##VIDEO ID:gvEwVGtv0EQ## possible um but with having three judges in a year where it gets bigger than me as well it runs into payroll because then we have to start worrying about whether or not we have to include FICA and all it turns into a a thing with our payroll system so I've got to work with Emily and Mike to make sure that we get all the paperwork done if they've gotten if each judge has had so many hours served and their pay hits a certain Mark I have to make sure that that we're trying to that we're keeping up with the subsequent paperwork that's generated by having the judges work that many hours she's ding so ultimately it does get bigger than me it but I mean it's not it's not impossible but it does add to it it's a larger workload and again only if it's granted right it's a request correct not correct a mandate correct so what do you guys think should we table this until the next meeting or something give more time for Thought or I'd like a little more time to think about it I don't I guess if I were to take a vote now I'd probably vote against it yeah I think I would too I just um taxing our judges I'm stretching them to the Limit as is well on the other hand it's important that the cities in Anoka County communicate to the county and the state and everybody how important election Integrity is M it is important I mean you guys have any thoughts just just a quick question for Carrie um on the current post election review the county does the city has to provide people to count there correct or they coordinate all that no we provide the people if we're selected corre in their random correct deal so we were selected the last 2 years in a row no no um I I've been working on Election since 2012 we've been randomly selected twice okay that's what I was saying um so we may or may not be randomly selected you know again correct roll a dice we don't know but um yeah essentially out of the 128 precincts that are in an NOA County we have three entries in that lot lottery um so I in the event that we pass this this evening and in the event that they say yeah we'll increase it to from 6:00 to 8 and then in the event that we get selected randomly again we might have to provide additional Personnel to do that it's a lot of HS yeah well I'm just going to call the question I guess uh regarding the resolution supporting increased post a it says that resolution supporting increased post post elction review what it is is a resolution 2024-the County anybody have anything to add any further discussion questions commentary anybody want to Second my motion so motion dies for a lack a second is that it going going all right next item on the agenda is consent agenda item six on the agenda and uh you need to move back anybody want to make a mo a motion to approve the Mr Mayor agenda um we would have public forum next if that's if there's anyone that sign that's the only one she was the only person good to the public uh I'll make a motion to accept the consent agenda with items to be pulled if people want them a second okay the motion's been made and seconded to approve the consent agenda now discussion and pulling whatever you want to pull um I just have a question on the August 12th work meeting August 12 the minutes of the August 12 work meeting the minutes okay so that would be pulling Item B okay anybody pulling anything no I had the same thing you pulled with uh Chief s also covered that okay um and I'm pulling item C so the motion is to approve the consent agenda without as presented without items B and C correct we have a motion made and seconded yep all in favor of what I just said say I I I opposed none heard go ahead with Item B you on B all right the only question I've got is uh because we're dealing with the de batment issue um well I understand that there's it's kind of cumbersome to go through I don't know one two three citations Court you're out and then you start over again um but I believe in the discussion what came out is we hadn't really had any communication with the guy for a while and and would it make sense before we I mean this one may already be in motion it makes sense to get a hold of the people you know within a reasonable amount of time you're talking about the Jeremy floss of batement right right okay just we on the same page to say hey look this is where we're at you either take care of business or the next time we communicate you're proba not going to be happy uh Mr mayor council members um we can certainly do anything you wouldd like to do on this that's certainly um any option on the table for the council I I don't know that um that the end result will be any different than before M you know my crystal ball is no different than anyone else's but I would expect that uh we would have three U notifications there would be you know citation sent a citation would be paid and we' been back to square one I was looking more at not this particular issue but down the road oh for any issue well no just for an abatement issue right or if it's somebody that's been a problem if we haven't communicated with them for a year year and a half two years I think we should say look this is your last shot you know I understand we've given you three citations you've gone to court and the city has been more than amable to your situation we are going to do this if we don't hear from you within a certain amount of time and then turn it over not necessarily with this particular one because this is this has been going on for quite a while yeah I Mr Mayor and council member D Ro I think um I think what what generally happens is people start to comply and there's they're working with the city and then they kind of slip back into the way they were doing things before and then that's where the time comes from generally speaking um but we can certainly do whatever you're whatever the policy is that you would like us to implement um but is it they're falling back into the same violations or are they new violations in this particular case it's exactly the same thing that we've addressed two other times we're just right back to where we were two or three years ago when we started right well I I didn't have that information so I'm asking questions and this is the only yeah commonly Council m d Ro it's the same it's the same issues over and over right um I suppose there's exceptions to that somewhere but um commonly if if somebody makes a living doing something for example that's what they know how to do that's what they generally go back to do you know to make money and I don't fault them for making money but the the the challenge is then neighborly you know impact and um peace and quiet and everything else that's afforded to neighbors so all right well that answers my question I guess Al okay um go ahead and make the motion prove it well no well I'm on B2 but Mine mine's not a matter of substance it's a matter of it's more specific on page 23 of the meeting packet lines 44 and 45 so that would be page two of four of the August 12th work meeting [Applause] minutes there's a I'm I'm asking the transcriber who hears this to delete everything after themselves in line 44 because everything after that doesn't make any sense so just instead of a comma and then more text just put a period and delete everything after it CU it makes no sense and it's not helpful so that's that's the only change I wanted to make in it and Mr Mayor on the work session minutes here that council member dero brought up um on line 27 there's a change as well you have a sheet at your desk if we can just recognize that as part of the change that needs to happen as well for the record and um was that mundle instead of do ro that one yeah yes okay yeah well is that is that the work meeting or is that the regular meeting it's a work that's the work meeting okay oh M verified that with a video so thank you for doing that yeah so let's let's restate what what the second thing was that you just referred to uh line 27 there changing it from what page um page 24 of the packet of the the packet line 27 okay thanks guys okay those are the changes we need made I got a line 24 or 44 what's a trod yeah that's part of the problem yeah I have no idea what a trod is well it said you know he doesn't think the residents be B likely to trod on that either something a horse does no they TR along have no idea what the point of it was so anyway so those are our our editings on that and so you made a motion to approve yes these minutes for the work meeting of August 12th I'll second it I'll in favor say I hi hi okay and then I pulled item C which was the minutes of the regular city council meeting of August 12th and that correction was uh it was page two of 11 of the meeting minutes themselves there are 11 pages it's on page two and it's line 16 or otherwise page 27 of the packet page 27 of the packet and page two of the the minutes themselves yeah and it's line 16 instead of area it should be Arena and I'm you mean that I would I would have thought the context of the following sentence would have clarified that but I guess it didn't so just change that in the minutes from area to Arena please thank you with that I'll move that we approve item C second seconded all in favor say I I okay and so that completes the consent agenda puts us on item seven and the item unless there's some update I'm not familiar with is on item 7A Planning Commission number one conditional use permit exterior storage 21125 Highway 65 boat world that's still the yes that's correct and Mr Berg is up thank you Mr Mayor I would put some items up on the board for us to review but that's not going to be possible is your computer Fred or something I we can't get the crester on to do anything here so I can refer to the property packet uh we're audio recording for sure Channel 10 is functional okay we don't know about YouTube but we're working on it all right all right thank you uh on June 12th 2024 the city received an application from Randy Crumpler owner of Crumpler Properties LLC and Boat World for a conditional use permit for exterior storage on a parcel 21125 Highway 65 Northeast which he had recently purchased the parcel is adjacent to uh the Bol World parcel at 21155 Highway 65 Northeast Crumpler was wanting to extend exterior storage of boats and pontoons from his boat World business onto the adjacent parcel both Parcels are in a Central Business V2 zoning District whereby city ordinance exterior storage and exterior display of merchandise associated with retail sales or service is identified as a conditional use requiring a permit after reviewing the zoning code staff have identified that boat sales are called out specifically as a conditional use in a B3 Highway commercial Zone only and not permitted not a permitted use in a B2 Zone retail sales and service conducted completely within a structure is however permitted in the B2 Zone staff have determined that boat world's use of 21155 Highway 65 Northeast is a legal non-conforming use and has been continued through transfers of ownership prior to rezoning uh section five subsection two is a non-conforming use may be continued through repair replacement restoration maintenance or Improvement but not expansion the newly purchased parcel at 21 125 Highway 65 Northeast has no legal non-conforming designation and should conform to our current zoning code Crumpler is proposing a new retail operation incur occurring inside the building on the parcel however it is not bat or pontoon sales but wants to extend the storage of boat world's existing exterior storage onto the new lot section 24 exterior storage uh in a B2 District under the current proposal the exterior storage of boats or pontoons would not meet the conditions of city ordinance and the expansion of the non-conformity is not allowed by city ordinance or Minnesota State Statute without a variance kumler has advised City staff that he does not want to combine the two lots which would necessitate a variance due to the non-conforming classification section 46 does however identify that other uses similar to those permitted in this section as determined by the city council could be decided to be a conditional use on July 23rd 2024 the Planning Commission held a public hearing which there was no public comment after a review of the application material discussion and hearing from the applicant the Planning Commission by a six to zero vote recommended approval of a conditional use permit with the condition that the area be screened city council should review the request consider the planning commission's formal recommendation and approve approve with modified conditions or deny the conditional use permit as presented in res resolution 2024 53 additionally if a conditional use permit is approved a conditional use permit agreement must be fully executed by the owner and the city prior to any exterior storage commencing okay thank you Aaron is Mr Crum here did you want to speak [Music] hi thank you uh Randy crumer Bo world at East bethle here um I'm not sure I did bring uh some hard copies of the area that we're looking to fence off I could hand those out sure is that the one you provided me yes it should be the last page your packet attachment seven yeah the last page y okay um I do have a question on that where the Planning Commission referred to the area being screened in the uh t resolution for approval it's screening at the right away um would you be screening that entire area where the new fence is that's marked in yellow the Davenport side needs to be screened so dport on sill Parkway I think it was renamed but this the street to the east that's the driveway to the building no to the east oh yeah yeah that's Davenport right or it says Sand Hill on there sorry I thought it was DAV or Sand Hill Park where it says dport down there okay okay um Aon do you recall what the plan Planning Commission recommended for their screening they recommended the proposal by Mr Crumpler which is what's in front of you to be screened on the RightWay correct okay so it's a new fence all the way around yeah where where the green line on the is I'd like to open it up from our current property and then the yellow area is all new fence yeah what what height I guess I've never thought about whatever the legal minimum height is okay any idea what that is six foot six foot so more than likely it' match the existing existing fence around the over property now okay what um I guess my first question what are you going to start over there is it going to be boats or inventory of boats So currently when we get into inventory and we're driving it all the way down to 18553 the Lex Clinic that's on Highway 65 um that building is being sold by the current owner they're releasing it from this is a roughly an equivalent area if not a little bit better and it would allow me to not have the traffic driving back and forth and obviously much easier access to our current property versus loading up and bringing them down we don't do customer paid storage this is all for people who bought boats or for the inventory that's coming in well cuz if it's a conditional use permit it goes with the property and do we want to go into that this is a very muddy scenario um the exterior exterior storage uh regulations don't meet any of the criteria of the proposed storage um taking down the fence and bringing inventory from one property line across the other is it technically an expansion of a legal non-conformity um um the B2 zoning code states that the exterior storage has to be in relationship to the business occurring inside the building um the exterior storage can only be a certain size based on the ratio of the footprint of the building um so there's a lot of um requirements in our exterior storage as well as the B2 that this is going to um conflict with that's and that's a decision you all have to make well from a public safety standpoint how much space I'm I'm just looking if there's a fire be able to get fire engines in and around I mean how close are these things together are there aisles propos yeah we need to take 16,000 lb forklift pick up bullets and drive in between all the aisles to drop the buets place so these are forklifts that have 20ft extensions on themand large fire truck yeah I me you have you have to we have to have aisles just like they would access as far as screening I mean if it's not screening what you're trying to screen then doesn't make any sense what I mean you guys keep it pretty clean around try to yeah what do we got to leak it might have gotten fried uh it's I was just curious like I say on the conditional use permit because once a conditional use permit is issued if you were to sell it it goes with the property if it's I think that's great well I know you do that's how he's been able to maintain his legal non-conforming status on the other property is because it's been issued that back by George's back back in the day Aaron could we do this as a interim use per instead well I mean the zoning code calls out exterior storage as specifically conditional use I guess I've never explored it that way um give me a second to look at the B2 code Mak sense so the interm uses identified in code um grading activities a Communications Tower and C is other uses similar to those permitted in this section as determined by the city council so there is leeway in there for us to do it if that way if so it chose and it's boths and and the other one and it's he plans to put boats in there right that's the intended use yeah yeah Bo trailers for boats and then P I guess I would refer to legal councel as to whether an interim use permit can take the place of a conditional use permit in this scenario so may our council members and Community Development director uh Berg I I do have one question uh was there a public hearing on the conditional use permit there was okay um second is um you could do an interim use and then it's a matter of what is going to be the interim is it going to be specific to this business or are you going to have like a review in a year or two or what are the what what's the trigger but uh you can go ahead and basically what you would be doing is denying the conditional use and substituting the conditional use for the inum and then setting forth what would be the um status of that interum so I don't you can do it I don't see it myself I don't see the purpose of it well the purpose is that hased purpos expiration date it doesn't go with the property huh that it would have a expiration date Cil would have more control over it rather than conditional use is granted to the property and goes with the property I know ER Eric we have to have a public hearing if we change it to an iup that's why I asked if there was a uh public hearing unconditional use because what we're still dealing with with is the only change is going to be uh rather than permanent running for the with the property is going to be less than that if we were trying to switch from an interim to conditional use then this Council would say it's got to sent back to for a public hearing because what you're actually doing is expanding the requested use okay thanks there was a method to my maners on the question so if we so choose to go with an IEP would staff have to rewrite this and yeah reintroduce it to us I think the resolution should be Rewritten um we want to spell out whatever potential I believe me just got here y whatever potential uh conditions you want in an interim use if you want it to the condition to expire if the property is sold if you want the condition to expire in 5 years if you want to look at it in one year to see if it's meeting the conditions um we would need to spell that out specifically now if you wanted to give me some information tonight we could maybe scratch together a motion but I would need to change the resolution and probably should come on the consent agenda next time then if that is the case what is the problem with the conditional use permit which is what the plan mining commission approved what's the problem with it what is what is your issue with it with the conditional use existing an existing East bethl bit business wanting to expand their operation yes seems like an easy thing for me it it is but it's on a different piece of property that they're going to to their ex that they're going to have a different business on I mean you understand the conditional use permit terminates when you stop using it no well it does it goes with the property functionally it terminates if you don't use it well isn't that that's got Li that's what happened with NEX and yeah May council members it does run with the property discontinuance would have to be for a year or more yeah but if but if there is no discontinuance then the subsequent uh property owner would be able to Avail themselves of cup and then they could do stuff with it that uh well what's the issue with the conditional use permit I don't see what your problem is with it that nothing him yeah Bob mean do you have a preference one way or the other well I'd like not to have to come back once a year well it's memorable with the storms I said it's memorable with storms in the background but I I'd rather not have to keep coming back and I'm going to spend quite a bit of money to make this property I don't think it'd be I I understand that in the future you probably don't want to use car lot there but it's very unlikely that what world is going to split off the two properties in the LA uh I would if it would go forward I would could foresee having conditions in there to have a 2-year review Once the city has reviewed it deemed it good then it can go with the until sale of the property you haven't had any complaints on him have you um not on storage we have had some complaints regarding other items but it had nothing to do with boat or pontoon storage well I mean as we're dealing with the storage Jim you're pretty quiet thinking yeah I mean we have a East Bethal business that successful has made this place home I think we should do our best to find the easiest way to let them expand period I agree well either Which Way in I or cup the only difference is the city has more control over the per if he wants to use this for store and boats and we all agree and that's fantastic if in 10 years he sells off the parcel to the South and it's un conditional use and another business comes in there that wants to store something that the city does not agree with they now have that ability to do it with the conditional use permit but with the I it would expire at the sale of the property wouldn't every city or every bus City have the same issue no sense and he sells down the road so whoever El moves finish whoever moves in would have to have the same type of business correct no at least not the way the cup is set up I mean you could certainly add on the additional condition that the conditional use permit out is exterior storage for um um the purposes listed within the application that's the solution right there if that's your hangup is that it's going to be used by somebody else to do something else that we might not like then that would be the way to do it on a c can we add the condition that it will expire at the sale of the property no you don't care right yeah I mean if if it can be written that that's only for mean sales use I I could I wouldn't care I'm not going to bring fire trucks out there and try to sell them or anything no but with with the added stipulation as long as you own it you're good to go but when you sell it yeah I'm 100% okay with that my understanding was it doesn't work that way and that's where the the hangup is a conditional use permit you cannot put the condition on as a matter of law that it ceases on sale uh whether we like it or not that's the state law if what you really doing is you're setting this up as an interim use and that is is that he gets this use or the property owner does uh while that property owner is the property owner once the property owner ceases to be the property owner then that use automatically expires that's the difference between an interim because the interim time period is during the period of ownership condition use permit continues even after uh the property is sold can the interim be indefinite and as long as the property as the definition of the interim for me just as long as I own it it's uh it's in place without revisiting it it's you own it yeah I inde interm it would it would be in place for as long as I assume you have it as an LLC so as long as you or subsequent owners of that LLC is is is using it yeah um but once that property owner ceases to own it and another words a new property owner if you own it individually upon your death it's going to cease if you own it as a corporation upon the corporation's death or the corporation no longer owning it it ceases that works for me I don't know how you own this property I an LLC okay an LLC I'm hearing that the property owner is fine for this to be converted to an interim use if that's the case I would ask that uh um that this body uh table it um to the next uh meeting for and direct staff to uh craft uh interim use resolution to be passed you can go ahead and direct that it can also be put on the consent agenda well then do we need to go back to the Planning Commission have a public hearing about inter's permit no you've already had your public hearing this is something less than a conditional it gets to council memb Smith's question so forth if we were going from an interim to a conditional then we'd have to go to a a public hearing but this is less conditional runs with the property interim does not so we've actually narrowed this particular use permit but did I misunderstand you before when you I thought you said with a conditional use permit you can put conditions on it other than that it that it can expire without a transfer that you can put other conditions on it you you heard me correctly okay in in a storage scenario you could say the storage can't exceed seat 30 ft in height the storage can't be in the right of way the storage can't be the storage has to the screening has to be you know nonvisible those kind of conditions you can also Define what can be stored as well so Mr Mayor you could pass it this evening with a uh condition that it has to be Marine storage and sales so they couldn't in essence sell it to another business that wants to store boats correct but they could not sell if it sold to someone who didn't want to store boats they couldn't sell it to an RV or a used car or something like that what about the expiration after one year of nonuse was that the iup or the cup there would not be a cup that would be an iup that' be an iup all right well what do we want to do with this now it's all disassembled and spread all over the lawn so how do we pull it back togethering wrap this meeting up one question I have for the applicant we're beyond the 60 days you asked for an extension for two weeks to get us to tonight because you weren't available should the council choose to push it two more weeks are you okay with another extension well I would rather get approved the day so I can get moving on Things No Doubt all right let's vote on it well you'll need a motion in a second say what need a motion all right well so make a motion you're calling the question you make a motion go ahead do you want to approve approve it as presented uh let me the number I'll make a motion to approve it as presented um do want to add the condition that sales storage would only be for marine use if that can be added without a lot of com it I mean I can understand if he's got a lot of money he wants to keep going on the thing okay I don't want to keep dragging them moment so what we're talking about is approving resolution 2024-25 [Music] at 21125 Highway 65 Northeast East bethl pin 17-33 23-12 d005 legally described as Etc with the additional condition that this conditional use permit is specifically granted for the storage of marine products is that the correct way to say that yeah how's that sound Eric Marine equip equipment and products mean boats I mean how do you want to okay so for the record the conditions are set forth under one a b c so that you would be adding D of marine products such as boats and pontoons limited D would be limited to Marine products such as boats and on TES storage limited to okay transcriber you got that and then what uhon will update the resolution to say this before we sign off on it correct okay right I'll I'll second that all right so we got a motion made and seconded for the resolution as amended all in favor say I I opposed none heard thank you thank you thank you everybody that Lively discussion uh we don't have any Department reports on our agenda that I see do we have any staff or Council reports to cover before we adjourn Mr Mayor I'll just make a few comments here um I sat in on a uh County uh taxation um meeting that they put on here and um it might be of interest for folks to know that um there's going to be a shift in in uh from residential to commercial properties in terms of U tax bur how is that affected how is that affected yep I I saw your comment about that on your weekly report yeah so a lot of it has to do with sales um of properties and um and right now due to the 7% interest rate or thereabouts um the the mundles may know better what the interest rates are being in the business but um somewhere in that neighborhood know the um the um you know the the housing sales are kind of flat right now and and uh some prices are dropping and that sort of things so essentially I call it a waterbed concept where if it drops in residential commercial industrial picks up more and vice versa we just came off of a shift from commercial industrial with residential carrying more burden and of course then you get a lot of people saying well how come my values went up you know and this is one of the reasons why so there will be um some relief you might say for residential coming at least for pay 2025 and um and we'll keep uh keep an eye on that we um will'll probably see you know some uh some concerns from businesses as it relates to commercial industrial and some egg uh where it should shifting too uh we can thank our tax system in Minnesota for this but at any rate um we had a very low turnout for the primary vote uh that's customary it happens you know generally where a lot of people don't show up for that um as was indicated this evening the general will be exactly the opposite of that we'll have huge turnouts for that so um trying to get everyone prepared I know car's doing a phenomenal job of trying to prepare for this uh and um and so I thank her for her hard work on that um the last thing I just want to comment with the storm here this evening Nate wanted me to pass along as does Carrie that on 221st there are trees down and they're hard to see so um to the east or west I'm assuming she goes to to Cambridge so it's probably going um towards 65 yeah towards 65 uh so yeah use caution out there this evening especially if it's going to be difficult we don't want any accidents and I know that Public Works is busy trying to get those cleaned up so it was a dooy of a storm as we know so now is the county going to clean them up or is the city well I you know I'm assuming that the city will probably be moving them out of the way as quick as possible and the county will come through with their with their tree trucks and and remove those things uh at some point later um we did as you know have some challenges here this evening I'm hoping that the majority of this meeting has been recorded we may get some comments from folks on this but again I'm going to put it in the category of act act of God because this is a I think it qualifies yeah yeah um so uh nothing nothing we could do to stop that but at any rate um aside from that I think that's all I have to report this evening and I will stand for questions if there are any if not do we have any c reports uh if we are still broadcasting I just want to wish everybody a safe and relaxing Labor Day weekend absolutely what's your next work meeting I believe we are scheduling for next week next week or next next uh two weeks yeah 990 okay social media has been blowing up okay about Whispering Aspen I don't know what's what direction it's going but I think it's time that this Council sit down and go through a few things and uh inform our residents what exactly is going on up there our residents are going after each other now and there's a lot of stuff going on I believe it's something they need to look into sit down discuss it and get over it so would you like that placed on the next work agenda please okay nothing else I move to adjourn second motion made in second two adjourn all in favor say I I opposed unheard