorize Alan Cheney as a member of the town's Conservation Commission to act as official representative and project manager for the community and the Conservation Commission in connection with the town's application for this grant second further discussion none all those in favor hi all right very good thank you and last thing um review of the building and electrical permit Town CLK treasure collector fees adjustments so we provided some information on this um as it relates to building electrical conflict fees and also um the municipal lean certificate fees that we charge um we put it on the agenda for VIs ability to start the conversation um there's still some information gathering in potential additions or adjustments to what's before you but this is the start to a review of the um of the Town Municipal fees that we that we assess um resident builders contractors Etc um there was extensive work done by um several staff Sue um really did a lot of the uh surveying other communities work which was which was a heavy left um so that's what you have before um you right now the hope is to not be on the high end but not necessarily be the lowest either and in some case we are um by a little bit so just just taking a fresh look and um and hopefully start doing this on more of a regular basis um once we get through this so you'll you have some comparison data um you have some uh of our recommendations the hope is that next meeting we can come back and kind of go through this in presentation form okay and uh and also have some better idea of um estimated Revenue that will bring in to the town so um so anyway that's that's the that's the hope for next meeting so I'm going to have you know we can follow with some right I'm going to have some concerns around electrical specific we have a uniform permit application from the state okay and it's and that application is across the state say there's no difference from one town to the other and in that application are things like closed dryer okay or um you're going to renovate a kitchen okay and you going have plugs in there right I don't I know there's nothing in here that drives that I I think we need to talk to Peter well this these aren't every fee we charge okay but no no no these so the the what you have are the ones that we're suggesting adjustments to there's a whole there there's a whole there's there are hard to read there are other fees that we charge that aren't included because we're in the Mark we're basically where we should be with the most so you're not looking to change every single one of them absolutely absolutely not just reviewed them yeah no that's why we kind of went through the process Sue please add to this if you have anything because you you did a lot ofs but that's why we went through the process of comparing ourselves with similar in neighboring communities the result is what's before you every other Fe we're not suggesting any change just the ones that are in the cover there may be by the way we're still kind of doing work on this so there may be one or two that is added to this list yeah but um in some numbers may move slightly but this is a start to the conversation I figured it was worth getting out there now yeah um and any feedback you have or input you have to it um please provide it because it's always helpful and um and then at next like I said hopefully at next meeting we'll have it okay um it's pretty it's almost fully big but not quite so at at next meeting hopefully we'll have a presentation ready to go and these numbers right so we're going to go to $65 on 100 amp service right if I if I go to T grow what's that be going to be like because I it just seems like whenever I file a permit the permit fees are in hundreds of dollars so CH ch's borrow is 60 for 100amp yeah it's almost so little that they're not going to pull it yeah to be honest right like so my and I was I said the Jason before the meeting and I know like I think Ellen had started this work back in the day and we finish it up and like I think it's important for us to capture or revisit this every year because you know one year inflation went up 9% based on CPI and our colas go up so we have to pay our staff more to do work and if our fees don't change then it becomes a a losing money equation so it's something we should be revisiting every year and I think they've got to have like to me $30 or $65 it's such a small amount of money like if you're really thinking about it like well is it even worth writing a chapter about three well I think well I understand your point but because it cost you a dollar write a check from Bank of America right it's just all these little but like my point is I think the fees have to have and just like our fines have to have a bit more of a a pause well our fees we we can't profit from fees so these are to be helping to cover there's nothing that says we can't make a buck off of fees we have to pay you have to pay you got to pay immed yeah but then we got the administrative cost the permitting system online yeah I think so because when I get a permit online I think they charge us 10 bucks for the permit what's the name of the system permit link it's going up to 12 yeah they charge it so they it's not that this you get this plus the transaction fee yeah but that's so that's why we need our fees there's nothing that says we can't make a on Fe I don't think can so so you no the the the law is that you cannot charge a fee any more than what it cost to provide the municipal service oh that's going to have to be fixed a law I mean I I we actually have I I have a spreadsheet that we're working with to make sure that we can justify right so these have to make sure that they're being I mean we have people doing these jobs and you know our budget is struggling so this is going to help it will help certainly help poop some of the costs that we're putting we're outlaying to do but and and you know the cost associated with these of my time Sue's time exactly the inspector's time the lights that he the Gap you knowy all yes I mean some of it's great equation you estimate some of the costs and based on the budget and based on whatever but you do have to be able to justify the fee based on the cost you're put right yeah so it does beho us to be in the right place and I do think it's helpful to look at the the graph with the comparison see kind of where we are yeah yeah really sting on the left for most of these yeah definitely an opportunity for schols my goodness look at that and this work to it because we're supposed to the so electricians and Plumas are supposed to provide their licenses their licenses have to be current they need insurance so there's an administrative load that goes into this right absolutely yeah AB yeah and that also includes it's not just salary it's benefits it's retir like proportion but all of those costs can be counted towards y so this is in review it's in review it's in review work process it it it shes and um if please take a look if you have any feedback or comments on it I mean and you you'll see even from some of these proposals we're not looking to be on the high end of of the scale that's not what we that's not what we're seeking to do we're seeking to be somewhere in the middle close to the middle and even you know you could look at this and say well you could you could go up five more dos here five so you know some of this is there is some subjectivity to it but um so yeah no this is meant to be the start of a conversation we'll come back next all right now let me I'll I'll take that offline I'll hit you with a couple of things because I know that in January now in order to wire an underground lawn sprinkling system you got to have a massachusett license to do that and so some of the municipalities are time permitting for you know the sprinkle heads you got the license to Wi that sprinkle head in January 24 started so okay Wy could added because we did one them all right well even like our dog our dog instances are pretty low yeah and it does require you know when I had chili like you make sure they have babes vaccination that was LAX on I forgot about it missed it a couple times but you know I just no there is time involved and yeah and it's it's a town clerk like Duty so it's it's a pain in the butt for you entry yeah mailing yeah because I kind of like peppol pricing to be honest just quickly looking at this I I like some of the peil modeling here so that's sort of where my head's going but I'll po more for next meeting Municipal of all the comparable we charge 25 yeah I think we got to get more yeah it's it's the right time for us to visit it and then sort of memorialize it next meeting yes and then look like I said to you ear let's try to do it every second after town meeting in May so you know it's a just year rolls on we can do some more projections yeah especially again with a couple big projects coming one of them is going to pay the fees so let's make sure we you know can afford our building inspector because they're going to sign off on all this stuff so there's a some of the some of the Stu $900 for a permit to wire pool permit for a pool yeah no some of it some of it was big you know we had to we had to do some normalizing because some it's based on like for spent with a minimum some were flat fees yeah so for the ones that were kind that weren't flat fees I just tried to normalize it yeah um so it could be off little bit but it's more than recharge yeah but even like a CEO we're at 45 and like AER is at 150 I'm closer to that because of the the time it takes for our building inspector to go in and officially sign off on a CO like they've got to walk through every every room in house and I'm guessing our building inspector's hourly rate is more than $45 an hour if I were to be a ballparking things in generalities here so if he spends four hours there two hours then we're in the hole yeah that's true that's just not good M yeah no I'm happy like I said this is a definitely starting point suggest a changes for sure definitely and so the the only other thing I'll say is um um Sue mentioned it that our our Software System permit link is increasing the administrative fee per transaction by $2 so part of the consideration is you know any of the fees that are being assess to us we need to capture yeah yeah so do we my opinion is well who pays the 12 no we I don't like this there so there's a town fee and then there's like a contractor fee yeah and so the town fee was $10 we do pass that along to the VM user applicant um so that $10 going up to 12 so we need to basically increase everything by $2 to lose money $2 plus the cola for St plus the what cola the cost of living or any mer increases a staff person I mean it's it's an equation yeah but it is but for those per from that we've got to increase that Fe so that we're not so we're not life's not getting cheaper to all right well thank you for putting all that time into this the charts are too all right is there anything else anybody has that yeah started so yes that knowledge it yes the my only question she wrote this right and I think she wrote us all email right yeah and I could be wrong maybe um but she's indicating here that it's the newly constructed School the middle school yeah but that's how I mean the middle school isn't newly constructed is it no so what they did so um Laurence roach the new school yeah that was one that was rebuilt so that initially they were talking about meing that like they not then they decid they would keep that approach and they the two middle schools are not named so they're like middle school north and Middle School South so Middle School South is what they're going to be naming after Mar's daughter that's the newer yeah okay that's I I just was reading and see I Le newly constructed that flow though well maybe we should just acknowledge it no she's been so so the gr deso school committee did unanimously um vote to approve the renaming of the school after Maran stter who's the founder of the Nash Water set Association um who's basically the the hero for saving the nashille river and S through flowing the color orange to Red to Green every other day and has brought it all the way up to being a wild and Scenic River designated by the um federal federal government so she just sent us a letter of thank you and acknowledging that you know she really appreciates our support and hopes that this will have an impact on students going forward that they will be inspired to make a difference in the world and you don't need to be special at anything you just need to be committed and you'll find a way to make a success so she's a great woman and um Middle School sou it's not going to get called Middle School South anymore it's going to get called started middle school middle school yeah so that's great yeah yeah cool that was nice another too anything else other than that I have one more okay just a little quick one yeah right we we this is really just a discussion we engaged with Council on posos okay he's on board with us so he signed his end of it and so where he is he's on board um he executed his doin no he hasn't is there a hold up with that um he was on vacation for all essentially he's gone for all this long um I he answered the phone he's in he was far far away but um but he did return my call and we did talk and he said we're all set I notified them he said we're all set I have followed up over email a couple times I think there's just the delay because he's U I actually just open message yesterday to follow up so we don't have a fully executed engagement agreement at the moment but we will so how does that impact um the tracking order for those dates there were filings that office out to July 3rd I think he said we were good July next week July 3 next week yeah and then July 12th is I think 3M um but he said he was filing on behalf and he's we're not at rest we're not sry probably just has to add the name to the it's got to and I'm on it too by the way like I am um okay yeah all right I it's a good question I just didn't know where that was in the life cycle because without that being signed you could be so yeah okay anything else you good good thank you good all right that's it on our agenda so I will entertain a motion to adjourn so moved second right in favor I I right so you have to sign these documents everyone before