##VIDEO ID:dYjpjKSHkoE## e e e e e e e e e e e e is your mic on sorry than you um everybody's here except for King we got a quorum so we'll keep moving Communications and reports superintendent so my plan is just to give a few comments on a couple of the items obviously there can there will be discussion as we get to them but just to give you a little insight the the first two items I don't have any comments when we get to the third grade uh third grade discussion let's put it that way um there been third grade group has met with administ with with principal um different people have had conversations we have met administratively obviously when we or I shouldn't say Obviously when we start looking at adding a section um one of the big concerns comes out with um some of the training we've had getting a person you know that's up to speed with like the OG training would be difficult not that it can't be done obviously we're going to add staff over time and you're going to have to get people up to speed but that was a little bit of a concern um adding two I don't think any of us were interested in so that was a piece of is there another way to look at things um I'll be honest we have come up with um an alternative of not needing to a way of I'm going to say with the specials the filling in the prep time where in other words with six sections you had three just say third hour and 34 hour so to speak they had specials well we would take say you did add a section make one of them four one of them three those four we would split into three sections so instead of having whatever the class size was just used 20 23 they might go to 27 or 28 for specials so for gym music library which I think personally I think is doable if if the board decides to go that way um we would have to find a person then and there's some options there of what was added whether you had a second um day of of f or or something an art or whatever there's a way to make that happen obviously there's a little cost um Associated whether someone's on an overload or you hire someone um but that's a piece of it we started looking at options and I'm going to say throughout the District of is there somewhere we could how do I say it take a person you know shave without actually adding you know making another class whether it's a specials area whether it's a elective whether it's whatever a regular ed class um I'm going to be honest where we and again I'm going to thank the staff administrative staff for the most part they're advocating for their groups which they have to like I told you but on the other hand we're also work working as a team to look for options um knowing where we're at yeah you know the bucket the the money is not endless that's one of my concerns coming in it's one of your concerns but obviously education is also um the major concern um where we've narrowed it down and not going to say there aren't um several options but um the recommendation that's going to come forth is to not close a section um I'll be honest I'm struggling with that because you could gain kids you can get a family that comes from a neighboring district and they have two three kids and when you do close are they going to want to leave one of their kids out obviously kids that move into the district we have to take even if you're you're closed and um so personally not going to it's an option on here because it had to be for to be possibly acted on um but I guess where where we're coming down I'm I'm going to say I'm going to take the majority but the administration um has been a a very key part is to recommend pulling a section from second grade okay right now they're at 138 kids so if you divide that by seven you're at 19.7 you know very nice maybe even on the low side if you divide it by six you come out exactly at 23 a class um obviously Things Are still fluid you could gain kids you could lose kids we I'm going to say we have a plan B of another place we could pull a person um if we needed to adjust a grade um if all of a sudden you got four second graders three second graders and and it was determined that was was too high what that does for third grade then is it takes right right now we're at 148 as of 330 I've been told there's a few more um in the pipe um but it it brings it down to 21.14 so um six at 21 one at 22 to be honest um if we get some more obviously those numbers are not I don't think a concern um the the biggest piece I want to throw out you know right now with the number sitting 2425 I'll be honest I I think it's doable I don't want this precedent setting that you know a year from now when this group goes to fourth grade you're going to have the conversation I mean should it should it be six you know as they get older especially if um I'm going to be honest if we have kindergarten first is I'm not sure where first is but second they're sitting at 23 you know third fourth fifth can they be 24 25 it sure makes sense um again I'm not going to uh disagree the smaller the class the you know the nicer the situation the better it is not advocating for 30 kids you know at these lower grades um but we're in a spot um that we have to come up with a uh a decision and kind of move on again not that anything's set because like I said if we get enough kids there's there's kids being enrolled every day we have some families that we aware of coming in um and we'll keep an eye on things the only thing I didn't have an answer it came up last night after the fact is and I'm not sure how you've done it do you approve just sections like you know the elementary was at 30 sections you know and I'm just throwing numbers or did you actually approve exactly first grade was this many second grade what I'm getting at is because if we change typically Administration has a right to move you know people keeping you in the loop if that's the case I don't think we have to do anything if you take this recommendation if you want to hire someone you know forget no you don't want to then obviously I think you'd have to direct us um whether we do anything today or it could come on the 26th um you know and we would post if that you know that's the case but the recommendation right now um is the the second grade move um the other piece just so I throw it out in discussion it goes on to the the next item um the the ticket sales um for the most part we don't have the we we have but it's not um in an easily searchable form what happens is if you go to just say a football game tonight they they keep track of the number of you know passes or the the students and adults when the deposit goes in it goes in as $4,000 or whatever there's a sheet and we have those sheets until it's time to get rid of them but for us to go back and go you had x amount of students last year X amount of adults we didn't have that exact number what I can tell you and I'm just going in 22 you brought or or Gates brought in 8,000 roughly $80,000 okay fiscal 23 it went up to about 92 93,000 and then last year it actually went up to just about 96,000 so even though with free students whether that's who knows you know like we talked a little bit 22 and 24 would kind of you know Home and Away flop each year from an ad standpoint so you know if if we have just say hockey has 14 home games this year and I think they have 26 or 25 whatever you know 12 11 whatever it would flip the next year it's not always exactly half and half so you know um but is the other piece with free kids are more adults coming you don't know concession wise and and because I think more kids more people your concession goes up uh fiscal 22 um was right just under 40,000 and I think that was part coming off covid maybe I don't remember exactly fiscal 23 jumped significantly to 61,500 and then last year it went up about 14,000 to just about 76,000 so you know again can't tie it exactly to whatever um big picture um I'm guessing the ma majority 2third maybe even more of your money Revenue comes from adults I it's just a um a gut those those ticket prices are more um I you tend to think there's more adults at games than than there are kids um I'm in favor I'll be honest with you I'm in favor of trying something that you know with a pass you know either we have our IDs or they they made passes or you know a card form last year that you get in get in free but like I say I know revenue is tight we're talking you know different things at different times but um but last year they were free correct and it was and it went up slightly from the year before and concessions went up like say 14,000 that probably meant you made roughly 7,000 yeah I'm just guessing there's about a 50% some of it goes to pay for fees and and it looks like your is around 40% um so that I mean like I say I unfortunately can't tell you exactly you know you how much you took in last year compared to the year before and what it may without having someone spend sure significant time pulling every sheet over the last couple years and trying to calculate so that's the little update I have I thought before you know you move on and obviously we can have discussion and and conversation with each item if so desired y any comments questions right now all right we'll move on to 5.0 approving the agenda I'll move to approve I'll second all those in favor I I oppos motion carries 6.0 District business uh moving to approve the higher and contract of Tina havin as assistant principal of New Heights Elementary as presented and attached second any questions or discussion okay all those in favor I all all right any opposed motion carries 6.2 moving to approve the hire in contract of Dar omang as uh American Indian education coordinator as presented in aach and board book I'll move second any questions or discussion I have a question um is so we Erica gunville used to um do that position essentially um but she also had achievement integration in it um is D also going who is going to be doing the achievement integration is that going to fall under the student services right that's all I have just wanted to make sure and not going to say there isn't going to be some combination because you know it alls hand in hand together so to so to speak okay that's all okay all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries 6.3 is approving the resolution to limit open enrollment of grade three for the 2024 25 school year going forward as presented and attached I'll move to approve just so we can have some discussion I'll second questions and discussion on this I think superintendent highly suggested not to limit this not to pass this resolution we had to have it on the board agenda to talk about um seems to come up with a good plan moving a second grade teacher to to third grade I think personally I think 23 is reasonable again I'm gonna say it's not ideal you know and I don't want anyone coming out that that's an ongoing tradition or or standard or whatever but last year I think second grade even with the seven sections had rough 23 kids per class so it if it's still going if they're going to go to 23 I mean Chad how did the second like are the second grade teachers like so 23 it's still is it is the new second graders is easier than the ones coming out or like I how you just um but looking at what um in there's it's more manageable okay than what we okay no that yeah that's what I was getting at okay no it's a piece I asked you know on a spectrum you know we have groups that are more disciplined less disciplined more academic less and and it didn't come up as it's you know the hardest class or group we've ever had go through type deal and that was part of looking at and again I'm I'm not in favor of you know the teachers yeah they they would prefer seven sections yeah you know I mean I'm just like yes but I mean we got to do what we got to do so would that mean that we wouldn't hire another teacher essentially we would just pull from one to the other we would move a a second grade to third grade um and uh and like you say there is a backup plan if you know second grade all of a sudden blossoms you know or booms or however you want to say it um of another possible shift if you will what is the plan B just curious I I'm a little leery to throw out and get someone on you know or a group on edge but like I say it's it's something we feel is is doable again it would come to the board before anything you know but but I think yeah I mean obviously I love hearing that we possibly have some families in the pipeline that's that's a good thing until they actually enroll and like I say there's a chance you lose some you know that happens at least where I come from seems weird but someone doesn't show up you know um so I mean numbers do fluctuate a little bit M so the recommendation is not to close open enrollment although the resolution is to close open enrollment so you'll have to call roll and then um yes would mean you want to close and no would mean we're not closing so no no no no no five nothing and motion fails not closing open and M so just to clarify now do do we need anything on the next board agenda I mean we can just move okay I just wanted to make sure because some different places have done things differently and so before we move on we are going to go to the switching of the second third grade okay I was just asking if you know you specifically said we're higher in this and if you change from that or you know first grade five and that's what we're approving then I think in the past they just do an En enrollment update with with each grade and then each section and average class size and then we put that on the board meeting board minutes 6.0 or 6.4 discussion about possible action to approve free admission to activities for prek through grade 12 students I'd move to approve I'll second think we need support it so what would be your recommendation for age age levels where they have to be with the parent I mean I don't know how you know unless they have to walk in hand to you know hand in hand or whatever I mean we just can't have kindergarteners and first graders dropped off you know they they've said kind of 10 and under highly recommend you know or the expectation yeah you know um so be willing to change your motion to that yes under now you got that captured wasn't there wasn't no on here just approve yeah right you know I guess my thought is to approve free admission for Resident District students with a ID slass because that's what our our kids get um with the caveat of you know ten and under need to be accompanied by a parent or something like that I mean that sounds perfect but that's what they did last year you know you had you had your either student ID is it through no no but didn't they they print they what's that they get little cards right that it mean just go just go like six or 12 because those guys have IDs yeah yeah and they're going to have to yeah so has to have that's that paper pass right that's easy yep yeah [Music] that's right okay gotcha perfect okay so the motion would be free admission to activities for prek through grade 12 students those with the yellow paper pass which would be prek through grade five will need a parent or adult to be with them at the games um and those with their IDs are free to come and go I'll move to approve I'll second any questions or discussion this is just for this year right y for 2425 school year yes thank you Nancy for all right all those in favor I any oppos motion carries okay 7.0 the next uh meeting of board of education is scheduled for August 26 2024 at 5:30 so I need a motion to adjourn I'll second right all those in favor I I any opposed Carri