##VIDEO ID:AqWTPav2ZpY## e e e e e e e e e e e a roll call School Board me Members everybody's here except Usinger which is noted but we have a quorum so we're moving on to 4.0 communication and reports Finance update Carla are you ready how's your computer computer has seen better days but that's okay we'll we'll we'll figure it out all right okay I apologize I don't have any notes I was in the process of writing them but we had a change of plans after school today so um we are um I'm anxious because we just finished up audit they're just finishing up a few other things so I'm excited to find out where we landed um I think we're going to be a little bit better than we projected I don't want to hold my breath that that's where we will finally land but I I really I'm really kind of optimistic stick a little bit um being my first go around like I said I don't want to to jump to conclusions that we are where we are but um looking at the first page uh looking under purchase Services there is a big jump from last year to this year by about 4% and that's just due to some busing repairs that we had to get in before and um that's a little bit of a timing issue past ones we paid in September versus August last year um and then the other big note is supplies I didn't get quite a chance to dig into saying exactly what that change is but that is most likely due to a timing issue between last year and this year so those are the two big notes on that page any questions NOP okay so going on to the second page um we are trending pretty close to where we were in the past um kind of you know some of them are down some of our up we're pretty close to where we were the last couple years um so that's nice to see and that is what I had on that page so questions there any questions for Carla and then just really quickly on the treasury report we are um pretty similar to where we were last year so I kind of I like that to see that Trend and I'm hoping that we can continue that Trend going into the rest of the year so that's that was exciting news so that's what I had there you thank you Carl all right 4.2 Administration and department head reports superintendent yeah uh I have a few things not a ton but um strategic plan um just so you're aware we have a meeting tomorrow um and we we administration myself have a draft of a survey in place that we will share with that group to get input um things added things taken out modified we'll also um get a draft or a rough um overview if you want to say of current vision mission um and belief statements um and I I think we're going to get close following that to be bring it to the board at the next meeting is my hope to say are you okay with this going out um because it's one of those things and again there's not a rush it's a one shot kind of deal not that you can't go back and ask you know follow up but but hopefully we can get what we need um the react uhou with the Union teachers union um is on the agenda here coming up um just want to say we've we had a couple meetings with the Education Association um I am recommending I think um it's a it's a fair deal using the early out time but also roughly I'm going to say because I say roughly because we don't know exactly the exact hours it's going to take um probably 30 hours uh at roughly the contract amount would be in the ballpark a 900 the th000 was what we agreed on um and like I say um I I hope you will accept and and move forward and and uh it's like I say it's a good thing um at least in my mind that they're getting some compensation um and uh because even if they're doing it on school time then they're doing their prep work elsewise and there's some funding for that just a heads up bus driving we have been again the bus drivers are doing a great job but we're struggling on coverage we do have a couple people in the hopper which is promising if things work out and and so on um and so it's moving day by day but I I think um the staff um for for pitching in when I say staff the bus drivers some of them are doing extra routes you know Swap and things there's there's office staff that are covering covering the phone morning and night and so on and and so on so um that's that and the last thing I have um I also have another meeting tomorrow I think it's our third meeting with the the crisis group and so we should have our summary in place if everything that we can push out it doesn't mean we quit planning we have more to work on and some things um but we're doing a final read um with with Nick and in the group and um they have some updated staff members on there and so on and so forth so um with that being said um I I expect to um push that out in the near future because we are to put that out to families people um like I say it's pretty General it does you know give some good information but there's also a much deeper plan you know that we're working on you know um or charts and so on of who does what and so on in each building so um excited I mean it's good to have because unfortunately things do happen you know and so um other than that it's things are flowing and I'm working on Levy and and budgets and and so on and so forth so I'm getting out and about as much as I can some of the buildings um and as well as community events too so it's good great that's what I have unless there's questions or question coms thank you uh committee reports any committee reports this time I I don't have other than like I said the district leadership uh we were with District staff development earlier this afternoon um yeah I don't have ton okay facil or uh we met one time the facility met last week yeah um and did our what we're going to call a quarterly report I guess I should have um slipped my mind I mean it Ron said everything was taken care of from the summer that he had planned and I don't think there was anything that was missing one little the the curtains thing he had it something happened with was it a boiler or something like that or something went out correct so he delayed the pur delayed that because he wasn't sure how how much it was going to cost to fix it he has ordered the curtains for the pack and they're coming in because he got that fixed and that was the only thing that was like a little hiccup I think and know and there was an acknowledgement too I think there were 144 that sticks my mind um like fix it tickets or requests in they got about 125 done so there are some things still hanging um we didn't get into the weeds of what you know those 20 were or whatever but there are some Fixit things still out there but they've been working like I say there are some things for instance you know playground next door that want some wood chips and one of the buildings didn't get I'm gonna say cleaned as much on the outside there's some black on it and stuff there's and I don't know what the rest are you know you and we'll move on to 5.0 the consent agenda I move to approve the consent agenda as presented any questions or discussions all those in favor of approving the consent agenda say I I any oppose motion carries 6.0 any opportunities for citizens to speak on items not in the agenda I didn't have any did you okay 7.0 is to approve the agenda need a motion to approve the agenda as presented in boardbook second any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I any opposed motion carries 8.0 District business move on to 8.1 improving the read Act mou uh between the EGF school district and the EGF Education Association as presented and attached in board book need a motion I'll make a motion to approve it second any questions or discussion okay all those in favor of approving this 8.1 the react for theou say I I I any any oppose motion carries n know payment of claims and accounts gosh Eric is gone right can we can read those big numbers you want a printed version well okay okay I'm gonna make a motion to uh the following checks 27692 through 12785 in the amount of 5 7,653 a second any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I I any opposed motion carries all right we are towards the end of our agenda already we had a pretty late meeting but we are doing a working session for the development of the superintendent evaluation so I'm going to skip 10.0 I'm going to go to 11.0 and do board members comments and then I'm going to take a motion to uh have a recess for a few minutes while we set up for our working session and then we'll come back and uh work through that um development of the evaluation the final product will you know come to the board and we'll approve it and then um that'll probably be next session or the next session or however long it takes so we're not going to tape the the working session that's not something we normally do um because like I said the final product will come and be able ailable for all to see so I'm going to skip to 11.0 board member comments Josh do you have anything to talk about this uh I got nothing right now Lindy I have nothing Manda I have nothing okay Bren I gots yeah SCS and and again I would thank the the booster group for running with a product I thank the board as well for supporting it and um you're going to see something similar um I was in at a volleyball game and again there's nothing wrong with your scoreboard in the gym but I think we'll be just as impressed with the one that goes in there yeah you know it's um yeah I think it's a great addition thank the community because I mean the people that put the money up yeah you know is what made it happen so and the boosters they uh they support all activities and they have a big walk coming up on the 29th which is Sunday and it's going there will be a a push we actually just talked about it to all um family members they've asked that I guess the last couple years you know we've emailed or whatever pushed it out through thr shareff so that'll happen in the near future um and I guess that I I could throw it I I did meet with um the Ed foundation in here last week as well as the Elementary PTA both great group all great groups supporting um education so that's it's cool to see and it's probably the most people and I'm just putting a plug out there at a PTA meeting I've ever seen I'm serious they they did some plug cuz there weren't many last year and there were probably 20 how many 20 is that it yeah so that that's really good to see yeah really good to see yeah walk Rider roll y Sunday 29th 5K there's contests and all sorts of things okay I also think scoreboard is really cool I also appreciate everyone in this room and all the teachers that's rolling now on the school year so and activities as well so that's all the comments I have um I'm going to take a motion to take a f minute recess while we get ready for our working session a second who made the first Brandon and Amanda s Josh no we're good all those in favor of re says say hi hi