##VIDEO ID:HuaQ14Wg6uM## okay if we can call to order the September 23rd 2024 regular meeting of the city council of East bethl Minnesota can we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please I Al to the flag the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all make a motion to adopt tonight's agenda motions made second motions made and seconded one item Mr Mayor if we can uh have a motion to add that supplemental Bill list as well I move to amend the agenda to add the bills where do you want the two that you mentioned in the email to us supplemental just the folks who don't have a packet and might be watching from home or whatever it was to Dearborn it was $ 201626 it's a standard monthly invoice and payment for employee life short-term and long-term disability and the other one was Conexus $1 13,575 58 standard monthly electoral invoice for a variety of City buildings and all so second motion that's what it was about okay so motion to amend is made and seconded all in favor say I I I opposed none heard um if I could just at the outset I was asked today by a couple of residents to clarify when the upcoming meet the candidates meetings are going to be held so I figured i' just lead off with that on Tuesday October 15th there will be a meet the candidates uh I guess you'd say hosted by the East bethl Chamber of Commerce it begins at 6:00 p.m. in the senior center and then it moves over here at 7 p.m. and there will be one session that'll be the mayoral candidates and the other will be the city council candidates the other meet the candidates is actually two days later Thursday October 17th at 10:00 a.m. next door in the senior center and that'll be the meet the candidates for the uh East bethl seniors group okay just make sure everybody knows about those so we still need to vote on approving the agenda we have we approved the amendment but not the agenda itself correct amendment was okay so we got a we've approved the amendment to the agenda and we've got a a motion in a second to approve the agenda itself all in favor say I I I opposed none heard okay so we lead off with the enoka County Sheriff's Office report and Lieutenant Derek Peters how are you sir fantastic uh fantastic all right excellent you as well I hope good evening Council and mayor uh August had a total of 540 calls for service which was actually our busiest busiest month so far in 2024 uh we handled assaults five thefts and two damage to property calls we made a total of 36 custodial arrests for miscellaneous violations um 154 traffic stops were conducted in the city which resulted in the issuance of 42 traffic citations couple of our notable calls uh last month in August on the 5th of August at 3 o'clock in the morning deputies received a report of a vehicle swerving and varying speeds through the 20500 block of Highway 65 Northeast our Deputy stopped the vehicle after witnessing the poor driving conduct and made contact with a driver who showed signs of impairment uh one of our newest deputies Deputy gruy had the driver step out to perform standardized field sobriety testing which the driver ultimately failed PBT was provided by the driver which showed a preliminary BAC of 0.44 Deputy guuy arrested the driver and brought him to the Sheriff's office for an evidentiary DMT test the driver provided that test which showed a final value of 0.12 the driver was transported to jail and booked for misdemeanor 4th degree DWI on the 6th of August at 706 Deputy cor stopped a vehicle near the 18400 block of Highway 65 Northeast after running the plate and learning that the driver had a canceled driver's license as soon as the driver came to a stop in a business parking lot the driver exited and began quickly walking away Deputy cor uh was able to secure the driver who is Vis visually identified as the registered owner of that vehicle Deputy cor confirmed the driving status of the driver and arrested him for driving inimical after uh driving after cancellation and imal to Public Safety uh this mail was transported to jail and released to staff without incident on the 13th of August our deputies conducted a warrant attempt at an address in the 243 Hunter block of Highway 65 Northeast our deputies working that evening were looking for a male who had several active gross misdemeanor and misdemeanor warrants for his arrest out of Scott County when our deputies arrived they observed the mail they were looking for standing in the deck of this house the male was advised that he was under arrest and cooperated with the directions that were given to him by our staff male was uh advised that he was under arrest and during a search of his person uh our deputies located 15 grams of methamphetamine in the M's front pocket of his genes mail was transported to jail and booked for the warrants and the additional drug charges and then finally on the 27th of August deputies were dispatched to uh residents in the 181 Hunter block of Highway 65 on a report of an active burglary in progress the reporting party reported a Mayo who they are they were familiar with was at the location and that he had multiple warrants deputies has confirmed the existence of six separate warrants in Anoka and re counties on arrival our deputies located the mail in the backyard of the residence as soon as he saw our squad cars the mail fled on FL foot a short foot pursuit ensued but the mail was eventually taken into custody without further issue the mail was transported to jail and those warrants and was cited for fleeing on foot uh the deputies did follow up at that address of the original call and determined that no burglary had actually occurred so uh as I had stated earlier August was our busiest month um by over at least 100 calls a lot of those were an increase in Medicals that we saw that the fire department assisted us on um Trends wise there was nothing else significantly observable in my opinion so things are holding steady as the year kind of winds down here and we get into the fall months but um as you may have seen on social media just a reminder for those watching and those in the audience tonight that tomorrow is our open house uh we have this every single year the Sheriff's Office open house we open up our gates people can come in and and see the type of equipment that we have meet some of the deputies and see some other um booths that are set up with some of our law enforcement Partners so I encourage everybody tomorrow from 4 to 7: please please visit us over at the sheriff's office um swing in say hello we'll have some displays and some fun activities planned for all of our visitors so thank you again for having me this evening do you um find there's an escalation of calls to the Nexus building we don't have to go into a lot of details but just yes um over the summer we've had a significant increase there um a lot of those range uh they run the gamut really I mean from mental health to other types of calls that um require our assistance for processing so we have seen an uptick um but with that being said we have not seen a dip in our response to Priority calls for services elsewhere in the city which is good to see so although our calls may be more we may get more of them at a certain address we're still able to make it to our priority 911 calls around the city and that's that's uh the litmus test if you will for me as uh the lia on to the city and somebody who's going to these reports daily yeah I didn't I didn't think the service was failing in other areas I was just kind of curious when Nexus came in of what was told to the city and just kind of keep an eye on it yeah um they did have uh an uptick of people that they were I I should say residents that they were bringing into their facility so that could could be a reason for it too but you know usually throughout the area throughout the county we do see an uptick over the summer months so that's not overwhelmingly alarming to me um as a whole we see that all over the county but um certainly something that we can we can continue working with next us on from a law enforcement side of things too what uh what seems to be the age Gap and where the most problems are really young or some of the older kids or you know I think that's a good question I think it again I think it runs the gamut we've got some younger kids there we also have some older kids that are close to 18 um and I think you know a lot of those residents that that join that Facility have some issues that they need to work on and I think that probably leads into what we're dealing with here and and what the staff deals with on a regular basis over there so uh from my perspective the staff is great to deal with um it's a it's an uphill battle you know with mental health and some of the issues that um our youth are experiencing these days um it's something that we're learning as we go along as well so okay thanks I assume they showed up in the increased assaults category huh yeah they kind of fit into that category yeah I think so okay well thank you Derek very much thank you all have a good evening anybody in the audience got anything anybody in the audience want to ask them or oh go ahead and ask good evening mayor and councel howy evening Chief um I have your August fire report for the month of August fire department responded to 113 calls for service this breaks the previous record for the busiest month um we responded to 74 Medicals five accidents one fire three alarms the main reason for the increase in calls is the two storms I do believe we went on just about 20 power line calls oh sure so we had our officers in running calls that night as and we were self-d dispatching so it was a learning experience for us on both of those nights um that but we got through it um right now uh we are at 759 calls for service this year compared to 695 for 2023 the current Trend we are going to respond to over a thousand calls right now this year uh the fire department's open house will be October 7th at station one on Viking Boulevard at from 5:00 P p.m. to 7:30 the Lions will be serving hot dogs and chips and cookies for you to enjoy there will be different agencies there that I know that I'm pretty sure the NOA County Sheriff will be there right the Minnesota highway patrol I think connects us and then we'll be landing a helicopter to LifeLink will be bringing in a helicopter if possible depending on weather and their calls and that uh we'll have all of our fire trucks there to people that look through and um go through they can try on firefighters gears too um then with the fall on the way actually starting to get colder so grass is going to start dying it's going to start Browning up we haven't had rain in a while at I don't know I wasn't intellig Saturdays but you may have got rain but um just be careful with fires uh check the DNR website for burning restrictions that are affected in the area as always get a burning permit from City Hall if the fire is going to be larger than a 3X3 by3 please note that burning leaves that you rake up in your yard and garden debris is you cannot do that you have to compost those you cannot burn leaves at Garden debris uh you can check the no website to as to where you can take them for compost or you can compost them in your backyard and also um it's a good time to check your both your smoke detectors and your CO detectors you can test them by pushing the test button on them and if your detectors are hard wire they all should go off at the same time but your hard wire detectors also have batteries so it's a good time to change the batteries on your hard wire detectors also unless you get the sealed ones that are 10 years old or that are up for 10 years um you also need to check the manufacturing date on your detectors uh detectors should be replaced every 10 years in that we're starting to get more calls for CO as we come into the season and that so um most the time it's a faulty detector because it's old um with that I will take any questions on this and if I could Mr Mayor uh any questions on my bill list there any bills we have because I have a training going on right now I'd really like to get to okay well I was I had a question on the bill is I didn't want to pull it okay so I just asked Miki and it was just to Just for information What the residents know who are watching it was about the $14,000 which was the city's annual contribution to the firefighters pension fund yes so that's what it that was that was the $144,000 for anybody who looks at that in the pack but I said I just like said I got a training I'd like to get get these guys assuming we approved this new firefighter what does that bring us up to on the roster right now that'll bring us up to 31 for 31 about uh 3 months three months y okay I have a firefighter right now that is talking about retiring at the beginning of the year okay and then so all right you know we're we're struggling back and forth and that so we will like I said continue to try to recruit in that okay and I do have another one it may have dropped off an application today out here I'm not for sure I haven't been up in City Hall all day so okay is there any other questions the open house without be an opportunity for anybody who's interested in becoming a firefighter to attend yep it'd be something that then they could pick up an application there and that so got a question this gentem right here yes please I'll make it uh do you have a fire extinguisher training at any point for people to feel and see how one operates I we've done it where I've worked in the past and and only once has it been useful but that once was useful uh for the public no we do not um but you know bring that up our next training is on player extinguishers for the Department for the public we do not we uh basically tell you to use the pass System point aims squeeze I sweet fire extinguisher servicing companies you know you can get fire extinguishers from that areed but in a situation cont okay okay sorry no that's good thought good question is there anything else thanks Chief okay you guys had a wonderful night training next item on the agenda is a public hearing for an offsale liquor license I'll give that presentation thank you Mr Mayor members of the council staff is recommending that the council conduct a public hearing regarding an off sale liquor license for Harry's LLC as required by East bethl city code article 3 intoxicating Liquors section 6- 55 per notification requirements the public hearing for this date was published in the enoka county Union at the conclusion and close of the public hearing Council will consider the approval of an offsale liquor license for Harry's LLC U doing business as Go Fort liquor located at 3255 Viking Boulevard Northeast the applicant is the new owner of the property which is previously held an identical license all application materials completed background checks and fees have been submitted for the offsale liquor license final approval approval of the license would be contingent on approval of the state Commissioner of Public Safety and the approval of council is required prior to the action by the state the recommendation then is the staff recommends conducting the public hearing to receive comments on the offsale liquor license for Harry's LLC once the public hearing is closed and if there are no reasons to deny the license staff recommends Council consider approval of an offsale liquor license for Harry's LLC doing business as go for it liquor located at 3255 Viking Boulevard Northeast East bethl Minnesota 55092 well we're not adding anything right I mean we've got so many licenses continuing same as it was you mean yeah right a yes this is just an equal exchange under new ownership they have to obtain a new license that's all so that we'll open the public hearing is anyone here to speak to this matter not we'll close the public here uh do we have a motion to approve this yeah I'd like to make a motion to approve second motion made and seconded any discussion of it hearing none all those in favor say I I I opposed none heard the next item is a public hearing on a septic tank variance at 138 Laurel Road Northeast on Lake Beach thank you Mr M give us the rundown a I sure will thank you uh Greg underall recently purchased 138 Laurel Road Northeast and 143 Maple Road Northeast in the Goon Lake Beach residential zoning District he is proposing the construction of a new two-bedroom seasonal cabin although these two lots are back to back there is an offset of approximately 20 ft of overlap on the property lines under doll as of Friday has finalized combining the Lots however the combination doesn't offer much more room for construction or septic placement as a result of an existing structure on the 143 Maple Road Northeast lot in the Lake residential district the following setbacks are required a 25t front yard setback a 7t side yard setback a 25t rear yard setback with the minimum floor area for a single level new residential construction at 1,000 square feet additionally there is a Shoreland overlay which limits impervious surface coverage to 25% of the lot this limits the buildable area for construction to an approximately 1,415 Square ft due to the size of the lot and limitations uh due to required setbacks under doll is seeking approval for the placement of a type 2 system typee two systems are holding tanks only that require and per Minnesota rules um of the mpca require a variance variance for type two systems cannot be approved if there is space on the property to install a compliant septic system this property uh the property on4 or 138 Laurel is only .13 acres in size and does not have the room for the placement of a standard type one system with a drain field uh so the consideration of a variance requires the following three three Factor test of practical difficulty a test of reasonableness which uh gives consideration to the use of the property restricted by the rules of the ordinance in a practical manner uh the septic systems are required for homes to be considered habitable the Minnesota septic code prohibits holding tanks unless approved through a variance process by the municipality in which they are located the approval of the variance would allow this property to be used as a residential use the test of uniqueness the issue for a variance is due to circumstances unique to the property and not caused by the land owner the uniqueness generally relates to the physical characteristics of the particular piece of property in this case the property has limited space for the placement of a drain field due to lot sizes created in the 1920s current setback requirements for Wells and structures as well as DNR Shoreland Lakeshore regulations these factors support the uniqueness test for a variance uh the test of alteration of essential character of a neighborhood this factor is used to consider whether the resulting structure or Improvement would be out of scale out of place or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area when applying this test to a setback reduction the visual impact or the use of a building or Improvement related to the surrounding dwellings is the emphasis in this case the neighborhood has had significant septic issu issues and variances um approved in the past due to the age of its neighborhood and the small lot sizes the number of older systems needing to be replaced in this area this variance request is quite common and granting a variance would not change the essential essential character of the Lake Beach neighborhood um East bethl city code section 7446 um requires that all public hearings and proceedings for septic holding tank variances be held by the city council therefore that's why it's in front of you tonight and the city council is requested to hold a public hearing regarding the variance for a type 2 septic system on the property at 138 Laurel Road Northeast and at the conclusion consider approving resolution 20 24-65 and Grant a variance to allow for the installation of a type two septic system on the property at 138 Laurel Road thank you Aaron so with that we'll open the public hearing is anyone here to speak to this particular issue please come on up what are you Mr underall my name is Mike Larson oh okay I live on Laurel Road 171 just down a ways and saw the letter talked with uh some of my neighbors and Dan across the street Cameron right next door Tim youngworth firemen um we all believe that should be perfectly reasonable for them to be able to put in a house a small cabin have these holding tanks I I think that's a good thing it's important that we are welcoming I feel and accepting the people moving in changes hard sometimes but I think this would be an improvement to the neighborhood very good so you're speaking in support I am good thank you thank you are you are you speaking to the subject ma'am are you speaking to this yeah I have another okay okay um I guess could you speak into the microphone please so we can record it you okay I I don't understand how everything's being run around here because it seems like a lot of rules have been um not you know applied correctly and um I was notified I was notified when that property came up for sale m' if you could state your name and address first I'm sorry it's it's Mara Carson and I'm right next door to the garage that is the illegal garage that should be attached to a house but isn't okay thank you you may you may proceed with what you wanted to tell the counsel okay and so anyhow I was I was going to put in to purchase that place and I knew there would be an auction coming up but they never notified us well I know that I can't do anything about that but the um the lady who purchased it so her to I I think it was Jason and anyhow Jason owned a house way down by the lake and he owned the next property and then he owned this property that he built the garage with and he told me that and my husband that that um that he had combined two properties and so it was okay you know and so somehow he was going to get this house was going to be connected to the house way down by the lake well I know that that's not true you can't do that you can't con you can't attach two pieces of property here with one other piece of property in between you can't do that in fact um I'm questioning whether these should be attached because okay the um I was on the um internet and I was looking this up and it was a code um the code of ordinances and it says that the um that the the property has to be contiguous sharing a common border line and the two properties the one with the garage and the one where he wants to build the house are just overlapping by about 20 ft and part of that is the utility um area so I don't think that's right um so anyhow the garage I don't know how that garage got built I don't know you know the house has to be built before the garage because the garage can only be 50% of the size of the house it should have the same decorations on it same color as it should match and what are we talking about here it's not attached to anything how do that happen is somebody not monitoring things you know and did this get out of control or does somebody have a friend I don't know but it you know the garage is not legal the way it is and I don't think it's illegal to hook up two houses on two different streets like these are these houses are on are the lots I should say are on two different sides sides of the block like the one is on Maple Road and the other lot is on Laurel and they like go like this they're like kitty corner they the corner tou they're not what you call it's not a continuous um sharing of well they share a border for about 20 feet for 20t yeah the picture right the screen at least be over half the picture is right up there oh I see okay so anyhow I I just don't think that that fits in and they've got the um the odd shaped properties and stuff they've got a um section on that and that one shows that all the properties are all lined up on the same side of the street they don't go like over to the other side of the street or they're going to come out of their house on one side on Laurel and then they're going to come to Maple and come out the and you know come out of the driveway over there I mean I don't understand do you do you live with Daryl yeah oh okay I'm Mar I'm the home oh yeah okay so you know darl yeah okay yeah I actually have a question about that I don't know if you call it a garage or what you call it there on Maple but how that got built beats me I don't I went there and I tried to stop these guys from digging and I tried to call this guy by the name ofen and he wasn't in the office he wasn't going to return my call I never heard from him because I was very angry I wanted to stop that before they got started on it so it didn't do me any good so now they built a house behind I need it I didn't know that that was going to happen either well what do you know about the garage on Maple or whatever it is whatever you call it carport or whatever well Tammy and Jason owned the property on lakes Shore and Laurel they sold that I know it but on it connect these properties it cannot be taken apart well you got to let me finish here and I'll show you how they did connect them the house on Maple was torn down because they couldn't put a septic in okay so that lot was bought and sold about three times and some old neighbors of mine bought it and then Jason and Tammy bought it and they wanted to do something and where the two lines come together is where it's a pivot point and it's just enough that connected those two lots together you know what I'm talking about well they don't have any pictures like this on the internet they've got them all side by side not on both sides of the block yeah but you know where I'm talk I you know what I'm talking about where they where the Lots meet yeah it's green instead of red right here yeah and when they came in because I think Jack was still here and there was a lot of conversation about letting them do that now when Jason and Tammy sold the place on Lake Drive in Laurel they didn't sell this piece of property with it but but was in order to build the garage they have to have a house there first they have to connect the two lot they did have the house they had the house on Laurel and Lake Drive it's not to be disconnected well yes the properties were touching okay they came to that conclusion that the properties merged at that point is that if the house on across right by the lake that house if that had been connected with one next that one or you know it was connected in any way they couldn't disconnect but the the statute says in East bethle you have to have a primary structure to build the secondary they built the secondary based on the fact that all those lots came together and met at that little Point well they didn't all come together well again I I was a little curious is to how which address is the place going to have is it going to be Maple or is it going to be Laurel apparently it's going to be 138 Laurel according to the information so then well then I had another question what what happens to the address 143 Maple that just goes away that's right next door neighbor that's that's a piece of land that I should have been able to buy because they took the C block gr money to take out that house and this way it would it would have extended the distance between the septics and the wells and it would made my property bigger and without all this problem it wouldn't have been a problem well where we're sitting right now is is there's a a a variance public hearing about a variance to Grant a holding tank so so where's the very where's where's everything going to land then but I don't think this is legal well that would be one of the people who would be the judge of that well he he's he does that on our behalf that's his job I mean if it's illegal I don't care if they put on subject I me that's fine but I don't think this is legal and it's only going to give him a little bit of space to build a house how big is this house going to be I think I'm missing a page off that well they're not putting in a septic system they're putting in a holding tank that's that's the how is the house has got to only be 50% well it's limited to 1415 Square ft according to this information I mean what what are the measurements Erin could could you bring up that GIS map again I'm trying to picture in my head where the house is going to go in between the properties so this is the this is Laurel Road here on your left which is to the West the house is proposed to go almost smack dab in the middle of 138 Laurel the the holding tank will be in the northwest corner meeting the setbacks from the road as well as the neighboring property line and the lot on Maple will be to the right and South southeast of the Laurel Road property with the existing carport Garage on it okay so is there going to be a driveway off of Laurel and one off of maple because right now that building is a storage building that Tammy and and so so that building that building on those now one lot belonged to Greg underall that is one lot he went to the county and the county uh property tax and Records Division approved a combin the city has nothing to do with approving lot combinations that responsibility the county approved a joining of the properties I heard that Jason put the properties together and no but I mean Aaron Aaron Aaron is saying that the county approved the joining of the property well I I I I can you hear joining of the properties my question was is there going to be a driveway because you come you can come off of maple not really a driveway it's kind of nice actually and you go right into the building and that's what they use for their storage but is there going to be a driveway on Laurel and one on Maple is it going to be a driveway there'll be a driveway off of Laurel to the house because there's a garage an attached garage on the south side of the house mhm so there'll need to be a driveway off a laurel to get to that garage and the detach garage is is now on the back lot which 143 Maple doesn't exist anymore once the county combined them together it became one property ID so that address no longer exists okay so if it if there's a existing driveway onto Maple it's a legal non-conforming driveway we can't make him get rid of it well it's not really a driveway it's more of a it's an access to the building yeah there you go so this is so as of as of Thursday or Friday this became one lot so the the maple address ship has sailed on this matter the ship has sailed it's way out to sea now all right cuz once if the county combin the properties there's we have no jurisdiction to undo there that has not F in they yeah 143 Maple yeah they they bil T crush it there's also a well that has to get capped we're well aware of that a building permit won't be approved until we receive notification that all of that's been done okay were all your questions answered ma'am I mean I know you're not happy with how it all went but well we have limited authority to do is what about the motor home what what what about the motor home it's like I mean I don't think anybody's using it right now but who's is is it Tammy and Jason's or is it I suppose the new owners parked behind the white poly fence and that that shouldn't be in there that should be in in um you know in a park it shouldn't be in there and um if they turn it on and it's going to vibrate the other night I was walking around going girl can't you feel this vibration and I'm you can even see things vibrating on the floor and going it was just driving me nuts and I don't know where that was coming from I couldn't figure it out but okay well that's that's going to be a separate matter that you may want to deal with Aaron or with Matt but as far as this particular public hearing is just about this holding tank that's all but it did say that we could make comments yeah no that's fine yeah okay I want you to know that I'm not happy with any of oh understand with behind what did you say about the about the the back what what's the set with the back I didn't say anything Aon what was the set back should be 25 ft from the property line in our neighborhood yes and I know you and Mar Mara you and I have had conversations at the counter about the neighboring house that was built behind you uh you've personally measured it yourself um as you've told me and it meets the setback we wouldn't have never approved a building permit you said it was 25t 25t no they got it they got it about 7 ft from my border 7t they got all this P out in front they' got like I don't know they got like 65 ft plus some of the roadway is not being used so that they got like 75 ft there Aon is that new house that they built is that the one that's showing it's right here okay it's not on my mapping it's not there yet um this it was built um right after the a images were taken so Marsha we can visit about that again if you want to I'd be more than happy to look at that well I think we should because this is not right because I know that not everything's been updated on the computer that's why I'm ask okay okay well any it's fine with me they accept that's fine but I don't lot legal okay well thank you well that being said I moved to uh approve variance you need to close we'll close Public heing public hearing hopefully I wasn't now you can make a motion no I'm move to approve resolution number 20 24-65 resolution granting variance for the installation of a type 2 septic system on property located at 138 Laurel Road Northeast okay we have a motion second motion we have a second any further discussion if not all those in favor say I I opposed none heard okay the next topic on the agenda is the public forum and Corey you can mayor howy members of the council move the microphone I'm here for the house at 1120 231st Lane again that we discussed a couple weeks ago sure if you could uh state your name and jensson 23190 Taylor Street East be thank you and uh uh things are pretty bad over there and I guess this we're still looking for help um have you guys talked there do you know do you know Lieutenant Peters okay I'm sure we'll talk he's yeah he's theis on so he's the guy yeah that's the man to talk to Mark The Neighbor Next Door is ill tonight so he could he wanted to come too but he he didn't want to get everybody sick so um so I know at the last meeting they said that the officers were there 26 times in a year well I certainly would disagree with that a lot CU even starting the next day after that meeting they were there four times in one week so tell me that they were there 26 times in a year so the next morning for those of you didn't who didn't hear at 6:30 in the morning um his daughter went to K go to the school bus and there was a man sitting on the porch with no shirt no socks no shoes with a car battery ran back in the house screaming you know so that was incident um that was on the uh 10th they were over there 11th on the 12th there were two squad cars from the sheriff's department sitting on the corner of ulysis for over two and a half hours and what they're doing I don't know maybe it's not a call in their records to the neighborhood but they're there for a reason on the 13th I was out to dinner and I got a call are you home NOP well there's a drone over your over your house there's three squad cars they're running through your yard with flashlights what's going on so this we got to do something and we need help from the city and the sheriff I mean it's it's a bad situation and um some of the things you know just shooting ideas would be street lights we probably not going to dig up and put on street lights right um I I know there's drug dealing going on there you can speak to anybody that lives close cars come and go every day and it's not like the high school kid who lives next door who doesn't have a driver's license that gets picked up once in a while it's definitely different people on foot bikes cars coming and going for five minutes and be in the neighborhood so small a person like me you know every car in the neighborhood you know ones who come and go where they live you might not know the people but the cars that are the drug cars are coming and going constantly so I guess I'd like to see something I don't know if the extent is a message board out front hey if you're here to buy drugs we're filming you you know because I mean maybe they are maybe they aren't you know um I personally would like to see um a mobile camera surveillance trailer which I'm sure you know what those are and what that basically is it's a trailer it's got a mast goes up it films 24 hours a day it's got a street light on the top they can be generator power um I know that City of Minneapolis has 40 of them city of Fridley has four um and so I started digging into them and they're expensive they're this Mobile Pro System makes them they're about $50,000 well I know that we can't afford to jump and buy one but maybe we should as a growing City but you can rent them from this prar company for uh um it's 800 bucks to set it up 2800 bucks a month and uh I think it would help um the neighbors volunteered to let it sit on his corner and it'll scare these people they're being filmed the cars are going to be filmed all the time now if you want it monitored by this company that um would rent from it's 250 a month do we need to monitor Maybe not maybe we just go back and review the tape if there's issues um I know there's other avenues the city could maybe borrow one the Minnesota commercial fraud they have a couple of them they loan out for instances so they would borrow one I don't know under mutual Aid if the city could get one from another city or are you a member of minor and do you guys know about that no well if you're not a member you should be because that's a service where you inventory all your equipment and like if another town has a tornado you can help bring equipment or you can't it's a mutual Aid System that was started by Guy a fireman in southern Minnesota and uh when I worked at Rapids I inventoried all our equipment to help volunteer if needed we brought pumps in places and then you get reimbursed if it becomes if it gets paid if not and you you're just a second to your knowledge you're not a member of that yeah I I would have to double check with Rod on that you know well look into it the city should join even for their own protection but but what I'm wondering is that was just another way D do you have anything you want to throw in to this conversation sure please I was couple things oh speak at the microphone please just so just so we have it on record C Cory were you going to talk about more than one thing we'll see Bob's Bob uh well thanks Cory we've never met personally but um I can I can assure you um we've got a long history uh at that residence as well and this is something that we're actively working so um the other day one of the calls that you mentioned that was an active assault issue and we made an arrest on that call so um we're trying we're working on it um I know you said you saw some squads down the street for four hours uh probably because I told them too so um those saturation details are usually sent out bya email or text or you know based on our roll call information it's on the sheet right now that address so it's probably the reason why they're out there can I ask you a question and have we established whether the homeowner who I understand is in treatment or incarcerated at this time whether the people who are squatting on his property have his permission to be there can that's the first that's the first question I question it's a great question and that's a that's that's easily defeated later on down the line if he says yeah I certainly gave these people the right to be there and they can be there and for us to take any sort of civil action would require an an act of the Court uh that's what's so difficult for us when we're processing these matters is simply the owner's not there he's incarcerated locked up I don't even know where he is um I'm familiar with him and as soon as he's released whenever that is I think things will be better because then he can give us some guidance on who should be there and who shouldn't be how long has this been going on uh this current situation the current situation now just came to came to light to me about a month ago so I'm sure it's probably been going on longer than that Corey how long has it been going on I think he was arrested in March I believe and it's been so five months or something like that December 9th he's not coming home and his brother and sister quit trying to help so well he attacked a police officer did he not correct that's usually not a good idea I spoke to the brother who has power of attorney uh last week they are working on um evictions and trespasses however they've attempted this in the past and the court threw it out because of uh improper notice or something to one of the tenants uh who was given permission from the brother who's now incarcerated uh so the brother is not there the court dismissed this um he's now allowing other people permission to be there because the actual homeowner is not there um and the brother who's the has the power of attorney's hands are tied but they are working towards an eviction which they've been told they need to serve a 90-day notice by the court so I'm working through details with the brother on how this can work out uh for him having power of attorney so we're still in the process of working through that um I do have and did request uh all the sheriff's records I did receive all 26 reports um it sounds to me Corey as if uh the police have been in the neighborhood that um it's the the the call for help has been heard and and there is a response if you saw a drone it's not because the Drone just happened to show up there's a reason it's there they were looking for a guy that night sure they were so I think I think it's a matter of working through this process I know that there have been um at least two arrests since uh uh two weeks ago from incidents is stemming or around that location uh this is a very difficult situation what a mess the the homeowner is incarcerated he's in treatment uh but as you said public record says that he will be sentenced sometime in December uh the brother who has power of attorney is working as hard as he can to do an eviction of these folks prior to the brother being released to hopefully help eliminate some of the situations he is absolutely sorry to the city and it wants to do everything in his power but him and his sister are limited by what the courts dismissed on them uh the last time around so so is there anything else that the city can do to help this situation um either from you Aaron or from you Derek yeah so I was looking into uh our city abatement process um which is a potential but all we are going to be able to do is realistically clean up the outside of the property with an abatement process which is going to cost us some money we're going to have to inventory everybody's property hang on to it um the the the key to this is if they can get evicted um most of them are living in the garage some of them are living in a camper which we have a city ordinance against but the ordinance violation needs to go to the homeowner property owner who we can't even get a notice to because we don't know where he's located so it's very very complex I have a question for Cory is this happening around the house or is it in the house too it's outside it's outside so this is all going on outside somebody's house while they're not there I just talked to Mark before I come here how's it been the last couple days I was talk oh the arguing the fighting the yelling the loud music yeah they live under the turps in the trailer in tents sleep in the van yeah it is that's all I was going to kind of add is after that meeting the sheriff's department was dispatched they have locked a guy up they have been doing surveillance so when somebody's saying that they're not doing anything and they're just kind of sitting on the corner that's not true no no just I'm not saying they're not doing anything I'm saying we need to do more well but like you said you know believe me I'm on the corrections commission Advisory Board and I get frustrated with some of the stuff that comes on there because of the legal wranglings that goes on and if you don't have everything in order judge just throws it out squatters have rights in Minnesota believe it or not yeah they do no Kidd well tonight on the way here here's an example a guy left on a what's a John Deere riding M you should have seen it there's no wood no nothing he left went past my house and he was right on Highway 65 coming down the edge CU suppose he doesn't have a driver's license they had a fluorescent shirt on yeah I saw them and so it's never ending but that's why I know there's not a lot we can do but if we could put up one of these surveillance cameras all the people there will know that every time they pull in that street they're getting filmed and it's going to scare them and they're going to take it somewhere else and I know that this camera would be expensive to rent buy but I know we have capabilities of borrowing one and the next door neighbor has offered his residents to park it on the corner of his lot and point it down you know Taylor Street point it down you know well you understand we have to take our lead from lieutenant Peters and Aaron from a zoning point of view and all we have to and Eric Larson our City attorney we have to take our lead from the people who are most this is IDE who are the professionals who deal with this yeah we need and this is a good idea but then when you start filming someone outside you have to have their permission no you don't no in certain circumstances you do believe me because I I just went through that not filming them in their house we're filming Street how can City Minneapolis have well I'm not going to go through semantics with you but there's no expectation of privacy in public a nice sleep would be helpful I think nice sleep and a hard freeze might be helpful the situation I don't know we're getting if anything it probably drop drive them into the basement of the property mayor uh council members and so forth this uh I I really appreciate uh Corey Jorgenson's bringing this to to our attention and I can tell that uh this probably with the staff and uh and the and the deputy here we we might look at other courses of action to try to be a little more effective um but yeah these these things you just have to try to be diligent and be creative and just continue to work it and it's very frustrating and really a drag do you have something to add to this particular situation would that house my guess is it's probably pretty beat up what if it was not even in aable state and can't be any worse than some of them we we had on the beach and they're still around yeah there there are a lot of tools in the tool box they're all imperfect tools we just have to look at the tools we have available but I I but they are imperfect but well we'll just have to look and see what we can work uh this is the first that has been brought to my attention so I'll you know noodle it and then work with your expert City staff in the sheriff's department that disappoints me sta the attorney should have known about it we were here two weeks well he's also been recovering from an Achilles tendon ruptured I was so he was out of I had a fill in and I'm sorry that that was not passed on to me um but I was probably at that point just got done being under the knife so I'm quite sure that his standing that was here briefed him on what was going onr the first heard with this detail I had understood that there was a problem property I was not aware of these details okay well we really need to get on with the meeting um I mean that's I don't know if I sign up I'm not on is this this is regarding the same property okay yeah if you can give us your name and address excuse me if you could give us your name and address my name is Adam Miller I live at 23156 thank you Taylor Street thank you um we were here two weeks ago right I'm not really good at this by the way I want talk um I find it hard to believe that that calls aren't correlated coated together or like put together over time to identify particular problem properties um so even though we were here two weeks ago certainly that address has been showing up over and over again for at least the year and a half that I've owned the property that I that I referenced at the address when I moved into that property or when I bought that house um I work from home a lot about 50% of the time maybe more like three days a week every day that I work from home for the last year and a half about 50% of the time 50% of those days I can look out my window and I can see squads there squads like squad cars okay and thank you for for being there for sure but um I wasn't sure if you said squads or squatters squats sorry so I mean it could be that you guys are really diligent and there's something that you guys are looking for there but to hear the number 26 doesn't come anywhere near the number of times that there have been yeah a police presence at that at that address yeah um I would bet at this point hundreds of times I've witnessed with my own two eyes and that's just me walking past my window an enormous drain on resources it is it's a huge drain yeah so I guess I guess I lost my train of thought as usual I guess I guess the idea that this this could I really only wanted to mention that I I this is not just from March it goes way back before then not to argue with guy that I to support this goes back to at least May of 2022 or sorry 2023 when I bought that property from day one when I moved in there I saw that going on down the street I saw what was coming and going and I regretted instantly buying that property because those types of situations not to stand on some Podium and preach about it eventually somebody in that neighborhood is going to have something happen happen to them somebody's going to get hurt somebody's going to get costed I'm sure you're talking about people are out of their mind look back on this and go well you know we just heard about it two weeks ago or even in my case uh I started noticing it in May of 2023 when I first stepped foot on that property day one you did you file any complaints then everybody I'm not saying I'm just asking I mean you're saying that I'm a new guy in the neighborhood going to I'm not going to I I trusted that my neighbors were going to deal with that and they did I anyway it's gone on a long time yes too long too long and we need to formulate some plan of action to deal with it I mean that's the bottom line of what what you've all said yeah I I'm not saying intolerable yes absolutely and and sure I didn't make any calls on the property myself um perhaps I should have well but but the issue has been at least a year and a half old just to clarify that aspect of the I don't whether or not you know I should have been on the horn actually I did call I did call once or twice that's right I actually did there was a couple incidents where there was a couple of vehicles I didn't I don't know if I talked to you but there was actually a couple where there were some vehicles that weren't quite right in the neighborhood and speaking of the vehicles and the nature of the characters in the vehicles those are those are not your average run-of-the-mill of folks I I I remember being outside last summer and there was a green band one this is just a particular incident there there's this kind of stuff happens every other day but this particular one where I literally thought holy cud this is not not at all like it was it was some danger characters that did not look like they were pleasant unfortunately uh Lake Beach has a history of this kind of stuff at a lot of the properties there what's oh what's meth meth users and that kind of stuff Lake Beach it's on the Southshore of Lake anyway it's a neighborhood but there's been a lot of this kind of stuff over the years oh no that's a different neighborhood yeah the septic that we were just talking about that's in Lake Beach it's got a lot better because people who have that particular problem um the Darwin principle kind of takes care of them over time you know they don't either they get out of it or they die that's unfortunately the truth and a lot of them have di but it's uh intolerable if you're living if you're a normal person living in a neighborhood with that's going on we get it I would like to add as well that um in addition to like through Cory as he mentioned um Mark takes a lot of the the brunt of it being that he has a common common uh property line there um but if you look at how my property is situated I actually can see right down the road so I see everything that enters and everything that exits and it also is a great conduit it unfortunately for all the disputes from a from a noise point of view and I can tell you that there's probably at least an 80% chance that if I was standing in my front yard right now I could hear that property right down there you might say is it above noise limits well I'm not going to call guys over that but it's constant fighting down there constant disputes you know you can't walk across your yard without listening to some kind of chaos it's ridiculous um and at other times you know when it gets really heated down there then they start pacing the front the front uh yard because they get away from the house towards the street and then they just start pacing the front up there I mean it's I've observed the behavior it's bizarre are we moving forward with this or just kind of going in circles um is that all maybe that's all I need to say no we appreciate you what you had to contribute so I will tell you that when I bought that prop property I did not expect that I moved out of the Cities I this is just personal I moved out of the cities to get away from everything like that and to move right into it and see that two two houses down sus it's not working for me gu no I understand we all do so okay um I believe you're Mr lson Right you you were on the public forum agenda I was you're done able to speak thank you and uh you're Miss Carlson you've already spoken to right Carson Carson excuse me Carson security Chang my name oh but you're all set too so okay well with that we're done with the public forum and and uh the next item on the agenda would be the consent agenda make a motion to approve tonight's consent agenda I would just like to pull item G as in Goat trying to steal my thunder there acknowledging Sherry aren't you rascal we can do it together okay we'll hold hands and do it together okay so we have a motion to approve the minutes um as I understand what we're supposed to do is second it approve the minutes and then in discussion consent agenda not the minutes the consent agenda yeah so you have a motion to approve polling G need a second and uh I'm I'm going to pull C anybody else have anything they need yank one second here oops oh I did oh play you want to pull a yep it's not about the $114,000 I mentioned is it no okay all right so we've got a motion I didn't hear a second I'll second a motion okay so we got a motion and a second to approve the consent agenda with theed that we're we're pulling a c e items a c e and G that's the motion we have and seconded in front of us all those in favor say I I I oppose none heard okay you wanted to pull a Mr Miller I didn't I'm getting down to where it is I had a question on the billing for uh subscriptions for mayor and council at 4,400 what exactly is that that is the uh League of Minnesota City's annual uh uh I guess dues for September 1st 2024 to 12312 so they don't have a better place to put it so they just toss it on us answers that so you want to make a motion to approve item a yes with that I'd like to approve item a second second seconded all in favor say I I I uh I pulled item C that's the minutes for the regular September 9 yes September 9th 2024 city council meeting just wanted to clarify something here we'll just do it by amend Amendment on page four of 10 of the minutes for that meeting on line 26 change us change the uh sentence that's currently there which mentions 8020 in it and just simply put the following Lewis stated that he thinks it will only be a 20% chance that the county approves this period okay the other the other way of saying it wasn't clear so I'm just clarifying with that I'll move that we accept item C second motion made and seconded all in favor say I I I that passed okay amend e or we pulled e and that was the amendment of meets and Bounds what are what are we amending it's the property descriptions for each of the New Lots uh when it was submitted to us uh it was missing um the Southwest quarter in each property description and when they went to record this at the county the county rejected it because it was missing the Southwest quarter in the property descriptions so we're doing it correctly so that they accept it okay the the survey company had to go back amend the drawing and include the Southwest quarter in each property description to resubmit it to the county for for uh recording and approval all right on 202 24- 41 was signed 8th day of July 2024 so that's got that had to be the whole thing's got to be redone or we just that's what has been done in the past um a re-recording and a reapprovals uh certificate of survey that's how it's been done yeah I was just curious because like I say I saw the signature 8th day of July we're a little past that okay I have a question on that if I could what exactly is the says in here that it was approved or it says whereas as a result of the review the East bethl Review Committee supports the administrative subdivision you guys are the East bethl Review Committee okay well that explains it because I've never heard it before might be easier just to put City Council in there it could be I've just copied this format from all of those before me and just made the significant changes that need to be made so that it's relevant so all you're doing is changing the recorded property description on those lots it's already been approved for the subdivision back in July property description was wrong they've amended the property description just clean re-recording with the property the right property description the county uh tax department and assessor's office is very very particular about what they record yep okay so do you want to make that being said I move to approve e second okay motions made and and seconded to approve item e of the consent agenda all in favor say I I opposed none heard item G Mr mundle you can go first all right uh this is accepting the res res resignation of Sher Willis well droking I say I don't want to accept it that uh she is an excellent employee very professional and and a very nice lady yep uh in her work ethic and her personality itself she's uh has been excellent to East bethl citizens and it also makes your life a little tougher too doesn't it makes the hole a little deeper in Community Development yeah so we wish her well we wish Sherry well on her next job which is going to be with the city of Ramsey which is closer to her home easier commute so there you go so I'll make the motion to accept the res destion the building permit technician and I'll second it so all in favor say I I I opposed none heard that completes our consent agenda nothing under new business department reports Community Development the Viking Meadows final plat update thank you Mr Mayor members of the council uh City staff the Public Works director the city engineer and the City attorney along with the developer uh the developers employees the engineer and the developers attorney we've been working diligently through all the city requirements including but not limited to engineering plans Landscaping Wetland review and replacement plan permitting a robust developers agreement along with covenants and declarations for the HOA just to name a few as of today the city has received the following an mpca sewer extension approval a Minnesota Department of Health water extension approval and a NOA County engineering approval for the Viking Boulevard entrance the County Board has approved the ditch abandonment the city engineer has reviewed phase one plans two times and the developer has as of Friday submitted a second version of plans to make all the corrections and suggestions from the city engineer outstanding items are expected to be addressed resolved and responded to yet this week or early next week it is my intent to forward all of the relevant items and information to the city council as soon as possible in order to afford you the time for review and provide an opportunity to answer or address any questions ahead of an anticipated final plat approval presentation on October 14th 2024 if necessary City staff have reserved an agenda item for the Viking Meadows final plat tentatively on the October 14th city council work session at 7 p.m. uh ahead of the 7 PM work meeting so expect to see all of those documents coming to you very soon okay we'll look forward to it so er what is the time limit from uh PR preliminary plat acceptance to the final plat being accepted is there a time limit in which they have to act yeah so we knew uh in the preliminary plat stage that this had significant environmental uh things that needed to be handled um in the conditions of the preliminary plat uh city ordinance permits a one year or a 365 day application window to get the final plat approved as a condition I extended that to a two-year time frame okay because the developer had no idea how long that was going to take yeah they've been on a very aggressive schedule to get things accomplished um which we've extended a number of times um their final plat approval application came in we've extended the 60 day deadline we have until I think the first week in November to make a decision which put puts us basically the last meeting in October to have to make a decision on their their approval so if we bring it up the 14th and there are further questions or things that need to be addressed there's a two-e time frame yet where we have one more meeting to get in without holding a special session okay very good okay thank you yep that completes our agenda for the evening anybody want to make a motion to I make a motion to ajour Second motion made and seconded all in favor say I I I opposed none thanks for coming folks thank you