##VIDEO ID:8iHKRbNc0GE## all right it's after 6 are we ready on the live stream administrator bromin [Music] woohoo hey Vern do anybody want my fire hydrant I have a fire hydrant that Josh had kept from back in the St James days when he was on fire there and sitting in our garage and he doesn't want to store it anymore bral what that's a lot of scrap I'll bring it down to have melt it how much well I know doesn't Hunter paint them [Music] and yeah was he there last did you even ask you forgot didn't you it's going in your yard Vern all right well let's call this are we live okay um I don't have a recorder though Carrie um sorry we're good okay um all right it's called meeting order we'll start with the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right thank you Carrie would you mind doing roll call for us please Mr Steinberg here Mrs Ro here Mr White here Mr Winnington here mayor Norton here thank you very much Carrie um look for motion to approve the agenda before us tonight second thank you any further discussion all in favor of approving the agenda say I I anyone oppose motion carries um okay we have one item new business budget work session anyone want to kick this off all right uh mayor and city council thanks for being here tonight um I've uh tried to attach reattach the um cover onto my microphone so hopefully you guys can still hear me okay um SO waiting for that replacement but no thanks again for your time tonight um so we this is kind of the process we've used in recent years where uh we kick off our formal budget uh meeting process with inviting department heads to come in and talk about their budget requests and then the following meeting I put everything together into a complete draft budget so um I have prepared just a brief memo which I'll walk through um you know I could do that now or I could do that um after department heads go I guess it doesn't really matter um do our department heads need to Jet out of here for anything or would you like to go first I could maybe just go first and kind of just set uh just to give an overview um so hopefully everybody has uh the materials in front of you I put them out um at your desks uh one of the things I'll kind of go through here real quick is a memo just giving uh overview of the 2025 budget uh process so I think we all know just as a reminder to anybody that might be watching um the meeting remotely that um as a city we have to prepare and adopt a proposed budget and proposed property tax levy each year um and bylaw in Minnesota the fiscal year of a city and all of its funds must be calendar year so um January 1st to December 31st and uh the budget is one year of estimated money coming in or revenues and expenditures or money going out um we are a city over 500 population and so when we propose a propery tax increase uh we have to provide notice of the proposed uh budget adoption in the form of um uh truth and Taxation notice to allow our residents the opportunity or taxpayers to come in and provide input on the proposed budget and property tax levy and that um we have to certify our um uh preliminary Levy to the auditor honor before September 30th so um kind of the timeline right now will be that if we can schedule a special meeting before the end of August I'll have a complete draft budget for you to review and then um hopefully we if everything goes smoothly um any changes that need to be made following that meeting could be made before the regular September meeting and then possibly adopted at that time if not if we need more work then we just schedule another special meeting um um to get the preliminary Levy certified before September 30th um as you all likely remember the preliminary Levy cannot be reduced once adopted or excuse me cannot be increased once adopted but you can obviously reduce it uh before the final budget in tax levy is adopted and our general fund Levy is compr Levy excuse me is comprised of the general fund 101 the Eda fund and Debt Service um we would have to schedule a truth and Taxation public comment hearing sometime after November 24th and before December 27th and in the past we typically have that meeting that first uh city council meeting in December uh then we also have to certify a certificate of compliance with the Department of Revenue by December 27th and then um next I just included last year's final Levy information it was set at approximately 16% or increase of $155,700 over the 2023 final Levy um and as you'll see I have a little um table that just shows 2023 final for General Eda Debt Service that comprises the total tax levy just to show you 2023 2024 and then at that next meeting I'll have 2025 propos and then what that would mean uh for an increase over last year's Levy and then on the next page we've already talked about truth and Taxation I've tentatively scheduled it for Monday December 2nd at 6 o'clock um for the regular meeting and then as we just talked about the last meeting with our fund balance just a reminder um that we are working to uh maintain a minimum unassigned general fund balance of 50% of the annual budget um we've been able to do that and we'll continue to do that with a 2025 budget and um next item on my list is fire and Public Works budget requests they'll be presenting theirs here uh yet this evening it's a little disappointing when I looked at our 2025 LGA we uh went up um only $744 I was a little disappointed about that um but I guess at least it's in the positive not the negative so um but between LGA and property taxes that comprises Approximately 80% of our general fund Revenue so significant uh Revenue Source um next item cost of living adjustment so um each year we typically look at the Consumer Price Index and I did include a copy of that on your um at your table and um we previously had been using that number uh but there was some dips there was one year where was like s and then the other year was like 5.9% so back in 2021 the council talked about retaining discretion as to the actual adjustment to wages um and not being bound by the CPI so um this year the CPI that's from July of 2023 to 2024 is 2.7% uh looking at what most other cities are budgeting it's between 3 to 4% for cost of living adjustment for 2025 so um unless Council directs differently after tonight that's what staff will move forward with um factoring into the budget for wages and cost of living will be 3% and then next wages uh as you guys remember we did a wage Study last year we worked with the Cog that was quite a labor intensive process um in the outcome of that we had employees that range anywhere from 6.1% to 195% of a wage increase depending on their position where they fell um just to keep everybody um average of Market comparable so um and and then the wage scale we made sure that each step increased 3% so um again unless directed differently tonight what I'll do is I'll just plug in a 3% step increase for 2025 uh which would give um if everybody received a favorable performance evaluation would get a 6% increase and then as far as health insurance rates we won't find out until October but talking to our agent he said um he's he's thinking probably around 8% increase at this time so that's what we'll plug into the budget and then no changes to Pera um I just listed the employee employer contributions so um Social Security Medicare withholdings nothing's changed since uh 2023 um there was talk last year with the es um ESS and then also paid family medical leave I just made a note here that that will be effective January 1st 2026 so we don't need to uh it doesn't affect our budget here here for 2025 but that will be coming and then Enterprise funds each year I review our debt service and look at upcoming expenditures um like to send the budgets to um Shen Sweeney and then he can kind of take a look at our operating expenses and then help determine if we're needing to look at doing a rate um uh and rate analysis and be able to keep up with our projected expenses um let's see one other thing I didn't talk about in my memo that I should touch on here um so I uh also have included a historical information in the uh information that you have it just shows our uh levies going back from to six excuse me 2016 um and then it'll show you our tax rate as well and goes through 2024 so one thing that um I am a little bit concerned about and we'll be delving into deeper um but our full um just one second I'm going to grab my sheet here so each year I work with a county assessor's office and I get um our net tax capacity information one thing that's a little bit concerning is that our um total fully taxable tax capacity has gone down a little bit um from last year and that um according according to the assessor's office is um primarily due to a decrease in residential Market valuations apparently they went down approximately 4% which is good for um Property Owners um and an increase in the residential Homestead market valuation exclusion which then reduce Tax Market valuations of residential Homestead Property so we'll see how that all plays out and how we've been able to like last year we were able to increase what we C capturing for that tax capacity and how we set our Levy without having to negatively impact taxpayers but we'll see what this does this year um to the tax rate and I'll have all that information at the the next work session but I just want to give you heads up on that um that there was a a change with that so lot of information and um you'll get it all again with the next um work session but before we move on to the Departments is there does anybody have any issue with looking at Monday August 26th at 6:00 I've heard from three of you guys maybe I don't know if I've heard from Council M white or Steinberg if that works for you guys oh you did thank you yes you did sorry about that yep okay perfect well if that's all right with you guys and we'll plan to do our next one and that's where you'll get the full budget um all of the numbers after tonight's meeting and you guys um any direction I get um the Departments but we're right on track track as far as a budget timeline and um that's really what I have right now and I can answer any other questions or if you guys have any direction or you after at the end of the meeting want to give me some more Direction on like wages cost of living um but what I can say with that is I did check with the Cog because they assisted us last year with the study just to see what they're seeing and and they confirm too Yep they're seen that 3 to 4% which is with the league of Minnesota cities there's a it's called a list serve and um somebody had sent something out a while back asking what other cities so it's really that three three and a half% 4% for cost of living so that's pretty reasonable and um we should be we should be in line um and keeping up with Market if we would move ahead with that so all right well I've talked long enough so I will turn it over uh mayor to um the um I'm not sure who needs to get out of here first but either public works or fire department okay all right go ahead Andrew thank you sure mine will be quick so um I'll just touch on kind of the bigger items that I've I'm not fully complete going through it but some of the bigger items um in streets for General Repair and maintenance I'd like to add uh 10,000 in there to maybe start helping out with some of the um tree trimming Boulevard trees and things like that um and then underneath meeting and education um just for this year we'll add $2500 that's the cost um to get a CDL and we have one of one of the guys that still needs to get a CDL so we'll try and get that done this year and um Andrew could I interrupt you for a second could you tell me again what line item I was looking for my papers um what line item would you have the tree ter me that extra was that under um repair and maintenance or Professional Services repair and maintenance I guess I could go in either or okay and that's under Parks right yeah okay yep no that would be under streets streets okay I was on the I was on the wrong page okay so these are not the ones that residents are responsible for yeah but the residents obviously aren't going to do it so in for I mean that's a conversation for an actual council meeting probably but I think it's we that to discuss it at the next council meeting as for planning I mean yeah unless I'm told differently you know we got to plan for something yeah I can check with some other cities too and kind of find out I know there's some streets in town where it is really bad and like Andrew and I were talking about and we talked about a couple years ago too maybe putting together a list of like where what do we tackle first and do it in increments and using um the fire department to kind of give us guidance as to which ones are the worst for them but just see how other cities handle it if it there was utility lines there then the utility company would take care of it for us but there most of things are underground now so but we'll add that to the September meeting yeah I mean I we don't want dangerous things going on we don't want damage to our trucks we don't want a lot of things but I also don't want to see people who are taking care of their trees like they're supposed to are now going to end up funding the people that aren't taking care of their Boulevard trees and that doesn't seem right I know it's a pain we took down a almost $5,000 tree two years ago and it sucks but um I get where this is coming from I don't disagree with that but I definitely want to talk about that before we make any decisions um okay moving on to Parks um in the operating supplies I added a little bit more I added 3,000 um just to kind of help with the new Pavilion and keeping all that clean and the bath extra bathroom and whatnot clean down there um repair and maintenance I added some to that you know just there's an extra restroom and more things that take more money to maintain are we putting back into the park budget then the rental the rental fees yeah so that just goes into a general fund um there there isn't like a SE separate um Revenue source for that so yeah it just go into general fund for Revenue yep okay to help offset our general fund expenses um as for storm drainage can we can we go back to park and wck for a second so I think in the past we've had an issue with Park and W committee projects being kind of rolled up into just one number and I'm wondering if we need to work through how do we so then parks and recs committee knows how much money they have for their projects and things like that as opposed to you know have how hard would that be would that be another line item does that make sense no it totally makes sense and we kind of talked about that too and Andrew and I were going to kind of work through that here further before the next session but yeah we definitely have that capital outlay for the park board so that's the money they can spend exactly what you're saying and then um kind of determining and identifying the items that we should probably just pull out of repair and maintenance and make that a bigger line item so yeah okay but absolutely we will I don't know that we necessarily need to change anything I think that we just need to maybe change on ourn staffs and how we um yeah exactly y but we'll make sure we we get that um straightened out before the 26 meeting good point um I know part of the reason why we had bumped up the park um the outlay for the park last budget was for the pond to try to make some progress there um what have we done as far as getting you know actual estimates on cleaning up the pond and making the park look like it should well Andrew did get some pricing but it came in what six figures yeah was it it was 280,000 so that was one bid yeah okay and that was from one of the only local contractors that has the equipment to do it um and then just talking with another contractor that's a couple hours away because they need the Long Reach boom and a bunch of different equipment that not all of the contractors around here have um yeah it didn't sound pretty for price so what other cities do with their ponds because I can't imagine we're the only city that has a green pond I mean this just I mean I think we got a couple things going on we've got the duckweed we but then I think our biggest issue is it needs to be dredged and so we're going to have to just start setting aside money um to tackle that because I just don't think I think it's going to be a losing battle thankfully we've had a lot of rain this year which has really helped but the years were it was kind of a drop years it looked terrible so I think we just have to if that's one of our priorities with the parkw then we need to se sun inside money but I think that's debatable right park board members that's well I think that's where I get confused you know that seems to be maintenance not parkboard responsibility right um I think the park board still get confused on that too so is that the council's position then that that would be considered a maintenance item to me that's that's a big item though I don't oh yeah oh yeah well it doesn't matter right it's going to come out you know it's just who's going to be responsible for it and who's going to have to I mean that's even bigger for the park board to have to follow it yeah I think part of it is you know where does the park board want to want to see that maintenance money go you know towards um you know sprucing up some of our equipment or and I think that's where some of the well I think there's a difference between maintenance and addition and replacement right so 100% you know is that kind of the buckets that get broken down to it's it's just like you know your equipment right so we got buy new stuff we got to replace stuff and we got to fix stuff so right you know how do we you know it's all going to come out of this one budget anyway it's just who's kind of controlling you know those those funds is probably at the end and who's responsible for right mhm I mean that's a it's a city asset I mean I feel like we should be maintaining it just like we do the trails just like we do lights and a fixture within the park I I look at parkboard and it's like they get to do really fun initiatives they get fun stuff should Innovation and growth and you know I just don't I I know we use some of that money to put towards Pavilion for and I get that but we bumped that up specifically to get Pond done and I want to make sure that is that what we I don't us but I don't and I could be wrong too but I think it was um it was both like I think it was primarily uh P but Park improvements but I think we at the time um we're really pushing the I can look back in the minutes I'm pretty sure it as long as it go to Parks but I think that was the big thing was the pond Improvement but okay so we Andrew and I will work on um Park stuff and try to figure out the best way to kind of and I totally get what you guys are saying and and we don't want the parkboard to be frustrated we want them to be enthused and excited and know okay this is what we have to work with and this is what we we can do um so we yeah we definitely need to clean that up agreed um as for storm sewer um not much change there just a little bit for increase in price um obviously right now it doesn't look like we've spent much but once it comes time to Lea back in the fuel budget and operating supplies and maintenance budget will go downhill in a hurry um so Andrew can you just help me understand so operating supplies mhm we're more than doubling no for storm okay so uh under storm water sorry um so last year we budgeted 1,500 and this year we'll be budgeting 2,000 sorry I was looking at the next column and then up to two Okay it's not as big a leap as my non-math brainsaw thank you mhm um for water um right now we're sitting you know almost in the middle of the road for the operating supplies and there's a suspected price increase in chemicals so we increased that a little bit um and then increased our Professional Services a little bit to help undertake some of the smaller projects that we want to get done that we just can't get to right now um so and then sewer um Professional Services um increase that by $4,000 to hopefully get um a little bit more televising done um we've been adding more sewer lines and stuff so we just kind of have to accommodate for that we're in a like a six to seven year cycle of doing a complete sewer sewer line cleaning and televising through town so we'd like to try and stay in that time cycle for as long as we can um and then that that's all also um like our Pump services and things like that our annual services and stuff come out of there too that's all I really have for now and then Andrew is going to be mean with me on his Capital um outlay so we'll bring that back um that I don't know if I have my sheet with me but you guys will recognize it's that um this from last year where it has like 2023 2024 you know what the the pieces of equipment that um he's looking to replace and um if there's any changes we'll talk about that at the next meeting so he's still working on getting some pricing from some different vendors so so all in all oh go ahead oh sorry say assuming that we do uh go forward with the feasibility study what was the total on that was [Music] 30 the million doll oh the feasibility study for the street reconstruction project um that we will be paying for not with this budget um and then that million dollars were getting special financing to pay for the um what are you going to call it can't think of what it's called now um with the water sh ready design make shovel ready yeah yep yeah and then the land acquisition piece to that that would also be something we'd most likely um we'd want to work with Shan Sweeney on that um I'm not sure if we'd take that depending what the price would be if it'd be out of reserves or if it would be something looped into a financing package yeah so but okay um yeah I think I just you know after talking with um you know Andrew just keeping up and increasing I like the idea of increasing the televising to stay on that um six to sevene cycle I think little things like that we can start kind of catching up and I think those things are going to pay off in the long run for us to be uh more proactive and Andrew is exactly right about um you know chemicals and so forth are just increasing so we got to be prepared for that and um I was just going to say is the clothing allowance I know you went up plus 50 is that enough like I I just took the kid school shopping and I'm seeing how much clothing and shoes in general have shot up maybe I'm hyp sensitive to it but have you looked is that practically enough to cover I think it should be um right now with no projected new hires you know we don't need to buy that big burst of clothing so it's just you know a few items here and there to you know sweatshirts and jackets and things like that to keep you know nothing huge like a new hire would be so okay Council thoughts comments questions okay I have nothing further on public works thank you guys for taking a lot of time and hammering this out and for always being very responsible Andrew I know you make a lot work with what we give you so thank you fire all right you guys want now that he got you warmed up I was hoping he wouldn't make you mad actually um as far as um what we're looking at this year we've got a few different things that we're looking at is um um new increases that we'll need to look at um I don't know if increas is the proper word I want to use but um Acquisitions I guess would be a better way to put it um as far as the um as far as our list of everything that we had I was looking at with the cost of living the actual cost of living inflation rate of being um right at pretty close to 8% um so I was projecting um 9% for the increases um who knows what's going to happen after November if that's going to how that's going to affect anything if that will help or hurt um as the year closes out um so I do have some numbers highlighted such as um operating supplies um as you know everything is there's a few things in particular that are really jumping up in cost um any type of materials you got to use for them operating supplies such as what we have to keep stock in 4301 with um adds up pretty quick um so I was looking at um you know I'll submit all these numbers have a good night um submit all these numbers um in uh finality here for on the 26th for you guys but um roughly what we're looking at um starting at uh operating um bumping that to uh 25,000 um so I went 9% off of the um off of the 20 23's actual expenditures um as Jennifer said you can you can go down but you can't go up so I don't I know that I have um we have a lot of big expenses coming up here um that'll be reflected in a couple of different areas here because we have three if not four um members that we will be looking to onboard next year so that will be a significant cost um fuel um I uh went with Excuse me 9% um increase over the uh 24 budgeted um repairs and maintenance um I went 9% on top of 2023 is um actual amount um because um we do have a couple more uh in um instances that have to be taken care of uh take for instance the uh joystick on 4321 um we were hoping it's sticking so then they uh were not able to shut off the turret on the front bumper um so we are really hoping that we're going to be able to find that switch instead of replacing the whole joystick the whole joystick is roughly 2500 bucks um so um there's a few different expenses like that um I don't know if there'll be any extra um expenditures for 4324 as far as um what we just got back um that's a whole different subject that was paid for by or should be paid for by insurance but um yeah we'll have to look at that one um it's completed but I don't think that we should be cutting a check for it right now you might want to have someone look at that I did leave a message today with the league of Minnesota cities uh Dean to make sure on that one just for the record Chief I if I'm sorry if I'm yeah you're not seeing silly where which page are you on I'm on the page that she gave me you probably don't see these we're all sitting here like which page I mean I'm am I the only over here is it this one that it's the one that you had in my box for me oh I didn't see that one to make copies okay okay I know I was looking for that I was like like I said you'll have it finality on the 26 the fire pack here I just must be on the wrong page I don't know I was enjoying watching you guys fumble actually are you doing keeps you guys from staring at [Music] me here what oh good Carrie you might hear screams Lydia did some decorating make it real home that's scary Oh [Applause] thanks thank you that is that a little better where are we at one of these all right do we got to start over you guys all right no we're auditory Learners too okay good it is easier when we've got the it yes I I agree um so then um uh Professional Services I did also bump up um to 9% off of um as all my numbers showed that way you guys would be able to see quick reference of where I was developing numbers from um that all that uh Professional Services was off of the um 24 budgeted amount that I um add the 9% to um again I'm hoping that we won't need just like some of what we're going to have over here um on left over from 24 I'm hoping we'll run into the same situation but I I just I don't want to run into what I did a couple years ago to where we got hit hard and didn't have the funds for it is that where brunton's coming out of Brunton it's the second line second line to the bottom Capital outlay facilities would be okay thanks Trent okay um trying to think of what else we took I just took some out for services but anyway um that's where like our hose testing that kind of thing that's where we bring that out of excuse me um physicals um I pick the 24 2024 amount that we have currently in went up n because we have um three if not four more physicals that will need to be done um and those will be the uh Phase 2 physicals I think is how they're referred to um those are a bit more extensive uh more of a complete blood workup um EKG it's a full physical to make sure that they're um combat ready I guess for lag we're not sending them in to collapse them and all that yeah yeah yeah yeah I want to make sure that before we yes makes sense as we excuse me as we get ready to onboard them completely um Communications um I went off of 9% off of the uh off the 2024 budget um we had a rash of um pagers that died this year for some reason I imagine it's um in the life for a lot of them they you know you get them all at the same time they die at the same time so um not to mention uh radios but we have radios um allocated um in the uh equipment outlay if I remember right wasn't it the equipment outlay that's correct and those cost a small fortune don't they the radios yeah they're um I think for we were debating I don't know that we'll go with the encrypted but that has convers that is conversation I believe the encrypted ones are somewhere around 6500 a piece is that the armor thing yeah yeah so and that's what a lot of the radios that they're using nowadays that's what they're doing with all their Communications so that that's the only way we can keep our scenes secure otherwise you have a bunch of people there in the way and trying to take pictures and it doesn't it's not conducive or safe so um but we haven't exactly decided that that's what we're going to do for those new radios is to get them encrypted but um yeah um and if we don't thinking it was um 14,400 $1,500 difference per radio without the encryption um do we have to pay for the service that goes along with those like some kind of a like getting on the sorry you going to break it or does the county pay for the like the network that goes with them yeah we don't we don't really pay for a network service to go along with that it's just the radios themselves it all bounces off the existing system that's there it's not like cell towers that we got to rent space on fortunately when I was on Township this was a very contentious issue because the county decided to have the fire departments themselves pay for the service oh and that didn't yeah do really taste good you know no so especially how they use it less than a lot of the other agencies out there yeah all right well I'm glad that it is just the radio expense then um so then um utilities um I uh didn't really mess with those too much uh I think I left those alone because of where we're at currently um 36 and 33% um out of the budget already and being almost pretty much much 34s of the way through the year I didn't see any reason to mess with those numbers um so um and then um dues and subscriptions um that uh I did increase by 200 for those um again that was 9% off of the 24 budget um and then well it was 9% plus there was like um almost a 100 bucks at I just rounded up to an even number just um and then um meeting meeting education I that's the one I just covered I think U dues and subscription so those are was about the same um I didn't include any extra funds part of the a conversation we've been having is whether or not we can allow a um a different ranking officer to attend the chief's conference at the end of the year um a lot of people have expressed interest in it um but I haven't opened that up to them so um just the conversation has been there we just haven't I didn't allocate for that in this but just so you know the conversation's there um if you look at the top I did add two things um The multi-gas Meters um we've got a MSA that we run on um on 4311 um that's one of the two G gas meters multi-gas meters that we have on that truck um that MSA is about an end of end of life um there is a basum Turner um 601 that we run on there as well which is um the exact same model that uh centerp point energy runs which is why I selected that model to begin with so that when we're comparing things with that are natural gas related were Apple stles so we got I mean that nothing's ever exact from machine dish machine but those those that machine is $4,600 being a for gas meter how long was the lifespan on them on the um basum the lifespan on that I'm not exactly sure because I haven't we've been running them at Center Point for four years and we've had to put sensors in them but they're still running so I don't know what the end of life is the MSA has been on there um we got that one trying to think of the age of that I would say that's roughly 10 years so this would be kind of like a one time at this point but then keeping something to start funding that future replacement correct okay um and um yeah so it's not an a line item that I need for yeah as you specified yeah it's one time expense for this year and then budget into the capital um and then um moving on from there um wanted to um thermal imaging camera is something else that we've been looking at um so just wanted to um remind that it is something that we have been budgeting for to uh replace thermal thermal imaging cameras um we are looking at a couple of different styles so we could transition into the colored page if you'd like to so um this would be line uh that starts with capital outlay actual expense and this is our first draft of this um most of the numbers that that uh make up this draft uh we're coming from 2020 and so the numbers are a little bit dated and we've worked uh with a number of vendors to try and update uh some of these uh those are not included uh in this form what we're seeing is that the numbers from 2020 like when we purchased our last fire Tru they're double so for example in 2020 we paid $530,000 for our number one pumper you'll see in this packet the same exact truck is $1.1 million today if you were to buy that contract and it wouldn't arrive in Eagle Lake until four years from now markup so we we want to uh prepare a draft two and try to get hey a look at realistic numbers uh I don't think uh that something we're going to ask for a budget increase for but just so that we're aware that hey this uh Capital Improvement plan is not keeping up with the current price increases that we're seeing in the marketplace um but what we would like to ask for is our current ladder truck is a 1999 that that's reached 25 years old 25 years old that's kind of the the Line in the Sand from NFPA and when we would really start thinking about taking that out of service uh we did have a a demo truck here uh that was worth 1.7 million we don't expect the city vehicle Lake to to uh pay for that kind of truck but it's something that uh we do utilize a lot of different fires and so uh that truck we bought used uh 10 years ago approximately uh for around 180,000 so uh if we can try and find a used truck that's in really good shape that's something that we would want to do uh so in the dark blue when you're looking at this uh this page the dark blue were kind of proposed items now if we find a used truck you know it's not something that we know would be available you necessarily at any time it's something that would just kind of come out of the blue and we'd have to ask act fast so that's something that we're going to have to just discuss with Jennifer on planning on how we might try and do something like that if we wanted to include that in capital outlay um that's definitely a conversation we'd have to have uh but just something we wanted to bring to your attention uh moving down the list uh one thing that we want to consider doing is selling that 4324 firet truck that we just just got fixed uh when uh the city brought it back we about lost a transmission about dropped out of the bottom of the truck what we're finding is that these older trucks just take more and more work uh to maintain uh and so that essentially needs to go back to the shop to get fixed before it can even go back in service and so we're looking at probably trying to sell that in the near future and now it's in condition where we can do so uh what we'd like to do is look at potentially adding a pickup truck uh mainly for our day rescue folks our day rescue folks uh really don't have the ability to drive any of our current fire trucks they're way too big uh and so we want we'd like to consider getting something that's smaller for them so they can uh drive it we'd also like to get our turnout gear OSHA compliant uh OSHA requires that we have a set of gear that's within 10 years old uh to go into a house if it's burning currently our stuff is 6 years old but if we have to go into a fire and it has to go out of service uh and get cleaned and so we'd like to get in fiveyear cycle and so that's built in here um and that was uh I believe the third coat for $882,000 um and so that would come out of the CIP and gambling funds would help purchase that and then the last item uh that we had uh just some miscellaneous equipment probably the ATV that's on this list we'd probably get rid of that and just put that into small equipment our current station isn't large enough to be able to house something like that and there's a couple of small items that we need uh to bring up to date uh at the station so that's a lot of information uh going over this do you have any questions on on that part of it um the day rescue truck um to outfit this thing ballpark what would it be uh currently we had in that fund I think we were looking at the grass rig there was uh $72,000 there Jennifer I'm wondering if like every time mapo is you the carbon emission Reduction Program that we've looked at is it possible that that truck could be electric it's possible because there's a lot of gr money available we haven't heard good things from the sheriff department on their electric vehicles yeah I just asked because there's always some grant funding available like what did we get on the we still haven't gotten approval to or the ability to go and purchase that for public works but was that like 30 some thousand yeah and we have to cover the city of Eagle Lake used to own a hybrid police vehicle and if I remember correctly that wasn't a good purchase do we have a separate shed we could keep this in because I don't really want to put an electric vehicle in the shed with my other vehicles um just asking because there's a lot of Grant dollars out there you if it's something that could be electric but if it's not a good idea I'm okay with you telling me it's not a good idea I'm just I'm just there's uh one of the cars that there electric car that Centerpoint has that um they drug out of the shed the other day and it's not allowed to go back inside just for the record just doing my duty to ask because there's always funding there for yes that I know it would be nice if it was actually you know if they could work the bugs out it would be nice great idea for execution got it okay sorry so um Trent could you and bur could you guys clarify what are you um for me for my purpose here I was just TR of taking some notes and maybe missed some of it how much are you looking to spend in cap for okay so our best estimate based on the uh quotes that we've received be $146,000 from our CIP fund looking to add maybe $30,000 approximately from our Capital fund Capital gambling okay uh money that we have okay and then the uh the next line or couple lines down would be Capital outlay set aside that number is just based on this current draft one we'll get you a draft too that has more up toate numbers got it thank you that makes sense I got another question question you know I am all for understanding when there's a deal we get the deal that's awesome what if such unicorn vehicle does not appear and we do have to wait four years to replace this other truck with the gazillion dollar super duper truck um that cost is going to go up every single time we come back and look at it right uh Pierce's estimate um they gave us is trucks are going up 6 to 10% every year and so the longer you wait them the higher it's going to be so if we were to lock in the rate now we don't get it for another four years that we at least be locked in without those increases right corre what do you think the likelihood is of finding a good used option uh you said the term earlier unicorn that's what they've told us exactly these things are like unicorns uh so for example City Mano our neighbor to the to the West that has purchased aand new ladder truck they have not sold their old one they've hung on to it so we're seeing that as prices of these trucks go higher and higher most cities if they have a piece of apparatus like that they hang on to it well four year out on the replacement I imagine they're clinging for dear life yes so the likelihood of a unicorn Is Not Great do they make electric truck we already they do they do make electric trucks they do it's almost a come on what was that they just demoed one balls did a year ago it's a pickup it wasn't gosh I can't remember what the price was but it was uh there's only a couple in the United States uh that right now I think Los Angeles has one um it had major issues had to go back to the manufacturer I think walls demoed one at the capital almost a year year and a half ago and it was like five to 10 times more than a standard yeah very expensive yeah that's the the one that they had over in Rochester when I was over there last October when they had that one over there that one was three 35 I think it was 3.5 million for an electric one yeah that you got to have a all different shed for so is our 4312 truck then is that value going up every year or two yeah you want to buy it oh yeah I I'm I'm just think you guys I know you're already there but do we need to plan for the worst that we do need to just set aside and plan to purchase that new truck and if the Unicorn does come along we jump on it but I mean I don't know the plan is that um there's a lot of cities that lease these things and they'll put them on a seven and 10year Lease uh we know there's not any coming du in the near future but not to distant future there are some that are coming off a lease and so we can get added to a Le list to be eligible to look at something like that uh I think there quote in here was instead of 1.7 you know perhaps it's going for you know 900 to 1.2 million so there is significant cost savings but it's still very very expensive and how long would the lease be on those well that's a lease that's coming due and we would purchase it oh oh okay I'm like I have no this okay so you're killing me tonight guys the 4301 that's a 200 6 and the 4321 to 2001 21 is a 13 truck 4301 is a 13 oh excuse me 01 that's a 2006 oh okay maybe I misspoke I'm doing enough of that [Music] tonight are those the same kind of thing where there'd be like a lease trade in where we could get on those or um you know on a rescue truck that's a little more specialized many departments have much much bigger rescue trucks ours is literally built to fit our station so ours is a much smaller truck and it barely fits uh but there is room for our station for that truck to fit in there so how many inches do you have to spare around the truck a foot wow I would say 10 10 feet there there's yes absolutely we we have um probably 2 in in front of the truck and um in back I would say that might be an exaggeration custom cust so how long what's what is the rescue truck what 2006 was a 2006 GMC 5500 okay so that can't be incorporated into the daytime or can be the same thing as the daytime they can't see the mirrors what's that they can't see the mirrors the problem with the 5500 is obviously it's too big too big it's too big for them they're not used to driving Vehicles like that and I'm afraid something's C catastrophic you since it was It was obviously not a fire truck the pickup wouldl if they could do a dual service or if we were replaced that would it be could you out outfit it enough to do both you know be a dual you know the daytime and rescue or the rescue has to be that big you know so does that make sense it makes 100% sense anytime that we can combine a truck and you know make it work for less money that would be great but the rescue is full of equipment right that's what I'm asking so it doesn't sound like you could do that no we couldn't do that okay um the other item that we should just touch on here real briefly is the Fire Relief payment uh we had spoken with uh uh the Personnel committee earlier this year and so uh we had asked for the 2024 budget this year for to be increased to 60,000 um I'm not sure the current status of that um so um uh it's I apologize I talked to Vern um maybe a couple couple weeks ago and I mentioned we I was hoping to get we were going to kind of review some information after we met last time Personnel committee and um uh Trent and Vern with the Department to further discuss their requests and then bring back to the council yet um September October um just haven't just had had so much stuff going on lately that it's been hard to dedicate to really delving into this but I'll let you kind of go give an overview of um this information yeah so for the Fire Relief payment that really is going to cover uh the retirement for each firefighter if they are in the fire service with eagle EG they get uh Pion amount per year they have to be in for 10 years in order to be uh vested in that program uh currently our current payment is $2,000 per year of service uh and what we found is that if we took an average of the uh communities around Eagle Lake we really should be closer to 2700 and so that is our primary ask that's built into that $60,000 and so for 2025 we would ask just to continue that $60,000 what we've had in the previous in 2024 there was some other um wages that were discussed with the uh Personnel committee um those are all included in this packet here um if you um he started off with uh item number one um if you're on the same side of the page okay um so he started off with number one explain that one um number two um we were looking at the uh currently we have a uh flat rate of $10 per call um we would like to consider a Scale based on response for and for the percentage and the length of the call um kind of uh something to get people to uh to attend more calls you know reward them for them for the more they do um we had looked at um making the minimum of 10 unless you uh trm was there a a zero that we were including in that they didn't make for the I just didn't want to misspeak on the the current flight rate in per call when we go to the tiered system was there a zero you're look sorry about that so if you're looking at the packet that looks like like this right I think this information Vern is referring to that will be found on page 10 and that would be on the right hand side of the page it's highlighted and starred proposed paper call minimum response rate to qualify was [Applause] 10% which would mean that if someone didn't make 10% of the calls they would not get any pay for the calls throughout the year correct correct for clarification correct okay um and then that you can see the increments where it would go up from there um along with that we had also uh any questions on that before we keep diving okay um along with that we um we've also discussed um the uh having a on call officer for the for weekends um during the summer months um especially um we run into a lot of different situations to where especially in the summer we only have so many weekends it'd be nice to make sure that we had an officer here in town uh we don't know that it's fair to ask somebody to do that without awarding them in some way to keep them here um so what we did was we based it as a 2hour minimum or off of a 2hour minimum that manada would use that's uh and they pay at um I believe that was 26 an hour is what Mano pays we have that on page nine right for reference to to where we came up with the numbers for that um so that way we could offer them if you see they're 23 to 2688 hourly that way we could offer them two hours worth of pay um per day to keep them here within the area because what I what I would like to ask people to do is to stay within our immediate area so you could respond to Medicals as well uh so that is a big ask to ask people to completely give up their weekend like that even if we don't have any calls to so that's that's why we're proposing that at that rate um there is a few other wages that we were looking at proposing um and those you will [Music] find I was trying to make sure that I got all those just right here um so if you look at page 13 I guess explains everything out pretty well I was looking for a exxel list of it but um so what we were looking at was um to proposing to increase the the chief to 6,000 6,000 a year the assistant Chiefs um currently are not paid at all um and we would like to consider um having them have paid positions at 2,000 per year um each and then um a paid position for the president as well as 1,000 per year um something that we noticed here especially the past couple years uh it's taken quite a group effort to make all the wheels turn uh especially being volunteer where we're sharing time like that um so I want to make sure that we can um ask people to do other assignments to um lack of a better term to earn their wages make sure we're earning their wages to to actually give them actual job ass assignments um currently the um the president and the uh assistant Chiefs um for their assignments outside of of um what is scoped in our Personnel policy is um kind of on a peras basis where I would like to assign regular assignments to them to justify them actually earning wages um again that those proposals for each one and what their duties would be that's page 13 uh starts in 12 so 12 and 13 how many assistant Chiefs do we currently have two is that our Max do we need yes that's our Max okay yes I don't see any reason to add any more officers to the to the hierarchy list or um we would need we would need more Personnel before we could consider something like that I think we're as far as the management goes I think we're staffed adequately is it the assistant chief role that's usually doing the grant requests I just know that's been the president has been doing a lot of the grant request okay the president and the um training officer but the training officer already draws a wage from the amount of grants that I've have seen come through I know that that's a very busy item for you guys and seems like well worth not that all of them don't but I'm just saying in particular I've seen that and the amount of time that you spend here at our [Music] meetings it's fun it's what we signed up for though so did I miss anything I think that's I think we pretty much covered everything I I think these are very good and practical and very creative ways to ensure that we have coverage when we need coverage to sacrifice weekends when we may only get a couple of nice weekends all year that's a big deal um you know seems like it makes a lot of sense to me I don't want to speak on behalf of the Personnel committee but I think that was our takeaway the night we met with the um the fire department Representatives too that we value each of them everybody is so busy these days with there's so much competing for a time and I think their requests are reasonable and we have a good department and their recruiting new members to come and we want them to be able to you know U make it worth their while too so yeah so we will bring back a recommendation to um the city council if possible for the September meeting um as they explained it's already included in the budget just a matter of wanting to do some more checking into some things so but appreciate all you guys do go get excited about electric trucks [Laughter] Council any other thoughts questions comments staff anything I appreciate the good job they did they each year they um knock it out of the park and do a good job being very detailed so thank you guys appreciate that this is my sincerest hope that we not too far in the future have a nice fire hall that will accommodate whatever truck is the safest and most efficient vehicle for the staff that we have not cut and shaped into a space that is not adequate it it might make you feel a little better just for comfort of mind that that truck that we looked at fit in the station the way it is just for the record we we don't have to extend the wall out for that one extremely [Laughter] incentivizing all right well we have concluded I think think our work session list there's any other comments from staff councel questions um I'll be happy to hear a motion to adjourn Mo second any further discussion all in favor of adjournment say I I thanks everybody for your time appreciate it y thank you e