##VIDEO ID:_jzqN7SjMcE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah this is e e e e e e great roll call of Schoolboard members base flug and prawitz are gone but we still have a quorum so we'll continue uh 4.0 communication reports do you want any on enrollment okay you have a document on enrollment update um that Nancy put together for the most part um good and bad um that start with the good you're still up significantly from uh a year ago um we're up 62 kids downside is you can see we've we've lost a fair number 14 from last month um I didn't get a chance 11th and 10th and 11th you lost three kids in each grade um I didn't get a chance to ask otherwise there's you know one here two there increased one you know and it's just spread about so um 20 20 down 20 from the start of the year and I'm not going to say that's not abnormally you get some in and do they stick around whatever but um so significantly still up but um and as far as you know Elementary looking at you know class size just to be honest um the where am I at here kindergarten one of the classes is down two kids um third grade um you lost one in two different classes but gained one in a class I mean there's nothing that jumped out that you know sure whatever so um mainly just uh kind of keeping your breast to where we're at and hopefully things have what do you want to call leveled out and where we're going to be so um any questions on that any questions okay right Finance update good morning morning I like when I don't have a lot of news spring because it means we are operating at should good so um just right off the bat and the revenues um one thing to note is that under federal revenue we have not yet drawn down our title funds yet because we are in our Amendment window we don't want to draw down because we can't amend and make any changes um if we've already taken money out of there so that's why we kind of start doing that in December versus earlier um then jumping down into general fund expenditures looking at our supplies and our equipment budgets those two one is over one's under um the supplies budget is the curriculum that we approved at the end of last year year be prior to or excuse me after the budget was done and those items are sitting in the budget under the other expenditures so that one is also very under budget but that's because of the where the two are sitting and then um also the scoreboard is sitting in the supplies budget we're going to move that into the equipment budget so that's going to level off there um so those are the two points in the general fund um oh one last one too if you look at our other financing uses at the very bottom by expenditures there we are sitting in the negative and that's two reasons one we don't break out until we get our premiums and our audits straightened out from the last year of where um which funds they sit in so um workman's comp audit just came back it came back better than we anticipated so we got some just over $177,000 in a refund from last year's premium so that'll play into the budget as well so any questions there any questions oh and I didn't write this as a note but I just wanted to make note of it is that we did get our between terms unemployment and it came back about $80,000 more than we anticipated from last year but we are getting that back from the state so until that money runs out we haven't been told when that money is going to be running out it and anticipated to happen soon but we will get that refunded to us that's the was it 230,000 that was in the board bills yes okay yeah that's for like peras bus drivers Subs you know different thing thinking can take employment now I had that as a question to see if that was within budget or that well it's over I put it up by about 30 $40,000 not thinking it would go up that much but it I think last year is a better Baseline than the year before sure so okay and that is one that is I'm going to say all the Ed organizations um at least I deal with are legislatively working on because if they don't re you know refill that pot or whatever and it comes back to us CU we can't Levy for those either you know otherwise there's legislation like if we had unemployment we can Levy well not for this it's specific and so I mean for us that would be quarter a million dollars yeah you know I mean that's significant that's yes so any questions on that page no right um okay so going on to the next page AG we're going to look at Food Service under the expenditures we are up about 5% from last year could be one of two things or could be a combination of two things timing of when we're paying the bills which is a significant one that I think it's where it's sitting and then Brand's in the process of matching the cost to rfps just to make sure that we are getting what we were quoted so she's we're looking at two different things there so those are the main points I wanted to make there and then the treasurers report um um I didn't have too much to make there we are sitting just about really relatively normal to where we were last year so that's a good thing so um upcoming events we're going to start the amended budget and then um audit report will be coming in on the next board meeting so that's what I have this morning any questions for Carlo thank you all right 4.3 Administration department heads perfect uh I I laid a a sheet on your desk region one is where we get Synergy and some Services if anyone's interested in running for their board there is actually an application um and there's a sheet there and application and give some qualifications so if anyone's interested I have that could help you along with that um just for your uh info I did mention to the principles that they didn't need to come to this meeting and do an update this morning just not knowing a how things went they got buildings to run you know two of them start earlier and I didn't know what your schedules were so anyway that's where that's at um just in case anyone does hear I got a call yesterday I was out I think I put in my report took a vacation day to finish hunting um there was a deer in the ball field between CMS in and uh South Point injured law enforcement was called good batter and different they they had to take care of it they had a silencer no one no one's called or anything but just in case some word word would get out um yeah you know law enforcement dealt with it um a couple things uh I I have met or or we've met a couple times with what I'm going to call the the the East Grand Forks Education Association the teachers group that was looking at is there anything we could do for you know staff that gets ined on the job and this and that I think it came out of negotiations to let's have some meetings you know we haven't gotten a long way I'm just going to be honest but there is a piece about if someone was injured um and they um a went into the doctor ended up on work comp would we want to do anything so I would like to meet with our negotiating committee and just kind of yeah you know let you know where we're at throw some things around so I believe that's Eric Brandon and Lynn and the other one um we've been dealing with Transportation um and I'm talking Vehicles looking at our inventory this and that um buses are over a year out right now and so it's probably worth you know it's not that could buy now but it's probably worth worth meeting with that Transportation group we have uh the inventory years mileage all that and going you know do we want to bring something for the board to you know give authority to do or not and um and and so like I say it's it I would that's Brandon ly and Amanda and Amanda replied to me so I don't know if we can like I say um look at schedules won't don't have to be long meetings or anything but um if you want to throw out some times that usually works pretty good I mean it's more your guys you know what I'm saying I say my schedule's flexible I don't know you know I mean whether you want mornings whether you want evenings whether you want midday I mean I'll make my schedule work around your work schedules what yeah I know I mean I'm flexible too yeah I would just throw out times like Glen said and just say here's three days and times pick them I mean but would you rather be after you know what I say like after work five six o'clock would you rather like noon meetings yeah you know you see what I'm getting at noon meetings are better for me CU then have pick up and supper and everything but I mean I'll do whatever I can do noon meetings I don't can you as well noon meetings are good okay okay why don't I I'll throw a couple out for next week sure you know um and like say I don't see either of them taking a long time you should I try doing them both on the same day you know because no well no I'm just saying I I mean like the transportation I can see it being a 15minute deal and so that's why I'm saying like Brandon and lyner on both of them I that I'm okay with that if you don't foresee it being a long meeting like like an hour long meeting so if you know there are two shorter meetings I'm fine with that okay okay I I will I will throw those out um and then I like I said we we'll hit on the the sub pay I I have some more information for you and stuff when we get there but other than that um I don't have anything else thank you any and you hit the committee the committee yeah or the two we met with or the one been meeting with sure all right 5.0 consent agenda I will I'll move to approve the consent agenda as presented I'll second okay anybody want anything pulled or questions or [Music] concerns all those in favor say I I I I any oppos motion carries uh any upper any citizens okay we'll move on to 7.0 to approve the agenda agenda I'll make the motion a second okay uh any questions or concerns okay all those in favor say I I I any opposed motion carries 8.0 District business we'll move into 8.1 the resolution of canvasing the return of votes of school district general elections um I'll move to approve the resolution canvasing uh returns of votes of the school district general election as presented and attached in board book a second have to do a roll call for this resolution yes yes yes yes okay that's four out of four for today so the motion carries 8.2 to increase substitute teacher daily rate of pay from 145 a day to 165 A Day take a motion so moved a second any questions or discussion if I can just give you a little bit we um throw it a little bit earlier um it was three years ago that the sub pay went from 135 to 145 um I I did reach out to the area through our our Co-op um to see if there was any information on what other districts were paying um it came up in two places one admin was talking about you know they're getting a little heat Grand uh Grand Forks is 185 and so a few people that go back and forth are you know it's quite a difference you know um and in part of that discussion is it's more Grand Forks than it maybe is fiser and crookton but anyway I wanted to see region wise they had data from last year October 30th of 2023 um for the region um the mean was 150 median was 145 the mode was 150 um just some of not krton was at 160 I don't know if they've changed since or not this was like I say a year go fiser was at 150 Warren Alo was 140 um and and so like I say those are at least the closer I mean what Walker payer beiji I mean it's it's all in there that's where that whole region comes from um so again we're at 145 it is true if we have retirees they get an extra 20 yeah you know if they were a retiree from our district um 20 or 25 I I think 20 um they get 165 yeah 20 20 more so anyway that's where we're at I'll be honest just a rough approximate if it went up to 165 it's going to cost us about 30,000 you know looking at the number of Subs throughout a year you know it's give or take but we'd be able to probably find more well hopefully yeah yeah you know and I mean it's it is what it is um you know I I looked if you would have put like 4% each year it'd be at 162 you know I just pulled four saying because there's no benefits or anything else with it so um NY did you say retired get 165 so they would get 180 20 more than what correct they get 20 more than what it's it's I think or is that not how it's I think that's how it's $20 added to the I believe that's yes I believe that's right correct if they're a retired teacher from East cont otherwise then what we just negotiated and is out the door so so that's what I have I don't know any other questions or discussion okay all those in favor say I I any opposed motion carries 9.0 payment of claims and accounts make a motion to approve the payment of K12 bills numbers 1281 168 through 128 260 and efts in the amount of 1,461 19339 a second any questions or discussion he all those in favor say I I I any oppose motion carries we are on to board member comments we start with you um nothing major this morning U maybe just congrats to the two new school board members um good to see we're getting some candidates so um good yeah and on that same note I did reach out to both of them I did have a meeting with Matt on on Friday just like what call meet and greet we we were probably ched for close to an hour or so was good and and uh so the the other one we haven't connected quite yet but U and to you ly as well well thank you same yeah congrats thanks happy happy back and uh yeah nothing nothing further today okay yeah nothing okay I wanted to congratulates Matt congratulate Matt and Holly as well I'll be reaching out as well wanted to maybe we wait for this step so um expect my call or text but no we're well into winner stuff now here we go all right next Bo of Education meeting is scheduled for November 25th 2024 at 5:30 I'll take a motion to adjourn so moved sorry I'll second uh any questions or discussion all those in favor say say I