##VIDEO ID:L5VJFWZ7ZpY## e do for e hello testing 1 two 3 test test hello test test e for e e spe we e for e for e e e e e e for Mrs Ro here Mr White here Mr Winnington here mayor protm Steinberg here and then we will move to the oath of office hi Anthony White City Council l sure oh so we're acting like I up a motion I motion second I motion hi [Music] so move second [Music] [Music] 2 and that should be a roll call vote mayor okay Mr Steinberg yes Mrs roric yes Mr White yes mayor wington yes maybe I'll just do a quick introduction you go right ahead Sally um we have Sally uh Comfort she's also an Eagle Lake resident and um she is our um uh I'm going to forget your exact title here I don't have in front of me um but she works with us um with our account um with CTS and she has done a great job getting us organized and she's going to be here this evening to talk to you about our computer replacement needs that we have coming up here in 2025 is this important yes if you want to get as close as you can to the microphone yep fantastic thank you not in the least but comfortable with this so I'm sorry bear with me but um yes so as Jennifer said so I'm your customer success manager with CTS so we work with the city um kind of providing everyday support for it needs but also like the bigger picture infrastructure type stuff and the main um portion tonight that I wanted to cover is Windows 11 is going end of support in October of 2025 and so with that we have um an initiative that we need to replace or remove any non-compatible devices from uh City ownership essentially and we've put together a quote um and I we actually went and met with public works and worked with Andrew and his team and so I think we have a pretty good plan in place and hopefully if you guys have the quote in front of you with our um CTS logo in the upper left hand corner I can walk through that a little bit so there's just a few machines yet that need to be cycled out and replaced and starting on the top line there um we would propose they two new desktops for Andrew and Mike at Public Works um with that the desktops actually would need um they come with wired mice and keyboards but we had on here beneath that desktop um to also include the or to to add in um a separate monitor for each machine or excuse me for Mike's machine a dual monitor setup and then also a wireless mouse and keyboard for Mike um also when we met with Public Works they discussed that their printer is a bit sluggish um that when they go to do things like scanning of documents it's one at a time on a plate glass type of setup and so um included on line seven there is a a new printer for that team um as well as refill ink cartridges it's a tank style printer which comes with these bottles of ink that you actually refill the the cartridges inside of the printer uh the gentleman also for this was specific to Andrew and Mike are looking for um webcams that way when they attend trainings or other meetings and things like that they would have the video connectivity for the for those also included on this is for the fire hall to receive some new machines So currently the fire hall has a desktop kind of in a conference room setup as well as two laptops tops and so we've got those accounted for here um on the second page we get into kind of the city hall the only person still needing a new machine would be jod and so this is just a desktop for her she has all the other peripherals already so it's really just kind of a a swap of equipment there and then um the big giant wall of text beneath that just talks about the installation of these machines so um part of the monthly uh contract that the city has with CT yes we would take care of transferring any data um getting the machine set up in their new location and then also recycling uh of any old equipment so sorry if I kind of glossed over this a little bit but another thing we would recommend doing as as much as possible if there's something that's still viable in the environment we try to repurpose it and so that was one of the um underline 17 it would be I apologize I wrote this a while ago um replacing Andrew's uh desktop with a new desktop replacing uh Mike's laptop with a new desktop but then we could take um there's a current notebook not in use by the city that we can repurpose and deploy to Nate at Public Works um and so that was one kind of nice save there all told this would be taking care of any of the machines that are in the city's environment that are not like I said Windows 11 compatible do you want me to touch on Jennifer as far as kind of the things we talked about too that there are a couple of other machines that um we did this in a couple of cases that you guys are probably aware of there were two city council members that actually surrendered their laptops that were issued by the city and we were able to wipe and reload those and get those redeployed um and so that was an idea as well I just wanted to run through that we've got a couple of machines um that are windows 11 compatible that um I think I think it's both of you guys actually right no it's Garrett and um and Beth have those guys and then we have one kind of in the uh in the wings from Olivia's position so right now the quote that I've got in front of you is if we don't repurpose any of the machines and this is is really more or less kind of new new machines being put into place but if we did any shifting around then we could look to modify the quote to recycle some stuff so could I ask a question um Sally what do you think if we have a computer we have a position that's vacant is it better just to repurpose set now and instead of just letting it sit un you know idle what are your thoughts on that it kind of depends on the timeline I mean as far as I know you and I kind of talked with with budget funds and things like that I see certainly the benefit in being fiscally responsible and just putting it into circulation okay we the machines that are on the quote are things that we actually keep in stock they're kind of our um our standard issue something that fits the average user in most use case scenarios and so in the event that you fill that position it wouldn't be challenging for us to be able to take one off the shelf and get it into use so I I do think it's a good idea it's nice to save some money for something else that might come up um and yes it's Olivia's machine is certainly still viable and and having it sit idle is probably unnecessary yeah so okay is her machine you know based on a vacancy here on the council the new council member that comes in if they want a laptop are we able to pump the brakes a little bit to find out whether they are going to want one or do we have one set aside for that person no nope we they if they would like to get one we'd have to again same thing probably just order another one or we could save the POS the one in the office and use that one yeah yeah y y um just that we did add um or we beefed up our budget for um it for this we knew this was coming um so this is reflected in the budget and don't really have much of a choice in this situation with the end of the life Windows 11 so essentially what will happen is Windows 11 will no longer be receiving current security updates and patches and things like that and so it's just it's an unnecessary vulnerability for the city to keep using those machines after that date I believe the precise date is something like October 15th or 25th or something like that of 2025 um as much as possible we're just trying to get ahead of it so that we can respond in a timely fashion and get you guys need um there's quite a few that will'll be working with our other customers on so just to be practical with that too well I'll make a motion to approve the purchase of the needed computer place replacements for the public works fireh Hall and the administrative clerk I'll second all inor I thank you Sally guys are yes it is cityil all right um mayor and City Council in the council packet on page I believe it's 101 I'm going to pull it up on the screen too oh that's not going to work um anyways I I'll just go ahead and read through the memo and just kind of walk through um the process here so um as we saw this evening um council member John Winnington um took the oath of office as he was elected mayor during the general election so now we have mayor waiting toon and um since he's accepted the mayoral seat um there's a vacancy now we with his Council seat um so the vacancy in the Council seat occurs automatically when the person who is elected mayor takes the oath and starts their term on the first Monday in January um now the council can appoint someone to fill the vacancy at any time after that after talking with the league Minnesota cities and legal councel um there is no statutory guidance regarding um a requirement to post a vacancy or advertise for applicants um it is however recommended that the council adopt a resolution declaring the vacancy which is included in the packet this evening um city council should discuss this evening how you feel um about moving forward um and if you want to advertise the vacancy a common practice is to post information in the same location as the city posts other Public Notices just to let the public know um again there is no requirement that you do that this evening um you can app point at any point after um the vacancy exists um if you do decide to advertise um and want to open it up to the public um many cities have asked for um like an application or just a simple letter of interest for the council to consider um again the city is not obligated to offer the vacancy um to any specific individual um a question that sometimes comes up is well what happens we just had an election you take the next um candidate with the next highest vote um you sure can do that but you're not required to do that um really the only requirement is that whoever you do appoint to fill um the position is just eligible for um being serving in an office and then um lastly the council um if there is a a excuse me if the council is tied on a vote to fill the vacancy then mayor Woodington would make the appointment so um I did want to let you know that I have received two letters of interest by the two candidates that ran for city council during this past election um and hopefully you guys all have copies that otherwise I do have hard copies with me this evening um so the next step is a council should declare a vacancy and use a resolution um that I have included in the council packet and then you'll want to discuss how you want to move forward with filling if you want to appoint somebody this evening or if you'd like to um you know wait till the February meeting and advertise it and see if there's anybody else that is interested um um I guess there is no wrong way to do it here so I'll let you guys discuss that this evening but first order of business is to um declare the vacancy and adopt the resolution ad resolution um I think just a normal normal vote was will be just fine I'll make the motion to declare the vacancy on the council I'll second that motion I iuss I guess I will um uh obviously Beth and I were there for I guess you could call it the debate um so obviously just being there with them they're both very capable um you know uh not scared to sit up here and speak their opinions which I like um so again there really is no wrong or right here in my opinion the people have spoken so like I said they're both capable but I think we go with the one that had the the next most votes I think um mayor Whittington is an example of what we had to go through with just this special appointment where we did take applications and had a pretty robust pool as I recall um of people that applied for that um not a wrong way of doing it my opinion this close to the election though um it's very appealing to go with one of the two that ran for Council because that shows that they're willing to stick in it for four years I know this is only a two-year seat um but it shows their willingness to give back to the city and sit up here and do what's needed day in and day out versus um someone wanted to fill in for two years just to get their feet wet and see how C so um I would be more in favor of the debate or you know talking about the discussion of these two versus opening it up for further applications yeah I would be in favor of not opening it up for a um application as we again as Beth just explained to we had the situation where you were appointed I believe that vacancy was in the SU time and it wasn't near it wasn't close to an election so you know I think I I agree with what uh Beth and Anthony both say too uh you know and I think that the most practical way would be going based on what happened in the election more or less to be the most Fair based on the situation uh but I'm um you know thinking that again both candidates are very qualified for the position of being on the city council um ultimately I think that it would be a moot point to open up an application process at this point so I think I'm on the same going to the election and also sub a to us you're leaving that camp right so the election looking at taking the basically the voice of the people from the last election I'd make a motion to appoint Nick Lewis to the vacant um council member seat all second hi hi hi we have a winner I think it's you know we're just close coming offs think Wills of city government rounds years you showed yourself as a a lot of suggestions passion people RAC just going to get the correct page here um and before we head into that F as8 mayor and city council I'll just let um uh Mr Lewis know that we will um get you all the information you need and then get you morning at the next meeting which I believe will be February 3rd so congratulations all right I'll pull this up [Music] here okay too fast um next item is the Congressional City conference uh Mayor John Winnington are request requesting in I are requesting authorization to attend the national league of cities Congressional City conference uh which will be held March 8th through 12th in Washington um DC and the purpose of going would be to lobby for federal funding uh for the water treatment plant project um and also learn important um skills related to lobbying that can be um brought back and carried forward with our um funding requests at the state level as well well um last year uh former mayor Norton and I went to that um conference and it was just very eye openening and we you know talking to other cities um other states um really if there's any time that you have any request in for federal funding you need to be at this conference conference you need to be there in front of um our legislators um and advocating for you know our City's needs so um let's see I included um a breakdown of what it would cost per person um we've got airfare um Hotel meals conference fee we're looking at about um 3,300 per person we did do have monies allocated in the budget for um this purpose anticipating that we would be sending Representatives again this year um so with that um unless there's any questions we need a motion to authorize that anytime there's out of state we have to have um formal approval by the [Music] council should note it's not just the water treatment um project that we're going going to be seeking funding for that's our current request right now but we've got other needs fire hall um other infrastructure needs so um I think the city needs just needs to continue to um try to get funding where it's available and just keep trying eventually we're going to get get these projects done I think it proved very successful last year um yes it's not a cheap piece but in the scheme of what we're asking for it's not that big of a CH a piece of change so I think what is paying in dividends on being there and having that representation it's necessary um so I would make a motion to approve this um 3,300 per person to travel to DC that's 3330 and all second the change hi all right um mayor and city council um I know over the last couple years we've gotten some questions um asking about concessions at Lake Eagle Park there's so many activities whether it's t-ball um the Expo playing there um trying think of uh the other baseball teams and a lack of you know any sort of um like water pop what have you and so um in talking to one of our council members um we had been just discussing ideas and the the question came up well what happens if I want to install a vening machine and of course you know anytime we have a city council member and a contract with the city then the conflict of interest comes up so I did reach out to the City attorney um just to see you know what our options are um and just to be clear the council member is not wanting to do this to try to make uh a profit and obviously because it's you know public perception we'd have to make sure that there's no absolutely no um confusion with that and that everybody's um you know okay with the the arrangement if it were to go forward but um it would just be to try to um you know meet a need or a demand that we have so um included in your packet is a letter from the city attorney and um he basically just says you know the same thing I just told you a city council member we have to be careful of conf conflict of interest meaning that a public officer can't use their official capacity or their position and make um you know benefit from that personally or financially um and he goes on to say in this particular case the first issue for the council is whether or not it serves the city's public interest in having vending machine at the Park um and he advises the council member would have the appearance of a conflict if not an actual conflict and would be advisable that they did not participate in the process um then he goes on to say if the council determined that vending machines are appropriate on any city- owned property then you guys would need to discuss next steps and then decide would you want to open it up and you know let people come in and submit like if I were to have a vending machine i' give the city this percentage of my profits or so forth so that that's what it's why it's before you this evening do you even want to entertain this notion um and then if so you know direct staff accordingly if you want City staff to seek out proposals for vending machines at our Parks let me quickly um explain a little bit about that yeah we already know who it was uh so basically um I I mean what we really what I was thinking about in long story short is that there is no vending option down there and there's a lot of um baseball East Community Etc so you know whether it was someone uh that put a machine there or even the city put a machine there it it doesn't really matter all really what I'm getting at is is that it would be nice to have some vending options down there there used to be some vending um I don't know forever down there I mean there was one by the warming house for the longest time but just something to think about more or less Expos games they they pull a trailer down there or they have a tent or something like that the one that used to be down there got vandalized all the time but you could still get a pop but you could still get a pop yeah it was actually it was actually a Coke machine John that was pre pre cameras right that PR that was pre Pho cameras well you could do both I don't think you limit it right I mean yeah I think you look at all the parks and see if there's a viable option um I guess perfect is is there I guess IP contracted out or it yeah in well in one city I worked we had contract in I could be wrong I it's been a long time now I think it was with Pepsi and they we had some agreement with them with the park where we got a portion of the proceeds and then they did something with maybe a billboard on something I can't remember so I think there's we just have to reach out and see who's going to offer the best deal for the city but I mean worth looking into I know when my kids were in te- ball you go down there if you ran out of something to drink I mean it is it is bad if it's a hot day and you there's nothing available um it would be nice to have that but um Lieutenant gayer did you have concerns the city wouldn't be responsible we'd have to say we're not responsible for any damage to the you just looked at me right away so I figured yeah no I I trust your guys' judgment and whatever decision you make but I potentially do see some small problems that could happen but if it does happen we will hold those accountable and I guess address it accordingly I think so [Laughter] yeah he's not bringing you along next time so maybe what we should do I'm just thinking out loud here I wonder if um so we've got a parkboard meeting coming up on Thursday if we should bring it up at the parkboard just let them know the council would be okay with it or the council has directed staff and then just kind of enlist their thoughts too on where to place it and um place if the council ends up going that way once you guys review um proposals if we get any um we'll just Loop them in into it as well and hopefully we'll try for next meeting if we don't have information back by then um by the March meeting so are they year round I mean I know Under The Pavilion you probably could keep them I think so well except soft drinks you probably couldn't with freezing but or did they pull them out in the winter I they did g krie said in the past they did pull them out in the winter time okay so we do also have some I guess countywide that are year round as well so all right uh mayor and city council so since the last um council meeting um City staff was um charged with finding um uh some quotes for for or proposals if you will for um an appraisal of um potential land for a water treatment facility given that one of the requirements um in whoever we would select for the appraisers that they have to be um familiar with the federal process um it I did have one firm that um was interested but said that they would have to decline because they've never worked with um a client that is trying to get funding um from the federal government for a project so they didn't feel comfortable with that I did get a response from another uh firm that was referred to me by our engineer and they are interested in submitting proposal but they um had some more questions and then um I'm still waiting to hear back on the other um firm that I asked for a proposal from um the other thing is I did talk to the City attorney and he said um while we're not required to to um get a new Option he said cuz we already have an option it's the same parcel um he thought it might be in the city's best interest to try to secure an appraiser that's mutually agreed upon by the land owner um and I have not talked to the land owner yet just with the holidays and me being out sick last week um so at this point um you know I don't have anybody right now tonight to tell you um to you know make a recommendation but but I think we could do a couple different ways we could um you know delegate Authority to me and our subcommittee that was working with Mr Hiner before um maybe set a dollar amount and we can you know if we can agree on um the appraiser and it's under a certain dollar amount that we just go forward with it I think that's perfectly fine to keep the process moving um but at this point I don't have a quote or excuse me proposal in hand tonight to to give to you I would have no problem with Jennifer's option to to lean on the subcommittee and her um on dollar mounts and things like that they've been doing a great job so far and I think keeping it moving is in the best interest and now the next question is going to be what's that dollar amount I don't know what that dollar amount is but I would say 7500 or less I highly doubt it's going to be near that but I haven't gotten a proposal back yet so um and in council member white you probably have a much better handle on appraisals maybe we're talking a couple thousand dollars so 7500 is plenty okay perfect but there's I mean no problem with starting high and getting what okay what we get yep great yeah I mean I think just like anything else there's yeah yep yeah and we already have the contract that options already yeah I'd accept that motion or that comment as my motion I'll second I all right thank you mayor and city council um the first item on my report I wanted to include a notice from Blue Worth County from um the solid waste uh management team there's a Solid Waste Management Open House coming up on Tuesday January 21st excuse me from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and then there's also going to be um a virtual option on the 23rd at 2 p.m um so every 10 years they have to update their Solid Waste um ordinance and um I'm planning to attend the one on the 23rd at 2 o' I did talk to Taylor um P I think is how say his last name he was here at City Hall last week we just talked briefly on Friday um kind of about the process and um so I'll have more information to bring back to and if you guys are interested in attending either of those options um feel free otherwise I know you're busy and I can report back um to the council as well um next item temporary agreement for LP tank at29 North agency Street um something a little bit out of the ordinary had a resident um contact City Hall asking for permission to install an LP tank uh we don't allow LP tanks above ground um in in town um there's just two exceptions right now commercial because there isn't um gas available however in this situation given the circumstances after Consulting with legal counsel was advised just to go ahead and enter into a temporary agreement um with the condition that the tank needs to be removed um as soon as spring comes if it's not the city will have to remove it um so I do have a hopefully I included a copy of the agreement I might have missed that actually I apologize I'll email that out to you um but the agreement has been signed by the party um there asking for permission we just now need to um complete an inspection to verify um setbacks and I really appreciate the fire chief um his help he spent um some time helping me and figuring out setbacks and what safe per the fire code um and then also U Public Works director Hartman will be helping with the inspection so I appreciate their help with that um the third item is a year date revenue and expenditure report for the end of the year um this is unofficial pre- audit but good news is our general fund revenues exceeded what we had forecasted for 2024 and our expenditures are below what was budgeted for 2024 so again that's pre- audit Auditors always make some adjusting entries um and that will you know change slightly but overall good for the general fund and then um next order for the audit um krie is was working with the Auditors last week got it scheduled to take place the week of April 14th um so looking forward to getting that done and getting that closed out uh next item Community Development coordinator position update and next steps um we have um received some applications um following our conditional offer that was extended to the Community Development coordinator top candidate but they just haven't been um they haven't met our minimum requirements and so we're working with Minnesota Valley Council of governments and um we don't have anybody at this point to interview um I am looking into some options as far as Contracting just temporarily if we need help with zoning um and so I do have one proposal I'd like to get another one um and we'll just have to kind of keep working through that but that's where we're at right now um we just want to make sure that whoever we hire is a good fit and uh we don't want to just hire somebody to fill the position we want to make sure that we're getting the best baying for the city's funding um excuse me number six capital budget request for water treatment Improvement project um I've been working on um updating our capital budget requests for the water treatment um project and that's through the state the legislative session they convene next week on the 14th um so I've reached out to um both the um Senate and House uh staff with a capital budget request I have the forms um started working on them just need to get those submitted and been been in touch with our our lobbyists and we've got we've got time here so we're doing good with that um but it's it's nice to be able to update I was working on one of the applications to today and you know to say that we're going to be certified shovel ready by April and we we didn't have that before in our application last year so I feel like we're in a a good position and then I didn't include the summit report but I just wanted to recognize the sheriff's office for a wonderful first year I think this contract has has went very smoothly and Lieutenant Gaylor and his staff have done an amazing job and I think theyve really taking care of our community they care about our residents and I've heard really positive feedback from from the community and especially from our youth at the elementary school I hear um about officer Mitch all the time from the kids so we just really appreciate you guys and you know hope this is a long-term um you know relationship with you guys so thank you keep up the good work and welcome uh mayor and and congratulations to everybody else getting reelected appreciate the work that you guys do a lot of times I know it feels thankless but you guys are very very appreciated by our community and and looking out for the best interest of it and thank you that concludes our report and I would ech that excited that I think we' Gooding forward a lot of yeah um we I I got the open gym or basketball night going um did you set send out the information um correct me if I'm wrong but starts on Wednesday from 6:00 to 9: um and it's going to be every Wednesday um from here on out until March yeah late late March so 6:00 to 9:30 um I'll be there to open up I think Jennifer did you put out the waivers and everything to sign yeah yep and if you can't print it out or anything like that I'll be there with waivers to sign and and way we go so all no it's five on five baby just make sure your knees are in good shape before you get there speaking from experience reports um I would say from our our um Child Care innovation program we finished up town hall we finished up the appreciation December we had our um last meeting with goal setting kind of narrowed that down now we have our very small committee separated into even smaller committees um to tackle kind of our five goals so we're going to keep hitting the ground running as hard as we can I know it's it's daunting and very frustrating when we have a preschool that closes and then we find out the school district is no longer going to continue forward year old preschool in the school you know so we're fighting different battles that are outside of our control but we're going to think or we're trying to um partner with different members and different things to do what we can um so I'm excited but exhausted thinking of what's to come um but just know that although it might be outside of our control we are trying to do everything we can to CH to keep as much child care in Eagle a because we know it's super important to our community for child care and school care school preschool after school before school all that to stay in the community I have uh we'll get started here at some point in the spring um with getting plans for the sumers sounds going and getting that development underway can I interrupt I made a big um I I neglected to thank um council member Steinberg for stepping up furiously and being our mayor proem you did an amazing job he made a number of public appearances and you did that um you did a great job you representing the city well and we really really appreciate and sorry I I missed that during my report but I definitely wanted to make note how much we appreciate you I for janary [Music] mayor wton I apologize I did um we we do have another special guest in the audience that we do need to recognize we have Deputy uh Matt Bergman and we want to announce um or want to introduce you to him you might have seen him around um he's doing a fabulous job for Eagle Lake and we're just really happy to have him and as you can see he has a smile on his face he's very friendly and welcoming and no he's he's fit he fits in perfect we uh when we got to meet in the office we thought you're not going to have any problems here you're going to do great so welcome hi e e you any