##VIDEO ID:f-WUxt2ig_A## e bikes are hot huh he was here so uh Tim you got a deer hanging yet no still haven't seen them huh B one I've seen him not a good shot at him oh that's right you said he couldn't get him to turn around okay guys uh so we'll call to order the uh November 13 2024 regular meeting of the East bethl Minnesota city council if you all could join us and sing the Pledge of Allegiance please Al the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible and justice for all thank you make a motion to adopt tonight's agenda motions made motions made and seconded by Mr Miller any discussion needed yeah we need to add two things that's Mr do ro speaking need to add uh because we we we need to add tabling the relief funding well we do that when we get to the yeah I'll pull that and we can deal with it that one in create a ag all right that's fine I'll pull that what was the others um the security systems we're going to vote on doing the security systems but we're in a work session were we ready to vote on that we we didn't have a write up for that we can it's up to you if you if you want us to bring that back or do to well yeah we need we need the final put together yeah we'll get that in the next we just like how you make proposal Nate that's all well we got a problem with that recycling center I don't know if people remember but they shut down that tank where you dump disposable oil remember that no you weren't here were you yeah I was they were F pcbs in there people were not doing what they should so we went quite a while without that tank yeah and that's one that's not covered by by the camera anymore huh okay so we've got a motion made and seconded do we need to do anything if not all those in favor of adopting the agenda say I I I opposed none heard therefore the motion passed okay so the first item on the agenda is uh presentations and public hearings the link utility public hearing and resolution 20247 you taken that for us Nate you Matt I can take it yeah uh Mr Mayor we're um just calling for a public hearing on this back on the uh last council meeting we set out November 13th as a public hearing date for individuals wishing to object to the delinquent charges being collected through the assessment process we um had provided uh this information for you these are the remaining addresses of delinquent accounts and just to go through this this is the utility amount due M there's a $70 charge that the County charges us to actually place it on the property taxes oh wow in addition to the interest y they don't do it for free uh the interest is 18% but that's over 12 months so it's 1.5% a month this is the interest amount added up and this is the total um these individuals have been sent letters saying this is outstanding some of them like to have it placed on their taxes I don't quite understand that myself but at any rate um this is quite honestly the end of the road in terms of how we can collect this money and um were we supposed to have someone here tonight I thought I thought the the note said that there was one party who was going to come and well that that's why after after this you'll call for a public hearing someone if there's someone here that wants to speak to it they can there's no one then you close it so it'll be a surprise we'll find out maybe a surprise it looks like the number's gone down from the first time we had this in the packet yes yeah so there are people that wants to get the notices they pay these are the remaining individuals good eye Bob there was a question as to why um you know a large number was coming from Whispering asen's residential customers that's where a large number of our users are quite you know um and The Preserve so so that's where that's where our customers are that's why it shows up there the rest of community doesn't have aren't hooked up to this so um isn't singling them out or anything like that does any of this ever go into litigation or is it just kind of sit there until they sell a place and then it's tacked on or this would go on their annual property taxes so if they don't pay their property taxes then there's that process of tax forfeiture and all that that you know isn't very pretty either so um but the total is $4,753.14 close the public hearing on this matter and then we have a resolution resolution 20247 which is to forward this information to the county resolution 2024 74 Mr Mayor is a final certification for delinquent utility charges for collection with 2025 property taxes um I move to move the resolution 2024 74 certification of delinquent charge is I'll second that motion made by Mr D Ro and seconded by Mr Miller is there any discussion of the matter I'm just curious Matt like uh the Greystone trailer park is that part of this or no uh Greystone has they charge their own residents for um for sewer so we build them one lump sum they figure out how to distribute that amongst their customers okay okay so that's strictly most of those are so if they don't if they don't collect they must have a process for for collection thank you that's it y any further discussion okay we got a motion made and seconded to approve resolution 20247 all in favor say I I opposed none heard the motion carries that takes us to the public forum do we have anybody on our public forum sign up sheet over over there miss gimple how are you today Tammy good Tammy Gumble 22359 baton Street East bth mayor councel City administrator uh first I'd like to to see I know we got off to a bad start you City administrator and I from January February whatever of this year so I'm sure there's area of that's kind of a area of contention um I'm I'm wondering when you guys did up a I wrote notes and then I forgot my notes so when um you file a complaint and it goes to City administrator correct if you file a complaint with the city or you mean if a if a resident files a complaint correct oh okay where does it go it goes does it go to carry City administrator does it go to it used to go to Jack so I assume it when it goes to the city administrator actually Mr Mayor the Community Development department handles the complaints they're filed there and then followed up on for whatever the complaint may be based on okay so the complaint I excuse me filed I know I sent it to City ministrator all of you and this was on the um active 911 that was posted that was a private private app posted out on public and I believe you guys even just did policies on because of that you're doing you're making policies now yeah we actually didn't get to it in the working meeting but it was it was on our agenda right it's uh Safety and Security and yeah and that's I mean right the end part of that and that's that's great that's what should happen um I'm still wondering where that is with the active 911 if that is if it's going to be investigated if I'm being heard if it's just going to be pushed under the rug where where that is going where it is and where it's I guess I'm wondering where it is I would prefer to I worked well with Jack and I prefer to send my stuff and get it figured out and not come here I don't want to come here but if I'm not being heard I feel like I'm going to have to come here and so and that's why I'm here Mr Mayor it's not for the pl of our company Tammy yeah Mr Mayor I had a conversation with Mr gimple um on the tel phone and I believe you were there at least uh and speaker you could hear it and um and I apologized on behalf of the city for the dissemination of this information uh there's been nobody that's come forward that said hey I did this or whatever the case is so we do not have any evidence of who would have done it and I'm not sure that we're going to uh go through the process of accusing 29 firefighters of of doing this um what we did determine is that there was not private information disseminated in this um and that um you know and so the the risk of private information going out didn't happen although it could happen in the future hence the reason why we're changing the policy yeah or drilling down on the policy policy I know there's a misuse of electronics you know and prior policies but this drills down specifically on this um active 911 as I understand from the fire chief may not be uh continued um because they use um I'm drawing from memory the one that uh that is not available to the public now almost exclusively um so do you know what that is J it's uh first due I don't first do first first first doe first due is the system that the U fire protection Council decided they were going to go to and um and they've implemented that for all the agencies in Anoka County um so that in and of itself may have rectified this issue ever happening again because no one outside of First Responders gets access to that so that being said I again I'm not sure is GLE if you want us to apologize again if that would help um but I I'm not sure that we haven't come to the end of the road on this discussion okay I wasn't on the phone just so you know but I heard you speaking in the background but that's okay it's it's no different for me so okay what I think though is okay if I I'm almost positive you have those two mixed up I believe First do is public I believe active 911 is not a public app you cannot get it without a code and you can't a public can't get active 911 if I if I can prove that to you that that is I don't know who told you that or who is giving you that information there are there are three there's first du pulse point and active 911 okay but I'm speaking only of active 911 just because that one was one posted understand if if that if I can prove to you that that was a private that it's private and no one from the public can get it and I I get it so are you saying that you did an investigation or there you don't want to accuse firefighters of of that because that one is not public there is not one person in the public I that can I just received a note from uh Chief Sano that first do is not the public one okay Nei neither is active 9 on well okay I guess we was there any way to go back to whoever dispatched and find out who who called it in the the only way um Mr Mayor and counc members that this can be determined would be um a court order of some sort uh to try and determine that and that would be your option as well if you decide you want to to pursue this in court and and subpoena 29 firefighters and and and that sort of thing I'm just not sure that that's good use of public dollars seeing as it wasn't a dissemination of private information so um again I I I don't know that this hasn't come to the end of the road but you would probably disagree with well how did how wasn't gratitude Farms named in the app or on online that was the caller was gratitude Farms it mayor council members so forth this this is a public for where a resident basically is the one that provides um their particular Viewpoint and so forth that generally is not a form for a huge kind of Q&A and discussion into a subject matter what we've had here is is is there was a resident complaint um and then the recipients of the complaint in this case the governmental body has a reasonable discretion within a range about how to essentially take that information and then process it in this case investigate and then make some decisions those decisions may not align with necessarily the purposes or the goals and objectives of the resident but that that happens and it happens all the time one particular individual Viewpoint is going to different from another and especially when we have an organizational so what we've hear heard from the city administrator is a response to that complaint response that is reasonable and trying to essentially approve the operations of the business and I think this particular uh issue has been fully flushed out in the within the context and the scope of a public forum and I would just urge everyone to move on I can appreciate that I can um and that's what I guess I was looking for I didn't get I didn't get anything with Jack I always got something not to compare you to Jack but I always got an email back saying we did this this it's you know it's done and I know I'm not the person's not always going to like what they hear and I'm okay with that but I got nothing I just got I got nothing and I I know what you said but I didn't get anything saying that we concluded it okay well can we can we wrap it up for Mr larsson's remarks because it's been y we're done I'm done that was it I I was looking for a response and I I got it so thank you are we are we done with this particular top I'm not going to be back here for that not for that nope okay all right thank you all right that uh closes the Public agend Public form excuse me that next item on the agenda is the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda motion's made do we have a second if somebody wants to pull item D um I'd like to add g& h you want to you want to second the motion then we can go into discussion and do our pulling or what well don't we have to put it on the agenda first I mean how can you vote on some ain't on the agenda so uh mayor council members there's two ways to do this but I think uh the best way is to go ahead and move in second and then those individuals that want to add to the consent agenda can do so and and then we will deal with the adding first and then we'll deal with the subtraction second okay okay second okay so we got a motion in a second and we'll say discussion you wanted to add you wanted to add something yeah I want to add G you want to add item G what is item G we to table the fire department release leave funding pending more information that's that would actually be covered under d d yeah we just have to pull item D yeah just table it yeah didn't table it at that point um an H oh H I guess we haven't decided on the security so don't add it yeah no we're not yeah we're not ready to do that we we need a pro write up from Nate before Mr Mayor we'll bring that on the 9th um the next council meeting and firm up those numbers and get a concise deal so right I'll pull item D then D is in dog item D is pulled and he wants to pull a Mr Mayor who's pulling a j okay do you want to uh can we have a vote on the consent agenda net of item a and item D which have been pulled all in favor of approving it it's already moved and second it so all in favor say I I I opposed none heard that means the consent agenda as edited is approved so item a approved Bill list Mr Smith Matt I got a question on the arena operations I'm just curious is there a way that we can get something from maybe Mike uh showing us when we started doing that the reason I'm questioning that is because I'm seeing there's a lot of different numbers since we approved the city taking care of the Arena so is there something that they he can provide showing us that you know that we're close or we're not over what we were like what gives are you are you describing like what the expenses might look like for the projected 2025 as opposed to first half of 2024 something Mr Mayor that that is a report that is generated and I've seen it recently so I can forward that to the council and and we would expect them not to look alike because we were paying a company Gibson to manage a facility so you know a lot of those costs were taken care of by them out of their the money we paid them 10,000 a month thereabouts yeah was it 9 9500 or something a month Mr Mayor what I what I will say is that the majority of the income for the ice arena comes in during hockey season ice time so but the arena operates all year long so coming up to the ice season you're running a deficit right until you're selling you know every hour of ice and then at the end of the year you come out ahead so right now the report why I'm just drawn from memory is might be um $60,000 deficit or something like that but but don't be alarmed that's uh that's to be expected before we yeah yeah that's what I I want to know just to keep an eye on it cuz like Gibson never broke down nothing so I'm thinking this is a breakdown of a lot of different things yeah here we can uh show you the report right here so this is through the end of October starting when uh first of the year so it's oh Jan it's not broken down by since we started but so this this report's generated generated each month um 67,000 our revenues year to date is at 96 like I said we haven't got into the into the hockey season yet so this is when this one really gets rolling and then our expenditures year to date and what we have budgeted scroll down just a yeah there you go so we're still under what's what we budgeted correct yep we're still I can tell you we just sold a whole bunch of ice time to Andover which has never happened in the past they bought a bunch for this upcoming weekend very nice we're selling ice to people we've never sold to before so I think this first year we're going to have a little bit of more upfront cost that we had to get things up and running we had to get the security fixed we had to do some building improvements um we've sold more ad Revenue this year than we have in the past so all that's going to help overtime I think next year will be a even better gauge of it but we're doing pretty good so far sounds like it was a good good move to get Gib out and get right everything we've heard from the hockey Community has been great great so far so so Mr Mayor I I just want to sh give a shout out to Jay as well I think he's um a lot of vested interest there and um and he's I lack of a better word hitting it out of the park I think so that's great good thank you Nate and thanks to Jay thanks I'll make a motion to approve item a motions made to approve item a of our consent agenda second multiple seconds any further any further discussion all in favor say I I motion passes motion carries how however you prefer it okay the other item pulled was by Mr mundle that was item D I'll make a motion to table item D until uh the 9th mean on the 9th December 9th second that motion made by Mr mundle to to table item D of the consent agenda seconded by Mr Miller That's the resolution 22476 fire department benefit level increase we're tabling it until December 9th meeting of the city council did I say that correctly okay all in favor any further discussion of the issue not all in favor say I I opposed motion carries okay we have nothing under new business nothing on or under departmental reports under Public Works we have a 2025 equipment Capital Improvement plan and that's definitely Mr Nate good evening again mayor and council members um I'm here tonight to talk about making some changes to our Capital Improvement plan um for 2025 the city of East Bel currently has two Ford f450s these are medium duty uh diesel engined kind of dump body trucks that we use for plowing culd thex parking lots and a lot of uh they're kind of our workhorses for the summer months for pulling bobcat and mowers and things like that these two particular trucks have have been plagued with issues because of the diesel engine and the emissions requirements that go along with that um over the last two years one of them has been at the dealership for nine months we we've had uh the last two summers one of the vehicles wasn't available to us for the entire summer for the last two summers so kind of our heart of our season when we need these vehicles they haven't been there the the kind of the Crux of the issue is they're designed with some pretty sophisticated systems for dealing with diesel emissions and for our purposes um we don't use them hard enough to justify having a diesel engine I think is with these new diesel engines I guess most of our trips are local trips within the city under 68 miles to get from one side of the city to the other we don't get the vehicles up to highway speeds where they have a chance to uh reach the point where they can burn off the particulates that are in the uh in the engine so what we're proposing is to um move these vehicles up in our timeline and and and sell them we think uh there's a pretty good Market out there for for contractors they're able to take these vehicles and remove all these emissions things that we're not able to do right now um we've kind of been watching on minbid they've been selling for pretty good prices uh somewhere in the 30 to $35,000 wow so we could recoup 50% of the initial cost um that's a lot more than we originally planned when we set up this equipment replacement schedule and what we would propose doing in in in place of that would be to move a single axle snow plow that we have planned for 2025 moving that back a year I think that's a $350,000 uh snow plow that we have in the budget um I have the uh existing um equipment replacement schedule is attachment one and the proposed um one is attachment two in your in your packet so we move one truck down a year and then move these two um f450s up until 2025 and replace them one with a gas engine t uh with a contractor dump box would be similar uh be able to do the similar duties as these diesel engines Hall stuff plow snow and the other one we would would not put that contractor box on and just do a crew cab um f it'd be a 3500 Chevrolet they were the the best prices on the state bid so and over the next three years it'll save the city roughly $45,000 um by not going with diesel engines and getting rid of one of these contractor boxes as well as any cost we're going to have for work on these diesel engines the one that we spent all the money on the other one hasn't had these repairs yet but talking with the Ford Engineers it sounds like they they're going probably come up on on this other one as well so we're kind of thinking let's just get rid of it now before before we have to deal with it it was a total of $18,000 we went round and round with Ford the actual manufacturer got involved which takes a lot to get to that point Tim our mechanic has spent hours on the phone dealing with both the dealership and the manufacturer they were able to kick in $8,000 for the one truck they covered that we ended up paying 10,000 out of for the city to get this truck up and running right now they're both working but it could be any time now that same issues come up this North Country GM um you were saying you were going to go to gas but they've got diesel engines listed here 6.6 lit diesel that one is a uh 6.6 ler that's the gas engine isn't it no it's a Duramax turbo diesel well maybe that's the wrong you put it's that's a gas engine quote price this on page 29 of the packet where do you see that on there $873 1220 it's under quotation North Country GM 225 blah Chevy silver Auto 3500 4x4 43,2 76 yep and then if you go down to added options 6.6 L V8 standard so it' be $8,700 if you wanted the Duramax yeah that's the cost so that would be the price if you wanted to upgrade that so that's not checked off it's kind of confusing how they do it it's a big long check you can go through and pick which options you want the far right column is what's actually included so this this price is for the 6.6 L V8 just checking yeah yep so that's the cost it' be 8,700 if we wanted to go up just up front for a diesel so we're saving that on that particular truck there on the Ford about $10,000 more to go to a diesel engine Nate your uh discussion you presented here was very clear and very thorough like it always is so yeah I we really feel this is a better benefit for the city and saving money as well as less downtime and it serves kind of our needs and it doesn't affect any of the budgeting this money's already been put aside into this equipment replacement fund um and like I said I think we'll get quite a bit money on the resale these trucks too so you answer the question I I had written down is it a Ford thing or is it a de thing or is it whatever and you answered it it was they're not operated at the operating temperature that they're supposed to that's the biggest isue really what it is and I would never thought of that no we need is a bigger Public Works building to keep our new equipment inside make it so the guys can drive in and out without been over there Matt it's pretty tight in there it's we've been talking about that for a decade now but that'll come up with when we do a building uh assessment so included in that is a resolution declare these two Surplus property uh it's about 90 days out for the crew cab so all these would take place in 2025 the actual purchase and the one with the contractor box would be an additional probably 60 days after that so it be into the springtime when that one would be available but so we'd still have to use these two diesel engines for these two diesel f450s for another most of this plow season so there might be some more costs involved with Repairs by the time we get replaced but so we've got a resolution 2024-25 in front of us resolution designating Surplus equipment I assume you're looking for an approval of that yeah we'd like a recommendation to make the changes to the equipment replacement schedule that would be included in the 2025 budget and then resolution 202 2477 and 202478 declaring cace property and then authorization to purchase the other vehicles on state contract you then for a separate resolution then for that coats tire changer or is that you going to put that in with the trucks or that was on the consent no that was just to us that was already a different resolution yep so first resolution well uh make a resolution to make the proposed changes to 2025 through 29 equipment replacement schedule so are you at 2024 77 are you up above that I'm I'm up above that if you look on page 23 of the packet so first thing we want to do is approve changes to the replacement schedule yes okay 2024 77 26 26 yeah page 26 yeah that's uh that's declaring Surplus property right then after that do you need us to do anything regarding that replacement schedule you're just in Council recommendation because this will be included in the budget for 2025 then we'll we'll swap this out and put it in it doesn't change any of the numbers but it's just for reference what do you need us to do right right now uh a recommendation um um accepting the proposed changes to the equipment replacement schedule yeah that's which is the motion I just made correct Okay Okay so we've got Brian's motion do we have a second Bob D seconds any further discussion if not all in favor say I I opposed none heard motion passes so we are recommending the changes in the equipment replacement schedule yep and then you're going on to resolution 20247 which is designating one of the trucks Surplus equipment and you got another resolution to designate the other truck okay y go ahead so move 20 2477 declaring 2015 450 Surplus property second motion made by Mr D Ro and seconded by Mr mundle to to approve resolution 20247 any further discussion I'll in favor say I I opposed motion carries GL you take this one okay uh make motion to approve 20 24- 78 declaring Surplus property do we have a second second well we give it to Tim second made by Mr Miller you been pretty quiet any further discussion all those in favor of the resolution or the uh motion say I I opposed none heard the motion carries so need one more motion make a motion to authorize the purchase of uh Chevrolet 3500 crew cab Chevrolet 3500 cabin chassis contractor box and snow plows from the quoted state of Minesota contract pricing second motions made and seconded any discussion of this matter hearing none all those in favor of the motion say I I I opposed I move none heard motion carries I move for the repair cost for 2015 F450 and the repair cost for the 2016 F450 do we need those Nate no that was kind of just a summary so you guys could see what we've spent on that so far so we don't we probably don't need nothing on that retract anything on that sir are you complete we're good to go thank good to go thank you very much for a very clear and conc presentation of the facts we always appreciate that that completes uh Department reports so we're down to staff reports Mr Mayor and Council I just wanted to uh report that the County canvasing Board was held today and um you'll recall that aset had been working pretty hard to try and increase the number of precincts that would be randomly selected and and hand counted um they did increase it from six to 8 uh precincts so they um we'll be doing a larger number than they did last time that's statistically that's good it's it's better uh and uh we received an email today that East bethle was again selected for the Post elction review which will be held on Monday the 18th um so I believe that is three years in a row now um what are the odds of that the lightning strikes thanks Nate and uh and so um that does present a little bit of work for Carrie and for our election judges and and um so just when she thought she was wrapping that up she gets kicked when she's down but anyway that's pretty dramatic well I'll tell you what she's she's been working uh very hard um you know the increased hours that the state has imposed on cities for for being open during uh for early voting and that would be nice if they funded their propositions yeah it was an unfunded mandate certainly and um and our staff has really been put under uh duress you might say to to meet those hours and they did and uh and it was fatiguing and so coming off the elections we we now get to do some more here but at any rate the the the good news of course is that um you know uh we can be Ground Zero in terms of are these machines accurate and uh and I will make the prediction as I have in the past that um that if there's any sort of discrepancies generally it's found in the hand counting not the machines uh and so it's um but this is this is a unique situation that we have here in Minnesota we as you know we fill out a a ballot and we feed that ballot into the machine and the ballot is stored and it's not an electronic version like electronic pole tabs or something like that where you don't know what's going on there's actually a physical ballot in there that can be uh counted in a postelection review such as this so did that flash drive have anything to do with it no I don't believe so no they triggered it okay no um but at any rate um yeah it's uh it's been an interesting election cycle no doubt and um and uh and so we we will be able to see what the results of these uh come out to be on the 18th at least so hopefully it doesn't drag on too much long any idea yet what time of day that is I do not have the time of day I'd like to attend okay yeah that might be interesting I'll let Carrie know and have her send out a u you know um if you I'm assuming it's open to the public so you're the only staff person left here so is that it for the staff reports that is all I have Mr Mayor well in the interest of being thorough and do we have any Council reports I got two items uh we had a sunrise River wmo meeting uh biggest thing that we talked about uh we have a pool of money for Shoreline stabilization projects between Mar Lake and Lake um and so we discuss project ranking and what metrics should be used to decide which projects to be yeah executed uh so that was the biggest thing there but it sounds like we might get a a lot of projects done with this pool of money so on the second thing that I got is uh we're all here on a Wednesday instead of a Monday and that's cuz it was Veterans Day so I just want to thank all the veterans there's one right there so thank you veterans and that's all I have anybody else well we had our uh Rum River bylaws meeting last night oh those are those are pretty much is that available on YouTube I hope not no but we did get a new joint Powers agreement for all the cities involved there and that's something new and it's something that's that's fair and it's going to work well into the future for all the cities involved so that was a good outcome so we're not at logger heads with Ham Lake anymore nope good better than not so water do they control the shoreline stuff control the shoreline stuff as modifying it um no I think that would be uh another organization that you'd have to go through for modifying it what they what they I just know people that are and what what they do is they get uh grants and funding sources to go out and find projects um that uh that need help and then it's uh uh it's like a 7030 or 8020 match that the the proper prop owner has to contribute to get some of this work done so where the um Sun River is contributing the 80 and the property owner contribut get the M for and then and then the sunrise River actually does the the project oh Andy so yeah well I all I can say is you know thanks to the vets I call them brothers and sisters CU anybody served that's what you are some people uh being a veteran that's your family some people don't really have much of a family and once you're once you're a veteran you're always a veteran and you know it's unfortunate the amount of suicides that go on so if you know somebody um Veterans Day is kind of tough on a lot of people brings brings back a lot of memories and so some people don't want to be with anybody some people want to be alone you just check in on them a lot of homeless vets yep anything else folks I move to adjourn second Mr D Ro moves that we adjourn Mr mundle seconded any discussion of that hearing none all in favor say I I no one's opposed imagine that --------- ##VIDEO ID:hK58EOioSJE## thank you look's all right on it just let us know when you're ready I had find my glasses other I couldn't read it's a go well we're waai okay I guess we can get our meeting started now at six o'clock do you want to take the lead or is Carrie going to take the lead on it Mr Mayor and Council um six o'clock is a special city council meeting this is um opportunity to Canvas the Returns on November 5th the uh election the documents in front of you here uh um so if you you call it to order if you want to just adopt the agenda then we'll move on to items three and go from there all right we'll call the meeting to order make motion to adopt the agenda motion made and seconded all in favor say I I I opposed none heard or I could say oh motion passes that makes other people have here okay so it's canvasing returns of November 5th 2024 mayoral and City Council election okay is one of you going to speak or okay um you have in front of you the abstract that we've gotten from Anoka County elections um it's most of the statistics regarding this most recent election including uh registrations how many re were registered that morning how many registered on Election Day the number of votes cast on Election Day number of absentee votes Etc um it also breaks it down uh as to how how many votes each candidate received for both the mayoral contest and the city council contest um and right now today all you have to do is take a look at the take a look at the results and approve the results that we had a dly legal election and if you have any questions I can try to answer those for you what are the precinct numbers know it's one two three but where are they Precinct one oh excuse me um Precinct one is the northern portion of the of East bethl and that is here well it's at the senior center attached to City Hall um Precinct 2 covers a significant portion of East bethl that is west of Highway 65 and south of Viking it's kind of an l-shape and they uh their polling place is at our savior's Lutheran Church on the south side of Viking west of 65 and then Precinct 3 covers kind of the south central part of East bethl and the polling place for Precinct 3 is at fire station number one on the north side of Viking is are these results going to be in the packet or on on our website at all um if not I I'd like to mention the the amount of absentee voting you certainly can um these are directly from the Secretary of State's office and we have a link to those results on our find them online too but the total number of persons voting was 7490 7,490 and 2577 of those were absentee that's a that's almost 35% correct wow kind of an interesting factoid and it gets larger and larger with every election City so do you need an a vote of approval of this or acceptance of this we do have a resolution if you guys are done with your side meeting there do we we have a motion to accept the canvasing results anybody want to make a motion to accept make a motion to accept the abstract for the second4 election motion made and second by Mr mundle any discussion if not all those in favor say I I I opposed it was unanimous motion passed so there you go in our low side meeting I was showing Bob map of the precs I'm just kidding yeah just come on there a serious a little bit and there is a copy of the abstract in the signature folder I do need each one of you to sign that one tonight you sure you don't leave before you sign that just pass it around before we start the work meeting you guys should got enough mental energy to handle two things at once probably all right so that concludes our special meeting do we need to adjourn properly yep motion to adjourn please like a motion that we adjourn our special meeting all right motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I opposed none heard approved unanimously okay right okay I'll pass that abstract on well that was a short one thing at a time here pal okay so we completed our special meeting that's not the one it's the one in here and that moves us into our city council work meeting and the first item on that is the facility access policy yeah Mr Mayor if I can ask for a little adjustment in the schedule here for Fire Relief to go first um if that's uh if that's allowable and uh give them as much time as they need for a presentation okay it's okay with me any any objections hearing none letter rip put this in here give me one second I think it's any line is fine isn't there how do we start the slideshow which one it's that one there okay all right Mr mayor council thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight uh for those of you uh Bob and Brian you've probably heard this shiel many times couple we've been coming to the council every year for at least the last 13 years uh to make a presentation of where we stand with the relief Association so this is our annual uh update on what's going on so let's go ahead and go to the next slide so the East bethl Pension Plan uh this is our agenda for tonight but basically I'll give you an over rview of the pension plan uh where we stand what our goals are the current status uh contributions for 2024 and Beyond pension levels and then the member requests all right so the overview is uh the relief Association is a um entity that exists solely for the purpose of providing pension benefit to our members and it's mainly used as a recruitment and retention tool for our our fire department um pension is payable uh once a member has reached 5 years of service which is a change from last year up until last year it was 10 years for minimum vesting uh at 20 years you're fully vested and you can collect a pension once you've reached the age of 50 all right so currently uh our pension is managed by perah with oversight by the state of Minnesota all right so the goals of the pension plan are to provide pension benefit that the tracks and retains our firefighters we want to always maintain a fully funded uh pension plan we want to pay the retirees accurately And Timely uh we want to monitor the investment performance and we want to communicate effectively with city council which is why we come to the city council every single year and it's why uh the mayor is one of the members of the relief Association trustees all right so our term goals and really it's it's a goal just in general but we want to maintain a fully funded pension that's the main goal we want to be prudent we want to make sure that we're making the right decision so that we're always fully funded uh the long-term goal we just want to provide the best pension that we can for our fighter fighters all right so why is this important so if you look at um our current staff and all the numbers I'm going to talk about here only include the paid on qualifier firefighters so we have 29 paid on call Firefighters this does not include our chief uh Chief Sano and it doesn't include inspector UD so this is just for the 29 paidon call Firefighters So currently we have 18 members that are vested in some way shape or form at least 5 years of service or more which makes up 62% of our fire department it's also includes 285 years of experience which makes up the majority of our experience on our fire department 91% % and it includes all of the officers and Leadership for our fire department as well so it takes roughly 3 years for a firefighter to have enough training to come on board and Be an Effective firefighter now of course some people are effective right away or within a year or so some people maybe it takes a little bit longer but it takes roughly three years so really the goal here is we want to get the best people that we can and we want to keep them and this is one of the ways that we keep them especially after 3 years we want to make sure that they want to stay for at least five years and then every year the pension goes up a little bit more by 4% by 4% by 4% by 4% so really the goal is to use this as a tool to keep people another year another two years another five years and another 10 years all right so where does the money actually come from so the pension plan is at perah it is a fund that is meant specifically for paying pensions so state aid this is a numbers aggregated from the last five years so basically 28% of the money comes from state aid 6% from City contribution 1% from other miscellaneous and about 66% uh comes from our investment earnings so that's roughly a five-year average so I'll give you the next slide will show what the items are for this year year to date so State a we received just under 100,000 the city contribution was 14,000 other miscellaneous was 38,000 which I should have put a Aster by that because that is a little bit of an unusual number uh $37,000 of that was um a bonus that we received by joining the PA plan last year what what is the other in the miscellaneous so the other miscellaneous is just any amount that doesn't come from these areas usually that number is like 1,000 2,000 3,000 because every time a firefighter retires the state of Minnesota kicks in about $1,000 well not about $1,000 $1,000 to help pay taxes so usually that number is directly reflection of how many people retired the previous year so the number normally would have been $11,000 this year but it happened to be 38,000 because we received $37,000 for joining Peril last year so they gave us a $110,000 bonus and then $1,000 per firefighter and last last year at the time we entered the plan we had 27 firefighters that were paid on call and then investment earnings year to date is 79,000 so that's where we sit this year the last slide showed kind of a fiveyear average okay so where does the money actually go so like I said can I ask you one question please on those earnings of $79,000 what was the average balance in the investment account on which that 79 was made um or or what was the yeah greater return on that yeah so the rate of return as of the last statement balance was 3.6% on the year really yep and that was as of the statement from October 31st so there's I think in 2024 I think there was two really bad months and all the rest of the months are really good so so where does the money actually go so Administration is roughly $2,000 and pensions it varies this year we had two pension payouts in the amount of $226,000 plus um I put a star by Administration so that was one of the huge benefits of moving to perah so you can see I'm expecting that our um Administration fees are going to be roughly $2,000 this year and the normal in the past has been about $20,000 it was about $10,000 for our financial advisor and about $10,000 for audits which of which we don't need to do either one anymore all right next slide so this just shows uh the state and city aid over the last many many years and you can see that the state aid is rising pretty rapidly um next year I expect that number to be what's that 3.5 yep so they the the state allows us to assume a 3.5 increase each year sometimes it's a little bit more um I expect that number to be over $100,000 next year yeah and then the uh you can see that the city Aid's been consistent at $14,000 which was derived roughly at $500 per firefighter we don't come to you annually and ask you to adjust it that's kind of been where we've been at so that's what that number yeah so the state aid is um the state aid comes uh from 2% money so property taxes uh not property taxes ins uh property insurance of all the money that's paid for property insurance 2% of that goes to the state and then the state collects all that money into a big pile they look at each City and they look at your service area and the number of citizens and the number of businesses and they divy that money out among all the different cities so I I I wondered about that earlier today because I couldn't imagine that 2% of the insurance premiums in East Beth will only amounted to $100,000 no no so how are how are they dividing this money you know it's a good question seems like you guys might be kind of getting the short end of it yeah but if you look at the other cities around us it's actually much higher than some of the other cities around us really yeah and all that information is actually publicly available too unfortunately it's publicly available later so there's another slide that comes up where I talk about the different uh benefit levels in the surrounding cities but some of that data is from 2020 and some of the data is from 2022 so the Office of the State administrator publishes their reports about two years after the fact and peras are about four years after the fact which is it's nice to have the actual data but it's too bad that it's a little bit dated so how much do the talks don't at the capital committee hearings have to do I know they talk a lot about EMS and firefighters and does that is that the state aid they're playing with or is that what what what monies are they discussing so that's one of the things that they like to discuss other thing that they like to discuss is whether they can tax us on this money which they can but they want they would like to tax it more so that's one of the things you wait till after you're 50 uh it's not taxable if you roll it over into an IRA or something like that so that's what most people do if you take a lumpsum payment you just get paid out a check uh Pera immediately REM most taxes from that and it's quite extensive yeah well even if you go to 401K they're going to get their tax money and just a little bit later own exactly but at least they can grow you know for a few years and tell you actually take it out all right so this is the history of the results um you can see that only two years in the history that I've been able to dig back into we fell below a funded status and that was uh after 2008 when the stock market completely crashed uh you can see we had a big dip here uh in the recent crash too in uh I guess that was uh during Co in 2021 um the credible thing about that year is uh our investment earnings were negative $450,000 roughly and we still were overfunded so even with a massive loss like that we still maintain a funded status and part of the reason that we saw a sharp decline there is not only because of that but we had several pensions that we paid out that year as well so all right so every year um now that we're within perah perah sends out in the summer a valuation so they look at your current account they look at how many members you have they look at what the state aid is expected to be um they look at what your investment earnings should be they allow us to assume a 6% rate of return um which is also a big benefit of going to perra because the state of Minnesota only allowed us to do a 5% expected rate of return before when we're calculating out where we should end up at the end of the year and this is uh a chart that we made based on uh what Pera gave us so our current benefit level is at the top there so the current benefit level of 7500 with the 6% rate of return if we look at our assets and our liability and the liability is uh our current members liability for paying a pension and our deferred members so we have some members uh there's six of them right now that have retired but they haven't reached the age of 50 or they have reached the age of 50 and they haven't asked for their pension yet so um and then we look at the Surplus and deficit so the uh figures that perah came to us with uh the summer when they produce this report shows that we are expected to be at a surplus of $338,000 at the end of the year which means uh my spreadsheet rounded it up but it's like 113.8k uh uh our relief Association is a lump sum payment so their the relief Association itself could decide whether they want to do monthly payout or a lump sum but you have to choose one or the other and we are a lump sum payout so if you look at these numbers what we did is we did some calculations uh some of these ones per did and I filled in the blanks but if you look at if we were going to raise the U pension payout let's say to $7,600 again assuming the 6% rate of return our assets are going to stay the same but our liability would go up a little bit because it would be an extra $100 per firefighter You' see that we'd still be at a surplus of $283,000 which is still 113% so what we did is we looked at the um the rose and yellow as kind of our Target of what we should go for uh for a benefit increase while still maintaining an overfunded balance just in case the stock market doesn't go the way that we want it to so the number that we came up with that we thought would be a prudent uh amount would be $88,000 uh which would be a $500 increase you can see that we could go all the way up to $1,200 and still be at 100% funded but that's not that's that's not something that we have ever done in the past because it doesn't really make sense to bring it right to the you know the threshold it's not prudent it's not you know fiscally responsible so that's why we picked a number right in the middle because you know we're in this really for the long haul every year we look at the numbers we pick a number that makes sense and still leaves us overfunded um because this is not um you know this is not a short-term thing that we're doing here we're trying to longterm over time to provide the best possible pension for our members all right next slide so the guys that are still in there that have retired but they haven't taken the money it's probably better for them because they still get that increase actually they don't so once you retire your account is frozen so whatever amount you retired at that's the amount that you get so that number doesn't actually increase and I think uh the state does that because that's one of the ways that they can build the fund over time um by holding that money while the person becomes the age of 50 right and they you know we earn Investments on that money over time say you're making money out their money yeah but they're not going to benefit they won't benefit anything but it's also an incentive to keep people till they're 50 because people at age 50 are still very valuable to the fire department hell they're valuable if you trade them yeah and right after you get done training then they leave isn't there some way to you know I mean if you go into some businesses especially in the executive branch you have to sign a contract that after they train you you will still be there for a while firefighters you can't do that huh so I don't think that we could get away with that on the PID on call side I don't know full-time fire departments do that or not it is you know it is a big investment that we make into these people um yeah it is but with that said the big investment that we have is on equipment so we have to buy gear for these people um and pagers things like that um the training actually Minnesota's a really good training program where almost all of our training gets re first so I think that our training budget is I think we spent $27,000 this year and I believe 20,000 of it has already been rebated back to us rebed and we're expecting the rest of it to get reimbursed as well yep yep all right all right so this chart right here um we did some scenarios based on those numbers as well so uh the top box shows the different benefit level starting at our current benefit level of 7500 going up to to uh going up to 8,700 the 6% the assets the liability and that one we're just assuming the 6% increase which shows that probably again the correct number would be $85 uh $8,000 which would still that show us it would show still show us at 114% funded uh the second one shows what would happen if there was a 0% rate of return so just like if the stock market dropped from the 3.6% that we've made down to nothing that shows what it would be at the third set of numbers show us what would happen if let's just say that we had a bad year something bad happened over the next couple months and then we were at a negative 6% rate of return you can see at the 8,000 benefit level we would still be 101% funded and then the bottom box uh it's actually 3.88% because I ran those numbers a couple months ago but um the stock Market uh is at 3.6% versus 3.88 and the numbers didn't significantly change so I just left it where it was before so you can see that even if the year ended right now we would still be at 104% fund and what point does the city become liable and have to pay y more I think I remember that from a long time ago but yep so where would come in where the city would have to pay would be if we ever fell below 95% funded and if we fell be below 95% funded what they would do is they would look at the amount that we are underfunded and they would uh the city would pay 10% of that each year and it would be recalculated each year at that 10% so uh if the stock market went back up in year two then maybe there would be no payment or be a less of payment so that's one of the reasons too that it's really great that we're already doing the $4,000 per year because that kind of uh softens the curve in a situation like that as well okay so back in 2009 right after the 2008 stock market crash y the first year the city's liability even though we were severely underfunded was $37,000 and then the second year it was $227,000 and then at that point it was over with and at the time the city wasn't making a consistent contribution so if they were doing $14,000 at the time it would have just been a little bit more year one and a little bit more War year two and it would have been nothing after that so that's one of the reasons of having that consistent uh City contribution as well it kind of softens the curve when things like that happen but that's also the reason we don't like to go like right to 100% or 101% or 102% we like to leave a cushion in there just in case something like that happens because we don't want to come to you and ask for a benefit increase and then immediately the next year go like oh sorry you know now you have to pay an extra $100,000 into the kitty because we ask for too much we don't want that because again we're in this for the long haul this is like an annual thing that every year we study the numbers we decide what's prudent and we ask for what's prudent it's really a collaboration right we want to work together because we all want the best firefighters we want to recruit and retain the best that we can get well from what I remember in 2011 you guys weren't getting that much yeah well was uh just a year ago right about now that we approved a 25% increase yes in the benefit level from $6,000 to $7500 yep and that was just a year ago it was just a year ago yep so and is to put two things is is to have that as part of the context of what we're talking about and the other thing which I I doubt many people outside the court group know and that is that the city is liable if there are shortfalls yes I don't know if other and that is that a matter of your bylaws and it can be changed that's a matter of the state the way the state requir okay y yep and uh there's a couple reasons for the $7,500 last year the $1,500 increase so first of all we had a very healthy portfolio we were very overfunded was part of it part of it was moving to perah and moving to perah fored us a couple of benefits number one uh being able to assume a 6% rate of return versus a 5% rate of return you think about even this year where we're at $75,000 so far in the year that would be almost another $10,000 into the kitty and then also having $20,000 less in administrative fees throws another $20,000 into the kitty so that when when does a switch to PA beame effective I thought it was last J it did it was it was last year it was January 1st of 2024 so are they going to make up the difference of the 3.88 and 6% at the end of the year something uh so these numbers are just used for projections so that's another uh Nuance of the the reporting system uh state auditor for nonpara does it the same way that you have to turn on your report in the middle of the summer like July 1st guessing where you're going to end up at the end of the year which is a little bit strange um although with that said you know coming to you in the middle of November I think we can be pretty confident these numbers are not going to wildly going to shouldn't change drastically yeah right you think the election's going to have any effect uh I don't know it depends on who you ask I mean it seems like the stock market I mean today wasn't a good day but overall the stock market has been strong for many years and it took a big jump after the election as well so yeah it takes a little bit to stabilize yeah are there any payouts involved in those numbers there are you assuming a certain level of paying off well so it's so the liability is a interesting uh line because the liability is assuming that everybody's going to be fully vested so for example somebody that has 10 years 10 years on the department it's assuming that's $75,000 but in reality they only get a percent 60% of that so it's a little bit nuanced and that way that the liability is always overinflated so for example our current liability is uh roughly 2 point $2.3 million is our current liability but if everybody were to quit today it would be $1.6 million we'd have to pay out so it's a little bit interesting in that fact yeah I did read through that report that you sent to Mike dorski yeah very interesting I should have requested that about a year ago sure yeah yeah but I didn't know right well this is the first report like that we got because we just joined perah and that's a report that very it was very good very well done I thought yeah actually the state of Minnesota it's on the uh Office of the state auditor website they produce a report every year like I said unfortunately it's two years old uh currently the the latest reports from 2022 but it's actually very interesting because you can see every city that's part of that plan you can see exactly how many members they have their benefit level is what their assets are what their liabilities are their funded ratio you can see their rate of return and everything so it's really really very interesting Matt do you have that report that you could send out to the rest of us I don't but I can get it to you it's on that flash dve if you want to grab it from there too okay all right go ahead and go to the next slide all right so this is another uh instance of that what if scenario so this is derived directly from the PA report that Mr look will send to you but if we look at our benefit level of 7500 uh again our total assets our total liability the Deferred liability which are the members of uh retired and haven't collected their benefit yet and the total liability again showing a surplus of 308,000 if we went to $8,000 benefit uh we would still have a surplus of $181,000 if we go ahead and go go to the next slide so this is a interesting exercise to calculate out what our real cost is uh for the Rel Association so what the real cost is what does it actually cost the re relief Association each year to maintain our benefit so the numbers I used here and this is a spreadsheet so we can play with the numbers any way we want but it's basically our State Fire Aid which we know that amount and what it's going to be and we can assume it's going to be a 3% increase the Municipal contribution we can assume that you would pay that again next year and that would be 14,000 uh 6% interest on our projected assets 152,000 which gives us a total projected income of 260,000 and a little bit so if we take the number of firefighters which is currently 29 paid on call Members we times that by the current benefit level of 7500 it comes to $217,500 just to maintain where we're at and that leaves us with a surplus of $444,000 if we were to raise that amount by $500 to go to $8,000 benefit we would still have the surplus of 29850 so um I know that we've talked a little bit about uh increasing the number of firefighters that we have on our department and what kind of effect that would have um I went back and looked at our history so um the average number of firefighters we've had on a department over the last 10 years years is 33 uh twice we've had 38 members for at least one year um a lot of times what we find out is firefighters that start out will do it for a year two years and then they decide this is not for me and they move on so that's part of the reason why the number kind of fluctuates it's not so much the older people retiring but it's a lot of times the newer people coming in just realize that this is not something that fits into their family life or their work life Bal b or so on and so forth so if you were to take that number and let's say put it at 33 or 35 um we would still be at a surplus is I guess the point I'm trying to make um I know that uh currently we're approved to have up to 45 members um I don't know if we would get to that number in a very quick fashion um I know that we're constantly interviewing people and we've just again brought on another firefighter here within the last two months so we are definitely actively recruiting let's go to the next slide this is uh again these are the numbers that I got directly from sources that exist on the internet official sources and again unfortunately this data is a little bit old but uh the question was well how does our benefit compared to other uh cities that surround us so these are all the cities that touch us and oneway shape or form um you can see that we are definitely are one of the highest benefit level levels around let's look at Oak which is a similarly sized city um their current benefit levels at $4,500 but you can also see if you look at their funding ratio that's basically what they can afford that gives them right at the $ 111% Mark well ours is also at 7500 not 6,000 uh that's because that numberers from 2022 I just wanted to use the number for them I mean I wanted to try to compare apples to apples which I know is not yeah that's what my point is that's the current Apple in East Beth is 75 7500 but also the funding ratio is 14% too yeah so I still have a question about one thing yeah and that is you mentioned on the previous the previous Slide the 6% you can assume return on assets well how does that factor into the reality of what your return on assets actually is I know that's that's that's where I'm it's a really great question so basically I don't know about that but it's it's just one I'm stuck on anyway so um it's you know I don't know how they came up with that I don't know how exactly I mean does it ever turn into real money for you or your your results are just what you get right yeah basically it's just some a tool that we can use to decide where we stand and whether we should increase our benefit um and it's always been this way even with the state auditor office we did our report right in the middle of the year and we could only assume five % increase and on that report you could put anything you want you could say like well we assume that are that we're going to have a you know zero like we think this is going to be a bad year we'll just say no you know no return on investment we could say we think it's going to be a bad year negative 20,000 that was the one thing that threw me off in that report everything else was very sensible and all that and then this number out of nowhere that doesn't turn into reality it's like well what's the point I know you bring it in and well what happens is then next year when they do the valuation again next summer you know it'll be using the real numbers from year end and again we% we'll have to play this uh yeah the same guessing game a little odd yeah yeah okay all right next slide uh this shows the history of the benefit so uh again we've been coming uh to visit the council every single year for at least 12 years in a row now um we take a look at our numbers every year we uh look at where we stand we look at what's prudent and then we make a recommendation to the council let's go ahead and go to the next slide so I just wanted to point out I don't know if everybody knows this but in addition to providing the services you know for fire and rescue to the citizens of East butha we actually are very involved with a lot of other things that maybe people don't know about but we do a fire safety program at the local schools we have our hearts Safe program where we provide free CPR classes to the community uh we are the charter Organization for Cub Scout Pack 387 we have a fire auxiliary which also does some great things in the community um we provide first aid training to the Boy Scouts Cub Scouts this BMX group up in Ian uh we have a monthly uh gathering for our retirees we support St Francis royalty and we used to support the East Beth royalty when they existed uh we support nce uh we have a Halloween Community event this year we had several trucks go out to uh the apartment buildings to the uh to Castle uh Greystone and to Cedar Wood Estates and we had another one kind of driving around the city handing out candy to the children uh we do the Santa parade every year we also do a food shelf collection so there are many other things that are members are doing out in the community besides just the standard day-to-day uh answering the major calls as well so next slide so what we're requesting is the we increase the benefit level from $7,500 a year to $8,000 per year starting January 1st 2025 so I know we've been asking questions all along but there's more fire away questions NOP I I don't presume to speak for everybody up here but to my mind I think everybody else's the number one priority is the safety of the firefighters and the other residents because y'all are residents of East Beth as well and the other residents of East bethle that's the number one priority above all property is replaceable you know we all know that kind of stuff um I had a talk earlier today it just so happened that our follow-up meeting with Jerry Jerry strike who did the operational analysis or whatever you want to call it on the East Bethal fire department was for us for two of us CU you can't all be in one room at one time was earlier today and uh I asked him what he would do in exactly the same position that we find ourselves in right now and I'm I'm inclined to go along with what his thought was and that is for now I'd like to table this item you know it's good that we got the presentation it's good that we got our questions answered and all but I I sense that we're in a time of because you you all read his report he gave the results to you too and between what are we going to do in terms of what calls we're going to make who's going to be in what positions and all that seems to be a lot of things in flux right now with these bethl fire department from where we're sitting anyway and so I I think we need to buy a little time before I make a decision that's that's my personal read of it I don't know anybody else feels that way or not so how would any of those changes affect the 75 to 8,000 change it would well it's a good question good question uh is one of the recommendations was to go on an active recruiting push and that would increase that would increase presumably if it was effective it would increase the numbers of people and hence it would increase the amount of it would increase all those it would change all those numbers in those projections in terms of the number of people who would be Downstream in line for benefits and all that so it it does impact it down the road Troy did you account for additional people so if you go back if few slides more that one right there so the numbers can be change in this these are this Excel spreadsheet goes behind this but the number of firefighters we were assuming that it would be you know we're just using the number we have today 29 so I don't know what number that we want to go to you know I hear two conversations going on number one that we should reduce the number of calls that we go on and then I hear the other conversation we should increase the number of firefighters so I'm not sure if we reduce the calls I don't know that's exactly the question I asked Jerry when he gave his presentation to us was how do you reconcile those two things right as far as your uh comment about people might be changing positions people might be moving around I mean that doesn't change the fact that we still have the firefighters that still have their years of service yeah so Troy if between right now and say hypothetical February we get 10 additional recruits that may make a major change to the this uh scenario that we have here are you able to come back to city council and say hey because these numbers changed we need to re-evaluate this and move the numbers so the uh the timing on this is uh this needs to be uh sent to the state by the end of the year so if we were to pause on this now we would have to come back next year uh and look at doing a benefit increase for 2026 so but could could you change this again next year early next year and yeah say we needed so it's not set in stone for one year there is flexibility in changing it throughout the year uh usually we so we get the evaluation in the I think that it came in in Late July or August so the valuation comes out from perah and at that time we crunch the numbers and we come up with a decision on what we want to do for the following calendar year so uh if we were going to put a pause on this I would like to be able to come back to council before the year's out to take another uh convincing you take our pulse right I mean if there's ever additional information that you would like to see or you want the numbers in a different way I can do that all day long yeah I know well we can do it before the end of extremely knowledgeable about this Troy it's always amazed me you know every single number been uh you know I've been running the relief Association for 15 years we're in the process of trying to wind down that organization we're hoping to get it done by the end of the year um but uh We've engaged with a attorney to help us convert our 501c4 into a different organization and at that point uh there will be no more relief Association if I can put a finer point on it I'd like to buy the time between now and the first meeting in December okay of the council which gives you plenty of time to do whatever if you have to before the end of the year and if you want to run whatever feedback or whatever additional information that you would like to see uh through Mr look uh we'll be sure to rebuild this in whatever way shape or form that you'd like to see I'll second the table yeah this is just a work session so it's on the consent agenda so you can pull that and put on on that if you want yeah that's kind of where I think we're at I'm I'm I'm at I don't know who else is but well I think one key thing to remember is that I believe the city workers and staff and so forth they got a 3% increase last year we wanted to show our support of our F department and you guys got a 25 and that was that was a 25 for the pension right right but it was a huge a huge addition to what we were doing so yep I I want to point out first of all we're very thankful that you approved that so what I'm about to say may sound like I'm not not but it's 100% appreciate that and we all appreciate that but that had no fiscal impact on the city so that's because our fund was funded to the point where we could make that increase so that's something that should have been done long time ago well we've been every year I mean we look at it I'm talking about raising the pay for the firefighters yeah raising the pay for the firefighters I'm 100% on board for that too yeah we've been talking about that for a little while but you know the time for talking's over we just got to do something okay well thanks a lot and we'll we'll pick it up in the council meeting I guess and all right go through the formalities so when do you think that you would give uh the feedback back to Mr look that you want me to edit or change on this what's the first what's the first meeting in December well before that oh we got one more meeting this month yeah so would be the 9th and the 23rd would be the meeting dates on December so the night unless there's any changes to that so when count when when our in our regular meeting we'll table it until the 9th of December all right so I'll be looking forward to receiving yeah feedback on what additional you'd like to see all right thank you for the opportunity to present thank you for presentation excellent work Troy good numbers Troy if I can have you point out the report is that the SV F report one here one second one okay so what I do this off to here make a copy and I'll forward that off this back to you see Troy M Mr Mayor yeah uh just have a couple of items here I put at your desk a um the uh document that we drafted with the Personnel committee for uh facility access policy I'm sorry that's not it um you have it there um and uh I don't have it oh y and perhaps for the sake of time um if you want to review this and um note any changes or and we can bring it back to a council meeting at that point we have about 10 minutes left it looks like here I don't think I can't read it yeah 10 minutes left I wanted to get to some security system quotes that we received and uh Nate is here this evening to kind of touch on some of those items I thought Nate was here to talk about Ford f450s [Laughter] to um so if you if you would like to do that we can um like you know if you want to review the facility policy on your own time and then and then we can bring it back as an action item uh to the council or to another work session whatever your preference is and and see if there's any changes at that point so so that's the East bethl fire department policies and procedures manual uh number 1-1 dated 10224 yeah and and to that point I mean it can be all East bethl facilities you know this was just kind of crafted after uh um the uh actually was the Andover fire department that had this particular document we went through it um uh the mayor and uh council member D Roan and I went through it and kind of crafted it for e bethl and uh and we can still make changes to the title and anything else that that we want to so um at any rate that's a work in progress okay but if we go to item three sure okay Nate do you need to plug in you so we were asked to take a look at uh maybe some security up upgrades to um access to a couple of our buildings um fire station one city hall and we we got some quotes from wh security which provides our security for um city hall right now and our East Bel Ice Arena so we included those with the uh quotes for for you guys to take a look at the um price for fire station one would be to change it over so each firefighter would have their own card and own key number to get into that building and it would be recorded each time that's how it works with our East Bethal Ice Arena so we can take a look and see who accesses the building each time it's opened up it tells is that way at City Hall too right now at City Hall we have access with a card that gets us into the back portion that registers who opens the door to get in there correct okay and we did get a on here from them to change over to this company as a um um just to kind of streamline everything but we already have a different company that does it here for City Hall the wrong so we can just kind of go through those and see if it's something that the council wants to U pursue so the price for fire station one to to convert over to this system would be $6,300 there's also another uh fee at the back of this for $2,700 to actually go in and cut the lock locking mechanism into the door jam you have to have locksmith that does that so the total cost for fire station one would be around $9,400 um is that including the cards then that includes the cards the cards are really cheap um you get 50 they're I think they're even cheaper than that once you buy a bunch of them but and what happens if somebody their employment is terminated what happens that card you can just go in there and go in there and turn it off yep whoever the whoever the administrator of the system is so same with their key code they're they're punch in key code the reason for fire station one having both of those if a firefighter got called in and they had to get into the building and they didn't have the card with them they could still access it with their personal pin number oh so you can get in either way on that one so it's a little bit more money it's it's like $200 more per door for that so that's something we can take a look at if the council desires um they also were looking at security cameras for uh fire station one for the exterior of the building we got a quote on that just something to take a look at that was $3,600 um the East belal recycle center we got a quote on that because we've had a lot of illegal dumping that takes place there we had a scur system there at one time and that no longer is uh working so we got a quote for that of another $4,800 that would come out of the recycling fund that's self-funded um not from the building Improvement fund City Hall was um all the ice arena too we've had a lot of damage there we get another quote in there to take a look Ice Arena did you say yeah the the East Bethal Ice Arena would be four exterior cameras and one interior camera for that um $4,300 for that one and um City Hall like I said we have something here that works but this would streamline it with with the existing other buildings was 3600 and then lastly the whispering harasment community center this one we kind of have to do the system we have there is uh no longer supported and out of date we can no longer add users to that system um so this one we kind of looking to like we have to do at some point but so there are just some numbers we threw together for you guys to take a look at and discuss and see if it's something you wanted to pursue how's the system in Whispering as Aspen going to work being a community center same way when uh someone rents it out they come to City Hall they check out a card um we have control of that card and the renters put down a deposit and then we can control when they go in and out if they were to lose the card we can cancel that [Music] card so Mr Mayor we we have set aside in the building Improvement fund $50,000 every year for projects undefined projects that may be coming up um the recycling center would pay for their own the um ice arena would pay for their own and the other buildings then would would be the responsibility of that fund um primarily what we have is um a Litany of different systems that are out there yeah and whether it's Cipher locks or keys or or you know cards or whatever the case is and I and I kind of looking at that and kind of seeing some of the flexibilities that these new systems have uh Nate can literally let him in with his phone if they need access to it without having to drive somebody out there and let them in and that sort of thing there's a lot of flexibility with the new technologies that are out there but getting everything on one that's supported and um and everyone's familiar with I think would be advantageous the new cameras uh the old cameras they they recorded but you couldn't you couldn't make out license plates um uh the new ones are are a little more highdea and they offer that that opportunity to prosecute then at that point if somebody's stealing copper wires you know or whatever the case is like has happened in the past um and then so these systems are all interchangeable shall I say that they can talk to each other or is that we're going to have to buy extra software to do that no it's all included it's all cloud-based um you could access it with a mobile whoever the administrator is for the system would have access to whatever systems we decide has access to it so Mac could look at each system and see who's going in and out or whoever yeah you would be the logical administrator right uh I I could do a couple of but some of them might be the fire chief or the city administrator I do the ice arena right now and whis we'd be doing Whispering Aspen we control the rentals for up there on the weekends and stuff so I'm I'm real supportive the the motivation for this is not only protecting the assets that we own as residents citizens of East bethl but also limiting our liability too because uncontrolled access to facilities can open a can of worms on liability that we do not want to open so two pretty strong about doing it so yeah I move that we go ahead with it this is still a work session so we'll uh oh we can we can bring this forward as a case put that on the agenda or we can get it on an agenda but just want to kind of just discuss thank you for informing us of the cost associated with it I think I think we're supportive the could be worse we'll put it that way I think one one um access to a building that isn't you know proper could put us at a liability that would cost access to what this whole system would would run us so I think it's probably good due diligence to somebody grabs one of the fire trucks and takes off through town that'd be a big problem okay couple of minutes before council meeting okay that concludes the working meeting for