##VIDEO ID:QismuwIrwH8## e e e e e e e e e welcome to the meeting everyone a roll call of school board members all our present so we can go right into 4.0 communication reports uh start with an enrollment update if you if you see the document attached um Nancy attached uh for the most part overall um down six kids from a month ago um I don't know if you want me to go through grade for the most part and and again this is not picking we've lost some at the high school not saying necessarily lot you know it's just numbers are getting solid um have gained some at the elementary and and overall though um down six kids um I don't know if there's questions or if you want to know grade byg grade where we're at or um but overall we're we're definitely up from projections and so that's a good thing um class size at the lower are you know where they've been they're a little less than where we started you know in some things but um I should say a little less they're um they're evening out a few kids have left but they're they're still up you know so kindergarten is up the highest I mean it's up six kids um but I met with Chad this morning we where we're at and we're going you know so any questions on that you want me to just keep rolling Carla's not here she has her last I'm last cross country meet and so um if you look at the I don't know if there's any questions if you've looked at the treasures report um I don't have I guess you know you know cash flows I mean we're watching but it it is what it is um what I would point out on if if you're looking through um and you're looking at the the one thing that popped out at me was on the supply eyes it looks like we're 54% well the reason that's out of whack is that's actually where the scoreboard got put into I mean whether it should be supplies equipment whatever that throws it off if you take that out we're roughly little 33 or 34% I think if I typed it in um so I mean other than that I you know we're rolling um as I think I've given you an update we've been meeting Wednesdays um working through budget stuff you know things are moving but overall um I feel very good with you know Carla's knowledge and and we're working through things finding answers to certain things but it's a process there's a lot of lines when we're um working through um audit I think is scheduled to be here the first meeting in November and so um it's really quiet I don't know if that's a good thing or bad you know I think it's a good thing but um typically about this time we'll start getting some heads up here's what it's looking like but um think we've heard a peep so any questions on any questions no okay um throwing some things out on my my end and just because I'm not quite sure um msba I don't know how the district if if people their their convention I should say in January sometime here very shortly it's going to open up and I know like housing wise you want to get in um if you have a bunch that go because I'll be honest snoozed last year and we didn't get into the the housing so I don't know if a bunch go no one goes obviously we have some new members that will be coming on we'll try you know and account for so I'm just asking for a little guidance if I mean I don't need answers now if anyone knows for sure they're going or for sure not going we won't you know um Reserve dat coming it's the 17th the 17th and 18th I think yeah I'm sure yeah Jan or 16th and 17th I think I put 17th and 18th in my email um but it's it's the 16th and 17th if I recall I was a day off when I kind of threw it out in that report or whatever so just think about it like I say if you you know for sure a yes or a no because again just I don't want to mislead or you know but otherwise we'll try getting that when it comes out um I will give a heads up um I was asked to participate in a round table down there um and so I will um participate it it has to do with with solar we did a solar for schools Grant in fact they broke ground here in the Falls recently here so um the guy from the state just wanted someone to help and kind of give a school's perspective um transportation committee we haven't met it's I believe it's Brandon Amanda and Lynn um I met with uh the mechanic and Cody and um Carla and I met last week they're putting together I'm going to call it an inventory list and kind of a ranking um and the only reason I want to well I shouldn't say I don't think we did a bus this year but they're they're saying minimum nine months out and so um once they get a list and kind of the ranking and stuff I'd like to meet and see what our thoughts are where we're at because if we're going to do something there we probably got to get kind of the commitment in sooner rather than later um uh meet and confer also I re reached out to the union um and they have a new um person kind of chairing that they were actually meeting tonight so I'm going to get some dates I just asked could we get them on you know so that they're set and and um we'll go from there uh did have my first um they called Safety Committee meeting or or I should say we did with the um East Grand Forks Ed Education Association and they kind of got me up to speed on you know what that group's looking for and that's as far as we've gotten um and and I think had you attended those the um the teacher I I wasn't aware because it's not technically a board committee type deal we do have but is is that's not the same as the the teacher because I thought they said maybe a man okay I didn't include include you if you want I apologize because like I said I invited admin they invited the union and and someone had said they thought you were part of it in negotiations yep yep okay okay someone wanted to yeah so so anyway that's going um where we at uh I just wanted to mention ncy um did our first perah um as we hire people now legislatively we have to do some training before they start obviously we did that before school but had the first run today with um a new person and and it's off and running I will say that's one of the things I believe the legislature did good is requiring some training instead of just getting people in and throwing them to the Wolves so to speak same with the ongoing training you know this highly qualified deal that St is working on immensely with them it is done right I mean we we we do need people um trained and educated and so um anyway just letting you know that's on ongoing and going um I set a survey draft on the table um we would appreciate that admin administrative group has looked at it um the district leadership group had given some you know ideas and stuff on it so that's what we're looking at we have three different versions um they're all the same so to speak but but like the one for students does not you know it's it's student specific I feel safe at school you know I you know feel my needs are being met it's just worded differently and the same with the it ask for instead of um who they are it ask for their grade are you in 912 are you in 68 and then we decided to go down to fifth grade so we know kind of what the age level the responses are coming from the same with the staff one it's just worded differently yeah you you know do you feel safe at school do you um feel respect whatever all the qu you know it's it's just that's the three different and the same thing there we ask are you a teacher are you a perah there's four groups are you you know we didn't do every single you know bus drive you know we just group people so um open to conversation and that like I say that's not all my um desire yeah you know it's it's what the groups have kind of we think this will give us what we need anything you know my biggest fear is we don't ask something we want and you know to go back doesn't work very well so again there's some color there's some color differing so you can tell the survey is different um and then we'll like I say once kind of you want to look at it whatever um I would say by the next board meeting like a nod and then we're going to figure out how to push them out obviously electronically is one way but we want paper available if someone wants and this and that so uh the last thing I was going to mention is I don't plan on doing a board update this week um I I'm going to take Friday off with with teachers and a good chunk of Staff being out and with the board meeting today I just thought I would throw it at you unless something you know major happens that watch you in the loop of um that's where I'm at questions questions no I think the survey is looks good from what I've looked over quickly I mean hindsight's always going to be 2020 there's always going to be something you could miss but I think it's a good start all right moving on to principles who shall we start with how about the [Laughter] prek I always go youngest all right good evening so um prek continues to have a waiting list of three for our four-year-old program and U two for our three-year-old program um there's a possibility to slot opened up to move someone into a four-year-old program but um so we're always working on that and always putting kids on the waiting list so we can get a hold of them when we need them um teachers in prek are um couple months now deep into letters training for the react and so um that's going well they're they're two times a month that they're working on that um they're getting together and working as a team and we have a big training that comes up as a group later on before Christmas break um so we're looking forward to that but the the ongoing training is good training and they're excited about the letters curriculum and what it's going to do for us um we recently also uh purchased for the preschool program um the Hagerty U phonics part as a supplement to letters and to the curriculum we're already using so um everyone has that online version and we're going to use it for a couple weeks and then on the fourth we have um a video training with the company so um everyone else is using it and or not everyone new heights is using it as well so it's nice to be a part of that and and they have an early childhood they have a three-year-old portion and a four-year-old portion so it fits right in with what we're doing and um get the the verbiage in with that and teachers are excited looking forward to it so yeah what does Hagerty do up above and beyond letters so it breaks word sounds down and phonics it's basically the beginning phonics so you know what sounds are and it has hand motions that go with it so yeah those letters literally just letters like just no it it is also it is it is not just letters it is phonics as well and the sun blending and things like that so yeah are the parents doing the same training as the teachers um they will do the hegerty training with us um the gal the rep from the hegerty company suggested that that we bring in some people um and do the training with them because they're part of that ongoing classroom experience um and as far as letters training no that that is just uh licensed staff okay and that's just that goes with the read act so they're phase one of that well and in phase two and it principes can correct me if I'm wrong the Paras are going to get something but it's still in development of exactly what whether it's letters whether it's oh Ola whatever Paris are going to have something but like anything else planes being built as we're flying you know it's not there and that's a year out yet so their training isn't in the redact stuff yet they're they're going to be in phase two of the redact stuff and like say it's not laid out exactly what they're what it is yet sounds bad but it isn't okay under construction yeah yeah okay yeah oh it's rolling along nicely this year thank you I'm on Chad's gone so Melissa good evening so we've got a lot of fun things that are happening out at South Point our fifth grade ambassador program is in full swing um they've been doing a lot of leadership activities throughout our school um working with uh the preschool classes that we have in the morning and then just doing jobs throughout the day um primarily in the morning to get the day started and so that has been really cool to see as as well as our safety patrol has been in um full swing as well um just talking a little bit about Safe Kids um they will be tinas here tonight to speak um a little more extensive on that but I just want to say a huge thank you to Safe Kids because they actually educated all of our students they took each class down to the hawk crosswalk um this last Monday so that crosswalk um just teaching the students on how to use it correct and um just going over the guidelines for that so each um student at sou Point has been trained on how to use that crosswalk properly and so a big thank you to them for that um also we're seeking and again Tina is going to elaborate a little more on this but we are seeking volunteers who would like to be a crossing guard um at that intersection there of bigland and 13th uh just because it is if you use that that uh particular intersection you know that it is just not sure if people truly understand how to use that crosswalk um there a lot of misunderstanding of if you're in the vehicle if you should go or not depending on the light and then the students and the timing but I know Tina is going to elaborate more so we are looking for a looking for a few um crossing guards as so that it maybe wouldn't be such a commitment of you know all week maybe it could be once a week or once every two weeks if we could get enough volunteers we are also seeking volunteers for anyone who would be interested in assisting with lunch supervision um we've already had one parent sign up for that and so we're looking forward to having that um parents start tomorrow um we do go through a process of having a background check um and going through all those legalities so if anyone's interested just reach out to myself out at South Point and we're happy to get you going with that we have already completed um one night of conferences um I know new heights was having their first one tonight this is something that we have done different um with the two elementaries um since I've been here I think we've always held them all of our conferences on the same night and so this year with the looking at the calendar we have South Point um had their first one last Thursday night and then we will complete our conferences Tuesday and Wednesday morning where New Heights is tonight tomorrow night and then Wednesday morning in February we will swap so new heights will get that prior week of a night of conferences so what's nice about that is that it's really supporting our staff who have students who have that night off and can accommodate if they have students at the other building and for families if they you know have students at both then it's going to be up to them if they want to still keep it all in one night or have it split so I think it's going over very well with staff and families um teachers are just busy working on completing their Ola training and their plc's that's what we're working on in our early Wednesdays and it's greatly appreciated because the Ola training is very intense and so having that time set aside has been greatly appreciated having that dedicated time so yeah that's what we're kind of up to out at South Point any questions all right thank you hi all right let's hear about our middle schoolers um had a really great fall so wrapped up lots of activities um still a couple events going on we still have some swimming going on we have some cross country going on but our girls tennis and soccer um still our girl soccer um Varsity players are competing um and we do have some Junior High girls that participate in that so that's great our football volleyball um just really lots of activities um wanting to share that our pop singers and our jazz band um they are kicking off and they're rolling and ready um their first performance will be at our um Veterans Day program but our numbers and music overall are exceptional um jazz band pop singers but even our choir and our bands um we have lots of kids that are choosing to be in the Arts um our student council numbers are up for students too um and really what we are doing is encouraging students to participate because we know that research says and we just know observation says that when kids are busy um they are involved um they're more productive and they're more focused and when those things happen then there's really positive results and I would say overall our start to the school year has been really good really good some interesting things because it's school but I was very good too um coming up we have robotics starting even next week for our seventh and or sixth and seventh graders um our musical is going to start to kick off they'll announce that in in not too long and then we'll have basketball and wrestling and then our community events we have lots of students that participate in hockey and figure skating too so anything that students can be a part of we really really want them to be a part of um those events um today indigenous people's day we had mayor Gander come to CMS um last year um on this day there was a council meeting and he had shared a message um on indigenous peoples and some history and so invited him to come today to share that message with all of our students and our staff um that was well received we have some fun events coming up with um Halloween um middle schoolers get to dress in costumes and we adjust our SK schedule a little bit so we can um have a little bit of fun and practice what a dance looks like and feels like and they get to wear their costumes so we'll talk with our students about that um we are going to um have pumpkin decorating this year as well so some fun things that um that uh middle schoolers whether they believe it or not they're fun and so we want them to be a part of it um our conferences are coming up on the 23rd and the 30th we do Wednesday conferences um 3:30 to 6:30 and they're open house style for all of our grade levels um sixth grade is choosing to have their conferences in the cafeteria this year um we'll have our book for that evening or those evenings of the evenings um and then our seventh and eighth grade teachers will be in their classroom so their open house style for both of the evenings that we have um and I would just second what um Melissa had shared about our PLC and our mtss time on our Wednesdays we are also doing some tier one curriculum mapping work and um Mr Laura and I have been talking to um some outside experts from Northwest service cooperative and compass and asking for some science social studies um English language arts and some math um kind of consults experts to come in and make sure that the work that we are doing is focused and connected to the standards that we know that we need to make sure our students have um access and exposure and Mastery of so good things going on happy to report um a positive start to the year questions I I would just throw out and I I mentioned this to Jill on um Friday a thank you to staff and it's just one example the itasa event and it takes not only planning but it takes staff that that are willing to the easy thing is to stay in the classroom you know just do your normal thing but the kids have a great time and that's just one example there's stuff going on in every building yet you know and so I would thank staff and and thank leadership for giving our students opportunities I'll add another exciting thing um so every year our eighth graders um study the diary van Frank and there's a project that Mr Green does with that this year the fire hall theater has the Diary of Anne Frank play and so they're doing a special performance day performance for us next Tuesday so that and so that typically is a different time of the year but we knew that this was coming so they shifted some things around and kind of reset so when those opportunities are out in our community I think it's especially important to get our students out and to see what that looks like it's a great screenplay it's a great thing to watch as a movie but there's something about it being performed right in front of you that really I think helps our students to make greater connections so yeah excited for that and please that our staff look for those kinds of opportunities and are flexible when they come their way to so thank you hello everybody so um lots of stuff going on at the high school as well obviously um we had our homecoming festivities a week and ended on this on the 20th of September um football game didn't go as we wanted to um but we had 444 kids that came to our homecoming dance from 8:30 to 10:30 I know that because I have a breathalizer that records every single person not not their names but just by number how many that I've tested so I do breathe every single kid that walks in the door uh it's a passive one um basically if they have any amount of alcohol on them I refer them to our officer and he takes care of the rest so um they can't have any obviously um the the kids uh stayed from 8:30 10:30 which is kind of surprising which they usually don't but maybe it was because we have a photo booth that was kind of fun for the kids to do that so that was cool um our 10th graders are going to the career Expo next week next Wednesday it's at theis um student thousands of th students from around the area are going to that we usually go in the afternoon but because of our early out we go in the morning next this next Wednesday so that'll be good um our steam group that uh is being taught by Stacy Bach is going to go on the 24th which just something called space connects which is connecting space exploration and agriculture I'm not sure how that actually works but they're going to figure that out so um yeah I was kind of intrigued by that as well so um where's that that is at UND at the uh Union moral Union Yeah Yeah so basically in the morning 9 to 12 something like that um and let's see what else we got going on oh um a lot of extracurricular stuff um boy soccer uh lost in the first round of playoffs but their consolation prize I guess if you will if there is any uh the team that they lost to is playing for the section Championship tomorrow so obviously that was a pretty good game girl soccer does play in the section championships tomorrow uh against Cathedral uh that's a 7:30 game in sock Center um football has their last home game Wednesday versus Detroit Lakes playoffs are next Tuesday after that uh volleyball has their last home game tomorrow at home versus bigi and they have they start playoffs the week after uh girls tennis we had one girl that just about made it to State she lost in the true team or true second um um singles match uh Ruby leech so she played well but then lost in that true second and cross country's last meet is today and they start sections they have their section meet I think it's next week sometime next Thursday yeah so lots of stuff there um the big thing that happened um some of you are familiar probably with the yst grant we we applied in got for the Ys yst Grant two years ago we got 100 Grand over two years at Stephanie larsson's kind of heading um we found out last spring that we were not uh selected to get that the only people that got that were the first round or had only been there for for the first round of of yst Grants they didn't give it to a second second term for whatever reason somebody didn't uh want their $100,000 so they asked us if we wanted 80 and we said absolutely so we are in for a second round so we get $80,000 over the next two years to help us with uh um business Partnerships and things like that so that's kind of a kind of very good news so yeah we'll use that very well so that's it that's all I got so questions for me thank you okay great we have Safe Kids Next all right there we go my name is Tina Sanders and I'm the uh pedestrian and wield Sports Coordinator for Safe Kids Grand Forks and I just I wanted to give you kind of a little bit of background about Safe Kids Grand Forks and the activities that we do within our region and also highlight some of the things that we've been doing with South Point this fall due to the hawk signal and some of our obser ations with some um challenging pedestrian um situations so very first of all if you're not familiar with us Safe Kids Grand Forks has been an active Coalition since 1992 so we serve kind of a huge region our region is um Northeast North Dakota Northwest um Minnesota and we reach all the way up to the Canadian border we have kind of a very vast area that we serve uh we are based here in East Grand Forks and we are under the ultum so um I'm an employee of altr um within our 32-year history some of our activities that we've gotten to accomplish here in East Grand Forks include our annual safety on Wheels helmet and bike education we have our annual active Transportation safety education that's actually um something that became mandated um in the state of Minnesota for all students within the first 3 weeks of school to have active Transportation education so that includes pedestrian and bike education so we have been doing for very many many years uh safety around schools which does cover those two topics as well as motor vehicle and bus safety we have done um quite a bit of grant writing over our history um as well as program Administration most recently a lot of our programs have been through safe routes to school funding we also were part of the grant writing for sidewalks on bigland as well as the hawk signal we do safety patrol uh program training and we also do some bial walk audits so we were really really honored to have been um asked by South Point as well as the city of East grandforks to assist in the safety around that Hawk signal and knowing that that is sort of a challenging intersection uh and having kind of this newer technology happening we knew that we needed to kind of face that education from a lot of different fronts so obviously we started with the students uh like Melissa mentioned we were able to take every single class of students down to the hawk signal we partnered with the SRO Nick Gunderson over there to educate the students about that how to use the hawk um one of the things that we had observed is that either if students are um Crossing and not using the hawk they're just kind of crossing without it the ones that are using it occasionally get frustrated at the wait time for it to reset and so they're Crossing against the light uh one of the things that uh one of the homeowners nearby noticed is that when the countdown happens letting the folks that are in the crosswalk know that uh their time is about to be up students that are still way back a block away on the um sidewalk are seeing it as sort of a challenge to get across the street uh within the 15 seconds or whatever it happens to be so we um highlighted all of those issues and really talk to all the students about pedestrian safety in general but also how to operate that Hawk signal um another thing that we were able to do is we actually created a little newsletter that we sent out to all the parents um at the two schools affected I actually have copies of these for everybody if you'd like them um it really highlights the observations that we made in the several days that we sat out there and kind of observed how that operation was happening some of the things that we saw included people speeding through the uh the intersection not obeying the hawk um and then some of the things that we felt were very very challenging behaviors was uh some violations of the crosswalk so not stopping at the limit line but rather stopping within the crosswalk forcing the students to either walk out into the roadway to Cross or walk in between two cars to get to the other side of the street uh the other thing that we have heard mentioned and have seen um ourselves is drivers you know we live in Minnesota so kind of Minnesota nice behavior trying to wave the kids through and the kids we've told them obviously to wait for the hawk signal to give them to go ahead to cross so uh the drivers are getting frustrated because they're trying to wave the kids through and the kids are you know not going and so they're kind of hey go you know and um so the students are really confused because a grown-up is telling them that it's safe to cross however with so many lanes of traffic um if somebody else coming the other direction is following the hawk signal they may not notice that there's a student trying to cross so um we also have embarked uh through our walk to school day last Wednesday a series called wheeling and walking Wednesdays where we will have different um Community celebrities and and fun activities and things like that over the course of four weeks encouraging safe walking so we'll have people down by the hawk signal um assisting students in Walking kind of creating more awareness for the drivers and that sort of thing um which we will start next Wednesday those four uh events events so um Above All Else those are kind of have been our observations what we're really really asking for is that you help us to amplify that signal and get that information out like I said we cover a lot of schools we're in a lot of areas so um we really rely on the community and the folks in you know some leadership positions to help us to get that information out that's why I'm providing this with you tonight and just to kind of um if you have your own social media you know share what we're saying about it or let people know and if you have the opportunity or the time please observe at that intersection and kind of see what we're what we're kind of contending with to note that there are some really challenging behaviors obviously kids are going to be kids and we have given them the information but we're really relying on those drivers those adult drivers to um recognize this the challenges there and to those behaviors so that we can see a lot safer situation for the kiddos so take any questions questions from anyone I just I have one um is there a reason so that no the lights are up up on top but why there's not like a block away you know you have school crossing is there something that that we could work with the city or or whomever to get some other flashing lights up there that's a like I go that way every morning and take take kids that way and I I watch those kids come come across the road but I also watch simis and what have you go flying through there so if there's some type of a precursor or something I mean everybody looks at their phones you're not supposed to in Minnesota but we know they that that they are you can watch them go right through the intersection looking at their at their phones so there's something prior to that is there any way that we can help as a board to try try to get that done and maybe maybe it's not feasible but it just seems like you know I and I don't know if that's been um suggested or as an opportunity um I've been in my position for three years so I I don't know what might have happened prior to that knowing that getting the hawk system up and running has taken a little bit of time to do that um but I think that's a great suggestion um it's one of those things that we have like if we're um thinking about the airport we've got that kind of warning that hey the lights are gonna so I I understand exactly what you're you're describing and I think it's a good idea um let me obviously take it back to the f that I work with um but yeah I would love to explore any ways that we could make that a little safer for the kids yeah maybe your discussions with the city folks too and maybe it's not even feasible but it just seems like there might be something Miss missing out there that's what blanking red you can drive and well and that's um that is one of the goals of us having you know four weeks worth of um kind of events going on there is drawing a little bit more attention to the fact that this is something that we're using for safety drawing a little bit more attention for the drivers to the fact that this is a corridor for students and we have hundreds of students that are you know trying to get through here in one manner of Transportation or another so um anything that we can do to just kind of um highlight that and of course make it a lot safer for the kids yeah absolutely we have that on our Facebook page absolutely we do um we shared that just shortly before the school year started so that's going to be maybe um last week of August absolutely not I absolutely encourage you to do so um if you wanted to drop me an email or for sure anything else okay I appreciate your time thank thank you all right 4.4 any committee reports okay sounds good so move on to 5.0 the consent agenda I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented second okay any questions or discussion anything pulled right all those in favor say I I I any oppose very motion all right we get on to 6.0 opportunities for citizens to speak for items not on the agenda any okay 7.0 is to approve the agenda so I'll take a motion to approve the agenda as presented I'll move a second any questions or discussion all those in favor say I I any oppose motion carries okay 8.0 motion of the school board supporting of the form a application to the mshs L I didn't say that very well but Minnesota State High School leag Foundation has presented and attached it's a resolution so need a motion and then an approval and then and then a resol and then a I'll make a motion okay any questions or discussion I I can't honestly speak I know in the past there was like 750 bucks you know that's what we' got I guess I assume it's the same across the board but I honestly didn't ask big roll please yes yes yes yes motion carries 6 to zero okay 8.2 is to adopt the resolution of Form B for the Minnesota State High School league Foundation second any questions or discussion on Form B yes yes yes yes motion carries six to zero Hey 8.3 the high school robotics coach do you want me to explain a little bit before okay so what um well no just to give um uh the the robotics coach um Nathan came and talked with Scott and I it's probably been three weeks ago now um looking to lengthen the season okay um it it is um how do I want to say it's supported by the high school league but it's not a high school league event and so he laid out and again I I gave us a pamphlet kind of describing what a normal year looks like or at least last year um and then into this year where they competed um in August down at Mall of America not saying that's always at the Mall of America but that's when the new robot is released then and you can start building and he has examples there are places that start like we did mainly in October end of October or mid October before there's places that keep going like right in the summer and go on so they have had kids I'm just being honest which is fine because it's not like High School league like basketball where once school starts you can't have contact you know so they've been working and I can't speak completely to all years prior but um you know this fall working on their new um first competition I think is the end of October and then they'll go mainly to midm March and then of course it could go longer just like a lot of sports or activities you know depend on if he could make it further so anyway um he's looking a to move it to um kind of registration in the fall which is not I don't think an issue so like also looking to extend the season so to speak which I don't think we have a challenge with but on the other hand is there any you know compensation or anything that could go go with it so we asked for number and some different things um middle school has at least in the past last year 24 25 kids I think were participating um last year and I'm just giving a history um there or in years past there was a coordinator fee um put in place and I believe it was when we had a teacher teach in the class which also helped build the robot years ago that's not there now um but to try and entice that person to maybe keep coaching for a year or two and it maybe worked or didn't when that person left that fee is stay or that piece has stayed there so what you paid if you look in the handout um you had a coordinator fee and two coaching fees last year okay so in looking at you know how could we do something I don't like the coordinator fee I'm just being honest because I no one can really explain what it means because a lot of coaches and different people Josh was in doing some coordination this morning why doesn't basketball get the coordinator feet you know it's not that the ad doesn't help them and work with them so we looked at trying to look at a time commitment if they're putting in in 10 hours minimum of 10 hours a week okay and going that long where would it kind of equate and for the most part it looks like a head coach yeah you know no one can explain exactly why football and all these others are what you know cross countries in group b and so on so Scott and I look and looked at that and said okay TimeWise it would be with that group we get rid of the coordinator there's no such thing anymore and then we're looking at having two Middle School coaches assuming there's enough participation at the same level and I just compar them on level one if you look at the hand out and it looks to be ,000 what was it $20 or something difference um and $1,290 difference so that's where the history came from um you know or if you want to now go to a motion you know get it I guess I I have one question I guess so if it's going to be so my understanding is it it can be from like August to March yeah is that correct okay so is there a a separate registration fee you know what I mean like for a kid I would say because like that long feels like it's a fall Sport and then a winter sport you mean like like like because like well soccer so like get an activity fee they have to pay soccer is August to October and then they have to pay another fee from for basketball for October to March so are we saying that these kids don't get me wrong get one activity fee for eight months that seems like that seems like it's a it's a really good deal I guess and if you're trying to offset cost for another coaching position or more money then we should probably be putting that back on an activity fee the the only challenge I guess we were looking at is and again you know how much time you put in to an activity you know as a coach I mean 10 Hours basketball puts in more than 10 hours at least in my calculation you might only practice an hour and now and I'm not saying they don't eat it we were looking at when you spread it out though they require 6 hours a week and we did have some conversation what about a kid that you know just can't start in August they can still participate that's another piece of it that you know we talked about you got to be committed but we also have to look at you know kids are we want kids in variety of things and sometimes they can be in robotics and be in basketball or football or whatever so there has to be some accommodation there but we were just looking otherwise I think if you start looking and say it it is truly fullbore two sports should we be paying two salar I mean completely two salaries instead of spread so I mean it's open to convers school is the extended season right not the Middle School yep Middle School is still going to run the similar type and again all coaches do above and beyond so it's not there there's no way to say you know when they're doing stuff in the summer or if Nathan's helping with middle school that's expected you know just like I'm sure you do some stuff with the lower coaches or levels from time to time and so I'm looking for a motion to and again I met with the Union because the union negotiates these and and they um the lead negotiator was fine with what was proposed and yeah let's let's go for it so I'm just looking to adjust from what we did last year so there would be like say there's no coordinator fee it would be hiring the coach at the level we suggested or I should say head coach and then two Middle School assuming numbers don't drop you know if there only ended up being five middle schoolers sorry we only need one coach so for tonight you're not looking for necessarily an answer on extending the season tonight because it's already October well that like I say they're doing it and we don't need you know like I say they're looking to a you know can we in the future sure do that but as far as the Staffing I mean doesn't have to be tonight but I mean we're in season I mean we've hired I believe we've hired Nathan already I don't know if we've could be wrong hired both middle school or not um and they'll be starting well soon here so Fe for the high school robotics position and two Middle School robotics positions and eliminate that and eliminate the coordinator fee for robotics okay yeah was that good do you want us repeat that it's in the nodes right how they have it yeah change it to the recommended y group seven adopt the recommended I don't know I'll second is there a second any questions or discussions as to the recommended um structure of the robotics coaching and we don't need a roll call on that it just just okay all those in favor say I I I any oppose motion carries okay donations to the school district need a motion to accept donations to the school district in the amount of $ 42,46 you want to read them all sure I will I'll make a motion to accept the following donations donation from the music boosters to for music in the amount of 8,465 a donation from Dr Gander and rasan Gander to the senior high for band inquire in the amount of $1,000 from Dr Gander and Roslin to the senior high for girls tennis for $500 Dr Gander and Roslin again to the senior high for Boys Tennis for $500 Dr Gander and rosin to the senior high for football for $1,000 and a donation from the East Grand Forks booster club to the East Grand Forks Athletics for General Athletics in the amount of $31,000 total donations tonight $ 42,46 I'll second that motion any questions or discussion on the donations okay all those in favor say I I I any opposed motion carries 9.0 payment of claims and accounts I will move to approve the pay payment of K12 bills numbers 27851 through 12863 and efts in the amount of 1,497 33674 I'll second any questions or discussion I had one question question um Kevin there was a payment to brainer school district for student services for like $1,000 do you know what that the only thing I can guess is for educational you know like a kid I mean they get expensive Nancy if you know not you deal with the that's why I figured I as yeah that would be mine because every time I've asked it's been for students that are supposed be in our district are somewhere else for the time being just transferring of funds that we reive any other questions or discussion okay all those in favor say I I anyos motion carries hey 10.0 board member comments I'll start with you uh nothing tonight uh just thank you to everyone that donated and good luck to fall sports that are still out there same same Amanda I have none tonight okay gred I don't have anything that hasn't been said um but thank you to everyone since it's we're now in the in the go of the school year so 11.0 is the next meeting of board of education is scheduled for October 28 2024 at 5:30 um we are also going to have a superintendent evaluation working session now so um just like the last board meeting we'll take a motion for recess and then we'll have um the video doesn't have to keep keep going um it's just a working session to determine those criteria shouldn't be very long tonight and then um yeah so I'll need a motion for recess I'll make a motion I'll second okay um any questions or discussion about the recess no all right we'll recess for