##VIDEO ID:hFx1PrLohds## e for l e got e e e e for e e for all right folks it's 602 we're late we're going to get this started we'll start with a pledge of allegiance I pledge Al to the to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right Carrie if you wouldn't mind doing a roll call for us please Mr Steinberg here Mrs roic here Mr White here Mr Winnington here mayor Norton here thank you Carrie all right I'll open up for public comment if anyone has anything to speak to that is not on the agenda feel free to swing up here and introduce yourself give you a couple minutes everyone's here for agenda items then or just for the fun of it all right all right I'll close then for public comments and uh approval of the agenda be the next item I did want to just make a note looks like we need to add under approval of meeting minutes the last August meeting we've got the first two but there's that third one that was only thing uh I had noticed but I'll look for a motion on approval of the agenda I'll move second any further discussion all in favor I I anyone opposed we have an agenda approval of meeting minutes we have three meetings uh council meeting from August 5th uh special meeting for Budget on the 14th and the 20 thank you 6th I'll look for motions motion second they can fight over it any further discussion on the minutes all in favor of approving all three of those minutes say I I anyone opposed motion carries um consent agenda I wanted to just call out here again always thank you for the lovely reports from staff and our uh departments here and then very cool to see Addison manky joining youth Park Board that's awesome I don't think we've had a youth in my time on so welcome and that is wonderful anything Council you want to add on consent agenda I would have a question um or comment regarding the public works um specifically with I noticed that it's been um I think you said you've been trying to work with CTS to get the skated system up and going and it hasn't been very fast moving with CTS and I I know we've had the same issues with some of the security cameras and firewall issues and stuff like that so I would just find out how we need to go about this with CTS to push things along a little quicker um with not only the ska system but also our cameras that we set up a while ago or what what why why is such the big delay in this stuff when I keep hearing a lot with CTS we have a contract with them and so I'm just trying to figure that out a little bit I'll defer to Public Works director har on the SK system but I can report that we do have access to all the surveillance for the video cameras at City Hall and then also at the parks that is set up now so for the ska system um it took CTS a while to get their um fire walls and stuff set up and then it took them a while to figure out what they need exactly for the two sites to communicate together the well and the water tower and I think they finally got that figured out with you temp go and there's some parts coming that they're going to be putting in to make that connection so it should be hopefully quicker now I think we're on the right path but there's always a wrench in the middle of it right okay that's all I have then thank you council member Ro um any other questions Council I'll look for a motion on the consent agenda so move second we have a motion on a second any further discussion all in favor say I I anyone opposed motion carries um I don't think we have a public hearing tonight do we Okay that threw me for a loop on my agenda sorry um first item under presentations uh read the bow with Capitol Hill Associates government relations thank you for joining us welcome thank you for having me uh my name is Reed leau and with Capitol Hill Associates and uh for the last uh I want to say eight months now we've had the pleasure of representing you and your fair City at the state capital and I particularly want to thank uh Lisa John and Jennifer for um I'm sure you know the work that they did but I just want to put it on the record all of the work that they did last year to uh highlight the need uh in your bonding project at the capital I mean you you cannot uh there's no substitute for work like that uh to highlight that to your elected representatives uh as you can imagine there are uh an unlimited number of bonding requests that come through the legislature and so to be able to make it up high on that list requires just dogged effort uh and to make sure that you are constantly knocking on the door and being in the ear of uh the members of the House and Senate and uh and they did that and uh I just appreciate the opportunity to come here tonight and talk to you I think it's important uh that you see us uh in real life face to face uh and I just wanted to give you the opportunity to answer any questions that you might have of me uh about what the process was like or what we look at next year if I could just go over just briefly um you know last legislative session was uh a real challenge uh we had Unified Government but uh nobody fights like f family and so by the time the legislative session ended uh there was no bonding Bill and there was just uh uh a sort of a bill that had a bunch of spending proposals in it uh that passed with I want to say maybe an hour and a half to go before anybody had actually had the opportunity to read through much of it um what that means in my 20 years of experience in the capital is uh there will be a lot of pent up uh need going into the next legislative session uh the legislature usually will pass a bonding Bill the second year of the bium which is what we just finished uh we'll be coming into a brand new legislature uh in one way or another this next session after the election in November which I'm sure you're all eagerly anticipating uh and preparing for um so with that pint up need I think that uh the city is positioned well uh to be able to continue the ad that you already laid the groundwork for uh we had some terrific meetings we know that you are very high uh as a priority for your Senator and for your representative obviously Senator France is not up for election uh representative Frederick is uh and how the how that election turns out how that balance turns out um I don't think in the in the grand analysis we'll have much of an impact on whether or not a bonding bill will be passed because there just there's a lot of need out there for in Bill to occur uh and that's typically what happens when you have a session that doesn't have one pass um right now at the Minnesota Legislature before this next election uh the dfl controls the house by four seats uh that's a razor inin majority and as of today uh the Senate is 3333 uh if the governor called a special session tomorrow the Senate would be 3333 uh because we had one Senator that resigned to run for Congress in the Third District which is the West Metro the Twin Cities so it is conceivable that we could go a whole month and a half of the legislative session without uh the Senate having a majority uh if if a variety of different things occur so uh that's something that we'll be watching very closely um but always uh keeping in mind and uh just letting people know uh elected officials whether they are the incumbent or whether they're a challenger or whether they're just a member that serves on the bonding committee that this is something that that is continues to be a priority for the city uh and one thing that we want to make sure that hopefully uh we can get uh moving very very quickly next legislative session so I I don't want to I could talk your ear out for hours about legislative process uh but I do very much appreciate the opportunity to come and and meet you and uh speak with today and I'm happy to answer any questions might have Council just to recap this is the contract too that we very similar to the one we signed um for this year that we signed in 2023 uh very similar this had some language in there that if it doesn't become a bonding year then this would carry over that's um so contract wise I think we've all seen it and I think are pretty good on the terms and questions that may be there um I'll just throw in my two s we could not have gotten anywhere near where we I don't think our bill would have even turn been a bill our ask would not have turned into a bill without the help of Reed and Rob it was um we we talking how many thousand bills I think did they introduce last session just to have us yeah right 6,000 bills and for us to even make it into that proposed bonding bill was quite the feat so um I have nothing but great things to say about the work that you guys have done and I think it really helps the city set up for a lot of needs we'll have going forward we'll out of all of us here but yeah so thank you Council any other thoughts questions staff comments questions Echo everything you said um Rob and Reed did a great job and got us a lot of meetings that we otherwise wouldn't be able to have so really appreciate your hard work thank you well we we appreciate the trust that you put in us uh we know that just as you represent uh constituents in this in the city um you know we are your your voice and in some cases the face of the city when we're walking around the capital and that's a a sacred trust that we take very seriously and uh we want to be a good reflection of the good work that you do so thank you for that opportunity thank you anything else all right appreciate you coming down raid um and I know we don't need to take action on anything tonight is that coming up on future agendas for we already appr it so oh just wanted to include it for reference purposes this evening so we're good to go I have vacation brain apparently all right uh next item on our presentations Brian sarf you are here with a lot of great information for us on U uh even more so as of this morning much needed uh Road reconstruction and water main things hey welcome good evening mayor and Council pleasure to be here thanks for having me um so what you have in front of you um I know you didn't get a ton of time to review it in advance here but is the report that you called for at the last meeting and what I'd like to do tonight is just fly over it uh grab some highlights uh talk about the project a little bit and then uh open it up for some discussion and I guess how we're going to move forward with this if at all so generally the scope of the study was lour Avenue uh between Linda Drive and agency Street uh kind of starting by the school there Maywood Avenue between Diane and Agency Diane between Maywood and lour and all this is on uh in the maps in the appendix uh towards the back of the report Plain View Street between lur and Parkway Third Street between Maywood and Parkway and Second Street between Maywood and Parkway so looking at the conditions out there um first of all with the street surface conditions are what I would characterize as poor a lot of alligator cracking block cracking in the black top um some potholing uh areas of differential settlement uh these types of conditions really create a need for Andrew and his Department to continually put resources into patching maintaining these streets from year to year and really not get much further in terms of the surface the sidewalk that does exist on the project in general is much newer that appears to have been constructed uh around 2014 I think there was kind of a uh call it a safe routes to school really kind of a School Safety project around that time 10 years ago where they put some sidewalks in that's a little bit newer in the report in Pages two and three you'll see kind of uh a few examples of the street conditions out there uh with the cracking and whatnot as we move to underground utilities uh the project consists mostly of 8 in uh 9 in and 10 in clay sewer uh from what I can tell most of it in the area was constructed in 1964 so uh We've also got televising reports of the area latest was from 2022 uh that those reports showed several offset broken joints cracked pipe periodic uh root intrusion into the pipe which you know again is more maintenance for Andrew from year to year and uh creates risk for backups um the reports also showed some evidence of inflow and infiltration so you know water groundwater actually getting into the into the sewer uh and as you might know all of our sewer goes to mano and every gallon we send is you know another dollar right that we uh that comes out of your pocket so something to keep in mind so I don't have an exact date as we move to water system what the age is um mostly consisting of four and six inch cast iron pipe this pipe is usually brittle um as as the mayor alluded to there was a break uh very recently here on lur within the study area um and I would expect that to continue to happen as we if we don't address anything so again I don't have an exact date but it appears that the water system predicates the sewer system which was in 1964 so I would anticipate the water system is a little older than than 1964 out there so as we look to possible improvements City standard street is 36 foot wide Street um that matches pretty close mostly in general what's out there today uh 7 ton design uh for most of the project I would recommend a little heavier design for lur Avenue Which experiences uh heavier traffic load uh a couple of the streets Third Street north of lur and plane view Street are a little narrower than that uh 30 feet for plane view 24 feet for uh for Third Street um I would expect that we would just more or less replace those in kind due to the limited space limited right of way in those areas concrete sidewalks uh for the purposes of the report and the study and cost estimate were planned on coming out at this point durink full design we can look at that a little bit closer um if we can save any of that however what you end up doing is you know patching parts of it we have to cross it with sewer and water services uh uh and other things you end up with really kind of a peac meal approach but it does happen from time to time and it is fairly new so I would say we're considering that moving forward uh but we'll look at that a little closer in uh final design for the time being the cost is included for full replacement of sidewalk um and at this time there's no what I'd call new sidewalks it's all being replaced in in kind if there's a sidewalk there today uh there's a sidewalk reconstruction cost figured in the cost estimate streets like Maywood Avenue there's no sidewalk there's no plans uh that I'm aware of that the city's ever adopted that includes a a sidewalk on Maywood or or Third Avenue so or Third Street excuse me so really that's just being left out at this point um we certainly discuss that further if you'd like but that's the approach that's been taken currently storm sewer uh a little bit newer than sewer in the water I don't think I talked about the existing storm sewer appears that much of that was built in the 90s kind of around when the elementary school was built um and kind of like the sidewalk we can possibly consider trying to save some of that stuff you know it's 30 years old at this point but um when you're doing reconstruction you want the freedom to move your catch basins and low points and make sure all that's working to its Optimum and again when you're Crossing storm sewer with sewer and water it's creates potential maintenance problems for Andrew down the road where you got settlements and whatnot so at this point uh we're looking at full replacement of the storm sewer as well uh full replacement certainly of the sanitary sewer um with 8 in and 10in plastic pipe uh new pre-cast structures with gasketed joints again trying to keep the inflow and infiltration out of the sewer um just keep the sewer and the sewer keep the groundwater out is the goal there water system the mains consist of 8 through 10 inch uh polyvinyl chloride uh cities comprehensive infrastructure plan does have some larger diameters here to help fire fire flow so we would be upsizing the Second Street water main to 12 inch and all of the lur Avenue to 10 inch to aligned with the city's uh comprehensive plan uh we do we are aware of a few galvanized water services on the project as part of our lead service line inventory which is you know just being submitted to the Department of Health now I think during final design we're going to consider how to approach that I don't think it's going to be really worth pursuing funding there's a lot of red tape that goes with that uh but we'll want to at least engage with those property owners and let them know what what's happening and and probably try to get all the way into the house with those galvanized services let's see a few more of the highlights I think let's move on to the cost the big really what everyone's probably curious about so putting these costs together based on recent construction projects uh to the best of our ability we have a 10% contingency Factor uh with the project total project uh including the entire study area is at 6.1 million roughly which aligned very closely with with where the capital Improvement plan was showing things as we looked at a at it a little more detailed what I've also included in the report here in uh part six on page six is a a really a prioritized prioritized list so as you look at this list uh We've Got High priorities number one to low priorities number six uh and on the very right part of this table is the cumulative cost as we start adding these different project segments so really ranging from a 2.8 up to the 6.1 uh with I would say uh priorities one and two probably the minimum that you'd want to consider as a project if if the city pursues a project at this time maybe I'll pause there's a few more things to touch any questions to this point about what's out there what's proposed okay good let's move on just a few more things to touch um yeah Brian I did have one question just on the RightWay easement section four it's just on bottom of page five permanent or temporary construction easement considered on third north of lur where the RightWay width is only 30 ft wide what would your recommended change be on that I would say an extra 10 feet on each side would be at least what you'd want for construction easement there um and that's you know we're digging sewer that's 10 feet deep you know 10 to 12 feet deep in the area gets very challenging in that size of a r of way to put Place dirt uh and you know if Andrew or probably hopefully not Andrew in the future but his predecessors or you know whoever follows Andrew is what I meant to say they're going to want room to work in this area so that does that's an I'm just thinking that's a really narrow area there and those [Music] homeowners yeah it is what it is but yeah okay thank you so certainly just a recommendation and how we go forward um again a minimum I would say is we probably going to want to at least talk with those people and uh say hey we're not going to be able to work effectively in this short area if you want us to do the best job possible we're going to need a little bit more of an eement yeah okay thank you sorry you think you were um starting seven yes so in part seven here is really the city's assessment policy I believe that's chapter seven of the code just regurgitated for you um using this policy kind of an exercise we've done in the past is what what is the rate uh using these numbers and I've kind of laid that out I'm not going to read each one necessarily but those costs are laid out um and what what we've done is for a typical 80 foot wide parcel what does that assessment look like if we follow the city's policy and what that comes out to is just over 35,000 so a little history um uh maybe some are aware um this in the last 15 or 20 years has not really been followed by the city council it's may be a starting point but it's generally been deemed as too high for an assessment amount but that's really what staff has to go off go off of at this point is that's the policy um City may consider having a third uh party special benefit analysis completed there is some cost involved with that we did do that as part of the agency Street project um to essentially determine what what that amount would be and that's what we used for the Assessments in that case otherwise in previous projects before that they've essentially just reduced the amount so instead of 100% maybe they went to 50% or as a hypothetical so that's that's another approach that we can take something would that would be worth considering in the near future is probably revamping the policy um to something that could be used consistently as we do projects so we're not constantly wondering how we're gonna how we're going to approach this project you know and try to create some consistency there so that's the assessments um excuse me skipping forward a little bit let's go to Project schedule um in the report we've laid out an implementation schedule really starting with tonight um next key touch point for a project would be an improvement hearing that's a required step for the 429 process if we're going going to assess assess cost to the abing property owners um this schedule is just kind of a preliminary just trying to come up with something it certainly depends on scope of the project and all that but kind of just giving ourselves a little buffer and not necessarily cramming it into the next month but shooting for November in this schedule which would be reasonable um and then going out I think maybe a highlight of the schedule would be a bid opening of early April which would allow us to uh start the assess final Assessments in the past the city has done the final assessment hearing before awarding the contract just in case any any issues Arise at the assessment process that uh you know could prevent you from awarding the contract I've never seen that happen before but it is a a step that we could take but essentially looking at uh you know a May Award of the project potentially depending on the project project we might want to consider opening up the schedule for construction which we've discussed previously uh into 26 as well um just to you know allow for potentially lower bid prices and more flexibility for the contractor question on that quick Brian is there maybe Jennifer this is more you on timing but I think when we talked previously waiting until April to solicit do the RFP it's going to be prime time for every other City getting their projects done too and those bids are going to be higher how do we get this moved up is it possible it's possible it might depend a little bit on size project a little bit there's quite a bit of work to do in a little amount of time even to get survey if you were to authorize that tonight I mean we're looking at November just to even get survey at this point we're C not on top of the schedule at this point not that it can't be done I think really the remedy for that is opening up the schedule you know if you're if you're giving the contractors hey you don't have to be done in September of 25 it gives them a little flexibility and assurance that carryover work yes yep okay all right thank you when we open it up for that just for clarification is is that where they would be on site and start some pre stuff and then it sits with cones out there for 4 months or they wouldn't even start anything until they're ready to like finish it because I know how frustrating is when you drive down roads and you're like nothing's happening forever that's when we're going to have residents that are going to get very frustrated right so how the contracts uh how I usually set them up anyway is once you start something once you rip into something there's now the clock starts right you know and usually almost like a block per block type situation where hey you've ripped the pavement off this block you have so many days to get it back up to gravel so people can access the driveways again that's usually important in a residential area I would say how I Envision this if we open up the schedule to a multi-year if you start any uh particular block you're required to get that back and paved and seated before winter shutdown is how I would probably approach that I wouldn't call it an emergency you know it's it's at this point it's status quo um certainly we have water Ms that are breaking at this point uh it's it's you just a roll of the dice with the with the winter right um what what that does and what rears its ugly head it's it's hard to say I I couldn't in good conscience say that it's a 911 emergency for sure I would be curious to see what Andrew's perspective is to he's he's the one that has maintain it I wouldn't say it's an emergency but it's definitely needed um especially with you know there's a lot of clay tile sewer you know and a lot of small um water main that doesn't look very good underground that we found out today but yeah I think even since we started discussing this two meetings ago we've had two breaks since then is that correct just one in in this area that we're talking about oh the one but two overall so I guess that's really what I have I guess in conclusion uh the project is necessary um our schedule will have to determine that certainly um I would recommend that at a minimum we're looking at priorities One and Two from that previous table that we looked at uh for reconstruction um and if the city wishes to continue it's uh we'd be looking at passing a resolution to call for the public hearing the which would be the Improvement hearing the Improvement hearing is similar to what we're doing tonight a little bit more formal allow for the public to understand what what's going to happen and allow them to speak into that thank you very much Brian Council staff questions thoughts um could I ask a question of Brian surf uh so Brian if the council goes ahead and calls for the hearing on the Improvement it doesn't necessarily commit them to doing the project yet they're just this is just the next step in the process to keep it moving um and then another just a comment up on the screen I thought I included in the packet but I see I did not it is um uh the resolution uh that would be adopted this evening in the wording calling for that public Hearing in no for November 7th I think it was almost divine intervention that we had a break this morning it if I wasn't convinced before I'm really convinced now so that's where my mind is at but um I'll look for anyone to make a motion to move forward or not if so we need a resolution I'd make the motion to you know to call the hearing for improvements and continue to move forward I'll that all right any further discussion I guess my thoughts were just this uh I just want to look over the resolution quick that you had Jennifer but so this is just a called the hearing and that would be then scheduled on the September 5th believe it be November 7th I want to say oh November 4th oh sorry I was thinking sept wow okay November 4th okay last chance on questions let's vote all in favor of moving forward to the resolution say I I I anyone opposed motion carries thank you thank you Brian for always making very easy for us to understand no problem I guess one other thing to consider here is and we don't have to make a decision but I want to make you aware that there is a little bit of a lead time with survey because seems like we've talked about that a lot lately right um we can certainly wait and be ready to go uh after the fourth um if that's what you'd like but it'll just delay things a little bit thank you appreciate it all right next item on our agenda then we move into new business um first item would be recommendation to hire a new administrative clerk all right uh mayor and city council um I'm very pleased to have this agenda item on here for your approval this evening uh we had over approximately 80 applications received for the position of administrative Clerk pleasantly surprised that the amount of applications received uh was just hoping to get um you maybe a couple dozen to get almost 80 was pretty impressive um of the applications received uh we selected eight finalists for an interview uh the interview committee was comprised of council members Beth roor John Whittington myself and then Victoria Potts with the Minnesota Valley Council of governments uh we unanimous unanimously excuse me recommend that Joda B Jodie Barta be hired as administrative Clerk and she's in the audience this evening so in just a moment I'll introduce you to her um so we did extend a conditional offer of employment um to start at step three and that'd be grade five on the pay scale um I did also include in the packet a copy of the uh posting and then the job description for reference purposes and um following approval this evening uh in the satisfactory completion of all required conditions for employment uh Miss Barta will be eligible to begin working for the city and we've um talked about a possible tentative start date of October 14th so um I know our interviewing committee was very impressed with jod and her background and I think she has a lot to offer the city and we're looking forward to having her join our team so we got jod in the back thank you for being here Jodie I just wanted toce and I AC theal cler so I just want to say thank you to all of you foring me and looking forward to the and you're clearly not afraid of getting up in front of a crowd and speaking this is great very brave no it's very nice to meet you and thanks for being here and for applying this is great news much needed yeah thank you thank you Jody we'll be in touch all right I'll let Council fight over who gets to make a motion to hire jod Barta as the full-time administrative clerk we don't need one do we all right on three we all say I'll make that motion I'll make that motion thank you I'll second it thank you any further discussion all right all in favor of extending that um offer I don't know how I'm going to say it officially to hire Jody say I hi I anyone opposed motion carries thank you and welcome Jody and who is your uh your boss over here Allison Addison Addison all right it's very nice to have you both here thank you and mayor Norton Captain Barta is in the audience that's Jody's husband I was kind of wondering but you know they weren't sitting next to each other so yeah was look like you were more cozy with burn over there but keeping it on the family here in Eagle Lake I love it nice to see you Captain Bara yeah yeah all right moving on to the next item um Planning Commission recommendation related to a variance request for 401 Ray Avenue looks like there was a lot of information provided uh prior kind of helping us understand what's going on there you probably want to summarize it I'm guessing for us y I will go go ahead and give you kind of a high Lev overview and then hopefully hit um on the parts that you might um be interested and if you have any questions just let me know um so mayor and city council a public hearing was held at the August 19th Planning Commission meeting um for the purpose of considering a variance request from the property owners at 401 Luray Avenue um in the request uh it was noted that they would need to encroach 5et into the required 8ot sidey yard setback um and that would be for the purpose of constructing a hard surface uh which would be twofold um primarily to address drainage issues and then also provide additional parking um the applicant was not able to attend the meeting duing due to being out of town um but they had attended the meeting prior and talk to the Planning Commission um and explained their request uh there was no one from the public in attendance at the hearing however we did receive a letter of support for the variance request from the property owner at 40 409 Laray Avenue um as part of the process the planning commissioner applied the legal standard of practical difficulties to the facts presented by the applicant um and after much discussion the Planning Commission ended up U making a motion to deny the variants um I did include with the packet a copy of the um memal that I drafted to the Planning Commission for the August 19th meeting and additional supporting information kind of explaining the whole process with the variance and the legal standard of of practical difficulties that the Planning Commission uh followed um and then um I guess I could just give you a little background in case you haven't had a chance to read those minutes yet kind of summarizing it um there was some discussion about the drainage issue and whether or not there was um underd drain um along Laray that the prier could connect to and I did check with our city engineer Brian sarf and there is underd drain available so that was one thing that the uh Planning Commission put forth as you know they would like to see the property owner look at connecting um to that and then having that as a possible solution to the drainage issue where they ran into difficulty was with the um component of wanting to use the hard service for parking because it's um when you apply the uh legal standard practical difficulties um they're not able to approve a variance for hard service parking in the required setback because it's not allowed per code um and so that's just kind of to summarize um where they arrived at their decision um and then just to give you a little background or explanation as to the process um we do have in City cold that the Planning Commission shall within a reasonable time pass upon the variance application as originally submitted or modified if approved the Planning Commission shall express its approval as conditional approval State the conditions why send it to the city council if disapproved same thing State the reasons and then send it to the city council um and then the council has the um ultimate job to approve or disapprove the variance request um I did go out on site today and meet with the property owner um Steve Jansen and Troy Janson sorry I was looking at Steve rard over there sorry apologize about that and we looked at his uh proper and I do have a picture I can pull up on my computer to show you um just give me a second here okay so um I'll see if I can make this a little bit bigger here for you so um that uh kind of with the um so there's supposed in our code we have require 8 foot required sidey yard setb and to be able to put in the uh hard surface it would encroach 5 feet into that required sidey yard setback so I just wanted to give you a picture there's some pictures in the packet too but I thought that might be a little bit um sometimes it's helpful to have a visual um yeah yep so um the problem is that you know in addition to it there being um Na to approve a variance for hard surface the code you know says we don't allow parking and required yard setback so that's where their the Planning Commission was stuck on how do we approve this request when the code does not allow that so and sometimes you do see properties with sidey yard parking but it's because they have a big enough yard where they still have their required sidey yard and then if he had additional uh sidey yard he could have additional parking as long as he is within the 35% hard surface coverage but the problem here is that there's just not enough sidey for that to happen so I don't know if the proper or if the applicant would like to discuss anything else with you or if you have any questions for the applicant um but I did invite him to attend this evening um just you know to if you wanted to talk to you about anything else that we haven't um covered and any questions let me know yeah I I just struggle with this because it improves the property you know it doesn't look bad it it um I've always question this um just because it improves the property it looks good um is a car going to park there every once in a while great um if it doesn't park there it's going to be in the street so I I struggle with this because um I just see it as improving your property in making it look good not um as a nuisance or especially if you got neighbors that support it I I just don't understand why it can't happen I understand there's codes but I struggle with this one maybe I'm the only one I would tend to agree with Anthony on that too especially uh since there's neighbor support too I think that an improvement to the property you know also visually will you know that'll visually look uh you know nice to it with a concrete slab there and and the way that it's drawn out so I I would tend to agree with Anthony on that in the sense that it's it's a practical uh change in the front yard too you know so I think that uh I think that it makes sense I know that uh yeah I think wasn't this house originally built to be a rental property split in half I think yeah that's what I was thinking let see but it's not a bad thing if the solar guys don't know which door to go yeah if you have solicitors they can go to the wrong one right yeah yeah you're welcome too yeah if you would mind just state your name for the record please my name is Troy Jansen of 401 ler Ray Avenue good evening mayor Lisa and esteemed members of the city council um yeah uh this is just something my wife and I and my daughter Ania have uh moved into town we lived here bought two and a half years now and we are just trying to improve our property each and every step of the way and some of my neighbors give me a hard time for being too meticulous with my lawn uh not Steve but Tony turn criminals but uh so that's good so yeah like you're saying um that's really what we're looking to do and as you can see you can see that sidewalk drops down whereas you can see the bottom of that window is supposed to be kind of the level that it's at so over the years that ground has sunk as water goes into the sump pump um and when it was rainy the sump pump just wouldn't stop probably like most people's in town um so that sidewalk off the right side there has dropped and pulled away from the house so it's something where now we're at that point in fixing up our property to say hey we should probably raise that up fill in some dirt there and kind of two for one right is we're going to have to tear out the sidewalk tear up the dirt put in gravel right because the planting Commission thought I was just going to pour concrete on it and leave it angled towards the house I'm like nope we got to dig it up get in New Foundation and gravel build it up so that the concrete comes and comes out going out to the right it might not go but as it comes towards where Jennifer took the picture it's it's kind of a pretty good slope down to the street so if we just did that like you say yeah we could park there we've got three three vehicles a boat motorcycle just like most people do we've got a lot of stuff and just a two stall garage so we want to make our property look really nice as I think we have if you haven't driven by but so that's kind of what we're looking at and it is nice because you can see on the right side you can see Steve's truck in his driveway right there so we wouldn't be encroaching towards his house or anything it' just be an additional concrete pad right next to his big beautiful driveway right there and the nice part is is because he is the next door neighbor and he even says yeah I'm in support of this as well so I really hope that you guys would consider this and approve it and we can improve our property a little bit more thank you for your consideration thank you for being here tonight and being able to speak on this I remember my very first um Planning Commission meeting and we had a similar request it was I think it was a little bit smaller footage um to get a very large workb off the road they needed about a foot into the easement yeah so they need a variance for that little bit and the three items that of course are cited here is the uniqueness the reasonableness an essential character in my opinion working with legal contracts a bit in my life reasonableness is the most subjective term you can possibly use uniqueness Define that please somebody um especially when it comes to legal definition and essential character I would say sure seems to fit the neighborhood I see a direct neighbor who not only doesn't mind but seems to be completely in favor of it and to me practicality yeah I I know there's code but I also think that sometimes we need to question these things when it just makes sense my humble opinion I I I can Echo kind of what you guys are saying I can totally respect city code what is out there it should be out there as a guidance piece um one size does not fit all I looked at the aerial view of this and where he's talking goes to a big slab of concrete it doesn't go to someone's um bedroom window you know so I I think that would say if I open my window and and there's a boat sitting there or something that's a little different than walking out and you fall into your neighbor's driveway um the question I would have is theoretically say we said no we went planning commission's recommendation denied this what's to say he doesn't go out and throw a ton of rock in that whole area to continue what would have been pavement and now he's parking driving whatever he wants to do on a side yard of rock in theory he could do that correct or am I wrong so if in theory he could put Rock there that's going to look less impressive than doing what he's wanting to do terod don't properly do that I think it'd be better to have them do it the right way than um the wrong way and have it be shoddy looking so that's right I don't think one size fits all and um each each piece we have to take place by Place council member Winnington you're the only one that hasn't voiced an opinion yet if you want the opportunity no I was just looking through the pictures no I think it it makes sense you know you got to get the water away from the house you know it makes sense you know you got a two-car driveway as things go yeah it just makes total sense to you're getting vehicles and stuff off the street keep it Vehicles off the street do it the right way instead of having redded you know gravel up there all right well what is our formal need here a motion would be needed to approve or disapprove the application so would anyone like to make a motion I'll make a Anthony you got it I'll make a motion to approve it I'll second it okay any further discussion other than the fact that thank you for bringing your lovely daughter here too and introducing us to Sonic the Hedgehog love that I would the only thing I have to say is I appreciate you coming forth and going through the process and doing it the right way versus just throwing something together and not trying to get a variance or a permit or any of that so we have several in the community that have gone and just did it so I appreciate you going through the steps yeah thank you all right all in favor of the motion say I I anyone opposed motion carries our apologies to the Planning Commission all right next item then would be pavilion rental reimbursement request as one of the people that received a call about this the day it happened I'm really glad this has made it into our packet um mayor and city council I'll just quick give a a brief summary of that um we received a communication as as the mayor alluded to herself um from a res resident who had rented the Pavilion with a specific intention of wanting to have an ada8 compliant bathroom and uh there was some miscommunication when the Pavilion was rented and what was actually completed um so they were really disappointed when they got there and the person one of their guests was in a wheelchair and um the porter toilet that was rented was in very poor condition um due to somebody probably you know vandalizing um so I did talk with the um the resident and just said you know we're we AP apologize and um we definitely will consider a refund and I had to get approval from the city council so with that I just ask for your approval to refund the $25 in the pavilion rental to Beth Corbin I'll make the motion to make the refund to Beth Corbin I'll second that any further discussion I'll INF favor of the refund say I I I anyone opposed motion carries thank you um next item draw request on Fox Meadows is this the final I believe yep so mayor and city council at the last meeting I believe you did give uh Brian sarf and staff approval to go ahead and release this final um uh escrow amount plus interest that was being held upon completion but Troy had sent um over a withdrawal request and just to be transparent and for you know auditing purposes I wanted to include it include it in the packet um and talking with Brian sarf today he has not had a chance and he said this week does not work to get out and take a a look at uh the site so I guess tonight what I'm asking for is just a formal um approval for City staff to meet with the engineer and if he um is in agreement that we are okay to release the funds being held in escrow uh that we do so so we don't have to wait until the next meeting we just had a few punchless items we were waiting for to be completed so I'll make that motion I'll second that any further discussion all right all in favor of releasing the funds um with City approval City staff approving I I anyone opposed motion carries all right so 2025 Street utility improvements feasibility study and resolution oh that's for the resolution is that yeah I'm like hey I like I knew I put it in the packet okay that's done all right all right so I think we are good to just move forward then to to number six skid loader trailer request from Public Works um oh thank you very much thank you thank you thank you see you um so we're requesting um to get a new Skid Loader trailer currently we're using our dump trailer as a skid loader trailer and it is not very efficient or safe I would say um there's no good way to get in and out of the equipment once you get it in there sometimes you got to crawl out the window of the tool cat just to get yeah just to get out of it um my eyes are rolling right now um that's just been the way that it is what it is and we're trying to make it right so um we're requesting to buy a trailer from Toppers and trailers plus I believe it is um and it is in the capital outlay and there is enough funds in the capital outly for it I see a couple other bids here thank you mhm and this is lowest bid too right yes okay yeah since it's lowest bit and you got multiple bids I would make a motion to get that I will second that motion any other discussion and I'll add to my uh comment that since there was also Capital outl funding that could be used for it all right have one question is the capital outlay for 202 correct okay perf we do have sorry we I did verify that we do have we put in 124,000 for 20244 and which was for the trailer all right we have motion a second some discussion do we need any more discussion okay all in favor say I I I anyone oppos motion carries all right item then is a wheel loader request from public works if you tell me there's more Dukes of Hazard stuff going on with this one I nope um so in the past couple years we've been looking at um efficiency for snow removal for leaf vacing um a bunch of different things and um we've been looking and looking at uh payloaders um right now we can get into a xcmg uh 948 for 162,000 um that's brand new I think it's a three-year warranty and then you can buy warranty to add on to it um as you can see in your other bids all the other bids are I mean exactly the same machine basically just different you know different features and whatnot but as for size and everything that we want that all three of the bids are the same um yeah is this one replacing something another piece of that we have this is totally new and I'll note like you know and I'll use snow or move for the biggest example um currently we Haul out when we have too much snow and cacks we use our skid loader and our one ton pickup um with this we would be able to use this plus both the big dump trucks you know so if that tells you how much more efficient it'll make us you know well and you can pile piles high right you know they can push them up instead of hauling out most of the time they can make the pile bigger and bigger and bigger until they have to haul out um to me this is a necessity I honestly can't believe we've never had one um it's just a sticker shock you know they're not cheap um so I I'm in favor of it it just can we have more time to save money for it or you know that way it's not a crazy amount right away I think the problem I have with it is do I do I disagree that there's one needed yes no whichever way you want to say it um on on heavy snowfalls yeah it's great on winters like last year probably won't be used a ton um because snow didn't pile up real high um I I'm not in a big fan of we budgeted per year um instructions 110,000 and it's 52,000 above what we have budgeted so where is that funding coming from were we looking at their um did we look at used ones I know they hold their value and most time when you get one you don't get rid of it um so I can respect that uh another thing that came to mind is if we're talking I think in there was making wind rows and things like that um have we looked at more of a permanent type snow fence out there that if hker is not going to be building and developing that this is going to be a year-over-year thing that we're constantly building wind RS uh you go out to Madison Lake and they got more permanent type one there you go out to mount KO they got more of a permanent one there so will something like that help help save some of this um so I think my mind was going in a in a couple different directions in this I guess I I agree and disagree um I agree with the maybe looking for some used ones um but I think you're you're not thinking of the other stuff other than snow I mean this can be used for I mean you name it you can use it um for hauling mulch hauling rock hauling whatever it is this can be used um and to have another winter like we did last year is probably not going to happen I mean it's we're going to get smoked um but so so if you know if we look at it that way we're going to be using it for snow more often than we're not um but I I do agree with maybe getting some used pricing um just to see what's out there I'm sure you kind of have an idea um it's just like I said it's a sticker shot I think that's maybe where my biggest holdup is as well is the 100 I mean has the price changed that substantially in a year from when we when you budgeted this to where we're at now especially when some of them are at 160 and some are at 300,000 um you you really shortened yourself last year if this is what you budgeted and now they're coming in 50,000 as a low above I mean in my mind they're coming in about 100,000 over what you budget in there so so to add on to that um what we were looking at last year and stuff was basically like a compact loader so a smaller you know basically a lot smaller payloader and with talking to these you know dealers and companies and stuff and they're going why are you going to buy something that fits your size right now and not buy something that you know is a little bit bigger and will actually do what you needed to do now plus you know 5 10 years down the road when your city gets bigger and you know if we want to talk about you know there's been talk about doing a compost site things like that you know why buy something that we're going to grow out of in five years compared to something that we could keep for 20 and what would you put on your Capital um outlay as far as replacement year of this so I know you have that whole sheet of this year we're going to do two you know you have that whole list like what would your replacement year be on this I would say it would be a 20y year replacement okay yeah I mean there's one at MSU you we have used for years and it's I just asked that cuz if you were going to say eight years I'd be like well then in 8 years we'll we'll upside MSU we've used that's 80s 90s so I believe with this one I believe we can buy more warranty up to 12 years I believe it is so I mean that alone would be worth keeping it you know then you have eight years of what ifs if something happens to it but that's something that we can purchase down the road too we don't have to purchase it right away with the loader but I agree too I I don't think we short ourselves and get something that you know that's cheaper but smaller and then we're just going to be kicking oursel five years down the road I think if we do it we do it right thank youor Andrew if you looked for these used I haven't looked a whole lot at used there's not a whole lot of decent used ones around we might have to expand our search a ways out where I struggle is yeah it'd be cool to find use but it seems like anything now is still jump on it now where it's gone in five minutes so by the time Andrew would bring us yep we got this it would almost need to be kind of a blanket approval to go ahead and buy something if he finds that unicorn this kind of like what was the other was it one of the fire trucks we were talking about the non-electric fire trucks Chief Simpson um I everything's going to keep going going up I imagine this cost will be inflated next year so would it hurt to wait another month and just see if something used to be found or is the benefit of having that warranty there's a value to that too which you're not going to get probably with a used one so but waiting a month maybe it won't make a big difference but I can respect not wanting to or not looking too hard in the use because just knowing from history on on our family you don't find much used when you're talking equipment such as this um so I can understand I respect that part I'm still seeing the requested funds versus budget amount and where's that 52,000 coming from when we didn't budget for it if the council decides I share that same concern obviously trying to manage the budget here if if for some reason the council does want to move forward I would work with Andrew um and we are going to have to shift around on that big sheet you guys see um because we only have what we have been setting aside what we have for Capital outlay balance so the money is going to have to come from something within what we've already set aside and then something else is going to have to be pushed out further or you know the following year we're going to have to increase what we're asking for um I don't I don't like to see requests like this come up and not be planned for that's just not how we do things but on the other hand I guess I'm sitting here listening to the council and um Public Works director Hartman talk about the value of this piece of equipment to make our operations more efficient um so I think there's some positives with that also um and just trying to get our processes more up to up to date so if if the council does go forward with it then I'll have to work with Public Works uh director Harman and find a way to work within what we've got one thing that would be different um with the budget would our expenditures would be increased um by that um let's see we be $52,000 short that we didn't actually budget for but we'd still be drawing down on Capital outlay reserves that are already there so right now we've got year end uh we have just shy of 700,000 in um capital outa for streets well correct me if I'm wrong this is more I mean in my eyes is more important than a truck or a you know I think we could maybe push those off a little further down the road and get this is is what I'm thinking my about lighting in the Parks wasn't that cost about half of the difference 20 something we're kind of looking at about 20 30 we don't know yet we're still waiting I saw Excel was down there today and um Andrew's got for sure one uh bid from one contractor for lights but yeah on that any other thoughts from Council staff no I think we'll definitely have to take a look and we're going to have to push some things out um because as we look at our overall Capital several different departments we pretty getting kind of underfunded um in in capital outl so we're going to we might have to stretch the warranty time period out three or four years on some of these other things am I hearing that you guys would like to table this or feel free to make a motion to go forward are able to push stuff around to make this happen yeah I'll have to work with Public Works director Hartman I just don't like the appearance it gives that we're because I know how hard all of our departments work to plan and save and I think where this is coming from is you know there's change in leadership with the Department wanting to improve our efficiency and processes and we just can't have and I'm not this is nothing against public workr harm I'm just saying we cannot have these kind of requests moving forward this has to be kind of a oneoff because we just can't can't um we can't keep up with you know unexpected um expenditure requests like this but I think in listening to you there's obviously some very good justification for this piece of equipment and we have new leadership wanting to improve the processes and efficiency with the Department which we we appreciate it helps me understand that the 110 you budgeted was for a smaller piece of equipment than what you're being upsold to which makes sense I that's why I asked the question about how long for for change over so that puts a little bit me a little bit at ease seeing the wheel loader versus the pay loader that I was kind of expecting it to be buying it now you're going to save something I mean who knows what it'll go up at least 3% probably next year I think they went up about 16,000 from last year yeah that was my thought now you're going to want another building building he still wants that too right yeah probably just always need more extra stores in that water treatment [Music] facility all right what anyone like to make a motion I'll make a motion to approve this purchase um knowing that we can move other funds around to make this happen anyone want a second I'll second that motion thank you any further discussion all right all in favor say I I I anyone opposed motion carries all right final item under new business resolution adopting the preliminary budget and Levy for 2025 all right mayor city council this will probably be the third or fourth time you've uh seen and heard some of this information but for those uh that may be viewing at home or we'll watch it later uh I still want to cover some of the high points here so as you know we must prepare and adopt for a proposed budget and proposed property tax levy each year um we have to certify the um preliminary Levy to to the county auditor um honor before uh September 30th and um as you know once the preliminary Levy has been adopted it can't um be increased but it can be reduced um the levy is comprised of the general fund Ed and Debt Service and we also have to have a truth and Taxation public comment hearing sometime after November 24th uh but before December 27th I have right now on the calendar Monday December 2nd for that purpose uh last year's final tax levy was approximately 16% or an increase of $155,700 uh for the most part um unless a property's valuation increase their property taxes should have remained relatively flat um on that first page of the memo in the packet you'll see the 2023 final 2024 final and then 2025 proposed and then the change so since the last meeting uh at that last work session I put forth a 12% increase um there were a couple items that uh were discussed and um so now what you're seeing is a 14% increase um over last year's Levy for the proposed Levy and I'll just quickly review what that consists of so we had talked about the city hall and starting to do a better job of setting aside money for improvements because the building um is starting to to show somewhere in some areas so it's not much but for the time being for this year just bump that up to 5,000 and then in 2025 one of the goals will be to get a capital outlay plan for City facilities including City Hall um and start uh preparing for um needed maintenance that's just associated with the age of the facilities I did add 25,000 to the capital outlay facilities for the fire department I left a message with Brunton Architects I did not hear back uh but I think for now that's what the budget can handle for the next phase in the process um if it's more we'll have to go back to the drawing table and figure out if there's ways the fire department might be able to help uh with any other funding to help with that but I think that's at least gives us something to work with um and then I did add 20,000 to the park and wck budget for Park lighting I think that in talking with Public Works director Hartman and just kind of hearing from the park board and city council it's just a public safety issue and we really need to get uh that lighting issue addressed sooner rather than later and um looking at at the surveillance cameras down at the park now that we have that footage it's just incredible the amount of people that are using the pass down there and we just want everybody to be safe and have good lighting so in total um the budgeted additional budgeted amounts increase a proposed Levy from 12% to 14% um and then as I mentioned last time too a concern is with that market value homestead credit um uh reduction how that applies so that is going to have sorry my computer logged off um but that is going to have an impact on our tax rate in the sense that there's going to be you know reduction in property taxes for those properties that do qualify for that so that's new this year for for us and um so uh one other thing I guess I should mention uh uh on the second page of my memo you've got the proposed 2025 general fund expenditures proposed 2025 general fund revenues um and then as I noted that um our re excuse me expend slightly exceed anticipated revenues and that's for that plan deficit spending so we're intentionally drawing down money that I just talked about a little bit before with a wheel loader that we're setting aside for Capital um outlay purchases so we've got that money but we somehow have to spend it and there's you know with auditing and so forth this is the best way we can um get it because it still has to show on the books so um with that I I think I covered the high points that if you have any questions um feel free to let me know and then I guess one other thing too finally um what is need this evening once to if you guys feel comfortable in adopting the uh preliminary tax levy we would need a motion I've got a resolution which I put in front of you so once that's approved that um sets the preliminary City budget and property tax levy then I send that to the county auditor um and then that's the point that um that's the amount the council has to work with we can't go up but you can go down and that concludes my best report on that so let me know if any questions I know that everyone in this room contributes to trying to be good stewards of the tax dollars that we bring in um I know that every single Dollar in this office is manag well um the Departments do a great job Jennifer does a phenomenal job Carrie keeps I mean it's it's you guys are the most well oiled and organized machine of doing this but it is still such a sucker punch to see the amount of increase it it just is and I know that there's really no wiggle room the things we're getting this is not frivolous this is not extras or uh non necessary items in fact they're probably necessary things we aren't adding in yet right we're putting things off which causes water main breaks like this morning and it's still uh it's a tough pill to swallow but I I feel very confident that we've done everything we can to Crunch those dollars and I guess I don't have anything else to say on it other than thank you for doing everything you've done uh department heads as well for trying to you know if if I may mayor and city council just also too if you can recall the last uh you know a couple years of the budget or the audit we've had a good um you have healthy fund balances um I think the last for sure two years I'm not sure three we've been under what we um had planned to expend for expenditure so I think that demonstrates between the council and the staff that we even though money is budgeted we try really hard to not use what's budgeted but we have that in there because we um have to be prepared and you can't um you have to be able to absorb some of those unexpected things and there isn't like the mayor was saying there isn't fluff in there I think you can easily explain um what these increases you know go back to and park lighting is one big thing and just improving the quality of life and the public safety aspects fire department um you know making sure that we have equipment for our streets and we can plow our streets and so well folks anyone want to make a motion to approve or to discuss we can move it forward motion to approve okay do we have a second I'll second all right any further disc discussion all right all in favor of approving say I I anyone opposed motion carries thank you on to City administrator report all right um our community development coordinator hiring I want to give you an update that right now we've received uh 15 applications uh Victoria pots with the Minnesota Valley Council governments uh has scored the applications and identified uh for applicants to be interviewed based on meeting minimum qualifications and preferred qualifications it's kind of nice that we have an external party that does that it's the same thing with administrative clerk so I don't have anything to do with that or the Personnel committee so we have an outside just looking strictly at what you know um someone an applicant's um compatibility with what we're looking for um we might have two more applicants I know two of them just need to complete they were missing a part of the required um application material so they've been given an opportunity to get those in so we may have six interviews but right now we're looking at four um planning to hold interviews the week of September 16th and then hopefully have a recommendation to hire on the October 7th agenda um next item candidate Forum a couple years ago with the last election I believe it was a Eagle Lake community development foundation they had hosted and moderated um a candidate Forum I did reach out to um JD Pals and Perry Madden today to see if they would be interested in doing that again and then I also reached out to Andy Wilkey with man our greater man gr to see if there might be an interest in doing that I have not heard back from either um but I just kind of wanted to talk to the council if no one else steps forward um it would be nice to have a candidate for him for the community to get to know um candidates and so um I guess worst case we could have something here um I guess it could be hosted by the city of Eagle Lake or the Eagle Lake City Council and we just would have to find somebody that' be oh I can see somebody who might be willing to come back I'll come back and help lead it if you want there you go I'm as neutral as it comes in about four hours I might just take you off for that offer here Orton okay stay tuned but one thing I want to mention that too is last year i' received a concern from a resident who did the early absentee ballot voting and they by the time we had or two years ago by the time we had the Forum it was after they had cast their ballots so and the Forum was kind of late it was I want to say uh maybe late October and November yeah so that's kind of why I want to start talking about now to get that out there if we're going to do it we need to get it going here um okay then the next thing I want to show you real quick I don't know if Mike Bales is still out in the hallway um let's see this looks a little bit different my uh computer here versus what it looked like on my desktop let's see if I can find it oh hi Mike I was just gonna show the council um but I was just I have a desktop can you come over by my computer if you don't mind it works on my computer but now that I'm I'm not seeing it on oh here it was hiding it moved okay okay I got it yeah cuz now like it's over there I didn't see that it must have moved is it this one okay whatever why they moved okay so should I Mo and just let you show the console if you I know you were here doing interviews you mentioned that there was issues with the firewall and things like that with Sheriff's Perman access ing it can you clarify did that get taken care of or we're still working through all of so I don't think it's on the city's end because I've got it on my computer i' got it on um Public Works has it on theirs I think it's something with lth County it so um I believe I could be wrong but we're going to have um Lieutenant gayor talk to his it and see if they can but we did send the working on it okay so we're ateas past the initial CTS stuff that we talked about last week internally okay but the best part is we do have access with Public Works someone's driving a lawnmower on the sidewalk match and to let you know we did have some vandalism at the um park over the weekend and so we were able to go back and look and the law enforcement or law enforcement will be taking a look at it further but you can at least see images of potential wanted posters up around town old school yeah so that the the cameras that Mike or the footage had uh Mr B's head up was from City Hall you can sit down too yep so he's going to do right now yep so this is the park so these ones are the ones that were having an issue with the firewall and getting into on the app correct Mike correct this is as now right now these are fixed or they even caught me I had to go down there on Saturday night to put up a thing for the um the fire department Reserve sign and one of the Public Works had seen me on there and I I went back to look I'm like yep sure you could definitely tell was me I mean it's very crisp image so does he know [Music] straight to Mitch's phone well it so money in there mosquito but you can and then there's a shot too that shows Pavilion um I was just trying to pull that one oh yeah um but that's really nice to have now because the uh sheriff's department has had to talk to individuals that have done things in there you know that should be happening so I mean it is very helpful I'm very to have that that was a huge investment so we want to make sure we take care of it but one thing Mike can explain to so with City Hall here the um this I think from our perspective too at City Hall we've had situations where we've had in incident at the counter have to call 911 and then we're not sure if they came in a vehicle if they walked up and this way it's nice to see who's coming in who's leaving the parking lot and these this these these particular shots actually need to be tightened up a little better I came in after my installers and did a little tweaking so we got to get rid of the building here and get rid of some of the sky and I tighten these up but uh after they were there I kind of made them all wide and made it so it covered everything because they were they were tighter shots and this is learning curve with the new guy but either way everything is uh is is adjustable so I mean we can make different changes as far as what uh what angles we and then the same thing at the parks do we have more yes yep I mean there's technically there's six uh well there's four five six seven eight nine there's nine streams four cameras yeah three four cameras nine streams so nine images four four physical cameras but both sites could be three four times their size well are you talking like to add like okay well I was thinking we're going to have the generator over here and we have the back entrance too so that might be another sites yeah both both both the system at the parks and the system at City Hall have quite a bit of expandability I mean from a software perspective uh 48 channels 48 licenses that's not images so it's like if you look at the Pavilion here they not the Pavilion but the warming house it's got four individual cameras it has four individual images but it's one license so you could technically put you probably couldn't put all in one box but you could put 48 of these on one server not the server I sold you it'd have to be a lot bigger but you can put 48 of these you can have what is that like 180 some channels a video 48 channels as we get used itain it's a good start though and already um we've had a couple things that the Sheriff's Office able to um talk to individuals about so just serves hopefully it's a good deterrent that might be under investigation right now you better not all right thank you very much Mike I really appreciate you coming in and helping thank you very much so that's all I wanted to show you and it just worked out great that Mike stopped over and was able to get get some data that he was able to take off and give it on a USB to our law enforcement here so I'll quickly finish my report um okay next we've got Year date expanses and revenues same thing as every month just let me know if you have any questions and I still owe you guys detail on Parks um maintenance and uh Capital outlay I'm going to be working on the capital outlay stuff uh tomorrow morning so I will get to you that so I apologize you asked for that the last Mee I did not get you that stuff so I will do that um storm water climate and climate resiliency project update had a meeting last week with isg to talk about the next step with our clim storm water and climate resilience project and the next step is community engagement so we're going to be sending some information out to Residents shortly um giving them opportunities to provide feedback and then having some upcoming events and I'm very excited I got to see the website and um the way ways people can interact so I'm very excited about this project um world childcare Innovation program project update core team members we've got John wington Beth Ro are on that working very hard we're um gearing up for a host provider appreciation event in October and then a town hall event to be held in November at the American Legion we'll be getting more information out on that and then also um pushing out a survey for commune members to fill out um uh just another plug for the Emergency Management officials leadership training uh Eric Weller has uh just asked that all the clerks administrators send that out to council just reminder about September 25th I think you guys all have it on your calendar it's been on there a while but if you can attend that would be great um War siren update I know there was a bit of um discussion or chatter if you will um on the non City official city of Eagle Lake Facebook page um but seeing that I wanted to follow up with leth County Emergency Management um to find out you know what exactly should we have in our website because we have a frequently asked questions and on there we talk about you know what how the sirens sound and it sounds like um right now that you know there was a change and that there was going to they were going to try to sound it with based on like the National Weather Service polygons so it was like in the true threat area not like just the whole County but apparently that doesn't work so I'm going to rework the wording on our website and then we'll try to educate residents that um when the sirens are are sounding it might not be in your exact location but it's somewhere in the county and and you know what is probably better to have notification and then be like oh you know it's sunny here but I should probably be aware that there is bad weather um so that that's what that is and then just to give you an update I I feel like it these projects take forever but the generator installation at wellsite and City Hall you've probably seen down the wellsite we've got two generators sitting down there one is connected the one we're renting the other one is the new one we clean on gas from Center Point Energy and then um we've had pluge electric um out here at City Hall working on they've got some stuff that's been done on this side of the building and Center Point Energy did say it's like a six plus or six week plus lead time for this installation so we just really care about the wells at this point that's the critical one so hopefully that will get done here soon and then lastly um it's been a couple months but I I today's payroll coinciding with uh City councel me I just include employee time off track and Sheet just gives you an idea of you know where we're at with um vacation SI leave and comp time hours and with that I think that's all I've I've got thank you and I'm very sad that this is our last me the mayor it still hasn't really sunk in yet but U mayor Norton thank you thank you for everything you've done you've been a real change agent in Eagle Lake and um you really just you you just stepped up right away I remember when you um had just gotten on the Planning Commission and then you're you would ask if anybody had thrown their hat in the ring for the mayor and you just boldly stepped up and um shorted the city of quarter shorted the city of quarter krie corrected me but you I just really appreciate how um right from the GetGo I feel like um you led boldly you respected staff you have been fair to everybody' been fair to Residents um you just have done a phenomenal job and I think you're just a rare find and we really appreciate everything you've done in the short amount of time you were here and you will be greatly missed wish you the best of luck and I will track you down soup Falls so you're not going to get away here we're we're going to stay friends no MIT is going to arrest me for having expired tabs we already thank you for everything you've done it's very much appreciated yeah I tried to do that I'll get I'll I'll take care of that in announcements yeah thank you Jennifer I'll just say I've said a lot over the last couple years there's not a whole lot left to say other than thank you everyone in this room you guys have impacted me my life my family it's been amazing I'll miss it miss all of you and I'm going to cry so start doing reports say some stuff I don't want to talk anymore okay composure council member reports is next on the agenda council member reports nothing um have we talked about summer sounds since anyway I love being on the committee it's it's really fun um I thought it was a huge huge hit this year um and hope to grow it in years to come and um it's just a fun group to be around and I'm glad I I hopped on and whether I get voted in or not I'll probably stay on so I'm really glad I got to see summer sounds evolve I think it has evolved just in the time I've been here probably before me too but and now we even have a local celebrity playing spoons too so that's added bonus so glad to see you carrying that torch on council member seinberg yeah echoing what Anthony said um and it hasn't it has evolved you know from post pandemic time you know when you couldn't really do as many things right um and yeah that's all I have too so I can't look at Jennifer right now uh also Anthony and I will be helping to coordinate for the holiday open house with some ideas [Laughter] o you just got volun we're we'll we we'll we were we'll have a preliminary discussion wow council member Winnington I don't have anything to report but I do want to kind of echo what Jennifer was saying I just stopped no um my goal is to get you ugly crying um I think you've you've Set set set the bar hire uh for being mayor and I think you've kind of helped kind of open our eyes to kind of some things that we need to be doing and should be doing and and branching out and not just sitting back here in our in our little city we've got to get out and kind of yell from The Mountaintop you know how good we are here in the city and and move forward so thank you for that thank you John I never forgot is I I know all of you will be carrying large torches here but especially John it sounds like might be doing the the mayor role here soon which everyone should do um vote for John but just remember the most important thing is that Mano is a suburb of Eagle Lake never let anyone forget that any other comments staff we have uh announcements next council meeting October 2nd 6 p.m. Eda September 26th 6 next Park Board is September 12th that is coming up very quickly um Planning Commission meeting September 16th I got nothing else I'll look for motion to adjourn second any further discussion all in favor of adjournment I e spe