##VIDEO ID:L2A4t41F1tc## we have none so we go right into item five which is the public forum and we have one person signed up and that's Miss Tammy gimple Mr Mayor if I can I'd like to just read uh the rules and remind everyone of the rules for the public forum okay okay um those who wish to address the city council must sign up to do so before the citizen input questions part of the meeting begins they must be current residents of East bethl Minnesota and should State their name and address before addressing their topic the mayor will invite speakers of the podium and they are asked to speak clearly into the microphone the speakers are limited to three minutes to present their comments or questions if there are multiple residents who wish to address the same topic they should choose a spokesperson spokesperson to speak for them at at its Choice city council May simply listen to the comments or may engage in dialogue with the residents it been a long time since we read the rule so we figured it was about time I did it again so please Tammy Tammy gimble 22359 baton Street yep I um I'm here because there was a Facebook post that had come out September 29th and in the post it was a private act of 911 I think you guys just talked about that y yep and in that app but it it said I was burning illegal garbage and the as troubling as that is which it wasn't me burning garbage is that the active 911 was posted that's a it's a private app it's only for firefighters First Responders and so in my research and data request trying to find out what happened it was clearly a campaign smear for me since I'm running for mayor I found out that my opponent ER Anderson still has the app he still has the codes to get into the fire station he's still part of an email group that the fire chief is still sending out that is that is the same or Anderson that I had come to a council three-ish years ago and had brought up that he was getting paid for calls that didn't exist and subsequently nothing was done with that and I feel the same type of corruption is still continuing I think that anyone here those apps I was on the fire department it's a private app it it will say things in it that you probably don't want if you're you have a medical call you have something going on in your home that some of them have door codes to get right into your garage so that they can get in because somebody's stuck somewhere I would imagine nobody wants that app out on a public page campaign smear or not you don't want that app out there you don't want that is a complete disconnect and trust between our fire department and the residents yeah that's why it was on our agenda tonight you don't need a policy to take those that down you don't need a policy to shut that app off it's paid by the residents you can shut it off right now those firefighters each have pagers they don't have to have that app on their phone there was there was no reason I'm standing here today and wondering why that hadn't been done yet that should have been done immediately absolutely immediately um the second thing I'd like to talk about is I see that it's on the bill today to pay for a Capstone and the um report that they did and I would like to I wonder if anyone he is what it takes to table that there's a lot in there well it's interesting that you mention if I could answer your question I think your implied question anyway is I intended to request that we table the payment until the presentation is made to us which is at the next city council meeting he couldn't be here tonight but he can be at the next meeting the 28th and so I said it doesn't make sense to pay him before he gives us presentation I appreciate that so so we're on the same page with that one there's a lot of things in there I don't know if I'm assuming you guys got it and yeah and read it there's some very disturbing things about the fire department in there that that need to be looked at the leadership here is is horrible there's there are people that aren't qualified that are working that job right now I that fire chief is paid 120,000 a year and and to come to find out we don't have really an emergency management plan in place something that if something were to happen here that it's not a prepared document right now he's been here two years that's what he was hired for and that that should have changed there when I said this was a good old boys club years ago that exists that's what it is there's they are very qualified Fire Chiefs out there that are qualified in that position and he is isn't it there the biggest thing that I saw in that report is 84% of the firefighters felt bullied 84% they're already in a stressful situation and coming to help people on sometimes their absolute worst day of their life and they're feeling bullied and bullying comes from the top down I want to read well we've Matt read the read the rules when it was three minutes and we're now about 8 minutes you did interrupt me once I want to read one thing but it's also been more than 3 minutes too I've earned this give me one minute I'm just I'm just reminding you of the rule that's all this was in a email in my data request that I had pulled I found a lot of stuff very dist serving this one was this was said from fire chief Rod Sano it was on 9123 at the fire department Rod was at the station about to leave and he said if anyone I will be around if anyone needs anything I'm going to the city hall to see those idiots he was coming to a meeting to see those idiots was reported to us it was reported to you in 23 and he still has a job well I mean there's there's you know there are procedures thank you yeah so okay well just just for clarification on the bill that was mentioned for Capstone that's for Capstone LLC not Capstone development that we also that we also have on our agenda tonight I just wanted to thanks for the clarification yeah just happen to have the same name that what the the Capstone we're referring to is Jerry strikes company he's the one who did the operational audit of the East bethl fire department and he'll be at our next city council meeting to give us a report on it okay thank you Miss gimple and for after that we move on to the item six on our agenda which is the consent agenda so we'll get a motion in a second and then we can go discussion P good agenda one second okay it's motion's been made and seconded uh so discussion I have some questions on I want to pull oh yeah we're not pulling them yet though Jim we're not pulling them after we no p pull it I'll pull a Now's the Time to pull okay so a is getting pulled that's the approved bills we have questions about the bills because it's it's like $1.6 million this month which I believe is the highest I've seen so far in two years so anyway uh so we're going to pull item a anybody pulling anything else if not uh yeah let me pull c i I just got a question on on the delinquent utility accounts yeah okay so we're pulling item A and C A and C all right uh all those in favor of approving the consent agenda not including items A and C say I I opposed none heard okay approved bills list item a Jim okay I got page six I have some questions on uh Esco released to the shinsky septic service for $1,314 yep I can answer that okay uh whenever there's a non-compliant or failing septic system and there is the transfer of property the city has an ordinance that obligates the seller of the property to provide an escrow to cover the cost of the repair of a septic system nowadays septic systems are 10 to 12 to 14,000 depending on the requirements that come out of that so once the septic system um uh uh plan is submitted to the city uh then between us uh the contractor lashinski and the new homeowner we uh coordinate a time where they can repair or replace the septic with the new one and then that money gets released that's the buyer's money that's sitting in a city account gets released to Linsky to pay for his work okay as an obligation to make that house compliant prior to the sale of a home okay thank you then down a couple from there Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry $1,541 State sech charge yep so every every permit that we kick out that's connected to um sewer and water or anything where the state has their hand in it uh we collect that on the front end when they pay for a permit and they send us a bill once a month for what they believe they're owed uh and we give the state uh that sear charge okay all right thanks then down a little further Hokinson and Anderson just curious like uh at starting at the 3517 all the other ones have Department codes but there's like four or five that don't is there a reason for that or is that all they combined or what uh some of that may potentially be I don't I don't have the specifics um we've done two or three uh Street projects uh for that are city-based projects um but all of the other ones that have a code by them also come out of escrow so for instance if Capstone uh homes uh has some engineering review they pay back the empty escrow to cover the cost so uh with the I think with the exception of that the ones that don't have a code those are probably city-based projects but I can take a look really quick right here to confirm that okay cuz like they add up to like $15,000 the ones without a code yeah so uh the first one on the list is architectural and Engineering fees for the 183rd reconstruction project from Greenbrook to L at Street for 540 does that lineup that account code covers Highway projects there's one uh for Sims Road Redevelopment uh surface Redevelopment Improvement project 5 33750 which appears in that column somewhere a lot of so those are City projects yes okay okay then page seven first one met Council 194,50 so y so uh uh this is this is what you're going to see uh as homes start coming online uh as you noticed the elevage development is uh going vertical uh so for every plumbing permit that they pull there's a sack connection charge that gets build to the developer or per permit and then we have to pay back them met Council when they send us the bill so pass through so then that money is collected we collect that from the developer or the permit uh applicant before before we pay the M Council like Matt just said it's a pastor yep okay thank you the state puts it all back on the local units of government to do their work for them okay not surprised page seven then the same thing uh fire department Rod Sanel 10546 83 conference and meetings that is for the training um conferences that they went to offsite that's for five rooms I believe and food I'm just trying to get to it here but that is a reimbursement for the um the cost to actually be there so some of that we do get uh we get paid back on the training portion of it okay not not on the hotel on the food okay down on the fire department too for professional servic fees Capstone LLC 10 grand that's yeah that's Jerry strikes contract that we're going to we haven't we're not paying that yet until we meet with them right right so you guys can pull that if you want to okay yeah because I don't want that paid until we have a discussion with him yep then I'm just curious on the fire department also we have T-Mobile for $99 Verizon 560 so are these cell phones that we're paying for yes really yeah how many fire department phones I would say you're probably a couple of phones for the $99 um and then the $58 would have been the T-Mobile is jar and Steve is what they have on there I mean Verizon 560 fire department $560 yep I see that down here too yep that how many cell phones is that that's going to be a number of them I'm not exactly sure the total count I can try and pull that up here is there any way we can find out yeah I can I can find that here you can find it out and let us know I have the original documents here just have to go through them I'm just curious are like those cell phones in for the fire department are they using that for personal as well or is that just strictly Fire Department we know that I do not have that answer for you but I can get that for you okay that's fine on that one is that it Jim yeah your turn anybody else on item a yeah um let say we uh table the Capstone bill for 10,000 till the next next meeting second okay you're making a motion to table that that bill y not we get a report okay all in favor of tabling the payment of that or holding off on the payment of the Capstone LLC Bill until after the presentation on the 28th of October say I I I opposed none heard is that all you have Bob no uh C no you still need to uh vote on a yeah we're still on item are we oh that's got on a I I think I know what the answer is based on what eron's previous answer was but under sewer operations met Council Environmental Services 176,177 to the municipal Bond holders or is this just a fee this is just based on a fee this is just based on connection a hookup fee okay all right thank you with that I'll make a motion that we approve item a I'll second motion made and seconded all in favor say I I opposed none hurt okay Bob you had you pulled item c yeah this is uh this is kind of troubling to me here um we have an awful lot of delinquencies and they all seem to be coming out of the same area and I'm wondering if there's a reason for that um looking at this it says wh spring Aspen residential customers 102 biking preserve 48% or 48 residents and non-residential customers 33 that for some reason aren't paying the bill anybody got any idea idea why and I guess I'd like to find out is this something that is it the same ones every year or is it kind of switch out or is there I mean bad water or what what's how do I find that out or do we find it out have Mike check into it Mike has all that information well i' I've got the amount I'm just trying to figure why is it all coming out of one area why they're delinquent right yeah it's two questions why does it seem to be concentrated in the one area and the other is is it a onetime off one offs or is it repeated offenders however you want to put it repeat delinquents well because they paying 18% interest one one and a half% interest per month yeah one answer they can give you when this has came up in previous years that this is the first issue of this notice and by the time we actually get to the next meeting to approve this list has shrink oh well all right I I don't that looking at numbers here so a lot of the uh numbers on top are people that just haven't paid for the previous month or something screwy that well yeah those are low low it's the ones that are 1,400 2,000 2900 3,000 that are something going on there well then well maybe we should request that staff give us an update on this um as soon as possible after the date date of the resolution something the city bills or do you you guys the resolution is just calling for the public hearing right for November 1 also to authorize a letter to go out and once a letter goes out people by and large you get compliance at that point there's some that wanted to go on their property taxes most of them pay it yeah I'm just going on the record saying we'd like a report from the staff as soon after November 13th well then again there's some reason why it's all out of the same area keep us surprised I mean if it was all over the city it'd be one thing but it's all in the same you only two areas that have water that's part of the reason why you only have them all coming out of one of the the areas the other parts of the city don't have water you might have delinquent bills there but they're not receiving Services yeah but you got Greystone trailer park that's serviced by sore water correct I believe they just just sewer they have their own they have their own well Y and they pay their own sewer yeah as as a a onetime payment or what you call your other water connection is all industrial or business all righty did you get the answers you wanted well I will get them when staff looks it up for me all right so I'll make a motion we approve item C second motion made and seconded all in favor say I I I okay that completes the consent agenda Mr Mayor if I can just go back to that T-Mobile bill those are two phone numbers on the T-Mobile and uh 15 telephone lines on the Verizon right so about $39 each for those and and uh on the T-Mobile I think it's $49 a line Thank you so okay with the consent agenda completed brings us to item seven new business and item a Planning Commission conditional use permit for exterior storage for 2335 ulsi Street Northeast North Country count conrete Mr Berg you're up in Center thank you Mr Mayor members of the Council on September 9th 2024 the city received an application from Carl verus the owner of North Country Concrete Incorporated uh who applied for a conditional use permit for exterior storage on a vacant parcel across Ulisses Street Northeast to the west of the existing business location the vacant parcel is over 3 acres in size and is located in the northwest corner of 230th Lane Northeast and ulyses Street Northeast and a light industrial zoning District it borders a 17.50 acre single family R1 residential parcel on the west lot line and three single family R1 Parcels of the Cooper Lake Estates subdivision on the North verus is proposing the exterior storage of equipment trucks trailers and Associated business uh things associated with the business across the street at 23035 ulses Street Northeast he is proposed closing the construction of a 6ft privacy fence with an entrance gate onto Ulisses Street and one onto the culdesac at 230th Lane Northeast with landscape Boulevard areas with Evergreens and bushes to match the existing Landscaping at North Country Concrete location Additionally the proposals proposal includes stripping and removing of top soil and replacing with crushed asphalt millings to provide a positive drainage to the roads for Watershed as well as installing a drive over curb and concrete approach and aprons at each gate location there is not a building included in this proposal however verus indicated he would be constructing a building on this parcel someday uh the first uh item I look at is how is the property zon this property is zoned light industrial which allows for exterior storage but it needs to be regulated by a conditional use permit uh so then I move on to looking at the zoning code for exterior storage exterior storage in the light Industrial District states that construction yards are exempt from exterior storage requirements as outlined in section 24 uh provided they are located in the rear yard behind the principal building and cannot exceed the square footage of the principal building and shall not be allowed within the required setbacks public RightWay private easement or within a required parking area under the current proposal the exterior storage on a separate parcel without a principal building would not meet the conditions of city ordinance the next item I took a look at was potentially could that be designated as a parking lot or off street parking uh the purpose of off street parking is to establish off street parking standards to allow for orderly and adequate parking of vehicles on property to alleviate and prevent congestion from a public RightWay and to control the appearance and maintenance of parking areas and surfaces uh the regulations and requirements set forth in the parking off street parking chapter shall apply to all off Street parking facilities in all zoning districts so whether it's residential business or industrial uh then moving on to section three General Provisions uh Item B prohibited uses in required parking areas required off street parking areas in the all zones shall not be uh used for open storage of goods recreational vehicles Andor equipment commercial vehicles Andor equipment licensed or inoperable vehicles or vehicles for display of sale uh also stated is that the design construction and maintenance of all parking facilities and streets are subject to City of East bethl engineering standards however section 48 uh does identify uh that the council uh is allowed to permit other uses um by this section approved by the Planning Commission as approved by the city council so moving on uh that if this were allowed to be uh exterior storage or um a parking lot there are screening regulations that uh would be required by code any business industrial or non-residential use and a residential dwelling other than a detached single family adjacent to any residential district shall provide screening along the boundary of the residential property uh section five since the proposal talked about grading the lot uh grading filling and Excavating for the purposes of storm water management no land shall be developed and no use shall be allowed that results in water runoff causing flooding erosion or increased runoff on adjacent property such runoff shall be properly channeled into a waterc course ditch storm Pond or other appropriate facility subject to review and approval by the city engineer on September 24th of 24 the Planning Commission held a public hearing which there was a neighbor residential property owner present her questions were related to property surveying and how the runoff water would be directed after review of the application material hearing from the neighbor as well as the applicant the Planning Commission by a 5 to1 vote recommended approval of a conditional use permit and they added three conditions the city council should review the request consider the planning commission's formal recommendation and either approve approve with alternative conditions or deny the conditional use permit for exterior storage on a vacant parcel additionally if a conditional use permit is approved an agreement must be fully executed by the owner prior to any work on the site grading and or construction thank you Aaron thoughts eron are the three conditions from the Planning Commission included in the conditions before us they are uh res the approval resolution um R 2466 page 37 the three conditions spill on to page 38 that were recommendations from the Planning Commission total of 10 how did it go from three conditions to 10 no the three conditions that they added I I requ had seven one through seven as a result of what our ordinance requires of them for a parking lot screen or exterior storage the Planning Commission wanted three additional ones when I reviewed this I had one question has North Country Concrete seen in a approved or accepted the conditions a through J um the whether it's verbal written whatever the uh applicants were at the Planning Commission meeting when all the conditions were discussed including the additional conditions did they indicate they would accept all the conditions I uh your applicant is here he certainly speak to that himself if you like yes yes or no that's none of them are a problem or anything carlus yes sir 2335 Ulisses um yeah everything that was discussed that night was no issues everything's acceptable correct okay that's it thank you what what are the plans for that road in between um if I remember correctly our long-term future roads plan this cesac makes a connection 20 231st first Lane and to the north yeah CU those those are residents correct these three the North and Northwest yep these three and then this parcel here is also residential there's no house on it now uh the the one uh resident that spoke lives in this house so what kind of screening I guess are they anticipating on the east side or it' be North on ulsi Street on you yeah well well you got the CAC and then you got the lot they want to use then you got residents to the north you got the woods to the West is that going to be screened off yeah we all all four scre the same country slots okay all right it's a lot easier to ask now than yeah any other questions concerns comments uh counil member dra the pictures up here are uh existing screening uh on the site now the screening doesn't actually U match what our what is in our ordinance how does this all fit into our comp plan um so if you look at uh the the regulations in a light industrial district the it's really designated towards the exterior storage being associated with a a building that's on the property not an empty lot being used for storage uh back when the comp plan was amendments were made um just storage on an exterior lot was somewhat zoned out forced to the rear of construction companies not to exceed twice the floor print of uh the principal building um in my opinion this this would not be allowed by code however you as the governing board can approve a conditional use permit that is there is an exception in conditional use for something that's approved by you and the Planning Commission or recommendation from the Planning Commission and approval by you so we don't need a zoning text amendment to add this you do not it's there's there's enough ambiguity in the conditional use conditional uses of light industrial that I think you could get away with approving it was there a reason that it didn't go with an iup instead because exterior storage or parking are both required IR ments in the zoning code to be um designated as conditional use and not interim use they're called out specifically as conditional use all right well the Planning Commission certainly gave this strong consideration looked at it from every angle you could think of I know I was at the Planning Commission meeting that night in uh North Country they have a great operation going on over there and and uh they keep everything in order and in my opinion they're willing to work with the city and businesses in our city is important to all of us I believe yeah so these guys are good in my opinion and they've done their homework and they got a nice operation going yeah so if if approved um we most likely will require a site plan approval uh so we're going to want to see how much material they plan on taking off site what they plan on doing for grading and drainage all of those items they those by code uh are required to be approved by the city engineer mhm well Jim why don't you make the motion to approve it I'll make a motion to approve resolution number 2024 66 for allow exterior storage at 23035 ulyses Street Northeast East bethl number 32 34 23 34 13 boy you really got technical wow that's a mouthful did I do okay there Mr attorney spot on spot on all right from now council member Smith from now on you're making all the motions and from now on I'll write the resolutions a lot longer yeah thank you okay the Motions made and seconded all in favor say I I opposed none heard very good go thank you all right uh that takes us to agenda item 8.0 Department reports under Community Development item a is number one final plat Viking Meadows a near up again thank you Mr Mayor give me one second to find uh the location here for you in case Matt uh wants to bring that up or we have any questions yeah I thought we pretty well hammered that out in the work session I think you did but I just want to make sure just in case all right on uh July 8th 2024 the city received a final plat approval request for the Redevelopment of the Viking Meadows golf course this is a multiphased multi-year development plan with the first 47 single family units uh included in the initial final plat application future phases will be platted as outlots and will be required final plat applications for each subsequent phase staff have reviewed the submission and concluded that the final plat complies with the preliminary plat which was approved by resolution r244 back on February 12th of 2024 City staff Public Works director city engineer along with City attorney uh and along with the developers employees engineer and attorney have worked through All City requirements including but not limited to engineering plans landscape plans Wetland review Wetland replacement plan permitting a robust developers agreement along with covenants and declarations HOA document the city has received the following approvals an mpca sewer extension approval a Minnesota Department of Health water extension approval the County engineer approval for the Viking Boulevard entrance a county the County Board has approved the ditch abandonment uh Wetland replacement plan and an agreement to purchase Wetland credits has been submitted any outstanding items identified on the city Engineers October 7th of 2024 review titled review number three would be conditions of approval of the final plat and would not be released for filing until all of those items have been satisfied and approved by the city engineer City staff recommend Council review the final plat submission and consider approving the final plat as presented in resolution 24-70 thank you Aaron questions comments I was going to say I move to approve the Viking Meadows final plat I'll second resolution 202 24-70 approving the subdivision and final plat for Viking Meadows any other conversation questions hearing none motions made and seconded all in favor say I I opposed none heard nice job mat okay that moves us into agenda item nine any staff reports Mr Mayor I'll just give a couple of updates here um we we uh currently have um two applications or requests for applications out there right now one for a building permit technician and one for a city planner position um that department as you can well imagine is is short-handed yeah um but we have currently two uh application I'm sorry four uh applicants right now that we're going to be interviewing for the building permit technician and we have yet to receive a city planner application that would be suitable uh we we've received two but um some don't have driver's licenses some don't have an experience I mean it's just it's somewhat shocking thanks mat excuse me somewhat shocking so anyways we'll continue uh working on that as you know the the city planner position would would um Carry multiple hats they'd be looking at ordinances they'd be doing code enforcement they' be um even scanning some of the old documents that we have um I know when Sher was scanning document she did it extensively and got through a letter A so I mean there is a significant amount to do and this would help fill time in downtime for a person such as this anyways we will try and keep everyone updated on that and if you know of anyone out there um you know looking for this type of position or having these type of skills certainly send them our way we' would happy to um to uh to interview them um so that's on that front I wanted to give you just a Qui quick rundown on the conference I went to in Pittsburgh um I think overall it was a very good conference there was a lot of um interesting um uh kind of classes on target based budgeting was one that I found particularly interesting uh departments are given spending uh targets and you you spend 90% of that the 10% left over is um is proposed for ideas um how can what good ideas do you have it kind of establishes this ER to for continuous training to analyze their processes and how to do it better uh it's an interesting uh uh technique that's used out there right now uh there was classes on building the bench which precisely what we're talking we're just talking about um how do you do that what sort of internship programs do you have do you attend college career fairs um they they suggested going to some of these colleges and talking to the students asking the teacher for 10 minutes hey this is a career you can have and and um kind of helping direct the trajectory of some of these students um it's not really being done I don't think they kids grow up saying man I really want to work for government you know I mean it's just kind of it's a it's a difficult thing right now to find people and then there's H the retention once you have them in there there's a focus on retention I think everyone's struggling with that uh there needs to be learning and growth uh within a career um they have a 79210 rule 70 70% um I'm sorry 7020 70% is exper experiential learning on the job 20% is learning with somebody and 10% is book knowledge so it's kind of kind of keeping in that perspective is how a lot of people are coming into these positions um there huge focus on well-being trauma uh empathy and uh mentorship Le uh listening things of this nature I mean these are very interesting classes that helped to um kind of helped people understand they were talking about gen Z and what they wanted they were talking about uh Millennials they were talking about Gen X Boomers and and the ultimate conclusion was that your uh organization is stronger with all the different Generations that certain ones bring certain skills to the table and and if you focus only on one then you're you're missing out on the other one so I think overall was a a very uh very successful uh conference to go to in terms of kind of you know these are things maybe you don't think about on a daily basis in this position but it's something that you should think about when you're when you're considering applications you know what skills are they bringing to the table what should we expect if gen Z is um was one of the interesting things here uh Gen X is naturally skeptical um Boomers have uh experience in work in life but may not be here long you know that type of thing um that's cuz the younger ones know right thanks for that not in terms of living but in the position in the position they may not be there long so you try and capitalize on those skills that they have uh Millennials they you know we assume that they're techsavvy but they really aren't they're Tech dependent and so understanding how they kind of you know are wired is is an important thing um but anyways uh it was really insightful and uh and a good conference overall so um but aside from that I think um unless there are any questions I think that concludes my report I think it's good to get outside the echo chamber at least once a year out to a conference interact with other people doing similar work what are your problems all that you know make those connections I think it's valuable I always found it valuable anyway yeah what I will tell you is with Sherry leaving um I chatted with her a little bit about um what do you use for programs and she uses permit works well permit works is on the way out um they are no longer supporting permit works so as a city we're faced with what are we going to replace us with um Civic plus who runs our website has has uh you know the ability to purchase permit modules okay so what one of the things I went into this there's there's a lot of uh vendors that come to these things and one of the things I went in there the goal was to find a vendor that that has permit you know software you know with Sher leaving she has a lot of experience right M um a lot of historical knowledge just walked out the door so how can we try and get that into a software program seeing as we have to replace it anyways how can we get that into a software program where a lot of that is is already in this this this program um that's what we'll try to be looking for so that maybe the next person leaves but at least it'll be locked into a software program that that can benefit the next person coming in so yeah very good so if that's it for staff reports Nate do you have anything okay then Council reports I got some uh tonight in our work meeting we discussed on the fire department and the security basically of it and the 9111 app and entrance to our buildings and I actually I want to make a motion to change the codes immediately and in the motion to make sure that if you're not an active firefighter you don't have access to the building or anything to do with the fire department unless you're accompanied by an active firefighter and uh as far as the auxiliary I feel they shouldn't have access either unless they're accompanied by an active person and then of course Le on for the fire department but it's important because it seems like we have an open and shut door to a lot of people that are no longer there and there's a lot of stuff in there and a lot of information in there that could be critical what is the role of the auxiliary are they G firefighters supportive to the active members of the fire department when I was on the fire department in b our auxiliary were our wives and they put on the functions and stuff like that I don't know what bethl does I don't know Tammy what is the auxiliary by definition in East Beth it [Music] isly Haven they haven't participated in a lot of the community I found when I was on was they they they gifted the fire department something at the end of the year Christmas that was of think you have I know they have spending and stuff I know they they actually got money from the fire department to start it out and I think they used to I guess I'm trying to make a correlation here if they have keys and access to the fire department if they're not active firefighters why would they need that and if says who knows they want to bring somebody in there and show them around something happens what is our insurance do they cover that if an exf firefighter were to go on a call with someone and there was an accident are they covered under our insurance or what where's the liability with that probably not I want to finish my motion too though and add that the 911 app for all inactive firefighters is removed effective immediately also we have a second I'll second that pretty discussion I I was that's why I was wait you can make your motion I just wanted to know Y what an auxiliary is because if they hold a real Purpose with firefighters or as a firefighter function I don't want to be belittling anybody or they do a lot of work what I know no I understand they do that too but actually I mean they shouldn't have access on their own they should be with an active person I understand what they do too with which is really good for us in the community but still having access to our buildings I don't believe should be happening it's a liability management question that's what it's about it's not about anything else we have to control our liability agree so motion's been made in second and anybody need any clarification about what we're Erica are we on the up and up with this or is there something city in the city council has the right to uh control access to buildings and especially Public Safety um areas and Facilities uh to the non-public and just those on an asne basis and that's the understanding that I have of council members smth motion and that is is that access codes is to be available only to to uh active fire personnel and the 911 app is to only be available to active fire personnel and those that may have access codes or the app um one the codes to those facilities should immediately be changed and those that have access access should immediately be removed that's what I heard the basis of your motion make one Amendment we have to make sure law enforcement can get in right so so somehow so you want to you you want to have it as active public safety personnel sure y because that would Encompass both police fire Sheriff Al everybody yeah and and Al so active public safety personnel yes so do we have do we have something well I don't know you you can take that as a as a friendly Amendment and then the second uh would would incorporate incorporate that as a friendly friendly Amendment I'll do the friendly Amendment what Eric just said Alena sheriff is this clean enough for us to vote on it then yes okay I'll second that so we have a motion and we have a second any further discussion all those in favor of the motion as proposed and amended and friendly amended I opposed none heard so was unanimous okay well with that I'll entertain a motion to I I have one more thing I'd like to bring up and possibly discuss um uh Council recently received a email to do a review of our city administrator which is good it was brought forth by the mayor um with respondents of Council and city employees and City heads for those reviews to be returned to the mayor by via email um and all the past years I've been involved this has been conducted by the City attorney for the originally the City attorney would send the email out and receive it and compile it uh and that was for ammity for any respondents uh and I would suggest that for any uh reviews that have not been received yet that uh they be reported to the City attorney so that he can compile them so I say that because this reduces any ex liability exposure to the city um and it explaining that uh of for for my knowledge the there's been four lawsuits against the city from former employees that have either fired or quit and with having anonymity this reduces any chance of any employee coming back to that may be fired or quit in the future that they can not go back to a review and said oh I turned in this review and now 3 months later I get fired or a hostile work environment was created because I turned in this review and um I'm just saying this in general not questioning no glad you brought it your se but uh that's just been the policy in the past and yeah I didn't know that I've never I've never been involved at all in any reviews of the city administrator before okay and just so you know only one review has come back okay of those requested so okay uh what do you guys think let me let me ask you what do you think Matt well Mr Mayor and coun one being reviewed and what do you what's your thought on it yeah Mr Mayor and councel that's why I I sent the email out with the 360 to everyone and said send it to you because I didn't want to see them right at that point um and then what he says 360 is called Sigma 360 and it's a a form to review Personnel yeah I shouldn't be involved in that at all um well I'm perfectly fine with it going to Aon I don't I think that would eliminate any outside feedback saying yeah well there's the Maran picking out his buddy yeah whatever you know what I'm saying I mean there's been a lot of that I mean ultimately you guys are the policy makers so you decide I serve at your pleasure so in that case I'll have a ribey no that's that I'm fine with it myself um yeah but if you know the City attorney if you want to involve him that would be that would be fine I mean I I guess the process would need to be defined then he receives the the 360s and then what's the expectation to well just basically take the names off them redact the names and send them off um mayor city council um our office has served that function for for various cities and the city administrator and uh it it's it's akin to an outside or if you have the in-house kind of HR um and we do have an HR par illegal Human Resources HR um and really it's that individual who then uh comp files redact basically scrubs and and summarizes so that you get the quality information but you're not able to essentially really determine who submitted that particular review so the idea is to um have a very thorough fully disclosed hopefully uh looked at so that uh so that the employees know that they can give an honest full scale as you've indicated 360 review um but also know that their identity who they are is going to be anonymous and so we're not doing that with me as the attorney I'm handing that to you know PA legal who has the experience has done that many time and then providing it um back to this to the mayor so we would be we would be requesting that you resend it since we've only got I've only gotten one anyway just resent it again but instead of them being forwarded to me they would go to Eric okay and uh and then mayor if you could just for that on cost of your your attorney's fee so that that's great if someone wants to make that motion it's just a human resource cost that's all um what were you saying Eric what so I I was going to say that that one review if you could just forward onto my office so that that employee does not have to re redo that do you want us well I don't know maybe the I won't name the person who it was you should so uh maybe they just want to have a chance to do it again it's not going to me it's going to you you know I think actually there's Merit in that cuz who knows if that review and I don't want to prejudge it but I don't know that review would change as a result of it coming to me yep I I like it so do you want me to send it to you or to the person that it'll be processing it so um send it to me and then I'll sent it to that individual okay so then the other suggestion I would have with this is to open up to all city hall employees not just the the department heads well I I don't see the Merit in that don't it's not just to department heads it's to Carrie to Mike Aaron I mean it's not to Nick or Steve you know um it's to Nate to rod uh I'm trying to think and all the council members it's just about everybody yeah pretty much staff and then anybody who isn't actual staff I mean otherwise you get into somebody got a bone to pick right that me just they not they're not dealing with him as an ad in an administrator type fashion whereas department heads and carrye and people like that all right well they've got an opportunity if they don't like Nate they can complain against Nate you know we're talking no can complain about Nate you're perfect right pretty close uh but no I I I uh I think the distribution of it was okay that's just my opinion the only problem with that is then again people get the impression you're making all the decisions why aren't the rest of the council involved whether that's it or not if it's you fill them out and you send them all to you well no we're going to have them sent to well now we are right but why like that's the r agree that's why I like the idea yeah okay yeah so I agree I agree I don't I don't want them to come to me so that being said I move to adjourn well we have a motion to do this are we all in agreement do we need a motion or just instruction just consensus just consensus consensus is is sufficient consens consensus is sufficient okay then we can go to your motion of adjourning I'll second it motion made to adjourn this meeting all in favor say I I I opposed none heard thank you for coming folks that's a good idea glad you brought it up --------- ##VIDEO ID:DxWoE8I98Z0## so okay well started our meeting so whatever you got on so uh Mr mayor council um council members I know that with the last storm that we had that came through there was kind of a lot of Resident questions as to uh you know what is the city going to do are they going to do anything in terms of storm cleanup and that sort of thing so uh wanted to bring this back before you in the work session here just to kind of get your feedback on on perhaps uh you know directions you want to go with this um I did reach out to City vover who um they spent about $150,000 this year um in terms of setting a a location aside allowing residents to drop debris off there bringing in a tub grinder tub Grinders cost anywhere from3 to $4 a yard or $6 to $7 a yard probably closer to the higher amount during a storm event um and um in the city of Andover budgets uh $300,000 annually for storms so if they don't spend that money in a given year then that money stays in there if they spend 100,00 of it then the next budget cycle they back fill that 100,000 uh but they have $300,000 set aside as a safety fund if you will uh for that would probably be a F5 tornado type of scenario might cost that amount of money uh so there was some discussion as to you know there's um a private company in the in the community here that you might be competing with you know during a storm uh there's the the brush drop off at um at the Sheriff's Office where you for two yards it's free uh to a NOA County residence generally a storm event you're going to have much more than two yards I would think um but you could go back you know the day after with another two yards and the day after with another two yards uh all that is free um that's not free the county actually pays for it but um it's free to the rest resid so the question then is do you do you want to set up a curbside pickup type of scenario um which I don't believe we have the vehicle for that um but you would need a truck with a boom you know to pick this up and load it in and and take it over to a spot or do you want uh more of a um just a city-owned piece of property where you designate this is where uh storm debris can be brought the challenge with that of course is that that um it's usually debris and refrigerators and mattresses and tires and things of that nature so it usually grows um so that's kind of the discussion um you know thankfully we don't we're not in a storm scenario right now where we have to think real quick on it so we have a little bit of time to come up with a solution but but it's um the question is that of resources right and um and how much you want to uh put towards service uh for the residents of east bethl or do you want to kind of say in lie of charging you taxes it's your responsibility to to clean that up so have you talked to Mike rard at all I have not I have not last time I passed their place on 65 they were pretty well stocked up with whatever you want to call it broken trees and stuff so I don't think they have a lot of room to pile it up there what do you guys think I don't think you know we're not talking about an everyday event here and we can still get some bad times over in especially que Lake Beach where you get a good heavy wet snow and you lose a lot of ranches you get severe drop um I got quite a few calls after that last storm went through and then I drove through myself and it it was a tornado that went through it wasn't just little snap twigs and and I think there should be some way or something we can do for the residents whether it's you know not everybody's not everybody's going to have a bobcat or big tractor to move this stuff and as was mentioned you get some commercial guys well sorry for in competition but a lot of them guys take that as an opportunity to rape people for their money because they know people are in need they got to get the stuff off especially if it's on your roof or your power lines and if it knocks the Mast off the roof then the power company won't come back to you hired electrician and not everybody's capable of doing that so again I I don't think for the you know little rainstorm whatever but if it's a major it's a major storm I think we got to work on something here to help them out Nate what what do you how much time B how much time do you guys spend over the beach during the bad one um the beach yeah has Lake Beach we have a few neighborhoods with white pines in them that tend to break a lot that's kind of the biggest issue down there um for this storm we spent about $27,000 uh for these two last two storms that included only the RightWay cleanup um public property and what was in the roads we had probably close to 70 locations with trees in the roads a lot of them are the same spot from the two storms um it's going to come down to City council's Direction how much they want to spend of public money to clean up private property um I think it's going to kind of depend on the size of the storm for locations we do have uh Booster Park for a drop off location as uh Matt mentioned we've done this in the past for some smaller storms we end up getting a lot of other stuff in there it's not storm damage it's does it beat up the field too well that one and that time we did in the parking lot so you stood on the black top do we have surveillance cameras down there so people were dumping other than trees that they could be brought up on surveillance cameras or we do we do not sure do it it's tough it's tough to get good data from US security cameras we've had them here in our city hall and they got to spend the money it's hard to hard to identify a lot of times but um so that's kind of our our thought it kind of depends on the size of the storm if we had a F5 tor tornado we' probably be qualified for some emergency management money um that may be a different story we do have we do have some resources that we can use if needed we could we could use Bondi Park um it's kind of an unused large open area grass we could store there um You probably have to gate it after in the evenings just have it open during the day or something that's that's an option I guess as in an extreme event but for the most part I think this one went pretty well handling how we did so Nate Nate what does the so you do with the brush that they collect right now right now we burn it after a snow cover on a small kind of unus part of John Anderson Park okay and that's gated and locked up so we only have access to that so we don't get any other people dumping in there but so would a possibility be that we could use John Anderson as a drop off point and have that have a have it staffed at for open hours so that uh we ensure what comes in um right now we it's pretty much plump full from just what we clean from from the road there really isn't any more room in there for anybody else to drop anything off in there but but for future occurrences if it was a small storm possibly you'd have to have someone staff it during the day it's it fills up pretty quick and it's our whole summer dumping area so it accumulates throughout the year we can't burn until snow cover in the winter time it's really not a great place to be having a public dump if we were dump would have to probably be at Booster Park or Bond Park but be worth our while to look into a chiper shredder uh like a tub grinder all right sure why not I mean we put a lot of that stuff in the parts we do have a chipper but this stuff is all too large for that and it takes it's a lot of it's a lot of work to run through a chipper I think the tub Grinders are a million or something it would be told me it was a million bucks for a to grinder yeah yeah so is there any County resources to help with us because it's kind of a hit and miss deal you know you never know what community is going to get hit by a bad storm any they must do they deal with it at the county level at all I'm sure they deal with it um the parks department would would go out and clean the uh County rways uh similar to The Way We Do It um they pull up back then to the parks and they'll sell wood you know they have an annual fire firewood sale but um um I I think there's there's two distinction here there's there's picking up debris set us set up in the RightWay or you know around the shoulder or whatever versus actually pulling trees off of people's houses I I don't think that we want to get into that you get into you took out my sprinkler system you know or whatever the case may be and um yeah you get into liability at that point I think that that would be tree professionals that have to do that work work I agree and are en licensed and insured and bonded for and it would be covered by Insurance to some extent right um but in terms of residents getting it to the you know to their driveway or you know edge of the road or whatever then then I don't know if we can rent a truck that can you know um process this I'm sure those are if they are available they're being used during those events probably need a clam truck yeah so and I don't know if we would have a need for that at some point or for other you know projects or you know if there's a component that can be kind of like a rolloff that can be loaded on one loaded off you know type of thing I don't know what the options are there but I would say it would probably be significant dollars to purchase one of those no matter no matter what we do it's going to cost some money and you know we set up here and we oh yeah we represent the residents and we're here to help them and do whatever I didn't expect us to go in there and take stuff off their roast but I would like to see if they could have somebody get it down or get it into a pile where we could do some kind of a mass pickup well if we don't then they're just not going to be able to throw their roads that's all you know the example from Lake anyway is that there's containers are dropped off for um the weeds you it used to be they quit doing that one 10 years ago uh probably five years ago well there was just one there earlier this year I don't know who it was if it wasn't it's at the recycle center now there still location for aquatic weeds yeah the problem with that one was it was filled with garbage all the time yeah yeah yeah okay so a rolloff gets Dro was dropped off and people fill it they used to be able to drop put like uh it was for raion water mil foil was the idea y but over time it ended up being a lot of yard waste and a lot of garbage was kind of the biggest thing in there open dumpster anybody else got any thoughts about this topic I think uh we all agree that we have to have some sort of a plan in place to help out the residents when we have a situation like this whether it be we talk to the the business down on 65 I've seen him where he's full and I've seen him where he's not maybe he mulches I don't know if anybody's reached out is that Mike or Mark Mike rard marike rard talked to him yet we talked to him about pricing on bringing stuff there and what about picking up not about picking anything up no okay we we we talking about getting rid of our stuff what it would cost to get rid of ours rather than burning it but it's too expensive that's kind of funny because they sell the stuff yeah I thought they mulched up their branches and stuff down there you pay to drop it off and then you pay to pick up the mulch well I mean we could approach him because of uh you know what happens if it's a freak you know storm like this too he might be willing to you don't know till we ask him right I can go in and do that I have no problem going down there and talking to him about it yeah I could go with you I know him but we need a plan I think curbside pickup is that's not going to happen go go out throughout the whole community and curbside pickup that's that's going to cost a fortune right but collection points I think is reasonable how many I don't know um I think that makes sense on a bigger storm we don't have the staff we'd have to put everything on a whole be able to drive around and pick up from you you could contracted out but there again it just decides what the council wants to spend on it yeah so strike a balance Mr Mayor seeing as we've already establish the budget for this year we we'll have a finalized budget in um November um we can go down we can't go up um perhaps what we do is we next budget discussion we include that as a possible you know dollar amount similar to Way Andover does that just sits there as an allocated dollar amount and if it's not used it's you know it's not used well like Tim said we need a plan first to know to be able to project what it's going to cost right probability of a storm right well I think it's something we got a plan we can't just say we're going to do it sit on our hands do nothing exactly storms aren't going to quit coming I'd be willing to join you and visiting with Mike and okay if we want to talk to uh neighboring communities Oak Grove St Francis Ham Lake what they do I think you've already checked into that haven't you haven't have some I don't know if it was Aaron or not but or maybe it was you Nate yeah we we've talked Ham Lake Oak Grove they all kind of do the same thing as us to clean up the public right away and streets in the public property and private properties owners are kind of on their own similarties Beth and size acreage Lots it's a little bit different if you're in a small City lot you can get some big some big bucks taking down a lot of trees on some of these properties calling them out I guess but I can Council to decide Nate would you be able to identify a couple areas in the city for drop points I think the yeah the two that we talked about would be the only two that we've come up with are Bondi Park and and Booster Park problem with Booster Park storms are normally in the summertime and that Park is used a lot for sofball so that one's not going to be a great option oh maybe we have a big enough storm we'll bring all of our resources to Bear we'll have emergency man we have a plan that we can deal with that and you it'll be a different story um these kind of like kind of in between size storms where the question is going to come up yeah maybe take another look at that assess if there's any other locations that might just so that we're doing something come up with the plan sure at least as a starting point you and I can visit with Mike rard who's going to have a lot of insights into the actual cost of doing this kind of stuff okay so let's start with that and we'll report back on what we find sounds good fair enough okay n thank you Nate uh Mr Mayor the second item on the agenda agenda this evening is Viking Meadows final plat discussion we have that on the council meeting this evening we wanted to just bring it to work session here and kind of chat through any issues that may or questions that may um have been raised from um from the document that was sent out the developers agreement and um just kind of have a general discussion about it seeing and the HOA too yeah both of them right all the questions you have on that we can raise and okay and go from there so we have the Matt's here this evening and um and uh certainly be willing to answer questions too so Aon you got anything you want to throw in at the no um the city has between the city engineer myself Public Works Director City attorney we have been through this uh numerous times um we've spent about three months on the developers agreement uh Capstone has done everything the city engineer has asked asked of them um uh up to and including uh what their plan is to avoid the turtles should they run into any turtles so I think I think Capstone has hit every item that we've asked them to do so well what do you guys got on your mind uh is there I didn't see any there some kind of a schedule of time when things are going to be building rather than another project we've got going that's been kind of in the works for three years um I I don't there there's a loose schedule I think um obviously uh they need approval from you all before they can even think about breaking ground to start the schedule so um four four or five phase actually let's have Matt uh give a little feedback or information on that CU he's got an idea of what where they're going good to see again Matt council members good to be here um yeah I just want to speak to aon's comment I do want to thank um thank your staff um we have been working we actually submitted this plat back in July and um start to start this conversation and we've been working over the last now four months July I guess maybe it's three months somewhere in there to make sure as we've gone through this everything is is appropriate and correct to what you had approved with the pre plot but uh Aaron Craig um Matt I know you were involved with a couple of our meetings we we've had a lot of Engagement with our um State and with the county to make sure we went through all the appropriate approvals through them as well um so I thank your staff and everybody that's been involved with this it was a great great help to to have the team together for that last uh last big push um and even here with uh within the last several weeks working with your attorney to make sure that developers agreement met the requirements from the council so um so thank you to all of those folks and thank you to to you for entrusting them and the conversations we we hope that what you have in front of you is a representation of what you had asked for us when we um brought forward a pre-at and have that approved earlier this year so so speaking to the question about schedule um yeah we're um anticipating the hope is with approval tonight uh this project is out for bid right now and our first edition which is what you have in front of you um our goal is to be able to start actually in January and February of next year one of the first things we do have to do uh as we've talked about before is green cleanup the clean up of all the the greens has to get completed first and so we want to do that in the winter time when the ground is Frozen that's the best way for us to haul that material to the landfill the waste landfill so our goal is to start on that as quick as we can in January um and that'll roll into February and then our ground break for for grading our goal is to get that started as soon as we're able to this spring it'll probably be in March because of the conditions of the soil out there and that'll then roll us right into our our development schedule usually a project like this would take us about four months from groundbreak to paved roads and that's been our our schedule on all of our projects we had six different projects we developed this year and the rain slowed us down a little bit but they all all were in that same four to five month time frame from beginning to end when you'll have streets paved and we'll all be way on our way with with our first couple of homes going up so okay Matt I got a question for you yes sir I was reading this over on page 81 and uh starts out at number eight through 12 I'm just trying to figure out I see the cost that you have there and then number 12 it says uh the developer shall receive an oversized Credit in the amount of $88,500 uh in the course of our approval or process of of working through the project with the city's engineer we were asked to take what have been our standard plate for pipe size into the development and for future development to the South so I believe that's Osborne's property um and I think that's the only area mainly where we were asked to make the pipe bigger so oversize it to serve other developments outside of our own so when there's oversiz or when there's other developments being served outside of our own um there's an oversized credit to us because we're putting in more infrastructure than is necessary for our development and it is for your future development expansion to to the South okay credit thanks that's yep that is the oversized credit so okay thanks so 88,000 today is what Millions would be to right y yep so usually this looks a little bit differently so I I might just speak to how um to how the city of uh East bethl manages your sack and whack fees your storm and water access comes off of the building permit um sometimes we also see that on we see that instead of on the building permit on the development side so that credit kind of usually offsets itself that way but in this case we're paying all those sack and whack fees through the building permit so it's kind of just two two different places where you'd see the the fee to cover the costs of area charges and a credit that's associating with some of that stuff so I just have another question to Matt I'm trying to find the thing but I can't find it right now but I was reading and then it says that every seven days our Engineers checking what you guys are doing is that like common practice yeah it is absolutely y so I mean does somebody document that or who how does that work yeah so Craig uh a city engineer has an onsite project um review person who has a worksheet uh and they will uh either at the request of the developer or on a regular basis run through the checklist to ensure that utilities ensure that the city streets are being developed within our standard okay do they take setbacks and all that stuff too yep looking to yep that'll all be uh verified uh when that happens our city city engineer does that yep and there's a section of um escro money set aside uh that the developer will um uh assure us that that's going to happen uh should they default we have that money to continue the project ourselves under the review of the city engineer okay y so that's that's accounted for two times and then individual Lots when the permits start coming in for each lot each one of them will get an independent zoning review in my office to ensure that the setbacks also are met before construction will even start okay all right thank you that's it for me so one thing that's really helpful is to have someone with Craigs Craig yokum's experience with this community yeah definitely very helpful for a project like this um I was I was had one question here uh it refers to phase one I mean or maybe I'm inserting that would you regard everything you've developed now as being for phase one and then it says something about treating the other Parcels as out Lots is that is that the also customary yeah so uh it's a good question question mayor the um the grading itself the limits of the grading the first phase of grading are much greater than the 40 um 40 is it 47 Lots y 47 thank you I've got yep too many 40s in my mind right now um 47 Lots uh is our first edition so that's what our streets and utility work are all aimed towards but our grading actually encompasses most of the north portion of the entire plat preliminary plat so that's what we're calling our phase one grading and it actually ends up being being almost 150 lots that we're grading oh okay or um yeah 152 Lots I believe that we're grading out and we're grading our ponds and there's a lot of structure that goes with all that that's all all a part of this phase one construction plan so um so I don't know where you saw the phase one but that's that's how we're looking at it grading phase one is all of this area our first edition is the 47 Lots plus a few outlots so the out lots that you see in the plot so they're there's a bunch of other larger outlots yeah um those are either outlots that will be dedicated to the city that's storm water treatment plan um ponds or the park is an out lot um the large open green space that's an old that's one of the T or one of the um greens not greens uh Fairways that's Park area that's an out lot that's dedicated so those are all part of this Dedication that we'll do when we when we have the approval and we go to record our final plat we'll be beeding those lots to the city as required through the developers agreement so those some of those will come to you some of those will stay with us for future our future lots that we're going to build still those will retain and then when we come for our second edition replot some of those out lots for that next addition of lots whatever we choose to to do as we keep it going I also don't want to say it again but um the developer will be putting up escrow money to cover the cost of site creating should they walk away from this project the city will Reserve that money to finish grading the project as well as if they do get all of the grading done and then decide to not continue we have the Monies to co to cover um erosion control keeping the sediment from running into the ponds and all that that is that will be established before we even issue or hand out the final plat over the counter those monies have to be established or we won't let it go out the door very good thank you other questions comments just just one more um there's 47 Lots in that phase one correct when you break ground how long do you anticipate phase one to take uh to build all of those hes really Market's going to dictate to that um to that purpose but we do have so we have two different products in there that we're starting with so we're starting with the um the detached single family that are the smaller of 55 foot and and then we're also starting with a 70ft product so that's great for us because we'll both products will run basically simultaneously and we anticipate that helps us with a little bit better sales Pace um and I don't know exactly what our established sales Pace does when we when we build these communities because we're production driven we set our goal and we meet our goal and so if we say for a community like this we honestly believe I think that we'll be through all all these 47 within the year and that we're going to probably establish a pace that's going to get through them within the that year so it could be that we're doing two a month of each of the product at the same time so four homes a month basically going through this next year if the if the market gives us that we're going to do it and that means that you're probably going to see us here for that second edition next um next year around the same time and we'll be maybe that we're looking for another 50 Lots or even more depending upon what the Market's allowing us to do so who's building the homes Capstone homes you guys do have your own we yeah we're not we're not selling any of the Lots it's all through Capstone homes okay so so just a question on curiosity so you're going to be developing a golf course that has Irrigation in it and other underground needs uh how do you have a plan on how you'll be dealing with that will you be taking all the irrigation and everything else out yeah everywhere where there is irrigation there's cuts and fills to the grading so most of that is going to get ripped out and and removed our actual demo budget is significant because we have that we have some of those out buildings that need to come down to so there's there's a lot of different things we'll be pulling out we have some wells to decommission um so yes there's there's a lot of infrastructure in the ground we're aware of that we'll be working through as we go through the project okay you'll be removing it as you go yeah as we go as as we encounter it I don't think we're going to chase everything there's going to be some areas where it's just going to stay natural so there won't be ability for us to go and tear that up looking for irrigation but everywhere that we're going to be developing or where there's going to be any type of infrastructuring like that that will be removed okay any other questions or comments for Matt this time sounds like somebody's done their homework it's not your first rodeo is it no I I I don't like coming up here without being prepared guys so that's our goal all right well thanks Matt yeah thanks for the few minutes look forward to talking later on yep facility access policy Mr Mayor uh wanted to third item on the agenda wanted to bring this before the council to chat a little bit about a facility Access Control policy we've um we had a um issue where there was a misuse of of some uh software equipment and um and so that kind of brought on the larger question of well who has access to some of this and who has access to facilities and should they have access um as I started thinking about it um you know many times you know there'll be sensitive information on computers and people walking by can see that and that can be a violation of HIPPA or some other you know uh some other thing that could get the city in some deep water at least in terms of uh you know liability and so that kind of brought on the whole facility discussion um I sent this U document uh I um checked with u Jerry strike actually who was the Andover uh fire chief he had a kind of a facility Access Control policy that they had written up for Andover um and we that was sent to everyone via email to to kind of look at that uh to come to give you ideas in terms of what you might be looking for for um uh for um for this discussion but you know there's there's I I should say in the beginning there are city-owned facilities and there are city-owned facilities that people are under contract with and um you know Whispering Aspens is one the community center there is you know there was discussion about the ice arena and possibility of a business coming in taking over that and operating that that that would be a city-owned facility that this policy might not should probably not apply to but um but that would be a carve out to this type of policy so uh but in terms of City Hall in terms of fire stations in terms of um anything else that we want to include um maybe not the senior center uh that's attached but um you can identify what what facilities you're you're referring to and again somewhat limiting it to um employees current employees um that if there's visitors that they're accompanied um and uh and making sure that um that they don't have free access of things and areas they shouldn't go to I I I know we don't have a policy as of yet on this and so I I think it's important that we uh start looking at this and kind of thinking about it and not that you know not that you always need to go to worst case scenario however one one issue can cost a city significant dollars in terms of um you know releasing the wrong information by accident so um I sent um I sent this document to you um and kind of wrote it for the East bethl fire department this could also apply to City Hall it could apply to any facilities that you want so it's not necessarily just uh the East Bel fire department but taking that as an example and kind of working through that we can see how that applies to other facilities as well um and it kind of talks about the responsibility of each members uh to understand rules and safety to report any issues that they see that they are uh know how to operate equipment safely um they comply with state laws you know in this case wearing seat belts whenever driving or riding in City vehicles um that there you know there's an emphasis on m m maintaining Security in the building uh if they see a door open you know they should probably figure out why it's open and make sure the people aren't going in that sort of thing uh accidents and injuries in terms of reporting all the accidents that happened uh to their superiors um you know that's important thing um I think safety here is also very important um in terms of uh you know if you see an unsafe situation or practice it's important to to report that and um and I think that currently is is a practice but I don't know that that's written down necessarily as of yet um identification cards um that are used I know we have them here at City Hall to get access to to uh to facilities so the question is then who gets these these these U uh identification cards and I think arguably if you're a if you're a uh uh you know a current employee you would have access to that if you're not a current employee uh you probably shouldn't have access to that because you could gain access to a facility in after hours and and that wouldn't be appropriate um it almost seems like this would be something that League of Minnesota cities since we have so much insurance with them that they would it would be like something covered in with an insurance audit you know various policies you have in place to control liability for the city does that make sense yeah I mean uh I'm not I mean do they have for example a policy of a effect simil of a policy for us to look at because they must deal with us at every city that they Ure you know I I I would say they're they would probably be surprised if to learn that we don't have it maybe it's a good way to I would believe that yeah um in here there's talk about weapons um in this particular case uh you know unauthorized possession of dangerous weapons um I was just reading in here um uh I was talking about um unless you have uh unless you have like a concealed carry permit or something of that nature you know you'd be you'd be authorized at that point um but the these are again these are components that can be put in there can be modified can be changed and you know at your desk here we have um kind of a some other summary ideas that could be utilized to to go into this as well um and uh and I think it's it's incumbent upon us to make sure that that we put together a policy that not only in this case picking on the fire department would apply to that but would apply to City Hall would apply to facilities that should you know for example our our um our facility up there with the water tower probably shouldn't have people messing around inside there you know this shouldn't be there um you know you're dealing with chemicals and things of that nature high pressure lines and things like that that could be dangerous and so um this is something that I think applies across the board for the city and um and we should probably we should probably wrestle a policy down here and get it on the books so that so that everyone can kind of understand what our expectations are on it what's the Genesis of this is I mean it was has there been an incid that prompted this or is it just something that one day Bing I got an idea no we had a we had an an instance where there was a um U we you know there used to be a a call out for for um fire calls there was um I forget the prior prior name of it but it's currently active 911 there was an instance where somebody released data on that to the Public Public placed it on on the uh Facebook kind of went around um it became a problem right there was no sensitive information in there although there can be sensitive information in there in other words if you're a firefighter and you're being dispatched to um to a medical you it kind of says what the blood types are and things that I mean this is hippoc covered I mean people just can't have access to this information aside from law enforcement and firefighters right uh responding First Responders and so in that particular situ situation we had kind of a misuse of of of um uh equipment or technology technology which we have a policy for that um so there was a violation of that policy but then that kind of precipitated this hold on a second though what if you know you got it on your screen and somebody's walking through and who do we control walking through so that's kind of what what kind of triggered that question that came up and the obvious answer was well we don't have a don't have a policy on that so well I guess I'm looking at it from well will example the fire department you got people on the fire department they get paged out there's sensitive information but once you leave that fire department there shouldn't be access to that any longer I don't feel you have it on your cell phone what's that you have it on your cell phone well yeah but you got the you got the app on your cell phone from somebody at fire somehow that is it's just an open invitation you you get somebody that leaves the fire department maybe they're not a happy camper they still have this app right and then they figure out somebody figures out how to hack it well now you got this going on all over the place when I worked as a medic when somebody left to do whatever we change we had passcode locks so you could you didn't have to go through a bunch once you change you just change your code and then they couldn't get in mhm but there's got to be some way to say okay you're no longer here you have no more access to this or I imagine for an abuse you could get criminally charged for using it like in a case where you said maybe it's not true maybe it is right so in that particular situation if the city knows like for example somebody's reti tied and still has access to it if the city knows that and that's that turns out to be the leak um is a city liable well in our litigious Society I think you become liable and everybody else too right and uh and so that's what we're trying to avoid a little bit is is is not only um that particular aspect but also you know there's always sensitive employee information on on manager computers and things you know in the office and so if if somebody's going through there that's not an employee or shouldn't have access to that you have a scenario whereby you have some risk have you talked about this at all with rod rod Sano or fire chief we've chatted a little bit about it and um and I wanted to bring it to the council here first to kind of get your take on it if this is something that you want to pursue in which case then we can start crafting I think we need all the language I think we're all in agreement that we need to so how do you want to pursue it how do you want to move it forward okay under the Personnel committee or what yes Mr Mayor we can bring it to the Personnel committee we can um take input from you guys as to you know this should be in there that shouldn't be in there you know um kind of compile that and get the consensus on it and then draft a policy and and um and basically hammer it out you know I think basically is trying to get control is something that has been out of control for quite a while well and part of it is you've got you know I think again picking on the fire department um things are less ha at us here in in City Hall but uh I'm sure there are things that people can get hurt on in the fire department if they have access to it and you know right something falls out of a truck or whatever the case is someone gets injured all of a sudden now you're you're liable for that so what the heck are we got people walking around in the fire Department if they don't belong there it's a man it's just a man matter of managing liability that's all it's about right so I'm Avers to risk I understand yeah me too uh so we're basically an agreement that we need to address this so again how do we specifically move move forward well we've got um how would you how would you see us doing it we've got 15 minutes here we can talk about this document if you want um kind of strike what you don't like or if you want to go through that otherwise um if you want to take more time reviewing this reviewing the sheet I gave you at your desk um you know you can kind of mold the two together and come up with well what do you guys think why don't we take it who's all on the Personnel committee question I think I am I think you and me well let's my recollection mine as well get together somewhat soon and just hammer out a few things and send it out to the group say well what do you think Matt will send it out to the group and get feedback I do have a question on the 911 app don't you have to give the department your cell phone number to turn it on because you just can't get that app anywhere can you no it the you will only only the authorized Personnel have access to that app and can they shut down that app too with the number sure yes do we pay on the number of users yes we pay by the number of users I believe it's by the number of users okay so the ones that are no longer involved in the fire department then we should just shut them off well I know the current policy right now is um retirees have access to it and um I'm s the other um what's that called auxiliary auxiliary have access I believe to it so the question is should they um and okay why would the auxiliary have it right right away I might be wrong on that but I I would verify with the fire chief who who maintains access I think he's got an administrative I know the auxiliary have access to the facility that may be the that should be changed too if that's Crossing of Wares okay so interesting but it' be very similar Mr Mayor to a prior mayor walking through the facility here it's probably not appropriate that that would happen no whereas you guys do have access to it so same sort of same sort of idea okay so you want to just call a meeting of the Personnel committee and next week okay sometime on I'll I'll email you to confirm TR hammer out an initial draft and send it out to everybody and get some feed back do you think in the meantime we we should put some sort of a pause into effect keeping unauthorized Personnel up there at when they're not supposed to be up there uh our legal team just walked in should we ask him I think that'd be a good idea actually I think we need a little legal advice NE Oh I thought or something yeah he's probably hanging his coat and stuff I think the practice has just been what the practice is so the question is is do you want to put a pause on that until this policy is established and and uh completed uh in which case then it can go it would be whatever the policy is moving forward I I don't think there's anything wrong with that yeah because I think we should probably change access codes effective immediately and not giving out to any fire Personnel that's not active at this time that's my suggestion I don't know I've never had it I guess I don't have any don't have any use for it myself somebody else wants it I mean if it's that critical an emergency we going to know about it anyway just through Emergency Management protocol okay is that uh the will of the council then to change the uh codes at this point and and shut off anybody who's not active duty anybody who's not Ive Duty there he is what I'm looking for you okay all right I mean that's just that's I'm just speaking for myself I just have one thought um I know alen likes to bring their rig in there and the Sheriff's Office uses that as a um downtime or a lunch break station so I just want you make sure that your policy is encompassing enough that all emergency responders that work our community can still have I don't excl basically talking about non-members so yeah unauthorized people correct nonactive Duty I just wanted to point that out no yeah no well there's nothing else motion to adjourn we have one more thing on there second okay a motion's been made and seconded to adjourn our work meeting all in favor say I IED none heard by the way Matt I'm going to try to start and help me remember